• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Bonus Chapter 2 - A Pegasus in the Lands

Yearling… no, when she was out like this, she was Daring Do. She paused and checked the map that Critical had made for her. She seemed to be going in the right direction anyway. She always had an amazingly accurate sense of direction. In fact, she’d never once gotten lost.

“Still, I don’t see anypony… or anything,” she muttered and adjusted her pith helmet. “What a pain.” She put the map back in her bag and continued flying. She’d have to land soon though, she was starting to get tired.

That was when she heard chittering from right next to her, as a changeling appeared out of nowhere.

“Gah!” Daring flinched and then sighed. “Well, good to see I’m headed in the right direction.”

The blue changeling flashed into a copy of her before speaking again. “Follow me,” it said in a copy of her voice. “We go to meet the Madame.”

“Well, good to see I’m so helpful,” she chuckled. She remembered something that Twilight whipped up for her the other day and fished around in her bag as she flew, before pulling out a black gem attached to a thin chain. A translator that could help her out.

Little did she know, Twilight gave it a second enchantment that muted her emotions from a Changeling’s sense. It would also make it harder to consume her emotions.

The copy of her led her to a small hill, where another Changeling was waiting. Only this one was about as tall as Princess Cadence, and silver in color. Once Daring Do was where she needed to be, the first changeling flashed back to blue, saluted, and flew off again.

“Ahh, A.K. Yearling,” The taller ‘ling said. “I have been waiting for you.”

The Pegasus nodded and gave a smile. “So, you must be Critical’s mother, Madame Gossip?”

“Indeed I am, and thank you for giving my daughter a job,” the Madame said with a smile. “She tells me you’re here to study us from a pony’s point of view?”

“Yes,” Daring nodded as she followed the nymph. “I thought about using the Hives in my next book. And, I’d also like to document what I see and publish a documentary of sorts. Let ponies know what you’re all really like.”

“Quite bold of you,” the nymph said as she continued leading them around the hill. “My brother agrees, and told me to give you this.” From her saddlebags, a silver key on a chain floated out to hang around Daring’s neck. “That denotes you as a guest of the High King of Changelings, meaning you have access to nearly everything you could want during your stay.”

“I… uh,” well she certainly wasn’t expecting that. Critical had said that her uncle was a King, but even so...

“Thank you,” Daring nodded. “I can’t wait to get started. There’s already so much to see…”

“Quite true. However, I cannot be the one to guide you. Fortunately, my brother remedied that problem as well.”

“Indeed he did, Madame,” another voice said as another changeling shimmered into view on the other side of Daring.

Daring yelped and groaned, she was never going to get used to that. “Aheh… and, you are?”

“My name would translate to Devoted Cause,” the blue drone said. “The King has assigned me to be your...chaperone, for lack of better term, around the Lands.”

“Seeing as how I am a busy nymph, with quite a few things to do, I leave you to your exploration...as long as you remember two things,” the Madame said before pointing at the necklace. “Never. Lose that necklace.” And then she pointed at the drone. “And never. Ignore Devoted Cause here. If he tells you something is bad, believe him. If he tells you to get out of the way, move. He is your guide, and the Lands are not tame. Not even in the Hives.”

Daring nodded and gulped. Okay, so this might not be quite as fun as she thought.

It was going to be WAY more fun that she thought~!

“Can do,” she smiled and saluted. She looked at Devoted and smiled. “So, guess you're my knight in shining chitin huh?”

“Appropriate,” he said with just the faintest hint of a smile.

“You two take care now,” the Madame said before firing up her wings. “I have to get home.” With that, she assumed a pegasus guise and was flying off into the distance.

“The Hive just beneath us is the home of the Blues,” the drone said. “Shall we?”

“Mind if we rest up somewhere first?” she asked and stretched her aching wings. “I’ve been flying for two days now and I’m kind of tired.”

“That is fine,” Devoted said. “There is a barracks just within the entrance to the city. I am certain they would not mind providing a spare cot for a mare in need.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she nodded as they kept walking around the hill. “So… how long has it been since a pony came here?”

“Willingly? We find that ponies tend to avoid us,” the drone said before his horn lit up and a segment of the hill melted away, to be replaced with a large door. “If such a thing has happened, it is beyond my knowledge.” Another glow saw the door opening and he bowed. “The entrance to the Blue Hive.”

“So, I’m the first?” she said as she stepped hoof inside. She felt like she was stepping hoof onto the moon, it was so… alien. And there were Changelings everywhere. She’d never seen so many in one place, and she’d seen the photos from the Canterlot invasion.

Aaaand now there were a lot of Blue-eyed ‘lings staring at her.

“Um… hi?” she said quietly, offering a small wave of her hoof.

A pony wearing the Key?

Such a thing has never happened before.”

Are we certain it is meant to be?”

Enough!” Devoted said to them, causing them to all shut up.

“What?” Daring looked around, then at the Key hanging around her neck, clinking softly against her amulet. “Why are they so surprised about this Key?”

“It is a sign of the King’s favor,” the drone said to her. “It basically translates to ‘hooves off’.”

“Huh…” She looked at the Key and hummed. Well that was interesting. She gave a loud yawn and covered her mouth with a hoof. “Oh, excuse me.”

“Right,” Devoted said, before leading Daring to a nearby tunnel. “Wait here, I will procure a cot.” With that, he marched ahead.

“‘Wait here’ he says,” she looked around at the hundreds of Changeling’s still staring at her and whispering. “This… this is going to be a thing, isn’t it?”

It was a minute before Devoted returned, with a bundled-up cot in his magical grip. “Now, would you like to return above, or would you prefer to rest down here?” he questioned the adventurer.

“Huh? I assumed I’d be napping in the barracks,” Daring nodded. “Well, we’re already here. So down here will be fine…” She looked around at the Changelings staring at her and tried not to shiver. “I will be fine here… right?”

“You should be,” the drone said before turning around. “Come, follow me. I’ll get you set up in the barracks then.”

She nodded and cast a glance to the changeling group they were leaving behind. She couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy now. Just… what had she gotten herself into?

Daring rolled around in her cot. It was no use, she just couldn’t sleep. She’d heard some chittering coming from outside and just knew that there were some Changeling buzzing about. She reached over and pulled the Key and the amulet closer as she closed her eyes. This was stupid, why was she so afraid anyway? She knew Critical would never have let her go if it was life-threatening. She let out a loud groan and buried her face in her pillow.

Outside, two changelings tried peering in through a window, there was a freaking pony in there. Hives, they’d never even seen a real one before.

And love crystals could only give you so much. Imagine what the source must have been like? But still, she had that Key. So if somebuggy caught them…

That was when Devoted cleared his throat behind them. Loudly. “She is under my protection,” he said simply. The two younglings yelped and turned to see the Blue Changeling soldier.

“Uh… oh, um… H-Hi Devoted…” one gulped. Oh crap, they were screwed now.

“If you wish to see her,” he said in a menacing tone. Before he calmed down a bit. “Then you can catch sight of her when she’s out and about the Hive. But anybug that drains her emotions so much as a drop.” And then the menacing tone came back. “Will answer to me.”

The two Changelings just shook, their eyes wide with fear before they screamed and flew off.

“...Well that was something,” Daring chuckled as she leant against the doorframe. “Though, I think you were noisier than they were.”

“The young need to learn where the line is drawn before they cross it,” Devoted said with a shrug. “And now word will spread that you’re not to be touched.”

“So my purity is to be spared hmm?” he was surprisingly sweet, though she knew he was just doing it because he was ordered to. “Sorry I’m such a hassle for you. I’m sure you’d rather be doing a hundred other things than foalsit me.”

“I am loyal to my king, and he has taken an interest in you,” the blue drone said. “When he assigned me to be your guard during your stay, I did not question it. I merely asked where I could best receive you. Your well-being is my priority.”

Well, he was certainly loyal to his cause at least. “So, what’s first on our itinerary then?” she asked. “Anything here to see?”

“The Blue Hive is one of Loyalty, and military training,” Devoted said. “They pride themselves on holding true to their causes, no matter what. If you would like to take a tour of the Hive, I can accompany you.”

“That would be lovely,” she giggled at his charm. “Lead on good sir.”

The drone led her back out of the barracks and back into the tunnel he’d shown her when he opened the doors, to a winding spiral staircase that led deep into the earth. When it finally stopped, what was revealed was astounding.

A huge, expansive cavern lay before Daring Do, with sapphires jutting out everywhere, each and every one glowing brightly. In the middle of the underground city, a huge spire of stone had been fashioned into a castle, and all the houses and buildings appeared to be carved from the very rock itself. Changelings were flying around everywhere, some stared at her for a moment before continuing on their way.

“Wow,” Daring looked around. “Just how did you make all of this? Magic?” Her hoof brushed up against the smooth stone. The craftsponyship was impeccable.

“Time and our natural abilities to dig,” the drone replied. “The Hives were built over a long period of time, in areas that either already had a cavern, or where one could be made...with the exception of the Yellow Hive.”

“Hm? The Yellow one is different?” she asked as she peered into a shop. It reminded her a lot of a pony one. “How so?”

“As the Hive of Courage, they are the only ones that build their Hive aboveground,” Devoted said.

“Ah, so I take it that that’s rather courageous for your kind?” she said, poking at something on the shop’s shelf. She wasn’t quite sure what it was. Some kind of glowing pink crystal. It looked pretty though.

“We normally build our Hives belowground,” the drone replied with a nod. “It helps avoid detection. The Yellows claimed that doing that would cut down on the time between when the alarm was sounded and when they could respond to monster attacks.”

“Well, I guess that’s one way of looking at it,” Daring nodded as she looked at a shelf that held… Oh sweet Celestia, Changeling books! She grabbed one and flicked through it, frowning that her gem couldn’t translate written text. But still, whatever was in this book, it must be something that nopony has ever read before.

Even through the emotional barrier of her gem, the pink crystals on the shelf begun to glow a little brighter and she noticed and gasped. “Ohmigosh! What did I do? Are they gonna blow up?”

“No, they’re just absorbing your ambient positive emotions,” Devoted said. “You must really love discovering things or reading things if they can get that much from just being near you.”

“Well, I am a writer,” she said as she looked at the book. “But, what I love is adventure, to discover something lost or something new, something that others want to know about.” She picked a few more books and then a thought occured. “Uh, do you guys take Equestrian currency?”

“We can,” the drone said with a shrug. “Though I think the shopkeeper would be more inclined to give them to you for free, thanks to the charge you just gave those crystals.”

Daring looked at the shopkeep and held up the books. “How much?” she asked him. The shopkeeper just waved at her, those weren’t the only crystals she had charged. He had enough to last for a month upstairs now, and he could sell the others for a much higher price. Though he did chitter something.

Enjoy your copies of the Pony Sutra,” he said.

Daring blinked. Looked down at her books and then dropped them in surprise. “M-My WHAT!?” Her face ignited in a fierce blush and she groaned. Well, maybe she could give them to Critical or something. “Well…” she muttered as they walked out. “That was bucking embarrasing.”

“I was wondering why you were holding such books,” Devoted said. “Maybe a trip to the Violets would be in order?”

“NO!” Daring shouted louder than she had meant to. “W-We are not going to that Hive. Like. Ever!” She blushed harder as her stomach rumbled.

“Perhaps you’d like some food?” the drone said. “I can think of a restaurant nearby that should serve something you’d like.”

“That sounds good,” she mumbled, still embarrassed by her… purchase. And the fact that she’d essentially bought se-s-... those kinds of books with love no less. “Hopefully I’ll die of food poisoning…”

“Unlikely, it’s a regulation of the Hives that every Hive have no less than five places where ponies can get food for cheap,” Devoted said. “And they must staff and pay ponies a fair wage as well. We’re rather close to one right now, actually.”

“Wait, so there are other ponies here?” Daring exclaimed. “I thought you said…”

“What ponies remain aren’t necessarily...allowed to leave,” Devoted said. “We need to feed off of something after all. Every Hive has a population of ponies, and they’re allowed to go from one Hive to another. You’d...be the first to be allowed to leave the Lands.”

She paused and looked at him. “You… you keep them prisoner!?” Her anger flared, along with her wings.

“We need to feed off of something!” Devoted replied. “Or would you rather have us invading and kidnapping constantly? If it helps, they’re being treated very well. We just can’t let our food leave, or we risk starvation ourselves. They feed us, and we shelter them and can keep going. It’s not...entirely parasitic.”

“No, you just treat them like livestock,” she replied and turned around. She was going to go and have words with that Madame mare. Very strong words.

“That was true,” Devoted whispered. “We’re doing better now. Except for the fact that they can’t leave, you’d almost mistake them for a pony back in Equestria.”

Daring paused and then started walking towards the restaurant. She was going to meet one of these ponies face to face. But at the very least, she was done talking with Changelings for now. Devoted followed after her, still intent on keeping her safe.

Inside the restaurant, she quickly spied one such pony, since all the changeling’s there were undisguised. The pegasus took a seat and clopped her hoof on the table to garner the mare’s attention.

“Hi, and welcome to our restaurant,” the mare said chipperly. “I’m Daisy, I’ll be your waiter today.” She even had a menu to give to Daring.

“You… you just,” she looked at the menu and then to the other changelings. “This doesn’t bother you? Being kept a prisoner here?!”

“Nah, it’s not so bad here in the Hive,” the mare said with a shrug. “They let me out to exercise my wings, and they’re all concerned with my safety. Plus, have you seen some of the monsters normally running around in the Lands? They make Changelings look like ants.”

Daring frowned, she just couldn’t wrap her head around this. “But… don’t you have family in Equestria? Ponies that probably miss you?”

“Nope, Hive born and raised! Though my mom did cross the border when she was young. That’s how they got her.” Daisy poured Daring a glass of water. “Still, if I went the wrong way trying to leave, I might just end up next to the Yellow Hive instead. That would be a short walk.”

“Again with this Yellow Hive,” Daring muttered and scowled at Devoted when he walked in. “So, are all the ponies here born here?”

“Most of us are, though we do get an occasional border-jumper,” Daisy said. “And yeah, we know the ‘lings feed off of us, but it’s a small price to pay for safety. I visited the Yellow Hive once, and I quickly came back. The guards...they didn’t make it.”

“They… these Changeling’s kill you if you try to leave!?” Daring’s rage was only growing now, the gem around her neck glowing to keep it contained, but most ‘ling’s close by could still feel it.

“No, you’ve got it all wrong. I visited during Tatzlwurm Spawning Season...the guards died to see me to safety,” Daisy said sadly.

Daring’s anger vanished, well… great, now she felt like total manure. They, these Changelings gave their own lives to keep a single mare safe?

“I’m sorry, I misunderstood,” Daring said softly and looked around. “Maybe… maybe I’m misunderstanding quite a bit. But… I don’t know, I heard that you were being kept here, possibly against your will and my blood boiled.”

“Nah, we’re safe here,” the mare reiterated. “We’d rather not spend a night aboveground in the Lands. Days are safe...mostly. It’s the nights we have to worry about. Haven’t you ever wondered where the other constellation beasts roam? More than a fair share of them roam through the Lands and are active at night.”

“Like the Ursa Minor and Major?” She suddenly slammed her hooves on the table. “You mean there are others like them? Oh that is something I have to see!”

“You really don’t want to,” the mare said. “There’s like...one docile one, and five that would attack. That I know of.”

“Ooh~” Daring was intrigued now. She wondered how Daring Do would fight one. Oh! Maybe Ahuizotl would find some spell or something that lets him control them! She was grinning from ear to ear as she wrote down her thoughts as they came before she paused and coughed, before putting her notebook away.

“Ahah… sorry,” she replied. She sighed and looked at Devoted. “And, I owe you an apology as well. I was thinking of how Equestria runs, and yet, you guys are totally different.”

“We may look like it, but we’re not monsters,” the drone said softly. “We...do care. It’s only recently that the Silver King took control and made us act like the responsible ‘lings we are.”

“Aww, don’t you worry,” the mare said, before leaning over and actually hugging Devoted. “She just needs to get over the culture shock is all.”

Okay… that looked really weird. And yet…

“Aww, he’s blushing,” Daring giggled, pointing out the drone’s flushed cheeks. He sputtered a little, but made no move to remove Daisy. She eventually stopped hugging him before looking over at Daring.

“So,” she chirped. “What can I getcha?”

She looked at the menu and saw that there were things here that a pony could eat. “Um, well I guess I’ll try the salad and hay fries,” Daring said.

“I shall have the same,” Devoted said before he pulled out a small crystal from his saddlebags and passing it to the mare. “This should pay for it.”

“You betcha, that’ll be out before you know it!” With that, Daisy skipped off, leaving the two alone together. Once she left, Daring looked at her guard/host/tour guide.

“So what was that crystal you gave her? Stored emotions of some kind?”

“Of a sort,” Devoted said with a nod. “Acceptable currency in the Lands, if charged enough. It’s how we store emotions outside the body.”

“Hmm, perhaps I should get a few, just in case my Bits aren’t enough,” she said to herself. “Are empty crystals easy to get?”

“I’ll probably end up creating a few during our time together,” the drone said. “Don’t think I haven’t caught on that you’ve found a way to mute your own emotional output. Wise, but it’ll mean I have to cut into the stipend just to survive.”

“Wait, I’m doing what now?” she asked. She gave him a stare and tilted her head. “Thaaaat sounds like something a unicorn could do, not a pegasus.”

“And that other stone around your neck is rich with the scent of magic,” the drone pointed out. “An enchantment?”

“Twilight didn’t tell me about anything it had besides a translation spell,” Daring said as she took it off to look at it, and almost instantly, the room was flooded with pent up Inspiration, Loyalty and just a hint of Love.

For her work, not anypony in particular. But the gem forced those back like a dam, so when she pulled it off...? It was like a feast to all the ‘lings there, who promptly groaned in unison and stopped eating anything else.

All except Devoted, who noticed the looks Daring was now getting and motioned for her to put the gem back on. “Quickly, before they get ideas.”

She just nodded and slipped the gem back around her neck, and the fountain of emotion stopped like a faucet being turned off. “Well… woulda been nice if Princess Twilight told me about that.”

“Still, it was wise of her to take that precaution,” Devoted said. “It’s like a typical emotional damping spell some nymphs and drones learn when they’re young and want to sneak up on their parents.”

“I know a pony that can do something similar, only she can switch them off entirely.” Daring glanced at a few Changelings still looking at her and pulled her hat down over her eyes. “I hope I didn’t upset them or something.”

“They just weren’t expecting such a feast,” Devoted chuckled. “As well, they’re Greens, they’re always on the lookout for creative ponies like you.”

“Ah, so like Critical then?” she looked around and saw a mix of Green and Blue changelings. So many Criticals and Scope’s. “And note, never remove this amulet again.”

“If you think you can,” Devoted said. “Surely it would crack under the pressure eventually.”

Just then, Daisy came back with their salads and fries. “And here you two go! Lunch for the hungry! Oh, also, the owner said you could have this back,” the mare said before putting the crystal on the table again. “Said something about the emotions he’d just snagged being payment enough.”

Daring looked at her gem and smirked. “You know… timed right, I’d not have to pay for a thing while I’m here~”

“Yeah, that’s typically how ponies pay for things in the Hives,” Daisy said with a nod. “A saddlebag of crystals that they carry around during the day that they charge with positive emotions. Sometimes it takes a while...sometimes not so much.”

"Ah,” Daring bit a fry and hummed at the taste. “So… what about negative emotions then?”

“We don’t talk about negative emotions,” Devoted said as the conversations around them stilled. “I’ll tell you about them when we’re not eating.”

Well, that seemed to be a touchy subject. She made a note of that too. It didn’t take too long to finish their meal and Daring even managed to snag some coffee for the road. She didn’t really sleep before, might as well stay awake until sleep just sneaks up and kicks her flank.

“So, anything else that’s interesting around here?” she asked.

“Some of the Noble houses might be interesting to you,” the drone said. “Have you noticed how there seem to be things carved into the houses we’ve been passing? Those are tales of loyalty, or a house’s creed. The Noble ones cover their entire houses.”

“Whoa,” Daring said as she looked at the carvings, though she couldn’t read them. An idea formed and she took out a camera. “May I?”

“Most would be proud of having their creeds or tales told, though you might want to wait and use your film on the Noble houses more.” Still, Devoted waved a hoof to tell her she could if she wanted to. She nodded and snapped a few, she’d brought a ton of film in any case.

But those Noble houses sounded interesting. Devoted eventually led her to much larger structures, that had two changelings standing outside the door, and carvings all over the place.

“Wait a moment,” he said, before going over to talk to the guards. There was a short, intense discussion as to whether or not she’d be allowed to take pictures, before he walked back and nodded. “No more than three pictures of the house, they say.”

“Okay,” she flew into the air to get the best angles and as many of the carvings as she could. She landed a few minutes later and nodded. “Too bad you guys don’t have a book or something with all these tales in them.”

“Those would be in the local library, but they’re all written in Changeish,” the drone said. “I heard that the Silvers have a compendium of it as well, and using their magic, they’ve managed to compress it all into one book...” he paused as the mare in front of him was practically salivating at the thought of getting her hooves on that book.

“I take it our next destination once you’re done with the Blue Hive will be the Silver one?” he asked semi-rhetorically.

“Quite possibly,” she nodded and wiped her mouth. “As long as we avoid the Violet one. My… friends have said that a mare like me would be, erm, popular there.”

“A pity,” Devoted said. “Violets always throw the best parties. I’ve attended two, I’d been hoping to make it a third.”

He looked kind of disappointed, and it would be because he had to look after her that he’d miss out. But still…

“W-Well,” she said quietly. “If they… try anything, does ‘no’ mean something to them?”

“They’ll stop if you say no, yes,” Devoted said with a nod. “Though, expect to be hit on several times regardless. They are very...loving, at that Hive.”

“Well,” Daring blushed harder as she put her camera away. “I-I guess you have to accompany me to a Violet party at some point."

“I’ll put it on the list,” Devoted said with a grin. “Now, where to next?”

Over the course of the next few days, she’d visited the Red and Silver Hives, but hadn’t managed to get a hold of that book yet. Oh but she will… it was only a matter of time.

And today, she was staying with Ledger’s family, who had so graciously opened up their home to her.

“Thank you very much for this,” she nodded. “I hope that Devoted and I aren’t putting you out at all.”

“Dear, have you seen my other children?” the Madame deadpanned at her. “Three of them are demolitions experts, and the last defies the laws of physics if given half a chance.”

“Well, I haven’t met them yet,” Daring nodded. “Well, aside from Critical-Eye. You should be proud of her. She’s doing amazingly well with her craft, and she’s even getting married now.”

“...I see,” the Silver Noble said as she floated over a calendar. “Note to self, add grilling a stallion and my daughter to the day I get to see my son being married,” she muttered as she marked something on it.

Daring suddenly had a thought that she’d said something that she shouldn’t have. Oh well.

“I can’t believe how amazing these Hives are,” she said as the Madame showed her to her room. “Especially all those carvings in the Blue Hive. I still have chills on seeing that… and the absolute foal I made of myself in the restaurant.”

“Ah yes, the Blue’s tradition of carving a creed or their family’s loyalty into their homes,” the Madame said. “The Noble family of the Blues is actually running out of space to write with, you know? They’ve requested we come over and lend them one of our books.”

“Those magical, ‘bigger on the inside’ books,” Daring made a sour face as she set her bags down on the bed. “Stupid library wouldn’t let me borrow it.” She removed her necklace and sighed as it gave off a glow as the enchantment wore off and it powered down. The Madame let out a sigh as the wave of emotion passed through her house, and likely went for a good distance beyond.

“I should very well hope not, those things require a properly trained Noble to make,” the nymph said. “Very few outside of the Silver line try their hooves at it. Although…”

“Although?” she could feel the mare’s excitement pick up. The Madame floated out a thin, unassuming book from her saddlebags and held it in front of the pegasus mare.

“Although, I am well-trained in how to bind a pocket dimension to a binding,” she said. “I proffer you this gift, in exchange for a hopefully positive review of my home in your documentary.”

She took the book as if it was some priceless treasure. “Is… is this, what I think it is?” The joy she had was barely contained, she felt like she was about to explode.

“Your very own ‘bigger on the inside’ book,” the Madame affirmed. “Plus I had a word with the Archivists, they should allow you to at least read our collection of the same tomorrow.”

“This is amazing,” she said in hushed awe. She’d likey not ever need a notebook again! “I just wish I could read Changeish.” She knitted her brow and an idea formed as she looked up at the mare. “I don’t suppose you have translation guides? If a spell can’t help, then I’ll learn the old fashioned way.”

“Actually,” the nymph said as she floated a small, glowing diamond out of her pack next. “I was told by Devoted that you’ve been having trouble with the written tongue. So I put all that I know about the Changeish tongue into this gem and made it into a nice accessory. Though, I should warn you, it’s not permanent, and only lasts as long as the gem is on you. Still, it’s something.”

“This is too much,” Daring said, still taking the gem gratefully. “You invite me in courtesy of the King. You let me into your home, give me gifts that could not have been easy or cheap to make…” She hung her head, “I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but it can’t have been worth all this.”

“Simple, dear,” the Madame said. “We’re exposed. It’d be better to get good press out than let the word continue to be silent. And in case you had any doubts about my brother being good...one of the reforms he made to how we treat ponies? Involved letting new arrivals go if they wanted to. We lost...quite a few ponies because of that, but the rest that stayed...could not have been more loyal to the Lands.”

“I saw,” Daring nodded as she set the gifts aside with the rest of her things. “I spoke with a mare named Daisy in the Blue Hive, and… I may have accused you changelings of some horrible things. I… was a little blind to the whole picture. But between what she told me, and what you’ve just said. I think I’m starting to see the story unfold here.”

“Mind, it used to be very bad before my brother took the throne...and we made a few...corrections as to who was in charge of certain Hives,” the Madame said with a small glint of steel to her eyes. “But once the majority of leaders were Kings instead of Queens, equality and fair treatment for all wasn’t hard to push past them at all.”

Daring paused, there had been something in the way she had said ‘corrections’. But that was a matter she wasn’t going to press right now. It sounded like a heavy topic. “Yes,” she said, coughing into her hoof. “Scope Lens and Critical mention that if I’d come here a decade or so ago…”

“Yes, that was when the fair treatment for ponies act passed. Before, they were treated like cattle. Nowadays, they’re respected citizens. They’re housed near the guard barracks and shelters, so that if something were to happen, they’d be protected and be able to get to safety quickly.” The Madame sighed. “I am...not proud of what others have done. But I at least strived to treat ponies in my house with dignity.”

“And I’m thankful for that,” Daring nodded. She sparked another idea in her mind. This mare was just full of them. Even subconsciously, she was writing tales in the back of her mind before they vanished, the more enticing ideas sticking around so she could write them down later. “If I may,” she asked. “Would you be amicable to an interview at some point?”

“That would be fine, though you will have to make it happen in the next few days, my son is getting married soon and I would like to be there,” the nymph said. “Dinner will be served within an hour, and I have an inspection of the house to complete beforehoof, as my Trio of Terror have been unsupervised for all of five minutes.”

“Ah,” she’d forgotten about that wedding. Twilight had invited her, but this exploration could take a while, around a month, maybe two?

Well, she could afford a small break anyway. She could accompany Madame Gossip if she didn’t mind.

“How about I give you a hoof?” she offered. “I have a lot of young fans, so I’m used to dealing with hordes of rowdy foals. How bad could three of them be?”

“Bad enough that we don’t even let them sleep next to each other,” the Madame said. “I’d rather you stay out of it, but if you do come across a Red, Yellow, or Blue drone, or Hives forbid, all three, please try to stop them until I or one of my husbands arrive?”

“I think I can do that,” she smiled. “So, where would you like me to start?”

“They were last seen near the kitchen,” the nymph said. “No idea where they went from there.”

Daring nodded and just picked a direction before she started walking. Now, if she were three naughty foals, where would she hide…?

She poked her head in one room. And promptly wrinkled her nose. Okay, she found the room that said foals were likely made in at least. She closed the door and headed for the next one, opening it slowly...to reveal what looked a lot like a forest glen, painted into the walls of the room. There were even animals and a fake sun painted into it.

“This… this is…” Daring paused as she took it all in. She just knew whose room this was. It had to be Critical’s, no doubt. These paintings gave off the same vibe as her illusions did. And they were just as breathtaking to behold. “Wow…”

“Yeah, sis is pretty good with the artsy stuff,” a new voice said from behind her. “I come in here to calm down sometimes.”

“Yeep!” Daring gave off a rather filly-like squeal and turned to see a small Pink Changeling. Critical and Scope had warned her about this one.

“Joyful-Heart,” she said slowly. “Yes?”

“Yup! And you’re the pony mom’s been going on about visiting!” the Pink ‘ling said before beeping the mare’s nose with a hoof. “Y’know, you’re kinda silly. I was sitting here for a little bit and you didn’t notice me.”

“Really?” Daring was usually pretty observant. She smirked and leaned down to look the filly in the eyes. “Are you a spy?”

“Nope, I just have a talent for surprising everypony!” the ‘ling said. “So what’s your name?”

“Hmm,” Well my name is Amy Yearling,” the mare replied and looked around before whispering. “But you can call me Daring Do.”

“Cool,” the Pink nymph said with a nod. “So, whatcha doin’ in Crit’s room?”

“Well, I’m supposed to be looking for three young colts,” she replied. “But then I got a little distracted by these paintings. I knew she was skilled in illusions, but her talent with a brush is just as amazing.”

“Yeah, Critty’s not bad with artsy stuff. I mostly came in here to sneak out some paint for my latest prank,” Joyful said. “And you’re looking for the trio? Good luck, you’d need it.”

“Hmm, Lady Gossip said the same thing,” Daring replied. “Do you know where they might be, little Joy?”

“Maaaaaybe,” the nymph said. “What’s in it for me?”

“Oh? Hmm...what would you like?” Daring asked. This little mare was more shrewd than she looked.

“I dunno...I’ll think of something. Sure you wanna know?” Joyful still hadn’t lost that mischievous look.

“I feel as though I’m striking a deal with Tirek,” Daring muttered. “Okay then Joy, you have a deal. Now, those colts?”

“Yup,” Amy said, sticking her tongue out and concentrating. “Hmmm...they’re holed up in Ledgy’s room. Mostly because it’s one of the last places anybuggy would go to look for them.”

“But… I was just there… and so are my things!” Daring raced out of the room and down the hall. Joyful called after her, wishing her luck.

Daring reached the room and took a breath, before opening the door and witnessing what was inside...Three drones all examining her bag with curious looks.

“I dunno,” the Red one said. “Mom’s been going on about a guest, we shouldn’t mess with it if it belongs to her or him.”

“Still, we can’t just ignore it either,” the Blue one said.

“Why don’t we take a peek, then close it all back up if we don’t see anything interesting?” the Yellow one posed. The others agreed, and they’d just been about to open her saddlebags…

“AHEM!” Daring cleared her throat as she stood in the doorway. “Don’t you boys know it’s rude to touch a lady’s things?”

“Ummm,” they all said, slightly shocked by the (to them) sudden appearance of a pony in their favorite hiding spot.

“Hey, wait a minute...you’re not part of the staff,” the Yellow one pointed out.

“No, no I’m not,” Daring replied, still blocking their only escape route. “My name is Daring Do, a guest of your mothers…”

“Oh buck,” the Blue one said. “Um...you’re not gonna tell her what we were about to do, were you?”

“Hmm, maybe I might,” she said taking a step forward. “After all, that book you have there was a gift from her. I’d hate to think what she’d do if you damaged it…”

Please don’t tell her,” the Red one pled. “We were only gonna look, honest!”

“Maybe,” she replied and took a seat on the bed. “How about this. I won’t tell her if you agree to listen to one of my stories. I’ve been told I can tell a pretty good one.”

“...That sounds like a pretty good deal,” the Yellow drone said. The other two quickly agreed and they formed a semicircle in front of Daring, all willing to listen to the story she had to share.

By the time the Madame and some of her husbands found them, they were enraptured as Daring spun a great tale of action, adventure and intrigue. She was just making it up as she went along, a little collaboration of some ideas in her head. But it was an impressive story none the less.

And even more surprising…

The Trio were… quiet?

“Well,” the Madame softly said. “I’m glad you found my wayward sons, and managed to keep them from any errant mischief.”

Daring continued her story, but offered the mare a slight nod to show she heard.

“Unfortunately, as enticing as your story is, dinner is about to be served, so-”

The words cleared the Trio out of there faster than could be believed, leaving just dust clouds shaped like themselves behind.

“Wait, what?” Daring looked around. “Oh, but I wasn’t finished…”

“Sorry, but that is one of the few ways I have to corral them,” the Madame said with a small smile. “Though, that was a good story. Will you be joining us for food?”

Daring’s stomach gave a loud grumble in response in reply. “Heh, guess that’s a yes,” she blushed slightly. “Oh, but where’s Devoted? I haven't seen him since I arrived.”

“He went to check in with my brother,” the nymph said as she began leading the mare to the dining hall. “He does still technically report to him after all. He’ll be back after dinner.”

“Oh, okay,” her heart briefly skipped. Of course he’d be off meeting the King. He had been sent by him after all. She knew he wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye… right? She snorted and shook her head before looking at a stallion with Violet eyes smiling at her.

“Um, yes?”

“Oh, nothing,” the drone said with a smile. “Just thought I tasted a little affection there for a moment.”

“A-Affection?” She spluttered and stared at him. “What, they’re cute kids alright. That’s all you sensed. Got it?”

“If you say so,” the drone said with a cheeky wink, before they arrived at the dining hall.

“Yes I say so!” Daring huffed and followed him. So she cared about her friends. Big freakin whoop! The hall was long, with a table to match, and it had easily two dozen chairs at it. Either this nymph had a much larger family, or she entertained guests enough to warrant the extra chairs. The smaller members of the family were already seated, and the husbands were slowly filing into the room as well. The Madame took her place at the head of the table, and gestured to a spot between the adults and the children for Daring to sit at.

The pegasus nodded and took a seat, offering a smile to the other Changelings. The drones softly returned it, while the young ones were more anxious for the food than anything else.

“Ah, and here we are,” the Madame said as a unicorn wheeled in several carts. “Freshly cooked fish. My compliments.”

“Much appreciated,” the pony said before he served them all.

“Fish huh?” Daring looked at her plate and hummed. “Haven’t had this in a loooong time.”

“There’s a river running nearby, we get decent sized fish every now and again,” the nymph said. “It’s quite tasty when we do.”

Daring nodded as she took a bite, her wings flickering in delight. Living in the middle of a forest meant that she often had basic meals. She even recalled the time she lived of old military rations she bought for a month.

“Well, I’ll give you guys this,” she said inbetween bites. “You know how to make some good grub.”

The other changelings paused for a minute, but the Violet drone sitting next to the Madame smirked and kissed her on the cheek. “Oh, we sure do,” he said in a tone of voice that suggested something other than food.

She’d caught that tone, Critical used it when teasing her. “Okay, clearly I said something wrong there,” she stated.

“Little changelings are referred to as grubs during their formative years,” the Madame said, letting that sink in. Daring blinked and went over what she just said with that new context. She suddenly turned an adorable shade of pink and covered her face with her wings.

“Aww, she gets it,” the same violet stallion cooed.

“It’s still better than when you ‘instructed’ us,” one of the other husbands spoke up. “Hives, that was embarrassing.”

“I really don’t want to know,” Daring replied, but she had a feeling that the Violet was going to share anyway. A feeling that turned out to be false, as the Violet merely chuckled again before resuming his eating.

“I still have dreams where Secret-Hoarder walks in,” one of the others complained.

“Secret-Hoarder?” Daring asked as she chewed on a piece of broccoli.

“Ledger’s Changeling name,” the Madame supplied. “We earn our names, dear. And he earned his for being one of the few ‘lings to go about learning all the secrets he could from all the Hives.”

“Ledger did all that… and he… oh my,” she blushed again and decided it was best to to ask questions. At least as long as that Violet one was around. And oh sweet Celestia, she was going to a Hive full of them tomorrow.

“What the hay am I thinking?” she muttered and ate her potatoes.

“Well, how do you like your dinner dear?” the Madame asked. Daring swallowed, thankful for a normal question.

“It’s quite delicious,” she nodded. “Like I said before, the food here is amazing. Almost as good as the stuff in Las Pegasus.”

“Glad to hear it,” the Orange husband spoke up. “I spend a lot of time helping out on the farms where I can, it’s nice to hear that my efforts aren’t in vain.”

“You guys have farms here?” Daring asked as she finished her meal. “I haven’t seen any.”

“Not underground, no,” the Madame replied. “But aboveground, there are fields of wheat and other vegetables, groves of fruit...we keep it well-hidden, of course. Nothing says ‘there’s a massive city here’ quite like a massive farm.”

“True enough,” Daring nodded. “But, how do you keep it safe from monster attacks? Wouldn’t all the food attract them?”

“That’s part of the duty of each Hive’s guard,” the Red husband spoke up. “Protect the citizens and the food. Driving off monsters is just another duty we do every day. Over the years, they’ve learned to avoid us or risk pain. Nowadays we only get young ones that need to be taught that same lesson.”

“Monster Hunter’s huh? Sounds rough,” Daring wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Oh, I don’t think I’ve introduced myself yet. My name is Yearling, but you can also call me Daring if you like.”

The Madame gestured to her husbands, and the Violet one spoke up first. “I’m Wishful Hope,” he said.

“Inspired Dream,” the Green one spoke up next.

“Peaceful Heart,” the Orange one added.

“Devoted Cause,” the Red one spoke up next, causing the mare no end of confusion.

“Brass Boldness,” the Yellow one said.

“And I am Honorable Service,” the Blue stallion finished.

Daring Do nodded, but still gave a confused glance at Devoted. Were they related perhaps?

“Well, it’s very nice to meet you all,” she said. “Thank you for allowing me into your home as well.”

“The honor is mine, dear,” the Madame said. “And in case you’re wondering...it’s not uncommon for those who serve in our military to earn similar names. There is a difference in their Changeish names.”

“Oh, I see,” Daring nodded. She looked at the kids next. “Well, I already know who Joyful-Heart is. But what about these little troublemakers?”

“I’m Brute,” the Red one spoke up.

“Tank,” the Blue one introduced himself.

“And I’m Lightning-Wits,” the Yellow one finished.

“Well, nice to meet you three as well,” she almost added the saddlebags bit, but she did promise she wouldn’t tell. She looked at Inspired and tilted her head. “So, I take it that you sired Critical?”

“Indeed I did, and I heard that you employed her,” the Green drone said with a bow of his head. “My thanks for looking out for my daughter.”

“The pleasure is mine,” Daring nodded. “She’s amazingly talented, I just want to help her become even greater.”

“Still, thank you for helping her,” the stallion said. “Any job she gets that promotes her artwork is a boon.”

“She helped with my newest book release. I think most of the fans were there for her.” Daring chuckled as she recalled the numbers. “I wonder if she knows how many were in the audience. At least a thousand, along with two Princesses.”

“And suddenly I no longer fear for my daughter starving,” the drone idly commented.

The Madame coughed lightly to regain control of the conversation. “It is getting late, dear. I’m going to head up to bed now, and take care of a few studies myself. Feel free to wander the house as you will.”

“Oh? Um, sure…” Daring said, the sudden announcement catching her off guard. A glance at the clock told her that it was only eight o’clock… Maybe she was an early riser or something. And that was when Wishful, the Violet husband, kissed the Madame before the pair of them walked off.

“Um,” Daring watched them leave and then looked at the others in confusion. “I didn’t say anything offensive did I?”

“No,” Inspired said with a shake of his head. “But I very much doubt she’ll be studying much of anything…”

“Unless it’s anatomy~” Devoted chuckled into his mug.

Daring squeaked and flushed pink again, pulling her hat down over her eyes. “O-Oh… okay.”

That was about when the other Devoted walked into the hall and took note of Daring’s flushed expression. “Did I miss something?” he questioned nobody in particular.

“Oh, just the little miss getting some lessons on the way of life,” Devoted replied back. Daring just blushed harder, even more embarrassed that her Devoted was hearing this and seeing her act this way.

“Ah,” the blue Devoted said as he sat next to Daring, nudging her with a hoof. “Did you seriously think a happily married nymph wouldn’t engage in such activities?” he asked her.

“Oh bite me,” she muttered with a slight accent and then flushed again. “I know that! It’s just… GAH!”

“Something tells me her trip to the Violet Hive will be quite...educational,” Peaceful commented aloud. “Assuming she ever works up the nerve to visit.”

“Look! I said I’d take you to that party,” she said to her Devoted. “And I will. Just… quit teasing me would you?” She looked at Joyful with a pouty face. “Joooy, tell them to stop teasing.”

Joyful gave off a salute and then pulled out a pound bag of sugar from nowhere. “All right everybuggy, either you stop teasing Miss Daring, or I’ll eat this whole thing.”

Silence reigned. None of them dared say a word or even move under that threat.

“...Seriously?” Daring blinked and looked at the little pink bug. “Sugar is what gets you all to shut your traps?”

“Y’know how mom wanted you to find us?” Brute said.

“Sis on sugar is ten times worse than she normally is,” Tank added.

“And she’s sanity-warping on a good day,” Lighting-Wits finished.

“But… she’s so cute,” Daring argued. “How can something so adorable be so…” Then she recalled Parasprites, Twittermites… cute was deadly.

“You know, never mind,” Daring said, going back to her wine. After a moment longer, Joyful smiled and put the sugar back from wherever she got it from.

“So what’s the plan for tomorrow?” the Blue Devoted asked Daring.

“Well… you wanna head to that party right?” she said with a slight blush. “So, I suppose I should take a look around the Hive. I have to document as much as possible.”

“Something tells me she’s going to learn more of anatomy than if she visited the Orange Hive and studied one of their hospitals,” Peaceful commented. At that point, the bag of sugar reappeared, and the husbands shut up again.

“This is going to suck,” Daring moaned and thunked her head against the table. “This party had better be worth it Devoted.”

“They typically are,” the blue drone reassured her. “And I’ll do my best to protect you from anything you don’t want.”

“Well, as long as you have fun, then it’ll be worth it,” she replied. “Well, I guess I should hit the hay as well. Seems we have a long… and arduous day ahead of us tomorrow.” She bade the others good night, and hoped tomorrow wouldn’t be too stressful...

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