• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 85 - He's seen worse

“For the last time, Twilight, I will not harm this stallion. My sister wouldn’t forgive me if I did,” Ledger said as they appeared in Ponyville.

“Well, doesn’t hurt to be safe,” she replied, having cast a lock spell on his transformation. He would only be able to shift from his unicorn form and his true form. Though it required a constant upkeep to cast. Celestia had taught it to her when she agreed to look after Chrysalis.

It didn’t take long to reach her castle. She would have teleported straight there, but wanted to give Ledger some time to think, and Critical time to prepare. “So, think you can behave yourself?” she asked her stallion.

“Reasonably sure,” Ledger said with a nod of his head. “Though I don’t know why you had to ground me from all other forms. I wasn’t seriously gonna turn into a dragon. That’s intensive, even for me.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and cancelled the spell. “Fine, but you’d better be good, or Midnight isn’t the only mare you won’t be sleeping with.” She opened the doors and they entered the castle, the alicorn almost instantly assaulted by Spike as he hugged her.

“Hey, you’re back late. I thought you were coming home last night?”

“I got… distracted,” Twilight blushed slightly. “Is anypony mad?”

“Nah, though I think Critical and Mom were trying to see who could out do one another in a TMI contest.”

“Sis is like that,” Ledger said as he walked up. “She’s not ashamed to pull out any detail if she thinks it’ll win her an argument.”

“Yeah, it’s a good thing Palette and I beat a hasty retreat. I don’t want to know what they said after we left.”

“Where did you go?” Twilight asked as they headed towards the living room.

“Just out with Big Mac and the Doc, oh, and Thunderlane as well. We had a guys night. It was awesome. Oh, and I recruited them for your bachelor’s bash Ledger dude.”

“Joy,” Ledger deadpanned. “Because what I needed was more stallions throwing a party for me.”

“Aw come on, it’ll be fun,” Spike said. “And seriously, do you actually have any friends aside from Fredrick?”

“...Fair point, let’s just hope they don’t ask any questions I’d be uncomfortable answering. Now where is Palette, I’d like to talk to him.”

In response, somepony cleared their throat as they entered the room. Critical was sitting undisguised next to a crystal stallion, though he didn’t have his usual gleam. Too much time outside the Empire could dull it.

Critical’s expression said one thing.

‘Hurt him and I break you!’

“Sis!” Ledger said before walking up to her and doing his best to ignore the murderous glare she was giving him. “Been too long. Hug?”

She did so, though at such close range, he could hear the growl in her throat.

“So…” Palette spoke up. “This is the brother kiddo?”

“Yes, and if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll be civil,” Critical grumbled, before whispering into Ledger’s ear. “Or else I won’t be. And there’s plenty of farmland for hiding bodies.

“Such a charmer, my sister,” Ledger said, patting her on the back before letting her go. “Probably explains why you fell for her, huh?” The drone directed his question to the crystal stallion.

“Nah, she just kept bugging me,” Palette chuckled. “But her persistence paid off huh?”

“I’d say so,” Critical said, her mood brightening slightly.

“So what’s this I hear about a marriage?” Ledger asked with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

“Well, you heard right,” he replied, seemingly unfazed. “If your eyes are working right, then you’ll see that shiny ring around her horn.”

“I did see that,” Ledger said as his eyes flicked over to his sister’s horn. “So, the both of you are serious about this, then?”

“It wasn’t what I intended when I went up to the Empire, searching for the artist that sold you that picture, but I’m certainly not going to turn it down now,” Critical said as she hugged her stallion.

“And getting married again was the last thing I intended to do,” Palette nodded and returned her hug. “But she brought light back to my life. I love her and I’ll be damned if I’ll ever let her go, no matter what nopony says.”

Ledger sat there for a moment as he gauged the stallion, before sighing. “Y’know, I would do the whole ‘you break her heart, I break yours,’ thing. But something tells me, that’s the last thing on your mind.”

“Boy, a while ago, I would have replied with ‘I don’t have a heart to break’.” Palette sat down and hugged Critical closer. “She gave me back something I thought I lost forever…”

“Then all I ask is that you take care of her,” Ledger said. “She may be an ornery, stubborn nymph at times, but she’s still my sister.”

“And you may be an argumentative jackass of a drone, but you’re still my older brother,” Critical replied, looking to Twilight. “I know I’m asking a lot, but can you make sure he doesn’t do anything idiotic?”

“That’s a pretty tall order, given that I have to look after Midnight as well,” Twilight replied and looked at Ledger. “But I promise that I’ll take good care of him.”

“And suddenly, I am concerned,” Ledger said aloud.

“Why’s that?” Twilight replied as she moved over next to him. “Because your little sister and your super-powerful alicorn wife-to-be are bonding?”

“Yup, that’d do it,” Ledger said with a nod. “I mean, you read my book. You know how we didn’t get along.”

“Wow, he let you read his book?” Critical said as she looked at Twilight.

“He didn’t have a choice, Scope stole it, and I memorised it,” Twilight said and then realised something. “Also, I maaaay have given some information out of it to another pony.”

“What?” Ledger asked, now looking at Twilight. “You didn’t mention that.”

“None of your personal stuff, I promise,” Twilight responded, waving her hooves. “Just some info on the Hives themselves, since a friend was going to visit them.”

“I think somepony’s in trouble,” Palette whispered to Critical.

“Shh, it’s about to get good,” Critical whispered back.

“You...told a pony. Where the Hives are.” Oh dear, that twitch was back.

“Well, she’s been there for couple of days now. I believe your mother said she’d help her out…” Twilight explained and looked at him. “And why are you twitching like that? Did you forget your morning coffee?”

“Oh no, it’s fine!” Ledger said with a bit of forced cheer. “You just divulged one of the things keeping us hidden and safe to another pony. Why wouldn’t I be happy about that!”

“Ledger, calm down,” Twilight said sternly. “She’s not going to go to war with you. She just wants to see how the Hives work. And maybe even show ponies that we’re not all that different. I highly doubt Miss Yearling will do anything to compromise the safety of your home.”

The drone took a few deep, calming breaths, and Critical sighed. “Aww, show’s over already?”

“Apparently,” Palette nodded and looked at Twilight. “She’s good.”

“Yeah, she calmed Ledger down before he could properly rant,” Critical said. “Never seen that before.”

“She’s good at doing that,” a voice said as a pair of chocolate-coloured hooves wrapped around Critical’s neck. Midnight giggled as she kissed her cheek. “Hello Critty~”

“Hello Midnight,” Critical said. “When did you get here?”

“Aww, I couldn’t scare you either?” Midnight sighed. She looked over at Ledger and pouted. “I blame you for me not being scary anymore!”

“You should really blame our sister,” Critical said. “There are just things you lose when you grow up with a Pink. Like being easily scared or startled. Otherwise, you’d go mental.”

“Aww, that’s why I can’t scare Twilight, cause Pinkie already broke her,” Midnight pouted again. “Well, I’m bored, I’m gonna go home now.” She gave a flap of her wings and took off as Palette finally calmed down from the mild heart attack that the bat-like mare had given him.

“What… the buck… was that?” he gasped.

“Midnight Song, on a good day,” Ledger said with a smile. “What I don’t get is why she didn’t ask Twilight to teleport her back.”

Twilight’s horn glowed for a second and she smiled. “There we go, one bat delivered to… somewhere in Las Pegasus. My aim is a little off from this far away.”

Midnight lay on Sugar Darling’s bed, staring up at the ceiling.

“Well… this is interesting,” she said to herself.

“Very much so,” she heard as the full form of Sugar Darling rose up from the covers. Midnight looked over and nodded.

“I’m going to be honest… I have no idea how I got here.”

“Ordinarily I would entertain the notion of entertaining you, but I am a married nymph now,” the Noble Violet said.

“Yeah,” Moondancer replied, cuddling the bat. “Still, can I keep her? I promise to feed and water her, and take her for walkies.”

“Moondancer, we don’t keep other ponies as pets,” Sugar said. “That’s my job, and I’ve already got my hooves full with you.”

“Didn’t stop that colt from filling something else the other night,” Moondancer giggled as Midnight returned her hug. “But seriously Middy, care to explain how you teleported here?”


“And now I’m not surprised anymore,” Moondancer said. “Wanna do breakfast?”


Moondancer leaned across and kissed Sugar on the cheek. “Wanna come?”

“Wasn’t that what we were doing before we were interrupted?” she asked.

“Ohh yeah,” Moondancer looked at Midnight “Ten… no, thirty minutes?”

The thestral giggled and kissed both of them on the cheek, whispered something to Sugar about Moondancer’s horn and tracing the grooves in it and left them be. She was gonna go see if Amy wanted to play for a bit.

“Whaaaat did she tell you?” Moondancer said, a hint of worry in her voice. She never trusted that kind of grin on the bat’s face.

“Oh, why don’t you come over here and find out?” Sugar asked.

“Eh, I’m sure she’s fine,” Twilight shrugged. “Now, are you done grilling your sister’s fiance?”

“I suppose so,” Ledger sighed. “Still, it’s early yet. I might just take a quick walk around the town before I ask you to send me back.”

“Fair enough, just beware the Pinkie,” Twilight nodded as a thought occured. “I do hope Miss Yearling doesn’t say anything to your mother.”

“Like...what?” Ledger said before leaving entirely. “What could she say that you’d rather she didn’t?”

“Well, she knows about the wedding, Critical invited her after all, and I invited her to ours. Crit? Did you tell your Mom about your engagement yet?”

“Nooooot yet,” Critical said with a shake of her head. “Mom can be...scary when she’s riled up.”

“Well… I doubt she’d say anything unless she was asked… you did tell Yearling to keep it a secret for now, yes?”

“I...might have forgotten to mention that,” Critical said as she tapped her forehooves together.

“Well,” Twilight replied and giggled lightly. “What’s the worst that could happen huh?”

Ledger and Critical both looked at Twilight, before the drone of the pair walked out the door. “I’m going to go deal with Pinkie, it’s safer than answering your question,” Ledger called out over his shoulder.

“You...really don’t want the answer to that, Twilight,” Critical said with a shake of her head.

“Huh?” Twilight blinked. Then she remembered her encounter with the Silver Mistress. She looked at Palette and shook her head. “I’m sorry…”

Palette looked between both mares and blinked. “Alright, explain. What is so scary about this mother of yours?”

“I’m sure you’ll find out when she arrives,” Critical said with a shake of her head. “She’s...an experience.”

“Well, so are you and I do just fine,” Palette nodded. He doubted she could be all that bad. Hell, he’d met Princesses!

“Mom is worse. Oh so much worse,” Critical said with a shake. “She’s nice to us, but...talking to her is like trying to navigate the Lands at night back home. If you’re not careful, something you hadn’t thought to look out for will just ambush you.”

“We’ll see,” Palette nodded and looked at Twilight. “So, what do we do now? It’s still a week before your wedding right? Is everything planned?”


Oh right, her wedding.

...Twilight’s eyes widened as she rocketed off, screaming something about checklists and plans.

“Well that worked to distract her,” Critical snickered as she hugged Palette. “Seriously, I’m afraid for you when mom next visits now.”

“Why? I’m not going anywhere,” he replied and kissed her forehead. “I meant what I said you know. Nopony is gonna keep me from you.”

“Good, let’s just hope you keep that attitude when she eventually shows up,” Critical said as she just kept hugging him.

“You worry too much,” Palette said. “Come on, let’s take a look around town. It’s nice a quiet here and I’m feeling inspired. I think I might paint…”

“And I’ll be right there with you,” Critical said as she kissed him. “Assuming my brother doesn’t mess things up today, I get the feeling it’s going to go well.”

Palette nodded and smiled, before that smile faltered. “Mess things up… how?”

“It’s my brother, I’m sure he’ll think of something,” Critical said with a roll of her eyes.

Ponyville was a nice town. Peaceful, quiet, unassuming.

At least until an explosion and a massive plume of smoke shattered that silence like a drunk Minotaur in a china shop. Yet, most ponies glanced in the direction of it, before shrugging and going about their business.

“...And why nopony but me is worried about this, I will not know,” Ledger said before he started to make tracks for the site of the explosion. Somepony could need help after all.

By the time he got there, he saw a house… or, what remained on one anyway.

A grey pegasus mare lay on the road, her coat stained with minor burns and soot as an earth pony stallion stumbled out of the ruins.

“Well, that was a total bust,” he muttered. “So… maybe I shouldn’t proceed with experimenting with nuclear fission…”

“Everypony okay here?” Ledger asked as he delicately stayed out of the crater.

“Hm? Oh, somepony… showed up?” the stallion climbed out of the crater. “Ditzy dear, are you alright?”

“Wheee~” Ditzy said, her face still in the dirt.

“...And what have we learned?” the stallion deadpanned.

“Never push the red button,” she replied, pulling herself up and looking at Ledger. Her eyes were going in opposite directions and she smiled cutely. “Ohh, hey there!”

“Hello,” the disguised drone greeted them. “Dare I ask what in the world happened? Or would I be better off not knowing?”

“Oh, just a little experiment with an accessory that would grant unicorn magic to pegasi and earth ponies,” the stallion said. “But, it would seem that the magical reactor… hiccuped.”

“I see,” Ledger said. “Well, do you need any help here?”

“Well, I fear that the mayor will yell at us again,” the stallion sighed as he picked up a broken and scorched piece of… something. “Well, this was a total bust.”

“I’m sorry Doc,” Ditzy said with a soul-crushingly sad expression.

“It’s not your fault my dear, I should have made that button less conspicuous. Coincidently,” he turned and looked at Ledger. “You seem to be an educated fellow that enjoys the sciences of technology. We should swap notes sometime.”

“I’m more of a magical researcher than a pony of science, but you’re not wrong about being educated,” Ledger said with a nod. “I mostly tinker with existing spells to see how they can be deconstructed into their component parts and applied elsewhere. For example, I’m currently working with another pony to make a system of teleportation gateways. We’ve made a lot of progress, but are currently stuck teleporting things to the Crystal Empire and back.”

“Great whickering stallions! You’re attempting such a goal!?” The stallion beamed brightly. “Why, I believe I may be of assistance!”

“Oh, me too!” Ditzy giggled.

“I’m never one to turn down help, but are you sure you can do it with your house in this...state?” Ledger said as he looked around at the rubble.

“Ah, this was just one of my reserve labs for unstable experiments. I have another on the opposite side of town.” He turned and looked at the wreckage. “A pity, that had a vase that I liked. Oh well.”

“Muffin?” Ditzy asked Ledger, holding out a baked treat for him.

“I...thank you,” the disguised drone said as he took the good. “Breakfast was a bit of a rush job, so I’ll take more.” He bit into the thing and hummed. It was… oh sweet Hives above, even Cider couldn’t compare to this.

“Well, I found a new favorite baked good,” Ledger said with a firm nod. “Ah, after you…” Ledger trailed off as he realized he didn’t even know the stallion’s name.

“Oh, I’m Time Turner, but everypony calls me Doc,” the stallion introduced himself.

“And I’m Ditzy Doo,” the pegasus mare said with an infectious smile as her eyes wandered again. “Nice to meet you Mr. Unicorn.”

“I’m Level Ledger,” the brown unicorn said with a small bow. “Lead on, good sir.”

“Very well good sir,” Doc chuckled and led the two back to his other lab.

When they arrived, the first thing Ledger saw were machines. Machines that even his dreams couldn’t hope to conjure. Buttons, levers, lights and things he didn’t know the words for littered the room.

“Welcome to my lab,” Doc said as he tossed his bag to one side. “Though… try not to touch anything you don’t recogn—”

“Wheee!” Ditzy cried out happily as some kind of crystal made her float upside down.

“That pretty much covers everything,” Ledger said as he kept looking around. “It’s...I don’t know if I have the words to describe it.”

Doc loved that look on a pony’s face. The pure sense of wonderment. As Ledger passed by a silver rod, a crystal suddenly glowed a bright green colour and the Doc gulped.

“Uh, well… glad, you like it?” he asked. Ledger could sense his building fear.

“I must admit, it’s nothing like you normally expect when you hear the word ‘lab,’” Ledger said. “I mean, I’ve been in Twilight Sparkle’s clutches before, and that was nowhere near as complex as this.”

“So…” the earth pony looked at him as he placed himself between Ledger and Ditzy. “How does a Changeling know our illustrious princess?”

“I’m sorry?” Ledger asked with a tilt of his head. “I must have misheard you, you seem to think I’m a Changeling.”

Doc pointed at the crystal that glowed everytime Ledger walked by it. “Changeling detector. Built it after the Canterlot invasion.”

“Interesting, but it could be malfunctioning,” Ledger said. “I can assure you, I am not-” The crystal then switched to a blue hue… and Ledger felt his disguise peel away.

“It… also cancels transformations,” Doc replied, surprised it actually worked.

“Hives dammit,” Ledger cursed. “Do you have any idea how wrong that feels, not transforming back on my own power?”

“I’m...sorry?” the stallion replied as he flipped a switch and the device powered down. “To be honest, I didn’t think it worked.”

“Yes, well, now we’re into the interesting bit, aren’t we,” Ledger said as he eyed the stallion. “Because now you know, and that’s potentially bad for me.”

“Are you not supposed to reveal yourself?” he asked as he made sure no other devices that could harm the changeling were switched on. “I promise I won’t tell anypony.”

“Are you a Queen?” Ditzy asked, staring up at him. “You don’t look like Miss Aphid.”

“No, but I am related to royalty back home,” Ledger said as he shook off the wrong feeling and resumed his normal unicorn form. “My uncle is the King of my home hive.”

“Ah, so not only an educated fellow, but one of noble lineage at that.” Doc smiled and nodded. “Ditzy dear, could you fetch Aphid. I think they should meet.”

“Okie Doki Doc!” Ditzy saluted and flew from the room. Once she left, Time Turner sighed and looked at him.

“Look, I doubt that Princess Twilight would let you just wander around if you were a threat. Plus, you wouldn’t have let Ditzy leave if you were. That’s enough for me.”

“True enough, but that’s mostly because you promised not to tell my secret,” Ledger said with a nod. “And it’s not like it’s going to be a secret for very much longer anyways. Plus, why would I do you any harm while you’ve got all of this going on that I could learn from? It’d be counter-productive!”

“And we agree,” the stallion nodded as he swept a hoof around the room. “I believe that technology is the way of the future! Magic can only accomplish so much, we have spells for moving the sun and moon, spells for travelling through time and space! What more could we possibly do with just them alone?”

“Well, like I just said, Twilight and I are working on transportation, but we don’t know why we’re currently stuck on the Crystal Empire,” Ledger explained.

“Well, are you using a spell as the base?” he asked. “How exactly are you accomplishing the movement of matter?”

“Teleportation plates engraved with runes,” Ledger said. “It works for the most part...Now that we’ve adjusted them and aren’t making applesauce out of the apples.”

“Runes are tricky,” the stallion said. “And, what’s your overall goal?”

“Being able to transport anything to anywhere that has a compatible system,” Ledger said. “It’d revolutionize Equestria overnight if shipping things was as simple as that.”

“So, you want it for mass teleportation. That spell exists, but requires a lot of magical power.” The stallion tapped his chin and then his eyes widened. “Maybe that… YES!” He trotted to one corner of the room and started tossing things around. “Where is it, where is it…”

Ledger just sat back and watched, waiting to see what this stallion would come up with.

He eventually found what he was looking for. A pile of old scrolls that had quite a bit of dust on them. “Aha! I knew they were here,” he laughed victoriously. “Now, I heard a rumour once upon a time, that the Princess had created some kind of gateway to another world. Now, I can’t confirm or deny it, and… she won’t tell me either. BUT!” he slapped the scrolls down on a table. “I found out that something similar used to exist in Canterlot. Some kind of… mirror I believe.”

“Okay,” Ledger said, deciding not to tell this stallion about his trip through Twilight’s portal until after they were done for the time being. “And…?”

“Well, I once tried myself to create one,” his jubilance fell for a moment. “It was… less than successful. BUT!” he smacked a hoof on the drawings on the page. “What if we were to try a local version. Combine my gate design, with your teleportation spellwork?”

“That...might work,” Ledger mused. “Twilight still has to work out a way to input addresses to the system, but this sounds like a feasible plan…”

“Addresses?” the stallion paused and his eyes widened. “That’s… That’s GENIUS!!” He roared a warlike cry and started drawing up something, before darting over to some kind of large machine and pressing a sequence of buttons. “Let’s see, carry the one… and, hmm, no… HAH! wait, not quite… Blast it!”

“I’d offer to help, but that would require I know what you’re doing,” the brown unicorn offered.

“Just a little physics and some advanced math… nothing too complicated,” he replied. “This might take a little longer than I thought…” And that was when Ditzy flew back into the room and went facefirst into the machine, causing it to spark, crackle and then die.

“Make that… a lot longer,” he sighed.

“Ah well, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Ledger said as he looked the scrolls over. This looked like nothing he’d ever seen before...but he was sure to try and remember the details.

“Ah, feel free to borrow those if you like, I have them memorised,” Doc replied and waved his hoof, now looking under the machine. “And if Ditzy’s back, Aphid must be here. Go and meet her. This repair might take a while.”

Ledger nodded, rolled up the scroll, and looked to the pegasus mare with a smile. “Would you do me the honor of showing me the way?”

“Sure!” Ditzy smiled and took his hoof, leading him upstairs. “Doc’s a pretty funny guy huh?”

“Just a bit,” Ledger said as he kept following her. She led him into a rather plain-looking living room. And standing there was an undisguised changeling nymph.

“This is Aphid,” Ditzy said, completely undisturbed by the bug. “Aphid, this is a bigger bugpony~”

“...Well I suppose I could drop the disguise now if you’d like,” Ledger said to Aphid. The nymph looked at him and bowed her head.

“If it pleases My Lord, you may.”

“Oh, please don’t do that,” Ledger said as he flashed into his Noble form. “I’m so not used to it.”

"You are a Noble, one of the illustrious Silver clan no less," the Blue nymph dropped down into a formal bow now that he was in his true form. "May I ask... why you are here? I am not being taken back to the Lands am I?"

“I was just on a trip to Ponyville, and Time Turner said I should see you. Nothing more, nothing less.” Ledger moved to prop the Blue nymph up.

“But I… why would a Noble…” she looked quite confused.

“Are you some sort of fancy buggy?” Ditzy asked.

“I’m the nephew to the current Silver King, yes,” Ledger said. “Um, miss Ditzy...where exactly did you get this nymph from?”

“Oh, please allow me to answer that,” Aphid said. “I was… rescued by Mistress Secret-Treasure. After that… unpleasantness in Las Pegasus. I work for her here in Ponyville, as part of her communication network.”

“Still, I am not used to other ‘lings falling head over hooves to please me,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “So please don’t.”

“I’m sorry!” she squeaked and bowed again. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be angry.”

“It’s like I’m talking, but she’s hearing nothing,” Ledger observed as he righted the nymph again. “Look, there’s one thing. Just one. That I want you to do. Can you promise me that?”

“Um, yes My Lord?”

“Treat me like you want to be treated. Not like some fancy Noble. Not like someone who’s going to hurt you. Just treat me like a changeling wants to be treated.”

And just like that, the nymph was crying. Ditzy moved over to comfort her as she looked at Ledger, silently asking what the heck brought this on.

“I...don’t get it,” Ledger said. “Why...that’s all I wanted during my time in the Lands. I thought...if she was told to do that...I might be able to have an actual conversation with her…”

After a few minutes, the nymph finally calmed down enough to speak. Her cheeks were tinted red with embarrassment as she looked at the noble drone.

“I’m sorry about that,” she said quietly. “It’s just… I’ve, I’ve never seen such kindness from a Noble before. The Red Queen, well, the previous one.. she… she would…” The nymph shuddered and fell quiet.

“You know the Lands are changing, right?” Ledger said. “Slowly and surely. Of course, it’s helped by the fact that half the Hives have new leadership.”

“I-I know of this, Mistress Treasure has told us as such… but,” Aphid sighed and shook her head. “I’ll not go back there. My daughter is safe and happy here. And hers is all the joy that I need.”

“Fair enough,” Ledger said with a shrug. “I’m not one to tell anyone that they have to go back.”

“Aww, now we’re all friends~” Ditzy giggled and hugged them both.

That was also when two blurs raced in, one attaching to either mare with enough force to make them stumble. When they stopped, Ledger observed two tiny ponies attached to them.

“Your foals?” The drone observed. Well, there was no screaming yet

“Whooaaa!” the little pale purple unicorn leapt off of Ditzy and stared up at him. “You’re a big buggy pony!”

The small changeling foal just stared at him shyly.

“This is Dinky, my little muffin and my joy,” Ditzy said.

“And this is my daughter, Flutter,” Aphid nodded.

Ledger nodded and bowed to the both of the foals. “A pleasure,” he said. “My name is Level Ledger.”

Dinky stared at him and smiled brightly. “A’kay!” She observed the tall changeling. Let’s see. He was big. He had wings. And a horn… Dinky gasped and bounced.

“Are you a Princess!?”

The first thing to come to mind was last night’s play where he’d taken on his gender-bent Princess forms, causing him to snicker and shake his head. “No, but I can act like one,” he said with a smile. “Very much just another Changeling. Albeit a bigger one.”

“Ohhh! So cool!!” Dinky giggled and then latched onto his chest with a hug. The pure love that shone from this filly was as great as Midnight’s lust. Ledger used one hoof to hug her back before looking at the other filly of the pair, smiling in amusement.

“I promise I don’t bite,” he said to Flutter.

She nodded, but didn’t let go of her mother.

“I wanted to name her Fluttershy, but that name was taken already,” Aphid giggled. “She hasn’t run off though, so she must like you quite a bit.”

“I can never recall being that shy,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “None of my siblings either.” A thought struck him, and he gently detached Dinky from himself before turning into his usual unicorn disguise. Maybe this would help?

At the very least, the tiny nymph smiled slightly.

“Hmm, why don’t you kids run off and play?” Dinky suggested. “Don’t you all have some kind of meeting about something?”

“Th’wedding!” Dinky shouted, grabbing Flutter. “There’s a nice pony gettin’ married next week. An she want’s all us kids there! So we’re gonna do sumthin’ special!”

Ledger just watched them go, having a good idea as to what was going on and smiling. “Well, they’re nice foals at least,” Ledger said with a nod.

“They’re the best,” Aphid nodded. “Um, Miss Ditzy, should I be getting back to work?”

“Oh yeah,” Ditzy nodded. “I kinda did drag you away from your job. My bad~”

“My apologies,” Ledger said before bowing to the mares. “I didn’t mean to intrude so badly.”

“It’s alright, Carrot’s a friend of mine,” Ditzy smiled. “But yeah, we should get you back to work. Have fun Mr. Ledger. It was nice meeting you.”

“Yes… thank you,” Aphid smiled. Ledger rose and smiled at them both as they left before working his way back to Time Turner.

The stallion still had quite a bit to fix. Ditzy’s butt had broken it rather well. But he did allow Ledger to borrow his notes and they exchanged addresses, so that they could communicate via mail.

That now left Ledger alone in the town once more.

“HIYA LEDGIE!!” Pinkie said, having somehow appeared under him, staring up at him with a blinding smile.

“Gah!” Ledger said, actually flinching this time. He hadn’t accounted for Pinkie. A critical error. “How on earth do you do that?”

“Do what?” she blinked as she stood up in front of him. “Heehee, you’re silly~”

“No, I just like explanations for phenomena,” the disguised drone grumbled.

“I’m Pinkie!” she said like it was the most obvious answer in the world. “I just do what I do because I can do it.”

“...I’m guessing Twilight already tried to figure you out,” Ledger deadpanned.

“Yepper deppers, that was fun, well, except when Ditzy dropped a piano on her...and the wagon… and the safe... That looked painful.”

“Yeah, I’m not going to try,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “So what do you normally do around here, Pinkie?”

“Me? I do aaaallllll sorts of things. I throw parties, I make ponies smile, and no matter what, I’m always there for my friends—”

“PINKIE!” a voice hollered out. “Where’d you go!?”

“Whoopise, forgot I was helping Mr. Cake make and bake a big old cake, such a break I didn’t mean to take~”

“...Pinkie, I just got a delicious idea,” Ledger said with a smile. “Let me go back with you, I’ll fill you in on the way.”

“I love ideas! Especially delicious ones!” Pinkie giggled. Ledger blinked and he found himself inside a kitchen, along with an exasperated earth pony stallion and a giggling Pinkie Pie.

He was also wearing an apron that said. ‘Kiss the Cook’.

“Really Pinkie?” Ledger deadpanned.

“Whaaaaat?” Pinkie said and kissed his cheek. “See? It works!”

“I feel for you,” Mr. Cake said as he took a tray from the shelf. “Sorry she dragged you into this.”

“No, it’s okay, and I have an idea I want to try with her anyways. Uh, Pinkie, come a little closer? I kinda want it kept secret for now.” He didn’t want the stallion overhearing some of the terms he’d be using, otherwise it’d reveal his secret.

Pinkie leaned in close, he could smell the sugar in her mane and the sweetness of her breath. She was basically sugar ponified. It actually got his mouth watering for a moment, causing him to swallow before he got himself under control.

“Okay, so I can put emotions into things as well as take them out. What I want you to do is, during the mixing of the cake, think about all the reasons you love sweets. I’ll absorb that and put it right back, only into the mix instead of in you. This should make it taste just...better.”

“Ohhh, you can do that?” Pinkie said and tilted her head. “You sure about this Ledgie?”

“Yup, I do it whenever I make my casserole,” Ledger said with a nod. “The other ponies love it.”

“Well, I guess we could try it,” Pinkie hummed. She knew he was a good pony, so he wouldn’t try to hurt anyone. “Okay! Let’s bake a Love Cake!”

“A...A what now?” Carrot Cake said as Pinkie giggled and started throwing ingredients in a bowl.

“Magic Mr. Cake. Magic!” Pinkie cackled.

Ledger just shook his head and sat next to the counter and the mare doing the mixing, focusing his thoughts and mind on giving back what he’d be taking in. Waiting for his cue from Pinkie to start.

Pinkie started humming as she mixed. Happy thoughts were easy to come by. She loved to bake and sing and she loved her friends. A wave of it was pouring from her, far sweeter than anything he’d ever felt or tasted. Ledger nearly gagged on how sweet and pure it was, before reminding himself it wasn’t for him and began putting it into the mix she was making. A narrow beam shot out of his horn and impacted the mixing bowl, suffusing it with Pinkie’s emotions.

Carrot Cake sat back and watched. It was pretty interesting actually, and this was the most quiet he’d seen Pinkie in… well, since forever.

Soon enough, the mare was done and she slid the cake into the oven to bake.

“And now we wait,” she said.

“Well, that was interesting,” Ledger said as he powered his horn down.

“What in Equestria was that?” Carrot asked. “You cast some kind of spell of the cake?”

“A spell of love, friendship and rainbows!!” Pinkie declared proudly.

“Something like that,” Ledger said with a nod. “I do it all the time with the food I make, and it hasn’t harmed anypony yet. I wanted to try it out here to see if other ponies like it half as much.”

“Hmm, well we should try it ourselves first,” Carrot said. “I don’t care if Pinkie trusts you, but I can’t have a stranger waltz in and cast unknown spells on our food.”

“Perfectly reasonable,” Ledger said with a nod. “To be honest, I would have been disappointed if you did trust me right off the bat. Testing the food is your prerogative, and I’ll not stop you.”

Carrot nodded, at least this stallion seemed reasonable enough. Though if it weren’t for Pinkie, he’d have kicked him out by now.

“So who might you be anyway? Pinkie’s coltfriend?”

“Hardly,” Ledger said with a hoof extended. “Level Ledger, just visiting town for the day. I might want to get back home soon, actually…”

“Ah, my mistake… Carrot Cake by the way,” the stallion shook his hoof and smiled.

“Yay! Everypony’s friends now!” Pinkie cheered as she watched the oven like a hawk. Just… sitting there and staring at it.

“You do realize watching it isn’t going to make it finish any faster,” Ledger said in amusement.

“You have to believe Ledger!” Pinkie said, zooming up to him and staring him in the eyes. “Do you believe in the power of cake Ledger!?”

“I also believe in a little thing called ‘time’ and how little we can effect its passage,” Ledger said, only slightly unnerved she had gotten so close so quickly.

“Eh,” Pinkie shrugged and looked back at the oven. “If you say so…”

“We’ve learned it’s easier to just not question it,” Carrot said. “Believe me…”

“Well it’s not like the cake is going to get done just because Pinkie looks at it,” Ledger said. “That’d be crazy.”

The oven dinged and Pinkie pulled out a fresh cake, it looked so delicious and moist…

“...What was that you said just now?” Ledger asked Carrot Cake. “Something about not questioning it?”

“Just smile and nod, your mind will be grateful for it,” Carrot said with a faraway look in his eye. Ledger did just that as he waited for Pinkie to finish whatever she was going to do with the cake, so that the others could test it out.

In a matter of seconds, she had the caked iced and frosted. Her coat was matted with sugar and icing as she wiped her brow and smiled. “There we go! One Love Cake ready and waiting~”

“By your approval, sir,” Ledger said, bowing slightly to Mr. Cake.

Carrot nodded and examined the cake. He took a few sniffs and then put the smallest piece in his mouth. Well, for one, it was possibly one of Pinkie’s better cakes. The taste was impeccable. The texture and flavour was outstanding and there was something else, something he couldn’t quite place his hoof on…

And when he saw his wife walked past, his eyes widened and he smiled. “Pinkie?”

“Yes Mr. Cake?”

“Could you watch the twins?” and with that, he was already leading the mare upstairs and Pinkie’s head slowly tilted.

“Um… okay?”

“Hmm,” Ledger said with a hoof to his chin. “Maybe I overdid it on the Love?”

“Wow! That was really something,” Pinkie giggled. “Sooo, what do we do with the rest of it?”

“I dunno,” Ledger said with a shrug. “I’m not sure you can market a cake that does something like that...except maybe on Hearts and Hooves day.”

“Ohh, that’s an idea~” Pinkie giggled. So many happy special someponies! She took a large chunk of the cake and wolfed it down, humming happily at the taste. “Ohh, I feel all tingly~”

“Does it at least taste good?” Ledger asked as he mentally resigned himself to whatever she was going to do. A small taste made his husband lust after his wife. The amount Pinkie had...he had no idea what was going to happen next.

“Mmmm, sooo tasty~” she hummed and grabbed a hooffull, shoving it in his gob. Ledger nearly gagged at how sweet it was, on multiple levels. He suddenly knew that adding Pinkie’s love directly to the cooking was probably a mistake. At least, as much as he did. It hardly needed it. And that influx of extra love would need to be processed quickly if he didn’t want to be unbalanced. He probably was going to be anyways…

“That,” he said after he cleared his mouth. “Was one of the sweeter things I have ever eaten.”

“Oh?” Pinkie gave him a half-lidded gaze and licked her lips. “Wanna taste something even sweeter~”

“Pinkie,” Ledger said as he put a hoof up to keep her at bay. “You’re probably not thinking straight right now...wait, bad example, you’re a Pink in pony form.”

“Aw come on,” she pouted. She looked at her icing-covered form. “It’s just like licking the spoon, only better~”

“Pinkie, I have enough mares in my life as it is,” Ledger said, shaking his head. “I’m not in any mood to-”

Aaaand now Pinkie was hugging him… and her hooves were wandering over his flanks. And sweet Hives that sugary scent~ Ledger couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t. Though he’d been brought down to one cube thanks to Midnight...there was just something about sugar that called to Changelings.

He gave Pinkie a lick.

She giggled at that, she tasted better than any sugar that he’d had before. He had to have more. The changeling kept licking at her, looking for any spot where there was batter or frosting on her.

That was when Pinkie blinked and pushed him back. “Whoawhoawhoa! What the hay buster!?”

“Uh,” Ledger said as he backed off and shook his head. “Sorry. Sugar and Changelings is a mix that’s only beaten by wood and fire. And you were sort of coated in the stuff…”

“Huh?” Pinkie looked down at her now semi-cleaned off coat. “Urgh! What was in that cake?” She looked at him and frowned. “Dangerous cake is dangerous.”

“Maybe if we make it again, only a touch of love, not all of it?” Ledger suggested. “I don’t put more than a little in myself. Guess I just got...swept up in the moment.”

“Uhuh, and let’s not tell Twilight I did that,” Pinkie blushed and looked away. “I think I might have to…” she sniffed and hung her head. “Destroy the cake…”

“Better option,” Leder said. “Give it to the ‘lings in town, they’ll be able to handle it better.”

“Oooh, I can do that?” Pinkie got an idea, a wonderful, marvelous idea. A menu just for changelings! “This. Is gonna. Be EPIC!!”

“But first, let’s replace the cake with a non dangerous version,” Ledger said. “This time I won’t use much more love than I would if I were making my casserole.” He snickered a little. “Maybe we should find a way to measure it so this doesn’t happen again.”

“How do you measure emotions?” Pinkie pondered. “Oh? What if I just don’t think of everything that I love, and just… hmm, my friends?”

“Yeah, plus I’ll be regulating it as well,” Ledger said with a nod. “I’ll make sure not too much gets in this time. So, shall we?”

“Okie Doki Loki!” Pinkie beamed as she turned around, her poofy tail swinging and giving Ledger a nice little show as she rummaged around in a low cupboard to find a fresh mixing bowl.

“Are you sure that cake’s worked it’s way out of your system?” Ledger asked as he looked at the ceiling.

“Why?” she asked, pulling out the bowl and some sugar. She then moved to the fridge to get some eggs and milk and finally, some flour from on of the high cupboards. “Okay Ledgie! Let’s get this bun in the oven!”

“You just seem to be doing things that Midnight wouldn’t find innocent,” Ledger said as he drew closer to the Pink bundle of impossibility.

“Silly Ledgie,” Pinki said and rubbed his head. “Okay, Imma stir this, so make with the magic!” She grabbed a wooden spoon with each hoof and began beating the heck out of the mixture. An electric mixer would have been slower. Ledger focused his thoughts and began feeding the bowl with just a trickle of emotions, just a small amount, so they didn’t have a repeat of the cake they already had.

And once again, Pinkie’s… exuberant stirring left almost as much batter on her as there was in the bowl.

“Okay! This one is good to go,” the pink mare said and slid it into the oven. “Sure we won’t have the same problems as the Sexy Cake over there?”

“I fed it much less Love this time,” Ledger said with a nod. “Before you were like a bonfire of Love. This time it was like a slow-burning flame. One that I slowly fed into the cake. It should just be enough to be tasted, not affect anypony adversely.”

“Okay,” Pinkie nodded and hummed. “So what should we do while it bakes? We have some time.”

You should probably clean up,” Ledger said as he pointed at her form. “I’ll watch the foals while you do. Where are they anyways?”

“Probably in their playpen,” Pinkie said as she trotted towards the door. “Good luck~”

Ledger decided to seek out the little ones, just so he could keep an eye on them while the others were busy.

They were adorable little things. A little unicorn and a teeny pegasus. And just seeing them reminded Ledger that he was going to have his own soon enough. He decided to just sit there and keep an eye on them while he thought about how he was going to be a dad.

Honestly, the thought still scared him, but he knew that together, he and his mares could accomplish anything. The fact that one of them was an alicorn princess was just...heh, icing on the cake.

“Cake?” Pinkie said from right next to him. “Is it done already?”

“I don’t know,” Ledger said as he just watched the foals. “I sorta got a reminder that I’m going to be a dad and haven’t been watching it.”

“Oohh, really!?” Pinkie bounced and vibrated. “We...We need to throw a party! A super-duper-awesomefantastic PARTY!!”

“We already are, Pinkie,” Ledger said with a slight touch of amusement. “It’s called a wedding, remember?”

“But Ledgie, you need a baby shower as well, so ponies can give you all sorts of free stuff for the baby.”

“Tell you what,” Ledger said as he put a hoof to Pinkie. “You can throw one for us...if you can get the stuff for one to Las Pegasus before the foal is due.”

Pinkie sat there and stared at him as she vibrated more, before pinging around the room like a fireworks display gone out of control. The two foals watched the lightshow, ‘ooh’ing and ‘ahhh’ing.

“But first you should see to the cake,” Ledger reminded the Pink pony.

“Okie Doki!” she paused in midair and floated back down before skipping off into the kitchen. She returned a moment later with a wonderfully decorated cake that had a mild, yet sweet scent of Love wafting from it.

“Why don’t you take a small piece from it, to see how well we did?” Ledger said to Pinkie.

Pinkie nodded a cut a small slice, before taking a nibble and tilting her head slightly.

“So how’s it taste?” the unicorn stallion inquired.

“Mmm, like I just wanna hug EVERYPONY!” Pinkie cried and pulled Ledger into a hug, before dropping him and giving the twins one as well.

“Well, I guess that’s arguably better,” Ledger said as he watched the pink mare’s antics.

“Wheeee!” Pinkie ran around with giggling foals on her back as the two parents descended the stairs, their manes a mess and they looked quite worn out.

“Where the heck does she get that energy?” Mrs. Cake wondered aloud. “Oh? Hello there dearie. One of Pinkie’s friends?”

“Yes indeed ma’am,” Ledger said with a small bow. “I was helping Pinkie with making magical foods, but apparently we’ve yet to fine-tune the amount of magic we should be putting into it,” the disguised drone said. “That, or she just reacts a lot more to what I do.”

“Yes, well, I think that cake you made has just a little bit too much kick in it,” Carrot said and then leaned in close to the stallion. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure it’s… taken care of responsibly.”

“And the one we just made has Pinkie doing...this,” Ledger said before gesturing to the pink mare. “I’m not sure how low we have to go before we get a cake where you get a nice taste and no aftereffects…”

“Hmm? Oh, that’s just Pinkie being Pinkie,” Cup Cake said with a titter. “Don’t worry about her dear.”

“But now we have to clean up… again,” Carrot sighed as he looked into the warzone that was their kitchen. How did she get frosting on the ceiling?

“Oh, let me help,” Ledger said as his horn sparked again. “It’s the least I could do.”

“Oh, we couldn’t ask you to do that,” Mrs. Cake started.

“Then don’t, and I’ll still do it,” Ledger said with a smile. “All this happening is partially my fault, I should help clean up.” With that, Ledger walked into the kitchen and began organizing.

The pair just watched as he went into meticulous detail, he missed nothing.

“It reminds me of the time we had Twilight in here,” Carrot chuckled.

“Heehee, you’re right, oh, we should introduce them to each other sometime,” Mrs. Cake agreed. Eventually Ledger killed the glow to his horn and nodded once.

“I think that’s everything,” he said. “Did I miss anything?” He wiped a little bit of sweat from his brow from the exertion of cleaning it all up.

“Son, I’m pretty sure I never want to use this kitchen again in fear of messing up your work,” Carrot smiled. “Is organising your special talent or something?”

“Something like that,” Ledger said as he pointed at his cutie mark, of a book with a set of ledgers drawn in them. “I can put things in order if I know where they go in a book. It was only a short step from there to trying to put all sorts of things in order. Something I have a knack for. My TK gets a workout, but I’m more than capable.”

“You’d make a small fortune in this town,” Cup giggled. “With the likes of Pinkie, Ms. Ditzy and Rainbow Dash at least.”

“I’ll keep it in mind,” Ledger said with another bow to them. “But I should really get going if I want to get back home in time for my date.”

“But of course, thank you for all your hard work,” Carrot said as he placed a few bits into his bag, along with some cupcakes. “There, that should do it.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” Ledger said in slight protest. “I was just cleaning up after the mess I helped bring here…”

“It’s fine, honest pay for honest work. That’s the earth pony way,” Carrot said and patted him on the back. “Now go on, don’t keep your date waiting.”

“Have fun dear,” Cup said with a smile. “Pinkie is quite a hooffull.”

“Yes, yes she is,” Ledger said as he left the three there and made his way back to the crystal palace.

Scope sat in front of a roll of paper spread out on the table. She had made dozens of plans for the date, but none of them sat right with her.

Cider trotted in, seeing the pegasus still hard at work.

“Havin’ trouble?” she asked.

“Yeah, I can’t figure out where I want to go tonight,” the nymph sighed. “You and Ledger went on a date, right? Can you...help me?”

“Well,” Cider took a seat as she went over what the nymph had. “Ah reckon it’s gotta be something you both enjoy. An’ of course, it’s gotta be romantic.” Why was skydiving on this list?

“Hmm, how about dinner and a movie?”

“That sounds a little...simple,” Scope said as she frowned. “Is it really that easy? I mean, with Twilight, it was something a bit more involved than that...mostly because of what the movie was…”

“Well, ah guess it would have to be a movie you both like… or really hate. Ah could see the two of you laughing over how bad it’d be.”

“I can hear his snarky tone now,” Scope said with a snicker. “Y’know what, that sounds like fun. Are there any really bad movies playing that we could make fun of?”

“Ah have no idea,” Cider shook her head. “Ah haven’t been to a movie in a long time. That sounds like something that Midnight might know… wherever the heck she’s run off to.”

“Hmm,” Scope said as she turned to the newspaper. More specifically, the part detailing movie listings. “Well I already think I know where dinner’s gonna be, so how about we go over the listings and see what’s playing?”

Cider nodded and her breath hitched. There was a movie… about a certain series of books that she liked. Scope took one look and snickered. “Oh boy, they made that into a movie?”

“I kinda wanna go and see it,” Cider whispered.

“Nopony’s stopping you, but fair warning, if Ledger and I end up seeing that tonight, be prepared for a lot of snarky commentary,” Scope warned the earth pony mare.

“And that’s different from any other day… how?” Cider retorted with a raised eyebrow.

“We’d be ragging on something you like while you’re in the same room,” the nymph supplied. “You’d probably have to avoid strangling us by the time the night was over.”

“Again. Different. How?”

“Just figured you deserved warning,” Scope said with a shrug. “It’s best to cover all the bases.”

“Well, y’all are goin’ on a date, and ah reckon ah might spend some time with our princess. So, that leaves the two of you to have fun on your own.”

“Yup, thanks for the help,” Scope said as she put the paper back and wrote out her short and simple plan on the scroll still in front of her.

Dinner at Fredrick’s (Likely)

Movies - See the vampony film. Snark at it.

Cider had packed a nice picnic dinner. She had a plan to go to Ponyville and spend the evening with Twilight. They hadn’t had much alone time together at all.

She had the strangest feeling she was forgetting something though…

“So, when do you think Midnight’s coming back from...whatever she’s doing?” Scope asked as she rolled up her scroll.

“Ah!” that’s what she was forgetting. “If we’re all goin’ out. That leaves Middy all on her lonesome.”

“Hmm,” Scope said, tapping her chin. “And Mistress does get awfully lonely…”

“And when she gets lonely or bored… things tend to get broken,” Cider sighed. “Oh wait, doesn’t she have that singin’ thing?”

“She did mention that,” Scope said with a nod. “So hopefully that’ll keep her distracted. And out of the house.”

“Well, it seems we’re all settled then,” Cider nodded as she placed a mug of cider on the table for herself and hoofed over a juice box for Scope.

“Yup,” Scope said as she started in on her juice. “Now when do you think Ledger will be back?”

Cider couldn’t, or just didn’t answer. The sight of little Scopey drinking from a juice box was just too damned adorable. The earth pony let out a little ‘squee’ before moving around the table so she could huggle her.

“And everypony is really huggy for some reason,” Scope observed, not really complaining. That was about when Ledger walked in the front door, before laying down on the couch and sighing explosively.

“Cider, if you know anything that could snap Twilight out of a mood, now would be the time to use it,” he said.

“...What did y’all do this time?” Cider deadpanned. “Did you make her mad again…” Cider paused when she walked over to him and sniffed. “And why do ya’ll smell like sugar?”

“Different matter altogether,” Ledger said. “I gave her some notes from a research associate, and she said, and I quote, ‘This is the last piece of the puzzle that we needed to perfect our teleportation platforms!’ And then it took me three attempts to get her to notice me before she’d teleport me back.”

“...Ah got no response fer that,” Cider said and sighed. “Ah’m gonna go and take a shower. Be back in two shakes of a bunny’s tail.”

Ledger nodded as he just lay on the couch for a moment longer. After Ponyville, he needed to unwind.

“So… any reason why you smell like sugar and have Love and a little Lust wafting off of you?” Scope said once Cider left. Ledger just groaned and muttered something into the fabric of the couch.

“Ledger. Explain. Use your words,” Scope said in a condescending tone.

“I found out there’s such a thing as too much Love in a food,” Ledger said once he raised his head out of the upholstery. “I just wanted to make a cake ponies would like...the first cake made ponies really like each other.”

Scope paused. She took a deep breath. In… out. Okay, murderous rage is now suppressed. “Ledger. I will ask once. Did you buck some random mare because of cake?”

“No, it wore off before anything happened, and I wouldn’t cheat on all of you anyways,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “Besides, it’s not like I was pouring lust into the cake. Just too much love.”

“Well, whomever it was, guess they had a lotta love to give,” Scope leaned over and socked him in the shoulder. “That’s for almost bucking a random mare!” she stated and then gave him a kiss. “And that’s for not bucking a random mare.”

“I’m not entirely stupid,” Ledger said as he rubbed where she’d punched him. “Though I do have my moments.”

“Yes, yes you do,” Scope nodded. “Well, I’d better go and get ready for our date. Be back in a bit…”

Ledger just lay there as he watched the smaller ‘ling walk off. He still needed to decompress from one day in Ponyville.

“I don’t know how Twilight lives there all the time,” Ledger said with a roll of his eyes. And as soon as he did, there was a knock at the door.

“Can y’all get that!” Cider hollered out from upstairs. Ledger pried himself off the couch and ambled over to the door, before opening it.

Standing on the other side was Bludgeon, the massive wall of muscle and pony just staring down at Ledger.


“Hello Bludgeon,” Ledger said with more than just a bit of steel to his voice.

“Ledger…” the earth stallion rumbled. “Is Miz Cider in?”

“For the time being, yes,” Ledger said. “She’s home. Why?”

“I want to tell her I’ve finished the west orchard,” he said. “And that the greenhouse is fixed…”

“She’ll be down soon,” Ledger said as he stood to one side. “You can wait inside and tell her yourself.”

He looked… uncomfortable with that idea. “No… just, tell her for me.” He turned and started to walk away before he paused. “For what it’s worth. It… wasn’t personal. Just a job.”

Ledger sighed before doing something he knew he’d regret. “Do you regret doing it?” he called to the stallion. “Any of it? At all?”

That caused the stallion to think. He hated thinking. He dwelled on things that were best not dwelled upon. All the things he’d done, all the things he could have done. He sighed and looked up at the sky.

“Did you know,” he said, wanting to get this off of his chest. “That I was sent here to kill Miz Cider?”

“I was reasonably sure of that, yes,” Ledger said with a nod.

“But…” The stallion paused again. He never talked this much, especially with a target that had escaped him. “She was… kind. I didn’t think anypony could be like that, They lie, cheat and steal. Take what you want, crush any who oppose. I was the one that crushed for the one that wanted… but, you already know that.”

“A lot of ponies can be kind, if they’re given the chance and shown the same kindness,” Ledger said softly. “That’s why I hated working for Toll.”

“Well, do you know what happened when I told Miz Cider this?”

“No,” Ledger said. He knew the results, but not the intervening story.

“She… she said that that didn’t matter. That she was glad I was honest with her.” He sat down, causing the floorboards to shake. “What kind of pony does that? Forgives somepony that had to kill them?”

“A stronger pony than me,” Ledger said. “I...when I look at you, I still see you holding Midnight down that night. That night that I nearly…” Ledger closed his eyes and shook his head. “I don’t think I can ever forgive myself or you for what nearly happened that night. But Cider...she’s stronger than either of us, where it counts. She’s got a big, strong heart.”

“And hooves that could snap a tree in two,” Bludgeon rumbled. He didn’t want to admit it, but if he’d gone hoof-to-hoof with that mare…

He sighed again and stood up. “And to answer your question… I can’t allow myself any regret. I’d drown in my guilt otherwise. Miz Cider has given me a chance to start over. One I never deserved.”

“Everypony deserves a second chance,” Ledger said with a nod. “It’s what you do with it that matters.”

“That’s why I’m here. To do something right for once,” the stallion nodded his head and turned away. “Have a good evening Mr. Ledger. And… for what it’s worth. I am sorry…”

“...I am too,” the disguised ‘ling said before the stallion walked off. “I am too.”

As the drone turned, he saw Cider standing at the top of the stairs, smiling at him.

“Ah’m real proud of you snugglebug,” she said softly. “That took a big heart.”

“He was sincere,” Ledger said with a shrug. “The least I could do was be sincere back.”

“Still, you could have just ignored him, yelled at him, even attacked,” Cider replied. “So ah’m proud...also, heads up.” She smiled as a bat flew right at Ledger from behind.

“Ack!” Ledger said as he was attacked. “Midnight?”

“Levvy!” Midnight giggled and kissed him before pulling back. “Whhyyy do you taste like Pinkie Pie?”

“We were baking a cake together...and how do you know what Pinkie tastes like?” Ledger asked.

“...No reason,” Midnight replied and changed the subject. “And what’s the big idea teleporting me away? I’m gonna have words with that princess!”

“She just wanted to make sure you got back quickly,” Ledger said as he covered for Twilight. “Faster than the train, right?”

“I wound up in Sugar and Moonie’s bed…”

“Something I’m sure you’ve been pining for,” Ledger said without missing a beat. Midnight paused, not having expected the comeback as she just opened and closed her mouth a few times.

“Well… that’s a first,” Cider noted.

“So who took advantage of who in that threesome?” Ledger followed up with.

“Oh. My. Celestia!” Midnight said, blushing up a storm. “Nothing happened!!”

“There’s a first,” the drone quipped. “Midnight not using a bed for something other than sleeping.”

“I don’t think about sex all the time!” Midnight shot back, still blushing. Even her ears were turning red by this point.

“True,” Ledger said with a nod. “Sometimes you’re asleep.”

“Oh shut up,” Midnight said and walked over to the couch and flopped on it. When you couldn’t win an argument? Just walk away…

Ledger sighed and gave Cider a kiss before walking over to Midnight and giving her one as well.

“You still suck,” Midnight pouted, but the kiss made her smile a little.

“I try to make up for it,” Ledger said as he kissed Midnight again. “Is it working?”

“Maybe a little,” Midnight replied as Scope glided downstairs and looked at them.

“Well, ready to go Ledger?”

“Go?” Midnight looked at him. “You’re going somewhere?”

“Just on a date, to get to know one another better,” the unicorn said with a nod. Midnight blinked and then nodded.

“Oh, well at least I still have—”

"Well ah’m off,” Cider smiled as Twilight teleported in. “Have fun on yer date, and ah’ll be havin’ fun on mine.”

“Don’t worry, Middy,” Ledger said as he kissed her again. “Don’t you still have that singing thing with Sugar?”

“Huh? Well… I guess so…” Midnight sighed. She didn’t feel like singing right now. “Well, guess I have nothing else to do right now…”

“Don’t worry, we’ll all come home,” Ledger said with a nod. “You won’t be alone forever. Just a bit of the night.”

“Still sucks…” Midnight muttered. “Fine. Go on your dates. I’ll be here. Alone. By myself. Nopony to love me…”

Ledger replied by giving her a massive, Love-filled kiss.

“Emotion-manipulating jerk,” Midnight pouted as he broke the kiss. “Just go on your dates already. I’m going to show Las Pegasus that I’m good at everything.”

“Just as long as you’re sure you’re fine,” Ledger said to her. The thestral nodded and cracked her neck. Right, time to go to work~

Author's Note:

Let's all say it together now. Ponyville is crazy.

Like the story? Consider dropping Aus and me a dollar on my Patreon. It's appreciated, always.

Half the money will not go towards drama resolution.

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