• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Argus: Invasion's Beginning

"We must strike them first, as the next blast from that weapon will do some serious damage if it hits us," Illidan stated, as he knew that a lot had gone into making the Vindicaar, given that the Draenei had spent a long time building it for this point in time, and he knew that they would hate to see it be damaged in some manner, by the weapons of the Legion, though as he said that there was one other thing he didn't even bother to talk about, as he knew that Rainbow could easily devour the Fel blasts before the Legion attacked one of their ships, even though he could see that some were glancing towards Spitfire, as if looking to her for an order of some kind.

"Indeed, which means we need to destroy their siege camp," Spitfire replied, though as she said that Velen had Romuul fire a beacon down to the surface of Argus, one that would land outside the camp in question and serve as a point for them and their forces to teleport down to the edge of the camp, allowing the forces of Azeroth to assault the Legion and start their invasion of Argus, even though she knew that with Rainbow's power, and her own might, the siege camp would perish in no time and the demons would be sent running from this area, granting them some peace for a time before they focused on the other twisted sections of Argus, "Come, let us start this invasion."

Romuul nodded his head as Velen, Yrel, Illidan, and a few of their forces joined Spitfire and Rainbow in the middle of the Vindicaar's main chamber, where Spitfire noticed that Lothraxion was carrying Xe'ra's core, before the Chief Artificer took a moment to press something on the command console, which also served as the controls for the navigation systems, and all of them warped down to the surface of Argus, as not a few seconds later Spitfire and the others were standing on the twisted ground, which happened to be near a chasm to their left and a path that headed into the siege camp. Spitfire found a good number of Fel structures in the area that the potent blast of Fel energy had come from, where she spotted the weapon that knocked down the Xenedar not even a few moments ago, a strange circular device that was connected to part of the ground, some ruins that belonged to the Eredar before they had been corrupted by Sargeras, some weapons that looked like the Fel Devastators the Legion liked to use against their enemies, and some demons who were supposed to be guarding this area, such as a number of Eredar and a couple of Eredar Brutes. Based on what she was feeling these demons were definitely stronger than the ones who had been sent to assault Azeroth in the past, meaning Sargeras must have ordered the more powerful demons to stay on Argus to oversee his crusade, or whatever his reasoning was for what he had done since taking over this world, where Illidan gripped his warglaives as Velen raised some of his energy to block an attack that one of the Eredar sent at them, showing the forces of Azeroth that the demons of Argus wanted them dead and that they were willing to attack before anyone else was ready to do battle. Not even a second later Spitfire raised her hand for a moment and waved it towards the demons that were in front of them, causing the heroes of Azeroth to start their advance as they marched forward and descended into the siege camp, though as that happened she also beckoned for the fleet to start moving as well, where Romuul and the other commanders opened fire on the couple of demonic ships that were hanging out nearby, sending blasts of Light or Arcane energy at their targets as the Legion ships started to pull out of the area, showing that this wasn't something the demons were expecting to encounter.

"We've barely started our invasion and already the demons are pulling away," Spitfire commented, though as she said that she had the feeling that the demons were swarming where the Xenedar, to capture or kill the forces of that followed Xe'ra, possibly even take and smash whatever remained of her body, to which she focused on what was going on as Illidan took a step forward and parried an incoming attack from one of the Eredar Brutes, which was impressive and showed her that he was just as strong as he had been in the past, even though Gul'dan's ritual had empowered his body, before she took a moment to glance at Rainbow, who stared at the demons, "Rainbow..."

"Killing demons, got it!" Rainbow stated, where she didn't bother waiting for a response as she rushed into the area that all of their allies were fighting in and started to hack her way through the Eredar that were in her path, while using her brand new power when she reached the Eredar Brutes, causing the air to shudder when she parried their incoming attacks and lashed out with her own, though that was when a female Eredar, tall like the Brutes and possessing a pair of leathery bat wings, rushed at Rainbow and pushed her into the air, causing them to do battle with each other while being away from all of the heroes, meaning neither of them had to worry about casualties.

"That must be a Doommaiden, a rather powerful Eredar who likely followed the path Kil'jaeden took," Spitfire said, though she wasn't even surprised by the fact that Rainbow wanted to cut down some demons and didn't seem at all interested in waiting to see what sort of plan she might have in mind, as she had been planning on cutting Rainbow loose and sending her on a rampage across Argus, just to see what sort of trouble her friend could get into and how many demons would die in the process, so she was totally fine with this and was sure that Rainbow would catch up with her and the others once all of her enemies were dead on the ground, to which she sighed for a moment, "Velen, Illidan, I think its time that we moved out and joined the battle as well."

Not a few seconds later she and Illidan rushed forward and swung their weapons at the demons in front of them, cutting into the sides of the Eredar that dared to stand in their way, while Spitfire spun around and slashed at an Eredar Brute that was standing between where they had been standing and where the heroes were currently fighting, though as she killed the demon she found a number of Broken, the twisted Draenei that were like Akama, who seemed to be weakened from some of the Eredar that had been in this area before their arrival, though since he seemed to look more like a sage, which were important to both the Draenei and Broken, Spitfire walked over to him while Velen and Illidan continued to advance on the area the siege weapon rested in.

"Help me... help my people... beaten... left within death's grasp..." the Broken sage said, his voice sounding like he was very desperate right now and Spitfire couldn't blame him for feeling like this when she considered how the Eredar, and by that she meant those who didn't know the terror that Rainbow installed in all sorts of demons, treated others, where she took a moment to tap into her powers and weaved her healing energies over the poor individual that was in front of her, as this would allow him to move once more and he seemed surprised by what was going on, though he bowed his head and just pulled out a water skin that likely had something that would help the rest of his enslaved people.

As soon as Spitfire had the water skin in her possession she stepped forward and continued to move forward, finding that a few Eredar tried to blast her into the ground with their magic and decided to surprise them by weaving a bit of her own Arcane energy into small orb sized blasts, which she sent out to cancel out the incoming attacks that were coming right at her and smashed her foe's magical attacks apart in seconds, something that caused a look of surprise to grace the faces of the demons that had tried to attack her. Such a thing allowed her to swing her Twinblades and cut down her targets with ease, causing both of the Eredar to hit the ground not a few seconds later, to which she turned her attention towards the Broken slaves that were scattered around this ruined place and proceeded to give each of them the water skin, and she made sure to use a bit of her healing powers to make sure each of them were able to leave this area without drawing the attention of the demons to them. Spitfire noted that the Broken seemed to fade into the darkness on the outskirts of this ruin, once they were sure that they were safe and sound, meaning there had to be a hideout of some kind for them near them and that it might be worth speaking to the now freed individuals, especially since the first Broken must have been the leader and he might be willing to speak with her and her allies once they found a moment to speak with them, but as she thought about that she turned her focus back to the enemies in front of her as the demons fell to the might of those who protected Azeroth. Eventually she stopped messing with the Broken, as the water skin was empty and she had saved all twelve of the individuals who had been trapped here, allowing her to turn her attention towards the devastators that were nearby as the heroes damaged the Fel crystals that were protecting them, something that allowed Romuul to fire a burst of Light energy down on each machine and utterly obliterated each weapon that the Legion had placed in this area to take down the Vindicaar, opening the way for the fleet to move further into Argus as she turned her attention over to the main siege weapon, in an area that had no demons around it.

While she did that, however, one of the surviving Eredar chuckled for a moment and claimed that the Antaen would wipe all of them out in the next couple of seconds, not that it mattered since the death knight who stood near her cut her down and moved to assist all of the other heroes in purging this area of demons while Velen's main guards, the Chosen as they were called, assisted them in making this section of Argus safe, for the time being, allowing Spitfire to come to a stop near Velen and Illidan, who happened to be staring at the siege machine.

"Let us destroy this foul machine while we still have the chance." Velen stated, because they had no way of knowing when the demon who was in charge of this section of Argus would send reinforcements to stop Spitfire's forces in their tracks, something he hoped didn't come to pass since this was the strongest the forces of Azeroth have been and he didn't want to imagine what might happen if the heroes were pushed back, hence why he turned his attention towards the device that was in front of them.

"How strange... the Legion has decided to forgo posting guards this close to their weapon..." Illidan commented, as they knew that most structures and weapons that were part of the Legion's arsenal were always protected, regardless of what world the demons happened to be attacking, including those that were defenses for a demon lord's base of operations, like Spitfire had seen back in Marduum when it was still under the control of the Legion, though as he said that he took a moment to grip his weapons in case this was a trap of some kind.

"No, there is something more to what we're seeing," Spitfire replied, as she could feel it in the air, without having to be told anything about this weapon, a device that none of them had seen in the past, though after saying that she switched to her Spectral Sight for a few seconds and stared at what was in front of them, seeing a massive demon resting under the stone ground and that it happened to be waiting for something to happen, something that caused what the Eredar had said to click in her mind as she gripped her Twinblades, "this is no ordinary siege weapon..."

In that moment, before she could finish her statement, a massive arm burst out of the ground as the demon, the Antaen, started to pull itself out of where it had been resting for some time, showing them that the siege weapon was actually on his head and seemed to be some sort of crown, while demonstrating that this type of demon had the power to use its Fel energy to sink and rise out of the ground whenever it wanted, meaning it could do the same thing in other worlds, before it pulled both of its feet out and stood at its full height, which was easily as tall as the Vindicaar was. Once the Antaen, who appeared to be a male demon based on what Spitfire and the others could see, was above the ground he started to lash out at them with his full might, swinging his clawed hands and fists at them as Spitfire and Illidan parried the attacks with their weapons, all while Velen created an area for them to be safe in or be healed in if they stepped into it, which Spitfire knew made sense given that he was a priest and didn't have many spells that could hurt their enemies, though in the end his current spell was switched to being just a healing area. The reasoning for such a thing was mostly due to the fact that the Antaen readied his power and proceeded to loose a volley bombardment on them, raining all sorts of Fel energy down on the area they were standing in, though Spitfire used her own energy to redirect his attacks and sent them into the air, as she knew that Rainbow would grab them and snack on them while she finished taking out the Doommaiden she was fighting at the moment, before she flashed up into the air and swung her weapons at the demon. The Antaen was strong, as his might was equal to the might of her base form, something that interested her as she continued to block incoming attacks and dodge others as he focused solely on taking her down, as he seemed to be ignoring Velen and Illidan for the most part, though eventually she found an opening and bypassed the Antaen's outstretched hand, as he tried to punch her into one of the rock peaks around the ruins, before she swung her left Twinblade and released a burst of energy that cut right into her target's neck, a wave of energy that ended up taking off the demon's head, which crashed into the area to their left as the body fell backwards and she sent the soul screaming into her weapons.

"It would seem that we need to be more careful during our assault," Velen commented, though this once more confirmed that Spitfire was one of the strongest beings in their army, not counting Rainbow and her strange new power, and that all of them would have a mcuh harder time conquering Argus without the pair of demon hunters aiding them in their quest, but after he said that Spitfire landed nearby and he took a moment to glance in the direction she happened to be looking in, the direction the Broken had used to escape this place, and he could tell they were thinking the same thing, which did cause him to chuckle a little, "Thanks to the combined might of the Vindicaar and the other dimensional ships we didn't sustain many losses, if any at all given how well everyone worked together, but even then I think we should seek out the Broken and see if they are willing to join up with us, or just share information to take down the Legion, as Lothraxion told me that the Army of the Light recruited survivors of the Legion's crusade into their ranks, to bolster their forces for all of the future battles, and we might get somewhere by attempting the same thing."

"While you do that I will return to the Vindicaar and prepare for the inevitable counterattack... if the Legion can muster it, after witnessing the start of our invasion," Illidan added, his tone revealing that he was hoping for some of their enemies to attack this area, or do something after witnessing the assault that had torn apart the first demon controlled section of Argus, though Spitfire agreed with him, that someone needed to keep an eye on whatever the Legion might be doing and prepare their forces for a potential counterattack, just in case such a thing happened, and as he turned to leave Rainbow slammed her foe into the ground in the middle of the area they had passed through a few moments ago, revealing that the Doommaiden was dead and that she had likely stolen her power.

Spitfire said nothing to that as Rainbow joined her and Velen as they headed over to where the Broken had been seen, as it appeared that there was a passage between two Fel mountains that a large red colored Fel Reaver was patrolling, which seemed stronger than the ones back in Outland, though as they did that Spitfire knew that Rainbow had sent the soul of the Doommaiden screaming into her Warblades and that none of them would be seeing her again, allowing her to focus on the task at hand as they followed after Velen. While they walked Velen explained that there were three groups of Eredar that reacted to Sargeras and the pact that would damn most of his kind, the first being those who willingly followed both Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, the second being those that joined him and fled from Argus with the Naaru's assistance, and the third were those who initially refused to leave their home world, only to discover the truth of what Velen had seen in his visions, that he was telling the truth, but were trapped on this planet and had to adapt to everything that happened to Argus, making Velen wonder how in the world they had survived for so long, against all odds. He also informed them that he was happy that they were with him as he followed after the Broken, as many had seen Spitfire in action, including the fact that many had been healed by her, while also having witnessed the power that Rainbow commanded as she tore one of the Doommaidens down, so he was hopeful that the Broken would listen to them and see that they weren't enemies, as it would grant them a foothold of sorts so they could continue their invasion of Argus and, eventually, reach the Xenedar to assist the Army of the Light. Once the three of them reached an opening that lead down into a decent sized cavern, one that was large enough to be a base of operations or camp that was also covered by the mountain so the Legion didn't find out where they were hiding immediately, Velen walked down the path after Spitfire and Rainbow made sure no demons were in the area around the entrance, even though Rainbow knew that there was a demon infested area nearby, one that should be cleared out before any of their ships moved closer to where the Xenedar rested, though as they walked down the path all of them noticed some shadows moving.

Not a few moments later they reached what appeared to be a campfire and Spitfire noticed that there were a number of areas carved out to make sleeping areas, along with places for weapons to be placed, though as Velen came to a stop, so he could glance around the hovel, as he called the area, a number of Broken stepped out of the shadows and happened to be holding their weapons at the ready, just in case any of them tried anything funny, before Spitfire noticed the sage who must be the leader of the Broken, though at the same time she detected a faint Light energy coming from nearby, which she was sure they would learn about after speaking to the Broken.

"Velen." the Broken leader said, his voice sounding like he was upset after seeing Velen with Spitfire, though at the same time he seemed a little concerned about Rainbow, since Spitfire could see that some of the Broken were worried an attack might come now that a demon was inside their home, likely believing she might be part of the Legion, but for right now it looked like the sage was going to speak with Velen and no one else, to get over whatever had happened between him and Velen in the past, "At long last, you have returned to the home that you and the others abandoned."

"That voice... Hatuun? Is that you?" Velen asked, showing Spitfire and Rainbow that he might know the figure, which meant the Broken sage was telling the truth and that they did know each other, and was confirmed not even a few moments later as a nod came from the Broken, where they found that this information caused Velen to pause for a second as he thought about all of this and what it might have meant for those who fled with him, before he focused on Hatuun, "How did all of you survive this hell for so long?"

"We changed, just as Argus did. We endured." Hatuun replied, where a number of the Broken nodded their heads to show that he was telling the truth, even though Spitfire knew that there was no reason for them to do such a thing since she, at the very least, believed what the Chieftain was saying, for that was what Hatuun was since he happened to be the leader of everyone who stayed on Argus after the Naaru ensured Velen's forces safely escaped the planet, leading to Archimonde and Kil'jaeden seeking the Draenei to make them pay, "What choice did we have, when we could no longer flee with those who followed you and we had no desire to join the foul Legion?"

"I have no wish to fight you, Hatuun, nor make your people our enemies, for we have come to declare war on the Legion and end their crusade," Velen stated, though this did give him a lot to think about, as he had long assumed that those who ended up trapped on Argus had either been slain by the demons or forcefully corrupted into Eredar, though now he knew that more of his people were alive, even if they didn't feel anything but dislike for him and the Naaru who saved those that became the Draenei, and made him take a second to wonder if there were more Broken scattered around this world and hiding like Hatuun's people were currently doing, "and we would like to offer you a chance to get your revenge on those who both Archimonde and Kil'jaeden when they joined the Legion all those years ago."

"You turned your back on your people, Prophet... your world. Such betrayal should be answered with death," Hatuun said, his tone revealing that he was still annoyed with Velen about everything that happened in the past, something that would take some time for him to get over since Spitfire knew that the Naaru must have prevented Velen from returning to save those who had been unfairly left behind all those years ago, before he sighed for a moment as he shifted his gaze towards her and Rainbow for a moment, "but your ally saved many of us from the Legion's grasp, while her friend killed those who served the Legion... perhaps you have changed, especially since you fought some demons as well."

"I was afraid that I might have to stop a fight from breaking out, though it would seem that my aid is not needed," a brand new voice said, one that Spitfire recognized since it had come from Light's Heart when she, Rainbow, and Khadgar had found that it held a message for them, where a human in golden plate armor, with elegant crystalline pieces embedded in sections of each piece that glowed with the Light, stepped out of one of the smaller tunnels and approached them, though it looked like he carried a greatsword as his weapon and it rested on his back, though it appeared to be broken in half and the upper part had been reforged by either the Naaru or the Light, "Prophet Velen, it is good that you and your allies have arrived, as now we can take down the Legion and bring peace to the rest of the universe."

"High Exarch Turalyon, we meet at last," Velen said, confirming who the person was to Spitfire and Rainbow, which meant they didn't have to guess or say the wrong thing when they spoke to him, though as he said that he patiently waited for the man to come to a stop near where they were standing, which was when Hatuun waved a hand and the Broken spread out, returning to how they had been before Spitfire's group approached their home, before Velen waved a hand towards Spitfire for a few seconds, "but I am not the one who commands the Vindicaar and the dimensional fleet that is attacking the demons right now, rather that honor belongs to Spitfire, the Grand Commander of the Forces of Azeroth, who united both factions under a single banner and turned us into a sharpened spear to destroy Sargeras' army."

"Is that so? You will have to tell me about that at some point, but for now we should use this signal crystal I grabbed, just before the Xenedar crashed, to link up with your forces," Turalyon stated, where he pulled out the item in question and it was when Velen walked over to him, as in he claimed the crystal and headed down to the lowest part of this hovel, which seemed to be a prime location for a beacon to be placed, and Spitfire nodded as it was used to connect with the Vindicaar not a few seconds later, causing one of the Lightforged beacons to replace it, where he spotted Lothraxion, who had used the beacon to come talk with him about something, even though they would have to wait for that as he beckoned for both Spitfire and Rainbow to come with him, "Hatuun was telling me of a den of demons that rests nearby, ruled by a Pit Lord called Aggonar, who once ruled Outland at one point in time, and three more of his kind, Kar'aaz, Xeth'tal, and Magraloth, happen to be there as well, though since it appears that they have been harassing the Krokul, as they call themselves, and have been taking Hatuun's people as slaves, it would be in our best interests to take care of them... it'll allow your fleet of dimensional ships to get closer to the Xenedar, and show the Krokul that you are to be trusted."

"Killing demons, that's easy to do," Rainbow remarked, speaking once Turalyon was done talking, which happened to be when he reached one of the edges of the hovel Hatuun and the others lived in, just before the road between this area and a Fel tainted area that was across the way from where they were standing at the moment, where Spitfire spotted a good number of demons tormenting those that had been captured and noticed a few Pit Lords as well, confirming Turalyon's statement and causing Rainbow to grin for a moment as she noticed them, where it looked like the demons had no idea they were looking at them, to which she flexed her claws for a moment, "This should be fun."

As Turalyon raised an eyebrow and started to open his mouth, to question Rainbow's choice of words since his opinion on fighting demons was more like a duty than having fun, but before he could say anything she burst through the air, where she vanished and reappeared inside the area the Pit Lords controlled, with Spitfire following her movements with ease and was the only reason he even knew where Rainbow was located, and startled one of the three Pit Lords that were her main targets, since it looked like Aggonar was on an upper level. As the Pit Lord swung his glaive at her, intending on impaling her in an instant, Rainbow spun around the weapon as the tip of his glaive struck where she had been a few seconds ago, even though she flew forward in a coiling pattern before reaching her foe's head, all in a moment or two, before she took a moment and punched the demon in the side of the head, knocking him down into the pool of Fel lava that was behind him and caused some of it to splash up around part of his domain. After that her foe got back up and swung his weapon at her once more, where she flashed onto the top of his glaive and quickly kicked out with her right leg, sending the head of his weapon right into the ground and caused him to growl as a number of Eredar and Vilefiends, quadrupedal demons who seemed to be altered pets of some kind, noticed what was going on, but before they could do anything Rainbow took that moment to lash out with her altered Warblades and removed the demon's head, sealing his soul inside her blades as she took his Fel energy. Once that was done she found a number of Eredar turning their magic on her and she smiled for a few seconds as she summoned a small sphere of Fel energy and let it float into the air, where the demons found that their Fel energy was being drained before their eyes, like she had done to those she had faced before this point, but she purposely left both of the remaining Pit Lords along as she flashed over to the one that was on the right side of this pit-filled area and started dodging all of the attacks that were coming her way, just like what happened when she faced Kil'jaeden, and soon she spotted an opening in his defenses and took it, allowing her to get close to his neck and remove his head in seconds, causing the Eredar to cry out in shock as that happened.

Of course Rainbow wasn't the only one to enter the area that the Pit Lords seemed to call home, as Spitfire and Turalyon walked in after her, freeing and healing the captive Krokul who were scattered around this part of Argus, looking at what was going on with shock in their eyes, though Spitfire made sure to end the lives of the demons who were still struggling to survive, allowing Rainbow's power to snatch whatever remained of their Fel energy, while Turalyon took a moment to look around the area with shock on his face, as he wasn't expecting this to happen.

"Lothraxion told us that you two were powerful, but this... this is far more than what he said," Turalyon commented, as he had known that Spitfire and Rainbow happened to be some of the strongest beings in Azeroth at the moment, as his old friend had warned him about the pair so that way he wouldn't be surprised whenever they eventually met each other and joined forces, but even then the High Commander's words hadn't prepared him for what he was seeing, demons dying as Rainbow happened to be in another part of this area, her spell draining them of their Fel energy, even if it allowed them to cut down any surviving demons and free the Krokul in the process.

"Both of us have grown since the last time you spoke to him," Spitfire remarked, though as she said that she spotted the red colored menacing Fel Reaver walking nearby and decided that she might as well take it out as well, to make the area that much safer for Hatuun and his people, to which she shifted her stance for a moment and disappeared from where she had been standing, causing Turalyon to glance around in an attempt to find her, before she quickly reappeared near the High Exarch with her weapons drawn, where he watched as the Fel Reaver shuddered for a few seconds as it was cut into a thousand pieces, creating a pile while ending another threat to Hatuun's people, "I might not be as fast as Rainbow, especially given her new power, but my power makes up for it... and it looks like she's taken down the third Pit Lord who calls this pit-filled area home."

Turalyon nodded as he saw that, as Rainbow flashed all over the area that the third Pit Lord was resting in and cut the foul demon apart, almost as if he was made of paper or something, though once all of the demons in this place were slain, all save for Aggonar anyway, something else happened as he watched Rainbow condense the orb of Fel energy that she had created by draining all of the demons and stopped when it was the size of an apple, something that she devoured not a few seconds later, likely adding all that power to her own insane might. Once they caught up to Rainbow they found that she was staring at the upper area and found a larger Pit Lord resting inside the area in question, one that was larger and more dangerous looking than the other ones they had faced so far, though once Spitfire and Turalyon caught up with her Rainbow rushed into the area and lashed out at the demon that was in front of her, allowing him to swing down his glaive at her while she dodged it with ease. Of course she stood still for the Fel attacks that Aggonar fired at her, such as taking a moment to gather his Fel energy and fire it as a beam of energy that should have struck her in the chest while knocking her back a bit, but Turalyon found that Rainbow just devoured the attack like it was nothing and continued fighting like it was no big deal for her to have done such a thing, though as she did that Aggonar summoned some Vilefiends to aid him, not that such a thing mattered since a few arrows flew through the air and struck them down. Such a thing allowed her to steal their souls and Fel energy as she faced off against Aggonar, smashing through his attacks and dodging other like they were nothing, something that seemed to make the Pit Lord angry and eventually lead to him gathering all of his power for a massive explosion, one likely designed to take all of them out while making sure the Legion could turn the tables on the forces of Azeroth once they were missing both her and Spitfire, though Rainbow just stood there and siphoned all the Pit Lord's energy, cutting his attack to pieces in the process, before removing his head. With that done, and Aggonar's energy was hers while his soul was trapped inside her Warblades, she and Spitfire turned in the direction of where the arrows had come from, finding a female elf, a high elf Spitfire realized, who was dressed up in green ranger gear that protected her and had to be lightweight for her to move without slowing down, though the smile that was on Turalyon's face told her that this was Alleria Windrunner, a skilled archer and scout, at the very least.

As Turalyon and Alleria embraced, since it seemed like it had been some time since they had last held each other, why she had no idea, Spitfire tapped into the energy of the Vindicaar and had Romuul send down a temporary beacon, mostly to allow the pair to return to the main dimensional ship, as she knew that Arator, a paladin who had joined the team bound for Argus since it was his only shot at being reunited with his parents, was waiting for Turalyon and Alleria, so this would give them some time to catch up while she and Rainbow headed back to the Hovel to tell Hatuun the news about the Pit Lords and those who had been trapped in this place. Once the pair warped up to the Vindicaar, and the beacon was pulled up with them, Spitfire and Rainbow set out immediately and headed back to Hatuun's place, where Rainbow made sure all of the demons were dead as they did that, just to make sure no one tried to attack the hovel once they were gone, and in a few seconds determined that she had killed all of the demon in this place as Spitfire and Turalyon watched her wipe them out, which brought a smile to her face as she walked. Sure enough a few Krokul had taken up defensive positions near the main entrance of the hovel, out of sight so any demons that investigated the area wouldn't be able to see them until it was too late, though one of them nodded to the pair as they walked down into the area that Hatuun and his people had been calling home for a long time, even though Spitfire knew that there was no way for them to know long long the Krokul had been stuck in his part of Argus and how long they had called this particular cave system home. One thing Spitfire found as they returned to the campfire was that Hatuun must have been busy making sure his people were safe and sound, even if he still seemed a little wary of them and their allies, especially since Velen was among their allies, though it did look like a number of Krokul were busy making sure all of them were armed or had food, or whatever they were focusing on, but as they approached the heart of this place it was clear that Hatuun was busy and that it would take him a few moments to get everything done, to which they used the nearby beacon and returned to the Vindicaar as well.

Once they returned to the Vindicaar Spitfire glanced around as Rainbow sat down near the navigation console, that way she would be ready for when it was time to head out and continue their war against the Legion, where she found a good number of Draenei were ready for the order to assault the Legion, there happened to be a portal to a beacon that rested on the outskirts of Dalaran, just in case there was something they needed and that something wasn't resting among the fleet of dimensional ships she commanded, and there was an odd forge that looked like two things could be placed into it, which she was sure they would discover the purpose of at a later point, to which she turned towards waiting for Hatuun to send word so they could continue their war against the Legion.

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