• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 83 - Show and tell

Dinner that night was a more subdued affair. Sun and Nightshade were the only ones present aside from Lady Echoed.

And the Lady made well sure that insects weren’t on the menu tonight… despite how delicious and nutritious they were…

“You know,” Echoed said to Ledger. “It’s just us tonight Mr Ledger… so if you want to be more comfortable, then that is fine.”

“Just us, aside from all the staff,” Ledger pointed out. “I admit everypony in the room is read in to what I am, but there are those that might be listening at the cracks.”

“Nopony does anything in my home without me knowing about it,” Echoed replied firmly. “But I understand your concerns. I am sorry that your stay has been… stressful.” She shot a look at Nightshade at that last word.

“No less stressful than if I had my secret found out by a pony in Equestria,” Ledger said. “The only difference here is that she at least came back to understand me a little better. I’m willing to bet that if I showed myself off in any city not my home, I would not get nearly that level of response.”

“Oh, you’d get a response alright,” Midnight mused as she played with her fork. “But hey! At least Shady didn’t arrest you like Shiny Flanks did.”

“Probably because she’s not nearly as irrational as he is,” Ledger pointed out.

“Hah! When she first got the job, she wanted to arrest my entire kitchen staff because I nearly choked on a small chicken bone,” Echoed laughed loudly as Nightshade buried her face in her hooves. “She thought they were trying to assassinate me.”

“Huh,” Ledger said with a small smile. “Well, at least my little reveal to all of you hasn’t been as dramatic as it was when Midnight found out.”

“Ledger, No. Shut up!” Midnight replied. “Don’t you bucking dare—”

“Aw come on,” Ledger said with a wider, mischievous smile. “It’s a good story~”

“Ooh, do tell!” Echoed giggled.

“Story, story!” Sun chanted.

“I hate you,” Midnight muttered. “Fine. Tell them. Just know that I hoped you enjoyed that last cuddle. It’ll be the last you get for a while.”

“It’s a nice story,” Ledger said. “A little backstory. I, uh, used to work for a mare known as Toll Taker, she was the head of Pegasus Air, a shipping company based in Las Pegasus. I kept collecting intel on her deals and trying to find a way to bring her down covertly, when lo and behold, Midnight falls into my apartment.”

“Literally?” Shade asked.”Because she’s done that… several times.”

“Not quite,” Ledger chuckled. “And after a few missions where we disrupted Toll’s activities, she wised up to who was responsible, and told me to kill Midnight. We were coming up with a plan to get Midnight out of town before dawn and make them think she’d died...when some of her flunkies showed up.”

“Well, it can’t have ended badly seeing as how you are both—”

“Mom! Shhhhh!’ Sun hushed her. “He’s getting to the good part!”

“I was knocked out,” Ledger admitted. “When I came to, it was to Midnight yelling my name, and to a sense of incredible hostility and anger behind me. I had only a fraction of a second to react, and I did so by partially turning my neck into my carapace and strengthening it. It was more of a reflex than anything else. I have to thank my step-dad for that one.”

“You can do that?” Nightshade asked, she was rather impressed. “Sounds like a useful ability.”

“Yeah, it still hurt,” Ledger admitted, rubbing the back of his neck at the memory. “But I still managed to get up when they said they were going to kill Midnight. The looks on their faces when I got up and transformed back to my normal self...Oh, normally I don’t like being feared, but right then? It was delicious.”

“Ledger, your villainous side is showing,” Midnight idly pointed out as she sipped her juice. Gods what she wouldn’t give for a hard cider or some mead right now.

“It gets worse, remember?” Ledger pointed out. “I screeched at them, before grabbing them with my magic and knocking them around the room a few times. I was fully prepared to beat them to death...when Midnight pulled me back from my rage.”

“Yeah well, even if it was in self-defense, I’d have really hated to arrest you for murder,” the thestral mare replied. Ledger responded by leaning over and kissing her, before continuing the story.

“So with a quick and dirty mind-wipe on the two flunkies to make sure they didn’t remember me, I got them sent up to the Crystal Empire so that they’d not be able to interfere with our plans anymore. Meanwhile, Middy enacted the plan that we’d concocted to make it look like she’d died, and she and I got used to each other before taking out Toll. I have to say, some of your questions were just silly, Middy.”

“Oh, and like yours weren’t,” she replied, poking her tongue out at him. “Or do we really have to go into the whole vampony thing?”

Everybat stopped and all of them turned and looked at Ledger.

“I had to come up with something to throw at her,” Ledger defended himself. “We were trading questions, and I eventually ran out of reasonable ones.”

“Those damned books,” Sun, Echoed and Nightshade all muttered at the same time. The Guard of the trio groaned and sighed.

“If the author herself was a pony, we’d have had her on slander and the like…”

“If it helps any, I didn’t believe a word they said,” Ledger replied. “I’m a well-educated stallion. So despite my experiences with the undead already, I was more than a little skeptical of the vampony books.”

“Exactly,” Nightshade said with a nod. “I mean, who writes that sort of thing about her own bucking species!” The mare panted and then looked at him with a curious look. “Wait… undead?”

“Yeah, zombies are actually a thing apparently,” Midnight nodded. “Who knew?”

“And setting them on fire does not help,” Ledger said with a suppressed shudder.

“And this has suddenly become a topic not meant for the dinner table,” Echoed blanched as the chefs deposited the trays of food onto the table before leaving. “Seeing as how you missed out last time,” the mare continued. “I had them whip up some more of that delicious roast chicken.”

Ledger sighed before pulling the lid off and staring at the food. “Well...are we sure they’re not eavesdropping?”

Echoed looked around the room and nodded. “Please trust in the professionalism of my staff,” she smiled. “And the fact that I told them that they could have the night off to go drinking once we had our dinner.”

Ledger could almost hear the cheering Thestrals abandoning the home enmass. He shifted back to his natural form before carefully cutting a piece of the chicken off and popping it in his mouth. It was less likely he’d be unable to palate it like this.

Though, eating felt a little awkward when everypony was just staring at you with curious eyes. He eventually finished chewing the mouthful and swallowed.

“Not bad,” he said. “Not bad at all.”

“Glad to hear it,” Echoed responded as she tucked into her own food. Midnight and Nightshade seemed to be having a race on who could eat first, while Sun was constructing a castle out of her mashed potato.

“Aaah,” Ledger said between bites. “Just like home. My brothers were always racing each other, while my youngest sister was more interested in playing with her food.”

“Oh?” Echoed inquired as she sipped her wine. “You mentioned something like that yesterday. Is my home truly that reminiscent of your own?”

“Changeling cities are built into the earth, in huge caverns that we either found or made over the years,” Ledger said. “The entrances are concealed within the natural environment found above the city. Though we do have farms built near the entrances as well, to provide for the citizens while still being capable of being defended by the patrols. The first time I opened my eyes in this town, I thought I’d found my way to a new Hive for a minute.”

“How interesting,” Echoed hummed. “Hmm, perhaps we aren’t so different, your species and ours.” She was getting… an idea. One that Ledger and Midnight might be able to help with.

“Yeah, except for the fact that your species eats bugs, and ours are part-insect. Seriously, there are tales about the ‘bat winged terrors’ in most libraries, meant to scare little ‘lings into behaving again. And now I think I know why.” Ledger paused before looking at the others. “What?”

“Really?” Nightshade deadpanned. “You cannot be serious.”

“We eat Changelings?” Sun blinked and looked at her mother for clarification.

“According to them it seems,” Echoed chuckled. “Fret not Ledger, we don’t eat bugs bigger than our head. Though… there was that one poor fool who decided he’d go after a giant spider.”

“Oh good,” Ledger said before resuming his eating. “At least I don’t have to worry about waking up covered in chocolate and Midnight eating me.”

“Oh no, that’s a very real threat,” Midnight said in a smouldering tone that may have caused Nightshade’s wings to stiffen slightly. “I’m just very particular about which… parts get coated in chocolate and licked~”

“Remember our little bet,” he said before sipping his wine. “You started it, after all.”

“I never said when~” she hummed. Though, she was sooo tempted to throw that bet out the window. Still, she had to win at least one in her life with this smug bug.

“We’re going to have such a hard time not going at it on the train ride back, aren’t we?” Ledger asked before going back to his chicken.

“Oh, so the train counts as well?” Well… buck. She thought she’d at least have him there. She had planned to buck him hard enough to derail the train.

“I’m going to count any moment where we aren’t at one of our homes as a moment when we can’t buck,” Ledger said with a smile. “I’m not losing this one if I can avoid it~”

“You seem awfully determined,” Echoed giggled, reminding them that there were other ponies in the room. “I take it that the wager is quite high?”

“We keep finding out new things that we’d love to try out, if not for the bet,” Ledger said before spearing the last of his chicken with a fork. “I imagine that once we actually do get home, it’ll be quite the experience.”

“Heehee, I bet Lady Midnight won’t let you walk for a week,” Heart whispered into his ear, having appeared out of freaking nowhere. Ledger’s breath hitched for a moment before his Pink-Reflex kicked in.

“Hello Heart,” he said with an exhale. “I see you’re still here.”

“Oh, I’m always here,” she replied. “It wouldn’t be good if I got drunk and lost control hmm.”

“It is good to know your limits,” Ledger said as he finished off the last of his dinner. “I know I can’t drink too much, otherwise I get...amorous.”

“Yup, that’s how we got Cider,” Midnight giggled. “Drunk Ledger is a silly Ledger.”

“...” Nightshade may or may not have concocted a plan to get him wasted so she could use the distraction to steal Midnight away…

“I should probably stop after this glass, as a matter of fact,” Ledger said before downing the rest of his wine. “Ah well. Dinner was lovely.” He formshifted after that into his Pegasus disguise before bowing his head to Echoed Song. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” she replied. “But my chefs are the ones that did all the work. The gratitude is theirs rightfully.”

“So… it’s still early,” Midnight said. “What’s the plan for tonight?”

Sun almost vibrated before her hoof shot up. “SLUMBER PARTY!!”

“Oh Hives,” Ledger said. “This is...not going to end well, is it?”

“Probably not,” Echoed said as she got up. “Well, I have work that must—”

“Nope!” Sun grabbed her hoof and beamed. “We’re ALL going to have fun!”

“Oh… bollocks,” the older thestral swore.

And so somehow, despite his best attempts to avoid this.

Ledger found himself in Sun’s bedroom, along with everypony else… in their pyjamas, as the mad thestral mare spun the bottle, before it landed on Ledger.

“Ohhh, truth or dare Ledgie?” she giggled.

“Hmm,” he said before shrugging his shoulders. “Truth.”

“Aww,” Sun rocked back and forth before she came up with something. “How’s it feel getting married to Midnight of all ponies?”

“...I can’t come up with anything other than right,” he said. “It feels like this is something that I’m supposed to be doing.”

“Aawwww,” all the mares sighed and he could drink the affection they all had for days. And then he also realised that it was his turn to spin the bottle~ He tapped it with a wing...and it landed on Midnight.

“Middy, truth or dare?” he asked.

“Dare!” she smirked. There was no way he’d do anything perverse with all these other ponies in the room… unlike their last game with Cider.

Speaking of, they haven’t played it with Scope and Twilight yet. That needed to be rectified.

“I dare you to...” he trailed off before smirking. “Flirt with Nightshade.”

Nightshade’s eyes widened as wide as saucers as Midnight blinked and sighed. “Haah, and here I thought you were going to make this challenging for me.” She got up and walked closer to the mare, licking her lips.

“Such a pretty little bat,” she purred, as Nightshade turned red and scooted back a bit. “Maybe we should go and see what fun the night can bring hmm?”

“I...um, nothatsquiteokay!” she said quickly as Midnight giggled and took her seat.

“Too easy.”

“Your turn then,” Ledger said, pointing at the bottle with a wing. She slapped the bottle with a hoof and it spun until it landed on Sweet Heart. Midnight hummed and looked at her.

“Truth or dare?” she asked and the nymph hummed and beamed.


Midnight’s smirk grew and she looked at Ledger. “I dare you to flirt with Ledger~”

“Oohhhh.” Sun and Echoed said as the nymph giggled and nodded, scooting closer to him.

“Well now,” she purred and bat her eyes at him. “Where should I start with you? Well, aside from the bed of course~”

“Nice try,” Ledger said. “I’ve lived with Midnight for months. You’re gonna have to do better than that to get me flustered.”

“Hmm, is that so?” she hummed, briefly glancing at Midnight as she nodded. Well, now that she had the green light…

The tip of her wing trailed up his side as she unleashed all her pent up Lust against the drone. She knew he’d had a glass or two of wine, and he was a Changeling, then with her being this close, he should start smelling her sugary perfume.

“You know, I’d be more than happy to show you a few tricks even you haven’t seen my sweet Silver~”

Ledger just grunted a little before laying on his stomach, to hide the effects of what Sweet Heart was doing to him. “Okay, better,” he conceded. “Still not interested, though.”

“The dare was to flirt, not to succeed,” she smiled and leaned in close as he felt that thestral tongue against his ear. “That’s just an added bonus. Besides…” she tasted his Lust and hummed. “It seems not all of you is agreeing with those words.”

“Weren’t we playing a different game?” Ledger asked.

“Nice deflection,” she mused and smacked the bottle with her tail as it spun slowly and landed on Echoed. Hearts eyes twinkled with mischief as the mare replied with ‘Dare’.

“What do you think?” she whispered into Ledger’s ear. “Want the hot milf bat to make out with yours?”

“And now it’s exactly like home, Violets and all,” Ledger deadpanned.

“I didn’t hear a no~” Heart sang as she smiled at Echoed. “Okay my Lady. I dare you to… make out with Nightshade!”

“Why me!?” Nightshade glared at her.

“Well, I’m happy riiiight here and she’s related to the other two,” Heart giggled. “Now pucker up Captain!”

Echoed chuckled and gave the Guard a kiss on the cheek, which was still enough to fluster her into a stammering mess.

“Aww, what a cop out,” Heart pouted. Ledger sighed as he got himself under control again, wondering where the bottle would land next. Echoed hummed and looked up.

“As fun as this game is, how about something else. I fear something untoward may happen if we continue.”

“But that’s the best part~” Heart and Midnight whined.

“My point exactly,” Echoed nodded and then she looked at Ledger. “Why Sunny? I do believe we have some ponies in need of a makeover~”

“Oh no you don’t,” Ledger said, getting to his hooves. “You don’t get to do that to me.”

All four mares started advancing on him as Heart ducked her head out of sight for a moment, and he heard the door lock with a light click.

“No, no, and no,” Ledger said as he flashed into his unicorn form. “I am not standing for this! I know how to teleport! Don’t make me!”

“Oh? I have wards that prevent ponies from teleporting in or out of this building,” Echoed said with a small smile. Midnight was the first to pounce as she landed on his back with a light giggle. Ledger did his best to instinctively buck her off of him, his horn already charging up for a teleportation within the building.

That was when Midnight’s tongue shot out and wrapped around his horn, giving it a lavish lick. Ledger let out a throaty moan at the feelings before his knees buckled, the charge dying most of the way. Only a residual amount remained, just enough in case Midnight decided to lick again. Something he had no real control over. She grinned like a madmare at her newfound superpower and decided that a combo was needed.

So she thought of a plethora of erotic thoughts as she licked his horn again, adding a small suckle followed by biting the tip lightly. Ledger let out another, louder moan before dropping to his stomach, to hide his growing arousal from the other mares.

“Mid...Middy...stop...or I’ll...say you lose…” he said. “Too...arousing...to not be...foreplay.”

“Aww, okay!” she chirped and jumped off of him as the other mares stared at her. They were starting to wish that there were more unicorns here in town. Ledger shook his head as he tried to think unsexy thoughts, so that he could stand up without fear of ‘showing off’ to the other mares in the room.

“Well… that was interesting,” Echoed smiled. “And I think we’ve learned far more about the happy couple than we needed to.”

“What can I say, except Midnight is Midnight,” Ledger said, before remembering he was supposed to be running. “Oh Hives.”

Sun cackled as she grabbed one leg, with Midnight grabbing the other.

“Aw, don’t worry Ledgie~” Sun hummed as they dragged him off. “You’ll feel sooo pretty afterwards~”

“Noooo!” Ledger said as he tried to squirm free. “No no no!”

“It’s no use dear,” Echoed said as she lit up a long-necked silver pipe. “Resistance is futile. Besides, one such as yourself should be used to a few cosmetic changes hmm?”

“Not like this!” Ledger said, seriously contemplating whether or not to use his combat training to break free. The question is, could he outfight both Midnight, Nightshade and Sun? Probably not, especially with them restraining his limbs. Wait! A sleep spe- And Midnight would probably just lick his horn again once she saw it light up.

There were no good escape routes.

“Time to make you fabulous!” Sun cheered and Heart was next to them too.

...A Pink was going to give him a makeover. That just sunk in…

“Kill me now,” he moaned, looking at Nightshade. “Please.”

“Tempting, but then Midnight would be mad and stuff,” Night giggled as they dragged him into another room, Echoed waving cheerfully as they did.

A continent away, Twilight’s ear gave a flick and she looked off into the distance. “You know Scopey,” she said to the nymph on her back. “I could swear I just heard Ledger scream…”

“Eh, he’ll be fine,” Scope said. “So when’s the show?”

She got her answer as the lights dimmed and the hall was replaced by a vast open desert. They could even see the heat ripples in the air as Daring Do trudged wearily through the sands.

“In the Great Zebrica Desert,” Yearling’s voice came out, narrating the story with Critical. “This is where our adventure begins…”

“Okay, I might have ripped on her before, but she’s pretty good with these illusions of hers,” Scope said as she sat up and paid attention.

“In the sweltering heat, it was hard to determine what was real, and what wasn’t,” Yearling continued. “And after being poisoned by an agent of Caballeron, she was already in the throes of the hallucinogen.”

Daring was swinging wildly at nothing, and a few times, the scenery would flash to a darkened version of itself, a blood red sky and dark shifting sands as the crowd witnessed the monsters that Daring’s poison-addled mind conjured.

Dash yelped as monster passed by her and she went to swing at it, nearly taking Scope’s head off in the process.

“Dash, it’s not real,” Twilight giggled and screamed as another appeared right in front of her face and she reared up, nearly knocking Scope off of her back. Scope just grabbed on and waited for the monsters to pass, before she giggled and whispered into Twilight’s ear.

“Sure seem real enough to fool you, Sparkle~”

“Oh shut up,” Twilight blushed.

The story continued, and they saw Daring fight off smugglers in an abandoned desert town, and finding the ancient buried city ‘The Celestial Pillars’ and the powerful artefact that lay within its walls.

Yearling smiled from her hiding place. Her little surprise was just around the corner. Let’s see what her newest fans thought of this one.

“Upon sending the coward Ahuizotl scampering away, she was disappointed to find that the artefact was already gone. It had seemed that the jungle king had won this round… at least for now.”

The scene shifted and they were now in a small cafe in Las Pegasus, as Daring sat against one of the walls, sipping at her coffee.

A figure approached and hummed. “So are you the one?” it said. “The famed Daring Do?”

“Who wants to know?” the pegasus replied, setting her cup down. The figure chuckled, one that had an underlying buzz to it as they pulled back their hood, a Changeling nymph with sparkling blue eyes staring back.

“I’m your guide to the artefact you seek. It lays deep within our Lands. So… ready for a whole new adventure?”

“Wait, what?” Scope said, staring at that form. “Did she just?...”

“In this exciting lead up, will Daring Do be able to retrieve the Lunar Spear? Will she be able to survive the Changeling Lands, a civilization that has eluded equinekind for centuries? And what of her new companion, Level-Lens? Stay tuned for my next book in the new ‘Changing Songs’ arc!”

“...Well, that’s going to be a book or two, at least,” Scope said, already debating as to whether or not she’d contact the Madame about this. Yearling had basically announced her intentions to study the Lands for her latest books, she would need permission…

The illusions faded and the lights came back on, as everyone cheered and stomped their hooves. Yearling was quite relieved that it went down so well. The mare approached Critical and smiled.

“Heh, sorry to spring that on you so suddenly. You handled it amazingly though.”

“I’m not one to act, though I can improvise very well,” Critical said as she bowed to the cheering crowd.

Yearling joined her before she had to head to another brief signing session. And around an hour later, the convention was wrapped up as the last of the fans left the hall and Yearling slumped over a table and groaned.

“Urrgghhhh… that was exhausting. Seriously... fun, but exhausting.”

“Describes my illusions to a T,” Critical said with a giggle. “They’re draining to cast, but once the appreciation starts flowing in, they’re not so bad. Now, just a few questions for you if you don’t mind.”

“Fire away,” the pegasus mumbled from her table/pillow.

“You intend to visit the Lands next, right? That’s what your little show today indicated anyways.”

“Well yeah!” Yearling got some more energy and sat up. “I mean, you guys are so mysterious and exciting! And your home is something almost nopony knows about. And I mean, there’s a bunch of you here in Equestria, so I figured that door swung both ways.”

“I see,” Critical mused. “Do you want me to pull a few strings, make it a lot easier for you to get into the Lands and our cities?”

“You can do that?” Yearling asked. “I mean, that’ll suck some of the fun out of it, but I guess everywhere has their rules and regulations.”

“I might be a Green, but my mother is the second-highest ranked Noble Silver, and my uncle is the current High King of Changelings,” Critical said with a wink. “I’m sure I can do something if little Scope links me up with mother. When were you planning to take this trip?”

“Hmm, as soon as possible really,” Yearling nodded. “The more time I have to play with, the better.”

“And when the hell were you planning on telling me this!?” Velvet said as she walked over, floating over two large coffees for the mares.

“Ehhh, when I got back?” Yearling giggled sheepishly.

“Is she always like this?” Critical asked of neither mare in particular.

“Yes!” both of them responded and looked at one another before giggling. Twilight and Scope trotted over, the smaller nymph walking now that the crowds were gone.

Plus Twilight had a sore back from carrying her around all day. She was the Princess of Friendship. Not the Princess of Fitness.

“That was an amazing show!” Twilight smiled brightly. “Truly outstanding.”

“Thank you,” Critical said with a small bow. “I wasn’t expecting the bit at the end, but apparently authors have the privilege to edit shows on the fly.”

“I said I was sorry!” Yearling replied with an exasperated sigh. “Whatever must I do to make it up to you Lady Critical?”

“I’ll think of something,” the Green Nymph giggled before looking at Scope. “I don’t suppose I could make use of your abilities to contact my mother, before I forget?”

Scope sighed and rolled her eyes before flashing into her nymph form and lighting up her horn. The conversation that passed, she kept out of. Eventually Critical smiled and the connection was broken, before looking at Yearling with a...mischievous glint in her eyes. “I think you’re going to enjoy your time in the Lands,” she said.

“Should I be concerned about that tone of voice?” Yearling asked Scope and Twilight, the Princess merely shrugging. It seemed that Ledger’s sister was a lot like him.

“I’d brush up on your Changeish, or at the very least, buy some sort of trinket that’ll translate the language for you,” Scope said. “No telling what she asked for.”

“Wonderful,” Yearling sighed and Twilight suddenly got a marvelous idea.

“Miss Yearling, might you be busy tonight?”

“No, I was going to prepare for my trip, but that’s about it… why?”

“Why doesn’t everypony come back to my palace tonight?” Twilight smiled brightly. “I have something you might find amazingly useful for your trip. A little insider information if you will.”

“Hmm, sounds interesting,” Yearling hummed and looked at Velvet. “Whaddya reckon Vel. Wanna go and chill with your daughter?”

“It’s been a while since I visited,” Velvet nodded. “Alright. But only if Miss Critical and her husband join us as well.”

“He’s not my husband,” Critical said with a blush. “Yet. We’re just fiancees now. I don’t even know where he got off to.”

“Don’t bust your brushes, I’m right here,” he said as he ambled over. A fine sheen of sweat coated him and it looked like he’d just run a marathon. “Phew… this city is too damned big. The air’s too thin and what is everypony gawking at?”

“My big, strong stallion,” Critical cooed with her eyes half-lidded. “You should come and kiss your mare~”

“I should, but I got something important to do first,” he replied as he walked over to her and fished something out of his bag. A small red velvet box. He opened it as a gold ring with a gleaming diamond sat inside.

“Figured that my fiancee couldn’t walk around without a ring,” he smiled as he slipped it over her horn. She held a hoof to her mouth as she looked at it, tears brimming in her eyes before she jumped him and forcibly kissed him. He smiled as he returned the kiss, and she could feel the amount of love the item seemed to have.

But… how did he even afford it?

“So,” he said quietly as he kissed her nose. “I take that you like it?”

“I love it,” she whispered. “I take it this was the thing you wanted to get?”

“Yeah,” he replied. “Wanted to surprise you with it, and I know that Crystal Clarity can’t keep her mouth shut.” He touched the ring lightly and smiled. “It used to be hers you know? I’m sorry I couldn’t afford anything new. I’ll get you something once I can. But… I know that she would have wanted you to wear it. The sweet little mare that brought colour back to my life.”

“Oh Palette,” Critical said as she kissed him again. “You don’t have to get me anything new, I’m happy with you. I really am. And I’m sure she would be happy that you’re happy.”

“Well, this just got slightly mushy,” Scope said.

“Aawwwww~” Twilight and her mother cooed, gushing over how adorable the whole scene was.

“The sap is strong with these two,” Yearling nodded and drained her massive coffee with a few gulps. “Paah! Okay, so what are we doing? Heading back to the palace?”

“You have a palace?” Critical asked as she looked at Twilight.

“Of course I have a palace,” Twilight nodded. “Grew it myself and everything!”

“To the palace!” the nymph dramatically declared with a hoof in the air.

A few hours later, the group stood in front of Twilight’s Palace of Friendship. Yearling gave a low whistle as she stared up at the crystal treehouse.

“Not bad, not bad at all,” she said. “Wasn’t what I was expecting anyhow.”

“Hmm,” Critical said before leaning on her stallion. “Sorry, I already have a shiny thing I prefer to look at.”

The stallion sputtered and blushed as the mares giggled at his expense. “That… why… bah!” he snorted and stomped towards the door as the mare’s laughing grew louder.

Inside, Spike was reclining on a couch, reading to a cute filly with a yellow coat and an off-white mane. Scope hummed a little before she looked at Twilight, wondering what she thought of the situation.

“So,” Twilight giggled. “Who’s your friend there Spike?”

The filly looked up as Spike had an expression of a colt that got caught looting the cookie jar.

“Hi, I’m Sunny Daze!” she said happily. She was like a ray of sunshine given form. “Nice to meet you all!”

“She’s… so cute.” Twilight said under her breath.

“I’d say too cute,” Scope said as she put a hoof to her chest. “This one practically radiates joy.”

“We’ve had a pretty good day right?” Spike said, closing the book.

“Ya-huh!” the filly blushed slightly and smiled. “See you again soon?”

“As long as I get to see that cute smile,” Spike nodded and the filly blushed harder before she left, leaving Spike to sigh wistfully.

“Whelp, I’m out,” Scope said as she walked off. “Not getting anywhere near that conversation.”

Twilight nodded and the group headed further in while she spoke with Spike privately.

“So… you keep dragons here?” Palette asked as they walked. “Equestria really is different huh?”

“Just the one,” Scope said as she kept looking for the table room. “Sparkle hatched him.”

“Weird things do tend to happen in Equestria,” Critical said as she kept pace with her stallion.

“Spike and Twilight have been together for years,” Velvet explained as they arrived in Twilight’s study. “She’s been a mother/sister to him ever since.”

“Which is why I didn’t want to be anywhere near that conversation,” Scope said. “I suppose this’ll do.” That said, she pulled up a chair and relaxed.

“Would you prefer her bedroom?” Critical giggled.

“Don’t tease her,” Palette chided as Velvet giggled, floating over a few more chairs for them to sit on. “She’s just a kid.”

“He did not just say that,” Scope said, looking more at Critical than at Palette.

“Oh dear,” Critical said as she stepped to one side, to get out of the line of fire. Palette looked confused.

“I don’t get it, she is just a kid right? I mean, she’s almost half your size I just thought—”

“I’m a runt,” Scope bluntly cut him off. “I’m never going to be bigger than this, barring special circumstances. So yeah, I might look like a kid, but I’m an adult, thanks for asking.”

One could hear the crickets chirp as an awkward silence set in.

To his credit, Palette looked and felt sincerely apologetic. “I’m very sorry Miss Lens,” he said. “You’re right, I should have asked, rather than assumed.”

“Eh, at least you said sorry,” Scope said before she pulled up, what else, a Daring Do book, to pass the time. At least she tried, before Velvet pulled her into a tight hug.

“And she’s soooo adorable,” the unicorn mare cooed. The doors swung open and Twilight walked in, looking at the scene unfolding.

“Mom… why are you suffocating one of my marefriends?”

“Halp,” Scope said as she tried to reach for Twilight. “Too...much…”

“I’m afraid once you’re caught in a Mom hug, there’s no escape,” Twilight giggled, but teleported the nymph out of her grasp and into her own, softer hug. “Unless your marefriend is a super powerful alicorn princess~”

“Better,” Scope said as she relaxed into the hug.

“So what’s this thing you mentioned earlier Twilight?” Yearling spoke up. “Some information on the Lands?”

“Ah, oh right!” Twilight’s horn flashed and a small stack of papers appeared in front of the mare. It was a copy she’d made of Ledger’s journal, just the stuff about each Hive anyhow. “You might find that interesting.”

Yearling flipped through the pages, her eyes widening. All of this could happen? How… interesting. Still, this should be a great help. But, one question did remain.

“How exactly do I get there?” she asked the changelings in the room. “I mean, it's not like it’s on the train timetables.”

“South,” Critical answered. “Las Pegasus would probably be your best bet for a starting point, or maybe Appleloosa. Depends on which Color you want to run into first. Then you just fly south for a few days, and if you know what landmarks to look for, you should find the border soon. After that, they’ll find you.”

“That… sounds ominous,” Yearling gulped. So, she’d be doing a lot of flying for this one huh. Well, good thing she never skipped wing day.

“We have guards for a reason,” Critical said with a smile. “Don’t worry, I put in a good word for you. It should actually be a fun experience for you.”

“I hope so,” Yearling gulped. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time her life had been put at risk. It actually sounded like fun!

“Ohh dear, I know that look in her eyes,” Velvet groaned. “It seems your Hives are in for quite the experience.”

“It’s a good thing she’s doing this now, rather than ten or fifteen years ago,” Critical said. “Let’s just say that drones weren’t the only ones treated poorly.”

“Mmm, I’d rather not be seen as a snack,” Yearling replied dryly. “I do hope that they know that.”

“I made that quite clear,” Critical said with a nod. “You’ll be seen as mother’s guest for the duration, and if uncle agrees, you might even be a King’s guest. You’ll not be molested at all if they know what’s good for them.”

“M-Molested?” Okay, now the pegasus was having second thoughts. “You know… maybe Twilight’s notes will be enough… heh...heh…”

“Where did you get those notes anyways?” Critical asked of Twilight as she tried to look at them.

“Hmm? Oh, I just copied them out of Ledger’s journal. I left out all the private details though.”

“Well on the one hoof, I hope you know what you’re doing, but on the other…” Critical turned to her employer and smiled. “Try the Red section, I know he wrote about something that’ll catch your eye there.”

Yearling blinked and flipped through to the pages she mentioned until she came across it.


“Mmhmm?” the nymph asked.

“This… um, this mentions zombies.”

“Yup,” Critical said. “Apparently the burial mound of the Reds is home to the restless dead. Oooh, or you could try the Yellow section, he wrote me about their decorations…” And something else, but Twilight would have taken that out.

Yearling smiled and flipped through to the Green section. Her eyes dancing with inspiration already. Okay, this Hive right here would be her first point of call, or her last, since she’d likely not leave once there.

This trip was going to be fun.

Twilight looked down at the nymph still in her hooves and smiled. “Comfy there? You’re usually averse to long hugs.”

“Meh, it’s you, and it’s not like you’re trying to suffocate me,” Scope said as she just relaxed. “Oi, Yearling, if you’re going to the Lands, make sure you read up on the Violets as well. That’s where the danger from molestation really comes into play.”

Yearling yelped and dropped the stack of papers, scattering them everywhere. “Oh ponyfeathers,” she muttered as she and Velvet moved to pick them up. Why was that topic such a big button for her?

“Weird,” Scope said.

“That’s the second time she’s panicked…” Critical mused.

“Oh shut up,” Yearling pouted as she finished picking them up. Another flash from Twilight’s horn saw them put back in order.

Twilight Velvet giggled and petted the pegasus on the back “She’s just all embarrassed because she’s a vi—”

“VELVET!” Yearling shouted and blushed. “They do not need to know that!”

“Buuuut, now that we doooo,” Critical said with a malicious grin.

Twilight looked down at Scope. “You’re going to tease her relentlessly aren’t you?” she said in a flat tone.

“Maybe just suggest she visit the Violet Hive first, find a nice drone at a party, of bucking course we are,” Scope deadpanned back. “When have you known me to not?”

Twilight just sighed and shook her head. “Just, try not to tease the author of your favourite books too much hmm?”

Scope gulped and looked at Yearling with trepidation, before Critical spoke up. “I can pick up the slack~” she sang. “What do you want to know about the drones of home? I can tell you what they like~”

“Critical. Sit!” Palette barked. “Stop teasing the nice mare.”

The nymph whined a little as she nuzzled her stallion. “But Palette,” she said.

“Nope! Now be a good girl or you’ll get a spanking that will not be pleasurable for you,” he said into her ear. Critical whined again, but stopped her teasing. Just in time for Yearling to read the notes about the Violets. The pegasus yelped again and tossed the notes back to Twilight.

“Nope, changed my mind. nopenopenopenope!”

“Too late for that,” Scope said. “You did just make a promise to all your fans today.”

“...Oh bollocks,” she muttered. Well, fine! But she wasn’t setting a single hair inside that Violet Hive. It didn’t look like they had anything to offer anyhow. GAH! Anything that pertained to her story.

“This is going to be hard,” she muttered.

“Still, think of the implications if you did manage a story on us,” Critical said. “It’d be the first true story about us that Equestria’s seen ever since we became public knowledge.”

“I know, even if it is in a fictional book…” Yearlings eyes widened and she suddenly smiled.

“Oh dear, I know that look too,” Velvet sighed. “You just got one of your ideas huh?”

“Yup!” Yearling clapped her hooves and smiled. This was going to be such fun!

“Well, at least you’ve realized that it won’t be all that bad going there,” Critical said. “So husband to be. Where shall we spend the next week and change until my brother gets married?”

“Hrmm…” he tapped his chin and shrugged. “It’d be a pain to travel all the way back home, just to turn around and come back again.”

“We could just ask where the ceremony will be held,” the green nymph said while looking at Twilight.

“Huh? Oh! The ceremony will be held right here in my palace,” Twilight replied.

“Fantastic,” Critical said before nudging her stallion. “What say we stay in town until the big day? We wouldn’t have to go anywhere.”

“Rrmmm, fine… I guess,” he grumbled.

“Well, I have to go to Las Pegasus tomorrow to meet Ledger and Midnight when they return from Hollow Shades. Why don’t you come with me?” Twilight beamed brightly. “It’ll be such a great surprise!”

“That sounds like a fine idea,” Critical said. “Get this grump to see more of the world, meet my brother, introduce the two...I can’t see how this could possibly go wrong.”

“Oooh I bet I can,” Scope muttered under her breath.

Though Twilight hadn’t heard and nodded. This will be quite fun!

Author's Note:

So long as they don't think it, it doesn't count, right?

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Half the money will not go towards a new video card.

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