• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 1,167 Views, 307 Comments

World of Warcraft: Burning Skies - Blackdrag-rose

Spitfire and Rainbow are transported to a new world, where they join the Illidari and do everything in their power to bring down the Legion, even if it means stopping the Alliance and the Horde from destroying each other.

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Suramar: Masquerade

It took Thalyssra some time to finish whatever it was she was doing, which seemed to be checking on the area that she had placed Theryn and Kel'danath in, or might be checking out the number of mana crystals that had been brought back to Shal'Aran, thanks to what Spitfire and Rainbow had done earlier, before she called on the pair to return to the tunnel that lead back outside, leaving Oculeth to his Telemancy work and Valtrois to focus on the Ley energy that was currently flowing into the ruins they called home, even though the latter did want to speak with Spitfire about things at some point, due to her having some potential to understand the Ley Lines, and they found that Elylia was standing nearby.

"As you two no doubt know, Elisande's decision to welcome the Legion into Suramar earned her plenty of enemies, more than she previously had, though only some of us were bold enough to openly defy her." Thalyssra said, not that Spitfire or Rainbow really needed the reminder of the situation, though they had to admit that every time it was mentioned new bits of information was added to the statement, something that caused them to remain silent as they listened to what she had to say, especially since they knew there had to be allies inside the city, given Elylia's position on the matter, "We have allies scattered throughout the entirety of Suramar City... however, we have no idea know how many allies are waiting for us to reveal ourselves and make the first move. As such I need you to travel to the edge of the city with Elylia and make contact with a spell-fencer by the name of Silgryn, as he is loyal to our cause and has been lying in wait since our failed coup, due to the fact that no one knew he took part in our rebellion... if memory serves he patrols the western edge of the city, near the path that would take one to this 'Felsoul Hold' you mentioned earlier. Address him by name and tell him our cause is not lost, and he'll likely give you some information on what the rest of our allies are doing, not to mention if any of them are in need of assistance."

"Then we'll head out and see if we can find this Silgryn," Spitfire replied, as it sounded like a decent plan, given that this would grant them more information on what was happening inside the city and might give them a new place to teleport to in the future, for the bigger operations that Thalyssra had to be planning at the moment, though before any of them could do anything she noticed that Vytheril was walking over to them, something that caused her to pause when she noticed the Arcane sphere that was floating in the air near him, as it looked like Khadgar's spell, "Vytheril, did something happen since we left Dalaran?"

"Archmage Khadgar has sent me a message that one of the Horde's leaders wishes to speak to you, and that you might be preoccupied for some time," Vytheril stated, where the image inside the sphere happened to be that of Gallywix, the fat goblin who served as the Trade Prince of his entire race, basically serving as their leader, meaning he was likely after more gold or something, given that he seemed to be fueled by his greed and little else, which told her that he had no true loyalty to anyone and would likely go with the highest bidder, to which Spitfire sighed for a moment, "Don't worry, we'll guard our allies and secure the rest of Suramar while Rainbow heads out with Elylia, that way when you return you'll be able to focus on the rebellion without having to worry about any additional threats or anything."

"Already? I just had a meeting with him and the other leaders not that long ago." Spitfire said, though at the same time she shook her head and held up a hand to prevent anyone from doing anything for a couple of seconds, as it wasn't worth her or the others getting upset about, especially since she took over the Horde and made sure to prevent Sylvanas from doing everything she had planned on doing when she took the position of Warchief, before she focused on the group and knew what was coming, "Very well... I'll head back to Orgrimmar and see what he wants, and if there are any other leaders who might have something to ask of me, be they from the Horde or the Alliance, which will likely take an hour or two based on the last time this happened to me... Rainbow, I guess that means you'll have to do this mission without me."

"Roger that." Rainbow replied, to which she remained silent for a moment as Spitfire headed out through the main tunnel, where she would no doubt spread her wings before taking off for Dalaran, though even she had to admit that it was odd for one of the leaders of the Horde to call her again, so soon after the last meeting they had with each other, before she noticed that Thalyssra and Valtrois seemed surprised by what just happened, to which she shrugged for a few seconds as she and Elylia turned towards the tunnel as well, "Spitfire was recently elevated to the position of Warchief, which is the title of the person who leads one of the two major factions in the rest of Azeroth, as in the Horde, and it seems one of the other leaders wants a word with her... and possibly some of leaders from the Alliance might want a few minutes as well, so we'll just have to wait and see how long it'll be before she returns."

Once that was said she and Elylia departed from Shal'Aran and started to make their way towards the edge of the city, as it was time for them to hunt down their target and see if they could convince Silgryn to assist them in figuring out how many allies were inside Suramar City, to help Thalyssra plan out the remaining steps of her rebellion, even though she was sure that it would take some time before they started attacking her enemies, given the state of the rebel forces, something she kept to herself as they moved towards where the barrier used to rest. Rainbow was slightly impressed that the Nightwell was able to create such a powerful barrier and cover the entire city at the same time, even though she was sure that part of it came from the Eye of Amun'thul, the final Pillar of Creation that she, Spitfire, and the rest of the heroes of Azeroth were in the middle of looking for, something they would have to look for when they dethroned Elisande and torn down Gul'dan, since he was lurking somewhere inside the city as well. This time around Rainbow followed Elylia, given that her new ally had an idea of where they might find Silgryn, even though they were following Thalyssra's directions for the most part, though when they started to walk down the main path that would bring them to the main entrance of the city, where Rainbow could see a number of guards patrolling the garden area, Elylia turned and headed to their right, heading in the direction of Felsoul Hold and caused Rainbow to raise her guard a little, since there was a chance that a demon might wander up at the wrong moment, which would cause her to cut it down before someone noticed them or it called out for allies to attack intruders. One thing that surprised Rainbow a little was that there happened to be a large metallic centaur like creature, likely fueled by Arcane energy that was dancing along the limbs that made up its body, that also patrolled part of the area that it had been assigned to, where Elylia informed her that they were called Constructs and the lower half of the body was designed to resemble a saber cat, instead of a horse like one would expect, and they were incredibly strong and dangerous, even though she suspected that Rainbow or Spitfire might be able to take such a creature out on their own, before refocusing on finding their target.

In the end Rainbow spotted a lone figure, who happened to be dressed like a mage of sorts, minus the part of the robe that would have covered his chest, standing some distance away from where a path that lead down to Felsoul Hold rested, though flying around him was an owl that had to be a pet, or at least that was Rainbow's assumption on the matter, and a simple gesture from Elylia informed her of the situation, that this had to be Silgryn, hence the reason that they walked up to where the Nightborne was standing, even though they were fortunate that there were no other guards in the area and no civilians that would have sounded the alarm, even though their target turned his blade on them as he noticed them coming towards him.

"You have a lot of nerve approaching me, outlander," the Nightborne stated, though while he appeared to be like the rest of the guards that seemed to be patrolling the city, in how they addressed those who weren't from Suramar or from the city, the pair were able to see that he didn't have the same attitude and seemed to know that strangers might be the key to saving the city from the great evil their leader had invited to the city, before he glanced at them for a few seconds and spotted Elylia standing near Rainbow, "regardless of the fact that you are in the company of a guard."

"Honestly, I don't care about your bravado. You're Silgryn, right?" Rainbow replied, because she wanted to get this mission underway and figure out how many rebel forces were resting throughout the entirety of Suramar City, even though she would have taught the Nightborne a lesson if he lashed out at her like every enemy that she and Spitfire had encountered since coming to this province, though at the very least it seemed that Silgryn was smarter than the others were and just stood there for a few seconds as he listened to what she had to say.

"Either my legend has spread beyond the city, or we have a mutual acquaintance..." Silgryn said, his tone revealing that he was definitely smarter than the Nightborne guards that Rainbow had encountered so far, as he lowered his blade for a few seconds and stood straight, meaning that he was willing to listen to what they had to say before determining whether or not to capture the pair, just in case the city had a leak or something, but based on the fact that Thalyssra wanted them to come into contact with this individual it meant he was being cautious before deciding his next move.

"Silgryn, we were sent by Thalyssra," Elylia stated, showing Rainbow that she likely knew Silgryn in some manner, which was understandable since they had been part of the rebellion and had gone into hiding once Thalyssra had been beaten by those who had taken her down, though Rainbow remained with her guard up since there was no telling what this bit of information might do for the Nightborne that was in front of them, even though she could tell that the mention of their leader seemed to cause Silgryn to falter for a moment.

"Thalyssra is alive?" Silgryn inquired, something that caused the pair to nod their heads, to confirm that she was fine and that any rumors related to her death had been exaggerated to squish the wills of the rest of the rebels, to which he took a moment to beckon for them to follow him before he jumped down to the area that was to his right, which was the back of a building, and the pair followed after their new ally for a moment, though once they were behind the building he turned and looked at them, "We should be able to speak in private for a few moments, so tell me what you know and what I might be able to do to help the cause."

"We were told to find you and figure out how many allies we have inside the city," Rainbow stated, as that was the current phase of the new plan that Thalyssra had come up with, where Elylia nodded her head to let their new friend know that she was telling the truth, which made Silgryn think about something for a few seconds, though there was more that could be said and she figured that she might as well give him some more information before he revealed what sort of numbers the rebellion had, "With Thalyssra alive, with both Chief Telemancer Oculeth and Arcanist Valtrois aiding her, the cause is definitely not lost, meaning we need to start recruiting new allies into our forces and prepare for the eventual assault on the city... or at least that is what I'm assuming is the plan."

"I can help you with that. Many of the Nightborne had pinned their hopes on Thalyssra deposing the Grand Magistrix, but, with her disappearance, those dissenting voices have grown silent." Silgryn replied, which made sense to Rainbow, due to the fact that Thalyssra had been the leader of the rebellion and hearing that she had been taken out must have crushed all of those who would have joined her at some point, causing them to fade back into the shadows and pretend that they had been on Elisande's side the entire time, "We must spread the word, discreetly, among the populace that Thalyssra is alive and that the rebellion is going strong, and to do that I would propose that we seek out Ly'leth Lunastre, as she would be a perfect ally to accomplish this. She is a socialite with many connections, spread throughout the city, and she is no friend of the Legion, even if she tolerates their presence to maintain her standing inside the noble circles and those who are allied with the Grand Magistrix, though she also hosts masquerade parties at her estate where rumors are traded like coin... and brandished like daggers. One such party is happening at this very moment, near the area that I usually patrol no less, so I propose that we invite ourselves in and make a new ally for the rebellion."

"I assume you have a plan, since we can't just walk into a party with Rainbow looking like this... no offense." Elylia said, as it would be hard to hide someone who looked like they were a humanoid mixed with a horse, or a pony given what little she had learned from her and Spitfire, and had demonic traits that had overrode some of her normal aspects, though Rainbow simple shook her head and showed that she wasn't offended by the comment, since she had been thinking the same thing that had been said, though that was when Silgryn beckoned for them to follow and walked towards a pair of tables, which just so happened to have a few items resting on top of them.

"We shall use the garden entrance." Silgryn stated, where he came to a stop in front of the tables and let his companions discover a few masks resting on the tables, fancy looking masks that looked like they might be made out of enchanted silver or enchanted paper that just so happened to look like it was made out of metal, before he picked one up and placed it on front of his face, where Rainbow watched as the magic seemed to transform him into a transparent moth, before the creature turned and looked at her and Elylia for a few seconds, "These are enchanted masks... simply don the mask and a magical costume will envelop your body, for a time. It should be enough to fool the other guests, but you should avoid the guards at all costs, as they have a magic that allows them to see through the magic of the masks and see who is who, at a certain range to be exact, so if they notice you they'll raise the alarm and our plan will be foiled. I will find Ly'leth. You two stay out of trouble... you know, mingle and have a bit of fun before I beckon for you to follow me."

Rainbow raised her eyebrow for a moment, since this wasn't what she had been expecting when she was told that she and Elylia would be heading into the city to meet with Silgryn, though before one of them could utter a word their contact just walked away and disappeared by heading up into the party area that was ahead of where the tables were located, where she sighed and slipped a mask onto her face like she had been shown, something that Elylia replicated and was replaced by a transparent ogre, the mage type of be exact, while she took on the form of a serpent dragon, like one that soared just above the clouds. From there Rainbow and Elylia headed up the path that Silgryn had taken and entered the party area on their own, where it was easy for them to see where the guards rested and where the guests were located, as the former were on the walkways that linked all of the Lunastre Estate together and the latter rested in some of the circular areas that seemed to be where the owner of this place wanted their guests to mingle, to which they separated from each other and did what Silgryn had suggested, just visit the guests and spread some rumors, see who was on which side of the eventual battle for the city. Some of the guards that Rainbow visited seemed to be more interested in the disguises that the masks gave those that wore them, as one happened to be an elemental of some kind and seemed disappointed in being outdone by Rainbow's, though when she mentioned the Legion, however, she found that most of the guests she spoke to had no love for the demons that were now inside Suramar City and now distrusted the Grand Magistrix, while one even accused her of being a genius for wearing a costume on top of the mask's disguise, which was really surprising, but she was happy to find that the Nightborne in question didn't rat her out to the guards. Other than that it sure seemed like the Nightborne that were present at the party seemed to be on Thalyssra's side of the battle, that they would side with her if she revealed herself to her enemies and those who lived inside the city, though that would be something they wouldn't do for a time, as coming out of Shal'Aran might spell the end of her and the rebellion before they were ready, so she focused on making sure these guests disliked the Legion while she waited for Silgryn to signal for her to join him.

She even passed around a few rumors about the evils that Gul'dan had committed, which she only knew stories of due to what Khadgar and her new friends told her, though it was around the tenth minute of her hanging with the guests that a change happened, one of the aids came up to her and informed her that Lady Ly'leth wanted a word with her, which had to be the signal she was waiting for, to which she bid the potential rebels farewell and followed the aid over to an area that had to be behind two of the houses that made up the estate... where she found Silgryn standing near a pair of regal looking female Nightborne, sisters to be exact, with two party attendants standing nearby.

"This is not up for debate, Anarys." one of the female Nightborne said, who happened to be the one that Silgryn was just looking at while he waited for something to happen, meaning it had to be Lady Ly'leth, since she was more regal looking than the other female was, even though her sister looked like she could pass for a noble as well, but Rainbow and Elylia remained silent as they entered the area, since it seemed inappropriate for them to speak up until the conversation was over and the pair had reached a conclusion, "You are either with us, or against us. Choose wisely."

"I will hear no more of your scheming! You are endangering everything that our father worked for!" the other Nightborne, Anarys, stated, showing everyone that she didn't care for what her sister was doing, figuring that Ly'leth was betraying all that their family stood for, before she glanced at the attendants that were standing nearby and watched as her sister just moved her arm a little, to make them stand down and allow her to do whatever she wanted, where Anarys turned around and departed from the area Rainbow had found her and her sister in.

"Dear child... do you not realize what he died for?" Ly'leth inquired, even though it looked like she was talking to no one at the moment, while revealing that their father must have fought for the safety of the city and that joining Elisande's forces, and the Legion for that matter, went against everything that he had stood for when he was alive, though that was swiftly followed by her noticing that they had company, to which she hid the emotions she had been showing earlier and took on a more regal appearance as she focused on Rainbow and Elylia, "Ah, you must be the outlander Silgryn has told me about, and that must be your bodyguard."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Ly'leth." Rainbow and Elylia replied, as while Elylia knew the customs of the city, given all of the years she had spent living inside it and under the Arcane barrier that had protected everything, Rainbow didn't and took a guess as to what she needed to do to show Ly'leth that outsiders weren't the terrible people that everyone believed them to be, though once that was done they straightened themselves, after bowing towards the lady for a moment, and waited for her or Silgryn to say something.

"Well, aren't you two charming?" Ly'leth said, where her tone revealed that she likely approved of what they were doing and how easily they blended into the party that neither of them had been invited to, even though she wasn't going to hold that against them, before she focused on the pair for a few moments, as if she was seeing past their disguises, which was where a slight smile appeared on her face, "Those masks suit you... though I'm sure that you will find that in this city it can be quite advantageous to be someone else for a time..."

"So I gathered, as no one noticed anything was up with me while we mingled with the guests," Rainbow commented, due to the fact that none of the guards had gotten anywhere near her or Elylia, while the lone guest that had noticed her true form had assumed it was a costume and had given her some praise for her efforts, so based on everything she had seen during her visit to this party the magic of the mask had made sure her true form had been hidden, meaning she could no doubt pass herself off as a Nightborne if such an occasion came up.

"As my darling sister just demonstrated, before leaving the area, Elisande's decision to bring down the shield and welcome the Legion into the city has sown unrest among the Nightborne." Ly'leth continued, showing everyone that she was going to focus on the main topic at last and it caused everyone to focus on what she had to say, since there might be more for them to learn before they figured out what needed to be done so they could get the citizens of Suramar City on their side and get them away from Elisande, "Loyalists and demons march together in the streets, while fear and distrust grip our hearts and family turns against their own... I will help Thalyssra stir a new rebellion, but first we must deal with Anarys. Do not mistake my words, I do not wish to spill the blood of my blood... only to help her see reason. Anarys is likely brooding over our father's memorial, though she'll likely attack anyone who disturbs her, so force her into submission and bring her to me... I have an idea that will aid you and her at the same time."

Rainbow was a little surprised that Ly'leth was ready to have someone fight her sister and knock her out, or into a more weakened state, though she agreed to help her out and pulled the mask off as she walked over to the area that Anarys had wandered off in, which rested not even a minute away from where Ly'leth and her attendants were standing, though as she approached the tombstone in question her target heard her coming and picked up a sword that was half metal and half Arcane energy, or at least that was what it looked like. With the weapon in hand Anarys rushed at Rainbow's position and swung at her without wasting a single second, though while Rainbow found that her foe had some great agility, which would have helped her become a great member of the Illidari if she had walked such a path, she pulled her Warblades out of her horns and parried the incoming attack, though when she went on the offensive she did her best to deal light cuts to her foe's chest, arms, and legs, which could be healed with magic or healing potions and not being life threatening, since that would defeat the purpose of what Ly'leth had in mind for her sister. She could tell that Elylia and Silgryn were silently observing the fight, mostly to make sure she didn't go overboard and knock Anarys out, though it didn't take Rainbow all that long to disarm her foe, by knocking the blade out of her hand, before knocking her to her knees for a moment, which was when her companions came over and informed Anarys that her sister wanted a word with her, something that caused the angry sister to get up, down a potion that she had stuffed inside her attire and healed her wounds within seconds, and walked over to where Ly'leth was patiently waiting for her. This time around Ly'leth uttered the phrase 'An'anora' as soon as her sister was nearby and bound Anarys in magical Arcane chains, something that caused her sister to inform her sister that someone would come looking for her and was followed by Ly'leth sealing her sister's mouth as well, for now since Rainbow assumed that she would free her sister once her plan had been completed, so she said nothing as the others just waited for Ly'leth to finish what she was doing.

"Our family commands great respect in this city, thanks to our father's actions, and through my network of contacts, we can organize the citizens to prepare Suramar for Thalyssra's return." Ly'leth said, where she pulled out a shimmering party mask as she spoke, something that interested Rainbow since it was different than everything she had seen so far, which she figured was going to be the norm as she and her allies tackled everything that was inside Suramar, be it the city or the ruined areas outside it, though while Anarys couldn't speak now it was clear she understood what her sister was up to and likely didn't approve of whatever it was, "To do that you must walk among the Nightborne, to gain the trust of our friends and foes alike... you must, well, become someone else. Put the mask on Anarys, then we can move forward with the next stage of my simple plan."

Rainbow took the mask for a moment and turned towards Anarys for a moment, where she carefully placed it on her face and took a step back once it was done, as she really had no idea what sort of purpose the mask was supposed to perform, though that was when Ly'leth pulled out a second shimmering mask and handed it over to Rainbow, who took it and just stood there for a moment as the Nightborne raised a hand and cast a spell on both of the masks, to which she informed her that it would serve her well and Rainbow put it on, where the magic washed over her and changed her form into that of Anarys, only not transparent like what happened when the other masks were put on, before Ly'leth walked around her and made sure she looked like her sister... even though Rainbow could tell that the chest of her disguise was a size or two larger than what Anarys' was, meaning some of her Fel power was seeping through the cracks.

"It is sufficient for now... though we have to put your new disguise to the test." Ly'leth stated, revealing that she noticed the odd nature of the disguise's chest area and assumed it was something one of them was going to have to look into later on, when they had time for it, though in that moment she gestured to an attendant and one of them walked over to Rainbow, who offered a corked bottle that seemed to have some glowing fluid inside it, which had to be Arcwine, "Your first contact is Vanthir, a merchant from the common district, who just so happens to be in the Grand Promenade today, visiting one of his suppliers and conducting business, though I'm sure Elylia can show you to where he's located. Tell Vanthir to pay me a visit regarding a shipment of dusk lily bulbs... he will understand the meaning of the message. Beyond that, we will need time to prepare, so once you deliver the message you should return to Thalyssra and give her that bottle of Arcwine, with my regards... we will call upon you once we're ready to move forward."

As Rainbow nodded, to show her understanding, there was one other thing she noticed and that was a Telemancy beacon that happened to be resting near their current location, something she would have to come back for once she talked to Vanthir and told him the message, to which she started to walk away from the Lunastre Estate and followed Elylia as she headed for the area she suspected their contact was in, even though they were heading right for the center of the garden area that they had seen earlier, where Rainbow found that no one seemed surprised to see her walking around, since they were seeing Anarys and no one else, and, after some time, Elylia brought her to a male Nightborne who was in the middle of conducting business with someone else, even though he paused when he noticed them.

"Anarys... what do you want of me? Are there no more demon boots left for you to lick?" Vanthir inquired, his tone telling Rainbow and Elylia that he didn't seem to care much for someone who wholeheartedly gave everything to the demons and followed them around like she was a lost puppy or a person that was hungry for power, hence why he frowned as he took a moment to look at her while the other Nightborne, a female, raised an eyebrow as she stared at them, meaning she had to be in Vanthir's camp and could be a potential ally further down the line.

"Oh, nothing major... just that my sister asked for me to tell you that she wishes for you to visit her soon, regarding one of the dusk lily bulb shipments she got recently." Rainbow replied, figuring that this was the way Anarys spoke to those that were around her, sort of like the nobles and celebrities that were in Canterlot and the other cities or towns of her home world, and based on what she was seeing it sure looked like her assumptions were right, though it seemed that the lady was just confused by her statement as Vanthir raised an eyebrow for a moment.

"Dusk lily bulbs? I see, I must tend to this matter soon," Vanthir said, showing Rainbow and Elylia that Ly'leth had told them the truth about whether or not he would understand the meaning of her message, which was great since it meant that this wouldn't reflect badly on them or on Anarys' image, where the latter they were changing apparently, before the merchant turned towards his client and seemed to consider something for a few seconds, before glancing back to Rainbow, "Let me finish with my client and then I'll be along to see what Ly'leth wants to talk about."

Rainbow nodded her head and bid Vanthir farewell for now, to which she and Elylia headed back to the estate and nodded to Ly'leth once they arrived, giving her a silent confirmation that the disguise worked and that Vanthir would be here soon, where she repeated the gesture to them and headed into the area that she would be meeting the merchant in, allowing the pair to walk over to the Telemancy beacon so Rainbow could raise a hand to it, where she felt Oculeth's magic quickly wash over her before a faint portal opened, designed to be seen by her and their allies, before they used it and the pair reappeared inside Shal'Aran, only to find Thalyssra standing nearby.

"Well, this saves us some time. We made contact with Silgryn and made an arrangement with Ly'leth, who sent this gift back with us," Rainbow stated, even though she knew that Thalyssra would want to have a better idea of what was going on inside the city and have the story expanded so she understood everything, though that was when she pulled the bottle out and handed it over to Thalyssra, who smiled for a moment when she saw it and accepted it without delay, but once it was in her hands, and no longer in Rainbow's pouch, Rainbow removed the mask and returned to her true form, where she made sure to carefully stash the mask away for the future.

"The Lunastre family is well-connected, and will be of great help to our cause when the time comes," Thalyssra said, where she showed that she understood who Rainbow had been talking about and agreed with what Silgryn had done, as this let them figure out how many allies they had and, at the same time, opened the door for many more allies to join them along the way, before she focused on the bottle for a few seconds, "Let me store this with the rest of the crystals you and the others collected earlier, then we can talk about what I have planned next."

Rainbow said nothing as Thalyssra walked off, as she was more interested in what Spitfire was up to and knew that what she had done would impress her leader somewhat, though she and Elylia wandered off to see what the rest of their forces were up to and if anyone needed help with anything at the moment, namely Oculeth or Valtrois, while they waited for the leader of the rebellion to do whatever it was that she was doing and then come back to them once she was ready to speak about what the next stage of her rebellion would be.

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