• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 78 - A Narrow Path

When Ledger opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the roof of his old apartment building.

The sun was high in the sky and a sound next to him caused him to turn and he saw Midnight standing there.

“This isn’t right,” Ledger said to himself, as he looked up at the whole apartment building. “This isn’t right at all. I...remember what happened here. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.”

Midnight had a faraway look in her eyes. She just stared listlessly at the sky.

"A storm is coming," she mumbled.

“What’s going on?” Ledger asked as he continued to stare at the apartment building. “This can’t be real, so what…”

The light dimmed, and a strange sound could be heard. Ledger glanced up... and saw the source.

Midnight Song... or rather, thousands upon thousands of copies of Midnight Song.

"I found a pool... And this happened," the first Midnight said. The swarm was so massive it blocked out the sun.

“I get it now,” Ledger said slowly, still backing up. “This...is my dreams running away with me. That’s the only way this could be happening…”

The horde locked eyes with Ledger. A sea of emerald eyes focusing on him.

"Love?" One chirped and the swarm dived, their chanting of that single word drowning out everything else.

“Buck buck buck!” Ledger said as he ran, trying his best to alter the dream in any way possible. Though he didn’t know how. He wasn’t Luna after all.

Midnight grabbed him and smiled madly. "That's the idea... love~"

“Luna, if you’re out there, I could do with a little help right about now!” Ledger said as he squirmed out of Midnight’s grasp and kept running. Nopony could deal with this many Midnights, even in a dream!

The swarm descended upon him... and then there was nothing but darkness...


He awoke with a start, in a darkened bedroom surrounded by four and only four, familiar mares.

“Whew,” he said, slowly laying back down to sleep again. “What a dream. Note to self, never let Midnight learn where that pool is.”

"Love?" Midnight murmured in her sleep.

“It’s nothing,” Ledger muttered. “Just had a dream that shocked me into waking up. Get back to sleep Middy.”

"Mmm, Levvy," she gave him a sleepy kiss on the cheek and lay her head back down, snoring cutely.

“Sweet dreams, little bat,” Ledger chuckled before trying to get to sleep again.

"For the horde," she murmured. Her Lust spiking something fierce.

“Just calm down,” Ledger told himself as he felt sleep start to take him again. “She couldn’t possibly know…”

A bat would dream. A dream of taking over Equestria... Sexily.

When Two-Step awoke, it wasn't in her bedroom, surrounded by sexy ponies and a much more sexy Griffon.

It was in a cell, along with quite a few of her guests in cells of their own.

“Hmm,” she said, getting up and looking around. “I don’t recall this being on the docket last night…”

"With a party that turned into... whatever the hell that was, you should have at least expected it," Narrow replied tersely from the other side of the bars. "Honestly... what was Sugar thinking?"

“Probably that she wanted to be out of the city now that our oldest promise is fulfilled,” Two-Step said as she stretched. “She made me promise to never stop being a pony until the day she married somepony for good when I was old enough to shapeshift and control it. I’ve been planning that party for years now.”

"Cute story," the unamused mare replied. "Don't even think that's getting either of you off the hook."

“Ah, well, she’s not here, so you can’t exactly charge mom,” Two-Step said with a smile. “And as for myself, can I see one of the fliers to help make my case? So that I can say everypony was warned?”

"You can," Narrow replied and took a seat as she summoned a lengthy scroll. "Would you like to hear the charges?"

“Regale me,” Two-Step said as she sat on her haunches and examined her half-ling self with amusement.

"Let’s see," Narrow cleared her throat. "We have 27 counts of public drinking and inebriation. 26 counts of public indecency. 8 counts of resisting arrest. 1 count of assault against an officer and a few counts of underage drinking. While none of these are against you personally, given that you were in charge of the event, and that the venue is under Miss... er, Mrs. Sugar Darling's name, you will be held as an accessory and face some hefty fines... possibly jail time."

“My word,” Two-Step said with just the right amount of shock. Before she smiled maliciously. “I’d been hoping for more. Ah well. That flyer?”

"This is hardly an amusing situation," Narrow said as she floated over the flyer. "You're in a good deal of trouble little Miss. Perhaps if you kept it confined to the club..."

“I rather thought I did,” Two-Step said as she looked over the flyer and smiling as she saw what she was looking for. “It’s hardly my fault those that we kicked out of the party for being the wrong sorts of rowdy took it upon themselves to continue the party…”

"Then you should have called the authorities when that happened," Narrow replied. "Now, do you require legal aide?"

“Only after I’ve shown you this,” Two-Step said as she turned the flyer around and tapped what looked like a decorative trim to the flyer with one hoof. “Tell me, what does that look like to you?”

"Like nothing," the unicorn replied.

“Hardly my fault you can’t read Changeish, then,” the half-ling said with a smile.

"Change... why is a public flyer written in a language that almost none can read?"

“So Changelings don’t count?’ Two-Step countered.

"You could have just as easily written it in Equestrian," Narrow groaned. She couldn’t push this though, lest she be the one charged with discrimination. "Dammit Two-Step. Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused us."

“At least 62 cases, you said,” the half-ling chirped happily. “Would you like me to translate the flier for you, properly?”

"I have the feeling you're going to regardless..." Narrow muttered. Two-Step cleared her throat and turned the flier around, and then began to read.

“‘The unofficial Violet Hive of Las Pegasus is hosting this party. Drinks and emotions will run rampant. Things will escalate. There will be sex until everyone is full of something.’” The half-ling paused for a moment before asking another question. “So tell me, how many changelings do you have in lock-up?”

"Including you? Four," Narrow replied. “One of them has that assault charge."

“Hmm, maybe he’s got a good reason for it,” the half-pony said with a shrug. “Not looking good for you ponies, is it?”

"He claims that a Black was attacking him, because he was too drunk to tell the difference between one and a Night Guard. Aside from that..." Narrow growled. This smug little bug had a point, and she couldn't touch her because of the fledgling peace treaty.

“You really should have a changeling on the Guard,” Two-Step pointed out. “A little inclusivity might have clued you in as to what was happening a bit sooner.”

"Or you could have simply informed the authorities that you would be hosting a large scale party with possible prostitution going on," Narrow replied. "I'm getting you for that little oversight at the very least."

“Prostitution? While we are a nightclub, and we do offer those services, that night, I had a very specific order,” Two-Step said with a smile. “Everything is free. Customers are so much more...appreciative when you throw a party where they don’t have to pay for anything.”

"You still offered sex in a place of business," Narrow replied. "Seems this is something we're going to have to work out when Sugar returns." Her horn flashed and Step heard the cell unlock. "You're free to go I suppose. Be sure to fill out the paperwork and don't let the door hit your flank on the way out."

Before she walked out, Two-Step had a few more bits of advice for the captain. “Sex sort of is our business,” she said. “And if you’re going to come down on the club for offering sex in a place of business, then your little bird-toy is at least as guilty as we are~” With that, she all but ran out to the front.

Narrow watched her leave and once she had, the mare let out a scream as she slammed the cell door shut with excessive force. "Don't you bucking dare compare him to you," she growled.

Two-Step merely smiled as she heard the scream...and promptly lost that smile when she saw the massive amount of paperwork waiting for her.

Buck. And she wasn’t any good at imitating Ledger’s paperwork spell!

Narrow was pissed. Hell, she was beyond pissed as she all but stormed into Fredrick's restaurant. The little tinkling bell caused her eye to twitch and a flourish of magic saw it sail across the restaurant, landing near the kitchen door. She sighed, not having meant to do that…

“For what reason am I hearing the bell right outside the kitchen?” Fredrick asked as he poked his head out, then looked down. “Hmm,” he said, picking the bell up, and looking at the front door. “Either my bell has wings and only just now decided to exercise them, or you are...angry.”

"Angry? Why would I be angry?" Narrow replied in an eerily calm tone. "Should I be angry that a Changeling used you as an example to justify her own perverse actions? Should I be mad that she basically called you a prostitute and then proceeded to laugh about it!?"

“Ah, so this is how I die,” Fredrick mused. “In a magical flare up thanks to the one mare I love going crazy.”

"Relax, the only thing I feel like burning is a certain bug," Narrow sighed. "Well I hope she likes smiling now, because she can be damned sure that Sugar will hear about this."

“I have heard about this party,” Fredrick mused. “Something about the big bug stepping out for a personal reason, and the next in line exercising her freedom. Or something.”

"Yes, she went and had a Las Pegasus wedding, and the party kind of spilled out into the streets." Narrow groaned. "A couple of foals got a birds and the breezies explanation that night..."

“Why were there foals anywhere near that club?” Fredrick asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have no idea, I gave their parents one hell of a talking to at least." Narrow leaned against him in a weary hug. "M'sorry bout your bell. I'll get it fixed."

“That would be appreciated,” the griffon said as he hugged her with a wing. “So I can guess how your day’s been. Mine’s been...interesting.”

"Interesting... how?" Narrow said flatly. "Do I have to arrest anyone... or did Midnight do something stupid again?"

“My confectioner, the one student I thought would never work up the courage to actually talk to a mare...apparently had a date last night and now wants to follow that mare back to Canterlot,” Fredrick said. “I’ll give you three guesses where he was. Or what he was doing.”

Narrow just groaned and buried her head further under his wing. "I never want to hear about that farce of a party again. I have been up since 3 am dealing with it."

“If you need a little extra sleep, my bed is always open to you,” the griffon said, running a claw through her mane.

"You and I both know that sleep is the last thing that happens there," Narrow actually giggled.

“Yet there are times when it is used as a bed,” Fredrick pointed out. “Now would be one such time if you require it. I still have noodles to make.”

"No, I still have to process all the arrests from last night." She gave a weary sigh and removed herself from him. "I wonder why I'm even a Guard sometimes..." She gave him a kiss and started to leave.

“Because you love it?” Fredrick called after her. “And would it really hurt those ponies if you passed that work on to your second so you could take a nap?”

"It's not that," Narrow sighed. "Don't worry about it. I'll see you later." She gave a lazy flick of her tail and left. Though she lacked her usual vigor. She stepped outside and blinked as the sunlight hit her eyes. Frowning a little, she headed back to the station, losing herself in her thoughts as she did.

“I signed up to the Guard to make a difference… and yet, I feel as though I’ve accomplished nothing. The last few threats have been so out of my pay grade it’s ridiculous. And then some Changeling saves us from over half of them…”

A job she was meant to do, a destiny that she loved to have… and she seemed to be utter rubbish at. Toll Taker, the Black Changeling, Tirek, that snake-monster-thing…

“I wonder if it’s possible to feel any more useless than this,” she muttered to herself as she walked. “Maybe I should just retire? Or take a cushy Palace posting?” She gave another depressed sigh and trudged on, her mood sinking further and further. One could almost see the cloud of depression hanging over her. Hell, several Changelings she passed actually stopped at stared, but none were brave enough to actually approach her.

And then her vision was invaded by pink-on-black. “Uh-oh,” the pink ‘ling said. “Somepony’s sad.”

“Kyaa!” Narrow let out a rather filly-like scream and fell backwards. She clutched at her chest as she tried to still her rapidly beating heart. She glared up at the thing that had just scared her. Then her eyes narrowed and she sighed.

“Oh… it’s you.”

“Yup, there’s only one me!” Amy said happily. “And you are being a grumpy-gus. Why’s that?

“I am not,” Narrow grunted and got to her hooves. She gave the Pink ‘ling a frown and continued to walk down the street.

“Emotivore~” Amy sang as she bounced next to Narrow. “Don’t bother lying to us. Now why are you so upset?”

“I’m not upset, maybe your sensing thing is defective,” the Guardsmare replied through gritted teeth. “Why do you even care anyway? It’s not as though we’re best friends, and I’m not one of you Changelings either.”

“Silly filly,” Amy said, now bouncing on the other side of Narrow. “I care about everypony and everybuggy! No matter if they’re my friends or not. I just want everyone to be happy! And I can tell you aren’t.”

“Yeah, well… who cares if I’m not. Happy is over-rated anyway,” Narrow looked away from the mare, mostly to avoid getting motion sickness. There was a gasp, and suddenly Amy was sitting right in front of her.

How. Could. YOU!” The pink ‘ling even pointed at her dramatically. “If you knew anything about changelings, you would know to never say that, especially around me! That’s it, I’ve decided.”

“Decided what?”

‘Argh, Narrow, why are you still talking to this crazy bug?’

‘I dunno, she has a point?’

‘’Well… we’re bucking doomed.’

“Decided that until you cheer up, I’m sticking to you like glue,” Amy said as she smiled widely.

“...” Narrow fixed her trademark glare on her, one that usually made even the most hardened criminals soil themselves. “Seriously?”

“Yuparooni! Until you’re happy again, I’m not leaving your side,” the nymph said with a firm nod. “It’ll be the first time I’ve had a pony patient, but I’m pretty sure I can do this.”

“Patient?” Narrow’s eye gave another twitch, before she let out a defeated sigh. “You know what kid, knock yourself out… literally I hope. But I’m not going to let you interfere with my work. You get in my way, you're out on your flanks.”

“Is your work what’s causing you to be unhappy?” the pink nymph asked.

‘Oh great, she’s going to ask questions huh?’


Narrow snorted. “My work is fine. Bad guys to bad stuff, I catch them. Rinse. Repeat.”

“Aaah,” Amy said knowingly. “But when bad guys get taken care of by somepony that isn’t you or your Guards, then it sorta annoys you, doesn’t it?”

Narrow’s step paused for the briefest of moments, but remained silent as she kept walking.

‘Stars, is she friggen psychic now?’

‘That’s a terrifying thought. Stop doing that Narrow.’

‘You’re the brain, I blame you.’

Outside, the Unicorn mare groaned louder and her pace quickened, as if to outrun her own thoughts.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Amy chirped as she followed along. “And it only stands to reason. About the last...half-dozen bad things to happen to the town, you’ve not been able to lock away. I’m willing to bet you’re almost wishing for something to happen that needs the guard to be involved at this juncture.”

“Those thoughts would only invite trouble,” Narrow said. “And with my current luck, Nightmare Moon would probably show up.”

“Weeeeell, I might have a little information for you. Got it at the last gathering that Ledgey attended~” Amy said. “Apparently, the other crime families of the city have been way too quiet for too long.”

“I know,” Narrow said. “Nopony has heard a peep from them since Toll was taken down… and now that she’s… removed entirely, I don’t know what they’ll do.” At least the eldritch abominations and ancient evils were as subtle as a buck to the face. “I have ponies looking into it. And let me guess, you Changelings probably already know what’s going on. Because you all seem to know more about this city than I ever could. You seem to have those holey hooves in everypony’s pie and no matter what I bucking do I…!!” She panted and stopped as soon as she realised she was ranting.

“...Go home Amethyst,” she muttered and trudged off.

Unfortunately, she didn’t. “Do you really not like us?” the pink ‘ling asked. “We...we’re only trying to help...I’m only trying to help…” She managed to keep herself from getting really sad, but there was some genuine sorrow in her voice.

Narrow paused.

Narrow groaned.

Narrow walked over to a wall and smacked her head against it… quite hard.

“Look,” she finally spoke. “I don’t hate you alright… at least not you in particular. That said, there are a few of you asking for a hoof to the face, but that’s my problem.” She pulled her head back and sighed. Yeah, that was gonna bruise… and leave her with a headache. “I’m just… tired. Tired of feeling so bucking incompetent. My butt tells me that this is my destiny, what I’m supposed to be good at.” She looked up and the sky and shook her head. “Maybe I should have stayed home and been a peach farmer…”

“Then who would have finally tamed Freddy, or helped Middy and Ledgy with getting rid of that nasty Toll the first time?” Amy asked. “Oh, and if it helps you any? The families are extremely anti-changeling. We can’t get in at all. They have glamour-breaking casters and turn us away every time we try. This one is all on you.”

“Wonderful,” Narrow muttered. “I don’t even know why Fredrick is still with me to be honest. Of all the far prettier fillies in this city, and he’s stuck with a grumphorse like me?” She’d been thinking about that a lot too, and that made her far more depressed than anything. She worried that he wanted to leave her… or something like that. Maybe she was just being stupid. “I don’t know anymore…”

“Do me a favor?” Amy asked. “Think about why you like him. All the things that make you want to stay with him. Everything that makes him worth the effort.”

“Why I like him?” What did she like about him? He was handsome, well, for a Griffon anyway. He was kind, polite and could make amazing food.

And, he gave up one of the biggest aspects of his life, sure, he could have his pick of any mare in the city. And yet… he chose her. A grumpy, depressed, angry little mare that couldn’t cook to save her life and found more love in beating some criminal to a pulp than something a normal mare did… hell, she didn’t even know what would be considered normal.

“I think I hurt something,” she muttered, putting a hoof to her head.

“That little flicker that I felt?” Amy said. “That was you loving him. And I know he’s a decent griffon, and he feels the same way about you.”

“Of course he is!” Narrow snapped before she caught herself again. “Sorry, I already had one Changeling badmouth him today. I’m still a little irritated over that. Then again, she had that annoying way of talking like Ledger does. I feel as though she was saying something, and perhaps I just misunderstood... “ That wall was looking inviting again.

“Still, you have something to build on,” Amy pointed out. “A case in the making, and a lover to come back to. Though, if you need anything...we’re always willing to be your friends.”

Maybe that was what she needed, to just throw herself into her work. Let her mind become occupied by something else for a while. She almost missed the times before the city went to Tartarus in a hoof-basket.

“Thanks, but I don’t know what you could… hmm, actually, there is something you could do for me.”

“Listening,” Amy said with a nod.

“Do you know any of you willing to join the Guard?” That said, they were considered Equestrian citizens now. She could just conscript one…

“Your best bet would be one of the Reds, Blues, or Yellows,” Amy said. “Especially the drones. I think one of Ledger’s newest workers was thinking about it…”

“Hmm, you don’t say? Still, it’s too bad. Your unpredictability would be quite useful.” Narrow tapped her chin and changed directions. She had a warehouse to visit.

“Take care Miss Narrow!” Amy said with a wave. “And try and cheer up a little bit! Being sad doesn’t help anypony!”

Narrow just waved back, she wasn’t expecting Amy to give up that easily. Oh well, at least she had some peace and quiet again.

The guardsmare looked up at the warehouse from the outside. If she really wanted to pilfer one of his employee's, she have to talk with him first.


She walked inside and looked around, wondering which one Amy was talking about. The swarm of changelings working on the shipments didn’t seem to be inclined to give up its answers easily, though two did stop what they were doing. One went up to warn Ledger of the incoming arrival, and the other landed in front of her.

“Hello, and welcome to Pegasus Air!” the drone said. “What is your purpose behind your visit today?”

“Ah, I’m here on Guard business actually. I don’t suppose Level Ledger is in?” She suddenly regretted that sentence, it made it sound like Ledger was in trouble… again.

“Yeah, the boss is in today, doin’ paperwork,” the yellow-colored drone said. “And for once, none of his mares have shown up to distract him, so you might actually be able to see him.”

“I don’t want to know what you mean by… distract, but I’m already drawing conclusions.” Narrow wondered what this city would be like without all the sex that seemed to happen. Like, was every city as bad as this one? Somedays she considered moving to Ponyville, maybe ask Princess Twilight if she needed a Guard. She trotted up the stairs and approached his office, pausing to knock on the door.

“It’s open!” she heard him call. She opened the door with her magic and stepped inside.

“Oh look, no mares bent over the desk, you’re making progress huh?” she chuckled as she made a beeline for his coffee machine.

“Probably only because none have shown up. I swear, they take the phrase ‘Ledger is at work’ to mean ‘Let’s go distract him,’” the stallion said as he watched the mare help herself to his coffee.

“You could always just say no,” she said as she poured two cups and floated one over to him. “Anyway, I didn’t come here to discuss your lovelife, which could probably fill a large tome.”

“Eh, more of a medium one. I have Midnight to blame for getting me out of my shell. And everything else.” Ledger gratefully took the cup and blew on it a little, before sipping the coffee. “What did you come here to talk about, then?”

“I’m here to take one of your employee’s actually. And I was hoping you could point out which one I’m after.”

“You don’t know?” Ledger asked. “Well, I think I know the bug that you’re after...at least, I hope I do. Couple of quick questions before I call him up here, though.” Ledger put his drink on the desk and thought for a moment. “You’re not going to discriminate against him, or let that happen to the point where he wants to quit, are you?”

“No,” Narrow shook her head. “Though I haven’t said why I want him or her. Maybe I should recruit you instead?”

“Call it a hunch, call it overhearing this guy’s plans to look into joining the guard,” Ledger said with a shrug. “And I’m just concerned for him because I like to look after all my employees. No matter if they intend to remain my employees or not.”

“And you think I don’t?” Narrow snapped. She was doing that a lot today. She took a breath and calmed down. “Look Ledger. I’m tired of being left out of the loop. I’m tired of having this entire side of the city that I can’t reach. I’m tired… of not being able to help anypony when they need it.”

“I see,” Ledger said, nodding once. His horn lit up as he sent a message into the swarm of changelings in the building. Requesting the presence of just one of them.

“Well, you’ve convinced me,” he said with a smile. “Now all you have to do is convince him.”

“Wonderful,” Narrow replied and straightened her mane. Hmm, she could use a manecut at some point. It was getting too long.

There was a knocking at the door, before a voice spoke up. “You called, boss?”

“Yeah, come on in,” Ledger replied. “Door’s open.”

A yellow drone pushed the door open and walked in, only to stop and have his eyes widen as he caught sight of the mare in front of the desk. “Uh...did I come at a bad time?...”

“No, not at all,” Narrow replied calmly. She actually didn’t have her usual bite to her tone and sounded quite polite and pleasant. To anyone that knew her… it was creepy as hell. “I’m here to meet you specifically actually.”

“Really?” the drone asked. “Cause I know about you...and that usually either means good or bad things for the ones you’re meeting…”

“Steel, Captain Narrow is here for a good reason, I promise,” Ledger said.

“Hmm, a Yellow Changeling. That’s… Honour yes?”

“Courage,” the drone corrected. “First to charge. It’d take nothing short of a Tatzlwurm to actually scare a Yellow.”

“Don’t say that, the last thing I need is one of those things popping up in the middle of the city,” Narrow sighed. “Anyway, Courage, that’s good. A fine trait for a Guard to have. As long as it isn’t foolish courage.”

Steel chuckled awkwardly, and Ledger spoke up next. “Captain, the Yellow Hive back home? Decorated with dragon bones. The foolish are quickly weeded out, believe me.”

“Eh, I dunno, ducking under that shipping container and biting that bitch’s horn off seemed pretty sane to me,” Steel said with a shrug.

“Had she been thinking, a simple implosion spell would have ensured that you wouldn’t bite anything again,” Narrow replied. “You’re foolish, and insanely lucky I might add.”

“Story of my life,” the yellow drone replied with a smile. “If it’s unconventional, I’ve spent time trying to improve on it. I was one of the few to survive back in the Lands, and I keep getting lucky in Equestria.”

“He sees one of the old Yellow generals as a role-model,” Ledger interjected. “...Also known as the worst one for him to take inspiration from.”

“Well, I’ll have to ask that you don’t bite the horns off of anymore Unicorns,” Narrow replied. “It’s extremely painful and they can take years to grow back. Now, for the reason I’m here…” She cleared her throat and sipped her coffee. “I’m looking to add a Changeling to the Guard, one that can keep me informed of the goings on of your kind and take action against them if need be.”

“Hmm, sounds like you want me to play beat-cop to Changelings,” Steel pointed out. “I was after an actual Guard position, if I managed to get one.”

“Here in Las Pegasus, the Guard work a little differently,” Narrow explained. “We take the cases the regular police can’t handle. And yes, that is pretty much what I’d like you to do. To be able to take in lawbreakers that would otherwise manipulate discrimination and a fledgeling treaty to get off scot-free.” She paused and let that sink in. “Besides, a few months training under me, and you could get the position you like in the Capitol, or perhaps the Empire. Otherwise it’s four years at the Academy, followed by years of being a lowly recruit, or even border patrol.”

“Being able to get up to the Empire does sound kinda nice,” Steel muttered. “All right, gimme an example of what you’d have me do. I wanna know the sorta work you’d have lined up for me.”

“Well, keeping the Changeling population in line is one task I’ll have. Along with instructing us on your language so this morning’s incident doesn’t happen again.” She paused and thought for a moment. “Mind you, threats like Tirek and those lizard things may pop up also. Think you’re up for something like that should they happen?”

“I’m a Yellow for a reason, ma’am,” the drone replied. “Though you might have to turn to boss here or Scroll for a guide to all the languages.”

“Each Hive has their own unique words and quirks,” Ledger explained. “I can pick out the Color behind almost every single written document based on context. For example, the Red hive has twenty different words for Duty.”

“Hmm, perhaps a specialist for each language then?” Narrow replied. “I could learn at least one. I’ll ask my Guards and get some volunteers.” She looked at the Yellow drone and smiled slightly. “So, feel like being the very first Changeling Guard?”

“Depends on how well you think you all can feed me,” the drone replied. “If I can’t survive there, I might not stick around for long.”

“Changelings view emotional compensation to be even more important than money,” Ledger informed the captain. “Because money can’t buy love.”

“I can’t believe you said that, besides, I bet money could buy you plenty of love from a Violet,” she chuckled. Ledger just shook his head.

“True, honest love, isn’t something you can cheaply purchase. It’s something you earn over a long time, with plenty of tears shed along the way.”

“And I’m not expecting love anyway,” Steel said. “Just plenty of courage, if you think they’ve got it.”

"I went hoof to hoof with Tirek! Are you doubting my courage?"

“Yours, no, I can almost feel it pouring off of you when you say things like that,” Steel replied. “But...I don’t want to have to rely on just one pony.”

"I understand," Narrow nodded. "I can assure you that we'd lay our lives down for one another. And if you can’t get what you want from them... then, I'll give you what I can. The fact remains is that I need your help. I'm willing to do whatever it takes."

“You’re not going to get a better option than this one,” Ledger told the yellow drone. “I’ll be sad to see you leave, but you’d be going somewhere where you’d be valued just as much, if not more.”

“Aww, I’ll miss you too bossbug,” Steel said before standing in front of Narrow and saluting. “Nerves-of-Steel reporting for duty, ma’am.”

"A fine name," Narrow nodded and returned the salute. "But I'll warn you now. I am going to work you to the bone, or, whatever you Changelings have. And then I'll get tough. So I hope you're ready to sweat."

“Chin up, Steel,” Ledger said as the drone began to realize this might not have been the healthiest career choice. “She might actually get those impulsive tendencies beaten out of you.”

"I'm allowed to beat him?" Narrow asked.

“He’s your problem now,” Ledger said. “He did just resign from my company and sign on to your guard force with that one sentence. He’s no Blue with unbreaking loyalty.”

"Well, I'll give you the day to get your affairs in order," Narrow said. "I want you at the Station before Celestia raises the sun. Understood soldier?"

The yellow drone nodded once, shakily, before saying, “U-Understood, ma’am.” And like that, the mare had her nose pressed against his, her eyes holding a fiery glare.

"I. Can’t. Hear you!!"

“UNDERSTOOD, MA’AM!” The drone belted at her, easily falling back into the days when he was in the Yellow military. Ledger was thankful for the sound-dampening charms he had on his office. For more than one reason now.

"Mm, not bad. We'll make a stallion out of you yet," she smiled and nodded. She raised a hoof and saluted again. "Dismissed."

Steel saluted as well, and waited for her to drop it before he did. She lowered her hoof and gave him a nod. "Get out of here. And get some rest, you’re going to need it."

Steel lowered his hoof and returned her nod, though he notably didn’t move for a bit. “Permission to talk with my former employer for a minute first, ma’am?”

"You're not a Guard yet. Do as you like."

“Thank you,” Steel said. “Ledger, the buck have I gotten into?”

“The other bundle of crazy in Las Pegasus, that I’m not responsible for,” the disguised silver drone replied.

"Yes, you simply add to it, and I'm considered a regular customer at the pharmacy for painkillers," Narrow groaned. "They gave me a VIP card... they don't do VIP memberships!"

“In which case, I apologize for what I intend to do in the future,” Ledger said. “Heck, I could probably help cover the costs of your painkillers if you’d like, we’re doing very well.”

"Figures, you barely do a thing and probably get thrice the paypacket," Narrow grumbled. "Now, I need to see a mare about some tutoring. And I may take you up on that offer. She's bound to give me a migraine..." Narrow suddenly smirked. "Actually, you wanna tag along Ledger?"

“Let me just properly stop my spell here,” he said, his horn flaring once. “And sure, I can be gone for a while. My paperwork’s all done today. I’ll still need to put in the hours, I get paid for how long I sit here, not what I do.”

'Just you wait you buggy bitch, I'm bringing reinforcements~'

"Excellent." Narrow clapped her hooves and grinned. Ledger shrugged his saddlebags on and double-checked them before he stood in front of Narrow, waiting for her to take the lead. Steel had fallen in line as well, probably intending to leave and hit up his place soon.

Narrow nodded and took her leave, headed for The Love Shack. Time to see if Two-Step was feeling teachy...

The officer paused as they reached the club, staring up at it. "You know," she replied. "I have developed something akin to distaste to this place for the time being."

“I can hardly blame you,” Ledger said, mockingly holding his nose. “The scent of Lust is all but soaked into the building here…”

"Unfortunately, the bug I need to see is here." She sighed and opened the door with her magic, stepping inside and holding the door for Ledger.

“Thank you,” Ledger said as he followed her in. “The world is really...different if you’re a ‘ling,” he expanded on. “You can smell emotions, or that’s the best we can put it in terms you’d be able to understand.”

"That sounds weird," Narrow nodded as a Violet approached them. A lithe mare named Sweet Dream.

"Ohh, hey there~" she purred. "Mmmm, expanding your herd Ledger?"

“While she is the reason I’m here today, she’s also the one calling the shots, and in a relationship with Fredrick,” Ledger explained. “I’d never do that to him. Buck, I don’t think she’d let me do that to her either!”

"Magical castration comes to mind," Narrow replied calmly, her horn having a slight glow. "No. I'm here to see Two-Step. Please fetch her for me."

Dream looked at Ledger, so then why did she bring him along? Hmm... She nodded and left the room, returning a moment later with the half-ling.

“Oh, good afternoon Captain, and hello to you too Ledger,” the half-ling said as she drew closer. “So is this business, or pleasure?”

“...Captain, why is she not in a cell?” Ledger asked.

"Hmm, go ahead Step. Tell him." The captain replied, crossing her forelegs.

“I merely pointed out that we did warn everyone with our flyers-” Two-Step managed to get out. And then Ledger exploded at her.

“That warning was NOT SUFFICIENT, EVEN by OUR LAWS! Even by the laws of the Changelings back in the Lands, that warning wouldn’t get you out of ANYTHING!” he yelled at her. And she was actually cowering.

"You forgot to mention that I couldn't pursue it further, since I don't know Changeling laws, and that you could use the Treaty to claim discrimination." Narrow helped. "What was it you said? 'We aren't responsible for those we ejected from the club'?"

“No, I’m pretty sure you doing your job isn’t discrimination,” Ledger pointed out. “Now, if you ignored all the pony-run nightclubs and only focused on her, yeah, that’d be discrimination against changelings. Seriously, how she’s not in a cell is baffling to me.”

"We just told you," Narrow said. "And I can't charge her for the same crime twice." She sighed and shook her head. "Still, as amusing as that was, I'm here for a reason Two-Step." The Unicorn stared at her. "You're going to teach me the Violet language."

“...Written or spoken?” the half-pony asked. “I’m willing to do anything if it means getting Angry Ledger out of here.”

"Written," Narrow said. "I doubt I possess the vocal capacity for spoken. Oh, and I'd like an apology for what you said about Fredrick. I'm willing to say sorry for what I said. I was out of line."

“As was I,” Two-Step said. “It’s widely known that Fredrick never charged anypony anything for his services. The comparison was far from apt.” She turned to Sweet and asked the nymph to fetch some paper and ink, which she darted off to do. “This...could take more than one session,” she warned the captain.

"I'm not expecting to learn a new language overnight," Narrow nodded. "But I haven't the time for it now. I still have a lot of work to do." She held out a hoof and gave her a small smile. "Truce? And perhaps a start over on our relationship?"

“I can agree to that,” the half-ling said as she met the captain’s hoof with her own. “And I can get to work on translating our language anyways.”

Narrow nodded and after releasing her hoof, she sighed. "Sorry for dragging you into this Ledger. I admit that I brought you in case she was difficult..."

“Oh believe you me, I would normally be having words with her, respect for her mother or no, for what she did,” Ledger growled. “Thinking that flyer would get her out of everything.”

“It sort of did,” Two-Step said meekly.

“I’m using the remains of the Hivelink network to tell your mother what you did,” Ledger deadpanned.

“...You can’t, can you?” she asked.

"We have a nymph capable of near limitless telepathic ability," Narrow smiled. "And a contact in the Crystal Empire."

“PLEASE don’t tell her how bad it was!” Two-Step said, nearly throwing herself at their hooves. “There’s no telling how much she’ll punish me!”

"Hmm, well she needs to be informed of what happened at the club regardless. The Guard had to make multiple arrests and as the owner, she must be informed." Narrow said. "But I won't ruin her honeymoon with the news. But I'd prepare yourself when she returns."

“I’m not that petty,” Ledger said with a nod. “...But the moment she sets hoof in Las Pegasus again, I’m gonna ask Scope to tell her how bad it was.”

“So, hide in the distillery, because she can’t set fire to me there, got it,” Two-Step said with a nod. “I can do that.”

"Well, I feel much better about things," Narrow smiled. She looked at Ledger and hummed. "Want a side job as my interrogation officer?"

“Eh, Middy would get mad that I was doing Guard work while she couldn’t,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “If you train Steel properly, though, he’d be a pretty good one. Reading emotions and all. It’s a lot harder to train yourself to not feel any panic than you might think.”

"Hmm, I hadn't thought of that," Narrow replied as they left. She'd instilled enough fear for today. "Thanks for the tip... and, sorry again for dragging you along. It was pretty petty of me."

Somepony needed to put her down a peg,” Ledger said as he followed. “Besides, it made for a nice change of pace. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to sit in my office and be bored for hours on end.”

"Still, that was something I should have been able to handle myself," Narrow sighed, realising that Ledger had just done her job for her... again. "I wonder if I'm really cut out-"

“Please, enlighten me,” Ledger said, catching on to the swing of her emotions. “How would you have intimidated her without the proper knowledge of laws back in the Lands? Or without the use of Scope to threaten to tell her mother? You’re not useless, Captain. You just don’t have all the resources you need, yet.”

"Is it really as simple as that?" Narrow replied. It was weird to see her... melancholy. "Or am I useless at my job? Maybe I should retire... I'm getting too old for this shit."

“Do that, and who’s going to teach Steel how to be a Guard? Do that, and Fredrick will wonder what he did wrong. Do that, and the crime families of the city won’t be scared anymore. You’re a damn fine Guard, Narrow,” Ledger said. “You just need to adapt to the newest version of Las Pegasus. Learning Changeish and hiring a Changeling are just the steps you need to take.”

She stopped, letting his words sink in. He was right, she hadn’t taken the time to adapt to the new population. She turned and pulled the drone into a hug, her muzzle buried in his mane. Ledger couldn’t help but notice how soft she was... and how nice she smelled.

"Thank you," she murmured. "I needed to hear that." She broke the hug and coughed, blushing slightly. "Also, that didn't happen. Understand."

“My lips are sealed,” Ledger said, miming it with a hoof. “Go on and get your city back.”

"Yep, just have a few more stops to make," she said. "I owe another changeling a hug and I owe Fredrick a new bell."

“I’m not even going to ask,” Ledger said as he turned to walk away. “Just make sure to take care!” He called over his shoulder.

"I won't let this city beat me again," Narrow nodded. She tossed her mane and headed off down the street, a renewed determination in her eyes.

It didn’t take long to find the Changeling she was looking for. A pink Changeling nymph walking beside a Griffon with a long pink scarf was kind of easy to spot. She suddenly smirked and took a few breaths to get her breathing and emotions under control. She walked up behind them, timing her hoofsteps with the Changeling, then pounced, hugging her from behind.

“Eeek!” Amy said, suitably surprised. “Normally I’m the one doing the hugging!” The Captain was nowhere near Midnight levels of control, but Amy could tell she needed this and played along.

"Heh, finally got one over you," she smirked and hugged her tighter. "Sorry about before. I'm doing better now."

“I can tell!” Amy chirped. “Happiness is kinda my thing. Tell her, Acey!”

"Hmm, I believe she does something along those lines," Ace nodded. "Along with a healthy amount of perverse love."

“That one I blame you for,” Amy said. “Um...you can let go now if you want, Narrow.”

Narrow blushed and released the mare. "Uh, yeah, sorry..."

"Now only if Amy gave up on hugs so easily," Ace chuckled. "Or our new friend for that matter. She's become rather addicted to them."

“Who knew somepony like her could be such a cuddlebug?” Amy agreed. “And the way she looks when we call her out on it is just adorable!”

"Mhmm," Ace chuckled. "Not as much as yours when I caught you two making more than cupcakes in the kitchen. Who knew you looked so cute in an apron."

“I’m sure you just liked it because she was on top...especially when you joined in,” Amy pointed out. “I nearly collapsed under so much weight.”

"Really, it was hard to tell over all that moaning," Ace snarked back. "Can you believe this mare Captain... Captain?"

Narrow was already galloping off in the distance, the word 'nope' being chanted repeatedly.

“Ah well,” Amy sighed. Then perked up. “Wanna go surprise Chryssy? She might be up for snuggles!”

"Just snuggles?" Ace raised a dubious eyebrow. Amy smiled innocently at him.

Hey, nopony could prove that she’d been sticking those fertility drugs in their food. And in her opinion, the more half-griffons, half-changelings in the world, the merrier.

"Hmm, too bad you can't transform. I'd love to introduce her to Cherry's treats~"

“I know,” Amy sighed. “But hey, if it means a foal for you, then I’ll stay locked in this form for as long as it takes. Still, at least you’re showing her plenty of love.”

"What can I say, she's rather adorable when you get to know her." He leaned down and kissed her head. "I don't love you any less though. My sweet little dessert~"

“I know~” Amy chirped. “So, going home to show Chryssy some lovin’?”

"Well that didn't take you long to admit," Ace chucked and placed her on his back. "Why not."

“Yay, Acey express!” She cheered.

"Please have your trays in the upright position and fasten your seatbelts," Ace nodded and took to the skies. Time for an aerial delivery of sexiness.

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