• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Shore: Defending the Broken Isles

With her work in the Cathedral of Eternal Night complete, and the Aegis of Aggramar had been placed at the peak of the Tomb of Sargeras, Rainbow headed outside and found that Illidan and Maiev followed after her without delay, though she could tell that both of them had been hoping to remove Kil'jaeden from the playing field early on, since they had seen him earlier in their trek through this part of the Tomb, and that they had been disappointed to find that the Deceiver had fled at some point in time, no doubt after Rainbow fought Agronox, the Fel Ancient who had gotten in their way as the first boss level creature. Of course she was a tad bit annoyed by the fact that Kil'jaeden fled like that, getting away from here before she had a chance to find him and cut him down, even if it would have messed with Spitfire's plans, but since he was gone there was nothing she could do but return to Deliverance Point and deliver the good news to the rest of their allies, who she knew would be happy to hear that the first of the five Pillars of Creation had been used against Kil'jaeden and the rest of the Legion, leaving just four more they had to place to stop the Legion's invasion of Azeroth. Such a thing made Rainbow take a moment to wonder what sort of demons would be lurking inside the Tomb itself, given that it happened to be the most important place the demons had on Azeroth right now and if they lost it the Felstorm would be cut off from its power source, destroying the connection between this world and Argus, though if she knew her former mentor and Spitfire, and she knew both of them well, to some degree, she was sure that they had created a plan to assault Argus, to bring an end to the Legion at long last and save the rest of creation. Once such a thing was done, and Spitfire were sure that Azeroth was safe from harm, they could turn their attention to finding Equus and heading back home, because there would be nothing stopping them at that point and they wouldn't have to worry about bringing the Legion or the Old Gods, the two most dangerous forces in this universe, to their home world, though she was sure that most of their friends would be interested in what happened to her and Spitfire, given that they had been trapped in the Vault for all those years and she was sure that time had passed normally for Equus.

Her thoughts shifted back to the war with the Legion as she and her companions headed outside, finding that there were no demons waiting for them outside the entrance of the Cathedral, meaning either Kil'jaeden had ordered his forces to move onto something more important or those who had been ordered to defend this area had fled after discovering that Mephistroth had fallen in battle, something that had to worry some of the demons since the Dreadlords were dropping like flies at this point and most of them were dead, to which she sighed and flew back to Deliverance Point with Illidan taking to the skies and Maiev just ran across the ground... and it didn't take them long to return to their base, where the two of them landed in the command area as the Warden caught up with them.

"Rainbow, Illidan, Maiev, its good to see that you three have returned," Spitfire remarked, speaking the moment she and the rest of the faction leaders noticed them arrive in the area of Deliverance Point that they were standing in, as they had been carefully going over the next steps in her plan to bring down the Legion, focused on holding the Broken Shore and driving the Legion back to Argus, even though the Illidari were hard at work making sure the remaining provinces of the Broken Isles were safe, so if the Legion tried to attack their allies they would know instantly, and she smiled as she found that the Aegis was no longer in their possession, "and it would appear that you were successful in your mission, as I'm sure that if the Pillar of Creation had been stolen Rainbow would have channeled her full power to bring down those who might have taken it, regardless if they were still on Azeroth or had gone to another world."

"The Aegis of Aggramar has been placed in the area Khadgar told us about, and Mephistroth is dead," Rainbow replied, as she knew that if someone stole the Aegis from her and her companions she could have done what Spitfire had just told all of them, given that it was an incredibly important artifact for the safety of Azeroth, though she could tell that most of the leaders were pleased to hear that she was successful, especially in placing the first Pillar of Creation, while a few seemed pleased to hear that the Dreadlord had been beaten as well, before she focused on the more important matter, given who they had seen earlier, during their time in the Cathedral, "we also noticed Kil'jaeden while we were there, as he had been in the lower levels of the Tomb, and he fled after I fought the first powerful creature of the Cathedral of Eternal Night, a Fel Ancient to be exact, so we were unable to end his dark existence... has anything happened to the provinces of the Broken Isles since we've been gone?"

"Not yet... Kil'jaeden hasn't made the move we're waiting for, the eventual retaliation by attacking the Broken Isles in an attempt to kill our allies and claim all of their souls," Spitfire said, as she knew that the Deceiver had a plan that would, in time, be used against her, Rainbow, and everyone else in the Grand Army, even though it appeared that he was waiting for some odd reason, hence why she was planning on letting the others rest before heading out to deal with their next group of enemies, since it was only a matter of time until Kil'jaeden sent his forces to assault the rest of the Broken Isles and bothered all of their allies, to which she turned to face Rainbow's group once more, "until that happens, you're free to rest and recover from your time in the Cathedral, as I'm almost positive that he'll attack multiple provinces at the same time... we'll get to that once Kil'jaeden shows his hand and tries to bring us down."

Rainbow nodded and joined the heroes that were standing around the central area that had been set up while she and the others had been taking down all of the demons that had been waiting inside the Cathedral, as Deliverance Point now looked like a true base of operations and many of the heroes were pleased to have her back with them, even though they knew that she would have been successful in delivering the Aegis to its resting place and killing Mephistroth before such a thing happened, especially since it meant she prevented his soul from returning to Argus and informing the Legion of all he had seen before his death. While she did that, and she took some of the food that had been prepared for all of them by Naomi, Rainbow spotted both Illidan and Maiev walking with Spitfire for a time, no doubt discussing everything they had seen during their time following her through the Cathedral, meaning her friend would soon know about the evolution her powers had undergone lately, making her a much more formidable demon hunter and a possible terror that the demons had to worry about, especially since she could grab a demon by the neck and pull out their Fel energy in an orb that she could eat. She knew that Maiev had to be worried about her, as her powers were growing at an alarming rate, thanks to all of the Fel energy she had been absorbing from the enemies that fell before her might, and she had to be worried about what might happen if she fell into the hands of Kil'jaeden or the rest of the Legion, as the power to drain energy without having to fight her enemies had to make one wonder if it could be twisted so she could use it on everyone, like the druids for example, and drain all types of energy, not just Fel energy, before she pushed the thought away and focused on those that were around her, enjoying their company as they waited for the Deceiver to make his move against them. Of course once the demons assaulted the Broken Isles she was sure that she would be heading to one of the provinces and Spitfire would no doubt focus on another one, which was fine with her since it meant that she wouldn't have to share the souls of the demons with too many people, as the Illidari would be there as well, sealing the souls of the slain demons inside their Fel Crystals to power the Fel Hammer, Jace's toys, and everything else that required Fel Energy.

Eventually night came and the forces who were positioned on the Broken Shore found that there were no new changes in the number of demons who were resting outside the Tomb of Sargeras, meaning they were either fearful of the combined forces of Azeroth or Kil'jaeden wanted them to do something else before raising his army to set his plan into motion, so as the sun set most of the leaders used portals to head back home while some of their forces returned to Dalaran for a time, which would allow everyone to rest and ready themselves for whatever the future had for them... but when morning came the Illidari were active while the others had breakfast, telling Spitfire everything she needed to know without being told the information they had discovered.

"Lady Spitfire, we have determined that Kil'jaeden has made his move at long last," Kayn said, though as he said that most of the heroes who had decided to remain stationed in Deliverance Point, at least for the night while the others headed out for all of the inns in Dalaran or their Order Halls, turned and focused on him while every leader prepared for whatever he had to tell them, especially since they had been waiting for the Deceiver to make a move and this meant he was ready to tear everyone who opposed the Legion down, before he focused on what he had to tell them, "We've gotten reports that massive amounts of Fel energy are starting to gather in the skies of Azsuna, Val'sharah, Highmountain, Stormheim, and even Suramar, and based on our scans it looks like a number of Legion vessels are preparing to warp into the skies above each province, to oversee the Legion's assault on the Broken Isles."

"Kil'jaeden likely thinks that he's being smart, attacking all five provinces at the same time, but our allies will show him that the Legion isn't welcome in the Broken Isles anymore," Spitfire remarked, though at the same time the heroes of Azeroth readied themselves for what was going to happen in the next couple of minutes, as many finished their meals and readied their weapons, while at the same time Rainbow stood nearby, clearly wondering how was sent to attack Suramar, meaning she might have gotten attached to it thanks to the time she spent protecting it from the Legion and the Felborne who had sworn to serve the Dark Titan, before she sighed for a moment, "not to mention the fact that the full might of the Grand Army of Azeroth, combined with the forces of Draenor, will be descending upon his forces and will be cutting all of his foul demons down. Kayn, make sure that our allies have some of the Illidari with them, to capture the souls of the demons that are attacking this world, so we can deprive the Legion of every soldier that is currently being sent at us right now, which should make the Deceiver regret sending his forces to attack us in the first place, though I'm sure he'll be reinforcing the Broken Shore while we take care of our enemies."

"May I join the Nightborne in pushing back the demons attacking Suramar?" Rainbow asked, because while she knew that Spitfire had placed a number of heroes in all of the provinces of the Broken Isles, to prepare for this event, and it also had the effect of some leaders rushing to lend their aid as well, she had no idea where she might have decided to send her and wanted to voice her opinion on the matter, despite the fact that she also knew that Spitfire would be heading to one of the provinces to lend a hand, just to make sure her skills didn't rust at all, though she could see that some of the Nightborne were interested in seeing what Spitfire had to say on the matter.

"Sure, go right ahead," Spitfire said, though such a thing meant that any heroes who went to Suramar would be backup for Rainbow, as in they wouldn't be necessary all that much and would simply watch as she tore down the demons that might be in her way, but at the very least Elisande, Thalyssra, Ly'leth, and the rest of their Nightborne allies knew that the assault would be over in due time and without too much death on their end, to which she turned her attention to the rest of their allies and found that all of the heroes were waiting for her to give the command to head out, given the fact that she was the Grand Commander and was basically in charge of both factions now, and she nodded her head as she waved an arm at all of them, like she was giving them an order, "Soldiers of the Grand Army, prepare to head out to the provinces of the Broken Isles and bring down each assault force Kil'jaeden has prepared for our combined might, which will involve tearing down his forces and aiding our allies... once we're done, he should move to attacking our bases on this small island, so we can focus on containing him to the Broken Shore and, eventually, bringing him down and sealing the Tomb at last."

As soon as the words left her mouth Spitfire watched as the heroes quickly finished their meals before gathering their gear and heading through some portals that their Nightborne allies had prepared for them, sending them to the provinces of the Broken Isles so they could counter whatever forces Kil'jaeden might have ordered to attack Azeroth this time around, though as they did that Rainbow opened her wings and took off without delay, heading across the water that happened to rest between the Broken Shore and Suramar, leaving any heroes destined for that province to use the portals to warp over to Shal'Aran and figure out what the Legion was doing. What she found, as she flew though the air of Suramar, was that a few locations were definitely under attack at the moment, as there happened to be a large Fel Lord fighting a few Arcane Constructs that the guards of Suramar City must have deployed, due to the demon trying to make his way into the Twilight Vineyards for some reason, she could sense some demons harassing several spirits that were hanging around a fortress to the northeast of where Shal'Aran rested, there happened to be a large Doomguard patrolling the ground near Ambervale and appeared to pause so he could stare down at the hole in the ground, near where she and Spitfire found the Arcan'dor when it was just a seed, and a fair number of reinforcements inside Felsoul Hold. Of course there was one Legion ship in the deepest part of Felsoul Hold, it had been there for a long time and she had learned that whoever had been in control of it had perished some time during the start of their assault on Gul'dan's forces, when they started aiding Thalyssra, and she found a second one floating high up in the air above the province, likely the command ship for the Legion's assault on Suramar, to which she focused her attention on the enemies that were currently down on the ground and flashed over to the Twilight Vineyards, because she figured that it would be the best place to start before worrying about the remaining foes that were assaulting this province, even though she could see that some Illidari were joining some heroes in keeping the demons contained inside Felsoul Hold for the time being. Her first target stopped fighting the constructs that were in front of it, which caused the weakened trio of guardians to back off for the time being, something that would allow them to be repaired for whatever the future held in store for the residents and soldiers of Suramar City, though as the Fel Lord swung his weapon at the air Rainbow dodged around it and landed on the ground, surprising some of the Nightborne who had been fighting the demon since he showed up.

As Rainbow expected her foe named himself not a few moments later, calling himself Xalza and revealed that Kil'jaeden, in his wisdom, had placed a bounty on her head and Spitfire's head, as the reward was for whoever killed them to be raised to a high position within the Legion and granted the power to back such a position up, meaning it was actually worth it to the demons to try and kill either of them, though while that might be the situation for the demons, and it appeared many would be after their heads, Rainbow knew that the reality was that all of them were food for her and soon to be dead foes for those who stood against Spitfire. While she thought about that Xalza raised his massive battleaxe and brought it down on the area she was currently standing in, where Rainbow raised her left hand and stopped the weapon with the palm not a few seconds later, much to the surprise of both the demon and her allies, before she pushed his weapon out of the way and jumped into the air as soon as she did that, allowing her to punch the demon in the chest and knock him backwards, sending the Fel Lord into the ruined area some of the Felborne had tried to conquer before the forces of Azeroth turned their attention to the Nighthold and the enemies that were inside it. Such a thing meant she forcefully put some distance between the demon and the area he had started in, at least from when she found him anyway, though the Fel Lord took a moment to growl as he picked himself up and swung his battleaxe at her as Rainbow lowered herself into her foe's new area, where she did find a number of Felstalkers and a few Eredar preparing themselves, likely to assault the city once the first group of defenders had been smashed through, but she pulled herself back and avoided the attack that was coming right at her. Once that was done she flashed up into the space near her foe's chest and raised her left hand, which was the moment that she punched Xalza's right arm and knocked his battleaxe out of his hands, much to her foe's surprise since he wasn't expecting something like this to happen, though she then grabbed the demon's left wrist as he tried to punch her into the ground, a foolish attack to be sure, and rushed over his shoulder so she could touch the ground once more, pulling her foe's arm with her, something that was eventually twisted by what Rainbow was doing as she forcefully lifted the Fel Lord off the ground and slammed him into the ground in front of her.

Once Xalza was laying on his back, and he was coming to terms with the fact that she was stronger than him, maybe even stronger than what Kil'jaeden had told those who served under him, Rainbow focused for a moment and drained the Fel Lord of his energy, plus his soul as it fell into the depths of her weapons like those who came before him, before she took a moment to focus on the demons that were nearby and found that many of the Felstalkers were already collapsing, as in they were feeling the effects of her energy drain, while the pair of Eredar, one male and one female, growled for a second as both of them rushed at her, even though she grabbed them by their necks and removed their energy, dropping their lifeless bodies to the ground as she ate their Fel energy.

With the area cleared out, and Rainbow was sure of that as the Nightborne continued to prepare their defenses for some demonic reinforcements to try and attack this part of the city, she took to the skies and quickly headed over Shal'Aran and all of the enemies she had seen when she flew into Suramar a few moments ago, though her first target was the demon that was patrolling the area near Ambervale, where she descended and kicked the Doomguard in the back, which sent the demon face first into the ground as she landed nearby. Urkel, the demon in question since they loved to reveal what their names were to those who fought them, growled and lashed out at her once he got back up onto his hooves, swinging his large sword down at her with the intent to kill her while smashing Rainbow into the ground, though this time around she pulled her Warblades out of her horns and parried the incoming attack with one of her blades, causing the air to shake for a moment as such a thing happened, though before her foe could do anything else she deflected the attack, pushing him backwards a little and opening his guard in the process. As that happened Rainbow swung her other weapon and loosed a small crescent wave of energy though the air, something that sliced through Urkel's right arm and separated it from the rest of his body, dropping part of his arm and his weapon to the ground as the demon fell back and grasped the area she had cut into, likely cauterizing the wound before he picked up his weapon and growled at her for a few seconds, no doubt taking a moment to consider his chances if she was capable of doing this to him within the first couple of moments of the battle starting. The Doomguard acted as Rainbow expected him to, as it appeared that many were interested in the new bounty that Kil'jaeden had placed on her head, making her sorry for those who dared to challenge Spitfire, though when he lashed out at her with his sword, even if it was harder for the demon since it looked like she took his primary arm clean off with her previous attack, allowing her to end up on the edge of his large blade without him noticing, so when he came to a stop he found that she was no longer where she had been standing earlier and stared at his weapon for a second as he understood where Rainbow had ended up, allowing her to kick out with her clawed feet and sliced into the side of the demon's face, causing Urkel to stagger for a moment before she removed his head.

Once she ate the Doomguard's Fel energy, something that was quickly becoming a habit and figured that it wasn't one she had to worry about since it allowed her to empower herself for the future, Rainbow took to the skies once more before heading to the northeast, because it was time for her to check out what was going on in Tel'anor, where she found a good number of Jailers floating around the ancient ruins, apparently setting up hourglass shaped devices that were designed to capture the souls of spirits that were left in an area that the Legion attacked, though there were a number of Inquisitors and Wrathguards patrolling the area as well. As such she flashed down into the area in question and attacked the demons who were in the middle of harassing the spirits of Tel'anor, as Rainbow could see that there were many elven spirits that had chains on their wrists, chains designed to mess with spirits and prevent them from fleeing their home, though at the same time she focused on tracking down the soul snatching devices so she could smash each of them to pieces and free those who were trapped inside them, which would allow her to absorb the Fel energy in the devices. There were even a few harpies who seemed to call this place home, who must have fled whenever the forces of Shal'Aran fled the base to keep themselves safe from the unstable Arcan'dor and the damage it could cause, and, in an odd twist of some kind, none of the elf-bird hybrids seemed worried about Rainbow at all, rather they seemed more interested in tearing apart the foul demons that were invading their home at the moment, giving her some allies that were willing to focus on the threat that the rest of the Broken Isles and her allies were currently dealing with. Based on what she knew the harpies, which honestly wasn't a whole lot if she was being honest, no one really understood where the elf-bird hybrid creatures came from, even if one of the Archdruids happened to be of the opinion that they had been elves who had been transformed in some sort of manner, likely a connection to a Wild God or something, even though it looked like the loss of said deity caused them to lose some of their sanity over the years, making her wonder if it was possible to find a timeline where harpies were more sane and were allies of Azeroth, something she would also leave for the Nightborne and time dragons to figure out as they worked to fulfill Spitfire's request.

Once she finished thinking about that Rainbow turned her attention to snatching the souls of the demons who were slain by her hand and the claws of the harpies, allowing her to devour their Fel energy like she had done in the past, and sure enough she shattered each of the soul snatching devices that were around Tel'anor, freeing the spirits and stopping the Legion from claiming them, though once that was done one of the harpies flew near Rainbow, allowing her to see that all of them had large talon bird-like feet, transitioning from bird leg to elf leg at the knee area, while they had sharp claws for hands and they had large graceful feathered wings that started at their wrists and stopped at their elbows, and they had large feathers that served as tails, though the harpy nodded her head before leaving, sending Rainbow on her way so she could tackle the remaining demons in Suramar... where she landed at the edge of Meredil not a few seconds later, where a good number of Nightborne were gathered.

"We suspected that the Legion would retaliate against us, after the loss of Gul'dan, but they sent a lot of demons to burn all of Suramar to the ground," Thalyssra commented, as she, Valtrois, and Victoire were standing with their forces near the border between where Meredil rested and the corrupted area that was Felsoul Hold, where they could see a vast army of demons readying themselves for their march on the city, as there happened to be a large assortment of demons down in the foul stronghold, from the Eredar to Infernals, a couple of Doomguards to Fel Lords, and she could see at least three Pit Lords wandering around the corrupted part of Suramar, before she sighed for a moment, "though the Illidari have found that a force of demons are coming from the west, from Val'sharah, and another is coming from the northeast, coming in from Stormheim, so some of our forces are dealing with the potential reinforcements the Legion is sending to assist those who were originally sent to burn our home to the ground."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of our enemies... you should focus on cutting down any demon that tries to run," Rainbow said, as while she had a good idea of how to get a force up to the Legion ship that was hanging in the air above Suramar, given all of the information she had learned about Felsoul Hold since the last time she had been here, she knew that fighting her way through all of the demons, with a small force behind her, would be a waste of time and might cause some demons to escape before she or her allies slew them, hence the reason that she walked down the path that a Pit Lord had walked up during their assault on the demons inside Suramar City, leaving Thalyssra and the others to wonder what in the world she was up to this time around.

Once Rainbow reached a certain point she opened her wings and flew into the air for a few seconds, making sure she had a good position for what she was about to do as the demons stared up at her, a few even readying their weapons and a bit of magic to blast her out of the air, before she readied herself and unleashed her power on the vast corrupted section of Suramar that was below her, allowing Thalyssra and her allies to see what happened to Felsoul Hold, even though she did see Elisande standing near the group as well, meaning she must have rushed over to defend her home from the demons who had come here, to which she focused on her current task for the next few seconds. Thalyssra and the others watched as many of the demons started to stagger or stumble as they rushed into position, to attack Rainbow without giving her a chance to rest, and as that happened several of the lesser demons, such as the Imps for example, collapsed on the ground and stopped moving within a few seconds, even though she felt her jaw drop as she noticed what was happening to their enemies, the Fel energy of their enemies was being extracted from each demon, including the foul machines that were all over this section of Suramar, and was gathering in an orb in front of Rainbow. In fact she was sure that all of the demons who died due to this process had their souls taken as well, which flowed around the Fel orb and had the remaining bits of Fel energy removed from them before they were sealed inside the Warblades that happened to be Rainbow's weapons, and it was only a matter of time until some of the Eredar realized what was going on at the moment, because one of them even had a look of shock on her face as she stared up at Rainbow, before the demon in question collapsed and stopped moving not a few seconds later. Even the Legion ship that was resting in what had to be the lowest point of Felsoul Hold had the power inside it drained as well, causing it to fall to the ground and rest against part of the cliff wall, while the only thing that wasn't targeted was the main ship that was resting in the sky above Suramar, leaving Felsoul Hold without any Fel energy, even the Fel lava had dried up, and left it full of demon corpses, though Rainbow paid it no mind as she shrunk the orb down to a more manageable size, such as an apple, and devoured it with ease, boosting her power even more as she noticed that nothing had changed, making her wonder if this was her final form or if she needed the power of a really strong demon, like Kil'jaeden or Archimonde, to do such a thing.

Instead of worrying about that she turned her attention to the Legion ship in the air and rushed up to it, landing on the flat surface since it was horizontal, not vertical like the one that had been inside Felsoul Hold, where she found a pair of Eredar standing guard as the leaders of this assault, two females to be exact, who rushed at her in an attempt to bring her down with their magic, though Rainbow simply approached them as her power sucked in their Fel fireballs, something that let her grab the demons by their necks and lift them into the air for a few seconds before she tore the Fel energy out of them and devoured it. With that task done, with both demons dead, Rainbow focused on the ship and drained the power from it as well, just like she had done to the ones that had been attacking the Broken Shore earlier, though once it had no power inside it she flashed down to the lowest part of the ship and hurled it through the air, sending it right through the Felstorm and sending it crashing into a Legion world, even though she followed that up by sending the one in Felsoul Hold through it as well, all with a smile on her face, despite the fact that all of the Nightborne had to be shocked and surprised by what she had just done. Once she was sure that Suramar was safe from whatever reinforcements the Legion might have sent, as in that Thalyssra and the others would be able to hold their own and turn back the invaders with their forces, Rainbow headed for Stormheim to see if she could figure out where Spitfire was located, even though she knew that her friend had the power to overcome whatever fought her, especially since she commanded four of the six Cosmic Forces and would, in due time, figure out how to gain the power of Light and Void as well, but watching her fight seemed like a good way to let some time pass by, before they worried about whatever demons were sent to the Broken Shore. They were positive that Kil'jaeden would send reinforcements to the Broken Shore while the forces of Azeroth were busy saving the province their allies called home, allowing the Legion to be ready for when everyone focused on the island that the Tomb of Sargeras rested on, so she and the others were putting their trust in Spitfire's plan and suspected the Deceiver would do what she was thinking about, to which Rainbow focused on the task at hand as she headed for Stormheim as those in Suramar dealt with any demons who dared to step into their home.

Sure enough she found that the Legion was in the middle of assaulting Stormheim, with one of their ships parked near the Gates of Valor and happened to be pointed with its tip looking at the sky, though she smiled for a moment as she watched Spitfire fight an Eredar on the lowest level of the ship in question, dodging attacks with the grace that she used whenever she fought her enemies and lashed out whenever an opening showed itself to her, though based on how the battle was progressing it looked like she had arrived too late since Spitfire removed her foe's head, claimed his soul, and then left the ship as Odyn loosed a potent spear at it, blowing it to pieces... though Rainbow smiled as she saw that, as it seemed that they were pushing the Legion back and that, in due time, Kil'jaeden would have to face them in battle before they sealed the Felstorm and put an end to the Legion's ongoing invasion.

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