• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Argus: Velen's Revenge

As Spitfire waited for the soldiers of either the Army of the Light or the Grand Army of Azeroth to give her news about the situation on Argus, to give her an idea of what was happening to Mac'Aree given that the Legion had arrived while she and Y'mera were looking for the Sigil of Awakening, Velen excused himself as he headed back down to the part of Argus they were currently interested in, no doubt to help the Lightforged who were fighting near the Conservatory, though as he did that she found that someone else wanted to speak with her, back on Azeroth. Of course she was curious as to who might be interested in speaking to her, especially given the fact that most of the world was united against the Legion, to which she returned to the portal that connected the Vindicaar to Dalaran and followed the Kirin Tor mage who had told her about the one who wanted to speak with her, as it looked like they were making their way over to the tower that the Council mostly stayed in when their members were inside the city, even though right now she knew that most of them would be off seeing to the Legion's end. When she arrived she found a two Humans standing to her right, one female with really short white or light gray hair who wore a set of armor that looked like she was a sailor, like a captain or admiral, while the other lady was much larger than the first one, both in waist size and bust size, who wore expensive clothing and seemed to be annoyed by what was going on right now, while to her left she found three Trolls, only they weren't like the Trolls she was used to seeing among her forces. Each of the Trolls were wearing tribal attire of some kind, even though her knowledge of their culture wasn't enough to tell her anything about them save for the fact that the attire was either golden or brass colored, and the first one she laid her eyes on, a male standing tall and proud, looked like a king, while the younger female near him looked like she was dressed up as either a priestess or a princess, and the third one, a male, was hunched a little, like it was due to old age or something, a prophet or seer she guessed.

"Welcome to Dalaran, friends," Spitfire spoke up, disappearing from the entrance of the tower and appeared near the area that Khadgar usually stood in when he and the Council of Dalaran assembled to speak with the heroes of Azeroth, where she did notice that Jaina was standing nearby and seemed focused on the older lady that was now to her left, though all five of them stared at her with a few expressions, some of shock and some of surprise, to which she focused on why they asked to see her, even though she was killing time at this point as she waited for Velen and the others to find the area that the Crest of Knowledge was hidden in, "I was told that you wanted to speak with me."

"Your forces have been invading the lands of Zandalar, and the lands of Kul Tiras, recently, and I, King Rastakhan of the Zandalari Empire, order you to full your troops out before all out war breaks out," the proud Troll, who confirmed that he was a king and that he ruled over an entire empire of individuals, stated, though as he said that Spitfire raised an eyebrow for a moment as she listened to that, but his companions seemed to have different opinions, where she was sure that the female was his daughter based on the annoyed look on her face, like she was embarrassed of him or something, and she could see the older male was focused on something else.

"And I, Katherine Proudmoore and Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, have seen the same thing, so I have come to order you to do the same thing, before you face the might of our fleet," the younger Human lady stated, something that caused Jaina to frown for a moment as she heard that, as it sounded like her mother was annoyed by just seeing her daughter, as Spitfire was able to make that connection with ease, though the powerful mage said nothing as she simply waited for her to speak with the group that was in front of them, where it looked like there was a misunderstanding that she needed to correct, before either group left the city to declare war on them.

"Tell me, have either of your forces seen long dark green ships in the air, or have they been forced to fight demonic beings that teleported into the area they were in?" Spitfire asked, because that was the quickest way for her to get to the heart of why King Rastakhan and Lord Admiral Katherine were here in the first place, because if the Legion had assaulted the lands of Zandalar and Kul Tiras, or the islands that bared those names, it would inform her that her forces had hunted down the demons and tracked them to another part of Azeroth, something that caused the pair to pause for a moment before both of them nodded their heads as they answered her question, to which she smiled, "Then we weren't invading Zandalar or Kul Tiras, rather the soldiers of the Grand Army of Azeroth, those who have been tasked with guarding Azeroth from the Legion's forces, were tracking down some demons that were trying to invade your lands and kill your people, though I am surprised that they actually attacked another part of this world, instead of staying in the Broken Isles... at least it confirms that I made a good choice in having part of the Grand Army stay behind to protect the lands from any demonic attacks, as you'll find that no demons survived the attacks."

As it turned out both Rastakhan and Katherine quickly realized that they had messed up and nearly started a war with the rest of Azeroth, especially when they figured out that the Grand Army consisted of the forces of both the Alliance and the Horde, plus the forces of Outland and those who survived Draenor's destruction, though Spitfire was pleased to find that the two rulers were smart enough to admit their failings, while Rastakhan was annoyed with Zul, the old Zandalari Troll who was a prophet, for screwing up this badly, while Katherine informed her companion, Priscilla, that her scouts needed some additional training to prevent such a thing from happening. At the very least the Zandalari Princess, Talanji, was in a good mood, like she had known this was a waste of time and that she must have known that the forces her father's scouts had seen had been allies and not enemies, and she might have told him that before coming here, meaning Rastakhan might stop listening to his prophet and learn to trust his daughter more, though that wasn't the only thing Spitfire gained from all of this, as both leaders actually acknowledged her authority and asked to join the Grand Army. Such a thing would boost the ever increasing power of the forces that were defending Azeroth from the Legion, even though both forces, the Zandalari Trolls and the Kul Tiran Humans, would have to learn the difference between the demons who sought to end all life on Azeroth and those who had defected to her side, either due to her overwhelming power or their fear of Rainbow's might, or her hunger depending on which demon someone asked, but this would also give them a chance to learn more about two new continents and possibly find more races. One other thing she noted was that Zul, while everyone else was focused on her, seemed to be sick for a moment, meaning he must have seen the future or something, so when both sets were starting to leave she had him stay back for a second and asked him if something was wrong, to which he replied with 'all his plans had been ruined', which meant there was a chance he could have been thinking of overthrowing his king and the presence of the Grand Army, or maybe her and Rainbow, had shattered that future into fragments that he could no longer put together, forging a new future that was different from what he had seen in the past.

The only reason Spitfire let Zul go was because he seemed defeated, his plans in ruin before any of them could make it to the light of day, though with both the forces of Zandalar and Kul Tiras joining the Grand Army, and no one else wanted to speak with her right now, Spitfire bid Jaina and the others farewell for now as she returned to Krasus' Landing and used the portal that connected Dalaran to the Vindicaar, as she was curious as to whether or not any progress had been made in locating the Crest of Knowledge, and once she was back aboard the ship she found Turalyon waiting nearby, almost as if he had been debating using the portal to head back to Azeroth, who snapped to attention once he realized that she had returned to her flagship.

"Lady Spitfire, as you know the Legion started to show up on Mac'Aree while you and Y'mera were looking for the Sigil of Awakening, hence why we deployed a force to counter them," Turalyon spoke up, falling back to a previous role where he had been a soldier and not a general, even though he was used to being the one giving orders to his forces, while at the same time the two of them walked up to the main level of the Vindicaar so both of them could stare out at Mac'Aree for a time, mostly so Spitfire could listen to his report while she considered things, "however, when you claimed the Sigil it was like a beacon or something went off, as the eyes of Antorus are firmly on Mac'Aree, and, based on everything the Army of the Light has seen over the years, its only a matter of time until more demons start showing up to take us down. While you were dealing with some of Azeroth's problems, whatever they might have been, Velen and his Chosen, along with Fareeya and some of the Lightforged, headed into an area called Arinor Gardens, to look for signs of the Crest of Knowledge, but right now they're behind enemy lines... maybe you and Rainbow can go assist them, while Alleria searches the western part of Mac'Aree for anything that might be useful in our war against the Legion."

Spitfire knew that it was only a matter of time until the eyes of Antorus looked up at Mac'Aree and noticed what they were doing up here, though she had been hoping that it would take some time before such a thing happened, though since this was the hand they had been dealt there was nothing she could do but nod her head and make sure Alleria was sent out to scout out the other section of Mac'Aree, since there was something here based on what she was feeling, before she used the navigation console to teleport down to the Conservatory, or the camp that her forces had set up while she was taking on the trials that Archimonde had created for his students and their echoes, where they found Fareeya fighting alongside her forces as they and Rainbow tore down their demonic enemies.

"Legion reinforcements arrived after Velen left and have been trying to stop us from moving forward," Fareeya explained, revealing why she and the others were still near the Conservatory and not in Arinor Gardens, where she gestured over to the area that happened to be their right, heading diagonally away from where the camp was resting, while at the same time Rainbow found a Doommaiden and smashed her foe into the ground, claiming yet another soul for her collection as she feasted on the Fel energy of the demons who had been slain so far, though from what Spitfire could see there was a line of demonic corpses that indicated someone was killing demons, Velen's group no doubt, "Rainbow insisted that we wait for you two to show up, as she had the feeling that something interesting might happen if she moved forward, and as such we have been killing demons since we set up this camp... now that both of you are here, however, I think its time that we move forward and continue to show the Legion that they aren't winning this war."

In that moment Spitfire called for their forces to gather, a mix of those from the Grand Army of Azeroth that were aboard the Vindicaar and the Lightforged Draenei of the Army of the Light, where Fareeya and the others gathered around her as she and Rainbow started their advance towards Arinor Gardens, though at the same time she noticed a Legion ship in the air and suspected that one of the Legion's remaining lords was aboard it, watching everything that happened down in this part of Argus, though it was interesting to see that Rainbow hadn't broken it yet, meaning she was holding back to see if a powerful enemy might come down at some point in the future. Not even a few moments later the demons formed ranks and charged at Spitfire's forces, where she found Drudges, Fel-corrupted Broken who had red skin, Eredar, Vilefiends, and a large amount of tick-like demons called Bilescourges standing in their way, to which she simply nodded as Rainbow took to the field as the first one to draw blood, as she smashed a pair of Eredar into the ground, before the rest of her force did the same thing and charged into the demons that were in front of them. With all of her soldiers around her Spitfire didn't have to worry about actually fighting anyone, though she did end up on the left side of the area that the Grand Army was currently fighting their way through the beginning area of Arinor Gardens, which appeared to be a housing area that Velen might have lived in before he was forced to flee from his world, and if that was the case it was possible that he might have gone to his old house to push aside or awaken some old memories so they didn't distract him later on, and based on what she could see it looked like this place would bring them to one of the areas outside the main temple that they might end up exploring at some point before the assault on Antorus. Of course Rainbow was cutting her way through the demons in front of her, dropping bodies to the ground as her weapons devoured their souls and she ate up the Fel energy that had been inside her foes, which happened to be to the dismay of the demons who stood at the back of the demon lord's army, observing what was going on at the moment, and Spitfire could see that four Doommaidens, three looking like they were overseers and a fourth one seemed a tad bit taller than her comrades, who looked like they were devastated by the lack of progress the Legion was making in regards to tearing down the forces of Azeroth.

As the next line of demons collapsed under the power of the Grand Army of Azeroth, and Rainbow devoured their power for herself as she sealed their souls inside her Warblades, Spitfire found that the Doommaidens came to a decision as to what they needed to do next, where they flew through the air and landed in front of her, causing Turalyon and a couple of soldiers from the Army of the Light to pause for a moment, before the demons knelt before her and, just like many of the demons who chose to be smart in the face of suffering such a terrible fate, submitted to Spitfire's authority and chose to betray the Legion, offering her their names as well, as in Y'Beda, Y'Morna, Y'Sona, and Lah'zaruun, the first three being the smaller ones and the fourth being the taller of the group.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Turalyon asked, speaking after the Doommaidens joined their army, something he was surprised by since he wasn't used to seeing demons willingly betray Sargeras and the Legion, and made sure that the female demons were doing something else, as in heading into a deeper part of Arinor Gardens to tear down the Legion, though Spitfire knew that his statement was due to him knowing that the demons could betray them at any moment and return to the Dark Titan's side, after taking their heads and delivering their souls to their master.

"The Legions has been given a healthy dose of fear since Rainbow started to feast on their Fel energy, and many demons, the smart ones anyway, have decided to save themselves while the arrogant ones faced their final death," Spitfire replied, where she found that many of the soldiers were surprised by what was going on and a number of the Lightforged Draenei, who were used to doing battle with these sorts of enemies, were shocked by the fact that such a thing was truly possible, that some demons were smart enough to defect from the Legion and join forces with the very army of the planet they had been targeting for some time, showing Turalyon and his forces just how dangerous she and Rainbow truly were, even if all of them were starting to understand why demons feared them, "you'll be surprised by how many have defected so far, all in an effort to either save themselves from the demons that have oppressed them or to save themselves from such a fate, and how all of them have actually fought against their former allies, so any demons who defect to our side will be allies for the future and will help us bring down the Legion."

Turalyon paused for a moment as he heard that information, as he was used to fighting demons and it was hard for him to imagine all sorts of demons defecting from the Legion to join Spitfire's forces, yet there was evidence of such a thing going on as he glanced at the Doommaidens who had just betrayed Sargeras, once more demonstrating just how terrifying she and Rainbow were, though as he considered everything that this meant their force started to push the demons passed yet another old house that had been abandoned, where Velen and his Chosen, and those who followed him, stepped out and rejoined Spitfire's forces.

"I apologize for stopping at my former house, to relive a few memories before completing our mission, but I have learned something that would normally trouble me," Velen commented, though his eyes lingered on the terrace of the upper part of this section of Mac'Aree, meaning that he must have figured out where in the world Kil'jaeden might have hidden the Crest of Knowledge, or at least where a clue to where it might be resting could be found, before he glanced at Spitfire and Turalyon for a few seconds, "I've determined that Talgath is here, and it seems that he might have guessed at our purpose behind visiting Mac'Aree, so we're in a race to claim the Crest of Knowledge."

"Then we'll crush him, like we're doing to his forces," Rainbow remarked, as she returned to where Spitfire was standing as soon as she noticed that Velen had rejoined them, even though their force continued to march into the depths of Arinor Gardens and kept pushing the demons back, regardless of everything that the Legion tried to do to make sure they didn't succeed in their mission, before she recalled something she had seen while she was fighting and killing her enemies, even if it ended with her feasting on more Fel energy and sending the demonic souls into her weapons, "there are a few portals ahead of us, which the Legion are using to send reinforcements to aid Talgath's already dwindling forces, though it looks like he's already sent down most of the demons that were aboard his ship, as he's the only one left aboard it, and I'd guess he's probably fuming since we caused his lieutenants, the Doommaidens, to betray him and the Legion."

Spitfire nodded her head as she watched demons pour out of the portals that Talgath had his forces set up in this section of Mac'Aree, allowing the Legion to wage war on them, though as she watched all of the soldiers fight the demons she did see Talgath's ship move further into Mac'Aree, allowing him to be positioned near where Velen wanted to go, to a terrace of some kind near the main temple, though Rainbow continued to do what she usually did and sent out a Fel orb to start the process of siphoning the energy from their enemies and the portals that were in this area. Demons collapsed over the next couple of minutes, falling under the weight of the power that was arrayed against them since Rainbow was picking and choosing who she fought and who she ignored, though for now she focused on making sure to avoid siphoning any of the power that was in Talgath's ship, mostly that would be the last thing she did while they were in this area of Mac'Aree, as she was planning on sending the large vessel down to Argus' surface and make it crash, to show the Legion just how screwed they were. Once more Spitfire stayed out of the way as she watched her forces smash their way through the army of enemies that stood in their way, something that was likely making Talgath annoyed with his inability to kill them, due to the healers mending the wounds of those who were wounded within a matter of seconds of them being wounded by the demons that happened to be in front of them, though for the most part the demons were falling before the might of her forces, not to mention falling to the Doommaidens who defected to her side. It was amazing to witness what happened as the demons of the Legion realized that their own allies were betraying them, as this had to be the first time this had been done to Sargeras' forces, where the Eredar appeared to be frozen in shock as the Doommaidens tore down the foes who dared to challenge them to a fight, though some did realize just how screwed Talgath was, which also included all of them if they continued to stand with the Legion, to which some of them actually betrayed their own allies, right before Spitfire's eyes, and pushed the other demons backwards as the Grand Army surged around where they were standing, before they also bent the knee and pledged themselves to Spitfire's service.

Turalyon had to resist the urge to let his jaw drop as he witnessed that, demons betraying their own allies and joining the forces of Azeroth, it was unheard of, not unless they were planning on turning the tables on those they wanted to deceive with their foul tricks, but what surprised him as he witnessed this was that none of their new demonic allies seemed like they wanted to do such a thing, as if Spitfire and Rainbow eluded a power far beyond what he knew about and it told those who could feel it that betraying either of them was a bad idea, as none of the Doommaidens dared to attack the soldiers of the Army of the Light and actually worked with the Lightforged to break the portals when Rainbow was ready to cut them off from the rest of Argus.

"Turalyon, you aren't the only one surprised by this turn of events... we were all surprised when the first demons betrayed the Legion and joined Spitfire," Velen commented, as he knew what the High Exarch was thinking as he watched demons do the unthinkable, betray the Dark Titan while not undergoing a transformation through another Cosmic Force, like what had happened to Lothraxion, a Dreadlord turned by the Light, and while he would have shared Turalyon's concern on this matter, that they might betray them at some point in time, he knew that none of the demons who joined them wanted to do such a thing, as if all of them knew that to betray Spitfire was to forfeit their life and Fel energy to Rainbow, to be eaten like they were simply food, in a sense, "but these won't be the last demons to betray the Legion, rather I'm sure that, as we get further along in our campaign to destroy Antorus, more groups will come seeking to join us and secure a future once the Legion has been defeated... I know it is odd to fight alongside demons, but you must get used to it, because there is no reversing what Spitfire and Rainbow have done to reality."

As Velen said that Turalyon glanced over to where the Grand Commander was standing, who wasn't even fighting anything and yet her mere presence in this place was causing some demons to actually back off and reconsider what in the world they were doing, as if knowing that challenging her was a death sentence, while Rainbow slashed her way through her foes and closed more of the portals Talgath's forces had set up to stop the Grand Army in their tracks, the Fel energy of those she killed gathering above them in the orb she created, something that Talgath even fired at and failed to destroy since it just ate his ship's attack. It wasn't long before the four Doommaidens rejoined them and bowed their heads a little as they let Spitfire walk by them, showing him that she was definitely the dominate figure in this part of Mac'Aree and that no sane demon dared to stand against her, as those who had a death wish were slain without her even moving her arms or calling her weapons to her side, like she was moving at a faster speed than they happened to be and she had made sure to slow down so the watchers could see some of her movements. She and Rainbow were beings that he wouldn't want to face at all, as he was sure that to face them would result in his death, while at the same time their existence was causing all sorts of changes in the Legion, something that was totally strange given his vast experience in fighting the demons who did the Dark Titan's bidding, and it wasn't long before Talgath's forces were decimated and the Eredar Lord was still alive, as in he hadn't come down to face them yet, as if he was debating what to do after seeing what sort of power he happened to be facing right now. Thanks to their forces Spitfire, Velen, and Turalyon were able to reach the start of the stairs that lead up to the terrace Velen was interested in exploring while they searched for the Crest of Knowledge, where Spitfire made sure that most of their soldiers stayed behind to guard this area from any reopened portals, though if Talgath showed up she knew it would be near Velen, and, of course, Rainbow joined her as she and her companions walked up the path Velen was following at the moment, eventually bringing them to an area that had a number of statues and three large stone statues that were similar to the formation she had seen back in the Conservatory, only with a bit of distance between them based on what she could see.

The interesting thing was that Spitfire could see that the three statues were of the Triumvirate, as in Velen, Kil'jaeden, and Archimonde, where she could see that the right statue looked like it might be of Archimonde, the left had to resemble the old form of Kil'jaeden, and the central statue, whose head was resting on the ground like it had been decapitated, had to be Velen, though in that moment they found an echo of Kil'jaeden and who she assumed was pre-demon Talgath speaking about something, causing the group to pause for a moment.

Worthless... without Velen's Eye, the rest of the Crown is powerless. the echo of Kil'jaeden stated, to which he lowered the gleaming gemstone that was the Crest of Knowledge and allowed it to be claimed by Talgath, who simply stood there for a time as the two finished whatever conversation they had been talking about when this echo was made, where he turned his head towards the main temple that was near their location and seemed to frown for a moment, as if recalling what was inside it or something, This relic's time has passed... so throw it into the Temple with the Naaru, where they can rot for all of eternity and be forgotten!

"So, Kil'jaeden stored it inside the Seat of the Triumvirate... a place filled with darkness," Velen commented, referring to the dark presence that Spitfire had been feeling since they came to Mac'Aree, though since it looked like there was a large rock wall nearby they would have to head over to the leftmost side of this part of Argus to continue their search, before he took a moment to weave his magic over the area and summoned an illusion of what must have driven him to flee Argus, mostly to share it with his allies before they departed from the terrace and returned to the Vindicaar.

Spitfire watched as echoes of a younger Velen, accompanied by pre-demon Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, appeared nearby, in the area just behind them and caused her group to turn around, where they found a transparent of a radiant being who shined with a glorious light speaking to the ancient Triumvirate, the disguise that Sargeras used to trick the Eredar Lords, or at least two of them and most of their people, into his service and be twisted into demonic beings who would burn all sorts of worlds in the Dark Titan's name. Interestingly enough Sargeras told them that, with their aid, that they would take down the hungering Void that sought to consume everything in the universe, his reason behind destroying everything in the universe to deprive the great and terrible Void Lords of the power that they were after, and once the figure vanished it was followed by the fallen members of the Triumvirate discussing the bargain he was offering them, even though she did know that Velen had been hoping that Archimonde and Kil'jaeden would sense the darkness that lingered in Sargeras' foul words and turn down the same path he took.

"There you are." a dark voice stated, to which the vision shattered before their eyes as Velen heard a voice that he instantly recognized, where they stared across the flat surface of the terrace and found a new Fel portal opening before their eyes, to which an Eredar, decked out in dark armor that radiated Fel energy and had skulls impaled on several spikes that were attached to the shoulder pads, though based on how Turalyon reacted, by drawing his weapon and growling, that let both Spitfire and Rainbow know that Talgath had finally come down to face them, though this time around Velen, fueled by his own desire for revenge and the knowledge that he was safe with Spitfire and Rainbow standing nearby, stood up and took a moment to turn and face his former friend, "What's this? The Prophet, who usually runs away and refuses to fight back, is actually going to stand and face me at long last? It is a welcome change..."

"Talgath... normally, I would try to persuade you to abandon your quest, but this time I think we should skip that and bring an end to this game," Velen simply stated, where he took a step forward and tapped his staff on the ground as he focused on Talgath, even though Spitfire could tell that the Prophet had to be resisting the urge to rush forward and lash out at the demon that was in front of them right now, knowing that a single mistake could bring him down, something they wanted to avoid at all costs, though in that moment Rainbow tilted her head as a rush of Fel energy rushed through this area and gathered around their foe, causing a Fel barrier to form around Talgath.

"Sorry, Prophet, you won't be doing anything to me today... and I have more allies than what you've killed so far!" Talgath exclaimed, where his words seemed to indicate that his barrier was one of the unbreakable types and that nothing could be done to him while it was up, though in the following moments a dimensional ship, which had a crimson shade that did remind Spitfire of Xazariel for some odd reason, appeared in the air above Talgath's vessel and, in a surprising twist that caught the Eredar by surprise, it fired several bursts of Fel energy that slammed into his ship and sent it over to the edge of Mac'Aree, even though Rainbow made sure to take all of the power inside the Eredar's ship before it disappeared, which was when a number of Sayaad, with Nixa standing at the head of them, teleported down to where they were standing and caused Talgath to growl, "Stupid succubi, you fired at the wrong ship, as you should have targeted the Vindicaar while our enemies are down here! Once Velen is defeated, and is ready to be taken to Antorus, I'm going to make sure all of you are punished for your actions this day."

"Sorry, Talgath, but we aren't afraid of you," Nixa replied, referring to the fact that she knew about the fact that Spitfire and Rainbow were two of the most dangerous beings for a demon to face, which happened to be the reason she betrayed the Legion and joined Spitfire's forces, though in that moment the Sayaad moved over to where Spitfire's group was standing at the moment, gathering behind her while she and another Succubus, who seemed more like a princess of her clan based on her chest being a bit larger than the rest of the Sayaad, which Spitfire felt was around half of what Xazariel had before she fought her and the heroes of Azeroth, "While our forces on Azeroth fought the invaders, much to the surprise of the demons who encountered us, I reached out to Paradisia, the world our previous Queen ruled over until her death, and I told them that my force had joined Spitfire's forces, something that caused the Sayaad, as in all of us, to forsake the Legion and join up with the Grand Army of Azeroth. We made sure to grab Lust's Advance... don't judge me, as it was renamed by Xazariel, after she conquered those who had been in charge of the ship all those years ago and twisted them into demons, most of the females becoming Sayaad while the others were turned into other types of demons... and returned to Azeroth so we could join the fight on Argus, to aid our new Queen in dismantling the Legion and breaking the Dark Titan's plans for the rest of the universe."

"You should be seeking the death of your new 'Queen', as she killed your previous one in combat," Talgath stated, showing them that he was annoyed with all of the Sayaad who had come to Argus, that they would betray the Legion after Xazariel had been slain and join their enemies, just like the demons who had chosen to turn against him earlier, who would either be punished for this or be outright slain once Sargeras pulled their souls into Antorus, since he was planning on killing all of his enemies before capturing Velen, before he found that his barrier wavered for a few seconds and paused as such a thing happened, "What's going on?"

"While you were talking, and listening to our allies, I took most of your Fel energy," Rainbow stated, where she held a hand up and revealed the Fel orb that she had been gathering the stolen power in since they came to this place, while the rest of Talgath's barrier collapsed and made him vulnerable once more, something that caused her to smile as the Eredar backed up a little bit as he realized that he made a mistake in challenging them, though after doing that she devoured the orb and added all of that power to her body, "so no barrier for you... not that it matters, given what's coming next."

In that moment, as Talgath opened his mouth to say something, Velen summoned his power and chained the Eredar with the power of the Light not a few seconds later, locking him in place without giving him the change to do anything, which caused him to growl as he started to think of ways to break out of this hold, something that caused Velen to take a second to contact the Vindicaar and call upon the power of Light's Judgement, blasting Talgath with the full power of the flagship and incinerating him with the power of the Light, leaving behind a charred corpse that scattered into nothingness, all while Rainbow made sure to snatch his soul and send him screaming into her Warblades. In that moment, with Talgath slain and his soul imprisoned inside Rainbow's weapons, Velen sighed and had Romuul deploy another beacon down to where they were standing, even though he positioned it nearby and out of the way in case they needed to come back here at some point in the near future, even though they had gotten what they came for and it was information on where the Crest had to be resting, as they knew it was somewhere inside the Seat of the Triumvirate and it would take some time to discover where it was resting inside it. With that information in hand Spitfire turned to face the Sayaad of Paradisia, as they called the planet that Xazariel had ruled over before her death, where Nixa and her forces knelt before her, which was strange to her and her allies because she now had an army of succubi, at least a hundred in front of her and probably hundreds or so back on Paradisia, to add to the ever growing force that was the Grand Army of Azeroth, before she found that the last of the Sayaad, the princess called Sysira, which she knew from both a fragment of Xazariel's memories and from Nixa telling her the same thing at the same time, being the only one standing, who quickly kissed Spitfire's palm, acknowledged her as the Queen of the Sayaad, and fell in line as well, kneeling towards her like the rest of her kind. Normally one would be surprised by such a thing, having an entire race and their heir to the throne calling her their Queen, though Spitfire had a feeling that it was due to her absorbing Xazariel's essence some time ago, back in the Nighthold, so to the Sayaad she likely radiated a commanding aura that reminded them of their former leader and caused them to fall into line as well, to which she sighed and welcomed the army of female demons into her ranks, which would include the rest of Paradisia as soon as they heard the news.

With that done Nixa and Sysira joined her as Spitfire and her group returned to the Vindicaar, leaving the Sayaad to head back to their own dimensional ship and descend into the ranks of the fleet that was fighting near Krokuun and Antoran Wastes, even though she was sure that one of their leaders would join them at some point, before turning her attention to the rest of Mac'Aree while they waited for someone to come to them with news about what was happening or what they might have discovered, as Spitfire was sure that she and Rainbow would be moving out again in the very near future.

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