• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 70 - Twilight and Ledger's bogus journey

When Ledger awoke, he found two things.

One, Twilight was bucking adorable when she was asleep.


“Hello handsome~” Discord said from his other side.

Ledger, to his credit, didn’t scream. But only just, and that was thanks to his previous dealings with the chaos spirit. “Discord,” he hissed. “We were having a moment here.”

“And the kitchen, and the dining room, and the shower as well I believe,” he hummed. “Trust me, everyone aside from Spike is well aware of yours and Twilight’s ‘moments’.” He raised his hands to make air quotes for that last part. Ledger rolled his eyes and pushed on the spirit with a hoof.

“Yes, well, I’d rather she not wake up to the both of us in her bed,” the drone said. Discord would have replied, had he not vanished with a magenta flash.

“Too late,” Twilight responded with a deadpan tone as the light from her horn died out.

“You have got to teach me that spell someday,” Ledger said as he kissed the base of her horn. She hummed and smiled, before drawing the stallion in for a deep kiss.

“Maybe… don’t know where I teleported him though… wasn’t aiming.” She yawned cutely and stretched her wings. “I think coffee is in order, then we will do science.”

“Sounds fascinating,” Ledger said as he gave her a quick nuzzle. “I assume I’m on coffee duty then?” Twilight smiled and petted his head.

“Three… two… one…” Someone knocked on her door and she smiled again. “Come in.”

Spike pushed the door open and saw the alicorn. “Oh, you’re up early for once,” he grinned. “You two want some coffee?”

“This drake speaks my language perfectly,” Ledger said.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Spike chuckled and closed the door behind him. There was a shout, and some yelling as it became apparent that Chrysalis had jump-scared the dragon. Then some pleading as she was denied the drink he’d gone to fetch for Twi and Ledger.

“I wonder if I’ll ever get used to her staying here?” Twilight sighed as she got up and moved to her dresser to brush her mane, her hips having a very nice sway to them. Somepony had been watching and/or taking lessons from Midnight. Ledger purred appreciatively as he watched Twilight get ready for the day.

“I’d suggest something more...active to wake you up with, but with Spike coming back with coffee, I doubt you’d agree,” the drone said.

“You are utterly insatiable,” she giggled, fighting with a stubborn knot on her mane. “Maybe later.” She used her magic to pull the back of her mane and and tie it into a simple ponytail. She stretched her wings again and looked at them, fluffing them up a little and humming.

“I have a question and some advice depending on the answer,” she said. “One, if you transform into… a Pegasus. Can you feel things? Such as your wings?”

“It’s, supposedly, a tricky spell to describe to any non-changeling, but the answer is ‘yes,’ with a whole list of things we shouldn’t do depending on the changes we make,” Ledger said as he finally got out of the bed. “Why do you ask?”

“All I’m going to say, is take a pegasus form, and ask Midnight to preen your wings,” she sighed happily at that memory. “It. Feels. Amazing~”

“Hmm,” Ledger hummed as he came up next to Twilight and nuzzled her. “Maybe we can try that some time then.”

“Trust me, it's worth it,” she replied. She lowered her wings and smiled softly. “I’m really glad I chose to do this. To ask if I could be a part of your lives, and for you all to be a part of mine.”

“I’m happy you did as well,” Ledger said before putting a soft kiss on her cheek. “I wasn’t expecting it, but I’m happy you chose to pursue us, even despite our...turbulent start.”

“Mhm,” the mare nodded, though, she had a plan on how to rectify that. She’d have to run it by Scope first, though she doubted that the the Changeling would disagree.

A short while later, Spike entered the room carrying a tray with three mugs of coffee on it, along with a jar of sugarcubes.

“Your ‘Start-the-day’ elixir is served,” he said with a small bow as he placed the tray on Twilight’s nightstand, while Chrysalis stood in the doorway, giving the dragon puppydog eyes.

“My thanks,” Ledger said as he took a mug and only dunked one sugarcube into it. He was still trying to cut down on the stuff.

Twilight put two in hers as Spike rolled his eyes and held up the third mug for Chryssie. She squeed and took the mug, dunking a half-dozen cubes in it and drinking happily.

“Honestly, I feel like a foalsitter,” Spike sighed and laughed a little. He looked around, and then beckoned for Ledger to step outside with him. Ledger held his coffee in his magic as he walked out into the hall with the dragon.

“So?” he asked the purple drake.

He scratched the back of his head as he peeked into the room to make sure the two mares weren’t listening. Satisfied, he turned his attention back to the drone. “I uh, was hoping I could get your advice…” He paused for a moment, then continued. “About how to get a mare to like you.”

Ledger took the request in for a moment before snickering and shaking his head. “Can’t help you there, buddy. I don’t know what I did to attract the mares I did. All I know is how to keep them interested.”

“Aw man,” Spike sighed. “I was hoping you could tell me how to win Rarity’s heart…”

“Like I said, I can’t help you,” Ledger said as he paused to take a drink of his coffee. “I might know somepony who could, but you’re just a little young for her advice.”

“Man, everypony says I’m ‘too young’,” he pouted. “Sometimes it sucks being a dragon, and since I can’t hoard, I’ll grow even slower…” He sighed and smiled. “Well, thanks anyway Ledger. And… thanks for taking care of Twilight. I know she can be a little neurotic, and somewhat OCD… I’m glad she found somepony though. I was worried she’d start collecting cats soon.”

“Not a problem, and I actually might have a little information for you,” Ledger said as he held a hoof out and summoned his book with a quick burst of teleportation magic. He flipped through it until he reached the yellow-marked section and cleared his throat.

“‘Among the many peculiarities of dragons, is that those that hoard physical goods, grow large and monstrous. However, those that do not hoard are seen as weak runts. But there is a third path for them. Those that hoard the intangible things. Like friends, or knowledge. They grow more mature while retaining their minds.’”

“Wait… what?” Spike blinked as he tried to wrap his mind around that. “Can you— You can actually do that?” This was news to him. “I… hmm…”

“What do you think this book is, if not my own little knowledge hoard?” the drone said as he flipped through it to demonstrate. “Two things you should keep in mind though, Spike. Sharing that which you hoard, if you hoard the intangible, only means your hoard and the world around you keeps growing richer. Knowledge for knowledge, friendship for friendship. And second...try not to grow up too fast? Enjoy your childhood while you have it.”

It was food for thought at least, Spike had a rather pensive look on his face and nodded. “Yeah, it’s something to think about anyway.” There was something he had to confirm first. He looked up and Ledger and smiled. “I’m gonna head out for a bit. Can you foalsit those two until I get back?”

“I might just get a headache around Chrysalis, but if that starts happening, I’ll throw sugar at her to shut her up,” Ledger replied. “Take care, Spike.”

“Yeah,” the drake fistbumped the drone and headed off. It was time he had a talk with Rarity…

Inside, Chrysalis was having fun messing with Twilight’s mane, now done up in a beehive style that went out of fashion thirty years ago.

“No… just, no,” Twilight groaned as Chrysalis giggled. Ledger walked back in as he sipped his coffee, slipping his book back in his saddlebags.

“If anypony gets to mess with Twilight’s looks, it should be me or Middy,” he interjected. Chrysalis shrugged and her horn flared again, changing Twilight’s hair back to her ponytail.

“Hm, if you insist little drone. You know, speaking of…” She turned and looked at him. “It has been a long time since I had a Noble drone. Could I borrow him Twilight?”

“No. Absolutely not.” She looked at Ledger, “Not unless he wants to?”

“When Tartarus freezes over, or Twilight decides you can go outside without a tracking spell on you,” Ledger deadpanned.

“Hm, so if I get to go outside… didn’t take you for a public act kind of guy,” Chrysalis chuckled. Ledger groaned and facehooved.

“I walked into that one,” he muttered.

“Yes, yes you did,” Chrysalis giggled and kissed him on the cheek as she walked past. “You’re cute, but the griffon and the Pink were cuter. Too bad for you.”

“Ledger, would you like to do some science now, or continue flirting with Chrysalis?” Twilight asked, wearing a bemused expression.

“Science please,” Ledger said as he put his hoof back down. “Science before I make more of a fool of myself.”

“Too late,” the nymph chuckled as she left the room. Twilight rolled her eyes and her horn lit up, teleporting Ledger and herself to her lab. It was a rather spacious set up, with chemistry sets, some machines with blinking lights and a strange looking gateway-shaped device.

“Oooh,” Ledger said as he looked around. “I could spend days down here…”

“I can as well, but Spike and a much more active social life won’t let me,” Twilight pouted. “See what I have to give up to be with you lot.”

“Aww, I’m sorry you have to put science second to our times together,” Ledger said, without a trace of sincerity.

“Good, you should feel bad, knowing how much sacrifice I have to make,” Twilight giggled. She gave him a brief tour of the place. “This is my alchemy set up, I have a smaller one upstairs that Applebloom uses on occasion. I’m currently working on something for Applejack, a potion fertilizer. Though, my last experiment caused the tree to disintegrate…” She shrugged and moved to the machinery.

“This can be used to scan everything about a pony. Once I have the readout from this, I’ll know more about you than you do.”

“Hmm,” Ledger said as he looked at the machinery. “I’m assuming you stuck Amy in here as well, to compare my readouts with.”

“Yup, hers were… interesting,” Twilight replied. They were about as consistent as Pinkie Pie’s. She stopped in front of the gate and looked at it. “This is an interdimensional portal I threw together,” so she said as casually as somepony would about making a sandwich.

“Wait, what?” Ledger asked as he looked over the gateway intently. “Is this related to our research?” He hoped he could remember enough of it to try and make another back home.

“No, I keep it down here so nopony tampers with it,” Twilight explained. “And it won’t work unless I put a certain object inside of it anyway.”

“Still, we could probably use the principles behind this for our little project,” Ledger pointed out.

“Maybe,” Twilight said, then smiled. “I could… show you what’s on the other side though…”

“Work first, leisure later,” Ledger said as he walked back to the scanning machine. “Though you’d better believe that you’re showing me later.”

“Sure, and I could show you my friends on the other side. Heehee, won’t they be surprised~” She clapped her hooves as she floated over Amy’s data she collected. “But yes, science first. So, here’s what I got from Amy. She seems to be in a similar position to what you were in, but her changing is… different. It seems to trigger whenever she feels negative emotions, but bounces right back whenever she feels positive.”

“Probably because she hasn’t gone fully Black yet,” Ledger said as he situated himself in the device. “From what I read, if a ‘ling goes full Black, that starts the process. She can be as tainted as she likes, but if her negativity ever truly wins out…”

“So as long as she stays positive,” Twilight hummed as she looked over the results. “The problem is how to cure it. We can’t send her Black, due to the fact that she’s pregnant now. Maybe... “ Twilight paused as she got an idea. Science Time with Twilight, Ledger was going to feast like a king here. “What about an over exposure to positive energy?”

“It would probably need to be pure love, or as close to it as we can get,” Ledger said. “The only place like that I’ve encountered has been…” Ledger smiled widely. “I think I’m going to recommend Ace take Amy up north on a vacation when they next get one.”

“The Crystal Empire!” Twilight’s eyes shone. “Why didn’t I think of that? You’re a genius Lev!”

“I try,” Ledger said. “So, uh...were you going to take any actual readings, or are we just sending the pair of them up north?”

“Let’s have that as Plan A, but it doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan or three,” Twilight nodded. Then a thought occured. “Would you say that Chrysalis is rather negative? Well, used to be, still is? I don’t know.”

“She seems to be, but we’d know if she was turning,” Ledger said. “It’s kinda hard to miss.”

“Well that’s just the thing,” Twilight said. “She would have been that way for years. She used brainwashing magic on my brother and forcefully stole his emotions. So… why hasn’t she turned yet?”

“...Hmm,” Ledger said. “Maybe there’s something more to a Black than just being negative…”

“So many unknowns, which is why helping her will be difficult,” Twilight sighed. “Perhaps we should ask Chrysalis? She might know why she hasn’t turned yet?”

“And if we want a straight answer, we’ll look in my book and conduct these tests,” Ledger replied.

“True enough,” Twilight sighed. “Okay, so what does your book say?”

Ledger held out a hoof and summoned the thing to him again, causing it to pop into existence with a flash of teleportation. He flicked to the middle of the book and sat down to read it, all while still remaining in the scanning device. “Hmm...interesting,” he said as he went over the words he’d painstakingly copied down while he still could.

Twilight looked at the readouts, but they didn’t show anything yet. “What’s interesting?” she asked him.

“Apparently...oh, that’d make sense…” The drone looked up from his book and looked at Twilight. “Do you know when Amy starts turning? What emotion she starts feeling?”

“I believe it was sadness, or something along those lines,” Twilight said. “She said she got like that the first time when she thought Ace had no chance against Tirek.”

“Every Color has an opposite, a negative, a gateway to being Black,” Ledger said. “For Silvers, it’s typically anger. Instead of wanting to learn more, we turn to destroying things. For Pinks, who thrive on happiness…”

“Sadness, or loss of hope,” Twilight finished his sentence. “So Chrysalis is a Green, which is Creativity… so, destruction?”

“Sloth, laziness,” Ledger supplied. “I’m not sure what a Violet’s would be. Blue, instead of Loyalty, would be betrayal. Yellow, instead of Courage, would be cowardice. Orange, instead of Kindness, cruelty. And Red, instead of Duty...hmm, that one’s not recorded either.”

“A Violet is sort of like Love, so perhaps hatred?” Twilight suggested. “And Duty… Hmm, a dishonourable act maybe? Still, Amy is a Pink, so we should focus on that for now.”

“Right. So basically, we need to keep her happy, which seems to revolve around keeping Ace alive. Tall order,” Ledger said. “Also, keep Chrysalis from getting lazy and uninspired.”

“All she’s done since she arrived is be lazy,” Twilight replied as she looked over his shoulder at the book. “And I think that if Ace couldn’t be killed by two of those Chameleos, then it’s a safe bet that he’ll be harder to kill than a Changeling in a stable herd.”

“I do seem to keep bouncing back from nearly-deadly situations, don’t I?” Ledger asked as he snuck a quick smooch in on Twilight. “So, your fancy machine say anything about me yet?”

“That you’re perfectly normal as far as a unicorn goes,” she replied. “It seems that your transformations also trick my computer into thinking you’re one.” She pulled off the helmet and adjusted a few wires. “Would you mind taking your true form?”

Ledger nodded and, with a flash of silver, took off his disguise. She paused to look his form over, it never failed to fascinate her. She licked her lips, then shook her head and put the helmet back on and switched the machine on.

A few moments later, it started to spit out some results which Twilight poured over.

“Hmm, your muscle strength seems to be average, though only barely. You magic power is impressive though, along with your capacity and mana reserves… And, not a trace of Dark magic corruption at all…”

“I would hope not,” Ledger said as he sat there, continuing to read the book. “Cider did do her best to rid me of it when pressed.”

“And she’s done quite a good job of it too,” Twilight replied. “I think the location might have been a contributing factor as well. This castle was born from the Tree of Harmony after all.”

“Fair enough,” Ledger said. “Though, we shouldn’t discount her love at all. Even a little would have been enough, and she gave me far more than that.”

“I would never discount it,” Twilight agreed. “I’m just saying that there was more at play than just that. Perhaps sending Amy to the Empire would be the most effective solution. But just getting a big dose of love might not be enough. We can’t use the same method as we did with you, and love alone might not be enough.”

“If you truly think that, then we really need to get you up to speed on the power of love,” Ledger said as he more fully returned to his book.

“Well excuse me for not being Cadence,” Twilight pouted. “There are just too many variables here for my liking. And if it goes wrong…”

“So long as she still has Ace, it can’t go wrong,” Ledger said. “It just won’t go optimally right, is all. That’s actually an idea, why don’t we ask Cadence if she’ll meet with the pair, see if there’s anything she can do to help?”

“That sounds like an idea,” Twilight nodded and pulled out a quill and some paper. “I’ll send her one once Spike gets back from wherever it is he’s gone.” She looked around her lab and sighed. “Not enough science has been performed today. Sad Twily is sad.”

“Aww,” Ledger said, nearly melting at the sight. “Well, what else is there to do?” If there was one thing he wouldn’t stand for, it was a sad mare when he could make them happy.

“Hmm, there is our project we could work on…” Oh! Lightbulb moment! “And I know somepony… well, someone that could probably help us!”

“Oh?” Ledger said. “Color me curious.” Which he already was. “Who is this being?”

Twilight smiled as she summoned a book of her own, one with a red and yellow sun-mark on the cover. She opened it and wrote something down before closing it and waiting. After a few silent moments, the book begun to glow and vibrate. She smiled and opened it, her smiled widening as she read.

“Perfect, she isn’t busy right now!”

“Dare I ask?” Ledger asked. “This is starting to sound quite complicated…”

“It’s more fun to surprise you,” she smiled as she floated the book into a notch on top of the gateway. The device activated with moving parts, flashing bolts of lightning and then a swirling portal hummed to life. “Let’s take a little trip shall we?”

“...Only if you promise I won’t be in any danger,” Ledger said as he sent his book back to his saddlebags with a pop.

“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe,” Twilight reassured him. “Just be careful though… the first step is a doozy.” And with that warning, she stepped through the portal and vanished.

“...The things I do for mares,” Ledger said as he followed suit.

The next thing Ledger felt was himself hitting a solid surface, possibly the ground.

And something felt… off.

Very off.

It felt sort of like the time when he’d transformed into a dragon. But...less large. And he wasn’t holding a transformation on himself at the moment.

“You okay Ledger?” he heard Twilight ask. But when he slowly opened his eyes, it most definitely wasn’t the alicorn princess he was dating looking down at him.

“Twilight,” he slowly asked as he got used to this...very weird body. “What fresh Tartarus have you gotten me into now?”

“Welcome to the human world,” she smiled as she held out her hand to help him up. His new body was… yup, very weird was an apt description. He was some sort of biped, though he seemed to lack a tail for balance. His chitin had been replaced with dark-coloured skin, while his silver mane hung down, stopping just past his shoulderblades. He also seemed to be wearing clothing of some kind. And… where the hell were his hooves? What the fuck were these things on his forelegs!?

“Twilight, I’m uncomfortable,” he said in a quavering voice. They were sorta like the dragon’s claws...just without the actual claws. He wobbled a little, not used to being tail-less on two legs.

“Yeah, it takes a little getting used to,” Twilight said as she held his arm so he wouldn’t fall. For some reason, she also looked a little younger, but that voice and manecut were unmistakable. “You’re what’s called a ‘human’. I think they evolved from apes or something,” Twilight informed him. “Still, you don’t look half-bad if I do say so myself.”

“Please tell me this is temporary,” Ledger said. “I’m uncomfortable with being forcibly changed.” He couldn’t quite read what was on his clothing, and his panic was preventing him from puzzling it out.

“You’ll turn right back when we go to home Equestria,” she told him and squinted at his t-shirt. “If you can read this… you’re too close,” she read. “Cute.”

I didn’t pick that,” the now-a-human drone replied. “This is one of the weirder days I’ve ever experienced. And that’s including the day Midnight suggested we start a herd.”

“Did you know that Luna gave her that idea?” Twilight said as she looked around. They were standing in front of a large statue, with a massive building before them. It seemed quite at the moment, until another human approached and hugged Twilight. She had long orange and red curled hair and a rather fierce gaze.

“It’s good to see you again Twilight,” she said happily.

“You as well Sunset. Have you been doing okay?”

“Yeah, it’s been a lot better since you were here last. I can actually walk through the halls and not get accosted or have stuff thrown at...me…” She noticed Ledger and her expression changed. “Now, who is this~”

“Oh, this is Level Ledger. Level, this is the pony I was talking about. Sunset Shimmer. She used to be Princess Celestia’s student before me.”

“Ah, it does make sense that she’d have another student before you,” Ledger said as he looked at his...paw? “Twilight, help me out here. I’m all sorts of confused, still.” How was he supposed to hoofbump without hooves?

“So he’s a pony as well?” Sunset as as she took his hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you. Any friend of Twilight’s is a friend of mine.”

Twilight giggled at the baffled/fascinated look on his face. “What you have there is called a hand Ledger. Since humans don’t have magic, they evolved as a tool-using species. They possess digits with opposable thumbs and can build just about anything you can imagine.”

“Ah,” Ledger said with as little comprehension as he felt. “...Wait. Humans don’t have magic? I have no magic?!” Oh, there was the panic he’d felt all along. It was just waiting for him.

“Okay, Ledger, calm down,” Twilight said, then realised why he was panicking. Changelings couldn’t survive without magic. If he couldn’t draw emotions…

“Quick experiment time,” she replied and pulled Ledger in for a kiss that left Sunset’s mouth hanging open in shock. Ledger felt a gentle warmth fill his body, a familiar one as he absorbed some of her love.

“Okay,” Ledger said once the kiss broke. “It looks like your fancy portal either didn’t know what to do with me, or didn’t rob me of all my abilities. I’ll probably survive here.”

“Phew,” Twilight wiped her brow as Sunset just gaped at her.

“Huh? Wha? How… when? WHAT!?”

Twilight giggled and held his arm. “Oh yeah, a lot has happened for me as well. This is Level Ledger. He’s my coltfriend, as well as a Changeling.”

“A… wait, Changelings actually exist!?” Sunset exclaimed.

“Owch,” Ledger said as he looked at Twilight. “At least nopony doubts that Alicorns exist. This is a new low for me.”

“I thought Changelings were something that parents scared their foals with to make them behave,” Sunset explained. Even Twilight had a look of disbelief on her face.

“Sunset, you sure? There are documents all about Changelings. There have been for quite a number of years…”

Sunset blushed and looked away. “I… lived a sheltered life okay? And I had no interest in what I thought was a mythological creature… unlike Santa Hooves. I will prove he exists!!”

“...She’s gonna be like you were when you finally got over your fear of me, isn’t she,” Ledger deadpanned.

“I hope not, we came here to discuss teleportation, not Changeling biology… which would be meaningless in your current form,” Twilight replied. “So, is there somewhere we could take this conversation? I don’t feel like standing here all day.”

“Oh! Sure,” Sunset replied, breaking away from her thoughts. “We can use the practice room the girls and I use. It should be empty today.”

“Cool,” Twilight nodded and looked at Ledger. “Ready to learn how to walk?”

“This...promises to be a long and painful day, doesn’t it?” Ledger asked. Sunset giggled and took his other arm.

“One step at a time,” she said. “Don’t worry, it’s not that different from walking on all fours...”

Several faceplants later, they made it to the music room. And Ledger was starting to get the hang of his new body at least. Sunset opened the door and led them inside, closing it behind her.

“So… what brings you guys here anyway?” she asked.

“Twilight and I are running a little project to make teleportation available to the common pony,” Ledger said as he spied a seat and all but collapsed into it. “Apparently, she thinks you might have some insights.”

“Hmm, well, Teleportation was one of the fields I specialised in,” Sunset replied as she sat down on the floor. “So, what did you have so far? How do you plan on doing this?”

“I was thinking a crystal array to serve as the anchor points, along with a magical battery to cast the spell itself,” Ledger said. “We recently came up with the idea of addresses being used in the spellwork as well.”

“I see,” Sunset hummed, tapping her chin. “That’s… actually not bad. I think that would work. So what’s the problem?”

“We need to figure out how to get it to work with anypony,” Twilight said. “We’re using the Waypoint Spell as a base, but as you probably know…”

“Waypoint is tied to the caster, or those he or she has to be with to use it with them,” Sunset finished. “And really, no other spell would make for a decent base, not without drawing a lot of power from the caster.” She hummed and then pulled out her cellphone. “Too bad you guys don’t have these. Instant communication would make life a lot easier.”

“We Changelings do have a Hivelink spell,” Ledger said. “Instant communication across vast distances...at least, with Scope working it.”

“Hivelink?” Sunset scooched closer to him as her eyes shone. “How does it work?”

“It creates a bond between the minds of two changelings, or more, depending on how skilled the caster is at looping others in,” Ledger said. “It’s quite a weak one, though. Only words can get through.”

“Hmm, it’s actually similar to how a cell phone works,” Sunset replied. “You see this device? It’s linked to millions of others like it via a network that uses something similar to radio waves. And by using a series of antenna and satellites orbiting the planet, we have an information network called The Internet. Kind of like the biggest library you can think of, accessible from just about anywhere at any time.”

Ledger just sat back and drank the information in, before slowly looking at Twilight.

“Can I stay here for about a week or two?”

“If you’re good,” she giggled. “Trust me, I wish I could stay and study this place longer…”

“Well how about this,” Sunset said. “Your Hivelink is a spell yes? A magical connection between two or more individuals? Well, the books that Twilight and I have serve as the link between our worlds. So, what if you could somehow use Hivelink as a way to bridge your Waypoints?”

“...We’re going to be analyzing your book thoroughly when we get back and compare it to a typical Hivelink spell,” Ledger told the once-alicorn.

“Of course, we can also ask Celestia, since she’s the one that created the books in the first place.” Twilight said.

“It was a way for us to communicate when I was her student,” Sunset explained. “I heard you use Dragon Mail right? I believe it also uses a similar spell.”

“So, we kidnap Spike and Scope later?” Twilight asked the former drone.

“Spike yes, Scope, not needed, she taught me the spell,” Ledger said. “I can cast it and we can still get some readings.”

Twilight clapped her hands and hugged Sunset. “You’ve been a big help Sunny. Thanks a bunch!”

“Heh, glad I could help,” she replied as the door flew open and five girls charged in, burying Twilight and Sunset under a hug pile.

“Ack! Girls?” Twilight shouted from somewhere under the pile.

To Ledger… these new humans seemed… familiar. It was only when he looked at their manes that he put it together with some of the ponies from Ponyville.

“Well, there’s something you don’t see everyday,” the once-drone mused to himself. “Human versions of ponies you know. Besides yourself of course.”

They all looked at the unfamiliar voice and Pinkie was the first to be right up in his face.

“Wowzies! Who’s this hubba-hubba hunk?”

“Twilight’s new boyfriend apparently,” Sunset giggled as the princess blushed.

Ledger was suddenly the centre of attention as they all crowded around him, looking him over and whispering to themselves.

“Can I...help you?” Ledger asked the mare- no, they probably weren’t called mares here. Female humans? He’d have to ask Twilight later.

“We’re just wondering how the egghead over there scores a hottie like you,” Rainbow said rather blatantly. “I mean, don’t you and Flash Sentry have a thing here Twilight?”

Twilight turned an even deeper shade of red and hid her face in her hands.

“Oh, now this I have to hear,” Ledger said with a wicked smile. Assuming he could get Flash back home to believe him, it’d be a delicious story to tell him.

“Flash is just a very good friend in either world,” Twilight defended herself. “But Sunset is right, Level Ledger here is in a relationship with me.” She wasn’t going to bring up the topic of the herd, since most humans were a monogamous society.

“Well, I certainly approve of this,” Rarity stated as she looked him over. “Even if his choice in clothing is… bland.”

“Hey, his outfit is pretty cool,” Rainbow stated and Rarity sighed.

“I rest my case.”

“Next time I’ll make sure to ask for something a bit less bland then,” Ledger quipped. Rarity tilted her head, but Applejack beat her to asking the next question.

“So, is he one of them ponies like yerself Twilight?” she asked, even their voices were identical.

“Something like that,” Twilight said. “He’s a pony that can transform into other ponies…”

“Cooooool,” Pinkie and Rainbow echoed.

“I don’t even know if I could pull that off here,” Ledger said. “Magic for me is wonky as it is. I don’t know if I should try…”

“Perhaps an experiment for later,” Twilight said. “It might be best for you to get used to this place a little more first.”

“So what are you girls doing here anyway?” Sunset asked. “I have a free period, but don’t you all have class?”

“Yepper-deppers!” Pinkie said happily. “That’s why we’re here Sunny Smiles. It’s music class and we have a new teacher!”

“A new teacher?” Sunset asked as the door opened and a woman walked in. She was tall, curvaceous and her tight outfit showed those assets off quite nicely. She had flawless tanned skin and long, wavy platinum blonde hair. Her emerald eyes sparkled as she looked around the room at the students that had gathered.

“Ah, so my class is already here?” she asked in a voice that made Twilight gasp. There was… no way…

“Allow me to introduce myself,” she smiled as she walked towards the blackboard, her hips having a very nice sway to them. “My name is Midnight Song. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you cute little dears~”

“Ah, well, I’ll just...leave you all to it,” Ledger said as he stood up. “Twilight, I think we should abscond before complications arise.”

Midnight turned her head and looked at the pair. “I’ll have you know my hearing is quite sharp,” she replied. “What sort of complications might you mean young man?”

“I’m technically not supposed to be here,” Ledger said, telling a half-truth. “I’ll just go if you don’t mind…”

“Hmm, well you’re here now, so why don’t you stick around and learn a few things?” she asked with a half-lidded gaze.

“We have another class,” Twilight said suddenly. “Thank you for the offer Middy… I mean, Miss Song. We’ll ah, just be going… yeah.” She grabbed Ledger’s arm and bolted from the room, dragging him along behind her.

“Well now, that was strange,” Midnight replied and shrugged. “Well, let’s get started on this piece here…”

Outside, Twilight panted as she looked at Ledger. “That was… all kinds of awkward.”

“I nearly reacted from her voice and that gaze,” Ledger admitted. “Midnight did say she was older than me...guess that translates to her being old enough to teach here. I’m sorta glad we got out before we could see what else translated.”

“Well, I’m in my early twenties back home, and Sunset is older than that,” Twilight replied, “Yet here, I’m a seventeen year old human girl.” She took a deep breath and sighed. “Still, that was… surprising to say the least.”

“Just a little bit,” Ledger said as he realized something. “Um...we lost Sunset.”

Twilight looked back and smiled sheepishly. “Heh… whoops?”

“Twilight Sparkle?” a voice asked as Principal Celestia approached. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“Ah, hello… Principal Celestia,” Twilight replied. This day couldn’t possibly get any worse right?

“Hello...Principal Celestia,” Ledger followed, barely fighting down his urge to bow at the name. Celestia looked at him and tilted her head.

“A friend of yours Twilight?”

“Yes, from home,” she replied. That was also when four young girls rushed past, one bumping into Ledger and falling on her butt. She had short black hair and deep, crystal blue eyes.

“Gah! Hey! Watch where you’re standing!” she shouted at him.

“All I was doing was standing here,” Ledger replied. “I fail to see how I’m at fault.”

“Well, you are!” she retorted and then saw Celestia. “Oh… ahh, hey Principal Celestia… nice day huh?”

“Running in the halls again?” the woman sighed as the girl looked for an escape route.

“Hey Scopey! Hurry up,” Sweetie Belle called out and the girl nodded, running off.

“I apologise for that,” Celestia said. “She’s a real handful that one.”

“I can imagine,” Ledger replied, thinking of ‘his’ Scope back home. What, was this ‘Taunt Ledger with human forms of all your marefriends’ day? Next thing he knew, Cider would be coming around the corner…

What did come around was a tall woman with long green hair, a skin tone the same as Ledger’s and a permanent scowl on her face.

“I swear,” Chrysalis fumed. “Those little brats are going to be the end of me.”

“Rough day with the Crusader Club?” Celestia chuckled as Chrysalis looked at Twilight and Ledger, before walking off with the principal.

“If Apple Cider shows up, I am going to have a heart-attack,” Twilight whispered, waiting until the teachers were out of sight.

“I was just thinking that,” Ledger replied. “Or Amy, or Ace, or Fredrick...you get the idea.”

“I think we should go home,” Twilight groaned. “I don’t think I can take much more of this…”

“But I didn’t get one of those cell phones to look at,” Ledger pouted. “Or any information at all, really. We have leads, but there’s just so much here we could learn!”

“You do have a point,” Twilight sighed. “Alright, let’s go to the library here then. They should have books, as well as computers as well.”

As they turned down the corridor and headed for the library, they passed a few students, luckily none of which stood out to Ledger. As Twilight opened the door, a woman emerged, she had a pale complexion and long silvery hair.

“Thank you for meeting with me Miss Cheerilee,” she said. “The School Board will take this information into consideration.”

“It’s not a problem,” the teacher replied as they walked off down the corridor, the teacher giving Twilight a nod as they brushed past. “It’s always a pleasure talking with you Mrs. Gossip.”

“Weeeeeell that’s freaky,” Ledger said. “Almost makes you wonder if there’s another version of me running around here.”

“Two Levels?” Twilight hummed and blushed. “Ohh, I might like that~”

“Considering that you’re apparently younger, ‘I’ might be as well,” the once-changeling pointed out.

“Hmm, well from appearances, you look to be the same age as me here,” she said and pointed to a glass case on a nearby wall. “Have a look for yourself.”

Ledger did, and spent a few minutes poking at his new body, to familiarize himself with it. “Weird,” he eventually commented. “Weren’t we here to do a thing?”

“Yes! Learning!” Twilight said a with a small blush. No, she totally wasn’t wondering about seeing how all of their new bodies worked. Nope, not at all.

“Well, do you want to see this ‘Internet’ thing, or find some reference books?”

“We can’t do both?” Ledger asked with a bemused expression. “I mean, there are two of us here.”

“Uh, sure, I guess?” she said as she looked at the computer and blanched at her last attempt at using one. “Uh, you use that, I’m going to find a book or three.”

“Oh...kay?” Ledger said as he sat down in front of the device. Well, this was going to be interesting. He found the keys in front of him to be familiar with how a typewriter worked, though he wasn’t sure as to how all of them could possibly have some use. And what was the point of that device over to the right? He gave it a wiggle, and saw something on the...brightly lit thing move as well. Experimenting with the device again saw that same thing move.

“Oh, I see, some sort of secondary input,” Ledger mused. “Hmm. How hard could this be?”

“Do y’all need some help with that?” a voice asked from behind him. “Ya look a little lost here.” He turned as a girl that looked around the same age as Twilight stood behind him. She wore a pair of denim jeans and a flannel shirt. Her blonde mane was tied up into twin ponytails, tired off with some tartan ribbons. Her left breast pocket bore an embroidery of three apple cores…

“I’m unfamiliar with this sort of...computer,” Ledger said, taking great pains to pronounce the word correctly. “How exactly would I use the...internet, to look up something? Like, say, how a...cell phone works?”

“Oh, why that’s easy,” she giggled as she took a seat next to him. She placed her hand over his, the one that was resting on the computer mouse and moved the pointer until it was hovering over one of the icons. “Y’all jus’ click the the left button like so,” she pressed down on his hand to double click and a new image popped up. A white screen with the word ‘Goggle’ in bright letters written on it.

“Now, ya’ll jus’ type what you want into that little box there. Then press the ‘Enter’ button there.”

Ledger carefully typed in the question, ‘How does a cell phone work,’ guessing on the spelling, before hitting enter. The screen paused for a second, then switched to another screen with a whole list of answers.

‘In the most basic form, a cell phone is essentially a two-way radio, consisting of a radio transmitter and a radio receiver. When you chat with your friend on your cell phone, your phone converts your voice into an electrical signal, which is then transmitted via radio waves to the nearest cell tower.’

That was written at the top of the list, followed by a list highlighted in blue.

“There ya go,” the girl smiled. “That’s a basic explanation, or y’all can go through these links and find more detailed information.” She suddenly realised she was still holding his hand and let go. “Ah, heh, sorry bout that.”

“Not a problem,” Ledger said. “I will admit, I’m not used to cute females holding my hand, but I don’t mind it.”

The girl blushed and looked away shyly. “Ah ain’t that cute,” she mumbled. Then realised she still hadn’t introduced herself. “Oh, ah, mah name’s Apple Cider. You?”

“Level Ledger,” he introduced himself. “And thank you for your help.” He totally wasn’t planning to look up ‘How to use a computer’ when she wasn’t there. Nope, not at all.

“It’s… alright,” she replied, still blushing lightly as she stood back up. “W-Well, ah gotta run, see you later maybe?”

“Perhaps,” Ledger said. “And once again, thank you.”

“Yer welcome,” Cider nodded and walked briskly from the room, her heart pounding in her chest as Twilight walked back over, a massive stack of books obscuring her view until she placed them on the desk with a heavy thud.

“Phew! This is so much easier with my magic,” she sighed. She looked at the computer and hummed. “So, you figured it out so quickly? I’m a little jealous.”

“Apparently there’s a way to look up all sorts of things on this device,” Ledger said, putting in his newest question. Namely, how to use the computer effectively. “Including how to use it.”

“Again, why didn’t I think of that?” Twilight sighed as she pulled the first book off of the stack, namely, an encyclopedia. “So, what do you suppose we should study first?”

“I’m going to learn what makes this work,” Ledger said as he read the results of his latest search. “Then I’m going to learn what makes those Cell Phones different from a Hivelink spell.”

“The fact they use technology instead of magic?” Twilight deadpanned as she flipped through the book.

“True,” Ledger said. “But principles from one could be applied to the other. I’m starting to get the impression you could search for anything with this device and get an answer.” Reading the article, he also learned that if a computer was connected to a printer, then he could make a physical copy of what he saw on screen.

“Maybe you should ask it something totally ridiculous, just to see if you get an answer,” Twilight mused half-jokingly.

“Maybe I will, later,” Ledger replied. “Hmm...but for now.” He punched his earlier question regarding cell phones into the computer again, this time ready to print out his result. He clicked on the print icon and a machine next to them whirred to life, startling the hay out of both of them. A few seconds later, it spat out some paper with the information printed on it.

“An automatic book maker?” Twilight asked.

“This could be highly useful,” Ledger mused. “We could print all sorts of information to take back with us.”

“Well, hopefully it survives the trip through the portal,” Twilight said. “Well, guess we can find out later. Print away Levvy!”

“Your wish is my command,” Ledger said, deciding the next question would be how a computer actually worked. And then he would ask how the Internet worked.

He wanted to be sure he understood the tools he was using, after all. And see if they could be replicated back in Equestria.

An exact duplicate would be impossible without the technology, but who knows, the information could still be useful.

Twilight poured through a few books, mostly researching geography and the like, neither noticing the time slip away.

It wasn’t until they heard a ‘click’ as the lights went out that they realised it was already after dark…

“Guess we’ve been here a while,” Ledger chuckled as he picked up his pile of printouts. “Shall we be going, then?”

“Sounds good,” Twilight replied, her eyes hurting a little from reading for so long. And human eyes were so tiny… She pushed her chair out from the desk and moved to the library door… and then her eyes widened as she pushed against it and… it didn’t budge.

“Uh oh…”

“Okay, don’t panic,” Ledger said calmly. “When you fed me earlier, I felt something. Maybe I can try my magic to open the door?”

“Maybe,” Twilight said. “But we don’t know what effect your magic has in the world. The last time magic was used in the school, the front of the building was blown off.”

“So, gently then,” Ledger said as he focused on the door and his magic, willing one to unlock the other. He didn’t push too hard on wanting the door open, but every five seconds that something didn’t happen, he pushed a little harder. Hoping, praying that this would work.

The door creaked, and eventually the lock gave way as it swung open, revealing a darkened corridor. For some reason, an empty school at night was seriously creepy.

“Wow, so that really did work,” Twilight replied. “How do you feel?”

“Like I want to rest for a week,” Ledger panted. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.”

Twilight nodded as they walked through the empty halls, the only sounds were their shoes on the tiled floor. Ledger seemed to be a little unsteady and Twilight paused, then gave Ledger a light, but sensual kiss.

“Feel any better?” she asked, hoping a little love might have helped.

“A bit, yeah,” Ledger said, no longer panting or swaying. “Remind me never to try magic here ever again...if I ever come back…”

“Deal,” Twilight said as she pushed against the front doors of the school. “Oh you have got to be bucking kidding me!”

“These locked as well?” Ledger asked with a groan.

“Yeah, I think humans are obsessed with locking things,” she sighed. “Well, we could try and open these… or do what I did last time I was here overnight.”

“Let’s try it the subtle way,” Ledger said. “Though, I might need a bit more energy to do that again…”

“Subtle? No, I didn’t break anything,” Twilight explained, worried that she might have given the impression she was some sort of criminal. “I slept in the library, on a bed I made out of books!”

Oh gods, she sounded so adorably proud of that…

“...I’d rather actually go home, Twilight,” Ledger deadpanned. “Didn’t you have a date you wanted to go to with Scope?”

“Okay, okay,” Twilight replied. She looked around and then slapped her forehead as she turned a small lever under the handle of the door, which unlocked it.

“Not. A. Word!” she warned him as they stepped out into the cool night air.

“Hey, I probably feel just as foolish as you do,” Ledger said, making sure to flick that lever back before the door closed behind them. And with that, the door shut and locked itself behind them, leaving only one unlocked door in their wake.

“Alright, let’s go home,” Twilight said as she headed for the portal. Maybe, just maybe she’d toyed with a few less… professional ideas. Oh well. The portal rippled as she stepped through it, and after a dizzying moment, the once-again alicorn Twilight stepped out into her castle home.

“Well, here goes,” Ledger said as he stepped to the portal. It was like stepping through a sheet of water, and he soon found himself on his face in Twilight’s basement, the alicorn giggling at his less-than-graceful entrance.

“Smooth,” she giggled. Ledger just grumbled a little as he got his hooves under him again, before looking around for those printouts he’d been holding a moment ago. They’d been scattered thanks to his trip, but the information was intact.

“Yes!” Ledger said as he gathered them all up with his, thankfully restored, magic. “Oh sweet, delicious information.”

“I worry about you sometimes,” Twilight giggled as she powered down the portal and took the book out. It started vibrating almost right away and she opened it to see a message from Sunset, asking if she was okay and where she was.

“Ahhah, whoops,” Twilight said with a nervous giggled and wrote back, explaining what had happened.

One could almost hear the interdimensional facepalm.

Once that was done and the book returned to a safe location, Twilight nodded and straightened her mane.

“Well, shall we head back to your place then?” She inquired. “I still need a crucial component for my date.”

“We can do that,” Ledger said as he summoned his saddlebags and carefully stored the papers within. “I’ll send you a copy later,” he promised the alicorn. “For now, we have...Oooh, wait. I should probably go stand in your analyzer and cast the Hivelink spell real fast before we go, so that you can analyze everything else later.”

“Good idea,” Twilight nodded as she strapped him in and flicked a few switches. “Okay, fire away Lev.” His horn lit up as he established the connection, Twilight’s machine going to work on analyzing the frequency and mana flow.

However, it also found a connection.

A rather irritable Scope Lens.

“And where the hell have you been!?” she yelled into his mind. “Want to explain when I tried to call you earlier, the spell told me that the recipient ‘didn’t exist’!?”

I’lllllll explain it to you later,” Ledger said back to her. “It’s not the most...believable of stories, and I have proof that it happened. So I won’t sound completely crazy when I explain it to you.

The silence that followed that was deafening. “Nope, not gonna touch it. That’d be too easy,” she muttered. “Well, whatever. Your bat’s going crazy without you and Purple Smart around, and Fritter went home, so only Cider’s mom is still here.”

Tell her we’ll be there soon. Love you all,” Ledger said, smirking as he pictured Scope’s reaction to that second bit.

“Oh bite me,” she replied, her face heating up as she cut the connection. Twilight tore the paper out and looked it over, humming thoughtfully.

“Interesting…” she murmured as she rolled it up and tied it with a ribbon. She looked at Ledger and tilted her head, “And what are you smirking for?”

“Let’s just say we’re going to have quite the surprise when we get back to the farm, assuming we survive,” Ledger said. “Make a note to scan your book later, and let’s be off.”

“You riled Scope up again, didn’t you?” Twilight frowned as she packed a few things and teleported down an overnight bag she kept packed at all times. “I really wonder how you two came to be in a relationship in the first place.”

“Traditional changeling way, we snarked at each other until we found something that worked,” Ledger replied.

“Yeah, I wonder about that,” Twilight hummed as she attached her saddlebags. “Well, I’m good to go. You?”

“I’m good,” Ledger said as he shrugged his saddlebags on. “Now?”

Twilight nodded and her horn lit up, she didn’t have time to react as two more individuals flung themselves at the mare and were whisked away along with them.

When they re-appeared on the stone plate outside Ciders house, Spike and Chrysalis were still in freefall, tumbling onto the soft grass.

“Wipeout,” Spike said dizzily, Chrysalis nodding in agreement.

“...For the love of love,” Ledger muttered. “Is there any reason the pair of you couldn’t just ask to come with us?”

“No time, we had to act!” Spike said as he picked himself up. “Still, I’ve never been to Las Pegasus before. So this should be fun.”

“I was bored, perhaps here, I’ll not be as bored,” Chrysalis replied. “I find you and yours most amusing little drone.”

“Liar,” Twilight giggled. “You’re here to see if you can get into Amy and Ace’s bed… again.”

The queen flushed crimson and looked away. Ledger blinked before slowly shaking his head.

“Noooot thinking about it,” he said simply. “Well, this puts a wrench in your plans,” the disguised drone said to the alicorn.

“Nope, you can foalsit her for a while,” Twilight hummed. “I have a date and you can’t stop me~”

Ledger just used a hoof to point at Spike, the one Twilight hadn’t mentioned.

“Hmm, Midnight can watch him,” she giggled as she skipped inside, humming a small tune. Spike shook his head as he walked closer.

“I am capable of taking care of myself,” Spike said. “Still… I just, didn’t feel like being in Ponyville tonight…”

“Aww, it’s okay buddy,” Ledger said as he drew the drake in for a quick hug. The drone then looked at Chrysalis and sighed. “You know they’re both crazy, right?”

“And the nymph that invaded Canterlot isn’t?” she winked. “I have already accepted that everyone in Equestria is insane to some degree.” She chuckled and looked at the drone. “So where might I find them? I wish to play a little prank.”

Ledger rattled off Amy’s address in Changeish, getting the information across as quick as he could. He’d never been there, but he knew where the Pink of Las Pegasus made her home. “Promise to at least try to behave, and put on a show of staying at home while Twilight goes out, and I’ll let you slip out once she’s gone,” he said in Equestrian.

“Hmm, I find these terms agreeable,” Chrysalis nodded.

Twilight had already gone inside, finding her target of the night in her pegasus form, perched in her little nest in the rafters.

“Good evening Scope,” she greeted her. “How are you?”

“Oh good,” Scope said snarkily. “The two of you decided to exist again. Maybe it’ll be better than when you didn’t. I doubt it.”

“Hmm?” ‘Exist’? Was she able to sense when they went to the human world? “Well, I apologise for worrying you,” Twilight said as she flew up to speak with her face to face. “I’ll let you know the next time we head off to a different dimension.”

“A different dimension?” Scope said with a roll of her eyes. “Puh-lease. More likely than not, you found a ward to block everything so the entire village wouldn’t hear the sounds of the two of you going at it.”

“I tried… even I don’t have that much magic,” Twilight sighed. “And I already missed out on a unique opportunity tonight as is. But I’m telling the truth. Ledger even has proof we went.”

“And the moon is made of cheese,” Scope deadpanned. “Whatever, not like I really care.” She went back to her book with a small huff.

Twilight smirked and decided to unveil her weapon. “So, I guess you’re a little mad then. I’m sorry Scopey,” Twilight replied. “And here I have two tickets to the premiere of the Daring Do movie as well… A.K. Yearling is even going to be there… hmm, guess I’ll ask Middy if she wants to go…”

“Iforgiveyoualreadynowlet’sgo!” Scope said as she all but bolted from her cloud and stood next to the door. “Whyareyoutakingsolong?”

Twilight giggled at the adorable reaction. She’d expected it, but not quite like this. Now she wished she had a cellphone to record it with.

“Okay, I’m coming,” she giggled, giving Midnight a kiss as the bat walked out of the kitchen to see what the fuss was all about.

“Huh? Twi? Where are you two going?” she asked.

“Movies!” Scope answered. “Ifsheevermovesherflank!”

“I wonder what would happen if you gave her sugar now?” Twilight mused as she opened the door with her magic. “Tell the others we’ll be back later.”

“Will do,” Midnight nodded as the pair headed off, Scope all but dragging Twilight out the door as she chittered in Changeish.

“Now, where’s my cuddle bug?” Midnight said, licking her lips. A Changeling walked through the door and Midnight pounced, pressing her muzzle against them and kissing them deeply.

Hmm, this didn’t taste like Level Ledger…

“As I understand it, Chrysalis is already involved with somepony, Middy,” Ledger spoke up from somewhere behind the duo. “You should probably stop now.”

“Hmm?” Midnight ceased her assault and dropped the changeling queen. “You’re not Levvy,” she said flatly as she stepped around the nymph and grabbed her bug. “Now, I think I’ll have the main course~”

“Ap!” Ledger said as he gestured to the drake riding him. “Not in front of Spike, please.”

“Huh? Oh, heya Spike!” Midnight waved, the drake waving back as he looked at Chrysalis.

“Uh, is she gonna be okay?” he asked the drone.

“Midnight is real easy to overdose on,” Ledger replied cryptically. “She should recover...eventually.”

“Oh, you wound me,” Midnight swooned. She looked at Spike and rubbed his head. “So what brings you and bugbutt here anyway?”

“Chrysalis was bored and I just want some time away,” Spike replied with a half truth. “I hope I’m not interrupting you guys at all…”

“You do realize you picked the worst town to get some quiet away time in, right?” Ledger asked. “Las Pegasus is second only to Ponyville for the sort of disastrous events you seem to get regularly over there.”

“Nah, quiet is the last thing I want right now,” Spike said. “Gimme all the crazy you got okay?”

“Oh really~” Midnight said in a tone that made Ledger shiver. “Well then dragonboy… I hope you’re ready…”

“I’m not,” Ledger said as he turned to Chrysalis. “Okay, by the time you can pull yourself together, they’ll probably be far enough away for you to go out to play.”

“Urgh… I’m full enough as is… how are you still alive!?”

“I make it a habit to burn through some magic regularly with my disguise, TK, magical research,” Ledger said, listing off his mana-consuming hobbies. “It’s barely doing the job, though.”

“Urgh!” she grunted and lifted her head, pushing the energy down into her reserves and her eyes widened. “I had to drain Shining for two days for this much energy…” She looked at Midnight, then to Ledger. “Can I borrow her for a week or so? I could overthrow ALL the alicorns after that!”

“Seeing as how I’m dating one, no, you can’t. Plus, she doesn’t exactly have good memories of your army,” Ledger replied dryly. “In short, mine. Go get your own.” He said the last part in Changeish to keep Spike from eavesdropping.

“It was just a joke,” Chrysalis retorted and looked at Midnight Song. Memories of her army huh? Chrysalis wondered what had happened to her. Well, she could find out later. She now had a ton of magic to use for her plans.

“Later,” the nymph smiled and teleported with a wink.

Midnight shrugged and looked at Level. “Idea. Wanna order some pizza and have a movie night?”

“Assuming Cider will go for it? Then yes,” Ledger said as he looked back at the drake still riding him. “What about you?”

“Movie night sounds cool, as long as it isn’t some sappy romance filly flick,” he nodded. Midnight smiled and agreed with that one. She trotted off to find Cider as Spike looked at Ledger.

“So what’s with that look you keep giving her?” he asked. “You’ve had it ever since you and Twilight got back.”

“Yoooou wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Ledger said.

“Lemme guess,” Spike deadpanned. He’d heard that line before. He’d said that line before. “It has to do with the human world and Sunset Shimmer, along with copies of all Twi’s friends?”

There was silence for a minute before the drone replied. “I take it you’ve been, then,” Ledger said.

“Uhuh, I went with Twilight both times,” Spike said. “I was totally awesome by the way. You should see how cool I look in the other world!”

“...Emotivore, I can all but taste your lies,” Ledger said. “Anyways, not the important bit. It had less to do with Sunset Shimmer and the copies of Twilight’s friends, and more to do with the copies of all the mares in my life.”

“Ahh,” Spike nodded as he hopped off of his back and stretched. “So, you saw their human copies?” he asked and smiled slyly. “Were they cute? Did they recognise you?”

“Some of them were, yes,” Ledger answered. “And none of them recognized me, no. Probably just luck on my part, though, as my mom certainly existed in that dimension.”

“Wow, now that’d be weird,” Spike answered. “Well, look on the bright side. At least you don’t turn into a dog…”

“...If I comment on that, it’s just gonna get taken all sorts of wrong, isn’t it?” Ledger asked aloud.

“It may or may or result in you getting set on fire, yes,” Spike nodded as Midnight soon returned with Apple Cider, the latter giving Ledger a kiss on the cheek as she leaned against him.

“So, Middy says we’re havin’a movie night?” Cider said, smiling at Spike. “Ah reckon that sounds good. It’ll gimme a chance to dust of mah projector at least. Ain’t used it in a loooong time.”

“It was more meant to be a question, but at least you’re amicable to the idea,” Ledger said as he hugged his sweet mare. “Twilight and Scope are off at the movies themselves, so we can have our own little show if you’re up for it.”

“Sounds good,” Cider nodded, leaning into the hug. “Ah reckon we could make our own pizza as well. Ah have all the ingredients fer it.”

“And Spike and I can go rent a few movies,” Midnight nodded. “Whaddaya say Spike? Wanna fly with a Thestral?”

“Cool!” Spike nodded. “You can’t fly as bad as Twilight does anyhow.”

“Twi sucks at flying?” Midnight hummed and tilted her head. Now she knew what she could do in place of her guard work for a while.

“We’ll work on food if you’ll get the entertainment,” Ledger said as he switched his hug from Cider to Midnight.

“Oh, you know just how to entertain me~” she purred, kissing his cheek. Ledger snickered and would have replied in the same vein, if not for the dragon in the room.

“Go on, you crazy bat,” Ledger said as he returned the kiss. “We’ll be right here, waiting for you.”

“Yup!’ Midnight nodded, as Spike saddled up and held onto her neck. “Alright, passengers please fasten your seatbelts and make sure your seats are in the upright positions. This is the Midnight Express service and will be flying at dangerously ludicrous speeds.”

“Wait, what?” Spike asked as Midnight flared her wings and shot out of the open door like a bullet, the dragon shouting something that Twilight wouldn’t approve of…

“Well, let’s get to work on that pizza before she gets back,” Ledger said as he made to walk into the kitchen.

“Sure,” Cider repled, trotting after him. Her mom had gone to visit Fritter’s farm for a bit, so she had the house all to herself.

Ledger never even noticed her closing the kitchen door behind her, a small smirk on her muzzle...

Author's Note:

And thus spawned a plethora of other side-story ideas.

Like the story? Consider dropping Aus and me a dollar on my Patreon. It really is appreciated.

Half the money will not go towards the Gungeon.

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