• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Bonus Chapter 4 - Guilty Ponies, Guilty Pleasures

Yearling groaned slightly as her eyes slowly opened. Her head was pounding and her mouth felt like she’d been eating sand.

Yeah, she was hungover alright. How much did she drink last night?

And when she spied the sleeping Yellow drone next to her, a serene smile on his face, her heart nearly leapt out of her chest. Apparently the answer to her question was a lot.

Did… did they do… that?

Well, she didn’t feel sore or anything down there… so, maybe not? She closed her eyes and tried to remember what happened, and the flashes she got made her turn a bright red. Did… she really do that sort of stuff with him?

Well, that explains his stupid smile at least.

It was also kind of cute how devoted he was to a mare he just met…


“Devoted!” she yelled, leaping out of bed and running into the bathroom to freshen up. She had to get to the hospital ASAP!

Lucky yawned as he woke up thanks to Daring’s jump out of the bed. “Was’ going on?” he managed. He was not a morning-changeling.

She remerged from the bathroom a few moments later, her mane still damp from the quick shower. She shook herself off and nodded. “I gotta get going for a little bit, Devoted should be up by now and I wanna see if he’s okay.” She paused and scuffed her hoof on the ground, before blushing lightly and pecking the changeling’s cheek.

“Thank you for being such a gentlestallion last night.”

“My pleasure, even if we didn’t actually do a whole lot,” Lucky said. “G’on and check on your friend, I’ll be here.”

“You sure?” she asked. “You’ll really wait for me to come back?”

“Even if it’s just to say goodbye, I’ll be here,” the drone said with a nod. “Just...please come back.”

“I promise,” she nodded and gave him another peck on the cheek before she galloped out of the room. The drone sighed and rolled over in the bed, his eyes glancing at the table…

And at the Key and gemstone that still sat there…

“Oh buck,” the drone said before scooping them up and darting after her. “Daring!” he called out. “DARING!” He looked out of the window as he saw her flying out into the central chamber, holy crap that pegasus could move.

“No helping it,” he said, adopting a nondescript pegasus guise so that he could chase after her. “I’m not letting her go out there without this!” Putting action to word, he chased after the mare as quickly as he could. If he was, heh, lucky, he could get ahold of her before any trouble started.

Daring darted into one of the tunnels. She wasn’t expecting it to be so busy today, and worse was that her head still hurt from last night. She closed her eyes for just a second and ended up flying right into a tall Violet drone.

“Oh, excuse me,” she replied and helped him back to his hooves.

“Eh, after last night, it’s understandable,” the drone said, before giving her another look. “Oh, a new pony? How...delicious.”

“Yeah, pass,” she deadpanned and started to walk off.

“Oh, but you don’t know what you’re missing,” the drone said as he walked after her. “And I can say I don’t want to miss out on you.”

“Well, I live to disappoint,” she said. Geez, this one would not take a hint. Maybe she should have brought Lucky with her. “If you don’t mind, I’m running late—”

“Then it wouldn’t matter if you were a little later,” the drone purred. “And I can give you quite a good excuse~”

Yearling growled and turned to face him. “Look buddy. Don’t you see this Key?” She put a hoof to her chest and paused. Wheeeerrreee was her key? Oh bucking buck.

“No, I don’t. Which means you’re fair game for my game,” the drone said as he walked a little closer, licking his lips as he did. “I make it a point to play with all the pretty ponies that come through this Hive~”

“Well, guess you’ll have to miss a turn,” she said, backing up a little. The ceiling was too narrow to fly away as well, and the hustle and bustle of other changelings meant she couldn’t dart off on her hooves either. “Now back off, or I redecorate the walls with your face.”

“I like them feisty~” he purred. And that was when Daring was saved by a pegasus dropping in front of her and flinging something around her neck. Something familiar. While she looked at it, the pegasus in front of her turned into Lucky and growled at the Violet drone.

“The lady made her point, mister,” Lucky growled. “Back. Off.”

The Violet drone looked at the Key now around Daring’s neck and sighed, before walking off. Daring took a relieved breath and shot a grateful smile at Lucky.

“Thanks a bunch for the save… he was really persistent.”

“They don’t always take no to mean no. Sometimes they just think it means to try harder,” Lucky growled. “You good?”

“Yes, my innocence is saved by my Yellow knight,” Daring giggled. “Um, though I don’t suppose my knight would like to accompany me? Just in case?”

“I can do that,” Lucky said. “I was just gonna lie around the room anyways. At least this way you’ll not get hit on so much.”

“Yup, only you’re allowed to do that,” Daring nodded and a hoof shot to her traitorous mouth. “Ahaha, letsgetgoingrightnowokay?” She swiftly turned and started heading towards the hospital once more.

“Something tells me the rest of your stay is going to be...interesting,” Lucky mused as he followed along after her. He wasn’t complaining, it meant he got to look at that flank some more.

It was rather quiet in the hospital, despite the fact they’d just finished seeing to the horde that enjoyed themselves a little too much. Daring raised an eyebrow at the nurse, noting she had a slight limp as she walked towards them.

“Rough night?” the pegasus asked, trying not to throw some innuendo in there as well.

“Just a little, the husbands and I had quite the night,” the nymph said. “I don’t know where they got that book...but I quite enjoyed how they treated me last night.”

Husbands? Is that some sort of thing around here? She knew the Madame had quite a few as well.

“Well, at least you had fun,” Daring chuckled weakly, fighting down her blush. “Um, is a Blue stallion named Devoted Cause awake yet?”

“He just woke up asking for a Daring Do,” the nymph said with a nod. “Am I to assume that’s you?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Daring nodded. It was still a bit weird to walk around such crowded cities and not have anypony recognise her.

“He’s still a little weak from recovering from the poison, but we do project that he’ll make a full recovery,” the nymph said as she began to lead them. “There were no complications during his treatment, and nothing erratic showed up as he was recovering. He should be good to leave by this time tomorrow, if all goes well.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Daring nodded. So, she was stuck in this Hive until then huh? She hoped that Lucky would be willing to stick around, though she felt a bit guilty using him as a shield. Maybe she’d be better off just fending for herself…

“Well, here we are,” the nymph said as they walked up to one door. “Now do be careful. He still needs a bit of rest, but he seems intent on seeing you.”

Daring nodded and opened the door slowly. She peekd her head in and smiled.

“I heard there was a hero that wants to see me?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

“Daring,” the blue drone said from his bed. “It’s...good to see you made it.”

“Well, couldn’t let that noble, if not stupid sacrifice of yours go in vain now,” she chuckled as she stepped into the room and walked over to the bed. “Though, try not to do that again alright?”

“My duty is to see you safely to each Hive,” the drone said with a shake of his head. “I’d fight off a hundred beasts if it meant you got away.”

And that was when he felt the mare hug him, and her tears stained the bedsheets. “It’s all my fault,” she shook. “You… you just wanted to go to a s-stupid party and… and I…”

“You couldn’t have known that the Scorpio would be there, Daring,” Devoted said as he did his best to hug her back. “None could have known.”

“A-And worse, I… I had fun while I was here… you were lying here, probably dead for all I knew… and I… I went on a bucking date!”

“That’s perfectly fine,” the drone said. “It means that you got a bit more study done for your book, and-”

“And I abandoned you to do it,” she said, not releasing her hug. “I’m the worst pony ever!”

“You hardly abandoned me,” the drone protested. “You saw me to the hooves of the Oranges so that I could recover. A terrible pony would have just left me there, and you didn’t do that.”

“Well of course not! I’m not a monster!” she replied, punching his shoulder lightly. “Well, you were right about those Violet parties in any case. They were… something else alright.”

“I missed the party?” the drone said with a sigh. “Guess it was too much to hope that I’d recover in time. Ah well, there’s always next month.”

Daring’s smile faltered. He’d really been looking forward to it as well… She wondered if there was anything she could do… “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” the drone said. “It’s not like there won’t be another. So, did you attend the party at least?”

“Yeah, still don’t know why,” she said as she sat next to the bed. “I met the Queen as well. I’m pretty sure she shaved a few years off of my life just by looking at me.”

“The queens are known for their ability to hold their thrones, no matter who challenges them. It’s only fitting that they’d become a bit...scary over the years.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Daring nodded. She looked towards the door and knew that Lucky was still standing out there. “Oh, I did meet somepony that helped me out. These Violets are… persistent.”

“Oh?” Devoted said. “Do I get to meet this being?”

“Lucky?” Daring called out. “Come and say hi.”

The Yellow drone walked in and looked at the bedridden Blue. “Hi, I’m Lucky,” the drone said, holding out a hoof.

“Is he?” Devoted asked Daring.

“I guess?” Daring replied, the subtle question going over her head. “He’s nice. A bit silly, but nice.”

“I see,” Devoted said before shaking Lucky’s hoof. “You’d better take good care of her until I get out,” the Blue warned the Yellow.

“I will,” Lucky said. “Whatever she needs, I’ll help her find.”

“I’ll bet,” Daring mumbled to herself, blushing slightly. “So the nurse says you should be out by tomorrow if everything goes well. Anything you need at all? If this is anything like Equestria, I bet the food sucks.”

“...I don’t suppose you could take off your gem for a moment?” the Blue drone asked. “If I got a small boost of emotions, it’d help me a little.”

She nodded and slipped her gem off. Instantly, he could feel the wave of concern she’d been holding onto. For him. He sighed and drank his fill before nodding at Daring, telling her she could slip the gem back on.

She did so, and then an idea formed. She reached over and took the bag that Lucky had been carrying. She rummaged around inside and pulled out one of the brightly glowing Love Crystals she had in there, setting it next to his pillow.

“That’ll help too,” Devoted said with a smile. “Just, take care out there, okay? You don’t have me to protect you until tomorrow.”

“Not a problem,” the Yellow drone said. “I’ll keep her safe.”

“Such big strong stallions,” Daring pretended to swoon like the damsels she sometimes wrote about. “Ah just don’t know whut ah’d do without you~!”

“Probably get hit on constantly,” Lucky said. “The drones here are relentless.”

“Well, it’s good to know such handsome stallions are looking out for me,” she smiled and winked at them. Lucky blushed, while Devoted just chuckled.

“Dare I ask what you two got up to last night?” the Blue drone inquired.

Daring squeaked and Devoted soon found that he had a pegasus hiding under his bed, mumbling something under her breath.

“A gentlestallion never tells,” the Yellow drone said as he gently poked Daring. “Come on, we’ll find something to do away from here,” he said to the pegasus under the bed. “Leave him to stew in his accusations.”

“Urgghhh,” she groaned and extract herself from the bed. “We just kissed and stuff, I’m still… well, you know.” Stupid Devoted.

“I’m surprised you retained it for this long in this Hive,” the Blue drone commented. “You even have a fine example of a drone here.”

Well, to her credit, she didn’t faint this time. Just wobble slightly. “Look. We’re getting one thing straight!” She pointed at both stallions, even as her face turned scarlet. “My first time is going to be romantic and magical. Not a drunken one-night stand. Got it!”

“So, take you out to a nice restaurant beforehoof, got it,” Lucky said cheekily, even as he blushed as well.

“You...I...GAH!” Daring turned and walked out of the room “Stallions!” they heard her shout from the hallway. “Perverted. Bloody. Stallions!!”

“I should have you know that if you don’t treat her right, I’ll pull your shell off. Slowly,” Devoted said. Lucky gulped, saluted, and galloped out after Daring.

“Young love,” the drone said with a sigh. “Let’s just hope he doesn’t buck it up.”

Once they’d left, Daring was still steaming a little. But, she was also happy that Devoted was alright. Though, crying like that made her look rather uncool.

“So…” she said to the drone tailing her closely. “You going to actually say anything?”

“Just that I’m still following your lead,” the drone said. “Wherever you want to go, I’ll follow.”

“You’re like a puppy,” Daring noted as she wandered around the Hive. They’d eventually found themselves at the bar they were at last night as Daring’s stomach rumbled, realising that she’d skipped dinner and breakfast. Maybe this place had something to munch on.

Plus, she wanted to know what was in that Luna-forsaken drink. One that made her do those… things last night. With a small nod to herself, she nudged the door open and strode inside. Lucky followed after her, and they found the booth from last night still open, which he sat in without a moment’s hesitation.

“As long as the Queen doesn’t pop up again,” Daring muttered as she took a menu and browsed through it. Hmm, mostly bar food, but it looked like they had small breakfast menu, probably for the ones that got too drunk to walk home the night before.

“Well hi again!” A chipper voice said from in front of them. Sweetie apparently worked now as well. “And how did last night turn out for you two?”

“Better than I expected it to go, in certain ways,” Daring replied as she put down the menu. “Though, I have a feeling that a certain drink you were selling had something to do with that.”

“Maaaaybe,” the nymph said with a grin. “I might tell ya if you order something~”

“Some eggs on toast if you don’t mind, and coffee. Black, no sugar.” She set the menu down and looked at Lucky. “You?”

“I’ll have the same,” Lucky said with a nod.

“Great, that’ll be out in ten,” the nymph said before sticking a hoof out.

Daring blinked and then her eyes widened as she realised what the mare wanted. She took one of her gems out and placed it in the mare’s waiting hoof. Now she was down to her last one. And that would probably have to cover her room for tonight as well.

“Thank you,” the nymph said with a nod before walking off.

“Yup, happy hour is all over, now we have to pay for things again,” the drone said. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to visit the last place I stayed to get my stash of empties. Maybe you can charge a few and we’ll be able to afford a longer stay.”

She nodded as it occurred to her that he might have had plans before he met her. “I’m not being a bother am I?” she asked. He shook his head.

“After the latest stint that ended up with all my squadmates dying, I was told to take a vacation, think about if I wanted to be a part of the army,” the drone said. “I was taking a small tour of the Hives before I came here and that study came out. I’d be happy to leave now that I’ve seen everything that’s unique about this one.”

“Unique huh?” Daring mused as a joke came to mind. “You’d rather present your bravery, where as a Violet would rather just present themselves?” Okay, nopony said it was a good joke.

“Got it in one,” the drone said. “Something about feeding on lust all the time makes the Violets…” he trailed off, not knowing how to put it.

“Perverted?” Daring replied and tapped her hoof on the table lightly. “Maybe not just them. I’ve been… well, let’s just say I’m surprised last night even happened at all.”

“I suspect our answer lies with the drink we consumed,” the drone pointed out. “Your gem glowed when you put it on last night, and I can barely feel your emotions now. But it’s not glowing now.”

“Weird,” Daring replied, looking at the gem. “I wish Twilight had taken the time to explain it.” At least they didn’t have to wait long for their food, and more than that, Daring wanted an explanation.

“Alright Sweetie,” she asked the nymph once she returned. “Fess up. What’s with the weird love juice you had last night?”

“That was stuff given to us by the Queen’s niece,” the nymph said as she put their food in front of them. “The label said it was regular apple cider, brewed with Lust and Happiness. Apparently it works~”

“What… how is it possible to infuse emotion into a drink?” Daring frowned. “I couldn’t understand why that might work for a Changeling… but me? I’m certain I’m a pegasus, not a bugpony.”

“Oh, that’s easy!” Sweetie said. “It’s not hard at all to infuse water with extra emotions, or any liquid really. The crystals we use to pay for things actually have to be spelled to catch emotions, they wouldn’t do it on their own. But yeah, getting back to the cider. It’s really easy to infuse liquids with extra emotion. A Noble would just have to make contact with the stuff and focus on giving back instead of draining.”

“So, it’s a kind of magic then?” Daring frowned and looked at her coffee. “Well I hope this is just regular coffee. And it seems that I’m going to have to watch what I eat and drink around here. Especially this Hive.”

“Yup, it’s something ‘lings can do if they’re talented,” the nymph said with a wink. “And don’t worry, we don’t do that to customers here unless they ask for it.”

“Given what I’ve experienced so far, I’ll hang onto my doubts,” she replied as she sipped her coffee, keeping an eye on the gem around her neck.

“Last night was special,” Sweetie said with a shake of her head. “But whatever floats your boat.” With that, she was off taking care of others. Daring then realised that she might have come across as insulting and looked at the drone opposite her.

“Did I go too far?” she asked.

“You just came across as cautious; understandable, considering what happened last night,” the drone said. “Mind, I kind of liked last night…”

“You would,” she replied, though she had a small grin as well. It did feel nice, and he was kind enough to not push it too far. “I hope you’re not too disappointed that… well, that I want to wait.” she said slowly.

“I might have hoped that we could lose ours together, but if you don’t want me, you don’t want me,” Lucky said with a shrug. “Though, if you’re still up for that, I do know a nice restaurant in the Hive…”

“You’re incorrigible,” she sighed and giggled. “Well, we’ll see. But first, let’s finish our breakfast and get those jewels.” She giggled again, an unknown place, a helping stranger and the thrill of danger, it was like one of her books.

“I like to think of myself as bold, and so far, it’s paid off,” the drone said as he knocked back his coffee. “It got me this far, and you enjoyed yourself, so that’s a win in my book.”

“Take what you can get kind of guy huh?” Daring had to admit that he was nice. She quickly finished her own food and coffee. Well, onwards to adventure then.

Later the next day, Daring (now she was in her outfit again) paced around the waiting room as they waited for Devoted to get discharged.

"How long does it take?" She frowned. "Seriously?"

“It might take them a while,” Lucky said as he sat in one of the chairs. “Or he might just not be ready yet.”

"Yeah," Daring flopped onto one of the chairs and pulled out her notebook before she started writing. At least this Hive has offered a few ideas, nowhere near as much as the Blue and Silver though. She couldn’t wait to visit the Green.

That was about when Devoted walked out, nearly the perfect picture of health if not for the bandage on his side. “Did somepony miss me?” he asked cheekily.

"Devoted!" Daring launched at him and pulled him into a tight hug. "Feeling better now?"

“Much, now that I’m not poisoned,” the blue drone said as he hugged her back. Lucky walked over and smiled at the reunion.

"Glad to hear it," she said and smacked his shoulder and frowned at him. "Stupid bug, you had me really worried."

“My duty is to see you to safety,” the drone replied as he rubbed at that shoulder. “No matter what, you’re to be safely escorted around the lands.”

"Yeah, you're so not romantic," Daring giggled. "Now, how are you feeling? Because I have a little surprise for you." Yesterday, she borrowed some crystals from Lucky, but hadn't told him why.

“I’ve been told to avoid fighting off any star-beasts until my next set of chitin is ready, so beyond that, I should be good,” the drone said. “Why?”

She just giggled again and trotted away, beckoning for them to follow. Devoted looked to Lucky, who shrugged, before the pair of them followed after her.

They thought about engaging in a bit of talk, but decided it could wait until Daring was done being so mysterious.

She led them through the Hive until they came to the bar that Daring was getting used to by now. The larger bouncers looked at them and nodded.

"They with you Miss Daring?"

"That's right, we have the guest of honor after all," she grinned and pushed the pair inside.

“Okay, now I’m concerned,” Lucky said.

“Just roll with it,” Devoted offered. “Daring is as Daring does.”

"Because I'm Daring Do," she finished as they headed inside. A party was already under way and when they saw Devoted, all the patrons cheered.

"You missed the last party," Daring said softly. "And you saved my life, so I arranged this for you. Apparently they really liked the crystals I offered them."

“Yup!” Sweetie said as she showed up and smiled at the trio. “If you had offered us, oh...twenty more? We would have paid for the first few rounds for everybuggy!”

"I wasn't going to ask Lucky for thirty crystals," Daring said. She already felt bad asking for the dozen she did get.

“So this is what you did with them,” Lucky mused. “I did wonder.”

"Yup! I'm just glad they agreed to do it," Daring nodded and looked at her guard/friend. "And I hope you like it. I know it's not the party you were expecting..."

“It’s...still more than I thought I would be getting,” the drone said with a smile. “Somebuggy get me a drink, please?” Sweetie hastened to comply before handing him a standard cider. “Let’s hear it for Daring, the mare that organized this party!” There was a cheer from the bargoers.

Daring just blushed and waved a hoof. "Devoted, quit it..."

Lucky managed to get a drink as well and held it up. “And let’s hear it for Devoted, everybuggy! He fought off a freakin’ Scorpios to see her here safely!” Another cheer went up this time, and Devoted got more than his fair share of eyes examining his form.

Daring smiled at the nice save, but she caught those stares he was getting, as well as the ones the Yellow was.

That... made her frown for some reason. Sweetie just led them to their booth and smiled before leaning over to whisper to Devoted. “If you wanna spend some time with a nymph, big bug...I’m sure I can take a break to show you my appreciation,” she said huskily before bounding off.

That was when they... was Daring... growling?

“Daring,” Devoted said without looking at her. “I’ve been to these parties twice before you know. I’m no stranger to what goes on in this hive. Hives, for all I know, I’m already a father and don’t know it.”

Well that got a blush and a cute squeak out of her. She looked a tad embarrassed and then glanced at Lucky. Why was she even so annoyed in the first place?

“Devoted, I think she might be possessive of us,” the Yellow drone observed.

"I... wait, WHAT?" Daring sputtered and blushed. "I am not! Devoted is a big stallion and he can buck any mare he wants!"

“So if I were to take that waitress up on her offer,” the Blue drone said, trying to gauge her reaction.

She gave a slight twitch and looked away. "D-Do whatever you want. I'm not your mother."

“And that’s a lie,” Devoted said. “Yup, I think she likes the both of us Lucky. What are we going to do?”

“Well, there is an option, but it would be up to her to take it,” Lucky pointed out as he sipped his drink.

"W-What the hell? Where did you get that from?" Daring replied, folding her forelegs. "I mean, Lucky's the only one that I've had seee....." she trailed off as steam came out of her ears and her face met the table.

“True as that may be, the very idea of me having sex with anybuggy here is enough to get you riled up,” the Blue drone said.

“Only one thing for it, if you want to keep us both,” the Yellow drone said. “You’ll have to claim us both.”

"We can't be talking about this," Daring groaned. "I'm... still figuring out my feelings for you Lucky... and, and Devoted is... he's just..."

Oh for the love of Celestia’s cake-stuffed flanks. She really did like them both. The mare just groaned, smacking her head on the table. That was about when Sweetie showed up with a cider for the mare, pausing only to give Devoted a quick kiss on the cheek.

And that might have coincidentally been when the table cracked slightly under Daring’s grip. The nymph just giggled and wandered off.

“Yup, face it. You like us both,” the Yellow drone pointed out.

"God-bucking-dammit," Daring groaned. "Whyyyyy?"

“Well, it’s not uncommon for a nymph to have more than one drone she likes at a time here,” the Blue drone pointed out. “There are cases where the nymph hoards drones to herself...but two is a perfectly healthy number for a nymph to have.”

"But I'm not a nymph!" Daring exclaimed. "I'm a pony. We marry one other. I... I shouldn't be having these sorts of thoughts!" It was her oncoming Heat. Yeah, that was it.

“That’s still not that uncommon here,” Devoted pointed out. “Sometimes a mare will find that she likes drones instead...and sometimes she’ll like more than one drone. Hybrids happen.”

Daring had no idea how to process this. She had no idea how to deal with this. She... she needed to talk to somepony that wasn't trying to get her in bed... again.

"Can, we discuss this back at the Silver Hive?" She asked. "I...I need time to think."

“Sure thing,” Lucky said as he finished his drink. “But for now, I’m going to relax and enjoy this atmosphere.”

“As will I, and out of deference to you, I’ll not try to sleep with any of the nymphs here,” Devoted said with a bit of cheek to his voice.

"Great... now I feel guilty again," she muttered, taking a sip of her drink.

“Nah, it’s okay,” Devoted said. “Doc said to avoid anything strenuous anyways, and I think a backroom rutting would count.”

Daring just blushed and hid under the table again. Maybe she'd get lucky and the Hive would explode…

“Ap!” Lucky said as he ducked down and pulled the mare back into her seat. “None of that now. You organized this, the least you could do is attend it.”

"Nuuu, lemme crawl into a hole and die," she whined. Lucky did his best to shut her up with a kiss to her cheek.

"Cheater," she mumbled, but returned the kiss. She thought for a moment and...well, it seemed okay so... She decided to test the waters and gave one to Devoted as well.

“Somepony’s feeling affectionate,” the Blue drone teased, but returned the kiss. “What happened to the shy scholar who couldn’t even hold her books that I met?”

"She's still mad you didn't tell her she was buying pony sutra books," Daring muttered as she sipped her cider.

“Hah, I shoulda seen that,” Lucky said with a laugh.

“She was adorable when the shopkeeper told her what she was buying,” Devoted replied with a nod.

"Go get eaten by a star beast," Daring grumbled and blushed. "...Stallions."

“You heard the lady, what star beast shall we take on?” Lucky asked.

“Hmm, I’m partial to Scorpio at the moment, I feel like I owe one a quick buck up the head,” Devoted mused.

"Hilarious..." Daring replied dryly, but she still smiled. The two drones made to get up as if to comply with her request...

"Whoa, whoa!!" Daring said, grabbing their tails. "And where the hell are you two going?"

“Nowhere,” Lucky said as he sat back down and kissed her cheek.

“Just checking to see how much you like us,” Devoted replied as he kissed her other cheek.

"You two suck!" Daring pouted and crossed her forelegs. "Quit teasing me."

“Sorry, couldn’t help ourselves,” Lucky said.

“It’s part of what a drone does when they get in a relationship with another drone and a nymph,” Devoted said. “They test to see if they’re wanted. Otherwise, they seek to leave it.”

"I-I don’t even know if this is going to be a thing yet," Daring said and drained her glass. "I mean, I'm going back to Equestria eventually. What then?"

“A fair point,” Devoted pointed out. “I would likely remain here, to serve my king.”

“Whereas I’ve had my fill of the Lands,” Lucky said with a shake of his head. “I’ve seen way too many squads die. I’d like to get out.”

"So...in the end, this can't happen," Daring said. Great, now she was getting depressed. Well, that's even if this... whatever it was even worked in the first place.

“Still, I wouldn’t mind spending some time with a nice mare like you,” Devoted said before kissing her again.

"Dammit, stop being so damned nice!" Daring said. "I...I don’t..." She didn't know what to do. She liked them both, but Lucky was the only one she’d spent time with. Said drone gave her another kiss before returning to his drink.

“You are a nice mare, Daring,” Lucky said. “You genuinely care about us. We can feel that through your necklace.”

"I do care," Daring said. "Lucky, you've been so nice and patient with me, and Devoted, I don’t care what you say, you've gone well beyond the boundaries of your duty to keep me safe." She sighed and rolled her empty glass between her hooves. "This... it's something I never expected to happen and it's a lot to take in..."

“Take your time,” Devoted said. “You have all the time in the Lands to come to terms with this.”

Daring nodded as she spun the empty glass on the table. “You know…” she said idly. “I have to go back to Equestria in a few days for a friends wedding. Do you… want to come with me?”

“We could if you wanted us to,” Lucky said before looking at Devoted, who nodded.

“As long as you intend to return, I can accompany you for a short trip outside the Lands,” the Blue drone said.

“Well of course, my studies are nowhere near done yet.” Daring found herself smiling for some reason. She… well, she just felt happy. “So Devoted, when will you be up for travelling again?”

“I can right now,” he said before gesturing to his side. “I just need to remember to take breaks and keep changing my bandages until my next set of chitin comes in. It’d be foolish otherwise.”

“So, you shed?” she asked, looking at his shell. “Interesting…” She pulled out her notebook and an idea came to mind. She grinned to herself as she wrote, ohh, this scene was going to be delightfully chilly~

“Yeah, I should be good in a week or so,” the drone said. “Give my body time to form a new shell under the old.”

“Sounds… itchy,” Yearling nodded as she wrote. “Oohh, this might go well here. I need to visit the Red’s burial mounds though. I have a feeling they might help with this…” She continued to write and mutter to herself while doing so.

“Ever get the feeling you signed up for more than you bargained for?” Devoted asked Lucky.

“All the time,” the Yellow drone replied.

“Huh, what?” Yearling looked up as she put her book away. “What?”

“Nothing,” they both said in unison. The pegasus mare gave them a dubious stare, before her eyes widened slightly.

“I was doing the writing thing again huh?”

“Maybe,” Lucky said. “Though to be fair, you were adorable when you were.”

“I...what? I’m not adorable!” Yearling protested. “Plain, boring and perhaps a bit of a dork, but I am not adorable.”

Lucky’s retort was simple to sum up. He leaned over and kissed the pegasus mare on the cheek.

Yearling just pouted and then shot him a smirk. “I have an idea,” she said and then flicked his nose with a wingtip. “Let’s dance Devoted!” she got up and dragged the Blue away before he or Lucky could protest.

“Well, that happened,” Lucky said from the booth as he decided to watch. The Blue drone, though he was injured, could still dance pretty well, and demonstrated as such to the mare.

“Ohh, somepony knows their dance moves,” Yearling giggled. She idly thought of showing him the dance she did with Lucky, but… well that was kind of their thing.

And she in no way noticed all the jealous stares from the nymphs that watched her taking the two best drones in the room for herself. Devoted did, though, and decided to turn what would have been a dip into a passionate embrace with an even more passionate kiss. Just to scare the others off.

It also had the delightful side-effect of surprising the ever loving hay out of Yearling. Though she returned the kiss, he was waaay too good a kisser not to.

Sorry Lucky, but there is something to be said for experience. Devoted eventually broke the kiss and swept his gaze around, noticing to his satisfaction that the other females in the bar were now directing their glares elsewhere.

“Um…” Yearling blushed deeply and looked away shyly. “That was… uh...wow.”

“I’m glad you liked it,” Devoted said before whispering to her. “And imagine what else I can do with my tongue~

Aaaaand now he held a fainted mare in his forelegs. The drone chuckled before putting her on his back and carefully walking back to the booth. Once he arrived, Lucky helped put the mare back in her seat and the both of them waited for Daring to come to.

She eventually did, but for the rest of the evening, she couldn’t look at Devoted without blushing. The party sort of wound down after that. Nothing like the intense one a few nights ago, though, the fact that they had to pay for drinks might have been a contributing factor.

And when the trio returned to their hotel, a forgotten problem arose.

There were three of them… and only two beds.

“Um…” Daring looked at them. This, might not be pretty.

“We could always bunk together,” Lucky said. “It’s not like we haven’t done worse.”

“True, and bonding experiences are necessary,” Yearling nodded as she slowly took off her bags and jacket, letting the article slide off her body as those tight flanks wiggled slightly.

“And suddenly, I feel like I should be jealous,” Devoted said. “Still, doc said no strenuous stuff.”

“So… are the two of you really okay with the situation?” she asked. “I mean, I’m not used to it… but, I can at least try. But I can’t if the two of you are uncomfortable.”

“It’s not uncommon here,” Lucky said with a nod. “We’ll be fine.”

“The only oddity is you being a pony, but since you actually care about us, I think we can overlook that,” Devoted added before climbing into his own bed. “Just keep the noise down, or let me watch if you two get up to anything-” That was when he had a pegasus mare atop of him, kissing him gently as her hooves rubbed the unbandaged sections of his chitin.

“Guess she’s taking turns,” Lucky snickered as he climbed into the other bed.

Not quite, though she was testing the waters at least. It was just weird, she and Lucky had already had se...that. And now she was on a bed, kissing a changeling in front of him.

Yup, her life could not possibly get any weirder than this. Devoted did his best to return her sudden affections. He wasn’t complaining by any stretch of the imagination. His tongue danced with hers while his hooves roved over her flanks.

She moaned into the kiss and pulled back to catch her breath. "I'm not hurting you am I?" she asked the Blue soldier.

“Nah, it’d take more than this to really start hurting me,” the drone said as his hooves started massaging her Cutie Marks. She gave a contented sigh and looked at Lucky.

"And what about you?"

“I’m fine with watching,” the Yellow drone said as he did just that. “Might even pick up some pointers.”

“I am moderately skilled at this,” Devoted said as he drew Daring in for another kiss. She put a hoof to his lips and blushed.

"Just so you know, I'm not very good at this."

“That’s okay, it’s like any other skill,” Devoted said before pecking her on the lips. “You can learn.”

"Oh, and I suppose you're going to teach us?" Yearling tried a seductive tone. It wasn’t a bad attempt at all.

“Yes, just like school, only this time, the point is to screw the teacher,” Devoted said with a chuckle.

Much to Lucky’s disappointment after their 'session', a shower was all she was interested in, and now the mare lay on the bed next to Devoted.

"A small question," she asked as she ran a washcloth over his chitin. "Are changelings capable of using pony spells?"

“There are some spells that overlap, yes,” the drone said as he enjoyed the feeling of being cleaned. “Though, there are some that won’t. For example, I’d like to see a pony take or give back emotions.”

“Though those are technically just extensions of our natural abilities, I’ll concede the point stands,” Lucky said. “There’s also the famous technique of burning love or other emotions to give ourselves a boost.”

"Hmm, well," Daring paused, perhaps for dramatic effect. "I was thinking transmogrification."

“Turning things into other things?” Devoted asked. “We have a bit of an affinity for that thanks to our natural abilities, though rare is the ‘ling that decides to pursue it past disguises.”

"Perhaps Mrs. Gossip might know somepony," Daring said. "Because, what were to happen if my physiology were to drastically change? Even a temporary one?"

“And why are we discussing this?” Lucky asked.

"Well," Daring said and booped his nose. "What if Mr. Loyal here has succeeded? If I were to be transformed...?"

“Transformed?” Devoted asked with a head tilt. “It’s not like hybrids are a new thing. Nor is the path to making one littered with transformative magics.”

“Yeah, the only thing that’d change if Devoted succeeded would be you getting pregnant, not you turning into a Changeling,” Lucky said with a nod.

Daring facehooved. "If I'm pregnant, wouldn’t me being transformed into something biologically different negate it?" She explained. She recalled Critical telling her how careful she had to be, since she couldn’t transform.

“Yeeeeah, but you’re not a Changeling,” Lucky said.

“It’s a nice thought, but the ability to change others is one of those hit-and-miss talents that some Changelings have, and some don’t,” Devoted said. “And once again, we rarely look for such talents or hone them.”

"...That’s totally not fair," Daring pouted. "Argh! Whatever!" She rolled over, cuddling up to Devoted and closing her eyes.

“Though, look on the bright side,” Lucky said as he walked over to her free side and cuddled her there. “She’s got six husbands, staff, and some kids. One of them’s bound to know something.”

"It's not like the idea of having a foal is that bad," Daring said quietly. "But, we've been together for less than a day. So jumping right to babymaking is one I'd rather not get to so quickly."

“Fair enough,” Devoted said as he kissed Daring. “Hold off on sexytimes until we get back to Equestria?”

"No... I think I like it too much for that," Daring said, blushing slightly. "Just... be a little more careful."

“We can do that,” Lucky said as he nuzzled Daring. “Though, to be fair, we probably should have read Devoted in before we started.”

“I said sorry,” the Blue drone said with a sigh.

"Not your fault," Daring said, kissing his cute pouty face. "It did feel nice~"

“Let’s just avoid a repeat performance,” Devoted said. “For now, nap?”

"Nap," Daring nodded as she rolled over onto her belly. She spread her wings over the both of them. So...laying claim huh? She wondered how that worked. For now, the drones merely nuzzled her before they drifted off…

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