• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 76 - Party Preperations

“So you really grew all this by yourself?” Sun Song asked the earth pony mare as they trotted up and down the greenhouse.

“Eeyup, well, ah had a lot of help settin’ all this up, but these are the fruits of mah labour,” Apple Cider chuckled as she checked her Berry trees. Her new mango trees were coming along nicely as well. Winter would be over in a month or so, and then she’d really be busy. “That reminds me, ah need to see which one gets wrapped up first, Ponyville or here.” She’d always visit Applejack’s farm to help out with the coming of Spring, and then she’d get help in return.

“Hollow Shades is much simpler,” Sun nodded. “We get pretty much the same weather all year round. The flora and fauna prefer it that way. And well, seeing as how the majority of the city is underground…”

“Wait, really?” Cider paused.

“Yup, big old cave right in the centre of town. Goes down about… a kilometre or so. Most of the city is built into that, but we do have some aboveground stuff as well.”

“Well ain’t that interestin’,” Cider whistled as she picked a Berry and tossed it to the mare. Sun caught it and gave it a sniff before eating it.

“Oooh~ yummy!”

“Mhmm, ah reckon ah could squeeze another bottle or three out of what’s here,” Cider nodded. “This one grows jus’ a little faster than the rest.” She turned and looked at the mare. “Wanna learn how to make wine?”

Sun nodded and the two went to work, the Thestral continuing to go on about her hometown while Cider gave her tips on gardening and cider-making.

In the Crystal Empire, Scope Lens decided to pay a little visit to a certain somebug.

“Hives, why the hell does she have to live in the middle of friggen nowhere?” she muttered as she climbed the hill to the home that Cadence said the changeling nymph resided. “What a pain in the ass…”

The house wasn’t much to look at, but the view around the place was nice at least. Scope climbed the stairs and knocked on the door, only now realising that she had no idea what she’d do if nopony was home.

It took a few minutes, but a rather bed-raggled stallion answered the door. He was sweating slightly and looked more than a little irritated as he stared down at the Changeling. He sighed and turned around, leaving the door open.

“It’s for you,” he called out as he trotted off to wash up.

“Who is it?” the voice of Critical sang out...with more than a hint of irritation to her tone.

“Princess Celestia,” Scope called back as she walked in.

“I highly doubt that, I would know,” the voice of the nymph responded from the bedroom. “Last chance, then I’m chucking you out the window.”

“Somehow, I don’t think your brother would appreciate that,” Scope said, now standing in the doorway to the bedroom. “Sorry I killed your funtime though. This visit is a little unplanned.”

“Oh?” Critical said as she turned from looking at the kitchen where her stallion was to the nymph. “...Just how did you get up here so quickly if it wasn’t planned?”

“Oh, well first, let me inform you that your brother is now dating another mare,” Scope said, leaning against the doorframe. “One that matches him in regards to intellect… at least until I figure out how to steal her all for myself that is.”

“For Hive’s sake,” the nymph moaned. “Will he never stop collecting mares?”

“Probably… maybe…” Scope shrugged. “Anyway, the two decided to try science. And thanks to that, I wound up being teleported here, all the way from Las Pegasus…”

“...Say that again. They...managed to teleport you...all the way here?” To say Critical was unbelieving was about as vast an understatement as saying outside of the weather shield, it was cold in the tundra.

“Oh yes, Level Ledger and Princess Twilight are trying to crack limitless teleportation… and I think they might have actually done it,” Scope groaned. “Now I have to wait for Lovebutt to figure out the plate so I can go home again. Figured I’d come and catch up with you…”

“You couldn’t have picked a worse time if you were trying,” the nymph said with a giggle.

“So I saw,” Scope smirked and looked towards the kitchen. “Didn’t peg you for the type that likes older guys. Or does he have something for younger mares hmm~”

“He’s an artist in need of somepony to call his own, and I can be quite persuasive,” Critical said as she blinked her green eyes at the nymph.

“You didn’t trick him or anything did you?” Scope replied. She knew how Hive-raised nymphs could be. She was one after all.

“Why don’t we ask him?” Critical said as she raised her voice. “Palette, little Scope here wants to know if I tricked you or anything to earn what you were giving me five minutes ago.”

There was a clatter from the kitchen, and the sound of somepony dropping their coffee cup. He cleared his throat and sighed as he started to look for his broom. “Define trick?” he asked. “Cause I think you know more than a few.”

“She’s talking manipulation and magical trickery. I wouldn’t do that sort of thing to you,” Critical said with certainty.

There was a pause, as the stallion pondered on his answer…

Would I, Palette?” Critical said, using one of the many variations of The Voice.

“Don’t rush me, I’m thinking,” he called back and Scope burst out laughing.

“So, somepony wants to go to bed alone tonight,” Critical said as she picked out a Daring Do book and started to read it.

“Oh, you sure you feel like spending the whole night alone?” he teased back as Scope peered at the cover of the book.

“There was a time before you, you know,” the nymph said as she turned the page, trying to pick up as many details as she could for her next demonstration for the foals. She did them just to keep her magic sharp… And for their smiling faces. And the emotions. “I’m pretty sure I can last a night without you again if I had to make a point.”

“I could say the same,” Palette shot back as Scope laughed again.

“Oh wow, you two fight like an old married couple,” she giggled. “Wait until Ledger hears about this.”

“Yes, and the only reason we’re not one is because he’s still uncomfortable with the idea,” Critical said as she kept reading the story of the Sapphire Stone. “I’d probably have snapped him up in a heartbeat once I was ready, but he’s not.”

“Why’s that?” Scope asked as Palette walked in with three cups of coffee on a tray. “Still getting used to her being a bug?”

“Nah, she’s actually pretty cute,” Palette said, nuzzling the top of Critical’s head. “No sense in rushing things though. She’ll probably get bored of a tired old stallion moaning all the time soon enough.”

“The only time you really moan is when I try to get you to cut back on your drinking to something reasonable. Or sane,” Critical fired back. “Face it, I’m happy where I am, with you, here. You’d have to seriously buck up before I considered looking for greener pastures.”

“Meh, green would clash with your shell-colour,” Scope shrugged and sipped her coffee. Hmm, not too bad. “And you two are surprisingly cute together.”

“I suppose,” Palette nodded and nuzzle Critical again. “At least I’ll never get tired of hearing this one moan all night~”

“And hanging around you is quite filling,” the mare said with a smirk. “Seriously, what more do you need from me before you decide to try and spring a proposal on me? Would the phrase ‘I love you’ help?”

The stallion coughed and blushed, deciding that a view out of the window was suddenly rather interesting. Scope let out an amused snort and decided to give him a hoof and change the subject. She looked at the book that Critical held and smiled.

“You know I met her the other day?” she said. “A.K. Yearling that is.”

“Oh?” the nymph asked with a tilted head. “What was she like?”

“Pretty down to earth actually,” Scope nodded. “I of course, babbled like an idiot in front of everypony. But getting to meet her and the cast of the movie was pretty awesome. She even signed one of my books.”

“Could I ask a selfish favor of you then?” the green nymph said as she closed her book to look at the smaller of the pair of ‘lings.

“Like what?” Scope asked, taking a seat on the bed.

“Well, I sort of do a thing for the foals, bringing their Daring Do tales to life with illusion magic,” Critical said, looking at her book for a moment. “I don’t suppose you could possibly pass that knowledge on to her, so that she might come up and catch one herself, tell me what she thought of it?”

“Well, it’s not like we’re besties or anything,” Scope said, rubbing the back of her head. “But I’ll mention it if I ever see her again. Hmm, or I could tell Twilight about it. She might be able to tell her for me.”

“Thank you,” Critical said as she finally sipped at her coffee. “Mm, I’m surprised this isn’t burnt at all. You must be learning. Or finding new ways to not explode things.”

“Oh, so he’s like Midnight in the kitchen?” Scope inquired. “Why is it when ponies are bad at something, they’re amazingly bad at it? Think it has to do with the whole ‘Cutie Mark’ thing?”

“Nah, he at least has an excuse. Which means he gets to pay me back for my cooking in all sorts of fun little ways,” Critical teased.

“And she says she doesn’t trick me,” Palette smirked.

“Well, gotta make you stallions earn your keep somehow,” Scope nodded. “Hives know we work Ledger to the bone some days~”

“And I did not need to know that about my brother,” Critical said, sticking her tongue out.

“Aww, you don’t want to hear the details?” Scope teased. “Don’t worry, I’ll spare you that much at least.” She polished off her coffee and licked her lips. “So, will you be coming to the wedding in two weeks?”

“Assuming we’re not having our own by then, yes,” the green nymph said as she kissed Palette on one cheek.

“Somepony’s getting ahead of themselves again,” Palette blushed. “Why do you wanna marry me so bad anyhow?”

“Because you’re a kind, sweet stallion who deserves to not be alone after all you’ve been through?” Critical said. “I mean, if you have your eye on somepony else, then I’ll let you pursue them instead. But I wouldn’t mind being the one you chose.”

“Somepony else?” Palette raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Oh this I have to hear. How in this forsaken earth, did you come up with that one? Do you see mares lining up outside my door?”

“No, I just thought that if you weren’t interested in me like that, despite the fact that we regularly share a bed for more than just sleeping, that there was somepony else you might be eyeing,” Critical said as she resumed reading her book. Well she tried, until Palette took the book from her and stared into her eyes.

“For such a bright mare, you’re awfully dense sometimes. And that’s bad, coming from me of all ponies,” he said with a sigh. “Hmm, how do I put this so you’d understand…?” He tapped his chin and then kissed her firmly on the muzzle for a few moments before pulling back. “I love you, Critical. There isn’t anypony else, and I doubt there ever will be. Be damned if I’ll go through all this again.”

“And maybe I was just trying to get you to say it yourself,” Critical said with a victorious smirk as she just lay there, basking in his emotions.

“Why you little…” Palette groaned and sighed. “What were you just saying about tricking me?”

“It’s a gift all mares have,” Scope nodded. “Now I get the feeling you two are going to get all mushy again, so I’ll leave you be for now.”

“Oh, I dunno,” Critical said as she looked at her stallion with half-lidded eyes. “Do you feel...mushy, Palette?”

“I refrain to comment,” Palette replied, though the Changelings could clearly sense his emotions on the subject.

“I’m certain if you think long and hard on the topic, you can come up with a satisfactory answer,” the green nymph said, putting emphasis on those words for a reason as she slowly licked her lips.

“Aaaaand that is my cue to leave,” Scope said as she hopped off of the bed and drained her coffee cup. She suddenly paused and smirked widely. “Well, unless you don’t want me to that is~”

“I don’t think Palette here is much for performing, so you will have to leave,” Critical said as her horn gave off a small spark. “But if you want to listen in while you wait for Cadence to send you back…

“A tempting thought,” Scope chuckled back. “But then I’d be all hot and bothered until I went home. Ah well, have fun~” She gave the two a wave and disappeared with a ‘pop’, teleporting back to the castle for now.

“Do I really want to know what the two of you were talking about?” Palette sighed.

“Nymph stuff,” Critical said as she nuzzled her stallion. “Feel up to picking up where we left off before she arrived, stud?” He smiled and flipped her over on the mattress, standing over her.

“What do you think?” he purred into her ear.

“Oooh, somepony’s feeling feisty,” she cooed appreciatively. The stallion chuckled as he rubbed her shoulders and nipped at her neck.

“Maybe a little~”

Twilight had been eager to show off her experiment results to Princess Celestia, except that she forgot that the solar diarch had Court at this time, and Twilight wasn’t one to just barge in, so she waited in line like everypony else.

It was a rather long line…

“I wonder what Ledger would do here?” she wondered to herself. She held the plate in her grasp and studied the runes on it for about the hundredth time. She’d already figured out where they’d gone wrong, but still didn’t know why the location of their teleports had been the Empire of all places. And Ledger’s spell was becoming alarmingly sentient. She really hoped that he’d reign that in before something really bad happened.

Or Discord messed with it. Or Pinkie… or Amy… or Midnight… oh hells, now she was panicking again.

She hadn’t even noticed herself move on autopilot until a voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked up to see herself standing in front of Celestia’s throne.

“Twilight?” Luna asked, looking down at her. “And to what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Luna?” Twilight looked around and clearly saw that the sun was still up. “Where’s Celestia?”

“Hmm, am I not good enough to solve your dilemma?” the Lunar princess asked with a mock hurt tone. “Tis a shame. I thought us to be friends…”

“We are!” Twilight waved her hooves. “Sorry, I was just wondering why you were at Day Court.”

“I know, We are only teasing you,” Luna chuckled. “The truth is that my sister has… gone off on a flight of fancy so to speak. Still, she has not taken a break in a thousand years, so I think she deserves at least the weekend off hmm? Did you need to see her specifically?”

“Well, not per say,” Twilight said. Luna’s knowledge might be more useful here anyway. “Let me show you something that Ledger and I have been working on...”

“So,” Midnight hummed as she walked through the streets with Spike on her back. “Wanna find a cute mare to test your new powers on?” she asked him.

“Um… I dunno,” Spike said. “That might be a little weird.”

“Hmm, well you sure you have enough confidence if the situation ever arises?” the Thestral asked.

“I dunno,” Spike shrugged and sipped the can of soda he had. “I wonder if that sort of situation ever would arise.”

“Aww, I know it will one day,” Midnight said, sipping her own drink and grimacing. “Ergh, how can anypony drink this Dr. Pony stuff?”

Spike shrugged and finished his. “Don’t want it, I’ll finish it.”

Midnight smiled and handed him the drink and waited til he took a sip. “So, you just wanted an indirect kiss huh?”

Turns out that doing that to somepony riding on your back was a bad idea. His spittake was quite impressive, as was the amount of soda that coated the back of her head.

“Eww,” Midnight sighed. “Well, chalk that up to being one of my less than brilliant ideas.”

Spike coughed and laughed at her as the Thestral groaned and turned. Ledger’s office was pretty close, and it had a shower she could use. “Well, looks like I’m paying him a visit after all,” she hummed and headed for the building.

It didn’t take much for every changeling in the building to feel that veritable ocean of Lust approaching. Oh how they loved working at this facility. The Boss’s mares were the best!

One knocked on Ledger’s office door. “Hey Boss, you got a visitor.”

“Send ‘em in,” Ledger said as he put the paperwork spell into sleep mode and hid the clipboard from sight. The door opened and Spike peeked in, looking around before stepping over the threshold. He could feel Midnight somewhere in the building, but where?

“Heya Spike,” Ledger said, greeting the drake. “What’s going on?”

“Not much,” Spike said. “Just finished my work and Midnight was taking me home… then I got her all wet and sticky so we needed to make a quick pit stop.”

Ledger snickered at what Spike said, not pointing it out himself. “So I guess that explains where she is, then, getting the results of your mess out of her fur,” the disguised drone said with more than a little snickering.

“What’s so funny…? Oh, seriously?” Spike blushed as he realised what he said. “Come on dude, it isn’t like that! I mean, sure, Midnight is really pretty and all but... “ he groaned. “I’m really not helping myself here huh?”

“Not in the slightest,” Ledger said, smiling widely. “And it’s because I know you and her that I can get away with jokes like that.”

“Somehow, I wonder what would happen if we repeated that in front of Miss Midnight,” Spike sighed as he sat on the couch. “So, what is it that you do here anyway?”

“These days? Not a whole lot,” Ledger said as he debated firing up the paperwork spell to prove his point. “Mostly I would be the one to determine if a given course of action is good or not, or to try and close a deal on a shipping contract the city needed. But the city already has most of the shipping it needs at the moment, so all I do is sign the paperwork that keeps the wheels turning.”

“Huh, sounds pretty boring if you ask me,” Spike shrugged. Another knock and one of his workers poked her head inside.

“Bossbug, that replacement desk you ordered finally showed up. Want it placed in the office now?”

“Scope’s office, yes,” Ledger said with a nod of his head. The mare nodded and gave him a wink before ducking back out. Spike watched her leave, catching that wink and blinking at it.

“So what’s the story there?” he asked.

“No clue, but I’m guessing they know why we need a replacement desk,” Ledger said as he just pulled out his clipboard and went over the answers his spell had given him to some written questions.

Yes, actual answers. The language was broken in places and mostly Changeish, but it responded. He could not be more happy about that.

A few moments later, his door swung open and a freshly showered Midnight sauntered in, her mane still damp as she smiled broadly. “Ahh, so much better.”

“And hello to you too, gorgeous,” Ledger said, drinking in her form.

“Mhmm,” Midnight nodded and made a small glide over to his desk, leaning across it from the other side. “It’s an unplanned visit, but not unwelcome I hope?”

“You are always welcome to drop in on me,” Ledger replied, leaning in to lightly kiss her. “How’s your day been?”

“I’m…” she shook her head and sighed. “I’m really, really bored. I mean, remember when I got stuck inside cause I was marked for death? Like that! Only worse!”

“Yooooou need a hobby,” Ledger said. “Something you can do without endangering anypony, including yourself.”

“Punching badguys is my hobby!” Midnight groaned, flopping over his desk. “You want me to take up quilting or something? Join a little old mare’s group?”

“You just need something to do,” Ledger said. “Something that will keep you engaged without being dangerous. Like...sparring. You like fighting, right? I’m sure Ace will put up with you if you asked nicely.”

“You’ve seen Ace and myself spar,” Midnight deadpanned. “And that was one of our more… docile sessions. Trust me, if Ace is involved, then danger goes hoof-in-hoof.” She tapped her chin and shrugged. “I wonder why he’s never asked Amy to spar with him. He’s always had a thing for strong significant others…”

“Maybe he likes more than one kind of strength,” Ledger said with a shrug. “Still, asking him if he knew any good hobbies a mare like you could take up wouldn’t be a bad idea. Because I know you hate to sit still.”

“Well sorry for being so... “

“Hyper?” Spike asked.

“Combative?” Ledger proposed.

“Excitable?” Spike continued.

“Active?” Ledger threw out next.

“OH! Loveable?” An excited Amy asked from over Ledger’s shoulder.

“Amy,” Ledger said, barely keeping his panic in check. “When did you arrive?”

“A little before Spikey made a funny about Middy,” she said. “Also, you need to clean under your desk more often.”

“I’ll put that on my list,” Ledger said after taking a few deep breaths. “What are you even doing here?”

“I dunno, I just had a feeling that my input would be needed here around this time. And now I hear you planning stuff for Middy to do?” Amy suddenly gasped and smiled gleefully. “She could totally help at my shop. We Mommies-to-be gotta stick together!” She grabbed the bat and smiled. “Imma batnap her for a while. Kaythanksbai!” She zoomed away, taking a shell-shocked Midnight with her.

“Well, that happened,” Ledger said with a sigh. “I can only hope they don’t break each other too badly.”

“Meh, what could happen?” Spike shrugged. “Now if Pinkie or Discord got involved…”

“Amy’s enough like Pinkie that I’m already worried,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “I don’t know what’s worse. If they didn’t get along. Or if they did.”

“Oh, they met when Amy came to Ponyville a little while back,” Spike said. “They’re planning the wedding together after all.”

“And Ponyville didn’t explode?” Ledger asked with a tilted head. “Huh, I guess reality is made of sterner stuff than I thought.”

“Yeah, I don’t really know what to say there either,” Spike shrugged. “Small victories and all that.” He looked around and blinked. “So where’s Twilight?”

“She’s off somewhere with our latest science project, probably dissecting the poor thing until it doesn’t work,” Ledger said with a dramatised sigh. “What did that poor device do to deserve it?”

“You left it alone with Twilight Sparkle?” Spike suggested.

“I suggested she take it to better understand it,” Ledger said with a shrug. “Who knows if I’ll get the same thing back or not.”

“Probably not,” Spike said. He’d dealt with her long enough to know that there were two possible outcomes. “One, you’ll get whatever it was back in pieces… or two…” The air was displaced with a loud ‘pop’ as Twilight, Scope and Luna appeared in his office in a tangle of wings, limbs and cursing from the small nymph.

“Huzzah! It works!” Luna cheered.

“Two, that happens,” Spike deadpanned.

“...I’m just going to close my eyes and count to ten, and whoever is left, I will deal with appropriately,” Ledger said, suiting action to word and closing his eyes so that he could internalize the stress of everypony appearing in his office at once.

“What, so you ship me off to the Empire and now wanna pretend it never happened?” Scope said. “Oh, and I totally met the stallion slipping it to your sister~”

“I will deal with that in a moment,” Ledger said, only up to four. “Like I will deal with whoever remains in my office at the count of ten.”

“Perhaps I shall take my leave for now then,” Luna said. “Farewell Twilight Sparkle. Best of luck with your scienceing!” She lit up her horn and vanished, leaving everypony else waiting for Ledger.

“Ten bits says he’s screaming internally,” Spike stage-whispered to Scope.

“Ten bits says I can get him to scream externally,” Scope chuckled.

“Ten bits says you won’t like it if you remain at the count of ten,” Ledger said, now up to eight.

“I’ve just been teleported across the country, I’ll take my chances,” Scope shrugged.

“You’re… not mad at me are you?” Twilight asked, her puppydog eyes coming into effect.

Ledger sighed and opened his eyes. “No, not really, I just needed to quickly bury my reactions and think calmly about the the situation. Scope, I’m sorry you got teleported across the country, it was an accident, please forgive us. Twilight, please tell me your first thought when you showed off the teleportation plate wasn’t ‘let’s poke it and see what happens.’”

“Of course not!” Twilight huffed and folded her hooves. “Mine was to bring Scopey back… Luna was the one that poked it.”

“So how did you get involved, Scope? Please tell me you at least did something with your plate before you ended up here.”

“I was holding it when it flashed and I suddenly found myself in Canterlot, specifically in Luna’s lap,” the nymph sighed. “Then the alicorn touched both plates at the same time…”

“And it triggered some sort of reset and brought us all back here,” Twilight finished and held up the cracked plates. “Though it does appear that teleporting so many ponies has overloaded them.”

“Tell me you got the patterns down before they cracked,” Ledger pleaded. “I would hate to have to work on it from scratch again.”

“Memorised and copied just in case,” Twilight nodded. “Don’t worry. We won’t be starting from scratch. Though we do need to start on a larger scale now. I think the small tablets broke because they were just that, small. But, if we were to create a larger, more permanent one…?”

“Something like your Waypoint, perhaps?” Ledger said. “We’d have to make it a pretty big thing, and anywhere we ended up teleporting to, we’d have to send supplies to build another one second.”

“Well, we could set up one in Canterlot, and see if we can’t tie it to the ones I have set up here and in Ponyville,” Twilight said as Scope groaned. They weren’t even back five minutes and the two were already nerding it up.

“Probably make it a separate network so that nopony randomly shows up in Ponyville,” Ledger said. “Plus, we’ll need to be able to change destinations on the fly, as some ponies might desire to go to one place or another. We’ll need a way to interface with the spell to select a destination out of the many addresses possible.”

“Well, that’s where Scopey and her friends could come in handy,” Twilight said with a smile. “One could be posted at each gate and communicate using that Hivelink spell, then open each gate accordingly.”

“Hmm...we did have somepony in Canterlot and Ponyville from when we did that test of our messaging services,” Ledger mused, before looking at Scope. “What do you say, little nymph? Feel up to trying to change Equestria again?”

“Meh, I guess so,” she shrugged. “At least it’ll give me something to do around here.”

“Excellent,” Ledger said with a grin. “Well then, I believe we have a plan. Just tell me what you need, Twilight, and I’ll do my best to get my hooves on it.”

“Well, I’ll need to lodge a petition to Princess Celestia to have a Waypoint built in Canterlot somewhere. But where…?” Twilight tapped her chin and muttered to herself as Spike coughed from his spot on the couch.

“What about your old tower?” he asked. “Lots of room inside that thing.”

“Ohh, that might actually work,” Twilight beamed. “You’re a genius Spike.”

“Nah, you’re the smart one Twilight. I just know how to poke you in the right direction.”

“Behind every great scientist is someone with a stick,” Ledger said, mock-sagely.

“Ohh, maybe I should get an actual stick to poke you with,” Spike giggled and Twilight just shook her head.

“See what you’ve done now Ledger?” she chided him. She sighed and looked at the drake. “So how was your day at work?”

“It was… interesting,” he replied. “I was taught some things that… well I didn’t think I could learn.”

“Like what?” Twilight asked and Spike tapped his chin before looking at Scope and smiling.

“Spike, I really don’t advise that,” Ledger said, trying to warn the dragon. “She might look like a cute little nymph, but she’s all fangs and pointy bits.”

“Oh fuck you,” Scope poked her tongue out. “Now that was just plain mean.”

“Yeah,” Spike said and took one of her hooves in his claws. “You have to be nice to them,” he stated. “Tell her how her eyes shimmer like sapphires, how her shell looks like polished onyx. Her scent is like a field of flowers in the springtime.”

“...Twilight, I am so sorry that Fredrick corrupted your assistant,” Ledger said, looking at the lavender mare.

“Somepony who gives me Daring Do, and somedrake who says stuff like that to me?” Scope actually blushed a little. “Forget you, I’m starting a herd with these two!”

“Um, wat?” Twilight blinked, unable to process what she was seeing.

“You do realize he’s still a kid by his species’ standards, right?” Ledger asked. “He’s growing up, but he’s nowhere near ready for the sort of activities you like at night.”

“Meh, I was just kidding,” Scope said, pushing Spike back with a hoof. “Don’t get your fetlocks in a twist.” She suddenly smirked and looked at Spike before inching closer with a half-lidded gaze. “Unless you want me to make you all grown up~”

“Don’t make me come over there,” Ledger warned. “I’ll do it if I have to.”

“Help me!” Spike said, moving to hide behind Twilight as Scope giggled from the couch.

“Aww, the little dragon bit off more than he could chew huh?” she teased. “And maybe I want you to come over here Ledger~” She was still feeling pent up from earlier, especially when Crit had opened that link for the hell of it. She would pay for that one later.

“You have a Twilight right next to you,” Ledger pointed out. “Take out that lust on her, why don’t you?”

“Maybe I might,” she licked her lips and the Alicorn squeaked and teleported the nymph out of reflex.

“Not aga—” Scope vanished as Twilight just blushed and hung her head. Hopefully Amy and Midnight would forgive the sudden intrusion…

“We really need to work on that panic reflex of yours,” Ledger said as he chuckled.

“At least she didn’t get sent to the Empire this time,” Twilight sighed as Spike laughed at the nymph’s plight as well. “So, did you find out anything about that spell of yours?”

“Take a look!” Ledger said as he turned the clipboard he was holding around. To reveal the entirely written in Changeish pages.

“I...have no idea what that says,” Twilight deadpanned. “What does that even mean?”

“Oh, right, you can’t read Changeish,” Ledger said, facehooving. “Sorry, forgot. Anyways, I wrote out a question for it. The basic, can you understand me. And it replied.”

“Thaaaat’s, a little freaky,” Twilight said as she eyed the clipboard. “I am seriously questioning if you should keep messing with that spell Ledger.”

“I can still turn it on and off at will, it’s not like it’s draining me of magic to maintain itself,” Ledger rebuked her. “And then I asked how it knew so much about teleporting, and it said it had learned because I wrote about it and showed it how a normal teleportation works. Along with how I normally tinkered with spells.”

“So, it basically created an algorithm based on your thought processes?” Twilight asked, taking a seat at his desk. “Do you mean to say that your spell is technically… becoming you?”

“It’s learning from me, that much is certain,” Ledger said. “I doubt it’ll become a copy of me. Though, since what I’ve let it read is basically my diary, the odds are looking good.”

“That’s... “ Twilight really wasn’t sure how to process that. But he seemed to be in a good mood and not too worried about the spell going rogue. “Just, make sure you’ll ask for help if something goes wrong okay?”

“If anything goes wrong, the first thing I’ll do is turn the spell off,” Ledger promised. “And then I’ll ask for your help in figuring out what happened.”

“Good, the last thing we need is you creating a magical version of Tirek,” Twilight groaned. Spike shuddered and looked away. That, had not been a fun day for anyone.

“Hey, considering it draws on my magic, and I sorta need it to live, I’m not wanting to make that either,” Ledger protested. “I’m just interested in seeing how far we can push it before it becomes something altogether new.”

“Just remember that there are limits to things for reasons,” Twilight nodded and took out her own book. “That said, I wonder what would happen if it learned from me?”

“Oooh, there’s an idea,” Ledger said as he fired up the spell out of dormancy. “Alright, new book. Go on and read it,” he told the spell. Twilight’s book levitated upwards and the pages turned so rapidly, it was beyond what even she could read at. In a matter of minutes, the book closed and levitated back into her hooves.

“Well that was fast, though I don’t have anywhere near as much in mine as you do,” the alicorn nodded. Spike shrugged and decided to leave the two bookworms be for now. If Amy dragged Midnight off, he’d go and see if he could score some free ice-cream~

“So what, now the spell is a hybrid of you and me?” Ledger questioned, before smirking and opening his mouth again.

“I swear Ledger, if you say it’s—”

“Did we just make a baby Twilight?” The disguised drone said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Twilight suddenly smirked and wiggled her flank.

“Well I guess we did. So you can stop trying the conventional way hmm?”

“Mmm, I dunno, do you really want to leave the question ‘Can an Alicorn get pregnant’ unanswered?” Ledger fired back. “It’s usually quite a pleasurable attempt…”

“And one I’m in no rush to find an answer for,” Twilight retorted with a slight smile. “But yes, it is a pleasurable experience none-the-less. But I’d prefer us to be married before we truly find...out…” She suddenly blushed up a storm when she realised what she said.

Ledger walked around from his desk and looked Twilight in the eyes, his expression one of practiced neutrality. “Did you just imply you would like to join us two weeks from now?” he asked calmly.

“Well, that is to say, it’s a thought that has occurred, and maybe I’ve considered it, so I don’t…” One could almost see the steam coming from the poor mare’s fried brain. Ledger took one of her hooves and bowed to her before he asked his question.

“Twilight Sparkle, would you do me the honor of standing next to me at the altar in two weeks time, to join my herd as Luna marries us?”

Twilight blushed harder and flailed as her brain tried to come up with a valid response. She hadn’t expected him to be so direct about it, and…

“I… um…” her mouth opened and closed a few times as she turned a deep scarlet. “Okay.”

Ledger got back up from his bowed position and kissed her, kissed her deeply at that response.

Once he broke the kiss, she just continued to blush but did her best to ignore it. “S-So… what now?”

“Now, I want you to repeat what you just agreed to out loud, so that I know I’m not dreaming,” Ledger said, not letting her go for a moment.

Twilight giggled and blushed before she repeated it as a whisper in his ear. “Yes my silly Changeling. I will marry you and your herd.”

“Then now, I think we have options. We can either tell the others...or celebrate right here,” the drone offered in a husky whisper.

“You’d like that, but haven’t you broken one desk already?” Twilight giggled and booped him on the nose.

“In my opinion I’m not breaking nearly enough,” Ledger riposted. “I should be breaking a whole lot more.”

“Replacing them would get expensive, and besides, this is a very nice desk,” Twilight said. “Hmm, no, I want to tell the others and we can all celebrate together. How does that sound?”

“A tantalizing offer indeed,” Ledger murred. “How about you tell them and get them all...warmed up for me, while I finish analyzing this latest change to my spell?”

“Oh yes, but if you take too long, maybe we’ll celebrate all by ourselves,” she teased and kissed his nose, even as her magic teased another part of his anatomy for good measure before she teleported away…

“Those mares will be the death of me,” Ledger said as he prepared a new clipboard to test the spell with. “And a most pleasurable death it will be.”

“So… I just scoop the ice-cream like this?” Midnight asked as she placed a haphazard scoop in the cone. It kind of drooped to one side and was a size larger than necessary.

“Nearly there,” Amy said as she used her own scoop to center the thing a little better. “You’re a lot better at this than when I was when I started out, y’know. You don’t want to know how bad I was.”

“Hmm, now I’m curious,” Midnight said as she handed the treat over to a foal, who smiled gleefully and took it before running over to join her friends. “How bad could you have possibly been?”

Amy looked Midnight in the eyes and uttered three words. “Ice. Cream. Everywhere.”

“Sounds like a tasty disaster,” Midnight giggled as she cleaned off her scoop. “Still, this is actually kinda nice. I think I might actually like this job.” That said, it took a lot of willpower to not just inhale the tub of mango ice-cream.

“So long as I keep watching you, you mean,” Amy said, not missing that glance Midnight kept throwing to that particular container. “But I can’t really blame you, I do have a flavor I can’t help but love as well.”

“I’m half expecting you to say ‘Acey-flavour’, but go ahead,” Midnight giggled.

“How’d you guess?” Amy pouted. “Though, that’s not really a flavor we can sell to the foals…”

“Yeeah, even I won’t go there,” Midnight poked her tongue out. She looked around but nopony needed to be served at the moment. “So how are you and Ace doing? Especially since you seem to have Chrysalis roped into the mix now… by the way, how is that a thing!?”

“Simple, I was very, very persistent,” Amy said with a giggle. “And we’re doing good. Bedtime is especially fun now. Sometimes she plays the big bad bug...and sometimes Acey is the big, bad griffon~”

“I have mental images and I’m not sure what I should feel,” Midnight replied with a thousand yard stare.

“I feel happy!” Amy chirped as she made another foal a cone and passed it to her.

“I’m happy too!” the foal cheered as she got her cone. “Thanks Miss Amy!”

“Good to see you’re as popular as ever,” Midnight nodded. Several foals had been a little unnerved by Midnight, but she knew why. It was a Thestral’s eyes that usually did it, one didn’t easily trust the eyes of a predator.

“I’m sure once you get used to the job, you’ll get your own share of customers,” Amy said. “And what do you want little colt?” the pink nymph asked of the next customer.

“Umm, chocolate!!” he said before he caught the disapproving look from his mother and groaned. “Urgh, fine. Vanilla…”

“You’re up, Middy!” Amy chirped to the bat. The thestral nodded and carefully scooped some vanilla into a cone, before topping it with peanut chips and caramel sauce.

“There we go!” she replied and smiled. The colt eyed her fangs nervously but took his ice-cream anyway before running back over to his mother, who waved apologetically.

Midnight sighed and dunked her scoop in the bucket. “Maybe I’m not cut out for this…”

“Nonsense,” Amy said before gesturing to her currently undisguised form. “They got used to me, they’ll get used to you too.” The nymph hummed and tapped her chin before she smiled. “I’ve got it!”

“Oh this can’t end well,” Midnight moaned. “What did you come up with?”

“Why don’t you tell them some of your more heroic stories, to make them see you in a better light?” Amy asked. “I’m sure you have a few!”

“Seriously?” Midnight raised an eyebrow. “Well, I guess I could do that…” She looked at one group of foals and blinked. “Where the heck would I even start?”

“How about the time you and Ledgie took down Toll?” Amy suggest as she started on another cone.

“Hmm, dunno if it’s foal-friendly… but I could spin a few details,” Midnight said and trotted over to the group. What followed was a story about Midnight saving a Changeling princess from an evil, wealth-obsessed King, one who employed demons and monsters that she had to get through. It was quite the riveting tale and it did hold some grains of truth.

But honestly, she thought her version was much more exciting!

Twilight walked in and saw Midnight regalling some tale or another to some children and the alicorn trotted up to the counter.

“So what’s going on here then?” she asked Amy.

“I’m keeping the bat busy so she doesn’t wreck anything out of boredom,” Amy replied. “Want some ice-cream?”

“Hmm, something to celebrate with might be nice,” Twilight smiled. “What does the chef recommended for a mare who’s going to get married in two weeks?”

Amy stopped for a moment as she considered what Twilight had just said. “Are you...did you just…”

“Weeeell, Ledger did kind of propose a moment ago… and maybe I kind of said yes,” Twilight said, trying to fight her blush back down. That was also when a bat tackled her to the ground, peppering her face in kisses as the foals made various faces at the public display of affection.

“I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” Amy said as she joined in on the hugging. Though just the hugging.

“Ah… get off,” Twilight groaned from under the pony pile.

“We get to hug Princess Twilight?” one foal asked and soon a dozen of the little things piled on as well.

“Resistance is futile,” Amy said with a giggle. “You will be snuggled.”

“Nuuuuu,” Twilight raised a defeated hoof. Midnight smirked and snatched her tiara, grinning gleefully.

“And with the fall of Princess Twilight, it’s now time for the rise of Princess Midnight!” she cackled.

“I dunno if that’s the best idea, Middy,” Amy tried to warn.

“Midnight is in no way responsible enough to be a Princess,” Twilight giggled. “Plus she’s kind of lacking a horn.”

Midnight opened her mouth to counter, but caught herself at the last second since there were foals around. The look in her eyes told Twilight that she was horny enough her her sakes.

“And suddenly I feel like we’ve discovered a new game,” Twilight sighed.

“What game?” a foal hugging her asked and Twilight blushed and looked at Midnight. She was a terrible influence.

“Um, the uh… cute little foals who get to try on Princess Twilight’s crown game,” she quickly said and floated her tiara over to the filly. “Would you like a turn?”

The filly beamed as the far too big tiara rested lopsided on her head, over foals staring enviously at her.

“Oooh, ooh, I want a try!” Amy said, waving a hoof around wildly.

“And for the biggest foal in the room,” Twilight giggled and floated her crown over to her. “All hail Amy, Princess of Desserts.”

“Yay, Princess Amy!” the foals cheered.

“My first decree is that all ice-cream is awesome, but especially chocolate,” Amy said.

“Ah, and we discover the Princesses weakness!’ Midnight said. Several foals also agreed with her decree, one siding with Midnight on mango being the best and others forming groups for vanilla and strawberry.

“T’would seem that civil unrest be on the horizon,” Twilight said with a serious tone.

“Then there is only one way to settle this debate,” Amy said as she levitated a scoop up. One loaded with chocolate ice cream.

“What is she doing?” Midnight suddenly realised that Amy might just go to war over the flavour of ice-cream.

“FOOD FIGHT!” Amy cheered as she lobbed the ice-cream at Midnight. Another scoop was already primed and firing at Twilight. The alicorn yelped and ducked as Midnight grabbed the foal on her side and ducked behind a table. Several foals cheered and soon the Great War commenced. The parents just shrugged and headed outside, mostly to discuss on how best to remove chocolate stains from their children’s coats.

Inside was pandemonium, ice cream of every flavour was being hurled and when Spike walked in, he had almost instantly been drafted to the Vanilla Confederate. Twilight was made general of the Strawberry Alliance and Midnight was leading the charge of the tiny, yet determined Mango State.

“For the Empire!” one foal on Amy’s side yelled and lobbed an orb of ice-cream, before receiving return fire.

“Take cover!” Amy cried as she opened up the back to the foals, to better shield them and hog all the ammo. Or it would have been, if Twilight hadn’t teleported all the ice-cream and divided it up evenly amongst the forces. Still, the counter would make for good cover, and Amy levitated their ammo along behind her.

After receiving an air drop from Twilight, Midnight and her lone foal looked at the ice-cream and shrugged, opting to hide behind their table and just snack on the stuff instead.

“For our King!” one foal cried out, and at Spike’s command, lobbed a massive ball of creamy goodness at Amy’s side. The thing impacted the sneeze guard and made a massive thunk, but didn’t get over the counter. Amy returned fire with all her foals, firing off a scoop of chocolate quite rapidly and in quick succession. It was a barrage of chocolate ice-cream.

“Nooooooo!” Spike’s army quickly fell to the barrage. It was total chaos, chocolate everywhere… twitching bodies…

“Harsh,” Midnight murmured as she ate, her little companion agreeing.

“And now all that remains is you!” Amy said as she got up and pointed a hoof dramatically at Twilight. “Prepare the double-fudge barrage!” she told the foals behind the counter.

“Uh, Princess?” one said and pointed at Twilight and her army. It was around then that Amy realised that all of the foals with the alicorn were Unicorn ones, and a strange light was filtering from the alicorn to them.

Magic boosting.

“Let howl, the dogs of war,” Twilight said as the strawberry blasts peppered Amy’s side relentlessly.

“Change of plans,” Amy said as she ducked back behind the counter. “We’re going to toss everything at them. All or nothing! You prep the boulder, and I’ll throw it at them!”

One foal rolled out a massive ball of chocolate and gave Amy a solemn look. “It is done your Highness. The chocolate to end all chocolate.”

“Ready,” Amy said as she lit her horn up, coating the ball in a similar pink glow. “Aim…” She peeked her head over the counter, getting a sight of where she wanted to fire the thing. “And FIRE!” And with that, she flung the boulder of chocolate towards the middle of Twilight’s group, hoping to take them all out at once.

Twilight’s eyes widened and she blasted it with her magic, except that all it did was cause the ball to explode and coat half the parlour in creamy goodness…

“Ah ha!” Amy said as she popped out from the counter again. “We are victorious this day!”

Until a foal teleported right behind her with a strawberry scoop. “For the true Princess,” she whispered and pelted Amy right in the back…

“Nooo!” Amy said, holding the crown up with one hoof. “It...is too late for me,” she gasped out. “Take my crown and continue the fight...I beg you…”

A hoof snatched the crown as a voice from above her sounded.

“Mango rules~” Midnight whispered from her place on the ceiling as she held the crown. “Winners by default!”

Amy couldn’t answer, she was pretending to be dead from ice-cream.

Ice cream dripped from the walls… the ceiling, pretty much everywhere really. Midnight returned the crown to Twilight, who was still trying to figure out how all this happened in the first place.

Note to self, never give Amethyst Cream royal privileges.

The door opened as a familiar Griffon and nymph poked their heads inside.

“What the hell happened here?” Chrysalis blinked.

“Hey! Language!” Amy said as she pointed a hoof at the nymph in the doorway. “There are foals here, you know!”

“Princess Amy’s alive!” her team cheered and buried her under a hug. Ace blinked as Chrysalis just facehooved.

“You appear to have had fun,” Ace chuckled as he stepped inside, careful to avoid the more… creamified areas.

“I’m not sure there’s words for what we did,” Amy said with a happy hum.

“I’d agree to that assessment,” Ace blinked as he looked around. “Uh… I hope the owners agreed to this chaos.”

“I’ll clean it up in half an hour, thanks to all this energy I’m getting,” Amy said. “They won’t know it ever happened. Except for needing to restock everything.”

“I’ll write an apology if that helps,” Twilight said, looking more chocolate than purple now. In fact everypony with the exception of Midnight and her friend were covered in ice-cream. Twilight looked at the Thestral and sighed. “How did you…?”

“It’s very hard to hit me,” Midnight giggled. “Okay Amy, I really like working here now.”

“Yay!” Amy said. “Okay colts and fillies. You’re going to need to wash up now. Can’t have you being mistaken for ice-cream by the next pony to walk in.”

“Yes Amy!’ they droned as Twilight tried her best to clean herself. Nope, this alicorn needed to soak to get all this out.

Midnight led the troops off to the bathroom as Ace shook his head and looked at his ice-cream coated mare. “What am I going to do with you?” he sighed.

“Wait for me to clean this place up, then take me home and lick me clean?” Amy suggested ‘innocently’.

“I can get on board with that,” Chrysalis agreed.

“Two horns are better than one,” the pink nymph pointed out.

“I don’t think I need to hear this,” Twilight groaned. “It’s bad enough that you used the living room of my castle…”

“I was talking about Chryssy using her horn to help me clean up this mess so we can get outta here sooner,” Amy said, beeping the silly alicorn with a hoof. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

"And here I thought you wanted Meta's horn instead," Chrysalis whispered into the nymphs ear before nibbling it.

“That too!” Amy chirped. “But we kinda need to clean up first, and then I can put in an order for refills, before we can get to any fun stuff.”

"I'll help clean the Princess," Midnight giggled and nibbled Twilight’s ear, causing her to shriek and push the bat away. It took a little while, but the parlour finally returned to some sense of normalcy. Having a few powerful magic users really helped out as well.

After a celebratory round of milkshakes, the bell rang as Two-Step wandered in and looked around. She saw Twilight and blinked.

"Trying out a new look?" She asked, noting her chocolate-stained coat.

"Something like that," Twilight nodded and the half-nymph turned to Amy.

"We're having a killer party at the club tonight," Two said. "To celebrate Sugar's getting married."

“Sugar got married?” Amy asked with wide eyes. “And she didn’t let me plan her wedding?”

"Eh, it was a spur of the moment thing," Two replied and nodded. "You can grill her about it when she gets back from her honeymoon."

“Oh don’t you worry, I will,” Amy said with a firm nod. “But Acey and Chryssy and me already have other plans for tonight, sorry.”

"Oh Holes, it won't be the same without you... but I guess it is kind of last minute..."

"Um," Midnight raised a hoof. "Who exactly did Sugar marry?"

"Well, Moondancer," Two-Step replied and Midnight looked away.

"O-Oh... of course..."

“Hey!” Amy said, sitting in front of Midnight and beeping her with a hoof that was still covered in ice-cream. “Don’t think I didn’t catch that!”

Midnight frowned and rubbed her nose. "Catch what? I'm perfectly happy for the pair of them. Why would I be down about Sugar marrying the pony I completely and utterly failed!!"

That was about when Amy hugged the thestral. “Shh, it wasn’t your fault,” the pink nymph whispered. “The only pony who could be blamed for it is gone now. And at least she’s still happy.”

"...Yeah," the bat nodded. She sighed and leaned into the hug. "Sugar better make her happy, or I'll bite her."

“Would that be a punishment, or a reward?” Two-Step asked, having heard about that particular ability of hers.

"Depends on where and when," Midnight giggled. "I once threatened to bite somepony while in a room full of Diamond Dogs."

“Sounds like a story for another time,” Two-Step commented. “Will you or any of your herd be joining in tonight’s...festivities?

"Been a while since I've been to a party," Midnight nodded. "And I'm sure I can at least convince Scope and Sparkle to come along."

“The more the merrier,” the half-ling said as she smiled mischievously. Task complete, get cuddlebug for Sweet Dream. “I’m inviting all our regular members, and just generally anypony I can get my hooves on for this one.”

"Just make sure Middy isn't too wild," Amy warned her. "She's gonna be a Mommy soon... and if something happens to her..." All the warmth fled the room as the Pink mare left the threat open.

“I promise on my honor, that all the mares of the club will know better than to serve her anything alcoholic tonight,” Sugar vowed. “Anything beyond that is entirely up to her.”

"Good!" Amy chirped happily as Twilight rolled her eyes. She would go, if only to keep an eye on the Thestral. Plus it would be interesting to see a Changeling social event like this. She should stock up on quills and ink beforehoof.

"Well, see you tonight then," Midnight nodded.

“Mmhmm,” Two-Step said as she strutted out of the parlor.

“So who’s ready to help me get clean?” Amy asked with her eyes half-lidded as she looked in the direction of Acey and Chryssy.

"I feel as though we have little choice," Ace chuckled and Chrysalis nodded in agreement. She lifted Amy with her magic and carried her from the establishment, Ace shrugging and following them.

"Well, I guess that's that," Midnight said and ushered Twilight out, locking the door behind them once the building was vacated. "Shall we go and see the others? I'm sure they'd like to hear about your decision as well."

"Mhmm, I don't want Ledger spoiling the surprise," Twilight replied and with a flash of her horn, teleported the duo home.

"We're back!!" Midnight shouted as they appeared in the living room, right under Scope’s nest.

"Wah!" Scope said as she tumbled out of her cloud due to the surprise, landing on the ponies that had appeared out of nowhere.

“Ohh, it’s raining Scopeys,” Midnight giggled as she nuzzled the little ‘ling. “I could get used to weather like this.”

“Was there a reason for the pair of you to startle me?” Scope deadpanned as she didn’t fight the hug.

“Not really, I just figured I’d make the most of Princess Chocolight’s entrance,” Midnight giggled and the stained alicorn groaned and sighed.

“Oh har har,” she snarked. “I’m going to take a shower and pray this stuff actually comes out of my coat.”

“Hmm, I’m sure Scopey and I could come up with something,” Midnight said, licking her lips. “Would you like to help clean a delicious alicorn Scopey~?”

“After the date we had, I’d have to say she looks positively delicious,” Scope said, joining in the lip-licking as she looked at Twilight.

“Oh boy,” Twilight sweatdropped as she backed up a little. “Okay ladies, let’s not do anything tasty—Hasty!!”

“On three?” Midnight asked.

“Too much time for her to react,” Scope said, shaking her head. “Best to pounce now!” With that, the small ‘ling jumped from Midnight’s embrace and landed on the chocolate-coated alicorn.

“Gah!” Twilight yelped out in surprise as the cuddlebug latched onto her. Midnight giggled and pounced as well, the princess buckling under the weight of both ponies. She started to giggle as they licked at her fur, nibbling and biting…

“And I am back from the off- wow. Is it Friday night already? That’s normally the only time I see two mares licking a third.” The voice of Ledger cut through the air, carrying a tone of incredulity with it.

Midnight lifted her head and shrugged. “Just enjoying our little chocolate princess. You want in on this?”

“Don’t you dare!” Twilight yelled as Scope continued her attack.

“I can get behind that,” Ledger said as he took an open spot and started slowly licking the lavender pony. Almost teasingly. Twilight let out a moan and blushed, before her horn flashed and the three found themselves licking carpet.

“Awww,” Midnight pouted as she heard the shower start upstairs. Ledger spit out his unintended lick of carpet before turning to the mares still with him.

“Well, I don’t know about you two, but I’m still in the mood to lick something,” he offered.

Scope rubbed her chin...


Author's Note:

Happy birthday to me! As a present, have an hour early.

Like the story? Consider dropping me and Aus a dollar on my Patreon. It's always appreciated.

Half of the money will not go to cake.

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