• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 84 - Brothers are always the last to know

It had been an… interesting couple of days for Midnight Song. She’d come to appreciate some things about her species, something she’d never thought she’d do. But, Hollow Shades was a pretty cool place.

Hell, she’d probably live here if she wasn’t in any relationships. And quit the Guard. And had absolutely nowhere else to go.

Still… It was a step up from Roamania.

And watching Ledger be dressed up as a pretty, pretty princess was a memory that would stay with her forever. And it would forever bring a massive, shit-eating grin to her face.

Life was good sometimes.

“You know that stuff comes out with water right?” she called out to the drone in the bathroom, still in the same place he’d been for about two hours. “Though you gotta admit that Heart did a good job enchanting your mane to look like Celestia’s.”

Ledger didn’t verbally respond with anything more advanced than a grunt as he kept trying to get his appearance back to normal.

“Aww, don’t tell me it bugged you that much? You really should just shed all that anger.”

“Using your puns isn’t helping the situation,” Ledger grumbled. “Sweet Hives, not even shifting is getting me back to normal!”

“Wow, they did a good job huh?” Midnight giggled and ambled into the bathroom to give him a hand. “Alright, let’s see what we have here…”

She took one look at his half disguised form, still covered in make up and she doubled over laughing.

“Very funny,” Ledger deadpanned. “Like the pictures Sweet Heart took won’t help you remember this. No, go on, laugh a little more.”

So she did for a good few minutes before she finally stopped, taking a long-winded sigh. “Pheewwww, heh, oh man, that’s never going to get old.” She walked over to him and reached up into a cupboard and pulled out a cloth and some kind of bottle.

“Try this stuff,” she said. “Make up remover. Otherwise known as acetone for the eggheads.”

“At this point I’ll try anything,” Ledger grumbled as he took the bottle and cloth in his magic. He gave the cloth a quick application of the acetone before he started wiping himself off with it. The stuff was coming off pretty easily now, and it looked like the enchantment on his mane was wearing off as well.

“Aww, and I was just getting used to dating a second princess,” Midnight giggled.

“Yes, well, I’m not one, and I’d rather not impersonate one for longer than I have to,” Ledger said as a memory tickled the back of his brain.

“Hmm, you have your thinking face on,” Midnight said, her muzzle suddenly pressed against his. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”

“Just wondering why you were so eager to see me all dolled up like a Princess,” Ledger said. “Also remembering that I told you I could become a male version of one if I was fed enough. Does somepony like the Princesses?”

Midnight blushed and looked away. “S-Shut up! When did this become about me?” She gave a flick of her tail and started to walk from the room. Ledger smirked before he shut the door from afar with his magic.

“Just give me a minute,” he said as he kept wiping the makeup off. “Nearly done, then I want to try something.”

“Try what?” Midnight replied. She wasn’t going to tell him of her little crush on certain sisters. Especially since it wasn’t proper for a guard to do something like that.

And she wasn’t Twilight’s guard, so Princess Bookworm was fair game. Eventually Ledger had himself cleaned off, and there was a silver inferno in the room…

That died down to reveal a very male version of Princess Luna.

He had never seen Midnight blush so hard. It was actually kind of adorable to see her act like that. She just stood there and stammered, her eyes wandering over his form. He even decided to roleplay a little.

“Does Our subject find Our form appealing?” he asked, striking a small pose to show off. Midnight swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded.

“Y-Yes, you’re… wow.” Her eyes just drank this form in. He looked...delicious~

“Thank thee for thine compliments,” the Prince said as he looked Midnight over. “We must admit, your own form is not unappealing either.”

“Um...thank you?” GAH! Why was she so damned flustered. This was Ledger. LEDGER! It wasn’t a divinely sexy Prince Luna. Hmm, nah… Ah! Prince Nocturne. Now that sounded cool.

Then the blue alicorn drew closer to Midnight and gave her a simple peck on the cheek. Her face lit up and she gave a small squeak as her legs trembled.

“W-W-What? I… ah…” Words failed the bat as she just stood there.

“Hmm, t’would appear there is a way to render Our subjects speechless,” the alicorn said before he moved to gently kissing Midnight on the lips. She just melted into the kiss, humming pleasantly.

Once the kiss broke, she looked up into his eyes. “W-What does my Prince wish of me?”

“The pleasure of thine company, for now,” the Prince said. “Join Us in the bedroom at thine convenience.” With that, he walked off before vanishing in a flash of silver, presumably to their bedroom.

“Yeah. Sure. Okay!” Midnight squeaked out and followed…

But, what was waiting for her wasn’t what she expected.

Instead of a blue alicorn resting on their cloud-bed, it was a white one with a reddish mane and tail, with a sun for a cutie mark. The alicorn looked over to Midnight and smiled softly.

“Ah, my most trusted guard,” he said, before patting the bed next to him. “Come, join me.”

Midnight just stared with wide eyes and she was pretty sure her blush had spread to her entire body. Even so, she nodded and slowly made her way to the bed. The regal alicorn drew her in for a hug with one massive wing, even going so far as to nuzzle Midnight.

“Y-Your Highness,” she whispered. “This… isn’t proper…”

“I am one of the rulers of Equestria,” the white alicorn said. “I decide what’s proper. And I think my most loyal and hardworking guard has earned a bit of royal cuddling.”

“B-But, ponies will talk… your reputation…” Midnight replied bashfully.

“In fact, you’ve served me for such a long time,” the alicorn said. “I think you deserve an additional reward.”

“But, serving you is reward enough,” she said, but the hug was nice. She found herself wondering what a hug from Celestia would feel like. Or Luna…

That was about when the white alicorn started kissing her.

Oh sweet Celestia, Stallion Celestia was kissing her!

And she was too flustered to even respond in kind. The stallion’s tongue prodded her lips, seeking entry. They parted and allowed him entry, her long tongue already pressing against his. The time they spent locked together like that seemed to last for longer than it should, before the stallion broke the kiss and winked at Midnight.

“My, somepony certainly is a good kisser, for somepony that thinks serving is reward enough,” he commented.

“I, because you, that is...” the mare swooned again. “You’re cheating…”

“Did you think I didn’t know about where your eyes stray when you’re in my presence, dear Midnight?” the stallion asked before pecking her on the head. “Just admit your little crush to me, and I promise to kiss you again~”

“But, I…” Midnight blushed again, or, more like continued the constant one she had since he started this little game. And for some reason, she couldn’t help but play along. “I’m… not worthy of notice.”

All my little ponies are worthy of notice, Midnight,” the stallion said. “All you have to do is admit how you want me to notice you, and I will.”

“I do, but… I’m no princess, just a lowly guard…”

“Everypony is worthy, Midnight,” the alicorn said as he kissed the top of her head again. “I love all of them...some more than others, have you seen the nobles lately? But those that take it upon themselves to guard me, protect me, serve me...they need only reach out their hooves, and they can touch me too~”

“S-Serve you… yes, I think, I want to do that,” Midnight nodded and licked her lips. No, wait, she had that bet… Oh but Stars above was he bucking hot! This wasn’t fair…

“Then show me how, dear Midnight, my most loyal guard,” the alicorn said before kissing her again. She moaned into the kiss, he tasted sooo good. She placed a hoof against his chest and blushed.

“But… there’s somepony else I love.”

“Oh?” the alicorn said with a carefully raised eyebrow. “And you would choose them over me?”

“Yes, as he has stolen my heart,” she smiled. “But he is also rather devious and is trying to cheat his way into winning this bet!”

“So be it then,” the alicorn said as he finally released Midnight from the wing-hug. “I’ll let you go to him.” Clearly he wasn’t going to transform back with her right there, it’d ruin the fun~

She closed her eyes and giggled. “Where oh where might my beloved Duke be~?”

There was a soft ‘whomp’ noise, as Ledger’s pegasus form took the place of the male Celestia he had called into being. “Bleh, that was draining. If you don’t mind, I’m just gonna lie here and recover.”

“Aww, you’re so sweet,” Midnight giggled and kissed his cheek. “Given all the love you surround yourself with, I’m surprised you still take a standard pony form. Is taking an alicorn’s really that draining?”

“Just a little,” Ledger said. “I’m lucky I only tried teleporting as Luna. Too much high-level magic...I mean, thanks to you and the others, I might be able to impersonate one again real soon, but I’m not doing it again on this trip.”

“Fair enough, but I’m totally calling dibs and…” She paused and looked at him. “You had better not tell the others about this.”

“I won’t need to tell them anything,” Ledger said as he beeped her muzzle with a hoof. “You lit up red nearly instantly when I took my form the first time. I’m pretty sure they’d work it out after seeing you around me once.”

“Oh bite me,” the thestral pouted. “So I have a crush on the princesses. Big friggen whoop.”

“Everypony has their crushes,” Ledger said as he drew Midnight in for a hug. “Mine was Twilight in an academic sense. Then you walked into my life. Then she did.”

“She?” Midnight asked. “Oh, Twilight. Eheh, I think I’m starting to lose track of everypony.” She opened her mouth in a loud yawn and sighed. “Sleepy already... “

“Yeah, let’s just settle in for the night,” Ledger said as he laid down on the cloud bed. Midnight nodded as she rolled over onto her back, tucking her wings against her sides as she closed her eyes. They’d be heading home tomorrow, but slowing down… Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen.

Midnight hadn’t been expecting all that much as she and Ledger boarded the carriage to take them to the train station.

She definitely wasn’t expecting half of the city to turn up to see them off.

“Well, I do hope your opinion of thestrals has lifted somewhat,” Echoed said to Ledger.

“After that little...incident up in Roamania, the only way my opinions could be lower is if you actively tried to start a war,” Ledger said with a slight laugh.

“Oh Stars no,” Echoed replied with a wave of her hoof. “We don’t know enough about the layout of the Hives to do that yet.”

“I’m pretty sure the Lands’ beasts would serve as a natural deterrent to anypony trying to invade,” Ledger said with a smile. “After all, all the monsters have to exist somewhere.”

“It’s a joke Ledger,” Echoed deadpanned and then smiled. “Still, we’re well aware of the monsters that roam those lands. How you actually got a thriving civilization to work there is beyond me. Though, I guess we’ll see soon enough.”

“Oh?” Ledger asked with a tilted head. “How so?”

“Hmm, I wonder?” Echoed smiled, that practised ‘I know something you don’t’ smile on her face. “You’ll see.”

“Oh come on! Get off!” Nightshade groaned as Midnight hugged the life out of her and Sun.

“And that just seems off,” Ledger commented. “I sorta expected Sun to be the one doing the hugging…”

Sun was happily expecting hugs as Nightshade rolled her eyes in annoyance, though her cheeks were tinged with a slight blush.

“Oh! Are you guys coming to the wedding?” Midnight asked. “And you can come too Shady!”

“Why would I want to go to your wedding?” Nightshade huffed. “Well, I guess if I can meet the ponies that turned you into such a softsack…”

“At this rate, the wedding will be attended by half of Equestria...with Cider’s family providing the other half,” Ledger sighed.

“Yeah, I really hoped she reigned in that card a bit,” Midnight nodded as she flew over to him. “Well, at least the castle is pretty big…” Then she snorted and laughed out loud.

“And I’m missing something,” the currently-Pegasus observed.

“I’ll tell you later,” Midnight giggled. Granted it was a terrible and foalish joke. But she found it amusing none-the-less. “Just think about what we call that castle, abbreviate it and add what I said.”

“...Oh Hives,” Ledger groaned. “Let’s just get home before you get any worse from being so pent-up.”

“...Yeah, I think that’s a really good idea,” Midnight nodded. “Well, this visit has been a blast. We’ll come and visit again soon okay? And we’ll try and bring everypony else next time.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Echoed nodded and gave both of them a hug. “I’ll see you in a week and a half, provided your mother doesn’t flay me alive Middy.”

Yeah… Moon and Echoed really didn’t get along for some reason. Even Midnight didn’t know why.

After another round of farewells, Ledger and Midnight Song boarded the carriage, before beginning the long trip back to Las Pegasus. Well, after a small stop in Canterlot first…

Canterlot was as bustling as ever as ponies went about their business. Rare was it when a pony in Canterlot had nothing to do. Work, shopping and socialising were on almost everypony’s calendar.

There was something about this city Midnight loved. Las Pegasus was nice, and there was never a shortage of excitement there, but Canterlot was her home and always would be.

Plus seeing the look on Ledger’s face when she just walked right into Canterlot Castle without any questions asked was too precious.

“Something the matter?” she asked.

“Just wondering why we’re here, and why you can get into the castle so easily,” Ledger replied. “Wait, no, scratch that last one. You’re Midnight. Case closed.”

“Ohh, somepony’s learning~” Midnight cooed and kissed his cheek. “Now, follow me.” She led the drone through the castle until they came out into a larger field. Ledger saw dozens of Solar Guard running around a massive track as one in particular shouted at them to run faster.

“Oohhh, this brings back memories,” Midnight hummed. Her wings twitched and she thought about jumping onto the track and running with them.

“Reminiscing about when that was you?” Ledger asked.

“Yup, good times,” Midnight smiled and walked up behind the drill sergeant. She poked him and he turned his head, his eyes widening as Midnight asked for the megaphone he had. He grinned and hoofed it over as Midnight took a breath.

“I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’VE BEEN TOLD!” she shouted out as a marching song.

“I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’VE BEEN TOLD!!” the guards shouted out in response.


‘BUT CELEST—” the guards stumbled as they realised what their suddenly female drill sergeant shouted. The group soon became a pile of pony and armour as Midnight cackled.

“You’re incorrigible,” Ledger said from the sidelines. “And I think going so long without getting any yourself is making you worse.”

Once the stallions had recovered, they trotted over to meet their old teammate with a round of cheers and backslaps.

“So, how’s our resident pervbat been?” one asked.

“Being good at everything. As always,” Midnight nodded and grinned. “I figured I’d swing by and see you guys before I got married…”

The training grounds became so silent you could hear Fluttershy speak. Ledger suddenly had the eyes of EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of them on him.

“He the one?” one particularly large guard said, stepped up to him. Oh sweet Celestia, Ledger only came up to his guy’s chest. He looked like he picked his teeth with friggen redwood trees and bench pressed trains.

In short, he reminded Ledger of a Earth Pony that used to work for Toll Taker. So some reactions were inevitable.

“No, she’s talking about the invisible dragon that accompanied her,” he snarked.

“Boulder, be nice,” Midnight scolded him. “His name is Level Ledger and he’s very cute and caring. If you rough him up… well,” her eyes narrowed and it felt like Celestia’s sun just froze over. “It would be very bad for all of you~”

The guards shivered and then beamed, pulling Midnight into a massive group hug. “We missed you little bat,” one said. Even Boulder wiped a manly tear from his eye.

“Well, that happened,” Ledger said with a soft sigh. “I assume these are the guys you wanted to meet?”

“Yup, this is my old squad, we went through Tartarus and back together,” Midnight nodded from within the pile of stallion.

“Only because you sent us there in the first place,” one said.

“Eehhh, details,” Midnight shrugged and ruffled his mane. “And what about you Lancer? Got yourself a special someone yet?”

“Eh, hard to find somepony as special as you little bat.” There was a collective murmur of nods and grunts.

“Midnight, please tell me you didn’t sleep with everypony on your old squad,” Ledger deadpanned. His reply was a deafening silence, which he answered with another sigh.

“Are the Princesses seriously the only ponies you haven’t slept with?” he asked rhetorically.

“Well…” Midnight wiggled her eyebrows. She nailed at least one princess.

“And yet you got her to settle down huh?” Lancer walked over to Ledger. He was a lanky unicorn, but his eyes were like a hawks. They seemed to stare right through him. “Must be something special huh?”

“It took a bit of finagling, but I think I found a way to get her to agree,” Ledger said with a smile.

“Yeah, it was touch and go for a while, lotsa stuff happened,” Midnight agreed, extracting herself from the stallions. “But I love him, that’s never gonna change. Plus…” she looked down and smiled. “We have this one on the way as well.”

Again, silence reigned supreme as all the guards looked at Ledger again.

“Complete accident,” Ledger said in defense of himself. “Forgot she was off her potion and didn’t take any precautions myself. Still doesn’t change how I feel about her.”

“So, my life has gotten waaaay different,” Midnight giggled. “I wanted to give you guys a heads up anyway.”

“So where have you been?” Lancer asked. “You just up and vanished.”

“Well, I got assigned to a mission by Princess Celestia in Las Pegasus. Stuff went down and that was also where me and Ledger met. After the mission, the Princess promoted me to Specialist…”

“She… she made you a Spectre?” another yet-to-be-introduced guard asked.

“I know right? I was surprised as well. But now I sort of help out the LP Guard whenever they need it. No shortage of shit in that city, believe me.”

“Though I am doing my part to help as well,” Ledger said with a nod. “You would not believe what we find in the city on a daily basis.”

“Oh, so this one thinks he’s a tough guy?” Boulder chuckled. “The Boulder disagrees.”

“...Midnight, if I were to do anything, you think it’d go over well?” Ledger asked with a smile on his face.

“Hmm,” Midnight looked at the two and then at the grinning drill sergeant. “Whelp, if you want. We can make this a duel.”

“Midnight, you know how I fight,” Ledger said. “It wouldn’t last long.”

“You think you can beat The Boulder?” The stallion rumbled and stepped forward.

“Duel accepted. Just don’t kill each other~” Midnight smiled. Ledger sighed and shook his head.

“You don’t know what you’re getting into,” he tried to warn the stallion. “Last chance, back off. I don’t want to hurt anypony.”

“The Boulder isn’t afraid of a little hornhead,” he rumbled and charged, the ground actually shook lightly as he did. Ledger did a quick blink out of the way just in time before he fired up his TK to start hitting nerves. He’d start simple.

“Right hindleg,” he said, using his magic to hit just behind the joint and deaden Boulder’s ability to use it.

And yet the stallion kept coming! He snorted as his hind leg dragged, but he didn’t even slow down. If Ledger didn’t do something…

He blinked again, this time behind the massive pony and used his TK again. “Left foreleg.” Yeah, calling his shots might seem a little arrogant, but he figured the pony deserved a little warning. Let’s see him keep coming with only two legs.

Oh for Hives sake! He was slower, but the stallion grunted through the pain, flinging his dead legs as he kept bloody coming!

“You just don’t stop, do you?” Ledger observed. “Fine. Say goodbye to your legs.” With that, Ledger fired his TK up one last time. Surely, this fight would be over now. Well, provided he hadn’t jumped before he fired the spell, the now airborne Earth Pony falling at him, shouting some sort of warcry.

Ledger let out a ‘meep!’ as he blinked again, thankful that Scope had taught him this spell so long ago. “What does it take to get you to stop?” Ledger asked as he reappeared out of the target range. Once the stallion landed, he’d try to hit the legs again.

There was a rumble and a cloud of dust when the stallion impacted the earth. And once the dust cleared?

All he saw was a pair of hips and hind legs flailing, the rest of him buried in the dirt.

Several guards exchanged bits, some grumbling as Midnight collected her winnings.

“Well, that was painless on my part,” Ledger said as he used his magic to try and pull the stallion out of the earth. He could be a gracious winner when his life wasn’t on the line.

He came out with a loud pop, as Lancer used his own magic to bring feeling back into his friend's legs.

“You aren’t bad kid,” the sergeant clapped him on the back, causing his legs to buckle. “Wanna join the guard?”

“Luna made the same offer,” Ledger said. “I told her the same thing I’m telling you: I’ve got very few tricks in my repertoire. It’s how I use them that’s impressive.”

“Eh, all Boulder’s good at is charging things and taking hits like a champ,” the sergeant grinned. “You can be good at just one thing, but it’s as you say, it’s how you use that skill.” All the guards gathered around him and stared at him stoically.

“Now,” Lancer said. “We’d give you the whole ‘You hurt Midnight, we force-feed you your own horn’ talk. But I get the feeling you’re a stallion who isn’t easily intimidated.”

“Don’t get me wrong, you’re all quite impressive,” the brown unicorn said with a nod. “It’s just, I worked for somepony that scared me on a more personal level for a year. So everything else kinda pales.”

“Yep, then I saved him like a damsel in distress,” Midnight nodded and puffed out her chest.

“What is your fascination with treating me like a mare?” Ledger said with a roll of his eyes. Midnight just shrugged and looked at the Captain.

“So, you’re in charge now? I do hope you’re keeping them in shape?”

“I try,” the stallion said. “I just don’t have your charisma.”

“There is only one me,” Midnight nodded. “Unless you got a changeling, then you could pretend to have a second me.”

“Speaking of,” the Captain, Named Captain actually, said to her. He leaned over and whispered something into Midnight’s ear, something that made her eyes widen.

“She’s… planning to do what?”

“I know, I just know that that, and your name was brought up in a conversation recently. Mind you, it’s just a rumour floating around, so it’s validity…”

“No, that sounds exactly like something she’d do,” Midnight sighed. “Alright, I need to get home and see to this then.” She looked at her friends and smiled. “Wish me luck for my wedding?”

“OORAH!!!” They roared with a single stomp of their hoof. Midnight beamed happily and gave each and every one of them a hug.

“You take care of her,” Lancer said, walking up next to Ledger. “She’s special.”

“Don’t need to tell me twice,” Ledger said with a nod. “Plus, I don’t think the world could handle more than one of her anyways.”

“Hah, truer words have never been spoken,” Lancer chuckled. Midnight looked back at them and smiled. And soon, the couple found themselves back on a train and speeding towards home.

“So, you liked them?” the thestral asked Ledger, leaning against him.

“They were interesting, I’ll give them that,” Ledger said. “I’m just glad I didn’t have to break out any of my more interesting techniques to win that little duel.”

“Yeah, lucky you were fighting Boulder. He’s strong… buuuut, he’s not the brightest star in the sky. But sweet Celestia can he bu—”

“And you need to get home desperately,” Ledger said as he kissed Midnight’s head. “Otherwise I fear you’re going to explode into some sort of lust-crazed bat that is worse than your normal self.”

“Mmm, just unleash me on those little Violets at home. I bet they could do with a second chance to try and wear me out~”

“Something tells me that Sugar wouldn’t be too appreciative of you disturbing her operations again,” Ledger said as he hugged his mare.

“Aww, but she missed out last time, and I bet she could actually do it too,” Midnight nodded. “Hmm, I think you might be onto something here. Also, we never discussed what would happen when I win this bet.”

“Nor I,” the unicorn said. “Nor did we determine who would actually win if the both of us resisted each other until we got home.”

“Hmm, wanna team up and buck the rest of them until they can’t walk straight?”

“Sounds like a plan, assuming we both manage to make it,” Ledger replied as he just cuddled his mare a little closer.

“I wonder,” she mused. She really did wonder how Ledger was handling this. She wondered if he wasn’t bothered at all by it. What she wouldn’t give for a peek inside his head. She just sighed and leaned against him, her scent filling his nostrils.

“Mmm,” Ledger sighed as he just held her. “I could stay like this for a long, long time…”

“I’ll bet,” Midnight nodded, placing a wing around him. This was nice…

“Wanna find a private area?”

“Nice try,” Ledger said. “I’m good here, thanks.”


By the time they got home, it was already getting dark. And the second they stepped hoof off of the train, a magenta flash saw them standing in the living room of their home, Scope, Twilight and Cider waiting for them.

“Welcome home,” Cider greeted them, giving the pair of them a tight hug and a kiss. “Have fun?”

“Mhmm, we had a bunch of fun,” Midnight nodded. “I’m a bit tired though.”

“As am I, actually,” Ledger said with a yawn. “I dunno what it is, but transit by train wears on me.”

“Well, we need to have a little chat before you do,” Twilight said with a small nod and looked at Scope. She gave the little ‘ling a peck on the forehead and then whisked herself and Ledger away with a spell, leaving Midnight to look at the nymph with a confused expression.

“What?” Scope asked. “Do I have something on my face?”

“Just wondering what’s up with Twilight,” Midnight said. “Does this have to do with the really pissed off sounding scroll she sent Ledger?”

“Maybe?” Scope said with a shrug. “We’ll know if he comes back singed.”

When they re-appeared, it was in Twilight’s study in Ponyville.

“Guess who’s been practising her teleport spell?” the alicorn said as she took a seat and opened up a book.

“Yeah, I really should do that with mine,” Ledger said as he looked for another seat to occupy.

“So… do you know why we’re here?” she asked, her tone was rather calm, but had a little bite to it. “Or should I explain?”

“You sent a letter, saying something about how we need to talk about Scope,” Ledger said with a shrug. “I’m an emotivore, not a mind-reader.”

“So, you really haven’t noticed?” she asked, closing her book with an audible snap. “How you treat her?”

“We have a typical Changeling relationship,” Ledger said, not sure what the problem was.

Twilight sighed and placed a hoof against her forehead. "Okay Ledger. I'll admit that I don’t know how a typical changeling relationship works." She got up and walked over to him, her emotions saying that she was... less than happy. "But when my wife-to-be breaks down crying, because she thinks you like her as nothing more than a toy to play with..."

“Oh,” Ledger said, far more subdued. “I...I didn’t know it was that bad. She...doesn’t really talk to me.”

"I understand that, Treasure likes to keep to herself." Twilight sighed and sat down in front of him. "But, I think you should talk with her. She's... jealous? I don't really know. She just thinks that you treat the rest of us better that her. That the sex is the only reason you keep her around."

“That’s...not it at all,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “I do care about her. I do. I...guess I was falling back on the relationships I saw when I was in the Lands…” The brown unicorn looked up at Twilight with a pleading expression. “How...can I fix this?”

"Well, that all depends on what Treasure wants," Twilight replied. "But showing her you care, that you love her is a good start. And something that doesn't involve the bedroom."

“I...think I have an idea, then,” Ledger said. “Okay, do you know where she is? I’d...like to make as quick a start on showing her I care as soon as I can.”

"She's back at your home," Twilight said. "Oh, and you might want this back..." Her horn shone and Ledgers book appeared in his lap.

“...Y’know, I was wondering why it wasn’t in my bag,” Ledger said. “Guess you got a nice long look at it then?”

"Read it cover to cover," Twilight nodded and her expression softened into one of slight sadness. "Even the yellow section."

“She actually came back and found me, you know?” Ledger said softly. “Wants me to forgive her. Said she was under too much pressure and wasn’t raised right. Think you’re up for intimidating her the next time she finds me?”

"I think everypony deserves a second chance," Twilight said. "If Chrysalis can change for the better, then this nymph could as well. It just takes one to extend a helping hoof."

“The reason she came back to find me was because of my Noble status,” Ledger deadpanned. “She was going to use me to get out of an arranged marriage.”

"I never said it'd be easy," Twilight frowned. She was never going to forget those first few weeks with Chrysalis. "Well, if she shows up again, I'll meet with her." Her horn lit up once more and she smiled. "Now I believe you have a tiny nymph to talk to." And with a flash, they teleported to Cider’s farm.

The first thing Ledger did, upon not seeing Scope at all when he entered the farmhouse, was put his book away again. And this time, he made sure he knew where it was.

A Silver losing track of their book was just...insulting.

The next thing he did was set about looking for the little nymph.

Said nymph was on the couch, snuggled under one of Midnight’s wings as she regaled her with tales of her and Ledger’s batty adventure.

"O-Oh Hives...he, he really dressed up...as a princess!?" Scope cackled. "Please tell me you took pictures."

“All left there with the family,” Ledger said as he sat next to the couch, and did his best to pry Scope free of Midnight so he could snuggle her instead. “Hello you.”

"Mhmm," Scope replied, giving his cheek a light kiss. "Where'd you run off to?"

“Twilight wanted to have some words with me about what she read in my book,” Ledger said before beeping her muzzle. “Now how did she get it and read it, I wonder?”

"I stole it," Scope replied with absolutely no shame. "But you promised her, I was merely collecting that promise."

“Fair enough,” Ledger said as he kept cuddling her. “Also, it has been drawn to my attention that perhaps, just perhaps, I don’t show you as nearly as much appreciation as I could.” With that, he began doing something Nobles were known for, and that other ponies couldn’t sense.

He began radiating love for her. Mainly because he was using his stored emotions to do so.

Scope froze and blushed. Twilight actually said something? "Y-You don't have to..." she started.

“But I should have far sooner than this, and I want to,” Ledger said as he kept holding her. “It’s not right that I rely on old models for what a Changeling relationship should be. Can I ask you to help me redefine it?”

Scope fell quiet for a moment. He did seem to be genuine about this. So...

"Can... we go on a date?" She asked. "Just the two of us?"

“Do you want us to?” Ledger asked. “I’ve done that with the others, if you want to go on one as well, then I’ll do so happily. You’d just have to tell me what you’d like to do. A nice dinner, a little entertainment…”

"Everything." Scope nodded and smiled. "I want the whole package..." Midnight snorted in amusement and Scope frowned. "Not that package, perverted idiot."

“Hmm...tonight too soon?” Ledger asked her.

"Aren't you tired from your trip though?" The nymph hummed and rocked her head from side to side. It was adorable.

"Tomorrow. You'll have an entire day to plan, so even you couldn't screw it up..."

"Oh I know something he could screw~♡" Midnight said in a husky tone.

"Alright, the hell is her problem?" The nymph demanded. "I haven't seen her like this since...since..." she trailed off as she got a faraway look in her eyes, like when war victims were remembering the days.

“Middy and I made a bet as to who could hold out longer up in Hollow Shades,” Ledger said. “For the last few days, we’ve not been screwing each other. And I think she got worse as time went on.”

"..." Scope looked him. "Bullshit."

“Is her current behavior not proof enough?” Ledger asked with a carefully raised eyebrow.

Cider walked into the room and the bat vanished from sight.

"Howdy ya'll," the chipper mare greeted the changelings. "Huh? Ah thought Little Bat was here?"

“She was,” Ledger mused. “I don’t know where she’s gone…” Ah well, he had a Scope to cuddle and lavish with affection.

"Wait, ah could swear she was..." Her eyes widened with a certain realisation. "Aw horseapples-" Cider reacted as Midnight pounced on her from the ceiling, flipping the thestral onto her back and pinning her there.

Midnight blinked. "Wha...huh? How do you keep doing that!?"

“Probably something along the lines of ‘years of practice,’” Ledger replied as he kissed the top of Scope’s head. This...this felt far nicer than a typical ‘ling relationship.

“Sumthin’ like that,” Cider nodded and yelped when Midnight quickly switched their positions, slinging the earth pony over her back and trotting away.

“I’m stealing her for the night~ Don’t wait up!” the thestral called as she hauled her prize away.

“Well, that happened,” Ledger commented. “Y’know, if we were still betting, I’d be willing to say she gave into her lust before I did.”

“I can’t believe you went three days without sex,” Scope replied. “I’m even more surprised one of you didn’t molest the other in their sleep.”

“Midnight nearly crossed the line a few times,” Ledger said. “Though, I’m pretty sure I didn’t help.”

“Encouraged sounds more like something you’d do,” Scope chuckled. “Um… sorry for stealing your book. But Twilight’s smile is really addictive.”

“I hear that,” Ledger said as he nuzzled the smaller nymph. “You’ll have to tell me all about it while I cook dinner.”

Scope’s stomach gave a loud rumble in response. “Oh yeah, that needs to be a thing that happens.”

“Casserole?” Ledger asked as he stood up, finally releasing Scope from his hug.

“Sounds good… oh, and guess what?” She paused and let him stew for a moment. “I met Critical’s looove stallion~”

“I swear if he isn’t treating my sister right,” Ledger grumbled as he made his way to the kitchen. “I might just try for becoming a dragon a second time, and have crystal for lunch.”

“Ahh, leave the dragon transformations to me, you kinda suck at it,” Scope giggled. “Maybe if you’re lucky, a certain dragoness will come and visit you again~”

“Well I never needed to be a dragon to blend in,” Ledger groused as he started the various processes to start dinner. “I mostly set up long-term disguises or useful ones. A dragon in Equestria isn’t all that...inconspicuous.”

“True,” the nymph nodded as she floated a few pans and ingredients over to him. “I don’t even know why transformations come so easily to me.”

“Probably the same reason that TK and the variety of spells and research I do come so easily to me,” Ledger replied as he filled a pot with water to boil the macaroni in. Another pot was set on melting cheese, and he prepared a cutting board with a few potatoes on it. “Hmm. Where are the breadcrumbs?...they’re my topping, and I can’t seem to find any…”

“Want me to duck out and get some?” Scope offered.

“Let’s make a list as to what I need first,” Ledger said as he rummaged. “Hmm…” He perused Cider’s spice rack and nodded. “Yeah, I just seem to be missing a topping...though if you come up with anything you’d like to try in the casserole, feel free to mention it. It’s an evolving recipe.”

“I honestly don’t know. I never ate much pony food before coming to Equestria…” She looked at the large kitchen as some old memories played. “Heh, I was lucky to eat anything at all…”

“You know we’re here for you, right?” Ledger asked as everything paused while he looked at Scope.

The nymph blinked and looked at him. “Ahh, don’t worry about it. The past is the past right?” She chuckled and shook her head. “Unless it comes back to eat your soul, or kidnap you into marriage… You know, we really should find out if Cider has a troubling past that needs to be dealt with.”

“True, she’s pretty much the only one in our herd that hasn’t had a secret come out of the woodworks to mess with her life,” Ledger said as everything started up again. “Ah well. If anything happens, it happens. And if not, then we don’t need to go looking for it.”

“Plus we have the Princess of Overpowered Magic on our side now,” Scope nodded as she wrote down a list. Breadcrumbs. Sugar. Milk. Sugar. ummm… sugar.

“Try to be back with the breadcrumbs soon,” Ledger said as he gave the nymph a small kiss. “This won’t take long, and I’ll need a topping when it’s ready.”

With a nod and a magical ‘pop’, the nymph was gone.

Narrow Gaze walked the streets of Las Pegasus. The city had become… a little dull actually. Sure, they still had the occasional mugger or thief, but crime had really come a long way. Even the other crime families were still quiet. Though, that gave her reason to worry more than anything.

And that was when she tripped over a small mare that appeared right in front of her. The unicorn tumbled to the ground with a yelp, before picking herself up and glaring at the roadblock.

“Hey! Watch where you’re… huh? Oh, it’s you.”

“Geeze, can’t even teleport without somepony tripping over me,” Scope groused as she got up as well. She had a mission to complete, and the fact that there was sugar on the market as well was a total coincidence. Yup.

“You know there’s a rule about teleporting into the middle of the street because of just such an incident yes?” Narrow rubbed her sore snout and sighed. “Well whatever. What are you doing out so late?”

“Snark-bug has run out of ingredients for dinner,” Scope said as she looked for a market to buy the sugar and breadcrumbs from. “Sent me out to pick some up.”

“Ah,” Narrow nodded, realising that she should probably stock up soon, or incur the disappointed sighs of her birdfriend. She started following Scope as the little nymph headed into the markets. “So how have you and the resident pain-in-my-flank been doing?”

“...Better,” Scope said with a nod. “Better now that he’s actually talking and listening to me.”

“Something wrong with the two of you before?” the unicorn asked, holding Scope’s basket for her as she filled it. “I thought you all got along fine.”

“It was a typical relationship for us...but that wasn’t what I wanted,” the nymph said as they came across the sugar. “He’s...kind to the other mares. Nicer. I wanted that, and now he’s actually giving it to me...or will be anyway.”

“Huh… Note to self, changelings are weird…” Narrow suddenly winced as the nymph loaded up the basket with sugar. “Uh… are you trying to bake a mountain-sized cake or something?”

“Nah, this is just for me and Ledger,” Scope said as she was finally happy with what she had. “Mostly me.”

“...I don’t…” Narrow just shook her head. This was probably something best not thought about. “So, hearing that Sugar Darling got married was quite a shock. Never would have thought that’d happen.”

“Guess she just found a pony she couldn’t let go of,” Scope said as she pulled out her bit-bag. “Sorta like Ledger and Midnight, really.”

Narrow nodded and a thought occured. “Oh, speaking of our resident bat. Could you tell her that I’d like to see her tomorrow?”

“Maybe,” Scope said. “Assuming I see her at dinner. She’s currently feasting on Cider after a fast of intercourse during their vacation. She might not come down.”

“...That’s a mental picture I did not need. Thank you,” Narrow deadpanned. And thanks to Fredrick’s… influence, she really did picture that… NOPE!

“Dammit Scope…”

“I try~” the little nymph chuckled as she took her purchases from the captain and made to pay for them. “Though, you should really try living with them.”

“Pass, though you have my sympathies.” Narrow snorted and shook her head. That would be something from her worst nightmares. “Well, I suppose I should stop socialising and get back to work.”

“Yup, and I should get this stuff back to the chef,” Scope said. “Nice talkin’ to you.” With that, the nymph vanished in a flash of light.

Well, that was abrupt. Narrow turned and headed down one alleyway. Even these places weren’t all that dangerous anymore…

“Wow… that conversation is the most fun I’ve had all day,” she sighed. “What has my life become…”

By the time Scope returned home, she was greeted with the scent of dinner, and the overwhelming wave of Lust pouring from upstairs…

Also, Twilight was here~

“Twilight, is Scope back with the breadcrumbs yet?” Ledger called from the kitchen. “Everything’s ready!”

“She’s here,” the alicorn replied, before pulling the nymph in for a hug. “She has to pay the cuddle tax first.”

“Then can I at least have the breadcrumbs?” Ledger asked. “Otherwise the casserole won’t have a crust!”

“He’s such a worrywort,” Twilight sighed as she floated in the breadcrumbs and then looked at Scope’s supplies. “Uhh, is there a reason you sent her to buy thirty kilograms of sugar?”

Scope!” Ledger said even as he began applying the breadcrumbs. “Did you spend all your bits on sugar again?!”

“Noooo?” Scope replied from her lavender-scented hug. “Just… most of them.”

“Do I have to get Midnight to ration your sugar intake as well?” Ledger said before popping the casserole into the oven.

“Hey! I’m not the one that turned his relationship into a herd because of sugar and alcohol,” Scope retorted.

“No, but you are the one that just spent most of her bits on sugar,” Ledger deadpanned as he trotted out. “I keep my intake reasonable. No more than one cube in my coffee, and that lasts me the entire day. All thanks to Midnight.”

“Ohhh, so that’s why you’re so boring,” Scope realised. “Midnight took away your fun stuff.”

Ledger couldn’t stop himself. His smile widened to truly wicked size before he replied. “Noooo, pretty sure that’s still attached. Wanna check?”

Scope’s mouth widened, showing off her razor-sharp fangs before gnashing her teeth together like a falling guillotine. “Sure~”

The drone pouted before looking at Twilight. “She’s no fun anymore,” he mock-pouted.

“She is,” Twilight nodded and petted the small nymph. “You just have to know how to play with her~”

“Oh Ledger,” Scope sang as she looked at the alicorn. “Did you know Twilight can turn into a Changeling~?”

“Scope!” Twilight put her hooves over the nymph’s mouth. “Ahehe, she’s uh, kidding of course!”

“We both have transformation tricks we picked up during our vacation, it seems,” Ledger mused before he showed off his male Celestia form to Twilight, trying to see if she liked it near as much as Midnight had.

The alicorn looked and tilted her head. “One, you’re the wrong gender. Two, Princess Celestia’s horn is exactly point-oh-three inches longer than that. You have one too many spires on the cutie mark and your mane isn’t wavy.”

Ledger made the adjustments he could before brushing the mane with a hoof. “I wish I could do a similar spell to my mane to make it behave like hers,” he bemoaned. “But I’m not quite Alicorn material. Thank you for the other errors that you spotted, though.”

“It’s what I do,” Twilight nodded and sniffed the air. That cassarole smelled delicious. “I just hope Spike is taking care of the others at home. I haven’t had this many guests over for a while.”

“Oh?” Ledger asked before flashing into male Luna, wondering if the studious alicorn could help him correct any errors with this form as well. “And who, praytell, doth thou have over?”

“One, Luna doesn’t have Old Equestrian speak much now. She’s getting there. Two, you’re missing a blueish spot right about… there,” she said, pinching his flank with her magic. “And three, I have your sister, her coltfriend, as well as my mother and father over.”

“Well, according to Fredrick, Spike’s a capable young cook,” Ledger said as he made the minor adjustment. “Which means that Palette won’t end up poisoned...which I’m not sure is a good thing or not.”

“Level Ledger,” Twilight admonished him as she looked the form over and nodded. “You be nice. He’s a very nice stallion who cares a lot for Critical. Otherwise he wouldn’t have—” She stopped herself by jamming a hoof into her mouth.

“Wouldn’t have what?” the male Luna asked, glaring a little at Twilight.

“Um, nothing?” she said, looking away. “Slip of the tongue. Aaaanyway, I really should be getting back…”

“Before you’ve even tried my casserole fresh from the oven?” Ledger asked, flashing back to his normal form. “Just say it. I promise I won’t flip out.”

“I can’t, it’s not my story to tell,” Twilight replied. “I’m sure she’ll tell you when she wants.”

“Just like Scope’s story wasn’t yours to tell?” the brown unicorn pressed.

“Hey! I asked her to, since you probably wouldn’t have listened to me,” Scope finally spoke up. “Besides, Crit wants to tell you herself that she’s…” Aw horseapples…

“The both of you know?” Ledger said with a sigh of exasperation. “Please. This is family. I should know,” the disguised drone said, with a slight pleading tone to his voice.

Scope rolled her eyes and her horn shone. A moment later, she connected to Critical in Ponyville. A second spell saw the area of effect put in place, so Ledger could hear and speak too.

“Sis, is there something you need to tell me?” Ledger asked aloud.

“...Ledger? The fu- Scope!”

“Why does everybuggy keep saying my name like that?” Scope muttered.

“Don’t focus on her, focus on me,” the drone said. “I keep getting vague hints and it’s annoying me. So please, tell me straight, what you have to tell me.”

“Oh, I’m here for your wedding thing?” she said.

“Besides that,” Ledger deadpanned. “They keep saying it’s something you have to tell me, they could have told me that.”

“Huh? Oh, that I’m getting married?” she asked idly. “Or that you keep butting into my personal affairs?”

“Like you didn’t have a similar reaction when you heard about how I was in a relationship again,” Ledger snarked back.

“I had a good reason, if you remember a certain Yellow bitch that Mom still want to eviscerate,” Critical replied. “Well now you know. Are we done here?”

Ledger was silent for a moment longer before replying. “Is he good to you? A nice stallion?”

“Yes and yes, more than anyone ever has been,” she said back, also calming down. “Look, why don’t you meet tomorrow and you can put on the whole ‘big brother’ shtick. Hives knows what Mom’s going to do to the poor guy when she gets here…”

“That sounds good,” Ledger said. “It’ll have to be a quick thing, though. Can’t stay, I have a date tomorrow with one of the mares.”

“Oh, so you finally get a proper date out of him midget?”

“Go fuck yourself,” Scope retorted, wearing a fierce blush.

“Nah, I have a handsome stallion that’s going to spend most of the night doing that~”

“You’re not winning points for him by telling me what he’s doing to you,” Ledger grumbled good-naturedly. “Take care of yourself, sis.”

“Again. Stallion. Doing that,” she could almost hear her grin. “But I will, always have.” The connection severed and Ledger’s two mares stood there, wondering how he’d react to this news.

“I promised you that I wouldn’t freak out, didn’t I?” Ledger said calmly. Almost too calmly.

“Yes?” Twilight replied slowly and looked at Scope.

“Oh, you can bet your fluffy wings that he’s freaking the fuck out on the inside,” Scope replied. She’d seen this reaction before. “Juuust give it a minute.”

“No, I promised,” Ledger said before his eye started twitching. “I’m...not going to freak out.”

“Aaaany second now,” Scope nodded as she watched him twitch. It was kind of funny really, and beautiful, and a little scary. Like knowing a trainwreck was going to happen, one part wanted to see it go up in flames, the other wanted to save it.

Scope liked watching things burn~

“I just have to accept,” Ledger said as he started breathing heavily. “That she’s a grown nymph now and can do whatever and whoever she wants...and everything’s peachy!” That grin couldn’t be healthy.

“Should we run?” Twilight asked. “I could teleport out of here…”

“Oh, but the fireworks are about to begin,” Scope replied, kind of wishing she had popcorn now. Dang, where was Amy when you actually wanted her around?

“I mean, it’s not like I’m her big brother or anything, or had to weasel the answer out of her,” Ledger said as he started ranting a little. “It’s not like she didn’t have to tell me she was seeing anypony, much less getting married!

“Ahh, I’ve been there,” Twilight nodded, putting a wing around him. “Just take deep, calming breaths and think of all the ways you want to break them.” She suddenly giggled at the irony of something. “At least the bride is supposed to be a changeling.”

Ledger started taking deeper, supposedly calming breaths as he went over how he might handle the situation tomorrow. Poorly, was the only word that could describe how all the scenarios ended. “I hope Ponyville has rampaging dragon insurance,” he muttered. “I feel like I should go there, turn into one, and then meet this stallion for intimidation factor.”

“Weeeell,” Twilight said in a drawn out tone. “We kind of do have dragon insurance after a certain incident. But, you do realise I’m not going to let you do that right?”

“Just a little?” Ledger pled. “We’re talking about the stallion that’s bucking my sister. A little intimidation is good for the soul.”

“And with what he’s been through, would you like to incur a wrath like you’ve never seen?” Twilight asked. “I don’t know the story myself, but I think you and Palette might have a lot in common.”

“We’ll just have to see,” Ledger said.

“This can’t end well,’ Scope sighed. “Oh, and I think your dinner is burning.”

“Nope, just finishing up,” Ledger said as he walked into the kitchen. “Who wants to get the others?”

“Not it!” Twilight and Scope echoed before heading into the living room.

“Dammit,” Ledger complained. Still, the casserole would have to cool before it was cut. He pulled it out with his magic and set it on the counter before he sighed and made the trek upstairs, wondering what he’d walk in on this time.

Cadence hummed a small tune as she skipped through the palace. She didn’t really know what Sugar Darling did that day, but ever since then…

Shining was… Mmmmm~

The alicorn strode into the throne room, just as a messenger pony was leaving. Mercury gave a polite bow to the princess before she zoomed off.

“Hmm? We got a message?” Cadence asked her husband. “From who?”

“Twilight,” Shining said as he cleared his throat.

“Oh? How nice,” Cadence said as she climbed up next to him and snuggled his neck. “Good news I hope? I’d hate to see if Chryssie is giving her too much trouble.”

“You are cordially invited to Twilight Sparkle’s...Wedding?!” Shining bellowed.

“W-Wedding?” Cadence blinked as a few gears turned before they self-destructed and the alicorn just stopped. “Wedding…?”

“To be held at her palace in a week’s time…” Shining just grew more and more furious. “She’s getting married, and this is how she tells me? To some…’Duke Secret-Hoarder?’ I don’t even know the guy!”

Cadence paused as she made a realisation. A horrible, terrible realisation.

“Shiny, honey?” she said quietly. “Do… Do you remember our wedding day?”

“It’s kinda hard to forget,” Shining said, still fuming. “We’d just repelled Chrysalis and repaired Canterlot, and managed to get the proper ceremony set up...why do you ask?”

Cadence gulped and nodded. “R-Remember… how Twilight found out about our wedding?”

“That would be...because I sent her...an in...vi...tation…” Shining’s eyes fell on the letter and realization dawned on his face. “She said she wouldn’t hold it against me.”

“Well, maybe, it’s a prank?” Cadence said, looking at the letter. “She has been getting rather… playful lately.”

“One thing’s for sure,” Shining grumbled. “We should pay a visit to Twilight soon. Just so we can get to the bottom of this, if nothing else.”

“I’ll start packing,” Cadence nodded and left the prince to his own thoughts. Twilight wouldn’t up and get married so suddenly like this. Right?

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