• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Argus: Seat of the Pantheon

"With the Coven of Shivarra defeated, most of Antorus wrecked, and the Pantheon freed, there's only one thing left to do in our quest to bring down the Dark Titan's plans," Spitfire spoke up, as she could see that everyone was waiting to hear what the last stage of their assault on Antorus was, since it would also bring about the downfall of Sargeras' plans and end their war on Argus, something that caused her to glance at the World-Soul that Aggramar had been guarding while he was forced to serve as an unwilling guardian of the deepest part of Antorus, "we're going to take Argus' soul to the one place that will cut him off from Sargeras' darkness and allow him to heal, which will cripple the Legion's power, though at the same time we can call upon Argus' power to tear the Dark Titan from Azeroth and send him elsewhere, so we can bring him down and bring some measure of peace to what's left of the universe... once we figure out how to safely seal Sargeras away, since we can't kill him like everything else we've fought so far."

"Why can't we kill him? I mean, you and Illidan tore Xe'ra down earlier, and she was an incredibly powerful being who was on the Light's side of things." Scarlet asked, because while most of the heroes would likely go along with Spitfire's plan, and she had to admit that she wanted to tear into the Dark Titan for his various attacks on Azeroth and those who called it home, it seemed like all of the incredibly powerful beings were prone to being destroyed if hit just right, or by someone stronger than the individual in question, so it made her wonder why Spitfire would want to seal Sargeras away and not outright kill her, as her power had to be far above the Dark Titan's own power.

"Because fully grown Titans can't be killed," Spitfire explained, though as she said that, and could see the questions already forming in the minds of her allies, she held up a hand to stop them from shouting at her or bombarding her with all sorts of questions, showing that she had some additional information to share with them and she hoped that they would accept the information she had been given while Rainbow and her allies fought Aggramar's Avatar, "as many of you know I talked with Xe'ra once before, back when we recovered Light's Heart and used the Tears of Elune to learn what secrets it held for us, something that gave me the bond I used to weaken the Prime Naaru earlier, and many of us assumed that Amun'thul and the rest of the Pantheon had been killed in that moment, but Norgannon told me that he sent their souls flying across the universe to stop Sargeras from claiming them. Now that means a fully grown Titan cannot be killed, be it in battle or in massive explosions of Fel energy, as apparently something like that happened when Sargeras shattered Mardum, but I've been told that a nascent Titan, such as Azeroth, can be slain if their slumbering World-Soul is destroyed, as Sargeras, back during his days as a member of the Pantheon as one of the universe's defenders, found a Void-corrupted World-Soul that was in the nascent stage and cleaved the planet in half, killing the unborn Titan in the process. That means we can't kill the Dark Titan, even if we really want to end his existence and make him pay for the pain he's inflicted on the universe... I'm not even sure if the full power of the six Cosmic Forces would be capable of ending a Titan's life... so that's why the plan is to beat him into submission and bring peace to the universe, so we can figure out a way to seal him away."

"So, where are we taking Argus' soul?" Rainbow inquired, because that seemed to be far more important right now, as she had no idea what sort of area would keep the World-Soul of this planet safe from the Dark Titan's influence, but at the very least this meant they would be able to do battle with the Dark Titan and bring an end to his dark plans, which excited all of them and those who were part of Spitfire's group, though they remained silent as they waited to hear what the last leg of this assault might be.

"To the Seat of the Pantheon, the very cradle of creation!" Amun'thul stated, speaking for Spitfire this time around, as she had asked him and his comrades where they could take the World-Soul of Argus and save their fellow Titan from the dark influence of Sargeras, though at the same time he could tell that some of the individuals who were around them knew of the place that he had mentioned and understood what it might mean, while everyone else seemed a little lost and would have this explained at some point in the future, "Once we're there, and we have ensured that Argus' soul is safe, we can call upon his power and pull Sargeras away from Azeroth so you can fight him... like Spitfire said, once that is done we'll try to figure out a way to seal him away and bring peace to the universe."

In that moment Spitfire made sure that everyone was off of Argus, because this was the final stage of their assault and it meant there was no reason for anyone to be on the planet's surface while the final battle took place, to which Turalyon told her that everyone was accounted for and she nodded to the Pantheon, who channeled their power around the area that Aggramar had been forced to defend for a long time and Spitfire found that everyone was starting to disappear, not to mention Argus' World-Soul. She said nothing about that as she let the power wash over her for a few moments, though it wasn't long before she felt a teleportation spell latch onto her and her allies, taking them from the depths of Antorus and bringing them to the area that the Pantheon had watched over the universe from all those years ago, where she did have to wonder if the dimensional fleet was included in the spell or not, but she suspected that none of the ships would have been brought with them and the Vindicaar would have to be called upon once Sargeras had been dealt with, once she figured out where the Seat rested. A few moments later she felt something metallic beneath her hooves and quickly found that the area around them was another Titan structure that was unlike anything they had seen before, as the Seat of the Pantheon was shaped like a crescent moon and currently held seven massive seats, the middle one raised slightly higher than the others while having three on the left and right side of it, though with how massive the place was it told all of them, as Rainbow and their forces appeared after her not a few seconds later, just how tall the Titans were, when they were compared to a Human for example. As best as she could tell the Titans preferred to be two to three heads taller than what Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, in their demonic forms, had been, at least when they built this place and met here in the past, though the interesting thing was that the Seat happened to be in space, thanks to the stars they could see, and that Sargeras must have moved it after he cut down his fellow Titans, as it looked like they were resting between where Argus, which was off to the right of Amun'thul's seat, and Azeroth, resting to the left, were located, though as she figured that out she and her companions felt a shift in the air as they turned towards the seats once more.

Not a second later Amun'thul appeared in front of his seat, with Eonar, Khaz'goroth, and Golganneth resting to his right, Eonar being the closest and Golganneth resting near the edge of the massive structure, while to his left stood Aggramar and Norgannon, though between them sat an empty seat that had to be Sargeras' old seat, even though the Dark Titan had likely been planning on taking the high seat and force Amun'thul to take his, where Spitfire found that her group had appeared at the base of the Highfather's seat while Argus' World-Soul appeared in the middle of the Seat's center... but as the Titans channeled their power into the soul a burst of red energy knocked them all backwards, meaning they must have triggered something Sargeras left in case this happened.

That which you have stolen shall be your undoing. a loud voice stated, where it had to be Sargeras speaking, since it was easy for Spitfire, Rainbow, and the others to see the massive dark cosmic cloud that was covering nearly every inch of the world they were trying to save flash for a moment, meaning the Dark Titan was aware of what they were trying to do and he was going to do something interesting to try and stop this from happening, to which the World-Soul started to shift as the Titans regained themselves, transforming into a male figure who stood as tall as the Titans did, with blue skin that was covered by golden armor of sorts that seemed like they belonged on a king or something, with stakes driven into Argus' skin to hold it in place, and he had a helm that seemed to be linked to Death, in appearance anyway, before he roared as a large scythe, with deathly energy radiating from the head, appeared in his right hand, Rise, Argus, my broken world. Rise and kill my enemies!

"Death and pain!" Argus roared, where Spitfire let out a sad sigh as she heard the poor Titan's voice, as it sounded like his mind had been wrecked by the constant pain that Sargeras and the Coven of Shivarra had put him through since the day they seized control of his soul, though with all of the demonic souls that had been pulled towards Antorus, thanks to the power of his soul, Spitfire knew that whatever Argus might have been, had he awakened on his own, had been replaced by all of the Death energy that was attached to him, making him the Titan of Death, though as she came to that decision she found that Argus was turning to look at them.

Not a few seconds later she nodded to Rainbow and found that her friend quickly embraced her full power this time, due to the fact that she understood that this was a Titan, and not an Avatar, and such a thing meant that one wrong step could spell the end for all of them, hence why she rushed through the air and lashed out at Argus, who gripped his weapon with both of his hands and swung the scythe at her, causing her to clash with the weapon and caused the space around them and the Seat to shudder for a moment as the heroes moved into position, though Spitfire disappeared and reappeared in the space that was in front of the Seat, where she started to channel her own power. Based on what Rainbow as seeing it didn't look like Spitfire was going to join them in fighting Argus, which in a way was a good thing since it would be so much easier with the two of them fighting side by side, so facing off against a Titan of Death with just her companions, like she had done during their assault on Antorus, was far better in her mind, since it would be much harder on both her and her allies, which she was totally fine with and knew that Zuleth's group had to be thinking the same thing. One thing Rainbow noticed was that Argus was quick, because one their initial collision was over he instantly understood that she was more of a threat than everyone else, save for Spitfire of course, and he swung his scythe with a speed that matched someone who had been swinging weapons for a long time, despite the fact that this had to be the second or third time he had taken on this form, something that caused her to dodge his attacks with her instinct power, which she felt was improving since she had nearly been caught by the first couple attacks and the following couple were avoided before Rainbow parried the next one with her Warblades. Argus was definitely strong, not that she was expecting a Titan who was capable of using his full power to be weak, hence the reason she was going into this battle using her full power as well, as she was hoping that her abilities and vast power were able to match and overcome the full might of a Titan, though while it happened she knew all of the Titans were watching her and Spitfire, likely wondering what in the world Spitfire was up to as she stared out at the cloud that Sargeras was hiding in, but she really wasn't worried about that as she focused on Argus.

Another thing Rainbow considered was that this had to be Argus' first real battle, not counting whatever mental training he had been put through by Sargeras and his Coven, as while his speed was no joke it also didn't seem like he was ready to use any of his skills against them, something that changed as he clashed with her and finally noticed that they weren't alone, as he spotted the heroes attacking him as well, which caused Argus to call upon an orb of Death energy that just seemed to move through the air and followed one of the heroes around. Such a thing left a path of fog, also filled with the power of Death, in its wake as it continued to chase down its target, causing the heroes to avoid the deathly fog as they fought the Titan that had created the attack in question, even though it wasn't long before the orb shattered, without even reaching who it was targeting, and left behind a pool of Death energy for them to avoid, but it did tell them that the power of Argus wasn't to be underestimated. Not a few seconds later Argus gathered some of his power into his scythe and just swung it towards Zuleth and his allies, where Rainbow flew into the space between them and swung her blades at Argus' attack, cutting it in half while leaving the right and left halves of a cone attack, one full of Death energy, lingering on the floor of the area they were fighting in while creating more areas that the heroes had to avoid so they didn't get hurt by all of the power he was putting out, even though Rainbow wasn't worried about it since she could fly. Fortunately there were more allies who joined the fight in their own way, as the Titans were in the middle of gathering some of their powers so they could bless Zuleth and everyone else with whatever gifts they were capable of creating, granting them additional power so they could do everything in their power to bring down Argus and put an end to this battle, though right now it appeared that Golganneth was the first one to aid them, granting them a gift from the sea and one from the skies, given those were his domains, both boosting their powers and bodies as Zuleth and the others joined Rainbow in attacking the corrupted Titan that was in front of them, all while Rainbow was the only one not receiving a blessing, as she didn't need it as she clashed with Argus' scythe and caused the air to shudder once more.

Thanks to that happening Rainbow assumed that Argus had decided to move into a new set of attacks as he lashed out at her, driving her into a defensive form for the time being, while at the same time he targeted three heroes at random, one being stuck with some Death energy that looked like it was going to detonate like a bomb while the other two seemed to be a slow countdown before an explosion happened, so this was more like an explosive attack and caused the heroes who were targeted with it to walk away from the others so no one else was caught in the attack. While that happened, and the scythe was stopped before it could reach any of the heroes who were with her, Golganneth called forth more of his power and washed away the Death Fog that Argus had created, granting them more room to fight in for the time being, at least until Argus covered more of the floor with the Death Fog again, though it was hard to see if Argus was annoyed with that or not, thanks to his large helmet, so the heroes continued their assault as they attempted to bring down the broken Titan and end Sargeras' plans at long last. Not a few moments later Argus roared, which only seemed to represent his rage and nothing else, before he moved into a new series of attacks as he swung the head of his scythe at Rainbow, who parried all of them with her Warblades as she attempted to push him backwards, though Zuleth noticed that Argus also used what appeared to be a phantom scythe that came down from above and moved in a line behind her, causing him and the rest of the heroes to avoid the attack as it broke apart on the barrier the Titans were using to make sure none of them were struck by one of Argus' many attacks, though Argus also had a sweeping attack and Rainbow did her best to dodge it, as it had been one of the unexpected types of attacks and it made her wonder what else he had to show her. Of course one of the other Titans lent them some aid as the battle progressed, as Aggramar blessed them and also summoned small icons, or totems of a sort that resembled shields, that drew in any damage the heroes would have taken and prevented Zuleth or his allies from taking damage for a time, a very useful ability in their minds and made some of them wonder what his full power would be like if this was just what he had recovered since coming to this important place.

For a moment it seemed like things were going to go their way and they were going to bring Argus down, though as that happened Amun'thul noticed that the broken Titan seemed to be weakening and channeled a bit of his power into a blast of Arcane energy that would slow Argus down, making it that much easier for them to bring him down, but it didn't work at all as a surge of dark power coursed through their foe's body and his blue energy turned red, meaning Sargeras had to be doing something to him... but as they witnessed that, however, Rainbow found that Spitfire had glanced back to them for a few seconds and seemed to be beckoning to her with just a quick glance, to which she flared her wings and flew through the air as Argus readied whatever power the Dark Titan was forcing him to use.

"Time... Stop!" Spitfire stated, as she had sensed that something was coming, something terrible that would have no doubt killed all of the heroes who were fighting Argus right now, and had prepared a more powerful version of the spell they had seen Elisande use back in Suramar, even though it had been forced out of her by Gul'dan at the time, though as she said that a sphere formed around her and Rainbow before the spell went into effect, preventing either of them from being affected by the spell in question.

Amun'thul's eyes widened in surprise as he witnessed everything simply freeze as Spitfire cast her spell, something that also trapped him and the other Titans in time as well, though the reason he was the only one that could see anything, as all of the others had to be unable to see anything that was happening right now, was due to his power giving him power over time itself, so it let him see what was going to happen next, where he noticed that Argus was frozen before he could even gather his power into whatever formidable attack Spitfire must have discovered or felt before it even happened, so this cut off the broken Titan's attack. A few seconds later Rainbow flashed over to the area that was in front of Argus and called upon all of her power as she moved into a series of punches and kicks that were designed to weaken her foe, which struck the arms, legs, chest, shoulders, and even the head of Argus over the course of the next few moments, though the broken Titan wasn't moving and it displayed part of Spitfire's sheer power, once more making Amun'thul realize just who had appeared before the Pantheon. As Rainbow delivered blow after blow to Argus' body, to knock him out of the starting stage of whatever power he had been planning on using against them, the Highfather came to realize that Spitfire, who really had no formal training with five of the six Cosmic Forces, was a force that couldn't be ignored, as it looked like she was drawing on her experiences of the other powers, what she had seen her fellow heroes use during the fights that lead up to this point, and was using those memories as a way to learn the basics of her brand new power. Such a thing made him wonder if she had been practicing with her skills while no one was watching, like doing mental training or something to gain the power that she was wielding at this very moment, but in the end he knew that it hardly mattered how she had obtained her new set of skills, as she had likely just stopped the eradication of her fellow heroes, granting Rainbow some time to punish Argus for what he had been about to do, and he was sure that she was in the middle of a spell that would, if he was right, pull Sargeras off of Azeroth, likely dragging him to the surface of Argus so they could fight without having to worry about anyone else being caught in the crossfire.

As he considered that information Spitfire seemed to think that enough was enough and dropped the spell, allowing time to resume for all of them, causing everyone to watch in surprise as Argus' power was smashed to pieces in seconds and he was thrown backwards into a barrier that rested on the edge of the floor, directly opposite of where Amun'thul was sitting right now, though while the rest of the Pantheon was surprised, since time was supposed to be his domain, he shook his head and focused on the fight, as it looked like they might be reaching the end of it at long last, especially with all the cuts and scratches that had been left by Rainbow's barrage of attacks. Thanks to all that damage Sargeras' lingering power did call upon allies for Argus, so he would be able to survive this and not be overwhelmed, which turned out to be a number of Constellars, humanoid shaped beings that looked like constellations, sort of like what the Titans looked like before they manifested their true form, which reminded the heroes of Algalon, the observer who had been overseeing Azeroth and all of them, or those around at the time, had convinced him not to erase everything on their planet's surface. The heroes just stood there for a few seconds as Argus fell to one knee, showing that he was weakened from the damage he had suffered earlier, waiting for the Constellars to either attack them or get out of the way, to which the group glanced in the direction of Spitfire for a few seconds before walking over to where the Highfather was sitting, bowing to him before turning around and kneeling in the direction of the one who commanded all six Cosmic Forces, showing the Titans that even the race they had charged with overseeing every planet they had ordered was acknowledging Spitfire's power, allowing them to break away from Sargeras' control and left Argus without any guardians. As Argus picked himself up and moved into a series of slashes, all designed to take down Rainbow at this point, Norgannon empowered the heroes so their attacks would deal more damage to their foe, Eonar channeled her power for a few seconds and ensured that all of them were as fit as they could be, and Khaz'goroth created small motes of energy that boosted the power of every hero that was aiding Rainbow in taking down Argus, causing the empowered heroes, with the Pantheon backing them, to lash out at the Broken Titan and smashed his gauntlets, boots, chest binding, and even his helmet.

In the following moments Rainbow spun around in front of Argus and swung her Warblades with her full power, where she landed near the heroes as an x shaped wound appeared on their foe's chest and Argus' form shattered, where he and all of his gear transformed into mist before reforming into the World-Soul that Aggramar had been guarding for a long time. Such a thing caused the heroes to breath a sigh of relief as they realized they had beaten a Titan, one that had been using his full power to destroy everything around him, and suspected that such a thing wouldn't have been possible on their own, without Rainbow or Spitfire. Of course that wasn't considering what might have happened had he awakened on his own, without someone like Sargeras aiding him, causing them to glance at the dark cloud covering most of Azeroth, due to the fact that their true foe was trying to claim the world they had been protecting.

"Okay, I know the plan was to seal Sargeras away, but can we still do that?" Rainbow asked, because the original plan likely required the full power of Argus to be successful in some way, especially since the Dark Titan had all of his power available to him right now, meaning they would have to tear their foe off of Azeroth before fighting him, though after every skill they had faced, and all the power everyone had poured into taking down Argus, most of the heroes had to be exhausted from all of the fighting and even Rainbow huffed for a moment, as while she could fight for a long time she was rapidly reaching the end of her rope.

"Yes, but first all of us must recover some power before such a thing happens... meaning we either have to sacrifice all of Azeroth to contain Sargeras, or he needs to be pulled off the planet," Amun'thul replied, though he already knew that none of the heroes, including those who had joined them in the final fight against Argus, would be unwilling to do the former, as it would invalidate most of what had been done in the past, meaning all they could do was go with the latter plan and that required putting his faith in the one being who stood above everyone else, hence why his gaze fell on Spitfire as the rest of the Pantheon did the same thing and the heroes of Azeroth followed suit as well, "Lady Spitfire, I guess all I can say is that proceed when you are ready."

Spitfire nodded her head for a second as she noticed that the dimensional fleet was actually resting above the Seat of the Pantheon, placed there so they would be out of the way while Rainbow and the heroes faced Argus, though once she did that she focused on Azeroth for a moment as she flared her wings, allowing Amun'thul and the Pantheon to gaze upon all six of her wings, and gathered her power, forming six spheres that were positioned a bit in front of her, each formed from a different power to be exact, and they lined up with the Cosmic Force they represented. A few seconds later she swung her right hand towards the massive dark cloud that was in the process of covering the entirety of Azeroth and ignited her power without delay, causing massive chains, each one possessing the coloration of the Cosmic Force they had been made from, to surge out of the spheres and rush towards the massive dark cloud that was Sargeras' travel form when he moved through the universe, at least from one planet to another since they knew him getting to Azeroth was near impossible and explained his usage of portals to get to the world. Rainbow, Zuleth, and the others watched as the chains locked onto the cloud and each one seemed to go somewhere else, so they would be spread out over the Dark Titan's form, and slammed into the mass that was resting above Azeroth, one forming a collar around what had to be Sargeras' neck, two becoming cuffs that must have found his arms, two more found his legs and turned into cuffs as well, and the sixth one was either wrapped around the Dark Titan's chest or his waist.

"Sargeras! Your crusade. Is. OVER!" Spitfire called out, informing the Dark Titan that his plans had been foiled, his army was in ruins at long last, and the Pantheon had been freed from his grasp, where the last item also included freeing Argus from his dark influence, even though it would be some time before he was back to any sense of normalcy, though as she said that Spitfire closed her right hand into a fist as she pulled backwards, like she was pulling on the chains she had created, causing the massive cloud to shudder for a moment as everyone observed her true power in action, even though she was more focused on her target.

In that moment Rainbow's eyes widened as she and the others gazed upon the true form of Sargeras, a massive Titan that was as tall as a planet, or at least everything from his waist to his head was of that size and meant his true height had to be that of two worlds that were stacked on top of each other. Most of his body appeared to be cracked, thanks to the fact that he destroyed Mardum and infused himself with the Fel energy of that planet, and the vast amount of angry red cracks he possessed looked like a furnace of hate or maybe he had veins of magma, while his beard and hair looked like a mass of flowing flames. In addition to that his armor appeared to be blackened, and he had a pair of horns and wings that looked like Illidan's, though as everyone took that in Spitfire swung her hand and pulled Sargeras from Azeroth's surface, sending him into Argus' surface as she followed after her foe.

"The battle for the fate of the universe has begun," Rainbow commented, where she found that the Seat was shifting so all of them would see what happened next, while the dimensional fleet remained safe and sound for the time being, before she and the others watched as Sargeras collided with the side of Argus' surface, something that likely caused him to growl for a few seconds before a mist covered his body and he started to shrink before their eyes, meaning he had to be even more annoyed with Spitfire and might be planning on taking her out first.

"Spitfire, you dare to challenge me?" Sargeras asked, finding that Spitfire had landed near where he crashed, into an area of Argus that looked like one of the many twisted plateaus that existed around his broken planet, a world in ruin thanks to everything she and Rainbow had done during their brief time in the heart of the Legion's vast domain, and he also found that the mist faded at long last, revealing that he stood at the same height that all of the other Titans used earlier, when they left the Dark Citadel, though he raised his right hand for a moment and a twisted blade, one that almost resembled Aggramar's blade, appeared before him, which he grasped as he stared at Spitfire, "I will smite you, and the rest of your forces, before claiming my prize."

"Azeroth isn't a thing that you can just claim, Sargeras. She's her own Titan and she can choose whatever path she wants in the future, once she matures anyway," Spitfire stated, as it was the truth of the matter, Azeroth wasn't a prize for Sargeras to just come and claim whenever he wanted to and it seemed like her foe had no respect for that fact, which bothered her more than she was willing to admit despite the calm expression that was on her face, though as she said that she raised both of her hands for a few seconds and pulled the Twinblades out of her horns, allowing her to assume her battle stance as she focused on the Dark Titan, who had to hate her guts at this point, "however, its about time that you payed for all of the death and destruction you have caused since you betrayed the Pantheon and created the Legion, so you had best be ready for a fight, because I will show you no mercy."

Sargeras growled for a moment as he gripped his sword and took on his own battle stance, causing the two to stand there and stare at each other for a few seconds, each one silently daring the other to make the first move, before the Dark Titan gripped the handle of his sword with both hands and stepped forward as he brought his twisted weapon down on where Spitfire was standing, finding that she avoided the attack in question and that the sword had hit the ground, cleaving open the ground a little as his eyes followed his foe. Spitfire flashed into the area Sargeras was standing in and swung both of her weapons at him, finding that the Dark Titan was capable of swinging his large sword with a speed that matched what Argus had used against Rainbow, meaning he must have forced Argus to learn how to do such a thing, where their blades clashed in the space between them and the air around them, including the ground, shuddered under the collision of both their energies and their weapons, before she swung her right Twinblade and caught Sargeras' blade as he raised it in an attempt to defend himself. The attack in question sent the Dark Titan flying backwards, as he underestimated the power of Spitfire's attack, though he stabbed his sword straight into the ground and slowed himself down to the point where he would be able to focus on his foe again, finding that Spitfire had rushed after him without delay and swung his blade right at her once more, only to discover that she went on the defensive and seemed to be dodging his attacks like they were nothing to her or something, though there was an opening he could use and he did so without delay, his attack knocking her backwards as she parried his blade. In that moment Sargeras channeled his power into his sword for a few seconds as he rushed at his foe once more, swinging it down at Spitfire with the intent of crushing her and ending her quest to bring down the Legion, though his foe avoided the attack and quickly struck the edge of his blade with her Twinblades, which locked it into the ground and left a gash in its wake, but instead of letting him leave with his weapon Spitfire lashed out and kicked him right in the chest, knocking him backwards as he let go of his weapon, where he quickly regained himself a few seconds later and found that Spitfire banished her Twinblades as well.

In that moment Sargeras, having an angry growl building as he realized that he was going to have to leave his blade where it had struck the ground as he contended with his foe, to which he shifted his stance and called upon his power, which he found Spitfire doing as well, his aura being a Fel green as Spitfire's was silver colored, though instead of wasting time just thinking about things, since he knew that his foe would lash out at him at any moment if he wasn't careful, Sargeras took a step forward and rushed at Spitfire without wasting time. What happened next was that Spitfire burst into the air, and by that the Dark Titan found that she went up into the sky above where they had been fighting, to which he decided to play along and followed after her without wasting time, finding that she was going to travel through an area of Argus that was full of jagged peaks, something that clicked inside his mind and caused him to raise his left hand for a moment, where he loosed a burst of Fel green blasts at his foe's backside, intending on blasting her out of the air so he could call his blade to him and cut her down. Spitfire, on the other hand, smiled for a few seconds as she felt that happen and shifted her course accordingly, where the energy blasts flew by her and struck the peaks that were around the area she had picked out, only to come to a stop as she turned around and swung her hands at a few more blasts that were coming at her, knocking all of them to the side as she prepared for what was coming next, as she was trying to piss Sargeras off and drive him to the point where he couldn't see anything accurately, so she could use his anger against the Dark Titan. To those watching this part of the battle looked like they were wrecking the jagged area she had flown towards, given that the blasts had struck the peaks and ground while blowing up with a bit of smoke following the attacks, though it wasn't long before Sargeras caught up with her and swung his fist at her, finding that her instinct power, while weaker than Rainbow's since this was her first time using it in battle, allowed Spitfire to dodge his attack with ease and avoid taking damage from it, something that was true for the next couple of attacks that he sent her way, even though he got lucky as a punch slipped past her defenses and struck his foe in the face, despite the fact that she wasn't fazed by his attack all that much and launched into a series of attacks as she appeared in front of Sargeras.

The air shuddered as their energies connected with each other, even though Sargeras found that he was the one who got hit while Spitfire's skill allowed her to avoid taking damage from his attacks, before she delivered an uppercut to his chin and knocked him backwards for a few seconds, sunning him in the process as he realized she was far stronger than what he originally believed her to be, though he regained himself a few seconds later and threw a punch at her, finding that she moved her hands for a moment and actually redirected his attack, sending it by the left side of her head while opening a hole in his defenses. In the following seconds Spitfire used her right fist and punched Sargeras in the chest, causing him to cough for a moment as he felt the powerful attack against his bare chest, before she spun around and kicked the side of his head with the edge of her right leg, sending him flying down towards the ground and blasted a massive crater into the corrupted ground, even though it told Sargeras that he couldn't accord to underestimate Spitfire, not if her power allowed her to overcome him and send him flying around the area they were fighting in. Not a few seconds later she gathered her power into an orb above her head as she focused on where her target was resting right now, something that was followed by her swinging her hands down towards the Dark Titan and loosed a massive volley of silver colored blasts down at her foe, blasts that slammed into the area that she had knocked Sargeras into and started blowing everything up over the next couple of seconds, though it did look like some of them might have done some damage to the Dark Titan. After a couple of moments Sargeras forced himself to stand and summoned his own power, creating an aura around him that he quickly sent outwards as a counter to what Spitfire was doing, something that was followed by him rushing through the air as he targeted her once more as she stopped channeling her power and beckoned for Sargeras to follow her as she moved out into another part of the jagged plateau they were currently fighting in, even though he punched her afterimage and had to track them down as he followed after her, something that had to annoy him.

Spitfire quickly turned back around and moved into a series of defensive movements as she countered Sargeras' attacks, especially when he held a hand out for a moment and called his sword back to him, though instead of stopping the blade with her Twinblades, like one would expect, she swung her right hand and summoned a staff, one that happened to be as long as she was tall for some reason and had two colors to it, the middle part of the weapon being silver colored while the upper and lower parts were golden colored, while possessing a dark orb floating above the top with a silver ring around it, though it stopped Sargeras' attack and that's all she wanted right now. The two of them clashed in the air for a couple of moments as they used their weapons against each other, even though Spitfire found that this staff was more useful in the defensive sense and not as an aggressive weapon, which she was fine with as she parried the incoming attacks and sought out an opening to use against the Dark Titan, before eventually finding it not a few moments later as she spun the staff for a second or two and used the bottom end to stab Sargeras' palm, which allowed her to make a movement that forcefully drew the sword away from her foe. With that done she hurled the weapon at the group and then tossed the staff into the air behind her not a second later, to which Spitfire lashed out at Sargeras and found that the air shuddered around them as they neared the ground for a moment, something that caused the darkened ground to shatter, revealing that this part of Argus happened to have a volcano or a magma lake hidden beneath the surface, made of Fel lava of course, though the pair fought above it while the collision of their energies continued to break the area around them. After that Spitfire and Sargeras separated from each other and braced themselves as they fired a beam of energy at their foe, which caused a Fel beam to collide with a silver beam in the middle of the space that both of them were fighting in, something that caused the area to violently shake for a few moments before everything around her and her foe seemed to shatter like glass, where it seemed like the immense Fel energy of the Dark Titan had reacted poorly to her cosmic power, making it appear that part of reality had broken from the collision of the two beams.

In response to that Sargeras went on the offensive and continuously swung his fists at Spitfire as he tried to lock onto her, so he could pin her to the ground and end her existence, where Spitfire dodged the attacks and then parried one punch with her fist, something that sent her backwards for a few seconds, though not a second latter she rushed through the air, this time being turned upside down by the previous attack, and struck Sargeras several times in the chest, before kicking him in the side of the chest and sent him into an area that had been a jagged peak before the shattering occurred and did all of this. Sargeras, in turn, summoned his full power and rushed at Spitfire as she straightened herself, where she used her instinct power to avoid several of the incoming punches, even though some got really close to her and informed her that this skill was still growing as she fought some powerful enemies, before she called upon her own full power not a few seconds later and punched the Dark Titan in the side of his face, sending him straight into the ground, or at least what she assumed was the ground, and shattered everything around where he landed. Of course Sargeras growled as he picked himself up and fired several blasts into the air area around them, Spitfire redirecting a few to other areas so they didn't get close to the space between Argus and Azeroth, blasts that expanded into spheres designed to destroy everything that was around where each of them landed, though after Spitfire did all of that she flew through the air and loosed smaller blasts that struck Sargeras' attacks and shattered the attacks, before they rushed at each other with their energies around their right fists. When they collided once more a shockwave emitted from where they were standing and reality seemed to snap back to what it had been before the shattered occurred not all that long ago, though Spitfire's attack forced Sargeras back and she kicked him in the side of his head and knocked him down into the ground once more, though this time around it wasn't the only thing that happened, as she landed nearby and shifted her stance as the Dark Titan picked himself up and glared at her with the flames of hate lingering in his eyes, showing that he despised her and that he wasn't going to submit to her vast cosmic power.

Based on what Spitfire could see Sargeras was losing his cool, growing angrier and angrier as the battle progressed, which she was fine with since it meant his defenses would be weaker and would open more doors for her to use, where the Dark Titan rushed at her, his plated hooves crushing the ground below him, as he shifted into a kick that was meant to send her flying, but she flashed to the side and found that he had an orb of energy at the ready, but she surprised him as she just swung her right arm for a moment and a reflective surface appeared, sending that attack back into his face, adding to his growing frustrations. Once that happened Spitfire jumped into the air and spun around as she kicked the Dark Titan in the face with the side of her leg once more, knocking him a tad bit backwards as she spun around and landed safely a couple of steps away from where Sargeras was standing, who decided to try something else as he gathered his power and fired a beam of energy from his mouth, which struck the ground and rushed at where Spitfire was standing, blowing up whatever was in its path as it zeroed in on his target. Instead of backing away she gathered her power into two apple sized orbs, one for each of her hands, as she rushed towards the incoming attack, using the smoke it created as a cover as she flared her wings and leapt into the air, allowing her to basically flip over his head and land a number of steps behind the Dark Titan, who had no idea what had happened and could only blame himself for what was going to happen next, as the instant she touched the ground Spitfire hurled the right orb towards her foe first and then the left one, where the coiled through the space between them and ignited into an explosion once they struck Sargeras' chest, as he finally figured out his error and had turned to face her. As silver smoke wrapped around where the Dark Titan was standing Spitfire gathered more of her power and loosed another volley of silver blasts that raced through the air and struck her foe, including the area that was around him, trapping Sargeras in place as he felt each blast against his chest, arms, legs, and the rest of his body, though he was stunned by the sheer difference in power that rested between him, one of the strongest Titans in the universe, and Spitfire, someone who was capable of balancing and using all six Cosmic Forces.

After a few moments of that Spitfire switched to something else as she gathered all six of her powers into a single point, above her right hand to be exact, and encased it in a silver aura before hurling it through the air, where it slammed into the Dark Titan's chest and delivered the full power of the six forces in a massive explosion that rocked the entire area they were fighting in, though she was sure that she heard a short scream that was cut off, which would mean Sargeras was in pain from the attack and might be understanding that he wasn't going to win this fight.

As Spitfire expected Sargeras, who couldn't stand losing to anyone, summoned his aura again and seemed to let out a roar or echo with just his voice, while at the same time it looked like he was calling upon all of his power as he rushed through the smoke and zeroed in on where she was standing, though the Dark Titan never reached it as she flashed up into the air near her foe and then lashed out with a kick to his exposed chest, something he defended with both of his arms and found that the power behind the attack was nothing to laugh at, before she spun around and kicked him in the side of his chest, sending him flying once more. Sargeras coughed for a moment as he regained himself a few seconds later and forced his hooves to dig into the ground, to stop him from moving, before loosing a potent beam of Fel energy from his right hand, this time not caring about the planet they were fighting on since he was packing it with enough power to destroy anything it came across, though Spitfire simply stood still for a moment as she raised her hands and gathered her power, making it look like she was holding onto a large disc of some kind, before spinning it and creating a hole in space that would send all of this power to an empty part of the universe. With that done she flew forward and wrapped around Sargeras' attack for a time, using a bit more of her power as a guiding force to make sure the Dark Titan's attack went into the hole as she coiled around the beam, before she reached the area Sargeras was standing in and punched her foe square in his face, an attack that would have broken some teeth had she used it against anyone who wasn't a Titan or Rainbow, which sent him flying backwards and caused Sargeras to call upon his power as he loosed a volley of Fel blasts at her, showing he was using one of her attacks against her. Spitfire did nothing to those attacks as she flew forward, where she used both the instinct skill and her own experience to avoid the blasts with ease, something that allowed her to reach the area that her foe was in at the moment and delivered another punch to his head with her other fist, as she had used her right during the beam attack and was now using her left fist, though this time around she decided to move into a series of attacks, kicking and punching Sargeras' chest as she pushed him away from where he had been when he fired the beam.

She even jumped back after a couple of moments of her beating the daylights out of the Dark Titan, as she felt that such a thing was an accurate description of what she had done, before summoning her aura as Sargeras did the same and took a second to rush at her foe, who was pooling his power into his right fist, though as he swung his fist she happened to do the same thing with her right fist and made sure to push the attack backwards, their power transferring into the area that was around them and wrecked the ground, creating a molten area in a matter of seconds. Of course her power knocked Sargeras backwards and she rushed after him once more, throwing a punch into his chest that caused the Dark Titan to cough in pain before Spitfire moved into another set of attacks that bypassed every attack he tried to use against her, as if he was doing nothing and was just standing still, though it didn't last all that long as Spitfire shifted into another attack that would push this battle towards its end. The attack in question was a rather powerful punch that was delivered to the Dark Titan's chest, with this time her fist actually left a dent in his body like she was fighting a mortal fighter, though not a few seconds after the attack happened the air around them rippled with energy as she transferred her aura over to Sargeras, something that was followed by her pulling her fist back as she backflipped for a moment and used the end of her right hoof to knock her foe up into the air, showing the watchers that she was going to overcome Sargeras and end the Legion at long last. Once she landed, not a few seconds after her attack, Spitfire crossed her arms as she gathered her power for a few seconds, where the power that was around Sargeras seemed to grow in mass as he realized that there was no escape from her attack and that he would have to suffer through it, before raising her hands not a few seconds later and activated the attack that was building around the Dark Titan, knowing that this would push him further towards defeat, which was what she and her forces wanted. Not a few seconds later the mass of power that had gathered around the Dark Titan just flared for a time, causing a massive glow that everyone could see as they observed the fight take place, though without any warning the energy ignited and transformed into a massive explosion that engulfed the entire area that Spitfire and Sargeras was fighting in, where all of the damage was delivered to the Dark Titan while Spitfire avoided being caught by it and just watched what happened next.

"How truly magnificent." a voice said, where Spitfire shifted her eyes for a moment as she glanced off to her right, finding the black robed figure who had appeared before her and Rainbow in the early stages of their war against the Legion, back before the creation of the Grand Army of Azeroth to be exact, though it did seem like the strange man was pleased with everything that had happened since the last time he had seen her and Rainbow, before she turned her attention back to Sargeras as he staggered out of the large crater her attack had created, "After that display I think this battle will come to an interesting and exciting finale!"

Spitfire stood for there a moment as she brought her hands close to each other in front of her chest, gathering her power into a sphere that consisted of all six Cosmic Forces, before shifting her hands to the right side of her body as six rings of energy formed on the ground around her, displaying her power for all of the watchers to see. At the same time Sargeras staggered for a few seconds and just stood there, no doubt considering his option at the moment, but instead of stopping, and letting the Dark Titan flee, Spitfire swung her hands towards her foe and loosed a large beam of silver energy. Not a few seconds later Sargeras raised his hands and tried to stop the attack from consuming him, to show them that he was still in control, but his hubris struck him hard as the attack dug into his hands without delay. Spitfire heard the sound of her foe grunting in effort as he attempted to stop her beam, though it turned into screams as it barrelled into him before surging off into the distance, almost like she was breaking him apart, piece by piece.

As she expected the proud Titan, no matter how wrong he was in his quest to purge all of reality, refused to surrender to her might and soon she was met with silence, where she cancelled her power and found that the mountain range behind Sargeras was gone, before finding that all that was left of the Dark Titan was a cracked World-Soul, which turned to dust before her very eyes.

"Heroes of Azeroth, we are victorious! Sargeras, the Dark Titan is no more!" Spitfire announced, making sure the forces of the planet they had been protecting understood that she had been successful, their ancient foe was no more, despite the fact that it meant that they were wrong about the Titans, they were mortal as well.

That thought shook her more than she expected, as she had been planning on sealing Sargeras away, but now she had to deal with the fact that she had killed Sargeras and stopped his plans in their tracks, though she decided to shelve all of her worrying thoughts for later, to focus on the aftereffects of this war and what it meant for Azeroth.

Author's Note:

Edited on 3/22/22

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