• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 86.2 - Cider at Twilight and a Song from the heart

Cider groaned and shook her head when she and Twilight arrived in Ponyville. Long distance teleportation made her head spin and her stomach churn.

“You okay?” Twilight asked, putting a hoof against the earth mare’s forehead.

“Yeah, ah’m fine. Jus’ a little woozy from the teleport.” Cider took a few breaths and nodded slowly. “Okay, ah think ah’m fine now.”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight replied. “I’m so used to it that I tend to forget about other ponies. Would you like to rest for a little bit before we head out to… whatever it is you have planned for us.”

Cider shook her head as the feeling passed. “Nah, ah reckon ah’m right to get goin’.” She hefted the picnic basket on her back and smiled. “Ah called in a little favour, so ah hope you don’t mind a bit of a walk first.”

“No, that’s fine,” Twilight nodded. “Where are we going?”

“Sweet Apple Acres,” the mare nodded as they headed out. First Twilight let Spike and her guests know where’d she’d be for the next few hours and then they headed for the farm.

“I could teleport us again,” Twilight pointed out.

“Ya could,” Cider nodded. “Or we can walk. Y’all don’t have to be in such a rush t’get everywhere. S’the problem the rest of mah herd has. Just relax.” She smiled at the alicorn and gave her a peck on the cheek. “‘Sides… it gives us time t’get t’know one another a little hmm?”

“R-Right,” Twilight blushed. Cider kind of reminded her of Applejack mixed with Fluttershy. The alicorn couldn’t help but smile in the presence of the country mare.

“So, y’all really forgave Discord during that Tirek event?” Cider replied. “Ya’ll got a pretty big heart Twi. Still… ah’d have prolly done the same. After a flank whuppun however.”

“I think Fluttershy might interject, but that’d be a sight to see,” Twilight giggled. The two had been swapping stories the whole way, Twilight hadn’t even noticed the time pass.

Apple Cider had led her to a hill overlooking the whole orchard. The sun was beginning its descent to the horizon, the land bathed in a brilliant collage of red and orange.

“Wow!” Twilight said in a breathless whisper. “This view is amazing!”

“Its mah favourite spot on the whole farm,” Cider smiled. “Whenever me and Fritter come t’lend a helpin’ hoof, we always come here to watch the sun set.”

“You really get along well with your sister huh?” Twilight smiled as she lay out the picnic blanket with her magic.

“Ya don’t get along with yer brother?” Cider asked as she started laying out some of the food she made.

“No, we get along great,” Twilight nodded as they lay down. “He might be a little mad when he comes for the wedding though…”

“Why, does he not want you t’get married?” Cider replied as she placed a sandwich on Twilight’s plate.

“No, it’s not that,” Twilight replied and took a bite of her sandwich, murring at the delicious taste. Cider was such an amazing chef. “I just returned a small favour that might not go down well. It’s a sibling thing.”

“Ah know how that goes,” Cider chuckled as she took a bite from her own sandwich. “Me an’ Fritter get inta rows all the time. But we always settle ‘em right quick.”

“Yeah, I don’t think Shining Armor and I have ever had a fight… no, wait. I guess we’ve had… two?”

Cider raised an eyebrow as she opened two bottles of her namesake. “Jus’ two?”

“When he first left for the Guard Academy. We had an argument, and I locked myself in my room…” Twilight sighed and put her sandwich down. “To this day I regret not seeing him off properly.”

“An’ the second?”

“His wedding, when I accused Cadence of not being herself, despite having no physical evidence…”

“But you were right,” Cider pointed out.

“Well yes, but that’s beside the point. He still has that memory of his LSBFF trying to ruin the other great day of his life…” Twilight sniffed and rubbed her eye, before blinking as Cider pulled her in for a hug.

“Look Twilight,” The earth mare stroked her mane and smiled. “Siblin’s fight. S’just the way it is. But did ya make up afterwards?”

Twilight nodded. She’d sent Shining a letter after he left for the academy, apologising for being so selfish. He’d replied by saying that he should have taken her feelings into account, rather than just snapping at her. And then at the wedding, Shining and Cadence had been so happy, despite everything that had happened.

“See, an’ ah reckon yer brother isn’t the type t’lie to ya, so ah reckon y’all are fine. Though… ah might keep yer eyes peeled fer a prank or sumthin’ later.”

“Yeah,” Twilight wiped her eyes again and giggled. “You’re so kind Cider. I feel like… well, I guess I just feel at ease when you’re around. Ledger’s dependable, and he loves us with everything. Midnight will go above and beyond to protect us and Treasure is so adorable it hurts.” Twilight kissed her cheek and smiled. “But you? I know that no matter how bad my day might be. How low I’m feeling. If I’m scared or worried… that you’ll always be here with that gentle smile of yours.”

“Ah shucks,” Cider blushed and rubbed her cheek. “Y’all are embarrassin’ me…”

“But it’s true,” Twilight nodded. “Heck, if you’d been with me the night Nightmare Moon returned, i think that the elements of Kindness, Honesty and Generosity would have had quite the argument to see which one gets to be represented by you.”

“Ahhhh,” Cider blushed harder and pushed Twilight away gently. “Quit teasin’ me.”

Twilight just giggled and hugged her back this time. “Love you Cider.”

Apple Cider took a deep breath. Twilight was a princess, one of only four alicorns in all of Equestria. But sitting beside her now? She was no unobtainable princess, a being that no mere mortal could touch. She was just a mare. A sweet and loving mare that snowballed into their lives and Cider couldn’t be happier. Cider didn’t care if their herd had five mares or five hundred. If they loved her as much as Scope, Midnight and Twilight did? Then she’d give them all her love right back.

“Ah love you to, mah little bookworm…”

Back at the Castle of Friendship, Cider couldn’t help but stare around in wonder. This place was so magnificent and humbling.

And yet, she felt as though it didn’t really fit Twilight. Aside from that wonderful room that her friends made, and of course, her little bookworm’s library.

“I know that look,” Twilight smiled as they placed the remains of their picnic in the kitchen, and Twilight whisked the blanket off to the washroom. “Because I wear it myself. I went from a home, to a castle… And, I guess it’s still sinking in really. I think it’ll be a long time before I’ll truly get used to this place.”

“Ah hear that,” Cider nodded as they moved to the living room. Even this room was huge and dauntingly spacious. “Ah don’t know if ah could live in a castle like this.”

Twilight let out a small sigh as she lay on the rug. “That… actually raises a topic that’s been mulling around in my head.”

“Oh?” Cider asked as she lay next to her.

“When… when we all get married. Where will we all live?”

“Well on the…” Cider cut herself off. Twilight… wouldn’t be able to live at the farm. Not when she had a role here as Princess. Not much point in a castle if the princess didn’t even live in it. And Cider could live here, as her farm required constant tending.

“You see,” Twilight said. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t be a wife that only visits on weekends or something. What kind of mare does that?”

“Ah don’t know,” Cider said quietly. “Let’s say you and Ledger got that magic portal doodad running. Even then…”

“A castle isn’t a home if I’m never here,” Twilight finished. “And you can’t just move an entire farm here. Or Ledger’s business. And there’s also Spike. He’d be alone here every night.”

“Ah… ah hadn’t thought of that,” Cider stammered. Her elated mood was crashing quicker than one of cousin AJ’s barns. “One… One of us would have to make a sacrifice…”

“From a logical point, I have the least amount to lose,” Twilight said. Her tone was calm and methodical.

“Ah can’t do that to you!” Cider exclaimed. “Y’all shouldn’t have to give up somethin’ like this… jus’ fer the sake of being with us.” She closed her eyes and thought. “T’be fair, ah only set up in Las Pegasus cause ah have no competition there. Ah mean, ah could always talk to Applejack, see if ah could move mah greenhouses onto her farm. Ah could split the profits from the Crystal Berries to compensate her fer the trouble and Ledger doesn’t live at his job. So once ya get that thingymajig up an’ runnin…”

“Do you any idea how selfish that is?” Twilight replied. “I’m the same. You will not give up what you’ve spent your life building because of me. Look Cider, we’ll figure something out and we’ll bring it up with Ledger. Knowing him, he’s probably already thought about this and has a half dozen ideas already.”

“Probably,” Cider replied rather unenthusiastically. This was it wasn’t it? because of her stubborn nature and her blasted farm, they’d probably end up losing Twilight—

She was so lost in thought, it took a few moments for her to realise that Twilight was hugging her.

“Hey now,” the alicorn said. “Don’t worry okay? We’ll sort this out easy. If I can save the world multiple times. Figure out a thousand year old prophecy and become an entirely new species. Then I think I can figure out something as simple as where we’re all going to live okay?”

“Mhmm,” Cider sniffed and wiped away some tears she realised she was leaking. “An’ you say ah’m the dependable one…”

“We’re allowed our moments,” Twilight giggled. “As Rarity would say. “It’s a Lady’s prerogative to make some drama on occasion!’ Or, something like that.”

Cider laughed harder now and leaned into Twilight’s embrace. “Ah guess so.”

“I know so,” Twilight smiled and lightly placed a kiss on the mare’s lips. “Now, you wanna cuddle here…” Twilight paused and wiggled her eyebrows. “Or in my bedroom~?”

“Little Bat and Ledger are a bad influence on you,” Cider mused and returned her kiss. “Alright princess. Ah’ll show you how a real mare rolls in th’hay.” She effortlessly picked up Twilight and slung the mare over her shoulder. Twilight gasped and blushed, before giggling and pointing out the direction of her room.

Midnight approached the bar she would be frequenting in the coming months, well, provided she didn’t completely bomb tonight that is. And from the line outside, she could already tell it was going to be a busy night.

“Just my luck,” she muttered as she passed by the bouncer and walked in. Hopefully at least Moondancer would be away so she wouldn’t have to see the thestral embarrass herself.

One booth with a small pile of books told her otherwise. Stars dammit!

The thestral looked around for the changeling hostess, maybe she changed her mind?

A flash of violet told her otherwise, as Sugar appeared right in front of her to hug her. “Midnight, darling, I’ve been looking forward to this,” she said. Midnight returned the hug, but not quite as enthusiastically.

“Yeah… me too,” she said, her eyes not quite making contact. “So, what did you want me to do first?”

“So long as you sing from the heart, dear, I don’t have any preference,” Sugar said. “It just has to be something enjoyable, for both you and the guests.”

“My heart huh?” That was the problem. Her heart was all over the place right now. She still had some… unresolved feelings. Her eyes darted towards the table that held Moondancer and she sighed. “Yeah… sure.”

“If you want to talk with her before you perform, feel free,” Sugar said as she stepped to one side. “Who knows, she might be able to help you lift your spirits.”

“Huh?” Midnight waved a hoof. “Spirits? Me? Pshw! I’m fine… totally fine!” She wore what must have been the fakest smile ever. Sugar coughed and indicated her now-slitted eyes by raising her eyebrow, silently saying one thing. Emotivore.

“Cheating bucking changelings,” the thestral muttered under her breath. She sighed and headed towards the back of the stage, motioning for Sugar to follow, which she did after wondering why she was being led away from Moondancer.

Once they were alone, the thestral wilted and Sugar could sense the overwhelming confliction in her heart. “Does… does Moonie hate me?” Midnight asked. “I know, that we’re friends now… sorta… I think. But…” She growled and scratched her head. “Dammit! I don’t even know how to word this right!”

“Shh,” Sugar said as she gathered Midnight up for another hug. “If I tell you something we’re planning on doing once you get married, do you promise to keep it a secret?”

“Heh, I’m pretty lousy at secrets, especially if Ledger knows I have one. He’d stop at nothing to get me to tell him.”

“Silvers like learning things,” Sugar said with a nod. “But this is a pretty big secret, one we want to spring on you, and one I think you could do with knowing. Promise to try?”

“If it’s that big… I might be better off not knowing. I’m kinda messed up right now…” She sighed and sat down rather suddenly, or would have if Sugar hadn’t been hugging her. Now she held a rather limp thestral in her grasp. “It’s just… I don’t remember if I ever apologised to Moondancer. Properly anyway.”

“I can tell she still has feelings for you,” the disguised ‘ling said as she gave Midnight a kiss. “Just like I still have a slight crush for your bug.”

“Oh, that’d go down well with Ledger,” Midnight giggled. But, did Moondancer really…? And Midnight still had all this ‘bleh’ness’ in her heart. Shut up, it is too a word.

“I think I know what I have to do,” Midnight nodded. “With your permission of course. I’ll solve this my way.”

“Just as long as you don’t take too long and are back in time to perform,” Sugar said as she finally let go of Midnight. “Then you can do whatever you need to.”

“Huh?” Midnight blushed a deep crimson. “What? NO! Not like that! Pervy bug… Geeze. What the hay?"

“Just checking,” Sugar said with a grin. “You never know.~”

Midnight pouted and Sugar could sense she was actually embarrassed. Oh, this could prove most fun for the nymph. For some reason, the indomitable thestral seemed rather flustered over a little dirty talk.

"I'm going to sing something," Midnight said quietly.

“And I hope she’ll hear you,” Sugar said. “Want me to go make sure she’s paying attention?”

Midnight nodded. "Thanks... and, sorry I'm such a pain."

“Hardly,” Sugar said with a shake of her head. “You should have seen some of my previous suitors. Now, they were pains in my flanks.” With that, Sugar gave Midnight a quick smooch on the cheek before walking back out onto the floor, in search of her wife.

"Okay... I can do this... just gotta bare my soul, not a tall order..."

She really wished that her loves were here right now...

In her booth, Moondancer was going over some work Twilight had sent her a few hours ago. Something about a teleportation gate system. She'd also lent her some book that was connected to another owned by a 'Sunset Shimmer'.

At least Moondancer had some intelligent conversation for once.

And then her wife slid into the booth next to her and snuggled up next to her.

"Hello," Moon said without looking up from her notes. "I thought you'd be busy all night?"

“Taking a small break to listen to our newest entertainer,” Sugar said as she gave Moondancer a quick peck on the cheek. “You should too, you might find her entrancing.”

"I've heard Midnight sing dozens of times," Moondancer responded, still muzzle deep in the research. Well there was no way that would work. Hmm, maybe if they ran this sequence of runes--

“For me? One song? She said something about you as well, like she wanted you to hear it,” Sugar asked, layering on the sweetness.

Moondancer sighed and rolled her eyes. "I swear, if you two have planned something ridiculous..."

The curtain opened as Midnight stood there. The lights dimmed as patrons became aware that something was about to start.

"Uh, hello everypony, and everyling also," Midnight smiled slightly. "So, I've been asked to provide a little musical entertainment. But... there's something I'd like to get off my chest first, so please bear with me."

"What... is she talking about?" Moondancer asked her wife.

“Just listen, and look up at her,” Sugar said, kissing her wife again. “She’s really torn up about this, you know.”

"Really..." Moondancer looked up from her research and looked at the batpony. She knew her inside and out, but... what in Equestria was she planning?

Midnight took a deep breath. She was probably going to make a fool of herself, well... here goes.

Soft piano music started to play and after the introduction melody, Midnight started to sing.

It wasn't exactly club music, and yet, every changeling could feel the pure emotions that poured from her. Feelings of loss, regret and loneliness. But, also ones of great happiness and love.

Moondancer listened. The words she sang, the feeling she put into them... It was how the thestral had felt during that time. While she had brushed off the uncorn’s love on the outside…

On the inside?

The studious unicorn didn’t even notice the tears running down her face. Her wife did, though, and gently hugged Moondancer before kissing her on the cheek.

“Perhaps you have something you want to tell her as well?” Sugar asked.

"Stupid bat," Moondancer mumbled as Midnight’s song came to a finish. Midnight was apologising, for something that was never her fault. Moondancer had been the weak one, she’d given up on Midnight... when she'd needed her most.

Midnight gave a bow to the club's patrons, her eyes lingering on Moondancer for a moment before she vanished backstage. And once she had, the changelings felt her emotions vanish, like somepony flipping a switch.

The thestral didn’t want to use her Trance like that. But... just this once.

“Well that was interesting,” Sugar observed before nudging her wife. “Go on, I know you want to talk to her.”

"I..." Moondancer didn't even know what to say. How was she supposed to respond to that. Even so, she found her hooves moving towards the stage.

Midnight sat on the cool floorboards. She had tried to use Trance to calm herself, but she couldn't focus, and the skill petered out. She fully expected Sugar would fire her after that little stunt.

She didn’t even look when the sound of hooves penetrated the silence.

"Guess I bucked that up huh?" the thestral muttered, then yelped in surprise when a pair of creamy hooves wrapped around her.

"Maybe, but I thought it was beautiful," Moondancer replied quietly. "But... why--?"

"That's how I felt," Midnight said, cutting her off. "Even when I lay in that bed, deep down, I cried every time I hurt you..."

"Silly bat," Moondancer replied, hugging her tighter. "There's nothing to forgive, because you did nothing wrong. For... for a long time, I did blame you. And then you showed up out of the blue, saying you were in another relationship?"

"You got married to Miss Pervy Bug out there," Midnight retorted. "I'm pretty sure you one upped me there. And you never invited me."

"Hey, she sprung that wedding on me out of the blue," Moon said. "Not that I regret it. She's a lot like you in a way."

"Because she's a sl--?"

"Because you're both wonderfully caring individuals," Moon said, booping the bat’s nose.

"Am not," Midnight replied, scrunching up her face. "I'm awesome and sexy."

"Now that sounds more like the Middy I know," Moondancer replied and kissed the thestral’s nose. "Now, wanna sing us something else? It was a beautiful song, but I think you really...uh, what do the foals say these days? 'Harshed their mojo'? Or, something like that."

"I wouldn’t be surprised if Sugar kicks me out after that selfish performance," Midnight sighed. Still, at least she got all that off her chest.

“On the contrary,” Sugar said as she made her presence known. “It went down very well with our ‘ling customers. We could feel how much you cared for, well, whoever you were singing about, and I’m more than willing to give you a second chance at this singing thing.”

"Don’t be so dramatic, you know exactly what that song was about," Moondancer giggled at her wife, giving her the nose boop treatment as well. "And Midnight is like decadent chocolate for you Violets."

“That she is,” Sugar agreed with a giggle before looking at Midnight. “Feel up to another song, miss chocolate?”

"I think I have a few more in mind," Midnight nodded and then hugged them both. "I don't know if I ever told you, but I'm happy for you two. Like, super happy."

“I can tell, but it doesn’t hurt to hear it,” Sugar said as she returned the hug to the best of her abilities.

"Alright time to blow the roof off this place!!" Midnight declared.

"Well, now we're in for it," Moon giggled. Sugar nodded before kissing both Midnight and her wife.

“Knock ‘em out,” the nymph said to the thestral.

Said thestral stood there and blinked as her wings shot open with a loud 'thwap' sound. Her eyes were wide and her face was the most lovely shade of pink.

Moondancer looked at the odd... well, odd for Midnight reaction, before she raised a questioning eyebrow at her wife.

"What did you do to her?" The unicorn asked the nymph.

“Nothing that bad,” the nymph said with a shake of her head. “She’s just...sensitive right now.”

“Really~” Moondancer smirked and looked at the bat. “Oh… we can abuse this yes?”

“We could, but she has a performance to do,” Sugar said as she nuzzled Moondancer. The unicorn shrugged and nodded her head.


“Later,” Sugar agreed before looking at Midnight. “I promise to refrain from teasing you until you get done with your singing,” the nymph said.

Midnight just turned and walked robotically towards the stage. She took a deep breath and turned to face the mares, blowing them a kiss and taking a leap back, twisting in the air and landing on the stage.

“So, who’s ready for a lighter song?” she asked the crowd. She got a general consensus from the crowd that yes, they would like a lighter song. Mostly in the form of them yelling ‘Yeah!’

“Then you all asked for it!” Midnight grinned as she pulled out an electric guitar and plugged it into a massive amp. She strummed a hoof over the strings as a deep rumbling came from the speakers.

“Ohhhh yes,” she purred and then started to play.

Outside and back in her booth, muted by the rocking thestral was the sound of Moondancer facehooving.

“She is quite talented,” Sugar hummed next to her wife again. “That’s twice she’s distracted you from your work.”

“It’s a wonder I got anything done when we were together,” Moondancer sighed. “Oh well, at least it’s a pleasant distraction. Much like you really. The two of you really are alike.”

“In that we both love you? Then yes, yes we are,” Sugar said as she kissed Moondancer on the cheek. “And you know that if you work for too long, you’ll get stressed and miss something.”

“Like a certain somebuggy’s proposal? Yes, I won’t make that mistake again,” Moondancer nodded. She had it pretty good now, a loving wife, a certain thestral who was even dearer to her now than before.

Life was good.

“I would certainly hope not,” the disguised Noble ‘ling said as she hugged her wife. “What are you even working on, anyways?”

“Something for Twilight. It’s classified,” Moondancer smirked.

“Will I like this classified thing?” Sugar asked as she did her best to look at the papers.

“Maybe?” Moondancer mused. “It’s only going to revolutionize all of Equestria.”

“Sounds fun,” the nymph said. “Hooooow?”

“...Classified.” Moondancer smirked.

“Aww, come on,” Sugar said as she hugged her wife. “A little hint? Please?

“I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you,” Moondancer said in a professional tone.

“Nah, I plan to die of old age,” Sugar said with a shake of her head. “In my bed, surrounded by my loved ones.”

“Well, good thing that's a ways off yet,” Moon smiled and kissed her cheek. “Eh, it should be fine. But how much would you like to know~”

“Just enough to know if I should be battening down the hatches, and if so, when,” Sugar said. “I’ll leave the rest of your classified details alone, but I’m a business owner.”

“Aw, well I might talk if you tortured me enough…”

“Is that an invitation?” Sugar said with her fangs gleaming in the low light as she smiled wickedly.

“I think I've spelt it out already,” Moondancer said as she turned back to her notes. “I'll be here until you figure it out.”

That was when Sugar started using her magic in an attempt to tickle Moondancer into submission. The mare didn't react much. Moondancer wasn’t a ticklish mare. Sugar changed up her game, now using her magic to rub Moondancer behind the ears and massage her shoulders.

“Mmmm, Moonie likes,” she purred.

“I could do more, if you were willing to divulge some details,” Sugar purred into the mare’s ear.

“Mm, I'll never tell you, villainess!” Moondancer replied, trying to squirm away. Sugar grinned and massaged lower down the mare’s back, both with her hooves and her magic, trying to work her into a state of compliance.

“You’re kind of terrible at this huh?” Moondancer was enjoying the massage though.

“I don’t do terrible, I prefer to work my victims into submission,” Sugar said as she kissed Moondancer’s horn.

“Hmm, not bad… maybe Midnight should teach you a thing or two though,” Moondancer smiled and returned the gesture. “Well, it’s like this. Our beloved Princess of Friendship, along with that drone you have a thing for. They’re working on some kind of teleportation gate network.”

“Sounds interesting,” Sugar said as she kept massaging Moondancer. “Trust Ledger to break the barriers of what can and can’t be done. When do you think they’ll be ready?”

“Judging from this, could be a few months before a working prototype can be made,” Moondancer said, rolling her neck as Midnight finished her song.

“So we’ve got time, unless my brilliantly talented unicorn wife can come up with something to save them time,” Sugar said as she just stopped massaging Moondancer and hugged her instead.

A few dancers took to the stage as Midnight moved over to the pair, sipping at a mango smoothie.

“So, what are you two lovebirds up to?”

“Discussing taking over the world,” Moondancer hummed as the nymph draped herself over her. “Done singing?”

“For the moment, I think the patrons wanted a little less song and a little more booty, and I’m not getting paid to dance on the pole.”

“Nope, nor will I make you,” Sugar said as she just hung onto Moondancer. “I have some respect for the fact that you’re a taken mare and all.”

“That, and I’d hate to put your other girls out of work,” Midnight smirked. “Once you go bat, you never go back~”

“For stars sake…” Moondancer facehooved.

“So, what, should I look into hiring a Thestral or two?” Sugar asked. “I have my doubts any can be as alluring as you are.”

“Well, you do have Changelings here,” Midnight replied. “It might be hard finding any actual thestrals that would work in a place like this… uh, no offense.”

“None taken, just makes you all the more unique,” Sugar chirped back. “Still, if I can find one that will, it’d provide my clients with something...new. And I wouldn’t even require her to work like the others do~”

“You’d just need to pay her in Bits instead of Lust,” Midnight giggled as a stallion approached the table.

“Hey Sugar-baby,” he smiled. “Are you and the little bat here up for… an after party~?”

“She’s taken,” Sugar said flatly. “And you know I am as well, now.”

“Aw, come on,” he said, moving closer to Midnight. Moon’s eye twitched and her horn shone. The stallion vanished and they heard a crash in the dumpster out back.

“Heh, 10 point landing,” Moon mused as she turned back to her notes.

“Maybe I should hire you on as a bouncer,” Sugar mused before kissing the base of Moondancer’s horn.

“Hmm, but we can’t have an inner-work relationship,” Moondancer replied. “Besides, we both know how well I control my temper sometimes.”

“Still, it’d make paying you for dealing with those slobs a lot easier. As it is, I’m just stuck compensating you in other ways,” Sugar commented as her voice dipped into a sultry tone.

“Aww, and I only get shiny coins,” Midnight pouted. “Being taken sucks.”

“Mm, but I suppose I should stop distracting my dear Moonie from her highly important research,” Sugar said as she scooted back into her own seat off of Moondancer.

“Better run Middy, lest she use you to amuse herself,” Moon replied, her eyes not leaving her work. “And don’t worry dear, I'll sex you up in all sorts of unspeakable ways after I’m done.”

“Just let me know if there’s anything you need, dear,” the nymph said before kissing her wife on the cheek.

“I could use a drink,” Moondancer said. “And perhaps check on Two-Step, she’s been rather quiet recently.”

“Good plans, I’ll ask one of the girls to give you a cider while I go check on Two-Step,” Sugar said as she made to stand up. She paused before looking sideways at Midnight. “Now, play nice, you two.”

“Mm, I might go with you,” Midnight said. “I haven’t seen Steppy in a while. And I don’t wanna distract Moonie.”

Sugar nodded as her horn flared, before setting off for her daughter’s room. Midnight wondered what was up with the magic, but shrugged and followed her.

“So… I take it she got in trouble for that party,” Midnight asked as they walked.

“Not allowed to have her latest friend over for a month unless she’s proven she’s learned her lesson,” Sugar said with a nod, confirming what Midnight had just said.

“Huh? Doesn’t sound like much of a punishment… but you’re the mom I guess.”

“Her latest friend is basically a male griffon version of you,” the nymph said with a smile as she glanced back at Midnight.

“...Fredrick’s brother?” Midnight deadpanned. “He’s scared of me.”

“To be fair, if an outsider described your family and the things that happen around you regularly, I would have to wonder if you were auditioning for parts as the next Elements of Harmony, you attract so much chaos to yourselves.”

“True enough, but at least we aren’t boring,” Midnight smiled and then suddenly draped herself across the mare’s back. “So there’s a question that’s been… bugging me. Word is that you have a little crush on my Levvy~”

“Ever since he introduced himself to the rest of us,” the nymph said with a nod. “Do you know how rare a Noble drone is around Equestria? We see one about once every twenty years. If that. So yeah, I may have had a few fantasies revolving around your Ledger helping me have another kid…”

“Aww, that’s so cute,” Midnight nuzzled her and giggled. “So, you’re more interested in the fact that he’s a Noble more that anything?”

“Well, I heard all the things he’s done since then, and he really lives up to the title of Noble. So...while I don’t know him as well as you, I wouldn’t have minded helping fix him first so I could have had a shot.” The nymph sighed before shaking her head. “But there’s no use dwelling on what might have been…”

Midnight pondered on something. Hmm, perhaps she’d need to talk to Ledger about it later.

“Well, let’s go find your daughter hmm?”

“Mmhmm,” the Violet Noble hummed her agreement as they neared one door in particular, pausing before it and frowning. “I think she’s learned Ledger’s emotional insulation trick...and applied it to the whole room. Because I can’t sense anything from in here. Either that, or she’s just not in there…”

Midnight’s ear gave a flick, but she couldn’t hear anything. “Think she’s prepared an ambush? Teenagers can be… tricky.”

“That or she’s snuck her friend in under cover of magic,” Sugar said before putting one hoof out and resting it on the handle. “This is either going to be interesting now, or interesting later.”

Midnight nodded and braced herself…

Sugar flung the door open...to reveal absolutely nothing on the other side. Except for the fact that one of the false walls that disguised a tunnel down into the Hive below...was ajar.

“She… dug her way out?” Midnight said, looking at the hole. “She’s determined, I’ll give her that.”

“No, that tunnel was there to begin with,” Sugar sighed. “Meaning she could be anywhere in the Hive…”

“Do… you want me to find her?” Midnight asked. Maybe a small part of her was looking forward to the hunt.

“I’ll not push you into doing it if you don’t want to, but an extra pair of eyes helping me look for her wouldn’t go amiss,” the nymph said as she drew nearer to the tunnel.

Midnight nodded as she sniffed the air, then drew closer to the nymphs bed and sniffed again. She nodded once and headed for the entrance. “Got it. Let’s go.”

Sugar flipped her shell open as her wings buzzed into life, before she darted down the tunnel in search of her errant daughter.

Midnight paused as she opened her mouth and let out a high-pitched screech, her ears flicked and she sniffed the air before flying down another tunnel. She'd never been in a Hive before, but she couldn't get distracted just yet.

Sugar buzzed around the Hive, taking in the distinct trails and looking for her daughter’s...before finding it entwined with another. One that she’d sensed once before. One that she’d forbidden from coming back for some weeks yet.

Midnight flew down a tunnel as she picked up on Step’s scent. She made a sharp right, flying close to the ceiling until she could feel that she was getting closer. She shifted into her battle state, dampening her emotions so she couldn’t be sensed and then clung to the ceiling so the griffon couldn’t read the air currents, provided he’d been capable of such a skill.

It was a moment later, that Two-Step heard a voice echo all around her.

“I found you~”

“Oh bugger,” the hybrid swore as she looked at her griffon friend below her. “Well it looks like this is going to end up cut short.”

“So whaddya want me to do?” Jonathan asked as he momentarily stopped what he was doing.

“Mommy’s very angry~” the voice sang out again.

“Let’s just run for it,” Two-Step said as she got off the griffon she’d been cuddling. “I know the Hive better than anypony except mother.”

“Sounds good to me,” the griffon replied as he followed after his mare. The two made for an exit on the far side of the room…

That was until a thestral dropped from the ceiling, her wings spread.

“Ah, tut, tut,” Midnight said. “You can’t leave just yet, the guest of honor isn’t here~”

“Other way!” the hybrid shouted as the pair of them turned and went for the other exit…

Only to have Sugar show up in her Noble form, blocking that exit as well. “Oh dear, you brought me a snack,” the nymph purred as she looked at Jonathan.

“Mom, quit it. I didn’t bring him here for you or that. I just…” Two-Step scuffed a hoof on the ground before replying. “I...missed him, okay? A month without him is kinda hard.”

“Speaking of hard,” Midnight giggled and looked at Jon. “Well, aren’t you a brave soul, delving into a Changeling Hive.”

“I accepted this part of her a little while ago,” the griffon said with a shrug. “She said she wanted to cuddle somewhere else, and I followed.”

“I thought it’d get us out of sight and out of mind for the night,” Two-Step said before looking at her mother. “That clearly didn’t work.”

“You are being punished, dear, for getting the Guard involved with your little party,” the elder of the two replied. “And until I’m satisfied you’ve learned your lesson, I’ll not rescind your punishment.”

Midnight looked at the pair. “Seriously, Sugar is not a mare I’d wanna piss off. I’m beginning to wonder who has the bigger balls out of the two of you.”

“I’ve learned, okay?” Two-Step said with a bit of a snap to her tone. “I know better than to throw any more wild parties. Especially ones that get so out of control, they spill out into the street. That’s how we got in trouble last time.”

“...Midnight, please slap her for me. She’s learned nothing,” Sugar said dryly.

Midnight shrugged and with a resounding ‘thawp’ Two-Step was smacked upside the head by a leathery wing.

“That’s part of it, yes,” Sugar said with a shake of her head. “The other part is to not invite the entire bucking city to your party. Even I only spread information about what events we’re going to have by word of mouth. Our customers take care of it from there!”

“Fine, I get it,” Two-Step muttered. “The real lesson is be more discreet.”

“Exactly!” Sugar crowed. “Because in order for them to catch you doing something wrong, they need proof. Proof that you all but gave them.”

“...Royal Guard. Standing. Right here.” Midnight deadpanned.

“We know,” the mother and daughter said in unison, causing Jonathan to shudder briefly.

“They’re creepy when they do that,” he said.

“Eeyup,” Midnight nodded. Though, she’d nailed twins before. Damn that’s been hot… She coughed into her hoof and sighed. “Can you not plan illegal, or at least borderline illegal things around me. It makes me feel bad when I gotta arrest friends.”

“Don’t worry, Two-Step’s learned her lesson, hasn’t she?” Sugar said before glaring at her daughter. Said hybrid shook for a moment before nodding rapidly.

“Yes, yes, I’ve learned my lesson, my education is not complete, please, please don’t punish me anymore.”

The mother hummed for a moment before grinning at them both. “You know what? I’m in a good mood. You can see him again...but! Only for things like cuddling or socializing. No actual sex.”

“Wait, what?” Jonathan asked with a tilted head. “You want me to, what, get to know her and play nice instead of just banging her?”

“Can I hit him too?” Midnight asked hopefully, cracking her neck and flexing her wings.

“Please do,” Sugar replied with a nod. Jon blinked as Midnight’s hoof smacked him across the back of the head, strong enough to make him faceplant the floor.

“There’s more to life than sex,” Sugar said, fully aware of the irony. “If you two are going to make this a serious thing, the least you could do is act like it.”

Midnight looked at Sugar like she’d grown a third head. “Well, I guess you have a point. I mean, you got married…”

“And still fucks other ponies, hypocrite,” Two-Step muttered.

“I actually don’t,” Sugar said with total honesty. “I did right up until I got married, but that was toning down the longer I spent around Moondancer. Nowadays I don’t sleep around anymore. That whole ‘loyal to your mate’ thing.”

“You brought that colt home from Fredrick’s the night you got home!” Two-Step argued. “What, did you sit down for tea and fucking biscuits?”

“No, we just had a nice, long talk about how to properly please a mare,” Sugar said. “Poor dear was a virgin, needed to know what to do the first time he gets laid.”

“...You have got to be kidding,” Two-Step replied.

“Really?” Midnight asked, also not believing what she was hearing.

“Hey, I know I liked my uncle’s instructions in what I was doing the first time,” Jonathan argued. “I’ve built offa them to make my own rules, but yeah. Knowing what I was doing the first time was hella useful.”

“And now whatever mare that poor dear ends up with won’t be entirely disappointed either,” Sugar said with a smile. That was when she got glomped by Midnight.

“I’m so happy you’re treating my Moonie so well~”

“I’m pretty sure she’d let me know if I was doing poorly, dear,” Sugar said as she returned the hug to the best of her abilities.

“Uh… what about us?” Jon asked as he looked at the sight of the thestral hugging the large Changeling.

“The both of you can return to the club proper, but if I catch a single whiff of you two sleeping together, I’ll ban him from coming back until your month is up,” the Noble said.

“And I’ll tell Fredrick, I’m sure he’d love to know what his brother has been up to,” Midnight replied.

“No!” Jon said with a shake of his head. “No no no, no need to do that…”

“Awww but I haven’t talked with him in a while, and this is the perfect chance~” Midnight cooed.

“Why don’t you want him to find out?” Two-Step asked as she looked between Midnight and her griffon friend.

“...I might’ve teased him for a while when he told me he was going steady,” Jon admitted.

“Gottagoandtellhimberightback!” Midnight cackled and went to fly out of the room…

“And now you’re afraid of him returning the favor,” Two-Step deduced.

“One thing’s for sure,” the griffon said as he watched Midnight’s retreating form. “My home life is about to become a lot more interesting.”

“Sucks to be you,” Two-Step replied. “Now come and buy me a drink and we’ll swap life stories… or, whatever it is that couples do.”

“I can do that,” the griffon said as the pair of them began making their way out of the Hive.

Midnight blasted into Fredrick’s restaurant, landing before the doors even had a chance to close as a manic grin was plastered across her face.

“Oh dear Fredriiiiick~” she sang out. Said griffon poked his head out of his kitchen, before catching sight of Midnight and cheering.

“And the vision of the night’s beauty returns once more,” he flattered her. “What is it you desire?”

“Weeeeell~” she also recalled an earlier promise and fished something out of her bag. “First, I have a recipe for youuu~”

“Excellent!” the griffon crowed as he took the card and stuck it in his apron. “I will have to see about using it in the future.”

“And second, a little extra present because I love you so much,” Midnight giggled and whispered into his ear. “Little brother has a little nymph-friend~”

“Oh dear,” Fredrick said as he looked at Midnight. “Is it serious?”

“Seems to be~” Midnight smiled. “Her mom prevented them from meeting up just for sex, and he’s still sticking around.”

“Oh dear oh dear,” the griffon tutted. “I’m afraid the only medicine I can prescribe for this is relentless teasing.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Midnight cackled. “My mission is complete and I’d best return to the job I realised I just ditched. Later loverbird~”

“Take care,” he said with a wave.

As Midnight left, Narrow came downstairs, her mane a mess from sleeping in as she yawned.

“What was all that about?” she asked as she nuzzled Fredrick.

“Just a little something regarding younger brother,” the griffon said as he gave her a peck on the cheek. “Remember all the teasing he did because you and I were going steady? We’ll get to do it back to him now. He apparently has a nymphfriend.”

“Interesting,” Narrow mused. This should be fun. “Did she say who he was seeing?”

“Nope, just another thing to press him on when he comes back,” the griffon replied as he hugged her with a wing.

In the club, Moondancer glanced up as she saw Two-Step and a griffon she hadn’t seen before. The black feathers were interesting though, one didn’t see that colour plumage often.

She wondered if she could get a sample for genetic testing.

With a pop, Moondancer teleported in front of the pair. “So little daughter-in-law,” she hummed. “Who’s your interesting friend here?”

“Moondancer, this is Jonathan,” the half-ling said as she introduced the pair. “The most stubborn perverted bird I’ve met. Jonathan, this is Moondancer, my new mother-in-law.”

The griffon looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Wait...does that mean you married…?” He trailed off as he finished that thought.

“Yes, I married that lovely Noble nymph,” Moondancer said. “If you have a problem with that… well, I hear the surface of the moon is lovely this time of year.”

“Not sayin’ anything,” the griffon said with a shake of his head. “Everypony likes what everypony likes. Lookit me, takin’ a half-changeling, half-pony to the bar. Can’t complain.”

“...” Moondancer looked at the pair as they could almost hear her mind going to work. Any Silvers nearby would have gone into cardiac arrest from the buffet they just got.

“Really now,” she finally spoke. “How very… interesting~”

“Jon, run for it,” Two-Step said as she backed up slowly. “I don’t know what she has planned, but we need to make a run…”

They found themselves snared in her magic as she dragged them over to her booth. “Time to tell Mommy Moondancer aaaaaaallll about it~”

“Sweet Celestia!” Jonathan said as he was dragged along. “Step, is everypony in your life crazy?”

“Pretty much, yes,” the nymph said with a sigh. “Welcome to the family.”

“Okay!” Moondancer said as she plopped them down onto the seats. “Now, tell me how you kids met~”

“Well, Johnny here was going through the nymphs one by one, before mother took things into her own hooves,” Two-Step explained.

“That mare took one long glance at me before passing me off to Two-Step here, and we’ve been banging ever since,” the griffon finished.

“...I should have seen that coming,” Moondancer facehooved.

“It’s how most Violet relationships start,” Two-Step said with a nod.

“Well, I guess it’s how Sugar and I met,” Moondancer nodded. “So, when’s the wedding~?”

The pair of them sputtered and vehemently shook their heads in denial of the very idea.

“Ahh, you say that now,” Moon giggled. “It’ll happen before you know it…” She hummed and then looked at Jon. “I hope you’re using protection as well Mister.”

“I’m on a potion,” the half-ling said. “Mom makes it for me.”

“Potions aren’t a hundred percent accurate, so he should be packing as well,” Moondancer nodded. “Honestly, you kids think you’re invincible or something.”

“Fine, I’ll look inta gettin’ something for myself,” Jon said with a roll of his eyes.

“There’s a good stallion… er, griffon.” Moondancer pinched his cheek with her magic. “Ah, and before I forget, may I have one of your feathers dear sir?”

“...Not the weirdest request I’ve gotten, though usually mares ask me for that after I’ve slept with ‘em,” Jon said before extending one wing and plucking a loose feather out. He handed the thing over to Moondancer.

“Your coloration is rare, I’d like to study that,” she smiled as she summoned a glass tube and placed the feather inside before corking it shut. “Now, I’ll let you two get to know one another. And give my regards to your brother when you see him.”

“Yeah, sure thing,” Jon said before drawing his wing closed...and Two-Step into a hug thanks to the feathery appendage. “Seeya ‘round.”

“Bye Moony!” Two-Step called as they went to the bar.

“Hmm, such a cute couple, they seem perfect for one another,” the unicorn mused as she turned back to her research. “Though they’ll probably cause more trouble before the night is over…”

Sugar made a reappearance by her wife’s side before too long, this time just nuzzling her. “I love you,” she said simply. “I don’t know if I’ve said it enough yet.”

“You say it all the time, though I am curious as to what brought this on,” the unicorn said as she read over Ledger’s notes. “Did I do something right?”

“Being you,” the nymph said as she just sighed. “Though the way you approached that whole potential son-in-law thing also helped.”

“Oh that, well they're not engaged, so there's no need to scare him… yet~” Moondancer chuckled as her horn glowed. “I have time to plan.”

“I also like that you didn’t immediately turn Two-Step into a project as well,” Sugar hummed.

“I have a sense of ethics you know,” Moondancer huffed and folded her arms. “Though now you bring it up…”

Only with her permission,” Sugar said before beeping the silly unicorn with a hoof. She scrunched her muzzle and frowned.

“Would you kindly stop doing that.”

“But you look adorable when I do! Plus it makes a point.” Sugar just leaned on her wife and sighed. “Still, it’s nice to know that I won’t walk into her being strapped down while you perform tests on her.”

Moondancer paused and looked at the nymph. Sugar could almost hear the sound of her wife’s brain ticking before a wide smirk crossed her face and her horn lit up.

“Don’t you have research to do?” Sugar asked pointedly.

“Oh? I think I found a new line of study that demands my immediate attention~” she breathed into her ear as she picked the nymph up in her magic and started heading for their room. “Namely; How much does a Violet Noble like being tied up~?”

“Oh dear,” Sugar said. “This promises to be...interesting.”

Midnight flew back in, just in time to see them leave. “Aww, and now they’re gonna have fun while I have to work. Totes not fair.”

When Midnight got home later that night, she gave a loud yawn as she climbed the stairs. Singing was fun, but she was exhausted.

She opened the bedroom door and barely held back the urge to squeal. Ledger and a larger, Nobley version of Scopey were cuddling on the bed.

“So… cute…” she whispered. She was tempted to let them cuddle and take the couch…

But the bed was soooo comfy~

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