• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Shore: Kil'jaeden's Folly

With the Avatar of Sargeras defeated, and the Tomb itself had been sealed so the connection between Azeroth and Argus no longer existed, Spitfire, Rainbow, Khadgar, Velen, Illidan, and the rest of Azeroth's heroes appeared on the other side of the Fel portal they had chased Kil'jaeden through once he realized that he was in danger of being killed, where everyone found something interesting, they had teleported to part of the Twisting Nether, the astral plane between worlds and was where demons were supposedly created, given the fact that every demon hunter knew that killing a demon in this place was a permanent death for them, even though bringing permanent death to a demon could be achieved by killing them in places saturated with Fel energy, like Mardum. Spitfire noted that the vastness around them seemed to be a black space, like how everyone on Equus saw the space beyond their planet, with an unknown number of stars twinkling in the darkness as they stared at them, one of which had to be Equus when she thought about it, though as everyone looked around them for a few seconds, likely seeing something different or possibly the same thing that she had noticed, she glanced at what was right in front of them and smiled for a moment as she noticed that they had succeeded in following Kil'jaeden through the portal he had used to escape from them. In the following moments she, Rainbow, and everyone else found that they were standing on the edge of a Legion ship, meaning it was horizontal as it flew through the Twisting Nether and traveled between two points in their vast universe, though it did inform them that Kil'jaeden was fleeing to Argus to form a new plan of attack to bring down the forces of Azeroth and, more importantly in his eyes, the Illidari, and it didn't take them long to spot the Deceiver as he moved towards what appeared to be the end of his ship so he could take control of it. The only downside to all of this was that there was no portal behind where everyone appeared, meaning that it had been a portal without a frame and had been dependent on the power of the Tomb of Sargeras, though it allowed everyone to understand the situation, they were stuck in the Twisting Nether and would likely arrive at Argus at some point, but Spitfire already had a plan to get around being stuck, thanks to the Sargerite Keystone that Illidari currently had with him.

Standing between them and Kil'jaeden were a fair number of demons, a good number of Fel Lords that appeared to be far stronger than a normal Fel Lord, a good number of corrupted orc who must have been members of the Shadow Council, to join Gul'dan and replace those that had fallen during the battles on Draenor, a couple of Felborne, who Spitfire felt were the last of their corrupted kind, and a new type of demon, a red skinned Eredar that was taller than a normal Eredar and looked more like a brute, given the Fel spikes that must have erupted from his back, which meant it had to be stronger as well, far more than a normal Eredar, meaning it was an Eredar Brute.

"These must be the remains of Kil'jaeden's forces, those who didn't teleport to the Broken Shore earlier," Spitfire said, as it was the only thing that might make sense at the moment and most of the heroes seemed to agree with her thoughts on this matter, though at the same time they could see that a good number, if not the vast majority, of the demons in front of them were terrified of something, no doubt Rainbow given everything they had seen in the last couple of days, though the Eredar Brute stepped forward and approached them as the rest of his allies seemed to want to stand down, to which she sighed for a moment as she focused on their would be enemies, "Those who don't want to die, and want to see another day, lay down your weapons and surrender to us... those who want to side with the Legion, while standing between us and Kil'jaeden, keep standing where you are and we'll be sure to get to you before getting to the Deceiver."

"Foolish mortals, you don't scare us." the Eredar Brute stated, apparently overconfident in his powers as he continued his walk towards where the heroes were currently standing, though as that happened he noticed that all of the demons that were around him actually listened to Spitfire and started to place their weapons on the ground, showing that they wanted mercy in the face of the overwhelming power that was standing in front of them, to which the demon actually turned back to where he started, like he was going to surrender as well, before he started to smash his way through the demons that had been his allies until they surrendered to the forces of Azeroth, and in no time he was the last one standing, to which he turned his bloody fists in their direction, "Fine, you don't scare me, mortals!"

"Really? You should be." Spitfire remarked, to which she held a hand out and stopped the others from moving for now, as there was no reason for everyone to be involved with this fight, before she drew out her Twinblades once more while she walked in the direction of the Eredar Brute that was blocking the way to where Kil'jaeden was waiting, something that did cause her foe to smile as he wondered what sort of epic battle he might have with her, especially when she called forth her true power for a few seconds.

In the following couple of seconds Illidan and the others watched as Spitfire stood still as the Eredar Brute charged at her, with a desire to purge all mortal life from the universe and a desire to beat up strong opponents, before she vanished for a second and reappeared where she had been standing as if everyone blinked at the same time or something, where all of them watched as four diagonal gashes appeared on the demon's chest, just like she had done against Atrigan earlier, and it only took a second for them to explode and bring an end to the Eredar Brute's life, allowing them to advance to where Kil'jaeden was likely waiting for them to arrive. Spitfire was slightly annoyed, since there were a lot of slain demons who had been about to make a chance in their lives, to lend Azeroth their aid while keeping themselves alive, though due to the actions of the Eredar Brute there was nothing they could do to save all of the fallen, but it didn't stop Rainbow from using her power to snatch their souls and absorbing all of the Fel energy that was in front of them, especially when she grabbed the soul of the demon Spitfire had slain for his actions against the rest of his former allies. Once she was done the group continued moving forward and headed up the sides of the bottom section of the ship, or what would be the bottom area if the ship was vertical and not moving at all, where both she and Rainbow knew that a large flat area would be resting for Kil'jaeden to fight them in, provided he didn't try to run now that they were cornering him like this, but everyone gripped their weapons as they prepared themselves for what was about to happen next. Sure enough, when they reached the end of their path, the heroes of Azeroth found the area in question and found Kil'jaeden standing still as he gazed in what had to be the direction of the planet that he was leaving, or at least that was what they assumed he was doing as he thought about how his plans had failed thanks to Spitfire and Rainbow joining the fight and crippling the Legion's attempts to take Azeroth in Sargeras' dark name, to which he sighed for a moment as he turned to face the front of his ship, only to frown as he noticed that the heroes were already marching on his area.

"Velen, you should have stayed on Azeroth... you would have lived a little longer," Kil'jaeden remarked, deciding that now wasn't the time to speak to Spitfire or Rainbow for the time being, because he was annoyed with them and had an idea of how he could fight them, or at least take down Spitfire, but for right now, before their battle started, he was going to take a moment to annoy Velen and hopefully drive a wedge between him and his allies, to bring them all to their depths and weaken the forces of Azeroth, "but your anger towards me, for your failure to save your son, who hated the father that left him and grew to resent you, will now cost you and your allies your lives!"

"That is what you think, Deceiver, but it isn't what will happen," Velen replied, because at this point in time he had a better understanding of the powers that rested inside Spitfire and Rainbow, the former commanding most of the Cosmic Forces while the latter was one of the strongest Fel users in the entirety of the universe, approaching the level of Sargeras, or at least a lower level of what the Dark Titan was capable of using, to which he tapped his staff against the ground for a few seconds as he, Khadgar, and Illidan joined the heroes in the arena and faced the Deceiver, "the forces of Azeroth stand as one, united under the banner of Spitfire, and none of your deceptions will force us apart... if you surrender, Spitfire will show mercy, though you will likely have to pay for all the crimes you committed over the years as you chased the Draenei across the vast universe."

"I have given too much to Sargeras to betray him now, even though none of his promises have come true," Kil'jaeden said, his tone revealing that he was a little annoyed with the Dark Titan, no doubt due to the fact that Sargeras likely promised all of the Eredar power, which he did give them based on what Spitfire and Rainbow had seen in the past, and possibly a few other terms were struck when the Eredar joined the Legion, meaning it was the other terms that the Deceiver had to be annoyed with, since he hadn't gotten any of them yet, to which he shifted his stance as he faced everyone that was in front of him, indicating that he would race fight Spitfire and Rainbow, instead of surrendering, "but by taking all of you out my forces should have an easier time tearing down Azeroth, once we find a new portal or font of power to use to bridge the gap between your world and Argus."

A few moments later, after hearing that their foe was willing to die rather than surrender, Spitfire and Rainbow flashed through the air and zeroed in on Kil'jaeden, where they swung their weapons at their foe while he punched the air at the same time, allowing their attacks to come into contact with each other and caused a slight vibration in the air while they did that, but it did give Vytheril, Scarlet, and the others the time they needed to move into position and launch their own assault on the Deceiver. Even Velen, Khadgar, and Illidan joined Spitfire, Rainbow, and their allies in attacking the demon lord that was in front of them, where Spitfire noted that Velen was using his healing arts to help mend any wounds their allies might acquire during this battle while also doing his best to lash out at Kil'jaeden, Khadgar flew around the area, all due to the raven form of his staff, and reverted to his human form every now and then to send orbs of Arcane energy at their foe, and Illidan lashed out at the Deceiver's back with his warglaives, even though Kil'jaeden did his best to defend himself from all of their attacks. Of course, like all of the other demons they had faced during their assault on the Tomb, and those they had faced before heading inside the massive structure, Kil'jaeden forced his foes backwards and raised his left hand towards the sky, where he called upon his Fel energy and summoned a massive rain of Fel meteors that rained down on the part of his ship that they were fighting on, something that caused Rainbow to pull back for a moment before she flashed up into the air and lashed out at the meteors with her Warblades, breaking them apart while absorbing all of the Fel energy that Kil'jaeden had used to summon this attack. While that happened Spitfire, who lashed out with the full power of her empowered state and found that the Deceiver had parried her attacks, noted that Kil'jaeden seemed to have a smile on his face as he watched Rainbow cancel his attack, making her wonder if he had a plan of some kind and hoped that Rainbow would be mindful of anything their foe sent at them, since there was no telling what sort of plans the Eredar might have in store for them, but she had a feeling her friend was more interested in just cutting down Kil'jaeden so she could take his Fel energy for herself and send his soul screaming into her weapons.

Of course Kil'jaeden gathered more of his power for a moment and summoned a much larger Fel meteor that descended down towards where everyone was standing, to which Spitfire spun around and slashed at the Deceiver's chest while the rest of the heroes did the same thing, leaving Rainbow alone as she flew through the air once more and smashed the new meteor to pieces while draining the power inside it, before using some of her power to blast apart the remaining pieces of the rock, so they didn't hurt her allies when they hit the deck of the ship. One interesting thing that Kil'jaeden tried to do to all of them was using his Fel powers to try and make copies of several heroes, Fel clones who were designed to attack the heroes and weaken their forces, a method that he suspected would divide them and make them easier to take down, but as he watched what happened next Spitfire, Rainbow, and their allies turned and cut down his dark copies without much happening at all, causing the Deceiver to frown as he watched that happened, since he was expecting the Fel clones to do something or kill someone. As such Spitfire was sure that Kil'jaeden was blaming them for beating this power of his, or at least that seemed like something he might do when something didn't go his way, though once they were sure that the Fel clones had been beaten her forces continued to lash out at the Deceiver while he was distracted, which caused him to turn and attack them with his Fel empowered claws once more, since he didn't have any weapons on him, something that was a mistake given that most of the powerful demons of the Legion carried a blade, a mace, or some sort of weapon to help take down their enemies and protect themselves at the same time. After the Fel clones perished Kil'jaeden switched back to using his summoning ability and seemed perfectly fine when Rainbow smashed her way through each of them, stealing the power of the Fel meteors, something that caused Spitfire to raise an eyebrow as she wondered what in the world the Deceiver was planning, because at this point, even though the battle had only just started between them and the one who stood as the Right Hand of Sargeras, it sure looked like Kil'jaeden might be pumping Rainbow full of Fel energy in an vain attempt to cause her to detonate from containing an excessive amount of that power.

Eventually Kil'jaeden decided to do something different as he spread his wings and took to the air, or at least the area that was above where he had been fighting them for some time, where he started to rain more Fel meteors down on everyone while also channeling some rather powerful looking flames in an attempt to blast them to pieces, where Spitfire weaved a bit of her Arcane power through the air and parried the incoming flames that were targeting her and her allies, lighting up the space between them at the same time while Rainbow flashed through the air and sliced her way through the meteors that were coming down towards her allies. In that following moment Kil'jaeden gathered his flames and loosed a focused beam right at Spitfire, intending on burning her to ash while she and her group were distracted by the attacks that were heading their way, though in response to that Spitfire wasted no time and slipped into her empowered state, drawing her flames together as well before firing a beam of flames that collided with the Deceiver's attack, causing the air to vibrate as they fought each other while everyone else remained at the ready since everyone that that they would be able to lash out at the Eredar when he and Spitfire were no longer fighting each other. It was clear to Spitfire, as she fought the Deceiver in this 'beam struggle' as she was sure Rainbow would call it, that Kil'jaeden had to be annoyed with them and wanted all of them dead, given everything that they had done to beat his plans and topple his army, of which a number of demons had betrayed the Legion after realizing how foolish it was to fight her or Rainbow, and he was trying to use his anger to tear all of them down, even though he was appearing to be calm and collected for the most part as he formed a plan of attack to kill everyone who had followed Velen through the portal earlier. Regardless of what was going through Kil'jaeden's mind at the moment Spitfire doubled the power of her attack and her flaming beam of energy burst forward, overtaking the beam that Kil'jaeden was using and caused the Deceiver to pull out of the way when he realized that he was being overpowered by her attack, though when her beam rushed off into the distance, where it would disappear in the vastness of space, she and the others found that Kil'jaeden's hands were smocking, damaged a little from her attack hitting him for a brief second before he moved out of the way, a smart move in the grand scheme of things.

After that Kil'jaeden landed near where he had started earlier and paused for a few seconds, giving him a chance to come up with a new plan to bring them down, though it also gave the heroes an opening to attack him and they took it without wasting a single moment, intending on damaging his defenses more than they had done before he flew into the air and tried to hurt them with his flaming attacks, something that caused the Deceiver to growl as he focused on them and just defended himself with his arms and legs for a time, leaving Spitfire to make sure everyone was ready for whatever attack or plan he might have in store for them.

What Spitfire discovered was that Kil'jaeden's current plan of attack was to utilize the powers he had used during the first stage of his battle with the fire beams that he just used against them, meaning he wasn't adding anything new for her and the others to worry about, so for now Rainbow focused on cancelling out any and all Fel meteors that were sent at them as Spitfire turned her attention to using her fire powers to do the same thing to Kil'jaeden's beams of fire, leaving the heroes to do most of the damage to the Deceiver as Velen, Illidan, and Khadgar assisted them. While that happened Spitfire kept her eyes open for anything and everything that might turn the tide of the battle in the Deceiver's favor, where she fired a beam of fiery energy at the incoming one Kil'jaeden was sending her way and cancelled it out within a couple of seconds, though at this point she was starting to believe that he might be doing this to either distract her or simply because it might be his best way to keep her contained to a single area, something she was fine with since it allowed her to keep an eye on him and judge the level of attacks that he had access to before they hit the heroes. Of course while she and Rainbow did all of that Kil'jaeden summoned the clones of the heroes again, trying to send them at the champions of Azeroth to tear all of them down at long last, though he found that Vytheril, Scarlet, Zuleth, and everyone else was capable of killing the new clones when they were summoned and without wasting too much energy on them, much to the continued annoyance of Kil'jaeden, something that caused the Deceiver to hurl another massive Fel meteor at them in response. Rainbow flashed through the air and smashed her way through the massive rock without wasting any time, scattering the fragments so she could blast all of them to nothingness and leave nothing to harm her allies, just like she had been doing since they started this fight, though for good measure she punched Kil'jaeden in the face and knocked him backwards, just to lend a hand to her allies as she let the heroes continue their assault, hacking and slashing at the demon lord that was standing in front of them, who seemed to be great at tanking each and every attack that was coming his way, but even then they knew that it was only a matter of time until he collapsed and surrendered to their might.

Eventually Kil'jaeden decided that enough was enough as he called forth the shadows and covered the area that Vytheril and the heroes were standing in, covering them in a fog of sorts that limited what they were able to see and adding some new obstacles for them to be cautious about, though in the following moments Spitfire and Rainbow smiled as they took a moment to activate their Spectral Sight as Illidan followed suit, allowing them to see through the fog and direct everyone else towards what needed to be done to free themselves from the fog. They directed them towards the couple of shadowy beings that were hanging around the edges of the fog, creatures that seemed to be linked to the Deceiver's spell, though at the same time both of them kept an eye open as Kil'jaeden fired a few fiery beams and a few Fel meteors down on the heroes, causing the one who took out each attack to move out for a moment and take care of the attack that was coming at their allies while whoever was left helped out the heroes, and if both were busy it was up to Illidan to direct them to the locations that their targets were in. Even with the fog it was easy to see that Kil'jaeden, who was staring at everyone from above since he was flying above the deck he had been standing on earlier, was annoyed with them and couldn't wait for all of them to be dead, though he didn't seem to be doing anything special to bring them down and it meant he was failing to do his job, meaning he was lucky that Sargeras didn't just end his life for his constant failures, before his frown deepened as the fog scattered a couple of moments later, showing that the heroes were just fine and that nothing had harmed them, thanks to the combined skills of Illidan and Velen as they hunted down whatever was powering the fog. In the following moments Rainbow burst into the air and smashed her fist into the side of Kil'jaeden's head, knocking him off to the side in the process, before she lashed out with her clawed feet and clawed hands, making sure to do a bit of damage to him over the course of a few seconds and then, once she was done with her assault on his armor and body, she knocked him down towards the deck of the ship, where he crashed into the metal and left a little indent where he collided with the ship, but as that happened he knelt for a moment and huffed as Rainbow landed in front of him.

Spitfire and the others, on the other hand, gathered in the area that was behind Rainbow, mostly so they could watch what happened next since it looked like they might have bested Kil'jaeden and that meant it was only a matter of time until his Fel energy was devoured by Rainbow, while his soul was sent screaming into her Warblades, though what surprised all of them, especially given everything they knew about the demon in front of them, was that Kil'jaeden raised a hand for a few seconds, as if he was admitting defeat, which raised alarm bells as soon as it happened.

"Okay... Okay, you win. You want my Fel energy?" Kil'jaeden stated, where the heroes and the others raised an eyebrow as he said that, because it was something that the Deceiver never said and meant, meaning he must have a secret agenda for all of them and it would likely be triggered once Rainbow took his power from his body, which would cripple him and also prevent him from using any of his powers against them, making killing him that much easier to do, though after he uttered those words Rainbow nodded a tiny bit, causing the demon to raise a hand towards his chest and actually pulled out his own Fel energy, which started to condense into a red crystal, "Fine, take it!"

In that instant, as Rainbow gripped the crystal and literally ripped all of the Fel energy out of Kil'jaeden, who coughed and fell so that both knees happened to be resting on the deck of his ship, something interesting occurred as the ship they had been fighting on emerged from the Twisting Nether and appeared in the space just above Argus' atmosphere, allowing everyone to gaze upon the Fel corrupted planet that had been broken by Sargeras, as a chunk had been torn out of the planet and it was floating above the twisted surface, far away from the demons who might be ignoring it. A few seconds later Kil'jaeden, who took advantage of his enemies being distracted by what was happening around his ship right now, especially with Velen being shocked by the broken state of Argus, forced himself to stand and grabbed Rainbow while she was looking at Argus, though before she or the others had a chance to move he turned around, shifted the position of his arms, and then hurled her off the ship, with all the force that he could muster, apparently not caring that she still had his Fel crystal in her hands. The interesting thing was that he managed to push her off the ship and made her flare her wings once she was a little distance away from the edge of the ship, though that was when a Legion ship appeared to the right of the Deceiver's vessel and fired a beam of Fel energy right into Rainbow's chest, knocking her further away from the ship, making Spitfire wonder what in the world they were up to, even though that was when a number of vessels, eighteen by her count, warped out of the Twisting Nether a few seconds after the first one, meaning there were twenty Legion ships in the space above Argus. Not even a second later Kil'jaeden called for all of his forces to open fire on Rainbow, intending on killing her while she was in positioned inside the Twisting Nether, because she was more demon than pony at this point and if she died in this place she would perish like a true demon, where the area just beyond his deck lit up as a massive barrage of Fel blasts rained down on the area that Rainbow was standing in, meaning Spitfire and her allies would have to focus on Kil'jaeden, and end his life, before any of them worried about saving Rainbow from what was happening to her... but even as Spitfire came to that decision she also noticed a light coming from the middle of the barrage, meaning Rainbow was up to something.

"Even if she uses my Fel energy, with the power of Archimonde and what she stole from the Avatar, that power will break her in no time," Kil'jaeden commented, where a smile appeared on his face as he watched all of his ships firing on where Rainbow was currently resting, meaning that he must have noticed that Rainbow had been in pain during their fight with the Avatar of Sargeras, even if she had found a way to work around the dark power that had been inside the construct and take his power for herself, and was banking on her absorbing the rest of the Fel energy so he could blast her to pieces, or something to that degree since Spitfire had no idea what was going on in Kil'jaeden's mind, "say goodbye to Rainbow Dash while you can, because soon there will be nothing left of her... and once she's taken care of, I'll turn the full might of my fleet on all of you."

Normally this would be where Spitfire told Kil'jaeden that he was out of his mind, that there was no way he was going to bring down her and the rest of Azeroth's heroes, though she kept her mouth shut for a moment as she felt the Fel energy in the area shift for a few seconds as she noticed something interesting, an intense Fel aura had wrapped around where Rainbow was floating and it looked like she might be in the middle of channeling her power while defending herself, so if a blast rushed at her from one of the Legion ships she would fire one in return and cancel it out. Of course Rainbow had all three Fel crystals in front of her, possibly trying to overcome the vast power that was inside all three of them while trying to make sure nothing terrible happened to her, meaning she had some sort of plan in mind and was doing everything in her power to ensure that Kil'jaeden's plan failed in a spectacular fashion, though Spitfire was sure that the sparks coming from where her friend was floating had to be her own plan being put into action. In the next couple of seconds she found that all three of the Fel crystals cracked as Rainbow pulled all of the Fel power out of them and added it to her own pool of power, while sending Archimonde's soul screaming into the depths of her Warblades, before she shuddered and quickly collapsed after the power surged into her body, where she was positioned with her head facing towards the area that was below her and didn't seem to move as more incoming blasts were cancelled out before they could hit her, something that caused Kil'jaeden to frown for a moment before ordering the ships to just bombard her location. It was clear that he was growing impatient with this plan of attack, as if he had been expecting Rainbow to be dead at this point in time, instead of her being alive and withstanding every attack his fleet sent her way, and the increased assault was designed to push her to whatever her limits might be and kill her once her guard was broken under all the pressure she had to be facing, mostly so he could turn his attention to Spitfire and the rest of the heroes who were standing close to where he was standing at the moment, meaning once this event was done she and her allies could lash out at him again and bring him down before he did anything else.

In the following moments more of the incoming blasts were cancelled out at an increasing rate, as if Rainbow might have overcome her new Fel energy and was ready to go on the assault at long last, especially since it looked like she have to be moving into a straight standing position, before a burst of energy, which must have come from one of her fists, rushed through the space between her and her target within a matter of seconds, giving Kil'jaeden no time to react as the attack struck him right in the middle of his chest and looked rather painful, given the look of pain on his face. Before he or any of the heroes could react to what was going on Rainbow let out what could have been a roar, or maybe it came from the bit of Fel energy that had been tied to the Avatar before she brought it down, and a surge of Fel energy emerged from where she was standing, like a maelstrom or galaxy of sorts forming around where she was floating, one that Spitfire was sure had a bit of heat to it for some reason, causing them to wonder what was going to happen in the next couple of seconds as the Deceiver observed what was going on right now. Based on the look on Kil'jaeden's face he was either in pain from Rainbow's attack or someone might be talking to him mentally, Sargeras no doubt if that was what he was going through, to which the demon lord flared his wings and took to the air once more, positioning himself so he could be above where his foe was currently standing, though Fel cracks were starting to form on his arms as he raised a hand towards the area above him, something that was followed by a sea of Fel energy appearing around his area. In that moment Spitfire knew what was going on without having to be told, Sargeras had to be watching what was going on right now and must have granted Kil'jaeden some of his Fel power, effectively turning him into another Avatar and resulted in the cracks that were forming all over his arms, showing that he couldn't contain the power his master was using, though this also meant that this surge of power was designed to destroy Rainbow while she was in the middle of what she was doing, as it appeared that she was calling all of the Fel energy of the maelstrom into her body, to which she held a hand out and stopped all of her allies from doing anything, as it didn't seem like Rainbow needed any assistance.

A few seconds later a massive sphere of Fel energy appeared above Kil'jaeden's head, like a Fel sun, where he turned his hand towards where Rainbow was floating and faint waves of energy radiated from his right hand as he worked his new power on what Sargeras had given him, something that caused the mass of Fel energy to shrink before their eyes and condensed into a sphere of energy that rested in front of his hand, meaning he was going to send that attack straight at Rainbow and blast her into oblivion, before she had a chance to really defend herself.

"Your life ends with this attack!" Kil'jaeden shouted, his voice echoing as he fired his attack down at where Rainbow was floating right now, even though his attack was the only one since the Eredar in control of his fleet seemed to have stopped attacking his enemy while they waited to see if he needed any assistance in beating her, where the heroes, Spitfire, Velen, Khadgar, and Illidan watched as everything unfolded before their eyes, as they knew that Rainbow didn't need help and if she did Spitfire would have moved to intercept the attack before it hit its mark.

In the following seconds Rainbow vanished from where she had been floating and the condensed Fel sun disappeared not long after that, the Fel maelstrom disappearing in the process as the energy that was around Kil'jaeden did the same thing as his attack vanished, though as everyone tracked what was going on Spitfire noticed where Rainbow had gone, she was floating right behind the Deceiver and was surrounded by a silvery Fel green aura that seemed to be far stronger than the normal Fel aura she used, while Kil'jaeden's attack happened to be floating above her right hand. As Kil'jaeden turned to see what in the world was going on, while catching up to what was going on around him, Rainbow finished siphoning the rest of the Fel energy that had been inside the attack and crushed the sphere, though it also allowed everyone to see that she was covered in a silvery glow of some kind, to which Kil'jaeden raised his fist and swung at his target without delay, as he wanted to crush her before she had a chance to do anything, though what happened next was that Rainbow appeared in front of him, moving from one point to another in a flash. What happened in the following moments was that Rainbow dodged the attack with ease, doing a backflip of sorts to get out of the way, which was accompanied by a pair of punches that struck Kil'jaeden in both his face and his chest, causing him to stagger backwards for a few seconds, where he made sure to regain himself and lashed out with another burst of power so he could blast her into oblivion, something she took out without even moving, much to the surprise of those that were watching, before the Deceiver flared his wings while he rushed at her, intending on crushing her with all of his might. Of course that wasn't what happened, which had to annoy the demon lord more than he was willing to admit, rather Rainbow seemed to bypass his fist and appear behind him once more, now situated above where the heroes and Spitfire were standing, before a number of slashes struck Kil'jaeden, all at the same time, locking him in place for a few seconds before he went flying through the space beyond him and crashed into the side of one of his ships, causing him to cough up some blood as he found Rainbow turning to face where he was resting, with the glow starting to die down.

What Spitfire discovered was that, for the most part, Rainbow looked the same, though the scales on her arms now ended at her elbows, where she had a Fel spike growing out of the area near her wrists and both of those new additions just so happened to stop after passing by her elbows, while it looked like her Warblades had remodeled themselves to fit on the new spikes and were connected to a metal band that wrapped around both of her wrists, though in addition to that they found that both of her leathery bat wings had changed, her right wing being red colored now, like Kil'jaeden's, while her left wing was blue, similar to Archimonde's color. The other changes Spitfire noticed was that Rainbow's hair had shifted as well, as she was now sporting rainbow colored flames on her head, like what happened to her tail in the past, and that her existing pair of horns, which had been coiled around her ears before this point in time, had been altered a bit as a new set of points had grown out of the existing pair and were now curved forward, more like a Dreadlord's horns, plus there was a singular curved horn in the middle of her forehead, one that was crystalline and had a Fel green color to it, and Rainbow's sclera were Fel green colored while her irises were now silver colored.

"It would appear that Rainbow has reached her final demonic form... she is now Fel Incarnate," Illidan said, though he had a smile on his face as he witnessed what was going on, as he knew that Spitfire and Rainbow were the strongest Illidari he had ever trained, but this was far beyond everything he had been expecting when he took them under his wing, as at this point Rainbow as far stronger than she had been earlier, in fact she was probably stronger than Spitfire, only because she had taken a bit of Sargeras' dark power and survived the infusion of power, and once they found a good source of Light and Void energy he was sure Spitfire would become even stronger than Rainbow was.

As he said that, and the heroes observed Rainbow's changes for a time, the battle resumed as Rainbow moved again, as in she flashed from where she had been floating earlier and rushed at where Kil'jaeden was resting, who forced himself out of the way before he was struck, where she struck the edge of the ship he had been knocked into and the sheer power of her new form caused an explosion that ended up tearing out a chunk out of the vessel in question, while knocking the ship off the path it had been traveling previously, causing the Deceiver to pick himself up as he faced Rainbow once more, no doubt debating what he should do next. He then shuddered for a moment, where Spitfire suspected that Sargeras had to be talking to him about this situation and likely wanted him to take down Rainbow, before rushing forward as he started to swing his fists and feet at her, finding that Rainbow appeared to be defending herself by blocking or parrying his attacks with ease, though what annoyed him right now was that it looked like his foe was focused on her while her body seemed to do all the work for her, as if she was relying on instinct alone, making him wonder how much power she had obtained after eating all the Fel energy that had been directed at her earlier. In fact Kil'jaeden was convinced that Rainbow had to be calm right now, despite all the anger she should be feeling towards him and the Legion, especially when he considered the amount of times that Azeroth, her allies, and her home planet have been threatened so far, though her calm nature didn't stop her from using her newly sharpened claws, as they were definitely sharper than they had been so far, or those new spikes on her arms, which were covered in her weapons now, to hack and slash into his body while they fought, but one thing he knew for sure was that he was fighting a losing battle right now, more than before Rainbow's transformation into her new form. When he threw his next punch, however, Rainbow raised her right arm and caught his fist like it was no big deal for her to even do such a thing, allowing her to kick him in the chest and knock him backwards, though as that went down Kil'jaeden opened his wings and hurled a volley of Fel meteors down on where his foe was floating at the moment, something that Rainbow took out by simply raising her left hand and fired a burst of her own energy at his attacks, tearing all of them apart in the process.

After that Kil'jaeden spent what felt like a few minutes being knocked around the fleet he had summoned to destroy one of the Legion's most deadly enemies, as no matter what he did his attacks couldn't penetrate Rainbow's defenses, which convinced him that her instincts were stronger than he originally believed, before she bypassed one of his punches and dealt one to the side of his head, sending him down onto the deck he had been standing on when he was waiting for all of his enemies to arrive, and when he landed Rainbow appeared behind him and unleashed a beam of Fel energy that she used both hands to make, one that caused him to scream before collapsing to his knees... to which he sent one last order to his ship's captain, even though the rest of the fleet had been broken by Rainbow's terrifying might.

"Our fates... are now one..." Kil'jaeden said, where he huffed for a moment as the ship shuddered for a moment, as it was now on a collision course for Argus' surface and would deliver the heroes of Azeroth into the Legion's hands, because if all of the demons attacked them at the same time he knew that not even Rainbow, with this godly power that transcended everything he and Sargeras knew about, would be able to survive an onslaught of that magnitude, though even as he said that he could feel his body breaking from the inside, as for his failure Sargeras was going to sacrifice him to take everyone in front of him down, or at least kill Spitfire and Rainbow, even though his soul would be snatched by the Warblades if Rainbow survived this event, "Argus will be your tomb."

"Sorry, Kil'jaeden, but we're not planning on dying today," Khadgar replied, to which most of the group nodded their heads to show that they agreed with him, while at the same time Spitfire and Rainbow stood nearby in case the Deceiver tried to do anything funny, especially after what he did back when he tried to kill one of them with a rather cheap trick, to which he turned towards Illidan for a moment, something that caused Kil'jaeden to raise an eyebrow for a few seconds as he waited for either the ship to crash into Argus, him to explode, or them to do whatever they were doing.

"Indeed, especially when we hold the key to all worlds!" Illidan stated, where he reached into the small sack he had been carefully holding onto since the forces of Azeroth assaulted the Broken Shore for the second time, to which he pulled out the Sargerite Keystone, something that caused Kil'jaeden's eyes to widen for a moment as he recognized it, before taking a second to think about the destination he wanted it to open to and focused on Azeroth for a moment, causing the Keystone to start spinning as it left his hand and headed into the space in front of them as it gathered power for a few seconds, only for it to burst open into a massive portal that revealed Azeroth on the other side, "Khadgar, take us home!"

As Khadgar and the mages combined their Arcane energies, to make teleporting all of them to Azeroth that much easier to do, Spitfire watched as Velen approached where Kil'jaeden was resting, where it looked like the Deceiver might have given up at long last and was finally suffering for everything he had done since he, Archimonde, and most of the Eredar joined the Legion all those years ago, though she knew that the pair would have a short discussion before they teleported back to Azeroth and put the next stage of her plan into action.

"Velen... I was always... envious of you." Kil'jaeden said, something that caught most of the heroes off guard since none of them were expecting someone like the Deceiver to utter them, though Spitfire felt that he actually meant them, though he ignored the looks he was getting from those who defended Azeroth as he focused on his former friend, as he wanted to get something off his chest while Velen was standing in front of him, before he returned to Azeroth with everyone else and continued to defend it from the rest of the Legion's forces, "Your gift... your faith... your vision. I never believed... that Sargeras could be stopped. Perhaps... you will prove me wrong."

In that moment Khadgar called for everyone to get ready as the teleportation spell was cast, which started to transport all of them back to Azeroth, though before that reached him Velen raised his right hand and rested it on Kil'jaeden's forehead for a few seconds, like he was sharing a vision of some kind with the Deceiver, based on the fact that Spitfire noticed that a look of peace seemed to wash over Kil'jaeden's face, as if he was witnessing the fall of Sargeras or something, before they and the rest of the heroes vanished as Khadgar's spell teleported them back to Azeroth. As that happened Rainbow felt a shift in the Fel energy they were leaving behind and understood what had happened, Kil'jaeden likely exploded thanks to all the power that Sargeras had forced into his body, a punishment of sorts for failing to beat the heroes of Azeroth, which included her and Spitfire, before everyone appeared in one of the ancient ruins of Azsuna, where she felt the Deceiver's soul being sent screaming into her modified Warblades, confirming that he was dead at last.

"Is everyone alright?" Khadgar asked, where he huffed for a few moments, as the power required to teleport through the portal the Keystone created, even with several Archmages assisting him in powering the spell, had taken a lot out of him, but based on what he could see everyone was just fine and that meant no one had been trapped on Kil'jaeden's ship while the Deceiver detonated, though that was when he heard a rumble and noticed that everyone was looking at the sky that was behind him, to which he turned and found Argus looming in the distance, the Keystone's portal creating a permanent gateway that linked the demonic home world to Azeroth, to which he turned his gaze towards Illidan for a moment, "What have you done?!"

"Sometimes the hand of fate... must be forced." Illidan stated, referring to the fact that if they just sealed the Tomb, which cut off the Felstorm, the forces of Azeroth might go back to war against another enemy and not focus on tearing down the rest of Sargeras' forces, like if the Old Gods made a move or something, so by doing this they would be forced to focus on facing the Legion and doing nothing else, because the forces of Azeroth were at their strongest right now and the Legion, with both Archimonde and Kil'jaeden killed at long last, was at its weakest, meaning this was their only chance to take out the Legion and safeguard the rest of the universe.

Spitfire and Rainbow nodded as they turned their attention to Argus, knowing that Sargeras was somewhere on the torn world that everyone was staring at right now, likely hiding and waiting for them to leave so he could travel to Azeroth in an attempt to claim it, since that had been his plan for the longest time and this gave him the opening to do so, though they knew that this was the final stage of their war with the Legion, the long awaited final act, and that they would need to do everything in their power to bring down the Dark Titan and his plans for the rest of the universe.

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