• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 51 - Who knew a queen could be such a card?

Dinner had been wonderful, the food was absolutely exquisite and Twilight found herself wondering if she could get him to work for her in her castle. Midnight just sighed and rubbed her belly, Fred’s cooking was as amazing as ever.

Twilight wanted a chef, but she supposed she’d have to get some guards first. Hmm, well Midnight was sworn to the Princesses…

“Excellent as always,” Ledger complimented as he cleaned his muzzle with a napkin before presenting it to his mares for their approval. Midnight giggled and with her open mouth, clamped down over his whole muzzle, essentially eating his face with a few nom noises to boot, before releasing him and giggling.

“Well I suppose I’m clean now,” Ledger sighed. At the expense of his dignity. Assuming he ever had any. “Ah, and I think Cider had a plan for dessert back at the home, so we’re all good here, Fredrick.”

“Very well,” the griffon replied before turning his gaze on Twilight. “Though I do have a few royally delectable treats on my dessert menu. They might even be more delicious than the beauty next to you, but I would need to taste both to compare~”

Twilight squeaked and blushed, putting a hoof to her muzzle in feigned shock. Okay, stay calm, do what Midnight told you to do.

“Mr. Fredrick, you are a devil aren’t you?” she giggled nervously. “Making such advances on a Princess no less.”

“If one does not attempt to make advances, one cannot gain any ground,” the griffon riposted. “And if I am given an inch...many mares squeal when they see what I can do with it~” Okay, she was blushing for real now.

“W-Well, be that as it may,” he’s all set up. Now lower the boom. “I think my coltfriend and marefriends here might take offense to such advances on me.”

Fredrick actually stopped with his talon raised to make a counter. He was so badly stunned his beak hung open and he only blinked a little. Ledger whistled at the sight. “I think you broke him, Twilight.”

“I did? I didn’t mean to!” she said in a flustered pace. “Please don’t be upset Mr. Fredrick. You’re very charming, but, they just got to me first I guess?”

Fredrick eventually just closed his beak and shook his head before walking into his kitchen. A few seconds later, the sound of something impacting the wall multiple times could be heard.

“Is he...okay?” Twilight asked, genuinely concerned.

“He’s...frustrated and annoyed,” Ledger said with his eyes closed. “Probably because I keep bringing beautiful mares around, but always beautiful, taken mares.”

“Ah, and...is he really as good as he boasts?” Twilight inquired, looking more at Midnight than anypony else.

“What, don’t look at me. I’ve never slept with him,” the Thestral replied.

“....seriously?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“I know! This city has ruined me!” Midnight shouted.

“There there,” Ledger said as he looked at the bill and dropped the right amount of bits on the table. Yes, this may be Twilight’s date, but he wasn’t going to stop being a gentlestallion just because she was dating them. “We’ll go home and you can make use of my transformation abilities to sleep with whoever you want by proxy once Twilight is on her way home.”

“S’just not the same,’ Midnight replied as she got up. Twilight rolled her eyes, but still used her wing to hug the mare. Hm, speaking off transformations.

“Level Ledger, if I am to continue this romantic pursuit, then I trust that Miss Scope won’t be taking my form anmore?”

“Wassup, afraid I’m better?” Scope giggled.

“It would be something that would only happen at your discretion,” Ledger admitted before staring at Scope. “Wouldn’t it?

“Not my princess, can’t tell me what to do.” Scope pouted.

“Actually, you’re an Equestrian citizen, so she is and she can,” Midnight noted.

“Dammit. Argh, fine. I don’t care. I’d rather have Ledger drooling over me anyway, which is easy enough to do.”

“She’s not unreasonable,” Ledger said aloud before drawing the small mare close and kissing the top of her head. “She just needs to see it her way before she’ll actually see reason.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Scope muttered.

Twilight laughed, this family was fun to be with. But still, all good things had to come to an end, and she had to return home tonight. She let out a sigh as she looked up at the faint stars. “Well, tonight was wonderful. I can’t wait until I have time to come back again.”

“Don’t be a stranger,” Ledger said before letting go of Scope and sitting closer to Twilight. “We have so many things to go over yet. I’d love to spend more time with you, and you have that Waypoint now.”

“Yeah, my life is getting a bit hectic, but I promise that I’ll be back soon,” Twilight smiled. She leant over and gave him a light kiss, before offering one to the mares. Midnight decided to show her a Thestral kiss, one that left Twilight blushing and breathless.

“Yeah, she does that,” Cider sighed as she pulled Midnight away from the princess. “Sorry Twi.”

“It’s...okay,” she panted. That tongue was... wow. She just hoped that Scope and Ledger couldn’t do that. Three ponies like that would be too much...

“And now I’m a little sad,” Midnight sighed. “Both at my little Bookworm leaving, and finally completing my collection.”

“Don’t ask,” Ledger said before Twilight could. “You don’t want to know.” He didn’t know how she’d take the knowledge of Midnight kissing all the alicorns. Likely badly.

Twilight blinked, but shrugged and sighed. Time to go home... Her horn lit up as she charged a teleportation spell. “You guys take care okay? Don’t have too much fun without me.”

“No promises,” Ledger fired back as he drew Midnight into a hug. “Besides, would you want us to have too much fun with you, either?”

Twilight ‘meeped’ and blushed again, before she was enveloped in a bright magenta flash and vanished. A loud pop and the smell of burnt ozone was all that remained of the cute, little princess.

“Ah well, it was fun while it lasted,” Ledger mused, already wondering when he’d see her again…

A few days had passed, and Ledger had been informed (By letter!) that he would be receiving a royal representative to deal with him and his new messaging service that threatened to put the Post Office out of business.

He just hoped Celestia didn’t come herself. He didn’t think he could handle that sort of pressure. He waited in his office for them to show up, and eventually, there was a knock on his door as Scope, (Now a temporary secretary) poked her head in.

“Visitors Boss, get ‘em while they’re hot!”

“Very funny, Scope,” Ledger said with an eye-roll. “Send ‘em in.” She smirked and nodded as the door opened and Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Celestia walked inside.

“Good morning Ledger,” Celestia smiled, the smaller of the two was too busy blushing to make a verbal greeting.

“Good morning, your majesties,” Ledger replied, feeling very small again. “I trust this is more business than pleasure?”

Twilight blushed harder, now covering her face with a wing and Ledger could swear he could still see red through those feathers. Celestia noticed and chuckled.

“Well, if I just sent Twilight, this would turn out as just pleasure wouldn’t it?”

That did it, the lavender alicorn made a long squeaking whistling noise and practically fainted on the spot.

“Only if she asked for it,” Ledger said in a tone that could only be called husky.

“Oh yes, Twilight told me aaalll about the little misadventures you’ve had in this office,” Celestia said as she looked around. “I trust that desk has been cleaned properly?”

“Not five minutes afterwards,” Ledger said, pausing for a moment. “And then the next day...and the day after that...Scope is really getting into the ‘naughty secretary’ role.”

“If only mine was half as interested,” Celestia muttered under her breath. “Well anyway, it seems we have a lot to discuss today Mr. Ledger. In regards to quite a few things.”

“Ah yes, I was expecting a visit,” Ledger said as he reached into his desk and began pulling out folders. Quite a stack of them. He could almost make a little fort with the amount of paperwork he’d built up.

“Bookfort,” Twilight mumbled under her breath, causing Celestia to chuckle again.

“It seems my fellow Princess might not be up to the task of speaking clearly during this. Perhaps you could show your friend around? Take her to make some new friends?”

Twilight blinked and like that, she was back to normal. “Well, I guess I could do that.” She knew a pretty good place to start as well. Ledger smiled at the Alicorn pair before nodding at Twilight.

“Come back when you’re...less flustered,” he said. “I still have a few things I want to talk about with you.”

“Sure,” Twilight nodded and as she moved, he noticed a familiar green-maned pony behind them, and Scope was glaring up a storm at her. Twilight turned to the mare and nodded and the pair left.

“So,” Ledger said as he pulled the first of many documents towards himself. “Do lets get started.”

Celestia nodded as the pair begun to discuss all the intricacies of Ledger’s plans. Equestria was going to change after today, whether it wanted to or not...

“So where the hell are we going?” Chrysalis demanded as she followed Twilight. “This isn’t one of those ‘make friends’ things is it? I already said that that crap doesn’t interest me.”

“In a way,” Twilight smiled. “But, you might find these friends a little more relatable than the ones I have in Ponyville.” She nudged open the door to the ‘Love Shack’ and walked in, smiling widely as she did.

“Anypony home?” she called out. After about five minutes, a familiar mare walked up to them, her eyes wide with excitement.

“Twilight! I’m ever so happy to see you, dear! After last time, I thought you might have something against us because of what the drinks did to you…”

“Aww,” Chrysalis cooed. “Little Princess Perfect couldn’t handle a few drinks~?”

“No, I couldn’t handle the emotions they mixed in with it. But don’t worry, I don’t blame you Miss Sugar.”

“Had you asked, dear, we would have served you normal cider,” the mare sighed. “It probably would have been for the best. Still, at least we learned how much to serve anypony.”

“Science has a few stepping stones,” Twilight giggled. “Anyway, I thought I’d bring a friend to visit—”

“We’re not friends Sparkle!”

“—I hope she’ll have better luck here,” Twilight finished with a slight sigh.

“With a bunch of Violets?” Chrysalis retorted. “Oh that’s a wonderful idea. Simply genius.”

“Mmm, I can tell she’s going to need special attention,” the nymph in disguise cooed before releasing just a touch of her own pheromones. Ones only a noble could produce. “Why don’t you leave her here with me, Twilight? I promise to look after her…”

“No need, I’m leaving,” Chrysalis spat as she sniffed the air. “Oh, and real smart, using that on a Princess. Goddamn idiot.”

“Use what?” Twilight blinked. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Sugar seems very friendly.”

“She’s using pheromones on you, friggin moron,” Chrysalis said as her horn lit up and dispersed them. “So a noble huh? I didn’t actually see that coming. You’re still beneath me though.”

“Oh, I’m so glad you think so,” the mare giggled. “And try and stand against me again, dear. Las Pegasus is where Violets are strongest, after all. I’m sure it’ll go over swimmingly.”

“Sugar, I’m really sorry,” Twilight sighed. “And you Chrysalis. Can’t you at least try to be a little friendly?”

The mare shed her disguise as Queen Chrysalis stood in her place. “And why should I?” she barked. And then Sugar shed both layers of hers, and stood right in front of Chrysalis.

“Because if you don’t,” the revealed noble violet said with a voice like silk, “I’ll tie you up in our private chambers, the ones nobuggy but me knows how to open, and then I’ll pull out every last thing I know about anatomy on you. You would be surprised what you can live through during...behavioral modification.”

“Behavioral...?” Twilight blinked as she took a step back from the two nobles. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean slowly deprogramming her,” the violet said. “Sometimes painfully, but it’s my job to help every nymph be less of a nymph,” the second time the word was said, it was spat, “while they’re in Las Pegasus. The masquerade may be broken, but if ponies see us as monsters, we can’t feed half as well on their emotions if they’re all negative. One bad apple does spoil the barrel in this instance.”

“Oh just try it you skanky little—” Chrysalis was cut off as Twilight literally zipped her mouth shut with magic.

“Okay, this certainly did not go according to my plans at all,” she groaned. “Pinkie seemed to have made at least some headway... Exactly what does this...deprogramming entail?”

“Essentially, seeing ponies and males of our species as equals, rather than themselves as superiors,” Sugar said as she sat back, before glaring at Chrysalis. “Something some of us still need to learn. Do you have any idea the damage she did in one day? More than just Canterlot. Ponies everywhere were jumpy about us. Some still are. She’s the poster-nymph for those that need help in not being, well, nymphs.”

“Ooh, look at that, I’m famous~” Chrysalis gloated in Hivespeak. Twilight rolled her eyes and unzipped her mouth, seeing as how it didn’t do anything.

“Ponies saw us as monsters long before I tried anything, you little brat,” Chrysalis said to Sugar. “At least I actually tried something, rather than sitting our asses like our ‘glorious’ rulers!”

“Speaking of,” the violet purred again. “I’ve been here for oh...twenty-five years now? That sounds right.” She nodded a few times. “No real need to expend a lot of energy...and I’ve just been gathering as much Lust as I can. Tell me, in an all-out brawl, right here, right now...who do you honestly think would win?

“The one who cheats the best,” Chrysalis purred back. “You have more power, but I am far smarter than some lowly brat—”

And then she felt the eyes on her. Slowly looking up, she saw no less than twenty, maybe as many as fifty, pairs of violet eyes staring down at the three of them.

“Funny you should mention that,” Sugar slowly said as they came to grips with their situation. “I’m the one that rallied the Violets of this city into a coherent group. I’m the one that came up with the Emotional Feedback Loop. I’m Sugar Darling, Heir Apparent to the Violet Throne, little would-be queen. And it’s more than just me you would have to contend with if you don’t admit to being outclassed here, poppet. It’s all my ladies that you’d have to best as well.”

“I’ll take you down with my bare hooves!” Chrysalis roared. She was sick of being looked down upon, she was sick of being ridiculed for one bucking mistake!


Everybuggy turned as Twilight hovered there, her eyes blazing white with magical power. She looked at Chrysalis, who shrank back a little, but didn’t back all the way down. She sighed and looked away.

“Fine, whatever. I don’t care anymore anyway,” Chrysalis pouted. Stupid overpowered alicorns...

Twilight sighed as she returned to normal and brushed one of her legs sheepishly. “Eheh, sorry about that.”

“Not a problem, Twilight,” Sugar said as she silently dismissed the Ladies. Each one vanishing into a secret bolt-hole in the ceiling. “Just...this is how nymphs in the Lands socialize, more often than not. I just wanted her to know she didn’t have as much power as she thought she did.”

“I feed her some of my magic, so she doesn’t waste away,” Twilight replied as she took a breath. “But, she needs to learn how to make friends on her own. So, Chrysalis, want to try again?”

“No,” she remarked.

“Chryssie,” Twilight said in a low tone.

The queen looked at the alicorn, then to the smug Violet standing there. “Hmm, lemme think about it. No.” she said turning on her hooves and walking about after donning a disguise.

Only to find the doors shut in a violet haze of magic. Turning back to look at Sugar showed her horn glowing and her smile even more smug. “Oh, do stay a while, Chrysalis.”

“Well, you girls have fun, I have some mares to surprise,” Twilight giggled and teleported away. Chrysalis gaped at the spot she once stood.

“That little bitch, she actually left me here?”

“Looks like,” Sugar replied as she shifted back to her unicorn form. “Now we can do this the fun way...or the really fun way...You can choose, but you’re not getting out of it, Chryssie~”

Chrysalis growled as she moved to the bar and poured herself a drink. “Kiss my chitinous ass.”

“You might want to take care with that,” Sugar said, but far too late. “That’s...Oh dear.” The queen drained the glass and sighed.

“Figured that a Violet would only serve this fruity....crap...?” She looked at the glass with a light blush. “W-What is this!?”

“Mood-Setter, also known as cider brewed with Happiness and Lust mixed in during the fermentation process,” Sugar said as she sat next to Chrysalis. “Normally ‘lings can shrug off the effects easily, but with you not having fed a lot as of late, I don’t know…”

It was true, for the last few weeks, she’d lived off of magical transfer, rather than consuming any actual emotion.

Moondancer walked into the room, her mane a little dishevelled as she looked around. “I thought I heard Twiley out here?” she asked, giving Sugar a peck on the cheek.

“She was here for a moment, but left after dropping off our guest,” Sugar replied as she watched Chrysalis for any side-effects. “She’s just had some Mood-Setter, so be careful. She might be affectionate.”

“Oh no,” Moondancer swooned. “What ever could happen if an overly-affectionate mare came after me?”

Chrysalis in the meantime, had grabbed the entire bottle and begun to drain it. Sweet, delicious love energy~

“Oooh, I’d say things like Saturday would happen,” the nymph in disguise said as she pecked her marefriend on the cheek. “Not that that would be a bad thing, just if it happened with anypony other than me~”

“Saturday...? Oohhh,” Moondancer shuddered as Chrysalis hiccuped as her disguise broke.

“Heeheee, this stuff is great!” she declared as she sashayed across the room and draped herself Sugar. “Got anymore, pretty mare~?”

“We’ve got more brewing,” the nymph replied. “And one more in stock, but I’m going to want something from you before I let you at any more of our hard work, missy.”

“Oh I bet you do~” she purred as Moondancer huffed and looked away. Chrysalis fondled Sugar’s flanks and smiled. “Mmm, nice and tight, just how I like ‘em.”

Sugar idly swatted the hooves away before looking the changeling in the eyes. “I want an apology from you,” she said sternly. “Say you’re sorry, for everything, sincerely, and I’ll let you at our other bottle.”

Chrysalis frowned as she hopped off of the mare and paced around the room. “Sorry for what? I did everything I could think of to secure the future of our race. Hehe, do you wanna know a little secret~”

“Go on,” Sugar said as she watched intently.

“The Yellows and the Blues? Despite all their pomp nowadays, they supported my plan. How do you think I got such a large army so quickly?”

“Hmm, fair enough,” Sugar said with a nod, already making notes to send back home. “Still, you jeopardize the future of every changeling in Equestria. For a plan that would have ended up dooming us in the end.”

“I admit, hindsight is kind of a bitch that way,” Chrysalis hummed. “Well, I suppose if you mean that we might have all eventually become Blacks, then yes, doom is probably an appropriate word. But I failed, like I always have and always will.” She lifted her empty glass, still floating in her magical grip and looking into it.

“Born a weak, unwanted runt, I crawled my way to where I am now. I’m strong, and nopony, not even Little Miss Friendship can take that from me.” She smashed the glass on the ground and roared. “I will never be weak again!!”

“There is no weakness in admitting that you were wrong,” Sugar said softly. “There is only weakness in finding that you’re wrong, and choosing to do nothing about it. There is no shame in needing help. There is only shame in choosing not to accept it. Stubborn pride has killed more yellows and reds than monsters ever will.”

“And glowing death bubbles of pure love, let’s not forget that,” Chrysalis smiled wryly. Her horn had lit up as the pieces of broken glass levitated over to the bin. Though she didn’t seem to even be aware she was doing it. “Whatever, it’s too late anyway. Even with my magic sealed, I can still feel the hate you and that cute little thing next to you have for me. Ponies hate me, Changelings hate me. I should have been left to die in that wasteland. No one would have missed me.”

“You’re still breathing,” Sugar pointed out. “You still have a chance to make things right. Whatever that would entail. The first step is probably admitting you were wrong, the second step would be trying to get along with your hosts.”

“I know I was wrong, I admit that I was wrong,” Chrysalis said as she searched for another bottle, and after she couldn’t find the one she wanted, settled on brandy instead. “And get along with her? Do you have any idea what that castle is like? Her friends are utterly insufferable! I would sooner choke to death on a kitten then spend another second there.”

“Then earn her trust so that she’ll let you out of her sight,” Sugar suggested. “Who knows, you might even learn something along the way about being tolerable.”

“I’m perfectly tolerable, it’s not my fault ponies have such precious sensibilities,” Chrysalis said as she drank her brandy and coughed.

“This...is not how I imagined her to be,” Moondancer finally spoke. “Oh, and if she grabs your flank again, I’m tearing her leg off.”

“Duly noted,” Sugar said as she teleported the final ready bottle of Mood-Setter to one hoof, the pink and purple in the drink appearing and disappearing at random. “So, what do you say if you want this, Chryssie?”

“I’m not sorry,” she said ruefully. “I’ll admit that I was wrong, and maybe I can approach my life a little better. But that’s all you’re getting from me.”

“Too bad,” Sugar said as she opened the bottle and started pouring some drinks for herself and Moondancer. “This stuff is good~”

Chrysalis looked at her cheap brandy, then at those insufferable mares. “...Fine! I’m sorry. Now pour me some of that.”

“I dunno,” Sugar said as she gave Moondancer her drink. “D’you think we should, Moony?”

“Meh, she didn’t sound so sincere to me,” Moondancer shrugged. Chrysalis thunked her head against the bar and groaned. “But, I think she’s making good progress, so maybe she deserves a treat~”

“One drink then,” Sugar said as she poured one for the would-be queen. “But she doesn’t get another until I hear something resembling sincere regret.”

Chrysalis took the drink and sipped at it. She figured she’d make it last because this was going to a long day...

Celestia sighed as she poured more coffee, this would be the pair’s third pot now as they went over the paperwork.

“This...is proving more difficult than I thought,” Celestia sighed as she rubbed her temple. “And just wait until the nobles get wind of this.”

“What did you think I would do when you politely asked me to stop...with a squadron of Guards?” Ledger fired back. “It’s your own fault for leaving it this long, you gave me time to work up my legal defenses.”

“You are the most stubborn stallion I have ever met, and I personally knew Starswirl,” she groaned. “What do you want out of this?”

“Myself?” Ledger mused. “That’s simple. I’m more than willing to turn the whole operation over to the state as a new service, in exchange for, oh, twenty-five percent of whatever profit it generates.”

“And I am saying that that is far too much,” Celestia said. “After the costs of actually building this system, not to mention paying for the labour of said construction, paying the ones that would actually run this thing and each city we set it up in would want their own cut.” She seriously wasn’t looking forward to meeting with the mayor of Baltimare. That mare was an absolute bit—

“I know that,” Ledger said, unknowingly interrupting her thoughts. “Which is why I included one little version of the agreement saying I’m willing to wait about...two years for the payments to start. Gives you time to get all the kinks worked out and get it started up, give it time to catch on. I can even alter the timespan if you think I’m not being generous enough.” He pulled one folder closer to himself and opened it, humming all the while. “I just don’t want it dismantled, it’s a beautiful, useful system. Just needs a bit of polish and tender loving care.”

“I suppose we could inflate the cost of using the devices to speed up the cost recovery, but then the nobles would attempt to monopolise it and the common pony would get most upset...” She looked over the papers and hummed. “Hmm, now what’s this mean?”

“It means we’re not using ‘devices,’ we’re using a spell unique to, ahem, my kind,” Ledger said as he grinned sharkishly. “It’s known as Hivespeak, and one little nymph is capable of sitting here, and receiving messages from Baltimare, Canterlot, or even Ponyville. She’s the heart of the system.”

“She’s...that powerful?” Celestia mused. “How is that possible?”

“We keep feeding her,” Ledger said with a shrug. “Beyond that, I don’t quite know how the spell itself works. I keep meaning to try and look into it, but things keep coming up. So long as there’s another changeling on the other end that she’s formed a link with, I don’t think there’s somewhere she can’t get messages from. She can even talk to the Lands.”

“That’s...quite a distance,” Celestia whistled. Then she got an idea. “I have it. I propose this. We kick this off as a military application. The nobles cannot meddle in that, and we get to test out all the kinks and figure out costs to make it go public.”

“Hmm, that could work,” Ledger mused. “Field testing is always important before new inventions go public, anyhow. And if military stallions and mares can’t find any obvious flaws with it, then and only then are we ready for the public.” A thought crossed Ledger’s mind, causing him to grimace. “Though...we might have to disguise just how it works. I know our two lands are officially ‘at peace’, but there’s still pockets of ponies that don’t have a lot of love for ‘lings.”

“Already working on a plan for that,” Celestia smiled. “Plus there’s a set budget for the military, so I can pay you out of that. It won’t be as much as you like, but once it goes public, you should start getting a tidy profit.”

“Fair enough,” Ledger said as he started drawing up a new contract based on their latest agreement. He’d written so many of them over the past few days, it was practically rote by now. Once he was satisfied with the new terms it outlined, he turned it around and presented it to the solar alicorn. “Does this look acceptable to you?”

Celestia looked over it and nodded. “I’ll have Twilight go over it as well. She can see holes in places you or even I cannot.”

“Fair enough, and I wanted to talk to her about her Waypoints anyways,” Ledger said with a smile. “Who knows, we might be meeting again in about a month’s time.”

“Perhaps,” Celestia nodded. She put the papers away for now and took a more relaxed posture on the couch. “So, now that our business is finally concluded. Let’s move onto something more personal. Such as your relationship with Twilight.”

“Getting a little too personal for my liking,” Ledger muttered as he opened his desk to get the fine rum. If he was having this talk with Celestia, he was going to be buzzed.

“Oh don’t be like that,” Celestia smiled, making a motion to pour her one as well. “I consider Twilight to be like a daughter I cannot have. But she’s also a grown mare that is quite capable of making her own decisions. Besides, even if you were the type to hurt her, I wouldn't have to lift a hoof...”

“Fair enough, and if you thought I would hurt her, I imagine there wouldn’t have even been any negotiations just now,” Ledger said as he poured both of them a drink and floated one over to Celestia. “Still, sending me a message by proxy to ‘not hurt her’ seems a bit on the side of ‘Smothering affection’ for you.”

“Heehee, I just wanted to try it at least once,” Celestia giggled as she took her drink. “Besides, just wait until her ‘overly-protective’ older brother finds out. Oh, who runs an entire empire and already has quite a deep-rooted distrust for Changelings.”

“Shining and I ended on a mostly positive note,” Ledger said as he idly sipped his own drink. “Besides, I doubt he’d be able to sneak out without Cadence knowing about it and following after. She’d reign him in in five seconds flat.”

“Cadence does keep him on a rather short leash,” Celestia hummed, remembering the time she walked in on them by accident. “Figurative and in the literal sense...”

“Aaaand that was something I did not need to know,” Ledger deadpanned at the solar alicorn.

Celestia waved a hoof. “And as for our negotiations, they still would have happened. After all...” She smiled and winked at him. “I’m not the one that just signed an agreement that instated you into my military.”

“Neither have I,” Ledger said as he pointed out that they’d technically signed nothing yet with one hoof. “That piece of paper is missing two very important signatures for that. I should know, I wrote it.”

Celestia shrugged, “Doesn’t change that if you want this to happen, you have to sign it.” She sipped her drink and hummed thoughtfully. “Ohh, this is quite good.”

“Twilight’s still going over that,” Ledger reminded the mare. “What do you think the odds are she’ll allow her ‘coltfriend’ to be basically drafted?”

“You mean like your Solar Guard marefriend?” Celestia asked him. “Worry not Ledger. This is just for legality's sake. It’s not like I'll send you off to the frontlines somewhere.”

“Considering that Twilight learned about your message?” Ledger raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think she’ll let the option remain open when she thinks about all the thing the agreement means and ‘I will be most displeased if she ends up hurt’. She’ll probably rewrite that section first.”

“You’re rather sassy today,” Celestia hummed. “I apologise if I upset you with that Ledger.”

“Oh no, why would I be upset when you say you’re going to be monitoring my relationship with a mare that decided to pursue me?” Ledger snarked. “It’s not like that’s terribly invasive or anything.”

“Says the stallion that bent a facsimile of said mare over a desk, not three minutes after meeting her,” Celestia replied tersely. She had apologised, but if he was going to be like this, then she’d play his little game.

“Would you have preffered it if Scope took your form instead?” Ledger asked innocently.

“I have been around for a very long time,” Celestia replied as she sipped her drink. “I have seen all of what this world has to offer and then some. What you just suggested was tame compared to what I have seen.”

“Probably,” Ledger admitted. “Would still give a new meaning to ‘love thy ruler’ though.” Celestia chuckled at that.

“Indeed it would, perhaps you should try it sometime?”

Ledger paused before looking at his drink, then at Celestia’s. “You did not just suggest what I thought you did,” he said blandly. “There’s no way you’re that drunk.”

“Level Ledger, it would take a barrel or two of this to get me drunk. And yes, if you find me that attractive then by all means, have Scope become me and have all the fun you like. But Twilight’s coat is not quite as thick as mine, so keep that in mind hmm?”

“She’s already asked Scope to keep it down,” Ledger sighed. “And I trust her to...mostly listen to the request.” He then chuckled as he put the bottle away, not needing more than one glass to get the buzz he was looking for. “For a moment, I thought you were suggesting I buck you.”

“You wouldn’t last five minutes,” Celestia smiled. “Besides, I wouldn’t do that to those mares, and you’d refuse me anyhow.”

“Got that right,” Ledger said as he tapped his chest. “Might not be a blue, but I’m still loyal to them through and through.”

“Glad to hear that,” Celestia smiled as she drained her glass. “Now, lets go and find those mares of yours. I think we’re done here.”

Ledger swept all the auxiliary paperwork into various filing cabinets dotted around the room and nodded at the solar alicorn before taking her glass and putting it and his glass away. A clean office was a happy office. “At least until next month, when Twilight and I revolutionize shipping entirely.”

“Should be fun for all,” Celestia nodded and with a flash of her horn, the two were standing in Cider’s living room... just as Midnight had the Earth pony on the couch, biting her neck as she wiggled and moaned under her.

“Oh...my,” Celestia hummed.

“I think I’ve seen this one before,” Ledger added, the buzz doing remarkable wonders for his ability to care that Princess freaking Celestia was seeing this. Midnight turned her head and saw the pair, grinning widely.

“Ohh, heya Levvy, and...oh, so since you can’t be Twilight, you’re Tia huh? Okay Scopey, I can praise the sun a little~” Then she leapt at the surprised alicorn, tackling her and nibbling her neck and chest.

“...Well this is going to end wonderfully,” Ledger said as he decided to sit back and watch. He wondered how long it would take Midnight to realize that was the Celestia she was fondling.

“Midnight...ahn~ Song, do stop that,” she said, biting her lip and Ledger made a discovery that very few knew off. Celestia’s moans were bucking hot!

“Ohh, somepony’s getting into it,” Midnight giggled as she started to trail her nibbles further down…

Ledger moved to sit next to Cider as the pair of them just watched the show. “So, want some attention yourself, or do you think you’re willing to wait?” he offered.

“Ah reckon ah’d love to make the most of this, but...” Cider’s gaze trailed upwards as Scope Lens flittered downstairs.

“Hey guys what’s...up...?” she watched the Thestral molest the solar princess as Midnight looked up.

“Oh hey Scopey,” she beamed.




“I am soo bucking dead...” Midnight groaned as she sat back and awaited oblivion.

“Naaah,” Ledger waved off the Thestral’s concerns. “Pretty sure you’d have been bucked before, when you first kissed her, if she were to sort to take offense to that sorta thing.”

“I-Indeed,” Celestia said as she sat up and brushed her coat down with a hoof. “And I am beginning to regret spurning your advance all that time ago.”

“I’m surprised she only made one,” Ledger remarked.

Both Midnight and Celestia remained rather quiet.

“...I’m highly tempted to just go back to bed until the world makes sense again,” Ledger said with a sigh.

“Ah reckon ah’ll join you,” Cider agreed as Twilight walked in, with a surprisingly happy Chrysalis. The Changeling queen took one look at Ledger and waved at him, blowing him a kiss.

“That’s it, reality doesn’t make sense anymore,” Ledger said as he got to his hooves. “I’m just gonna nap until the crazy’s gone back to manageable levels.” Everyone watched him trot upstairs before breaking out the giggles.

“I wonder if he realises how drunk Chrysalis is?” Twilight snorted. “Oh well, that was pretty funny.”

“Aw, you just missed the best part,” Scope said. “Midnight and Celestia were—”

“And that is quite enough of that,” Celestia cut her off. “It’s been quite a long day and I still have work at the castle. Will you be fine here Twilight?”

“I’ll be fine,” she said as Midnight followed Ledger to make sure he was okay. “Can you take Chrysalis back with you?”

“Hmm, I think there’s still quite a bit she could learn from this place,” Celestia smiled. “Best of luck Twilight. Have fun~” And with a flash of golden light, she was gone. Twilight blinked as Chrysalis snorted and laughed, until she suddenly passed out and fell asleep.

“....Great,” Twilight muttered.

“So in the end, I’m here as a consultant for the Royal Council, to make sure that the integration of Changelings, as well as the strides that PegasusAir is making, go smoothly,” Twilight explained over the dinner table.

“Oh, I bet you cannot wait to integrate yourself with some Changelings~” Midnight smiled. Twilight turned a deep red and looked away as the Thestral giggled.

“I almost forgot she did that,” Scope replied with a mouthful of pie.

“She’s Midnight, it’s sorta what she does,” Ledger said as he kissed the thestral on the cheek. “The trick is figuring out how to play the game with her.”

“Just get on my level,” Midnight replied with a wave of her wing.

“I swear, you really are as bad as Cloud Kicker,” Twilight replied and Midnight gave her a curious look.

“You know Cloudy?” she asked the alicorn. “Ahh, good times.”

“You didn’t?” Twilight asked with a light groan. Midnight smiled and shook her head.

“Nah, we met the last time I visited Ponyville, a little before I met Ledger actually. We both agreed that the world simply couldn’t handle the two of us banging, we’d probably create some never ending cycle of sexy energy. So we just went out as each others wingmare... We got sooo much flank that weekend. It was glorious.”

“And now we know who to avoid if we end up visiting Ponyville again,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “Seriously, how is it there’s more than one version of you in almost every town. Next thing you’ll say is you know a dragon.”

Midnight just whistled as she sipped at her tea. Cider was cutting off her coffee intake. Ledger blinked before facehooving. “You didn’t,” he said simply, hoping it wasn’t true.

“You don’t know that story?” Midnight asked. She swore she told somepony about it. “Yeah, I was feeling pretty bold that night. Went home with two young drakes. That was something I’ll not forget.”

“I was more hoping you didn’t know a dragon version of you,” Ledger said with a sigh. “I think I heard the story about you and the dragons. I don’t think the world could handle more than you, Fredrick, Moondancer, and now Cloud Kicker.”

“Oohh, you’re talking about Sapphira, she lives out in Dragon Town in Baltimare,” Midnight said as she sipped her tea again. “That was a fun three days...”

“...Is there a version of you for every town?!” Ledger exclaimed before throwing his hooves up.

“Well I’ve never been to Manehatten,” Midnight said. “But relax Levvy, you have the original, and the best right here. Accept no substitutes!”

“Fine,” the disguised drone grumped as he returned to picking at his food. “I’m just cautious of bringing more than two of you together. I think the world might break.”

“We could have Pinkie Pie meet Amy and Joyful,” Midnight threatened. Ledger shuddered at that thought. Actually shuddered.

“And now my nightmares are going to be flavors of pink,” he said.

“Who’s Joyful?” Twilight asked.

“Ledger’s little sister, basically a changeling-version of a filly Pinkie Pie, only worse,” Midnight explained. Twilight had moved to latch onto Ledger as she shook.

“That....that must never happen. EVER!”

Midnight smirked and got an evil idea. She wondered if it would work. She cleared her throat and started to sing.

“Oh sweet little Fairy~ Where have you gone?”

“NO!” Ledger demanded, trying to get close to the mare to stop her from singing, but being weighed down by Twilight.

The response was faint. Only Midnight would hear it. But it was the answering line. “The flowers have dried up, I’m looking for home~

“What’s so bad about her singing?” Twilight asked. “She has a lovely voice.”

“Thank you,” Midnight smiled. “Ohh, she heard me.”

“My sister has a summoning-song,” Ledger said. “If you sing one part and she can hear you, she sings the next while coming closer. Add in how unpredictable pinks are…”

“I am willing to believe a lot of things,” Twilight deadpanned. “But you mean to tell me that you can summon a little changeling filly by singing?”

Midnight’s eyes sparkled as she opened her mouth again—

“Please don’t,” Ledger pleaded. “...Unless you want to entertain a little filly for the night.”

“Aw, but Joyful is such a sweetheart,” Midnight pouted as Scope walked in, tossing a slightly crispy Chrysalis on the couch.

“What are we talking about?” she asked.

“Middy’s going to doom us all by summoning Joyful,” Ledger replied.

Scope narrowed her eyes as she looked at Midnight, then to Chrysalis and Twilight and she put on her trademark smirk.

"Do it Middy!"

Ledger then played his trump card. “If we have to entertain her for the night, not only is the likelyhood of anything more than cuddling happening tonight going way down, but if she does ask any awkward questions in the morning, I preemptively call ‘not it.’”

"That's actually not a bad idea Lev," Cider said. Almost everypony turned slowly and looked at her.

"Say what?" Scope blinked.

"You're worried about what kind of Momma you'll be right? Well ah reckon little Joyful might make for some good practice."

“Assuming you can stand her,” Ledger pointed out.

"That's why ah'm suggestin' it." Cider retorted. "If Middy can handle Joyful, then she can handle anythang."

“...Considering that Joyful is but an adolescent noble Pink, I think I can see your point,” Ledger ruefully agreed. “That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea while we have other company though.”

"A drone with a brain? Who knew one existed?" Chrysalis snarked.

“Hey, if you want to deal with my little sister, by all means, I’ll sing for her,” Ledger snarked back.

Scope, who had contacted Madame Gossip by now, had given her the rundown.

"Yeah, we're toying with the option of fillynapping Joy. Cause your bonehead son went and knocked up Midnight. Congrats. You're gonna be a Granny."

“...I see,” the Madame replied. “And how does that tie in to you borrowing my smallest daughter?”

"Practice run for Middy." Scope stated. There was silence for a moment longer on the link before Scope got a reply.

“Hmm, well, I don’t see the harm, you’ve proven adept in looking after her before. And she does want to see her brother again. Though I would advise caution; she’s not stopped asking about all the...finer aspects of the birds and the bees ever since we came home.”

"My bad," Midnight called out.

Scope sighed and shook her head. "Well, it's still an idea at this point and..." she paused and groaned. "...and Midnight is already singing again."

“Ah, well, I’ll just go inform Peaceful that his daughter won’t be back for dinner then.” There was a pause for a moment longer, and then the Madame spoke up again. “Oh, and miss Scope?”

"Mm?" Scope blinked.

Do try and let me know when my son is getting married, won’t you? I would very much like to be there, and I imagine his father would as well. ...He is getting married after something like that, yes?

Scope nodded, despite the fact that she couldn't see her. "Nobuggy told you? We're set to get married in the next couple of weeks."

“Oh good, I’ll pack my bags then.” The voice was cheery, a tone they’d never heard coming from the noble nymph. “We should be there in a few days to help speed this along~”

“Uh, okay?" Scope said as she looked at Ledger. "Your Mom's coming."

"You're talking to her while she's doing that?" Midnight laughed. Ledger on the other hoof?

He was nearly pale with pure fright. Possibly because his mother had found out from somebuggy other than himself that he was getting married and had a kid on the way. He looked over at Chrysalis and said two simple words. “Kill me.”

"Hah, sounds like she's going to do something worse than that, I think I'll sit back and watch," Chrysalis chuckled.

Unfortunately, talking out loud alerted the Madame that she was there…

“Is that Chrysalis?” The Madame’s tone had gone...icy. Apparently there was at least one more ‘ling that was not a fan of Chrysalis or what she’d done.

"Yeah, she's being 'reformed' by Princess Twilight. Who Ledger is also starting to date." Scope just kept adding fuel to this blaze.

“I can tell I’m going to need to bring the good interrogation tools with me,” the Madame said. “I’ll pack the photo album of him.”

“Mom,” the drone whined.

“And the letters.”


“And his first story-”

“MOM!” If Ledger could blush any harder, he would resemble a tomato. Midnight howled with laughter as the banter ceased.

“Do it! Bring all the things!" Midnight dared her.

"I am going to Tartarus for this huh?" Scopey asked her stallion. Ledger just glared at her.

“I rather think I will. I’ll see you all in a few days, dears~” With that, the glow around Scope’s horn died as the nymph on the other end cut the connection.

“Right, I’m going to go fake my death for the next few days,” Ledger said as he turned back to the stairs. “Better than dealing with mother.”

"Ooh! I have practice with that!" Midnight offered.

"Do I want to know?" Twilight remarked, referring to the whole conversation.

"Well I think my work here is done," Scope nodded as she flittered up to her nest. Chrysalis raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Oh she is delightfully wicked."

“That’s Scope for you,” Ledger sighed before heading to the bedroom. Maybe a nap would help him come up with a plan to deal with his mother.

"BIG BROTHER!!" a pink blur slammed into him, sending him tumbling down the stairs. Ledger let out an ‘Ack’ he hit each one before he turned his gaze on the pink unicorn filly straddling his chest once they had reached the bottom.

"I'm here to stay and I'm here to play. Let's get started, I don’t have all day!"

“...Midnight, you called for her,” he said simply, the unsaid sentiment of ‘you deal with her’ riding those words.

"Joyful!" Midnight giggled, flying over to scoop the little filly up in her hooves and nuzzle her. "How's my favourite little snugglebug~?"

“I’m doing fine, miss Song,” the filly said as she gladly returned the nuzzle. “But it’s so boring without Critical at home. I at least had a fresh supply of paint when she was around! Now I have to actually pay for my paint.”

Ledger meanwhile had beat a tactical retreat and was already halfway up the stairs. There was no way he could think about how to deal with his mother when his sister was around.

Cider rolled her eyes and followed him as Midnight brought the filly over to meet Twilight.

"Wanna say hi to a princess Joy?"

“Ooooh,” Joyful said as she proceeded to examine Twilight. Up close and personally, by poking everything about her with one hoof or another.

"Hello," Twilight giggled at the filly’s antics. Right up until she stuck her nose somewhere it did not need to be.

"Meep!” Twilight squeaked and shooed the filly off with a wing. Joyful giggled and sat nearby, sticking her tongue out in concentration.

“So, she’s a princess?” At the nods the adults gave her, Joyful looked around the house. “Then...why’s she here? Shouldn’t princesses have big fancy castles, and like a hundred guards, and things like that?”

"Hmm, well I have a big castle," Twilight replied, still blushing from her impromptu examination. "But I don't have any guards yet. As for why I'm here...well..."

"She wants to be our friend," Midnight smiled. "You wanna be her friend as well Joy?"

Do I?” Joyful said as her eyes lit up. “That’s like asking if sugar’s sweet. Duh!” Twilight found herself host to a small, filly-shaped tick latching on to her front and hugging her tightly...or as tightly as she could manage anyways.

"It seems I have developed a large pink growth," Twilight chuckled.

"Getting bugs in your coat?" Midnight asked slyly.

"Oh gag me," Chrysalis sighed. Then she realized one important fact about pinks.

Never say anything you don’t intend to be literal or taken that way around them. Within seconds, she found herself gagged with an apple and little Joyful smiling at her.

“Done!” she chirped.

Midnight doubled over laughing and even Twilight spared a giggle as Chrysalis removed the apple and scowled at the child. She reached over and promptly speared the apple on Joy’s horn. The filly yelped and fell to the floor as she held one hoof to her horn, not prepared for the sudden attack. Her disguise even flickered in places to show just how badly her concentration had been disrupted. Chrysalis snorted in amusement.

"And that's what you get for challenging a queen!" She gloated.

"Oh grow up," Twilight snarked. Joyful just moaned from the ground as her entire disguise finally winked out, revealing her pink nymph self.

“My brain hurts,” she complained.

"You broke your disguise just from that?" Chrysalis laughed again as Midnight picked Joyful up and pulled the apple off.

"Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up and plot revenge," she said as she carried her upstairs.

“Yes miss Midnight,” the nymph said as she clung to the older mare, not wanting to deal with the older nymph just yet. “I...I think she’s too mean to ever have friends…”

Midnight wondered about that. "Hmm, then maybe she needs a friend then." She carried Joy off as Twilight scowled at Chrysalis. This was going to be a looong day.

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