• Published 4th Oct 2020
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World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Shore: Into the Depths

It didn't take Spitfire, Rainbow, and the rest of their group all that long to enter the Tomb of Sargeras and stepped into a decent sized chamber that seemed to be a rest area, something Rainbow and Illidan recognized since there had been one in the Cathedral of Eternal Night, though Kil'jaeden was nowhere to be seen, which meant he was likely heading for the Avatar that slumbered inside this place, or at least that appeared to be the ultimate goal of the Legion and would provide their foes with a powerful weapon that would deal a great bit of damage to those who stood against them, though for now their goal was to find out where Aegywnn had set up the other pedestals for the remaining four Pillars of Creation. Once Spitfire was sure that everyone was ready to go, which everyone confirmed not a few seconds later, they quickly headed up the short bit of stairs and entered a wide area that looked like it had been a hallway at one point in time, back when this was a temple of Elune to be exact, before they spotted the massive chamber Rainbow had described after her trek through the Cathedral, as she had seen it for a few moments before focusing her attention on the demons that had been in her way, which was a mix of ancient Kaldorei architecture and modern Fel corruption. That was due to the fact that there were a number of cracks in the stone floor, with Fel energy seeping from them, there were Fel flames on all of the braziers, which showed who was in control of this place, and there were a numbers Fel spikes that rested on the left side of the large chamber, where the first of Kil'jaeden's demonic guards would likely show up once he was ready to tear them down, though there also happened to be a decent number of demons in this chamber, at least twenty Felguards and five Doomguards, but that was nothing more than an appetizer for Rainbow at this point in time, even if she stood back and let the heroes take their foes down. As she considered what she was seeing at the moment, and the heroes stopped behind her while Khadgar, Illidan, and Velen waited at the back of the pack, since two of them were here for the Deceiver and Khadgar was here to teleport the Pillars to them when they discovered the points they needed to be returned to, Spitfire spotted some stained glass on the other side of the chamber that looked like the Pillars, above a tunnel leading to another chamber and a stand area that seemed somewhat important.

The reason she deemed it to be important was due to the fact that there was already an image resting above one of the four stands, as that was the number of stands that were resting near a circular emblem of some kind, which she and her allies could figure out later, when they had time to look at it, though the image in question happened to be the Aegis of Aggramar, the Pillar Rainbow had placed in the Cathedral earlier, but after checking that out Rainbow paused for a second and had Khadgar call up a shield for everyone else... which was when a Fel meteor tore through a Fel portal and slammed into the floor that was on the left side of the chamber, creating a decent sized hole in the floor as the burst of Fel energy killed the demons in this chamber.

"It seems that the first challenger is already here," Rainbow remarked, though as she said that she raised her right hand for a moment and called all of the demonic souls over to where she was currently standing, due to the fact that she didn't want to waste the energy that happened to be connected to each of the souls that were in front of her, though as she took a few seconds to devour their Fel energy, and seal the souls inside her Warblades, Khadgar dismissed his barrier and that was when all of the heroes started to spread out around the chamber that was in front of them, before the demon who had been resting inside the meteor started to climb out of its large hole.

At first it seemed like they might be fighting another Pit Lord, given the size of the hand that emerged from the hole, but not a few seconds later Spitfire and Rainbow noticed that the demon's skin was charred to the point where it looked like it was the stony flesh of an Infernal, and when the twisted creature pulled itself out of the hole they found that it was a Pit Lord whose body had been twisted to match that of an Infernal, complete with Fel cracks all over his body, as they were sure that it had been male at one point in time, his hands had a Fel green glow to them, and he was emitting a fair bit of Fel flames, both from his own flames and from his twisted new form.

"This must be Goroth, a Pit Lord who failed Sargeras far too many times for the Dark Titan's liking," Illidan commented, as he and the Illidari had been hard at work checking all of the records and worlds that they had access to, especially with the surprising addition of the Eredar that defected to their side, out of the primal fear of Rainbow devouring their souls and power, and there had been a few entries about such a Pit Lord among what he had looked over, though the fact that this demon was standing before them meant he was on his last chance, but this time, if he failed the Dark Titan and fell while fighting them, his soul wouldn't return to Argus, rather Rainbow would snatch it and add his decent Fel energy to her own growing pool of energy, and his soul was added to her soul collection as well, "According to the records, his flesh has been flayed and marred to the point where he looks more like an Infernal and less like a Pit Lord, meaning his punishments for his failures must have been great and terrible to do such a thing to him... in fact, simply walking seems to inflict some sort of torment on his body, so be careful while you take him down."

As he said that three Infernals dropped down into the chamber, either part of Goroth's force or reinforcements sent with the intent of making sure he was successful in guarding the first part of the Tomb, though Spitfire was positive that such a thing could have been handed by a Fel Lord who had watched them enter this place before departing for another part of the Tomb, like the area he was supposed to be guarding, but as she did that Rainbow flashed through the air and took all three Infernals down in a matter of seconds, allowing her to draw in their energy and souls before they faced Goroth, who groaned as he finally pulled himself out of the hole he had created. In the following moments the Infernal Pit Lord took a moment to notice that the Infernals had been taken care of and roared for a few seconds, showing them that he wasn't pleased with this turn of events, before he rushed forward without wasting time and caused the heroes to get into their formation as Rainbow tanked the first incoming attack, a fist that was laced with Fel energy to smash whoever he hit into one of the walls, but thanks to her power she siphoned the power of the attack and didn't move at all, which allowed Spitfire and all of the heroes to lash out as Khadgar's group watched them from the wide passage they had been in not a few moments ago. Spitfire did take a moment to wonder if Goroth had been infused with the essence of one of the more powerful Infernals that existed in the Legion's dark ranks, such as one of the Brimstone Destroyers and would explain the level of power he possessed, or if part of his torment had been a massive infusion of Fel energy that twisted his body into what they were seeing at the moment, though in the end she determined that such a thing really didn't matter to them, as Goroth was their enemy and she knew that he wouldn't listen to anything they had to tell him, given that he happened to be one of Kil'jaeden's lackies, to which she pulled her Twinblades out and rushed into battle as well, even though it looked like the Infernal Pit Lord was focused on Rainbow and the tanks. The only good thing about Goroth doing that was that the healers didn't have to worry about wasting their energy on both her and Rainbow, given the fact that she was capable of dodging attacks without being hit in return, while at the same time her friend could just tank an attack and devour the Fel energy that was being directed at her, meaning she emerged without any damage being done to her body, which made all of the healers pleased to have someone like her in the group.

Interestingly enough Goroth let himself be knocked back a little, by a swing that came from Zuleth, before he gathered his Fel energy and summoned several large Fel spikes from below the floor they were standing on, an attack designed to deal some decent damage to them, but thanks to the fact that Spitfire and Rainbow could feel Fel energy they were able to see where the spikes would burst out of the stone and made sure their allies were out of the way when Goroth unleashed his attack on all of them, where no one was hurt by the spikes and it seemed to annoy their foe. Rainbow rushed forward and kicked Goroth in the chin after the demon unleashed his attack, sending a wave of pain through the demon's body thanks to how his body looked, something that caused the Infernal Pit Lord to raise a hand for a few seconds, towards the ceiling, and three person sized Fel comets surged out of a decent sized Fel portal that happened to be above them, one that just seemed to a gateway to his arsenal and not to an actual demon world, so they didn't have to worry about reinforcements coming to aid the demon in front of them. The heroes, however, didn't worry about the Fel comets as they focused on the demon in front of them, as Rainbow flashed through the air and sliced the comets apart until each one was a pile of small pebbles that landed on the ground on the right side of this chamber, and when another trio appeared after that, while she was in the process of landing for a few seconds, Spitfire waved her hand for a moment and the comets were blown apart with a small burst of her power, which she was saving for when they got to the stronger foes that were in this place, such as Kil'jaeden or the Avatar of Sargeras, before rushing over to Goroth and sliced into his back, causing the Infernal Pit Lord to stumble forward and growl as he lashed out at the heroes that were in front of him. What was interesting was that their foe, apparently mad with anger over being tormented and twisted into his new form some time ago, channeled his power into a large Fel orb that looked like it was actually an inactive Infernal, one that he hurled, by rolling no less, towards one of the healers, showing them that he might be smarter than they gave him credit for, though Rainbow flashed through the air and appeared in front of Goroth's target, tanking the orb and devouring the Fel energy that was inside it before smashing the rock to pieces, allowing the healer in question to emerge unharmed as both of them rejoined the fight.

Eventually Goroth got annoyed with them and gathered his Fel energy for a devastating attack, something that caused all of the heroes to hide behind the Fel spikes that had been left behind while Khadgar shielded the watchers with a barrier, while Rainbow remained out in the open and allowed the surge of Fel energy to wash over her, as Goroth wanted to burn everything that was around him to ash, sort of like what happened when a Pit Lord detonated upon death, though in the end the flames died down and Rainbow emerged with no damage done to her body, not to mention a smile on her face as Goroth seemed to frown as he noticed that none of them had died during his attack. Goroth continued his assault not a few moments later, stomping around the part of the chamber that they were fighting in as he seemed to ignore the pain his body was in, all while swinging his fists at whoever happened to be near him, where Spitfire found that Zuleth and the rest of the heroes either tanked the attacks or dodged them, with the healers mending the wounds of those who chose to do the former, though it was clear that they were pushing Goroth backwards and it seemed to be annoying the Infernal Pit Lord as the battle progressed. What interested Spitfire was the fact that their foe seemed to understand that using his Fel energy against them was a bad idea, since Rainbow would swoop in and eat any attacks that were launched at her allies, so he focused on smashing his way around the chamber as he focused on whoever he felt was the greatest threat, which showed her that he was smarter than most of Kil'jaeden's followers, even the Deceiver himself based on what she and the others had seen so far, but even with this decision the Infernal Pit Lord was losing Fel energy, as Rainbow was siphoning a bit of his power every now and then, just like she did in the past after she developed this type of power. In fact it seemed like Goroth realized that something was wrong with his body, far more than what he had been through when his body had been twisted into its new form, even though there was nothing he could do to stop Rainbow stealing his Fel energy as the fight progressed, something that caused him to stagger for a moment and opened the way for the heroes to lash out at his exposed legs for a time, not to mention hacking into his chest, arms, and the rest of his twisted body as they pushed him into a corner on the side of the chamber he had crashed into earlier, before Spitfire jumped into the air and spun around as she removed Goroth's head.

In the following moments, like any Pit Lord did when they perished, Goroth's Fel energy flared as he started to detonate in front of them, though Rainbow held a hand out and condensed all of the power into a small orb in no time, allowing her to devour it as she sent the Infernal Pit Lord's soul screaming into her Warblades, causing the heroes to breath a sigh of relief for a moment as Khadgar lowered his barrier, allowing him and the others to move down to where they were standing as Spitfire came to a decision on which direction they needed to head into, as there was the frontal direction, the new hole, and a door on the right side of the chamber... and, sure enough, the echo of Aegwynn appeared near the stairs that lead to where the one Fel Lord had retreated to, causing them to turn towards her.

I sealed each level of this temple so that no invader could descend into its depths and find my foe's Avatar, Aegwynn said, informing them about what she had done in the past, back after she defeated Sargeras' creation and saved the world from what it was supposed to do, where she glanced at the circular area in front of the four pedestals that indicated how many Pillars of Creation were in use at the moment, before she sighed as she noticed something only she could see, I never anticipated that the Legion would find another way to breach its dark heart... meaning that my wards now bar your way to where the Avatar rests. You have already succeeded in stalling one of the wards, with the Aegis of Aggramar, and now you must find the locations of the other three and place them in their proper locations to bypass the remaining wards, but do work fast, as I can feel the one called Kil'jaeden working to infuse the Avatar with the Dark Titan's power and awaken it so it can be used against you... I know that two of you are powerful, but I do not know how such a battle might end if either of you were to fight the Avatar.

"Then we have another reason to kill Kil'jaeden," Spitfire stated, though as she said that one of the rogues returned to the slightly raised platform they were standing on right now, as he and the others had headed over to where the locked door rested, and found that it was locked tight, meaning their only options were to head into the chamber the Fel Lord was in, as it was right in front of them, or head down into the open passage Goroth's arrival had opened and hope that it held a path that wrapped around to the locked section of the Tomb, to which she came to a decision on what to do next as she faced her companions once more, "We'll leave the Fel lord alone for now, as I have the feeling that if we follow the path that Goroth opened for us we'll be able to find a way into the locked section of the Tomb, where one of the Pillars has to be placed... we can circle around the lower levels of the Tomb and come back to this demon in due time."

The heroes nodded their heads as Spitfire said that and headed over to the hole that Goroth had made, finding that it did connect to a tunnel of sorts that seemed to head into the depths of this place, to which they carefully climbed down into it, which allowed them to find a set of stone that formed a makeshift set of stairs for someone to use to go from one location to the next, though as they headed down the tunnel that the Infernal Pit Lord had opened everyone kept their guard up, as none of them had any idea what might have been left down here. Based on some of the bones that were around them, likely belonging to a whale or some other large creature, they were able to tell that this passage had been a more recent addition to the Tomb of Sargeras, given that it was more curved looking than what was in the entry hall and seemed more natural than anything they had seen so far, and sure enough there happened to be a decent sized pool of water near the bottom of the tunnel, one that had a new Murlocs playing and caused them to stop when the heroes walked into the area they were relaxing in at the moment. In that moment the death knights channeled a power all of them had access to, one that caused the ground around their feet to freeze and allowed them to walk over water, where Spitfire found that it was just an illusion of sorts and that whatever power they were using basically channeled a bit of air towards their feet and let the user walk on water, to which they quickly crossed over the pool in front of them, not freezing it and allowing the few Murlocs to return to their fun, before Spitfire, Rainbow, and their allies found something interesting in front of them, due to the fact that the tunnel brought them right to another decent sized chamber. This one happened to have some Naga who were standing guard, three to be exact, and around them stood a few Murlocs, though what Spitfire was interested in was the fact that there was a large figure standing next to a makeshift throne or alter of sorts, a brutish creature that just so happened to have a hunched appearance as it used its fists to help it walk, while it had a bunch of armor on it which made them wonder if it was going to fight them in the name of the corrupted Queen Azshara, where she suspected that it was a Naga Brute as she focused on the more imposing female Naga who was resting on the alter behind it, someone she suspected was a high ranking member of the Naga's forces.

"These fools are bringing the Tidestone to us, just as our blessed Queen foresaw!" the Naga sea witch stated, which meant that Queen Azshara was good at predicting what the heroes of Azeroth did, especially after her forces were beaten back in Azsuna some time ago, though her words seemed to cause the couple of Naga to ready their weapons as they waited for the heroes to get closer to where they were positioned, even though there was one fatal mistake she had made and that was the fact that none of them had the Tidestone of Golganneth, as it was back in Dalaran and would be teleported to the area it was needed as soon as they cleared the area of enemies, "Harjatan, slay the intruders that are in front of you and claim what belongs to our glorious Queen!"

It was nice of the Naga to name the Brute for them, since it allowed them to know that he was called Harjatan as he took a moment to walk into the center of this area, especially when another Naga informed their leader, Mistress Sassz'ine, that they would claim the Pillar of Creation that their Queen wanted them to claim, though instead of wasting time Spitfire just sighed for a moment and vanished not a second later, allowing her allies to witness the couple of lesser Naga and the few Murlocs that were in this chamber fall to the ground as she landed nearby. With those enemies take care of, and a look of anger appeared on Sassz'ine's face, Harjatan roared and charged into battle without delay, smashing both of his fists into the ground as he targeted Spitfire with the intent of smashing her to dust, though she was capable of dodging the attack and landed near her companions, something that was followed by them rushing at the Brute as he realized that he had missed his target, something that would no doubt annoy him to some degree and piss off Sassz'ine as well, which was fine since it would make fighting with her that much easier, since she would likely fight them next. From there he used the backs of his hands in an attempt to smack them around and turn this battle in his favor, where the tanks simply tanked his attacks while the others, the healers and damage dealers, dodged whatever attacks were sent at them, while dodged to the side and lashed out with one of her Twinblades as Rainbow jumped onto the fist meant for her and lashed out at the arm she landed on, causing Harjatan to growl in anger as it was injured, but even with all of that it looked like it had some good defenses and meant that this might be a long battle. What was interesting about the battle was that their foe had a roar he could use that called in a couple of Murlocs, who would attack the heroes while all of them were busy dealing with Harjatan, though some of them tore their attention away from the Naga Brute and focused on his allies for a few seconds, quickly burning the reinforcements down before they could do anything as they returned to focusing on the big enemy they were currently fighting, even though they could see that Sassz'ine wasn't pleased by them quickly taking down the reinforcements that had been summoned to this battle.

As interesting aspect of this battle was that Harjatan seemed to call upon the water that was inside the bodies of the Naga and Murlocs that had been slain so far, empowering himself with even more strength as he lashed out at the enemies that were in front of him right now, though Rainbow found that his punches were definitely stronger than they had been just a few moments ago and she even tanked one so her allies could lash out at their foe's sides and back, doing everything in their power to bring him down so they could move into the depths. Other than calling on additional Murlocs to fight them, and draining the water from the defeated ones to strengthen his body, there didn't seem to be anything special about this opponent, not like most of Kil'jaeden's followers and the demons that everyone had fought to reach this point in time, so it made Spitfire wonder what sort of power Sassz'ine had, especially since she wasn't fighting anyone right now, something that opened the way for Harjatan to punch her in the side of the face and caused part of the chamber to shake as his fist hit her, while the heroes paused for a moment. As Harjatan pulled his fist backwards, however, whatever smile he might have had on his face was replaced by shock when he and his master noticed that Spitfire had taken no damage and took a moment to turn her gaze back towards the Naga Brute that was currently blocking the way forward, where she swung her Twinblades for a moment and an x shaped cross appeared on their foe's chest, causing it to stagger backwards for a few seconds as Sassz'ine raised an eyebrow in shock, but it was more for her allies than for their enemy, as the heroes lashed out at the Naga Brute as he recovered from the surprisingly fast attack Spitfire had used. With that done Rainbow joined Vytheril, Scarlet, and the other heroes in what appeared to be the final attack against Harjatan, all while the creature did his best to take everyone down so his master could retrieve the Tidestone, or at least look for it and find that none of them had the Pillar in their possession, but in the end it didn't matter as Spitfire punched the Naga Brute in the side of the head and knocked him into one of the stone walls, opening the way for her allies to deliver another barrage of blows that lead to him collapsing in the middle of the chamber they had found it in, causing Sassz'ine to huff in annoyance as she headed down another tunnel, which had to lead to the next Pillar pedestal.

Vytheril found a small walkway that happened to lead right to a section of the ancient temple, one that had a door that could very well be the path over to the other side of the Tomb, while it also had a path that descended into the depths, as in the same direction Sassz'ine had headed in, to which Spitfire, Rainbow, and the heroes carefully walked over to where the path in question rested as they kept an eye open for enemies that might want to tear them down, though there was a pool of water below them that might also be a route to take, but it would be falling into Sassz'ine's grasp and granting her an advantage over everyone. Once they were inside the passageway they headed down to their right and kept their guards up as they followed the ancient stone steps, even though part of the area was cracked and ruined as they passed through a door and found a cylinder shaped chamber that had a large elven statue, likely of Elune given who this temple had been built for in the past, so they walked down the curved stairscase and headed down into the depths of the Tomb, which did seem to be a watery place that might secure the foundations of the structure or something, as only Aegywnn knew what each ward was capable of. When the group exited the chamber a few moments later Spitfire found a few groups of Naga, who appeared to be waiting for everyone to come to this part of the Tomb, standing between them and the doorway that would bring them to where Sassz'ine had to be waiting for them, though what was interesting was that every serpent who was in their way suddenly stopped what they were doing before bowing their heads towards Spitfire and Rainbow as they moved to the sides of the walkway, allowing the heroes to continue to where Sassz'ine was waiting for them, though as all of them walked by the Naga Spitfire was sure that one claimed that they were here to serve and that they would be taking the fight to the Legion. Normally one would be surprised by such a thing, but they must have seen what happened earlier, with the Eredar that had betrayed Kil'jaeden, and likely assumed that staying as an enemy of Azeroth was going to come back and bite them at some point in the future, so changing sides meant they could secure their future and show Azeroth that not every Naga was a bad person, though after learning that information all of the Naga departed from the area they were in and allowed the heroes to march down to the lowest point of the Tomb, or at least this section anyway since all of them knew that the Avatar's chamber had to be even deeper than this.

After that happened Spitfire, Rainbow, and their allies found a watery chamber of sorts, circular in nature, which seemed to be connected to the sea and water that was around the Broken Shore, with a number of creatures swimming around on the other side of the barrier that protected this place, and sure enough they found Sassz'ine standing guard over the next Pillar pedestal, wielding her polearm and whatever powers she had access to, though instead of speaking to them she just waited until everyone was inside her domain before locking the gate and rushed at them. Spitfire rushed forward as their foe did the same thing and their weapons collided with each other as the heroes spread out to focus on attacking either her back, her tail, or the arms that she wasn't using right now, while Rainbow flashed around the chamber and lashed out at the Naga that was in front of them, who expertly switched between her and Spitfire with her single weapon, which did show them just how skilled she was in combat and that they had to be careful so neither of them were cut down during this fight. As they did that, however, Sassz'ine channeled her power with one of her spare hands and the water responded not a few seconds after she made the movement, where some large jellyfish rose out of the water while keeping most of their bodies in the water that was below them, as the ground of the chamber seemed to be solid despite the fact that it was made out of flowing water, though each one seemed to have a range for their electricity as they tried to shock most of the group, likely into submission so the Naga could claim the Tidestone, but the heroes moved out of the way and made her attack utterly useless, causing the couple of jellyfish to return to the depths. It didn't seem like Sassz'ine enjoyed the fact that the jellyfish had failed her in this regard, hence why she continued to lash out at them while doing her absolute best to stop everyone else from hurting her in some manner, where it looked like she tried to curse some of them with a burst of pain to make them easier to take down, though for the most part the healers dealt with her potential curse, which annoyed the Naga even more as Rainbow spun around and kicked the side of her head, which knocked her down into the water for a moment before she pulled herself up and charged into battle once more, showing them that a simple kick was not enough to bring her down.

Not a few moments later Sassz'ine called for gray skinned eels that looked like they wanted to bite someone in half, which some of the heroes dealt with by cutting them down before they were able to do anything, though as they did that their foe channeled her power again and summoned some small tornados that swept from one side of the chamber to another, intending on damaging all of them and letting her gain the advantage over this fight, which would have been a great attack if it didn't have a single weakness, some of them struck Sassz'ine's eels, the corpses to be exact, and it cancelled a few of them out, creating an opening for them to slip through and avoid taking damage. Of course that wasn't the only trick she had up her sleeve, as Sassz'ine had an ability that called some sort of twisted fish looking creature to jump out of part of the water in a way like it was trying to eat them, or drag someone under the water, though Rainbow dealt with it before it could hurt anyone as she spun around and swung her Warblades, cleaving Sassz'ine's new minion in half and let both ends hit the ground near the Naga, who growled as she noticed what had happened to her creature, likely since she assumed it would do something, anything, and was annoyed that it had failed her. There was another beast of sorts lurking in part of the water and focused on sucking in the water, which translated to the air of the chamber to draw in those that happened to be fighting its mistress, to which Spitfire extanded her hand towards where she assumed the beast was located, which was easy thanks to the vortex in the water, and loosed a burst of Death energy into the heart of the vortex, which lead to the beast pulling back as it devoured her attack in a matter of seconds, no doubt fearing that she might actually kill it with a more powerful attack of the same Cosmic Power. Her action even caused Sassz'ine to pause for a moment when she saw it happen, no doubt since this was the first time that the Naga had actually seen her channel more than her Fel power as she fought her enemies, so they might not know about how much power was actually inside her body right now and such a thing might make the dark Queen Azshara to think twice about facing Azeroth's forces, especially after calling for a force from the other timelines to defy the Legion their prize, and in the following moment she turned on Sassz'ine and punched her right in the chest with her fist.

Since she was channeling just a small amount of the four Cosmic Forces she had access to, and not all her full power, the heroes watched as she sent the Naga flying into one of the water walls with the force of her attack, which caused their foe to vanish for a time, due to the fact that Sassz'ine burst out of the sea and crashed to the ground as she coughed, as the attack had likely broken some of her bones and gave her an idea of what she was standing against, two incredible beings who were holding back most of their strength right now and a force of heroes who could tear down Old Gods, the masters of the Burning Legion, and pretty much everyone who wanted to take over their world, causing her to pause for a couple of seconds as she stared at them, which made Spitfire raise an eyebow.

"Mistress Sassz'ine, surely you realized that, for all the vast power that your Queen gave you, you won't win this fight, as it will end with you perishing," Spitfire said, where she stepped up and came to a stop in front of the downed Naga that was in front of them, who continued to stare at her and Rainbow for a time, while the heroes did nothing as they watched her for a time, just to make sure that this place was secure and that Sassz'ine didn't try anything funny, though she suspected that her punch had broken the Naga's desire to do battle with them, especially since she had to know of Rainbow's power and knew that she was holding back most of her power, "however, you can surrender to us and defect to our side, joining the Naga who have already decided to leave their Queen's service and join the forces of Azeroth... you would be alive, not dead and forgotten by the one you serve, and you would have allies in case Queen Azshara decided to attack either force that watches over this world. Live or die... make your choice."

Sassz'ine stayed silent for a moment as she stared at Spitfire, where she found that four phantom wings appearing behind her, something that was either under her control or it was something that only she could see, and not a few seconds later two new phantom wings appeared behind Spitfire, one of the Light and one of the Void, while it seemed like her eyes and hair changed as well, making her much more divine than even Queen Azshara in both of her forms, to which she bowed her head for a moment as she came to a decision.

"I... will serve the Divine One..." Sassz'ine replied, as while she was terrified of what Queen Azshara was capable of, given all of her Arcane power and what she had gained since striking a deal with N'Zoth, she found the very idea of there being someone who could possibly channel all six Cosmic Forces, possibly to their fullest and without having to worry about all of them destroying her in the process, to give her pause and made her consider her options, though not a few moments later she felt her body being healed and suspected it was Spitfire herself, but all she did was return to a 'standing' position while keeping her head bowed.

Once that was done Spitfire switched from her Life powers to her Arcane powers and briefly connected to Khadgar's, all to inform him of their position and which Pillar of Creation that they needed him to send their way, and not a few moments later the Tidestone of Golganneth appeared in front of her, where she turned around and slipped the Pillar into the slot that had been left in this area, a pedestal that raised into position when Sassz'ine surrendered to her, and sure enough the moment the Pillar was in its resting place, and its power was added to the Aegis' power, the echo of Aegwynn appeared in front of it, causing them to turn towards her for a moment.

From this stone flowed rivers and seas, the very lifeblood of Azeroth, the echo said, where Aegwynn seemed to smile for a moment as she stared at the Pillar of Creation, meaning she had to be pleased that they were doing everything possible to force the Legion out of Azeroth and safeguard this world once more, especially with all of the changes that had happened recently, all of which were Spitfire and Rainbow's fault, before she turned towards them as she started to fade, meaning this echo had to be done, today it washes clean the darkness that scars our world.

As the echo disappeared Spitfire made sure everyone took a moment to rest after the battle with Sassz'ine, while the Naga in question surged through one of the water walls and headed up to the surface so she could join those who had turned their backs on Queen Azshara, as she had the feeling that the next section of the Tomb might be more dangerous than what they had just gone through, not counting the chamber that contained Sargeras' Avatar, though soon they would face Kil'jaeden and put an end to the Deceiver's plans.

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