• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 99 - Burying the hatchet

The sun had just started its ascent over the horizon as Ace wiped his claws. Chrysalis and Amy were sleeping and he felt the need to exercise.

So naturally, that led to him testing the Crystal Guard.

He had been sorely disappointed.

“Honestly Shining,” the griffon sighed as he looked over the stadium they were using. Several dozen guards lay defeated on the ground. “How have you been training these wet noodles? And I heard that you lost a joust against my student. Has the royal life softened you up that much?”

“I would love to have an Everfree Forest up here to train my troops with,” the stallion grumbled. “Send them in on survival missions against the fauna...and flora. Sadly, the only thing up here is the tundra, and it’s mostly barren.”

“Well that is unfortunate,” Ace nodded. “Still, the Yak’s live nearby. Perhaps you could arrange to train with them?”

“That might work,” the stallion mused. “Maybe arrange a training program with the yaks...yes, I can see how this could work...and for your information, that joust’s rules prevented me from bringing any of my magic to bear.”

“You’re still a stallion and one that is physically stronger than her to boot. But then… Midnight cheats,” Ace chuckled. “And still, I am surprised that your Empire remains mostly untouched. Ledger has done much to curb her more… voracious tendencies.”

“I know that she was worse, but she was never the same after my wedding,” Shining said. “You can’t give that changeling all the credit…”

Ace visibly twitched when he mentioned the wedding. Being able to beat down the monster that broke his precious student. That had been one of the more satisfying moments of his life. “Yes well… she’s gotten better since then, and has conquered a lot of her fears.” He coughed into his talon and adjusted his scarf. “Well, enough about that. I do hope you intend to train your guard a little better.”

“I thought I trained them well to begin with,” the stallion sighed. “Back to the drawing board, I guess.”

“It’s simple,” Ace chuckled. “Train them how I trained you… only, unlike you, make sure they listen and apply the lessons.”

“I know, I know, I got enough of that when I stepped out of line when that change...Ledger, visited.” Shining paused for a moment before sighing. “Did you know that there are changelings applying to be a part of the crystal guard?”

“Oh?” Ace chuckled at that. “That must be new for you. I trust that you’ll treat them like you would a pony though.” The griffon cracked his knuckles and stared at Shining. “I’d hate to have to remind you what being a fair and just Captain is all about.”

“It’s… not easy for me either,” Shining said. “Especially with your wife here...but...I can give them a shot.” He visibly slumped as he said this. “Ledger proved that not all changelings are the same, and I would be...remiss, if I didn’t let them try.”

“There’s a good lad,” Aerial nodded and patted him on the back. “And, I know what Chrysalis did was...well it wasn’t good. But, she’s working hard to not be that pony anymore.” She smiled as his eyes twinkled. “She’s really quite adorable when you get to know her. Perhaps… perhaps it might be good for you and Cadence to spend a little time with her. Bury the hatchet and the like.”

“Maybe,” Shining said. “For now I have a training regime to go over and some applications to review.”

“Best of luck,” Ace nodded as he turned. “And, give me a call should you need help whipping these foals into stallions and mares.” With that, he spread his wings and took off. he had some wives to find and smother with affection~

“I can’t believe he ditched us like that!” Chrysalis ranted as she and Amy walked the streets of the Crystal Empire. “That ungrateful, little, chicken-skinned…”

“Chryssy~” Amy sang as she kept walking the street. “Why don’t you put your energy to something more productive?”

“Such as?” the queen replied with a raised eyebrow. She was probably going to say something sappy...

“Thinking up a way to get back at him,” the pink nymph explained.

“...I knew there was a reason I married you~” Chrysalis purred and kissed her on the forehead. She pulled back, there was a blur, and the nymph was gone, leaving a few scattered feathers and a confused Pink changeling.

“Hmm,” Amy said as she picked up a feather. “Preliminary analysis tells me these are griffon feathers, and there are approximately ten griffons in the Empire at this moment. So either one of the other nine has made off with my wife, or Acey just pounced her.”

Ace landed a few moments later, a frazzled Chrysalis still in his grasp.

“Good morning my loves,” he smiled widely. “How fare you today?”

“I. Will pluck. Every feather from your body!!” Chrysalis finally managed to speak.

“I love you too~” Ace replied, kissing her again.

“Yay, I was right!” Amy cheered before joining in the hug, squishing Chrysalis between her and Ace.

“I hate you all,” the white mare groaned as a carriage pulled up next to them, a familiar pink alicorn poking her head out of the window.

“I found you~” she grinned as her magic shone, snaring the two mares and pulling them into the carriage before it took off, leaving Ace alone and confused…

Amy couldn’t help herself. She just had to. She climbed up to the window and waved at Ace, before making a pleading statement.

“Acey, help! There’s no sweets in here! Hellllp!”

Cadence responded by pulling out a bag of crystal rock candy.

“Nevermind, I’m good!” she chirped before hopping back down. “These look interesting~” she said, before picking one up and popping it in her mouth.

“You are such a foal,” Chrysalis sighed and looked at Cadence. “What, finally given up on Shining and kidnapped some new brides then…? Well, a bride and a child~”

“Aw come on Chryssy, try some,” Amy said, picking up a piece and holding it out to her fellow wife. “It’s tasty~”

“I stand by my previous statement,” Chrysalis deadpanned.

“No, it’s nothing like that,” Cadence giggled. “I still love Shiny very much… Though Midnight was an excellent kisser~”

“I did not need to know that,” Chrysalis deadpanned and looked at Amy. “And why are you blush… You kissed her, didn’t you?”

“More like she kissed me,” Amy said. “That batpony tongue...it gave me ideas…”

“This is my life…” Chrysalis groaned. “So what do you want you perverted princess?”

“Oh? That’s easy,” Cadence said, not denying the title. “It’s a sacred tradition amongst us mares. One I simply have to share with you.”

“Oooh, what’s that?” Amy asked as she got over her blush.

The carriage came to a stop and Cadence opened the door, motioning towards the glass domed building. “Spa Day~”

“Nope.” Chrysalis simply stated and got out, before beginning to walk away.

“Agent Amy!” Cadence smirked. “Secure and restrain the target!”

“On it!” Amy said before pouncing Chrysalis and casting a spell on herself to make her seem to be extremely heavy. The older mare winched as the weighty nymph landed on her, her legs almost buckling under the strain.

“You have, to lay off, the sweets,” she groaned as Cadence smiled and snared her with her magic.

“Nnnuuuuuu!” Chrys grabbed at the ground in a futile attempt to escape the pampering. “You can’t make meeee!”

A few moments later…

“Aaahhhhh~” Chrysalis sank into the warm bath and sighed contently. “Now this is the life~”

“Cadence, remind me who was whining on our way in?” Amy asked.

“I believe it was the relaxed Flutterpony there,” Cadence giggled as she received her massage. “How’s that hoofjob Amy dear?”

“It’d be better if they believed me when I said I wasn’t gonna break if they were a little firm with me,” Amy replied as she just lay there. “I mean, really, chitin can stand up to a surprising amount of stuff…”

“No kidding,” Chrysalis sighed. “That hardening spell was what saved me when I was blasted from Canterlot.”

“Yeah, it’d take something like a spear to actually puncture the stuff,” Amy said, waving at an attendant. “So c’mon, lay it on me! I could do with a little relaxation therapy.”

Chrysalis whispered something to them and they nodded. And when Amy opened her shell as the older mare’s request, she found herself on the receiving end of a massage as another pair of cute crystal twins went to work on her hooves.

“Aaaaaah~” Amy sighed as she just melted under their hooves. “You girls know how to work a ‘ling, that’s for sure…”

“We’ve never had a Changeling customer,” one of the twins said.

“We’d love to… work you some more~” the second finished.

“Sorry girls, happily married,” Amy said. “But please, don’t stop.”

“We’ve heard those lines before… and at the same time,” they giggled together as they continued to file and polish her hooves.

“Mine. Get your own,” Chrysalis said from the tub. She was so damned relaxed that they could run off with Amy and she’d likely not lift a hoof. “Though if you do go, take pictures for me.”

“Nah, I’m good for now,” Amy said. “I mean, we had our usual morning wake-up call, I’m sated for a little while.”

“So,” Cadence said as they placed cucumbers over her eyes and begun the seaweed wrap. “What’s it like being married to a griffon?”

“He’s always looking for trouble or a fight,” Amy started.

“He’s louder than a room full of Minotaurs and eats like a starving dragon,” Chrysalis continued.

“He’s occasionally a little overprotective, to the point where stallions cross the street because he glared at them,” the pink nymph continued.

“Hah! That one stallion nearly crapped himself,” Chrysalis laughed. Good times. “But still, even after all of that…”

“I wouldn’t trade him for the world,” Amy sighed.

“He’s amazingly loving, and all of my flaws and mistakes? He doesn’t care,” Chrysalis agreed. “He’s so open about his feelings, and his love is delicious~”

“Plus we can’t forget the mornings or the evenings,” Amy purred. “The way he sees to both of our needs...doesn’t complain no matter who’s on top…”

Cadence gasped, as did several of the spa patrons and workers. “You mean he’s…”

“He takes as good as he gives,” Chrysalis giggled. “It is So. Damned. Hot~”

Many of the mares present blushed profusely, some giving small giggles as their thoughts ran wild.

“Yeah, I just gotta wait a year until I can join in on that again,” Amy giggled. “He was so much fun~”

“Hehehe, he’s all mine in that regard,” Chrysalis nodded as she moved over to the mud bath. It looked repulsive… but by the Hives did it feel good.

“I’m happy for you both,” Cadence smiled warmly. She looked over at Chrysalis and her smile grew. “And you… I forgive you now.”

Chrysalis spluttered and coughed, before sinking further into the mud to hide her blush.

“Aww, look, I thought I was the only pink~” Amy giggled.

“Oh shut up,” Chrysalis replied, blowing bubbles in the mud. Cadence giggled and looked at Amy.

“She’s rather adorable isn’t she?”

“I’m not adorable!!” Chrysalis protested.

“She’s more like a rosebush,” Amy mused. “Thorny but beautiful.”

“Keep going and I’ll show you thorns,” Chrysalis blushed harder.

“She should never be in the same room as Scopey,” Cadence nodded. “The tsundere levels would be through the roof.”

“Oooh, now I kinda want them to meet,” Amy cooed.

“...And now I do too,” Cadence nodded after a moment of contemplation. Chrysalis frowned, wondering when the teasing would actually stop.

“Still, we’re here to relax,” Amy said before she lay back down. “So we’ll have to wait on plotting.”

“True enough,” Cadence sighed as she moved over to the mudbath as well. The twins had brought over a small tub filled with a special solution and now soaked Amy’s hooves in it. The third mare tending to her had finished the massage and now polished the rest of her chitin. The nymph just sighed and lay there, enjoying the treatment by what she felt was surely an unhealthy amount.

“Sooo, what about you?” the pink nymph asked. “You got to ask us all sorts of questions, what about any juicy details going on in your life?”

“Mmm…” Cadence thought about it, but Chrysalis beat her to it, giving the alicorn a predatory grin.

Time to unleash the Pink…

“Oh, she didn’t tell you?” Chrysalis nodded and switched to Changeish. Didn’t want to spoil it to the spa attendants. “She’s going to be gifting the world with an alicorn foal~”

The pink nymph practically vibrated on the table as she did her best to contain her energy. Her best, and she failed. With a high-pitched ‘squee’ noise, she jumped into the mud bath and splashed the others as she hugged Cadence.

“I’m so happy for you!” she cried out.

“Gaah!” Cadence gagged as the nymph hugged the life out of her. How was she so strong?

“Hehehe, feel my pain,” Chrysalis chuckled as she wiped mud from her face.

“Can’t...breathe…” Cadence gasped, tapping Amy on the back. Eventually the pink nymph let her go, just to nuzzle her a moment later. And was she actually purring?

Cadence looked at Chrysalis for help, but received a shrug in response. The alicorn rolled her eyes and petted Amy on the head. “Yes, I have a feeling I know what she told you. But, do keep it a secret for now okay?”

“Awwww,” Amy pouted. “But-”

“No buts, I need to figure out how best to address this okay,” Cadence hugged her back. “It’s pretty exciting though huh?”

“Yup~” the nymph hummed. “Oooh, yours should totally know ours! I’m having one, and so is Middy~”

“Hmm, that sounds fun,” Cadence nodded. “And with Twilight being married now, I guess Midnight’s will be related in some way or another.”

“Oh great, this should be fun,” Chrysalis replied. “I can’t imagine what kind of trouble three foals could get into…”

Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity all sneezed and looked at one another. Was there something going around?

Meanwhile, a country away, a certain silver nymph paused as she suddenly felt cold and shivered for some reason.

“Plus we have to take into account that Ledger has three others, and Chryssy’s already said she wants mine next,” Amy pointed out. “They could have a lot of family to get in trouble with.”

“Oh joy…” Chrysalis deadpanned as Cadence turned to her and smiled.

“So… you want—”

“Oh shut up,” Chrysalis drowned herself in mud again…

“I think it’s sweet,” Amy said. “Plus it’s a lot of work for a nymph to actually have one in Equestria. I have to actually not shift for a while.”

“Why can’t you… oohh,” Cadence finally understood. “Okay, I get it.”

“It’s a real pain,” Chrysalis nodded. “And once it is born… between mother and child, I don’t think there’s enough ice-cream in Equestria…”

“That’s why I work where I do!” Amy chirped. “But I can’t give a foal ice-cream, silly. I hafta wait a few years first.”

“Yeah… your foal will have ice-cream within the first hour of life, calling it now,” Chrysalis nodded.

“Nope,” Amy shook her head. “I will make very sure not to feed a foal ice-cream until it has graduated from yogurt first.”

“If it’s pink, then there’s no stopping it,” Chrysalis nodded and shuddered. She was still getting used to the amount of love that the Crystal Empire generated. She suddenly gasped and sneezed.

And her mane and coat took on a crystal hue…

“Aww, now you’re shiny!” Amy said, before looking at herself. “Hmm, wonder why it hasn’t worked for me…”

It would require a higher dosage of love for you, the Heart responded. I could try…

“Nah, I’m good, I was just curious,” Amy replied aloud before looking at Chrysalis. “Seriously, the longer we stay here, the hotter you get.”

“What the hell…” Chrysalis looked at herself. “Now this is just friggen creepy…”

“Nah, just wait until Acey sees you, he’ll back me up on this,” Amy said before looking at Cadence. “Is there a way to take like a shot of this Empire back with us, so that she can look like this again?”

“If I memorise it, I could probably transform…”

Actually, the Flutterponies have a close tie the Crystal Ponies… The Heart informed them. Now that this has happened… I bet if she soaked up enough love…

“Oh you just had to go and tell her that,” Chrysalis groaned.

“C’mon Chryssy, don’t you want to be the world’s first Flutterpony in who-knows-how-long?” Amy asked. “I mean, you’re pretty, and like this, nopony would recognize you!”

“I like being me!” Chrysalis argued. “I’m not some…. butterfly horse. I’m a Changeling!”

“Suit yourself then,” Amy said with a shrug. “I’m sure you won’t ever be curious as to what it would be like to be a Flutterpony, then. Or why you seem to be one.”

“Yes, well… my grandfather seems to have an answer there,” Chrysalis responded. She hadn’t told Amy yet, but this seemed to be her true form now. Her changeling form was a transformation like any other. Well, at least she still had that ability… for now.

“It was pretty scary when I first became an alicorn,” Cadence nodded. “I mean, I went from a pegasus to being able to use magic…” She gave a nervous giggle. “Aunt Celestia was not amused when I accidently set a six hundred year old tapestry on fire.”

“Plus it’s not like you couldn’t turn back,” Amy pointed out. “You did the first time it happened. You can still turn into your old self, right?”

Chrysalis sighed, no use in lying to her. “I can transform into a Changeling…”

“So...what, you’re naturally a Flutterpony now?” Amy asked. “Wow. I wonder if you stay longer, it’ll stick forever?”

“Probably…” Chrysalis sighed. “I can no longer feed on emotions now. I feel… weird to have to rely on actual food and drink to survive. And don’t get me started on how strange my magic feels…”

“Y’know, you and Twilight could probably go over all the changes together if it sticks,” Amy pointed out. “Would understanding your new body make you fear it less?”

“I don’t fear it!” Chrysalis almost shouted. “I’m not afraid of anything… it’s just, weird is all…”

“And ponies find us weird as well,” Amy said. “It may be weird, but I’d embrace it if it were happening to me.”

“Well, we’re rather different nymphs,” Chrysalis replied and held up a mud-covered hoof. Which reminded her… She scooped up a large hoof-full and smirked at Amy.

“Oh no you don’t,” Amy said, scooting away. “We’re here to relax.”

That was when Cadence dumped her hoofload of mud over the nymphs head.

“Should have thought that before you splashed us,” the alicorn smiled sweetly. Amy sputtered and shook her head a little, before she replied in a low tone.

“Of course you realize, this means war.”

And that was when Chrysalis splatted her as well.

Then Amy levitated huge clumps of mud above the other mares and smiled at them sweetly...before dropping them atop the others.

“Oh, so we’re using magic?” Cadence said, wiping mud from her eyes.

“Please don’t start a mudfight…” one of the spa workers sighed.

Amy nodded and lay back against the side of the tub, just relaxing in it for the time being. So long as they did nothing, she’d do nothing.

Cadence and Chrysalis smiled, and sandwiched Amy in a big, muddy hug.

The attendants rolled their eyes. Seems that they’d have a lot of cleaning to do this afternoon…

Amy just sighed and enjoyed it. Hopefully Chryssy would get over her hang-ups regarding her new form. It was pretty and apparently what she was supposed to be.

She just wished she could join her.

You’d want to be a Flutterpony as well…?

Yeah, I mean, if it’s possible. Maybe then Chryssy wouldn’t be so nervous about her form.

Is that so? The Heart sounded… like he might be hiding something. Perhaps once her power develops…

Oooh, sounds neato, and like something Twilight should look into! But for now, if you can, maybe you should hurry her transformation along a little? Make it so it finishes before we leave? I’ll try to keep her spirits up about it, but she should totally become one on our honeymoon~

You changelings do love to give me orders huh? The heart snarked and sighed. We’ll see I guess. It depends a lot on her though…

That’s what me and Acey are here for! So what do I need to do?

She cannot take a form she cannot accept. How you accomplish it is up to you though. The Heart sighed again. Bear in mind, her mind is in a fragile state. Push too hard… and your trio may be down to two…

I’ll do my best,” Amy said with a mental nod. “What she needs is to understand that we love her, no matter what. And I can do that.

I hope so…

“Amy?” Chrysalis poked her. “You okay? You kind of zoned out there…”

“Just peachy~” Amy said before hugging her wife. “I love you. You know that, right?”

“Yes Amy, I am well aware of that,” Chrysalis smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Good,” Amy said, sighing happily. “Mmm...this is great, Cadence~”

“Every mare needs a spa visit at least once a month,” Cadence as she got out of the mud and headed for the shower to rinse off. Chrysalis couldn’t help it and called out.

“Oh, you flaunt those flanks you dirty mare!” she catcalled, causing Cadence to stumble and blush in surprise.

“You could join her, make the show for me twice as good,” Amy told Chrysalis.

Chrysalis smirked and climbed out of the mud bath, making sure it was slow and sensual, her hips swaying hypnotically as she bat her eyes at the nymph. Amy cooed and let Chrysalis feel the love and lust she had for her new form, just as great as they had always been.

The flutterpony blushed and moved to the shower room, leaving her crazy wife behind.

A few hours later, the three mares reemerged, positively glowing after that pampering session.

“Aaahhhhhh~” Chrysalis stretched. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good.”

“Now I see why you took us there,” Amy sighed. “I feel sooo much better~”

“Mhmm,” Cadence sighed as well. “Such a great way to spend the day. Now, I have some work to do. But we’ll see each other for dinner yes?”

“Sure, we can do that!” Amy chirped. “Just as soon as we find our husband, we sorta left him alone for longer than five minutes, so he could be anywhere by now.”

“True, I’m sure Shiny is feeling lost right about now,” Cadence giggled. “I think I might go and de-stress with him~” She looked at the two mares and smiled. “Would you like a lift anywhere?”

“Nah, but thanks for the offer,” Amy said. “We can find him our way. We’ll just look for the biggest disturbance in town and go from there.”

“You have so much faith in him,” Cadence giggled as she got into her carriage. “Alright, have a good day ladies!” She climbed into her carriage and the muscled, armoured stallions gave the two mares a look as well before trotting off.

“Mmm, I do love a stallion in armour~” Chrysalis purred, ogling their retreating flanks.

“That explains so much,” Amy said before nudging her wife. “Wanna go find our griffon and see if he notices anything?”

“Sure,” Chrysalis shrugged and the two headed off.

They found him in the exact spot they’d left him. Turns out that he’d walked to a nearby cafe and waited there for them.

“Ah, so my lovely wives finally...return…” Ace paused and looked them over. “Oh my…”

“He noticed~” Amy giggled. “Does our little birdy like?” She showed herself off a little, turning this way and that to display nearly every inch of her body.

“I didn’t think it was possible for you to get even more beautiful,” Ace nodded as he got up. “It makes me want to take you back and make love to you two again and again.”

“Too bad for you, we have a dinner with Cadence to attend,” Amy said. “Can’t go undoing all her hard work before then.”

Ace sighed and hung his head. “Oh well. I guess I should go and get ready. I feel rather underprepared now. Can’t have you lovely ladies drag a ratty cat like me around.”

“You act like we don’t already do that,” Chrysalis giggled.

“I’m sure the spa would see to you to, Acey,” Amy said. “Just watch out for the twins.”

“Twins?” Ace asked.

“You’ll see~” Chrysalis giggled and soon the griffon was at the same spa his mares had just been at.

“Well,” he coughed and walked in. “This should be interesting… well, when in Roam…”

“Hello,” the mare at the desk greeted him. “Just the one?”

“Please,” Ace nodded. “Ah, you do serve Griffons yes?”

“You’d be our first, but the twins have seen to pegasi before, so I don’t really see the issue,” the mare said before checking a clipboard. “Room three should be clean by now.”

Ace nodded and walked further inside after paying some bits. He eventually found room three and poked his head in. “Ah, hello?”

“Oh look,” one of the mares there said. “Another customer~”

“And a big, strong, handsome male to boot,” the other purred.

Twins. Amy warned him of these and they seemed to give off a familiar aura. One he often sensed from a certain batpony. “Ah, I seem to have the wrong room—”

“Oh no, you’ve got the right room all right,” one of them said.

“We’d be all too happy to...service you~”

“Uuhhh, I just need cleaning up,” Ace replied as he walked in. The mares sighed, but pointed him to their herbal bath, proven to be relaxing and effective.

He nodded as he took off his scarf and eased himself into the bath, sighing lightly. “Ahh, this isn’t so bad after all…”

“Are you certain you don’t need any of our more relaxing techniques?” one offered.

“We are very good at massaging,” the other added.

“Perhaps,” Ace nodded. “My wings have been feeling quite stiff. And my activities have been rather… rigorous lately.”

“We can help~” one of the twins cooed.

“We’re very good at relieving tension~”

“Well, you seem to be the experts,” he shrugged. “Sure.” They reminded him of Jonathan in a way. Still, that bird was utterly incorrigible. These mares would remain professional, right?

The both of them waited, giggling, by the massage table. “Whenever you’re ready~” one cooed.

“We’ll help you get all your tension out~” the other added.

Crystal ponies were quite friendly huh? Still, Amy, Chrys and the Princess used this place…

“Most of my tension is in my shoulders,” he said.

“A pity,” one mare said. “Still, we can work with that.”

“And while she helps you with your shoulders, I’ll give the rest of your body an examination, to make sure you’re not holding on to tension anywhere else.”

“So long as we swap after you’ve had your turn,” the first twin said, to which the second twin nodded.

“No, just my shoulders,” Ace nodded. “Trust me, I’d know if anywhere else was troubling me.”

“Better safe than sorry~” they both chimed.

“I fear as though I have made a terrible mistake,” Ace muttered.

The only response both mares gave was to giggle and pat the bench with a hoof.

A few moments later, Ace had dried off and was exiting the spa. “I think that’s enough relaxation for me,” he said as he left.

“Aww~” both mares pouted.

“But don’t you want your massage?” one asked.

“It’d be very...relaxing~” the other added.

Ace rolled his left arm until his shoulder gave a satisfying pop. “Tensions gone,” he said and bowed his head. “Good day ladies.”

And with that, the griffon had left, flying out into the open sky.

“They don’t make them like that anymore,” one sighed.

“I dunno, have you seen that pegasus guard? Flash something? He’s pretty confident about himself these days.”

“Oooh, maybe if he ever shows up here…”

“I fear I should have taken your warnings more seriously,” Ace said as they headed to the castle for dinner. “Honestly, I am not that desirable…”

“You are to me,” Amy chirped.

“As you are to me,” Chrysalis nodded. “And, I also have a set of twins to hang by their ears when I see them next,” the mare growled.

“I get the feeling they might enjoy that,” Ace sighed. “Still, enough about that. Are you excited to dine with royalty again?”

“You do every night with me,” Chrysalis nodded. “So the feeling is rather underwhelming.”

“True, but this is the first time you’ll be dining with both Shiny and Cadence at the same time~” Amy chirped. “Now remember to be nice.”

“I’ll be as nice as I usually am,” Chrysalis promised.

“That’ll have to do,” Amy sighed.

Chrysalis nodded and smiled proudly. Ace just shook his head, this dinner should be entertaining if nothing else.

By the time they got to the castle, the sun was descending and bathed the sky in a brilliant show of reds and oranges. The guards had actually stopped them this time to ask them of their business.

Aww, they were learning~

Still, once inside, they not only found Cadence and Shining waiting for them, but Critical and Painted Palette as well, the latter still getting used to dining with royalty.

“Good evening,” Ace bowed his head politely.

“Hello ex-husband,” Chrysalis smirked.

“Please come join us,” Cadence said, smiling at the three of them.

“As long as you keep a watch on her,” Shining muttered, only to receive a thwack upside the head from one of Cadence’s wings.

“Why wouldn’t they?” Chrysalis purred as they sat down. “I’m stunningly beautiful now no? Even you must admit that ex-husband…”

“You do realize we were never actually married, right?” Shining said. “I mean, we nearly were, but you kind of were stopped at the last moment.”

Chrysalis's smile grew. “Ohohoho, you seem so sure about that,” she smiled. “Las Pegasus was just a hop, skip and a jump away. I had you enthralled for over a week you know~”

“I’m sure somepony would have told me if I’d gotten married before my actual wedding,” the stallion said without batting an eye. “If nopony else, the tabloids would have had a field day.”

“And who is the master of disguises?” Chrysalis smiled again. The stallion rolled his eyes before laying out his ultimatum.

“If you can produce any piece of actual evidence, then I’ll listen to your boasting again.”

Chrysalis paused, looked at the stallion and then sighed. She turned to Cadence and pointed at him. “What gives? I thought you made him fun? He still has the personality of cardboard.”

“I may have worn him out a little when I got back,” Cadence said with a giggle, to which Shining did his very best to not blush.

“Ahh,” Chrysalis, Critical and Amy smiled and giggled.

“Seems we are stuck with insatiable and sexy mares,” Ace mused at the stallions.

“I’m still learning how to deal with it,” Shining sighed.

“Bah, you’re almost half my age,” Palette replied with a wave of his hoof. Truth was he had no idea how old the Prince was. “Why are you complaining?”

“Because some days, she’s insatiable,” Shining sighed.

“I prefer enthusiastic,” Cadence said with a giggle.

“Oh, I bet most stallions would give a leg to have your problem,” Palette replied. Princess cadence was stunningly beautiful after all, no denying that. He motioned towards Critical, “And you think this one isn’t?”

“I let you sleep,” Critical replied. “Sometimes.”

“My point is made,” Palette nodded.

Chrysalis chuckled again. “Poor Shining, you didn’t gripe with me like that. Well, it could have been the mind control, but still…”

“Some days I wish I could get my point across as easily as you did,” Cadence sighed.

“How do you mean?” Chrysalis asked. She looked at Shining and smiled. “And don’t worry love, you and I didn’t do anything like that. You somehow resisted any of my advances.”

“Some days he just doesn’t get the hint,” Cadence said. “I have to basically tell him to-”

“And that’s enough of that,” Shining said. “So what would everyone like to eat?”

“Well, I know what Cadence wants to put in her mouth~” Chrysalis smirked before Ace poked her in the ribs.

“That’s quite enough of that,” he sighed and looked at the pair. “Sorry about her.”

“I quite like her, now that we’re not on opposing sides anymore~” Cadence said.

“Oh great, they’re bonding,” Shining moaned.

“Ohh, Cadey is going to be my very first PFF,” Chrysalis clapped her hooves.

Shining just groaned and thunked his head on the table. Palette chuckled and Ace just shook his head.

“It’s not so bad, eating with royalty,” Critical said before nudging her stallion with a hoof. “This one was fussing for longer than me over his looks.”

Palette just grumbled something under his breath and looked away.

“Two down,” Chrysalis giggled and looked at Ace. “Hey Amethyst? Think you can make it three for three?”

“I dunno, Acey’s awfully hard to ruffle,” the Pink nymph said. “I think I’d have to survive stealing his scarf to even get close.”

“What’s with that scarf anyway?” Chrysalis asked. “I mean, I know why you wear it, but you really don’t have to you know.”

“Come to think of it, I don’t think I know how you got that scar,” Shining agreed.

“This?” Ace said as he touched his neck. “This is what happens when you push somepony too far. That’s all.” He sighed as a few memories played over in his head. “Midnight gave me this scar…”

“Thought as much,” Amy said. “You don’t have to tell us more if you don’t want to.”

“No, I don’t want you to blame her after all,” Ace replied. “It was when I was teaching her Trance. The first time she pulled it off, I had to gauge it, so I made her angry intentionally… and said some things that I shouldn’t have. I was… caught off guard. It took her weeks to stop her from blaming herself after that.”

“Whoa…” Shining simply said. Note to self, never piss Midnight Song off.

“So, I’m really lucky she likes me, then?” Amy said with a cute head-tilt.

“Midnight would never hurt anypony intentionally,” Ace said as he sipped at a glass of water on the table. “If she didn’t like you, she’d simply ignore you.”

“Ooh, remember the time Blueblood hit on her?” Shining spoke up and Ace let out a hearty chuckle.

“Do I? That colt didn’t sit upright for a week,” he laughed.

“Sounds like a fun story,” Amy agreed.

Shining nodded. “Well, a while back, when I was still a lieutenant in the Guard, Midnight was an up and coming cadet. She’d aced almost every test the Academy could throw at her. So then, this high and mighty noble by the name of Blueblood decides that… hmm, how did he put it again?”

“That Midnight would have the ‘deepest honour’ of becoming his prize,” Ace continued.

“Sounds like a bad idea already, mixing those sorts of things together,” Critical commented.

“So, Midnight responded as Midnight does,” the griffon laughed. “She challenged him to a duel. If he won, she would concede to his wishes… if she won, he was to become her personal servant for a week.”

“Oh my,” Cadence said with a grin. “What I wouldn’t have given to have seen that.”

“Naturally, Bluey tried to cheat,” Shining nodded. “Midnight knocked him out in less than three seconds… when he woke up, Midnight had dressed him in one of the maids outfits…” Shining cackled. Amy, Cadence, and Critical all joined in the laughing, each one picturing different things happening to the stallion. Two of them hadn’t even met him.

“Of course he didn’t take that little prank well at all,” Ace nodded. “He said that Midnight cheated and he went to use his magic… When he pulled that little stunt…”

“Let’s say he wasn’t bedding any mares for a while,” Shining winced.

“I can imagine,” Amy said. “That’s not something you recover from quickly.”

“No, no he did not, and he never went near another batpony again after that,” Shining smirked. “Anyway, who’s ready to eat?”

Amy’s stomach let out an audible roar at the mention of food.

“That’s voice enough for the three of us,” Ace laughed and rubbed her head. Critical and Palette chuckled as well as the waiters brought out the first dish of the evening, a serving of coconut prawns, salad and pasta, along with some bottles of wine, cider and water.

Palette’s eyes lit up as he reached for the wine…

“Slow,” Critical said. “You don’t want to not remember tonight, after all.”

“I know, I know,” Palette sighed and rolled his eyes. “When was the last time I got that drunk anyway?” He leaned over and nuzzled her. “I drank to forget… and why on earth would I ever want to forget your beautiful face?”

“Aww,” Amy cooed, causing Critical to flush straight through her disguise.

“Silly sappy stallion,” the nymph muttered.

“You’re still cute when you blush,” Palette chuckled as he poured a half-glass and pulled over one of the entrees.

“I think it’s a changeling thing,” Ace nodded. “They are all so ridiculously adorable when blushing.” He leaned over and gave Amy a nuzzle as well. “Isn’t that right my little sweet treat~?”

“I’ll take your word for it,” Amy said. “I’ve only seen Chryssy blush before.”

“Amy’s rather hard to fluster,” Chrysalis nodded. “Though, that might be a Pink thing in general.” She took a bite of the dish and hummed delightedly.

“It’d take a little work from Acey to get me to blush,” the Pink nymph nodded.

“Hmm, like telling you how I love how your eyes sparkle?” he cooed as he caressed one of her ears. “How you always make me smile with that bubbly personality? Or how more than anything, I love you oh so much?” He pecked her lips with his beak just as her cheeks flushed pink.

“There we go,” Chrysalis smirked. “Yup, just as cute~”

“Indeed,” Ace nodded and kissed Amy again before turning to his dish.

“You guys don’t play fair,” Amy huffed.

“Such is life,” Chrysalis nodded. This was… it was weird. A new form, new friends… well, the fact she had friends at all seemed like a miracle. Amy pouted but eventually returned to eating the food she’d been presented with.

“So I hear a congratulations are in order for you Shining,” Ace said once he’d swallowed his meal in a single bite. “Being the prince, captain of the guard and now a father?”

“We’re trying not to make it publicly known just yet,” Shining replied. “We need to approach the topic gently.”

“Ponies are going to make a big deal out of it, no matter how you approach it,” Chrysalis said with a wave of her hoof. “It’s like a thorn in your hoof. Best get it out of the way now, rather than let it fester.”

“Your words have some merit to them,” Cadence mused. “Still, we’d like to do it on our terms.”

“Suit yourself,” Chrysalis shrugged. “Oh, and Shiny? I’d probably tell Twilight in person, rather than a letter this time, not that it wasn’t funny mind you.”

“Since I’m not holed up here having to hold up a city-wide shield anymore, I think I can do it this time,” Shining replied. “I’ll just invite her up here one day…”

“Ooor, you could make the effort to go and see her,” Chrysalis replied. “Your choice I guess. Just… be careful once that Pink Abomination finds out.”

“What? Amy already knows,” Cadence said with a straight face.

“Not that one, the other one. One of Sparkle’s friends… I can’t remember her name.”

“Ah, the delightful Pinkie Pie,” Ace hummed. “She’s… enthusiastic in all the right ways~”

“Seriously?” Shining deadpanned. “Aren’t you married now?”

Ace shrugged, “That doesn’t mean we can’t bring in somepony else to have a little fun from time to time…”

“I’m getting ideas~” Cadence sang. “Wonderful ideas~”

“Hah! Sucks to be you Shiny…” Chrysalis taunted and then gasped. “You know, I think I just came up with a wonderful bonding exercise~”

Palette decided he’d refrain from commenting here.

“After all,” Chrysalis continued and looked at Cadence. “She is Ace’s type~”

“Mmm, maybe when you’re not on your honeymoon and I know you all a little better,” Cadence replied. “Though I’d pay bits to see him with Shiny~”

Cadence!” Shining protested as Ace let out a deep chuckle.

“What about it Amy?” Chrysalis smirked. “Wanna see the boys… play~”

“Oooh, it sounds like fun~” Amy purred. “Plus you could see to us while we watched Acey~”

“Mmmm,” Chrysalis licked her lips.

“I cannot believe they’re propositioning royalty,” Palette sighed and whispered to Critical.

“Guess that proves that they’re regular ponies rather than ponies on pedestals,” Critical retorted.

“They still deserve some level of respect,” Palette countered. He sighed and hung his head. Catching up to modern times was tougher than he thought.

“I’m pretty sure that griffon will be showing the royal couple his version of respect in a few hours,” Critical said with a giggle.

Palette paused and once that comment registered, he blushed and groaned at the joke.

Chrysalis giggled as well, that’d been pretty funny.

Soon, the waiters returned with the main course. A Crystal Empire delicacy of vegetable soup, made from Empire-exclusive veggies, along with dipping bread and oil, as well as two chilled bottles of Crystal Berry wine, ones Apple Cider had sent a few weeks back.

“Oooh~” Amy purred as she looked the meal over. “I like the look of this!”

“Mmm,” Ace wasn’t overly fond of soup, mostly because of how difficult it was to eat with a beak. It did look quite delicious though.

Even Chrysalis hummed at the scent.

“Hrrm, haven’t had this in an age… literally,” Palette chuckled. This dish had been one of his wife’s specialties, one he’d missed greatly.

“Then I’ll see if the chefs are willing to part with the recipe,” Critical said as she had some herself.

“Recipes easy enough to come across, I have it at home,” the stallion replied. “Just… haven’t had it since… well..”

“Then I’ll do my best to learn it,” the nymph said with a nod. “If you have any others, I’d like to know. It’d be something nice I can do for you.”

“I’ll… give you the book when we get home,” Palette blushed lightly. “I just… didn’t want to tell you, make you feel like a replacement…”

“It’s not unthinkable that there might be some overlap,” Critical said with a soft smile. “And I know I’m not just a replacement. You love me, yes, but I’m not exactly like her.”

“No, you’re beautiful in your own way,” he nodded and kissed her cheek. “It was because of you I found my heart, and my love again.”

“Awww,” Cadence and Amy said at the same time.

“Gods, that’s sickenly sweet,” Chrysalis gagged. “And I married a Pink…”

“You know you love me,” Amy chirped. Chrysalis shrugged and nodded.

“Well, I suppose if I have to…”

“And see?” Amy pointed out. “I love you, and Acey loves you. It all works out.”

“We’re all one big happy family huh?” Chrysalis gave up trying to use the dainty little soup spoon and just lifted the bowl to her lips, sipping from it directly.

Shining and Ace were now in a heated competition to see who could guzzle down their soup first. Critical just continued using her spoon, as did Cadence. Neither one were in any particular hurry.

Amy took in the competition and giggled before she lifted her bowl to her lips and made a long, slurping noise.

Soon the two boys finished, slamming their bowls down and letting out a large belch.

“Hah! I win,” they said at the same time. “Drat!”

Amy lowered hers a second later, it had been completely drained. “Aww, and I came so close too,” she said with a small pout.

“You’ll beat them next time,” Chrysalis offered, patting her back. “Besides, those boys are idiots. Honestly, why can’t you be more like Mister Palette over there. Now he is a true gentlecolt.”

“Huh?” Palette looked up in confusion.

“He’s really just concerned with showing royalty the proper respect,” Critical said. “Whereas I know that you two are normal ponies and want to be treated like that when you’re not in court.”

“It’s fine either way,” Cadence replied. “We know that adjusting to another age can be difficult Painted. “But Chrysalis does make a point, you are a fine gentlecolt.”

Palette just blushed as Chrysalis looked at Shining and Ace. “Whereas these two knuckleheads could use a little lesson in decorum.”

“He challenged me,” Shining defended himself.

“And he should know better,” Chrysalis chided her griffon.

“As should my husband,” Cadence nodded.

Just then, Amy let loose her own massive belch from practically inhaling her own soup.

“Um, ‘scuse me,” she said with a sheepish smile.

“And there’s just no apologising for this one,” Chrysalis sighed. “There’s not enough breath in my body for that.”

“Your lives must be...interesting,” Critical settled for that term.

“That’s a… polite way of putting it,” Chrysalis chuckled. “Everyday's an adventure with this lot.”

“Yup,” Ace nodded. “It’s never dull.”

“I like it when things happen!” Amy chirped.

“If you ever have a child,” Chrysalis looked at Critical. “Pray to all that it doesn’t turn out Pink…”

“I grew up with one,” Critical said.

“You have my sympathies,” Chrysalis nodded. “My Pink population is going to double soon. I can’t see Amy having anything else…”

“You never know,” Amy said. “It could be anything~”

“And yet, I doubt that,” Chrysalis replied dryly.

“It’s not like you won’t have your own,” Amy said with a giggle. “I doubt it’d be Pink that time~”

“Not if I can bloody help it,” Chrysalis nodded. “I’d like it to be a Green, or perhaps a Blue…”

“Whatever our foals will be,” Ace replied. “They will be loved all the same.”

“Count on it,” Amy said with another nod.

Eventually, the waiters brought out dessert, an assortment of sweet rolls, ice-cream, pudding and cakes.

“Sweet Celestia,” Chrysalis breathed. “Did we just die and go to cake heaven?”

“I hope not, I have more ice-cream to make when I get back,” Amy said. “Though I won’t turn down extra sweets~”

“Amen to that!” Cadence giggled. “I do love my sweets…”

“Pretty sure it’s an alicorn thing,” Shining mused and received a wing smack from his wife.

“Nope, it’s a mare thing,” Amy giggled. “We all love our sweets~”

“Agreed,” Critical nodded and Palette shook his head.

Leaving the mares to their sweets, Ace, Palette and Shining headed out onto the balcony to chat and drink. Once they’d gone, Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at Cadence.

“So,” she asked, sounding a little reserved. “How serious was all that?”

“Mmm,” Cadence hummed. “I’d like to get to know you a little better before we do anything like that.” She motioned with one hoof to the nymph’s new form. “I mean, you’re clearly changing, and hopefully for the better, but I would like to actually spend some time with you before we spend some time together like that.”

Chrysalis actually blushed. “Wait… so, so you thought I was… but, I was only saying that to mess with Shiny…”

“So was I to start with, but then I got that great idea~”

Chrysalis gulped, just what in the Hives had she started? She looked to Amy for assistance.

“What?” Amy asked. “Don’t even start to think you don’t want to see Acey on Shiny. Or taking it from Shiny.”

“I… WHAT!?” Chrysalis nearly spat out her ice-cream. “J-Just what in the hay are you imagining!?”

“The entertainment we’ll be getting while you see to us, of course,” Amy said. “What else?”

“Of course…” Chrysalis groaned. She looked at Critical, hoping her fellow Green would offer better advice.

“You want me to stop a Pink with a notion in its head?” Critical asked with a raised eyebrow. “That’d be like stopping Palette from painting. Can’t be done.”

“Oh great help you are,” Chrysalis sighed.

“Oh Amethyst?” Cadence sang. “I feel… a need to tease somepony~”

“Just mention how pretty she is, Chryssy usually shuts down after that,” Amy mentioned casually.

“Oh?” Cadence bat her eyes. “Now that you mention it, she is quite striking isn’t she? Such a pretty little mare~”

Chrysalis blushed deeper and moved to hide under the table…

“No you don’t,” Amy said before hauling her back into her seat with an aura of pink magic. “You take your compliments like the mare you are. Maybe hearing them from somepony other than me and Acey will help them sink in.”

“She’s only saying it to tease me,” Chrysalis pouted. “And you only say it because you love me…”

“Nope, I’m telling you right now,” Amy said before pointing at Cadence. “She’s being one-hundred percent honest when she says those things. Speaking of...Cadence, if you would?”

“I am being truthful,” Cadence said. “I’d never tell somepony that just to tease them.”

“I meant say more things,” Amy prodded her fellow pink mare verbally.

“Ooh, well, I like the colour of your eyes,” Cadence said. “And your fur is absolutely stunning. Like fresh snow.”

“Fine, whatever, I’m pretty by pony standards,” Chrysalis huffed. “Can we move on please?”

Then she was being hugged by her wife, who didn’t need to say anything to get her message across:

You’re pretty in my eyes too.

“Yeah…” Chrysalis returned her hug. “Look, I’ve never had a problem with how I look alright. Though… I doubt any of my remaining family would want to see me now…”

“Then if they can’t accept that you’re you, no matter what you look like, then you feel free to start up a new family with us,” Amy said.

“Yeah… well, I suppose I should still meet my father,” Chrysalis said. “I… I said some nasty things to him before I left.”

“All the more reason to reconcile,” Cadence nodded.

“...” Chrysalis remained silent and munched on cake instead. Amy gave her one last squeeze before returning to her own sugary goodness.

“So how are you enjoying the married life?” Cadence asked the couple.

“Eh, it’s alright I guess,” Chrysalis replied. “Not really all that different from before we got married.”

“That just means we’re doing it right!” Amy chirped. “Sure we have the occasional misunderstanding, but no real arguments yet. And Chryssy here has been a treat to have along~”

“I’m surprised,” Cadence said. “Not because it’s Chrysalis, but you haven’t known each other all that long yes? Same for Ledger and Twilight.”

“Acey has pretty thick skin, and you’d have to work to make me really mad at you,” Amy said with a smile. “You’d know, trust me.”

“No, I meant that I’m a little surprised you got married so quickly,” Cadence clarified. “Especially to see that you have such a powerful relationship as well.”

“Well, I was already planning on marrying Acey,” Amy said. “Once I’d tamed that bird, I wasn’t going to let him go so quickly. Chryssy was a surprise, but a pleasant one as well. And I wouldn’t do it again any other way.”

“Bleh, you’re sweeter than anything on this table,” Chrysalis poked her tongue out and then smirked. “But then, I do so love eating you up~” she purred and nibbled on the nymph’s neck. Amy let out a cute little moan at the stimulation, before blushing and batting a hoof at Chrysalis.

“Chryssy, not at the table~” she mock-whined.

“Hrrmhmhmhmm~” Chrysalis gave her a fanged grin as she moved in, nipping at her neck as a hoof caressed her. The pink nymph moaned again before doing her best to free herself from Chrysalis’ attentions.

“You cannot escape me, my delectable little treat~” Chrysalis chuckled as her horn shone and Amy was filled to the brim with love energy. The nymph moaned and rubbed her stomach, filled to bursting already. She even pushed her plate away and tried to recline in her seat, she was so full.

“Are you full already?” Chrysalis hummed. “Huh? Wait. You… you actually fed on that?”

“So full,” Amy moaned. “Please, no more Chryssy…”

“But… I don’t feel drained,” Chrysalis said, clearly puzzled.

“What do you mean?” Cadence asked.

“If she fed off of my emotions, then I should feel incredibly drained,” Chrysalis explained. “It’s why we need ponies, because we cannot replenish lost energy on our own. It’s like… pouring water from one glass to another. You’d fill one, but the other would be less so.”

“And…” Cadence started.

“And, I don’t feel drained. Not in the slightest. My magic reserves are as strong as ever, nor do I feel any great hunger for emotional energy…”

“Guess being a Flutterpony...comes with some perks,” Amy observed.

It’s what a Flutterpony does, a familiar voice spoke up. Rather than steal the love of others. They can give and give, like a fountain of energy. The love to drive back darkness…

“Yup, that’d explain it,” the pink nymph said with a nod. “We totally should have expected that you’d have cool new powers with your new form.” Then she gasped. “Imagine what would happen if the ‘lings in Equestria found out? You’d be so popular, like on par with the Princesses popular!”

“Imagine if they found out!” Chrysalis suddenly gasped. “I’d be treated like a friggen buffet!”

“You’ve got Acey and me to protect you,” Amy said. “Plus the ‘lings in Las Pegasus are really nice. We could start there.”

“Yeah, no. I’m keeping this under wraps for now,” Chrysalis said. “The two of you, and I might tell Ledger if he’s good. Possibally Sugar since she knows how to keep her mouth shut.” Chrysalis sighed. “Look Amy, not everyling is as nice as you are. Back at the Hives… I would completely expect someling to try and use me for a coup.”

“And then I would break things until I got you back,” Amy said, smiling all the while. Critical shuddered a little at that smile and edged away from the crazy mare.

“Amy, I love you,” Chrysalis smiled. “But sometimes, you scare the ever-loving fuck outta me.”

“I try!” Amy said before she hugged Chrysalis again.

“You try to scare the chitin off of me?” Chrysalis sighed and hugged her back. “I sometimes wonder if going Black would have been the less terrifying option for you…”

“Probably,” Amy hummed. “Cause then I’d just be all mopey all day. Whereas now, I can still recall how to properly kick a unicorn’s flank.”

“Why specifically a unicorn?” Cadence decided to ask as she rolled a cherry between her teeth.

“Pegasus fighting styles all emphasize how to counter a Unicorn’s magic,” Amy said. “I mean, there’s some covering for dealing with another pegasus and earth ponies, but a unicorn using their magic on you is one of the universal fight-enders.”

“Not always,” Cadence replied. “And I suppose it would come down to the skill of the caster as well. Admittedly, I’m not really one for a fight, nor is Twilight.” She smiled and tapped her chin. “Now, if you picked a fight with Aunt Luna…”

“Nope, not that crazy,” Amy said with a shake of her head.

“Not many are,” Cadence grinned. “Well, except for Midnight of course.” She took the cherry into her mouth and rolled it around before swallowing. Then she spit out the stem, tied in a perfect knot.

“Ooooh~ Now I sorta regret that we don’t know you better,” Amy said. “Then we could totally talk Acey into a group session~”

Cadence just giggled and poked out her tongue. “Well, I don’t mean to brag… but I was able to shut Midnight up with a small kiss~”

“Chryssy, do you think the palace would mind if we borrowed her for a night?” Amy asked her wife.

“Probably,” Chrysalis smiled, then she got an idea. “Hey Cadence?” she piped up. “When was the last time you had a sleepover?”

“Hmm, quite a while,” the princess nodded. “When I was still a filly I think, why?”

Chrysalis turned to Amy and her smile widened…

“Sleepover?” the pink nymph asked cutely.

Cadence paused. There was… that was just so…

So. Damned. CUTE!

“Alright,” the princess caved. “Seems we’re having a Royal Sleepover.” She turned and looked at Critical. “Will you stay as well? I fear I’ll need at least one voice of reason.”

“I don’t think I could talk Palette into it,” the nymph said before polishing off her dessert. “So it’s going to be you and them. Good luck~”

That was when she had a pink alicorn in front of her, unleashing the full power of the ‘Princess Pouty Puppy’ expression.

Surprisingly, the nymph didn’t cave. She’d grown up with a Pink and was, more often than not, tasked with looking after her little sister. She’d grown used to that sort of expression. Plus, she had a stallion to think about as well. “Sorry, but I really don’t think I can…”

“Pleeeeease?” Cadence replied. “I’d like all my friends to come. I bet Palette would like to spend more time with Shiny and Aerial.”

“Tell you what,” Critical said before playing what she thought would be a trump card. “You convince him, then I’ll stay.”

Cadence smiled. A rather predatory one. She got up and walked over to the balcony. “Oh boys”~

“Yeah hon?” Shining turned around.

“The girls and I are gonna have a little sleepover. You don’t mind entertaining one another for a night do you?”

“I get the night off?” Shining asked.


“Sweet!” he turned to the other two. “Wanna hit the bar tonight?”

“Sold!” Palette grinned.

“Sounds like fun,” Ace nodded. Cadence turned to Critical and smiled sweetly. The nymph sighed, but smiled. Well, she did agree…

“Victory!” Cadence beamed and clapped her hooves. Three maids appeared and the alicorn turned to them. “We’re having a small get-together tonight. Could you please bring some snacks and drinks to my room?”

“At once your highness,” the mares saluted and dashed off.

“Aww, how come I don’t have servants?” Chrysalis pouted.

“We can work on that when we get back,” Amy giggled.

“Really?” Chrysalis smiled and hummed. “I wonder who I should enthrall first…”

As the guys walked past, Ace paused and leaned down to Critical. “Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I’ll make sure Palette doesn’t go overboard.”

“Thank you,” she replied. “I trust him, but I worry too.”

Ace nodded and patted her on the shoulder as they left.

“Okay!” Cadence clapped and looked at the trio of changelings. “Let’s get started~”

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