• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter Eight - Dethrone the Queen

The sun had barely risen before a solid knock came from the front door. It sounded... impatient. Ledger slowly came to and calmed down from his instinctive one notch of terror at the unfamiliar scene. He was cuddling Midnight in her own room, ergo, everything was fine...and more than fine. With a quick shake to get his head back in order, the ‘ling disguised himself before moving to answer the front door. “Who is it?” he called out.

“Your sister,” the voice called out. “Care to let me in for a moment?”

Ledger was puzzled for a moment before his brain booted up. “Sure, I can do that,” he answered, not even bothering to go to the door and opening it from afar with his magic. “I’m gonna get some coffee made in the meantime,” he informed, already disappearing into the kitchen.

“Sounds good,” Narrow said as she walked in. “I can go to war happy if I have a belly full of good coffee.” She looked around, noting the absence of a familiar face. “Is she here?”

“Her room,” Ledger said with a nod, not that Narrow could see it. “Maybe she’ll wake up when she smells the coffee, maybe not. She’s really taking to the whole being dead thing.”

“A chance to be lazy for once I see,” Narrow actually laughed. “Well, can’t blame her really. And this is a good opportunity actually.” She walked into the kitchen, standing in the doorway so she could face the unicorn. “Now, you do remember how today is going to work yes? You keep Toll distracted while we target all of her extra facilities simultaneously.”

“Mmhmm,” the unicorn stallion said while watching his coffeepot work. “I have quite a few pitches lined up as well, depending on the situation. Let’s just hope she doesn’t turn completely unreasonable, otherwise...well, I may have to get confrontational.”

“I have some information that may prove to be a problem... or maybe not,” Narrow stated. “Last night, at least half a dozen unfamiliar faces were seen entering her main warehouse. Never seen ‘em before and they’ve got no records. Criminal, Birth... nothing.”

“That…” Ledger said as he thought about the situation. “That sounds bad. The only thing that could completely duck having any paper trail at all like that…” Ledger trailed off, not liking the situation she’d just described.

“I know,” she nodded. “I have my own suspicions that she might be consorting herself with changelings. I hope I’m wrong though.” She sighed as she removed a long, heavy-looking box from her back, shrugging it onto the couch. “This is for Midnight, came by royal courier this morning... dunno what’s inside, but I can’t levitate it... magic seems to fizzle out when I try.”

“Anti-magic gear of some sort,” Ledger observed, keeping an eye on it and his distance, while not looking like he was. “Perhaps to deal with any other unicorns, Toll herself, or- actually, do we know if it’d work on a changeling’s disguise?” The coffee was done, and Level poured two cups out, before passing one to Narrow and taking a sip of the other. His eyes widened as he realized he’d taken the wrong cup: the one without his sugar in.

Narrow sipped her coffee, almost spitting it out straight away. “Good gravy, how much sugar is in this thing?” she asked. “No wonder you’re a nervous wreck sometimes... you should really cut back.”

“Eheh,” he said with a small smile. “Yeah, but I’m sorta used to drinking it this way.” He took her cup and dumped the contents, pouring her another and putting two sugarcubes in ‘his’ cup now. “It’s not that bad when you get used to it. Now about my earlier question?”

“Huh? Oh, the changeling thing? I... don’t really know,” Narrow said as she sipped her new drink, sighing happily. “It’s not like we have any to test it on.” She glanced at a clock and sighed again, this one more in exhaustion, and the day hadn’t even started yet. “Thanks for the coffee, but i need to get going. Have a lot to co-ordinate and little time to get it done.” As she headed for the door she paused, “Oh, and one last thing...”

“Yes?” Level asked as he sipped his coffee. Ah, just the way he liked it.

“Midnight will be your first and last line of defense on this,” she said in a low tone. “She’ll stay out of sight unless you get in deep and need her help, but if push comes to shove and your lives are in danger...” She paused for a second, like she was making a decision on an unknown question. “Tell her she is authorised to use her Lyrica.”

“Okay...but hopefully it doesn’t come to that,” Ledger said with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, that incident a while ago? I was sending a message. That’s the only reason I took so long. I can hold my own...as long as nobody gets the drop on me. And believe me, I will be extra-paranoid today.”

“Very well, just.. keep that in mind,” Narrow nodded. She opened the door and paused, “Stay safe you two,” she said quietly and the door closed, leaving the stallion alone in the room.

Ledger polished his drink off and waited for the smell to rouse his roommate...and dearest friend, Midnight Song. He looked at the box before looking away, shaking his head. It was for her and anti-magical, two things he didn’t want to combine.

It didn’t take much longer for said mare to rise from her fluffy grave. She moaned incoherently as she stumbled into the room. She saw Level and raised herself on her hind legs, raising her forehooves towards him.

“Hhuuuuugggzzzzzz!” she moaned a deep, low tone. Ledger chuckled and waved a cup of coffee under her nose instead, hoping to at the very least distract her. The mare gave a single sniff and dropped to her hooves, snaring the mug and sighing contently.

“Ah, my one true love~ Always there to greet me with a smile and a warm heart.”

“Whelp, guess I can give up now,” the unicorn said with more than a bit of snark and faked hurt. “I’ll just find a way to animate my coffee, give it pony form. The two of you can run off together and leave me alone.”

“That would be wonderful, seeing as my cuddlebug isn’t here,’ she sighed wistfully. Then she spied the box on the couch and her mouth opened in question.

“What’s in the box?”

“Something anti-magical, delivered via royal courier to the guard station, for you,” Ledger replied, still slightly hurt. He wore the disguise for a reason...

“Aw, here,” she said, as she flew over to him and gave him a hug. “You know I love you silly~”

“Meh, yeah, I do, I can feel it,” Ledger admitted, before pointing at the box with a hoof. “Sooo?” he asked. “Gonna open it?” Midnight nodded and let him go, flittering over to the strange box. It was long and rectangular and Midnight gasped when she saw the label.

The box lid suddenly flew off, and packing foam sprayed all over like snow on Hearth’s Warming. A moment later, she was holding two deep purple/black blades, slightly translucent and giving off a very faint hum.

“Da, dada duh daaaaa!” she cried. “Midnight has new toys!”

“Did they come with an instruction manual?” Ledger asked from a safe distance away. Or what he thought was a safe distance, anyways.

“No need, I know what they are,” she grinned manically. “These are anti-magic, starmetal blades. Oohhh, I’ve always wanted some, but the materials are super rare and there’s only a hooffull of ponies that can even craft them.”

“So the correct questions aren’t ‘what do they do,’ but rather, ‘where did they come from’ along with ‘how did they get here’ and ‘why’?” the stallion asked.

“Well, it looks like Daddy sent them,” she said, reading a small note that was inside the box. “And overnight by royal courier. As for why? Well, I assume that much is obvious.”

“Let’s do a small test before I go out for the day,” Ledger said as he extended a hoof in her direction. “Touch me with one, I want to know something.”

She paused for a moment and nodded, gently pressing the flat side of the blade against his extended leg. There was a gentle rippling effect across his form, before his disguise exploded, like leaves in a windstorm, leaving the black and silver changeling in his place.

“Thought so,” he observed aloud. “Well, now we have an option in case what Narrow said is right, about Toll bringing in a six-changeling squad..”

“Wait, WHAT?” Midnight gulped. “Oh, you have got to be kidding. Why would she do that?”

“The first thing that comes to mind is to act as decoys for herself. I can only assume with that scenario, though, she’d be running. I don’t like the second scenario at all, though.”

“I don’t either,” Midnight responded, coming to a conclusion that she did not like at all. “Okay. I have some new toys and I’m all ready to play. Let me get my armour, and well see how you go at work huh. Should be fun, Bring-Your-Bat-To-Work Day!”

“If I get in any serious trouble, I’ll send up a flare,” Ledger said with a nod as he re-donned his disguise. “Still, you all don’t seem to be estimating my ability very highly.”

“It’s not you I’m concerned about,” Midnight nodded. “I read that report and I have a good idea of what you’re capable of, but I don’t know the extent of Toll’s power, nor the new muscle she hired. Expect the unexpected and you might live to see another day.” She recalled the old saying her master would say.

“Fair enough,” Ledger agreed, before looking at the wingblades. “Huh...well there goes our plan of disguising you as a pegasus.”

“Yeah, oh well. I’ll stick to the rooftops and sneak into the warehouse after you. Out of sight, but always in mind,’ she smiled. “Now let’s get going, Narrow can’t make a move until we do.”

The unicorn stallion walked in through the front door of the company, only to immediately encounter Toll Taker. While internally he was panicking, externally, he was keeping his cool and merely raised an eyebrow. “Yes boss?”

“My office,” she said, pointing at the other six forms that Ledger had only just noticed were in the room. “You lot, stay put for now.”

As one, the six supposed ponies nodded, and Ledger suppressed a shudder. The unicorn followed his boss to her office and sat himself in the chair opposite hers. The mare’s horn lit up, and the door locked itself behind them.

“I’m just gonna be blunt here, Ledger,” the mare said as she sat in her chair. “We’re in a tight spot. I think I need to cut my losses and run from the town.”

Okay, expected. He had a spiel for this. “Is it really all that bad?” he asked aloud. When his boss raised an eyebrow, the stallion clarified. “I mean, yes, all of our less than legal operations appear to be falling down...but if I may be blunt as well, ma’am?”

“Go ahead,” she said with a wave of her hoof.

“Ever since you had me start hiding those transactions, I’ve been silently disapproving of the path you were taking,” Level admitted. More like fucking hating every last inch of your existence…

“And what would you have done?” Toll Taker asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Simple,” Ledger said with a smirk. “I would have found out what the city wants, what this city needs...and then tried to become the only supplier of those things.”

Toll leaned back and hummed to herself. “So…” she verbally prodded.

“So for things like your nightclubs, where alcohol is rampant, I would have looked into the suppliers and distributors...even the farms where the ingredients are grown and the distilleries where they’re combined, and bought them out instead. Then you’d be free to set your own prices, both internally and externally.”

The pair of unicorns fell silent for a moment as one contemplated the scenario the other had outlined…

The music was loud, the drinks were flowing and most ponies were having a good time, especially the ones in a hidden back room, counting piles of extorted bits. The door suddenly flew open as an out of breath pegasus ran in, his eyes wide.

One pony looked up from the table with a bored expression. “Dude... chill. Did one of the mares OD again...?”

“NO! It’s the-” he was cut off as a much larger, armoured pegasus dropped him with a single hoof.

“Welcome to the first day of your new lives,” he smiled. “My name is Stark and I’ll be your arresting officer for today gents.”

The first pony made a grab for the money, before a unicorn blasted him with a potent stun spell. She smiled and blew a wisp of smoke from her horn.

“Aw, lookit, they wanna play~” she cooed. “It’s kinda cute when they think they have a chance~”

“That they are Cricket,” Stark smiled. “Now, let’s rock!”

All over the city, warehouses, nightclubs, brothels, all the seedy places one might imagine were experiencing a similar scenario. The Guard was everywhere, arresting dozens of ponies and shutting down any illegal operations that were going on.

In the central warehouse, Midnight Song moved silently through an airduct, before emerging and hiding on an enormous stack of large crates.

“Alright Level... where are you?”

“Okay, I admit...you have points. I don’t have to run. Just hide, go into managing-from-afar as it were,” Toll agreed. “I still need you to do something though.”

Level paused for a moment before nodding. “Ready and willing, boss.”

“I need you to go to the central warehouse, take the six in the lobby with you. Once you get there, look for the main office. There should be a set of secret drawers in the desk, where I put the really old books.” At Level’s stunned expression, Toll let off a grin. “Mare has to keep records, and after your stunt, I had to move them.”

“...Very well, boss. Find them and bring them back, I assume?”

“Nope,” she said with a shake of her head. “Find them and burn them. They’re old enough to only matter to the Guard. Any intel they have is worthless to me nowadays, what with how quickly everything’s changed.”

Ledger nodded and stood up, before pausing and looking sheepishly at his boss. “Um...you may want to tell them to follow me yourself. They...might not listen otherwise.”

Toll Taker sighed, but got up from her chair and followed her accountant out to the lobby. “You six!” she barked, causing all the disguised nymphs to turn to her and bow their heads.

“You will follow this one and obey his orders, no matter the situation,” Toll continued, pointing at Ledger. The unicorn stallion gave off a sheepish grin, and the mares let out a small hiss. One actually objected.

“This is highly ir-” anything more was cut off as Toll Taker stalked forward and glared into the dissenter’s eyes. After only a second, the mare quaked and looked away. “Yes mistress,” she said after getting herself under control.

“Good bugs,” Toll said loud enough to be heard by them all. “You are all to come back intact though, in case I still do need to run and require decoys. Understood?”

“Yes mistress,” they all droned and looked at Ledger, only a hint of a sneer on their lips.

With a sigh, Level opened the main doors with a wave of magic. “Let’s get going then, ladies,” he said aloud. “Plenty to do already.”

Midnight had decided that some poking around was in order. There was absolutely nopony in this building. And she begun to wonder if she had the wrong address. When she came to a large office, she poked her head in and whistled.

“Ooh, fancy! I guess crime really does pay... if you like all this kind of crap,” she muttered, staring at some awful painting. It was like a foal had puked on it, then decided to splash around for a while.

“Okay... so what do we have here,” she mused, opening the desk drawers. Office supplies, a blank notebook, a knife... huh? She noticed something, a small protrusion at the back of the drawer. She pressed it and jumped back, in case of a trap. Instead, a small panel swung open and revealed a stack of old notebooks.

“Ooh! Now what do we have here?” she giggled. “I found something nice!”

Just then, she heard the sounds of hoofsteps. Many, many hoofsteps. And one familiar voice.

“It should be back here,” Ledger said aloud. And then an unfamiliar, distinctly female voice, pitched in.

“You do not know? Typical useless drone.”

Midnight’s ear flicked and her eye gave a dangerous twitch. That was Level... but who was that mare and why did she suddenly feel the need to test her new blades? Still, they were getting closer and the mare looked around, the office lacked little in the way of hiding places... except...

When Level opened the door, all that greeted him was an empty office…

Ledger sat at the desk and opened the drawers one by one while talking to the females outside. “It’s hardly my fault that Toll’s kept me in the office during my year here,” he said, before pausing and stiffening.

“What is it now, drone? Did you lose the files were were sent here to find?” another unfamiliar voice asked.

“They’re not here,” he said aloud. “They’re missing, and this chair was warm when I sat in it. Someone was here, someone took them not long ago. Find them, or Toll Taker will have our heads!”

For once, there was no rebuttal from the outside of the office, only the sound of six sets of hooves running off into the rest of the warehouse. Ledger sighed and relaxed in the chair. Until a hoof snaked it’s way along his thigh…

“Cut it,” he said. “I only knew you were there when I was practically sitting on you. Those blades do an awful lot to hide you, you know.”

“Good to know,” she growled, her eyes had become narrow slits. “Now, care to explain the slutty squad out there?”

“Six nymphs that Toll Taker hired to take on her appearance in case she needed to run. She’s put them under my command, but as you can see, the gender gap is well and alive,” Ledger said with a sigh. “Once I talked her down from running, she sent us here to grab those files.”

“So what’s the plan,” Midnight replied, noticeably calmer. “Narrow’s nearly done with her end. And Toll’s gonna find out soon enough...”

“You still have the files?” he asked the bat under the desk. She responded by dropping a stack of books in his lap. “Good. Put these somewhere they won’t be found. If I can’t find you until I’m on top of you, they can’t either. That gives you the element of surprise against them. I’ll help where I can, but you’re probably going to have to do most of the work, and I’ll have to act against you as well.”

“Better take it easy on me,” she smiled as she placed the books into a saddlebag. “Mind you, I’m about to fly very fast... and, would you miss those nymphs if they got in my way~?”

“No drone would cry over a nymph going missing,” Ledger muttered darkly. “Just like they wouldn’t cry over us.”

“Good to know, now I’m going to run a little delivery and then I plan on running back to you. Any complaints?” she cooed, moving up his chest to kiss him on the cheek.

“Only that you can’t stay longer,” he said, returning the gesture and being sure to draw in all the excess emotion, to better hide her departure. “But with half-a-dozen murderous nymphs in here, I oughta be throwing you out the window. Hurry back.”

“Will do, try not to get too carried away hmm?” she headed for the door and opened it ever-so-slightly. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she exited, her wings making no sound at all....

“We have searched everywhere,” a nymph said as she rounded the corner barely after Midnight had left. “No beings are hiding within this warehouse. We should return.”

“And end up dead?” Ledger scoffed. “I’d very much rather not. After all, she’s getting a little more unstable as the days go by and her work comes down around her.” Ledger hummed for a moment before growling. “If they were a unicorn and knew how to hide themselves from changeling detection, or just simply all detection, they could still be here...assuming some of you blocked the exits.”

“We have,” the nymph said. “Shall we sweep again, this time more carefully searching for clues while you simper away up here and despair like the useless drone you are?”

“Remind me, which one of us just came up with a plan that could save our flanks?” Ledger retorted. “In the Lands, you may be powerful, but here, we are all equal.”

“I will believe that when those Princesses elevate a Prince to their status,” the nymph retorted. “The only difference between Equestria and the Lands is that they are not as thorough in their punishments of males here.”

“Which is why I’m never going back,” Ledger returned. “You have your task.”

“And you have a lack of use at any of yours,” the disguised nymph insulted the unicorn. “What few drones have.”

There was a sudden chill in the room, as a voice worthy of coming from death itself permeated the sudden silence.

“Oh... If only you knew~” It cooed in a eerily familiar tone. There was a sickening crack, as something struck the back of the nymph’s head so hard that she bounced when she hit the ground. It wasn’t enough to kill, but she’d be dreaming for a good long while.

Midnight Song stood there, her eyes filled with unprecedented rage. “I have decided that I greatly dislike nymphs,” she growled.

“Not all of them are unreasonable, but you can tell from afar by the way they look at a male,” Level observed. “All of the ones here aren’t.”

“Ooh, so I get to knock ‘em all out huh?” Midnight cracked her neck and smiled... a rather unsettling smile. Ledger blinked and slowly started to draw away, fear evident on his face. She paused when she saw that look... one she had seen before. Her ears drooped and even over her swords, he could feel just a single emotion.


“I’ll deliver these files now,” she replied. “Pretend I knocked you out or something...” And she headed for the door once more, before she found herself encased in a silvery glow and wrapped up in a hug from Level. His disguise shimmered and fell away in this close proximity, yet he didn’t let up.

“Hearing a female talk like that is going to scare me,” Ledger admitted, whispering into her ears. “But I know you don’t mean to. I’m sorry.” She didn’t reply, but simply nodded in response. He didn’t know... but he would eventually...

“I have to go,” she said quietly. “Can you tuck your wings in?”

“Yes, why?” he asked even as his wings were folded in.

“Gotta put on a show right?” she winked and grabbed his hoof, flipping him and shattering the desk with his form. “Sorry love, no harm done right?” she said, a little worried she’d overdone it.

“Gimmie a kiss to help me recover, and no, none at all. Carapace,” he clarified. “Still, better run once you’re done, they’ll have heard that.” She gave him a brief kiss on the lips and then blasted out of the door, her blades slicing through the wood like butter as she bucked the remnants out and flew off, using a nearby changeling mare as a spring to gain extra height. They tried to nab her with telekinesis, but the spells warped and dissipated around her. They did however, give chase, shifting into pegasi and flying after her.

Soon, all that was left was Ledger and one unconscious nymph...

Midnight Song led the five on a merry chase through the city, the nymphs spitting hisses and curses in changeish at her. She just laughed as she ducked around one corner, and as the changelings followed, they soon found a wall of Royal Guard waiting for them.

“You all have the right to remain silent,” Narrow smiled. “You don’t really have much else beyond that.” She looked to her left, “Cricket?”

The slender Unicorn smiled as she encased the five in a magical glow, slamming them to the ground. “Ahh,” she sighed as other guards placed hoofcuffs and inhibitor rings on them. “I love my job~”

Midnight dropped the notes off to Narrow and gave a hurried explanation. “That’s all the evidence you need, gonna help Levvy! Be back soon!” she said and blasted off into the sky again.

“Well now, she’s certainly something,’ Narrow smiled before turning back to her troops. “Alright you slackers. We’re not done yet. I want one lot with me, the rest can process all the dirt we swept up today.”

Ledger pulled himself back into the office, having carefully crafted himself into the very image of defeat. “Boss!” he cried out. “Boss, bad news!”

Toll Taker ran into the lobby and looked at the one worker that had come back. “What in the world happened to you?”

“Big pegasus in Guard armor,” Ledger said, already making up an excuse. “Knocked out one of the nymphs, threw me through the desk. When I woke up, the documents were missing, along with the others.”

“Dammit!” Toll cursed. “No options to run, and I can’t stay! Oh bloody Tartarus, but I’m screwed!”

“You…” an eerily familiar voice spoke up, and Level turned to see the last nymph that hadn’t been arrested standing in the doorway behind him.

“You...promised…” she hissed, glaring at Toll. “You promised us...a home here...if we would do...this one thing for you…” Her breathing was labored, apparently Midnight had hit her harder than originally thought.

“And you bucked up!” Toll said, taking a step back. “You bucked up, and now I’m screwed six ways to Sunday! They’re going to lock me away forever!”

“If I don’t...kill you both first,” the crazed nymph said.

“Um. What? When did I get dragged into this?” Level asked, also backing up.

“She will pay for this,” the nymph said, stalking closer to the mare. “For deceiving me and mine, she will pay. And as you know of our failure, you shall be...disposed of.

The words, said in such a hostile tone, caused Level to immediately start breathing erratically. Terror gripped him, and he knew one thing for certain.

He had to run.

But fear made it so his legs didn’t work.

In the end, he lay on the ground, whimpering and pleading. Not even looking at the source of the sound of conflict... even as a thestral mare landed near the changeling, her eyes narrowed and she flashed a sweet smile to Toll.

“It would appear that rumours of my death had been greatly exaggerated~”

The unicorn and changeling currently in the middle of a duel to the death paused as they looked at the thestral mare. “Oh...you mother-bucker!” Toll shouted, her magic flaring wildly in response to the revelation. “I’m gonna kill you!” she shouted at the nymph across from her. “And then I’m gonna kill you the way you were supposed to die!” she shouted at Midnight. “And then I’m going to kill that two-faced traitor!” she screamed to the heavens.

Midnight unsheathed her swords. “Your empire is in ruins and you have nowhere to run!” Midnight replied calmly as she kept one eye on Level. He seemed to have curled up and was repeating the same phrase over and over.

“Give up and I’ll go easy on you two!”

Toll looked at the changeling across from her. “In light of the fact that the one you were working with is a bucking traitor, truce?”

The nymph hummed for a moment before nodding. “Until all the others are dead, I shall not attempt to kill you. From there, we shall see.”

With the accord struck, the two murderous mares turned their attention back to Midnight. The thestral mare sized them up, gauging their strength. She had her anti-magic blades and years of practice.

“Last chance,” she growled, hoping to buy time for backup to arrive. “You can still come quietly and nopony has to die.” Just then, she felt a familiar hoof touch her. Apparently Level had something to say. She looked down at him, and a pang of guilt pierced her heart, he looked so...

“Ly...lyrica,” he got out, barely, before returning to his mantra and shuddering.

Midnights eyes widened. How... how had he known that word... She gasped, Narrow...

“I see,” she said quietly. “Permission received.” She looked at Level and hoped he could hear her. Her whole body shook. “Please... cover your ears and close your eyes. Don’t... don’t watch this.”

In one surprisingly clear moment, he pulled himself to her ears and whispered into them. “I trust you,” he said, before ambling off to find a place to isolate himself. Midnight shed a single tear and smiled.

“If only this was about trust,” she murmured. She turned back to the pair, who seemed to be discussing strategy, and arguing about it. Well, at least they were still waiting. Her eyes fell to a disinterested gaze and the nymph felt the mare become devoid of all emotion.

“Use of Lyrica style has been granted. Eliminating targets,” Song said with a mono tone.

“...I picked the wrong mare to work for,” the changeling observed before shedding her disguise totally. “Heads up, ‘boss,’ she’s got some crazy control over her emotions.”

Toll snorted and picked up some nearby desks in her magic. “Control or not, she won’t be able to withstand everything.” With that, the changeling took off, while the mare launched nearby office furniture at the thestral.

“First Beat,” she whispered, weaving and ducking the thrown desks. As the second volley approached, the thestral blinked once.

“Second Beat.” her swords came to bear and the desk was reduced to confetti. The thestral turned her gaze back to the unicorn…

“Damnation! Get in there while I charge up some spells!” the mare ordered. The changeling let out a buzz and zipped right into the thestral’s face, attempting to at the very least distract her. Though she did pull back one hoof to punch her in the face.

“Third Beat,” she said, snaring the extended hoof with her own and tossing her into the air, a barrage of blows juggled the hapless changeling before the thestral finally emitted an emotion. The mental conditioning was complete. She was ready to fight.

“Endless Waltz!” Midnight vanished, before she zipped back and forth, repeatedly striking the ‘ling, a shower of broken carapace rained down... It took a solid minute before Midnight landed, her hoofguards tapping lightly as the nymph hit the ground behind her, bleeding, broken and unconscious. What Toll was holding gave her pause, even now.

Apparently, the mare had decided to switch targets. Level was in her grasp and seemed to be alternating between trying to get out of her hold and crying in fear. “You want him?” the mare sneered. “Then you’d better do as I tell you, otherwise he won’t look any better than her.”

Midnight watched her as she edged around the thestral. “You used him,” she said quietly. “You abused him and you broke him. All because he’s not like us...” Her wings drooped, the swords striking the ground in a shower of sparks. “And now you cower behind him... like it will save you.” She took a step forward, raising her wings a little.

“I am the blade of justice, the holy sword of Celestia. Evil falls before me and you are no exception. You have been found... guilty,” that last word was uttered with a tone that could shake even the most stalwart pony. “You will face judgement at the hooves of the Creator. Are you ready?”

You will back the hay off,” Toll said as Level was levitated to a nearby window. “Otherwise I’ll cast the spell that’ll tear his disguise off and toss him out there for all the world to see.”

Midnight took another step forward, her emotionless eyes now displaying righteous fury. “Then I will be his shield,” she whispered. “Dirge of Death,” and dashed forward, her wings spread wide. Toll had been standing in front of a shipping container, but the glowing dark blades the thestral wore sheared through the metal like it was nothing, the blades came to a stop, millimeters from the unicorn’s neck. The batpony was impossibly fast.

“You will die now,” she said. And then she heard the voice of Ledger.

Once Toll’s grip had faltered out of sheer terror, the unicorn stallion walked slowly closer to the scene, fascinated despite himself. Once he heard the batpony’s plan for the mare, he drew close, and put one hoof on her withers.

“I more than anyone else have cause to ask for her to die,” Ledger said simply. “So please, hear me Midnight...if you’re still in there. Don’t kill her. My friend, the mare I trust...she wouldn’t sink to the level of this scum. Please Midnight...come back to me.”

A small trickle of blood ran down Toll’s neck, where the magical blades were pressed against her. Midnight looked at her, and then leaned in close. “In case you didn’t hear that... the changeling you tormented. The changeling you abused...” She withdrew her blades and sheathed them, taking a shallow breath. “Just begged for your life. That is the only reason you still live.”

“Still, if you’d give her incentive to hold still and not spark up that horn of hers, that’d be great,” Level said as his own began to glow. “I have a secret to make sure she keeps.”

Still in combat mode, Midnight took that as ‘Don’t let her cast’ and drew back a hoof, slamming it into the mare’s horn, cracking it and causing her to scream shrilly from the overwhelming pain, before she passed out.

“Well, that works too,” Level said, looking at Midnight. “Okay, so while I put the compulsion on her...I’m guessing if I give you some sort of order, you’ll listen and perform it? I mean, based on what just happened. I’m really flying blind here.”

Midnight took another deep breath as she closed her eyes. Her emotionless state slowly dissipated, until it returned to more normal levels. She shuddered and opened her eyes halfway, gazing at the ground.

“I’m... not a monster,” she whispered. “Please... please d-don’t hate me...”

For the umpteenth time today, Midnight found herself encased in a Ledger-hug. “Okay, let’s review,” he said aloud. “I’m a shapeshifter who could be anypony I wanted to be and could drain a city dry of emotion, one pony at a time. I resemble a cross of bug and pony, so...yeah. I’m not going to call you a monster.”

“I could have killed her,” Midnight whispered. “It would have been so easy... just a simple flick of my wing. And you know what... I wouldn’t have cared... but,” she shuddered again, coming back from that state was always disconcerting. “I was more afraid, that you would be scared of me...”

“Not gonna lie, I did experience an emotion when watching you fight,” Ledger admitted, before dropping his voice. “It was bucking hot, watching you fight for me. Nymphs do it as well, but more to own the male they’re fighting over...assuming he’s worth it.”

Midnight blinked, before her lovely laugh rang out. “You are so weird,” she giggled, laying her head on his shoulder. “Buuut, I think I let my emotions control me too much. I didn’t mean to beat them so badly...”

“And nobody will shed a tear,” Level replied with a straight face. “Not the changelings back home, and not the Guard. So let’s see. You’re a batpony who can go into a trance that renders you mission-oriented and turns you into a hot warmare of combat,” the changeling said, beeping her muzzle with one hoof.

“Aw, you say the sweetest things,” she replied, booping him back. Level snickered, then crossed his eyes at his horn and nodded.

“Spell’s done. Every time she tries to reveal that I might be a changeling, obviously or sneakily, she’ll instead say something completely unrelated and random instead.”

“Huh? That’s kinda neat,” Midnight nodded, her ear suddenly flicked and she drew her sword. “Get disguised, we have company incoming!”

The silver flash signified that he’d obeyed her whims quite quickly, and the unicorn dropped down to the ground once he let the batpony go. Midnight turned to the door, a renewed vigor for tearing somepony a new one, when the main door lifted open and Narrow with a small legion of Guard entered, fanning out to check the area.

Midnight sighed and lowered her stance as Narrow drew closer. She took one look at the changeling nymph and Toll, as well as the scattered chitin pieces and cleaved metal container before shaking her head.

“So... you used it huh?”

“The two were tougher than they looked and I may have been a little mad,” Midnight bowed her head. “My emotions got the better of me and that’s no excuse. I accept any punishment you deem necessary.”

Narrow remained silent as she looked at Ledger, waiting to see if he had anything to add.

“I would have fought,” he admitted, but shook his head. “However, when the nymph said she was going to dispose of me...that triggered a few unpleasant memories. I had enough sense of mind to see Midnight was in a two on one fight, and passed her the word you said. Fortunately, I was able to bring her back from...whatever that was, before you had two bodies to clean up instead of two suspects.”

Narrow looked to Midnight, who gave a simple nod and turned towards Level Ledger. “We’ll discuss that later okay?”

Narrow barked at two of her Guards. “We have two injured mares. Retrieve the medics and get this place in order. And I want it done yesterday! Got that!?

“YES MA’AM!” the shouted, getting everything she requested organised.

“Where do you want us, ma’am?” Ledger asked, every inch the obedient civilian.

“Go home,” Midnight nodded. “We have all the evidence you have provided and your official statement can wait until tomorrow.” She gave them a small smile and nodded her head. “Your assistance has also been appreciated Sergeant Midnight Song! Your mission now is to insure the continued protection of this stallion. We do not know if any of her goons escaped and may seek revenge.”

“Ma’am!” Midnight saluted. “None shall lay a hoof on him.”

“I believe it too,” she grinned. “Now get going.”

“That...was a day and a half, and it’s only noon,” Ledger observed as he held the apartment door open for the pair of them. Midnight walked in silently and nodded, removing some pieces of armour and dropping them to the floor as she walked. Level snickered and floated them into her bedroom as she passed, before shutting and locking the front door and dropping his disguise.

“Oh, that’s better,” he stated aloud. “Now...something’s eating you, Midnight, and I don’t mean me.” The changeling sat on his haunches and stared at the batpony.

“Yeah... I guess so,” Midnight nodded slightly. “Sorry, I just, never meant to show you something like that. Show you why I’m called ‘the Monster of Canterlot’.”

The changeling merely sat there and blinked a few times, before coughing and pointing at himself with one hoof.

“Yes, yes... I’m well aware of your surprisingly sexy appearance,” Midnight chuckled half-heartedly. “I can’t avoid this can I?”

“Avoid what?” Level asked simply. There were a few points he could address, but he’d wait for her to share which one was currently ‘too much to handle’.

“The fact that I’ve lied to you... that I’m still lying to you,” she sighed. Level raised an eyebrow before coughing again.

“And this trumps all the half-truths and lies I fed you when you first moved in how?” he asked. Midnight looked up and smiled.

“Don’t you think it’s a little strange that somepony of my position needed shared accommodation in the first place?”

“Not...really?” Ledger said aloud. “The local Guard hasn’t been getting all the funds it could have for a while. Toll snipped whatever she could that was supposed to go to them, so that she didn’t have to worry near as much about being caught. She likely would have restored it to what it was supposed to be...the moment Narrow came asking.”

“While actually moving in with you was unexpected, it made my job a lot easier,” Midnight said bluntly. “I was going to move into this apartment building and befriend you regardless, because you were close to her, close to the object of my mission.”

Level’s expression started to fall as he came to several conclusions rapidly. “So this...all of this. Last night, your affection, all of it?” he asked quickly.

“NO!” Midnight slammed a hoof on the table. “That... I was supposed to be your friend at most, your acquaintance originally... I-I never expected, that I’d fall in love with you!” Tears streamed down her face as she continued. “All of that, all of that is the truth. What I feel, how I still feel!

Level sat still and breathed deeply for a moment, to get his mind back under control. “Do you want to know something, Midnight? I’ve never tasted love for another being.” He opened his eyes and beckoned for her to come closer. “Show me,” he said simply. “Show me what you feel.” He didn’t have to wait long, as she pressed her lips against his. Despite his current appearance, despite what she’d just admitted, it was there. The power that Chrysalis craved, the power that filled a changeling like none other.

Pure love...for him.

He held her close and just basked in the emotion, drawing only what he really needed to fill up after their tiring day. Eventually, they had to come up for air. “Yes,” he said simply once they had, “That feels like love. I...don’t know if I can return it right away, but we can work on that together...if you’ll have me. If you think I’m worthy of you.”

“I should be saying that to you, weirdo,” she smiled none-the-less though. “But... I don’t know if we can...”

“Why do you say that?” he asked as he ran a hole-filled hoof through her mane.

“My mission is complete. Toll has been arrested, her empire in ruins. Any loose ends can be tied up by the local authorities. Most likely? I’d be back in Canterlot by tomorrow for my next assignment.”

“With her gone, I don’t have a job anymore,” Level said. “I could probably make one by cleaning up what’s left of Pegasus Air and returning it to a shipping company...but I’d been meaning to leave for a while anyways. Learn new things and all that. If it meant staying by your side...you’d have to go to the gates of Tartarus to lose me.”

“Y-you’d come to Canterlot with me?” she gasped. To be honest, she hadn’t even considered that.

“Whatever you ask me to do, I will,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her on the head. “Though, with the whole ‘me getting registered on the pony side’ happening when your father returns, I might just wind up stuck here…”

“Screw the rules, I’m a badass,’ Midnight snorted. “As long as you’re with me, nopony will question it. And if they do, I kick their butt... simple no?”

“I just got done with a company that broke the law on a regular basis,” Level deadpanned. “Plus...yeah, someone should at least try to clean up what she did. It’s looking more and more like I might just stay a little longer.”

“Yeah...” Midnight sighed. “I guess...” she shook her head and smiled. “We’ll figure it out later. Burn that bridge when we come to it right?”

“I’d prefer to leave my options open,” Level said with a roll of his eyes as he hugged Midnight tighter. “Huh,” he observed. “Suddenly, I am aware of something.”

“Oh, Level has reached enlightenment?” she questioned. “Who knew a thestral hug could help with that.”

“Not that,” he snarked. “My body is saying ‘this female just fought for you, obey her,’” he started, giving her a quick kiss on the head. “My groin is adding the words ‘in bed’ to that...and for once, my heart and mind have nothing to say on the matter.”

“So I won you over with unnecessary and bloody violence. I must say Level, that is definitely a first, even for me.” She sighed as she leaned into him. “Unfortunately, for once in my life, I am also not in the mood for something physical in nature. I just want to be held and hope that the moment never ends...”

“That, I can only do for so long,” Ledger said. “I need to get my sheets if I’m to use my bed at all...but I’ll hold you for as long as I can. Couch?”

“Cuddlecouch, or my bed... whichever you prefer,” she sighed.

“Couch it is, and if you aren’t happy by the time dinner rolls around, then I’m gonna start feeling sad,” he warned, putting Midnight on his back as the two began a long cuddling session.

After a while, Midnight just wanted a loooong shower and a nap. Level had started on an early dinner, but the love he got from before trumped anything he figured he could cook. Still, the non-emotivore needed physical sustenance and he would provide. A thought occurred and he smiled, ready to begin dinner...

Until there was a knock at the door. Also, the tingling sensation of pheromones... panicked ones…

Level put his disguise back on and opened the door, to reveal his highly panicked landlord on the other side. “Estate?” he asked. “What’s going on?”

“T-t-t-t-there’s... a -v-v-visitor for you....” guy was shaking like a leaf in an earthquake.

“Very well, I’ll add another for dinner,” Ledger said. “Send them up and tell them to knock first...locking doors is a good habit to have.” Meanwhile, Ledger was trying to figure out who it could possibly be to garner this reaction, but kept turning up nothing.

“W-w-will do,” Estate nodded. “OHpleaseopleasedon’tdieee!!!”

Before Ledger could even ask what the hell that was about, the stallion bolted, leaving the disguised changeling in the doorway. By the time he closed his door and returned to the kitchen, there was another knock. Bothering only to poke his head out, as everything was currently in a delicate state, the stallion unlocked the door from afar.

“It’s unlocked!” he shouted.

The door opened and his guest walked in, ducking her head to avoid hitting her long horn on the top of the door. Despite the closed windows, her mane flowed like a slow river as Celestia looked around the humble abode.

“It’s a nice place you have here, my little changeling.”

Ledger squeaked and ducked back in the kitchen, both to maintain the food and to try and hide himself behind a pot. This was...this was akin to a Queen taking notice of you back home. That never ended well!

Celestia chuckled as she stood in the centre of the room. “Please forgive my sudden appearance, but my dear Grissom told me that I simply must pay you a visit. And once I heard about today’s events, I teleported right over.”

Level slowly lowered the pot and poked his head out again. “So...you’re not here to punish me for living in your lands for a year without registering my identity?” he questioned the sun-goddess.

“Heavens no,” Celestia smiled, beckoning for the changeling to come out. “I came to apologise actually...”

Ledger’s jaw dropped as his brain ground to a halt. A female of this standing apologizing to a drone like him? “I...don’t know what to say,” he admitted as he sat in front of the dining table. “This...has never happened to me before.”

“I’d imagine not,” Celestia chuckled. “Changeling drones have it quite rough back home, don’t they?” In response, Ledger’s eyes flickered to his bookcase and the damn pamphlet floated out for Celestia to see.

“That’s putting it mildly, your highness,” he said with only a touch of sarcasm.

“Yes, I am well aware of the state of things,” Celestia said, her eyes glazing over the pamphlet. “I wish I could do more for them, but I can only help the ones that come to Equestria, and even then, only the ones that want my help.” The offending pamphlet suddenly burst into a bright flame, utterly disintegrating. Ledger blinked a few times as the weight of the bundle of propaganda vanished from his grip.

“Well...that’s one thing off my mind, then,” he observed, before turning his head back to the kitchen and starting to drain the noodles. “Is there...any particular thing you wanted to apologize for?” He was still having difficulty believing she wanted to apologize in the first place.

“For the way my little ponies have treated you and yours,” she sighed. “Try as I might, they are timid beings, afraid of drastic change and the unknown.” She suddenly bowed her head. To him! “I pray, that you can forgive them.”

Once he was certain he wasn’t holding or needed to hold anything, Ledger dropped his disguise and slowly drew closer to Celestia. “I can forgive all but one,” he said quietly. “And as long as she never gets out of whatever hole the courts throw her in...then I can even forgive you.”

Celestia blinked at the sudden transformation, but nodded. “Toll Taker has committed terrible crimes, and she will be punished accordingly. Rest assured, she will never hurt you or anypony else again. You have my sincerest promise.”

“Well then, my thanks,” Ledger said, bowing his head for a moment. A thought crossed his mind and he decided to voice the question. “Ah...any word on when Grissom will next be here? I sort of requested him to handle all of…” Here he gestured towards his body with one hoof.

“I’m afraid I’m keeping him quite busy at the moment, especially after Luna...” Celestia smiled again, shaking her head. “He’s already arranged the necessary paperwork though, you will just have to come to Canterlot to finalise it at your own discretion.”

Ledger sighed before shaking his head as well. “Somepony has to clean up after Toll, and Pegasus Air was once a shipping company...but in the lack of a pony to do the job, I know the place inside and out. I’d rather he come to me when he next can.”

“Well, I’ll see what I can arrange,’ Celestia smiled. “Now, I believe your timid landlord said something about dinner?”

“The sauce is nearly done,” Ledger said, and a spark of mischief flickered across his slitted eyes. “If you would be so kind as to awaken my roommate? I believe she’s taking a nap at the moment.”

Celestia smiled mischievously. “I believe I could do that for you. Where might I find Miss Song?”

“Allow me to show you,” Level all but purred as he escorted the Princess of the Sun to Midnight Song’s room and silently opened the door with his magic. “All yours,” he whispered. Celestia walked in, ever the graceful Princess as she approached the bed with the sleeping thestral atop of it. Her hind leg twitched on occasion and a small smile graced her lips. She appeared to be having a good dream.

Celestia leant down and whispered into the bat’s ear. “Dear Midnight, it is time to wake up~”

Midnight stirred as her smile widened. She leaned up and suddenly grabbed the alicorn’s head. “MMm, morning Level~” she purred in a sleepy tone and promptly kissed the mare.

Needless to say, even the infallible princess of the sun was shocked. But she was too stunned to pull away…

Ledger merely sat down, hard, outside her room, taking the situation in. Okay, yes, she’d thought Celestia was him...for some reason, and decided a kiss was the appropriate way to respond to being woken up. But…

...Damn if it wasn’t hot, watching her get the wrong target...

Midnight pulled away, and eventually opened her eyes... only to be graced with the slightly blushing face of Princess Celestia.

“Oh... hmm, I’ve had this dream before~” she purred. “Now where’s Luna...?”

“Back at home I’m afraid,” Celestia replied like nothing had happened. “She certainly would have gotten a laugh out of this I assure you.”

“Wait... home...?” Midnight suddenly became very aware that this wasn’t a dream and looked at Celestia. “Oh!? Ohhhh, very funny Level. And here you said you wouldn’t become a female Celestia.”

“And I haven’t,” the drone spoke up from outside her room, smirking as she began to finally process the situation.

“Oh Sweet Celestia I kissed Celestia!” Midnight put a hoof to her lips, then smirked. “Well, she was quite sweet~”

“And you are incorrigible,” Celestia sighed, fighting down another blush. “Well, if you’re quite done molesting me, shall we have dinner and talk about a few things?”

“Speaking of which, it’s nearly do- aw crud,” Level said as he remembered something. “Midnight, we really need to buy more chairs if we’re going to keep having guests.”

“That we do,” Midnight nodded as the two mares exited the room and followed the ‘ling out into the living room. It was then that Song noticed that he wasn’t disguised.

“Uh, Lev... you’re uh, showing a little... in front of the Princess!”

“She knows, and I have your dad to blame for it,” Ledger returned. “Back in a jiffy, you two can decide who goes where.” With that, he ducked back into the kitchen.

“I know where I want to go~” Midnight giggled, glancing at the princess. Celestia just sighed and applied her hoof to her face.

“The castle has been much quieter without you dear Midnight,” she sighed. She glanced at a chair and her horn fired up with a golden light. Once it cleared, a third chair was sitting there.

“Duplication spell. Quite useful yes?”

Ledger walked back out of the kitchen with three plates in his grasp, raising an eyebrow at the new chair. “Well that solves that problem,” he admitted, before putting dinner in front of the mares. One Midnight recognized from her first day here.

“Ooooh, the yummy pasta!” Midnight cheered. “My life is now complete~” However, the moment Midnight bit into it, she could taste that something felt...different about it.

Better. More.

Celestia took a bite, humming thoughtfully. Midnight suddenly realised... Princess Freaking Celestia was at their dinner table.

“This is quite nice,” she hummed and smiled. “Such love poured into a dish just makes it that extra bit special no?”

“No more special than the mare that gave it to me to begin with,” Level said, winking at Midnight. “You could probably have a dedicated changeling chef do something similar at the palace,” he theorized. “Might make those long days of court tolerable.”

Midnight watched as Celestia smiled and leaned in close, a hint of mirth in her eyes.

“Who says I don’t?”

“Fair enough,” Ledger admitted, chuckling softly. “We can be rather sneaky after all.”

“Little sneak stole my heart after all~” Midnight chuckled. Celestia nodded and smiled along with her. This was nice to see. And it only helped her with the decision she had to make.

“Excuse me, but I believe you gave it to me willingly,” Ledger mock-protested. “I even got the gift receipt and everything.”

“You’d better not return it!” Midnight waved a fork. “Or I will be most pouty and sad and you really don’t want that.”

“Of course not,” Ledger agreed, munching on some more noodles before continuing. “Though the question becomes, what does the pretty mare desire in return?”

She paused as Level and Celestia, who had become most interested in this conversation, stared at her. She fidgeted in her seat as the pressure built. Her face flushed red and Level could feel the love pour off of her.

“Um, well... just, you I guess?’ she finally said and hid her face in her hooves. Celestia chuckled and returned to her meal.

“Then for as long as you want me, you have me,” Ledger replied, basking in the love she emanated and eating his other dinner as well.

“So... cute...” Celestia said under her breath. She suddenly cleared her throat and turned towards Midnight. “Regardless, I do have the details for your next assignment Midnight Song.”

“O-Oh?” Song snapped to attention. She’d been so carried away with her new domestic life, she’d forgotten that Celestia was royalty.

“Indeed, you’ve done well here. And I would be most honoured to have a mare like you in my Personal Guard.”

Level Ledger, having worked under several stressful situations in his last occupation, did a masterful job of his poker face. He merely nodded at Midnight at the news. “A mare like you deserves the best,” he said solemnly. Whereas internally, he could not be any more conflicted.

“It’s... what I’ve always wanted,” Midnight said quietly. “Ever since joining the Academy, it’s what I’ve always wanted. To be able to join your Guard... to do what no thestral has ever done before.” She looked down at her food, not feeling hungry anymore.

“And yet?” Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“And yet...” Midnight smiled. “I finally found something... that I want,” she looked up at Level with that smile. “Something more.”

Level shook his head a few times. “Midnight, you’re throwing away a prime opportunity, the job of a lifetime, your dreams. Think about this. Don’t do that for a...drone like me.” He had been about to say the word ‘worthless’ in there, but barely stopped himself in time.

“I know,” Midnight sighed. She doubted, that she would ever get this chance again. But then, this other chance might slip away as well. “But... I...”

“If I may interject?” Celestia asked, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin. “This city, it’s... a difficult city to live in, is it not?”

“It used to be,” Level admitted. “That might change. It might not. I’ll need a roommate to afford rent in the future, should I keep up the act. Even if I don’t, the money will let me live comfortably.”

“I think she might mean the sort of ponies that live here,” Midnight said. “The Toll Taker’s of the world so to say.”

“Indeed, while I do regret that these events have transpired, I am also not foolish enough to assume that they will not happen again.”

“Nature abhors a vacuum,” Level agreed. “A power vacuum of this magnitude?...If it’s not filled in legally, then it will be filled in illegally.”

“Agreed,” Celestia nodded. “You are a wise changeling dear Ledger. And I would feel much more comfortable if I had one of my personal Guard here in Las Pegasus watching out for ponies like yourself.”

Level slowly blinked and looked between Celestia and Midnight. “Are you saying…?” he started off with.

“Midnight Song!” Celestia said, using her tone that she would when ordering her soldiers. “Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to keep the citizens of Las Pegasus safe. You will act as an independent member of my Guard. You will take your orders from me and me alone. Do you accept?”

Midnight just froze. Did... was she offering what she thought she was offering?

“Lev?” she croaked. “I could use some of that bluntness right now...”

“This is like the circumstances around my uncle becoming and staying King of my home Hive,” Level said. “Once in a generation. If you pass this up, I will be most cross with you, Midnight.”

“Well, I guess I should... graciously accept your offer,” Midnight smiled. “Because apparently my cuddlebug would be most lonely without me.”

“Apparently so,” Celestia chuckled again. She sighed inwardly, Midnight was a valuable asset, and a good friend. “And you Mr. Ledger, I trust you will take care of this most valuable friend of mine?”

“Of course I will,” Ledger defended himself. “Until she admitted it to me today, I had never tasted love. I’m not letting anything happen to her if I can help it.”

“Well, I’d say that’s a decent motivator,” Celestia smiled as she stood up. “Well, thank you for the lovely meal. And now that I’ve concluded my business here, I have a castle full of ponies to get back to.”

“Don’t forget about Mr. Grissom,” Ledger reminded the Sun Princess. “And if you could say a kind word or two to Estate on your way out, assure him I’m still alive, I’d appreciate it. Your sudden arrival sent him into somewhat of a panic.”

“I didn’t mean it?” Celestia looked a little sheepish and Level Ledger made a very important discovery.

Princess Celestia was freaking adorable~

Midnight looked at her changeling and blinked. “Um, you okay there Lev?”

Level blinked a few times and shook his head. “Just peachy.” Gah! The cuteness of that moment...he’d almost felt his heart stop.

“Well, I’ll be off now. I’ll make sure that the necessary paperwork is filed and see to it that Captain Narrow is informed of your promotion,” Celestia winked. “Now if you’ll excuse me...” Her horn lit up and with a flash of golden light, she vanished.

“She can certainly make an exit huh?” Song replied, still wondering if she was asleep and this had really happened. She got an answer when Level got up from his spot at the table, quickly trotted over to Midnight, and pulled her into a deep kiss.

Normally he never started things like this.

Yeah, okay. This was real.. and happening. This was definitely a thing now. Once he broke the kiss, she panted, her face red. Why did he have that effect on her?

“So uh... I guess I’m here to stay then?”

“I certainly hope so,” Level admitted. “There might need to be a few changes as to who pays what, but I’m certain we can work it all out.”

Midnight fidgeted and looked at him. “Um, I have a question?”

“And that would be?” he asked, continuing to hold her close.

She smiled, “Just what was running through your mind when I was kissing the Princess~”

“Not a whole lot beyond whether or not I should shift into a male Luna and totally break your mind,” Ledger said with a grin. He shifted when a blush graced her cheeks and her wings snapped to attention.

“Uhhh... I may or may not be totally okay with that,” she said. “And wait! When the heck did you get so forward? I recall a certain stallion had a very potent aversion to the female kind.”

“You changed that,” he said, holding her close and sighing. “I’m still not attracted to females...but you? You showed me you could be trusted. You showed me that there was no shame about anything, nothing to fear. I’m not asexual...but I’m not normal.” He pulled her back and delivered the final observation. “If anything, I’m Songsexual now.”

“Everypony is Songsexual...” she winked at him, “Even the Princess apparently~”

“Well if you’re done with your food, the option to cuddle is always open,” Level offered.

“Cuddling sounds wonderful, maybe a little kissing as well?” she asked hopefully, wagging her tail cutely.

“Whatever you want,” Ledger said, kissing her on the muzzle. “You just have to take it.” Her eyes widened and she ginned again, like she had the night before.

“Oh, are you sure you want me to do that?”

Ledger paused for a minute before nodding. “As long as it’s you.”

“You said my fighting was hot, I got to kiss a Princess and you admitted that you loved me in front of her,” Midnight pointed out. “I am now going to blow your little buggy mind~”

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