• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Interlude: Mak'gora

With the Aegis of Aggramar secured, and Skovald had been brought down at long last, Spitfire, Rainbow, Scarlet, Vytheril, and Remeraa returned to Dalaran by using the portal that Odyn had provided, where the draenei found that there was no real reason for her to have gone with the group in the first place, since they clearly didn't need a healer, but at the same time she was happy that she had done so, as she didn't like the Fel-corrupted vrykul at all and had gotten a chance to see both Spitfire and Rainbow in action once more, using their power to bring down their enemies so they could save Azeroth from the Legion, where the first step had been reached with the Aegis' recovery. They were also joined by the ravens that were known as Muninn and Huginn, who seemed to be making sure that the Aegis was properly secured, not to mention the fact that the other side of the portal brought them right to the outside of the chamber that the Council of Seven was resting in, with Jaina and the others stopping whatever conversation they might have been in the middle of as they noticed the five of them and their new friends arrive just outside the chamber, something that was followed by them walking over to them so they could hear what had happened in Stormheim. The reason behind their interest was due to the fact that they heard a rumor that Genn had captured Sylvanas, on Spitfire's orders no less, and it made them wonder if she was trying to break the fragile balance between the Alliance and the Horde, the very thing that she supposedly wanted to keep intact, but, at the same time, there were those that were silently overjoyed that such a thing had happened, from both factions no less, which meant that the Banshee Queen wasn't as well liked as she might have believed, no did she have as many allies as she might have thought. In the end Spitfire explained everything that had to be stopped when they left Dalaran earlier, mentioning the Blight that Nathanos had been concocting and had been safely disposed of, Sylvanas' attempts to aggravate Genn into being the first one to attack someone on the other side so she could start the faction war while the war with the Legion raged on, and her attempt to subjugate Eyir, the creator of the Val'kyr, in what appeared to be a scheme to become immortal, even if it could have prevented them from heading to the Halls of Valor if she succeeded, so it was a good thing she had failed and that Spitfire had ensured that she was captured so Genn could ship her back to Orgrimmar.

It was in that moment that Spitfire informed Khadgar and the others that she intended on issuing a Mak'gora challenge to Sylvanas once the Aegis was safe, so they could fight in front of the gates of Orgrimmar and that she intended on making sure there were a set of rules in place for her and her foe, because if she was right there was a very good chance that this would seal the Banshee Queen's fate, especially since she had the feeling that the leaders from both factions would be there to witness the fight for themselves, as some of them likely harbored a desire for revenge, or something similar like that, towards Sylvanas, and would want to see her punished for themselves.

"You do realize that a Mak'gora is, the orc tongue, a 'duel of honor' and that its usually to the death, right?" Khadgar asked, speaking the moment he and the other Council members knew what was going on right now, though at the same time all of them happened to be leading Spitfire's group to the center of the city, where a teleportation pad rested that would let them access the magically prepared chamber that was designed to house the five Pillars of Creation, with the Aegis being the first one any of the heroes had recovered, even though he had received word earlier, before the group arrived, which revealed that the heroes that went to the provinces of Azsuna, Val'sharah, and Highmountain were close to recovering the Tidestone of Golganneth, the Tears of Elune, and the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, leaving the Eye of Amun'thul in Suramar, the last one they would recover in due time.

"I knew it was a duel of honor, though to the death is fine, given what I intend on doing," Spitfire replied, because she had no intentions on dying to Sylvanas, not after how easy it was for her and Rainbow to take the lantern she had been holding in Eyir's vault earlier and to knock her into one of the walls, though at the very least this would allow the factions to see the Banshee Queen in the same light that she did, before she focused on what was in front of her and found that the teleport pad that Khadgar had brought them to allowed them to access what appeared to be either an underground chamber of some sort or it was a chamber located in a tower that could only be accessed by magic, which was when she discovered a lower area that had four pedestals for the four Pillars they knew of, which formed an x by the looks of things, to which she put the Aegis down in the first one to her left, "There, the first of the Pillars of Creation has been secured before the Legion could get their hands on it, which just leaves three more before we focus on Suramar and the final Pillar... and before I can focus on that, I need to find Saurfang and talk to him, as we need to set some things straight before this Mak'gora even happens, especially since the leaders from both factions will no doubt be there to witness it."

Khadgar said nothing to that, as based on what he had discovered in the short period of time that he knew both Spitfire and Rainbow, and they hadn't been given a lot of time for him to understand the Equestrians who were in the process of ruining the Legion's forces, Spitfire was fairly set in focusing on the Legion's downfall and that anyone who dared to break her force's efforts to bring down Sargeras, regardless of who that someone might be, would be her target for a time, until she either convinced them to stop doing whatever foolish actions they were doing at the time, like stopping Jaina from just leaving the Council when they needed her the most, or cut them down if their actions were deemed a threat to what she and her allies were doing, with Sylvanas landing in the latter option apparently. As such he moved to the side and waved a hand for Spitfire to follow him, as he intended on leading her right to the part of Dalaran that the Horde was stationed in and had set their portals up in after Jaina was convinced to allow them back into the city, where the portals lead to every major Horde city and they had an idea to set up a barrier around their area so none of the Alliance could bother them, but, even though he had heard of what they had planned, he was more surprised that such a thing hadn't happened, meaning they must have embraced Spitfire's idea to work together with the Alliance, and, in an odd twist, the Alliance had done the exact same thing. Khadgar knew what was going on, in the short period of time that Spitfire and Rainbow had been out of the prison that Maiev had stuck them inside, because she thought they were agents of the Legion, they were breaking the cycle that the two factions had been trapped in for as long as he could remember, where they agreed to take on the bigger foe, like the Lich King or Deathwing, but still attacked each other whenever they found a weakness to exploit, or one of the leaders just felt like inciting a war between the factions, much like what Garrosh had done when he was named Warchief during the time of the Cataclysm, and it appeared that the Alliance and the Horde were rallying behind them, focusing all of their efforts on stopping the Legion and didn't entertain thoughts of another faction war, with Sylvanas being the only one to be different from everyone else. As such he decided not to question what Spitfire was doing and focused on aiding her in her quest to unite the two factions, and the various Orders, into a united front to face the Legion, something that all of the heroes had done since they were so willing to work together as they tackled the dangers that were in the provinces as a team, instead of as individuals who fought each other or only worked together when it was absolutely necessary, and he could tell that many who might have been on the fence about things were feeling the same way he did, meaning it was a good thing Spitfire and Rainbow were on their side.

As such he helped the pair and their friends make their way to Orgrimmar, where he found that those who stayed back to guard the city, as the two factions were keeping most of their armies guarding the cities and settlements they lived in until the Pillars of Creation could be recovered, were in the middle of making sure to mark a circular arena in the ground right in front of the city, which made sense when he found that Genn's airship, carrying the Banshee Queen, resting in the air nearby and that several worgen were assisting the orcs, though as Rainbow, Vytheril, Remeraa, and Scarlet moved out to help the others Spitfire headed for where Saurfang had to be waiting, to which Khadgar sighed and simply watched what was going on as a transparent raven landed on his shoulder and waited as well.

It took some time, an hour or so by Khadgar's estimates, but eventually the orcs and worgen, who had been aided by the other races that were assembling outside the city, almost making it look like an army might be getting ready to lay siege to Orgrimmar, and sure enough every faction leader was present for what was happening, as he found Anduin standing off to the side with Genn, Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Velen, Aysa Cloudsinger, and the Council of Three Hammers, the three heads of the dwarven clans who ruled over Ironforge, while resting on the left side of the area were the leaders of the Horde, Varok Saurfang, Baine Bloodhoof, Rokhan, Lor'themar Theron, Jastor Gallywix, and Ji Firepaw, leaving only the Forsaken without a leader, which would be corrected once this was over, one way or another. Khadgar was actually amazed that the various individuals who lead the various races were here, but even as he thought about that there were more heroes gathered around the outside of Orgrimmar, as the leaders of the Order Halls, those who had been recruiting and arming the various heroes of Azeroth with the tools to defeat the Legion, were here as well, especially Havi, who he knew was Odyn using an illusion disguise to see what was happening in certain areas of the world with his own eye thanks to what Scarlet had told him earlier, and he figured that Eyir was watching as well, waiting for the battle to start. He also wasn't the only member of the Council of Seven to come to this event, as Jaina was present as well and he was sure two or three more were here as well, scattered around the area as per Spitfire's requests, as she wanted a magical barrier installed the moment she started the fight with Sylvanas, mostly to keep attacks from hitting any watchers and to prevent someone from jumping over the edge of the ring, just in the off chance that the Banshee Queen tried to flee before the battle was over, and with Medivh being present as well, in his transparent raven form, he knew that the chances of someone successfully fleeing was zero. Eventually, however, his attention was drawn away from what he was looking at, as it appeared that Rainbow happened to be in the air, no doubt looking for Nathanos, the loyal ranger that served Sylvanas and had disappeared shortly after she tried to force Eyir to serve her, just in the off chance he came to try and save his master from the fate that Spitfire had planned for her, though it wasn't long before she paused for a moment as she noticed that Genn was walking away from where he had been standing, heading over to the area the airship had been lowered down to while they were waiting for things to get started.

Not a few minutes later Genn and his Greyguard walked out of the hut they had locked Sylvanas in and one of them was carrying both her bow and her daggers, where Khadgar could see that she was pissed off and, upon seeing just how many had been brought to this area to witness what was coming next, her expression went still and she showed nothing to all of the guards and leaders that were outside the city, even though it was also clear that she was looking for someone, Spitfire to be exact, who was waiting in the crowd while not drawing attention to herself, and once the guards reached the combat ring they released Sylvanas, who stumbled forward and rubbed her wrists for a moment as she waited for someone to step forward and tell her what was going on.

"Sylvanas Windrunner, you stand here, before the leaders of the Horde, the Alliance, and the Order Halls who are fighting the Legion and their dark master, to be held accountable for your crimes in both the past and what you tried to do to my forces and the rest of Stormheim," Genn stated, allowing his voice to carry so everyone could hear what he had to say, as he was giving them an idea as to why they had been brought here, though Khadgar could see that some were overjoyed to hear that the Banshee Queen was going to be face some sort of punishment for what she had done, which was mostly the worgen given that she invaded their home and plagued it when she started to lose ground, though there were others that had the same opinion that Genn's forces had, while the majority of the Horde remained silent as they listened to what was being said right now, before he focused on everyone else, "what I mean is that she ordered her forces to prepare a version of the Blight to plague my forces before she even left Orgimmar, one that would have done severe damage to her own forces as well, and we have it on good authority from those that unknowingly made the batches, as even her apothecaries were taken aback by what they had made, that Sylvanas intended on releasing it on everything in Stormheim, turning such a life filled province into a realm of death."

"Save your breath and stop your whining, Genn, no one's believing your barking." Sylvanas said, where it was easy to see that she didn't care for what the worgen was saying, even though those that had been subjected to the Blight in the past weren't too pleased with her statement, as members of both factions had seen the disastrous effects of what Genn had mentioned and couldn't believe that Sylvanas would have created such a vile creation, especially due to the fact that she intended on using it on her own subjects, though the Banshee Queen was focused on something else as she looked at the area that was around the ring, "You might as well show yourself, traitor, and get this over with."

"I told you, I'm not one of your soldiers," Spitfire replied, though as she said that she stepped out of the crowd, or the area that she had been lurking in while Sylvanas was being escorted out into the arena the orcs and their friends had made for this event, which seemed to be everything she could ask for given the short notice of what she had asked them to do, but once she was close to where the leader of the Forsaken was standing she came to a stop, with some distance between the two of them, before she readied herself for what she was going to do next, "however, I sort of agree with you, we should get on with the show. Sylvanas Windrunner, given your crimes against Eyir, the Titan Watcher who leads Odyn's Val'kyr, which could have resulted in us being unable to enter the Halls of Valor and claim the Aegis of Aggramar, and would have led to the Legion possibly succeeding in their invasion of Azeroth, plus your crimes against Genn Greymane and anyone else you might have wronged in the past, I only have this to say: I challenge you to Mak'gora!"

"And after how you've disobeyed my orders, and even turned my own soldiers against me, why should I bother accepting your challenge?" Sylvanas asked, but even as she said that she could see that she was losing the crowd, the Horde side to be exact, meaning that they, for some reason, believed both Genn and one of the Illidari over her, the new Warchief that was going to be leading all of them to victory against the Legion and, more importantly, the Alliance, as she knew that the moment they beat their main foe the two factions would be at war again, not that anyone seemed to share her thoughts on the matter, based on what she was seeing at the moment.

"Because you wish for the Horde to follow you," Saurfang stated, as he had stepped out while they were talking and was now standing near the edge of the arena, mostly to make sure Spitfire's plan succeeded, because out of the two of them he had more faith in Spitfire than he had in Sylvanas, but at the same time he knew how to convince the Banshee Queen to accept the challenge and let the two of them fight to the death, "refusing a Mak'gora challenge brings dishonor to the one who does such a thing, and right now you want the Horde, who values honor as one of its core aspects, to follow you during our time of need, so refusing this challenge will undermine your authority and, eventually, leave you with no one on your side... meaning you would be a Warchief without an army."

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess I have no choice but to accept," Sylvanas said, where her tone revealed that she wasn't too happy about the situation that had been thrust upon her, by both Saurfang and Spitfire, but even as she said that she turned and faced the odd Illidari that was standing near her position, as it sure seemed like she had, somehow, convinced Saurfang to side with her before this event started, which meant that she would need to do something to turn him back to her side once this ordeal was over and she could focus on readying her forces against their enemies, "Am I correct in assuming that you have a certain set of rules that you want us to follow for this Mak'gora?"

"Yes, and they're rather simple," Spitfire replied, where she took a moment and pulled her warglaives out of her horns, so they were at the ready for when the battle started and Sylvanas came at her with whatever fury she had, which was when the Greyguard who carried Sylvanas' weapons approached the Banshee Queen and remained silent as she did so, even if she knew that the worgen in question had to be dying to cut the vile undead down where she stood, which was good since interrupting this challenge would be bad for both sides, "Both of us are allowed a pair of weapons, such as my warglaives or your daggers, the armor we are currently wearing is acceptable, we have plenty of people to witness our fight, neither of us are allowed to use any form of magic, and this is to the death."

Sylvanas stared at her for a moment, as if thinking about the rules that had been put in place, before shifting her head as she picked up both of her daggers from where they were resting, even though she was surprised by the restraint that the Greyguard had maintained since she figured that her weapons would have ended in the dirt at some point, and she was able to tell that nothing had been done to her blades, meaning no one was setting her up for failure, as she had heard of one Mak'gora where a shaman blessed one of the combatants weapons, which Spitfire was ruling out for their match, and had applied poison to the weapon, allowing her warrior to cut down his foe, which had severe consequences when her deception had been discovered. Spitfire, on the other hand, said nothing as she watched Sylvanas for a time, even though they started to walk in a circle around the arena while maintaining the same distance they had been keeping earlier, as if one was silently daring the other to make the first move so the battle could start, but it wasn't long before the motion was broken as Spitfire made the first move and rushed at the area Sylvanas was standing in, without tapping into her powers since that would be breaking her own rules, where she brought her right warglaive down on her foe and quickly found out what her foe intended on doing, as Sylvanas raised one of her daggers into the air and stalled the blade before it could even reach her, or at least she was trying to do that. Not a few moments later the Banshee Queen grinned, like she had a plan as to how she could turn the tables on Spitfire and end this match in seconds, which was followed by her swinging the second dagger right at her chest, as if she was trying to slice open her side or something and leave her with a wound that would weaken her a tad bit, though before it could even reach its destination Spitfire twisted her body for a moment and blocked the incoming attack with her second warglaive, where the force of their blades colliding knocked them backwards a bit and put some distance between them, even though they didn't stay that way for long as they neared each other once more and clashed again. Spitfire found that if she had been a normal warrior, and she didn't have the skills to wield these warglaives, this would have been a significantly harder fight for her since Sylvanas was moving like a skilled warrior, which made sense given that she had been a Ranger-General before becoming the Banshee Queen, but she made sure that their blades connected with each other a few times with neither of them actually taking any damage from the exchange, but the collision of their weapons seemed to excite several of the watchers as some of them cheered every now and then as they watched the battle play out.

Of course, as Spitfire discovered, she couldn't underestimate Sylvanas at all, not that she was planning on doing that given the fact that she was the leader of the Forsaken and had to be the strongest of them all, save for the heroes of course, but even as she thought about that Sylvanas was able to bypass her guard for a moment and cut into her side for a moment, which was followed by her kicking the Banshee Queen away from her, though once that was done she found that her foe paused for a moment and that gave her a chance to investigate the wound, where she found that the cut was light and it was surrounded by a sickly black mass, like an infection or maybe the area was cursed with death, before she focused her attention on Sylvanas once more.

"A death enchantment, how interesting." Spitfire commented, as it wasn't something that she was expecting, even though weapons with various types of enchantments were scattered throughout Azeroth from everything she had seen during her time out of Maiev's prison, but this did sort of explain how Sylvanas was able to overcome her enemies without any sort of magical powers, but as the Banshee Queen she knew that her foe had some sort of magical power that she wasn't using at the moment, before she focused her attention on her foe once more, "One meant to inflict serious wounds to whoever you happen to be fighting, so that they'll slow down like they're dying and leave them open to more attacks, possibly even bringing about their death, but, even with that happening, you'll find that I'm not so easily beaten."

"Please, we both know that you don't have the skill to take me down," Sylvanas stated, her tone revealing that she totally believed that she was going to be the victor of this and that Spitfire had signed her death warrant, after delivering one cut to her opponent, especially since she stood like she was welcoming someone to attack her, all signs that pointed to her being overconfident in her abilities and that such a thing might be her downfall, based on everything that Spitfire had learned during her time with the Illidari, "but you are welcome to try, as either way you'll end up dead and this pathetic duel of honor will be over."

Spitfire wasted no time in rushing forward and swung her warglaive down at Sylvanas, where it was easy to see that some of the orcs that were nearby weren't too happy to hear that their new Warchief didn't care for the Mak'gora, though at the same time that was when she applied more of her base power into her next attack and actually pushed the dagger back as soon as Sylvanas tried to block her strike, so much so that it actually looked like she might have loosened her grip on the weapon for a few seconds, but when the second dagger came out that was when things got interesting, especially since she knew what the Banshee Queen was up to. As Sylvanas tried to get the upper hand Spitfire swung her other warglaive and used the shield section that rested in the middle of her weapon, where it stopped the dagger from reaching her and it also didn't leave a gash in the metal of her warglaive, something that seemed to surprise her foe in the process, especially due to the shape of the weapon in question and the fact that one would have assumed that one of the blades would have cut the user at some point, though thanks to everything she had learned from Lord Illidan and her instructors she was able to wield her warglaives without any problems, and to illustrate that point Spitfire swung the first one and lightly cut into her foe's stomach area, something that really surprised her, before quickly spinning and cutting another small diagonal gash from the opposite direction. Members of the Alliance and the Horde cheered when that happened, where some were just doing that because blood was being spilled and didn't want to seem like they were taking a side at all, given the fact that those ones had also cheered when Sylvanas struck her with the death enchanted dagger, an incredibly weak and sort of pitiful enchantment in Spitfire's opinion, though she didn't let the cheering distract her as she went on the offensive for real, where she swung her weapons and shifted her body like she was dancing around the area that they were fighting in, something that seemed to either annoy Sylvanas or confused her, something Spitfire wasn't about to question as she lashed out at her foe and either smashed into her defenses or slipped through them and cut light gashes into her arms, legs, or even the sides of her body, which repaid the cut that had been delivered to her earlier. To those watching she knew that it looked like the two of them had been on equal footing at the start of the battle, before she revealed her true base power anyway, though no one said anything as she fought Sylvanas, who seemed to be getting angry over what was going on at the moment and some of her strikes seemed to be channeling that very anger towards her, which was good for Spitfire, because raising her foe's anger to its highest potential would bring about her downfall when she made a play that was bad for her, which was what Spitfire was waiting for.

Sylvanas continued to lash out with her daggers, looking for an opening that could be used against Spitfire and slip one of her weapons into her chest or something, all so she could bring an end to this battle, before she considered a few course and jumped backwards for a moment, allowing her to avoid Spitfire's incoming swing that had been aimed at her chest, or the other cuts to be exact, something that was followed by her rushing at her foe and propelling herself into the air with a good jump, where Spitfire briefly raised her left warglaive into the air to block any attacks that came from above, only to see that Sylvanas was more interested in her back and landed in the space behind her so she could drive her blade right into her back and pierce her heart, only for Spitfire to surprise her by moving to the side and drove the tip of her warglaive right into the Banshee Queen's chest.

"Fool, you can't kill me with something like this," Sylvanas stated, where she raised her foot for a moment and pressed it against part of Spitfire's weapon, something that allowed her to force herself off the weapon and spilled her blood on the ground, though instead of staggering and falling to the ground, given the fact that Spitfire was sure that she had pierced her foe's heart with that attack, she stood up and seemed to smile as she looked down at the wound, like she was a tad bit annoyed by it being there in the first place, before she faced Spitfire once more, "Sorry, but I'm not planning on dying to you... in fact, I intend to live forever."

"And that's all I needed to know... you were planning on using Eyir and her Val'kyr for immortality, weren't you?" Spitfire asked, because that had been bothering her since she and the others discovered what Sylvanas was doing to Eyir, due to the fact that none of them had any information on why she would do such a thing, but given that most of what Sylvanas had done had been for herself, even if she claimed to be doing it for the Forsaken and possibly for the rest of the Horde, this confirmed that the Banshee Queen only cared about herself, as she could see that a number of the Forsaken seemed upset, as if they didn't want to live forever and were saddened by their ruler wanting it for herself, like it went against their moral code or something, and it even outraged some of the other leaders, from both factions, and it was in that moment that some of the shadows behind Sylvanas shifted for a moment as shadowy Val'kyr seemed to appear.

"It doesn't matter if you know or not, because the Horde will do great things with an immortal leader," Sylvanas stated, to which she shifted her head for a moment and found all four of her Val'kyr, the only ones of the original nine she started with after the death of the last Lich King, floating in the air behind her, where she suspected that one of them had stopped her wounds from bleeding, before she turned her head back towards Spitfire for a moment with a smirk on her face, as if she believed that with this trump card she had won the Horde and that they would join her over Spitfire, so she could put her own plan into action, "You should just give up, Spitfire, as you have no hope of defeating me... even though you were wrong to even bother with hope anyway, as it will only lead to despair."

"A leader who doesn't care about hope... and you seriously think you're fit enough to be Warchief?" Spitfire inquired, but even as she said that she noticed something in the air around them, Eyir was moving towards the shadowy Val'kyr and was making sure no one noticed her do that, as if she was looking for an opening to move in and wipe out the tainted maidens that were hanging in the air behind Sylvanas, though it was hard to tell if this was breaking the rules or not, where it sure looked like Saurfang was trying to come to a decision on what they were seeing at the moment, before she glanced over to the observers that were nearby, "Oh, and in case anyone was wondering why Vol'jin picked her to be the next Warchief, to take his place so she could lead the Horde to victory against the Legion, its because he didn't actually pick her, as Vol'jin actually named me as the next Warchief and said that no one would understand it at first... Sylvanas just claimed the spot as soon as he died and named herself as the next Warchief of the Horde, while the other leaders and I kept our mouths shut while I observed her actions, and look what she's done since the funeral: she's tried to bring dishonor to the Horde and Blight whatever is around her forces and their camps... and she hates hope, like she's trying to snuff it out in her odd crusade to end all life on this world."

"And what proof do you have? Do you expect them to take your word for everything?" Sylvanas inquired in turn, but at the same time Spitfire could see that she was getting very angry about what was going on, meaning that some of the things that had been said so far must have been right, in some way, though even as that happened the rest of the watchers did seem to be interested in everything that they were talking about, just like they had been interested in their match, which was a little odd but she was going to roll with it and not question what was going on right now, and, once more, Sylvanas seemed smug about something that was going on.

"No, but I can show them what she means." a voice stated, where the assembled group watched as the transparent raven on Khadgar's shoulder flew into the air and transformed into Medivh's true transparent form, because he seemed to be an ascended being of some kind, though it was in that moment that he raised his staff into the air and a circular globe, one that was made out of blue glass or something, appeared in the air above the arena, to the right of where both Spitfire and Sylvanas were standing at the moment, before his magic rolled over the globe, revealing whatever he wanted to show the group that was watching the battle, which appeared to be a massive tree that was on fire, one that caused the night elves to gasp in pure shock and horror, "in an alternate, yet very similar, timeline you gathered the various forces of the Horde and, after pushing back the armies of the Legion and ended their third invasion of Azeroth, you started the Fourth War with the Alliance, mostly in an attempt to claim a powerful new source of power for your conquest of the world, one which caused you to assault Darkshore and, eventually, ended in you burning down Teldrassil and killing who knows how many innocent civilians, bringing the War of the Thorns, as it was called, to an end with a genocide that severely cut down on the number of night elves that called Azeroth home. You then lured the Alliance to Lordaeron and they laid siege to the city to find you and take your head, for the crimes you committed against the world in the past, not to mention the greater crime you had just committed, where you proceeded to Blight the battlefield in front of the ruined city and decimated all of Tirisfal Glades, a Blight that cased the dead of both factions to rise again and fight for you, and when Jaina countered your play, and saved her forces, you drew them into the ruined city and Blighted the Undercity, effectively making sure that the Alliance had a hollowed victory. In addition to that you did a number of other questionable things, both before the start of the Fourth War and after its start, such as killing your own Forsaken followers when they tried to reunite with their living families from the Alliance, as you felt that giving them any sort of hope was wrong and that anyone who felt hope was a traitor to your cause, so the Dark Rangers reluctantly slaughtered the undead that dared to have hope, and during your attempts to recruit new allies, during which you killed members of the Alliance and pulled them into undeath with the Val'kyr that follow you, you found the body of one of Jaina's family members and proceeded to try and make him into a walking bomb to kill Jaina and whoever was near her... and let's not forget the deal you eventually made with Queen Azshara, which killed off most of the Alliance and Horde's fleets when they found Nazjatar."

Just hearing Medivh speak was enough to fill Spitfire with anger, as she couldn't believe that Sylvanas would do so much in the short time that she was the Warchief of the Horde, but seeing the images of what might happen with her as the leader of the Horde, and that even her most faithful of followers, the Dark Rangers and even Nathanos, were reluctant to do her bidding in some instances just showed how evil and dark her heart was, one that could not be redeemed even if Spitfire spared her life, though before she did anything it looked like Medivh had one or two more items he needed to share with them before his presentation was over.

"You also arrested Baine, for releasing and returning Jaina's revived family member to her before he could be turned into a walking bomb, and called any who aided him a traitor," Medivh continued, where the images shifted and returned to the front gate of Orgrimmar, but instead of showing what was around them it looked like a united army stood in front of the city and seemed to be ready to tear Sylvanas down, only for them to see her and Saurfang fight before she killed the High Overlord and fled from the battlefield, even though it was followed by her fighting an undead being on top of a citadel in a snowy environment, which ended with the sky shattering in a terrifying fashion, "Saurfang, who didn't approve of what you were doing to the Horde, gathered his allies and marched on the city, to take you down and stop this madness, and in the end he called a Mak'gora and you killed him, after he rattled you and made you proclaim something that severed your ties with the Horde... and then, after that happened, you fled to Icecrown Citadel, where you fought the current Lich King, tore the Helm of Domination from Bolvar Fordragon's head, and then used your stolen power to tear the Helm in half, where your action freed the Scourge to tear a severely weakened Azeroth apart and tore open the sky above the citadel, creating a portal to the Shadowlands."

"So, you saw the Alliance and Horde as nothing more than weak pawns to move around your chessboard, only to discard them when you no longer needed them," Spitfire said, though at the same time she contained her anger to the best of her ability, because it could spark her own flames and that would be seen as using magic, something that would cause her to lose the Mak'gora if Sylvanas' healing action wasn't counted as cheating, all while turning her head to face Sylvanas as she rushed forward and went on the offensive once more, mostly because it seemed like Medivh was done showing everyone what the Banshee Queen had done, and even if it was an alternate version of her that did the deeds, and this one wasn't planning on doing them, there was no way the leaders of both factions were going to trust her, not without questioning everything she did and everything she said, though Sylvanas went on the defensive as she seemed to think of a way to get out of the mess she was currently in, "but that's where you would be wrong, Sylvanas, because while I haven't been able to see everything the factions have been through over the years, thanks to Maiev wrongly imprisoning the Illidari, I can tell that that Alliance and Horde are strong, more so than you give them credit for, and none of them will ever give up on the right to have hope, especially in the face of the dangers that are trying to take this world... it seems that no matter what you do, in both this version of reality and the alternate one Medivh found, you just keep failing!"

What happened next was that Spitfire's attacks seemed to push Sylvanas backwards, bit by bit, and the frown that was on the Banshee Queen's face just got deeper and deeper as they fought and as she considered everything Medivh had just shown everyone, including the statement that came from Spitfire's mouth, before raising her daggers to block an attack that was coming down towards her head, which caused the ground to crack a little, only to push Spitfire backwards a few seconds later, something that Spitfire was actually fine with as she started to spin by stopping herself with one hoof, the right to be exact, and attacked again, this time swinging the right warglaive to smash Sylvanas' daggers to the side and force open her defenses, which was followed by the second weapon cutting into her foe's face as she light sliced through Sylvanas' right eye and the areas that were above and below it, leaving a nasty scar on her face as the force of the attack made her stumble for a few seconds.

"The Horde... the Alliance... they're nothing!" Sylvanas exclaimed, where her voice was louder than it had been earlier, no doubt due to her anger at what was going on at the moment and due to the fact that Spitfire had cut her face, but as she took a few seconds to right herself, and raised a hand to her face to feel the cut her Val'kyr were stopping from bleeding, she ended up dropping her weapons to the ground, either due to the shock of what happened to her or maybe she just felt like she didn't need them anymore, before she noticed how quiet it was all of a sudden, as her sudden statement had caused everyone to stop what they were doing and just stare at her, as both the Alliance and Horde were shocked by what she had said and everyone else was just annoyed, to which she growled for a moment as she stared at Spitfire with a look of pure hatred in her eyes, "You. Are All. NOTHING!"

"And now you've sealed your fate." Spitfire stated, because at this point the Mak'gora had succeeded, she had exposed her foe to the rest of Azeroth and now both the Alliance and the Horde knew that the Banshee Queen didn't care about any of them, rather she only cared about herself and immortality, though at the same time, after hearing everything that Medivh had discovered, there was no way that she was going to let Sylvanas flee from this area and set in motion any of the evil things that had been revealed, even if she no longer had the means to do any of them, though as she shifted her stance it was easy for her to tell that the assembled warriors were eager to see what she did next, hence the reason she rushed right towards the area her foe was standing in so she could take her head off.

In that moment Sylvanas raised her hands and, with no regard for the rules of the Mak'gora at this point, loosed a burst of dark energy, one that reminded Spitfire of the death enchantment her foe had used against her in the early stages of this battle, and blasted her right in the chest with enough power to kick up a bunch of dirt and dust to cover the area that she was in for a few moments, even though it seemed to leave a veil of death around the area that she was standing in for a time, though as the smoke cleared, and the crowd was able to see that Spitfire was just fine, Spitfire stretched for a few seconds before focusing on her foe.

"Is that the best you can do? Because that barely tickled," Spitfire said, where she took a few moments to look at the rest of the crowd, who were outraged by what was going on right now, as Sylvanas had broken the rules of this Mak'gora a few times now and it was about time for them to bring an end to this battle, hence why she started to shift her stance as she realized that Sylvanas was looking at the area of her chest that had been hit, which was barely scratched up, and readied both of her warglaives for what was coming next as the crowd seemed to be waiting for her to make her move, "Citizens of Azeroth, what do you have to say to Sylvanas?"

Everyone around her shouted out a single word, that word being 'Death', which was followed by her rushing forward and swinging her warglaives a few times, doing some damage to Sylvanas' chest once more, though the Banshee Queen didn't seem worried about such an attack, where this time around it was Spitfire who smirked as Eyir, in all her glory, appeared in the air behind the four dark Val'kyr that were in the air near Sylvanas, the beings that were keeping the undead elf alive at this point, where she swung her golden spear through the chests of all four Val'kyr and freed their souls, causing them to disappear as they headed to the Shadowlands, as Medivh called it, something that caused Sylvanas to cough up blood as her protection disappeared, though Spitfire ended her existence by ripping her warglaive out of her foe's chest and then used both of them to take Sylvanas' head off.

"All hail Spitfire, the new Warchief for the Horde!" Saurfang exclaimed, something that caused the crowd to cheer for her as they followed his chant, showing that the rest of the Horde seemed to approve of what was going on, as they now had a leader that seemed to stay true to their core principles, and the leaders of the Alliance, while shocked by Sylvanas' claiming that everyone in their world was worthless, also cheered and nodded their heads, showing that they approved of what was going on at the moment, though as all of that happened she moved to the side as an arrow hit the ground behind her, one of the arrows that she had seen Sylvanas and Nathanos carry, and it wasn't long before Rainbow smashed Nathanos into the ground, something that caused many to focus on him as well.

Nathanos did the stupid thing and tried to rush at the assembled group to avenge his Queen, showing that he was totally devout to Sylvanas' orders and that he was aiming for Spitfire, though that was when the Highlords of the Silver Hand, the three greatest paladin heroes of their world, used their holy powers to stall Nathanos in his tracks and, with a nod from all of the leaders, executed the Forsaken ranger that was in front of them, one stalling him with their shield and stabbing his chest, the second crushing him with a massive warhammer, and the third removing Nathanos' head with a greatsword, removing another threat to the safety of their world... to which Spitfire sighed and walked over to where the others were standing, as she suspected that things were going to get interesting after this event.

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