• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter Fifteen - Relearn your scales

It had gotten quite late. The casserole had finished cooking, his contribution to the date night they would be having at Cider’s. Level wrapped the thing up and balanced it on his back before going to the last lead he had.

The Love Shack.

Upon arriving at the front door, he was quickly ushered from door to hallway to private room, where the smell of sex permeated everything.


Laying in a loose heap were a trio of Violet nymphs, all of them physically and mentally exhausted but emotionally full to bursting.

The trail seemed to go on through another door, this one leading to a pair of nymphs, one Violet, one Blue. He assumed the blue was Scope and the violet had been her abductor. Both were, again, a wreck except for the bounty of emotion they’d been filled with.

A final door, and... the object of his search, the maestro of this sensual carnage, Midnight Song, sat on a barstool. She sipped at a glass of wine, her eyes having lost the mad glee from before as she rubbed her belly.

“Mmm, a nice little meal. I wonder if they’ll put up more of a fight next time? I do so love hearing their screams...” those predatory eyes fell on Level Ledger, and for a moment, his fight or flight instincts screamed at him. Until her eyes sparkled with familial love.

“Oh, heya Levvy~”

Ledger just looked around at the odd nymph who had attempted to interrupt or save one of the others. Attempted being the key word. Ledger sighed and looked at the thestral mare with half-lidded eyes.

“You get mad at me for lying about sleeping with Apple Cider...and now I see why you weren’t mad I bucked her in the first place. You wore out Violets. Multiple!

“I know, I would have thought they’d last a little longer,” Midnight sighed, tossing her now broken riding crop aside. “Guess I got a liiittle carried away.”

“I... can’t... no-no more,” the nymph on the ground moaned in her sleep. “Please Mistress, noooooo....”

“They were probably busy trying to both outlast you and drain your lust until you resembled something they could deal with,” Ledger pointed out. “I think you just fed them all for the next few months.”

“They shouldn’t have underestimated me,” Midnight said, her eyes flashing again. “Wait, what did I come here for again...?” She gasped, “Scopey!” She flew into the next room, scooping up the Blue nymph. “Aww, Momma’s here now~”

“...When do I get a turn with daddy?” Scope asked dumbly, her head flopping around.

“Do I want to know?” Ledger asked before holding up a hoof and shaking his head. “Don’t answer. Look, we’re nearly late for our date with Cider. Take her home, clean her up and get her settled back in. I’ll cover for you as well as I can, but don’t dawdle.”

“Fine,” Midnight said, looking at the destruction. “Hmm, maybe I should have held back. But after you had Cider, and Fredrick didn’t respond to my revenge kiss... I was feeling a little down...”

“Fredrick doesn’t get involved with involved females after the first time,” Ledger said as he began to lead the pair out of the club. “One little threat to your future progeny sets you straight real fast.”

“Aww, he’s so noble, but it hurts a mare when she isn’t loved.” Midnight shrugged as she stretched her wings. “Well, whatever. I’ve had my fill for now. I’ll see you there Levvy~” She gave him a hungry kiss and then flew off into the sunset-coloured sky, Scope dangling in her grasp.

“...Celestia preserve us, but if things take a lewd turn, I fear for my bones,” Ledger said as he began the trek to Cider’s.

The two ponies had been enjoying each other’s company, until a loud ‘thud’ interrupted the peaceful time. Upon checking the noise, they found Midnight Song facedown on the porch.


Ledger rolled his eyes, opened the door, and pulled the mare in with a levitation spell so she wasn’t getting splinters with her face. “The great thestral of Las Pegasus, mares and stallions,” he mock-introduced.

“Smartflank,” Song groaned, rubbing her face. “I’m just a little tired is all. Totally meant to do that. Saved on knocking.”

Ledger grinned cheekily before looking at the kitchen and nodding. “Well then, lucky for you, I brought something I know you’ll enjoy for dinner~” With that, he popped the oven open and removed the reheated casserole from the confines.

“Mmmm,” Midnight hummed at the smell of that, draping herself over Ledger. Her nose twitched as she buried her face in his mane. “Oh Levvy~ Seems I wasn’t the only... busy one today~”

“Miss Cider taught me a few things about pleasing a female,” Ledger admitted. He whispered the next bit. “And I think she tastes like cider as well.” The cheesy noodle dish was distributed to three plates, leaving quite a bit in the pan.

“Well, I’ll need ample demonstrations of both,” Midnight purred, nibbling on his ear. “Or maybe we could see how sturdy that table is while we wait for her~?”

“Tempted,” he admitted, already feeling a stirring. “Highly tempted. But we should get the question and answer segment out of the way before they devolve into ‘how hard do you want it?’ and ‘Harder’ as things we’re asking each other.” Ledger looked to the stairs and cleared his throat. “Apple Cider, dinner is served!” he said a bit loudly.

“C-Coming,” she called out. Wait? Where did Midnight go?

The mare descended the staircase, her golden mane tied into a braid, tapered with her usual tartan ribbon. Her tail had been brushed and her coat shone like the ocean. She looked around and her eyes flickered towards the unicorn stallion.

“Um, did Miss Midnight leave?”

“I don’t...think so,” Ledger admitted. “I think she’s plotting something, though.”

“What do you mean? Plott-” that was all the mare said as a pair of hooves wrapped around her, the Thestral descending from the ceiling like a silent wraith.

“Hello Apple Cider~” she said in a raspy tone, the Earth Pony mare just froze as Midnight’s tongue flicked at her neck. “Mmm, you smell... delicious~”

It took a full minute for Cider to stop screaming…

“Okay, note to self,” Ledger said as he rubbed one of his ears once Cider was done shouting. “Midnight really hates it when you don’t let up on the ‘vampony’ shtick.”

“And my revenge against everypony, sans Fredrick, is complete,” Midnight nodded, as Apple Cider panted, having lost her voice somewhat after that. “I’m feeling a lot better... oh,” she reached into her ears and pulled out the earplugs. “There, much better~”

“T-T-That... that was...” Apple Cider gasped, her voice was a little hoarse. “So mean....”

“As a side note, I’ll probably end up doing something similar if you call me a love-sucking bug or keep going on about some of the myths I’m going to end up debunking tonight,” Ledger said as he nibbled at his casserole, already floating a plate over for the mares.

“While we’re on that topic,” Midnight hummed. “I just came up with a fun game Levvy~ One for just the two of us!”

“If it’s called ‘see who can scare Cider most,’ count me out,” Ledger deadpanned. “A healthy relationship, which is what we’re going for, shouldn’t need such ‘games’.”

“Ooh, close~” Midnight giggled. She sat close to him and smirked. “We scare each other. First to admit defeat loses. Not right now of course, but personally? I think you stand no chance!”

“Yeah, probably not,” Ledger admitted. True, he could shapechange into a variety of forms, but she could go into her trance...which was bucking terrifying. He cast a gaze over to Cider and cleared his throat to gain her attention. “Unless you have some objection to it, I may very well return to normal before you begin your questioning,” he informed the mare.

“Um, I-I guess so,” Cider said. “I need to get used to it right? And to be perfectly honest, you’re not as scary as Midnight...”

Said Thestral greeted the table with her face. Ledger smirked and poked the mare sitting next to him with a shifting hoof as he returned to normal.

“Look at that, love, already striking fear into the heart of Las Pegasus!” Ledger joked.

“Go buck a cactus Ledger,” Midnight replied with a muffled voice.

“Can changeling’s do that?” Cider asked. “Sounds painful...”

“Probably why she told me to,” Ledger said with a smirk. “Though at this point, I could probably just buck her and get similar results.”

“I can’t even make a tiny prick joke,” Midnight sighed. “Seeing as our present company knows better already.”

“Eeyup, still...” Cider blushed. “Ah... might have seen bigger...”

Ledger blinked a few times before slowly rotating his head to Apple Cider. “My mother was a noble and my father was a Violet,” he said. “Where do you get bigger?”

“On a Big Macintosh,” she said. “Walked in on him once... that thing could put Celestia’s eye out and he wouldn’t even have to stand up to do it.”

“Whelp, my ego’s dead,” Ledger said as he took a bite of his dinner. “Shall we hold a wake for it, or would you like it served in your dinner, Midnight?”

“Put it where it belongs,” she remarked. “Flushed.”

“The insinuations are so multilayered, I could spend the rest of the night examining them,” Ledger pointed out, before turning his attention to Cider once again. “Soo, come on dear, we’re both here, for you. Surely you have some questions!”

“Course ah do,” she nodded. “But didn’t y’all have some sorta game to add to that?”

Midnight perked up and nodded. “Oh, I had an idea about that actually.” She leaned across the table and whispered into Cider’s ear. The mare blushed lightly and nodded.

“Eeyup, sounds fair. Ah like it!”

“Am I going to like this plot?” Ledger asked aloud. Both mares giggled as they got up, Midnight carrying her plate on one wing. They looked at Ledger and winked at him, shaking their curvy flanks.

“How can you not like this plot?” they echoed as they walked into the living room.

Ledger finished his dinner and floated his plate into the kitchen, sighing as he followed the mares. “Blaming Midnight. It always seems to work, anyways.”

He followed the pair of mares deeper into the house. Surely, more danger awaited him within.

He sure as heck wasn’t expecting what he saw, two mares sitting on the floor, one nursing a plate of cheesy casserole, the other holding an empty bottle.

“I haven’t played this since I was a little filly,” Cider giggled. “This might actually be quite fun.”

“...Little lost here,” Ledger admitted as he sat a short distance away.

“It’s easy,” Midnight said. “We all take turns spinning this bottle here. Whomever the bottle lands on, has to answer a question. And maybe more if we feel like spicing it up a little.”

“Hmm,” Ledger said, unconsciously licking his lips at the idea. That sounded...yummy. “Well, why not?” he rhetorically asked. “So who’s first?”

“Well, I say Cider gets first spin... uh, it’s her bottle?” Midnight shrugged.

“Good enough for me,” she said, placing the bottle on the floor and giving it a flick with her hoof. The bottle spun and kept spinning... until it landed on... herself?

“Uh, what do we do here?” she asked.

“Hmm, spin again?” Midnight suggested.

“After she pays the penalty of one quick smooch from both of us,” Ledger chipped in, already leaning closer.

“Pervert,” Cider giggled as she reciprocated, giving him a quick peck on the lips, before turning and giving Midnight a tentative kiss on the cheek,

“Aw what?” the Thestral pouted as Cider spun the bottle again, landing in Ledger’s general direction this time.

“Uh, okay... so, first question is... are there any subjects I should avoid asking about?”

“You sure you want that to be your question?” Ledger asked with a smirk. “But seriously, if something comes up that you should avoid, I’ll let you know.”

“Okay then,” Cider hummed for a moment. “Does it... hurt somepony when you eat their love?”

“Emotions, when freely given, don’t hurt the ‘donor’ at all,” Ledger said. “What those ‘lings in Canterlot were going to do was force, rip, tear it out...and that would have hurt. The worst you might feel is a bit tired from me feeding off you.”

“Ah, okay,” Cider said, neither noticing the shudder that Midnight gave.

The Thestral cleared her throat and looked up, “An answer to your previous question. Let’s not talk about that Canterlot thing, okay?” The emotion she gave off was weak, due to her masking it. But it trickled out a little.

Intense fear...

Ledger gave Midnight a scrutinizing look, making sure to make a memo for later, before nodding and tapping the bottle. It spun around a few times before being pointed at Midnight more than anypony else.

“Hmm,” Ledger mused. “Question, question, question...want a kiss, Midnight?”

“As long as you think you can top Princess Luna~” she replied smugly.

Ledger smirked and pulled the mare close...before kissing her deeply and pumping the thing with half the unprocessed Lust he’d gotten from his and Cider’s little encounter earlier in the day. Yeah, he’d only be able to do it once more, and she wouldn’t get any nutrition from it…

But damn if Ledger wasn’t curious if she would be able to feel it anyways.

“Mmm,” she moaned as he felt her tongue coil around his own, giving it a squeeze and she pulled away, her eyes locked in a half-lidded gaze.

“You. Me. Now~

Ledger coughed and pointed first to the bottle, then to the mare that Midnight appeared to have forgotten about. “We were doing a thing?” he weakly asked.

“She can watch,” she replied huskily, before shaking her head, blinking and sitting back. “Urgh... okay, what the fuck was that?”

“Lust,” Ledger answered. “And thank you for answering my question of ‘Will this do anything to ponies.’ The answer was yes. It made you worse.”

“Cute,” Midnight replied as she smacked the bottle, the object spinning like mad as she stared at Ledger the whole time. “It might have also been due to my training. You might wanna try it on Cider here as well.”

The mare squeaked at that prospect as the bottle stopped, landing on Midnight herself. “Well now,” she hummed. “Pay the penalty or...” she looked at Cider. “As Bottle Owner. You can ask me a question instead.”

“All...alright,” Cider gulped. “Um...what would you do if you ever met Miss Hayer?”

Midnight grinned as her eyes dulled, a sadistic smile crossed her face. “Oh her?” she said in a low tone... “It’s simple really... I wonder, have you ever heard of... Fourth Beat~?”

Ledger yiped and started to back up, not liking what he wasn’t feeling. Right until Midnight blinked and giggled. “Just kidding~ I’d prolly just buck her in the face.”

“Uh... what was that?” Cider asked Ledger.

“Midnight has control over her emotions, and she typically uses it to enter a sort of fugue state where she feels nothing...in combat,” the changeling explained as he drew himself back to his spot. “Not seeing her is freaky, knowing why I can’t isn’t pleasant.

“That sounds... complicated,” Cider said as she spun the bottle, landing herself again. “Seriously? Um, okay, why don’t the both of you ask me something?”

Ledger shrugged and looked at Midnight, letting her open.

“Um, okay?” Midnight replied. “Uh, how long have you had this farm?”

“About six years,” Cider replied. “I moved here when I was sixteen, Mama and Papa set this place up for me and I’ve been running it ever since.”

Ledger hummed a bit before thinking of his question. “So, is there a reason you choose to cuddle and kiss the obvious emotion-stealing monster over something that at least looks like a pony?”

“W-Well, ah thought you were a pony until this morning,” Cider remarked with a blush. “And ah wasn’t going to start ignoring you, jus’ cause of the way you were born, t’aint the Apple Family way and t’aint nice in general. The least ah can do is give y’all a chance...”

“In that case,” Ledger said as his horn lit up, pushing both mares together. “Then this should also be something you give a chance,” he concluded triumphantly, with a smile on his face. “Now, hug,” he commanded the pair.

Midnight wasted no time in pouncing the mare, giggling as she nuzzled the flustered pony. Apple Cider squeaked, but she was a mare of her word and wrapped her hooves around Midnight. It was then she noticed something. Midnight’s fur was a little different to a pony’s. It was a little shorter, but far softer. Her scent as well, it had a fruity tinge and it reminded Cider of her orchards. Of home...

It wasn’t until Midnight coughed and poked her. “Uh Cider... you can let go if you want?” she said, the Apple mare looking at a clock and realising that five minutes had passed. She blushed and let go.

“T-There,” she said quietly. “I hugged her. Happy now?”

Midnight took the silence to spin the bottle again and it landed on her buggy friend. “Well now... isn’t this an opportunity?” she smiled like a shark. She looked at him and leaned in close. “Here’s my question.... who’s better in bed?”

Ledger hummed as he considered the question seriously. “You both have different things you’re good at,” he said honestly. “Midnight, you’ve got experience and that tongue, plus you’re the first one to earn my trust.” The changeling looked at Apple Cider then while smirking. “Whereas you don’t lack for enthusiasm or control, and when you’re not being cute you can be downright seductive,” Ledger said with only a little teasing. “Honestly I can’t decide,” he eventually admitted. “I would need some sort of...side by side comparison.”

“I feel like I am at fault for that answer somehow,” Midnight hummed, while Cider blushed at the insinuation. She’d never been with two ponies before.

Her romps were old fashioned. Shut up.

“Uh, who’s turn was it again?” Midnight asked as Cider flicked the bottle with her tail. “Well, guess that answers that...” The bottle kept spinning til it fell right on the batpony. She grinned at Cider. “Oooh, okay. Ask away cutie~”

Cider gulped a little, trying to get her nerves under control, before finally finding an innocent enough question. “How’d you two meet, anyhow? Seems a little unlikely that the two of you would just find one another in this town.”

“Actually, I came here on assignment and I needed a place to stay,” Midnight said, telling a half-truth. “And it just so happens that Levvy here had a spare room. I tried my usual techniques on him at first, but he proved to be a tough nut to crack. And once I found out his little secret, well...” she blushed as she remembered their last game. “A lot has happened and our relationship is... weird? Can we call it weird?”

“I think we’d be doing a disservice to normal relationships if we didn’t call ours weird,” Ledger said. “Of course, the fact that she ended up helping me with the whole taking down Toll thing really helped with getting me to trust her and open up.” He scooted over towards the batpony and finished his statement with a kiss.

“Yup, nothing says romance quite like handing another pony’s ass to them on a platter,” Midnight giggled, kissing his nose. “Nopony bucks with the ones I care about. And that includes you too Cider~”

“Doesn’t hurt that drones see females fighting each other over them as the hottest thing ever,” Ledger said with a snicker, gently poking Midnight with a hoof. “Too bad we’re fresh out of crime bosses for you to kick in the flank.”

“It’s Las Pegasus, I’m sure there’s a few skulking about somewhere,” Midnight said with a dangerous grin. Yeah, she liked to fight.

“So uh, y’all been through some dangerous times then?” Cider asked. Midnight sat back and sighed, running a hoof through her mane.

“Yeah, nothing compared to what I’ve been through before…” and there was that suppressed fear again. “But still dangerous none-the-less. It’s one reason I avoided a committed relationship I suppose... could never guarantee I was coming home at the end of the day...”

“Still, hopefully things will only be your regular sort of dangerous, not life-threatening dangerous,” Ledger commented as he poked Midnight again. “Your turn with the bottle, I think.”

“Danger’s more fun when it hurts,” Midnight said as she spun the bottle, the object landing on herself... again. “Of all the- What am I? A bottle magnet?”

“Penalty game!” Cider giggled, a light blush in her cheeks as Ledger noticed a few more empty bottles behind her.

“Mmm, I’ll go first,” Ledger suggested, pulling the batpony into a deep kiss, trying to steal back some of the lust he’d given her. He had a plan~

This was Midnight Song, and everypony seemed to constantly forget she was Lust incarnate. She hummed and then pushed the ‘ling onto his back, her tongue easily overpowering his own as she kissed him. The flood of Lust energy rushing into him was more than enough…

Ledger shook his head and used one hoof to gently push Midnight off of him as he felt himself fill to near full on lust in a matter of seconds. “Don’t forget to kiss Cider as well,” he reminded the thestral mare.

The bat turned and started to stalk towards Cider. The Earth Pony squealed and got up to run, the two having a merry chase around the room until Midnight got bored of that and pounced, planting small kisses along the mares chest.

“And, that’s how you lose to a batpony~” Midnight giggled, taking her seat again. Ledger took both of the mare’s distraction to steal a spin with the bottle, one hoof tapping it and sending it twirling. It eventually slowed and stopped, coming to rest on Cider.

“Hmm,” he said aloud, tapping his chin with one hoof. “Question, question, question...Okay, Cider, on a scale of one to ten, one being normal, ten being weirder than anypony can believe...how would you rate this whole crazy arrangement?”

“T’be honest?” Cider said, allowing herself a small chuckle. It wasn’t like an Apple knew any other way to answer. “Ah’m used to huge families. Some Apples have near a dozen foals, or live with aunts, gramma’s and the like. So ah guess... fer me personally, it ain’t too weird. It’s prolly weirder due to, uh... no offense, but more due to what you two are, rather than how many.”

“None taken,” Ledger said as he snuck a little closer to Cider. “So how about us? How weird are we to you?” Maybe while she was distracted with this question...

“That’s two questions Ledger,” Midnight hummed from beside them. “You know what that means right?”

“Hey, we gave her an in-depth answer to ‘how did you meet’,” Ledger countered. “Forgive me for wanting just as detailed and answer about this.”

‘But she’s just gonna make another vampony reference,’ Midnight sighed to herself irritably.

“Well, it’s just that ah’ve never seen anypony quite like y’all before,” Cider replied. “Ain’t ever met a Minotaur either, and ah’ve only met a few Griffons.”

Ledger nodded as he managed to sit himself right next to Cider, waiting for his cue. “So the scary bug-pony is pretty weird, huh?” he verbally prodded the mare.

Midnight blinked as she watched Ledger sneak closer. Yeah, he was not a master of subtlety when it came to things like this. Cider didn’t seem to notice as she blushed lightly.

“Y’all... ain’t that scary,” she said in a low voice, a little embarrassed. Ledger nudged her side a little, pointing the mare towards Midnight before asking again.

“And what about Midnight over there?” he asked, waiting...oh please let her say it, he wanted to put his plan into action~

“W-Well... I’m,” she scrunched her face up, trying to purge that image from her head. “Ah can’t help that she look like a vam-”

Ledger leaned over and caught Cider’s mouth in a kiss, stopping her from finishing the word as he gave her just a touch of lust. “No,” he eventually said once the kiss was broken. “Bad Cider, no calling Midnight that.”

“Ahhh,” she sighed, her head was swimming with a pleasurable buzz. “Mmkay, M’sorry...”

Midnight just clicked her tongue in annoyance, she’d still heard what she was about to say. “Ooh, let’s all be afraid of the big, brown bat!” she snarked. Ledger turned to Midnight and gave her a look that somehow spoke of his irritation and the lust he’d still had bottled up inside.

“It’s a bad habit, yes, but I’m determined to break her of it,” the changeling said. “You’re more than welcome to join her in her ‘punishment’ if you keep it up.”

Midnight just huffed in response. He was a changeling, and he knew all about being feared, just because of what he was. She wasn’t angry or anything, Cider was just too cute to stay mad at and Midnight had released a lot of her... displeasure earlier. It was just annoying is all.

“Well, at least I get an invite this time,” she said back.

“I needed to run a test and you’re practically a never-ending buffet for Violets,” Ledger said as he gave Cider a hug. “I figured it would either not work or only affect you a little. Clearly I was wrong.” With another lust-infused kiss to Cider’s head, Ledger retook his normal seat and waited for the effects to wear off.

“What?” Cider blinked as she looked around. “You two aren’t fighting... are you?”

“Nope, but we did find out that I can give emotions back to ponies real easily,” Ledger said as he licked his lips. “Though the surplus might make a bit of an...imbalance in your system. Do let me know if you start thinking of either of us in terms of bed-mates.”

“Well, ah always look at you like that~” Cider giggled, scooting across the floor on her belly and rubbing Ledger’s leg. “Y’all have been doing such a good job so far~”

“Seems ponies take to lust real easy,” Ledger pointed out while barely maintaining control. I think it’s your turn though, Cider.”

Cider flicked the bottle with her tail, even as her hoof crept along his thigh. It continued to spin until it landed on Midnight.

“Oh?” the batpony shrugged with an indifferent huff. “Don’t mind me...”

Cider turned to look at who the bottle landed on before looking at Midnight with a small laugh. “Alright, I got one fer yah. How do yah know my sister?”

Midnight stopped and looked at the mare. Oh she did not just...? “Uh... Apple Fritter? Oh, heheh, um, we’re... aquainted?”

How well acquainted?” the farm mare asked, pausing in her ministrations for a moment. Ledger bit his lip and pointedly looked away, both thankful she’d stopped before she garnished any particular reaction...and kind of upset she hadn’t at the same time.

Midnight looked around and saw a clock, before stretching and giving the fakest yawn to ever grace ponykind. “Ohhh, look at the time! I really must be heading for bed.... aaaand you’re not buying it huh?” she deadpanned upon seeing their faces.

“Okay, well... it’s quite simple really. I was performing a routine patrol of the town and heard a scream. Turns out that it was just a certain farmpony yelling at some caterpillars...” She chuckled, remembering the indignant look on Fritter’s face when she realised how much noise she was making. “Heh, though it was nothing compared to the screaming she did later~”

“Y’all slept with mah sister,” Cider more stated than asked. Ledger tried to ease himself away from her...and failed as she took notice and held the changeling more forcibly in place.

“Hey, until yesterday, I didn’t know she was your sister,” Midnight defended her somewhat dubious honour. Cider blinked as Ledger placed another kiss on her, hoping to defuse the situation somewhat.

“...Don’t suppose you’ve got any sisters I could use to return the favor with?” Cider asked after the extra lust had a chance to get absorbed into her system.

“Note to self, lust works almost scarily well,” Ledger mused aloud.

“Nope, I’m an only child,” Midnight replied, her mood faltering. Her foalhood was... lonely. “Besides, you already slept with my coltfriend how many times now?”

“Not enough,” the farmmare all but purred as she returned to look at Ledger. She seemed to recall something and looked at Midnight with a questioning glance. “And jus’ how do yah take that monster of his anyways?”

“Experience,” Midnight replied, playing with her mane. “You act like he’s the only ‘gifted’ one I’ve had. Well, until you see a dragon up close, you really haven’t seen anything...” Dammit, she wasn’t supposed to mention that encounter…

“You’re gonna hafta tell me that story later, sugar,” Cider said as a bit of rationality returned once her emotions rebalanced themselves...again. “Ah think it’s yer turn,” the Earth Pony pointed at the bottle. “Assumin’ we’re still doin’ this, a’course.”

“Eeyup,” Midnight giggled, mimicking her accent. “Ah reckon we are~” she flicked the bottle and it landed on, well Ledger and Cider, since they were still hugging.

“Well now... what do we have here?” Midnight purred. “An interesting conundrum indeed~”

“Ah... ah don’t like the look in her eyes Level,” Cider gulped.

“To be honest, she could feed half a Hive of ‘lings with her lust, but she won’t harm us. It might be demeaning, insulting, or arousing,” Ledger said, giving the mare a kiss without lust this time, feeling her own rise at the sensation and smirking. “But she won’t ask us anything harmful.”

“Oh ye of little faith,” Midnight hummed. “I wonder... if I used the same ‘punishment’ I did with those naughty Violets... would you survive?”

“Ah really don’t like the sound of that!” Cider squirmed. Ledger hugged the mare close and shot half a glare at Midnight.

“Be nice,” he lightly chastised the thestral mare. “Cider’s still not used to you yet, which is sort of the point of this exercise isn’t it?” He ran one hoof down the spine of the mare in his lap, looking to soothe and calm her before she had a full-blown panic attack.

“Okay, I’ve had my fun~’ Midnight replied. “Hmm, but still, should I ask a question, or perhaps a game might be in order? Decisions, decisions... OH! Ideeaaa~” she smirked, this time at Ledger. “I’m going to prove that I approve of CiderLev shipping!”

“Color me intrigued,” Ledger said, laughing internally. Technically he already was… “How would you go about doing this?”

“Oh, you are not going to like this at all, but Cider...?” She looked at the mare and smiled. “Do you want me to show you a trick regarding that adorkable changeling there?”

“A...trick?” she asked dubiously, looking at Ledger for confirmation.

“I have some idea of what she could be talking about…” Ledger said aloud. “Midnight are you-” She raised a hoof and shushed him.

“Not now, the grownups are talking.” She said as she pulled Cider away from Ledger. “Okay, so I believe in a... physical demonstration. Watch him closely~” She then started to recall in her mind, in vivid HD quality detail, each and every moment of hers and Ledger’s first time, along with his first ‘assertive’ moment.

“Ack!” Ledger said, no longer able to control himself as an old friend made itself known by poking at the mare in his lap. “Midnight!” he whined. “You could have asked!”

“Yeep!” Cider jumped back as she stared at him. “Wha... What did you do?”

“If you concentrate on something really naughty hard enough, this happens~” Midnight giggled. “You try it!”

Cider looked. Surely this was a trick, something they concocted earlier. Still, she couldn’t help but recall their time in the shower…

Ledger let out a chirp as he felt himself grow even harder. “Oh seriously! You just had to tell her, didn’t you?” Ledger moaned. “I’m never gonna get any rest, am I?”

“Did... he just chirp?” Apple Cider asked, that was more surprising than the other thing.

“Oh yeah! I almost forget he did that! Isn’t it the cutest thing ever?” she leaned forward, her tongue flicking across his nose. “Hmm, such a good little Levvy~”

Ledger used one hoof to maneuver Midnight out of the way so Cider might come closer. He needed a hug right about then, from both of them, but wasn’t going to press her if she didn’t want to.

“You look like you want a hug,” Cider giggled. “But ah don’t think there’s enough room fer all four of us~”

“You helped cause it, the least you could do is inspect your work,” Ledger teased.

“Ah’m pretty sure they can see it from Canterlot,” Cider giggled again, but scooted closer. “You just want yer ego stroked... amongst other things~”

“Well, now I see how she seduced you,” Midnight replied. Ledger pulled Cider into a hug that sandwiched ‘Little Level’ between their chests and just held her there, content for the time being. A thought occurred that maybe Midnight would like in on this, and with a bit of shuffling, the Cider Sandwich from lunch was remade.

“Mm, Cider Sandwich, now with extra meaty filling,” Midnight giggled, wrapping her wings around them. Ledger snickered before giving both mares a light kiss with only a touch of lust in them. He didn’t need the situation to devolve to rampant rutting, but he had to admit…

This whole thing was a little arousing to him as well~

As the hug broke up and everypony took their seats, Midnight had one last trick to show.

“Oh Cider?”

“Ye-MPH?!” she blushed as the Thestral pulled her into a kiss and showed that skilled tongue. The appendage wrapping around Ciders and squeezing, pulling and suckling, while Midnight’s teeth nibbled on her bottom lip. Cider flailed at first, before cyan hooves wrapped around the batpony and the changeling was treated to a sight of two mares rolling on the carpet, in the middle of a furious make-out session.

“Aaaaand now there’s no fighting it,” Ledger admitted as he felt himself get fully hard. With a sigh, he lay on the floor on his stomach, so that he could at least control himself a little bit. He did however look at the mares making out, watching them and smirking all the while. If they asked for him, he’d join of course, but until such a point, this was merely something best watched...watched closely. Oh sweet Hives, but where was that hoof go- oooooh.

After about ten minutes, Cider was released and she lay there, blushing and panting. Her mane was a mess and a line of saliva still connected the two, their faces only inches apart.

“Well?” Midnight said. “Are you a little more convinced that I don’t bite... well, not too hard anyhow~”

“Ah...ah... yeah...” Cider panted. Oh Sweet Celestia, what... what was that? Her tongue was everywhere! “Just... what...?”

“Hehe, I have that effect on some ponies,” Midnight winked as she sat down, treating herself to a fresh bottle of cider. “But that was just an appetiser my dear. I wonder if you’ll order the main course~?”

“I... uh...” Cider hadn’t budged, her eyes never left the Thestral, or, they would sneak a peek at Ledger’s poorly hidden anatomy. Ledger snickered and nudged the bottle, voicing his new idea.

“Well I think she’s used to us,” Ledger said aloud, “And I don’t think she’s got too many more questions that we can’t answer later on down the line as they become relevant. What say we turn this into Truth or Dare instead?”

“You just wanna get laid,” Midnight giggled and she nodded. “Sure, as long as you pick up your game this time.”

From there, the night was a blissful memory...

A rooster crowed as the morning sun teased it’s gentle light through the curtains. The peace and quiet permeated by the sounds of gentle snoring. Apple Cider rolled over, her hooves grasping for something warm and furry, only to discover empty space. She frowned as the failed hug attempt woke her up and she noticed that the makeshift bed, (Her’s was too small, so they piled up some blankets on the floor) was lacking a certain Thestral presence.

“Hrm...where’d she go?” the mare muttered to herself. She leaned over and poked the Changeling on her opposite side. “Hey. Wake up Level.”

Ledger responded by drawing the mare close to him and hugging her in an attempt to get some more sleep and a quick snack besides.

“Level, Midnight’s gone!” Apple Cider protested, giving his ribs a sharp poke.

“Nuu, she’s not,” Ledger moaned as he hugged the mare close. “Emotivore, ‘member? We’re not the only ones in the house, and that lust is definitely her. Now shush, cuddlebug demands cuddles.”

Cider just rolled her eyes and sighed, giving the childish bug what he wanted. And while he wasn’t lying, Midnight’s lust was indeed in the house, well, it kinda stuck to just about everything.

The truth was, she was currently running laps around the orchard, using the trees as a natural obstacle course. She’d swap between running in a zigzag pattern, to switching at flying at near breakneck speeds.

‘Get out of my head’ she growled to herself, trying to rid the nightmare that plagued her last night. It tended to pop up every now and then when the Canterlot Incident was mentioned, and a vigorous bout of morning exercise was her go-to remedy.

Actual exercise you pervs.

As she passed the last tree, the very tip of her wing clipped it, causing her to shriek and spiral out of control. It was a rather impressive-looking crash actually, she must have bounced at least six times before coming to a stop in a pile of hay.


She must have laid there for a good five minutes before she heard a familiar voice. “Yup, figured it was either you or a clumsy pegasus,” the voice of Ledger spoke up from behind her as she felt his magic encompass her body. “It...is far too early to be dealing with this right now,” the stallion said as he pulled her out of the hay. “Fortunately, I put a pot of coffee on beforehoof.”

“You try pulling out of a spiral four inches off of the ground,” Midnight winced as he lifted her. Yup, that was a sprained wing. She’d be grounded for the rest of the day at least. “I’m a Guard, not a friggen Wonderbolt.” Not that she hadn’t thought about that. Imagine, the very first Thestral Wonderbolt!

Plus she’d look damned hot in that flightsuit~

“Our methods of coping are different. I tend to dive into my work and reading to avoid thinking about things, and you seem to enjoy training and fighting, also to avoid thinking about something,” Ledger observed aloud as he carried the mare in his magic to Cider’s house. “Though apparently, the psychology book I’m currently reading calls those unhealthy coping mechanisms.”

“One, I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Song replied tersely. “I’m a Guard, I need regular exercise and training to stay fit. I’m not a beat cop that lives on coffee and doughnuts. And two, I’m hale and hearty, never been sick a day in my life!”

That was actually true, Midnight Song had never been sick. Not even a simple cold.

Ledger paused in their trek and brought Midnight around to look him in the eye. “Don’t try lying to an emotivore, Midnight,” he said softly. “Whatever...happened in Canterlot hurt you. Hurt you deeply. I felt that flinch last night when I brought Canterlot up, and this morning I find you banged up from pushing yourself too far.” With that, the mare was returned to floating above him as they resumed their forward pace. “You can keep running...or you can face it one day.”

Midnight said nothing, mostly due to holding her tongue so she wouldn’t say anything she’d later regret. Her fur bristled though, standing on end as that memory played again. “Put me down,” she said quietly.

“Once we’re there,” Ledger said as their pace slowed again. “I have one more thing to say. Both our ways of coping are...unhealthy. You push yourself, you fight, you exercise...but what happens when you get old? What happens if you get in an accident and can’t anymore? You’ll be forced to deal then. Whereas I...My mind won’t hold forever. I can’t occupy it with facts and numbers when I get old and senile.” Ledger eventually came to a stop in front of the house and put Midnight next to him. “We’re going to have to cope one day...what say we all cope together, when we feel ready to share?”

What was this guy? Celestia 2.0? Aside from the references to himself, he’d said something very similar to the alicorn princess not long after the incident. Midnight wasn’t the only one that had...been affected in that way. She was nothing special in the grand scheme of things.

“Sure, whatever,” she gave the same reply she did back then too. She knew Ledger cared, but this was something he might not be able to help with. Still...


He turned to the thestral and gave a soft smile. “Yes, love?”

“Have... you ever taken love from somepony... by force?”

“I know the technique,” Ledger admitted, but shook his head. “But your willingly given love was the first I’ve ever tasted. And I would never force somepony to love me or take it.”

“Good,” Midnight replied at a barely audible level. “Don’t ever do it... no-nopony deserves that pain...”

Ledger smiled and put a hoof on her withers before giving her a soft kiss. One that wasn’t infused with Lust this time.

But just a touch of the love she’d once given him.

“I’m willing to listen, whenever you’re willing to talk,” Ledger said afterwards.

“Maybe...” she replied as he put her down. She gingerly folded her sprained wing a she walked into the kitchen. Apple Cider was already up making breakfast and it smelled amazing!

“Ohhhh, I think I wanna marry you~” Midnight purred as she draped herself over the mare’s back as she cooked. “You can be my cute little wifey. We’ll have adorable little foals and live happily ever after!”

Cider just rolled her eyes again as she continued to flip pancakes, barely noticing the added weight on her back. Ledger sat himself at the table and snorted.

“So, what, anytime somepony makes breakfast for you, you find a new paramour?” he questioned. “Cause if so, I think I have a lead on her at least.”

“Hey, it’s a tried and true method!” Midnight replied. “And don’t worry, I’d never forget about you Levvy. We’d need a live-in butler of course.”

“I think you and Cider lack a certain piece of equipment to be having foals all by your lonesome,” the unicorn observed with a snicker. Midnight decided to withhold the information of genderswap spells.

“We’d adopt then,” she purred.

“As flattered as ah am,” Cider said as she loaded up three plates with pancakes, which Ledger floated over to the table. “Ah ain’t the marrying type. Well, not yet anyhow.”

“Gah! You wound me!” Midnight cried dramatically, falling from her back and clutching her chest. “I... can see a bright light...”

“You weren’t either,” Ledger pointed out as he put the plates down, before pulling silverware over. “Heck, I still don’t know why you made that joke the other day.”

“What joke?” Midnight said. before recalling that meeting with her father. “Oooh, that one! Hehe, the look on your face was priceless!”

“Joke? What joke?” Cider asked. “Tell me.”

“She asked me to marry her while her dad was present and I’d just got done answering ‘I do’ to a lot of his questions,” Ledger said with an unamused look. “She almost got me too, it was part-reflex by that point to say ‘I do’. Worst part is, he could have made it legally binding.”

“Heheheaahahahahaa!” Cider’s laugh was infectiously adorable. Midnight found herself giggling as well as she remembered that day.

“Heh! I wouldn’t be surprised if Daddy slipped a marriage form into that paperwork he gave you earlier,’ she snorted. “It’d totally be something he’d pull.”

If I ever get married, I am not having the father of the bride doing the marrying,” Ledger said with an eye-roll. Internally, he was going over a list in his head. He...had checked all those papers, right? “Seems like a conflict of interest to me.”

“Nah, I’d totally see if I could get my Princess to officiate,” Midnight nodded. “And don’t worry Ledger, Mom is the one that wants to see me married, not Dad. So I think you’re fine.”

“They both seemed to approve of me and the influence we had on each other,” Ledger reminded Midnight as he began eating his breakfast.

“Yup, and now a new challenger has appeared.” She actually wondered what her dad would think of this situation...

Eh, he’d caught her doing worse.

“Sooo, what’s everypony's plan for today?” Midnight asked as she sat at the table.

“Well, ah should have some of mah kin show up t’help build mah greenhouse,” Cider said. “That’s gonna be a hoot!”

“Mmhmm, and once they are done, I’ll be by every now and then to put some spells in the glass,” Ledger said with a nod. “Mostly to help ward off theft. I need to look into ways to get a discount on going to the Empire, and...I think the business actually mostly runs itself, now that I’ve got contracts up again.”

“It’s only been a week,” Midnight replied, looking at her business-savvy partner. “Well, I guess I have my duty as a Guard to do. And let me look into security spells. I’m sure the Guard here can whip something up, heck, even Narrow has been working on her spell casting like crazy. She’s gotten pretty powerful.”

“Ah yes, thank you for reminding me,” Ledger said as an ear flicked. He’d almost forgotten they’d need to do something about Scope, now that she was healed. “Still, you’re right, it has only been a week. The work never stops, but at least now we can work and get paid for it. I’ll constantly be looking for new angles, of course, but the ones we have are...satisfactory, for now.”

“I see,’ Midnight hummed. Things seemed to be going pretty well now. “And also, I’d have to say that our very first sleepover is a big success~” she looked at Level with a sultry gaze.

“Eeyup, ah reckon it was,” Cider agreed. She was surprised she could even walk right now. Much less wonder where that thestral got all her energy from. “We should do this again soon. Maybe at yer place next time?”

“Once we find alternative housing for our current extra roommate,” Ledger said. “Don’t need her poking her head in when it’s not needed.”

“Aw, you’re so mean to little Scopey,” Midnight pouted. “She’s so adorable, why you so mean Levvy~?”

“Because of who she sided with and the fact that she didn’t go through the right channels to come here,” Ledger deadpanned.

“Well I kicked her butt for that and now she’s cute,” Midnight replied. “She’s trying, and I really shouldn’t have left her in that club because now she’s naughty. But at least she has respect for males now.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Ledger said with a roll of his eyes.

Cider was totally lost, she remember this ‘Scopey’ being mentioned when Midnight left the restaurant before. A sudden knock on her door stopped her from asking about it though.

“Coming!” she called out. She trotted away and a few seconds later, two girlish squeals could be heard.

“I’m guessing that’s her family,” Ledger said as he started to polish off his breakfast. “Wanna greet them?” he asked the Thestral mare.

She was about to answer when two sets of hooves approached the room. “Hey you two, ah wanna introduce you t’somepony...” that was all she said before a yellow and green blur rushed forward.

“Middy!” she tackled the batpony to the ground, Cider and Ledger being treated to the sight of Cider’s sister making out with the thestral.

“Ah fergot you ‘knew’ her...” Cider sighed. Ledger turned to Cider with a wicked grin and lit his horn up, gently coaxing his newest marefriend close before kissing her.

“Wanna show them up a little?” he asked once he pulled back.

Cider sighed, “Fritter, quit making out with MAH marefriend!”

After Apple Fritter pulled away from the bat, a small whine of protest escaping the thestral’s lips, she looked at her big sister.

“Your marefriend?” she blinked, her voice having not a single trace of the Apple accent. “Then why are you canoodling that Unicorn there?”

“Ah, we ah... he’s... also mine?”

“It’s true Fritterflanks!” Midnight sighed, getting to her hooves. “We’re one big happy herd... well, we’re giving it a try anyway.”

“I have no words,” Fritter sighed. “And here I thought I was the black sheep of the family.”

“I have some words,” Ledger said, looking at Midnight. “Five, to be exact. No asking Fritter to join.”

“Awwww,” Midnight and Fritter sighed in unison.

“Ah am not sleeping with my sister!” Cider blushed at the thought. She would not promote that stupid rumour about the Apple family keeping it, ‘In the family’.

“And that would be why,” Ledger said with a nod and another kiss delivered to Cider. “Even I know that’d be just plain weird. Plus, happy Cider is fun Cider.”

“I know, I know,” Fritter giggled. “I’m just messing with you Mr. Unicorn. I have no intentions of being that close with my family.”

“You know,” Midnight said. “We’re all friends here Fritts. There’s no need to keep up appearances.”

“Yeah, ah still can’t believe y’all can do that so well. T’aint natural sis.”

Ledger blinked in confusion. “I’m...missing something,” he said aloud.

Fritter sighed and smiled. “Yeah, ah jus’ have t’deal with all those snooty nobles all the time, ah kinda ferget to turn off ‘Canterlot Mode’!” If anything, her accent was even thicker than Cider’s now.

Ledger blinked and actually sniffed the air before looking at Fritter. “Okay, for a pony to have that fine control over their own voice...that’s impressive,” the unicorn said. “Oh...are we the only two not to be introduced to each other?”

“Ah reckon so,” Fritter nodded, holding out a hoof. “The name’s Apple Fritter. Ah live in Canterlot and ah’m Cider’s lil sis.” Behind her, Midnight was waving her hooves and shaking her head frantically.

“And I’m Level Ledger,” Level said, taking the hoof and shaking it gently. “The new head of Pegasus Air after I helped the local Guard and police clear out the trash and prune the deadwood from it.”

“Well, nice ta meetcha!” Apple Fritter shook his hoof vigorously. Her strength made it feel like she was about to tear his whole leg off. She soon let go though and smiled at her sister. “So, these cuties are yers huh? Nice work sis~”

“Ack,” Ledger said as he held his leg with his other hoof, the pain making it hard to concentrate. “Ah...oh, this could be bad,” he observed aloud. One more hard knock and Cider would have to explain why her coltfriend was a changeling as he lost focus on keeping his disguise up...

Fritter turned and blushed, looking a little down. “Oh? Sorry about that. Ah guess ah got a little excited again. Ah didn’t mean t’hurt you Mr. Ledger.”

“Fritter is crazy strong, but that’s just another thing that makes her cute,” Midnight explained, kissing the mare on the cheek. “But we should get going for now. It would suck if we were late after all.”

Cider caught sight of Ledger, and the fact that his right hoof had turned black. “Uh, yeah. Y’all should git going fer now. Come back later and y’all can meet more o’mah kin.”

“Provided they take it easy on the hoofshakes, sure,” Ledger said as he uneasily got to his hooves and cast a small illusion around himself, to reinforce his disguise. Still, that was temporary at best… “Oh, and no hard feelings Fritter. I’m glad to have met you all the same, and I’m glad Cider has such strong, dependable family.”

“Aww, shucks,” Fritter blushed as Cider blinked at the response.



“He’s mine! No.”


“Time to go,’ Midnight agreed and dragged the changeling outside. “See you cuties later~”

The Apple mares waved goodbye as they left, Midnight having draped Ledger over her back and trotted out of the house. “Phew! That was close!”

“It takes intense pain to break the focus of my instinctive ability,” Ledger admitted. “That mare is really, really strong.”

“You have no idea,” Midnight groaned. “I couldn’t walk for two days after our... encounter. She’s cute and all, but damned if she couldn’t uproot a tree with her bare hooves.”

“I’m feeling even better about telling her no now,” Ledger said with a shudder. “Two is enough for me, thank you.”

“Heh, you say that now, but I wonder~” She put him back down, but let him lean on her until his hoof regained feeling. “Should we head home and freshen up first?”

“It’d give me some time to recover as well,” Ledger agreed. “I do need to make a showing at work, but I’m the boss, I set my own hours.” He snorted a bit before continuing. “Of course, I set my own pay, and I don’t get paid more for working less. In fact, I’ve only decided to give myself a little more than I had as the accountant.”

“Aww, you’re so noble,” she giggled, kissing his cheek. “You should learn how to teleport, might make life easier... If Changelings can even do that.”

“Some can,” Ledger said with a nod. “I never took time to learn, so I don’t know if I do or not. Apparently, there’s a knack for it. Either you have it or you don’t.”

“Ahh, whereas a unicorn with enough magic can just learn.” The two reached the city and made their way along the Strip. “I hope Scopey is alright. At the very least, I hope she’s still alone. You do not wanna know what I saw when I went to retrieve her...”

“You caused some of what I saw when I went to retrieve both of you,” Ledger said as he flinched a little when using his right forehoof. “I have some idea.”

“Yeah, I guess I overreacted a little... and I need to apologise to Freddy,” she sighed as they reached their apartment and walked upstairs. “And possible Narrow for kissing her... griffonfriend?”

“Griffons call them nestmates, at least in the griffon lands,” Ledger informed. “There’s no telling what Fredrick calls it, seeing as he was raised here under a lot of different ideals.”

“To him, it’s prolly a standard Monday,” Midnight giggled. “It usually was for me~” She reached for the door, only to find it was unlocked.

“Uh... should it do that?”

“...No, it shouldn’t,” Ledger said as he pushed the door open, only to freeze up at what he saw.

Scope Lens and another changeling in their natural forms on one of the couches in the living room. Only this other changeling wasn’t blue, but yellow. And the slight familiar air around her only increased as she turned to look at the unicorn. A wide smile graced her muzzle as she looked at the pair.

“Oh, hello there fiancee~” the unfamiliar changeling purred.

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