• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,652 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter Thirteen - From a duet to a round?

Midnight paced up and down the dusty road that led to Cider Falls. It had been a few days since that... incident and she had been trying to work up the nerve to go and see this mare. If it had just been a one-off, the she’d have no problem. But this was a mare that would be seeing Ledger every so often, and Midnight needed to lay a few ground rules.

She eventually walked up the trail, as a few farmhooves waved at her, the Guard offering a polite nod back to them. Another reason she had put it off for so long, was that the mare could argue that Ledger agreed, and while Midnight could explain his... reasons, that would lead to a whole mess of trouble.

Still, that was a card she could avoid playing... for now.

She reached the farmhouse and raised a hoof, knocking on the door with an authoritative thump.

“Royal Guard Ma’am!” she stated. “Can you please answer?”

Another muffled thump came from the other side as a dishevelled mare answered the door. Her mane was a mess and her kitchen even more so.

“Have I... come at a bad time?” Midnight inquired.

The Earth Pony blinked, having never seen a Thestral before. “Um, no... sorry about the mess. I get carried away when creating new blends.”

“It’s fine Ma’am,” Midnight nodded, making her way inside. She could see why Ledger had the urge to clean, and was thankful he’d never seen her dorm room at the Academy.

“So uh, why is the Royal Guard here?” Cider asked hesitantly. “I haven’t done anything wrong!”

“Not as yet Ma’am,” Midnight replied. “It has come to our attention that you have a new contract with Pegasus Air...”

“Aw horseapples, don’t tell me that Unicorn is jus’ like Toll...” Midnight fought the urge to buck her through a wall and continued.

“No Ma’am, but due to the company’s... checkered past, we’re keeping a close eye on any and all business they conduct.” She moved a few empty bottles aside with a hoof. “I trust you’ll not refuse a routine inspection?”

“No Ma’am,” Apple Cider replied. “Why, ah’d be happy to show you mah farm.” The mare was a lot more excited now and Midnight saw that she really seemed to love her job. And she was kinda cute when she grinned like that.

“Thank you, shall we begin now?”

“Of course!” Apple Cider beamed and beckoned for Midnight to follow her. The farm itself was quite impressive. One thing that struck her as odd though, was the cleanliness of the air. They were still quite close to the city, but the air seemed so pure. When Midnight questioned this, Apple Cider winked and smiled.

“That’s a secret, but ah’ll show you soon~”

Midnight was shown to the bottle facility, the fields and the distillery. There was also a small field that showed she was raising sheep and pigs.

“Wow, this is even more impressive that the farm in Canterlot,” Midnight whistled.

“That’s the one mah lil sis runs,” Apple Cider beamed. “Her name’s-”

“Apple Fritter,” Midnight Song finished as she petted a small sheep. “We’re... aquainted.”

“Well small world,” Cider beamed. “This is pretty much everythang, is there anything else y’all need Miss...?”

“Oh, I never did give my name,” the Thestral smiled. “I am Midnight Song, Special Operative of Las Pegasus.”

“Now that’s a fancy title,” Apple Cider whistled. “And if ah may ask... uh...”

“I’m a Thestral,” Midnight smiled, having encountered this question many a time. “We’re not too common outside of Canterlot.”

“Hm, ah really should visit Fritt’s some more,” Cider hummed.

“As for completing this inspection, I am quite impressed, but I still have a few questions if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Cider replied. “Let’s head back to the house and ah’ll fix us some drinks. It’s awful hot today.”

“That it is,” Midnight agreed.

Once the pair were back at the house, Midnight sipped at a chilled cider, humming thoughtfully at the taste.

“Mmm, this is quite good. Goes down nice and smooth.”

“Heh, at least you can handle yer drink better than Mr. Ledger, poor fella got tipsy after half a pint.”


“Eeyup, had ta give him mah special ‘Apple Family Cure’. Sobered him up right quick.”

“I see,” Midnight cleared her throat and looked at the mare. So that matches up with what he said. “So, speaking of Level Ledger, what is your relationship with him?”

“Relationship?” Apple Cider coughed into her mug. “Now look, ah dunno whut he’s insinuating, but ah ain’t in no ‘relationship’ aside from a purely business one.”

“Miss Cider?”

“Ah mean, whut a pony does in her free time is her business!”

“Apple Cider!”

“If two ponies want to have a little harmless fun, does that mean they’re in some committed relationship!”


“Yeep!” the mare shut up as Midnight took a deep breath.

“I am simply asking a question. But it does raise an interesting point.” She leaned closer and the Earth Pony got a close up look of the Thestral’s eyes. And fangs. “May I ask why you seduced my coltfriend?”

“Wha? Seduced yer colt...oohhh... Ya-Ya mean Level Ledger is yer... oh ponyfeathers.”

“And he still is, despite what happened,” Midnight nodded. “And while I am here to do an inspection for the Guard, I am also here to talk to you about that.”

“W-Well,” Cider replied, wondering how fast she could bail out of a window. “Ah-Ah was just lookin’ fer a little company, and he never mentioned that he had a marefriend...”

“No, I don’t suppose he did,” Midnight sighed.

“But, he was awfully reluctant, and ah admit that I might have been a tad pushy... but boy howdy was that stallion a fan of sugar. Ah reckon that ice-cream vendor in the city has less of a sweet tooth.”

“Level Ledger is... unique,” Midnight sighed. “A certain way of life has led to how he behaves now, and honestly, he has a fear of most females. I’m actually more surprised that you were able to seduce him so easily.”

“So uh, y’all ain’t gonna eat me?”

“Eat you...?” Midnight blinked, until she saw a book in her bookshelf, one about Crystal Thestrals and the fact they sparkled...

“That. Fucking... book...” she shook her head. “No Miss Cider, I will not eat you. Nor would any Thestral that possesses any shred of dignity.”

“Oh, well, that’s good?” Cider calmed down somewhat, but still glanced at the window every so often.

“It is, our relationship is... strange,” she replied. “Different cultures, different ways of looking at things. It takes a lot of getting used to.” She sat back and sipped her cider again. “My real question, do you wish to pursue him further?”

“Uh, well...” Cider fidgeted. “He was real nice, but at the time, it was just a roll in the hay, nothing committed, and ah certainly wasn’t looking fer a full-time stallion or mare. And if he’s taken, well that kinda puts a dampener on that.”

Midnight looked around and closed the curtains, as Cider wondered if she really was gonna get killed. This was the Royal freaking Guard. She could prolly hide the body and blame it on a Timberwolf or something.

“Relax Cider, I just want to explain a few things in private,” Midnight smiled. “What I am about to say must stay between us, and never leave this room.”

Cider nodded as Midnight sat down, holding her mug out for a re-fill. Once her cup was full once more, she squeed and took another sip. Hmmm, delicious. “Now... to start, Level Ledger is... a damaged pony. He has had a very rough life and any females in it have tried to exploit or even kill him. So hence, he doesn’t open up a lot.”

“Oh mah stars... that poor stallion.”

“So imagine my surprise when I find out he’s slept with some random mare... uh, no offense?”

“None taken.”

“But yes, we were in a relationship at that point, but I may have been confused about what kind of relationship that was. And his unique... habits, have also led to this rather unfortunate set of circumstances.”

“Well, ah wouldn’t say unfortunate, ah quite enjoyed it~” Cider hummed, but was quickly shot down by Midnight’s unamused stare.

“Look, I just want to say that I blame neither of you. I was just curious about the mare that could seduce the stallion even I had trouble with.” Midnight licked her lips and sized up the Earth Pony. “I must say, you are a cute one~”

“Um, well... thank you?” Cider blushed under the gaze of the Thestral. She had to admit, the exotic batpony was quite attractive herself. She had some very nice curves and those eyes of hers were mesmerising.

“Part of me is saying I should show you what seduction really looks like,” Midnight hummed, leaning in close to the mare. They were all alone, nopony to hear her moan... Apple Cider gulped, licking her lips unconsciously as the Thestral got closer.

“But I’m also on duty, so that means no fun... for now~” Midnight winked and pulled away, a small whine of protest escaping Cider’s lips. “Perhaps next time, little kitten~”

“Sweet Celestia, Ledger has no idea what he has huh?”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Midnight replied. “My charms are rather inefficient on him.” She sat back in her seat and sipped her cider to cool down. “So, where do you suppose we should go from here Miss Cider? Do you wish to pursue him?”

“W-well, he is a nice fella, but he’s taken, so ah have to leave it be,” Cider sighed.

“Pity,” Midnight hummed. “Once you get him to open up, he’s quite impressive. And I’m sure you saw his little... gift?”

“No way and no how, would ah call that gift ‘little’,” Cider blushed hard. “Landsakes, ah though he was gonna split me in half...” She put a hoof to her mouth as Midnight's eyes widened a little. “Ah, well ah... ah mean...”

“It’s fine, but there’s a set of triplets in town with rather distinct violet eyes. Never tell them what you did... you’ll never hear the end of it.” She set her empty mug down and stood up. “Look, Ledger and I, we have a lot to sort out, and a lot to deal with. But the way I see it, you’re a good mare who meant no harm. So we’re cool.”

“Really?” Cider blinked. “Well, ah, thank you ah guess?”

“We’re not quite done talking about this though,” Midnight smiled. “But I do have some things to discuss with Ledger beforehoof. I’ll be seeing you again Miss Cider.”

Apple Cider nodded as the Thestral left, and the mare sank back into her chair, sweating and blushing.

“Jus’ what have ah gotten mahself into?”

Ledger had been suitably impressed. The drones had done very good and very quick work with all of Toll’s usual customers. The old deals had been re-drawn up from memory, and all the excess bits she took for her own criminal empire had been cut from the usual costs. With the revised deals, getting his hooves on all the things the Love Shack needed had been foal’s play.

Apple Cider...was another matter. Half the parts for a greenhouse had been acquired, but he would need properly tempered glass to help hold in the different temperature, and there was no way he could afford a trip to the Crystal Empire at this stage in the game for the crop.

After all, the side business of intel gathering kept turning up quite interesting results. On their own, the bits and bobs of information wouldn’t mean much, but if you backed up and looked at the bigger picture

Something told him the rival shipping companies were gearing up for a gang war as each one jockied for Toll’s old spot. He only hoped the Guard would make use of his information.

It was then his door slammed open as Narrow, dressed in full Guard armour, strode in.

“Well now, how are you... little brother~” she teased.

“Business is doing well, but the forecast is for stormy skies,” Ledger said as he looked at the door. “And can you not do that? The poor door didn’t deserve that abuse.”

“Meh, sue me,” Narrow shrugged. “I’m actually here for a reason,” she said as she closed the door and locked it. “Care to take a guess?”

“I swear that the only criminal activity the company is interested in is the stuff everyone else is doing,” Ledger said. “Haven’t you been getting my messages?”

“Close but no cigar. Two more guesses.”

“Well I’m out of ideas,” Ledger said as he closed a folder and stuck it in a drawer. He’d have to give that one to one of his workers later, it might pan out to help with the tempered glass later, and this promised to take a bit longer. “So, what’s on your mind, Captain?”

“Quite a lot recently,” she shrugged. “Tell me Ledger... tell me what I’m feeling right now.”

“Judging by the way you’re holding yourself and the questions, I’m gonna go with...suspicion,” Ledger said, not saying everything on purpose. Until she outright accused him and had some sort of proof, he wasn’t going to say anything himself. Lesson one: no confirmations of your identity unless they prove they know it first.

“Cute,” Narrow hummed as she took a seat. “You know, I had the most interesting conversation the other day. Particularly the one with your new... houseguest.”

“If you’re talking about Midnight, it’d be marefriend. If you’re talking about Scope, the correct terms don’t exist in pony tongue to curse her out.” Ledger pulled another folder close and began looking at the contents. Hmm, so a ticket that far north cost that much? And that was for one-way!

“Again. Cute,” Narrow replied. “Still, how is it having a nymph under your roof?”

“Considering she fought for Toll and still sneers every time she looks at me, I’m gonna go with ‘like standing in a sandstorm’ levels of annoying,” Ledger grumbled. And still no Crystal ponies willing to talk to him regarding the sale of their signature crop just yet.

“Someone’s bitter,” she smiled smugly. “And here I thought you’d have a little bit of empathy for her, given your common ground.”

“The only common ground we share is our previous employer, and once Midnight’s beaten some proper manners into Scope’s head and the blasted nymph is healed, I will be glad to escort her to the border personally.” Ledger grumbled. “If she wants to immigrate in, she can apply through the proper channels.”

“Oh? I wasn’t aware that changeling immigration was common knowledge,” Narrow hummed to herself, staring at the ceiling.

“Considering my previous encounter and the memento I got from it, I’d say Changelings have been immigrating in for some time,” Ledger said. Ah, but that hotel at least had reasonable prices...so that cost would be cheaper at least.

Oh he was good. Narrow kinda wanted him on her team, his interrogation skills would be real handy... plus she’d never have to do paperwork again~

“Level Ledger, are you a Changeling?” she said, like she was asking for a cup of tea.

“Last time I looked in a mirror, no,” he replied with a smile, not falling for it. “And please, if you’re going to accuse me of being one, have some proof.”

“Fair enough, it was a slip of the tongue and I was just following a weak lead.” She placed a bag on the desk and motioned towards it. “Also, we found this amongst Toll Takers things, but can’t make head or tails out of it. Perhaps you can?”

Ledger pulled the bag close to himself and carefully opened it, before touching the stone within. The moment he did, his unicorn disguise flickered and faded out, revealing the silver Noble drone for what he was before the captain.

“Well played,” he grudgingly admitted to Narrow Gaze. “Anti-magic stone?”

“Yup,” Narrow smirked. “So Mr. Ledger, care to change your answer?”

“Do I need to?” he asked. “You clearly had some idea of what you were doing when you came here today.”

“Let’s say that Midnight and Scope are hardly masters of subtlety,” she smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ve had some time to think, and if I wanted to arrest you, I’d have just done so.” She sat back in her chair and looked him over. “Still, you look... different to the Changelings I’ve seen already.”

Ledger pointed at his eyes before answering. “Noble blood. My uncle on my mother’s side is the King of his Hive back in the lands. Which is pretty rare. Gives me a few perks...but only a few.”

“Huh, sounds complicated,” Narrow sighed. “And I take it that Midnight knows about...” she motioned towards him. “This?”

“Calls me her cuddlebug for a reason,” Ledger snickered. “Those of us who are already here aren’t monsters, Captain. There’s an approval process staffed by...civilized ponies and ‘lings on both sides. We just want to live and let live...and maybe help out when a city starts to go sour. Toll was bad for us too, you know.”

“I can imagine,” Narrow nodded. “I’m not going to pretend that this doesn’t surprise me, and that I’m more than a little irritated that I wasn’t trusted with this information.” She sighed as she lamented about not having some coffee right now. “So taking your words into account, there are quite a few Changeling’s here in the city? At least, that’s the impression that Councilstallion Grissom gave me.”

“We have a network,” Ledger grinned. “And really, it’s our opinion that if a Captain can be trusted not to go on a wild hunt with the information, he or she should be read into said network and who it compromises. We’d prefer to avoid situations like…” Here Ledger gestured between Narrow and himself.

“I’ll admit that this plan could have been conducted in a more civilised manner, but I did give you plenty of opportunity to speak up.” She folded her hooves and looked at him. “So now what? Do I simply assume that all you changeling’s are on the up and up? Or will I be let into this little club of yours?”

“I think we’ll have to ease you into the idea of changelings that don’t rain from the sky in a hail of green fire to drain a city of its love first,” Ledger said with a sigh. “Honestly, what was that-” here he interrupted his talk to let off a string of noises in his native tongue for a moment. “-thinking, compromising our secrecy like that?” he eventually finished.

“I’d ask what you said, but I doubt that curse against Chrysalis would translate well,” she was comfortable enough, and Level Ledger still seemed to be pretty much the same. “I wasn’t in Canterlot during that time, unlike Midnight Song...” That was another matter. She’d have figured that Midnight would have been quite averse to this situation.

“It’s faster to curse someone to the moon and back in Changeish than in any other tongue, I’ve found,” Ledger said with a smirk. “Then again, Changeish does require you to be, y’know, a Changeling to make all the right sounds.”

“Fair enough,” Narrow nodded. “Still, this is something that I’d rather be in on. I distrust most ponies in this city to begin with, even more so now,” she said. “I’d rather not have to think like that Ledger. I’d like to think of myself as a tolerant mare... but you need to work with me.”

“Fair enough,” Ledger admitted. “By the laws of my kind, I cannot, cannot, divulge their identities, though. However, Grissom is not so bound. I’m sure if you ask nicely and let him know you’re aware of a network in your town, he’ll send you the information. Especially if you include this,” here his horn glowed silver as he quickly wrote a note, “in your request. It’s basically me vouching for you. And while that gets sorted out, we can introduce you to a few at a time. The main thing you’re going to need to keep in mind, though? We’ve been here for a while. Chrysalis was the anomaly.” The note was flash-dried and passed over to the Captain as Ledger finished.

“Well, it’s a start,” Narrow nodded. This was going to take some getting used to. There was a shout from outside, quickly followed by a loud ‘THUMP’ on the locked door and a pained groan.

“Oww.... why’s the door locked,” they heard Midnight moan.

“Just conducting some private business,” Ledger said as he quickly shoved the anti-magic stone towards the Captain and re-donned his disguise. “Quickly, promise me you’ll keep the secret,” Ledger hissed at the Captain. “It’s a thing I have to do. You don’t want to know the alternatives.”

“Now I am curious,” Narrow smiled. “But yes Ledger, I think I can keep a secret or three. Heck, you’d be surprised on what I know about Fredrick~” Her horn flashed as the door unlocked, and Midnight limped inside.

“Oh, hey Captain,” she beamed. “And Levvy... that was mean~”

“She locked it,” Ledger said. “Blame her.”

“Hm, well the Captain’s the Captain. Can’t do it,” Midnight giggled. “My visit to Cider Falls went well... really well~”

“Why do I get a shiver when I hear that?” Narrow sighed as she got up. “Whatever. Keep what I said in mind Ledger. We’ll talk again soon.”

“Absolutely,” Ledger said with a nod. “And I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t made a pass at you yet, so maybe that’s why you shiver?”

“One of the Midnight rules, never pursue a commanding Officer,” Midnight replied. “It will only end in trouble.”

“She’s right, not to mention it’s against Guard rules,” Narrow agreed. “Plus... I dunno, it’d be... weird.”

“I know right!” Midnight replied. “Something about that doesn’t sit right with me.”

Ledger shrugged as he pulled out the possible contract to pass out to one of his workers. If they could offer a better price on glass shipping, it’d be one of the last pieces he’d need for Cider’s greenhouse. Something to help regulate the temperature would be the last bit, but seeing as they only needed the one, he’d help out more directly with that. Namely, funds when she said she found one.

“Your call,” Ledger said as he got up from behind the desk. He paused as he walked by both mares and gave them a sidelong glance. “Midnight, perhaps you should introduce the good Captain to some of our mutual friends,” he said aloud. “Like some Ladies we both know?” Somehow he got the idea of a capital letter across when he said Ladies.

“Ignoring your abuse of text in speech,” Midnight replied, “I was planning on it tonight with some friends. Will you be okay by yourself?”

“I should be,” Ledger said as he opened the door for them both. “I was actually planning on a quick, strictly business meeting with Apple Cider in the near future, to let her know of my progress regarding a plan we came up with for her to brew Crystal Berry Wine locally. Assuming this deal pans out, we’ll be...quite a ways closer to that goal than any other.”

Midnight paused at that. “Strictly business?” she asked hesitantly.

“Until the day comes when you tell me otherwise, yes, strictly business,” Ledger said, giving Midnight a quick peck on the cheek.

“I met with her today,” she said. “We talked, about a few things.”

“Your verdict?” Ledger asked.

Midnight nodded as Narrow took her leave for now. Once she was out of earshot, the Thestral turned back to Ledger. “Well, she’s cute... reminds me a lot of her sister.”

“Did you?” Ledger managed to ask before words failed him. “Please tell me you didn’t…”

“What are you insinuating Mr. Ledger?” she asked. “Use your words and tell me.”

“Did you sleep with her sister?” Ledger asked finally.

“Of course not,” Midnight Song said as Ledger breathed a sigh of relief... until she smirked. “We didn’t really sleep at all~”

“...So you’re going to be the one to seduce her next, I see,” Ledger hummed.

“Hey, I had no idea Fritter was her sister until Cider said anything. Imagine that conversation? ‘Oh hey, you slept with my stallion, it’s cool, cause I totally banged your little sister a while back’.”

“That actually doesn’t sound all that bad,” Ledger mused. “Maybe we can use that to reel her into this crazy thing we’re calling a relationship.”

“You... are un-freaking-believable,” Midnight sighed. “Especially if Cider has half the strength her sister has, I’d be a dead mare.” She sighed again and kissed Ledger on the cheek. “We’ll discuss this a little more later. But, do try and keep Little Ledger to yourself this time. She didn’t seem to notice but Cider was still walking funny.”

“I’ll do my best, but if she breaks out the sugar again, no promises,” Ledger replied before kissing Midnight back. “I’ll keep it to words only as well as I can. And keep in mind, I was raised with...a weird set of values regarding sex. At least, that’s how you and other ponies will likely look at it.”

“Just, try and bear with it until we sort this out,” Midnight frowned. “I know... that I’m being selfish. But...” She shook her head and gave a powerful flap of her leathery wings, soaring out the large door and into the afternoon skies.

“I know,” Ledger whispered to the empty air. “I kinda want you all for myself as well.” With that, he shook his head and walked out to the floor, calling for someone to handle this latest proposition he’d drawn up.

The afternoon had been... surprising. Midnight’s mother had come for a visit, along with a friend of hers. She was a small, sky-blue Pegasus with red-framed glasses. Her cutie mark was of a telescope and she smiled meekly at Midnight Song.

“This is Night Sky,” Moon Song said. “A dear friend of mine, and I thought she could join us?”

Narrow and Scope shrugged. What was two more ponies. But still... with where they were going...

“Well, Mom... it’s just that we’re going...”

“To a Changeling nightclub yes?” Moon Song finished. “Your father already told me.”

“Seriously?” Narrow yelled. “I’m Captain of the freaking Guard and even I didn’t know about this until today!”

“The perks of being a married mare,” Moon hummed with an enigmatic smile. “My friend here is quite well informed as well.”

“Well she’s good at hiding,” Midnight chuckled, earning a few head tilts. “Ah, just talking to myself. So, shall we paint the town red?”

“Not literally I hope?” Scope shuddered. She’d shed her shell today and was feeling much better. Why Midnight wanted to watch was anypony’s guess though.

“Of course not,” Midnight giggled. “Well, my posse is gathered. Let’s party ladies~”

The Love Shack, possibly the worst-named club in Equestria, but still, this was gonna be an interesting night. Midnight took the lead and opened the door.

“The leading ladies have arrived!” she announced dramatically. They were met with a few cheers, and a nearby table was empty and had enough chairs around it for their party...though there was also a rather large booth as well.

“Well, seems we’re accommodated for already,” Midnight smiled, as Night Sky nodded in agreement.

Scope Lens was looking around, but didn’t see that crazed Violet anywhere and breathed a sigh of relief as she took a seat between Midnight and Narrow. Moon Song sat on the end of the table as a few ponies glanced her way.

“What’s up with that?” Scope asked. “Everyone’s giving your mother an odd look... and I sense... adoration?”

“Prolly cause Mom’s a famous actress and singer,” Midnight explained. “She sometimes gets mobbed by fans when she goes out.”

A unicorn mare with a white coat and a grey mane walked up to their table, her violet eyes roaming across the occupants before settling on Midnight. “There’s quite a few more than you said would be here,” the waitress said a little uneasily.

“They’re all in the know... for the most part,” Midnight nodded. “You don’t have to worry, we won’t be causing you fine Ladies any trouble this evening~”

“...Well, if you vouch for them,” the waitress said with a shrug. “Welcome to the Love Shack, I’ll be your waitress for tonight,” she said, her usual spiel coming back and dispelling her concerns. “If there’s anything you desire, do let me know,” she finished with half-lidded eyes.

“Yeah, I want you to keep that crazy violet away from me,” Scope nodded. She could feel those eyes watching her from somewhere.

“Perhaps we should introduce ourselves?” Moon said. “Tis only good manners after all. I am Moon Song, Midnight’s mother and wife to Grissom Gossamer, perhaps you know him?”

“We all know of Grissom in one way or another,” the mare smirked. “Don’t tell him, but there’s a good chance there’s a fly on the wall of his office. We rather enjoy the little games we play. Tonight, you can call me Sugar,” the mare finished, winking at the mares.

“Wow... hitting on my Mom... while I’m right here,” Midnight deadpanned. Moon just giggled and waved a hoof.

“It’s all in good fun Middy, do try and loosen up.”

“You’re telling her,” Scope pointed at Midnight, “To loosen up? You... do know who she is right?”

“Yes, my promiscuous daughter, but I love her all the same and she seems a bit wound up tonight.” She winked at Sugar and smiled. “Perhaps you could work on that hm?”

“The drink menus,” Sugar said, producing five from a saddlebag emblazoned with the name of the club. “Though if you want her to loosen up, I advise ordering for her,” the mare said as she floated Midnight’s back to her pack.

“Oh come on!” Midnight pouted as Moon Song giggled. Teasing Midnight was something of a guilty pleasure and a parent’s prerogative.

“Such fun,” Night Sky giggled, her voice was deeper than one would expect. “Tis truly a good night to be spent with friends!”

“Indeed it is,” Moon agreed. “Now, I think I’ll take a Cloudrunner... and a Celestial Solstice.”

“Mmm, and which one is for her?” Sugar said, glancing at Midnight while writing the orders down on a notepad that appeared out of her other saddlebag.

“The Cloudrunner,” Moon said.

“I’ll just take water,” Scope said. She wondered if she could even handle alcohol in her condition.

“A tequila for me,” Narrow said.

“What is a... Nightmare Chaser?” Night Sky asked. Moon giggled and whispered into her ear. “Oh, that sounds most entertaining. Procure this beverage for me good hostess!”

“Not a problem, I’ll have those out for you in five minutes,” Sugar said with a wink as she put the notepad away. “Bar is a little busy at the moment. And really, if you want to spend a night with friends…”

Then Sugar put two hooves on the table and gave Night Sky a look that downright screamed ‘I will make you want everything I have to offer, and I’m not talking about the drink menu.’ “Or friends, then we cater to that as well. You just have to know how to ask.”

With that, Sugar dropped back down and walked off to the bar, her tail flicking a little more than seemed modest.

“The waitstaff here is most friendly,” Night grinned happily. “Tis a fine tavern Miss Midnight!”

“I.. uhh,” Midnight tried to reply as she fought to get her wings under control. “Yeah... great place huh?”

“Seriously?” Scope deadpanned. “I’m not even gonna touch that.”

Moon Song just giggled as she took the time to look around the room. “Perhaps I’ll go and freshen up? The train ride was quite long. Be right back dears.” Once she left, Scope turned to Midnight.

“Is it okay for me to say that the Mistress’s mother is hot?”

“No Scopey, no it is not,” Midnight said, thunking her head onto the table.

“So this is a changeling-run nightclub,” Narrow mused aloud. “Well, it doesn’t seem too different from a normal one…”

“Yeah, just don’t wander out back without an escort, preferably an armed one,” Midnight replied. “Any innocence you have will be stripped in an instant.”

Night tilted her head again. “How is one... stripped of innocence?”

“Is she seriously that naive?” Scope whispered to Narrow.

“It would appear so,” Narrow nodded. It was kinda cute though.

Moon Song soon returned, looking a little more hale and hearty. “Ah, much better. Have our drinks arrived yet?”

“Not quite,” Scope said, “And if miss Night Sky doesn’t know all the things a Changeling can shift into, or the fact that a Violet wrote the Pony Sutra, then she might not know all the things we can do.”

“I am aware of what a Changeling is and isn’t capable of!” Night huffed. “And what is a... ‘Pony Sutra’?”

“A how-to guide for sex,” Scope deadpanned. “It encompasses all the things the Violets discovered regarding screwing ponies. What did work and didn’t.”

“That’s right,” Sugar said as she walked up with a tray of drinks in her purple magical grasp. “Mmm, it took our hive a good fifty years to get all the fine details hammered out.” She double checked her notebook as she put the beverages in front of the mares.

“I see...” Night Sky replied. “Forgive me... modern standings are... still difficult to grasp sometimes.”

“It’s fine,” Moon said. “Why don’t you get more comfortable? You’re among friends after all. No need for all your makeup.”

“Truly?” she replied. She sighed as a horn appeared on her head and a soft glow came from it. After a second, Night Sky was gone. Luna, Princess of the Night was sitting in her place.

“You are correct, this feels much better.”

Somewhere, a record scratched. There was silence for a few beats, and then Scope dropped her own disguise out of sheer panic. It took a few more moments for everyone to realize that

A) There was a changeling sitting next to Princess Luna and a Thestral.

B) Said ‘ling wasn’t dead.

C) Princess Luna was in the bar.

D) So was an undisguised ‘ling.

After which, while the ponies visibly forced themselves to look away, the changelings looked at Scope for an indication as to when they should start running.

“Okay...I’m going to be honest, I’m surprised I’m still alive right now,” Scope said. “I mean, moreso than usual. Aren’t you supposed to be Equestria’s largest flyswatter regarding us?”

“Nay, tis a common misconception!” Luna replied back. “See Moony, I told you this was a bad idea. I should go back to the castle...”

“Don’t worry your Princessey head,” Moon Song smiled as she sipped her drink. “We’re here to have fun with Middy, that is all.” She looked at the rest of the bar. “There will be no purging, maiming, burning, swatting or the like. Understood?”

Muttered agreements came from the changelings, and Scope voiced the question on quite a few of their minds. “So...how in the world did those rumors get started anyways? I mean, Mistress demonstrated, quite soundly on my chitin, where parts of them came from, but why’d you need some ponies like her?” the recently-patched together ‘ling asked Princess Luna.

“There are a great many things in this world that you are unaware of my little changeling. Let’s say that you are not the only emotivores and leave it at that yes?”

“We’re just the ones you figured you could get along with, then?” Scope asked. “What’d we do to earn such an honor?”

“You have a soul,” Luna replied darkly as she took a sip of her drink. “Hrrm, this is quite potent.”

“...Fair enough,” Scope replied as she sipped at her water. “Aaaaand everyone’s staring. Great.”

“Well Luna just popped up and you purged your disguise,” Midnight replied for the first time in a while. “It’s to be expected yes?”

Moon Song sighed as she looked at her daughter. “Midnight, whatever is the problem? I haven’t seen you this down in quite some time.”

“It’s because she’s not sitting next to the Princess so she can try and sneak a kiss in,” Scope snarked.

“I... WHAT?” Midnight looked at the Changeling as Luna smiled and chuckled.

“Ah, Tia told Us about that. You had a little mishap in your sleep and stole a kiss from your Princess.” Midnight just blushed as the Lunar mare giggled. “Tis no secret that Celestia is this one’s favourite. She refused to join my Guard after all, all she wanted was to be by my sister’s side.”

“Yeah, and Ledger mentioned something about her wanting him to shift into a male version of you for their nighttime activities that they think I can’t hear,” Scope added.

“OHMIGOSH!” Midnight clamped a hoof over her mouth. “She’s full of it Your Highness! Don’t listen to a single, traitorous word she says!”

“Too late, we have seen your dreams Midnight... they are... inventive. And pray tell, for her words to be traitorous, they would have to be true, no?”

Midnight just blushed profusely as she slammed her head back onto the table.

“I must say,” Narrow said as she sipped at her tequila, “That while I had a few ideas as to how this night might turn out, we’re well past any reasonable assumptions I had.”

“This is how most evenings with Midnight go,” Moon chuckled. “This is actually pretty tame so far. Why, I remember one night we went to a place called Brimstone, located under Canterlot. We met two most charming young drakes and Midnight-”

“Aaaaand they don’t need to know about that,” Midnight finished.

“Really?” Luna asked. “I remember you bragging about that one for a while.”

“And now even the Princess turns against me,” Midnight sighed. May Celestia strike her down now. Just drop the whole friggen sun on her.

Slowly, Sugar approached the table again, trying very hard not to look too long at Luna. “Do you ladies need anything else?” she asked in a surprisingly level voice.

“Oh, there’s no need for that,” Luna smiled. Her gaze became one similar to the Violet’s earlier. “What happened to... making friends~”

“Well that was before I realized I hit on one of the diarchs of Equestria,” Sugar said. “And you at that. But...since little sister there is still intact...I guess all those rumors are a bunch of hooey, huh?”

“Perhaps, perhaps not,” Luna shrugged. “Is the danger not thrilling~?”

“Luna... stop scaring the buggies,” Moon sighed. “I apologise for her behaviour.”

Luna merely poked her tongue out.

“Well...I mean if you’re amicable to the idea…” Sugar said, slowly slipping back into her role. “I am trained in a variety of techniques, and there were more volumes to the Pony Sutra that never made it to Equestria.”

“Hmm, I wonder if those are the books Tia hides from me?” Luna wondered aloud.

Midnight chuckled at the changeling, it took balls to hit on a Princess. She should know.

“Well, I think some snacks are in order,” Narrow said. “Isn’t that the idea? Get drunk, eat salty snacks and make fools of ourselves?”

Seconded!” Luna cheered in the Canterlot voice.

“Mistress has already skipped to the last step,” Scope pitched in. “But I can agree with the sentiment.”

Midnight turned to look at Scope Lens. “When did I say you could be so snarky to me?” she asked. “You’ll pay for tonight, I swear it~”

“Assuming you remember tonight,” Scope said with a grin. “I seem to be the only one abstaining.”

“Somepony please slip her vodka or something,” Midnight replied.

“I still stand by my previous statement,” Moon said. “You cannot have fun while you mope, and I’ll not have fun until you are. So tell your mother or we will go home right now!”

“What, but I...” She sighed and lay on the table once more, sipping her drink through a straw. “It’s just... Levvy and I... have run into a bit of a problem. Cultural differences if you will.”

“What kind of differences?” Moon asked. “Well, aside from the obvious.”

“The way we were raised,” Midnight said and Moon’s jubilant attitude took a nosedive.


“While I don’t know how Thestrals are raised,” Scope said as she sipped at her water, “I can tell you that ‘lings are told to secure a strong positive emotional wellspring, or two or three weaker ones, and blend in as best they can. We tend to view everything up to that quite differently to ponies.” Gesturing to Sugar, the waitress chipped in.

“Admitted, while those of Violet do like Lust, and Pinks like Happiness, we aren’t all mindless sex-bugs. Though we don’t attach as much sentiment to the act as ponies do. Will breadsticks be fine for a snack?”

“Huzzah! The breadsticks will be marvelous!” Luna replied. “But I fail to see the problem here. Did he, or did he not, copulate with a mare that was not you?”

“He... did,” Midnight replied.

“Then the solution is simple,” Luna nodded, ushering away Sugar to get the bread. “Simply claim the mare into your herd. Problem solved.”

The record screeched to a halt for a second time as the bar fell into silence. Midnight Song, Solar Guard, lover to many and overall badass... just blinked.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Add her. To your herd.” Luna spoke slowly. “Tis what I would do.”

“...Y’know, for something that haunts the nightmares of ‘lings, I find myself agreeing with her,” Scope said as she finally polished off her water. “Seriously, is there a reason you didn’t think of that?”

Midnight blinked again. “Um... forgive my prench... but, the fuck is a herd?”

Scope blinked and looked at Luna. “You wanna field this one, or should I?” Luna chuckled and waved a hoof.

“You are doing so well already.”

“Right,” Scope said as she tried to recall. “Fill in any gaps I have, please, but from what I recall, herding used to be a practice where mares and stallions, usually more mares than stallions, would agree to share each other in the name of love, harmony, and not ending up going to bed alone at night. Is it...not practiced anymore?”

Moon Song hummed, “Well, I think the last recorded herd was about... a hundred years ago?” she recalled her history lessons. “It’s just confined to literature and film now.”

“So... all three? In a relationship?” Midnight asked as the gears turned. She.. she could do that. It was just like a threesome, only all the time.

“I have a shiver down my back,” Luna stated. “Is there a draft?”

“Meh,” Scope waved a hoof. “Three is tame. We’ve got old records that, while I doubt them, I think the most was three stallions and like...ten mares. Once you agree to the practice, you’re opening old floodgates.”

“Feh, such weak numbers,” Luna scoffed. “Why, in our day, Celestia and I had...” She suddenly stopped, fearing what her sister would say if that information got out. “W-well, tis not important. But it is a valid solution Lady Midnight.”

“Ah, so the Royal Harem gossip the Violets kept in their library is based in some truth, eh?” Scope said as she smirked at Luna. “Then again, immortals have all the time in the world to accrue lovers.”

“That talk shall remain as such, talk,” Luna huffed.

“Spoilsport,” Moon teased as Sugar returned with their bread. “Ah, many thanks Sugar-darling~”

Narrow pulled one out and bit into it, humming at the...familiarity of the taste. “This...did you steal Fredrick’s recipe?

“Don’t tell him, but a few of the mares on his regular bedmate list are us on rotation,” Sugar said with a laugh. “Like we’d let such a potent source of Lust go untapped.”

“I have no words,” Narrow sighed. “I really should have expected it... but still... no words...wait!” She leaned forward and grabbed Sugar. “You! You know how I can finally one up that blasted bird!”

“Nope,” Sugar shook her head. “The only way we could potentially overwhelm him is to bring in the other volumes of the Pony Sutra. And the Lands aren’t too keen to share those books with us just yet.” The waitress let those words sink in before clarifying. “He. Wears. Us. Out. Not the other way around.”

“Celestia dammit...” Narrow sighed as she slumped over, until a soft, blue-hued magic picked her up and the teal eyes of the Lunar Princess gazed into hers.

“They may not be able to help... but I have experiences that are long forgotten dear Captain. Perhaps... I could share a few?”

Tears stained Narrow’s eyes as Luna whispered into her ear. It took about two seconds for the Guard’s face to turn a hundred shades of red. Sugar huffed as she felt the sea of emotions churn in front of her.

“...So not fair,” she whined. “Either share with the class, or I might drop a line to our Canterlot sisters about sneaking a few Violet drones in your list of suitors, Princess.”

“Hah, I have not taken a suitor in a long time dear Sugar. But perhaps you can coax the information from me at some point tonight?” she winked as she sat next to Narrow, switching with Scope.

“Can do,” the waitress said with a smile. “So, shall I leave you ladies for a few minutes to demolish these breadsticks, then pick up another order for the next round?”

“That would be most wonderful, dear Sugar,” Luna nodded.

Midnight had finally come down from plotting and a smile crossed her muzzle, one recognised as her signature ‘Midnight Song’ smile.

“Well,” she grinned. “I count two mares that don’t have dates yet,” she grinned, looking at Luna and Scope. “Let’s rectify that shall we?”

“And suddenly I wonder if helping lady Song was a good idea,” Luna said slowly.

“Mistress, with all due respect. Buck yourself. Better yet, have that drone learn a soundproofing spell and buck him. Just keep me out of it.” Scope took a breadstick and chomped it. “There is no way you are going to get me hooked up with a pony.”

“Who said it had to be a pony?” Midnight smiled as she called out over the small crowd. “Oh Violet~” She sang out. “I have your cuddlebug~”

There was a squeal of joy as a familiar form came over from the stage, looking at Scope with happy eyes. “Oh, you came back!” the disguised nymph said happily.

“Yup, and she’s aaaaaall yours~” Midnight giggled sliding to one side to let the nymph in. With another squeal, the nymph...pulled Scope out instead and started to carry her off.

“I promise to have her back in the morning!” the nymph said. Scope, on the other hoof…

“Buck you, mistress!”

“Hmm, sounds like you’re getting bucked instead!” Midnight called out. “Oh, she’s all healed up too, no need to hold back!”

There was a happy purr and a yipe as one nymph nibbled on another’s anatomy. Sugar made a small observation then. Just a small one.

“Changelings are usually...very sensitive after shedding our shells. She won’t have to do much to make her come around.”

“I’ll bet,” Midnight cackled. Oh this was too amusing.

“But now we are one mare down,” Narrow replied. “And her sarcasm was kind of endearing.”

“True,” Moon nodded. “She kind of like... hmm, I can’t seem to come up with a comparison. This drink is already affecting me?”

“Weakling!” Luna shouted. “That little ‘ling is akin to a Manticore cub. Soft and cute, but deadly poisonous!”

“I can see that,” Midnight agreed. “She’s so adorable... eh, what’s that neighpon word? Ah, tsundere!”

The others looked and shrugged. “Well, if you say so dear,” Moon nodded. “But what do we do now?”

“Hmm, last time I was here, all I did was talk with the Ladies and then...” She blushed lightly.

“Was it something leeewwwd?” Luna teased.

“What, NO!” Midnight pouted. “Not this time anyhow. I simply stole their stage and sang a song or two.”

Moon practically leapt across the table and grabbed her daughter. “You sang? In public!?”

“Is... something wrong with that?” Narrow questioned as Sugar returned with another round of drinks.

“Refills, courtesy of the stallion at the bar,” the waitress said, pointing him out. “And there’s nothing wrong with crooning a love song to a drone at all.”

All the mares giggled at Song, who was glaring at Sugar.

Princess Luna looked to the stallion and winked at him, blowing him a kiss. Said stallion, a rather well-built Unicorn, actually winked back at the princess and lifted his glass to her. Luna returned the gesture, as all eyes at her table watched.

“Damn... look at that horn.”

“You know what they say about a stallion with a long horn~”

“I could bounce a Bit off of those flanks!”

Luna simply turned beet red and sat back down. Scope Lens, in the meantime, had managed to escape... for a moment.

“Huzzah! Lady Scopey returns!” Luna cheered. “Did you enjoy a horizontal tango?”

“That nymph is nuts,” Scope deadpanned as she looked at the table, not seeing an easy way to hide and knowing that her paramour was about to return thanks to Luna’s cheer. In a fit of desperation, she dove under the table, just before the nymph from earlier trotted up.

“Mares,” she greeted, looking at each one. “I don’t suppose you’ve seen my cuddle-buddy?”

Midnight flicked her tail, trailing it along Scope’s very sensitive back. “Hmm, can’t say we have. Oh, why don’t you join us for a spell?”

Scope barely stifled her moans as the nymph shrugged and sat next to Midnight. “So what’s up?”

At the bar, the stallion had reached the cherry in his current drink, popped it in his mouth, and seemed to be thinking for a moment. When he popped the stem back out...it had been tied in a knot.

“Sweet Sister of Mine!” Luna gasped. “Did... you see that?”

“Hmm, not bad I suppose,” Midnight hummed. “But he’s no Thestral~” She waited until he was looking in their direction, before her tongue curled out and lifted the cherry from Luna’s glass, pulling it back into her mouth.

“Lady Midnight, that was my cherry,” Luna pouted. “Hmm, perhaps that stallion will give me his?”

“I could give it back,” Midnight winked, holding it in her mouth. She yelped when a glow surrounded it and Luna yanked the fruit from her mouth with her magic, devouring the fruit.

“Huzzah! I win!” Luna giggled. The Violet nymph next to Midnight consoled her.

“There there, you can try and sneak a kiss in some other time.”

“Does everypony know about that!?” Midnight flailed, her hind legs brushing against Scope’s rump.

“We do now,” the nymph teased as Scope tensed. “Really, you don’t steal someone’s cherry, then offer to give it back, unless you’re fishing for a kiss. It’s a classic move that we’ve seen a hundred times.”

“Olden, but golden,” Moon sighed, remembering when her husband and her would do things like that. “Oh, now I made myself sad...”

“Then let’s try and get Miss Night here and Mister Bold there to know one another better,” the nymph said with a wink. “It might help take your mind off things.”

“Wha? But...”

“Yes, romance to forget romance,” Moon said. “Hmm, well Mr. Bold there seems more than willing... but our sheltered princess?”

“I am not sheltered!” Luna said with a huff. “I simply enjoy the indoors.”

“Then, let’s open you up a bit!” Midnight said, draining her glass. “Everypony meet me in that room over there in five minutes!” And with that, she trotted off for said room. “And Vio? I’ll need Scopey for this, so no molesting her just yet!”

“Uh, should we worry about what she insinuated?” Narrow asked.

“I’m more wondering if ‘everypony’ includes Mister Bold,” the nymph said. “...Probably not, based on context, but why take chances?”

“I think it’s harmless,” Moon said. “My daughter is many things and she has done many things... and many beings, but her own mother has not and will never be one of them. Let’s go see what she’s cooking up.”

Luna shrugged and with a flash of magic, grabbed Scope out from under the table, carrying her towards the room. Violet trotted afterwards, giving a good ‘come hither’ stare to the stallion at the bar that Sugar helped with. The stallion blinked, and started to follow, but soon found himself kicked back out by Midnight.

“Not yet Lover-colt, but props for enthusiasm~ We’re gonna have a little fun, then maybe you can enjoy the nightlife hmm?”

With a shrug, the well-built unicorn sat himself in front of the private room, not deterred in the slightest. Once he’d caught sight of Luna in her real form...well, he knew no other mare could quite compare to her, and he’d be willing to wait all, heh, night for her.

After a moment, Violet had come out of the room, a look of surprise and interest on her face. She trotted over to Sugar and sat at one of the barstools.

“Oh this is going to be good. Be sure to collect tips sister~”

“You mean beyond kisses and other things?” Sugar replied. “Now I’m interested.”

She didn’t have to wait long, as the sound of a piano solo filled the hall. The lights dimmed as the curtain on the stage rose and Midnight sat at the large instrument, playing for Scope Lens, who looked quite disinterested.

‘Nothing stays the same for long

But when it changes, doesn't mean it's gone

Time will always get away

As it leaves behind another day’

Scope sighed and opened her mouth. Midnight Song was going to owe her for this.

‘Things may come and things may go

Some go fast and some go slow

Few things last, that's all I know

But friendship carries on through the ages’

Narrow trotted out onto the stage and sang the next part, her flanks giving a slight wiggle as she smiled.

Things may come and things may go

Some go fast and some go slow

Few things last, that's all I know

But friendship carries on through the ages

The music picked up and a large, blue Alicorn slid out onto the stage, an electric guitar in her magical grasp as she strummed it.

Been around for a long time

Rocking out hard, 'cause I'm in my prime

Maybe it'll change further down the line

But my friendship carries on through the ages

Moon Song sang the next part, trying to get over a rocking-out Luna. It was something she wouldn’t quite forget as her pure tones sang out over the bar.

Every single style has something

Diff'rent it can say

There's nothing wrong with being unique

And special in your own way

Confetti exploded as a mare with a curly pink mane and deep, ruby eyes smiled, holding a microphone and smiling widely.

Maybe you wanna be a pop star

Get your fifteen minutes of fame, wah ah! Ah-oh!

That won't last forever

But friendship remains the same, oooohhhh!

Everypony blinked at the arrival of the new mare, but shrugged as the song went on. They all fell into rhythm as they sang together, their voices blending perfectly as Midnight and Luna led the tune.

‘Things may come, and things may go

Some go fast, and some go slow

Few things last, that’s all I know

But Friendship, carries on through the Ages.

Things may come, and things may go

Some go fast, and some go slow

Few things last, that’s all I know

But Friendship, carries on through the Ages.

Oh, oh, carries oonnnnnn~’

The song ended as all six mares grinned and laughed. The patrons of the bar gave the mares a very hearty round of applause, one fitting of the song, the mares singing it, and the fact that Princess Luna had been a part of bringing them such entertainment. The rather bold golden-coated stallion wasn’t quite sitting in the front row, but he still caught the Princess’ eye.

“Thanks everypony!” Midnight giggled as Moon Song beamed over seeing her daughter perform once more. It had been so long.

Luna laughed, she was having an amazing amount of fun tonight. Her horn flashed as she looked at the stallion, her sultry voice appearing in his mind. “And I’m going to have a lot more fun with you~”

The stallion blinked his emerald eyes a few times and flicked his ears unconsciously at the sound of Luna’s voice so close. He then looked at Luna, and his response, while not verbal, was plain as her moon at its fullest. “Looking forward to it,” his body language said as he gave the moon goddess a wink.

Midnight gave a sheepish look at the Ladies. “Uh, sorry about stealing your stage again!”

“Don’t be,” one of them said as she pointed to the small hill of bits the patrons had generously given as tip money for their performance. “We’d offer you a cut, but you don’t work here, so…”

“It’s fine,” Midnight smiled. “I’m just glad everypony enjoyed it. I wasn’t expecting that from Luna though. Dang girl, you rock out hard!”

“I tried the.. rocking, as it was,” Luna nodded. “It made me most happy!”

Narrow smirked, happy that Luna had enjoyed their session as well. “Well, while most of us don’t have our stallions here, yours is right there,” she said, nudging the alicorn towards her paramour.

“Indeed,” Moon Song nodded. “Go and have fun dear. We shall talk more tomorrow yes? I believe that you want to meet a certain noble?”

“True, then I shall abscond for now,” Luna nodded. She turned to the Unicorn, and smiled salaciously. “Well then my handsome stallion. Let us see if you can make the night last hmm?”

“I’m not promising that I’ll be the best,” he said as he drained his glass before smirking at the alicorn. “But I did manage to pass Fredrick’s tutoring, both the cooking and his other set. I’m perfectly willing to put his teachings to use on the one species he didn’t cover for ‘bedding practices.’ If you’ll have me that is, milady,” the stallion said, suddenly remembering his manners and kissing Luna’s hoof.

“Well, you are a gentlecolt,” Luna blushed. “Then I’ll make this special for you as well~” Her horn flashed a she cast a cloudwalking spell on him, one that would last for a few days. “Now, let’s go and embrace the night~” she whispered into his ear and they teleported away!

“Is it bad that I’m feeling a little jealous?” Midnight sighed.

“Nah, but maybe if you follow her advice, ya won’t be,” Scope pitched in. “Step one would be getting the drone and the other mare in the same room, and then step two would be talking to both of them...so, y’know, maybe sometime next century we’ll see another herd.”

“Oh bite me,” Midnight huffed as a flash blinded her and Luna reappeared. She smiled at Midnight and drew her into a deep kiss, moaning lightly as Midnight just stared with wide eyes.

After a few seconds, the Alicorn dropped the Thestral and licked her lips. “Heh, top that Tia!” she smirked and vanished again, leaving a very befuddled Thestral on the floor.

“Um.... what?” Midnight just blinked, putting a hoof to her lips.

“Oh well,” the violet who wasn’t Sugar said as she pulled Scope close. “Looks like Luna went and broke your daugher,” she said to Moon Song. “You know where she lives, right?”

“I believe I remember,” Moon said. “But, I could just follow Miss Lens yes?”

“You could if I wasn’t going to borrow her for the night. And most of the next day,” the nymph said with a wide smile. “Really, if Midnight wants her back, she’ll have to come pick her up at some point.”

“Save. Me,” Scope begged.

“You two play nice now,” Moon Song said happily as she levitated Midnight onto her back. “Shall we go Captain? I believe your own lover might be missing you.”

“Yeah, and Luna’s given me a few ideas to help drag that bird back down from his high perch,” Narrow said as she began thinking of mares she might not mind seeing in the same bed as her and Fredrick. If he could keep up with one mare, let’s see how he handles two at the same time~

“Hm, now I’m a little curious,” Moon giggled. She did weigh in on saving Scope, but the Violet ladies were just so nice. “Don’t ruin my daughter’s servant too much missy.”

“Oh it depends on how much she resists,” the nymph said as she shoved Scope into a private room and held the door shut with her magic. “Along with how soon she comes to pick her up. Assuming she ever does.”

“I’m sure she’ll remember... at some point,” Moon giggled. “Thank you for hosting a wonderful evening Miss Violet, and you as well Miss Sugar.”

“You’re welcome,” the pair said at the same time.

“Now go have fun,” Sugar said with a giggle.

“And thank Luna for bringing up that piece of history for us at some point,” the nymph said before ducking into the private room.

Midnight suddenly sat up, her eyes wide. “WAIT!” she shouted, causing Moon to wince. “Who was that pink Pegasus that interrupted our song?”

Moon and Narrow looked at one another and shrugged. “Beats me,” Narrow replied. “I thought she was another one of your weird friends.”

“Oh now that’s just rude, talking about someone behind their front,” the bubbly voice interrupted as the pink pegasus walked up and gave every mare a quick hug. “Hi!” she introduced herself. “I’m Amethyst Cream, but call me Amy! It sounds prettier and is easier to keep track of!”

“Waaaiit,” Midnight said as she looked at her. “You’re... the Pink Changeling?”

Amy looked around to make sure nopony else was listening before nodding. “Yeah-huh! I was in the crowd tonight, wanted to check out this place on my night off. And when I heard your song, I just couldn’t help but pitch in!” The mare hugged herself and sighed. “A song about friendship like that...it felt so...right, being up there with you.”

Midnight nodded as she resisted the urge to cuddle the pretty pink mare. “I’m surprised you knew the lyrics to it, but eh, Ponies and Musical Numbers.”

“What can you do?” Moon shrugged and Narrow nodded.

“We should be friends!” Midnight suddenly said. She had no idea why, but she just felt that this mare would make an awesome friend!

“Lemme see,” the mare said as she pulled out a notebook from one saddlebag. “Hmm,” she muttered as she flipped through a few pages. “I still have to give all the new arrivals the once-over, see if there’s a fellow Pink in any of them...gimmie two days, mkay?” she asked as she put the notebook back. “I’ve only got like four left, but they’re being evasive.”

“Oh, kay?” Midnight tilted her head. She wondered what that had to do with being friends.

“My guess? Pink-coated mares are always a little eccentric,” Narrow said, remembering her last trip to a little town called Ponyville.

“I have a thing I do,” Amy said as she waved a hoof at the mares. “Anyone who wants to be a friend and is over twelve gets slash has to spend an entire day with me first. That way I get to learn about them and they can learn about me as well~”

“Ah, that... makes a lot of sense,” Midnight nodded, just as the memories of Luna came back and she blushed before fainting again.

“Aaaand she’s gone,” Narrow laughed. “Sorry bout that Amy, seems Luna broke her quite well.”

“It’s all good,” Amy said as she helped put the thestral on Moon’s back. “I know if one of the Princesses kissed me, I’d go all googly-eyed as well.” The mare actually twirled a hoof in a circle near her head as her eyes spun in different directions for a moment, then all was well again.

“I saw nothing,” Narrow nodded. “Yep, all normal here.”

“Aw, she’s a sweetheart,” Moon cooed, nuzzling the Pegasus. “And your singing was lovely~”

“Aww, thanks!” Amy said as she gave the older mare a hug. “Mm, your love tastes like strawberries,” she said aloud, before catching herself and coughing awkwardly. “Well, look at the time, I have work tomorrow and drones to track down,” the mare said with a smile. “So if you don’t mind, I’m just gonna vanish.”

“It’s quite alright,” Moon smiled warmly, motherly love radiating from her like the sun. “You have a good evening Miss Amy.”

“Yeah, be careful out on those streets at night,” Narrow said.

“Sillies, I’ll be fine,” Amy said. “Besides...Levvy’s not the only ‘ling who knows how to hit.” He mood had taken a dark turn for a moment. “It’s harder to do as a Pegasus, but I’d be all too happy to demonstrate on anypony that tries anything with me.” After a beat, her cheery attitude returned. “But so long as I keep up my normal behavior, nopony minds me, and that’s just the way I like it~”

“I... see?” Narrow shivered for a moment, like when she’d seen Midnight use her Lyrica for the first time. This mare could be dangerous.

“Well I’m glad to see a mare that can take care of herself,” Moon nodded. “Take care Amy, I’m sure Midnight will be happy to see you when she’s more... presentable.”

“Yup, and don’t forget to make sure she’s happy,” Amy said before trotting off and humming a wordless tune as she did. The tune was quite catchy and Moon found herself humming it as well.

“You don’t have to tell me to make sure she’s happy,” Moon hummed. “Now lets go home dear. It’s getting late.” Narrow nodded and the two mares left, ignorant to the protesting shouts of Scope Lens....

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