• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 95 - The Ceremony

At Luna’s accidental nod, the music started and everypony in the hall fell into a hushed silence. During the quiet, Ledger could finally see who was present for this event. He saw his parents of course, along with a vibrating Joyful. He saw Midnight’s parents, along with her aunt and cousins. And that loudmouthed guard.

Then there was Apple Cider’s family. He saw her parents, as well as half the hall that probably belonged to her as well.

That was a lot of Apples.

There were a few mares missing, presumably his girl's bridesmaids. The fathers of the brides were also absent. Princesses Celestia and Cadence stood beside Luna and three full rows were full of foals.

And to his delight, he saw an undisguised Changeling foal amongst them. He smiled and gave them all a polite wave before returning his attention to the door. He didn’t want to miss a moment of his mares walking down the aisle for anything.

In the hallway, they were getting ready to walk in. Midnight looked around and then something occurred…

“Amy…” she said softly. “Who's walking you down the aisle? I don't see your parents or anything.”

The pink nymph had been about to say something, when a pink mare showed up and smiled at them. “I’ll take care of that,” she said. “I’d be happy to.”

“...And you are?” Midnight said warily. The last thing she wanted was for some strange mare to make a scene.

“Let’s just say it is my noble duty to see to the happiness of pink mares everywhere,” the pink mare giggled. Amy’s eyes widened a touch as she realized who this could possibly be.

“Is that so?” Chrysalis said, baring her fangs. “If you think you can just waltz in here and--”

“Chryssy,” the pink mare said before her eyes went slitted for just a second. “Your army was silly and you should feel silly.”

“Oh sweet fucking Celestia…” Chrysalis bowed her head in respect. “Well, there goes any hope of a normal ceremony.”

Midnight blinked and tilted her head. Well, if Chrys and Amy were alright with it.

“Chrysalis. Language!” her grandfather warned her, then winked at the new mare. “Well, shall we?”

“Mmhmm~” the mare nodded. “So who’s going first? Sorry I wasn’t here for the recital, I had a few things to smooth over in Baltimare.”

“Amy and Chrysalis will go out first,” Rarity said, looking at a list. “Followed by Twilight, then Scope. Apple Cider and finally Midnight.”

“So it’s both of our cues then?” the pink mare asked.

“Seems that way,” Chrysalis nodded. “Shall we go before our eagle turns into a chicken?”

“Yup!” Amy said, before standing next to the new arrival. The mare, to her credit, only smiled once more at them and pushed the doors open, ready to lead her little nymph down the aisle.

At the other end, the two males saw the heavy doors swing open and the first of the mares emerged. Chrysalis was wearing a cream-coloured dress, one that contrasted her dark carapace quite nicely. Amy had a light pink one, topped with a large bow on her back and a long, lacy train. Chrysalis’s grandfather walked by her side, with the pink mare on Amy’s.

Several ponies just stared wide-eyed at the queen, causing her to chuckle and flash her fangs, making them shrink away. Both the pink mare and her grandfather said the same thing to reprimand her. Namely, her name, at the same moment.

She responded by poking out her tongue, then nearly bit it when she gasped and nudged Amy, motioning subtly towards Ace.

Namely Ace in a sexy suit and no scarf…

Hot,” the pink nymph whispered to Chryssy. “Almost don’t want to wait to pounce him.

“I've never seen that scar before,” Chrysalis let out an actual purr.

Once they reached the altar, the pink mare and the yellow stallion left them, taking their assigned seats as Aerial Ace smiled down at them.

“I… I know not the words to describe how beautiful you two are,” he said gently.

“I’m pretty sure you do, but there are young ears in the audience,” Amy giggled.

Several of the foals waved to Amy, one particularly cute filly was wearing the same dress as the bridesmares. The music soon started anew and the next pony entered. She had Night Light to her left, and Fluttershy to her right. She wore a dress as white as snow, trimmed with gold as her tiara sparkled like the night sky.

Twilight Sparkle couldn’t possibly be more beautiful. Ledger barely managed to keep his jaw shut as she walked towards him. Then he remembered he had three other mares to be stunned by.

“Are you going to be able to survive this?” Fredrick chuckled lightly.

“Probably not, no,” Ledger said. “I only hope I can remember my vows.”

“Don't worry, I wrote them down for you,” Fredrick said. He had his friends back afterall.

A moment later, a new mare emerged. Her chitin gleamed like polished onyx. Her brilliant sapphire eyes scanned the crowd, the ponies unsure if they should be scared of the Noble nymph, or in awe.

Her dress was a ocean green, made of many layers and the train slowly descended into a topaz hue.

Ledger was once more in awe of what he was seeing. He had no idea Scope could be this beautiful. But he wasn’t complaining at all~

Once she reached the altar, she looked away shyly.

“Sorry… but I… I had to use a disguise…”

“I’d kiss you to show I don’t mind, but I’m supposed to save that for after the ceremony,” Ledger said wryly.

Apple Cider was next, flanked by her father and Apple Fritter. She wore a pale yellow dress, and looking like a radiant ray of sunshine. Several changelings she passed sighed happily, her kindness was like a warm blanket on a cold day.

“Well aren’t you the very image of an autumn meadow?” the drone chuckled.

“Ah try,” she smiled and kissed Scope’s cheek, causing her to squeak.

“Now now, not just yet,” Luna chuckled.

Then, as the music reached its crescendo, she entered. Under the sunlight streaming through the windows, her crystal armour sparkled brightly. Her long, flowing dress hovered like gossamer, as Grissom and Moondancer walked beside her. Her emerald eyes shone, but Ledger could see the nervousness hidden just behind. Still, Midnight Song smiled brightly as she walked towards the altar.

“And finally, we are complete once more,” Ledger said by way of greeting her.

“Wouldn’t be a party without me,” Midnight nodded. The music came to a stop as Luna cleared her throat.

“Art thou ready? My friends?” she whispered.

“As I’ll ever be,” Ledger said. “I think Ace should go first, though, so we don’t overshadow him with a royal wedding.”

Luna nodded and took a breath.

“Dearest friends!” she called out over the hall. Her voice wasn't loud, it just seemed to come from everywhere. “Today, we have gathered here for a most joyous occasion! The binding of these wonderful individuals. They have overcome many things. Be it a difference of opinion, their own or others. Or a difference of species. Today, we are witness to their unbridled love. First, to these three…” She turned to Ace and his nymphs and smiled.

“Since my return, We have enjoyed our bouts, both in combat and wit.”

“And one day, you might just win one,” Ace smirked and the crowd chuckled.

“Indeed. And it makes Us proud to see you so in love with these mares… no, these nymphs.” She looked at Amy. “Your unbridled joy will no doubt bring your beloved's happiness for the rest of their days.”

“It’s what I do!” Amy chirped. “Well, that and ice-cream.”

“And you…” Luna looked at Chrysalis. She was silent for a moment before she smiled. “I trust you'll have the tenacity to keep these two in check.”

“Someone has to,” Chrysalis shrugged.

Luna smiled and nodded. “Your vows?”

Ace cleared his throat and smiled. “I am a warrior, a drifter and one that thought he would never settle down.” He cupped the cheeks of both of them and smiled. “I'm not one for fancy speeches. But my vow is this. For the rest of eternity, I shall be by your side. My love will never waver, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.” He grinned and kissed their hooves. “Of that, you can be absolutely certain.”

Amy sniffed and nearly cried before nodding and wiping the moisture from her eyes. “I’ve lived in Las Pegasus for a long time,” Amy said. “Day in, day out, my job was to make foals happy with ice cream. It paid well, both in money and in pure unbridled joy. And then I met the most amazing griffon in the world, one who didn’t care who or what I was...one who just wanted to make me happy.” She took ahold of one of his claws with one of her forehooves and smiled. “Acey, it would be a great honor...if you would marry me today.”

“Yeah, ditto…” Chrysalis shrugged and looked at the stares of everypony. “What? Oh fine…” She took a breath and smiled. “After what happened, I was convinced that there was nothing left. The Hive I commanded was gone, half the world wished me harm… or worse. And yet… somehow, you two idiots wormed your way into my life.” She gave them a bemused stare and then smiled gently. “And I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't care if the whole world is against me. As long as I have the two of you… well, three soon,” She poked at Amy’s belly. “Then that is all I need.”

“Aww, I love you too Chryssy,” Amy giggled. “You just need somebuggy to love you and you’re a big softie.”

The noble nymph blushed and looked away, pouting cutely.

Luna smiled and nodded as the little bridesfoal approached, holding a cushion with three rings. Three gold bands, each with a single gemstone in each. Ace took two, one with an emerald, the other had a rose quartz. First, he moved to Amy and slipped the ring over her horn.

“To my happy little one, may you keep bringing me endless joy. Accept this symbol of my undying love,” he said gently, then moved to Chrysalis. “And to my lovely spitfire, may you keep bringing a delightful challenge to my life. Accept this symbol of my undying love.” He stepped back and grinned. “I love you both so very much.”

Amy sniffed and nearly, nearly burst into tears before she reaffirmed her resolve and went for the last ring. A gold band for his talon, set with a shining garnet. “And to you, our brave warrior,” she said. “May your battles always end in victory as you defend us and the world from danger. Please, accept this symbol of our love,” the pink nymph said as she floated the band closer to the griffon.

She then felt Chrysalis’s magic mix with hers, emerald and vibrant pink together as the noble smiled and cleared her throat.

“Don’t screw it up,” She chuckled in Griffic as they slipped the ring onto one of his talons and looked up.

...Was… was that a tear in his eye?

Acey, hold it together until Luna says you can kiss us,” Amy whispered.

“Vows and rings hath been exchanged. By my authority, I now declare this herd wed in sacred matrimony. May the Creator watch over you all.” She smiled and winked at them. “You may now exchange a kiss as well~”

Amy smirked and waited for Acey to choose who he would kiss first. She wouldn’t hold it against him if he chose Chryssy, but just the thought of watching him squirm~

And he did look a little confused, before Chrysalis smirked and grabbed Amy, giving her a deep passionate kiss as Ace just shook his head and chuckled. Amy squealed happily at the surprise, and in the audience, a particular pink mare was suddenly replaced with a Noble Pink ‘ling…

“I love weddings!” she proclaimed. “Especially Pink ones!”

Several ponies next to her flinched at the sudden appearance of the Changeling as Ace laughed and took his little pink mare, kissing her next.

“The Noble Pink?” the Madame said with a raised eyebrow. “Now I’ve seen everything.”

“Yup, I make it a point to attend as many Pink weddings as I possibly can,” the nymph said with a smile. “They’re always such happy things~”

Ace finished up with a kiss for Chrys, before the trio stood to one side as Luna turned to Ledger and his mares.

“Your turn,” she smiled. Ledger shook his head and motioned to the mares, indicating that they should start.

“And now, for our other lovely herd,” Luna grinned. “We never thought We would have friends such as these. Such wonderful, irreplaceable friends.” She smirked and looked at Ledger. “Yes, even you.”

“A chore I am well versed in,” Fredrick replied with a cheeky wink.

“I’m sure half the city would still be your ‘friend’ if not for your marefriend,” Ledger sniped back.

“Very true,” he nodded, utterly unfazed.

“So how shall thy vows be delivered?” Luna asked and Twilight smiled.

“We have come from all walks of life,” the alicorn started. “I doubt we could be anymore different if we tried.”

“And yet,” Scope continued. “Here we are, sharing the love we have for one another.”

“Through thick an’ thin. We'll always be together,” Cider smiled brightly. “Ain't no stronger bond, than that of family.”

Midnight was quiet for a moment, Ledger could sense that her nerves were winning out. He merely smiled at her and nodded, letting her know that he trusted her with actions rather than words. He wouldn’t try to make her stay. He wouldn’t hold her here.

He trusted her to do what was right.

She shuddered and her wings twitched as she glanced at the open window… Before taking a deep breath and smiling.

“But no matter what,” she said softly. “We'll always be here for each other. No matter how scary it might seem. Our love is stronger than that.”

Ledger smiled softly at them all before clearing his throat and saying his vows. “You all mean so very much to me. One of you is the steady rock of this relationship, the one who will remind us what matters and bring us back to earth when we need it. One of you is a researcher, ready to help us all chart new unknowns and bring them back to Equestria. Another is our most precious jewel, who shines all the brighter the longer we know you. And the last...is the mare who helped fix me when I was at my lowest.” He brought the rings closer to himself and levitated them in his magic. “It would be my greatest and most sincere honor...if you would agree to marry me today.”

They all were on the verge of crying, their eyes moist as Twilight rubbed at hers. Scope looked away, trying to play it cool.

“And now,” Luna said. “The rings?”

Floating close to Midnight was a golden band with three blood diamond set in it that settled snugly around one foreleg with just a touch of magic from Ledger. Cider received an aquamarine trio set into a golden band, while Twilight had an intricate amethysts-in-silver band for herself. And even Scope had a band. One of sapphires-on-silver.

The mares gasped at how beautiful they were. Cider and Midnight lifted their left forelegs, whilst Twilight and Scope presented their horns. The rings settled snugly onto the horns for the mares that had them, while Ledger merely readjusted the band on Midnight’s leg before giving Cider hers.

The mares took a moment to admire their rings. Before Moondancer stepped forward and floated over a small pillow with a ring. It was a plain silver band, but when Moon lifted it over to Midnight, he saw an inscription on the inside.

‘Together forever, forever as One.’

The other three smiled and nodded as Midnight slipped the ring over his horn, though he did have to bow his head a little so she could reach without using her wings.

“You’re too tall,” she giggled as she kissed the tip of his horn.

“The rings and vows hath been exchanged!” Luna said as the crowd clapped. “Now, you may kiss your beloved brides Level Ledger.”

Ledger nodded before deciding to do it in order. With that, he swept Midnight up into a kiss, making sure to make it deep enough that she knew she was loved, yet shallow enough so that he could break it quickly. He had other mares to kiss after all.

She moaned softly into his kiss and her love could be felt by every changeling in the town. Regrettably, and all too soon, Ledger had to break the kiss, though not without leaving another, softer one behind.

“Sorry love,” he whispered. “I have to go, the others need me too.”

“Aww, well I guess I can share,” Midnight giggled and pushed him back. “Don’t keep them waiting~”

Ledger nodded and turned to Cider next, drawing her close and whispering his usual greeting to the mare. “Hello there, my sweet mare,” he murmured, before kissing her as well.

“Mm, hello yerself,” she giggled as the Apple clan cheered louder than anypony at that point. Ledger held it for a good few seconds before breaking it and pecking her again, smiling softly.

Next up was Scope, who smiled as she looked him in the eye. “Never thought this’d be something I do.”

“Life is better when it’s unplanned,” Ledger said as he drew close to her. “Makes those sweet moments just that little extra bit sweeter.” With that, it was time for two changelings to go at it and kiss one another in front of everypony present.

That was when the shapeshifter portion of the audience erupted into cheers. And once Scope broke the kiss and blushed, it was time for the newest member of their herd, and the pony that Ledger never could have imagined he’d be in this situation with.

“If your highness would permit me to, I would greatly enjoy kissing you,” Ledger said, hamming it up in this moment.

“Like you’ve ever asked for permission before,” Twilight smirked and then pulled a page from his book, grabbing the drone with her forehooves and yanking him into a deep and passionate kiss. The crowd altered between total shock at Twilight doing that and cheering as loud as they could. Ledger for his part rolled with it and gave as good as he got, not caring that others were watching. After all, that was kinda the point.

She broke the breathless kiss and smiled. “Well… so that means…”

“Congratulations!” Luna’s excited voice reverberated across the hall. “With that, this ceremony is complete. We are most proud to announce you all as husbands and wives!”

Then the entire hall exploded in cheers and hoofstomps of applause. Ledger for his part just sat back on his haunches and opened up his forelegs, a silent gesture that he was willing to just hug any of his mares that needed it.

Midnight certainly did as Ace and his new wives begun to file out of the hall, to where the reception and the meet and greet was happening.

“So… we’re married now huh?” the thestral said as she leaned into him.

“Mmhmm, and we can go out there and join them whenever you’re ready,” Ledger said as he kissed Midnight’s head. “I promise you that nothing terrible will happen. I won’t let it.”

“I know, my nerves might be totally shot for a while. But, it’ll pass.” She took a deep breath and smiled. “So, what do you think of our dresses? We’re totally gorgeous and beautiful right?”

“I’m having a hard time not tearing them off of you, you all look so ravishing,” Ledger agreed. “Still, that comes later.”

“Mhmm,” Midnight kissed his cheek. “Alright, let’s go and see what everypony has to say hmm?” She tugged on his leg as she led him down the aisle and into a side room where they could rest a moment and let the ceremony sink in before they met everyone.

Ace was rubbing at his neck, still a bit self conscious. “Well… that was one of the more nerve-wracking experiences of my life,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, and you’re going to have plenty more where that came from,” Ledger said before tilting his head at Amy.

“Yes, I have a little hatchling on the way,” Ace nodded. “I can’t wait to teach him how to fight!!”

“And if I know Middy here, she’ll be all for signing up our foal to your teachings as well,” Ledger said before nudging the bat with a hoof.

“Damn straight,” Midnight nodded. “Little Parasite is going to kick so much ass.”

“I am now uncertain of these children's futures,” Scope said flatly as she looked at Amy.

“Aww, they’re gonna be the best of friends,” Amy giggled. “Who knows, they might even be best friends when they grow up~”

“When you say best friends,” Chrysalis said, noticing the inflection she’d put on that word. “Are we talking you and Midnight best friends, or Me and you best friends?”

“We’ll just have to see~” Amy giggled, refusing to give a straight answer.

“This is apparently now my life,” Chrysalis sighed and looked at Twilight. “So I take it I won’t be living with you anymore huh?”

“Have you been for the past few weeks?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. “My morning snark levels have dropped drastically.”

“Guess I’ll have to come by more often, can’t have you getting complacent,” Chrysalis chuckled.

Rarity poked her head through the door. “Everypony is ready, so whenever you darlings are…”

“Just a moment,” Twilight nodded and Rarity gave a little salute and vanished.

“So… we’re married now,” Cider said. “Ah still don’t think it’s sunk in yet.”

Ledger merely raised her forehoof, the one that had the wedding band on it, and kissed her hoof.

“Yer sweet, but it’s still gonna take a while,” Cider blushed slightly.

Midnight pulled her ear away from the door and frowned. “There’s a lot of ponies out there. This isn’t going to be fun…”

“I’ll be right here,” Ledger said, turning to her and giving her a hug. “You don’t have to do more than the opening dance if you don’t want to.”

“Eh, it’s the meet and greet that’s freaking me out,” Midnight admitted and shivered. “Whelp, let's get this over with. We have a party and a honeymoon to attend to.”

That was when Ace paused. “Honey… moon? The heck is that?”

“A small vacation you take with your new brides to help...consummate your relationship,” Ledger chuckled.

“I have planned no such thing!” Ace exclaimed, now feeling like he’d failed his new brides.

“Fortunately, we have an idea for you, we’ll discuss it later,” Ledger said before winking at Twilight. The alicorn blinked and tilted her head, before she remembered and nodded.

“Yep, don’t worry your feathery head. We have it aaaallll planned out~”

Ace looked at his wives, Chrysalis shrugging and shaking her head.

“Meanwhile, we have a nice vacation of our own to attend to, but that’s later,” Ledger said. “For now…” he paused before stepping back. “Why don’t you three go first, take a little attention off of little Songbird here?”

“Oh sure, push us under the wagon why don’t you?” Chrysalis snorted and smirked as she strode out as proud as a peacock. “Behold your Queen!!” she cackled as her voice boomed out.

“Somepony get me a newspaper!” an elderly stallion said. “Little whelp’s getting uppity again!”

“Bite me you old coot~” Chrysalis continued to cackle. “Nothing can ruin this day for me now!”

“Be nice,” Ace said, tugging lightly on her ear. “Or you get no cake.”

“...I’ll be good,” Chrys said with a small nod.

Twilight and Cider emerged a moment later, as Scope stayed behind with Midnight. The nymph had no family here, so she didn’t care much for meeting the others just yet. Ledger just continued to stroke her back as he kept reassuring her.

“Best to get it done all at once while the others are distracting the crowd,” Ledger said. “Like ripping off a band-aid. Which we might have to do if mother comes back here.”

“What about your mother?” Scope asked, not having listened. Maintaining this form for so long was starting to drain her a little.

“She might just drag us out there if we take too long,” Ledger said. “Also, I saw that. Do you need a little boost to make it through the dance?”

“I’m good,” she said with a small nod. “For now anyway.”

“Let’s go,” Midnight said suddenly. “Ledger’s right. Can’t hide in here forever. Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to everypony that came all this way to see us.”

The drone smiled, kissed her again, and then held the door open for his wives with his magic. They each gave him a kiss as they walked past and out into the second hall, where a grand party had been set up.

A dozens of ponies waiting to meet them.

The first up was Midnight’s parents, who immediately embraced Ledger and smiled.

“Welcome to the family… my son,” Moon Song said and kissed his cheek.

“It feels right to be here,” Ledger said, returning the hug but not the kiss.

“Yep, you’re crazy enough to marry my daughter,” Grissom chuckled. “So you’ll fit right in.”

“And all my new daughters,” Moon squealed happily as she dragged the other three mares in for a hug. “Best. Day. Ever~”

“You got that right!” Pinkie called out from somewhere.

Scope suddenly gulped when Ledger’s mother and father approached. They hadn’t seen this form before, and the nymph was a little nervous about it.

“Y-Yes?” she asked, backing up only slightly. The Madame looked her over with a critical eye before smiling and nodding.

“Yes, she’s the same nymph Wishful,” she said to her husband. “I wouldn’t mistake that sarcastic little Blue for anypony else.”

“I’m just saying, if she always was a noble in disguise, then it’d make more sense than this,” the drone muttered.

"The same…?” Scope frowned and glared at them. “I look like this so Ledger wouldn’t cop crap for marrying a bloody foal. That’s why I—”

“I figured that much,” the Madame replied. “I really couldn’t see you trying to marry him as you were, but I didn’t know you had a Noble transformation you could fall back on.”

“I… well I only came up with it recently, thanks to a certain event in the Empire,” Scope admitted, her anger dying off quickly. “Turns out I have a little Noble blood, but it’s still hard keeping this form for so long. I’m burning through my reserves like crazy.”

The Madame smiled and gave the nymph a small kiss on the cheek while their horns crossed. She also took that moment to give the little nymph in disguise a good jolt of her reserves, more than enough to help see her through quite a bit of this party if she should desire to attend. After all, what bride shouldn’t enjoy their own wedding day?

“T-Thanks,” Scope muttered, blushing lightly.

And that was when Midnight looped a hoof around the Madame’s neck. “So, I guess you’re Mommy Gossip now huh?”

“I already was, dear,” the Madame smiled. “But I’m never adverse to the idea of one of my children finding love and adding to the family that way.”

“I wonder if you’ll say the same at Critical’s wedding?” Scope chuckled and spared a glance at the Green nymph and her surly stallion. “Ah well, guess I’m part of this crazy now…”

Midnight gasped and then flew off, returning a moment later with Joyful in her grasp. “I finally have a cute little sister~!”

“And I have four new sisters myself, not three, miss Middy!” Joyful replied.

“Oh great, now I’m related to a Pink,” Scope rolled her eyes and sighed overdramatically.

Ledger turned, only to see a huge earth pony stallion standing in front of him as Apple Leaves fussed over her daughter.

“So…” Full Steam said.

“Hello again,” Ledger said with a slight tilt of his head. “I suppose you can get all the usual questions out of the way now.”

“No questions,” he rumbled. “You make my little girl happy. That’s enough for me.” He pulled the stallion into a hug, and Ledger could tell where his mare got her strength from. He could swear he felt chitin creak under his assault. And he was probably holding back.

Then Fritter joined in on the hug, squeezing them tightly.

The rest of the meetings went smoothly, though a few of the Apple’s had given Scope and Ledger some questions, having not known they were changelings until today.

Last but not least was Celestia and Luna, the former presenting an envelope to Ledger. The drone raised an imaginary eyebrow as he took it, not opening it just yet and wondering what it could be.

The alicorn giggled and smiled at him. “Our wedding gift, since we are unable to stay for too long,” she said. “In that envelope, are your airship tickets and a five-day pass to the Rainbow Falls resort. I hope you enjoy your honeymoon Mr. Ledger.”

“I thoroughly intend to,” Ledger said with a smile. “This beats out my old plan of the Neighagra falls by a mile and a half. We’ll just have to go to them another day.”

“Ah, I didn’t think you’d have plans,” Celestia cursed her hindsight. “I can change them if you like…”

“No no, it’s fine,” Ledger said with a wave. “I didn’t actually pay for anything, just asked around if there would be an opening for a honeymoon suite around this time. I can always go there later. These,” he said, waving the envelope around, “are much better than my half-baked plans.”

“I’m glad then,” Celestia smiled and Luna positively beamed. She’d had so much fun doing this wedding.

“We too have a gift for you,” Luna chuckled. “It will be waiting for you when you arrive.”

“Y’know, I was kinda hoping for a different sort of gift,” the drone mused. “One that looked like a prepared press statement...saying something about the new messenger service the government was opening up...you remember that, right?”

“I do,” Celestia nodded. “Until Twilight sent me the most interesting letter last night. We will begin constructing the teleportation platforms as soon as possible, and run the message service alongside it.”

“Well that works out wonderfully,” Ledger smiled before pecking Twilight on the cheek. “And I’m sure Equestria will recover from the shock of this service eventually.”

“Eventually,” Celestia agreed. “We must be off, but congratulations again, and to you dear Twilight. I’m so amazingly proud of you~”

Twilight giggled and blushed, pawing at the ground with a hoof. The Alicorns chuckled and bid them a final farewell before they were off.

And not long after, it was time for the party.

The musicians Twilight had chosen were quite skilled. Lyra Heartstrings and Octavia Melody were providing some beautiful string music, while DJ-PON3 would switch it up with some wall shaking techno music.

And best of all? Ponies and Changelings were mingling perfectly, most of the latter weren’t even disguised.

As Ledger moseyed to the beverage table to get some punch, a tall Violet nymph pounced him, giggling gleefully.

“Sugar,” he said with a sigh. “What are you doing?”

“Congratulating you, of course,” the nymph said. “I’m so happy for you~” she cooed. “Not just one, but four, and a Princess besides! I thought you would never settle down when we first met~”

“I blame Midnight completely and utterly,” Ledger said.

“I can believe that,” the nymph said with another giggle. Then her tone turned even more sultry. “So, what are your plans for tonight? Going to ravish your mares?”

“If I was going to do something like that, I certainly would not tell you so readily,” the drone replied before looking around. “Shouldn’t there be somepony to watch you and make sure you don’t do something like this?”

“Why do you always assume the worst of me?” Sugar replied with a hurt pout. “I'm just teasing after all. I know better than to force anything upon you.” She paused and her voice dropped to a near-whisper. “I like you far too much to do something like that.”

“I know,” Ledger sighed. “And maybe if I hadn’t been so...broken when we first met, I might have...responded to your advances. But what’s done is done. We’re both married now.”

“Yes, yes we are,” Sugar purred, the drone could feel her smirk without even looking. “Enjoy your honeymoon love~” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and pranced off to find Moondancer, a noticeable spring in her step. The drone shook his head before helping himself to some punch and wondering who would be next.

The happy squeals of foals could be heard as the group that Amy invited mobbed her, the Pink ‘ling guarding the massive cake she’d created…

Then from amidst the children, an armoured bat emerged.

“Caaaaaakkeeeee~” she groaned, stalking towards it.

“Back!” Amy said. “This cake shall be tasted by Acey and Chryssy first! You have your own!”

Speaking of, the green nymph was currently getting swarmed by the other changelings present, half of them not even believing it was the real Chrysalis.

She turned to her grandfather and sighed. “So… I guess my parents didn't care to show up after all hmm?”

“You know they’re busy bugs,” the stallion replied. “They just couldn’t get away, and they send their apologies. Expect to be swarmed when you get back from wherever you’re going for your honeymoon, though. They’ll probably want all the details.”

“What, that their failure of a daughter did something without screwing it up… yet.” Chrysalis snorted, but even she had trouble getting into a bad mood today.

And why was her chitin so damn itchy?

“Aww, don’t be like that,” a bubbly voice said from behind her. “After all, one of my darling little ones has taken a shine to you, so you can’t be all bad~”

Chrysalis flinched and turned to see her. The Queen of the Pink race.

“I still have no idea what she sees in me,” Chrysalis replied. “But I'll not complain. I'm happy and I'll care not what anyone else thinks. Including my parents.”

“That’s the way to do it!” the Noble Pink said before hugging her. “Being happy with yourself is the first step, and I’m happy to see that she’s helped you to do that!”

“Her and that dumb bird,” Chrysalis corrected. “He's gone a long way to make me feel loved. And now I'm more powerful than ever~” She glanced towards the mountain-side city and smirked.

“Ap!” the pink ‘ling said before beeping her nose. “Don’t think I didn’t catch that! I’ve done a lot of work to fix things after what you did, missy! I don’t need you going back and poisoning the well again!”

“Meh, I don’t care for that anymore,” Chrys replied. “Besides, Equestria is so…” she milled her thoughts for the right word. “Well, you Pinks are here. That’s reason enough to leave it well alone.”

“If you say so,” the noble shrugged. “So, are you going to enjoy that cake, or will you let the little foals get at it before you?”

Chrysalis’s eye's widened and she started stalking towards the foals and snapped her teeth. “If I can't have cake, I guess I'll eat you!

The foals squealed and ran for it, Chrysalis cackling and chasing after them.

“Aaah, it’s so nice to see her being happy...as long as she keeps it to play,” the noble pink mused.

“Oh she will,” Brass said. “Otherwise, she knows I’ll find a newspaper.”

She'd caught one, Sweetie Belle to be precise, and nommed her belly, blowing raspberries as Sweetie howled with laughter.

“Okay, okay,” Amy said as she pulled a large knife off the table next to the ice-cream cake that had been kept magically chilled until right this moment. With a few deft swipes, she cut off a few pieces of the cake...revealing it to have all the colors of the rainbow within. She then levitated them next to her new husband and bride and smiled at them. “Come on, it’s time for cake you two. Tell me how you like it~”

Ace nodded and took a generous bite, his eyes widening and he purred happily.

“I am normally not one for sweets,” He said after swallowing. “But this cake is most delicious my love~”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow and took a dessert fork, spearing the dessert and taking a nibble.

Then… she just… stopped. Amy looked at her and looked at the cake. “Is...is it not good, Chryssy?” she asked. “I put a lot of work into it…”

Finally, the changeling found her tongue and spoke in a small voice.

“How-how much love… did you put in this?”

“A lot!” Amy chirped. “First I had to make the Zap-Apple Ice-cream. Then I had to work on getting it all into a sheet. And then I had to learn how to make frosting, and find one that wouldn’t break apart due to the cold. It was an uphill battle and a labor of love to make this cake. But I’d say it was worth it~”

“I see…” Chrysalis said. Her body seemed to have a faint glow to it, one that was getting brighter. “I feel weird…”

“Chryssy?!” Amy said, having noticed the glow. “Please tell me my cake isn’t killing you! I don’t think I could live with myself if it was!” Then the little nymph grabbed onto the larger one’s neck and started shaking. “Don’t go into the light, Chryssy!

“S-S-S-Stop. s-s-shaking mme-e-eee!” Chrysalis almost shouted. The jolt caused the light to die down, but Chrysalis felt something inside, a buildup of some kind.

Did that cake give her indigestion?

“Only if you promise you’re not dying,” Amy said, finally calming down. After all, Acey was doing okay. Right?

Then again, he had taken on quite a few monsters and lived...A cake probably wouldn’t be enough.

He was fine. He was already on his third piece.

“Bleh… the hell was that?” Chrysalis asked aloud and bit into her cake absently. And there came another rush of an insane amount of love. It had been building up and Chrysalis gasped, before closing her eyes and smiling as the glow came back, stronger than ever.

“Wow, guess I really did put a lot of love into it, huh?” Amy asked. “You’re glowing, Chryssy~”

And when the glow stopped, a green nymph wasn’t there anymore…

“You sure you didn’t do anything weird to this cake?” she asked.

“Chryssy...Look at yourself,” Amy said. And now the ‘ling was beautiful. She’d been pretty before, but now it was a part of her very being.

Chrysalis looked down and her jaw opened. Her pristine white coat. Those dainty, yet beautiful emerald wings. That luscious aqua mane and tail.

“I...I'm… a pony?”

The yell brought her attention from all the guests, and the news quickly spread like wildfire amongst the ‘lings that apparently, this cake could turn a changeling into...whatever that was.

Some avoided it. Some eyed it. Ledger walked closer to Chrysalis and looked her up and down. “Well, this is new,” he said. “I like learning new things.”

“Ohno, you can back the hell up until I figure out what the fuck this is!” Chrysalis panicked. “Look at me! I'm hideous!”

That was when the now-white mare found her mouth playing host to Amy’s tongue. Apparently one nymph didn’t agree with her about that…

She wanted to enjoy the kiss. But she was too busy having a freaking panic attack. Amy pulled away and had been about to say something…

When there was a familiar sensation of paper impacting the backside of Chrysalis’ head. At speed.

“Gah!” Chrysalis turned and glared at the old drone. “Where do you even get a newspaper at a wedding!?”

“Picked it up this morning,” the stallion said. “Now what good will panicking do anybody? Calm down and approach it rationally, or I’ll hit you until you do.”

“Calm down? Calm down!?” Chrysalis screeched. “I'm some weird fucking bug horse!!”

“So, yourself then?” Amy quipped. She really couldn’t stop it. “Seriously Chryssy, you know I love you for you, not what you look like.”

“That doesn’t mean I'm freaking the fuck out! I just changed species! Who does that?”

Twilight coughed and fluttered her wings. “I just thought I'd point out that you're a Flutterpony, but, whatever.”

“And now I wished I’d read what that old silver drone had given me,” Ledger said before holding his hoof out and summoning his book to himself. He rapidly flipped to the section immediately after the Black one, the one he’d marked as Silver, and looked to see if there was anything from what he’d been given that could shed any light on this. Specifically, on the origin of the Changeling race as a whole…

It was small, barely a paragraph. But it definitely mentioned ‘Flutterponies’ and something called ‘Rainbow Valley’.

“Well,” Ledger said. “Congratulations, Chrysalis. You’re the first in some time to return to what we used to be.”

“Oh that's real fucking helpful!” Chrysalis groaned. “I turned into a Tartarus-damned alicorn princess.”

“Unless Amy here is especially gifted in making magical foods, there’s no reason to think this is a permanent thing,” Ledger pointed out. “Like how the crystallizing effect that happens up in the Crystal Empire during their faire isn’t a permanent thing.”

“Only for you non-crystals,” Palette pointed out.

“Chrys?” Ace stepped forward and tapped her horn. “Focus. Your magical signature hasn't changed.”

“That means…” Chrysalis closed her eyes and concentrated. A sparkling veil covered her, a stark contrast to a changeling’s transformative flames.

And a moment later, Chrysalis was her chitinous self once again. Though, her legs and wings lacked the holes they once had.

“Iiiinteresting,” Ledger said. “Amy, I know it’s your cake and all, but I think I should also subject myself to some. For science.”

“Lemme just snag a piece for myself, and sure thing Ledgy,” the pink nymph said as the knife flashed into motion, quickly dividing the remaining cake up into many, many portions. So that every ‘ling and foal could still have one, and there would be enough left for the ponies besides. She floated a piece over to herself and waited.

Ledger gently took ahold of his piece of cake and smiled at his mares. “For science,” he said before biting into the cake.

It certainly had a decent amount of love, as much as Midnight could give him in a single dose. And it was pretty damned tasty too.

But after a few minutes, he certainly wasn't transforming into a long forgotten race.

“Hmm,” he pondered. “Maybe it’s something else. Like something that’s different between the two of us. I mean, that cake was made with them in mind, it probably wouldn’t do as much for me or any other ‘ling. I would probably need an insane amount of love on top of what you’ve put into this cake to spontaneously transform, if it’s just based on love…It could be something else, like lineage. Or just a random accident.”

“Lineage huh?” Brass looked thoughtful about something. “Well I'm sure we can work this out later. I think you all have a wedding to finish eh?”

“Aww,” Twilight pouted. “Can’t I experiment just a little?”

“Yeah, no!” Chrysalis said and finished off her cake, without transforming this time.

“I’m actually kind of disappointed we haven’t managed to replicate this yet,” Ledger said before finishing off his piece of Amy’s cake. “I mean, then we’d have a pool of test subjects greater than one uncooperative nymph.”

“Ledger, go fuck a cactus,” Chrysalis snarked and looked at Scope. “But she looks occupied…”

“I'll kill you later,” Scope called back.

“Can we please get back to our wedding?” Cider pouted.

“Oh, very well,” the drone said before walking over to Cider and giving her a kiss. “For you.” He then turned to the layered, massive cake that Pinkie had crafted and held up the pristine knife in his magic. “I say it’s time we had our cake, my lovely wives.”

They nodded and as Ledger lifted the knife with his magic, he felt Twilight and Scope’s mix with his. Midnight and Cider placed their hooves on the handle and together, they made the first slice as dozens of cameras flashed and the crowd cheered. Ledger just smiled and gently moved the knife, slowly, so as to slice a small piece from the top off. He’d have to make several more cuts if he was to get a piece for everypony at the same time, but it’d be worth all the effort.

Soon enough, the top was well-sliced, and Twilight, Cider, Scope, and Midnight all had a slice of cake on a small plate in front of them.

Midnight’s didn't last long, the cake made an honorable sacrifice to the bat goddess as she devoured it with something akin to a feeding frenzy. She licked her lips and hummed happily.

“Ohhh, now that is good cake,” she purred and grabbed Pinkie Pie as she walked past. “You! I’m marrying you next!”

“Aww, thanks Middy, but I don't think Ledger could handle me,” she spun around and winked at the drone. “No offense.”

“None taken,” Ledger replied. “You’re quite the unique individual, and I’ve really had my share of pink nymphs and mares already.”

“Yup, you don't get pinker than Pinkie!” she giggled and then gasped. “One moment!” She zoomed over to where the Pink queen stood and gave her a scrutinizing stare. “Hmm…”

“Well you could pass as one of mine easily,” the Pink queen giggled. “You’re certainly unpredictable enough.”

“Maybe,” Pinkie giggled and presented the nymph with a piece of cake she somehow produced from thin air. “Thanks for helping Amy. I was a little worried about her for a moment.”

“Aww, it’s nothing,” the pink mare said before taking the cake like nothing had happened. “I make it a point to attend as many Pink weddings as possible. Nearly missed this one, though. I’m getting rusty in my old age.”

“Aw, you’re still young,” Pinkie giggled and hugged her. “Anyway, enjoy the party Your Majesty~” And with that, she bounced off.

The dinner had been amazing, enough that even Fredrick complimented it. And then Pinkie and Queen Surprise jumped up onto the stage, the latter deciding to assist the earth pony.

“I hope you all enjoyed the feast party ponies!” Pinkie declared.

“Cause now it’s time to shake your booty!” the nymph added.

“I take it this is where my dance lessons are about to come in handy,” Ledger sarcastically observed.

“Precisely!” His mother said from beside him. “Try not to embarrass me dear.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about,” Ledger said, exerting a remarkable amount of control to not look in Twilight’s direction.

Twilight still caught that minor twitch and looked at him. “What?”

He declined to rise to that, though, and merely waited to hear what the first song of the night would be. That would determine who he’d take out on the dance floor.

“Given the unique situation of our married parties,” Surprise said. “How would they like to proceed?”

With that, Ace grabbed Amy and dragged her out to the dancefloor as he nodded at the band.

That was when the nymph’s favourite song started to play…

“Acey,” she said with a smile. “You remembered?”

“Of course I did,” the griffon replied as he nuzzled her, swaying slowly to the music. “I love you my dear. More than anything.”

“Hmm, well, which of my mares would like to accompany me on this, the first dance of the evening?” Ledger said, looking at them all now and bowing slightly.

Twilight was hesitant, but Midnight stepped forward and smiled. “I will, my awesome dancing will give the rest of you something to aspire towards.”

Ledger smiled and walked Midnight out to the dance floor. Amy and Ace finished their dance and once they cleared the floor, earning a round of cheers, the band started up a nice waltz. Midnight turned, letting the train of her dress flow as she offered her hoof to Ledger. He took it and began leading the dance, putting all of his lessons to use in giving Midnight a nice, wedding-day dance.

Of course, he’d still have three more to go after this one, but it was the thought that counted.

Her steps were timed perfectly, showing that once again, she was good at what she did. The truth was that her mother had taught her over many years, and her fighting prowess kept her in peak condition.

“You're not too bad,” Midnight giggled, draping her neck over his as she led him across the dancefloor. “A solid B+.”

“And I suppose you think you know what deserves an A,” Ledger replied out of habit.

“Not the time,” She murmured and gave him a light kiss, when he returned it, she smiled. “That bumped you up to an A-.”

“You’ll have to show me one day,” Ledger replied with a cheeky wink. “For now, let’s just enjoy the music.”

“Mhmm,” Midnight held him a little tighter and led him into a spin. But all too soon, the dance had to end and the crowd cheered and cooed as they left the dancefloor, making way for Ace and Chrysalis.

And… why was Scope laughing at Ledger? He almost asked, but he refrained.

He’d have to dance with her after all. He could ask then.

“So,” the nymph said as she moved up next to Ledger. “Shall we show them how changelings dance, my lovely wife~”

“That was kind of the plan, when your song comes up,” Ledger said, eyeing the ceiling as he said that. “Hmm...we may have to adapt our moves a little…”

“Well, I don’t know how steady my flying will be in this larger form,” Scope said and sighed. “Catch me if I fall?”

“Always,” the drone replied instantly. “You don’t even have to ask, because I know you would do the same.”

Scope paused. “It would be pretty funny to see your ass fall…”

“On this day?” Ledger said. “You know it’d ruin it more that it’d make it.”

“True,” Scope nodded. “Ah well, another time then.” She watched Chrysalis and Ace dance, the nymph looked so happy. “Hard to believe she was once the big bad Queen Chrysalis huh?”

“She’s come such a long way,” Ledger said with a knowing nod. “As have we all.”

“The scourge of Equestria… now it's hard to imagine we were ever enemies at all,” Scope said as the dance finished, Chrysalis squeaking as Ace picked her up and carried her off of the dancefloor.

“I do believe it’s our turn,” Ledger said with a smile. “Ready to show them how ‘lings dance?”

“Hell yes,” Scope purred and then grabbed him, pulling him into a deep kiss before letting go and prancing out onto the dance floor with a giggle. Ledger sighed, but smiled, and led her into a normal dance to start with. He was counting down the seconds until he could show everypony here how Changelings danced.

“Just say when,” she whispered. “ And we blow their non-buggy brains~”

Ledger waited until the dip before smiling at her and using his magic to remove the back of his suit. “And now,” he said once they came up. With that, his shell flicked open and his wings buzzed into flight, lifting the drone into the air.

Scope followed suit, her backless dress allowed her shell to open and she followed him into the air, ducking and weaving and she smiled softly. Every motion Ledger was going through just spoke volumes about his commitment to not only her, but the others as well. And he was even using just a touch of magic to link with her as well.

So I’m thinking tonight, you all call the shots. Only seems fitting.

“Oh, we’re talking about this now?” Scope chuckled and looked at the other mares. “What happened to tearing off our dresses and ravishing us?”

If I did that, Rarity would kill me,” Ledger replied as their dance got a little closer. “Besides, with only one me and four of you, I think it’s safe to say that I’m very much the minority here.

“Aw, don't give up so easily,” she cooed, throwing in a few mating dance moves. “I'm sure you could think of something~”

Well Twilight apparently has a collar, so if I can convince her to wear it again, that’s one,” Ledger replied. “That still leaves you, Cider, and Midnight.” He responded positively to those moves, though not too strongly. There were changelings in the audience, after all.

“Yeah, Midnight is kind of hard to one up,” Scope giggled as she swooped around him and kissed his nose. Her eyes widened slightly and she smiled. “Well isn’t that interesting,” she hummed. “Seems she was able to make it after all~”

She who?” Ledger asked as he took advantage of one of the dance’s turns to scan the crowd. Then he saw a familiar unicorn, still wearing her gleaming golden armour. “Oh, Narrow!” He actually waved at her before returning to the dance, though he did make sure that waving wouldn’t be offensive for the dance they were pulling off first.

“Waving at another mare while dancing with me?” Scope said and her eyes gleamed. “You’ll pay for that one~”

It’s Narrow, for all the things we put her through, a wave is the least I could do. You’d better believe I intend to greet her between dances.” Still, their dance was winding down now. Only a few moves left…

Scope weaved past him and performed a move that put a heavy blush on several of the resident changeling’s faces. She was all but shouting her desire to rut Ledger into the floor~

Ledger responded with a finishing move that had the rest of the changelings blushing. Basically all but announcing his intention to take a firm hoof in the bedroom and punish her. Sexily.

Midnight was standing next to the Madame, and she noticed a curious expression on her face.

“Hey,” she nudged the large nymph. “You okay?”

“Something tells me you’ve been a terrible influence on my boy,” the Madame said as she fought to get her blush under control as the pair of ‘lings landed. “A terrible, sexy influence.”

“Guilty as charged~” Midnight grinned, not knowing what that brought that on. Moon sighed and shook her head.

“I am so sorry for everything Midnight-related,” she said.

“And so will she be,” the Madame replied. “At least, if he means that with the rest of you as well.”

Midnight tilted her head and looked at Ledger and Scope. Was she missing something here?

On the other side of the dancefloor, a pair of hooves found their way around Fredrick’s eyes.

“Well, what do we have here?” a husky voice whispered into his ear. “A handsome griffon all alone? We can’t have that now~”

“Mmm, my delicious Peach Blossom is riding me so early?” the griffon asked as he felt the weight on his back. “Is it Friday already?~”

She responded by lightly tapping his beak. “I told you not to call me that in public. It’s embarrassing.”

“No argument on the other thing I said though,” the griffon mused. “Very well, we can sneak off and find a nice room if you want-”

“We are not having sex in a Princess’s castle!” Narrow blushed and bopped his beak again. “I could get fired for something like that.”

“Pity, ‘in a castle’ was one of the few places I had yet to have sex,” the griffon sighed. “I suppose that dream will remain forever unfilled, and will be something Ledger will always have on me.”

“Well, sucks to be you,” Narrow said and giggled. “Maybe if you’re good okay?” She gave him a kiss on the beak, just as Ledger walked over.

“And here comes trouble,” the mare chuckled. “Impressive. The castle still stands, despite you and Midnight being inside it for an extended period.”

“It’s not like I try to cause trouble wherever I go,” Ledger said. “That being said, I am surprised that the Crystal Empire’s castle didn’t fall over while we were there.” He smiled at the mare before continuing. “It’s good to see you Captain. I take it by the fact that you’re here that trouble abroad is wrapped up enough for the time being?”

He heard a small growl come from her throat and she stomped her hoof lightly. “Son of a Breezie got away. By the time we got there, he and most of his assets were on a ship bound for Celestia-knows-where.”

“Ah,” Ledger said with a sigh. “Well, you win some, you lose some. And at least you tried.”

“Should have tried harder,” she muttered. “Also, I kinda rushed here, so I didn’t get you a present…”

“It’s fine,” Ledger said with a wave of his hoof. “I can tell you right now, most of these gifts are going to be for the mares. So very few ponies know exactly what a Silver likes. I’m used to it.” He winked at her before finishing his statement. “I am just impossible to shop for.”

“Oh, you’d think so,” Narrow said and he saw a rare, mischievous gleam in her eye. “But I did come up with something. A gift just perfect for you in particular~”

“What, happen across a rare spell tome?” Ledger asked. “I hear the Inspiration Manifestation is still missing, at least to the Green Hive. That’d do it.”

“Not quite,” Narrow said as Rarity and Spike gave an awkward cough. She handed him a slip of paper and smiled. “A little spell I know of. But don’t share it with anypony else okay?”

Ledger read the spell. Paused. Reread it. And read it a third time, just to be sure he was reading this correctly. “Does this spell do what I think it does?” he asked in a quiet voice.

Fredrick leaned in close and his grin couldn’t be wider. “It was what she used to tame me!”

“Ohhh, we are going to have fun with this spell,” Ledger chuckled as he used a little magic to reinforce his memory of this particular spell. He never wanted to forget it. Heck, he was planning on burning this scrap of paper, so that Twilight couldn’t copy it.

“In all fairness,” Narrow smiled. “You have until after your honeymoon. Then I’ll be telling Twilight and Scope how to use it as well.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Ledger said, pointing a hoof at her. “This is something I alone should know. After all, I was the one telling them they needed to get another stallion because they were wearing me out. Too many extras, and you just know they’ll abuse it and me.” He crossed his heart with a hoof. “I Pinkie Promise that I will only use this spell to keep up with the mares in bed, as long as you don’t tell them how it works. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. You break your end of it, I’ll start dissecting it.” His grin was manic now. “I wonder how you’d deal with two...or three...or four Ledgers running around in your city.”

“I’d put Midnight and Princess Twilight on clean-up duty,” Narrow smirked. “...Or call your parents~”

“And if Midnight got duplicated?” Ledger innocently asked.

“Amy. Big ‘ol bag of sugar,” Narrow countered. “Then I’ll move back to Canterlot once they destroyed the city.”

“I’m sure a destroyed city would look bad on your resume,” Ledger mused. “Still, let’s tone it down a little. Please, please don’t tell them how it works. I need this.”

“Oh fine, it’s more fun holding this over you instead,” Narrow giggled. “I wonder if changelings sweat~?”

“Technically the answer is yes, but you normally can’t see it because of our chitin,” the drone replied as he summoned his book and wrote the spell down, then cast a spell on it to make it invisible, before shutting it and sending it back. After that, he had an unappetizing meal of paper, to make sure it was destroyed. Once that task was done, he continued his original thought. “If you can actually see a changeling sweating at a joint or thin point in their chitin, then you know they’re nervous.”

“Huh? Good to know,” Narrow replied. “I just hope Two-Step hasn’t wrecked the city again in our absence… Gah!” She yelped as Midnight pounced on her, hugging her friend tightly and giggling.

“Aww, you made it!” she beamed. “Now this is the best day ever~” The thestral turned and looked at Fredrick. “So when are you putting a ring on her hmm?”

“When I feel the time is right, or she tells me she’s carrying my chick,” the griffon replied.

“Yeah, that won’t be happening anytime soon,” Narrow said. Foals just… weren’t her thing. And just as Amy happened to walk over to say hello…

“Besides, I don’t think I’d be a very good mother.”

Amy gasped and looked at Narrow. “But...but foals are the best thing ever!” she said. “I don’t know why some ponies don’t like them.”

“Because they’re whiny, crying little bags of poop and snot?” Narrow shrugged. “Sorry kiddo, just not my thing.”

“There’s also the good moments,” Amy countered with. “I wouldn’t be having one if there weren’t some good things about them.”

“You just wanted to test if Twilight’s castle was good for conception,” Ace chuckled and lifted the nymph to kiss her. “Apparently the answer is yes.”

Narrow blinked and looked at Fredrick. “No.”

“I didn’t even ask a question,” the griffon pointed out.

“Pre-emptive strike,” Narrow nodded as Cider brought her some punch and cake. “Ah, thank you Apple Cider. You look beautiful by the way. Congratulations on getting married.”

“Thankyou,” Cider replied with a smile and then looked at Ledger. “Now, why do y’all look like the cat that got the cream?”

“You’re just imagining that,” Ledger said, trying his best to suppress his smile. “Now, how about I treat my bride to a wonderful dance?” He held out a hoof to her and tilted his head in the direction of the dance floor.

She took his hoof, but nickered lightly. “Ledger. Whut family am ah a part of?”

“The Apple family, and I suppose I am too, now,” he mused as he led her onto the floor for her dance.

“An’ whut Element are we famous fer?” she said as she pulled him into a hug as they danced.

“Your cousin Applejack was the Bearer of Honesty,” he said. All still technically true.

“So ah’ll ask again, what are y’all so happy about?” she said as he spun her.

“Can’t I just be happy about today?” Ledger asked. “I mean, I married four wonderful mares. Most stallions would be happy with one.”

“True enough ah suppose,” she smiled and kissed him again. “Y’all have a secret, but ah reckon ah’ll not push ya too hard over it.”

“It’ll all be clear by tonight,” Ledger said with a chuckle. “I promise, this is a good secret.”

“Hmm, if ya say so,” she mused and kissed his cheek. “Ah love you, mah handsome stallion~”

“And I love you, my sweet mare,” Ledger replied as he dipped her. The crowd clapped and cheered as they started to move onto the dancefloor as well, several couples now getting into the swing of things.

And Painted Palette of all ponies showing Critical that he could indeed dance, and was quite good as well. Ledger escorted Cider off the dancefloor before retrieving the last mare of the hour. Twilight herself. He bowed to her and offered his hoof.

The alicorn princess snorted and shook her head. “Sorry Ledger, but I am painfully aware that I cannot dance.”

“I know,” Ledger said. “I was the one that told you. But the dance we shared afterwards wasn’t bad.” His tone took a pleading turn. “Just give it a chance, please. I’d like it if all the mares I’m married to had one dance on their wedding day.”

Twilight looked at his pleading expression and sighed. “Alright, fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you-”

She didn’t get to finish before Ledger swept her off her hooves and onto the dance floor, a smile on his face.

“You seem awfully pleased about this,” Twilight deadpanned.

“I’m completing the set,” Ledger explained. “My OCD is just as bad as yours. I sorta needed this.”

“...Seriously?” Twilight said, her frown deepening. “So, you’re only asking because you have to?”

“That’s part of it,” Ledger said as they took their positions. “The other part is, I want to see you smile on a dance floor, and I think today of all days, you will. Just follow my lead.”

“I happened to like dancing, until somebuggy said how bad I was,” Twilight pouted.

“Nopony else was,” Ledger said. “Still, I can dance, and I can teach you if you give me time.” He took a step, and Twilight, remarkably, did not step on his hooves when she followed suit.

You just like the idea of teaching me something,” Twilight smiled, touching his horn with hers as a small spark leapt between them, and he felt her magic link with his. It wasn’t unpleasant, and Ledger kept leading Twilight through the dance. If she kept up with her stunning performance, he might even try a twirl and a dip with her.

And that was when he felt her telekinesis around him and she twirled him around, poking her tongue out in cheek when she did. Ledger got his revenge when the twirl stopped by immediately dipping her with his magic and sneaking a kiss in as he did.

“Cheater,” she smiled and kissed him back. “So, happy I joined in on this wedding then love?”

“Absolutely,” Ledger said as the dance resumed. “It just wouldn’t be the same without you.”

“I doubt it’d be too much different,” Twilight replied. “But thank you all the same.” She leaned in and held him close as they finished off the dance. As they moved around the floor, they wound up next to somepony and Twilight smirked.

Partners were switched and Ledger suddenly found his sister in his hooves, rather than a purple princess, whom was currently waltzing with Palette.

“Well this is familiar,” Ledger mused as he danced with Critical.

“I promise to keep the hoof-stomping to a minimum,” the green nymph said with a giggle. “Wouldn’t want to ruin your ability to dance later. Your mares might want to go again.”

“So you admit that you weren’t always so innocent or accidental when it was my turn to be your partner then?” the drone asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I will confirm nothing,” she replied as the waltz continued. “...I’m really happy for you, brother,” she eventually said.

“Thank you,” Ledger replied. “And Palette seems like a good sort as well. Just promise not to do to me what Twilight did to her brother?”

“Which was?”

“She sent him an invitation,” the drone deadpanned. “Detailing when and where she’d be getting married, and nothing else before or after.”

“Owch,” the green nymph said. “Yes, I promise to tell you when I’m getting married with a letter, once we pin a date down.”

“That’s all I ask,” Ledger replied as the song came to a close. He and his sister bowed to one another before they vacated the dance floor. Him in search of another of his mares that might wish to dance, and her for cake and punch.

The former soon found a mare to dance with, or rather, one found him. Sugar Darling giggled as she pulled Ledger into a close dance, batting her eyes at him.

Critical had almost made it to the edge of the dance floor before she was snagged by Yearling and her drones, Lucky being the one that got to dance with the Green nymph.

“Aww, and I was so close to the cake,” the green nymph-mock whined.

“Sorry, orders are orders,” the Yellow drone said as they began to dance.

Meanwhile, Ledger was dealing with a rather touchy Violet. “You just seem to be fixated on me today,” the drone observed.

“What can I say?” she giggled as a hoof of hers roamed. “As long as you’re not saying no…”

“I rather think your wife wouldn’t appreciate you touching me like that, especially on today,” the drone replied tiredly. “You’re quite bad today, is everything okay? Moondancer didn’t turn you down last night, did she?”

“What? No, my Moonie would never do that,” Sugar scoffed. “Sorry, there’s so much Love in the air here I just can’t help myself.” She spared a glance to Chrysalis, who was chowing on some of Ledger’s cake. “I hafta hand it to her for keeping her composure the first time…”

“First time?” Ledger said with a head-tilt. “First time of what?”

“The wedding she invaded,” Sugar said. She took a step back and smiled. “I’ll leave you be now, lest I do something that might ruin our friendship…” She winked at him and vanished into the crowd…

“She’s just getting worse as time goes on,” the drone said before he sighed and made his way to the refreshment table, intent on getting some cake for himself this time.

Luckily, he was actually able to make it this time, Twilight had just finished cutting it up into equal slices.

Yes, she’d done the math too. Ledger just smiled and took a piece for himself, biting into the cake. Pinkie had really outdone herself this time. This was one of the best cakes he’d ever had.

After a while, Midnight turned to the crowd and smiled. “Okay you unmarried mares!” she shouted, “Form up! We have some bouquets to toss!”

There was an excited clamour as they all lined up and Ledger’s mares got ready. Amy as well… Chrysalis had eaten hers.

What? Chrysanthemums were tasty.

Midnight looked at the others and grinned. “Ready?”

“Eeyup,” Cider nodded.

“All good here,” Twilight agreed. Ledger just sat back and wondered how they’d go about this. Would they throw them one by one, or would they go all at once?

Chaos it was, as all five mares tossed their flowers.

The ones waiting scrambled over each other to catch them, the first being snagged by one of the musicians and a friend of hers, the mint-green unicorn blushing slightly as she locked eyes with her earth pony friend.

The second landed in the lap of one Narrow Gaze. The mare looking at the flowers and then towards Fredrick…

“Well, my life just got more interesting,” the griffon chuckled. “Be sure to make your proposal good, dear.”

Narrow just squeaked and ducked under the table.

The third bouquet was snagged by Yearling, the yellow pegasus smiling and then looking at her two drones that stood to one side, next to Ledger.

“Devoted, I’m not sure I like that look in her eye,” the yellow one said.

“Me either Lucky, but you know we can’t exactly leave her,” the blue one said.

“This is worse than that morning she woke up and told us about her dream,” Lucky moaned.

“That it is,” Devoted agreed.

“You can’t leave?” Ace asked. “Why not? Are you unhappy in your relationship?”

“More like, we’re hers now,” the yellow drone replied. “We’re happy, but we’re also her responsibility.”

Ace clicked his beak and pondered on that. Some questions arose and he looked at his brides…

The next lot of flowers landed, snared by a pony.

Namely a certain Pink Queen…

“Uh-oh!” the nymph said as she looked at it. “But I don’t even have a stallion! I’m way too busy for one!”

“Get a mare then,” some nearby pony said and several others laughed. The Pink Queen joined in, giggling as well.

“True, that could work...and several of you are looking quite fine~”

The last set of flowers soared through the air, accidentally snared by a mare that flew past to get some punch.

Rainbow Dash stared at the bouquet. Blushed hard and spluttered before tossing them. “Yeah, like hay!”

And that was when Fluttershy caught them, and blushed even harder, squeaking as she hid behind her mane, but didn’t throw them away like Rainbow did. The rainbow mare turned and when she saw who caught them, blushed again and pointed at Amy. “You totally planned that!”

“No, but I am willing to take full credit if one of you acts on it,” the pink nymph said. Both mares blushed and looked away from one another as Moondancer giggled and nudged Sugar.

“Don’t think I didn’t see that~” she said. “Your magic is sneaky… but not quite enough~”

“The two are absolutely adorable together,” Sugar said. “I can’t be the only one that sees it. They just need a little...push, every now and again.”

“If you were in charge of ‘pushing’,” Moondancer mused. “They’d be between the sheets right now making good on that bouquet’s meaning.”

“A nymph can hope,” the violet sighed. “They don’t seem to be rising to the bait. And I so hoped they’d gotten to the point where they would be willing to put on a little public display of how much they loved each other...Ah well. Another time, perhaps.”

“Speaking of public displays,” Moon said, poking her in the side. “You’ve been rather clingy to a certain drone today~”

“I very nearly can’t wait to spring our proposal on him,” the nymph said. “Can you imagine if he says yes?”

“Yes, well I’m hoping that is the case, but it lowers our chances if you keep pestering him like that,” Moondancer said with a soft sigh. “And there’s no guarantee that his mares will say yes either. And you know Ledger, if even one of them says no...”

“Another reason for me to get in my feels while I can,” the nymph said. “After this, it’ll change the way they see me. I’d rather be able to flirt with him while I can before they second-guess everything I do.”

Moondancer shook her head and kissed her silly wife. “Well, you seem to be having fun. So go nuts.”

“I’m good with the amount I’ve touched Ledger for now,” the nymph said. “I’m actually wondering if you’d like to dance.”

“I would love to,” Moondancer sighed happily and dragged her wife out onto the dancefloor, nuzzling her closely as they swayed to a quiet rhythm.

Several guests had left by this point, and the party was starting to die down. Twilight had gathered up her husband and wives, smiling brightly.

“So, are we ready to go?” she asked. “I’ll be teleporting us to Canterlot to spend the night, then we’re on an airship first thing tomorrow for our honeymoon.”

“Aww, so no staying up late?” Ledger asked with wiggling eyebrows.

“We can, as long as you promise to get up in the morning without complaint,” Twilight giggled. She was pulled away by her friends suddenly, the group sharing a hug before the alicorn left.

As was Apple Cider, the mare getting mobbed by her large family.

“I love having next to no family,” Scope mused. “My life is so much quieter because of it.”

Ledger pulled the still-noble nymph into a hug and pecked her on the cheek as an impromptu remedy to the situation. His cheesy line cemented it. “You’re our family now, Scope,” he said softly.

“Oh for the love of…” Scope rolled her eyes. “That was so damned cheesy, it’d give Twilight nightmares.”

“Doesn’t mean it’s not true,” he riposted.

“Gag,” Scope said and shook her head. “The sentiment is still cute though. Thank you Ledger. And yes, I love you too.”

He just kissed her again as he watched Midnight get all but mobbed by her mother and father.

“Gaaaah, getoffame!” Midnight whined under her mother’s hug before she saw the Madame approach. “Aw crap. No, no more hugs!”

Scope smiled. “Hah, I’m totally too tall to hug now!”

Nopony is too tall to hug,” the Madame said. “But luckily for you, you’re not my target. Now miss Song, if you’d let me at your daughter, I have a hug to impart.”

“But of course My Lady,” Moon replied and released Midnight, who spread her wings and was about to bolt…

Right when the Madame showed off her magical prowess and pulled Midnight in for a hug, using it to hold her closer.

“Noooooo~” Midnight pouted as she was subjected to the hug. “Ledger…. avenge meeeee~”

“Oh hush,” the Madame said as she nuzzled the mare. “You deserve a hug for fixing my son from everything he was subjected to.”

“Oh fine, just know that you look cute hugging me,” Midnight said and returned the embrace.

“It’s true,” Wishful nodded. “Very cute~”

“I can live with that,” the mare hummed. “And now, I think I’m good.” With that, she released the thestral and smiled at her. “Take care of them, please.”

“Like you even have to ask,” Midnight smiled and nodded. “Somepony has to pull Secret’s ass out of the fire when it inevitably finds itself there.”

“It’s not like I go looking for dangerous situations,” Ledger moaned. “They just...happen sometimes.”

“Suuurreee,” Midnight and Critical said together.

The drone just huffed and crossed his forelegs.

“Well if this is all,” the Madame said, looking around, “Then I have a Hive to be getting back to. Me and my husbands...and Joyful. Wherever she is.”

“I lost her around the time the cake started being served,” Peaceful said.

“Caaaaaaaaaakkeeeeeeeee!” Joyful buzzed around the room at almost hypersonic speeds.

“Found her,” the Madame deadpanned. “Joyful, please come down here,” the nymph asked of her daughter.

“Neevvaaahhhhhhhhh!” Joyful screamed and tore off into the castle, squealing loudly as she did.

She had a castle to modify.

“Joyful, either come back here, or you won’t get any sweets for a month when we go back. To include ice-cream,” the Madame said to the castle at large.

“Pllaaaaaaaaiiiiiddd!” was her response.

“Oh for the love of-” Twilight horn flashed and a moment later, a glowing ball floated into the room, Joyful trapped inside.

“I have got to learn that spell,” the Madame said.

“I’ll teach it to you,” Twilight nodded. “Number Sixty One. Hamster Ball.”

“That must be useful,” the silver mare said. “How long will this hold her for?”

“As long as you maintain the upkeep? As long as you want,” Twilight nodded. “It’s a variant of my brother’s shield spell. Useful for dragons in libraries that have the sneezes.”

“Imma ball?” Joyful poked at the bubble. At least it was a pink ball~

“Let’s just hope the ball stays in place,” the Madame said. “We hardly need her to be able to cause more chaos.”

Twilight giggled and handed the balled up Pink to the Madame. “You could almost put her in your pocket-”

“TWILIGHT!” Chrysalis stormed over and glared at her. “You had better not be thinking of running off. Not without telling me how you know what I’ve turned into thanks to Amy’s magic cake.”

“Magic cake? Well there’s a new name for it,” Twilight smirked. “Though I think the most common term is pu-”

“Just, tell me,” the nymph cut her off. “And if you can do it quickly, I suppose you can scan me once, if you promise to tell me how much longer this will last for.”

Twilight smiled and petted the nymph on the withers. “Look, in my bedroom you’ll see a bookshelf against the furthest left wall. There’s a book with a blue spine titled ‘Forgotten Races and Mythical Cases’. All the answers I could give you are in that book.”

“Fine, I’ll take it to read on the trip to wherever we’re going for our honeymoon,” the nymph muttered. “I’m surprised you didn’t scan me, to be honest.”

“I already did the first time,” Twilight winked. “But it didn’t tell me much. Your magical signature hasn’t changed. Your vital signs can be considered normal. Well, for a changeling anyhow. I picked a slight increase in your mana reserves though.”

“So, what, burn through enough magic and I’ll turn back?” Chrysalis asked.

“No, you just have more magic to play with,” Twilight replied. “If I had to hazard a guess. By the way, I hate guessing. I’ll be doing a full and thorough investigation when I get back.” Ledger might not like it if she blew off their honeymoon to observe a new species. “Where was I? Oh! Well if you absorb enough love, it might trigger the transformation again.”

“Joy, so basically half of my life around those two is going to be spent as a freaking Flutterpony,” the tall nymph deadpanned.

“Well, Ledger might be onto something about it being hereditary,” Twilight nodded. “Perhaps you should take a closer look at your family tree?”

Brass gave a small cough.

“What?” Chrysalis asked. “It’s not like you have a freakin’ family tree dating all the way back to whenever this was a thing.”

He remained silent.

“...Y’know what, I’ll believe you if you have a bit of that cake yourself,” the nymph said.

He took a piece that Amy suddenly offered him and ate it slowly. What? He was old and got indigestion sometimes.

“Later,” he said. “We’re gonna have a long talk regarding your mother. Your real mother…”

“Well that’s just wonderful,” the nymph said. “Are there any other touchy topics you’d like to bring up on my wedding day?”

“You asked,” he replied and gave his tail a flick. “Look, we’ll discuss it later alright? Go and enjoy your honeymoon kiddo. You’ve earned it.”

That was about when Chrysalis was the victim of one of the other Pinks in the castle. Namely, the one she was married to decided she needed a bit of cheering up, and acted appropriately. That is to say, the pink nymph all but fed her wife her tongue.

“Forget love shields, now we have a sure-fire way to defeat the great Queen Chrysalis~” Twilight giggled. “Oh Ledger? Did you have everything packed and ready to go?”

“I think so,” Ledger said. “But it wouldn’t hurt to have you check it over real quick, in case I missed something.”

Twilight teleported from the room, and after a few minutes of waiting around, she returned and nodded.

“You forgot a couple of things. But now that’s fixed and I delivered our stuff to Canterlot.”

“Guess the only thing left is us,” Ledger said. “Oh, and telling Ace where he’ll be honeymooning in.”

“That would be good,” the griffon nodded as he clapped a claw over the drones shoulder. “So, let’s hear it.”

Ledger smiled and whispered a few words into the griffon’s ear, taking care to make sure neither of Ace’s wives could hear him. As he explained, it had to be a surprise to them. The griffon grinned and nodded.

“Oh yes, I like that plan quite a lot,” he smiled as he looked at his wives.

“So, where are we going?” Chrysalis asked, earning a tut-tut from the griffon as he waved a claw.

“That. Is. A. Secret~” he chuckled, earning a pout from the nymph.

“Noooo,” Amy said before pointing at Ledger. “That’s a Secret.”

“Amy…” Chrysalis sighed and shook her head. “That was terrible and you should feel bad.”

“No regrets!” the nymph chirped.

“Well then, I think that’s everything...except for one thing.” Ledger cleared his throat and said, quite simply, two words. A name. “Pinkie Pie.”

Yeppers?” the pink mare said, popping up from behind him. “You rang Levvy-devvy?”

“Can we trust you to clean up after this party?” the drone asked. “We’ll be gone for some time afterwards, and I get the feeling that hardly any of it will be spent resting.”

“Okie Doki Loki~” she giggled and zoomed in, her nose pressed against his. “But this means you'll owe me a favour Levvy~♥”

“So long as it’s reasonable and can wait until after our honeymoon, I have no objections to this,” the drone replied.

“Goodie!” Pinkie cheered and hugged him. “Now. Tell me your birthday and your word that I can throw the next one for you!”

“My birthday was in November, on the 20th,” Ledger said. “Sorry, but you’ll have a wait if you want to throw me another party.”

Pinkie sighed and all his mares paused.

He suddenly had four sets of irritated eyes staring at him.

“What?” he asked.

“You didn’t tell us your birthday!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“It happened shortly after the Tirek incident, which was also the precursor to another incident in this family,” Ledger said. “My birthday was less important than what was going on.”

“Pinkie Pie?” Twilight said calmly. “Plan B please.”

“WOOHOO!!” Pinkie blurred around the room. And soon a banner that said ‘Happy Belated Birthday Ledger!’ was hanging from the ceiling.

Also, a three tier cake loaded with candles was present.

“What?” Ledger said, tilting his head. “Do...we even have time for this right now?”

“Everypony?” Pinkie called out.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEDGER!!” the crowd cheered.

“Where… did you even…” Midnight’s head hurt.

“I keep birthday supplies stashed all over Equestria,” Pinkie explained. “In case of birthday emergencies.”

“That makes about as much sense as anything else a Pink does,” Ledger said.

“Mommy!” Joyful said from her spherical prison. “I have found my new teacher!”

“Yes, I’m sure you’d love to come to Equestria to learn from all the Pinks here, and ponies that could pass as them,” the Madame said.

“Can I?!” Joyful exclaimed.

“Maybe when you’re a little older,” the silver mare said. “I’d like you to finish growing up first.”

“Bleh, I wish I was a big Changeling,” she pouted.

Pinkie had finished feeding Ledger some birthday cake. She’d also gotten a present from somewhere, telling him to open it later.

“Well,” Twilight said once Pinkie had finished molesting her new husband. “Are we ready to go this time?”

“I suppose we are,” Ledger said as he held his present close. “Unless something else is going to come up at the last minute.”

“Not giving it a chance,” Twilight said and looked out over the crowd. “I'd like to thank everyone for coming today. You've made it all the more special for us.”

“Indeed,” Ledger agreed. “The sight of so many changelings and ponies getting along warms my heart.”

The two species looked at one another. They really were alike in a lot of ways.

“Thanks a bunch everypony!” Midnight smiled and wiped a tear from her eyes. “This… this is what a wedding is supposed to be like.”

Almost everyone save for her parents and a few others were a little confused about that last statement.

“It was okay I guess,” Scope said quietly. Ledger pulled the nymph into a quick hug and pecked her cheek, not saying anything that his actions couldn’t.

“Ah reckon this was about the best day of mah life,” Cider said with a happy smile. “And ah wanna thank all the ponies that made it possible.”

Midnight turned to Ace, Amy and Chrysalis. “And we're not the only ones. You guys shared this special day with us. I love you guys.”

“Aww, and I love you too Middy,” Amy said. “In a completely friendly way.” She then turned and looked at the crowd, beaming brightly. “Thanks for attending, ponies and ‘lings. It really made a difference when you all didn’t freak out too badly about there being ‘lings at the altar.”

“Ah reckon that'll come later,” Apple Leaves giggled.

“That’s not the only thing that'll come later~” Midnight purred and nibbled Ledger’s ear.

“You are insatiable,” the drone said.

“And you're complaining~?” Midnight replied.

“Get a room,” somepony called out.

“That’s the idea~” Midnight shot back with a gaze that made several stallions and mares cross their hindlegs.

“Quickly, before Midnight gets too much worse,” the drone urged the lavender princess.

“She gets worse?” Twilight asked and shook her head. “Alright. Well, thank you all again, and we'll see you when we return.”

“Son!” Wishful called out. “Do everything I would do.”

And for a moment, one brief moment before the five teleported away to Canterlot...the guests could see a sharklike grin on Ledger’s face. The message was clear.

That’s the plan.

Author's Note:

Originally the plan was to have the original pair be married, and end the story after 'I do.' You can see how well that worked out for us.

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Half the money will not go towards repairing computer crashes.

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