• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 60 - The meetup of a lifetime

Grissom Gossamer sat at his desk, wondering if his paperwork bred when he wasn’t looking. In one inbox sat all of his work… everything he dealt with on a day to day basis.

In a second, sat everything Las Pegasus related. It was easily twice as tall and never seemed to end. He’d wonder just what the hell his daughter and her partner were up to, if the work didn’t already tell him.

“I want to move to Ponyville,” he muttered as he poked at the stack with a wingtip. “It’s quieter there.”

“I fear you may be right,” Celestia chuckled as she walked in, causing the idle batpony to flinch. “Ah. sorry for startling you old friend.”

“Nah, don’t worry about it Tia.” Grissom sat up and rolled his head until his neck gave a satisfying crack. “Now, you sure this work won’t be a problem while I’m gone?”

Celestia chuckled as her horn flashed, and all the work vanished. “Hmm, well that’s Luna’s problem now~”

“Really Tia?” he deadpanned and stared at her. “Foisting it off to your own sister?”

“Well, she was bragging about a spell she learned by poking about in someponies dream. Apparently he dreams of paperwork, or has nightmares, I can’t remember.” Celestia chuckled and shook her head. “Shouldn’t you get going? You have a train to catch yes?”

“I do,” he said with a small nod. “It’s a shame that Moon can’t come along, but she’s on tour at the moment. Well, hopefully Las Pegasus is on one of her stops.”

“I believe so,” Celestia replied. She walked with him as far as the front gate, the two chatting about what had happened in Las Pegasus recently, as well as the new development in their relationship.

An hour later, the Thestral had boarded the train as it made it’s way to Las Pegasus. It was mostly empty, save for a few ponies looking like they were heading away for a weekend spent in front of a slot machine.

Also on board was a rather familiar-looking stallion. Grissom chuckled lightly and approached him as he stared out of a window.

“This seat taken?” he asked.

“Go ahead,” the unicorn replied absently. The Thestral took a seat and hummed lightly.

“So what brings a Violet to Las Pegasus.... or is that a little too obvious?” he said with a cheeky smile. The disguised drone started and looked over at Grissom, before sighing and calming down considerably.

“Oh, it’s you,” Wishful Hope said. “Don’t do that. My nerves are frayed enough as it is.”

“Hrm, something the matter?” he asked. “Perhaps I can help?”

“Family matters,” the drone brushed off. “I haven’t been able to relax at home for a while. Every other day, it seems, something comes up. First it’s my son entering into a herd relationship, then it’s helping him plan his wedding, then my step-daughter meets a stallion up in the Crystal Empire. Now my son is asking me to help his friend plan his bachelor party. What in the Hives even is a bachelor party?!” The disguised drone finished his small rant by throwing his hooves up.

“Hehehe, you sound like every other father that worries about their kid growing up,” Grissom chuckled. “As for the party, that’s easy. It’s just a little something to celebrate the single life before getting married. One last night of debauchery.” He gave the drone a wink, “Right up your alley eh?”

“Well when you put it like that,” the unicorn said, a little more cheery already. “I suppose I can plan that for him, and in a city like Las Pegasus, it should be easy. I doubt I’ll be attending, though. It just seems...wrong, to be with my own son on a night like that.”

“It’s just a party,” Grissom said flatly. “The goal is more to celebrate him getting married. Kinda like a birthday, only with strippers.”

“Mmhmm, just giving me more reasons not to attend myself,” Wishful said. “In fact, I don’t think I’ll be telling the Madame about this night, the planning of...Hives, I’m going to do my best to forget it ever happened.”

“You can just say no, you know,” Grissom said. “How many stallion friends does your boy have?”

“I don’t know, but the fact that he felt the need to reach out to me for this does not bode well,” the disguised drone replied. “I can still plan it. And I’m certain I would love to be there for it. But the thought of attending...I can’t. I just can’t bring myself to.”

“It’s alright,” the bat replaced with a smile, patting his shoulder. “I don’t know if I’ll be going either, though my beautiful Moon has said I should.” He gave a weary sigh and nodded. “I’m getting too old to be playing with the younger generation. And I’m sure Ledger has a friend or two that will see to this better than we can.”

“We should still be there, to help in the planning process,” Wishful said after a moment. “To make sure things don’t get too out of hoof.”

“It makes me wonder what the girls are planning for their own party… especially if that mare from that… club, is involved.”

“Hmm?” the changeling of the pair asked, ear flicking in curiosity. “Is there something I should know?”

“Ah, well the females have their own version of this party… and the one in charge of planning it is that Violet nymph that runs the Love Shack club. I believe she is good friends with Midnight and the others.”

“Hmm,” the unicorn hummed. “Maybe I should reach out to her while we’re there, see to it our parties don’t run across one another.”

“That might be awkward,” Grissom agreed. “Heh, two Violet nobles in the same room. Nothing can possibly go wrong there.”

“I’m actually not,” Wishful replied. “Just another commoner that the Madame saved from a terrible fate.”

“Oh?” Grissom was interested now. “I thought your whole family were Noble-level Changelings.”

“The children are, because they are the Madame’s flesh and blood,” the unicorn explained. “But we, her husbands, aren’t.”

“Ah, well my mistake then,” Grissom nodded. “While I have had dealings with your kind for a while now, I’m afraid my understanding of your social structures is still somewhat of a mystery. Perhaps I should visit the Lands someday.”

“It’s more biological than social,” Wishful replied. “There’s an observable difference between a commoner and a Noble back in the Lands. Maybe Ledger’s latest...addition, could do a study on what makes us, us.”

“I fear if you suggested that, she’d run off there as quick as a flash,” Grissom chuckled. “And probably drag their merry little band along with her.”

“Then I’ll just have to suggest it to her discreetly,” the disguised drone said with a wicked smile. “Colt deserves it for not writing more or visiting.”

“Hah! If only Midnight was manipulated as easily… well, without mangoes anyway.” The two shared a laugh as the train sped onwards to Las Pegasus.

Midnight wearily pulled her head out of the toilet. The meds had worn off in the middle of the night and now she was enacting her favourite past-time.

“I’m going to kill yoohohohohoooo!” she cried out at the drone in the next room. “I will carve off your chitin and use it for armmoorrgghhhhh!”

The commotion woke Ledger up and he pried himself from the cuddlepile reluctantly before walking over to the bathroom. His horn lit up as he concentrated on the anti-nausea spell Twilight had taught him, and a wave of soothing magic washed over Midnight’s form.

“Fankyou,” she muttered, her head still in the bowl. “Still going to kill you though…”

“Save the death threats for when you go into labor,” Ledger muttered. “Or at least until after I’ve had coffee.” Nonetheless, he did rub her back with a hoof, hopefully in a comforting way.

She sighed as she lifted her head and sat there for a moment, before moving over to the sink to wash her mouth out. After gargling, she shook her head and nodded.

“Okay, feeling better now,” she said. “Thanks Levvy.”

“Twilight and I should make...an anti-nausea charm for you,” he sleepily observed, yawning in the middle of his sentence. “Would help.”

“Maybe, the spells and the pills aren’t perfect… plus, is it good for the baby?” Midnight sighed again as she lay on the cool tiled floor. “What the hell are we doing Level? Are we really ready for something like this?”

“We won’t know until we try, but I will give it my all if you will,” Ledger said as he lay next to her and nuzzled the thestral. “And if you’re worried about the foal and the effects our meds or the spells might be having on it, don’t be. Your body is really just adjusting to having another life to take care of, and the process isn’t gentle for anypony. You ought to stop throwing up soon.”

“Nnn, it’s supposed to last the first few months… and it hasn’t even been one yet,” Midnight groaned. “Well, whatever. I know you guys are here to help… just feeling mopey is all.” She stretched and washed her mouth out again. “Let’s go back to bed and sung—”

“Rise n’ shine everypony!” Cider called out as a rooster crowed. Wait, they had a rooster?

“...Dammit,” Midnight muttered. Ledger gave her a chaste kiss before re-applying his magic to her form.

“I’ll see about that charm with Twilight today, assuming I see her,” Ledger informed the mare. “I invited her to join me for this thing I planned during my lunch break, after all, and I can’t assume she’d want to miss it.”

“You’ve been spending an awful lot of time with Twilight lately…” Midnight said suspiciously. Then she gasped and pointed at him. “I knew it! You like her better than me!”

“...Seriously?” Ledger deadpanned. “Midnight, you’re the one that picked me up when I was broken and fixed me. I am who I am today because of you. I love you like I love all the mares in my life. Deeply and truly.”

“What the hell are you idiots yelling about?” Scope said as she came in. “I can hear you from the other room…”

“Lover’s spat?” Cider suggested from the doorway.

“Levvy likes Twilight better than us,” Midnight said.

“Two-timer,” Cider nodded.

“Pervert,” Scope agreed and all three mares giggled at the indignant look on his face.

Oh for Hive’s sake, she’s a part of this arrangement!” Ledger said in Changeish. “The only way this could be worse is if she walked in right now to join you all in this...this blatant team-up!

“What’s this?” Twilight had… appeared from out of nowhere. “Am I not invited anymore? I thought we had something special Levvy?”

“...I give up,” Ledger said before falling to the floor. ‘Twilight’ gave a hearty laugh as she turned back into Scope Lens. The nymph continuing to giggle as she petted Ledger’s head.

“Too easy.”

“I’ll get you back,” Ledger muttered, not getting up from the floor for the moment. “Just you wait.”

“Ledger, you couldn’t out prank a foal, let alone me,” Scope said with a small nod. “Now everyone out. I need to pee.”

The drone sighed but picked himself up and shuffled out of the bathroom, muttering something about vengeance as he did. His other mare’s followed him, the sounds of Fritter and Leaves already coming from the kitchen. Seriously? It was barely after dawn! How do ponies ever function at this hour?

“Shall we?” he asked as he held the bedroom door open for the mares. “I dunno about you all, but I need food and caffeine if I’m going to remain up for much longer.”

“Yeah…” Midnight yawned and then draped herself over Ledger’s back.

“Ah swear, y’all can’t handle the day without yer coffee,” Cider sighed and shook her head as she headed off to the kitchen to get them their wake-up juice.

“Correction, we can’t handle the mornings without our coffee,” Ledger said as he walked out of the bedroom and started taking the stairs carefully, thanks to the Midnight on his back. “I can handle the day just fine once it’s past morning and I’ve had a cup.”

“I shudder to think what you’d be like without a cup,” Cider called back to him.

“He’d go full blown Crown Prince of Snarkness,” Scope said as she followed them.

“I have nothing against mornings,” Ledger said as he finally reached the table and slid Midnight from his back into her chair. “I just think they should come later in the day.”

“Well, we have an all-powerful Alicorn princess now,” Midnight noted as she lay her head on the table. “Let’s ask her to put the sun back for a while.”

“Y’know that she’d take it as us asking her to rebel against Celestia or something like that,” Ledger replied as he sat in his usual spot. In his usual form. Apple Fritter walked out and her eyes widened as she shrieked when she saw him, dropping the mugs of coffee she was carrying. Cider ran out, concerned that she’d slipped or something when she saw Ledger sitting there.

“Ah am never gonna get used t’that,” Fritter gasped, placing a hoof over her heart. Ledger blinked and slowly looked at the floor and the spilled coffee before groaning and laying his head on the table as well.

“Dammit, I just cost us our coffee, Middy. M’sorry,” Ledger grumbled as his horn lit up, preparing to put his usual disguise back on already.

“Silly buggy,” Midnight giggled as she looked at Fritter. “You okay there ponygirl?”

“Yeah… just fergot about that is all,” Fritter sighed as she looked at the mess. “Aw, ah broke all yer mugs sis…”

“Don’t worry about it,” Cider smiled. “Go and clean yourself up. I’ll clean this and Momma can make some more coffee.”

“Mhmm,” Fritter nodded and headed for the downstairs bathroom. Once she left, Cider sighed and looked at Ledger.

“Sorry about that, she’s still might skittish after the Canterlot invasion, seeing as how she was right in the middle of it. Apparently spent a few hours inside some weird cocoon…”

“Wouldn’t know about that, I’m a migrant, not an invader,” Ledger said as he stuck his tongue out. “So, glamour or no? I can go either way, just say the word.”

“If it ain’t too much trouble,” Cider nodded. “Ah reckon you should disguise yerself fer now.” She looked down and chuckled. “Ah ain’t got many mugs left.”

“Put it on my list,” Ledger said as his usual disguise shimmered into place. “I’ll pick them up after work.”

“Oh, we can finally replace those cute ‘His and Hers’ mugs we had before our old place blew up,” Midnight said. “Well, now it’ll be ‘His and Hers and Hers and Hers and Hers’!”

“Make it simple,” Ledger commented. “Just make them all ‘Hers’. I’m yours, after all.”

“These mares,” Scope chuckled. “Queens of the world… and Level Ledger… King of Whatever’s-Left-Over.”

“Which doesn’t even include me,” the now-disguised drone pointed out.

“You win some, you lose some,” Scope pointed out as Cider returned with fresh cups of coffee, two of which were in large jars. Well, Ledger and Scope could have those since they had magic to lift them. Ledger used his magic to quickly serve the coffee to the others before taking one jar for himself, having already come to the conclusion that those with magic should lift the jars. He moaned into the jar as he drank the coffee noisily, as he loved how Cider made her coffee.

“Apparently Levvy really likes drinking from your honeypot!” Midnight called out to the Earth mare in the kitchen, and the sound of a facehoof soon followed. Funnily enough, the jar Level had really was labelled ‘honey’. He snorted and kept drinking his morning brew down. If this morning was going to start like this, he was probably going to need it.

“I say, getting started so early in the morning,” Apple Leaves giggled as she walked out with fresh plates of eggs, haybacon and pancakes. Before Midnight could get started on her own coffee though, there was a knock at the door and being the one closest to it, she groaned and got up. Ledger lowered his jar and lit his horn up as he began assisting in the serving as best as he could.

He soon heard the door slam and some miffed-sounding muffled shouting as Midnight returned to the table to eat.

“Who was it?” Scope asked, tilting her head.

“A pain in my ass,” Midnight replied as she slowly chewed her pancake. Ledger blinked as his brain slowly booted and turned to Midnight.

“Him again?” the stallion eventually asked.

“Him and yours,” Midnight answered as she took a long gulp from her mug. Ledger gulped as he started to eat his breakfast with more haste than before, not wanting to be caught by his father this early in the day.

Unfortunately, Cider had moved to let them in, apologising profusely as she glared at the bat for being so rude.

“It’s alright, that’s a fairly standard reaction for her. At least these days, I can actually guess who will open the door.”

“Ohh, haven’t heard that one in a while,” Midnight snarked. “So I fucked anything with a pulse, big whoop!”

“Midnight!!” Cider chided her. “What has gotten into you this morning?”

“I dunno,” the bat shrugged, drinking more of her coffee.

“Hormones, pregnant remember?” Scope said helpfully. “I kinda like this Midnight. She’s sassy!”

That was about when a violet unicorn appeared next to Ledger and removed his disguise, revealing himself to be Ledger’s dad, before hugging the brown unicorn and giving him a noogie with one hoof.

“I don’t believe I properly congratulated you on getting a Princess,” the violet drone said. “This’ll have to do for now.”

“Dad,” Ledger said with eyes half-lidded thanks to irritation. “Please stop.”

Apple Fritter emerged from the bathroom, to not only see a scary-looking batpony stallion, but another Changeling as well!? She shrieked again and ducked behind the sofa, as Cider sighed and shook her head.

“Seriously Fritter?”

“Was it something I said?” Wishful said as he slowly let go of his son and looked at the sofa that Fritter had taken cover behind.

“She’s nervous around Changeling’s,” Cider replied. “But she shouldn’t be because she knows better right!”

Apple Fritter re-emerged and sighed. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

“Perfectly understandable!” the drone chirped as he sat as close to her as he dared, which was about when she started drawing back involuntarily. “I don’t bite, dear. Unless you ask me to~”

Apple Fritter blushed and waved a hoof, but Midnight beat her to it.

“Sorry Purple Pops, she’s strictly a mare’s mare.”

“Pity I can’t gender-switch, then,” Wishful replied. “Not that I would anyways, what with my loyalty to the Madame. But at least then maybe you’d stop being so skittish around me.”

“It’s the fact you're a buggy, not a stallion,” Midnight pointed out again. “She was there during the invasion like me, but spent most of it locked away in a cocoon…” She closed her eyes in thought for a moment. “Why do Changeling’s put ponies in cocoons?”

“Nutrient bath,” the drone replied instantly. “Helps keep the pony fed if they’re going to be fed off of for a long period of time. It’s actually quite good for the pony...unless you keep them in there too long. Then the nutrients are all used up…” He seemed to realize who he was talking to and coughed before looking away. “Not that I’d know that, of course.”

“O-Of course,” Midnight shuddered, now regretting asking that. Oh goody, and here come the memories of that Black… She leaned over and hugged Level until she felt better. He returned the gesture and kissed the top of her head, doing his best to comfort his mare.

Wishful Hope just sat there, looking back at Apple Fritter and waiting for her to make the next move. He’d rather get along with everypony in the house than make a sudden movement that would earn him a punch.

Apple Leaves returned with two more cups of coffee and sat next to her daughter, giving her a light knock on the head.

“Quit bein’ rude to our guests,” she chided her. Fritter pouted and nodded her head, before looking at Wishful.

“Sorry, ah think ah’m good now.”

Wishful nodded, but didn’t make any other movements. He’d wait for her word as to what she wanted him to do next. Whether that was transform back or hold still so she could familiarize herself with a changeling properly, he would oblige. He was very obliging~

“So,” Midnight said, wanting to lighten to mood. Sorry, Ledger, you would be sacrificed for the greater good. “Ledger told us about the times he walked in on you and the Madame…”

“Mmhmm,” the drone nodded. “At least three times the colt walked in on me instructing one of the others what to do or reassuring them this time was different. Eventually we just moved his room to the other side of the home, and that put a stop to it.”

“I was young, I heard weird sound when I got up for a glass of water, what did you expect me to do?” Ledger retorted between bites of his breakfast. “Not investigate?”

“By all means, no, your interruptions helped break up some truly awkward moments,” the violet drone replied. “I started seeing it as a good-luck charm of sorts.”

“Did not need to know that,” Ledger muttered before resuming his breakfast.

“Well now we know who to blame for all this,” Scope giggled as she looked at her drone. Still, what had he meant by ‘reassuring’ them? Had some of them been like Ledger?

“Mmhmm,” the violet changeling replied. “I’m frequently blamed for starting the trend that eventually resulted in the Trio and Joyful.”

“Ohh, and Critical is forgotten yet again… being the middle child sucks,” Scope said as she swallowed a large portion of pancake.

“No, she’s just not one I’m blamed for,” the drone chuckled. “She’s a great success at what she does. The others, though...try living with the Trio or Joyful day in, day out. Critical is a success in the ways Ledger isn’t.”

“Hey!” Ledger protested.

“Son, I saw your last attempt at creative writing,” the drone deadpanned. “You could put an audience hopped up on coffee to sleep within five minutes.”

“That was years ago!” the stallion defended himself.

“And have you improved any since then?” his father riposted. When Ledger just grumbled and went back to his breakfast, the drone nodded. “I rest my case.”

“Agreed, I’ve read a little of Ledger’s book,” Scope nodded. “Seriously, it was like a dictionary had a baby with one of Twilight’s thesis’ and then a few minutes in, it starts getting complicated…”

“Buck you too,” Ledger grumbled. “If any of you understood magical theory, that book would be a lot more interesting. Or if you just read the journal parts of it.”

“Really, I was talking about the contents page,” Scope smiled. Ledger grumbled again, louder this time, which caused his father to laugh at the back-and-forth.

“Hah, seems like you found yourself a good little nymph Ledger. She keeps you on your hooves eh?”

“Or his back, we tend to use a variety of positions,” Scope said in a rather husky tone as she looked at Ledger with a half-lidded, sultry gaze. The stallion coughed a little around his latest bit of food before gulping it down and glaring at her.

“Really? In front of everypony?” He deadpanned.

“Oh? Can’t handle a little...attention?” Scope giggled. Ledger grumbled again before polishing off his breakfast and getting up with a snort.

“I can’t handle you mares and my dad in the same room,” he said, before moving to put his dishes in the kitchen.

“He gets so worked up, I blame the coffee,” Scope nodded as Midnight rolled her eyes and looked at Wishful.

“They really do love each other… she just loves to stir him up even more.”

“Ah well, if I know my colt, he has ways of unwinding that also serve to help him get back at her,” the violet drone commented. Ledger came out of the kitchen and kissed Midnight, then Cider, on the cheeks, before turning to Scope...and turning away.

“Oh, so that’s how we’re playing this?” she said. “Fine. Like I care! I still have three mares to get love off of!”

“You could still get a kiss,” Ledger said as he still didn’t look at her. “You’d just have to say a simple word.”

“If you’re immature enough to play this in the first place, then I’m not giving you the satisfaction of winning,” Scope replied with a small huff. “Twilight’s your obedient little pet remember? Not me.”

“Hives forbid you actually ask for a kiss,” Ledger snarked at her. “The sky might start falling.”

“Hives forbid you actually say that in the first place, instead trying to be all enigmatic and shit!” Scope retorted with an equal amount of bite.

“Are they… always like this?” Wishful asked.

“No, but if they know what’s good for them, they’ll kiss and make up,” Midnight said with a dangerous gleam in her voice. Scope caught that tone and gulped.

“Uh, yeah, we’re just playing. Sorry Lev.”

“S’okay, I’m sorry as well. I take it too far sometimes, and I’d prefer it if you called me out on it than not,” Ledger said as he looked at the disguised nymph.

“Better,” Midnight nodded and Grissom gave a hearty laugh.

“Hah, now I see who wears the metaphorical pants in this relationship.”

You try denying Midnight anything,” Ledger said to his new target, Grissom. “Let me know how that works out for you.”

“Nope, long since learned that lesson,” Grissom replied. “I was wondering how long it’d take you to fall in line with her.”

“Wow… way to make me sound like like a total bit—”

Ledger cut Midnight off by kissing her on the mouth. “Language,” he chided her once the kiss broke.

“Fine. Sorry.” Midnight pouted and folded her arms.

“Yeah, that’s more my thing,” Scope agreed. The nymph turned to Wishful and Grissom, tilting her head slightly. “So what are the two of you doing here?”

“Ledger sent out an SOS for his bachelor party,” Wishful replied. “Apparently I’m to meet up with a ‘Fredrick’ to help him plan the thing.”

Almost everyone, sans Fritter and Apple Leaves, paused and looked at him. Midnight just sat there slack-jawed as Cider blinked, wondering if she’d heard that right.

Scope Lens… She had a few choice words about that.

“Well there goes the fucking city. Sorry Ledger, I’m out. All the love in the world isn’t worth what’s about to happen.”

You’re overreacting, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Ledger replied. “It’s not like either one of them could be any worse than the other.

“Oh you poor deluded sap,” Scope shook her head and decided to brush up on her shield spells. Well, Fredrick was considerably tamer these days, and Wishful seemed to have enough Loyalty to feed the entirety of the Blue Hive. It was actually pretty tasty~

“What?” the violet drone asked as he looked from mare to mare. “Do I have something on my face?”

“Just… nah, you’ll see soon enough,” Midnight nodded and smiled. This was going to be both terrible and beautiful, like a train wreck. Wishful shrugged before looking at Apple Fritter. He’d still not disguised himself, wondering just how much curiosity lay buried underneath all that fear.

She just stared back at him, blinking on occasion.

“Um, yeah?” she asked, thinking he wanted something.

“Just wondering what you want me to do,” the violet drone said. Meanwhile, Ledger gave Scope a soft peck on her cheek before walking out the door to work. “I mean, would you rather I stay like this so you can get used to my normal self? Or would you rather I reassume my disguise? It’s up to you, you’re the one that seems to be...uneasy around me.”

“Oh, um… It’s okay, I guess,” Fritter said with a forced giggle. “I have to get used to you guys eventually right?”

“Unless you intend to break Ledger and Scope there from the herd and just have your sister and Midnight marry each other, yes,” Wishful replied with a nod.

“What!? Ah’d never do such a thing!” Apple Fritter vehemently denied. “Mah little sis is free to love whoever she wants!”

Midnight moved next to the mare and whispered something into her ear. Fritter blushed as she gasped and put a hoof to her lips. “She’s...a what now?”

“Yup, so it’s fine,” Midnight said. “They aren’t like the Changelings back then. Though somebuggy did come awfully close to doing exactly that…”

“Yeah, but we knocked some sense into him in the end,” Scope said, finishing her breakfast. “He has an awfully hard head.”

Wishful blinked and looked between Midnight and Scope, tilting his head in confusion. “I’m...missing something.”

“Long story,” Midnight said with a sigh. “The short being that I was kidnapped by a possessive suitor, and Ledger came to rescue me. But he used dark magic, almost became a Black… I think he actually did go Black for a moment or three. But he’s better now.”

Wishful seemed to blanch at the very idea, gulping thickly and looking at the door Ledger had just recently gone out of. “Ever since the Black Hive was...destroyed, we’ve been getting isolated cases of ‘lings going Black back in the lands...we’re hoping that the records we’re digging up, of them being...not what they used to be, are accurate. Maybe with time and proper socialization, it can not be a stigma to be a Black. But to hear that my son went that way…”

“Yeah, that was how Twilight got involved in the first place,” Midnight nodded. “She fixed him...when I couldn’t…” It had been her fault, she was the reason he and everypony else had been put at risk in the first place.

“It could have been any of us, and he’d have done the same,” Cider said, moving to hug her tightly. “You should have seen him, such determination to bring you back to us.”

“‘Tis better to turn to the dark arts out of love than greed,” Wishful replied. “Would have been even better if he’d never fallen, but at least he did it for you.”

“And he shouldn’t have,” Midnight replied. “I’m grateful he saved me, I really, truly am. But… he almost…”

Grissom cleared his throat. “The fact remains that you are okay, he is just fine and you have a wedding and a beautiful foal to look forward to. Now, let’s be done of this downtalk and look towards the brighter things in life eh?”

“Agreed,” Wishful said before casting another gaze at Fritter and then looking away with a chuckle. “I meant it when I said I don’t bite, miss. If you’re curious, I don’t mind.”

“N-Nah, I’m good,” Fritter chuckled. Though, she had more than a few questions for Sugar Darling.

“Well in that case,” the drone said before looking at Scope. “This city is still ‘ling friendly, yes? I could walk out as is and only receive a curious gaze or two?”

“Maybe?” Midnight shrugged. “The invasion a little while back didn’t help that.”

“Ah well, I’ll take precautions then.” With a violet shimmer across his form, the drone was in his usual unicorn disguise. Then he stood up and nodded at the mares and stallion in the room.

“It was a pleasure meeting you all again, and you for the first time. By the way, I don’t believe I ever introduced myself.” Here the freshly disguised drone extended a hoof to Apple Fritter and Apple Leaves. “Wishful Hope, Ledger’s father.”

“Apple Leaves, Cider’s mother,” the mare introduced herself with a polite curtsy. And this is Apple Fritter, my younger daughter.”

“Charmed,” Wishful said as he returned the gesture with a bowing of his head. “Maybe I’ll see you all again during my trip.”

“That would be lovely,” Leaves nodded as Grissom got up as well. He gave Midnight a brief hug and the two left for their primary reason for being here.

Introducing a Violet, adult drone, to what used to be one of the more lecherous Griffons in Equestria.

All to throw Ledger a bachelor party.

This promised to be...interesting.

Fredrick was expecting another slow day. Most ponies were still skittish over the fact that there were Changelings still around. It was annoying, they weren’t hurting anypony, but this quiet time was hurting his business. He had bills to pay dammit!

He even had to tone down on how many serving colts he could hire at one time. So whenever his doorbell chimed, he greeted them with a smile.

Even if it was two stallions… dang.

“Welcome to my humble establishment,” Fredrick said, mentally tacking on and getting more humble all the time. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, aside from being utterly famished,” the Thestral stallion chuckled. “We’re here to see someone named ‘Fredrick’.”

“That would be me, sir,” the griffon said with a nod. “If you’re here about a significant other I slept with, I don’t do that anymore.”

“I like him,” the unicorn said after Fredrick issued his usual disclaimer. “I can already tell, he’s going to be fun.”

“And now I see why the others were concerned,” Grissom said as he walked to a table and took a seat. “We’re here about a particular party though.”

“Oh?” Fredrick inquired as he followed the two stallions to the table. “What sort of party would that be?”

“The bachelor party you’re throwing for my colt,” the unicorn said with a chuckle. The Griffon paused and frowned.

“Ah, that one… then I take it… you are my friends relation?”

“I’d better be, otherwise his mother has some explaining to do,” the stallion chuckled again. Grissom shared his laugh and nodded.

“Fret not, you’re not your son.”

“I certainly hope not, otherwise that puts the past twenty-odd years in a much different light,” the unicorn replied with a shudder.

“That’s an interesting way of looking at it,” Grissom replied.

“Indeed,” Fredrick nodded. “Now, do you want to talk first, or perhaps place an order?”

“Depends,” the violet stallion said, not even looking at the menu. “What does the chef recommend for brunch?”

“Hmm, well I don’t want to be biased, but everything on my menu is pretty good. But, you truly haven’t lived until you’ve tried my bread and my breakfast menu is the best. After all, gotta give my mares something to remember… and come back again for~”

“We’ll finish with the bread, then,” the unicorn decided. “But start us off with a fine breakfast, please. Something you would give a repeat visitor. Then we can plan this party for my colt.”

“Will do,” Fredrick nodded and vanished into the kitchen as he took a sigh of relief. Really, now Ledger and Midnight’s fathers were in on this? Honestly, didn’t Ledger have any friends he wasn’t also bedding?

“Seems like a nice enough fellow,” Grissom nodded to Wishful.

“Mmhmm. I just wonder who he’s seeing that can give all that lust of his a proper outlet,” the disguised drone replied with a small nod. “He did say he didn’t sleep around anymore.”

“So he’s tamed then?” Grissom laughed. “Oh, we shouldn’t tease him. We don’t even know him after all.”

“We’re totally going to, though, right?” the violet unicorn asked with a smile.

“Immensely so,” Grissom chuckled. “If he’s friends with your boy, enough to be entrusted with the position of best stallion, then I’m sure he could take some friendly ribbing.”

“Hopefully, he thinks so as well,” the unicorn agreed.

Fredrick soon returned, with two plates of haybacon, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and prench toast. Wishful salivated at the sight before closing his mouth, trying not to make a mess of the table before he’d even eaten.

“I take it you approve?” the Griffon chuckled as he set the plates down. He never got tired of seeing that expression. Wishful nodded and sniffed deeply, before sighing at the smell of a well-cooked meal. Without further ado, he began tearing into it with gusto.

Grissom was in a similar position. Without his wife around, he often chose to work over eating, so this was the first meal he’d had in a while. It was a glorified feeding frenzy as Fredrick just stood back and sat on his haunches, folding his arms in amusement.

Eventually, and sooner rather than later, Wishful ran out of food to eat. This caused him to sit back and groan appreciatively as he felt the weight of all that delicious food settle.

Fredrick had wandered off, leaving a pot of coffee on the table to help wash it down. He still had bread to make. The disguised drone poured himself a cup of coffee and sipped at it, humming in appreciation, before pouring Grissom a similar cup. The thestral thanked him and sipped at the life giving elixir.

The Griffon returned once more as he sat down at the table, placing a platter of bread and dipping oils.

“And the masterpiece of my establishment. Do enjoy,” he said with a flourish and a smile.

Wishful used his magic to tear off a small piece, just a small one, as he then dipped the bread in the provided oil and bit into it.

It was like a bomb had gone off in his brain, hitting all his pleasure centers at once.

“Uh, you alright there Wish?” Grissom asked, in mid-sip of his coffee. Fredrick chuckled as he nodded.

“He has merely reached enlightenment.”

Wishful slowly swallowed the piece of bread he’d bitten off and looked at the rest of the loaf, wondering what it would take to get some for later. “I have never been more attracted to a member of the male gender than I am right now,” he said aloud.

“Surely it cannot be that good?” Grissom said as he tried the bread. While it was no mango, it certainly was delicious. “Hmm, I believe I stand corrected.”

“I want...no, need more,” the disguised drone said as he grabbed ahold of another piece. “This stuff is too tasty to survive.”

“Hey! Don’t be such a glutton!” Grissom retorted. He made to grab the piece the drone was trying to steal from his plate. Wishful stuck his tongue out and grabbed one from the main plate instead. This thestral would not stop him from enjoying this delicious bread~

Fredrick laughed as he snagged a piece for himself. “It’s quite tasty, no?”

“Understatement of the century,” Wishful retorted as he dipped his new slice in the oil before biting into it and moaning at the medley of tastes.

“Well, normally I’m one for appeasing the mares, but I seem to have skill that transcends gender,” Fredrick noted. He idly wondered what Narrow would have thought of that statement.

“I think my friend likes you,” Grissom noted.

“Sorry, I don’t do married mares,” Fredrick countered.

“Similar,” Wishful replied.

“So,” Fredrick decided to get to the point. “You gents said you wished to assist in the party planning?” Wishful nodded as he cleared his mouth before replying.

“This party is, as I’m told, one last night for my boy to enjoy himself,” the disguised drone hummed. “So I have some small interest in seeing him happy.”

“And being my future son-in-law, I do as well,” Grissom said as the door to the restaurant flew open and a blue-maned, orange Pegasus raced in.

“Dudes, tell me I’m not too late!” he asked in a breathless tone as his chest heaved. “Whew… I totally thought the train would never get here!”

Wishful raised an eyebrow at the new arrival. “And you are, sir?”

“Oh, right.” The stallion nodded and smoothed his mane. “My name’s Flash Sentry, and you could say I’m a buddy of Levvy.”

“I see,” the stallion nodded. “I’m his father, and it is nice to hear that he has some male friends besides Fredrick here.”

“I don’t think Ledger was much for friends when he was working under Toll,” the griffon supplied. “Too busy working or reading some archaic tome or another from the library.”

“What, naw. I met him when he came to the Crystal Empire,” Flash explained as he sat down. “It was cool. We went drinking, bared our hearts. Oh, and Shining Armor was there too!”

“Like I said, it is nice to hear he has some male friends,” the disguised drone reiterated before attempting to snag another piece of bread.

“Well, now that the whole gang seems to be here… unless we’re expecting somepony else?” Grissom looked at the Griffon, who gave a slight shrug.

“Beats me, I didn’t even know Mr. Sentry here was coming,” he wondered if he should get another serving of bread, but it was still in the oven baking. Oh well.

“A bachelor party. Planned by the four of us, in the middle of Las Pegasus,” Wishful said after dipping his latest piece in the oil and herbs. “Why do I get the feeling, that this will be a night Ledger will wish he could remember?”

“I’ll bring a camera,” Flash nodded. “So does anypony have a plan yet…?” A round of silence told him everything. “...Dudes…” He sighed and nodded. “Okay, this is Las-freaking-Pegasus. How hard can this be?”

“As long as you don’t plan anything for ‘The Love Shack,’” Fredrick supplied the only stipulation. “Ledger emphatically told me not to plan anything for there.”

“Nah,” Flash shook his head. “Okay, so I’m thinking food first. Hard to party on an empty stomach. So I’m thinking of this place…. uh, griffon run, serves a mean salad...what was it called again…?”

“The Chop Shop,” Fredrick filled in. “They have a menu for everybody, and they are rather proud of their salads that can draw in anypony.”

“That’s the place!” Flash nodded. “After that, we could just hit up whatever place takes our fancy. We have a whole city to play with. Why limit ourselves to just one!”

“Hmm,” the violet unicorn hummed. “That’d make coordinating with the mares hard...but I can get their itinerary and we can try to avoid where they’ll be when they’ll be there.”

“So we’re getting somewhere. Excellent,” Grissom hummed, polishing off the last of the bread while Wishful had been talking. The unicorn pouted, and that was when the oven dinged and Fredrick turned to answer it.

“One moment,” the griffon said before disappearing to take care of the second loaf.

“Hmm, we should probably set a spending limit,” the disguised changeling said after considering the idea of drunk stallions out on this town. “Otherwise, we invite chaos the next morning, when Ledger’s gambled away far too many bits for his own good.”

“Yes, he may not appreciate that. Perhaps, avoid the casinos?” Grissom positited.

Then some more customers arrived, this time it was a few cute mares. They took a look at the table of stallions and started whispering amongst themselves. Flash turned his head to look at them.

“Dudes, total babes at three o’clock!”

“Married,” Wishful said as he smiled a little, seeing where this might end up.

“Same here,” Grissom nodded.

“Urgh, buzzkill…” Flash groaned. Hopefully Fredrick would come back soon. Flash was waaay too nervous to do it on his own. He needed a wingpony!

“But don’t let me stop you, dear colt,” the unicorn chuckled, having felt that spike of lust when the stallion caught sight of the mares. “Mares love a stallion with confidence, after all.”

“Ahheheheh, yeah… don’t have any of that,” he said nervously. Thankfully, that was when Fredrick returned with a second loaf of the delicious, delicious bread, and took notice of his new guests as well.

“Ah, for the days when I could chase those tails,” he mused thoughtfully.

“No bro, say it ain’t so,” Flash groaned and thunked his head onto the table.

“Hmm,” the griffon said as he looked from the pegasus to the mares and smiled deviously. “Flash, how good are you at memorization and serving?”

“I’m a Royal Guard from the Empire,” he muttered. “So pretty good I reckon. Why?”

“Would you like a chance to flex and show off for some pretty mares?” the griffon asked as his smile only grew. Grissom wondered what was going through that birdy brain while Flash just nodded.

“One of the more important questions would be if you’re single or not, but I think you answered that one easily by your earlier demeanor when hearing I was taken,” the griffon observed. “Ready to be introduced as Flash Sentry, my charming assistant?”

He was taken, but he was a bro as well. Oh, Flash now loved this city. “Sure thing!” he nodded, getting to his hooves. As they made their way towards the mares, Grissom chuckled and leaned across to Wishful.

“Ten bits says he crashes.”

“I’ll take that bet,” the disguised drone replied with a smile, fully confident the stallion’s lust would win out over his nerves.

Flash gulped as he followed Fredrick closer and closer to the pretty mares. “I hope you know what you’re doing dude.” he whispered.

Just follow my lead,” the griffon replied. He cleared his throat as the pair neared the table to gain the attention of the mares. “Mares, I am Fredrick, the head chef and owner of this establishment,” he greeted them with a bow.

Flash paused for a moment before realising that was his cue. “Ah, I-I’m Flash Sentry, I’m… his assistant.” Ah crap, he was getting nervous again…

“Indeed, this charming stallion shall be your waiter for today,” the griffon said with a wink. “Do try to go easy on him, mares. It’s his first day working for me.” With that, the griffon went to the kitchen, to let Flash try his hoof at being a waiter.

The mares giggled and nodded, flashing some smiles at young Sentry, who just blushed and nodded. “S-So, what can I get you?” he stammered.

“We’re in the mood for a late breakfast, and we heard yours are simply divine,” one of the mares said. “I’ll have a cheese and mushroom omelette, with orange juice.”

“Prench toast with hash browns and milk for me,” a second said.

“Some pancakes and hay bacon, with coffee for myself,” the third said. All three folded up their menus and presented them to Flash, seeing as he was the waiter for the time being. He took the menu with a shaky wing and nodded.

“Will… that be all?” he asked them.

“For now,” one said, smiling at him. And when he wasn’t looking, looking him over. They’d also heard about Fredrick’s wait-staff being cute, and this stallion was living up to that rumor~

“T-Thank you for your order,” he nodded and headed for the kitchen, determined not to hurry and look like a fool. His pace was still a little brisk though, and his flicking tail gave the mares quite a good show~

“So?” Fredrick asked as he stood in front of his refrigerator. “What do the mares wish to drink?”

“Uh…” Oh crap… wait, calm down. Okay, breathe… in...out. There. “Orange juice, milk and coffee.”

The griffon nodded and grabbed two pitchers from his refrigerator before grabbing two glasses from a nearby cabinet. Setting the glasses on a nearby tray, he filled them and then grabbed a coffee mug from a different one and poured out the life-giving brew from a nearby pot.

“Right. What did they want to eat?”

“The one with the juice wanted a… cheese and mushroom omelette. The one that wanted milk wants Prench toast and hash browns. And the last wants haybacon and pancakes.”

“I’ll get started on those,” Fredrick said as he pushed the tray of drinks to Flash. “For now, don’t let them go thirsty, and tell them ten minutes or so.”

Flash nodded and balanced the tray on an outstretched wing. He took another breath and then exited the kitchen, he stumbled slightly, but his flight training kicked in and he righted himself, making it look like he’d come back with quite the flourish. He placed the drinks on the table and gave a small bow of his head, mostly so they couldn’t see his blush.

“Y-Your drinks,” he said. “Your meals will be, about ten minutes. Sorry for the wait.”

“Perfectly reasonable,” one said, quite blatantly looking at his wings and the flight muscles that had to be quite strong to carry a tray on just one of them.

“It’s better than some of the other places we’ve been to,” the second agreed as she sipped at her coffee. Did the colt even know how much he was showing off? No...he seemed far too...skittish and nervous to be doing it on purpose.

“We’ll let you know if we need anything, even if it’s just to see you again,” the third finished. Flash blushed even more at that last comment and ran a hoof through his mane nervously.

“Of course, thank you,” he said and returned to the kitchen, closing the door behind him and taking a few breaths. “Ahhhh, I’m looking like a total tool out there….”

“You’re doing just fine,” Fredrick said as he carefully flipped the omelette. “You’re polite, respectful, and that flourish showed off your control quite nicely. Plus, you’re not seeing what I’m seeing, which is three mares checking you out.”

“They’re checking me out?” he asked in disbelief as he peeked through the door, quickly blushing and pulling back when one of them spotted him and waved. “I dunno dude. You sure they’re not just being polite?”

“Their eyes were glued to your flank when you turned around,” the griffon replied as he check on the Prench toast.

“Seriously?” Flash said again, with that incredulous tone. “But, won’t they be mad when they find out I’m not really a waiter?”

“I’m certainly going to be paying you an hourly wage for your efforts,” the griffon replied. “Maybe say you were trying to make some extra bits. This is Las Pegasus, after all. Plus, your actual job will have them intrigued, I’m sure. As long as you’re honest with them before the end of breakfast.”

Flash nodded. “I guess…” Out of the Pegasus, the Unicorn or the Earth Pony, he couldn’t decide which one was the cutest. They were all pretty… He heard them call and gulped. Well, back into the fray he supposed.

He returned to the table, only a little more confident after his talk with Fredrick. “Yes ladies?” he asked. Oh hey! He didn’t stammer that time. Small victory!

“I’m out of coffee,” the unicorn mare said as she presented her empty cup. “I don’t suppose a nice stallion like you would mind getting me another cup? Perhaps with a little cream this time. I have all the sugar I need already, with you back in view.” Okay, now they were hitting on him.

“S-Sure,” Flash replied, his blush returning with a vengeance. He moved to take the mug, but his shaky wing caused it to slip, falling towards the floor. He leant forward as his other wing shot out and snared the mug before it could break. Flash breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he wasn’t adding property damage to this.

Mind you, doing so had all but presented himself to the three mares, causing Wishful and Grissom to stifle some giggles.

“Quick reflexes,” the Pegasus of the trio noticed.

“Wonder if that’s all he’s quick at?” the Earth pony giggled.

“Mares!” the unicorn chided them. “If anything, I’d hope he’d be a quick learner.” She gave him a half-lidded gaze over a sultry smile. “Do hurry back with my drink, dear. There’s so much I want to...discuss with you.”

Flash gulped and nodded, quickly returning to the kitchen and closing the door behind him. “Oh man….” he sighed as he placed the mug on the counter.

“Good save,” Fredrick said as he was plating the breakfasts. “But you need to remember: these mares aren’t some fiendish creature out to destroy Equestria. They’re flesh-and-blood ponies like you. They’re not going to do much worse to you than say no...but I don’t think that unicorn is going to do that at this juncture.”

“Oh man… those eyes,” he gave a small shudder. Think unsexy thoughts! Nope, no dice, that mare was too damned hot. “Oh, uh, she wants a refill, also, what do I say!?”

“‘Here’s your coffee, hope it’s as hot as you are,’” the griffon quipped as he poured the drink. “She want anything in it?”

“C-Cream,” he squeaked. Oh sweet Cadence, could he actually say something like that? Fredrick nodded and put a little cream in the coffee, turning it light brown before putting it on a tray to give to the colt, so he wouldn’t be touching it directly. It was still hot, after all.

“Go get ‘er, tiger. Then get back in here cause their food is nearly done.” Fredrick all but pushed him out the door.

He gave a yelp, but kept the tray still as he walked closer to the table. Okay, he could do this, no sweat right?

Oh gods he was gonna die…

He placed the mug on the counter, gently turning the tray until the mug faced the Unicorn mare. “H-Here’s your coffee,” he said. “I hope it’s as hot as you are.”

“See?” the unicorn said to her fellow mares, who sighed and paid her five bits each. “I told you he was a fast learner. He’s already flirting back!”

“Let’s see how long he keeps it up before his nerves reassert themselves,” the pegasus shot back. “I give it a minute, tops.”

“Thirty seconds,” the Earth Pony added on.

“I’ll take those odds,” the unicorn said before looking back at Flash. “I hope our food is as delicious as the view has been, dear~”

“His cooking is pretty good,” Flash said, giving the Pegasus and Earth pony a look. “Though, I wonder if it’ll be even half as tasty as you.”

“Told you so~” the unicorn grinned as her fellow mares actually blushed and looked away. Flash just gave a small chuckle and took his leave, heading back into the kitchen, before all but falling to the floor.

“Okay! I have NO IDEA where in the hay that came from!”

“Probably your desire to get laid,” the griffon said as he checked the tray to make sure there wasn’t anything missing. “I’ve seen other colts pull off ballsier moves than that.”

“I’ve never done anything like that,” Flash sighed as he stood back up. “But dammit, I wasn’t gonna let my pride as a guard get shot down like that!”

“Excellent attitude,” Fredrick said as he presented Flash with the breakfasts. “Just keep an eye out for obvious traps, and remember, if a line is cheesy, but works, then you can worry about the cheesy factor later.”

“Right, okay!” he took the trays and exited the kitchen once more. Back to the field of battle!

Wait! Now there’s an idea. Treat this like a battle! One he wanted to win. He walked over to the table, a more confident gait in his step.

“And breakfast is served ladies,” he said, placing the plates on the table. The mares let out a soft coo at the food before the unicorn of the trio turned her eyes back on him.

“You mean, I finally get to have something beyond feasting on your form?” she teased him. Flash gave her a smile and nodded.

“Well we can’t have you wasting away from hunger, you’re all far too pretty for that. And I don’t even have your names yet~”

“Swift Wing,” the pegasus volunteered around a mouthful of her Prench toast.”

“Rock Steady,” the Earth pony said after a bite of her omelette.

“And I’m Silk Velvet,” the unicorn purred. “And you are? Well, aside from a fine piece of stallion~”

“Flash Sentry,” the stallion nodded. “While I’m a waiter today, my normal job is a member of the Imperial Guard.”

“A member of the Guard,” the pegasus said, suitably impressed.

“Imperial...the Crystal Empire?” the Earth Pony prodded. “What brings a guard from so far north down to Las Pegasus?”

“Well, aside from a vacation, I’m helping a buddy of mine out with his upcoming wedding,” Flash Sentry explained.

“So why did a nice stallion like you need help in meeting little old us?” Silk asked, batting her eyelashes. “Surely we’re not so intimidating that you would need to pretend to be a waiter to meet us.”

Aw crap, she totally saw right through him… “W-Well, I guess… I haven’t had much luck in the past. I didn’t mean to deceive you all, but Fredrick said he’d help me out…” he bowed his head in apology. “I’m sorry.”

There was silence for a moment...before a hoof stuck itself under his chin and forced him to look up into Silk’s lusty gaze again. “Las Pegasus is the city of luck, dear,” she purred to him. “What do you say to us getting yours to change after breakfast?”

Sentry’s blush fought back with full force. He just gave a small squeak and nodded slowly. Silk smiled wider as she returned to her food. “We’ll be a minute or two more, dear. But do come meet me when we’re done. I have sights to show you~”

Flash nodded again, and scampered back to the kitchen quite quickly. Swift and Steady looked at their friend and sighed.

“Seriously? You could try leaving some for us next time.” Swift pouted.

“Nopony said we couldn’t share~” she sang. “With his nerves, he’s probably a virgin. Who wants to help me break him in?” The other two giggled and shared a hoof bump as Grissom sighed and fished out his wallet, placing some bits on the table for Wishful.

The disguised drone of the pair nodded and smirked before scooping them up. “Told you so,” he said. “That colt desperately needed to get laid, and it feels like he’s going to. Multiple times.”

“To be young again,” Grissom sighed. Swift Wing looked over her friends shoulder at the pair, just in time to see the Thestral’s long tongue flick out and lick some cream from his nose. She shuddered at the thought of that tongue doing other things and said something aloud.

“I want one,” the pegasus said. “Can we look for a batpony while we’re out?”

Grissom blinked and looked over at the table, giving her the same stare that her friends were giving her. Namely…

“Where in the heck did that come from?” Silk asked.

“I just saw him lick his own nose with the longest tongue I’ve ever seen,” the pegasus explained for her friends. “Can we please look for somepony like that?” Silk blinked and looked back at Grissom, who offered a friendly wave, with the hoof that held his wedding band.

“Well, seems you’re outta luck there Swifty~”

“Nuts,” the pegasus sighed. “Ah well. If we see another, though, they’re mine.”

“I wonder if they realise I can hear them?” Grissom mused as he sipped his coffee again. “Now I find myself wishing that Moon was here.”

“Makes me glad I didn’t use my Thestral form,” the drone agreed. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against being one...but the ability to cast magic in a disguise is damn useful.”

“Well, to each their own,” Grissom said and decided to throw the girls a bone. “Still, I wonder how my friends in Canterlot are doing?” he said loud enough for them to hear. “Last I heard, they’d started a Thestral-run nightclub for the Night Guards there. So many batponies, all in one place… and the location near the Canterlot Falls is pretty good too.”

Swift blinked before smiling and storing the information away for later. When they returned home, sort of later. They had...business lined up for after breakfast already, after all. No need to rush home and see about taming a batpony for herself just yet.

And speaking of breakfast, the three mares had cleaned their plates quite easily. Fredrick took note of this and walked out, with Flash at his side, to present the bill to them.

“All told, your breakfast will cost twenty-one bits, mares,” the griffon said as he presented them with the receipt. Flash shot them a smile and nodded.

“Perhaps later, lunch can be on me?” he asked them.

“Count on it,” Silk said with her sultry gaze. She already had a good idea of what she wanted the entree to be~ She reached into one side of her saddlebags and pulled out twenty five bits. “For the stellar service and cute staff...that we’ll be abducting now.”

“He’s actually free with your purchase,” the griffon joked back. Flash gave him an indignant look and shrugged. Wait, now?

“Oooh, bonus,” Silk said as she tugged Flash closer with her magic so she could whisper into his ear. “You can either come willingly, or I can pull you along...but you’ll be coming all the same, sweetie.”

Flash gulped again and nodded, opting to follow the mares. He looked back at the stallions, and griffon and gave them a small nod. “Well dudes… guess I’ll see you later, maybe.”

“Have fun,” Grissom chuckled.

“We will!” the mares chimed out as they left with their new plaything. Flash’s smile couldn't be any wider now, as Fredrick wiped a proud tear from his eye.

“My only regret is not being nearby for when the act commences,” Wishful said with a similar smile. “Colt could probably feed a small family for years with his pent-up lust.”

Grissom gave the drone an odd look, but he’d heard stranger from other Changelings. Hell, he’d caught them doing stranger. “Well, there goes the colt that was supposed to be helping us with this party.”

“We’ll get him back. Maybe,” the drone said as he put the bits he’d won on the table, along with a few more to pay for their breakfasts. “Until then, I believe I have a nymph to reach out to.”

“And I should see how my daughter is doing," Grissom nodded. "Many thanks for the excellent meal Mr. Fredrick. We shall see you again soon."

“My thanks for visiting,” Fredrick said with a nod at their table. “It’s been dreadfully slow as of late.”

"Perhaps the fact that you're off the market has scared off all the pretty mares," Grissom chuckled.

“It shouldn’t do, I keep a rotating stock of available stallions as waiters,” the griffon countered before moving to their table to clean it up.

"Well I heard you were pretty popular," Grissom retorted. "Seriously though, this mess with the Changelings should clear up sooner rather than later. Ponies are nothing if not adaptable."

“As aren’t the Changelings,” Fredrick pointed out. “I fear if the ponies drag their hooves too long on this matter, the Changelings may decide to fade back into the background, or leave Las Pegasus altogether.”

"Hopefully the latter doesn't occur," Grissom said. If Ledger left, then he was positive that Midnight would follow him... "I think we all need to make them feel welcome. I might go have a little chat with the mayor." He gave the drone and the Griffon a nod and left the restaurant in a hurry.

“Ah well, my thanks for the excellent food, sir griffon,” the disguised drone said before taking his leave as well. He had a nymph to locate, to make sure two ships didn’t run across one another in the middle of a night of debauchery...

Moondancer still couldn't believe that Sugar had a freaking daughter, then again, she also had no idea how old Sugar Darling was. She was a noble nymph... did they have longer lifespans? Or were they even as ageless as Celestia and Luna? The Unicorn pondered over this as she converted one of booths in the bar into a study of sorts. She nursed a Mood Setter as she poured over her notes, completely ignoring the stallion that was trying to get her attention.

She soon grew irritated at the constant barrage of speaking aimed at her. (More like a few softspoken questions) She raised her head and glared at the violet-coated Unicorn.

"What do you want?" she replied, gods, that tone could have frozen the sun. The unicorn did flinch back a bit, but credit where it was due, he rallied and asked his question again.

“I merely wish to know if you know where the proprietor of this establishment is. I have things to discuss with her. The reason I ask is, because I remember you from my last visit here.”

"Last visit?" Moondancer blinked and thought back. He did look familiar... aw bucking Tartarus.

"You're Level Ledger’s father," she groaned. "Sorry for snapping at you. This research is... frustrating." She got up from the booth and stacked her papers with a quick flourish of her magic. "I'll take you to see Sugar. She should be around somewhere..."

“I would hope so,” the stallion said as he followed after the unicorn mare. “From the way you were vigorously exchanging saliva on the train platform, and the fact that this is her den of operations, one would hope she would be around here to keep an eye on you.”

Moondancer actually blushed as she gave the stallion a small glare. "I am quite capable of taking care of myself," she said curtly. “I'm quite glad she has a business to run, or I fear I'd get no rest at all."

“Dear, the fact that you and her are together is probably the only reason why you get any rest at all, stepping in here,” the drone illuminated. “Think about how many workers she has. How many answer to her. If you and any other were together, you’d probably be fair game to the rest. If you were unattached, fair game. But since the one highest in the hierarchy has put her claim on you…”

"I was wondering why none of the other mares were making passes at me." The Unicorn chuckled as they walked past the bar. "And here I thought I was just unattractive to them," she said, loud enough for the other Violets to hear.

“You’re radiating enough Lust to be seen from blocks away, for those with the talent,” the disguised drone said blandly. “I think it has more to do with Sugar’s unwillingness to share what she considers ‘hers’ and less to do with how attractive you are.”

"One, I think Midnight is the only mare who likes being told how much lust she has. And two, now I have to hug Sugar. Her possessiveness is adorable~"

“Fair enough,” the stallion chuckled. “So...which way?”

"Hmm, I'm not sure... but I can get her to come to us." Moondancer smiled wickedly as she took a breath. "Oh where oh where is my beautiful mare~?" She sang out.

There was a pop of displaced air from behind Moondancer, as she was suddenly glomped by Sugar Darling. “Hello dear~” she purred. “Done with your paperwork at last?”

"The less said about that, the better!" Moondancer said with a dangerous eye twitch. “This one is here to see you actually. Sorry sir, I forgot your name."

“Wishful Hope,” the stallion proffered, smiling at the scene. “I’d offer a hoof, but yours appear busy.”

“Around this mare, they always are,” Sugar agreed, not letting go of Moondancer for a second.

"Dear Celestia, you're as bad as eachother..." Moondancer sighed and facehooved.

“So is this important? I kind of have a mare to molest here,” Sugar said, giving her marefriend a squeeze.

"I redact my previous statement. You're much worse," Moon replied, using her magic to pinch Sugar’s flanks.

“And you love me for it,” Sugar purred.

"Mhmm, you're almost at Midnight’s level of perversion," Moonie chuckled. "Though perhaps you should let the stallion here speak, rather than putting on a show for him?"

“He’s a Violet, dear,” Sugar explained.

“I can relate,” the stallion agreed with a nod. “Should I come back when there’s a break in your schedule of screwing around? I can wait to coordinate our respective bachelors and bachelorettes parties.”

“...I'll write you a list of what we plan to do,” Sugar said before groping Moondancer again. “This one put me off all day for her paperwork.”

"And you'll have to wait longer, as I have plans with Middy today," Moondancer smiled, placing a teasing kiss on the nymphs lips.

"Guard inspection!!" the sudden shout causing several workers to panic, followed by Midnight’s evil cackle.

"Speaking of..." Moondancer mused.

“Fine, go out and have fun with our number-one guest,” Sugar said as she returned the kiss from earlier. When she eventually drew back, she gave her marefriend a half-lidded gaze that gave stallions across the room a sudden case of wood. “Though you’d better believe you’ll be paying for it tonight.”

"Hmmm, kind of tempted to bring Twilight back for a... study session~" Moonie teased. "If I recall correctly. You don’t have an 'Alicorn' section of your book yet."

“So am I, but word through the Pink grapevine is that a certain Alicorn is seeing a certain silver drone,” the nymph said back. “And if you thought I was possessive…”

"Oh, but he let us play with Midnight," she reminded her as said Thestral joined the cuddle.

"Ladies," she giggled and looked at Wishful. "Purple-Pops."

“Ah, the walking supernova of lust,” Wishful greeted with a nod. “I feel younger just standing next to you.”

"Supernova of Lust?" Midnight tapped her chin and nodded. "I like it."

"You would," Moondancer sighed. Sugar giggled as she returned the cuddle that Midnight was giving both of them.

“I hear you’re stealing Moondancer away for a bit,” the disguised nymph commented to the thestral.

"For a while," Midnight confirmed. She looked at Wishful and nodded at him. "And what do you mean old? If we were single, I'd totally bang you."

“That’s quite flattering, but I doubt it,” Wishful replied. “After all, I am old enough to be Ledger’s father. I doubt you’d have anything to do with me.”

"Don't be so sure," Midnight replied. "And if you keep talking like that, it makes me want to prove it. And I'm rather faithful to Ledger and my marefriends."The disguised drone snorted in disbelief before looking away.

“Please,” he scoffed. “Like anything about me could interest you.”

"What, you're funny, charming and have a sense of humor that I can relate to," Midnight replied. "Plus I'd like to think I know a little about what I find attractive in a Changeling."

"Why are they even having this conversation?" Moondancer whispered to her nymphfriend.

"Shhh, its starting to get good," Sugar replied. Wishful scoffed again.

“Puh-lease. Like you would ever be interested in me. I’m probably twice your age--” That was all he got to say before Midnight grabbed his face and gave him a kiss normally reserved for a member of her herd.

"Like I said, it's getting good~" Sugar purred. After a moment, Midnight broke the kiss and looked at him with a cross expression.

"Never doubt yourself. The Madame loves you for a reason Wishful. Mmkay?"

“If you say so,” the drone said a little dazedly.

“Ohh, now I’m a little jealous,” Sugar pouted, as Moondancer chuckled and kissed her.

“There,” the unicorn hummed. “Now stop acting so spoiled.”

“I only do it because I know you’ll spoil me~” Sugar giggled, booping Moonie’s nose. The Unicorn blushed and shook her head before looking at Midnight.

“So, we going or what?”

“Yeah,” The Thestral shrugged as the Unicorn lifted Sugar off of her back and placed her on the floor. The two friends waved the Changelings goodbye and took their leave. Once they were out of earshot, Sugar looked at the drone and chuckled.

“You just had to egg her on, didn’t you?”

“Unintentional, but I can’t say I don’t like the consequences,” Wishful replied as he came back to himself. “Shall we coordinate where the bachelorette’s party is going to be with what we have planned of the bachelor’s party?”

“I suppose we could,” Sugar hummed. “It would be rather awkward if we ran across each other that night.”

“That was the idea,” the disguised drone agreed as he made to follow the nymph to her office.

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