• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Argus: The Light Mother

Much to Spitfire's surprise she and the others found some new arrivals on the Vindicaar after about ten minutes of rest, as in a number of Krokul were sent up to their ship and one of them had a message from Hatuun, that he was ready to speak with them about the Pit Lords and what Velen's allies had done for his people, to which Spitfire and Rainbow regrouped near the navigation console and found that Turalyon and Alleria were coming with them, as they wanted to get closer to those who were fighting the Legion near the Xenedar, to which the four of them warped down to the beacon in Hatuun's place and found that the Chieftain was still standing near the campfire.

"While you were gone my scouts found the remains of Aggonar, and the rest of his foul kin." Hatuun said, though as he said that it was clear that he must have been caught off guard by the news that had been brought to him, about all the demons who had been laid low by their might, especially since he seemed to be seeing them in a new light, or at least that had to be the case for her and Rainbow, to which he bowed his head a little, likely to show his gratitude towards them for killing the Pit Lords that rested near this place, "We are in your debt, High Exarch, and yours as well, outlanders."

"Well, to be honest, I didn't do much to the Pit Lords, except show Spitfire and Rainbow to their domain, so they deserve all of the credit for the deaths of Aggonar and his kin," Turalyon replied, showing that he didn't want to take credit for what one or more of his allies did, even though they all knew it was Rainbow who had smashed the Pit Lords with her power, though at the same time he considered something and Spitfire had a feeling that he was going to try and ask Hatuun to aid them in their mission to bring down the Legion, despite the fact that the fleet had enough power to turn the tide against the demons that called this world home, "but, as you and your people have just discovered, we can only defeat the Legion by standing together and presenting a united front against them, and right now our allies in the Army of the Light are in need of our assistance."

"That much we agree on, hence why I sent some of my people to your ship, as I think the Krokul stand a better chance of bringing down the Legion if we join this 'Grand Army' of yours," Hatuun stated, though as he said that he turned towards a section of the rock wall that rested to the left of where the campfire happened to be resting, if one was looking at it from the direction that the entrance was in, where he waved a hand and channeled a bit of his power for a moment, causing all of the fallen stones to fade away and revealed a tunnel that had to lead outside, an escape tunnel in case their enemies found out where they were hiding, "and, as such, we will use our powers to assist you in whatever way we can, because despite all the Legion has done to our world, it still listens to our pleas and refuses to give us up."

Spitfire raised an eyebrow as she heard that piece of information, as while Hatuun and some of the other Krokul might be shaman, who spoke to the elements and could commune with the ground to an extent, it was entirely possible that their new allies might have revealed the existence of a brand new Titan to them, which would confirm why Sargeras wanted this planet and offered another reason as to why he offered the power of the Legion to the Eredar all those years ago, because if Argus was a Titan, and it was possible that it might be one, corrupting it into a servant of the Legion would improve his chances of burning all of creation to ash. For now Spitfire focused on the task in front of her and Rainbow as they, Alleria, and Turalyon followed the path that was in front of them, where the tunnel came out in the side of the mountain and they could see that there were a pair of guards, mostly hidden thanks to all of the shadows wrapped around them, who were guarding the opening they were walking through, mostly to make sure that no demons discovered the secret way into the hovel and discovered where the Krokul were hiding. Once that was done the four of them headed down a path that had been carved into the twisted earth that laid before them, likely due to some of those more dangerous Fel Reavers using this area as a patrol route or something, and focused on reaching a bridge that lead over some Fel lava, though one thing all of them noticed was that the remains of Kil'jaeden's ship, which must have been blasted apart when he detonated after Khadgar teleported all of Azeroth's heroes back to Azsuna, rested off to the far left of where they were walking, so if they wanted to check it out they could, but Spitfire decided against it since she was sure that Legion had salvaged it once it had crashed into the planet's surface and the flames went out. After noticing that they continued down the path that would bring them to where the Army of the Light was fighting, as they could see a number of Lightforged figures fighting the vast army of demons that were trying to tear their way into the defenses and kill everyone that was in their way, along with also being given the chance to destroy Xe'ra at long last, or maybe corrupt her to the point where she either fell or detonated from what was happening, something Turalyon clearly wanted to prevent.

One other thing that Spitfire noticed was that there was an odd glow in Turalyon's eyes, which looked like the Light might have blessed him in some manner, but since none of the other Light users had such a thing she had to wonder if this was a form of compulsion, as in Xe'ra might have compelled him to follow her orders or something, though before she could question it further an Eredar Brute ran over to where they were walking and leapt into the air a few seconds later, landing between them and where the Army of the Light happened to be fighting, meaning he wanted to tear them down before any reinforcements could be given to his enemies.

"Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, this is as far as you go, for the Master has plans for both of you!" the Eredar Brute stated, which told them that Sargeras wanted both of them for some reason, despite their defiant nature and the fact that both of them disliked the Legion as much as the heroes of Azeroth did, meaning he wanted to use their power to take down everything else that might be standing between him and his ultimate goal of ending all life in the universe, where he shifted his stance after saying that and held his claws at the ready, indicating that he was going to kill them.

"Not today, demon!" Rainbow replied, though as she said that another feminine voice, one with an echo that sounded like a Lightforged might have spoken, said the same words at the exact same time, but she didn't let that bother her one bit as she rushed forward and delivered an uppercut to the Eredar Brute's chin and knocked him onto his back, breaking all of his back spikes in the process, before a Lightforged Draenei dropped out of the sky and impaled the demon in the chest with her weapon, a glaive that was empowered by the Light.

"Fareeya! You survived the crash!" Turalyon stated, his tone revealing that he was happy to see the Draenei that had come to assist them in taking down the Eredar Brute that had appeared in front of them, even though Rainbow could have slain him all on her own, though this allowed Spitfire and Rainbow to see that a Lightforged Draenei had whiter skin than their blue skinned counterparts, either alabaster or marble colored to be exact, and it appeared that her eyes were golden as well, while her hooves were ornamented with gold, though it was possible that she was either the captain or an important member of the Army of the Light.

"You know that I refuse to die while the Legion still stands, High Exarch." Fareeya replied, though as she said that she took a moment to glance at Rainbow, no doubt seeing the demonic side of her and wanted to be sure that this wasn't a trick of some kind, where both Turalyon and Alleria nodded to her when she glanced at them, meaning they trusted her and that meant she could place her trust in Rainbow as well, to which she quickly nodded her head and turned around, facing the direction that the camp her forces had set up rested in, "Follow me, we have set up a perimeter between us and the vast army of demons that are seeking to claim the Xenedar for their dark master."

Fareeya lead them down the rest of the path that would bring them to the Army of the Light's camp and they found that all of the soldiers that were currently facing off against the demons were Lightforged Draenei, making Spitfire take a moment to wonder how many Draenei had escaped after Archimonde and Kil'jaeden's forces sided with Sargeras, where it looked like a lot of fragments from the Xenedar had landed all over this section of Argus and the Army of the Light was using the weapons, half sphere shaped devices that appeared to be advanced glaive launcher that used Light energy to blast those the user was targeting, before Fareeya stopped at what had to be the heart of their camp.

"Now that we have been reunited, our forces stand a better chance of waging war against the Legion," Fareeya stated, to which she nodded towards the other Lightforged Draenei that were near her, some manning weapons while others were in the middle of fighting demons and a number were using magic to heal their allies as a few mages blasted their foes, as she came to a stop in the middle of the camp and studied what was going on around their forces, before she sighed for a moment as she came to a decision on what needed to be done before they could secure the Xenedar and the cargo that was still inside it, "even with the dimensional fleet, a boon we weren't expecting, we're going to have to salvage all sorts of supplies, tear down all sorts of enemies, and destroy whatever machines the Legion brings to bare against us before we're able to reach the other side of this large valley... the demons were waiting for us, that much is for sure, and we're going to need to pull out all the stops to secure the Xenedar."

"Well, you've got a Demon Lord killing powerhouse right here," Rainbow replied, where she smiled as she stared out at the vast valley that the Xenedar had crashed into, even though it was hard to know if the valley existed before the event or if it had been created due to the dimensional ship crashing into the area and sliding right into the side of the mountain, as she was eager to head out and kill every demon that dared to step in her way, because based on what she was seeing there were a number of Eredar, Felguards, two Antaen that appeared to be hiding right now, a swarm of Felbats flying right at the edge of the area, and who knew what else, before she glanced at Fareeya, "also, don't forget that you are now allies of Spitfire, who is the Grand Commander of the Grand Army of Azeroth, meaning there are far more soldiers and supplies waiting to be deployed against the Legion."

As Fareeya started to open her mouth to say something, mostly about how they haven't had the time to count how many had joined Velen in his assault on Argus, Spitfire had Romuul send down a beacon to a small opening that rested nearby and sure enough one appeared not a few seconds later, where she watched as a number of Azeroth's forces, which were far more than what she was expecting while she heard that Velen was sending down half of the army that had come with them, leaving the other half to man the fleet. With that done she made sure some of the soldiers were fighting their foes while collecting all of the scattered crystals that had fallen out of the Xenedar, she had another group target the machines that had been set up to collect the souls of the fallen, because she had a feeling that the demons might have ripped the souls out of the still living soldiers and, if all of the machines were broken, they might be able to restore some might to the Army of the Light, all while leaving their remaining forces to tear into the demons that were attacking this area. Once her forces had their orders Turalyon, Alleria, Fareeya, and the Lightforged Draenei watched as the forces of Azeroth moved out not a few moments later, heading down into the valley that the Army of the Light and the Legion were currently fighting over, before smashing into their enemies, much to the surprise of the demons who had been sent to this area to tear all of them down, leaving the other groups of her army to march out and complete their missions, which caused Turalyon and his allies to pause since none of them were expecting Humans and Orcs to work so well together. As the armies clashed in the valley, and the Army of the Light took a few seconds to come to terms with what they were seeing as all of Azeroth's heroes hacked, slashed, and blasted the demons in front of them, Rainbow took off and sought out the two Antaen both she and Spitfire knew were in this area, including spotting what appeared to be a more powerful Fel Lord off near the edge of the valley, as it was easy to tell since his armor was more plate-like and covered far more of his body than the normal armor Fel Lords wore, someone she would take out once she had a chance to fight the Antaen who were currently pulling themselves out of the ground and roared at her.

Of course that wasn't all that happened, as Spitfire ordered the commanders of the dimensional fleet, as in A'dal and his chosen followers, to open fire on the demons and watched as that was what went down, they fired blasts of Light energy down on the demons that were coming from all of the other directions, meaning the army of demons in the valley would be getting no reinforcements and it meant the tide of this particular battle would swing in the Army of the Light's favor in no time, which caused the Lightforged Draenei to move at last as they joined the fight at long last. It was clear that most of the demons weren't expecting all of this to happen, since they had to assume that the forces of Azeroth were weak and it would have been easy to take them down while they were assaulting Argus, since this planet was the heart of the Legion's power and the demons here were stronger than those Vytheril and the others had faced in the past, though such a thing didn't matter as Spitfire's forces smashed their way through the demons, causing some demons to think about this and likely recalled the reports from Azeroth, meaning this might cause some to surrender, if they were smart enough to take such a path. While all of that happened the Soul Collectors that were scattered around the valley exploded and the souls that had been trapped inside them were freed, many of them slamming into the scattered bodies of the Lightforged that served Fareeya, confirming that many of the Army of the Light's soldiers must have had their souls torn out of their bodies after the crash happened, though as that went down Spitfire watched as a number of healers weaved their powers over the fallen for a few moments as their allies defended them from any incoming attacks, something that was followed by all of Lightforged Draenei to pick themselves up off the ground, shake the stiffness from their limbs, and then charge into battle so they could slay more demons. Of course, while all of this was going down and the demons were starting to come to terms with why the forces of Azeroth were much harder to deal with this time around, Spitfire noticed that Rainbow did take a moment to send a small sphere of Fel energy up into the air and it snatched the souls of the demons who fell to the might of Azeroth's heroes, meaning she was separating their energy from their souls, even though it did come as a total surprise to those who hadn't seen this power in action before this point in time.

Spitfire did find that she wasn't left alone as she walked through the valley, as many Eredar and Felguards came at her as she moved towards an area that caught her eye, intending on taking her down while she was down, only for the demons to find that she could pull her Twinblades out of her horns and cut her would be attackers down with ease, freeing their souls to be claimed by Rainbow's spell as their Fel energy was added to the growing mass above the battlefield, before she arrived at her destination and found some Lightforged Draenei who were in the middle of blasting the swarm of Felbats that were trying to swarm the valley, where she assumed the leader of this group was a female mage, mostly because she was the one giving orders to her forces.

"Keep firing, even if you have to deplete the batteries to do so!" the Archmage stated, something that told Spitfire that all of the siege weapons that were nearby, and it looked like there were only three of them and the energy inside them was starting to fade away, meaning they were in need of some of the crystals that her forces were collecting and distributing to the Army of the Light that were stationed at the temporary base camp, before the Lightforged Draenei noticed that they had company and the Archmage turned towards her for a moment, "You and your allies are the greatest boon we could have asked for, given the state of the Xenedar and how scattered our forces are... or had been, before your fleet arrived and started to forcefully push the Legion backwards... but we're in need of crystals to power our artillery batteries, as all of them are going to go offline in the next few minutes and will leave us exposed."

"I wouldn't worry about the Felbats," Spitfire stated, though while she assumed that this might be Y'mera, someone who Fareeya was interested in finding and making sure was okay, as if her loss might damage the Army of the Light's chances of bringing down the Legion, or maybe she was a friend and the Captain wanted to make sure she was safe, she turned her attention towards where the Felbats were located, something that surprised the Lightforged as she approached the edge of the area and focused her mind as she considered what she was about to do.

Y'mera and her small force watched as a number of small magical circles, about the size of one's head, appeared in the air near Spitfire, forming a wall of sorts between her and the massive swarm of Felbats they had been dealing with since all of them emerged from the crash, before noticing that there were four colors among the wall, as in some were a Fel green, a number were a light green that represented Life, others happened to be an Arcane purple, and the rest were a dark gray that had to be Death, though as they noticed that Spitfire waved her hand and fired a massive volley of magical shards, all formed out of the four powers she had access to, at the Felbats without delay... causing the Lightforged Draenei to pause and have their jaws drop as they witnessed the swarm be eradicated in a matter of moments.

"By the Light..." Y'mera commented, as she was at a loss for words, because while she was sure that creating a volley like that, from channeling the power of frost, fire, or the Arcane itself, was possible, in fact it happened to be a spell she had learned over the years she spent fighting the Legion, seeing something like this in action, and witnessing all the demons who fell as each sharpened shard struck whatever area Spitfire happened to be targeting at the time, left her speechless for a time, giving Spitfire enough time to make sure each Felbat was dead and that their souls had been snatched by the sphere that hung in the air above them all, before she eventually recovered herself, "Well, now I can see why Lothraxion wanted us to ally with you and your forces, given the power you demonstrated and the army you lead... though he could have given us a little more warning as to what you are capable of doing... though with this power we should be able to find Baraat, the best shot in our entire army, as he should be looking for part of the Xenedar."

"Given that there isn't much else in this area, I'm going to assume he's close to where the Xenedar is resting," Spitfire said, as it seemed to make the most sense when she thought about it, especially since Y'mera's group was near the edge of a cliff and it didn't look like there was anything else around the area they had been guarding, save for a small pool of Fel lava and a path that lead back to the Xenedar, so her only choice right now was to follow the path and see where it might lead her, though before she left she turned towards Y'mera for a moment, "oh, and Fareeya was worried about your group, so you might want to check in with her once the valley is cleared of demons, which should be soon given the rate the Legion is dying before the might of our combined forces."

Y'mera nodded for a moment, as she wasn't sure what to say since none of them were expecting to see the Legion beaten so badly, as the demons were falling before the might of Azeroth's forces and those who followed High Exarch Turalyon, a feat many of her allies considered impossible, before Spitfire left the area that her forces had been guarding since they had crashed, turning her focus to the enemies that might be between her and Baraat, where she found a few Infernals off in front of her and didn't do anything to any of them as their Fel energy was siphoned by Rainbow's attack, who smashed one of the Antaen into the ground, but it wasn't long before she found a male Lightforged Draenei loosing Light arrows down on a few Eredar, who perished in no time.

"The demons are trying to claim the main cannon of the Xenedar, but are now lacking the numbers thanks to you and all of your allies showing up," the Lightforged Draenei, who had to be Baraat since it didn't look like anyone else was here to assist him, even though Spitfire found a large mech suit of some kind, plated in golden armor forged in the Light, while at the same time standing about half as tall as a Fel Lord, so taller than more races in Azeroth, resting off to her left and that one of the Lightforged Draenei was closing the hatch as she climbed into it, allowing her to take off and head over to the main fight, blasting some demons with Light-infused blasts, "we call the weapon 'Light's Judgement', though it happens to have a security feature that allows us to recall it to one of our vessels should something happen to it or to the ship it might be attached to... with the Xenedar out of commission, well, we should be able to bring it to the Vindicaar or another ship in your fleet, as I have a feeling that you can make full use of its power."

Spitfire said nothing to that as she beckoned for Baraat to join her, as in the two of them moved further along the path in front of them, which brought them closer to the Xenedar and, more importantly, a large crystalline weapon that she could tell was infused with the power of the Light, thanks to the golden plating that all of the Army of the Light's gear, be it all of the weapons, armor, or mechs, happened to possess, which allowed her to tap a panel and found that Romuul must have been told what they were up to and was preparing to receive the weapon, meaning Fareeya or someone else told him that piece of information. Not a few seconds later, after Romuul started the process of recalling the weapon to the Vindicaar, she found a number of Wyrmtongue approaching the area that Light's Judgement was resting in, one even claiming that it belonged to the Legion now, as in 'finders keepers' in a sense she guessed, though in response to that Spitfire pulled both of her Twinblades out of her horns and focused on defending the area as Baraat loosed a few arrows at his enemies, even though all demons who marched on this area would flal under the effects of Rainbow's spell and would lose their energy as time went by. Sure enough there was one unfortunate Wyrmtongue who decided not to fight them, as he stood there and just glared at her and Baraat for a time as he encouraged the others to claim the weapon, which did make Spitfire take a moment to wonder if he might have switched sides as he realized that the Legion was losing this battle and might lose all of Argus at the rate the Grand Army of Azeroth was pushing, but since he collapsed from having his energy drained, and he went still not a few moments later, she stopped thinking about it and focused on defending the weapon from the rest of the demons who came out of the nearby portal. Of course she knew that Rainbow had decided not to target any of the portals that the Legion opened into this valley, mostly because it allowed her to increase the amount of Fel energy for her sphere while increasing the death toll for the Legion, and when she was sure that no more demons emerged from a portal she closed them by stealing all of their energy and added it to her sphere, though eventually an Eredar emerged from the portal the Wyrmtongue were using and advanced on where Spitfire was standing, where she simply swung her weapons and killed her foe with ease, impressing Baraat at the same time.

Once all of the demons were slain, and the portal closed after Rainbow noticed that no more enemies were coming out of it, Spitfire watched as Light's Judgement disappeared and reappeared below the Vindicaar, attached to whatever weapons systems had been installed inside the dimensional ship, where Romuul primed it for a test fire and gave Spitfire an idea on where to use it, hence why she focused on a pile of rubble that happened to be blocking the way up into the Xenedar and called for Romuul to fire the weapon, causing a beam of Light energy to slam down into her target and wiped out all of the rocks in seconds, where she smiled for a moment as she flew down to it as Baraat descended into the battlefield to help take out whatever demons were still down here.

"I knew we'd get to the Xenedar eventually, but not... well, not this soon, especially with the aid of your forces," Turalyon commented, as he and Alleria happened to notice what Spitfire had done and rushed over to the opening in question, due to the fact that all of them were interested in securing Xe'ra and getting out of here before anything terrible happened to their forces, though as he said that Spitfire could feel the lingering power inside the Xenedar, which was no doubt thanks to her bond with the Prime Naaru, one that had been forged after using the Tears of Elune on Light's Heart, before they focused on their mission as they turned towards the path in front of them, "Come, let us secure Xe'ra and then we can call our forces out of this valley, so we can restore Xe'ra to her former glory and figure out what our next steps need to be so we can bring down the Legion."

As they moved into the Xenedar, and followed the path that was in front of them, Alleria expressed some concerns about securing Xe'ra, that she might be locked away in a new prison for going against the Prime Naaru's wishes and delved into the secrets of the Void against her wishes, a power she believed might be useful against the Legion, which caught Spitfire's attention since it meant Alleria might have an idea on where a potent source of Void energy could be found, something that would allow her to complete her collection and gain all six wings, just like Xe'ra's new prophecy had shown her, back before she even gained the second Cosmic Force. Turalyon quickly assured her that despite the state that Xe'ra was in at the moment, her heart torn from the rest of her limp body, that Xe'ra would understand everything Alleira went through to save her and would either cut her some slack, which would be the preferred option, or he and the others would rush to her aid and convince the Light Mother of her desire to bring an end to the Legion and their crusade, something that made Alleria go silent since neither of them really knew what Xe'ra was going to do. Not a few moments after that they walked up the last of the ramp and entered what appeared to be one of the main chambers of the Xenedar, the area that Xe'ra floated in while the ship was in motion and served as her resting place, where the remants of Xe'ra's body floated around where the Prime Naaru normally rested, waiting for them to be reunited with her core, and sure enough there were a few Lightforged Draenei waiting inside the Xenedar, guarding the fragmented Light Mother while everyone else ensured that the demons were unable to reach this place. As soon as Turalyon spotted Xe'ra he made sure that all three of them carried one of the teleportation crystals that Y'mera had given him as soon as her force rejoined the Army of the Light, meaning she ignored what Spitfire had told her, and they formed a triangle around the center of this chamber, allowing the magic inside the crystals to link up with the Vindicaar and gave Romuul the ability to warp them, along with Xe'ra and those who had been guarding her, out of the Xenedar, which went down not a few moments later and Spitfire found that they were back inside the main dimensional ship, with Xe'ra's body resting nearby, where she called for their forces to finish dealing with the demons and return to their vessels.

Sure enough only a few moments went by before Spitfire started getting reports that her forces were no longer fighting for control over the valley, even though Rainbow killed all the demons and ate their energy before returning to the Vindicaar, allowing her to see that Xe'ra's body was resting in the center of the central section of the ship, as in it was in front of the navigation console's ramp, though once everyone was back inside each of their ships, and Romuul set it up so all could see what happened next, Velen, Illidan, Turalyon, and Alleria stood near Xe'ra's form as two Lightforged Draenei carried Light's Heart down to Xe'ra and placed it in the center of her being, causing the Prime Naaru to reform before their eyes as many knelt before her, even if others remained standing to watch this.

"We are blessed to be in your presence once more, Xe'ra." Turalyon said, while everyone stared at the golden Naaru that was in front of them, one who definitely radiated Light energy and seemed to be far stronger than A'dal, or at least Spitfire felt that way when she felt the power the Light Mother possessed, where Spitfire found that Xe'ra was even taller than the few Naaru she and Rainbow had seen so far, and she even had crystalline sections which looked like wings of some kind, before Turalyon stood as they waited for Xe'ra to do whatever it was that they were waiting for.

Turalyon... you have found the Chosen One. Xe'ra stated, apparently caring more about the fact that they found Illidan, as he was supposedly the 'Child of Light and Shadow' that she believed would, at some point in time, bring about the end of the Legion, though her words resonated with Turalyon as he stepped to the side and beckoned for Illidan to take his place, who did so as Spitfire stood nearby, something that caused the Prime Naaru to glance towards him for a moment, or that was what they assumed Xe'ra had done, Illidan... from birth, the light in your eyes held such promise for the future.

"Maybe they did at one point in time, but I sacrificed that birthright a long time ago," Illidan remarked, referring to when Sargeras burned out his once golden eyes and replaced them with what he had now, which he had gotten used to thanks to all the powers that came with his Fel-empowered eyes, though at the same time he didn't like the fact that Xe'ra was of the opinion that he was some sort of chosen one that would bring ruin to Sargeras and his Legion, and even if he believed what she was saying he had a different opinion on the 'prophecy', that it was supposed to lead Xe'ra to the ones that, in due time, would gain the power to topple the Legion, that being Spitfire and Rainbow.

Do you not wish to reclaim what was lost? To be made whole again? Xe'ra asked, where it was clear that she looked down on the sacrifices that the Illidari made in order to become demon hunters, that losing their eyes and twisting their bodies into demonic forms, and sometimes even losing their sanity, while gaining nothing in return, or at least in her eyes, was a bad deal and that she likely felt that it was best that all of them be purged into more fitting forms to bring ruin to their foul enemies, all while Illidan, Spitfire, and Rainbow frowned for a moment, My child, you have given so much of yourself, all for so little in return.

"No... the Legion's end is all I desire right now." Illidan replied, though he had a feeling that the Prime Naaru was going to ignore him and his opinions on what was going on at the moment, something that he could tell Spitfire and Rainbow were thinking about and that they were focused on Xe'ra, just in case she tried anything, even though it was easy to tell that one of them was looking for a way to obtain the next fifth Cosmic Force and boosted her power to new heights, though for the time being he focused on Xe'ra and made sure he was her focus for the most part, even though he could also see that Yrel, Turalyon, and most of those tied to the Light seemed to be under Xe'ra's sway, being partly here while she seemed to be compelling them to watch.

Your true potential, your redemption lies before you. Xe'ra stated, informing everyone in the Vindicaar that she could transform Illidan into something else and grant him far greater power than what he was using right now, even though he would end up losing all of his Fel powers in the exchange, something that caused him to keep the frown on his face for a time as everyone watched particles of Light energy started to move from Xe'ra and wrapped around where he happened to be standing, meaning she might be making her move soon and that they had to be ready for whatever it was, Let go of your shattered form and embrace the Light's power.

Illidan muttered something about trading his freedom for power before, though as he started to backup Xe'ra made her move as the Light flared and tried to restrain him where he was standing for a time, something that was followed by all the strands of energy being snatched by Spitfire as she stood in the spot her mentor had been in previously, where she used her bond with the Prime Naaru to make sure Xe'ra didn't do anything to Illidan, all while Rainbow shifted her stance in the off chance that Xe'ra tried to command their compelled allies to attack them.

"Sorry, Xe'ra, but that was the wrong move... but, thanks to the mark you gave me the last time we spoke to each other, I'll take some of your power," Spitfire stated, as she was annoyed with Xe'ra, as stripping Illidan of his Fel power and forcing him to rely on a brand new set of skills, at this point in their war against the Legion, was the wrong thing to do and she was going to let the Prime Naaru know that she had messed up big time, though it was in that moment that the Prime Naaru shook for a few seconds as her wings started to dim before their eyes, condensing into a sphere of Light energy in front of Xe'ra's body, and as soon as the crystalline wings shattered the Light rushed forward and slammed into her body, which knocked her backwards and freed the weakened Naaru.

The prophecy... must be fulfilled! Xe'ra stated, her voice weakened by what Spitfire had done, finding that Spitfire's left horn had golden markings appearing on it as the stolen power settled inside her body, though while one of the demon hunters was preoccupied she forced herself to move forward with her plan, not willing to give up on her prophecy, and it lead to her ensnaring Illidan not a few seconds later, though despite that it was clear that her power was weaker than what it had been before and that she had to act quickly, hence why she started to fill Illidan's body with the Light, Your old life has passed, as the Light will forge you a new one by healing your scars and reforging your form so you can fulfill your great and glorious destiny!

"My life and freedom are not yours to take! Nor are my scars, for all demon hunters are their scars!" Illidan declared, while his voice echoed around the main chamber of the Vindicaar and showed everyone who was watching that the Naaru was the one in the wrong this time around, as he was against Xe'ra's plans and she was forcing her will upon those who were in her way, be they the 'Chosen One' or her own forces, but that was when he called upon his true power and his Fel energy surged for a few moments, allowing him to shatter his bindings as the next couple of words left his mouth, "MY DESTINY IS MY OWN!"

In that moment, as the Light bindings shattered under Illidan's true power, Illidan fired a potent beam of Fel energy from his eyes, using the Eye Beam skill that all demon hunters eventually learned how to use, and struck Xe'ra in her core, which caused everyone to look away as a bright flash filled the main chamber of the Vindicaar for a few seconds, and when the light faded Illidan collapsed on the floor as small crystalline fragments landed all over the area, showing that he had slain the Prime Naaru for her actions, and it ended up freeing those Xe'ra had been compelling, as the Light quickly faded from Turalyon's eyes and the eyes of everyone else, causing the horrible realization of what had happened to dawn on those in the ship, both the forces of Azeroth and the soldiers of the Army of the Light.

"By the Light... Xe'ra..." Turalyon eventually said, his tone revealing that he didn't know how to react to this, as part of him wanted to rage and call Illidan by his title, that of the 'Betrayer', for destroying the Light Mother in front of them, while the other part of him was simply stunned by the fact that Xe'ra was willing to compel him, the soldiers of the Army of the Light, and those in the Grand Army of Azeroth so she could get at Illidan and force him down whatever path she had in store for him, just like she forced all of them to simply stand there and watch what happened, before he made up his mind as he and Rainbow walked over to Illidan, where they helped him up, before realizing something important, "Wait... what in the world happened to Spitfire?"

"I'm fine," Spitfire replied, where the glow that had been around her body faded and everyone could see that she had been successful in incorporating the fifth Cosmic Force into her body, due to the golden Light runes on her left horn and, more importantly, a golden feathered wing that was resting above her Life and Arcane wings, while being opposite of her Fel wing and the Death wing that was blow that, meaning the eventual Void wing would be resting diagonally across from the Light wing, and the Army of the Light, for the first time, could see all of her power as it settled down, before she glanced out at the Xenedar for a moment.

Velen watched as Spitfire vanished not a few seconds later, only to reappear outside the Vindicaar an instant later as she stood at the edge of the ship's bow, causing everyone to shift their stances and take up positions as they waited for her to do whatever she was planning on doing to test her new power, to which she opened her wings as she focused her power on the Xenedar for a few seconds and a wave of energy washed over the downed ship, something that caused Velen and many others to raise their eyebrows as they watched her. Not a few seconds later it was like time started to reverse as the downed ship pulled itself from the mountain it had crashed into and everyone watched as every component that had been blown off of the Xenedar, save for Light's Judgement since it remained attached to the Vindicaar, where they merged back together and connected to where they were supposed to be, as if she was reassembling Xe'ra's former ship, even though it amazed Khadgar when he considered that Spitfire really didn't have experience using time based magic and likely learned this from watching the Nightborne. Such a thing seemed to be the case with her, where she learned how to wield the other Cosmic Forces by observing and taking notes from those who were masters of their craft, like the druids for Life, or any of the death knights for Death, though she would likely do the same by recalling what all of the paladins and priests did when any of them worked their powers, before improving on it and worked wonders that surprised all of them, making him and many others wonder what in the world she was going to be capable of when she eventually found and obtained the sixth and final Cosmic Force. That thought made Khadgar sweat, because no enemies have been able to full out Spitfire's true power, as he had to assume she had been keeping her true power hidden so Rainbow and the others didn't feel like they were the unwelcome addition to all of the fights she had been in, likely since she first obtained her second Cosmic Force if his estimations were correct, so once she had all six Cosmic Forces he was sure that Spitfire would stand on Sargeras' level of power, meaning it was a good thing Illidan had found her and Rainbow, instead of the Legion, otherwise he was sure all of them would have been screwed if either of them had been their enemies.

Once he finished that thought he and the others watched as the Xenedar stopped moving, as in it was floating in the air in front of them and, based on what Turalyon's forces found, it was fully operational, meaning Spitfire had fixed it up and, at the same time, might be adding it to her fleet, granting them even greater power to bring down the Legion, to which all of them waited for her to return to them so they could make their next move, as he was sure that whatever happened next would bring more ruin to the Legion and Sargeras' plans.

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