• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,166 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Suramar: Lockdown

"Oculeth, are you ready to teleport us to the Waning Crescent?" Rainbow asked, as while she knew that the Nightborne in question was highly skilled in his art, after everything she had seen so far, it was also clear that such an expert didn't need to take a lot of time to prepare for what they were doing, though she and Elylia were being patient as they waited for him to come to a decision as to where he should teleport them to, so they could investigate the strangeness that was occurring inside the city at the moment, given the fallen portal and their sudden inability to contact those who resided inside the Waning Crescent.

"Well, as close as I can get you, but yes, I'm ready to fulfill my duties," Oculeth replied, though as he said that he started to weave his Arcane energies through the air as he focused on her and Elylia for a few seconds, which confirmed his answer and caused the pair to hold their weapons at the ready, as there was no telling what might be happening inside the part of the city everyone wanted to investigate, even though it was clear that some were worried that the Grand Magistrix had done something in retaliation to their rebellion existing as long as it had, before he considered something as he focused on them, "anyway, Thalyssra is right to be concerned, as the network has not responded to my attempts to re-establish a connection to the beacon that rests in the Waning Crescent, so scouting out the area and investigating what might have happened is the correct course of action for us to take."

Not even a few seconds later both Rainbow and Elylia disappeared from Shal'Aran and reappeared somewhere inside the city, as it looked like they might have been teleported to one of the safehouses that their allies had used in the past, or at least that was Rainbow's thoughts on the matter, to which she carefully applied her mask and assumed Anarys' form once more, while both of them heard Oculeth's voice in their heads, revealing that this wasn't where he wanted to send them in the first place, but given the situation they couldn't complain and he warned them to be careful. Once he was done talking Rainbow and Elylia headed outside, where it was easy for them to see that Oculeth had teleported them to the Artisan's Gallery, where demons and members of the corrupt Felwatch were wandering around the area, like what happened the last time they passed through this area during the normal work hours of a day, before discovering that they were near one of the small arched bridges that would allow them to enter the Waning Crescent and see what happened, to which both of them waited for no one to be watching before moving out. Before they even reached the middle of the bridge, however, it was easy for Rainbow to see the truth of the situation and she growled as she took in what was in front of her and Elylia at the moment, Fel flames were dancing on many of the buildings of the Waning Crescent, designed to keep citizens away from their homes or places of work without actually destroying the structures, there were Doomguards and Inquisitors, at the very least, wandering around, some with the Felwatch standing nearby, some on their own, and some forcing citizens to move by tugging on Fel chains that were wrapped around their necks and hands, and there were a number of bodies that were scattered around the section of the Waning Crescent that was in front of them, all of them covered in Fel flames based on what they were seeing. The explosion that had knocked out the telemancy beacon had been real, something had exploded or someone had launched an invasion of this place, leading to so many Nightborne dying as a result, though she was sure that Oculeth and Thalyssra, if they were watching what they were seeing, were shocked and outraged by what they were seeing right now, and even Elylia looked like she was ready to explode, to cut down the demons and the corrupt Felwatch that had joined them in this area.

"Elylia, I know your angry... I'm pretty livid myself... but we cannot let the demons know we hate them," Rainbow said, as while she knew that her companion would want to avenge those who had been slain, and if it was the demons attacking it meant it was likely to install fear in the rest of the Nightborne who called Suramar City home, to subjugate them in some manner and force Elisande to tighten her grip on her city, which was why she was trying to remain calm and not give any of the demons a sign that something was wrong, before she focused on the Waning Crescent and the sight that was right in front of them, "for now, let's just investigate what happened and see if we can't find someone to talk to, if anyone even survived this terrible assault."

Her companion said nothing to that, deciding to remain silent and keep her anger to herself, though once she was ready to go they walked forward and headed down the rest of the stone bridge, where Rainbow found that it was a good thing that many in Suramar City still assumed that Anarys liked demons, as the Felwatch did nothing to them save wave or nod to her as they went about their business, like they knew she would be fine with this and not raise the alarm, even though all of the smoke could likely be seen from every corner of the city, allowing them to go about their business without the demons suspecting anything. The first thing they did was check out the area that the telemancy beacon had been resting in earlier, where the pair found that someone, likely a demon based on all of the scratches and cuts that rested on the pile of fragments that rested in front of them, had smashed the beacon to pieces and purposely severed the connection to the outside world, preventing the citizens who were attacked from leaving this area, and Rainbow was sure that she heard a faint version of Oculeth's voice coming from the pieces, but she couldn't make it out and had Elylia collect the pieces, all in the name of 'tossing out the trash' when a Felwatch soldier asked them what they were doing, which caused the soldier to nod and allow them to go about their business as he resumed his patrol. Once that task was completed, so none of their enemies could reconstruct the beacon and use it to invade Shal'Aran, Rainbow and Elylia continued to explore the rest of the Waning Crescent, finding more Fel fire covered bodies resting all over the place, Inquisitors forcefully questioning the poor souls that had been captured, Jailers greedily snatching the souls of those who had been slain so they could be taken to one or more of the Legion's foul machines, or even another world to be twisted into demons, Doomguards marched as they kept an eye out for more foes to crush into the ground, and the Felwatch walked around with a smug look on each of their faces, taunting anyone and everyone who might be in hiding to come out and face their fate. Despite the fact that the two of them were investigating what had happened to the Waning Crescent, and weren't fighting anything right now, one thing was for certain and that was the fact that Rainbow was going to purge the demons that were inside Suramar City at the moment, starting with the ones that were in this part of the city, and that even included the Felwatch, as she knew that none of the Duskwatch would do something this terrible, even if Elisande ordered them to do it.

Eventually they reached the part of the Waning Crescent that Vanthir's shop was located in, as it was time to check and see if their allies were fine, keeping themselves hidden from what had happened while they waited for someone to some and rescue them, but what Rainbow and Elylia discovered wasn't good news, as they found a number of bodies, all covered in Fel flames like everyone else they had seen, who had been the attendants and assistants of Vanthir, while the Nightborne they were looking for was missing, though they did find Silgryn getting up after searching one of the bodies, as one just so happened to be a Felwatch soldier that he must have killed.

"Anarys, Elylia, thank goodness you two are alright," Silgryn said, sounding like he was looking for them and not Vanthir, just in case anyone was listening to their conversation and was trying to get some information, while also making sure not to reveal that Anarys was a fake, though they could tell that he was troubled by what he was seeing at the moment, all the bodies the demons and Felwatch had burned during their assault on the Waning Crescent, before noticing that those who had been nearby had left the area, to which he lowered his voice so only Rainbow and Elylia could hear him, "Listen, I have no idea how they figured it out, but Elisande and Gul'dan know of Vanthir's involvement with the rebellion, though I'm also sure that the orc in question was the one to attack this part of the city, as Elisande would have been more discreet in how to approach this sort of situation... she certainly wouldn't burn down a portion of her city, even if the citizens were siding with a rebellion, rather she would have had them captured in the middle of the night, to be interrogated and then, once all of that was finished, punished for their crimes. This... this is beyond what she is capable of..."

"Then Gul'dan is definitely behind the attack, with the Grand Magistrix no doubt being forced to accept the reality of the deal she made with the Legion," Rainbow stated, though at the same time she was starting to wonder if there was more to this situation than what she and the others were aware of, something Spitfire would no doubt think about when she heard about what was happening to Suramar City and what sort of information Silgryn had shared with them, as it sounded like the orc warlock had more control over this ancient city than what they originally thought, before she sighed as she turned towards their ally for a moment, as he seemed sure of something, "and I take it you have a plan of some kind? Hopefully it involves tearing apart the Felwatch and their demonic allies, as there's no way either of us are going to let this slide, not without punishing our enemies for what they did."

"It would seem that all three of us are thinking alike, as I was going to suggest taking the fight to our enemies, the Felwatch and the demons," Silgryn replied, though his words put a smile on Elylia's face, as she was going to tear apart every single enemy that was in the middle of attacking the Waning Crescent, while Rainbow did the same thing, as it would allow them to vent their anger on those who had turned against their own kind and, at the same time, she could sentence the souls of their enemies to join every soul she had captured so far and also add their Fel power to her own, before Silgryn spoke up and continued his train of thought, "We must show Elisande's allies that they cannot get away with attacking our city and killing our people, not without retribution for those who have fallen, and it would send a message to the rest of those who live inside the city as well, telling them that the rebellion stands against Gul'dan and his Legion masters... also, there are a few families who are still trapped inside the Waning Crescent, as this attack came without warning and no one was ready for such a thing, not after all the years we spent under the protective dome, so if you can evacuate them I'll see to finding an area to use to contact Oculeth."

Rainbow and Elylia nodded their heads and headed outside, even though Rainbow removed her mask and put it away, so it sustained no damage from what happened next, though the first thing they spotted was a Felwatch soldier who was in the middle of heading into the house that was across from where Vanthir's shop rested, where she rushed forward for a moment and found that her target already had his weapon at the ready, to harm the weakened and worried father who was inside the house. Based on everything that was going on right now it was easy to tell that he was trying to make sure his children were safe and sound, so they could leave the city or find shelter for later, something that was when Rainbow caught the soldier's weapon before it had a chance to hit the Nightborne, giving Elylia a chance to make sure to find the elf's kids and had the three of them depart with Silgryn, which was followed by Rainbow cutting her Fel-tainted foe down and adding his soul and power to her collections. Once the survivor was out of this area, and Silgryn disappeared with him following behind him, Rainbow and Elylia continued to search the rest of the Waning Crescent and wondered how many more Nightborne were trapped in this place, though while they did that both of them lashed out at their enemies, Rainbow rushing through the air as she hunted down the demons that she had seen in this place, knocking them to the ground as she avoided their attacks and cut them apart for their crimes, both anything they had done before coming to Azeroth and what they had done to Suramar City, and while she made sure to add their souls to her Warblades, just like all of the Fel-tainted enemies she had faced so far, Elylia hunted down the Felwatch. Of course Rainbow made sure to snatch the souls of the Felwatch as well, just so the Legion didn't get wind of anything that was happening in the city right now, even if she knew Gul'dan and any of the higher ranking demons would be able to do that, while she slashed and hacked at the foes that were in front of her, allowing them to see that she was angry over what had happened this morning, especially since she knew some of the elves who lived in the Waning Crescent, thanks to Ly'leth and Vanthir's actions. Of course it looked like Elylia was outraged as well, as she happened to be a whirlwind of death and pain as she hacked and slashed at the Felwatch and demons that dared to challenge her in battle, though this time none of them got close to dealing damage to her, thanks to the fact that she fully on mana and had learned from watching both Spitfire and Rainbow whenever they were in fighting their enemies.

It didn't take them long to depart from the area that Vanthir's shop was located in and headed down towards Siren's Vigil, as it seemed like a good place to check out before the rest of the Waning Crescent, where they found a few buildings that were on fire, scattered corpses that looked like their souls had been stolen, and a potter who was under assault by one of the Felwatch soldiers, even though Rainbow wasted no time in cutting the soldier down as Elylia made sure to help the elf flee the building, despite the fact that he insisted on taking a very important vase with him, claiming that the master's vase was worth a hundred times what his life was worth. The next place they were able to check out was a house that was up the street from where Vanthir's shop rested, where two male Nightborne adults, the older one being a father while the younger one had to be the son, were gathering themselves before leaving the building, though as they approached it one of the annoying Felwatch charged at them and tried to get to the adults, to take their souls and add them to everything the demons had stolen so far, leading to Rainbow cutting her foe down while Elylia tended to the adults, making sure both of them were fine and ready to travel. Once the Felwatch soldier was dead, and both adults were ready to move, the group headed out and resumed searching the rest of the Waning Crescent, the survivors heading for the Bazaar, since it looked like a safe haven for those who lived through this attack, before Elylia spotted a house that had one of the Jailer demons in front of it, being beaten to death by a female Nightborne who happened to be carrying a sword, where Rainbow slew it not a few seconds later and added both its soul and power to her collections, allowing the survivor to spit on the corpse for a moment before retrieving her daughters, who appeared to be the main reason behind the Jailer attacking her house, all to take their souls as well. With the area cleared of enemies, as Rainbow killed several more Felwatch that were around this house and tried to tear the souls out of Scarleth's daughters in the process, she and Elylia came to the decision that they had killed more than enough enemies, as they had taken down what appeared to be half of the Felwatch, at the very least, hence why they left and headed for the Bazaar, since that was where Silgryn had wandered off to and it seemed to be the best place to go, allowing the trio to follow after them for a time.

Rainbow knew Scarleth from one of the parties she had attended, even if the lady had no idea of the fact, something she might have to reveal at some point in time, when they had a chance to do something like that, though as they headed for the Bazaar Elylia spotted one of Silgryn's soldiers near Siren's Vigil, who seemed to be beckoning them over to where she was standing, to which they headed down there and found that she brought them to a house that was literally next door to the one with the potter, where said Nightborne was standing off to the side with his vase, though Rainbow did notice a couple of runes around the doorway that formed a faint illusion, making it look like this place was on fire and had no one inside it, forming a safehouse where no one would look for potential survivors.

"Silgryn, it seems you were lucky as well, finding a place for us and the survivors to rest," Rainbow spoke up, though it was odd that the first safehouse he created would be one that was currently behind enemy lines, deep in the territory that the Felwatch was watching over as they hunted down everyone who opposed their Fel-tainted leader, but at the very least all of the individuals they had saved from the Felwatch and demons were safe and sound, or at least it sure seemed that way based on what she was seeing right now.

"Indeed, though we've had to kill a few of our enemies as well, so we haven't been resting while you two did all the work, dealing with our enemies and saving innocents," Silgryn replied, his tone revealing that he approved of what the two had been able to do since they came to investigate what had happened to the Waning Crescent, as it meant more had survived this ordeal and would no doubt hold a grudge against Elisande, not to mention her demonic allies, which could give way to more joining the rebellion and readying themselves for whatever the future held for them, "I also did some scouting while you were doing that, leaving the rest of my companions to secure this place..."

"Excuse me, but who are you exactly?" Scarleth inquired, as she seemed to be focusing on Rainbow and the fact that her body was different from everything she had seen in the past, both the pony parts and the demon parts, even though most of most of the survivors didn't care about her appearance after being saved from everything that was happening outside this building, but it was clear that she was thankful for them getting her daughters to safety, so the Felwatch didn't obtain their souls and add them to the rest that had been stolen from the Nightborne, "I can see that Elylia and Silgryn act like they know you quite well, though this is the first time I've heard of someone like you fighting for the rebellion and those who follow Thalyssra."

"Our allies don't talk about me and Spitfire all that much, but you'll recognize me soon enough," Rainbow said, where she pulled out her mask for a moment and slipped it onto her face without much of a delay, something that was followed by the magic inside it washing over her body as Anarys' form replaced her own in a matter of seconds, which caught Scarleth and the others by surprise for a moment since they weren't expecting such a thing to happen in the first place, though she held up a hand for a second to stop anyone from saying anything, "Don't worry, Anarys is still alive, as Ly'leth had to use a bit of her magic to lock her up, as she was afraid that her sister would turn to the Legion at some point in time, similar to how many of the Felwatch did when their new powers were offered to them, and to make sure no one suspected that her sister was missing she enchanted this mask so someone could use it, to maintain her appearances in the various parties and events she had promised to appear at... suddenly saying she had something else to do, after her promises, could have lead to someone figuring the truth, so Ly'leth secured her sister's safety and aided the rebellion at the same time."

Scarleth seemed surprised by this information, but after everything she had seen since this attacked had happened, and a number of her friends or neighbors had been slain by the Legion's lackeys, it wasn't long before she nodded her head and showed that she understood why Ly'leth would do such a thing to her own sister, even if the two disagreed on all sorts of subjects and Anarys loved to delve into the knowledge they had on the demons who were attacking the Waning Crescent, to which she stepped backwards and let Rainbow, Elylia, and Silgryn speak about what they were going to do next, since she knew they had to have a plan of attack to show the Legion that this wasn't okay.

"We might be able to hold this area for some time, but we won't be able to hold it forever, not with all of the demons that are currently burning the Waning Crescent to the ground," Silgryn stated, returning to the topic at hand so they could get the citizens to safety and come up with a plan to repay Elisande for her ally's cruel actions, as he was sure Thalyssra had a few ideas already, if she had seen what had happened to the Waning Crescent through what Rainbow or Elylia had seen, before he seemed to think about something as he glanced through the illusion that was around the doorway, which even he knew wouldn't last forever, not unless some of their new allies from either the Alliance or Horde joined them and put forth the power to fuel the spell in question, "every second we spend here places us further and further in danger of the Legion regrouping and retaliating against what we just did, meaning we need to get out of here and find a new place to set up a temporary base of operations... everyone, follow me, as I have an idea."

What Silgryn did was head outside, with Rainbow and Elylia protecting him and the others as they exited the building, and stopped when he reached the small dock area that was resting near their location, where he searched some of the rather small containers and found what he was looking for, a set of fireworks that he could light to give away their location, hence why he set them aside for a moment and used a bit of fire magic to light them, allowing everyone to watch as they went up into the air and exploded with a display that, interestingly enough, formed Thalyssra's emblem, meaning it was a sign for an ally to come and investigate, or so Rainbow assumed anyway. Sure enough her thoughts were right, as not a couple of minutes later, which were long and no demons or Felwatch happened to come over here, oddly enough in her eyes, they found someone coming their way from the water, where she spotted Deline and one of her gondolas, one that was larger than the ones they were used to seeing, not that far from the area they were standing in, though it didn't take her long to come to a stop and beckoned for them to get on so they could leave this area. Rainbow and Elylia waited for the others to climb into the boat, along with Silgryn as well, before doing the same thing and taking the rest of the seats, which allowed Deline to move them out of the Waning Crescent and headed out into the water for a time, allowing everyone to look out at the flames that were spreading around their homes and the death of those who had been living near them, and the fact that each and every one of them had escaped certain death or enslavement by the Legion, though while Deline carried all of them around the part of Suramar City that was near them. Silgryn was looking for a location that they could use as their new base of operations in the rest of the Waning Crescent, the parts that weren't on fire at the moment, before he noticed the lone tower that rested on the outskirts of the Bazaar that Deline worked in, where he informed them that, if his idea worked, Evermoon Terrace would serve as a new point for the rebellion, as he recalled seeing an old teleport pad at the top of the circular tower, to which he had Deline take them in so he, Rainbow, and Elylia could disembark for a time, but once they were off the boat she should take the citizens some distance away and not draw attention to them, meaning she would be watching until Silgryn was sure it was safe for them to join his group.

Once they were off the boat, however, Rainbow found that the Evermoon section of this side of the city was fine, as there were a number of Duskwatch who were staring at the burning Waning Crescent, each of them looking like they were near the point where they would snap and turn against Gul'dan and his demons, though the few who noticed Rainbow, Silgryn, and Elylia did nothing as the trio approached the tower, rather it seemed like they what was going on and were allowing the rebellion to do whatever it was that they were doing, maybe hoping that it would give them a chance to face their true enemies at some point in the future. Based on that information Rainbow was sure that Thalyssra would want to recruit all of the Duskwatch into the rebellion, as it sure looked like the guards had truly been split into two factions, with one being the protectors of the city, even if they were failing in their mission thanks to what was happening to the Waning Crescent, while it was clear that the darker faction intended on slaying the citizens who were suspected of being allies of Thalyssra and her rebellion, allowing the Legion to siphon more souls for every machine they had in their army or twist them into brand new demons to spark fear in those who stood against the demons. The Duskwatch clearly hated the Felwatch, even if they had known some of the now corrupted Nightborne who had sided with the Legion, and that meant many of them might be willing to side with Thalyssra and her outsider allies, though it was hard for them to tell if Elisande was an enemy at this point or if she was being trapped inside the Nighthold against her will, forced to allow this to happen by Gul'dan, and the only reason Rainbow even considered that was due to what she had been told earlier, about how the ruler of the city would have gone about an assault on part of her city, since it wouldn't be what had just happened this morning, but she knew that having a powerful Arcane user, in addition to all of the mages and Council members, would make Spitfire even happier as their war against the Legion progressed. Her thoughts were interrupted as Silgryn found what he was looking for, a small metallic pad that looked like the warp platforms that had allowed someone to go from one floor of the Sanctum of Order, where the Nightborne stepped on it and they watched as it caused him to disappear and reappear at the top of the tower they had stopped at, something that caused him to beckon for them to follow and that was what the pair did without delay, since it seemed like his plan was working to some degree.

What they discovered at the top of the tower, save for another small warp pad that was connected to the one the pair had used to get up here, was that there was a decent sized area for a number of guards to stand around and watch from, all to keep an eye on the demons and report their movements, with some cushions, pots, chairs, and tables scattered around a central flame, which might provide light for those in the Evermoon section of the city, and, sure enough, there was an old teleport pad resting on the other side of this area, just like the ones they had seen, not to mention used, in the past, which put a smile on Silgryn's face as he spotted it.

"Thank goodness this wasn't torn out of the tower or attacked before the Waning Crescent," Silgryn said, though Rainbow knew that if more of the city had come under fire, and not just the section they had seen when they came to investigate what had happened to one of Oculeth's telemancy beacons, pretty much everyone else in the city would have raised up as such a thing occurred and would have likely gone to war with the demons, but for now the rest of the civilians were safe and the rebellion could focus on making sure this didn't happen again, "Now, all we have to do is make con..."

Rainbow! Elylia! Can either of you hear me? a voice asked, where they determined that it was Oculeth speaking, which took Silgryn by surprised since he heard it was well and that meant it must have come from the platform that was resting right in front of them, though at the very least this allowed them to fulfill part of their plans, to which Rainbow confirmed that they could hear the Chief Telemancer, something that caused him to breath a sigh of relief as he heard the news, even if he and the others would be outraged by the rest of the news, I'm going to teleport a new beacon over to your location, so you can restore our access to the section of the city that you are currently in and rescue those who want to flee what is happening inside the city.

The moment the beacon appeared in front of them, true to Oculeth's words, Rainbow activated it like she had done to the others that she had come across and opened a new portal that was connected to Shal'Aran, where Silgryn beckoned for Deline to bring the boat back to the dock and allowed all of the civilians they had saved to disembark as well, where each of them used the warp pad to get up to where the portal was located and headed through it, departing from the city for a time, as none of them would be returning until everything was under control once more, but they were joined by a good number of Duskwatch, who might be heading to pledge their allegiance to Thalyssra, where Rainbow waited for that group to head through the portal before doing the same.

"Ah, good, you have returned, safe and sound," Oculeth commented, speaking the moment Rainbow and Elylia appeared in Shal'Aran, which was much busier than it had been earlier that morning, as now there were members of the Duskwatch actually helping the citizens and outsiders who came from the rest of Azeroth's lands, several heroes had arrived during their absence, no doubt rushing over once they heard that something was wrong in the city, and were tending to those who survived the assault, and Thalyssra had seen fit to put on her Arcanist robes, recovered from her estate by some of the other heroes back during the early stages of the rebellion, attire that showed off parts of her legs, her arms were bare, and part of her cleavage was showing in the front of her robes, something she wasn't worried about at all, which was the moment Oculeth spoke again, "After I teleported you both to the Waning Crescent, to investigate what was going on, you suddenly vanished from our awareness, and I got a faint glimpse of what happened through the broken beacon you were able to recover the pieces of... given the expressions of the Duskwatch, and those you saved, I can tell that something foul must have happened earlier this morning."

"You can say that again, as Gul'dan launched an assault on the Waning Crescent, setting fire to the buildings, killing many of the citizens and stealing their souls," Rainbow stated, though she could see that everyone who was around the portal area of Shal'Aran right now, to get her report on what had happened when she and Elylia went to investigate one of the portals suddenly going dark on them, was either angry over what they were hearing, which she agreed with since she was outraged over what she had seen during her visit to the Waning Crescent, or saddened by the loss of life that had struck their new Nightborne allies, before she sighed for a moment, "of course the orc warlock wasn't there, since he ordered it from wherever he's hiding for the moment, but we were able to save some of the citizens... I wish we could have done a lot more for them, instead of arriving during the aftermath of the attack."

"Still, you did everything in your power to save those that were still alive, so don't beat yourself up over it," Thalyssra said, even though she knew that Rainbow was going to be annoyed and frustrated over everything that occurred in the Waning Crescent earlier, and would mostly blame all of the demons that were scattered throughout the area in question, before she sighed as she thought about what they were going to do next, as none of her plans actually involved part of the city falling under such a heavy attack, not in this manner, and it would take some time for her to determine what sort of plan she could make from this terrible mess, "anyway, Arluelle wanted to speak with you, though she said that she would wait until you returned from the Waning Crescent and said that she would be burying her brother outside Shal'Aran, for when you and Elylia returned... given everything that we've discovered, well, I'm sure she might be lending us her aid in taking down the demons and securing our home."

Rainbow nodded and headed through the tunnel that would allow her to head outside, where she found Arluelle kneeling off to her right, to the left of the entrance if one was staring at the tunnel from the center of Meredil, where she found that the Nightborne had dressed herself in a set of clothing that was similar to what Arluin had been wearing before his death, making her a near mirror image of her brother, and in front of her rested a small stone pot with a single flower in it, which had to be the grave she had set up for Arluin while she was waiting for Rainbow and Elylia, though once they approached her she got up and faced them.

"Arluelle, it seems that you're doing well," Rainbow said, as she knew that the lady had eaten the Arcfruit that had offered to her and that it would have restored her to her true form in a matter of seconds, with someone going out to grap her a new set of clothing to replace the rags that had no doubt been forced upon her before Arluin hid her away and fed her all of the mana he got his hands on, and she looked determined to do something, anything, to bring down those who stood between them and saving the rest of the Nightborne.

"Indeed, and it is thanks to everyone in the rebellion for growing the Arcan'dor, which my brother gave his life for and will be remembered by us once this ordeal is over," Arluelle replied, where she glanced down at her body for a moment and knew that she had taken some time to make sure her body was exactly what it had been when she was a Nightborne, as in before she and Arluin had been forced into the situation that came with the barrier falling and the demons invading parts of the city, where the days of her being a Nightfallen had been terrible and she was glad to put them behind her, to which she glanced at the pair once more, "As such I've decided to offer myself, and whatever skills I have access to, to Thalyssra and the rebellion, to repay the kindness that has been shown to me and to avenge my brother's death... after everything that has happened this morning, with the portal being deactivated and the smoke that's coming from the city, I'm sure she and the others will be happy to have another soldier, be it a blade or magic user."

Rainbow nodded and beckoned for Arluelle to follow, where the three of them returned to where Thalyssra was standing and found that she was, as the lady expected, more than willing to welcome more allies into their growing rebellion, even after a good number of the Duskwatch's soldiers joined them after seeing what happened in the Waning Crescent and all of the death that followed the demons, so she had Arluelle head through the Evermoon Terrace portal and report to the one in charge of watching over that area, Silgryn, while Rainbow took a few moments to relax and stayed near Spitfire for a time, allowing the others to figure out what was going on inside the city before Thalyssra had them proceed with the next stage of their rebellion.

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