• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 57 - Meet the parents

Painted Palette watched as Critical-Eye ran around, throwing random things into suitcases and generally panicking. It was kind of adorable.

Still, she’d been this way ever since yesterday, and she had yet to tell him why. His ear twitched as he heard a knock at the door and got up, grumbling about getting too old. When he opened it, a rather beautiful silver-coated Unicorn mare and a violet Unicorn stallion were standing there.

“Hmm? What do you want?” he asked. It was still early, so his social skills were… lacking. The mare looked at him, seemingly studying him, like he would a painting, before snorting and nodding.

“She could have done worse, I suppose,” the mare observed.

“Easily,” the stallion agreed.

“And who are you?” he said, his crystal coat glimmering slightly. “If you don’t mind, I’m a little busy right now.” He wasn’t, but vague ponies annoyed him.

“Busy doing my daughter?” the mare asked bluntly. Paint paused as his eyes grew in size while his irises shrunk considerably. He slowly turned his head and called out.

“Um, honey? I think this is for you.”

Critical came running up, “What are you…” Her voice died in her throat when she saw who it was. “Oh buck…”

“Critical!” the mare said with a large, fake smile. “How are you, dear?”

“I’m doing great,” the mare said as she tried to pull Palette along. “But Palette and I are actually leaving, so-”

“Oh?” the silver mare asked, raising an eyebrow at the stallion. “And where are you going?”

“Um…” Critical paused. “Neighpon. And as far away from this city and everyone in it as possible.”

“Ah, have you already sold this house, then? Or at least arranged for it to be looked after?” the violet stallion asked. “Such a drastic trip, one would think you’d prepared to some extent.”

“Too true, I’m thankful I had a few friends to look after the home when I came up looking for you the first time, dear,” the silver mare said as she looked at Critical again. The mare winced as Paint sighed and opened the door fully.

“We’re not going anywhere. Crit here seems to have neglected to tell me why she’s been running around like a headless chicken… and now I know.” He waved a hoof at the pair. “Would the two of you like to come inside?”

“Oh Hives,” Critical sighed. The pair of ponies on the other side beamed at him.

“Oh yes,” the stallion said as he walked in first. “I would love to see where little Critical has taken root now.”

“And I would like to see this place as well,” the mare said as she stepped in after the stallion. “If only so I can tell her father all about it.” As they walked past, Paint shrugged and looked at Critical.

“Well they seem nice. Don’t know why you got your tail in a twist over it.”

“Oh they’ve only just begun,” Critical said with a roll of her eyes. “Wishful is going to be all sorts of embarrassing, and Mom...I have no idea how she’s going to react, to be honest.”

“Well, should be interesting then,” Palette smiled He leant down and nuzzled the nymph. “But no matter what, you’re still my cute little mare okay?”

Critical had been about to say something, when the voice of the stallion from inside snapped their attention back to the house. “Oh dear, this is hardly something I would think Critical would produce,” they heard. “You did pay for a good tutor, right?”

“Wishful, dear, it has been a few years since she last worked with paint as a medium…” the mare said. “Perhaps she’s simply out of practice?”

Oh boy, that did it. Painted Palette walked inside, and Critical could see the irritation bubbling up inside him. She had but a moment to defuse him, or unleash the stallion upon her unsuspecting parents.

“Let me,” she said, getting in his way and putting a hoof to his chest. “I can stop their criticism easily. One line, I promise.”

“Fine,” he huffed. “Then I’m tossing them out on their flanks.”

“She’s still my mother,” Critical said before turning and not coincidentally brushing her tail across his chest. “Behave and you’ll get a reward.”

“Alright,” he mumbled. Stupid sexy Changeling…

They walked into the living room to see the pair of ponies eyeing Critical’s latest work and still commenting on it. The nymph cleared her throat before delivering the one line she said would stop her parents from criticizing her art.

“And when was the last time either of you held a paintbrush and didn’t create something that needed to be burned?”

The mare and stallion paused before conceding her point and slowly turning away from the canvas, no longer interested in critiquing Critical’s work. Painted Palette waited a moment, then stepped into the room.

“Well then. My name is Painted Palette, and I guess I’m Crit’s special somepony.” He introduced himself and gave a polite bow of his head.

“Mmm. I am Madame Gossip,” the mare said with a similar bow of her head.

“And I am Wishful Hope,” the stallion said, doing a similar bow...before walking over to Palette and giving him a hug.

“Uh, right,” Palette said, not used to having a stallion be so affectionate towards him. “So uh, mind telling me what you’re doing all the way out here?”

“A little bird told us where my daughter was,” the mare said as Wishful let the crystal pony go, now standing next to him. “And I got directions to your place when I arrived. I wanted to see the stallion my eldest daughter ended up with with my own two eyes.”

“Well, now you’ve met him,” Paint said. Aside from Ruby and his family, Painted didn’t really entertain guests, so he was kind of at a loss on what to do. He glanced at Critical, his eyes asking for help.

“Why don’t you...scratch that, I’ll go prepare tea,” the mare said with a roll of her eyes. “Meanwhile, I’m sure mom and Wishful will answer any questions you have, and they might have a few for you as well.” With that, the nymph left the stallion to fend for himself.

“Thanks,” Palette muttered. She was so getting a spanking later. “So uh… questions?” He looked them over and nodded. “If ah, you’re more comfortable looking like yourselves, then by all means do so.”

“But we are ourselves,” the Madame said with a smile. “And hmm...I suppose I can ask a few about you. For example, does being an artist in the Crystal Empire pay well? I want to make sure my daughter is looked after, you understand.”

“I ain’t no noble, if that’s what you’re getting at,” Paint snorted. “But it pays well enough. I sell quite a few pieces and it’s enough to support myself and her. And maybe even a third should the unexpected happen.”

“Plus she can put on her own art show as well,” the stallion pitched in. “Just get her a hall large enough, and she can show off art from home. Or home.”

“True enough, Critical is quite skilled at illusions. She’s not bad at other art mediums, but the bending of light and color in the air is where she shines,” the silver mare said with a nod.

“I’ve seen it a few times now,” Palette nodded. “She showed me around her home, back in the Lands as you call them. It’s quite the place you Changelings have there.”

“Ah, so you know,” the mare said with a nod. There were two flashes of color. One silver, one violet, and when they cleared, a changeling with violet highlights took the place of Wishful, whereas the mare seemed to grow a little as a silver-highlighted changeling took her place. The both of them opened their eyes, and it was only the mare of the pair that had pupils similar to Critical’s.

“As I said,” the stallion replied, only a little surprised by the transformations. They had seemed different to Crit’s somehow. “More comfortable now?”

“A little,” the former stallion said. “But we spend our time being who we please, that those disguises are almost second nature to us.”

“And it’s not like we can traipse through Equestria showing ourselves off, and with our children interacting with other lands more often…” the mare said.

“As I’ve told Critical, the Empire doesn’t have a problem with you. We Crystal Ponies are far more removed that you, I didn’t even know what a Changeling was until Critical showed up and revealed herself to me.”

“I have the tea, along with some...sandwiches…” Critical said as she levitated the trays out, and sighed at the display her mother and step-father were putting on. “Really?”

“He asked, dear,” the silver nymph said as she levitated the trays the rest of the way over. “You first, Mr. Palette. It is your home, after all.”

“Well, let’s get this over with then,” he replied. “I’m sure you have all sorts of things you want to say to me. So let’s get the parenting out of the way first.”

“Oh no, I’m saving all my motherly care and affection for the nymph I’m actually a mother to,” the silver ‘ling responded. “And I already know it’s not going to work on you.”

“Well, true enough I suppose,” Palette nodded. He looked at Wishful and hummed. “I’m guessing you aren’t her father either. You don’t seem to be anything like her…”

“Nope, but I am her step-father,” the drone replied with a nod. “She’s the second-born of the family, my son is the first-born.”

“Ah,” it then clicked. How many husbands did this mare have? Well, he wasn’t going to ask, that would be rude. “I trust you had no problems getting here then? I hear Equestria has had it’s fair share of troubles lately.”

“We typically don’t have troubles getting around in Equestria,” the nymph said as she served them all tea and sandwiches from the trays her daughter had brought out. “We always seem to miss the interesting things by a hair.”

“Yes, and then you show up to interro- I mean, question me,” Critical muttered. Painted stifled a snort as he sipped his tea. Bah! What he wanted was some wine, but the Crit would probably yell at him.

“I’m sure they're just concerned about their filly dating a strange stallion,” Paint said, stroking her mane with a hoof. “Parents can be funny like that.”

“Especially so soon after her last break-up with that yellow drone,” the silver nymph said before sipping her tea.

“Oh. My. Gosh! How many times do I have to say that it was him, not me?” Critical said as she leaned on Painted for support, figuratively and literally.

Too bad he was about as supportive as sand right now. He quirked an eyebrow and looked at her. “Oh? You never told me about that. And after all I’ve said about mine too.”

“It was just a break-up with an overly-domineering drone,” the nymph muttered. “I’m all for equality, but he was after superiority, and that doesn’t fly with me.”

“Agreed, he’s on my list,” Paint said with a curt nod. Mind you, his comment about his own relationships might not have gone unnoticed either. He leaned over and kissed her on the top of the head. “And yet, you wasted no time in telling me what to do hmm?”

“You needed the help,” the nymph rebuked. “It was as evident as the wine on your breath.”

“Oh shush,” he muttered. “Nosy little bug.” He looked up and sipped his tea again. “Still, Crit’s been good for me. I could finally move forward again thanks to her. For that. she has my eternal gratitude… and now my love as well.”

“Hmm,” the elder nymph said before putting her teacup down. “Well, I will admit I had my doubts initially about whether or not a widower, even if you were a painter, would be a good match for my daughter...but seeing how much you care for one another, I can scarcely find any reason to separate the pair of you.”

The stallion paused and looked at the mare. “Have… we met before? How could you have known I was a widower?”

“The things I saw in your house,” the mare said. “I had my doubts a single stallion would own them, even after knowing my daughter for a few days. However, you are with my daughter, so that speaks of a loving relationship that has suddenly ended. And you are quite the elder, so I doubt it was a fling. As well, you just confirmed it for me.”

“Well, still a lot of assuming aside from that last one,” he said wryly. “But yes, I was married for about ten years. Had a son too…” He trailed off as he frowned. It was still a hard thing to talk about. “And I’m not that old.”

“Old enough to have a ten-year old son,” the stallion teased. “And don’t try matching wits with her. Trust me. It goes a lot faster if you just assume she knows everything. Saves on the whole ‘being surprised’ feeling as well.”

“Boy, I’ve been married. I already know that mares know everything,” he chuckled. “So what about you? How long have you been married for?”

“Twenty years,” the drone replied. “And I don’t regret a moment of it—”

“Then Ledger was born,” Critical chuckled.

“There were times when things were rocky, but we worked through them together,” the drone finished. “That drone...he got into everything—”

“And now he’s getting into four mares...”

“And then he up and left when he was twelve,” Wishful sighed. “‘Off to see the lands, be back when I’ve learned everything.’ And he still hasn’t come back.”

“Well it’s not like you’ve invited him either,” Critical mentioned. “I, for one, might bring Paint here for a visit provided that you lot can be tolerable, and that the triplets and Joyful are banished to the moon for the time period.”

“I’ve been looking into sending the trio of terror to the yellow hive as of late,” the mare said with a chuckle. “Both so they can be trained there, and so that they might end up bringing the hive down.”

“And your sister has been acting a little more...unpredictable as of late,” the violet drone said. “She’s been taking trips outside of the hive every so often...and more often than not, we only find out because of a note stuck on the back of somebuggy’s head.”

“That’s… worrisome,” Critical shuddered. Oh for the love of the Hives, keep her far away from here.

“Problem kids?” Palette asked, wisely avoiding the comment about bringing down a Hive. This Madame mare scared him a little.

“Tank, Brute, and Lightning-Wits are known as the trio of terror and destruction because if they’re ever allowed an unsupervised moment together, something unfortunate happens. Usually to either the home or one of us,” the noble nymph said before she nibbled her sandwich.

“And Joyful-Heart is a Pink,” the drone said with a wince. “And Pinks are...unpredictable.”

“Ah, I know a pink-coloured filly in the city. Rather excitable, very friendly,” Painted mused. Well, given her talent, that was a necessity.

Critical looked at her step-father. He hadn’t asked yet. Which was weird. Did they not know? Oh sweet Hives, that was a miracle in and of itself. If they knew she was sleeping with him…

“So how long will you be in town for?” Painted asked.

“Oh we’re only stopping by,” the silver nymph said with a small smile. “I just wanted to check up on my daughter after I heard the most...interesting things through the link little Scope kept up for me.”

Critical coughed into her teacup, “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stammered. Oh bucking hay! She was going to wring that little nymph’s neck!

“So how long have you been bucking her?” the drone asked bluntly.

“Well, you don’t pull any punches huh?” Painted replied. It was a good thing he’d been through this before with his wife’s parents. “Not too long now. And I treat her right. I don’t do anything she is uncomfortable with and before you ask, I know her true form and I think she’s beautiful, inside and out.”

The drone smiled a wide smile at that statement, whereas the silver nymph nodded. “Has she explained the color-emotional correlation to you as of yet?” she questioned the crystal stallion.

“A little,” he replied. “Why?”

“If you remembered what Violet corresponded to, you’d understand why I asked that question,” the drone said as he bit into his own sandwich. It took a moment, and Critical mouthing the answer to him before he nodded.

“Ah, right. Well, I hope you aren’t expecting details.” Didn’t stop him thinking about them though.

“Nope,” the drone said with a smile as he patted his stomach. “Just wanted to know how long you’ve been slaking that lust with my step-daughter.”

Critical blushed hard and groaned, burying her head in her hooves. “Just when I thought this day couldn’t get worse.”

“Also,” the Madame said as she unrolled a scroll from her saddle-bags. “Just in case you haven’t gotten your copy yet, dear, I have another copy of the alterations you’ll have to make to a typical ‘morning after’ potion so that it’ll be effective on you. And one for the ‘night before’ potion as well.”

“ARGH!” Critical threw her hooves up as Painted laughed.

“She had the same reaction when Princess Cadence delivered those notes the other day,” he chuckled and petted her head. “She puts on a nice show, but gets rather flustered when the tables are turned.”

“She’s rather critical of others works,” the nymph said with a small smile. “But when you turn it on her, her shell is rather thin, yes.”

“Are you all quite done?” Critical deadpanned. “Don’t you two have better things to do? Like pestering Ledger?”

“Aw, don’t be like that,” Palette said with a throaty chuckle. “I think I quite like your parents.”

“Oh. Joy.” Critical sighed and looked at her mother. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Just a little,” the nymph giggled. “Still, I think my work here is satisfactorily done. I met the stallion you’re sleeping with, and I approve of this matchup. And now that I know I won’t accidentally become a grandmother twice over, I can leave.”

“Though I do want to give a few tips to you, sir,” the drone said, looking at Palette. “Just general tips that you might not have learned on your own. It is your first time sleeping with a changeling, right?”

“Aye?” Paint nodded. Ah, here was the train right back to awkward land. “Fire away.”

“Not in front of the nymphs,” the drone said with a mischievous smile. Paint shrugged and led the stallion to his room and closed the door behind them.

“Okay, but I can’t guarantee that Critical isn’t listening through the door…”

The drone’s horn lit up with a violet hue and rapidly expanded to the edge of the room before fading. “Sound-proofing charm,” he explained. “No-one will be able to hear anything we say in here.”

One could hear from their side though, and that included a disappointed sigh from the other side of the door.

“Told you,” Palette smirked. The drone smirked back, as he knew exactly what he usually used this spell for, and waited for the stallion to catch on. “Ah… so, in case you haven’t noticed… I don’t have magic,” Palette said. “So, what’s this advice of yours?”

“Simple enough,” the stallion said. “Unlike Pegasi, for us wings are a no-go unless you’re extremely delicate, so don’t even bring them up.”

“Actually,” Paint interrupted. “She really seemed to like it when I used a soft paintbrush on them last time.”

“That’d work,” the stallion mused. “Just be careful, okay? It doesn’t take much to wreck our wings. And if you’re looking for more pleasureable points, go for the joints. Our shell’s thin there, she’ll be able to feel it a lot more than you might think.”

“Hmm,” Paint committed that to memory. While this was awkward as all heck, hearing a father talk like this about his daughter. Still, anything to make Critical happier. “Anything else?”

“You might receive a small book in the mail in a few weeks time, it’ll have more secrets, some of which you might even be able to emulate,” the drone said with a cheeky wink. “I’ll make sure it’s translated for you as well.”

“Ohkay?” he tilted his head. There was a book for this? Better keep that out of Crit’s hooves.

“I’ll do my best to keep Inspired-Dream away from you,” the drone said with a nod. “But if he does come up north looking for his daughter, I’ll at least send warning as best as I can.”

“Inspired-Dream?” Palette asked. “Should I be worried?”

“Green drone, her father, and he’d be more stubborn than the Madame was about doing what was best for his little nymph,” the violet drone explained. “You’ll just have to out-stubborn him.”

“I think I can handle that,” Palette nodded. He was one of the most stubborn stallions in the Empire. Critical could attest to that. “Should we get back to our mares? They tend to plot if you leave them alone for too long.”

The violet drone smirked wider as he waited for the crystal stallion to really think about what he’d just said.

“What did I say?” Paint frowned. Wishful chuckled and drew the stallion in closer, wanting to whisper these words to him despite the soundproofing charm. Time to update one member of the Crystal Empire in modern slang…

“Now you’re certain you’ve been making the additions to the potions correctly?” the Madame asked Critical. “I know you and your brother are equally skilled in cooking, but this is Alchemy, and altogether different.”

“Yes, I’m sure it’ll be fine. And if not… well I have no doubt that Paint will make a fine father~”

The stallion spluttered and coughed, opting to stare up at a cloud as he blushed.

“And I’m certain the pair of you have been practicing the act quite vigorously,” Wishful said with waggling eyebrows.

Now the nymph was blushing furiously as she waved a hoof at the stallion. “Oh. My. GOSH! REALLY!?”

“Just make sure to let me know when I’m about to be a grandmother again, unlike your brother,” the mare said. “I found out completely by accident with him.”

“Really?” Critical blinked. “Scope told me as soon as they found out. They didn’t tell you?”

“...I will have to have a word with that little nymph,” the mare muttered. “Still, do take precautions dear. Or don’t. Up to you!”

“Yeah, not becoming a Mom anytime soon thanks. Besides, sex is too awesome to pass up just yet~”

“OH-kay!” Painted interjected. “It was nice meeting you folks. Come by again sometime hmm? Just, a little warning in advance would be good.”

“We’ll try,” the Madame replied as she hugged Critical. Then once the hug broke, she looked to Palette and proffered the same hug again. He accepted the the embrace and smiled. It was nice, having a family again.

Wishful also hugged, because Wishful did that and the two eventually left. Once they were out of sight, Palette turned and placed Critical over his back as he hummed.

“Now, I believe I have a few new things that I want to try out~” he sang.

“...If I ever see Wishful again, I am strangling him,” Critical muttered under her breath. Her bedroom time with Palette was about to become interesting

Cider hummed happily as she checked her greenhouse. The Crystal Berries were coming along nicely, with the transferred tree taking to the new environment well and the saplings growing nicely. She’d lost one that just wouldn’t take, but she figured that would happen, so it was well within her expectations.

What wasn’t was a tackle-hug from somepony very strong, and once her lungs had re-inflated with precious oxygen, she looked up into the eyes of her little sister.

“...Hello Fritter,” Cider said as the mare nodded and hugged her back.

“Heya Cidey,” she giggled. “Ohhh, I’ve missed you soooo much!”

“Ah can tell,” Cider wheezed as she felt her life slipping away. “What in the hay are y’all doin’ here?”

“What? I’m not allowed to visit my sis?” Apple Fritter pouted. “Me and Ma and Pa came all this way to see you.”

“Ma… and Pa are here!?” Cider exclaimed. She’d sent them a letter, telling them about recent events and the like. As well as her current engagement. Oh dear. “Where are they right now?”

“Inside the house. Well Ma is anyway, I think Pa is checking out your orchard,” Apple Fritter smiled and picked her sister up. “Come on, let’s go!”

“Aw horseapples,” Cider muttered as her sister dragged her along. This was gonna get messy…

Scope Lens stood in front of the cell that held the Changeling responsible for all of this. A larger, Noble Blue nymph that the smaller one glared at with an intense hatred.

And yet, even now, a small glimmer of… No, there was no way she cared for this nymph. This, thing that used to be her mother.

“So…” the nymph said, looking up from behind her prison. “You actually survived?”

“No thanks to you,” Scope muttered. “You thought I was weak? You thought I was a mistake? Something to be tossed away without a second thought.”

“Seems I was mistaken,” she replied. “You’ve become strong… haven’t you?”

“And you became ‘The Discarder’?” Scope said curtly. “Since when? I thought that ‘The Grand Planmaker’ was your title?” Scope’s brow furrowed as she looked at her. “So, did your ‘Plan’ end like this? Was this the ending you foresaw?”

“Not quite,” she replied. “We cannot go against Equestria, no race can. They control the very world itself. They literally keep it spinning. What fool would want to disrupt that?” Discarder sighed and looked away. “I honestly don’t know what I was trying to accomplish. Maybe this is the ending I wanted. To have my fate delivered by the hooves of the one I wronged the most.”

“NO!” Scope yelled, banging the bars with her hooves. “You don’t do this! You don’t just, waltz back into my life, and expect any kind of sympathy from me! Not after what you’ve done!” Her blue eyes were contorted in rage now, as her ceaseless glare never left the noble.

“Do you have any idea how many you hurt today? What your actions have wrought?” The look on Amy’s face, when she thought that Ace was dead. The look on Midnight’s, and Cider’s, when they assumed the worst had befallen Ledger. “I should kill you. Right here, right now, and I can guarantee that almost no-one will blame me.”

“Then do it,” Discarder replied. “End my life. You are the only one who can.”

“...No,” Scope replied. “I’m different now. I’m not a violent nymph… well, not as violent.”

“Then you’re weak, just like I thought you were!” The noble spat, slamming the bars from her side.

“You know, I used to think that,” Scope said softly. “That I was weak, worthless… that all I could do was latch onto something stronger to survive. And in a way, I was right.” She closed her eyes and smiled gently. “But the difference is, is that it made me stronger in the process. Not just in terms of my powers and magic. My heart is stronger as well. As long as I’m with them, I can do anything…” She reached through the bars and cupped the nymphs cheek.

“I’m not weak. I’m strong. You’re the weak one. The one who couldn’t face her failings. The one that’s scared of the future. You want to die? Then go take a long walk in the desert. But you won’t find your end at my hooves.”

Scope dropped down onto all fours and turned around. “Thank you for bringing me into this world. I didn’t have the best start… but now I know it’s gonna end on a high note. I don’t know if I can ever forgive you for what you have done. But nonetheless… I love you, Mother.”

And with that, the nymph turned and left the room, leaving the noble to her thoughts and tears.

Once outside, where everyone else had been waiting patiently, the little nymph finally let out the breath she’d been holding and shook slightly.

“Gods, that was something,” she chuckled weakly.

Ledger merely sat back on his haunches, knowing how she felt about others hugging her without permission. The offer was there, though, as obvious as his slightly-spread forelegs. It took but a second for that space to be occupied by her, her tears already staining his coat.

“I’m proud of you,” he whispered to her as he pet her over and over again, hopefully soothingly. “I’m so very proud of you.”

“Yeah… I’m kind of awesome like that,” she said unconvincingly. After a few minutes, she pulled back and wiped her face on his chest. “Okay, I’m done being uncool now.”

“Aww, but I like Scope-cuddles,” Ledger said with a bit of a whine to his voice.

“Later,” she replied. She looked up at Princess Celestia and nodded. “I have something I want to ask.”

“By all means,” Celestia nodded.

“I want her sent back to the Lands. She can be punished there for her actions.”

The Alicorn’s paused at that. That… might not go down well with some of their little ponies. But Celestia was already coming up with a few ideas that could work. She was loathe to trick her ponies. But she also figured that the Lands punishment would be far harsher than anything she would do.

“Very well.” Celestia nodded. “I will make all the necessary arrangements. Now, are you sure that’s what you want?”

“If she’s left here, then you’ll probably turn her to stone or something. Then I’ll have that temptation of sneaking into your garden with a sledgehammer hanging over me.” Scope looked back at the room and clicked her tongue. “So yeah, that’s what I want.”

Celestia nodded again. Grissom was not going to appreciate all this paperwork. Deporting a few hundred Changelings was going to be time consuming. And there was also the turbulent situation in the city itself. The citizens had started to get used to the idea of Changelings, this was a massive step in the wrong direction.

“Your highness,” Ledger said, breaking her train of thought unknowingly. “What do you intend to do with the ones that followed her?”

“They’ll be deported of course,” Luna stated with a curt nod.

“Really?” the disguised drone asked with a tilt of his head. “That seems like a waste of time and money to me.”

“And here we go,” Scope giggled. “What’s the plan Level?”

“Well, there’s one place they might be welcomed by the citizens, and I think they could use the extra hooves,” Ledger said as he looked at Cadence and Shining Armor.

“You can’t be serious?” Shining said, his tone an interesting mix between exasperation and disbelief.

“Actually, that might not be too bad an idea,” Cadence hummed. “Your sister seems to be fitting in quite nicely. And they certainly won’t go hungry there.”

“Housing them all might be an issue,” Ledger pointed out. “How about...you reach out to the lands and screen the army with the border agents, the ones that can be saved get sent up north, and the others can join the Discarder in her punishment? Then it won’t create a massive influx of changelings in the Crystal Empire.”

“This is going to be a lot of work,” Shining said, going over some numbers in his head. Twilight having already done so for fun. “So what’s your interest in this?” he asked the drone.

“I may not have been where they are now, thankfully. But we do have a refugee from Chrysalis’ army in the city,” Ledger pointed out. “Landed here shortly after the wedding. Want to know his biggest regret? Joining her.

“Gee, nice to know I’m so loved,” Chrysalis retorted, but Celestia shushed her.

“We’ll help the ones that want to be helped, how’s that?” Cadence smiled at him.

“That works,” Ledger said with his own smile. “They’re not all monsters. They’ve just been...misled.”

“Alright, leave it with us and we’ll sort this out then,” Cadence replied as Shining snorted. This had better not come back to bite them in the flank later.

“Can we go home now?” Scope asked. “I’m still feeling huggy.”

“Sure thing,” Ledger said as he stood up. “...Thank you for hearing me out, your highnesses,” he said to the gathered royals with a small bow.

“You’re welcome,” Celestia smiled. “We don’t know if this will even work out though. But all we can do is try.”

Scope and Ledger gave them another nod before leaving, with Twilight promising to visit once she was done with her duties.

Now if only they knew of the battle that awaited them at home…

Cider just frowned as her mother fussed over her, was she eating okay? Was she taking the proper precautions? Fritter just giggled at the display, though that only caused Cider’s scowl to deepen.

Her father had finally returned from the orchards, but hadn’t said a whole lot since he did. Cider just knew a shitstorm was brewing. She just hoped that everypony would survive it…

So when Ledger and Scope finally returned, the pair instantly had the eyes of the Apple Family upon them.

“Well… this is unsettling,” Scope whispered.

“You’re telling me,” Ledger whispered back. “Um, hi?” he ventured in a louder tone. Apple Leaves smiled and hugged Ledger tightly, as Fritter smiled at waved.

The stallion stood up… and Ledger’s gaze shifted upwards as well. Oh Sweet Hives! This guy was frikkin huge! He resembled Big Macintosh Apple a little, except his coat was a chocolate brown and his mane and tail were black.

“Oh I should introduce you,” Apple Leave said with a smile. “This is my husband, Full Steam! Steamy, meet Level Ledger and Scope Lens, two more of our darling daughter’s beloveds.”

The stallion stepped forward and Ledger could swear that the whole house shook when he did. He gulped and put a smile on his face with great difficulty. The disguised drone shakily extended a hoof towards the stallion. “H-Hi there,” he said, stammering a little.

He looked down at the shaky stallion and nodded, grasping his hoof and shaking it, along with the whole drone. Scope was shaken from his back as she sat on the floor, her head spinning.

“Steamy isn’t much for words,” Leaves started to say.

“But I still have a few questions,” he rumbled, letting Ledger go.

“He reminds me of Bludgeon,” Ledger said as he made sure his head was on straight. Along with all the other appendages he possessed.

“Yeah, met him earlier… scrawny little thing,” Steam muttered. He looked at his wife and daughters, who all nodded and started to leave the room.

“Do try and leave this one in one piece,” Apple Leaves asked him.

“No promises,” he replied as Cider took Scopey with her. Once all the mares had left, leaving the two alone. He looked back at the drone and motioned for him to sit at the table. Ledger shakily made his way over, having just recovered from the...enthusiastic greeting this stallion delivered.

“So. Questions?” the disguised drone asked as he sat in the chair indicated.

“I have a few,” he replied. “The run here gave me time to think. My first was going to be, if I could trust you, seeing as you cheated on somepony to be with my little Cider.”

“I was raised with a different set of views,” Ledger explained. “Not hard to imagine. One mom, one dad...five step-dads. So from my point of view, I was behaving normally. However, I had my errors explained to me, and now I can honestly say I have not cheated on any of the mares that show an interest in me.”

“Yeah, Cider said you were a little different,” Full Steam nodded as he sipped his coffee. A mug on the counter glowed and floated over to Ledger, which he recognised as Scope’s magical aura. “My next question. Is the danger my little girl has been in since she met you. I had a good talk with that colt she hired. He had some interesting things to tell me.”

“Yeah, not gonna lie, interesting things tend to happen around me,” Ledger sighed. “I do my best to make them beneficial where I can. Or if I can’t, I do my best to battle them. I can’t say I can foresee everything that will happen to any mare around me. But I will do my damndest to make sure they pull through okay.”

“Trouble seems to follow you,” he said with a terse expression. “I want my little girl to be safe and happy… and you seem capable of doing both.”

“I can but try,” Ledger said with a nod. “It’s up to her to tell me how I do.”

“Knowing my Cider, she’ll tell you if and when you buck up,” he replied. “That said, if you ever hurt her—”

“Oh Pa?” Cider called out. “You had better not be threatening him. Make no mistake, ah will shove you under that train you tow!”

“Well, I think we’re done here,” he said a little too quickly.

“Yeah, she’s like that,” Ledger chuckled. “And I understand, sir, I really do. I’m a big brother myself. If I ever meet the pony my sister is dating, this ‘Palette’ character, again? I’m going to get creative with my threats.”

“Heh,” the stallion rumbled and clapped his back. Which caused Ledger’s legs to buckle under the strain, but to his credit, he was still standing. The mares filed back into the room, with Cider and Scope giving Ledger a nuzzle.

“Heya,” Ledger said as he nuzzled them back. “Middy not coming in?”

“She’s upstairs resting,” Cider said. “Her sickness kicked in and we ran out of that medicine for her. So she’s not doing so great.”

“Bleh,” Ledger said, sticking his tongue out. “And me without my magic.” He looked to Scope and quirked an eyebrow. “Could you go and get Twilight or some more medicine for her?”

“Sure,” she replied and gave him a peck on the cheek before she flew from the house.

“Is Midnight alright?” Apple Leaves asked and Cider nodded.

“Yeah, just a little morning sickness… oh horseapples!” she muttered as Leave’s smile grew three sizes. Steam looked at Cider, then to Ledger with a raised eyebrow. Was there anything else the drone would like to mention?

“She, ah, may have been off her potion a time or three…” Ledger said with a fake smile. “We didn’t plan this, but we’re going to deal with it as best we can.”

Apple Leaves sighed. She wasn’t gonna be a grandma yet, still… close enough. “Well, at least somepony is making an effort,” she hummed, looking from Cider to Fritter.

“Oh fer the love of—” Fritter shouted and looked at Ledger. “Well maybe ah’ll jus’ join his damned herd and get laid that way huh?”

“Nope,” Ledger said, shaking his head. “No family of anypony already in will be admitted. I’m actually thinking of asking the mares to pick out a stallion they think would be a good fit, just to take some pressure off of me.”

The Apple family stood there, none of them quite sure how to process that information, especially Scope and Cider.

“Ah reckon yer lucky that Middy didn’t hear that,” Cider replied.

“I’d probably agree,” Ledger said with a nod. “I’m half-scared of what she’d do when she heard that.”

A voice called out, a sickly one, but called out nonetheless.

“Thestral hearing…”

“Well, I’m screwed,” Ledger said honestly. “So how long are you all staying for? I think I can pull out a few dishes if you’re gonna be staying, assuming Cider helps me in the kitchen.”

“Whut, implyin’ that we can’t cook?” Fritter huffed. “Ah’ll have you know that Ma and I can cook waaay better than her.”

“Ah don’t like her tone, but she’s right,” Cider agreed. “Y’all haven’t feasted until you’ve had a bonafide ‘Fritter-Feast’.”

“But all the dishes I know are dinner dishes,” Ledger said with a sigh. “I was kinda hoping you weren’t in the mood to cook, if you were already travelling.”

“We never said y’all couldn’t,” Apple Leaves spoke up. “I’d love to try your cooking dear. It’s bound to be worlds better than the charcoal that Steamy makes. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he just serves the coal from his train…”

“M’not that bad,” he muttered.

“Yeah, Middy sets the kitchen on fire, jus’ by looking at it funny,” Cider chuckled.

“Again. Hearing. I have it,” Midnight called out.

“Cider and I take the first shift, then you two?” Ledger offered the deal to Fritter and Apple Leaves.

“Sounds good,” the mares nodded. There was a small thump, followed by some uneasy steps as the batpony mare descended the stairs slowly. The last thing she needed was to fall flat on her face.

“Could use a hoof here,” she said softly. “Bleh, this totally sucks…”

“I got you,” Ledger said as he waited at the base of the stairs, ready to be a shoulder for her to lean on. He knew better than to bolt up and offer his help immediately, she was his big strong bat and probably didn’t want to feel weak, sick, and useless. Which she wasn’t.

“Thanks,” she smiled as she got there and leaned against him for the moment. “So what’s this about a stallion?” she asked with a cheeky smirk. “Little Ledger not up to the task anymore?”

“Four mares all requiring attention at various hours of the day? I’m surprised I’m not dead of dehydration already,” Ledger said. “Where to, love?”

“Snugglecouch,” she said as they started to walk. “Besides, good luck finding somepony that can deal with all of this.”

“Maybe I just want a stallion for reinforcements against you all from time to time. And do stallion things with,” the disguised drone retorted. Midnight turned and looked at him, as did everypony else,

“Wow Levvy,” she managed to whistle as she sat down. “Didn’t think you swung that way. Not that I’m complaining.”

“You know what I meant,” Ledger replied as he rolled his eyes. “Still, you have a point. They’d not only need to be able to keep up with our brand of crazy, but be cool with the idea of two changelings.”

Fritter, Leaves, and Steam all stopped. They looked at Level Ledger with their mouths slightly open as Cider facehooved.

“Um… come again?” Full Steam rumbled.

“It would come up eventually anyways,” Ledger said as his brain caught up to his mouth and decided to roll with what he’d just said. “But yes. There are changelings in this herd, and they’re not monsters. Surprise, surprise.”

“No, they’re just snarky and sarcastic,” Cider replied. “And before y’all ask, yes ah know fully well what they are. So jus’ relax alright?”

“Does, that little Pegasus know that you’re Changelings?” Steam asked. Ledger held his laughter in as he looked at Midnight.

“They think you’re a changeling,” he said between suppressed laughs. “Isn’t that a good one?”

“Yeah, I’m so much cooler,” Midnight giggled. “No, I’m not a Changeling, just a totally awesome and sexy Thestral. That little feather duster is the other Changeling. And our fourth should be along soon I hope?”

“She said she would be here,” Ledger agreed.

“Four mares?” Full Steam laughed loudly and clapped him on the back, the drone not surviving the second assault. “You’re quite the stallion huh?”

“I’d say just stupidly lucky,” Midnight giggled. And holy hay was Cider’s dad huge. And her brain just went right to her usual place. She bet that giant train wasn’t the only giant tool he had~

“And now you see why I wouldn’t mind if the mares picked out another stallion,” Ledger said before slowly picking himself back up. Full Steam packed a hell of a punch, either accidentally or on purpose. “Four is one too many for me to manage on my own.”

Midnight’s mind was going places. Maybe she could have a crack at Fredrick after all~ Or those delicious Violets. Ahh, so many to choose from!

“Ah reckon y’all just broke our bat,” Cider deadpanned.

“She’ll have a helluva time convincing you, Scope, and our last guest about any stallions she’s picked out,” Ledger said, stressing the gender to make Midnight’s mental meanderings be somewhat productive. “Preferably non-taken ones, I’d like to not add any more mares if avoidable.”

“Awww,” Midnight pouted. She suddenly put a hoof to her mouth and flew like a bullet from the room. And that was when Scope Lens entered, a small brown bag tucked under her wing.

“Hey…” she looked around and shrugged. “What’d I miss?”

“Midnight needing her medication,” Ledger said as he waited for the telltale sign. The sound of her heaving caused Scope to nod and head upstairs for the time being.

“So, wanna get started on dinner?” Cider asked. “Ah reckon we could go all out fer this one. Ah ain’t gonna lose!”

“I was unaware this was a competition,” Ledger replied as he walked into the kitchen. Cider snorted as she started to get out the pots and pans.

“Yer darn tootin’ it is! Mah pride as a member of the Apple family is on the line.” She looked at Ledger, her large sapphire eyes shimmering. “Y’all… wanna help me right?”

“Fine,” Ledger said as he rolled his eyes. “So, I suppose the first question is if they like spinach or not…”

It turned out to be quite the spread, with Ledger’s casserole, some clam rigatoni and the garlic and herb bread that Cider had finally conned convinced Fredrick to part with the recipe for, on the grounds that she wouldn’t give it to anyone, even Ledger.

And that was when Princess Twilight Sparkle also showed up, the Apple family moving to bow politely as she entered.

“P-Princess?” Apple Leaves stammered.

“Cidey, what in the heck is a Princess doing here?” Fritter asked.

Apple Cider giggled as she walked up to the mare and gave her a chaste kiss, before smiling. “Everything okay Twi?”

“Um, yes,” she replied, a little confused at this. “Cider, who are these ponies?”

“Oh, this is my Ma, Pa and mah little sis. Everypony, meet the last and latest member of our weird family. Twilight.”

“Honey, I think we know who she is,” Steam said. “I think most of Equestria knows who she is.”

“Which is why this is still quite secret,” Twilight said with a small smile. “I do hope you understand?” That was about all she got before Apple Leaves hugged her, followed by Apple Fritter. “Ack!”

“I give it a minute before they realize dinner’s been served,” Ledger said as he double-checked everything. “Less if you remind them, sweet mare.”

“Yeah, soup’s on!” Cider called out, even as she blushed lightly. Midnight and Scope came downstairs, the former still looking a little woozy. Twilight rushed over to her, already using a healing spell on her and checking her vital signs. Even since this happened, she’d made more effort to learn some medical magic, just in case.

“You have your choice,” Ledger said as Cider’s family came over. “Casserole or Clam rigatoni. The breadsticks,” that Cider won’t tell me how she got the recipe for, “Are also delicious, and may be eaten with either.”

Midnight took one look at the clam and her face turned a little green. “Okay… not gonna touch that I think." She instead settled on just nibbling a breadstick for now.

Which might have been a good thing. Because between four Apples and an Alicorn, the food was vanishing very quickly. Ledger barely managed to get a bit of his casserole before it all vanished.

“...I suppose it was a good thing that you two offered to take the next shift then?” the disguised drone posed as he nibbled his food.

“Can’t talk, eatin’,” Fritter mumbled as the feeding frenzy continued. Midnight finished off her breadstick and sighed. Dammit, she had been looking forward to tonight as well…

“So tell me,” Apple Leaves asked. “How does a Princess get involved in all of this?”

“It just… sorta happened I guess,” Twilight said. “Ledger is a stallion that can keep up with me intellectually, while Scope, Cider and Midnight are all very loving. I guess I just clicked with them, and I hope they don’t mind me sticking around.”

“Not at all,” Ledger replied as he polished off his miniature serving of casserole. Everything else had vanished. “I just hope you do stick around. As a princess, you do have options.”

“You’d be surprised,” Twilight muttered under her breath, before perking up and smiling. “And this meal is as amazing as always.”

“Ah reckon we did alright,” Cider hummed.

“I hope we did alright,” Ledger rejoined, before looking at the pot and pan that had been all but licked clean and empty.

“That was delicious,” Apple Leaves nodded. Even Fritter looked suitably impressed. They both turned to Full Steam. The stallion placed his plate delicately on the table and gave a simple nod.

“Ohh, the Steamy Stamp of Approval!” Apple Leaves giggled. “Good job to both of you.”

“What is this…” Midnight blinked.

“I have no idea, but I’m rolling with it,” Ledger said with a smile. “Thank you for your kind words,” he added on afterwards. Twilight nodded and placed down her plate, having actually licked it clean. What? It was tasty!

“So are y’all gonna be staying here?” Cider asked, then realised they already had a guest here.

“She’s gone to visit a friend,” Twilight suddenly said, seeing the look in her eye. “So the guest room is free again.”

“Oh good,” Cider nodded. “So, Ma and Pa in the guest room, and Fritter on the couch?”

“Ooh, can I steal a cuddlebat?” she asked, snuggling up to Midnight.

“That might not be a bad idea, if she’s still feeling ill,” Ledger mused. “As long as you don’t do anything we would do to her late at night, I don’t see the harm…Up to her of course.”

“Maybe… I dunno,” Midnight said. She looked at Ledger and then sighed. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure thing,” Ledger said as he stood up and walked over to the other room, guessing she wanted some semblance of privacy for this. She followed him and once they were alone, gave a ragged sigh.

“I want to apologise, and, I hope you aren’t mad at me. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been sick and I’ve felt bad since it happened, but I dunno, it just sorta happened and—”

Ledger stopped her with a hug. It wasn’t an overly-aggressive one like the Apple Family was fond of. It was just a gentle, simple hug. To remind her he was here, and he cared about her.

“Nnnn, I kinda, sorta kissed Moonie and Sugar today,” she mumbled…

“That’s fine,” Ledger said, not upset with her. He’d bucked Apple Cider before she was a member of the herd. Before the herd was even a thing they were doing. He could hardly be mad at her for a few kisses. “Did they at least have fun?”

“I think so? I dunno… wasn’t really thinking. I just kinda did a Love Bite thing I can do on Moonie and left her with Sugar.” She hung her head, “And I got so mad at the Cider thing… can’t you at least be mad at me for once?”

“I can’t be mad at you,” Ledger said, stroking her back. “You helped me out of one of the darker times of my life. Made me who I am today. And I helped you back. Face it, love. We’re stuck with each other. Quirks and all.”

“Damn… well fine then,” she pouted adorably. “You sure about tonight? I’m not feeling up to playing with all of you…”

“That’s why I’m giving you an out if you want one,” Ledger said. “But if you’d like to watch instead, I can make it an order~”

“Hmm, snuggle with an ex-marefriend, or watch my current ones do all sorts of perverse and wonderful things… that’s a difficult choice,” Midnight giggled. “Maybe I should keep you guessing on what I choose?”

“I’ll make them wait five minutes after we go to bed,” Ledger said as he finally broke the hug. “After that, we start the festivities. With or without you.”

“Mmm, decisions, decisions,” Midnight giggled. Maybe she should drag Fritter along to watch as well~ Hmm, nah, Cider might not like that.

“But maybe we should get back to what Fritter and Apple Leaves are cooking,” Ledger said as he stood up and offered a hoof to Midnight. The bat nodded and accepted his help, as the two headed back into the kitchen for dessert.

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