• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 69 - Of Castles and Empires

“I could write more interesting books than this,” Ledger mused as he flipped through his book. “I think I already did.”

“Nopony asked you Ledger,” Twilight sighed as they were in between petitioners. “And do you have to have a snarky comment for every idiotic request I get?”

“Have to, no. Want to, yes. Somepony needs to point out the obvious to them if you’re not going to,” Ledger said as he flipped the page in his tome, refreshing his memory as to the location of that temple he’d stumbled across once, long ago. He just knew Scope would not stop pestering him about it at the office.

“We’re all thinking it, that should be enough,” Twilight sighed. Make a note, have Ledger sit in on Celestia’s court sometime. That would be entertaining if nothing else. “Can you at least pretend to be nice?” she sighed.

And as if the Universe was out to make her day miserable, Filthy Rich of all ponies walked in.

“Celestia smite me now,” she muttered before putting on a serene smile. “Why hello Mr. Rich. What brings you here today?”

“Yes, yes, good day,” he replied with a wave of his hoof. “I have a rather pressing concern and I’d like it fixed posthaste if you wouldn’t mind.”

Oh great. “Well, what seems to be the trouble?”

“I require the use of Ponyville Park for my daughter’s birthday party,” he drolled. “But that...eugh, musician, and I use the term loosely, Vinyl Scratch is using it for some juvenile concert.”

“Well Mr. Rich, she did have the park booked in advance, all the required paperwork has been filled, along with all the booking fees. And really, this is an issue that you should be taking up with City Hall, not here.”

“I tried, but you and I both know that City Hall is about as competent as a Changeling Invasion.”

Twilight went to rebuke him, if only to save his life… she was too late…

“Translation, the ass went to the Mayor, she said no, and now the spoiled colt is running to a higher authority to get the dessert he wants,” Ledger snapped as he closed his book with an audible thud, now giving Mr. Rich his full attention.

“And who are you?” Rich sneered with all the love one might have for something scraped from the bottom of their hoof. “You think you can speak for her Highness?”

“Now gentlecolts…”

“Please Twilight, you know I don’t like that title. I actually worked to get where I am,” Ledger replied. “And I still consider that work to have been torture.”

“And you address her Highness so casually?” Rich stomped his hoof. “Now see here—”

“No, you will see,” Twilight rose to her hooves. “I am sorry Mr. Rich, but your request is denied. Ms. Scratch has done right and will have the park. Now, when is your daughter’s birthday?”

“The day after tomorrow,” Filthy replied, a little taken aback.

“Well then, I shall arrange that you may use the dining hall of the castle. Is that suitable?”

“Y-Yes, thank you Your Highness,” the stallion replied.

“Good! And Mr. Ledger, please refrain from speaking out of turn in my Court,” she leaned in close and smirked. “Or you will be ‘thoroughly’ punished.”

“Yes Twilight,” Ledger said, bowing his head, thoroughly, seemingly, cowed. His eyes still flashed with mischief though. And he was already contemplating flipping to the end, where he’d had copies of some of the spells made from that book he’d received…

“Good,”Twilight nodded. Okay, so flaunting her power like that was kinda fun. “I will provide the venue, but you will arrange everything else, yes Mr. Rich?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Twilight nodded and stomped her hoof. “Good. Dismissed.”

Filthy Rich bowed his head and left, perhaps a little hastily. Once he had and the doors closed, she slumped back into her chair and sighed.

“Still think he’s an ass,” Ledger grumbled as he opened his book up again, reading where he’d left off.

“You and half the town, but he has his good points as well,” Twilight nodded. She looked at the book he was reading and tilted her head. “So what has you so engrossed anyway?”

“Just the time I found the setting of one of the Daring Do books on my way over from the Lands,” Ledger replied as he flicked the page. “Scope was really interested in it, and made me promise to take her on vacation there.”

“Ahh, that sounds pretty fun,” Twilight giggled. “I’m a big fan of those books as well. So’s Rainbow Dash.”

“Hmm,” Ledger said as he flipped the page, now finally sure which Hive he’d have to leave from, or head to, in order to find the temple again. “That’s hardly a surprise. You love reading, and I’m sure she likes the stories of an awesome pegasus going out to gain treasure.”

“You would not believe the chaos she caused when I showed her that book,” Twilight giggled, remembering that day quite fondly, even if she was woken in the middle of the night. She then smiled and leaned closer, and when nopony was looking, snuck a little kiss in on him.

“And I was serious, speak out again, and it’s dungeon time for you… though, this castle doesn’t seem to have one, so my bedroom will have to make do~”

“Depending on what role I end up in, that might not be a bad thing,” Ledger mused. “I promise I’ll at least try to keep my comments to myself, or if I can’t, I’ll at least make them entertaining.”

“Good,” Twilight mused as she turned back to the door. “Now, let’s see if anypony else is waiting~”

Three hours later, Twilight was sitting upside down on her throne, some books orbiting around her in her magical grip.

“I’m a little bookshelf, tall and strong,” she sang.

“Holding up all the books all day long,” Ledger rejoined as he finally got to the point where Midnight entered the picture in his book.

“Fiction, non-fiction self-help and life~” She looked at Ledger and a cheeky thought entered her head. “Oh dearest Level Ledger, take me as your wife~”

Ledger sputtered and looked at Twilight with a bit of a blush on his cheeks. “You’re not the first to have pulled that, but I will give you points for being imaginative,” he conceded to the princess.

“Thank you,” she bowed. “Sorry, it just kind of entered my head. You’re not mad are you?”

“Not at all,” he said, shaking his head. “As long as you don’t try to officiate your own wedding here and now.”

“Hmm, I don’t think I can actually do that,” Twilight replied. “Hmm, but I think any of my friends could as members of the Council of Friendship.” Her eyes widened at the thought of Pinkie being able to marry anypony she chose. “Never, ever tell Pinkie Pie that.”

“You might want to tell them yourself and get them to promise to never use their matchmaking powers for evil, before somepony else gets ideas,” Ledger said with a snicker.

“If you do that, I will see to it that you never have sex again Ledger,” Twilight deadpanned. “I know an Impotency spell and Permanency. Don’t make me use them.”

“Hey, I wasn’t gonna say anything to them,” Ledger said as he turned the page of his book. “I just don’t think Pinkie should think too hard about what she’s allowed to legally get away with before you make her promise to not marry everypony.”

“Hmm, good point. I should hold a meeting and figure out exactly what they can and can’t do,” Twilight made a note in her book, one she now had a habit of carrying around with her. Yes, Ledger was rubbing off on her again. “Well, I don’t think anypony else is coming. Shall we abscond for the rest of the day Mr. Ledger?”

“If that is your wish, then I shall cater to your desires, milady,” Ledger said, bowing to the princess as his book snapped shut.

“You’re such a ham,” Twilight rolled her eyes as Twilight Velvet poked her head in through the door.

“I don’t think anypony else is coming dear. Did you want to keep going?”

“No, Ledger and I are going to take a break for a while.” Twilight tapped her chin and nodded. “Could you leave a note saying that we’ll be back for an evening Court?”

“Of course dear,” Velvet nodded. “Also, I have to head back to Canterlot. I dread to think what your father’s been like since I left. That stallion has no sense of self-preservation.”

Twilight nodded and flew over to the door to give her a hug. Velvet smiled, then looked at Ledger to come and get one as well.

“Oh, alright,” Ledger said as he put his book away, before standing up and making his way over to the pair of mares. “I suppose I can be hugged as well.”

Twilight giggled as Velvet pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. “Alright, keep out of trouble. And I hope to see you as a son-in-law someday soon my dear.”

“MOM!” Twilight blushed. “Please go home now.”

“See how rude she is?” Velvet swooned. “Be a dear and teach her some manners hmm?”


“Not sure if you would approve how I go about doing that,” Ledger hummed.

Velvet giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “I have Cadence as a daughter now dear, and she likes to give details. So I have a fair guess as to how you’re going to do that. My previous statement still stands.”


“Maybe I should work on her vocabulary first, then manners,” Ledger said with a snicker. “She seems to be stuck on that one word.”

“I will end you both!!” Twilight yelled, her face redder than Big Mac’s butt. Twilight Velvet just giggled and gave them one last hug before leaving.

“I swear,” Twilight huffed as she left. “You two are never allowed together in the same room as me again.”

“Even for the wedding?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Especially at the wedding,” the princess replied, huffing again. “I swear, do you two set aside time to rehearse how to embarrass me?”

“No, but that’s a good idea,” Ledger mused. “Maybe I should try it with Midnight and the others…set up a time to ambush you...”

“Sure, pick on the mare that can blow up entire cities,” Twilight groused as she headed for her room. “Maybe I should take a nap alone then.”

“Suit yourself, I was going to make a quick snack,” Ledger said as he decided he would explore until he found the kitchen, if she was going to be like this. “Maybe read a bit more.”

“Oh? What happened to ‘teaching me manners’?” she asked him, shaking her rump slightly. “Oh well, have a nice lunch then,” she sang as she walked off.

“...These mares will be the death of me,” Ledger sighed as he followed Twilight. “It will be a pleasurable death, but one day the lot of them will drain me dry.”

Contrary to the winter chill that was covering most of Equestria, the Crystal Empire was warm and sunny.

Well, inside the shield anyway.

Painted Palette frowned as he looked at his latest painting. He tilted his head, took a step back and looked again, before nickering in annoyance and tossing the canvas over his shoulder.

“Something wrong?” Critical asked as she walked out from the kitchen, a cup of coffee in her magical grasp.

“Bah! Nothing’s turning out right,” he said, glaring at the offending painting. It was a nice landscape piece that looked almost flawless, but to the stallion that painted it, it was little more than a foal’s hoofpainting. “Maybe your magic show tonight will inspire me?”

Oh yeah. Critical Gaze had a performance tonight, a small hall where she could demonstrate her skills for an audience.

“I do hope so, otherwise I would be failing in my role as a muse,” the changeling nymph said before drawing close and giving the stallion a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ve been practicing with something my brother wrote about and I read about, I hope the others like it.”

“Sounds interesting,” Palette nodded as he moved to pick up the canvas. “I still don’t think this is good enough… but we need the bits. Some tourist should buy it.” He placed it on a small pile of paintings of the Empire. Ones of the castle or the stadium where the Games were held, some of the city itself. Tourists just ate this stuff up.

Then there were the ones he did of Critical… while nowhere near as beautiful as the mare herself, they came awful close to it. He suddenly felt the urge to hug her.

So he did. She hummed happily at the appreciation before giving him another kiss.

“Go on,” she said. “Sell your paintings. I’ll be here practicing my routine, and I’ll be sure to have a nice warm dinner for you when you get home.”

“Yes dear,” Palette winked and kissed her back, she hated being called that. “Anything you need while I’m out and about?”

Critical grumbled a little at the moniker, before considering the question seriously. “Hmm...maybe a head of lettuce. We’re running low on some foods, and I can do a lot with that.”

“Righto,” he nodded as he loaded up the cart. “One lettuce, some more wine…”

“You really should cut back,” Critical sighed. “But I know you won’t listen.”

He kissed her on the cheek as he hitched up the cart. “Yes dear,” he grinned and trotted off down the road before she could swat at him.

“That stallion,” Critical huffed before drinking her coffee. She then set the cup to one side and began working her magic in the living room, trying her best to replicate things she had never seen. Fortunately, she had that Daring Do book to fall back on, along with her brother’s letters.

Hopefully her audience was in the mood for a little show made out of a famous book…

Painted Palette waved off another customer, another tourist in a stupid shirt and an expensive camera. He saw Ruby walking down the street, along with his wife and their foals and the stallion gave them a wave as another tourist approached.

As Palette turned to greet them with his usual enthusiasm, ie, a simple nod… He noticed, something familiar about the green stallion, but couldn’t quite place his hoof on it.

Oh well, he moved to one side to sit on his stool and continue his sketch of Critical as the stallion looked at his wares.

“What is this rubbish?” the stallion asked after a moment. “This is something a tourist would buy, not an artist would paint.”

Wait. What?

Palette looked up and frowned at the stallion. He had more than a few tourists think they were an artist and insisted that they could do better. He also had a sure-fire way of dealing with them.

He pulled out a small canvas, one the size of a large book as well as some paints.

“Think you can do better?” he huffed. “Then put your brush where your mouth is… tourist.”

“With a canvas that size?” the stallion huffed back. “I’d hardly be able to put any detail into it.”

Painted Palette rolled his eyes and pulled out some blank cards, the same size as a playing card. He’d use them to doodle on when he got bored and took his brush.

In about a half hour, he presented two pictures with an astounding detail, one of the Crystal Heart, and a portrait of Critical Gaze.

“Pick your subject and even a small picture can be detailed,” he said and he put the cards down. “Even detail isn’t that important depending on your style. Abstract certainly doesn’t need it.”

“Abstract,” the stallion huffed. He opened his saddlebags with a quick application of magic, and pulled out a few brushes. Putting brush to paint and periodically cleaning it soon had the green stallion presenting Painted Palette with a small, but very well-done picture of a silver unicorn mare. One that looked...familiar.

“I’ve seen that mare somewhere before,” Palette said as he looked at the picture. Then it clicked and he slowly turned to look at the stallion. “How… do you know my marefriend’s mother?”

“I could ask the same of how you know my daughter,” the stallion said, tapping the picture of Critical with a hoof.

Oh bucking buck with a side of buck! “Well…” he looked around and shrugged. “This is awkward.” He looked at his stall, seeing as he’d sold more than half his stock, he shrugged again. “Shall we go and get her first? Might be better if we explain together.”

“Very well, but don’t think you’re off the hook,” the stallion said, giving him a slight glare.

Oh goodie, this was going to be a fun bucking day wasn’t it? Palette let out an irritated sigh as he packed up his wagon and headed for home, his new guest following close behind.

As they got back, Painted swore aloud as he realised that he forgot the lettuce… and his wine. And he really felt like a drink at this point. He put the wagon away and headed up to the door, nudging it open.

“Honey I’m home,” he called out as he trotted inside. “And we have a visitor…”

“You call her that?” the stallion asked, looking at Painted with a scrutinizing eye.

“Only cause she hates it, and she’s cute when she’s mad,” Palette responded.

“I told you not to call me that!” Critical shouted from the living room. “And...visitor? Who is it this time?”

“Told you,” Palette said with a small smirk as he trotted into the living room. He moved to the couch and kissed the mare on the top of the head. “Well kid, I was hoping you could tell me that…”

“My little nymph!” the stallion said as he walked in, knocking Palette aside as he swept Critical into a hug, causing the nymph to try her best to break free. “Why didn’t you tell me anything? I had to blackmail your step-father to figure out where you’d gone!”

“Gee, maybe because I knew you’d do this,” Critical said before looking at Palette. “Help?”

“I might be inclined to do such a thing,” Palette mused, rubbing his flank. “But then, as long as you’re there, you can’t get me for forgetting the lettuce.”

“I’ll forgive you for forgetting the lettuce if you get me out of this hug,” the nymph tried to bribe the stallion.

“Hmm, those are some agreeable terms,” Palette nodded and looked at the unicorn stallion. “Sir, don’t rough her up too hard. She has to perform tonight after all.”

“Oh, she’s putting on one of her shows?” the stallion said before releasing his daughter. “Yes, it wouldn’t do to have her show up in a disheveled state...which...she can hide with illusions anyways…”

It was too late, Critical had escaped to the other side of the room already. “Thanks,” she said to Painted.

“Anytime...darling~” he added and kissed her on the cheek. Critical grumbled a little at the moniker, but didn’t fight the kiss.

“So daughter,” the green unicorn stallion said in a tone that was about as warm as the tundra. “Care to tell me how you know this stallion?”

“Ah,” the nymph said. “We are...that is to say…”

“She’s my marefriend, simple as that,” Painted Palette nodded. “I’m quite surprised that your own wife didn’t tell you about that.”

“They tried to keep me from knowing about this,” the stallion grumbled. “I don’t know why they thought me not knowing was a good idea.”

“Maybe because you’ve been critical of all my other relationships?” the nymph pointed out.

“And they all turned out to be bad ones, yes?” the stallion riposted. “I rest my case.”

Painted Palette couldn’t help it, he turned and smiled widely at the mare. “He’s been critical of my Critical?”

If looks could kill…

The stallion snorted and looked back at the unicorn. “So, do I have to prove myself to this one as well? That raises a question actually, how many family members do I have to do this with? I’d like to keep tabs on it at least.”

“Three of the others are occupied in keeping the Trio in line more often than not,” the green stallion said. “As for Peaceful, he’s our groundskeeper slash farmer, he doesn’t leave all that often...except when some nymphs get it into their head to hop the border…”

“I already apologized for that!” Critical said, moaning at the end. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

“Probably not, no,” the stallion said with a nod.

“Well, it led to her coming here, so I’ll not complain,” Painted Palette interjected. “I might still be doing nothing aside from moping and drinking if it wasn’t for this beautiful muse of mine,” he punctuated that statement by kissing her horn.

The stallion seemed to observe their interactions for a moment before returning to look at Painted. “Well, I can’t say I can approve of all the things about you...but you’re a fair sight better than the last drone she was courting, I’ll give that to you.”

“Maybe because I’m not a drone?” the stallion chuckled, then realised that that might have sounded a little speciesist. “No offense?”

“None taken,” the stallion said with a smile. “Though, there was that colt…”

“Dad, drop it,” Critical growled.

“Oh, now this sounds juicy,” Palette chuckled, hugging Critical close. “And I could always use new material to tease her with.”

“You do like my cooking, right?” Critical asked without turning her head.

Palette sighed, he could never go back to eating the pitiful excuse he called food when he cooked. “Oh fine then. Spoilsport.” He shrugged and looked back at her father. “I don’t suppose I’ve introduced myself yet have I? The name’s Painted Palette, best artist in the Empire.”

“And I’m Inspired Dream, the only one who could reasonably put up with that nymph you’re cuddling so fondly,” the green unicorn said with a smirk. “She was just so impossible sometimes.”

“Dad,” Critical said.

“Fighting with her brother. Disagreeing with her teachers.”

“Dad!” Critical said a bit more urgently.

“Everything had to be her way or it was no good.”


“Hah! I have a little experience there, so I can deal with her sharp tongue with no problems,” Painted ran a hoof over her head soothingly. “Besides, her fiery spirit is just one of the things I love about her.”

“Well, at least you seem capable of putting up with her,” Inspired conceded.

“Not really, more like she’s putting up with me,” Painted replied and kissed the top of her head again.

“We’re putting up with each other,” Critical summarized.

“Which is the basis of any good relationship, knowing how to put up with your significant other,” Inspired voiced his approval.

“That it is, that it is,” Painted laughed. “My wife would always tell me what a chore it was to put up with me. Mind you, I’d tell her what a chore it was to eat her cooking.” He laughed harder and wiped away a tear. “That usually got me a wooden spoon upside the head.”

“I see,” Inspired said, now a bit more reserved, having caught on to that comment about Palette having been married. It was a look that didn’t go unnoticed by the stallion, and it was a look he’d received many times before.

“I suppose I’ll be upfront about that,” he said. “Yes, I had a wife and a son once… they’re… gone now.”

“My condolences,” Inspired said automatically. “I can’t imagine the pain you must have felt...though this does raise the question as to the age gap between you two…”

“Thank you,” Painted replied. It was still hard to believe that all that happened over a thousand years ago. He suddenly smiled and looked down at her. “Well, there’s only nine hundred years… give or take a century, between us.”

“Hah!” Inspired barked out. “Critical, I like this one. He has spirit.”

“‘s sorta why I like him as well,” the nymph said as she leaned against Palette. “Granted, some days he needs a kick in the flank to show it…”

“Bah! Says the mare that can’t even function until she has coffee,” Palette retorted. He looked back at Inspired and smiled. “The truth is that I’m thirty two years old. I married my wife when I was sixteen. So yes, I’m a little older than this brat here. Will that be a problem?”

The disguised drone mused the idea for a minute. “Hmm...well, I could point out a few things, but they’d sound awfully hypocritical, and I’d rather not give her any more ammunition...So no, I have no problem with your age.”

“Well, good to hear it all the same,” Palette replied. “Your show starts soon yeah? Should we get going?”

“We probably should,” Critical agreed as her disguise shimmered into place.

“Can I tag along?” Inspired asked. Painted shrugged and looked at Critical.

“I don’t see why not. As long as you buy a ticket like everypony else.”

“Wonderful!” the stallion said as he followed the pair.

The hall she was hosting her show in was... surprisingly full. A familiar pink alicorn and white unicorn stallion also sat in the front row, waving when Critical poked her head through the curtain.

When she moved back behind stage, Palette gave her a comforting hug.

"Feeling nervous?" He asked her.

“Just a bit,” the nymph said. “It’s been a month or so since my last little show, and it doesn’t help that I’ve never seen my latest piece in pony before.”

"I know you'll be fine," Palette replied and drew her in for a deep kiss. “You’re my stunning muse after all."

“Flatterer,” the disguised nymph said once the kiss broke. “I hope I’ll be fine. Wish me luck?”

"You have skill, luck isn't necessary," he said with a smile. "But I'll wish it anyway. Good luck love." He gave her another kiss, she might need the extra love energy, before he left to take his own seat.

“Right,” Critical said with a few deep breaths. “I can do this. I can do this. It’s only the rulers of the empire, my father, and my stallionfriend out there. I can do this.”

Funny enough, she was more worried about Palette and Inspired liking her performance than any of the other ponies.

"So what do you think we can expect?" Shining mused.

"I bet we'll see something unique, regardless of whether it's good or not," Cadence replied. "But I have a feeling this will be nothing short of spectacular."

Palette took his seat in the front row, a few seats down from the royal couple. This was going to be interesting. And given how hard the mare had been practicing...

She just had to make sure not to let nerves get the better of her.

Critical took another breath and forced a smile onto her face. “Showtime,” she said, stepping out beyond the curtain and taking a bow.

“Mares and gentlestallions, I am Critical Eye, and I welcome you to my art showing,” she told the gathered crowd. In the empty, except for them, hall.

One stallion raised a hoof, a grey pony with a fabulous silver mane and purple shades.

"I believe you may have forgotten something," he said. "Like your artworks perhaps?"

That earned a few chuckles from the audience. And Crit could feel Palette's desire to see this ponce with a few less teeth.

“Oh, my apologies,” Critical said as her horn flared, and hanging from the walls were several paintings that the mare had done over the past few weeks. “Did you imagine something like this?”

Before anypony could respond, Critical’s horn flared again, and the paintings were replaced by sculptures and pottery. “Or perhaps something like this?” Maybe now the true nature of her artwork was starting to become apparent.

"So these ponies paid good money to see something any half skilled Unicorn could do?" The stallion shot back.

Palette growled and went to get up. Critical didn’t deserve this and he was going rip that fancy do off of his head and make him eat it.

“Goodness no,” Critical said as her artwork faded out again. “I bring only the finest art of light and air. I bring to you...Canterlot!”

And with a flash, the interior of the hall had been replaced with the view from right outside the palace of Canterlot’s main gates. It trailed off into the distance a surprisingly long way.

The audience gasped, most having never set hoof outside the empire. Cadence just blinked in surprise. She doubted that even she could produce such a vivid and detailed illusion.

"This is Canterlot?" Palette wondered as he took the view in.

“Sadly I was only in the town for a day, and thus couldn’t quite get into the palace during my stopover. You’ll all have to be content with a little tour of what I did get to see,” the unicorn said as the illusion started to wind down Canterlot’s main road. The pony heckler, Hoity Toity, was suitably impressed also.

Painted Palette took in all of it. He was one of those ponies who ignored the outside world. He was now kind of regretting that decision.

“Oh, but that isn’t all,” Critical said as the illusion slowly faded to black once they reached the end of the main road. “Perhaps some of you will recognize this next city. But for everypony else, let me introduce you to the fine strip of Las Pegasus!”

The hall exploded into light again, as the main strip of Las Pegasus was suddenly around the ponies in the hall. From gambling dens to bars and nightclubs, some of which were...decidedly seedy.

Several ponies covered the eyes of their children as Inspired facehooved. Cadence giggled and poked Shining as she gestured to one place and the stallion blushed hard.

“Not to worry, I’ll not go into any of those places,” Critical said with a giggle. “Ah, but perhaps a change of venue is in order. Perhaps you all would appreciate...Manehatten?” Critical’s horn flared again, and the scenery changed once more.

Hoity was a well travelled stallion. He knew these places and could definitely tell that the scenes she showed were true.

Still, he wanted to see something unique.

"So, you're a decent tour guide," he prodded. "Now how about something with actual flair hmm?"

“But of course!” Critical responded as the scene around them faded. “Who here is a fan of Daring Do? Because I can show you all the settings from one of the books!” Her horn flared again, and this time, it showed no scene that the mare had actually seen.

Still, she’d practiced it a fair amount, and the ancient stone pyramidal temple that greeted their collective eyes was a faithful reproduction.

Hoity was suitably impressed. So she could create whole scenes just written word as well?

"Heh, Twily would love this," Shining chuckled, not wanting to admit his own inner fancolt.

"Now that's something else," Palette whistled. He could even hear the sounds of the jungle accompanying the scene.

“And now for a little something extra,” Critical said as her horn flared a final time. The scene didn’t seem to change much…

Until Daring Do poked her head through the foliage at the back, and began making her way through the crowd to the temple they were all seeing.

Several foals cheered and Critical could swear she heard Shining Armor's voice amongst them.

"She's gotten a lot better," Inspired-Dream mused. "That's my girl~"

“Let’s follow her, shall we?” Critical said as the illusion trailed after Daring Do and her adventures into the temple. Past one trap, barely dodging another. Fans of the series would hopefully recognize the setting and how much work the mare had put into it.

The foals cheered again, yelling at Daring to watch out for traps and booing when Ahuizotl showed up.

Palette had never read the books, but Critical was making him want to now. Even Hoity was silenced in awe.

“You are too late again, Daring Do!” ‘Ahuizotl’ said to ‘Daring Do’. “The Ring of Destiny is already within my grasp!”

“Let’s see how long it takes for it to slip out of your greasy hold, then,” ‘Daring’ replied as the pair got ready for their epic showdown of the book.

Fillies and colts held their breath as they waited for the fight to start. And when Critical glanced at Palette, not only was he entranced by the show, but he was also looking at her.

It didn’t take too long for Ahuizotl to show that he had the upper hoof in this fight, but he forgot about one thing that Daring carried around with her. With a quick crack of her whip, Daring Do snagged the ring right out of the hold of Ahuizotl.

The foals cheered as Daring started to make her escape from the crumbling temple. Shining had jumped to his hooves to cheer as well, much to the embarrassment of Cadence.

Even Inspired was giving his rapt attention. It wasn’t long before the pegasus was standing outside the temple, dust rising from its form as she put the ring in her saddlebags.

And just as the pegasus took off from the temple, a form climbed out of it and shook a fist in Daring’s general direction.

“Curse you, Daring Do! I’ll get you next time!” Ahuizotl yelled at the retreating pegasus.

Everypony in the audience exploded in cheers and stomping hooves. Even Palette and Inspired joined in on it. Critical smiled and took a small bow as the hall returned around them.

“Thank you, thank you,” she said. “I do have a few pieces of illusionary artwork that you can look over in the meantime, if you’re inclined to stay.” Sculptures of light and color took their places around the hall.

When she moved backstage, several foals calling for a Daring encore, Palette quickly joined her, scooping the young mare into a hug.

"You were amazing out there," he said. "More than amazing. I don't think I know the proper words to describe it."

“I just hope they appreciate how entertaining and enjoyable a good illusion can be,” Critical said as she returned the hug.

Palette snorted and tugged one of her ears with his mouth. "These things work? Because I don't think you can hear the room shaking cheers for you."

“Hey, quit it,” Critical said as she swatted at him with a hoof. “There’s a difference between them liking the show for the showmare, and them liking the show for what it was.”

“I know how you feel,” he nodded. “Sometimes ponies like my painting because of the content, some like it because I painted it, content aside. Still…” He peered past the curtain as a bunch of the foals were now looking at the pretty light sculptures. “I think you’re getting quite a bit of both love.”

“I can tell,” the disguised nymph said as she sighed happily. “Hmm...maybe in a bit, once my magic is refuelled and my nerves are settled again, I can go out there.”

“Well,” he gave her another quick kiss. “Don’t keep your new fans waiting too long.” He rubbed her head and trotted back out into the hall, just as Inspired walked in…

“You’ve gotten quite good with your illusions, dear one,” the disguised drone said as he gave his daughter another hug. “You can’t have had much time in any of those towns, yet you reproduced them perfectly. And creating something from fiction?”

The nymph looked suitably humble as she scuffed her hoof on the floor. “Well, it’s not...entirely from fiction, you know…”

The disguised drone blinked a few times before giving his daughter a scrutinizing glare. “Are you saying you visited the site of one of the Daring Do books?”

“Not personally,” the nymph responded with a shake of her head.

The curtain parted as Princess Cadence and Shining Armor entered the room, the Princess of Love had a wide smile on her face, as Shining just looked to one side, hiding his boundless enthusiasm. Or at least he tried… emotivore’s kinda had an edge over him there.

“That was an amazing show!” Cadence exclaimed, pulling the nymph into a hug. “You were amazing out there.”

“Ack!” Critical said as she was pulled from one hug to another. “Well, you know, it’s just what I do...can you stop trying to crack my shell, please?”

“Ah, my apologies,” Cadence giggled, releasing the nymph. “That Daring Do scene was so vivid and lifelike. How did you do that?”

“Well, I read the book a few times, and it didn’t hurt that I had a few letters from my brother about the location he ran across,” Critical said as she made sure her illusion was still up. “Plus, thanks to a small...misadventure I had some time ago, I have a...rough idea as to what it’s like to go through the jungle.”

“It sounds like you’re just full of stories,” Cadence giggled, then her eyes widened a little and she smiled. That annoying enigmatic smile that Celestia often wore. “Hmm, you’re still unemployed yes?”

“Technically yes, though I won’t be hurting for bits for a little bit thanks to this show,” the nymph said.

“Hmm, still, it must be boring having nothing to do most days,” Cadence said with a thoughtful hum. “Well, let’s leave this topic for now.” She turned to the other drone and smiled. “Ah, forgive me for not introducing myself. I am Princess Cadence, and this is my husband, Prince Shining Armor.”

“Hello,” Shining replied with a simple nod.

“And I am Inspired Dream, Critical’s father,” the drone introduced himself with a small bow. Shining’s eye gave a slight twitch at the thought of another Changeling being in the city, but he quickly fought that down. He’d heard that even Chrysalis had not only been found, but was staying with Twilight…

He’d be making a trip to Ponyville real soon.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Dream,” Cadence said. “You must be very proud of your daughter here. That was an amazing display of skill and power.”

“Critical is quite skilled in using illusions,” the green unicorn said with a nod. “I’d like to think that if anypony back home saw that little display, they’d agree with her that illusions deserve to be their own form of art.”

“Daaaaad,” the nymph said, blushing a little at the praise.

“Illusionary Art is rare in Equestria, while practised, few possess both the skill and the showmareship to make it truly effective.” Cadence gave Critical a warm smile. “Your daughter has a true gift there.”

“She’s been practicing it since she was six,” the disguised drone said with a smile. “And I don’t think a day goes by when she doesn’t try to hold at least some form of illusion all day, just to help her deal with the strain.”

“Practise only takes one so far though,” Shining nodded. “Still, I hope we get to see this again someday. It was a… magical experience.” He smirked as Cadence groaned at the terrible pun.

“That was bad, and you should feel bad for making that pun,” Critical deadpanned at the prince.

“No regrets!” Shining smiled as Cadence shook her head.

“He will when he’s sleeping on the throne room floor tonight,” the princess giggled. “Now, I’m afraid we have to go. I have a lot of work to do. But, congratulations on a wonderful show nonetheless.”

“Thank you,” the disguised nymph said with a small bow to Cadence. “It’s always nice to hear appreciation for my work.”

“Always,” Cadence replied and the two royals bowed their heads before leaving.

“Well, I think that’s bolstered my nerves somewhat,” the nymph said before looking back to the two most important male figures in her life. “I suppose I should go out and greet my fans now.”

“We’re right here with you,” Palette nodded.

“Agreed,” Inspired nodded.

“Thanks,” Critical said before giving both of them a quick hug. With a smile, she was out past the curtain again, though this time she took the time to walk around the hall and talk with ponies about her artwork.

It didn’t take long for the Earth pony from before to approach her.

“Good evening Miss Eye,” he said. “My name is Hoity Toity. Quite the show you put on here.”

“I do try to impress,” Critical said with a small grin. “I might try to recreate some more famous scenes from novels, if it gets that sort of reception.”

“That might be interesting, but you’d need permission from authors should you choose to do that,” he nodded. “And, I do apologise for my earlier behaviour. I find that ponies can perform better with the right… eh, motivations. And you handled the pressure admirably. Kudos for that.”

“Your criticism did help me move on from one scene to the next and stop others from questioning the illusion too badly,” the mare said. “I find one heckler to not be a bad thing.”

“Well, you’ll find a tough crowd from time to time,” he said. “Still, that brings me to my next point.” he cleared his throat and lowered his glasses. “I have a business proposition for you.”

“Go on,” the disguised nymph said, giving him a bit more attention.

“I hail from Canterlot, and I’d like for you to come back with me. Put on a few of these shows, perhaps some of these magnificent light displays at my gallery. You could become an overnight success!”

“Hmm,” the mare hummed, thinking it over. At least, seemingly. “And would I be required to stay in Canterlot for the duration?” This question was a trap for him. One of the answers was wrong. And the other one? Her ticket out of having to agree.

“Well,” Hoity replied. “I was thinking of at least several shows a week. As well as art receptions, dinners, various meet and greets. And it is an overnight train ride to the capitol.” He tapped his chin and hummed. “If you are worried about costs, it will not be a problem. Your accommodation will be taken care of, the finest hotel in the city. Why, I could even arrange that tour of the castle you missed out on before.”

“So in short, you would arrange for me to be your pet illusionist, to be led around on gilded leash, all while trapping me in Canterlot,” the disguised changeling brutally summarized. “Do try and explain to me why I would like to give up any accommodations or life I might have here to live under your hoof.”

“I would do no such thing,” Hoity said, seemingly shocked by the accusation. “You would be free to come and go as you pleased, and if that many shows is too much, then we can arrange something else. I just feel that this talent should be shown to the world.”

“And a stallion I respect very much told me something simple when I was learning art from him,” Critical rejoined with. “‘Art is not meant to be rushed or caged. It comes when it comes. It is the duty of the artist to express it, however they can.’”

Yes, her father had been...quite infuriating when she was learning under him. But that was a saying that stuck with her. Mainly because he kept repeating it whenever she kept turning in half-done pieces to him.

“Very well, I’ll not push the matter…” He looked past her and shrugged. “Plus, your entourage seems to be in agreement with you.”

Inspired and Palette were busy glaring death and silently threatening dismemberment.

“Still, should you ever find yourself in Canterlot and wish to perform,” He hoofed over a card with his details on it. “Look me up and I’ll make it happen.”

“Of course,” Critical said, taking the card with her magic and waiting until he was out of sight.

Then she passed it on to Palette. “I don’t care how you get rid of it. I never want to touch it myself.”

She had a display of magical fire nearby, Palette thought it could use a little fuel…

“Well that went downhill fast,” he chuckled. Then frowned as he saw the card laying unburned. Oh yeah… illusion.


“Perhaps you could try to cook it later and get the same effect,” Critical said with a small laugh. “Better pick it up before some small foal does and it ends up traumatizing them.”

“I fail to see how an address would traumatize anypony,” Palette sighed as he picked up the card and placed it in his bag. “Well, whatever. Creepy stallions trying to take my Critical away aside. How do you think tonight went?”

“I feel like it went...really, really well,” Critical said with a happy sigh. “I cannot begin to express how nice it feels to show off my art again.”

“Probably like it was when you got me to paint again,” Palette said, nuzzling her softly. Critical giggled and hugged him, before looking over at her father.

“So father? Your verdict?”

The stallion hummed a little before drawing close to the pair, his scrutinizing gaze unrelenting as he examined the stallion currently snuggling his daughter.

“I’d say he likes it,” Palette chuckled, watching her indignant expression over the public affection. Mental note, snuggle her in public more often, it was adorable.

“I will say this, you two are good for each other,” the green unicorn said with a nod. “I had my doubts earlier, but you seem...right. Fit for one another.”

Even Palette sported a blush now. “Well, thank you,” he replied with a smile. “At least you're more reasonable than your other husband that accompanied your wife.”

“Yes, you don’t give my coltfriend perverse books,” Critical grumbled.

“Ah, so that’s who Wishful sent that translated copy of the Pony Sutra to,” Inspired commented. “I had wondered why he needed it translated from Changeish in the first place. Now I know.”

“Yes, and now you know why I want to place a scorpion in his bed,” Critical muttered, though, Palette had learn some… very nice tricks from that book. So she couldn’t complain too much.

“You liked page seventeen quite a bit,” Palette chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows. Inspired blanched as the implications hit him full force.

“So...you two have been…” he said, not quite capable of breaching the topic himself. Critical just blushed and looked away, not quite able to bring herself to say it.

“In our defense,” Palette started. “It didn’t happen straight away, and I always treat her with all the love she deserves. Though, that first night was just…”

“We are not discussing that with my father,” Critical said, turning even more red at the thought.

“Of course dear,” Palette chuckled. She was cute when she blushed, she was cute when she was mad.

Hell, she was just cute period.

“...I trust you’ve been taking the correct...precautions,” Inspired said gingerly.

“Dad!” Critical said, turning her ire from Palette to her father.

“Well, we had a tad of a scare at first, since pony potions aren’t that effective on Changelings,” Palette replied. “And I’m afraid I’d gotten a little carried away the first time. But in short, yes.”

“Ah, it’s just,” Inspired said, looking at his daughter. “She has a bit of a…”

“You can say the word ‘disability,’ dad,” Critical deadpanned. “It’s not like the world will end if you tell things like they are.”

“I fail to see how that’s an issue,” Palette replied with a bit more bite than he meant. “To me, she’s perfect. A little smartflank most times, but still perfect.”

“And you still have some rough edges, but it’s nothing I can’t help you see for yourself,” Critical said as she gave Palette a hug. “But yes dad. We’re happy together, and we’ll hopefully continue to be happy together for some time yet.”

Inspired sighed before looking at Palette. “Please take care of her? She means the world to me.”

“I think she’s taking care of me more than anything,” Palette replied. “But as long as she’ll be with me, I’ll take care of her.”

Critical nodded and gave Palette a quick squeeze before finally breaking their hug. “Well, I’m going to walk and talk with some of my actual fans,” she said, giving the artist a quick kiss before she left. Leaving Palette alone with her father.

“Well that’s a little harsh,” Palette mused. “I’d say I’m a fan of hers. Though that might be an obligation too.”

“She might have been talking about ponies other than that rich one,” Inspired pointed out.

“Ah,” Palette replied. “Well… how about a drink?”

“Are there any good bars in this city?” Inspired asked with a raised eyebrow.

“A few,” the wisend stallion replied. “Should let Critical know though, she gets mad if I don’t tell her. Scary mad, not cute mad.”

“I know that feeling,” the green unicorn said with a chuckle. “Go on, go and catch her.”

The stallion nodded and trotted off, once he caught her, he paused to figure out how to word it.

In the end? He kissed her on the head, said he was going drinking with her dad and bolted. He raced past Inspired and looked back over his shoulder.

“If you wanna stay alive, stay with me,” he said and continued to run. The green unicorn needed no further prompting and bolted after the crystal stallion, barely evading his daughter’s angry shouts.

“Whatever you did wasn’t very effective!” Inspired said once they were clear of the hall.

“If she burns out now, she won’t be as mad later,” Painted replied as they trotted down the road. Palette’s favourite place was a little hole in the wall… called ‘Hole in the Wall’ oddly enough. “As long as we don’t get too drunk anyway.”

“It’s you that has to live with her now, not me,” Inspired said as he followed after the crystal pony. “If you feel like you want to risk it, then by all means, let’s.”

“It’ll be fine,” he replied. “...maybe. Well, whatever.” He reached the door, one you might just walk past if you weren’t specifically looking for it, and nudged it open. A flight of stairs leading downwards.

“After you,” he nodded. Inspired trotted down the stairs with a minimum of fuss, and when he came to a second door, opened that one and held it open for Palette. When the two entered the place, it… wasn’t what Inspired had been expecting.

It looked more like the inside of a geode, thousands upon thousands of crystals lined the walls, the colours changing depending on how the light hit them. There was also nopony here at the moment, save for the barkeep.

It was a mare, a species that Inspired recognised quite easily to boot.

“Well, good evening Palette,” the Thestral mare greeted him. “And who’s your cute friend here? And more importantly, is he single~?”

“Sorry miss, I’ve been taken for twenty years now,” the green unicorn said with shake of his head.

“A pity, y’all are cute,” she sighed. “And I was hoping Palette would finally come to drink something that ain’t my spirits… and now he’s gone as well. Makes me just a little sad.”

“Oh, suck it up and pour us a drink Lily,” Palette deadpanned. “Or do I have to tell your husband you’re flirting with strangers again?”

“Spoilsport,” Night Lily replied and poked out her tongue. Inspired shook his head and chuckled at the back and forth.

“Well, at least you’re on good terms with her,” the unicorn observed. “Not sure how much of a plus that is, though…”

“Now that is just rude darlin’,” she said as she poured a dark amber liquid for him. “And careful with this. Burns like Tartarus going down, but really hits the spot.”

The disguised drone took a sip of his drink and coughed as the burn hit him. “I see what you mean,” the green unicorn said, thumping his chest a little. “And really, most things can be taken two ways. Yes, it’s good that he’s cultivated a good relationship with you both...but that does imply he’s a regular drinker.”

“Not as much as he used to,” Lily sighed as she looked at the disappearing crystal stallion as he trotted off to the bathroom. “Used to come in regularly after… well, what happened and all. But, lately he’s been quite a bit more infrequent. This is the first time I’ve seen him in weeks. Not to mention he’s never brought anypony with him besides old Ruby before.”

“I see,” Inspired said as he took another sip, this time braced for the burn. “I would ask if that was his wife, but that sounds more like a male name. Friend of his, perhaps?”

“Local Crystal berry farmer, he and Paint have been friends far longer than I’ve been here, I only moved here a few days after the empire returned, took over this place from an older stallion.” She wiped a glass and smiled. “It’s good though, I’m glad to see him happy again… No-nopony should have to go through that…”

“I can agree to that,” Inspired said as he took a bigger sip of his drink. Memories best left buried were starting to surface at the thought of all Palette had been through.

“And now I know why he brought you,” she said, opening one eye to look at him. That gaze of hers, it seemed to look right through him, past his disguises and illusions, past the facade he’d put up. To her, he was a foal’s storybook, and as easily read.

“You and he… aren’t so different.”

“We’ve had our share of troubles,” the green unicorn said as he put the glass down. “I can’t say I’ve ever lost anyone, but I’ve had times nearly as bad as him, I’d wager.”

“Everypony has bad times, from time to time,” she giggled as she put the glass on the counter and refilled Inspired’s drink. “But, in the end, bad times, are just times that are bad.”

“Passing off your fortune cookie advice again?” Palette said as he walked back into the room and took a seat. “Nopony listens to that crap.”

“You did for quite a while,” Lily riposted. “And I’ll have you know my advice has helped a bunch of you glass ponies.”

“Little tip, don’t antagonize the one pouring the drinks,” Inspired interjected.

“Oooh, I have to remember that one,” Lily giggled. And then she actually wrote it down. “So, what brings you boys here tonight anyhow?”

“Escaping life for a bit,” Palette replied as he sipped his drink. Then he looked up and saw something he hadn’t seen before. “Lily, what’s that?”

“Hmm, oh, something from Equestria that doesn’t taste like dishwater and apples,” she replied and pulled the bottle down. “It’s something called…” she frowned and looked at the label. “Mood Setter?”

“Oh dear,” Inspired said as he read the distinctly Changeish script on the edges of the label. The ponies would probably think it decorative or something. He read it clearly and now knew the contents of the bottle. “Palette, I think we should pass…”

“Hmm?” the stallion already had a glass to his lips and was sipping at it. “Why?”

“Let’s just say that drink’s going to be packing a surprise in more than one fashion,” the disguised drone said without saying too much.

“...Lily, did you spike my drink?” the stallion deadpanned. The Thestral mare blinked and looked at the bottle.

“Of course not! I just opened the bottle. And it’s not my fault I can’t read Changeish!”

Inspired just took another sip of his regular old, non-lust or happiness-spiked, drink. This...was going to get interesting, quickly. Possibly.

Palette finished his drink and put the empty glass down. “Bah! Too fruity,” he said. “This is a drink for mares or underage colts. Gimme some of that crystal berry wine Lily.”

“Yeah, yeah,” the bat pony chuckled and poured his drink. “What about you hotstuff? Want some of this weird buggy drink?”

“I’d rather not, I can read Changeish, and I’d rather avoid having my emotions tampered with,” Inspired replied.

“So that’s what this does?” she looked at the drink. “Maybe I shouldn’t serve this, especially since the Heart affects emotions as is.”

“I don’t feel a thing,” Palette replied. “Still, we should prolly get going soon. Critical is gonna be pissed as is.”

Inspired nodded as he had the last of his second drink and nodded at the thestral mare. “You should probably have some of that yourself before you decide anything regarding whether or not you sell any...maybe with your husband?”

“Ooh, so that’s why I jumped his bones so hard last night,” she said with a tone of realisation.

“And that’s different from normal...how?” Palette replied, earning him a swat with one of her wings.

“I warned you about antagonizing her,” the green unicorn said with a snicker.

“Bite me,” he muttered and the mare bared her fangs at him, making his scoot back a bit.

“Don’t worry, only my hubby gets these babies~” she said, biting the air. “Though, I could be persuaded~”

“If I know my daughter and my wife, neither one would like it if you succeeded,” Inspired said as he moved to stand up. “Though, thank you for the drinks and the charming company.”

“Anytime,” Lily nodded. “Hmm, if you ever find yourself in Las Pegasus, give my cousin a call. She’s always good for a laugh, even though I haven’t heard from her in a while…”

“Perhaps I will,” the green unicorn said with a slight smile. He only knew of one thestral in that city after all...It was a long shot, but it was probably a good one. “Come on then, Palette. Let’s get you back to Critical before either of us get in too much more trouble.”

“Yeah sure,” he replied and got to his hooves, wobbling slightly. “...Strange,” he muttered. He’d only had three drinks…

Well, whatever. Time to find his cute little mare.

By the time they got back, Palette had a lopsided smile on his face as he walked inside.

“Honey I’m home~” he sang out… actually sang.

“I told you not to call me that!” Critical said from the kitchen. She’d picked up the ingredients for a very nice salad on the way back from the hall and was now in the process of making it.

“Aww, don’t be like that,” he purred as he moved up behind her, trailing kisses along her neck. “Mmm, you smell nice~”

“Ack!” Critical said as she blushed. “You’re awfully touchy for you. Did you forget that you abandoned me to get drunk back at the hall?”

“M’not drunk,” he replied, now planting a light kiss on her horn. “I had very little to drink, but now I just want to show you how much. I. Love. You~” He turned her head and gave her a deep, Lust-fuelled kiss.

“Yeep!” the mare said as she blushed right through her disguise. “Before dinner? With my dad still around?”

Palette didn’t respond as he kissed her again, one of his forehooves caressing her neck, before moving down her neck and then to her side.

“Somepony’s trying to get dessert before dinner,” Critical giggled.

“Then blame yourself for being so sweet,” he replied, his caresses moving lower as his hooves found her flank. There was a cough from the doorway, and then Inspired spoke up.

“No, by all means, do keep groping my daughter in front of me.”

Palette blinked, before realising what he was doing and took a step… or three, back. “I uh… sorry, I don’t…” What the hell had brought that on?

“Don’t you remember that drink you had back at the bar?” Inspired asked, waiting for the artist to ask what was in it. That’d make for an interesting reveal.

“That fruity crap?” he asked. “Don’t tell me that she-bat did spike my drink!”

“What bat?” Critical asked. If somepony had done that to him… “I’ll kill her!”

“She didn’t spike it with anything, it already came that way,” the green unicorn said. “It was brewed by Violets, and had a bit of Happiness and Lust mixed in. Or so the label warns anypony able to read Changeish.”

“Fucking… Violets,” Critical facehooved and Palette just blinked and shook his head, before he smiled and trotted back over to Critical to nibble on her ear.

“Ack!” she said, pushing him away with a hoof. “Down! Let me finish making dinner before you start on that again.”

Palette shook his head again, before he trotted over to the sink and filled it with cold water, and then promptly dunked his face in it. Inspired had a small laugh then.

“Not used to having your emotions meddled with, are you?” the disguised drone asked as Critical finished with the salads. Painted Palette lifted his head, the freezing water had cleared it a little, except now he was cold and wet as water dripped onto his chest.

“Naw, I’m in love and she’s been messin’ with my emotions since she showed up.”

Then… he grinned, a wide, wicked smile as he walked closer to the nymph. “You know,” he hummed. “I think somepony could use a hug right now.”

“Meep!” Critical said, scooting back a step. “You wouldn’t do that to me, would you?” Her best cute face accompanied her question.

“Hmhmhm, you know me, I love hugs,” he chuckled as he stepped closer again.

“I am warning you, Painted Palette,” Critical said as she stepped back again, using the dreaded art of the Full Name. “Hug me like that and you will regret it.”

“Huh? I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you say my full name kid,” he said, pausing for a moment, before he grinned and shook his head, sending droplets of water everywhere. “Still won’t save you though~” He lunged forward to snuggle the nymph…

She ducked under the hug, barely, and managed to escape to the dining room.

“Eh, I’m too old to go chasing her around the house,” he shrugged as he grabbed a dishtowel and began drying himself off. He looked at Inspired and then realised what he’d done in front of him… again.

He paused, shrugged and went back to drying himself.

“Well, at least you and her have fun, that’s the important bit,” Inspired commented as he pulled the salads into the next room with his magic, making to follow his daughter.

“She makes me feel like a colt all over again,” Palette chuckled. As they walked into the living room, he looked around for the mare.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I don’t feel like getting you all wet now.” That smirk told her that he knew exactly what he had said too.

Critical slowly showed her face, blushing a little at the implications. “You...really need to work out that lust sooner or later.” Her blush faded as she considered what she just said. “Or not. You’re more fun like this.”

“I’m always fun,” Palette replied as he took a seat. “Grumpiness and disdain at modern culture just override that is all.” He picked up a fork and started to serve out the salad that Critical had made. “Food looks good… honey~”

“I should hope it does, I picked up enough ingredients to do this a few more times,” the disguised nymph said. “And don’t think I didn’t see a certain somepony’s look of wonder when I showed off modern cities.”

Palette shrugged and looked away. So the rest of Equestria looked interesting, big deal.

“Speaking of,” Inspired hummed as he sat down as well. “Will you be attending your brother’s wedding? It is in three weeks after all.”

“Brother? Oh, that one I sold the painting to?” Palette asked and the drone nodded in response. “So he’s getting married huh? Well, what do you say Crit?”

“Hmm,” the nymph said as she sat down, salad in her grasp. “Perhaps. If I can convince a certain stuffy somepony to come with me.”

“Well, it’s your family, so I guess…” Then he realised that he’d have to leave the empire. He shuddered and took a breath. “Yeah, guess I could do that.”

“Don’t worry,” Critical said, scooting a little closer to Palette. “I’ll be right next to you the whole way. I promise.”

“I’m not scared,” he huffed with indignation and stabbed at his salad. “Just… cautious.”

“I promise that the outside world isn’t as scary as you make it out to be,” the nymph said with a giggle before starting in on her own dinner.

“You may find yourself drawing a bit of attention to yourself, but you’ll emerge unscathed,” Inspired commented as he started on his meal.

“I’m just a painter, how would I draw attention to myself?” he asked. “If anything, you lot would get far more than me wouldn’t you?”

“That’s if we went out undisguised, which no sane changeling will ever do,” the drone said.

“You, on the other hoof, can’t exactly turn off your shininess,” Critical giggled.

Palette blinked, then closed his eyes and took a breath. His coat’s shimmer faded and after a second, he looked like a regular Earth Pony, with a rather glossy mane and tail.

“You were saying?” he said with a small smirk.

“Well, I will admit, that is impressive,” Critical said with a nod of her head.

“I thought for a second that there were three changelings in the room instead of two,” Inspired confessed.

“Our crystalness comes from positive emotions,” Palette said as his coat flashed and resumed it’s normal glamour. “That was pretty difficult though.” He looked at Critical and smiled. “I blame you for that.”

“So it’s unlikely you would be able to hold it for long outside the empire,” the nymph summarized. “Meaning that yes, you would still draw attention to yourself.”

“Ah well, I’m not that interesting anyway,” he said. “And if I’m away from the Crystal Heart, it’ll probably be a little easier. Heck, even non-crystal ponies get this appearance temporarily during the Crystal Fair.” He tapped his chin and hummed. “I wonder what a Crystal Changeling looks like?”

“Dunno, I wasn’t here for your fair the last time you held it,” Critical said with a hum. “Maybe you’ll find out next time~”

“Guess so,” he replied and kissed her forehead. “Well, let’s finish eating and head to bed. It’s been a long day for all of us.”

“Thank you for the offer, but I’m fairly sure I shouldn’t overstay my welcome,” Inspired said. “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t anything like her last relationships, which you’ve already done in spades.”

“Thank you, but at least stay the evening,” Palette replied. “I can only offer you the couch I’m afraid, but surely you’d like to take a look around the Empire while you’re here?”

“I will admit that it’s quite the nice city…” Inspired said. “But I shouldn’t impose…”

“Dad, take the couch before I chain you to it,” Critical deadpanned.

“It seems I’m staying the night,” the disguised drone said with a little too much cheer. Palette sighed and looked at his nymph, before he smiled again.

“Aw, and here I thought I was the only one you tied up~”

Critical blushed again and looked away. “You’ve learned far too well,” she muttered.

Palette and Inspired shared a laugh, only causing her blush to grow.

After dinner, Palette washed the dishes while Critical fetched some blankets and pillows for her father. And once the pair said their goodnights, she headed off to Palette’s room to wait for him… and that was when the thought of revenge struck.


By the time Critical awoke, she could smell and hear somepony cooking in the kitchen, but, Palette was sleeping next to her, mumbling and his leg twitching in his sleep. The nymph decided to investigate, carefully drawing herself away from the stallion next to her as she did.

As she got out into the kitchen, she saw Inspired humming along to the radio as he whipped up some pancakes. Rare was a peaceful morning for him, and he was determined to enjoy it.

“Oh, it’s you,” Critical said as she got to the kitchen. “Coffee?” she asked.

“Right over there,” her father said, using a hoof to point at the pot. “Just set it to brew before I started this. I know how you are.”

“Right, right,” the nymph said as she poured herself a cup of the wonderful stuff.

Inspired continued to hum his song, but lost the tempo soon enough and sighed.

“So, have fun working that drink out of his system last night?” he asked as casually as one would ask about the weather. He may have also waited on purpose until she was taking a sip of her coffee…

Her cheeks bulged as she tried to contain the spit-take, and barely succeeded. Of course, now she did have a mouthful of piping hot coffee to swallow down, which she barely managed to do. “Oh Hives, I forgot you were there and the soundproofing charm,” she said breathlessly.

“Yes, well, you’re lucky I didn’t,” he replied as he flipped the pancake. “I was enjoying some of the paintings in his storeroom, particularly the one of the mare and colt. There is a lot of love in that piece.” He flipped the breakfast onto a plate and poured the batter for the next one. “So imagine my surprise when I come back out and hear that going on. You ah… seemed to be enjoying yourself. I’m glad he’s treating you right.”

“Yes, well, he was...insatiable last night,” the nymph said, suitably embarrassed. “I might purchase a bottle or two of that stuff to give to him every once in a while, but if it became a regular thing, I would have trouble keeping up…”

“And now I regret bringing this topic up,” the drone blanched as he served up some pancakes for his daughter. “You and Secret are becoming far too much alike…”

“He did inspire my latest piece the other day, with his detailed description of the temple he found…” Critical mused.

“Ahh, so that’s where you got that from,” Inspired hummed thoughtfully. Perhaps he should ask the boy if he could peek at that book of his, he might find something to inspire his own art. “So, is there anything I can help you with before I go? You’re all set for supplies? Clothes?”

“We’re all set for everything, yes,” the nymph said with a nod as she started in on her breakfast. “I think I’m going to try and take Palette out of the Empire a few times, test the waters, so to speak, before the big day.”

“Hmm,” Inspired tapped his chin. “Well, after you cross the border, I believe that the closest town is… Vanhoover. And I believe that Cloudsdale is in the vicinity as well.”

“Sure, take the crystal pony and the unicorn-glamored changeling into a pegasus city,” Critical griped before eating her breakfast. Her dad’s pancakes were the best

“It’s called a cloud-walking spell,” he replied with a small amount of snark. “It’s fairly low level, so I think even you could learn it.”

“I’d have to make a study of it,” the nymph said once her mouth was clear. “And even then, I’d have to be competent enough to cast it on two ponies, with enough power to keep us both from falling through the clouds.”

“You’d be surprised how lax Equestria’s security has become regarding our kind lately,” Inspired hummed as he ate some of his pancakes. He swallowed and smiled. “Did you know that we can walk around undisguised in Las Pegasus?”

“You’re kidding me,” the nymph said, not believing the news herself.

“You’re a Changeling, you can tell if I’m lying or not. And besides, would you want to call your mother a liar? She saw it for herself. As did Peaceful and Wishful.”

“Wow,” the nymph said, sitting back. The idea was a wonderful one. “Y’know, you hear a lot of talk about equality back home...Equestria might just beat us to it.”

“Would that be a kick in the flank for them?” Inspired chuckled. “The country we tried to invade accepts us faster than our own kind…”

“You all invaded my house, and I accept you,” Palette mumbled as he stumbled out of the bedroom. He wobbled over to the table and gave Critical a kiss as he passed, heading for the bathroom. “Some more than others though.”

“Hah, so it seems my daughter practices Necromancy now, seeing as she can wake the dead… both in and out of bed~”

Critical shot an unamused glance at her father while her magic worked on making Palette a cup of coffee. “That was bad and you should feel bad for that one,” she told Inspired.

“I thought it was funny. Now drink your coffee and you’ll find it amusing as well,” Inspired pouted as he sipped his tea. Not all Changelings were coffee-obsessed monsters after all.

Critical sighed as she continued to eat her breakfast, interspersed with occasional sips of her coffee.

After a quick shower, Palette eventually returned and took a seat at the table also, as Inspired served up a plate of pancakes and Critical floated some coffee over to him. He thanked the pair and tilted his head until his neck cracked.

“Urgh, my back is killing me today,” he complained.

“Maybe I could give you a massage later,” the nymph suggested as she ate her breakfast. “Or we could just visit a spa.”

“You want me, to go to some frou-frou spa?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and sipped his coffee. “Pass.”

“Suit yourself,” Critical said as she sipped her coffee. “I was going to have you get a massage, then have all the services that could apply to me done, see what you thought of me then. But if you’d rather not go...”

Palette folded like a deck of cards. “...Fine, if that’s what you want,” he muttered, taking a bite of his breakfast.

Critical beamed and gave her stallion a kiss. “I promise you, you’ll just get a massage.” And then we’ll see what you think of spas after that, she thought. Especially when I come back out~

“I reserve the right to retain my apprehension,” Palette replied. “And besides, do you honestly think they could improve what is already perfect? You already shine brighter than any crystal in the Empire.”

“Flatterer, and you never know,” the nymph said with a small blush. “They might find something they can do that’s good for me.”

“Ah, young love,” Inspired sighed and looked at Palette. “Well… mostly young.”

“Hilarious,” the crystal pony deadpanned.

“Dad fancies himself a comedian, I fear,” Critical said as she gave her stallion a quick kiss.

“Mhm, he shouldn’t give up his day job though,” Palette responded. “So, what time were you planning on heading home?” he asked the drone. “You might wanna catch a few sights before leaving.”

“I’ll take a quick tour of the city, see a few ‘touristy’ spots before I have to go home,” the drone said, with obvious sarcasm at the word ‘touristy’. “If you’ve any advice for any place I should be visiting, I’ll listen.”

“The Crystal Heart is a must, and since it’s right under the palace you could see that too,” Palette replied. “Hmm, aside from that, I don’t really know since I tend to avoid those places.”

“Fair enough,” Inspired said as he finished off his own breakfast. “Any sights that you would recommend, then? Places you find inspiring?”

Palette looked at Critical and smiled. “There’s a hill, just over the rise there. I won’t say anything else beyond that. It’ll ruin it.”

“I’ll put it on my list of places to visit,” the drone said as he finished his tea and moved to stand up. “Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to each other, then. Take care of each other.”

“Always,” Palette nodded and kissed his adorable mare. “Thank you for visiting.”

“Thank you for having me,” Inspired said with a small bow before taking his leave.

“...And now that that’s finally done with,” Critical said as she polished off her breakfast. “I feel like I could use some relaxing.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Painted said after seeing the stallion off. “It must be nice, having a big family like that.”

“Except when you realize that there’s six sets of fatherly eyes ready to catch you doing something you shouldn’t be,” Critical responded with. “Add in three younger brothers, an older one that I never got along with, and a younger sister who defies logic on a regular basis, and you start to get an idea as to how hectic my home can be.”

“Sounds like life would never be lonely at least,” he said quietly. The nymph’s eyes widened as she realised that he...had been alone for quite some time. She hugged him close and whimpered.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I...forgot.”

“Nah, it’s alright,” he said. Sad Critical wasn’t a Critical he liked. “Besides, I’ve had enough sympathy to last a thousand years. Besides...” He held her close and smiled. “I have you now.”

“Fair enough,” the nymph said as she kept hugging him. “Maybe one day we can get to work on giving you a family again. But let’s wait until after we’ve seen my brother’s wedding, hmm?”

The stallion nodded… then, he paused as her words sank in. “A...family...us?” he turned a rather impressive shade of pink and then performed an equally impressive impression of a fainting goat.

“Well, at least I know how to get under his skin,” Critical giggled.

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