• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 93 - Alicorn Science. We do what we must, because, we can.

Twilight stared at the frame that would serve as the portal that linked her room to the homestead in Las Pegasus. She frowned, chewing on a piece of her mane as her brow furrowed deeper.

“This… I mean, we’re some of the smartest ponies in freaking Equestria! Why is this not bucking working!?”

“Twi, calm down,” Moondancer said, though to be truthful, she was getting a little annoyed as well. “We’ll get it soon enough…”

“I just checked this formula,” Ledger said. “I think we might have done it wrong in our haste.” He pointed it out to the mares. “I’m pretty sure that symbol wasn’t there in the last step.”

“Dang,” Twilight looked at the mirror and sighed. “I want this to work…”

“And we will, just gotta work out all the bugs,” Moondancer said and then looked at Ledger. “No offense.”

“None taken,” Ledger said as he erased the blackboard and rewrote the equation, before working on it again. “Hmm, does that look right now?”

The two mares stared at it, the gears in their head turning as they read and reread the formula.

“Maybe?” Twilight asked. “Setting up the one to Earth was easy, all I did was copy what already existed and I had an anchor in the form of magical...books…” She gasped as Ledger felt that alicorn-fuelled idea moment. “Bereightbackokay?” she yelled, already running from the room.

“Anchors,” Ledger mused. “Why didn’t I think of that? Something on each end to tie the spell to.”

“I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t think of it either,” Moondancer said. “Well, leave it to Princess Bookworm to come up with a solution.”

“Bet you ten bits her proposed solution will involve a book as the anchor,” Ledger said.

“Twilight loves her books, but I highly doubt she’d use one like that,” Moondancer said and shook his hoof to seal the bet.

It took almost half an hour for Twilight to return, panting like she’d just run a marathon as she clutched a book with Celestia’s Cutie Mark on it.

“S-Sorry… I’m...late,” she gasped.

“It’s fine,” Ledger said as he looked at the book. “So, what’s in this book, Twilight?”

“That…” a somewhat familiar voice said as another unicorn walked in. She had a creamy yellow coat with a vibrant yellow and red mane. Sharp teal eyes and a flameburst Cutie Mark. “Is how she talks with me.” The unicorn crossed the room, sparing a glance at the board before sighing. “So what on earth made you come all the way over to bring me here?”

“We’re trying to make a door that is also a portal, so that after the wedding, our two houses will be as one,” Ledger explained. “This way, we don’t have to choose where to live. We’ll already be living together.”

Sunset Shimmer paused and looked at Twilight. “Um… wedding?”

Twilight blushed and fidgeted, before looking up shyly. “I’m, um… getting married tomorrow?”

Sunset paused, blinked and looked at Ledger. “To this unicorn?”

Ledger smirked and shifted his eyes to their Noble version for a moment, before shifting them back. “Hello again Sunset, I see you’ve already forgotten me,” he chuckled.

Sunset’s brow furrowed and she looked back to Twilight. “Explain!”

Twilight took a breath and what followed was an explanation at speeds that would make Pinkie Pie proud. Luckily Sunset was used to dealing with her own version of the crazy girl, so she was able to decipher most of the princess’s ramblings.

“So you’re getting into a herd marriage? Huh, and here I thought that was only for nobles and storybooks.” She turned and looked at Ledger with a fierce expression. “And you’re a Changeling huh? Interesting…”

“You can run your own set of observations later,” Ledger promised the unicorn. “Right now, we’re sort of busy with this whole portal thing.”

“Right, right…” Sunset passed by Moondancer and paused. “Well, hey there~”

“Hello yourself~” the unicorn flirted right back.

“Mares,” Ledger sighed. “Please focus. If the four of us can’t do this, then I’ll have no hope for it being done.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Boys. Always so damned dramatic.” She walked up to the chalkboard and tapped her chin. “Honestly, not a whole lot for me to… ah… hmm,” She rubbed out a number and put down a different one. “And… oh, this too…”

After a few minutes of discussion and some re-writes, Sunset stood back and smiled. “There, all you need is an anchor and you’re good to go.”

“Hmm,” Ledger said before floating his book over and taking notes on the revised equation. “And would you say this could work if we wanted to build, say, a network of these things?”

“Nah, you could get the wires crossed and cause all sorts of things I’d rather not mention,” Sunset said. “I’ve been thinking on that topic actually, and I have an idea. One I… might have gotten from a fictional series back home.”

“Do tell,” Ledger said, now giving the unicorn his undivided attention.

“A teleportation platform,” Sunset said. “It would be easy enough to write the spell itself into a crystal matrix, then set it into a stone dias or something. Then all you need is a trigger, a magical spark to activate the spell and send them to the other end.”

“And if we introduce the concept of an address, then every platform would have its own unique address, and inputting the one you want to arrive at before triggering the spell would, ideally, send you to where you want to be,” Ledger added. “I like this idea. I like it a lot.”

“The address could be as simple as a unique pattern in the stone work,” Sunset added. “Something for the caster to memorise so he or she sends them to the right location. You’ll just need a method of communication with the other end, make sure the platform remains clear.”

“Eh, I’d like it to be simpler than ‘a unique pattern,’” Ledger said. “If this takes off, then it’ll be a job opportunity across Equestria. I might get all sorts of untrained colts and fillies signing on to be an operator.”

“Well for starters, I wouldn’t hire anyone that doesn’t know how to teleport themselves, let alone somebody else,” Sunset said as she idly floated a few pieces Twilight needed to finish the portal. “And communication is still key. Too bad you guys don’t have cellphones…”

“Hivemind Spell,” Ledger pointed out. “With Scope as the center of it, and a ‘ling in every installation, we could easily communicate across Equestria… We actually had a roaring messenger service for all of a day...before Celestia asked us to quietly shut it down so that she could fold it into the government. She still hasn’t told us when she’s going to be opening that up, though...”

“Yeah, well, Celestia’s good at keeping everypony in the dark,” Sunset said darkly, her tone suddenly getting quite a bit of bite to it. “I wouldn’t count on her for anything.”

“Can’t exactly move against her wishes,” Ledger pointed out. “Otherwise I’m sure we’d get a very nice team of lawyers showing up at my door.”

“Nah, she’d just banish you to another dimension,” Sunset chuckled.

“Please stop talking about Princess Celestia like that,” Twilight sighed. “Can we just finish this portal already?”

“Oh, I am nowhere near done with you Sparkle,” Sunset said. “You and I are going to have a nice, long chat about why I only just found out you’re getting married.” She etched the last rune in place. “But yes, do you have the anchors?”

Twilight smiled and pulled out two books. Ledger stuck his hoof to Moondancer, a silent smile on his face.

“Son of a Parasprite,” Moon swore as she hoofed over the bits. “A book Twilight? Really?”

“I like books,” Twilight nodded.

“Plus if we were to try and link them together, they’d be useful if we just wanted to talk to one another on the other side,” Ledger added. “And they’re easily hideable in a study or a library.”

“You’re just trying to rationalise her using a book so you won’t feel as disappointed,” Moondancer smirked. “Oh well, at least you make a valid point. Let’s do it.”

“What’s wrong with books?” Twilight sniffed.

“Nothing,” Ledger said with his smile. “They were probably just expecting something a bit more grand from you. I, however, know you.” With that, he walked over to the alicorn and gave her a comforting kiss.

“Aww,” Sunset and Moondancer cooed as Twilight blushed, causing her to drop the books.

A Daring Do one and…

That blasted vampony book…

“Twilight, I am sorely tempted to burn this book,” Ledger deadpanned. “Just so you know.”

That was when the book was ignited and the glow around Sunset’s horn died down.

“You can thank me later,” she chuckled.

Twilight stared in horror at the burning book. Oh dear, a certain unicorn was about to die…

“Twilight, that book is one of the trashiest romance novels ever written,” Ledger pointed out. “And it has absolutely no basis in fact. Or reality. I of all ponies should know this.”

“But… she… book…. burned!” Twilight looked at Sunset, who rolled her eyes and pulled out a book, floating it over to Twilight.

“Courtesy of the human world,” she smiled as Twilight’s mood did a one eighty as she grabbed the new book and opened it. Forget the portal, she had a new book~

Moondancer sighed and produced two blank tomes, having used a duplication spell on Twilight’s book. “There,” she said. “Two anchors.”

“Excellent,” Ledger said, rubbing his forehooves together.

Moondancer placed one in the alcove above the portal and gave the other to Ledger. “Simply create a gate on the other end for this to connect to, and you should be good to go I’d say.”

“Most excellent indeed,” Ledger said before looking at Twilight. “Shall we go and make a portal in Cider’s home?”

“Right now?” Twilight asked, holding her new book.

“Your Waypoints still work,” the drone pointed out. “We could be there and back quickly. Even quicker, if this turns out to work as well. Plus, how often do you have so many minds like this together? We must try this out, for science!” He’d even struck a dramatic pose at the end.

“He makes another good point,” Moondancer said and Sunset nodded.

“Fiiiine,” Twilight pouted and put down her book, “So shall we use the Waypoint? Or the Gate?”

How many ways do you have to get to this place?” Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

“We need one that works for non-unicorns,” Ledger said. “Or non-changelings. Or one that’s actually safe.”

“Well I guess,” Sunset shrugged. “Sooo why are we still standing here?”

“I dunno,” Ledger said before looking at Twilight. “Two to the farm, please!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and lit up her horn. The door to her room opened and Midnight poked her head in, just in time to see everypony vanish…

“Are. You. SERIOUS!?”

Ledger blinked before seeing that they’d arrived at the farm, with more ponies than he’d thought they’d be bringing. “Okay, interesting,” he mused before holding the book up. “Shall we go find a door?”

“Whoa!” Midnight said and held up a hoof, a little dizzy from the sudden teleport. “Ledger? A question. What. The. Fuck!?”

“We’re doing a scientific experiment to link the house and the castle together,” the drone explained. “We’re just about to complete the link.”

“And you decided to drag me along?” she said, rubbing her head.

“The teleport was an area-of-effect,” Twilight replied, blushing slightly. “Sorry Middy, I didn’t see you, so that might explain the dizzyness.”

“Who’s the bat?” Sunset asked, pointing at the dizzy thestral. “And why does she remind me of Mrs Midnight Song?”

“Oh, sure, when it comes to Thestrals, no complaints there, no common misconceptions,” Ledger said. “But Changelings, you disbelieve exist.”

“Ohh, someone’s salty today,” Sunset taunted. “And I’ve actually met a Thestral before. Unlike one of your kind.”

“Well maybe if you hang around, I’ll pull off a magic trick,” Ledger snarked at her. “Once Midnight’s feeling better, we can look for a door that we can use to test out this portal.”

“Doors,” Sunset scoffed and Moondancer giggled as well. The orange unicorn pointed out at the farm. “Be a good stallion and fetch us some wood okay?”

“Ooh,” Midnight perked right up. “He’s good at getting wood~”

The drone sighed before walking over to the barn and looking for an appropriate amount of wood. “How much do you want?” Ledger called over to Sunset once he’d located the spare wood Cider kept around in case of repairs.

“Enough that might make a suitable door frame,” Sunset said as the mares headed inside. “And get some fallen branches. We want a little style.”

Ledger pulled a little wood from the pile before grabbing a few branches from that pile as well and floated it after him. He wondered what these mares would do with this stuff…

Once he was inside, he eventually found the mares in Ciders room, looking around.

“Nice place,” Sunset whistled. “This room is probably bigger than my house.”

“I’m not sure how to respond to that,” Ledger said before floating the supplies over. “The goods you requested.”

“Thanks,” Sunset kissed him on the cheek. “Your reward, be honoured.”

“I would be if I weren’t already in quite a complex relationship and about to be married,” Ledger said. “I’m still mostly curious.”

“Ahh,” she turned to Twilight and smiled. “So Princess, how’s your Arbourmancy?”

Twilight’s brow furrowed and she closed her eyes in thought. “I know a little… why?”

“Well, what about you?” Sunset asked Moondancer. “Think you can assist cutie?”

“Oh you bet those hot flanks I can,” Moondancer hummed. “I happen to be quite skilled at this.”

“And now I’m even more curious,” Ledger said as he sat back and watched for the show. The two mares stepped forward as Twilight also watched with rapt attention, eager to see something new. The two unicorns lit up their horns and started to lift the wood with their magic.

Their aura then turned a soft green, as the wood begun to twist and bend, but didn’t break? They started to form the arch and within a few minutes, they created a rather ornate wooden archway, complete with an alcove at the top for the book.

“Moment of truth,” Ledger said, before slotting the book into the alcove and holding his breath. Twilight gave him a minute to sweat it out, before stepping over and pulling a switch on the side of the gate. With a bright flash, the portal rippled to life, the faint image of Twilight’s bedroom could be seen on it’s watery surface.

“Awesome!” the drone hoof-pumped. “This is what we can do if we work together! Now we don’t have to choose between the homes anymore!”

“So it seems,” Twilight nodded. “Kinda feel like we’re cheating though. Think this’ll really work?”

“One way to find out,” Ledger said before walking up to the portal. “For science!” With that, he was poking the portal with a hoof, before walking right through it.

“Is he dead?” Sunset asked. “I’d feel really bad if we killed him.”

“Your concern is touching,” Twilight deadpanned and poked at the portal. “He’s uh… is he coming back?”

Ledger stuck his head back through the portal, with a slightly wide grin on his face. “This is awesome!” he said. “You all should try it!”

Midnight suddenly tackled-hugged him through the portal, already kissing him. Twilight rolled her eyes again, almost certain this was now her default expression. The three magic-users soon walked through the portal as well.

“It functions perfectly,” Moondancer hummed happily. “Maybe I could set one up between my home in Canterlot and Sugars?”

“Sugar?” Sunset asked.

“My wife,” Moondancer replied. “I should introduce her to you. She’ll just love you~”

“Assuming Sunset here can keep up,” Ledger pitched in.

“You saying I’m not good enough?” Sunset threatened him. “Wait, what are we talking about?”

“You’ll see~” Moondancer hummed as she dragged the unicorn away. She had a nymph to find.

“Well, that was a good way to spend a few hours,” Twilight said as she looked down at the clingy bat, who was now hugging her midsection. “You’re being awfully huggy. More so than usual.”

“M’a sadbat,” Midnight pouted. Ledger took it upon himself to change this, by giving her a kiss. She took it, before sighing lightly.

“I sorta know why,” she said. “And… we might have a problem later down the line.”

“Do tell,” Ledger said, curious again.

“Well, you remember what we were told about thestral pregnancies yeah?” Midnight paused to let those lessons come back into mind. “Now… add the fact of what I’m pregnant with.”

“Ooooooh,” the drone said. “We’re...in for an interesting pregnancy, aren’t we?”

“That’s kind of an understatement,” Midnight sighed. “I’m just… I’m so worried, and stressed and panicked and…” Her breathing got heavier and… oh, yeah, she was having a panic attack now.

Then Ledger was cuddling her and whispering soothing words into her ears. “I promise you, I’ll be right here for you,” he said. It took a moment, but Midnight calmed down, before she just slumped in his grasp. She just… she had to ask,

“If, if I wasn’t pregnant with your foal,” she said. “Would you still want me? I mean, you always call Cider your ‘pretty mare’ and you seem to bond so well with Scopey… and Twilight, she’s like your perfect match…” She sighed again and shuddered. “I… I feel like you don’t need me anymore.”

He turned Midnight to face him before he replied, slow and sure. “You’re the one that fixed me,” he said simply. “You’re the one that helped me when I was at my lowest. You’re the one that helped me to love again. I would never do something as cruel as denying you my love.” Then he kissed her, giving her just a taste of what he had. A taste of the love his mares kept giving him, so that she’d have no doubts that she was wanted.

“I’m sorry,” she cried now, holding onto him tightly. “I don’t want to feel like this. But… it just… I don’t know!!” She sobbed harder, taking a few minutes of him patiently hugging her, with Twilight moving in to hold her as well. “I’m pretty stupid huh…”

“You’re Midnight,” Ledger said simply. “And no matter what you do or say, I will never not want you in my life.”

Midnight smiled and nodded, just holding both of them close. “I’ll admit,” she said quietly. “I was thinking of running… tomorrow scares me that much.” She kissed him deeply and he could feel the love she had for him, as rich and pure as it was the day they’d gotten together. “But… not anymore. I’m not afraid anymore. All those negative feelings… they’re gone.”

“I’m happy for you,” Ledger said. “I know that I certainly would have been upset if a certain Songbird wasn’t in attendance for the ceremony.”

“Well of course,” Midnight smirked and nuzzled him. “I can’t imagine how anyone goes through life without me in it.”

“It certainly was less fun in my life before you walked in,” the drone observed.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, before the sounds of yelling from downstairs drowned her out…

The smell of smoke was also a thing that was happening.

“Oh dear,” Ledger sighed. “Once more unto the breach.” With that, he squirmed free of the hug and went off to see what could possibly have caused a fire this time. It couldn’t have been Midnight or Twilight, they were right here, not in the kitchen at all.

Painted Palette and a small pink filly were running around, trying to put the fire out that raged in Twilight’s kitchen. All he wanted to do was surprise his fiance with some lunch, and then this little pink filly had appeared, introduced herself as Critical’s sister and asked to help…

And now everything was on fire.

“I just don’t know what went wrong!” the filly wailed, splashing water from the sink onto the veritable inferno.

Actually, it was just the stove, but fire was still fire.

Ledger peeked into the kitchen and sighed. Nopony thought to turn the bloody gas off. With a small application of his horn, the burners all clicked off, killing the fuel to the fire.

“Big Brother to tha rescue!” Joyful cheered and blurred across the room to attach herself to his chest.

“Stupid, modern, fancy whosimawhatsits!” Palette grumbled. What was wrong with a good old wood stove? Noo, these ponies has to use fancy magic thingies!

“Little tip. Read the owner’s manual before you try to play with something that has more buttons than you’re comfortable with,” Ledger said before stroking Joyful. “And what in the world are you doing here, little sis?”

“Middybat called me, told me you guys were havin’ fun without me!” she pouted and hugged him tighter. “Daddy’s around here somewhere, I think the trip made him sick or something. He just keeps rocking back and forth and talking about walls.”

“Sis, we’ve told you not to bring other ponies with you,” the drone sighed. “Bad enough that you can do...whatever it is you do. Others just can’t handle it.”

“Aww, but Mommy said I’m not old enough to travel alone, and the other brothers are being poopyheads. So Daddy was the only one.” She looked around and tilted her head. “Where is Mommy? She could make him better.”

“I don’t know,” Ledger replied truthfully. Nor do I want to know. “But I’m sure if you do your best to cheer your dad up, by the time we find mom again, she won’t have a lot to do.”

“I suppose…” She stopped as her ears twitched and she smiled unsettlingly. “I feel… somepony like me~”

“Oh no,” Ledger said, hugging her a little tighter. “You are not to go near them when they’re together. Reality would never recover.”

That was when Ledger found himself hugging thin air, the little pink filly skipping down the halls singing something about smiles.

“...Well, we’re all boned,” Ledger said. “I’m gonna go and tell Twilight we’re about to enter the Pink event horizon, beyond which, no sanity may escape.” He looked over at Palette and shrugged. “Might wanna make out your will, just in case.”

Palette blinked in confusion as Ledger left to find his mares, just as Critical came in the other door to the kitchen, looking at the scorch marks on the wall and her stallion in the middle of the floor.

“Your family is strange,” he said without turning around.

“Don’t forget, you’re marrying into it,” Critical said before walking over next to him and nuzzling him. “They’re going to be your family too.”

“Critty?” he asked, nuzzling her. “Explain why your brother told me to write a will, just because your little sister showed up here?”

“Little sis is a Pink, and they can wear on your sanity at the best of times,” the disguised nymph replied. “Don’t know why he would tell you that, though. It would require more Pinks to truly drive everyone crazy.”

That was when she saw Amy, Pinkie and Joyful running down the hall, the pony of the three dragging a large, blue cannon…

“...Objection withdrawn,” the green nymph said. “Let’s see if this castle comes with a shelter in case of emergencies, like this one.”

Palette still didn’t get it.

Wishful sighed as he stroked his wife’s mane. “Mmm, so that makes every large-enough piece of furniture in this room thoroughly broken in~” He purred and nibbled her ear. “The bathtub and desk were especially fun~”

“Hives, you’re insatiable,” the disguised nymph muttered. “I’m just happy we didn’t break anything. I get the sneaking suspicion that Princess Twilight would make us pay for them.”

“Ohh, there’s an idea,” he said and leaned in close, only to have a small Pink head pop up between them.

“MOMMY!” the filly cheered and hugged her face. “I found you~”

“Joyful?” the nymph said, her brain already blaring out the danger siren. “What are you doing here?”

“Middybat wanted me to come and play! Oh, and I made a new friend!” She reached down and pulled up Amy and Pinkie. “We’re gonna go and play now. Oh, and Daddy’s around somewhere. I think I broke him a little. Bye Mommy, Bye Wishy Daddy!” She gave them both a kiss on the cheek as the three pink mares tore from the room.

“Ooooh no,” the Madame said, shakily getting to her hooves. “That is not good. That mare reads like a Pink, and with three of them together…”

Wishful looked like he’d seen the end of the world. “I confess my sins. Midnight kissed me once.”

“We’ll talk about that later,” the Madame said, kissing him. “Right now I have to go save Ponyville if not everything in the immediate vicinity.” With that, she managed to walk out of the room, calling for Twilight Sparkle.

She had a town to save. Admittedly, from her own offspring, but the thought counted, surely.

Twilight sat in her throne as everypony else in the castle gathered in the throneroom. Midnight was the last to enter, dragging a muttering stallion in with her.

“I found this in the hallway,” she called out. “Hooves up if it belongs to you.”

The Madame, undisguised, walked over and took her husband from the thestral before giving him a passionate kiss. The shock of it would break him out of his loop. It always did.

Sure enough, the orange Earth Pony blinked a few times before looking around. “I did it again, didn’t I?” he asked aloud.

“I’ve warned you about travelling with Joyful,” the Madame said.

“Like I had a choice once she got her hooves on me,” the stallion replied, before flashing into his normal self. “One minute I’m tending the garden, the next thing I know, I’m being dragged to wherever here is on the Pink Express.”

“You’re in Ponyville, my castle to be precise,” Twilight explained. “Now can somepony please explain what the big emergency is? I fail to see how two mares and a filly will be able to cause all that much trouble.”

“Twilight,” Ledger explained simply. “Perhaps the most defining character trait of the Pink Changelings, beyond their perky, bubbly attitude, is their ability to warp space. We don’t know how they do it. It’s just...instinctive to them. And your friend, Pinkie? She’s basically the world’s largest magical battery to the two Pink changelings she’s now bouncing around with.”

“Well… okay, that might be a little bit of a problem,” Twilight replied.

“I think you’re blowing it a little out of proportion don’t you think?” Midnight said. “I mean, sure, they can be a little weird. But I fail to see how this could get worse…”

That was when the disembodied cackle of a certain draconequus filled the air.

“Whoops?” Midnight blushed sheepishly.

For example,” Ledger said, trying his best to ignore that laugh. “My sister, on her first sugar rush, with ten seconds alone in my room, managed to excavate an in-house swimming pool, fill it with oatmeal, and add a donkey, before going out and wreaking more mayhem out in the house.”

Outside, the three mares skipped down the path as Pinkie gave Joy a ponyback ride.

“Teehee, you’re fun,” she giggled. “Oh, hey! Do you like ice-cream?”

“I love it!” Joyful cheered. “We just don’t get a whole lot of it in the Lands.”

Pinkie halted mid-jump, just hovering there as she slowly turned her head and looked at the little filly. “Amy?” she said slowly. “I do believe this calls for our particular expertise.”

“One sad filly to introduce to the wonders of ice-cream,” the nymph said with a nod. “I packed my scoops and everything!”

“Should we grab Middy as well?” Pinkie asked. “She’s been all pouty and saddy-waddy all day.”

“Nah, she’s just pregnant with a hybrid,” Amy said with a shake of her head. “She’ll be all sorts of weird until the little one’s born. I almost pity Ledger.”

“You’re one to talk,” Pinkie giggled as they headed for Sugarcube Corner. “You got your own bun in the oven as well.”

“I know,” Amy giggled as well. “But hopefully Chryssy will help Acey more than she’ll snark at him.”

Pinkie suddenly vibrated and she looked around. She placed Joy on Amy’s back and nodded seriously. “Go on without me. I feel a doozy coming on!”

“Yup, the entrance to your vault is in the same place as usual, right?” Amy asked.

“Yahuh,” Pinkie nodded. The two Pinks took off, leaving Pinkie standing in the middle of the street.

“Bring it on!” she whispered as five mares charged towards her.

“You think Twilight and her friends can do it?” Midnight asked as she reclined in the alicorn’s chair.

“I think they’ll try,” Ledger replied. “If they can separate Pinkie from Amy and Joyful, then there won’t be a positive feedback loop that feeds the Pinks forever and causes massive damage to the sanity of everypony in a...five mile radius.” He’d actually worked it out on a blackboard, too. He was that bored with being told to wait.

“I still can’t believe you went and did the math,” Midnight said, blowing a raspberry.

“You know,” Scope said idly from a small cloud above them all. “This is all Midnight’s fault for bringing Joyful here in the first place… Just sayin’.”

“I don’t get it,” Ledger said. “When did you even call her? Was it right before you checked in on what we were doing?”

“Mhmm,” Midnight nodded. “I had the song in my head and sang it. I completely forgot she could even teleport this far. I mean, it didn’t work at all when I tried it when I was… I was…” She fell quiet again. Great, she’d managed to feel better… until she thought about those days.

Ledger was there in a moment, nuzzling her, not saying anything and just offering his presence to comfort her.

“So…” Scope spoke up again. “Do we just hang out here or what-” She was cut off as Twilight returned, pulling Pinkie Pie along with her.

“It was difficult, but we got her,” Twilight said. She looked like she’d gone a few rounds with an Ursa, and the rest of her friends were absent.

“Excellent!” Ledger said, before indicating the blackboard in a corner of the room. He wasn’t going to leave his bat before she was happy again. “With what little we know about Pinks, you might just have saved Ponyville.”

“The others were lost though,” Twilight said. “Well, they went home actually. Needed to wash the confetti and bubblegum out of their coats.”

“By now, they should have reached the Vault,” Pinkie giggled. “You won’t stop them. We will introduce that sweet filly to ice-cream!”

“Uh-oh…” Ledger said. “Um, Twilight...Joyful’s sugar intake is carefully monitored after last time…”

“Pinkie,” Twilight said. “How much ice-cream is in that vault of yours?”

Vault. You have to use the capitol V,” Pinkie explained. “And I dunno, I guess enough for a deluxe triple scoop for everyone in Ponyville at any given time.”

Silence reigned as Ledger looked at Twilight with an expression of dawning horror.

“But she’s a tiny filly,” Twilight said. “How much could she possibly eat?”

“Enough to give her a sugar high that would last until chaos reigned over Ponyville,” Ledger said. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching her grow up back in the Lands. It’s never underestimate a Pink.”

That was when a distant rumbling shook the palace…

“Ohh, that can’t be good,” Wishful said as he held onto the Madame. “I want you to know that I love you dear.”

“Let it be known that I love all my husbands as well,” she said, before drawing Wishful and Peaceful close to her and waiting for whatever was going to happen.

There was naught but silence, before the strangest feeling came over them. A sense of weightlessness as some of them even started to float off of the ground. It also got dark outside all of a sudden, and the distant sound of club music filled the halls.

“Well… this is new,” Palette said.

“And quite unusual,” Critical agreed.

“You know,” Wishful said, unable to help himself. “This reminds me of the time we experimented while flying,” he mused, nibbling his wife’s ear again.

That caused a nearby Midnight to squeak and blush as Sugar giggled. Ledger just groaned and facehooved. “I did not need to know that,” he muttered. “Can we focus on getting back down, please?”

“Funny, that was what your mother said at the time,” Wishful laughed, as Sugar giggled louder.

“Ohh, you are fun~” she purred. Ledger groaned and looked to his mother, who was firing up her horn and preparing to cast her ‘reality reinforcing’ spell, as she called it. It...helped tone his sister down some days. With a silver flash, the spell was let loose in the room…

Right before it fizzled out. Sunset chuckled and pat the mare on the withers.

“Aw, don’t worry about it. Some of us have performance issues from time to time.”

Sugar had completely lost it by now, laughing loudly as a few other giggled as well. Twilight turned away, not wanting to upset the madame any further.

“Guys?” Scope said from a high window. “Uh… I don’t think we’re in Ponyville anymore.”

“Well then where are we?” Ledger asked irritably. “It’s a great big honking palace, it’s not like it can go anywhere.”

“You uh, you may wanna take a look outside before you settle on that decision,” Scope said. “Just, promise me you won’t freak out too badly okay?”

“I promise nothing,” Ledger said before working on how he’d get over to a window. “...How am I going to get over there?”

That was when Devoted Cause lifted him like one would a book and threw him, the low gravity causing Ledger to float up to the window easily.

And when the Silver drone peered out, what greeted him was an ocean of stars in infinite blackness.

“Meep,” Ledger said. “How did we get up here?” He suddenly felt very, very small. “How are we going to get back down?”

That was when there was a bright flash of light and the entire group found themselves standing outside the palace… which was currently located on the surface of the moon!

“Twilight,” Ledger said softly. “Do you think you could tell Luna to fetch us from the moon, please?”

“Sure Ledger, just lemme figure out how to get a mailpony up here,” Twilight snarked as Discord appeared, along with Amy and an extremely happy Joyful.

“Okay!” Amy said as she looked at the group. “So apparently, she can eat a lot of ice-cream.”

“Seventy-two scoops and counting!” the pink filly said before digging into the bowl she was holding.

Twilight’s castle flashed with strobe lights as the Ponyville residents that had gotten teleported up here were at odds with freaking out where they were, or just enjoying the moonside rave party.

There was also a giant pool of oatmeal, as Cranky Donkey floated in the middle of it in a large inflatable tube.

“Long time no see Ledger,” he waved out. “I see your sister got into the sugar again.”

“Ice cream, this time,” the drone said. “Good to see you too. Did you ever find that friend you had been looking for?”

Another donkey emerged, wearing a snorkel and a scuba mask. “We’re happily married now,” she waved.

“Aww, so cute!” Joyful giggled. “MOON PARTY!!!”

“Please tell me Spike is in here somewhere,” the drone said as he looked at Twilight. “...And that he can send from the surface of the moon.”

That was when Miss Ditzy landed in front of Ledger, her unfocused gaze shining brightly. “Heya Mr. Ledger. I have a letter from Princess Luna for you.”

“Because everything else is going swimmingly,” Ledger sighed. “Fine. Where is it?”

Ditzy held out the letter apprehensively, a little worried that he was angry. Hmm, well if somepony was angry, then there was only a single solution. When he reached out for the letter, the motherly mare pulled him into a soothing hug, stroking his mane.

“There there, it’s okay,” she said calmly.

Ledger’s eye twitched.

Midnight caught that and gently pulled Ditzy off of him, bowing her head as she took the letter. Once the strange pegasus had flown off, Midnight looked at her fiance.

“Levvy. No eating ponies. Bad changeling.”

“We. Are on. The moon. How is it okay?

“Honestly, it’s just Tuesday for us,” Twilight said. “And I’ve been here before. It’s no big deal.”

Oh dear. That appeared to have broken Ledger. At least, if the twitching eye and the slight foam at the corners of his mouth were any indication.

“Uh, did I say something wrong?” Twilight asked as Midnight rolled her eyes and grabbed the drone’s face, applying her lips to his and giving him a deep and loving kiss. He slowly calmed down from the state he’d been in, and soon, Ledger was functional once more. For a given value of functional.

“Okay, I will overlook the fact that somehow, that mare had a letter from Luna. And the fact that you’ve apparently been here enough that it’s not a big deal for you. If the contents of that letter have anything to do with us leaving.”

Twilight blinked and opened the letter. “Let’s see… ‘Dear Friends. If this letter reaches you, then you’ve somehow made your way to the moon. I have the feeling that a certain Spirit of Chaos is involved and he’ll most likely be your solution.’

‘That said, enjoy your stay… hopefully it won’t be for a thousand years like mine~’

“Well… that answers that… sort of,” Twilight said as Midnight kissed Ledger again. Had to make sure the healing process sticks right. She totally wasn’t thinking about being the first mare to have sex on the moon. Nope, totally not at all.

“Right,” Ledger said, in the voice of somepony that was a hair’s breadth from snapping. “Oh Diiiiiiscord~

“You rang?” he said, winking into existence. His body covered in glow sticks as he wiggled his form to the performing DJ’s music. “What do you all think of Equestria’s first ‘Space Rave’? I’ll admit that little Joy was a genius for creating the concept, but my input making it reality? Perfect no?”

“Discord,” Ledger said in that still too-calm voice. “I have a wedding to attend tomorrow. In Equestria. So help me, if I miss it because you were pandering to my little sister, I will tear you limb from limb and paint the moon red with your blood.

Discord sighed. “And every party needs a pooper I suppose. One, you really need to lighten up. Have some fun. Two, you’re assuming both that you have the ability to do so and that my blood is red.” Discord looked at Midnight. “I won’t make you late for your archaic bonding thing. Do try and get this one to loosen up a little.” Discord pointed at Palette and Critical, dancing together a little ways away.

“Even the thousand year old Crystal Pony is having more fun than you,” he said. Then leaned closer to Midnight. “There’s a nice secluded place behind those rocks,” he whispered. “I’ll leave you a blanket and a soundproof bubble~”

Midnight’s eyes widened and she grabbed Ledger, already dragging him away.

Fluttershy flew over, it was surprisingly easy to move around up here. “Discord,” she said calmly. “I have to get back to feed my animal friends. Otherwise Angel Bunny might get cranky. And if he’s cranky, he can rile up the others.” She smiled and hugged his arm. “We can still have the party in Ponyville. And I bet with your magnificent powers, you could just make it look like the moon?”

Discord pouted, whined and then finally sighed. “Fiiiiiiine,” he said in a long, drawn-out tone and snapped his fingers, everypony and all the buildings now relocated back in Ponyville.

Twilight’s castle still flashed and strobed with the DJ’s music though.

“Oh come on!” Midnight whined, now straddling Ledger in the middle of the street.

“It’s a good thing we didn’t actually do anything,” the drone said. “I’d hate to be arrested for public indecency the day before the wedding.”

“Aww,” Midnight touched his cheek and smiled. “You act like I haven’t been arrested for that before~”

“Kinda hard to make vows in prison,” Ledger pointed out. “So, uh, you going to get off me or…”

“Nope, I’m comfy right he-Yipe!” she yelped as she was plucked from his form by Cider, she slung the bat over her back and just walked away, Midnight pouting over the treatment.

“There we go,” Ledger said as he stood up again. “Now, where is my sister? We have a Pink to...unwind.”

“Whhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” Amy and Joyful rocketed past, Ledger spinning as they did, and once he stopped, he found himself wearing an entirely plaid three piece suit.

“Found them,” he deadpanned, before looking in the direction they’d gone. “We need to get them separated from each other, otherwise they’ll just keep feeding each other ideas, and in Joyful’s case, keep getting fed ice-cream. Problem is, I’m nowhere near fast enough to catch up with them…”

And then, Pinkie was beside him, posing dramatically as a long pink scarf flapped in the breeze.

“Grab my scarf!” she said.

“Oh...kay?” Ledger said before touching it with a hoof. And just like that, what occurred in the next few minutes defied any and all explanation. Pinkie had rocketed forward at lightning fast speeds, Ledger hanging on for dear life and by the time the ride had ended, he was back outside the palace, holding Joyful in his hooves.

“Lemme go!” she squirmed. “Ice-creeeaaammmmm~”

“Nope,” Ledger said, not thinking about what had just happened and lowering his horn to touch the filly’s. This was a technique his mother had taught him, seeing as he was responsible enough to not use it on anypony but Joyful when he needed to. True, Changelings couldn’t feed on each other without one of them coming out poorer for it…

But right now, this little filly needed to calm down and stop having so much energy. To whit, he started feeding on her until she did just that. She gasped and went to smack his cheek, before she yawned and passed out, snoring cutely.

“Aww, funs over,” Amy pouted. Ledger passed his sister over to his mother, who took the filly and gave her a kiss on the head.

“My little Joyful,” she sighed. “Always bringing the most interesting of situations to bear, no matter where you are.”

“I’ll take her back home the long way,” Peaceful said, taking the filly and putting her on his back. “It’ll be refreshing to take the train after the last few times I’ve travelled via Pink Express.”

“You don’t want to stay until tomorrow?” Twilight asked. “Your son is getting married. And I’m sure Joyful would like to see it as well.”

“I’m sure she would,” Peaceful replied. “I just don’t think it’d be safe to leave her here, in a town that already has two Pink mares in it.”

Midnight turned to Amy and Pinkie. “Do you two promise to be good?’ she said, stalking towards them with a predatory grin. “Because I will punish you if you aren’t.”

“Yipe!” Pinkie dove behind Amy, using her as a shield. Amy pulled on a Guard helmet out of nowhere, standing between her pink friend and her bat friend.

“I will never surrender what it means to be a Pink!” the nymph proclaimed. “NEVER!”

“If you insist~” Midnight said and grabbed the pink nymph, giving her a kiss and putting every ounce of Lust she had behind it. The same that she’d once unleashed upon the Las Pegasus Violet Hive…

Amy moaned, before her eyes went half-lidded and she licked her lips. “I’ll be riiiight back,” she said, before jumping off in search of Acey and Chryssie. Leaving Pinkie undefended…

“One down,” Midnight smiled, licking her lips and stalking towards Pinkie next. The mare slid back before her rump hit a tree.

“Uh-ohhh,” she gulped…

“Midnight,” Ledger spoke up. “Heel. Good girl, stop threatening the nice mare.”

Midnight just shrugged and headed towards the castle, she was feeling sleepy for some reason.

“Phew,” Pinkie wiped her brow. “Thanks for the save. Though, I wonder where Amy went?”

Meanwhile, a certain Pink ‘ling had snuck into Pinkie’s vault…

“It’s time,” she whispered, before pulling out the cartons of ice-cream and scoops, along with several other implements. “Time to craft...the ultimate cake.

“Well,” Moondancer mused, deciding to put what had just happened to the furthest reaches of her mind. Space had been fun, as had the dancing, but that was far too jarring for her. “I think I need some therapy… care to relieve my stress love?” she asked her wife.

“I can do that,” Sugar agreed, before looking over at Sunset. “And who is your...delicious looking friend here?”

“This is Sunset Shimmer, a friend of Twilight’s apparently.”

“Yes, and it appears I kind of flirted with a married mare,” she said and bowed her head. “I’m really sorry about that Miss…?”

“You can call me Sugar Darling, dear, and it’s not a problem,” the mare said. “At least, as long as Moonie says it’s not a problem.”

“I kinda flirted back,” Moondancer admitted. “I mean, she’s not only smart, but dat flank…”

“I can agree with you there,” the disguised ‘ling said. “Hmm, I’m almost tempted to make it a threesome…”

“Almost?” Moondancer asked. “It hasn’t stopped you in the past. And don’t think I don’t see you making bedroom eyes at that Violet drone over there.” She giggled and poked the mare. “He freaked out over Midnight kissing him. I still don’t know how he had a child.”

“Yes, I know,” Sugar said with a roll of her eyes. “I’ll not make a move on an obviously married stallion, but Sunset here is tempting. Still, for you, I’ll refrain.”

“Oh, so you’re now assuming that I don’t want to play with her?” Moondancer said, waiting for the dense nymph to realise it.

“Oooh, so that makes two,” Sugar said, before leaning over to whisper in Sunset’s ears. “So how about it? Think you can handle the two of us?

“I think I can~” Sunset purred back as her horn flashed for a moment and Sugar’s body was filled with a tingling warmth. “I trained under Celestia you know, so I should be asking if you are the ones that can keep up~”

“Ledger?” Twilight whispered. “We are never inviting Sugar and Moondancer anywhere again.”

“Oh Moonie~” Sugar sang out. “Did you do your reading? Specifically, that old journal I showed you?”

“Memorised it,” she replied with a nod.

“Good,” the disguised nymph said. “Time to educate this mare~”

“Educate Sunset?” Spike asked, having practically appeared out of nowhere. “Oh, hey everyone.”

“Mmhmm,” the disguised violet said. “Moonie, three to our room please. Your teleports are so much smoother than mine.”

“As my Lady wishes,” Moondancer sighed and with a flourish of magic, the three were gone. Spike blinked and scratched his head before his eyes widened slightly.

“You know, I’m not gonna think about that,” he muttered. “So, does anypony wanna explain why Twilight’s castle is trying to induce seizures?”

“My sister decided to throw a party,” Ledger explained. “Twilight’s castle was shiny and attracted her attention.”

“Joyful’s here?” Spike blinked. “Where is…” He saw her sleeping form draped over her parent’s back. “Ah. And now almost all of the other questions I had are explained as well.”

“Funny how that works out,” the drone replied dryly.

Spike walked over to greet the newcomers, taking one of the Madame’s hooves and kissing it. “Welcome to Ponyville,” he smiled. “I do hope your stay hasn’t been too hectic Lady Gossip.”

“Twilight, I like this version of your greetings,” the Madame said with a smile. “It’s not every day I’m loved instead of feared.”

“Fear a beautiful mare such as yourself?” Spike replied as Twilight rolled her eyes and dragged him away with her magic.

“Alright Romeo, one, she is way too old for you. And two, she's married.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a nice bit of flattery when I hear it, Miss Sparkle,” the disguised nymph said with a wink to Spike. “Keep it up, young drake, and I’m sure you’ll be winning hearts in no time.”

Spike nodded as Twilight just chuckled and set him down on her back.

“Well, so that was an interesting way to spend the afternoon,” Palette chuckled, holding Critical close to him. “Not everyday you get to dance on the moon hmm?”

“Nope, and I think I got a few interesting ideas while we were up there,” the nymph said with a happy hum. “I wonder if he does requests? I wouldn’t mind, say, an hour up there.”

“He'd probably do it,” Scope said and then her tone turned dangerous. “But is he a creature you'd want to be indebted to?”

“True,” Critical sighed. “I’m fairly certain that can’t end well for anypony. Ah well, and I was so looking forward to doing an illusionary show revolving around the moon.”

“Why don’t you ask Twilight?” Scope suggested. “She said she's been there before afterall.”

“That works too,” Critical said before kissing Palette. “But not right now. She looks a little busy.”

Said alicorn was busy berating Discord over his reckless use of magic. Midnight and Cider had vanished, as had Amy.

Chrysalis and Ace, along with Yearling and her drones were nowhere to be seen though. The only ones left were the Madame, her husbands, her daughter, and her son.

“I feel like we missed a memo,” Peaceful said.

“Well, let’s get little Joyful settled in,” the Madame pitched in, and the elders and youngest member of Ledger’s family disappeared into the castle, leaving only Ledger and Scope with Twilight and Critical with Palette.

“So…” Twilight finished with Discord, the spirit vanishing as Twilight sat down rather suddenly. “After making those portals and dealing with the Pinkpocalypse, I'm pretty tired. And we still have the practice run of the wedding.”

“How soon is it?” Ledger asked.

He turned to see Rarity walking towards them, three racks of dresses and suits being pulled behind her in her magic.

“Now?” Twilight replied.

“Scope, you distract Rarity, I’ll go make some special coffee,” Ledger said, cracking his neck. “Twilight, round up the others as much as you can, then come see me for your pick-me-up.”

The alicorn nodded wearily and trudged towards the castle. She just wished this week could be over already.

Soon enough, Twilight had gathered the various brides and grooms in the kitchen, most wondering what was going on.

Scope flew in a moment later.

“I don’t think your Mom was too happy I passed the bit to her,” the little ‘ling replied. “Told Rarity that Gossip wanted to discuss Changeling fashion.”

“Yeah, mother wouldn’t pay much attention to that sort of thing,” Ledger said as he levitated a beaker over a cup of coffee and added three drops of the liquid within to the cup. Just three. No need to go crazy here. “Okay Twilight, it’s ready.”

“What… did you add to that coffee?” Twilight asked dubiously as she stared at the mug.

“Nothing but pure chemistry,” Ledger said. “I studied it growing up, it’s the reason my coffee is so good. I got real good at making all sorts of brews before I realized that I liked my coffee...simple. This is one of the best sorts of brews, though,” he said, before tapping the cup. “It’ll put some pep back in your step or your bits back.”

“I… don't know…” Twilight replied.

“Meh, if Ledger was gonna kill us, he'd have done so long ago,” Midnight said and looked at him. “Unless you're still all cray-cray about the moon thing.”

“Completely over it,” Ledger said with a wave of his hoof. “I promise you, Twilight, this coffee is perfectly safe to consume. I made it myself and tested it on myself before.”

Midnight shrugged and gulped it down in one hit. She slammed the empty mug on the counter and licked her lips.

All was silent for a moment, then Midnight’s eyes slowly widened and she started to vibrate.

“Nope nope nope,” Ledger said, kissing Midnight and feeding on her energy so as to bring her back to normal. He’d already dealt with a trio of Pink mares on the town today, he did not need a hyper Midnight as well.

“Aahhhhh,” Midnight sighed, before snaring Ledger and kissing deeply. The others shrugged and drank theirs as well.

Twilight finished her drink and wiped her mouth with a napkin, even as a lock of her mane sprung out of place. Her eye gave a twitch and she gasped as idea after idea came to mind. One lightbulb moment after another from the alicorn…

Ledger was feeding very well, and was starting to get the idea that breaking out his ultimate coffee recipe was a bad idea. “Twilight?” he asked slowly once his kiss with Middy broke. “Are you okay?”

“Okay? OKAY?!” Twilight giggled as her eyes darted around the room. Rarity backed away slowly. She'd seen this before. The infamous event dubbed ‘Lesson Zero’.

“I’m grrrrrreat!” Twilight said, trilling her ‘r’s’ like a certain showpony. “Who wants to see a magic trick~?” Power built up in her horn.

“Twilight,” Ledger said, slowly drawing closer so as not to draw too much attention to the fact that he was doing so. “You need to calm down and channel all your energy to productive purposes. Like the practice we were going to attend?”

“Productive?” she blinked and gave a lopsided smile. “You know, all the other girls have seen foal pictures of you except me. Luckily, I have a solution~” She raised her hooves and pointed at Ledger. “SHAZAM!”

There was a flash of bright light and once Ledger’s vision cleared…

...Why was everypony taller than him?

“Twilight?” he asked in a high, squeaky voice that was very nearly a chirp. He was rapidly coming to a conclusion that he didn’t like. “What did you do?”

“If I can't see pictures, I'll just settle for the real thing!” She giggled as she picked him and nuzzled him. “Sooooo cute~”

“My mother is here,” Ledger said, calmly building up a head of steam. “She probably brought the album with her to embarrass me with. You could have asked her before turning me into a foal before our practice wedding. Y’know, the thing foals can’t do.”

“Aww, you're even more adorable when you get cranky~” Twilight giggled. Midnight and Cider were too shocked to do anything.

Scope cackled as she rolled around on the floor and dragged Ledger over to her with her magic, the now much smaller colt in her grip.

“Oh what a delicious turn of events this is,” she smiled. Ledger responded by breathing deeply…

Then he rattled off something in Changeish that shocked the gathered ‘lings. Hell, even Scope stopped cuddling him once he finished talking, allowing him to escape with a quick wink and a stomping of tiny little hooves.

“The hell did he say?” Midnight asked Scope and Amy.

“You don’t want to know,” Amy said sadly.

“There better be a counterspell, Twilight,” Scope said. “Otherwise...I think Ledger might just call this whole thing off, he’s that hurt by what you did.”

Twilight's horn shone and a bolt ripped down the hallway, seeking out the colt as the counterspell zapped him. Curiously...he didn’t return

“I didn’t…” Twilight sniffed, then teleported from the room with a flash.

Midnight frowned and got up. “Cidey, go and find Twi. I'm going to drag that idiot drone back here and we're all going to have words.” With that, she trotted from the room, following his magical signature. It seemed to be be going back to Twilight’s room, but why would he…?

Then Midnight recalled the archway portal the two unicorns, one changeling, and one alicorn had set up earlier today. He might just be going as far away as he physically could.

“Fucking hell,” she muttered and walked in. He didn’t seem to be in the room, and she hoped the counterspell hit him before he vanished. She walked up to the device and saw a switch, hitting it and activating the portal.

“Here goes,” she muttered and stepped through…

On the other side, in Cider’s room, a full-grown drone lay on the bed, not even looking over at the active portal as she walked in. He needed to think, and he did his best thinking without any distractions at all. Had he meant what he’d said back there?

...He would need to have a serious talk with Twilight about her impulsive reactions before he could say.

“There you are,” Midnight said, standing near the end of the bed. “You done sulking yet?”

“I said something that can’t be easily taken back, Midnight,” Ledger said without turning to look at her. “I said something horrible. And the worst part is, in that moment...I meant it. I mean, rather than think, rather than ask anypony else if they had foal pictures...she turns me into one just to sate her curiosity.”

“Gee,” Midnight said, the snark was thick in her tone. “I can't imagine how that feels. Just imagine if some stallion learned a bunch of sex spells and tested them without asking hmm?”

“I-!” Ledger said, whipping his head around before grumbling. “Okay, point. But I knew that they had counters. I would never hurt any of you. I…I was seriously afraid that I wouldn’t be able to marry you tomorrow, because I didn’t know that there was a counter to the spell that turned me into a foal.”

“You spout all this stuff about trusting you, and yet you don't seem to trust us in return,” Midnight replied, keeping her tone even. “Do you really think Twilight Sparkle of all ponies would cast something she couldn't take back?”

“In that moment, I was afraid so,” Ledger said. “She wasn’t like herself, she wasn’t behaving like she normally does. That’s...why I said what I did. That’s why I stormed out, why I needed my space to think. Because...if anyling there translated what I said, then I knew I would come off as worse than I had meant to.”

“One, Scope and Amy were there,” Midnight said, taking a breath to keep herself calm. “They heard you and I'm pretty sure they're crying about now. Two, we've known Twilight for like, two months. How are we supposed to know how she acts all the time. You’re a Changeling. I could say that I don't know if you're really acting like yourself, but I know better.”

She walked over and stood next to him. “What did you say Ledger?”

He took a deep breath before repeating it in Equuish. “You...have betrayed me, by doing this to me. I curse your name, and never more wish to see your shadow...darken my door.” He hung his head. “And...And I regret saying it at all. But I...needed to get free, be alone, to deal with this…”

That was when he felt her fear spike, but it didn't seem to be directed at him. “Please…” she said, her tone wavering. “Please tell me you’re joking and didn’t say that.”

“I did say it, but now that I’m thinking clearly...I would take it back in a heartbeat,” he said. “I want to apologize. I need to apologize.”

“Ledger…” Midnight’s voice cracked. “Twilight… she, she wanted, to surprise you at the wedding. She wanted to say her vows in Changeish… so, she's been studying, in secret…”

“Oh hives, she-” With that, he was up and through the portal, trying his best to fix the problem he had caused.

Apple Cider stood outside Twilight’s room, unable to get in due to a barrier.

“Come on Twi,” she said softly. “Ah’m sure Ledger didn’t mean it. And if he did, ah’ll buck ‘im clear into next week.”

“You didn’t hear what he said,” she replied. “It’s...better this way. I was a fool for trying.”

Cider sighed and leaned her head against the door. “Look, ah’ll admit that we haven't been together all that long. But ah come from Las Pegasus. Ah’ve seen marriages and divorces happen in the span of an afternoon, the ponies having known each other less than that.” The earth pony sighed and sat down. “Ah was apprehensive about this herd thing in the beginning, but Middy is a hard mare to say no to.” She paused and let out a little giggle. “And ah had a lot of fun on our date. Yer a beautiful mare Twilight. And ah know Ledger wouldn’t do anything to hurt us on purpose. He's a bit high strung, so y’all proly jus’ scared him real good.”

“Scared him enough for him to curse me in Changeish,” Twilight replied. “You...you go on to the practice wedding. I left a schedule on the table, tell Rarity I won’t be needing my dress…”

“Ah didn't wanna have to do this,” she sighed. “You know, ah don't know a thing about magic, but ah know a little about common sense.” She got up and stretched her legs. “Y’all know the flaw fer castin’ this here barrier on yer door?”

“There is no flaw in the barrier, I am not coming out,” Twilight returned. “And you can’t make me either.”

There was a loud smack, followed by a sickening crack and her wall next to the door exploded, Cider dusting off her hooves and walking through the new hole.

“Right, the hard way it is then,” She said with a steely gaze as she drew closer to the mare…

A few minutes later, Cider whistled cheerfully as she strode back into the kitchen, carrying a hogtied Twilight on her back, a magic suppressor around her horn.

“Ya see, coulda been cooperative,” the mare sighed as she dumped Twilight onto a chair and removed her gag. “But no, y’all gotta be as stubborn as a mule.”

“I’m telling you, what Ledger said leaves little to the imagination,” Twilight said, wiggling as best as she could to try and get away. “He doesn’t want to see me again!”

Her rant finished, just as Ledger and Midnight entered the room, the earth mare turned and she looked pissed.

“Ledger,” she said calmly. “Ah know you were scared, and Twilight could have handled this better.” She leaned in close and grabbed his collar. “But what you said to her. If you don't apologize, ah will put you through that wall.” She stomped her hoof and cracked the crystal floor beneath her for emphasis.

Ledger did the only thing he could think of to show Twilight he hadn’t meant what he’d said. He chittered a simple phrase in Changeish. “From you...for you.” Then he walked closer and kissed her, before giving her as much love as he could pump into it.

He wanted her to realize he still loved her.

Twilight broke away from the kiss and turned her head. “Why bother? I know you hate me…”

“I said what I said in haste and anger, in my desire to be alone so that I could come to terms with my situation before you reversed your change,” the drone said. “I would gladly give everything of myself, so that you can realize...just how much I wish I could take it back.”

“It’s not the first time it's happened you know?” Twilight said quietly. “Last time I hypnotized the entire town into falling in love with an old doll…”

“Spike told me,” Ledger said simply. “We just have to work on curbing your enthusiasm, so that these situations don’t happen anymore.”

“I don't think it's something I can help.” Twilight sighed as Midnight removed her ring and bonds, giving a nod to Cider for her expert rope technique.

“Right, I think we can agree that things got out of hoof,” Scope said. She wasn’t going to voice her concerns because she might not stop anytime soon. “So how about everypony stops being fucking stupid and let's get this wedding rehearsal under way.” That was said as a statement, not a suggestion.

“Please, Twilight, believe me when I say this,” Ledger said, kissing her hoof. “I’m sorry those words ever crossed my lips, and I still want you there. Please...please join us.”

Twilight nodded and wiped a tear from her eye. “And I'm sorry I used an Age Spell on you without permission.”

“And Ledger?” Scope said. “What have we learned about giving stupidly powerful alicorns emotional manipulation drinks and food?”

“But it wasn’t,” he said. “That was good, old-fashioned chemistry. No emotional manipulation whatsoever.”

“Well, what have we learned about giving Twilight anything out of the ordinary?”

“Keep the stupidly powerful coffee out of the hooves of the lavender alicorn?” Ledger suggested.

“There's a good colt,” she cooed, rubbing his head. “Now, can we please get this over with? I'm sure the other changelings have sensed what's happening by now.”

“Are you still fighting?” Amy sniffed, her shell a muted pink hue as her eyes glistened.

“No, it’s safe to say that we’ve stopped fighting now,” Ledger said. “We’ve kissed and made up for what we said and did. Promise.”

“Pinkie Promise?” Amy said.

“I’d make that promise, but I don’t know it,” the drone said.

Amy showed him how and sat there expectantly, waiting for him. Ledger sighed before going through the foalish motions. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” he chanted. “I promise we’re done fighting now. All that’s left to do is fix Twilight before the rehearsal, but I’m not sure she’s happy enough yet.”

A drawer next to him opened and Pinkie popped out, glaring at him.

“Forevveerrrrr…” She said in a raspy tone before slowly sinking back into the too-small drawer and it closed.

“I'm… okay,” Twilight said as Amy cheered up and pointed at Scope.

“Mini-Daring. Cheer up your princess!” she declared.

“What,” Scope flatly demanded.

“Cheer. Up. Twilight!” each word was punctuated with a hoof poke to the nose. “It's In your hooves Scopey. Feel the Cuteness flow through you. Use it.”

The nymph sighed, before looking over at Twilight. “This better work,” she muttered, before her form flashed blue and was replaced with a miniature Daring Do.

Twilight blinked at the teeny pegasus, before giggling and pulling her into a hug. “So cute,” The alicorn smiled. “And of course I'll still get married.” She looked down at Scope and kissed her head. “I promised my Little Treasure didn't I?”

“Yeah, you did,” Scope said, not actively fighting the hug. “So, are we all good now? Can we finally go down and attend our own damn rehearsal?”

“That would be good,” Rarity yawned. And they called her a drama queen. “We don't have enough time for a dress rehearsal now. So get your flanks into that hall so we can practice vows!”

At some point, Ace and Chrysalis had made a break for it as well. Amy just giggled and pronked off to find her cuddlebug and birdy. They were going up on that stage whether they liked it or not~

“Right, vows, practicing everything but moving in the dresses,” Ledger agreed. “Shall we, ladies?” The drone opened the door with his magic for the mares. They followed each other through the door, just as Amy returned, Ace and Chryssie being dragged in her pink magical glow.

“We were so close too,” the green nymph muttered.

“So close, yet so far,” Ace agreed.

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