• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Stormheim: The Thorignir

"Tell us what needs to be done and we'll take down these Drekirjar, not to mention their demonic allies," Rainbow said, as she wanted the storm drake to know that they were willing to do anything and everything that he asked them to do so they could bring justice to the Fel-corrupted enemies that were currently scattered throughout Stormheim, especially since she and the others could see that there were a number of them scattered around the area that was beyond the wooden bridge that rested between them and the next area they would be exploring.

"First, know who I am: my name is Vethir, and I lead the Thorignir," the storm drake stated, apparently wanting the group to know what his name was before he informed them of what sort of things he needed them to do in their fight against all of the Drekirjar, even if two of them knew that such a thing would involve killing demons and any of the Fel-corrupted vrykul that Skovald had left behind, to do whatever it was that he, or his Legion masters, desired, "Now then, if you wish to aid us in our battle against the Drekirjar and their Fel allies, the first thing I would have you do is hunt down and slay as many of their soldiers as you can, as to thin their ranks for an assault on their city at some point in the future, as they shall know of our fury before this day is over. While you do that I would have the four of you deal with a demonic creature, a commander based on what I overhead earlier, who has captured our mother and seeks to bend her to the God-King's will, to forever prevent anyone from attempting the Trial of Will, and if you free her we will be able to regain our power, enough to aid you in your quest, though I would also ask that you free my brothers and sisters from the Drekirjar as well."

"Kill a demon, free all of the Thorignir, and smash the Drekirjar that are attacking this area, we can do that," Vytheril said, as he wanted to make sure that they got the gist of what Vethir was saying, where the storm drake nodded his head to show that he had understood everything that he had said and that the rest of the group understood it as well, though both Spitfire and Rainbow were interested in seeing what sort of demons had been brought to this area, as they were under the impression that there had to be more than one demon in this area, but after he said that he and the others noticed that the next wooden bridge was smashed as well, to which he sighed for a moment.

Spitfire and Rainbow did the same thing that they did earlier, where one of them carried Scarlet over the bridge while the other side the same thing for Vytheril, though once the four of them were on the other side of the totally wrecked bridge, and understood that if a bridge was breakable then Skovald was likely going to break them to slow them down, they took out their weapons and focused on the peak that the Thorignir called home, as they knew that there were enemies in this area that needed to be taken down and they were ready to engage them accordingly, especially since they wouldn't be any stronger than the ones they had faced outside the Vault earlier. The first order of business was to track down the demon that was keeping the mother of the Thorignir captive and kill it before it could complete its mission, though once that was done they could tackle all of the Felskorn that were scattered around this area and disrupt what they were doing, to which Scarlet and Vytheril patiently waited for a few moments, as they were giving Spitfire and Rainbow a chance to track down the demon they had been told about, even if Vethir didn't give them any information on what sort of demon they would be finding, before the pair glanced at each other and nodded their heads, showing their allies that they had tracked down the demon and knew where they could find it. Once the pair knew where the demon was located, and had a path leading right to their target's destination, they started to walk forward and both Scarlet and Vytheril followed after them, though what was interesting was that it didn't take them long to discover what sort of enemies were lingering in this area as they tried to fulfill Skovald's orders, where they could see a number of Felskorn hunters, which were leather wearing vrykul that had Fel energy lingering around their bodies, and some Felskorn warriors, before they noticed some Jailer demons that were floating around the place, though all of them were accompanied by a small pack of Imps, about three of the small critters based on what the group was seeing right now. In fact one of the Jailers happened to be heading up a path that was to the immediate left of where the group was standing, after leaving the ruined bridge behind to be exact, hence the reason that the group charged at the demon in question, as it happened to be heading up to an area that one of the bound Thorignir was bound in, where Spitfire and Rainbow noticed that it was trapped in one of the Legion's Fel traps, a circular device that was supposed to keep someone or something bound to one area so they could break the will of those that were contained inside it, which made sense due to what Skovald had said earlier.

The Jailer wasn't too happy to see them at all, mostly because of the fact that two of them were demon hunters, and that caused it to lash out at them with the power of the souls that were trapped inside the cage that was resting on its back, all to torment whoever was trapped inside the cage until they broke, even if the pair suspected those sad souls might have been corrupted by the Fel energies, though Spitfire and Rainbow lashed out at the demon with their warglaives, one using her blades to cut through all of the attacks that were coming her way while the other got behind the demon and cut into its back without wasting time, even if she had to avoid damaging the cage it was carrying. It didn't take them long to bring down the Jailer and drop its scarred body to the ground, where they discovered that their allies had moved around them so they could deal with the Felskorn hunter that was guarding the Fel prison that was keeping one of the Thorignir trapped at the moment, though once both of their enemies were taken care of Rainbow tore apart the Jailer's cage and let all of the souls that were trapped inside it out, where she made sure to cut down the more Fel-corrupted ones that flew around her, just to make sure none of the Legion's new tormented allies were revived in the near future, leaving Spitfire to use some of her own power to drain the Fel energy from the trap, breaking it and allowing the storm drake to emerge from it at long last. The Thorignir in question, who was apparently called Hrafsir, thanked them for freeing him from his prison and then declared that the Drekirjar would pay for their crimes, something that the group assumed the rest of the Thorignir would say once they figured out where they were being kept and freed them as well, though before they could really say anything Hrafsir took to the air and flew to a higher point of the peak that the group was currently exploring, no doubt heading to an area that all of the storm drakes usually gathered in, or at least that was what they assumed was going on, to which the four of them turned towards the path that was heading away from the main cave that seemed to have a fair number of enemies guarding it, where Spitfire confirmed that the mother of the Thorignir was inside the nearby cave. Before the four of them headed over to the cave, however, they headed down the path that was to the left of where Hrafsir's prison had been in and spotted a few Felskorn hunters that seemed to be guarding the area in question, meaning the warriors their foe had left behind had to be guarding their demonic ally, or at least that was what Spitfire and Rainbow assumed based on what they had seen in the past, where they found a small stream running through the area and headed down into the ravine that was far below them, giving the storm drakes a small source of water.

What was rather interesting was that all of the enemies that could have been trying to break the next storm drake were all outside the area the cave had been resting in, allowing the group to take care of all their enemies in a matter of seconds before even heading into the small cave, where Spitfire raised her hand and drained the Fel energy from the Fel trap that the Thorignir was trapped in, where they learned that he was called Aleifir and that he would meet them at the summit of this mountain, before he flew outside and seemed to be heading towards the same area that Hrafsir was heading towards, to which they left the cave and headed for the main cave the mother of the Thorignir was resting inside. From there they returned to the area that contained the path that had lead up to where Hrafsir had been imprisoned and found that there was another storm drake off to their left, who was being guarded by a Jailer demon and one of the Felskorn warriors, the latter appearing to be bored of what was going on at the moment, hence the reason that Vytheril blasted the armored foe in the back and drew it over to where he and Scarlet were standing at the moment, allowing Spitfire and Rainbow to lash out at the Jailer demon as it realized that it was under attack, even though the Imps stood no chance as they were quickly cut down as they got in the way of the ensuing battle, though Spitfire was the one that removed the demon's head and let it's body fall to the ground, allowing her to take its soul before it could fly away, just like she had done to the last one they had faced, while Rainbow smashed the cage and made sure to absorb the Fel-corrupted souls before they could leave this area, adding their power to her own, which was when they drained the Fel trap and freed the storm drake, Hridmogir, from its prison, who thanked them and then flew off so he could join the rest of the Thorignir that had been freed. From there the pair joined Scarlet and Vytheril as they engaged the larger group of enemies that were standing between them and the cave entrance that was their next destination, though their enemies included several Felskorn warriors, a few Felskorn hunters, and a Jailer demon that was ready to bring them all down so it could torment their souls, Spitfire and Rainbow's to be exact, but that didn't stop the group from lashing out at the enemies that were in front of them so they could move forward, where Scarlet parried several attacks that were coming her way and cut her foes down, Vytheril stood off to the side so he could strike his targets with a few arcane blasts, and both Spitfire and Rainbow danced around their foes for a few moments before they cut them down, which included breaking down the Jailer demon and taking its soul, and all of its Fel-corrupted souls that were inside its cage, before the area was cleared out.

Once those enemies were taken care of Spitfire walked over to the nearby Fel trap and drained it of its power so the storm drake that was inside it, Erilar, could be freed from his prison and take to the skies as well, joining the other Thorignir that they had freed so far, before they headed over to the cave entrance and found that they weren't the only ones that had been fighting the Felskorn, as Vethir was off to the side and was in the middle of smashing and cutting down a few of the warriors, hence the reason they headed into the cave so they could see what sort of demon was in the middle of trying to corrupt the mother of the Thorignir. There were a few Jailer demons resting between them and the area that a large storm drake was resting in, one that was being chained by a rather powerful Fel trap, even if it was still a minor one since all of the major Fel traps usually required runestones or magical items that acted as keys, according to what each of them had learned over the course of their adventures or lessons, before they spotted a female Eredar that was surrounded by Fel energies and seemed to be focused on the Fel prison the storm drake was trapped in, meaning part of what they had to do was kill the Eredar and then free the mother of the Thorignir. The Jailers were annoyed that the group was even there and they charged at them as soon as they laid eyes on them, allowing Spitfire, Rainbow, Scarlet, and Vytheril to lash out at all of their enemies as the Eredar glanced in their direction for a few moments as she weaved her Fel magic around the Fel trap, confirming that she needed to be defeated first before they could free the large Thorignir, though as the Jailer demons fell both Spitfire and Rainbow make sure to snatch the souls of their enemies so none of them could be reborn and smashed the cages to free the souls within, causing the Eredar to frown as she noticed that all of the Fel-corrupted souls were taken as well, preventing the Legion from gaining any additional allies or information from the souls these demons had been carrying inside their cages. Once all of the Jailers were taken care of the group walked down to where the Eredar and the Fel trap rested, where it was rather easy for them to tell that she wasn't too happy with what she had witnessed, which was fine with the group since they liked to annoy the Legion and the demons that served Sargeras, before she waved a hand so she could move the focus she had been using off to the side for a moment shifted her stance for a moment, as if she was ready for a fight to break out.

"You are all fools if you believe that you can stop the Legion from claiming the Aegis!" the Eredar stated, where she took a few seconds to channel her Fel power and that seemed to ignite her hands with Fel fire as she focused on the four of them, even though her tone revealed that she, much like all of the other demons they had faced over the years, believed that the Legion was practically unstoppable and that, even with their various losses to the forces of Azeroth since they started their attempts to invade this world, they all believed that this invasion would be different and that they would walk away with the win this time around, "Skovald will break the trials that protect the Aegis, invade the Halls of Valor, and will rip the Titan artifact from those that are guarding it, though the four of you shall not interfere with his mission, for I, Azariah, will make sure none of you survive this encounter!"

"Rainbow was right, you guys do love to talk big," Vytheril replied, where he blasted the Eredar in the chest with a blast of Arcane energy and caused her to stagger for a moment, showing that he wasn't holding back and that their foe had better be ready for a fight since none of them were going to allow her to get away with what she was doing, hence the reason the others had their weapons at the ready and were simply waiting for Azariah to make the first move against one of them, as that would be followed by everyone lashing out at her with the appropriate amount of strength and power, before he raised his hand for a moment and beckoned to the Eredar, "not that you have the power to back it up, given what we've seen in the past when the Legion tried to invade our world... which they failed, in case you didn't know that fact."

Azariah growled for a moment as she raised her right hand and loosed Fel fireballs at the group, who separated from each other as they dodged the attack, something that allowed them to notice that she actually went out of her way to avoid the Fel trap that the mother of the Thorignir was trapped inside, meaning she wanted to keep the storm drake in the condition she was in for later, so she could resume tormenting her and eventually break her to the Legion's will, though while both Scarlet dodged the attacks and Vytheril counted with his own Arcane blasts, the latter looking for a weakness to use, some of the attacks were cleaved in half as Spitfire and Rainbow moved around part of the cave that they were in. Part of the reason that the pair did that was because the Fel fire really didn't bother them all that much, either due to their training or the demonic energy they used, though whatever the reason was didn't seem to matter to Azariah all that much, because she growled as she loosed a number of Fel fireballs at them in an attempt to blast them into the walls of the cavern and either wound them enough to make them submit or outright kill them so their souls could be sent to the shattered world the Legion used to torment those they wanted to break, though that was when Spitfire got close to the Eredar and swung one of her warglaives at her chest. The demon barely had a chance to move as the edge of Spitfire's weapon cut into her robe and whatever happened to be holding her chest up, leaving a diagonal slash behind, though that caused the demon to growl in annoyance as she summoned her power and opened small portals in the ceiling of the part of the cavern they were fighting in, loosing a burst of Fel meteors down on her targets so she could smash them all into the ground and take out several of the Legion's enemies in a matter of seconds, though Vytheril used some of his magic to form a dome over him and his friends so none of them took damage, but when that failed Azariah decided to try something else as she took a moment to raise her right hand up to her lips and blew a kiss at Spitfire, who tilted her head as Rainbow slashed open the back of the Eredar's robes, where they discovered that the Eredar's tail was no longer the same as the others of her kind and the blue skinned draenei that had sided with the Alliance, rather it looked thinner and ended in a spade, just like the tails of the Sayaad, or the Succubi as they were more commonly known as among the warlocks and scholars of this world, along with the demon hunters, as that was what Spitfire and Rainbow knew them as.

"I see, you must have taken in a vast amount of Sayaad blood to transform yourself," Spitfire commented, referring to the fact that Azariah was actually part Eredar and, thanks to whatever actions she had done before being called to Azeroth for the third invasion, part Sayaad, even though she was now noticing that their foe's body was more defined than a normal Eredar's was, as it was more the bodies of the various Sayaad she and Rainbow had seen in the past, before Maiev sealed them and the other Illidari in those crystals, her tail was totally different from a normal Eredar's, and Spitfire was sure that her chest was a size or two larger than a normal Eredar's as well.

"That's right. Xazariel, the Queen of Sin, ruler of the Sayaad, has decided to bestow a mighty gift upon me, and once I take all of you down I'll ascend once more," Azariah stated, showing the group that she was happy that someone noticed what was different about her body, even if most demons would have continued attacking Spitfire once she started talking about what she had noticed, before she glanced at her form for a moment as she raised her right hand, almost like she might be imagining the full changes that her body would be experiencing in the near future, though as that happened she glanced at Spitfire for a few seconds, "of course, the powers I have awakened so far are nothing compared to what a true Sayaad, or someone who has fully ascended to that level, can wield, as you easily broke out of my seduction spell, though had we fought in my ascended form, instead of facing each other in this cave, I would have ensnared both of you pitiful demon hunters in my grasp. Lady Xazariel would have rewarded me greatly for delivering two unique demon hunters to her, all so she could break you down and either use her unique brand of torment on you until you snapped and joined the endless armies of the Legion, like all those she's broken over the years, or corrupted you to the point where you forsake all of your morals and become Sayaad as well..."

In was in that moment that Azariah stopped her statement short as Spitfire's warglaive found its way into her heart, which caused her to look down at the area in question with disbelief written all over her face, though instead of giving the demon a chance to understand what was going on, and maybe launch one final attack at the group that was taking her down right now, Spitfire ripped her weapon out of the twisted demon's chest and swung the other one right at her head, which was when she took Azariah's head clean off and let it roll on the ground as it headed away from the Fel trap. Once Spitfire did that, and surprised their friends with how quickly she had taken the demon down, she absorbed Azariah's soul before it could return to whatever world she would have been reborn in, allowing the demon's half-Sayaad body to hit the ground with a dull thud, before she paused for a few seconds as she felt a bit of pressure in her chest and was sure that her chest had grown a little, maybe a size or two based on what she was seeing, though that was something she would worry about later, where Rainbow tilted her head for a moment and decided to remain silent as well, even though Spitfire made sure that the extra weight didn't ruin her movements and found that she was as nimble as ever.

"So, the Sayaad have a Queen... that's interesting and worrisome at the same time," Vytheril commented, to which Scarlet nodded her head, as she knew that a Succubus demon could do some serious damage to a village, city, or even a kingdom if they weren't quickly taken down, though the reason this piece of information was worth what he had said was due to the fact that no one in Azeroth even knew that the Sayaad were organized enough to have someone, not counting Sargeras or his most powerful followers, order them around, while he noticed that Spitfire and Rainbow seemed to be thinking about this information as well, meaning neither of them had known this bit of information as well and that meant the Illidari had to be in the dark about it as well.

"Well, this Xazariel won't be happy that Spitfire took out her latest recruit," Rainbow said, where she walked over to the fel trap their foe had been guarding and raised her hand for a moment, as she used her own powers to drain the energy that was around the container and shattered the structure that had been keeping the mother of the Thorignir pinned to the floor of the cave, who raised her head for a moment as she realized that she was no long being forced against the ground and could raise her head at long last, even though her statement would be something they would talk about later, even if Spitfire would likely send a message back to the rest of the Illidari, so they could hear this information themselves and act on it while the two of them were searching for the Aegis of Aggramar.

"I am FREE!" the mother of the Thorignir roared, where it was easy for the group to determine that she was pleased with what they had done, as her tone suggested that to them and none of them were about to question her at all, before she lowered her head and focused on the group for a few seconds, no doubt making sure that Spitfire and Rainbow weren't allies of the Legion, something many had done and they were okay with since they would have done the same thing until the individuals in question had proved themselves to be allies, before she nodded her head for a moment as she opened her wings, like she was getting ready to leave, which made sense given everything that had happened to her, "You four are truly champions of the Thorignir! Speak to Vethir, as he will take you to the summit, where we may talk in private and plan our next move against the traitorous Drekirjar!"

The group nodded their heads for a moment before heading for the cave's entrance, which was when the large Thorignir took to the air and flew out of the cave, even if she had to land for a few seconds so she could walk outside and then take to the air once more, though as they walked outside Spitfire collected Azariah's body so she could carry it outside, where she would find a good place to dispose of it before they headed to the summit, just so it didn't annoy the rest of the storm drakes that called this place home, but as they walked outside Vethir turned his head towards them, where the look on his face suggested that he was pleased with that the four of them had done.

"I am relieved to hear, not to mention see, that our mother is safe, though I am sure she will wish to thank you herself at some point, since she's heading for the summit," Vethir stated, where his tone revealed that they were correct in believing that he was pleased with them, as he sounded happy that all of the Thorignir were saved from the Legion and that none of Skovald's forces had been left behind to do any lasting damage to the peak they called home, though it also meant that all of the younger storm drakes must have left before the assault happened, as there were no whelplings up here, but they figured that was something that Vethir and the others could focus on later, once they were done teaching their enemies a lesson for betraying the ancient pact that existed between the storm drakes and the Drekirjar, "I am also thankful that all of my siblings have been saved from the Drekirjar, or these Felskorn as I overheard them call themselves, and stopped them from becoming slaves to our enemy's foul masters... also, I witnessed all of your skills in battle, as you took down all of the Felskorn that were attacking our home, and I must say that I am impressed by what you were able to do, though I'm afraid that we're not done with the traitorous vrykul that betrayed our ancient pack."

"We would be honored to help you, and your brood, in getting your revenge on the traitorous Felskorn that attacked your home and tried to bend you to the Legion's will," Vytheril said, though at the same time he readied himself as Scarlet did the same, as they were the only ones that couldn't fly on their own, due to the fact that Spitfire and Rainbow had wings, as he knew that the storm drake was going to take them up to the summit and speak to the mother of the Thorignir, so they could formulate a plan of attack before they headed out to deal with whatever plans Skovald was setting into motion for the third and final trial, plans the four of them would have to dismantle at some point.

"Climb on my back and I will take you to where Thrymjaris, and the rest of our brood, are waiting for us," Vethir replied, to which he shifted his body for a moment and opened the way for some of them to get up onto his back so he could take off and head to the summit, though he was mostly waiting for Vytheril and Scarlet to do that since he noticed the wings that both Spitfire and Rainbow possessed, where the pair in question climbed up onto his back before he took off, heading up towards the summit as the pair of demon hunters followed after him, with Spitfire finding an area to place Azariah's body and head in, so they wouldn't upset the Thorignir, before she rejoined the group.

The flight was short and sweet, given that the summit was rather close to where Vethir had been standing, though as they did that Vethir confirmed their thoughts as he flew through the air, that the former Drekirjar had broken their ancient pact with the Thorignir and that they would soon be suffering the consequences for their actions, and when they reached the summit the group found that the four storm drakes they had saved from the smaller Fel traps were peacefully resting all over the place while the mother of the Thorignir, Thrymjaris according to what they had just learned, was off to the side of where all of the others were resting, no doubt waiting for them to arrive, hence why Vethir landed and let them off so they could walk down to where she was standing.

"As I said a few minutes ago, you four are truly champions of the Thorignir, and your actions during your time here have gained you a powerful ally." Thrymjaris stated, where her tone made it clear that she was quite pleased with them, just like how Vethir was pleased with what they had done since his first encounter with them, though it was in that moment that she chuckled as she thought about something, where the group assumed that she was thinking about Skovald and all of his Fel-corrupted allies, before she focused on them once more, "The God-King, as he prefers to call himself, has reason to fear the four of you, and to show that you have rightfully passed the Trial of Will I would like to give you a gift from the Thorignir, the power of the storm and thunder for your selfless acts, so hold aloft your weapons and prepare yourselves for what's coming next."

The group braced themselves for a moment as Thrymjaris called upon the power of the storm to empower them and their artifact weapons, as in she breathed a burst of her lightning breath on each of them and the power she was bestowing on all of them was absorbed by their weapons, even though part of the power was also absorbed by Spitfire and Rainbow's bodies, just like what happened when they passed the Trial of Might earlier and were blessed by Yotnar, though once the deed was done Thrymjaris pulled her head back and nodded her head for a moment, showing them that she was pleased with her handiwork and allowed them to sheath their weapons.

"You have proven that the Drekirjar, or whatever they call themselves now, are not our allies and have proven that you are more worthy of our strength, yet, if you'll allow me, I would ask for one more favor," Thrymjaris said, where she raised one of her wings for a moment and beckoned for Vethir for a moment, who was currently staring down at Hrydshal and all of the vrykul that called it home, no doubt wishing to rain death upon their former allies and teach them a lesson for going against the ancient pact, before the group focused on the large dragon that was in front of them, "Vethir, despite freeing our home from the traitorous vrykul who turned on us, awaits his vengeance against them and won't settle until he has had a chance to teach them a lesson, so I'd like you to join him in his mission and show our former allies what it means to cross the Thorignir... their toll must be paid in blood."

Spitfire, Rainbow, Scarlet, and Vytheril nodded their heads as they headed back up to where Vethir was resting and two of them climbed onto his back for a moment, where the storm drake took off and descended down into the area that he and all of the other Thorignir had been trapped in, though as he followed the path that lead back down to Hrydshal the group found that an army of Felskorn were marching up to where the storm drakes were resting, where Scarlet and Vytheril let Vethir loose a number of lightning blasts down on the vrykul that were coming towards his home. While they did that both Spitfire and Rainbow flew down into the marching army and targeted the Fel-corrupted enemies that were marching at the moment, mostly because doing that allowed them to absorb the souls of those that were tainted by the Fel energies and prevented their souls from leaving Azeroth, while also depriving the Legion of any useful information that any of the vrykul could have possessed, which was good for everyone except the God-King, though as they cut down those enemies they noticed a few enemies use ropes to try and get onto Vethir's body and kick their friends off his back. Fortunately that was a failure as Scarlet lashed out with her blades and cut apart the ropes and hooks their foes were using right now, which prevented their enemies from getting onto the storm drake's back and allowed Vethir to fire upon the areas that the ropes had come from, wiping out a number of the Drekirjar in the process, though it wasn't long before the rest of the Thorignir, as in those the group had freed and those that must have been calling another part of Stormheim home, flew into the air above Hrydshal and rained lightning down upon the traitors that turned against them, where the group could actually hear some of the vrykul crying out in pain as death came for them, though this did confirm that they had powerful allies for whatever the future had to throw at them, which could be anything given that they were dealing with the Legion, but for right now the group focused on punishing the traitorous vrykul. Vethir even lead the rest of the Thorignir in an assault on every location in the vrykul city, making sure their former allies knew the consequences for betraying the ancient pact, mostly so they didn't try something like this again in the future, before he nodded his head and the rest of the pack left, no doubt heading back to the peak the rest of their kind called home, while he turned and flew over to the camp that both Lorna and Cullen were waiting at, or not since the group could see that neither of them were present, even though Vethir flew a little past it and landed so Scarlet and Vytheril could climb off his back.

Vethir waited for a few moments, just so Spitfire and Rainbow could land nearby and come to a stop as well, though it was clear that the storm drake was overjoyed to get his revenge on the traitorous vrykul that had assaulted his home and tried to corrupt them so they would join the Legion, before he regained himself and focused on the four of them, as he likely had something he wanted to tell them before he let them head off to deal with the final trial that stood between them and gaining entry to the Halls of Valor, where the Aegis was waiting for someone to claim it from its resting place, even though Spitfire was sure there would be a few more tests between them and the artifact.

"You have done well in completing the Trial of Will, and freeing the Thorignir, but your trials are far from over," Vethir said, which pretty much confirmed what everyone was thinking right now, as they knew about the Trial of Valor, thanks to what they learned from the Vault, but anything after that was a total mystery to all four of them, hence the reason the group was keeping quite as they listened to what the storm drake had to say before he flew back to the peak they had freed and rejoined the rest of the Thorignir, though that was when all five of them noticed one of Havi's ravens resting nearby, even if Vethir shifted his head for a moment, "When you have need of me, or the rest of the Thorignir, we shall be ready, though it appears that a messenger is waiting for you, so I won't keep you for the next trial that you must face. May the gale winds carry you towards victory, my friends."

The group nodded their heads and wished Vethir well, even though they were sure that he and the other Thorignir would be spending some time cleaning up the mess the Felskorn had made of their peak before they were able to rest and figure out a plan to destroy the path so their former allies couldn't get to them, which was when Vethir took off and headed back towards him home, to which the group turned towards the raven that was resting nearby and walked over to the rather small fence it was resting on, as it's arrival meant Havi must have something important he wanted to tell them and might have some directions for them to follow.

All four of you are indeed mighty, as the trials have shown. a voice said, which was definitely Havi's and was coming from the raven, meaning they were definitely messengers and speakers for the odd vrykul the group had encountered at the start of their journey through the province of Stormheim, though they remained silent as they waited to hear what else he might have to tell them, even though they could see that Vethir had brought them to an area that rested near a rather long bridge that would bring them closer to the elegant bridge and their final destination, But valor is a different animal, one that is not so easily tamed. If valor is what you seek, then to the bones you must speak! Follow Huginn and he will lead you to me so you can prepare for your next trial.

The group glanced at each other for a moment as the blue colored raven, Huginn, took to the air and started to fly away from where Vethir had dropped them off, apparently heading for the larger wooden bridge that was near them, to which they started to move out of the area and followed after him, figuring that they would have time to discuss what they had seen and learned later, when they weren't looking for one of the Pillars of Creation, hence why they were focused on what Havi might have to tell them before worrying about what the Trial of Valor might entail, even though it would likely involve crushing Skovald's forces in some manner, which they were looking forward to doing as they focused on the path that was in front of them and left Hrydshal behind.

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