• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Argus: An Interesting Discovery

With two members of the Antoran High Command killed, and both their souls and Fel energy being gathered by Rainbow, Spitfire and her forces retraced their steps and headed back to the crossroads that allowed them to reach the building that their foes had been resting in, only to turn to their left as they headed down another walkway that lead to another section of Antorus, one that Y'Morna claimed would bring them to a very important section of the Legion's systems, the heart of the Portal Nexus that connected all of the Legion's worlds together. It was through this very network that their enemies were trying to call in all sorts of reinforcements to try and take out the dimensional fleet that was bombarding Antorus at the moment, though if they were able to take out Hasabel, the Portal Keeper for the Legion's forces, they would deal a crippling blow to Sargeras' dark empire, and if they were able to convince her to defect to the Grand Army of Azeroth they would gain access to new sections of the universe, unknown planets, and even potential allies who were forced to serve the Dark Titan. If such a thing came to pass it would bring about the end of the Legion, in more ways than one, especially with Rainbow's power to siphon the Fel energy of whatever she was targeting, and she could see that everyone in her group seemed to be hoping that they could convince Hasabel to defect, something they would find out in due time since they were heading right to where she and her portals were resting, as it looked like she was the next important foe that needed to be taken down before they headed into the depths of Antorus. Standing in their way, however, happened to be a few Doomguards who seemed to be guards for the building they were approaching, where Spitfire's group stood back as Rainbow and the heroes rushed forward, even though the heroes happened to be the ones fighting as Rainbow continued to look for good challengers, as she was glad to have run into Svirax and wanted to see if there were any other enemies that matched her power or fighting style, but any demon who fell had their soul snatched by her Warblades and their Fel energy sent up into the orb she had created earlier, which was becoming massive thanks to all of the demons who were dying and would need to be devoured soon.

While that happened, however, Magni mentioned that he was feeling something weird coming from the building, as in he was feeling something similar to the voices of Azeroth and Argus, making Spitfire wonder if their information might be a tad bit wrong, that Sargeras didn't have the souls of every Titan in the Pantheon and that one or two might be missing, as it would mean if they could assist such a being they could join them in saving the other members of the Pantheon when they reached the depths of Antorus, to which Spitfire made sure Magni continued to track what he was feeling as the rest of their allies pushed even deeper into the building in front of them.

With the Doomguards slain, which included a couple of female Eredar who decided to join the battle and suffered as the heroes cut them down without wasting too much time, the heroes moved forward and discovered that the walkway didn't connect to an actual building, rather it came to an end with a rectangular shaped portal structure and found that it had a good amount of Fel energy powering it, hence why they took turns stepping through it and headed towards whatever was on the other side of the portal. What they discovered a few seconds later was that it brought them to the inside of a brand new building that had to be the resting place of the Portal Nexus, though Y'Morna revealed that this place was called the Halls of the Boundless Reach, implying the reach that Sargeras and his Legion possessed, though the portal they had used ended up on a platform which had two small ramps leading down to the lower sections of this area, with a small pool of Fel energy resting in the middle of the building, while there were three paths to take. As it turned out the chamber to the right didn't have a portal inside it, rather it was more like a trick area for some strange reason, the one to their left lead to a portal that should be connected to whatever world Sargeras or Hasabel wanted their forces to attack, and the path that was across from them happened to lead to the main chamber of this entire building, where Hasabel worked to move the vast army of demons from one planet to another, or from multiple worlds to one in a coordinated assault. Not a couple of seconds later the heroes found that there were three more Doommaidens trying to summon in more demons to defend this area, likely apprentices of Hasabel, one summoning Felguard and two calling on Felstalkers, to which Rainbow and her allies dropped down into the area in front of them and lashed out at the demons that were trying to protect this place, all while Spitfire's group remained stationed near the portal they had used to come to this building, since there was next to no reason for her or the others to move forward at the moment, even though she could see that Magni was taking a few moments to glance around the area as he continued to feel what was in the air.

Once they smashed their way through the Doommaidens in front of them, who couldn't see through their arrogance and didn't realize that Azeroth was going to win this war, a decision became clear to them, as they could head over to where Hasabel was working and take her down, as killing her or converting her would cripple Sargeras' forces, or they could head over to the decent sized portal that was to their left, because it seemed to be what Magni was focusing on and he started to raise his hand towards it for a moment, before stopping as he glanced back to Spitfire, who nodded and let him tap into the power in question, something that revealed a massive transparent image of a female figure who radiated Life energy, who wore a metallic bra of sorts and a sash of some kind that revealed the side of her right leg.

Champions, hear my voice. the figure said, who seemed to speak in a voice that was similar to Argus' voice, and Azeroth as well when Spitfire thought about it despite the fact that Magni hadn't said anything about that, though this revealed that the information they had been given earlier had been partly wrong, Sargeras had the souls of the majority of the Titans he had worked with before becoming corrupted, but he didn't have the soul of Eonar the Life-Binder, where it looked like she must have evaded the Legion's gaze for a long time, The Legion has found my resting place and have begun to breach my sanctuary... if you stand with me now, we can deprive Sargeras of one of his prizes...

In that moment her projection shuddered for a few seconds before disappearing entirely, meaning that her sanctuary was currently under attack and that if they headed to tackle Hasabel they would be surrendering Eonar's essence to Sargeras, to which Rainbow headed back outside for a moment and raised her hand towards the sky, shrinking the orb of Fel energy down to a more manageable size and devoured more of the energy that was inside it, leaving a small sphere behind so it could gather more energy from the remaining demons who stood against the Grand Army of Azeroth. Once she was ready to go they headed through the portal Eonar's image had appeared in front of and traveled to whatever world the Titan of Life had been hiding on since she and the others fell to Sargeras' dark might, where they stepped out of the other portal and discovered that the planet in question was one that was full to the brim with Life energy, as in nature was thriving in this place and looked like it had grown over whatever might have been on this planet before Eonar arrived after her form had been destroyed by Sargeras. As they walked down the mountain path in front of them, however, Spitfire noticed that there were a few interesting creatures residing on this world, some wasp like creatures that seemed passive, a number of birds of prey who were flying through the air, a couple of Titan Watchers who were standing guard outside a building that lead to the area that Eonar's soul had to be resting in, before she spotted a massive giant creature down in the depths off to their left, a green skinned creature with a pale chest area while its front facing horns and claws were red colored, only for her to learn that it was called a Genesaur, something the heroes had seen on Draenor. While Spitfire found that to be interesting, especially since the creature was passive and not aggressive like the ones that her allies had seen, her focus was on the task at hand as Rainbow and the others marched through the entrance of the Titan structure and found two Maiden sized constructs granted them a bit of power for the battle Eonar's image had informed them about, though once they were on the other side of that structure they found a large open area with Titan architecture scattered all over this place, paths leading from three buildings and lead to the heart of the massive area.

In the center of the area, near the edge of the entire walkway system, rested a large soul of some kind that looked more like a constellation with energy around it, which had to be the World-Soul of Eonar, though resting near Eonar's soul was a Legion ship that had to be the cause behind her calling for assistance in her vulnerable nature, the Paraxis based on what Y'Morna told them, to which Spitfire's group stood near the area that the World-Soul rested in while Rainbow and the rest of the heroes focused on whatever demons might be portaled down to this place to assault them. Sure enough demons teleported down to three specific locations in this area, the top of the path on Eonar's left, the lowest point from the path in front of them, and the middle path that they had used to get to this point, though they found a variety of enemies for all of them to fight as they defended Eonar, where Spitfire found Felguards, Felstalkers, Fel Lords, Fel Bats, Fel Constructs that looked like the Vigilant who had been guarding the Conservatory, some of the Fel Reavers from another part of Antorus, and a few Fel-infused tank like constructs that seemed new in her eyes. Rainbow, of course, fired another sphere up into the air and started to siphon all the Fel energy of those that were rushing down to claim Eonar's World-Soul, though she took the heavily occupied path with a good number of demons as the heroes split up and focused on the remaining paths that lead to where Spitfire was standing, allowing her to observe her allies tearing into the demons that dared to march on Eonar's World-Soul, though it wasn't long before the souls of the demons left their bodies and gathered around the orb as their Fel energy was stolen and they were sentenced to rest inside Rainbow's Warblades. Whoever was in control of the Paraxis had to be shocked by what was going on right now, that the heroes of Azeroth were basically killing every demon that dared to stand in their way as Spitfire's group stood at the ready in case some demons jumped over the defenders and tried to reach Eonar, though for the most part no demons or constructs managed such a thing, given that they died a few seconds after trying the tactic out, even all of the Fel Bats didn't stand much of a chance of bypassing the heroes and their impressive defensive lines.

Of course the Paraxis didn't just send down demons to face them, as it also fired all sorts of Fel attacks down at the heroes in an attempt to take them out, attacks that were stolen by Rainbow's sphere and added to the growing mass, though as all of that happened Spitfire discovered another interesting fact, Eonar's Watchers, who must have been resting since the heroes arrived to defend the Titan, joined the fight and helped them cut down on the number of demons who were trying to take over this area and claim the World-Soul for Sargeras' dark agenda... though in a blinding flash of energy, which all of them avoided looking at since no one was looking at the heart of the area, ended up wiping out the remaining demons and the Paraxis, sending all the Fel energy into Rainbow growing sphere.

"You have done well, champions," a voice said, where the heroes turned and found that Eonar had recovered enough to put her form together again, a more whole version of what she had shown them when she used her projection to tell all of them about the fact that the Legion found her sanctuary, though she had shrunk herself down to a height that was slightly taller than a Human for the time being, since it looked like most of Antorus might be too big for her Titan form, though this meant they were successful in preventing the Legion from claiming the last of the World-Souls, "Come, we must venture into the depths of Argus, crush the demons standing in our way, and save the Pantheon before Sargeras can break them like he and his foul Shivarra did to Aggramar."

"Don't worry, we'll be heading into the depths soon enough," Spitfire replied, though while she knew that time was of the essence right now, given that they had no idea how long it would be before the remaining Titans were twisted into pawns of Sargeras, they still had to take out Hasabel and cripple the Portal Nexus, just to make sure the Legion would be unable to call in any additional reinforcements during the last leg of their assault on Antorus, where it was easy for everyone to see that Eonar was surprised by what Spitfire was saying, who just beckoned for everyone to follow her, "we just need to take out one more target and then we can head to where Sargeras and his dark Shivarra are keeping the World-Souls of the remaining Titans... then we'll take care of Aggramar and Argus, before worrying about Sargeras."

Eonar said nothing to that as she stared at the group in front of her, knowing that Rainbow and Spitfire were far stronger than what she had seen so far, from just a glance anyway, though she was more worried about the couple of demons who hadn't been slain yet, fearing that she might have been tricked or something, but the diamond Dwarf known as Magni was quick to inform her that many demons were defecting from the Legion's side out of fear, due to the sheer power Rainbow possessed and the ability to devour Fel energy, the latter being something that made many demons fear her and caused a number of them to rush to join the Grand Army of Azeroth. Of course Eonar wasn't convinced by that fact, even though it looked like all of the remaining demons were wary of angering Rainbow, despite the fact that they were able afraid of one other thing, drawing the power of Spitfire on them, because many demons knew that Spitfire was capable of channeling all six Cosmic Forces, as opposed to Rainbow's single strong bond to the Fel energy the Legion used, meaning her power had to be far stronger than what the 'Devourer', as they called Rainbow, was capable of using, something that caused Eonar to pause for a moment as she heard that. It was unheard of for someone to be able to channel all six Cosmic Forces, that was what was going through Eonar's mind at the moment, and it would be something the rest of the Pantheon thought about when they were saved from the Legion's grasp, though in that moment she nodded her head and beckoned for Spitfire to do what she and her forces needed to do, hence why they retraced their steps and returned to Antorus, even though this time around the Titan of Life and her forces joined them, even though Eonar had to ask Spitfire to teleport her forces over to Argus so such a thing could happen. As such it wasn't long before her Watchers and Maidens, along with the Genesaur, who carried a massive spear or lance made out of some sort of nature based material, attacked the demons, though at the same time Rainbow made sure to devour the sphere of Fel energy before they left Elunaria, the planet Eonar had called all of them to, though Eonar joined Spitfire's group and stood at the back of the pack as they returned to the Halls that their next target was resting in, as it was time to fight Hasabel and cripple the Portal Nexus.

As Rainbow and the heroes walked down into the area that the Doommaiden in question was working in, however, they found that there were three raised sections and each one happened to have their own type of energy, one had Fel energy, another had flames, and the third had shadows, the last one becoming a theme among the forces of Argus based on what they were seeing right now, though Hasabel stopped for a moment when she heard Rainbow's group step into her arena, to which the dark red skinned demon turned to face them.

"So, the heroes of Azeroth have arrived," Hasabel stated, where she focused on the heroes and snapped her fingers for a second, summoning a barrier of sorts between Rainbow's group and Spitfire's group, which was fine since they knew that Spitfire could break through it if such a thing was needed, even though Eonar was surprised by what she was seeing and said nothing as she placed her faith in the heroes, who focused on the Doommaiden for a moment as she regarded them for a few more seconds, as if debating whether or not she wanted to fight them, "normally I would say something about how your world would be the next to burn, but given how you have bested everything we have thrown at you, including Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, it seems that we vastly underestimated the power of Azeroth's heroes, not to mention the two of you, Rainbow and Spitfire... you two are far stronger than what we originally thought you would be."

"You know, if you don't feel like facing us, we can end this fight now and Spitfire will allow you to defect to our side, so we can move into the depths of Antorus," Rainbow stated, because it would save them time and grant them the ability to do all sorts of things with the other worlds that the Legion ruled over, though as she said that the rest of her allies readied their weapons for a moment, since they were expecting Hasabel to say no and attack them, all while Spitfire's group just watched and waited to see what might happen next.

Hasabel stood there for a few seconds, clearly thinking about turning on the Legion and using her powers to bring down Sargeras' forces, before she shifted her stance and lashed out at them not a few seconds later, where Rainbow parried the first attack as Zuleth and the others moved out to attack her from all sorts of directions, even though the first exchange told her that the Doommaiden might not have the heart to fight them, that there was a chance that she might actually be considering joining the Grand Army of Azeroth, even though Eonar still looked like she might be wary of the demons who had joined them so far, despite the fact that she was keeping quiet right now. For the most part Hasabel seemed to fight like Svirax and all of the other Doommaidens, using their sharpened claws and the curved blades that were attached to the edges of her bracers, even though Rainbow knew that Svirax had a number of martial arts and it made her more of a fighter than some of the enemies they had faced so far, though she was true to her position as the Portal Keeper and she opened a Human sized portal that a few demons rushed through, Imps, Felstalkers, and small spiders. Honestly it wasn't much of a challenge, given Zuleth and the others were able to wipe out the incoming demons within seconds as their souls were sent screaming into Rainbow's Warblades, all while their Fel energy floated into the air and gathered in another orb that she would eat in due time, though at the very least it meant that she didn't have to worry about someone trying to interrupt the battle, despite the fact that everyone was waiting for one of the more impressive portals to open, since this chamber looked like it might have room for three such portals to be opened in. Eventually Hasabel seemed to understand that this wasn't enough to bring them down and opened one of the other portals that rested in this chamber, the fiery one which seemed to connect to a world called 'Xoroth', though instead of sending Zuleth or someone else through Hasabel's new portal, and cutting down whoever ruled the world in question, Rainbow smirked as she hurled an orb through it and it caused everyone to stop for a moment as the Doommaiden opened a viewing window of sorts so she could see what was going on the other side of the portal, due to one of the Imps gasping in fear before collapsing on the ground as they found its soul being taken by Rainbow's weapons once more.

Hasabel watched as Vulcanar, the Infernal in charge of Xoroth, and his forces fell before the might of Rainbow's ability to absorb and devour Fel energy in a matter of seconds, especially when it drained the entire planet of Fel energy and, once the planet no longer possessed any demonic energies or had any demons alive on it, the sphere shrunk to the size of a marble and surged through the portal, returning to Rainbow as she devoured it and added all of that demonic power to her own growing pool, causing Hasabel to stand there for a moment in shock as she considered what this meant for her and the rest of the Legion. With that done she weaved her power through the air and opened two more portals, where the first went to Rancora, a Fel-infused world ruled by Lady Dacidion, an Aranasi who lead all sorts of spider demons and did everything in her power to please Sargeras, while the second connected to the fragmented remains of Nathreza, lead by Lord Eilgar, one of the last remaining Dreadlords in existence since many of them had perished in the destruction of their world and many of those who survived that event had been slain by Rainbow and Spitfire. Of course all of the demons on the other side of the portals didn't have much time to do anything as two more orbs went flying through both of them not a few seconds later, where Hasabel watched as the two ruling demons and their forces collapsed as Rainbow drained all of them of their Fel energy with a rapid and alarming rate, even the planets themselves were drained of whatever Fel energy they had left, before she withdrew the orbs once their tasks were complete and devoured the smaller orbs once they were back in front of her, causing the heroes to turn towards Hasabel as the three portals closed. Hasabel, as they expected to see, was shocked by the fact that Rainbow was capable of consuming whole worlds and devouring every drop of demonic power that rested in her targets, though as she swung her fist at Rainbow she found that her attack was avoided, her foe swiped out her legs from under her with the use of her reptilian tail, and then a few seconds later her back was resting on the ground as Rainbow grabbed onto her head and forced her against the ground, all without breaking either of her wings in the process, though it was clear that Rainbow was looking to open Hasabel's eyes and was trying to make her see that following Sargeras wasn't the right choice, before letting go of her head as she backed off.

Eonar seemed like she wanted to say something about this situation, that it was wrong to convert demons into soldiers for the battle against what was left of the Legion, but after seeing just how skilled Rainbow was in battle, even if this seemed to be her holding back to match whatever power her foe happened to have, and speculating over how powerful Spitfire's true power had to be, she decided that it would be best to just follow what was happening before her eyes and see if the fear that the pair installed in the demons remained once Sargeras was defeated, before she focused on the demon that was in front of them as Hasabel picked herself up and knelt for a few seconds.

"I see that the previous path I walked was wrong, and that I risked total destruction... my life is yours," Hasabel stated, to which Zuleth and the other heroes nodded as they sheathed their weapons and cancelled out the rest of their spells once she spoke that statement, as it appeared that she was willing to forsake the Legion, and Sargeras as well, and join up with Spitfire's ever growing army of races, which meant that she had gained an ally that allowed her to decimate the remaining worlds that the Legion ruled over and would bring about a new age for the rest of the universe.

"For now, rest with the other demons who have chosen to defect from the Dark Titan's will," Spitfire replied, though it was easy for the heroes to see that she was pleased by this turn of events, as converting Hasabel meant many things for them and their future, before she turned around as the barriers in this area disappeared, and the portals were dismissed not a few seconds after that happened, where she paused and glanced back at Hasabel for a couple of seconds, who was in the middle of standing once more, "once we're doing tearing apart Antorus, and have taken some time to rest on Azeroth, we can focus on taking care of the remnants of the Legion's power."

Hasabel said nothing to that as she nodded her head and followed after the group as they left the Halls of the Boundless Reach, returning to the main section of Antorus as she realized that what was going on right outside her post, Spitfire's army was tearing Antorus apart, sections were being destroyed as the fleet fired on anything and everything that might be a potential threat to their crusade against the Legion, and that meant if the surface levels were this devastated it was only a matter of time until both the middle section and the lowest level, the Dark Citadel, were under fire, making her wonder if Sargeras even knew what was going on or if he had abandoned Argus to take his prize. As they marched outside, and just walked towards the end path that Romuul had sent a beacon to for when they were ready to move deeper into Antorus, a path that rested near where the Charhounds called home, Spitfire glanced around the upper level of the Burning Throne for a few seconds, finding that Eonar's forces were using the power of Life to wage total war on whatever happened to be left up here, while the fleet seemed to be waiting for everyone to come aboard, to which her forces focused on teleporting aboard the Vindicaar while their new demonic allies joined the Sayaad. When everyone was aboard their ships Spitfire did take a moment to ask Svirax and Hasabel if they had cleared out everything that was up on the upper level of Antorus, to which they confirmed that nothing remained for her forces to worry about and, at the same time, Hasabel gave Romuul the coordinates to the middle section of Antorus, an area that they should consider purging before moving down into the depths, to where Aggramar, the Council of Shivarra, and the Dark Citadel rested. Her information revealed the existence of a rather powerful Antaen who ruled over the middle section of Antorus, a demon known as Kin'garoth the 'Engineer of the Apocalpyse', though at the same time Svirax also informed her that they might run into a rather powerful Fel Lord as well, Imonar the Soulhunter, a demonic mercenary who actually didn't belong to the Legion and she only knew of him thanks to the couple of bounties Sargeras sent his way, meaning his allegiance might be to one of the ancient demonic entities that rested in the depths of the universe.

With that information in hand Spitfire gave the command and Romuul pulled the Vindicaar out of the upper section of the Burning Throne, causing the rest of the fleet to follow after them after teleporting all of their forces back to the ships they had flown in previously, with the Genesaur being placed directly in the heart of the Botanica, though it wasn't long before they found a walkway of sorts built into the side of the chasm that Antorus happened to be built on top of, which just so happened to be their next destination. According to both of their new allies this was the Exhaust, an area that lead to the area that Kin'garoth resided inside, though as they stared down at the walkway, and Romuul fired a temporary beacon at the end of the walkway so the heroes could teleport down to it, something in the area in front of them shuddered as the massive entrance to the Hallowed Felworks, as Hasabel said that was what Kin'garoth's domain was called, closed before their eyes and a smaller Legion ship flew into the area, which caused a Fel Lord to teleport down to the walkway and turn to face the Vindicaar. This particular Fel Lord had a different suit of armor on, as it looked more like tarnished silver and he seemed to have a number of gadgets attached to a sash over his chest, while holding onto an altered weapon that did look like a lance and not a battleaxe, the latter being the common weapon of the Fel Lords, though as they stared down at the Fel Lord, who was staring up at them at the same time, it was clear that this was Imonar and that he had come to hunt down his targets, making Spitfire wonder if any of the ancient demons might not want them to beat Sargeras, though such a thing didn't matter as Rainbow's group teleported down to the beacon. This time around Spitfire's group remained up on the Vindicaar, observing the battle that would unfold while giving Rainbow's group all the room they needed to tackle this demon and open the way to where Kin'garoth was working on whatever foul machine or device that Sargeras wanted him to work on, though as the group neared him Imonar focused on all of them as they came to a stop, likely sizing them up before the battle began, but Spitfire also knew that if a demon wanted to defect to their side it would be after being beaten in combat, if they survived the battle anyway.

"Mortals, the Dark Titan has placed a bounty on your heads... I'm here to see why he's so eager to have you slain," Imonar stated, where he lifted his weapon and turned it on the heroes for a moment, showing that he was ready to fight Rainbow and her fellow heroes, though it wasn't long before Rainbow and the others did the same thing as they stared at the Fel Lord that was in front of them, before he rushed forward and brought his lance down on where Rainbow was standing at the moment, who raised her arms and used her Warblades to stop the attack in its tracks.

Such a thing opened the way for Zuleth and the other heroes to spread out and attack Imonar, who shifted his stance as he swung his weapon, blocking several attacks while a few more struck him, showing that he was skilled in the art of battle and was capable of minimizing the damage he received, though as he did that he channeled a bit of his power as sparks of electricity danced along the edge of his weapon, which he hurled at some of the heroes and shocked them a bit, though it seemed more like he was testing them right now. Of course that wasn't the only thing Imonar was capable of using against them, as once he noticed that the electricity of his weapon didn't do all that much to them, save for stunning his targets for a few seconds, he raised his left hand and pulled one of the gadgets off his sash, one that appeared to be a metallic cylinder that he hurled at some of the heroes before he lashed out at Rainbow once more, though it was followed by a bit of white smoke pouring out of his device and some of the heroes found that their eyes became heavy for a moment, even if a smack from someone else woke them up instantly. Rainbow understood what it was, as it happened to be a grenade that was designed to make Imonar's enemies fall sleep so he could finish them off, though she also found that a burst of wings, which created a gust of wind that the Fel Lord couldn't stop, was enough to blow away the rest of the smoke and knock the canister to the side as her companions resumed fighting the demon in front of them, even though his attack did make all of them wonder what else he might throw at them over next. Sure enough not a few seconds later he pulled out another device, clicked a button, and rolled it at his targets, where the heroes found that it was designed to emit a burst of energy to wound those he was hunting and push them away from a certain area, as he had placed it between them and the beacon that would allow them to return to the Vindicaar, not that any of them were planning on doing that, and there was also the other attack he had access to, one that called on his small ship to fire missiles, or maybe rockets, at those he was targeting, causing most of the heroes to dodge before his attacks reached them.

It was an interesting battle in Rainbow's eyes, as Imonar was strong and he had a few tricks up his sleeves, even if both of the grenades and the rockets weren't enough to seriously hurt her or her allies, though after a minute or two of that the Fel Lord activated what she assumed was some sort of flying pack and headed to the other end of the walkway, placing himself in front of the door that lead to Kin'garoth's domain, to which she and the others followed after him, though they did have to avoid a number of temporary traps to do so. There were Fel traps that were designed to either slow down or imprison his foes for a few moments, fire traps to set an area so none of his foes ran and if someone did that they would be blasted backwards with the force of the attack, and Fel blasts meant to knock his foes back towards the other end of the walkway, though he found that Rainbow smashed through the last ones and simply devoured every drop of Fel energy inside the blasts as she reached him, causing the two to battle each other once more while her allies caught up with her, having avoided the traps Imonar set up behind him. Such a thing caused the Fel Lord to grin as he swung his lance at them for a few moments, where Zuleth and the others found that Rainbow was his main target once more, meaning the bounty might actually be on her head, and likely on Spitfire's as well, and explained why he seemed to be focusing on her more than everyone else, especially since his traps and grenades were meant for them, though despite the fact that he was here on business it was clear that he was having some fun testing his foe's abilities and seeing why Sargeras wanted her dead, with Imonar glancing at the Vindicaar for a second as he wondered about Spitfire. As that happened Rainbow parried the incoming attack, quickly knocked the head of the lance into the floor, and then rushed along the length of the weapon as she punched the Fel Lord right in his face, knocking him right onto his back in the process, though not a few seconds later Imonar got back up and hurled a few more grenades at the heroes, mostly to push them backwards as he swung his lance at Rainbow once more, finding that she dodged his attacks with ease and displayed her incredible instinct skill that made it harder for him to strike her down.

When Imonar rushed back to the starting area of this fight Rainbow tracked him down and delivered an uppercut to her foe's chin without delay, before moving into a series of attacks as she struck the Fel Lord repeatedly and knocked him from one side to another, all while knocking his weapon to the side before he could use it to stop her, before slamming the Fel Lord's head into the ground and then backed off for a moment, allowing the heroes to catch up with her as she waited for the demon to get up again.

"By the Ancient One, now I understand why Sargeras posted a bounty for your death... one I won't be able to complete, as your power is not to be messed with," Imonar stated, showing that he could be reasonable and that he understood that he wouldn't be able to take down Rainbow during this particular battle, where the heroes noticed him glance over to the area that the Vindicaar was resting in and found a thoughtful look grace his face for a moment, no doubt realizing that this was more of a death sentence and not a bounty, especially since he seemed to understand that his other target might be even stronger than Rainbow was, before he focused on them again, "very well then, I shall withdraw and allow you to continue your work in tearing the Legion apart... you don't need someone like me to wish you luck."

Rainbow had to assume that the 'Ancient One' had to be a primordial demon, one that was either on Sargeras' level or was on a level above the Dark Titan, though as everyone nodded Imonar called his ship down to this area and teleported back up to it, allowing him to leave the area and head back to his master's domain with a report on what he experienced, but as soon as he was gone they found Spitfire standing in front of the massive locked door that lead to Kin'garoth's domain and whatever machine he was currently working on. A few seconds later she turned around and walked away from the door as a number of slashes appeared in the material in front of them, the metal being cut apart by her attack as she opened the way for them, even though no one noticed her summon her weapons to do such a thing, before she teleported back up to the Vindicaar as Rainbow and the others marched into the Hallowed Felworks, as it was time to take out the last demon in this area before they headed down to the Dark Citadel. What they discovered on the other side of the door was that there were a large number of Garothi Reavers being manufactured for a battle the Legion was incapable of winning at this point, to which Rainbow moved forward and started to attack the Reavers that were in front of them, causing all ten of them to turn and march on the area that the heroes of Azeroth were standing in, though as she did that Rainbow found a massive Antaen not too far away from where her group was fighting, his upper body resting above the middle of the floor and the lower half was either below them or had been sacrificed to become part of the Felworks. Either option didn't matter to her all that much as she channeled her Fel energy and sent an orb flying straight into the depths once more, mostly to make sure all of the Fel energy from the Reavers was gathered in one place before they faced the demon in question, though a red Reaver collapsed as the heroes cut it down and she smashed a green one into the floor, allowing them to focus on the rest of their enemies, though she heard the large demon make a comment about needing new test subjects and that they were just in time to test something new for him, meaning he didn't see them as threats and that, in the end, would bring about his downfall since he was underestimating all of them.

Once the group of Reavers was taken care of, and Rainbow was sure of that, she and the heroes marched into the larger chamber of this area and found that Kin'garoth must have finished something while all of them were making their way to his domain, though instead of saying anything the Antaen raised the massive hammer he carried and swung it down at his target, where he decided to pick on Rainbow while the others spread out and lashed out at him like they had done to the enemies leading up to this point in their assault. Of course Rainbow was fine with that, since it allowed her to be the main focus on their foe's attacks and ensured that none of her allies came under fire, though she parried the incoming attack and pushed the hammer backwards before she flew around the demon's head for a few moments, swinging her clawed hands, clawed feet, and Warblades like she had done to the enemies they had faced so far, doing her best to ensure that none of his attacks went anywhere near her companions. While all of that happened, but before they got too far into the fight, Rainbow noticed that Kin'garoth had replaced his left hand with some sort of forge utensil, something to help him in his work no doubt, before deciding not to worry about it as she lashed out and struck the demon in the face, which ticked him off a little as he continued to swing at her for the next couple of seconds, even though the heroes were waiting for a new trick or something to come into play since he was supposed to be more dangerous than some of the other enemies all of them had faced so far. Eventually Kin'garoth revealed his hand by channeling his Fel energy and loosed what looked like small dark shadow bombs into the circular workspace that he called home, though they contained a good amount of Fel energy and meant that they were more like Fel bombs, attacks that ultimately didn't do anything at all as their energy was absorbed by Rainbow's sphere, which was hanging high in the air above the Antaen's position, something he growled at for a few seconds before resuming his fight with them, intending on smashing all of Azeroth's heroes into the ground and breaking the main threat to the Legion's plans, and if he took out Rainbow he was likely planning on firing something at the Vindicaar to take Spitfire out as well.

Eventually Kin'garoth decided to draw on a vast amount of Fel energy, likely taking it from the ruined building that were up on the upper level of Antorus, and fired a large beam at the doorway once he was ready, intending on taking the Vindicaar out first so he could focus on all of them, though Rainbow moved in front of his attacked and devoured every drop of Fel energy the Antaen had gathered, while her companions hacked into his sides and did all sorts of damage to him before he stopped channeling the beam. With that done Kin'garoth activated the machinery in this place and a number of Reavers started to emerge from two points of the area around his resting place, apparently trying to overwhelm them with these numbers so he could activate some sort of protocol and take all of them out in due time, though he didn't account for the Reavers to be destroyed by Rainbow's draining ability, her couple of attacks, and the heroes smashing them to pieces, due to all of them gathering in one point to focus on their enemies while Rainbow tackled the other side. After that Rainbow frowned for a moment as Kin'garoth repeated his previous motions with a higher speed, mostly to try and take them down while they were distracted doing something else, meaning he had to be worried about something, probably her when she thought about it, and his actions allowed her companions to deal all sorts of damage to the Antaen as she stood still for a time and just ate every Fel attack he used in a vain attempt to bring her down, before she struck the demon in the side of his head and caused him to stagger in a sense. Once she delivered that attack to her foe Rainbow went on the offensive and delivered blow after blow to her target, tearing into his arms and sides as they fought each other, all while Kin'garoth seemed to understand that her orb was devouring the rest of his Fel energy, due to the fact that he tried to fire his beam at her again and discovered the fact that he was unable to channel the attack in question, allowing her and the others to do all sorts of damage to his body as in tried, in vain, to bring them down, as if he felt that Sargeras might be disappointed in him if he failed to bring them down, even though Rainbow was sure that the Dark Titan no longer cared about Antorus and the rest of Argus, so Kin'garoth and the others were on their own.

Once she thought about that Rainbow sliced open the Antaen's neck as her companions did the same thing to the lower section of his body, eventually causing Kin'garoth to shudder and fall with his body slumping forward, allowing her to take his soul and send it screaming into her Warblades before devouring the orb of Fel energy again, though once she did that her group followed her outside as they returned to the Vindicaar, as it was time to head into the depths of Argus and find the Dark Citadel, to face the Coven of Shivarra and Aggramar before they worried about dealing with Sargeras, putting an end to his plans, and destroying the Legion at long last.

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