• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Interlude: New Information

Spitfire remained silent as she walked over to where the Vindicaar was resting, as she needed time to think about what she had done and what it meant for the universe as a whole, because she had just killed a matured Titan, a being that all of them considered to be immortal once they matured. It was how Sargeras was able to kill a nascent World-Soul, before it could become a threat to him and the Pantheon, while at the same time being unable to actually end the lives of the other Titans when he betrayed them, even with Norgannon saving their souls in time. It was what they had been told, and what they had assumed based on all the information they had gleamed over the many years everyone knew about the Titans, but now, thanks to her battle with Sargeras, she knew that things were different from what they thought they knew. The Titans, despite all of their vast power over their respective elements, were as mortal as everyone else, which caused her to pause for a moment as she closed her eyes and focused on her Death powers for a few seconds.

If her thoughts were right, and she hoped she was wrong, if Sargeras was truly dead than his soul would be sent straight to the Shadowlands, to whoever judged the souls of the dead and sent them to their respective afterlives, be it the land of Bastion, the battleground of Maldraxxus, the nature of Ardenweald, the dark land of Revendreth, or the sinister Maw, the land of the damned. She only knew these things because of Medivh and her innate connection to the power of Death, so she knew far more about the Shadowlands than she previously knew in the days leading up to her gaining this particular Cosmic Force, which could either be a good thing or a bad thing. Either way she knew that Sargeras would be judged by a being called the 'Arbiter', more information she gained from her connection to Death, a godly being who could quickly see everything that a soul had done in their life, as in reading everything in seconds, before sentencing them to the realm that they belonged in. Sargeras' twisted World-Soul, however, caused everything to pause for a few moments, based on what she was feeling right now, before the Arbiter sent him screaming into the Maw, no doubt for all his crimes against the rest of the universe, causing her to sigh before cutting off the connection.

The Titans, as much as she didn't want to admit it, were as mortal as everyone else in the universe, which told her that if all of them were mortal, than that meant that the old Gods had to be mortal as well, even though that meant that C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, and Y'Shaarj were dead and N'Zoth was alive, causing her to sigh before opening her eyes, allowing her to see that Rainbow and some of the others were coming towards her.

"I cannot believe it... Lady Spitfire, did you... did you...?" Khadgar stated to ask, though he kept catching himself before he could actually ask whatever was on his mind, even though Spitfire had an idea as to what that might be, while the others were staring at the area Sargeras had been in not that long ago.

"Kill Sargeras? Yeah, I did... as odd as it sounds." Spitfire replied, even though it would be some time before she was able to wrap her head around that fact, given that it shook their understanding of the Titans, because she was sure that using the full power of the Cosmic Forces like this wouldn't have done anything if he was immortal, "How is Argus doing?"

"I held back at the last moment, breaking his form while keeping his World-Soul intact," Rainbow said, which made the rest of the Titans happy, as they might be able to undo all the damage Sargeras did to Argus and restore him to being his own being, though as she said that she glanced at the figure behind Spitfire, "What do we do with him?"

"I'm no threat to you or your planet... I just came to observe the final battle between the forces of Azeroth and the Legion," the mysterious figure replied, holding up his hands for a moment to show that he wasn't planning anything, making her and Spitfire raise their eyebrows for a moment, since putting himself that close to the battle was strange, if all he wanted was to watch the final battle, "Very nice by the way. Who would have known that the Titans were mortal? Certainly not me, since I've long believed them to be immortal."

"That's been worrying me since the battle ended... and if the Titans are mortal, than that means the Old Gods are mortal as well," Spitfire remarked, turning her head towards Khadgar and the other leaders of Azeroth, those that were nearby to be exact, who were interested in what she had to say on the matter, even if they were racing to understand what this new information meant for their world, "It means that C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, and Y'Shaarj are totally dead, leaving N'Zoth as the last foe we have to deal with before Azeroth is totally safe... also, thanks to my connection to Death and the Shadowlands, I can confirm that Sargeras is in the Maw, being punished for his crimes."

That information seemed to please many of the leaders that were near her, though after saying that she returned to the Vindicaar with them following her, which included the mysterious robed figure, before they headed back to Azeroth, as it was time to celebrate their victory over the Legion and their master. As they flew through the space between Argus and Azeroth, however, Spitfire focused on her Void powers for a moment and tried to sense all four of the Old Gods that were imprisoned on the planet they were heading towards. She knew what she had said, and understood that Y'Shaarj was no longer alive, but she wanted to be sure before they did anything else, and based on what she was feeling she didn't sense any powerful Void energies coming from the planet. It confirmed that C'Thun and Yogg-Saron were also dead, though she wasn't expecting to find that someone had come in and killed N'Zoth while they were distracted with the final battle with the Legion, where she had to assume the shadowy figure was responsible for doing it, meaning he had to be stronger than an Old God, as odd as that sounded.

In the end she returned her focus to what was going on right now and found that they were heading to Stormwind, even though Khadgar was broadcasting their victory to all of the other leaders of the world, letting everyone know that they had been successful in defeating the Legion and saving Azeroth. Of course he, Jaina, and the Archmages of Dalaran teleported the city to a space near Stormwind, allowing all sorts of people to gather in the city so they could celebrate their victory, all while some were staying in Orgrimmar so they didn't overcrowd the city. Once Romuul got the ship in position he send a beacon down and they teleported down into the city without delay, finding the citizens and all of the heroes that had been told to hold the line were waiting for them, cheering for their success over those who tried to take Azeroth in the past, and it wasn't long before people were getting ready for what was the largest celebration this planet had ever seen. In addition to that she found that the main races of the Alliance and the Horde weren't the only ones in attendance, as there were all sorts of other races joining them, those who came from Zandalar and Kul Tiras, which put a smile on her face as she sat down and watched everyone.

To Spitfire this served as another victory, because she had shattered all of the distrust and hate between both the Alliance and the Horde, creating a united front to face all of the enemies that this world might face in the future, and her efforts had borne great fruit as races from both factions were sharing drinks and stories with each other.

In addition to all of that she and her forces found some new ships in Stormwind's harbor, as there were a few ships made of wood and had golden additions, which likely belonged to the Zandalari Trolls, while there was an elegantly made pair of ships over on the other side of the harbor, one that seemed to be a master of navigating through storms and belonged to Jaina's own people, the Kul Tiran Humans. Based on what she was seeing the Kul Tirans had brought Gnomes that were half mechanical and half organic, something that she felt could be explained by magic or magic, with them, while the Zandalari brought with them a number of small large-eared foxes who looked more suited for the desert, the Vulpera as she quickly learned. What Spitfire learned was that both races had their own troubles, the Mechagnomes having to deal with overthrowing their former corrupt ruler, who wanted to turn everyone he ruled over into mechanical Gnomes, while the Vulpera had dealt with some Sethrak, a humanoid Snake race who had been plotting to destroy the Zandalari at some point. Of course the races, upon discovering the might of the Grand Army of Azeroth, and their might in tearing down all sorts of demons, as the Sethrak had submitted to their power and turned on the Legion as well, promising to undo all of the damage they had done to Vol'dun, which meant that Spitfire didn't have to be present to resolve conflicts anymore, her army could do that on their own.

In addition to all of those races joining them in the celebration, amazing Spitfire with how well she had altered the rest of this world with her and Rainbow's desire to save Azeroth, they were joined by the still unnamed figure, who stood nearby, as they, along with Khadgar and Jaina, wanted to talk with him before joining the others, hence why they were standing on a ledge overlooking the docks.

"So, you said that you were eager to see the outcome of our fight with the Legion. Why is that?" Spitfire asked, as that was the part that was bugging her, even though she had more questions about him and the figures they had seen back when Draenor was wiped out, "And what about the others we saw earlier?"

"Because I was interested in what sort of power a Titan tainted by Fel energy might have, but your power, however, was far more entertaining to watch." the robed figure replied, who raised both of his hands for a moment and actually pulled the hood back, revealing a young man who had to be in his early twenties, had short raven black hair that was spiked, and had red eyes that suggested he had to be some sort of dark being, "Like I said, your battle was far more interesting than I thought it would be when I first felt you gathering the fragments that allowed you to reach this point, as I had no idea that you would gain all six Cosmic Forces... I figured you'd stop at two or three, instead of going all the way. In fact, at one point I thought Xazariel was going to capture you two and turn you into... what do you call them, Sayaad... after everything you did to her kin, and yet you surprised me then as well."

"Well, good to know someone had little faith in our abilities." Rainbow remarked, which made her dislike the figure more than she already did, though as they stood there she felt the energies that were coming from him, a shadowy substance that reminded her of what she and the others faced in during their time in the Emerald Nightmare, "You're a servant of the Void, aren't you?"

"Not quite. I am Xahvalan, the Seeker of Darkness," the young man answered, where he even gave them a bow for a few seconds, though whether it was a mocking one or not it was hard to tell, before pulling out a crystal that contained a vast amount of Void energy inside it, which Spitfire was sure contained N'Zoth, how she wasn't sure, "however, if you want a true answer, I guess you could say that I'm the follower of something akin to a Void Lord..."

Before he could utter another word Spitfire snapped her fingers and blue celestial chains wrapped around his arms and legs, as she wasn't about to let Xahvalan go after hearing something like that, and she made sure to have a warglaive at the ready as she approached him.

"That was a foolish thing to say. You do realize we can't let you leave now, right?" Spitfire inquired, though as she said that Rainbow, Jaina, and Khadgar readied themselves for whatever happened next, because if what he said was true, and he was a follow of something as strong as a Void Lord, he needed to be killed here and now, before he caused problems for all of them.

"Actually, I have information to share with you, about the other demonic threat in this universe." Xahvalan stated, as if he had all the cards right now, something that caused the four of them to stop for a moment as they considered what he had said, though he showed no signs of wanting to flee yet, even if he made the Void Crystal disappear without moving either of his hands or using any magic.

"One of our allies mentioned that, but we were unable to confirm it." Khadgar said, making it seem like more knew about the other threat than what the reality was, though with the threat of the Legion hovering above their heads that was more than enough reason to not share that information, at least not until something had been done.

"Then allow me to enlighten you: King Dymalis and his demonic empire are conquering worlds and add them, plus those who survive the initial assault, to his ever growing domain," Xahvalan replied, confirming what they had been told, there was another threat out there and it was demonic in nature, another force like the Legion was out there and it would focus on Equus and Azeroth at some point in the future, though as he raised an eyebrow Spitfire pulled her chains back, as his information was valuable, for the time being, "based on what I've seen they will, in due time, either focus on this world or the one that these two call home, at which point you will either be attacked without warning or be visited by a demon who serves as a representative of the massive empire... after that, well, it'll be up to whoever is on the planet to fight and die at their hand, as no one has ever repelled one of their assaults. Also, I'm not sure what that succubus wants from us, since she's lurking in some of the shadows since we arrived in this city, but given that she hasn't attacked any of us, well, I think its safe to say that someone has something they want to say."

Sure enough Spitfire and Rainbow found a rather slender demon standing in the corner that Xahvalan had pointed to as he spoke, a rather powerful one since she must have been hiding her aura for some time and Spitfire hadn't noticed her arrival since she was learning more about the other demonic threat. In the following moments, after the demon dispelled her invisibility spell, she discovered that the Sayaad resembled Xazariel to some degree, in terms of body shape, the style of her leathery wings, and the jewelry she wore, only her body had a blue coloration to it and she had a number of tattoos all over her body. The tattoos, as she and Rainbow discovered, were Fel green colored and seemed to suggest, if they were seeing things right, that the demon was on the level of a Titan, or maybe just Sargeras as she thought about all of this, but at least she seemed somewhat peaceful. In addition to that she found that the main difference between her and Xazariel was that the Sayaad Queen had worn little over her body, while this Sayaad wore a elegant metallic corset, the main color being black with a golden border, over her chest and stomach area, while her breasts were just as large as Spitfire's were, and a metallic skirt that stopped halfway to her knees.

Such a thing told her that the normal succubus' armor they had seen, the bar and v shaped strap that had been modified for battle, had to be her underwear, though based on what Spitfire and Rainbow could see the demon didn't have a single weapon on her, even though she could summon one if she needed to.

"Sorry, I was waiting for a good time to speak up. The name's Sarya, by the way, and I'm the Primordial Demon of Lust, as in the mother of all Sayaad," the demon stated, where Spitfire raised an eyebrow for a moment, as this was the first time she, not to mention the others that were around her, had heard of a 'Primordial Demon', "oh, and just to be clear, I'm not here to avenge the Legion. None of us, and by that I mean myself and the other Primordial Demons, cared for Sargeras or his forces... in fact, we are happy he's been taken care of at long last, even though each of us have lost some of our kin in the process of this war... but, well, we're too chaotic to agree on anything, hence why he was allowed to do as he pleased for so long. Basically, think of the Primordial Demons like this: we're basically the Fel's version of the Titans and we happen to form the Fel Council, as there is me and the first demons of Wrath, Pride, Envy, and Gluttony... I'm the only one who had any desire to come here today, so don't expect my brethren to show up and disturb us."

"So you came to see who tore down Sargeras' Legion and speak with us?" Rainbow inquired, though as she said that they found that the Sayaad was looking at her body and did the same to Spitfire for a couple of seconds, meaning she had to be interested in how their bodies had changed with all the Sayaads they had absorbed.

"Well, mostly I came to see those who killed a lot of my kin... I'm not mad, by the way, since they sided with the Legion and earned their fate," Sarya replied, though Spitfire had the feeling that if the Sayaad had a chance she would capture some people and begin twisting them into succubi, to replace those who had fallen during their crusade to take down the rest of the Legion, before she noticed that the demon's tail was twitching as she considered something, "though I have to say that absorbing all of that Sayaad power has certainly given both of you some wonderful traits... personally, I would love to take a few days to teach you how to wield some of our more unique powers, since both of you are, in my estimations, twenty percent Sayaad. I'm curious as to what might happen if we went through some lessons, to help you understand the sheer power that you possess, but for now both of you might want to have a chat with some of the soldiers in your army, since so many are attracted to your forms, even if they are too nervous to say so."

Spitfire sighed for a moment as she wondered what to make of this situation, as it looked like Sarya might be serious, that she wanted to teach them about their latent Sayaad powers, though for now she decided that they would have to focus on the celebration, as Xahvalan had departed after Sarya showed herself, and worry about the future later.

Author's Note:

Edited on 3/23/22

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