• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,166 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Shore: A New Assault

Spitfire stood at the edge of Krasus' Landing and watched the space around the Tomb of Sargeras for a time, mostly to be sure that Kil'jaeden didn't call upon more ships to come and attack Dalaran, though while she did that Rainbow and the forces of Azeroth prepared themselves for the second assault on the Broken Shore, one that everyone knew would likely succeed this time around since it was her plan that they were using and the fact that they had more allies than when they started fighting the Legion this time around, though it wasn't long before Khadgar and everyone else gathered behind her, waiting for her to give the command.

"Forces of Azeroth, the time has come for us to drive the Legion back," Spitfire stated, where she turned for a moment and found that everyone that had assembled in Dalaran, after Jace's toys detected Kil'jaeden on the Broken Shore and they told all of them the news, had their weapons at the ready and were simply waiting for her to tell all of them what they wanted to hear, especially since Rainbow was standing still, despite the excitement that had to be coursing through her body as she thought about taking the fight to the Legion, for real this time, to which she braced herself as she raised right right hand for a second and beckoned towards the corrupted isle, "Go, show Kil'jaeden and his forces that Azeroth will not bend to their demands, that we will never surrender to them, and that they have no place in this world... purge them from the ruins that are near the coast and claim Deliverance Point for our forces, so that we might seal the Felstorm and prevent Sargeras from reaching our home! For Azeroth!"

In that moment the heroes, soldiers, and leaders of Azeroth repeated her rallying cry, as they agreed with her statement, even Yrel and Grommash's forces felt the same way and they were newcomers, before Rainbow rushed towards the open section of the wall that Spitfire was standing on and opened her wings as she took to the skies at long last, where one of the Kirin Tor flew behind her on a raven that was made from Arcane energy, directing her down towards the coast Spitfire had mentioned, though as that happened Kil'jaeden, as Spitfire predicted, had a number of Legion ships, about three this time and only one was close to Dalaran, to attack the city. Of course Rainbow knew that such a thing was useless and that the demons were wasting time, as the Fel barrier that Spitfire had used earlier sprung up as the demons attacked the city and she added all of that Fel energy to her ever growing reserves, making her even stronger whenever a ship lashed out at Dalaran, though instead of worrying about that she focused on the coast that was down below her, though as she did that another Legion ship warped into the air above the Broken Shore, joining the assault, while she felt a powerful Fel energy signature aboard one of the ships, a Dreadlord based on what she was feeling. She wasn't sure which ship the demon was on, given that there were many powerful demons and some of them were pouring their immense powers into their ships so they could blast Dalaran out of the sky, as it was clear that Kil'jaeden wanted to overpower Spitfire and shatter the Fel barrier she was using to protect everyone else that was inside the city, even though that would only further empower her and push her to new heights, making Rainbow wonder if Spitfire would be as powerful as both Archimonde and Kil'jaeden by the time they sealed the Tomb of Sargeras and the Felstorm, which would mean she could take both of their souls and power for herself. Such a thing would have to wait for later, as right now her focus had to be on the Broken Shore and all of the demons that were waiting for her and their allies, to which she landed on the coast that happened to be the first point of attack and found that there were no guards around the area that her clawed feet touched, though not even a few seconds later a number of Infernals slammed into the ground while Eredar summoned Overfiends, Felguards, Felbats, and a couple of Wrathguards, where the demons turned and faced her direction.

Not a second later some portals behind her opened as the task force that was assigned to her moved from the section of Dalaran they had been waiting in and joined her, where she felt the presence of another powerful demons, an Eredar, who happened to be near the ruins that Spitfire wanted them to take over, though once everyone was accounted for, and all of their portals had closed so none of the demons could sneak into the city and bypass Spitfire's barrier, Rainbow wasted no time in moving forward as she pulled her Warblades out of her horns and rushed through the air, spinning around as she lashed out at her targets and landed a few seconds later. What happened was that she cut down the Infernals and drew in all of their souls, before the rest of the demons even had a chance to understand what had happened, though as soon as that happened her forces, made up of at least ten of the races who called Azeroth home, and included those from the now destroyed Draenor, surged forward as the melee soldiers smashed into the demons, the ranged fired at them from afar to keep themselves safe from harm, and all of the healers made sure to mend any wounds that happened to grace the rest of their allies, while the couple of Illidari who joined them either contained the souls of the demons that were slain or just redirected them to Rainbow as she moved forward. Such a thing was designed to allow her to capture the souls and, more importantly, add their Fel energy to her growing pool of power, something that was less than Spitfire's thanks to Kil'jaeden attacking Dalaran with his ships in a vain attempt to bring her barrier down, though she dodged and avoided the attacks that were coming her way while cutting down the demons that dared to get in her face, something that lead to her forces leaving many demonic corpses in their wake, which she knew the Illidari would tend to so the Legion couldn't use them in the future, before she spun around and raked her clawed feet over the chest of an Eredar that tried to approach her from behind, cutting several scratches into the demon's robe and skin, before tearing her heart out and tossing it to one of the Illidari that were nearby, as it could likely be used at some point in the future, and as she moved forward another soul was added to her collection as she absorbed the power the demon had possessed.

Rainbow had to admit something as she watched her forces move across the beach of the Broken Shore, she expected a lot more from Kil'jaeden, given everything he had done to this planet since Sargeras set his sights on it all those years ago, and during the initial assault Khadgar and a group of Kirin Tor stepped out of another portal he had opened, joining the task force and tearing down any demons who attempted to flee from the area, making sure to get every demon that was in the area as they made their way towards the hill that would eventually bring all of them up to the ruins Spitfire wanted them to claim for the forces of Azeroth. She also had to hold back a laugh that was building as she watched some of the demons trying to flee from this area of the Broken Shore, as if they realized the folly of their actions or something, due to the fact that the demons usually never ran from those they were supposed to bring down, meaning they might be scared of her and Spitfire, though none of the demons got too far as her task force slaughtered them and scattered their bodies all over the coast she had landed on, which allowed the Illidari to continue gathering components from them and marking the bodies for the rest of their forces to collect, once Deliverance Point had been claimed. Another thing that was nice to see was that both the Mag'har and the draenei of Draenor were no strangers to combat, as their warriors smashed into the sides of the demons who were in front of them, while the ranged dealt some incredible damage with their spells and arrows, and the healers made sure everyone was healthy enough to continue their battles, even though many did know when it was time to back off for a few moment and regain themselves before marching back into the fight, which would no doubt please Spitfire when she heard the report of this assault. She even noticed that the Felbats didn't help the Eredar in their attempts to flee from this area, as many were either blasted out of the air or sniped by one of the ranged heroes that were nearby, but the remainder found themselves falling back towards where the task force was fighting as Rainbow took a moment to flash through the air and cut off one of the wings of her targets, and one Eredar that was unlucky to fall off the back of its mount meant his end before he slammed into the ground, as she cut him apart before he had a chance to hit the ground.

"The Legion thought they were ready for our assault, but they have never seen the forces of Azeroth united in such a way, or to this extent," Khadgar commented, where he and his Kirin Tor made sure to blast several of the remaining demons a few seconds later and made sure they were stunned for a time, allowing Rainbow or someone else to cut them down after they did that, though he could see that most of the Illidari that were present happened to be sending the majority of the demonic souls to Rainbow, allowing her to absorb every drop of power and boost herself to higher levels as she sent each soul screaming into her weapons, before he refocused on their mission, "I think its time that we took down the Eredar that is guarding the path to Deliverance Point and take him down, as his power would be a great addition to your growing pool and, at the same time, it would open the way for our forces to fulfill Spitfire's wishes."

Rainbow nodded as she, Khadgar, and the rest of her task force marched up the winding path that lead up to an area that was in the area below Deliverance Point, as it was literally down the road from where the ruins in question were located, and there were a few demons standing in their way, a single Felguard, a couple of Eredar, and an Overfiend, who fell not a few seconds after clashing with the might of Azeroth's combined forces, before reaching an area that a large red skinned Eredar, about half as tall as Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were, happened to be guarding, and he seemed to be carrying two large swords in each of his hands.

"You think that a few mortals, with some gaudy weapons, are enough to bring the mighty Legion and I, Lord Kalgorath, to our knees?!" the Eredar demanded, where he turned and faced the area that Rainbow and her task force was standing in at the moment, even though Rainbow held a hand up to make sure her forces stood back as she stepped forward, as this seemed more like a one-on-one fight between them, but at the very least the demon was nice enough to tell her what his name was, not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things since she was going to break him, something that caused the demon to growl when he noticed she wasn't backing down at all, "Very well, Rainbow Dash, I will fight you to the death and cut your down, as you are doomed to fail and your forces will pay for your arrogance!"

"Sorry, but you don't scare me," Rainbow remarked, though instead of saying anything else she rushed towards the foul demon that was in front of her and closed the distance in a matter of seconds, not that any of her forces were surprised by since they were used to seeing or hearing about her speed, and swung her Warblades at the Eredar, where Kalgorath replicated the motion and brought both of his weapons down on the area she was standing in, causing their weapons to clash for a moment as the air shook a little, showing Rainbow that her foe had a decent level of power inside his body, even if it was nowhere near the level that had been inside Gul'dan's frail body, especially when he empowered him body during their fight.

What was interesting was that Kalgorath had a few tricks up his sleeves, like when he used some shadowy power to call on a sphere of darkness in an attempt to damage Rainbow, who just swung a Warblade at it and smashed the attack apart in no time, something that displayed her power for all of the task force to see, and he even called down a rain of what looked like shadowy blades, which seemed designed to hit all over the area they were fighting in as he channeled the attack, to which Rainbow just flashed around the decent sized area, avoiding the fountain that was here, as she completely avoided her foe's attacks and then removed his head not even a few seconds later, allowing her to take his soul and power like all of the other demons she had slain so far.

"It would appear that he was the arrogant one, and paid for it with his life," a new voice said, to which Rainbow took a few seconds to glance back at the path she and her task force had used to get to this point, where she found Maiev and some of her Wardens, Velen and a few additional draenei, and Illidan walking out of some new portals, something that told her that they were moving onto the next stage of Spitfire's plan, since their forces were reinforcements for her task force, as odd as it seemed to her, but she wasn't about to argue with Spitfire or question her plans, not after everything that's happened since the two of them were freed from the Vault, "We also bring news, as there just so happens to be a Dread Commander, a Doomguard known as Arganoth, to the northeast of our position and it looks like he's opening portals to call on reinforcements... I know you understand what needs to be done."

Rainbow said nothing to that as she nodded her head, as Arganoth needed to die before his reinforcements overran her task force, which would have been a little bit interesting since her forces knew when to fight and when to retreat, but, the nice thing was that Maiev had learned that she and Spitfire had the best interests of Azeroth in mind and didn't seem too concerned about working with them now, even though it was possible that she and Illidan might bicker with each other every now and then, before she turned her focus to the rest of the assault. In that moment she took off and followed the path that her allies would be taking, temporarily bypassing Deliverance Point as she headed down a rocky road that went back down to the beach she had landed on, meaning taking out Kalgorath was more important than claiming the ruins at the start of the assault, before she noticed the path had a second road that went towards the heart of the Broken Shore, as in the center and not where the Tomb of Sargeras rested, and it was down that second path that her targets happened to be resting in. As such Rainbow lead the charge as her forces followed after her, smashing into the front of the demons who served under Arganoth, which involved heading down into a more Fel-corrupted section of this isle, a massive staging ground that Khadgar called the 'Black City', where they found Eredar, Felstalkers, Felguards, Wrathguards, Mo'arg Brutes, Imps, Infernals, Overfiends, plus a couple of wolves that were totally skeletal and empowered by Fel energy and some Fel elementals, meaning the Dread Commander had quite the force protecting his domain, but while one would expect him and his demons to have an advantage in this fight Rainbow proved him wrong. What happened was that the next part of their forces marched out of some portals that opened behind her as she and her task force smashed into Arganoth's foul army, enough heroes and soldiers to level the field between the two forces, though she could almost hear the demon take a moment to gasp as his forces were pushed backwards within a few seconds of the battle starting, all while Rainbow just flashed through the air and focused on clearing up the air as she knocked Felbats down, killed their riders, and even took a few Fel beams that were fired down at her forces, cancelling the attacks that the ships sent down at her allies, while also granting herself a bit more power in the process and caused all of the ships to stop firing at the ground.

Honestly, she was still surprised by the fact that the Legion was more interested in bringing Dalaran down than focusing all of their attention down on her forces, making her wonder if they really wanted to beat Spitfire first and then worry about her forces, but if that was the way the Legion wanted to play right now she was going to make sure they paid the price for underestimating her and everyone else who called Azeroth home, hence the reason that she switched targets and cut into the side of an Eredar who tried to blast some of her forces, allowing her to cut him down with ease and capture his soul a few seconds later as she focused on another demon.

While they faced their enemies Rainbow found that many of her forces that were injured either escaped on their own, or an ally rushed over to where they were fighting and pushed their enemies out of the way as they intercepted what could be a killing blow, though both actions allowed them to receive some healing from Velen and the healers who had come to the Broken Shore to take down the Legion, and so far it looked like no one had died yet, which was a surprise all by itself, something that seemed to be a rallying point for the forces of Azeroth as they smashed the demons into the ground and killed them, allowing the Illidari to collect the souls as they moved forward. In addition to that Rainbow found that a good number of portals scattered around the Fel-corrupted area that was known as the Black City, which had a number of large Fel structures, the corrupting type, scattered around the place, to which she flashed over to one of them and swung one of her Warblades at the portal, allowing her Fel energy to cancel the Fel energy powering the portal and close it, even though she took that power for herself as she forced it closed and killed both of the Eredar that had been trying to keep it open so their forces could pour out into the Black City. The Illidari noticed what she was doing with ease and focused some of their attention on closing the remaining portals that were scattered around the Black City, of which there were four and made Rainbow's the fifth, though since most of them didn't have her power to absorb all that Fel energy they contained most of the power inside Fel crystals and made sure to channel the souls over to Rainbow, allowing her to imprison them inside her weapons and add their Fel power to her growing pool of energy, and even Illidan smashed a portal with ease, though he smiled as he and Maiev, former enemies at one point in time, hunted down several demons and killed them as some of them tried to run. Rainbow found that to be highly amusing, as at one point in time Maiev and her Wardens hated Illidan and the Illidari, choosing to believe that they were secret allies of the Legion and that they were likely weeding out most of the weak demons who served Sargeras, to empower themselves or something like that, but now, after she and Spitfire had some words with their leader and shown them the truth of the Illidari, Maiev had come to realize something important, she had made a horrible mistake by imprisoning her, Spitfire, and the rest of the Illidari, but the Wardens were making up for their blunder by hunting down the Legion, with the Illidari fighting at their side.

Eventually every demon that resided inside the Black City was resting on the ground, dead and soulless since Rainbow and the others made sure to claim their souls, to add them to her collection, and that included an Imp Mother who had been in a large Fel pool near the edge of the corrupted area, before Rainbow had everyone back up as a surge of Fel energy gave her an idea of what was coming, which was when Arganoth flew through the air and landed nearby, where it looked like he was annoyed about losing all of his forces to the Grand Army of Azeroth.

"Insolent mortals, I will flay the flesh from your bones and deliver your souls to Kil'jaeden!" Arganoth stated, informing all of them that he was going to torture them once he broke them, even though he failed to account for the fact that the one he was going to be fighting was Rainbow, something that usually meant his days would be numbered, though he shifted his stance for a moment and readied his large sword, which had a Fel flame dancing around the edge of the weapon, while Rainbow did the same thing with her Warblades not a few moments later, meaning the pair were showing each other that they were ready to fight and that she was leaving her forces to ensure no demons came to bother them, in case Kil'jaeden sent more reinforcements to bother them.

Rainbow and Arganoth swung at each other not a few seconds later, their weapons clashing in the middle of the air that was between them and caused the air to shudder as their Fel energies came into contact with each other, similar to what happened when she fought Kalgorath not all that long ago, though it appeared that Arganoth had a trick to play as some large Infernals dropped out of the Felstorm and landed all over the area they were fighting in, like they were going to lash out at her or turn their attention towards her forces, to which she sighed as she flashed out of the area she had been in and let her foe's weapon smash into the ground a few seconds later. Arganoth frowned for a moment as that happened, as he was expecting her to remain still and only fight him, before glancing around the Black City and watched as each of his Infernals received several slashes to their chests and heads, something that caused all of them to shatter into pieces a few seconds later as their souls were poured into a central area for a few seconds, where he barely had time to raise the large sword as Rainbow flashed into the space near his head and kicked him with the side of her leg. The force of the kick was enough to send him flying for a few seconds and knocked him into the ground, once more displaying the power that Rainbow possessed to her forces and allies, though Arganoth got up a moment or two later and rushed at her, though this time around he went on the offensive as he swung his weapon at her, intending to cut her to pieces and send her soul all the way to Kil'jaeden, to be corrupted into a weapon of the Legion, but what he discovered was that Rainbow just dodged his attacks like they were nothing, as if she was dancing around his blade and the flames that were attached to it, before she crossed the distance between them again and punched Arganoth in the side of his head, knocking him to the ground in an instant for the second time since this battle had started. Of course the Doomguard was getting annoyed with her, as he must have been involved with bringing down several worlds in the past or killing powerful heroes to make the job of his allies that much easier, something that prompted Arganoth to gather all of his Fel power into a single point, which just so happened to be inside his mouth, before firing a potent beam of energy that would wipe out anyone caught in the way of it, even though Rainbow stood still and absorbed all of it, much to the demon's surprise.

Once the attack was over, and she was sure of that, Rainbow flashed towards her opponent and landed a few steps away from where he was currently resting, resulting in Arganoth being hacked into several chunks as her attacks struck him in a matter of seconds, allowing her to claim both his soul and his Fel power for herself, all while Illidan and the other leaders that were present nodded their heads and prepared for the next stage of Spitfire's grand plan, though Rainbow paused for a moment as she felt the power of the Dreadlord shift, meaning her target might be getting ready to face them, and sure enough her forces glanced up at where she was staring and found a Dreadlord with blue wings staring down at the Black City with a look of annoyance on his face, standing on the lowest level of his ship.

"So, even Arganoth has fallen... I expected him to take out someone, anyone, and yet none of you are dead," the Dreadlord stated, showing everyone that he was displeased by this turn of events, as if he was expecting someone to die when the Dread Commander attacked the forces of Azeroth, which meant that Kil'jaeden and Sargeras were displeased by what was going on at the moment, though none of them were impressed by his statement, especially after everything they had gone through to reach this point in time, "Very well, heroes of Azeroth, come aboard my ship and entertain me... it will be the last time any of you ever do."

"If I were you, Mephistroth, I would not be so arrogant, especially after the warlocks of the Black Harvest took your world from you at the start of this invasion," Illidan commented, as that was something he and everyone else had learned after the Order Halls had gotten together and informed Spitfire of what they had done so far, to track down their enemies and make sure this world was safer from the Legion, like how the Illidari hunted down Varedis and Caria while the members of the Silver Hand hunted down and killed one of the remaining Dreadlords, Balnazzar, whose soul resided in one of the Fel crystals aboard the Fel Hammer, just like every demon his forces had helped the Orders hunt down before they focused on freeing Suramar from the Legion's grasp, "and let's not forget that Spitfire and Rainbow joined me in wiping out your forces on Nethreza, before I detonated your planet and wiped out most of your kind, so you have no reason to be even a tiny bit arrogant."

Mephistroth growled for a moment as Illidan finished his statement, though none of the warlocks moved to do anything as Rainbow burst into the air and raced up towards the ship that the Dreadlord was stationed on, where she quickly landed in the area she had seen the demon in and found that her target had vanished after hearing what Illidan had to say, even though there was a Fel portal nearby that lead into the ship and meant that her foe had retreated for right now, leaving a number of Inquisitors and Eredar behind to slow her down, like he was preparing something for her. As the demons took a moment to turn towards her, as if seeing her for the first time or even noticing that she was there, she rushed through the space between her and the Inquisitor that happened to be the first target she wanted to deal with on this ship, where she swung her Warblade and cut the demon apart before it even had a chance to fight her, while she parried the incoming attack from the Eredar that was standing near it, causing the corrupted female to frown for a moment before she was cut apart as well, allowing Rainbow to draw two more souls into her weapons as she moved to take down the rest of the force that was in front of her. The good thing about being left alone in a demon infested area was that she didn't have to worry about any souls being taken by the Illidari, not that she minded such a thing since it allowed them to power the engines of the Fel Hammer and use the machines that were scattered throughout it, and all of Jace's toys for that matter, but in the end she was able to eliminate the demons who had been assigned to guard the area Mephistroth had been standing in as he talked down to her and her forces, sending their souls screaming into her weapons as she absorbed their energy like all of the other demons she had killed so far, before she marched through the Fel portal they had been guarding and warped into Mephistroth's ship. What she found inside the ship were a number of Eredar, a good number of Inquisitors, a couple of Wyrmtongue, and a decent number of Felguards, all of whom appeared to be the forces who controlled the ship and did whatever the Dreadlord commanded them to do, and many of them rushed at her as soon as they noticed what was going on, that she had invaded their ship and was already killing their companions, though several of her targets watched as all of their forces died in vain as she dodged attacks, parried others, and used her clawed hands and feet, plus her weapons, to bring down every demon that happened to stand in her way.

In the end it didn't matter what the demons did, as Rainbow slashed and hacked her way through the ship in record time, even though this was the first time she had attacked a Legion ship on her own, before coming to a stop in the area that the command center of the ship rested in, where she found Mephistroth standing in the same area she and Spitfire had found Tyranna in when Illidan sent the Illidari to assault Mardum, who frowned for a moment as he turned to face her, though it wasn't long before he rushed at her and she did the same thing, the collision of their fists and Fel energy causing the air to shake for a few seconds, before she knocked the Dreadlord backwards and sent him into the wall behind him, while she landed near the opposite wall a few seconds later.

"Is that all the power you can muster?" Mephistroth asked, almost as if he assumed that Rainbow was weak and that she would be easy to crush if he got serious, even though she was holding back for the time being, so she could see what sort of power the Dreadlord possessed, but all he was showing her right now was his arrogance and it was a little annoying, as she hated how arrogant all of the demons in the Legion seemed to be, before she chuckled for a moment as she thought of something to show her foe just how screwed he was, something that caused the Dreadlord to raise an eyebrow as he heard the noise, "What's so funny?"

"You demons always seem to underestimate the power that Spitfire and I possess," Rainbow remarked, though as she said that she banished her right Warblade for a moment and held her hand out towards the rest of the Legion ship, causing the demon to raise his eyebrow even higher as he waited for something to happen, which was followed by the Fel power that was inside the ship being drained before his eyes, as he could see that some of the consoles and runes that were all over this chamber started to go dark as the Fel energy gathered into a single orb that was near her hand, which grew and grew as it took in every drop of energy the ship had, before she turned her hand into a fist and condensed the energy into a much smaller orb, like a marble, for her to pop into her mouth and swallow.

Mephistroth paused for a moment as the ship shuddered, as with no more energy it was going to crash into the ground of the Black City, but before he could do anything he felt Rainbow's power surge for a moment as she created a lance of Fel energy and hurled it at him, to which he actually threw himself to his right to avoid it, even though the edge cut right into his right and splashed a bit of his blood on the floor as the attack punched through the wall and tore a hole through the ship as it escaped and reached the open air, but before it could detonate Rainbow dismissed the attack and it vanished not a second later. Once that was done Rainbow watched as Mephistroth actually seemed to sweat for a moment as he stared at her, like he might actually be afraid of her, before he turned into a swarm of bats and escaped from the falling ship, to which Rainbow sighed for a moment as she flew outside and raised her hands to touch the metallic bottom of the broken ship, stalling it before it even had a chance to touch the ground, though that was when she smiled as she glanced in the direction of the Felstorm, which was connected to all sorts of Legion worlds, not just Argus. In the following moments she let go of Mephistroth's ship and switched to the edge of the vessel, allowing her to grip the metallic edge as she shifted her stance and pulled her arm backwards, which was followed by her hurling the ship through the air and let her watch as it vanished as it passed through the Felstorm a few seconds later, no doubt crashing into the surface of one of the Legion's many worlds, something that brought a smile to her face as she imagined what sort of expression the demons would have when they witnessed one of their ships being returned to them in such a way, even though she suspected that the ship in question would be beyond repair and wouldn't be sent to attack Azeroth again. Once that was done Rainbow paused for a few more seconds and held her hand out as she siphoned the energy out of the remaining Legion ships, where there were three remaining ships since she just took out Mephistroth's, and it wasn't long before all that power gathered in a sphere in front of her palm, and Rainbow even made sure to drain the Soul Engine that was below her before shrinking the large Fel orb into a marble that she devoured, and once she did that she flashed over to each of the ships and sent them flying through the Felstorm, returning them to the demons that had made them, though once the fourth and final ship was gone she descended for a few seconds and moved out of the way.

The reason she moved out of the way was because Dalaran had been gathering Arcane energy, or at least the Council had done so at Spitfire's command and had been part of the reason she used her power to ensure the Legion didn't blast the city out of the air, and not a few seconds later Spitfire lowered the barrier, allowing a powerful beam of Arcane energy to race down towards the Fel barrier that was protecting the Tomb of Sargeras, a gift from Kil'jaeden no doubt, blasting it to pieces and opening up the path they would take in due time, to which Rainbow landed in Deliverance Point and smiled at her allies, as they had pushed Kil'jaeden's forces out of part of the Broken Shore and it was only a matter of time until the rest of the Legion fell to their might as well.

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