• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,669 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 67 - Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the bat

Twilight out a small sigh as she arrived back home. That trip had been disastrous for all the wrong reasons, and yet, so much went right as well. She looked at the massive crystal hall she arrived in and rubbed one of her eyes. This castle still seemed so empty, sure, it was nowhere near the size of Celestia’s or even Cadence’s… but they had servants, guards… Twilight neither had, nor really needed any of that, so she estimated a good eighty percent of the Castle of Friendship went unused.

“Twilight? Is that you?” Spike wandered out from the kitchen, wearing his apron and carrying a wooden spoon. “Hey, I thought I heard you teleport in.”

“Hey yourself,” Twilight said, hugging her little dragon. “And what are you doing back? I thought you’d still be at Rarity’s?”

“I was, but then I decided to tidy our new library up a bit and then Midnight showed up, asking if I could send you a letter.”

“Where is she anyway?” Twilight looked around. “I half-expected to be hugged the second I arrived.”

“Dunno,” Spike shrugged. “She went to get some friends of hers after we got your reply. So I got started on dinner. Zap Apple Jam sandwiches and herbal tea.”

“Ohh, my favourite,” Twilight hummed. “And… thanks Spike.”

“Huh? For what?” he asked. “It’s not like you can cook…”

“Not that,” Twilight giggled, ruffling his spines. “Just, thanks for always being here.”

“Like I’d go anywhere,” Spike said, straightening his spines back up. “We’re friends Twilight. Always have been, always will be. That’ll never change.”

“Mhmm,” Twilight hugged him and then looked around. “So… any idea when Middy might return?”

“Beats me,” Spike replied as he headed for the kitchen again. “Oh, what do you feel like for dessert? We have… ice-cream, or… nope, I think that’s all we have actually. We really need to do some grocery shopping.”

“I’ll do some tomorrow,” Twilight made a note of it so she wouldn’t forget. She wondered if she should go find Midnight, but then another thought occured. She walked into the kitchen and pulled Spike into a hug when he was done making another sandwich.

“Wha? Twi?” Spike looked up at her. “What’s wrong?”

“I was just wondering,” she said. “On what you think about me entering this relationship?”

She...really wanted his opinion? He thought about his answer for a good long while before he finally responded.

“Well, I think, that if you’re happy… then I’m okay with it,” Spike nodded. “Since I was born, it’s really just been you and me. I mean, we had Princess Celestia, and our Canterlot and Ponyville friends… but, when they weren’t around, it was always just us. So, I guess getting used to the fact that you’ll have somepony else around now. I dunno, its… weird I guess. And if any of them hurt you, I’m gonna set them on fire.”

“Heehee, I know, thanks Spike,” Twilight smiled, her eyes tearing up, both from happiness that he was accepting of this, and pride at how much he’d matured. “Have I ever said that you’re the best assistant and absolutely best friend a pony could ask for?”

“Hmm, maybe,” Spike winked. “You can tell me a few more times though.”

“I’ll say it as much as I need to,” Twilight smiled and let him go. “So, want some help making some sandwiches?”

“Twilight, I love you, really,” Spike said. “But you could set fire to water. So please go and organise the library or something and leave the cooking to me.”

Twilight pouted and poked out her tongue, but left the dragon to his job and decided that some nice book organising would do her mood some good right now.

Ace frowned as he followed his student, once again carrying his lazy marefriend through the streets.

“Midnight, do you intend to tell us where in Equus we are going?”

“Mmnope,” Midnight giggled, and turned so she was walking backwards. “It’s a surprise~” she sang.

“A good surprise?” Amy asked from atop Ace’s back.

“Aw, come on you yummy little changeling,” Midnight hummed, still walking backwards and sidestepping a few ponies. “When I’m involved, it’s always a good surprise.”

“Is she right, Acey?” the disguised pink ‘ling asked her mount.

“That you’re yummy? Of course you are,” Ace chuckled, turning his head to nibble at her with his beak. “And as for the surprise thing...eh, fifty-fifty.”

“Mmhmm,” Amy said, keeping her eye on the bat, even if she wasn’t keeping an eye on where she was going. That said, she seemed to be effortlessly avoiding every obstacle, and that was when Amy noticed the bat ears flicking around every now and then.

Midnight eventually turned around the right way and giggled as she raised a hoof. “Tada~ We’re here.”

Yeah… a giant castle tree made of crystal was kind of hard to miss.

“You got permission for us to stay here?” Amy asked incredulously. “How?”

“I know a pony,” Midnight hummed as she walked up the the large doors and knocked. And when a purple alicorn opened the door, she wasn’t able to survive the oncoming bathug.

“Gah! Mid-mmph!” Twilight went to protest but Midnight sealed her off with a deep kiss. Ace sighed and shook his head before leaning over and plucking the Thestral off of the princess.

“Midnight, I believe that’s assault against the crown.”

“Nuh-uh, not if she’s mine to begin with,” Midnight protested as Twilight picked herself up.

“W-Welcome,” she said, looking a little flushed. Amy looked between the two and shook her head.

“I reiterate, how? It doesn’t seem likely she would open her doors to us. You, possibly, but she barely knows us.”

“Any friends of Midnight’s are friends of mine,” Twilight smiled. “Besides, I have a feeling that Midnight came here with no plan or any kind of checklist whatsoever.”

“Checklist?” Midnight blinked, still being held up by Ace. “What would anypony need a checklist?”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Twilight muttered and looked back at the engaged pair. “So, would you like to come inside?”

“If you wouldn’t mind having us,” Amy replied. Twilight shook her head and Ace strode in, still carrying both mares. Spike was in the middle of carrying a tray of sandwiches to the dining room and waved.

“Oh, hey guys,” he greeted them. “Good timing actually. Dinner’s ready.”

“Yay! What’s cooking, master chef?” Amy asked the small drake, hopping down from Ace’s back and looking at the tray.

“Nothing much,” Spike blushed under the praise. “Just some Zap Apple jam sandwiches.”

“Sounds tasty,” Amy replied, choosing to follow him to the table. The dining room was rather impressive, and hanging above it, was a massive chandelier made from tree roots, dozens and dozens of crystals hanging from it.

And almost instantly, Amy could sense the emotions of the memories stored within them.

“Oh wow,” Amy said, shedding her disguise and using her wings to hover in front of each photograph, taking them all in reverently. “You and your friends...are really something.”

Twilight blinked, that mare was a… wait, she looked familiar… wasn’t that the Changeling that Pinkie ran off with last time. “Um, well thank you Miss…?”

“Oh, I’m still Amethyst Cream,” Amy replied as she darted from one photo to the next. “Oh wow, this place is just full of happiness and joy and care…”

“Yes, my friends made this for me a little while ago… after everything I had was destroyed with my last home,” Twilight fell quiet for a moment. Okay, yeah, don’t dwell on that. “But then they made this for me. It’s just amazing.”

“I could tell you that,” Amy said as she looked at another photo. “It’s almost like all your happy moments were...preserved, forever, in these pictures. If you could see what I see, feel what I feel…”

“I think I can,” Twilight said, flying up next to her and holding one of the crystals. “Maybe not in the exact same sense… but when I look at these…” Her heart felt so warm.

“Hmm, it just feels the best, doesn’t it?” Amy asked as she zipped over to another one and basked in the emotions. “Like being all wrapped up in a nice big blanket on a cold day…So warm, but inside...”

“Mhmm,” Twilight smiled as she landed back on the ground, and getting almost instantly hugged by Midnight. “I should show Ledger this at some point, it wasn’t here the last time he visited.”

“Yup!” Amy said as she landed besides the ponies and looked over at Spike. The dragon had finished setting the table, placing plates of sandwiches as well as a pot of tea.

“Okay, dig in everypony,” he hummed, already taking a bite of his own food. Amy followed suit, but paused the moment the Zap Apple Jam hit her tongue.

“Amy?” Ace blinked, slowly lowering his own sandwich. “You… okay?”

She chewed, slowly, savoring the taste of her sandwich before looking over at Spike. After she swallowed, she had one question for the drake. “Zap Apple Jam, huh?”

“Yup, made right here in Ponyville,” he nodded. “The Apple family only makes it once a year, so it’s super hard to get a hold of.”

“Applejack keeps a jar aside for all of her friends though,” Twilight explained. “Peanut butter used to be my favourite, but after trying this… well,” she bit into her own sandwich and hummed delightedly.

“I see,” Amy said. “...And how hard would it be to acquire some? For curiosity’s sake.”

“Filthy Rich buys most of their stock and then sells it at his store,” Twilight explained. “It sells out fast though, so I doubt he has any left by now… but,” her horn lit up and a sealed jar floated into the room a moment later.

“Oooh,” Amy said, looking at the jar intently. “How much do you want for it?”

The jar floated over to Amy and set itself down on the table in front of her. Twilight just shook her head and continued eating.

“...Really?” Amy asked, daring to hope. “You would just...give me something as valuable as this?”

“Like I said, I get a jar every year, and I also bought quite a few as well.” Twilight smiled at the nymph. “Even if it was my last, I’d still offer it.”

“Isn’t she just the best marefriend ever!” Midnight giggled and hugged the Alicorn close, causing her to blush slightly. Amy nodded her agreement with Midnight’s assessment before picking the jar up and holding it close.

“Oooh, the plans I have for you,” she whispered.

“I feel like I’ve just been bumped down on her list of favourite things,” Ace mock-pouted.

“Oh don’t you worry Acey, I still have plans for you as well,” Amy replied, not looking up and making ‘plans’ sound far more husky the second time around.

“Just be sure to clean up after,” Twilight said without missing a beat, making Ace blush a little that Amy had said that in front of a Princess, in her own castle no less.

“Still, thank you for the gift, Twilight,” Amy said as she put the jar to one side for now. “I hope my plans for it come to fruition. Along with some other plans I have.”

“I’d ask,” Midnight mused while she pet Twilight’s mane. “But I doubt I’d get a straight answer.”

“What plans are we talking about?” Spike suddenly asked. “And why would you need to clean up after? Are you guys planning on making a mess?”

“Of the highest degree,” Amy said with a giggle. “Don’t worry, I have my ways of cleaning up after our messes~”

Spike blinked and frowned, it sounded like he was missing some context.

“Grown up things Spike,” Twilight said, shooting Amy a warning glance and tugging at the jar with her magic. “Maybe I should hang on to this after all hmm?”

“Nuuu!” Amy cried as she jumped onto the jar, wrapping her body around it. “Don’t take the jar of deliciousness from me, please! I’ll be good!”

Twilight hummed as she kept both the jar and the Changeling afloat. “Hmm, I don’t know… what do you think Midnight?”

Midnight licked her lips and grinned. “I say let her keep it.”

“Very well,” Twilight nodded, releasing her grip on them. Amy sighed and resumed eating her tasty, tasty sandwiches, now that she didn’t have to fear for the jar of jam. Ace chuckled and shook his head. Would it be too much to ask for a normal day? Yes? Ah well…

“Once you’re done eating, would you mind showing them to one of the guest rooms Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Sure,” Spike nodded. “Any one in particular?”

Twilight thought for a moment and smirked. “The most durable one we have.”

“We’re not that bad,” Amy retorted, sticking her tongue out at the Princess.

“Nope, you’re so much worse,” Ace chuckled as he finished his food and gulped down his tea. “Haaah! Much better. That was delicious.”

“Yep, Spike’s a great chef huh?” Twilight said, rubbing his head again.

“Gah, quit it,” Spike grumbled, straightening his spines. Amy was the next one to show him her affection, as she used her magic to pull him into a hug. A hug that probably didn’t hurt him only because of his scales.

“This is good stuff,” she said.

“Gah! Again!” Spike said, though he was used to rougher treatment from Twilight. “...And why do you smell like mangoes?”

“Dunno,” Amy hummed as she gave him a quick peck on his head before letting go. She then chowed down on what was left of her dinner, humming happily at the taste.

Twilight looked at Midnight, then recalled an earlier conversation. Her horn lit up as Amy shone with a magenta hue. After a moment, Twilight nodded and sighed.

"Chaos magic... that's why," she said. Her horn lit up once more and the scent vanished, much to Midnight’s relief and dismay.

“Oh?” Amy hummed after gulping down her sandwich. “Somethin’ wrong, Twilight?”

"Not anymore," Twilight replied. "Your new perfume was courtesy of Discord. I removed it though. Any longer and Midnight here might have tried to eat you."

“Yeesh,” Amy said, sticking her tongue out. “Only Acey’s allowed to do that.”

"Why would that Griffon try to eat you?" Spike asked. Amy just hummed happily, not answering Spike. It was a good thing he didn’t have emotion-sense. Otherwise he’d be able to tell the amount of Lust she was radiating at the very thought.

Spike looked at Twilight and frowned, as the Alicorn just sighed and gave the Changeling an exasperated glare.

'Don't worry about it Spike," Midnight giggled. "Just think of Amy as a Changeling version of Pinkie."

"Ah, gotcha." The dragon replied like some great truth had been revealed.

“Well dinner was delicious,” Amy said, licking her lips for any stray crumbs. “So, what was the dessert plan?”

"Ice-cream," Spike answered. "Provided that Changelings like ice-cream." He looked at Twilight for answers, but Amy beat her to it.

“I love ice-cream! I’m pretty skilled in serving up all manner of delicious dishes of the stuff!” Somehow, she had pulled her scoops out of her saddlebags. Again. “In fact, I could probably make dessert even better if you let me at it, Spikey!”

Spike was going to question this, "Oh right, Pinkie bug. Um, sure, if you want. I'll show you where the kitchen is." Spike got up and led her through the halls until they reached a kitchen that was probably bigger than her whole apartment. Amy marveled at the size of it, before she remembered she came here with a job to do. The pink ‘ling shook her head and looked at the drake for direction, hoping he hadn’t seen that...

"That was my first reaction too," he chuckled as he pointed at a walk in freezer. "Ice-cream is in there." When the nymph opened it, she was graced with what appeared to be a smaller version of Pinkie's collection.

“Not bad,” she hummed, observing the collection. “Not bad at all...okay, I can guess what Acey will want, and Middy’s a sure bet, but you’re gonna need to help me with Twilight and yourself, Spikey.”

“Twi loves chocolate, and as long as it's ice-cream, I'll eat it," Spike remembered the day he ate over a dozen buckets. That was an amazing day, painful, but amazing.

“Hmm,” Amy hummed as she got some containers out. Mango for Middy. Strawberry and cherry for Acey, she’d make a double-berry swirl for him. Chocolate and vanilla for Twi, to add a bit of variety to her dessert. She’d was about to just have strawberry, but decided on having chocolate as well. And that left Spike…

Aw, what the hay. She’d make him a strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla swirl. “Got any toppings?” the nymph asked as she floated her selection out in front of her.

"Uhh, I think we have sprinkles and some cherries?" Spike rummaged around until he found said ingredients.

“Whipped cream?” Amy asked as she arranged the containers. “And we’ll need bowls and spoons as well.”

Spike nodded and pulled out the things she required, but took a mouthful of whipped cream first. She giggled at his antics, before the nymph got to work.

Middy’s was first, a simple dish of mango ice-cream that had a bit of cream and sprinkles topping it, with one cherry. Spike didn’t look impressed...and that’s when things got delicious.

Amy pulled out some chocolate and vanilla, flattened them against the counter, then rolled them up into one scoop and served it up, repeating the process a few more times until she had a dish of chocolate and vanilla swirled for Twilight. Some whipped cream, a few sprinkles, and a cherry saw that dish done.

Acey’s was next, strawberry and cherry wrapped around one another in a delectable duo of fruit. Amy topped his dish of double-berry blast with just cream and sprinkles. He hardly needed another cherry in that dish.

Next was her dish, chocolate and strawberry would be interesting. Sprinkles, cream, cherry, done. She was in the zone.

Spike’s dish was involved and had three flavors, so as a result he got less scoops of it, but to be fair, they were big scoops. When the chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry were swirled around one another to her satisfaction, she topped it with some cream, sprinkles, and a single cherry before sticking her scoops in the sink and wiping some imaginary sweat from her brow.

“Whaddya think of that?” the pink ‘ling asked the drake.

“Whooaaaaa..." the dragon replied, licking his lips and smiling. “That was, you’re a true artist Miss Amy."

“I try,” Amy said, taking a small bow. “Now let’s get these served to the others before ya eat them all.”

“I wouldn’t do something like that," Spike replied, though it didn’t sound so convincing. Amy giggled and started to lift them in her magic, humming happily as she began to leave with the cold treats, the dragon following close behind.

When they returned, Midnight’s nose twitched and her ears gave a happy wiggle.

"Eeeeee, I smell something tasty~" she trilled. Amy smiled as she levitated Middy’s bowl over to her first. If only so the bat would finally have her mango. Midnight giggled and bat her bedroom eyes at Amy.

"Delicious treats from a delicious mare, Middy likes~" Amy did her best to blush before serving Acey and Twilight their dishes as well.

Spike had already consumed most of his ice-cream. There would be no survivors on that front.

Twilight stared at her treat, wondering if something so delicious-looking could really exist. She licked her lips and took a tentative bite, before humming in delight and giving the nymph a happy smile.

“I’m happy you like it!” Amy chirped before taking her seat next to Acey and eating her own ice-cream. Mm, this wasn’t half-bad, she’d have to try it again when they went back home.

“Almost as tasty as the one that served it,” Ace replied, nuzzling the Changeling. “And you finally have everything sorted, I believe that has been a wonderful day for you hmm?”

“Yup!” Amy replied, kissing Ace’s cheek. “Everything has been seen to, though I might want to revisit Rarity in the morning. Just to make sure she’s okay.”

“Why would Rarity not be okay?” Twilight asked, hoping her friend hadn’t freaked out over the Changeling thing.

“Amy mentioned about her and Pinkie working together,” Midnight said, still eating her ice-cream.

“Ah,” Twilight nodded as Spike licked his bowl clean and jumped to his feet.

“Don’t worry Rarity! I’m coming!” he yelled and charged from the room as Twilight facehooved.

“I feel safer already,” Amy said in a deadpan, before giggling. “Well, we seem to have, unintentionally, removed young ears from the building for a moment.”

Twilight nodded, before her eyes widened in realisation. “Oh no…”

Amy snickered before pointing at Midnight with one hoof. Midnight finished her ice-cream with happy hum and looked at Amy.


“Just expecting you to take advantage of the fact that Spike’s out for the moment,” Amy replied before returning to her ice-cream. There was still a little left.

Midnight put a hoof to her mouth in shock, as she put on a startlingly good imitation of Cider’s accent. “Why Miss Amy, ah do declare! Whut kinda mare do y’all take me fer. Ah am a lady.”

Amy paused mid-bite to shoot an unamused glance at the batpony. “Emotivore,” she reminded the mare.

“Buzzkill,” Midnight retorted and shrugged. “Besides, what would I possibly say? That it’s surprising about dessert? Isn’t Ace supposed to be the one that fills you with creamy goodness?~”

“There’s the Midnight I was expecting,” Amy said after polishing off her ice-cream. “And maaaaaybe? It depends on whose turn it is to be on top.”

Twilight suddenly choked on her ice-cream. “What?” she managed to croak out.

“I’m not fussed over gender,” Ace explained. “It’s the heart that matters more that anything.”

“Mhmm, Acey loves me no matter who I am,” Amy said, hugging her griffon and nuzzling him.

“She can change gender pretty easily,” Midnight explained. “Apparently it’s difficult for most Changelings to do—” The dining room doors flew open as a grumbling Chrysalis strode and and sat down, her head thunking against the crystal table.

“Hiya Chryssie!” Amy said, waving at the disgruntled queen. The queen lifted her head and looked at the Pink, before groaning louder and headbutting the table again.

“Please don’t scratch the table, Spike just polished it,” Twilight said. “And what’s the matter. You seem irritated… well, more so than usual.”

“Discord,” she muttered. Amy hummed before shrugging.

“Eh, I’m sure he’s a nice guy,” the pink ‘ling said. “Maybe we could get together and-”

“Finish that sentence and I will eviscerate you with nothing but my horn,” Chrysalis warned the nymph.

“Acey, the queenie’s being mean to me,” Amy whined.

“I fear I must agree with her, well, aside from the whole evisceration thing,” Ace nodded, rubbing behind Amy’s ear. “You and Discord should never, ever work together, for the sake of reality itself.”

“...Is it like me and Pinkie working together?” Amy asked as she leaned into the rub. So he knew her weak points. So what, it felt nice.

“That, only worse,” Ace nodded, his rubs turning into scritchies. Amy sighed, before giggling at a thought which she then shared with the room.

“Imagine if all three of us worked together?”

One could practically hear a record screech as the room fell silent.

“Sparkle.” Chrysalis uttered.


“If you would accomplish anything in life, it will be that you see that that future never comes to pass.”

“Agreed,” Twilight responded. Amy just giggled again, before sighing as Acey resumed his work. It felt good...maybe Chrysalis only needed a good scratching and she’d loosen up?

“So… what are you eating?” Chrysalis asked, looking at Twilight’s bowl. The Alicorn rolled her eyes and levitated a spoonful over to the nymph, who looked at it for a moment, before opening her mouth and taking a bite…

“Oh my…” she murmured, tasing both the flavour, and the Creativeness that went into making it. Then she paused, chewing slowly before swallowing and looking at the Pink mare.


“Mmhmm,” Amy said, still enjoying the rubdown she was getting from Acey. “It’s sorta my job, after all.”

“Should have figured,” Chrysalis replied, now wanting to go and launch an invasion of the fridge. “This is why I didn’t use Pinks in my army, too… hmm, what’s the word I’m looking for…”

“Strange?” Midnight asked.

“Quirky?” Twilight added.

“No, no…” Chrysalis hummed. “Ah, nice. There we go… bleh. Yes, they loved you ponies far too much to attack you.”

“Most of the compound colors probably didn’t want to help you either,” Amy added. “They thrive on things like being appreciated, which you can’t really have when you’re invading.”

“Yes well, it was a good idea in theory, and at at the time,” Chrysalis nodded. “Anyway, that’s in the past, and seeing the rather disastrous invasion of Las Pegasus taught me a thing or two.”

“The less said about that day the better,” Midnight muttered, biting down on her spoon as she ate the last of her ice-cream.

“Agreed,” Twilight said, finishing off the rest of her ice-cream. She looked over to Ace and a blissfully happy Amy. “Would you like to be shown to your room before to get a little too comfortable?”

“‘m good,” was Amy’s reply as she lazily bat a forehoof towards Twilight. Ace made for a comfy pillow.

Ace rolled his eyes and picked up his lazy marefriend. “If you don’t mind my princess, I would be honoured if you would do just that.”

“Of course,” she turned to Midnight and Chrissie. “I’ll be right back,” she said, before leading the two off.

The Griffon strode through the halls early the next morning, while he felt great, he was currently wondering why he was doing this again.

And when that little pink devil on his shoulder giggled, he remembered why.

“So, remind me again how this is a good idea?” he asked idly as they looked for a certain somebuggy.

“Cause Chryssy’s probably all tense from holding that scowl on her face all day,” Amy giggled again as she pointed a hoof down one hallway. “Right here. She’s close. And if you can relax her, I’m sure she’ll forgive you for not asking if you can do it first.” She then leaned down to whisper in his ear. “You certainly do a good job relaxing me…”

“I am beginning to wonder if you Changelings are a terrible influence on the rest of us,” he said to nopony in particular. He also wasn’t going to show what influence her words had on a certain part of his anatomy.

He rounded a corner and into what appeared to be a living area. There were a few beanbags, some large cushions and a couch. A massive fireplace sat against one wall, an emerald flame roaring from it that produced heat, but no smoke. Amy recognised a magical fire when she saw it.

Chrysalis was laying on one of the cushions, idly flipping through a book and she wore a baby blue t-shirt with the slogan ‘Blame Celestia’.

“There she is,” Amy whispered to her griffon. “Remember the plan. Ears first to get her in the mood. More as she becomes more...receptive. I’ll monitor her to make sure she stays innocent in her advances.”

“This… won’t end well,” Ace muttered. One of the queen’s ears flicked as they walked closer, but didn’t turn away from her book.

“The fight-happy bird, and the happy little Pink,” she muttered. “What do you two morons want?”

“We’re just here to see you,” Amy chirped from atop Ace’s back. “You’re not easy to find, y’know.”

“Gee, maybe because I want to be left alone!” she snapped. “Hives, I already have to do the whole ‘friendship’ thing with Sparkle and her annoying friends. Don’t push it.”

“Hmm, so what are you reading?” Ace asked, ignoring her words and causing the queen to growl. She hadn’t noticed them taking a step closer with each word.

“A book far above your feeble comprehension,” Chrysalis said. “Get lost.”

“Is it about ice-cream?” Amy asked, buying time until Ace was in scratching range.

“Yes little Pink, it is about ice-cream,” the snark was strong with this one. “I’m beginning to wonder if you have ice-cream instead of brains.”

Close now… almost…

“My employers did ask what I was thinking, becoming two ponies just to take two jobs at the parlor,” Amy said. Something, anything to keep the queen distracted! “One of them a stallion at that.”

“Oh, you’re one of those Changelings,” Chrysalis replied. “Well, not that I can talk. I can do that too after all.” Nearly there….

“I did it with Acey a lot until I decided I wanted a foal more than I wanted to hear him squawk,” Amy said shamelessly.

Chrysalis spluttered and turned to look at the naughty nymph, but it was too late. She felt a claw on her head and a gentle rubbing behind one of her ears.

“W-WHAT ARE YOU Doooing,” her indignant rage dying off rather quickly.

“Just showing you a little bit what it’s like to be loved and cared for,” Amy said as she hopped down to look the queen in the eyes, a smile on her face. All she got was a glare, though Ace already seemed to be winning out over that.

“I will kill yoouuu aaaallll,” she murmured.

“I still fear for the moment I stop,” Ace replied as he started scratching, as Chrysalis’ hind leg twitched slightly.

“Yeah yeah, working on it,” Amy said as she looked Chrysalis in the eyes. There was a feeling that usually came with Ace’s ministrations. Namely, she would say anything to keep them going, and she hoped the queen was of the same mindset.

“So how’s that feel, Chryssy? Nice, right?”

“Nnrggh, muurduurrrr,” she whined pitifully, raising a hoof to strangle the pink, but getting nowhere fast.

“Do you want him to keep going?” Amy asked, testing the waters as to how far gone the queen was.

Ace now moved to a killing blow, moving both hands down to knead her shoulders and neck. Chrysalis groaned and sighed, her head flopping down onto the pillow as she closed her eyes.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Amy giggled as she followed the noble nymph’s head. Mainly so she could whisper to the queen. “And this is what he’s like because I asked him to be nice to you. Imagine what it’s like for me all the time.”

“Let’s find out,” Chrysalis purred as her horn flared and she created an empathic link between them. Amy just sighed and wrapped herself in the love Ace had for her, the joy they shared with one another...all the good memories they’d made together.

Earned love was the best.

And that filtered back to Chrysalis, who sighed contently as Ace wondered something about the noble nymph, and tried the technique he discovered last night.

The effect was rather instantaneous on both mares. Amy’s shell flicked open at the same time as Chrysalis did, because apparently, Chrysalis forgot to make the link one-way. Meaning Amy was feeling what the queen was.

Not that she was complaining! Her wings fluttered out as she felt Acey’s ghostly hands massage the sensitive skin underneath them. Both mares moaned before Chrysalis’s eyes shot open as she cut the spell and levitated both of them into the air, anger and a rather impressive blush adorned her face.

“W-What the hell?!” she gasped.

“Buzzkill,” Amy pouted as she folded her forelegs. “Just when the massage was getting good, too.”

“Massage my holey hoof!” Chrysalis said. “Y-You dare try that with a Queen? Try and seduce me?”

“I was attempting no such thing,” Ace replied, already planning on breaking the hold if things got dangerous. “I was simply doing as Amy requested and she is also about to get a big serving of ‘I told you so’.”

“I just wanted you to see what it was like to have somepony genuinely care for you,” Amy said with a sniffle, already turning on her cute powers. “Why do you have to be so mean whenever anypony wants to help you?”

“But he doesn’t care and neither do you,” Chrysalis retorted, releasing her magical hold. “He just said that he only did it because you told him to.”

“Because I care and I asked him to do it like he cared about you,” Amy replied as she leaned on Ace. “You may be mean, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still turn around and find somepony that cares about you.”

“Urgh! Not this again,” Chrysalis sighed. Then she smirked. Fine, they wanted to play like that? And besides, that Griffon was pretty cute.

She stepped close to him and gazed into his eyes. “Hmm, okay then, let’s see just how much he cares~”

“Ap!” Amy said, interposing herself between the two of them and giving Chrysalis a little glare. “Don’t think I didn’t catch that! This one’s mine. All mine.”

“Aw, and here you were saying such things about caring, and his claws were magical,” she purred, looking the Griffon over. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind taking a real nymph for a ride… or vice-versa~”

“...Not what I was expecting,” Ace replied honestly. Though, it was kinda cute watching Amy defend him.

“Let’s do a little math here, Queenie,” Amy said, sitting on her haunches in front of the griffon. “Ten years of helping the mares of Las Pegasus find their special somponies, and feeding their foals ice cream. Plus no real need to draw on my magic during that time, thanks to my Pegasi guises. Factor in that I passed all the advanced shapeshifting courses through sheer stubbornness...what does that tell you about what sorta Ursa you’re pokin’?”

“Now, now,” Ace said, petting Amy on the head. “No need to start a fight, and if you really must. I’m sure we can find a mudpit around here or something…”

Amy blinked a few times before shooting an irritated glare at Ace. She then turned to Chrysalis and tilted her head. “Ten minutes, hooves off. Make him pay for that comment, please. Deal?”

“Deal~” Chrysalis all but purred as Ace slowly backed away.

“H-Hey now, let’s not get hasty…”

“She said ‘No Hooves’, and made the mistake of that being the only limitation,” Chrysalis said, looking back at Amy to let that sink in. “And I am quite creative with my spell casting. And, don’t worry… fast is the last thing I am going to be~”

“I’m going to get breakfast,” Amy said as she left her griffon to his fate. “If I come back to a mess, one of you is licking it up. By force if need be.”

“You cannot be serious here?” Ace replied as Chrysalis snared him in her magic again. “Amethyst!”

“Maybe she just needs a good lay,” Amy said from the doorway. “Oh, and Chyssy, if I come back to a room that does not have a griffon, I will make you my new plaything. Got it?”

“Crystal,” Chrysalis nodded and once Amy left the room, she chuckled and dropped the Griffon again. “Oh don’t worry, you have enough loyalty there to feed the whole Blue Hive, and if I did something like this under Sparkle’s roof, she’d probably turn me to stone or something.” She flopped back down on her pillow and sighed.

“You nymphs are un-bucking-believable,” Ace groaned, rubbing his oncoming headache. “I can’t tell if Amethyst was being serious or not, nor you for that matter.”

“Oh? I was quite serious, but the last time I interfered with a relationship ended on a rather low note for me, so thanks but no thanks. That’s an issue I’d rather not deal with again. Ever.”

“Well, I’ll still offer that massage if you like?” Ace hummed, flexing his claws.

“Eh, fine, whatever,” Chrysalis replied after shrugging. And when Amy returned with food, she was greeted with no sexytimes at all…but one of the more adorable moments she could see, as Ace was massaging the queen. And every time he hit one spot, her hind leg let off a little twitch.

“Not what I expected, but I’ll roll with it,” Amy said before speaking louder. “I bring sustenance!”

“Oh?” Chrysalis hummed. “But I have all that I need right here, isn’t that right my beloved Acey~”

“All for my Queen.” he said in a flat tone, his eyes having taken a green hue.

“...I warned you, Chryssy,” Amy said, her tone going flat as she built up her magic.

“Oh relax, maybe you need one of these as well?” she sighed as she removed the glamour spell around Ace.

“You did just expect me to cheat on you,” Ace frowned.

“There’s a difference between just doing a nymph and her trying to steal you from me,” Amy replied. “Heck, you buck me every night. And when was the last time Chryssy got laid anyways?”

“A little before the invasion,” Chrysalis replied. “Shining Armor was annoyingly resistant to my advances, but other Guards were more than willing for a little fun with a loose mare~”

Ace grunted as he got up and walked over to Amy, before sitting down in front of her and holding up the hoof that had her engagement band on it. “You remember this?” he asked her. “This means I’m not going anywhere alright. Not Chrysalis, not even Celestia or the gods themselves could take me away okay. Just, try and think a little about my feelings hmm?”

“I...I know, it was pretty rotten of me to do that,” Amy said with a sniffle. “But...I can feel how negative she is. It’s like a toothache in all my teeth, like a cramp in all my muscles. And I’m running out of ideas as to how to help her. I’m almost willing to do anything to just make the pain stop.”

“Or just accept the fact that you can’t help everyone,” Chrysalis grumbled.

Ace sighed and kissed his mare. “While I will not and will never cheat on you my love.” He gave her a cheeky smiled and whispered into her ear. “I will not say no to spicing up our relationship a little~”

“I...I just want to see her smile, if only for a moment,” Amy said, looking up and hugging Ace. “If only so when she stops, it doesn’t hurt as bad. And I won’t hold it against you if you have to do...things, to coax it out of her.”

“Amethyst Cream!” Ace barked, using her full name. “I am not going to do something like that if it makes you that uncomfortable.”

“And I’m sorry you're so sensitive to a nymph that doesn’t deserve it,” Chrysalis added. “But really, getting your drone to do it instead of yourself. That’s just lazy is it not?”

“You’ve resisted or turned down all my attempts to get you to smile!” Amy said, her voice starting to break. “The closest we ever seem to have gotten is emotional manipulation, and that doesn’t count! I...tell me what to do to help you, please!” Amy’s colors were even now dimming as she fell into despair at the thought of never being able to help Chrysalis.

The nymph sighed as she got up and walked over to the mare, before promptly smacking her upside the head.

“Knock that off right now!” she ordered. “Shifting to a Black, all because you’re not getting your own way? What a spoiled little brat you are.” She then shocked everyone, maybe even herself as she pulled the nymph into a hug. “Let’s… let’s start as friends yes. And we’ll see where we go from there.”

“I can deal with that,” Amy said with a little of her usual pep. Yeah, she really needed to see somepony about that whole Black thing, but Chryssy didn’t have to hit her.

“Good, now stop crying already. Or you’ll give me a toothache,” she muttered.

“And now somepony else realises how sweet my Amy is,” Ace chuckled. He leaned in close and hummed. “We could still find a mudpit~”

Amy looked up to Chrysalis, a dangerous glint in her eyes. “Tagteam?” she offered the larger nymph.

“Ohh, now that sounds like a fun little bonding experience,” Chryssie purred. Amy broke the hug and circled around behind Ace, cutting off his escape route from the room.

“You can have first go, I get him all the time anyways,” Amy told the queen. Chrysalis chuckled as she stepped closer to the Griffon.

“H-Hey now, what happened to the whole, ‘I don’t do taken ones’ thing?” Ace bargained.

“Oh, this is more of a loan really,” Chrysalis replied, licking her lips. “Besides, as long as she’s watching, it’s not really cheating.”

“I feel as though I should raise an argument against this,” Ace prompted.

“You do, and I’ll not join in for round two,” Amy said as she secured the doors. “Besides, when’s the next time you’ll get this chance, Acey?”

“Still not convinced I want this chance in the first place,” Ace retorted.

“Didn’t you just make her feel good?” Amy asked. “Let her return the favor~”

“My massages do not include ‘happy endings’ for my clients!” Ace argued, even as Chrysalis stalked closer, wondering what limits she had here.

“They do when I get them,” Amy purred. “Go on Acey, do it for both of us?”

“I need more convincing,” Ace said. “I am not Midnight after all.”

Amy stalked a little closer, giving Ace her best ‘bedroom eyes’. “Please?” she asked, with more than a hint of lust in her voice.

“I don’t know…” Ace replied, this was Queen Chrysalis after all, and he really didn’t feel anything towards her. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t think I can do it…”

“Figures,” Chrysalis sighed, before looking at Amy. “Unless you want to.. ehem, warm him up first.”

“I’m the best at that,” Amy said with a giggle before she all but pounced Ace. The pink nymph drew him in for a deep kiss while one hoof stroked along his chest, trying to get some reaction out of her gryphon.

He just didn’t seem to be as into it as much, leaving Chrysalis to wonder what she could… hmm, he was close to that batpony right?

“Hmm, perhaps another form might help?” Chrysalis hummed. “I think you might go batty for this one~”

Amy looked over to see Chrysalis transforming into Midnight, and rapidly shook her head at the queen, indicating, hopefully, that it was a bad idea. She then used her hoof to point to herself, hoping to get the message across as to which forms Acey found preferable these days.

She shifted back, then the most brilliant idea formed in her head and she smiled wickedly. She stepped forward, even as emerald flames licked at her form.


“They did what with who!?” Twilight yelped from the kitchen. She groaned and applied her hoof to her face. Well, at least Chrysalis was getting along with somepony… in a sense.

“You know,” Midnight mused as she ate her cereal. “If Amy gets pregnant here, I’m going to rename this place ‘Sparkle’s Castle of Conception’.”

“Do that and I will send you to the moon a few hundred years,” Twilight groused as she bit into her toast. “This is totally Ledger’s fault. He brought this debauchery into my palace.”

“Nah, it was a group effort,” Midnight replied as she reached for the pile of toast… and found a Pinkie Pie there instead. “Um, waiter? There’s a pony in my food.”

“Heehee, heya Middy!” Pinkie giggled. Then, the most peculiar thing happened as her eyes blinked, she giggled snorted and then her stomach rumbled loudly.

“Okay, what in the hay was that combination?” Twilight deadpanned as Midnight stared in confusion.

“I need to find Amy!” Pinkie declared and raced from the room before anypony could stop her. Twilight looked at Midnight and shrugged, before resuming her eating.

Ace was starting to stir again, just as Chryssie and Amy concluded round three for the sake of it.

And that was when a puffy pink pony popped up from between the cushions, making Chrysalis scream in fright and surprise.

“Phew! Somepony’s been busy in here,” Pinkie waved a hoof in front of her face. Her eyes locked onto Amy and she squee’d. “AHA! I found you!”

“Pinkie!” Amy said as she hugged her fellow pink mare. “What’s happenin’?”

“I got a doozy of a combo this morning,” she explained like Amy knew what she was talking about. She suddenly flipped the nymph onto her back and stared at her belly, before putting her ear to it, humming for a bit. It took the nymph a second to realise she was humming a birthday song…

“Are you?” Amy asked, daring to hope again.

Pinkie pulled up and giggled. “Ten months, thirteen days, seventeen hours aaaaaand, three minutes… give or take.” She smiled widely and giggled. “Congrats Mommy.”

“Eeeeeee~” Amy said as she pulled Pinkie up into a hug. One that Spike would probably call too much, even with his dragon scales to protect him.

“I’m… supposed to be… Pinkie Pie… not, Bluey Pie!” she wheezed, turning quite a nice shade of blue as Ace finally woke up and rubbed his eyes.

“Huh? What the… another one?” he asked sleepily. “Seriously Amy… isn’t one extra enough?”

“Acey!” Amy said, letting go of Pinkie for a moment. “Surely you remember Pinkie? I showed her off to you in Las Pegasus and everything!”

“Yes?” Ace remembered her quite well, it was like seeing a pony version of Amy and to be honest, he might have also found her a little cute. “Is it her turn now?”

“Only if she asks~” Amy said semi-seductively. “Oh, Pinkie, I forgot to ask! Do you know what sort of foal it’ll be?”

“Hmm, too early to tell…” she suddenly vibrated and then her forelegs flapped like wings before coughing up a pink feather. “Whooo, nevermind. Feathers… yep, definitely a flyer.”

“Yay!” Amy cheered before hugging Acey. “Y’hear that, you studly griffon? It worked! It finally took!”

Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief as Ace blinked and looked at the bug attached to his chest. He was still half-asleep…

“Um, wat?”

Amy leaned up to whisper to her griffon. “You’re gonna be a daddy.”

The Griffon paused and looked down, and when Amy nodded, a wide smile broke out onto his beak as he pulled her up and gave her a deep kiss. Amy just hummed happily into it, holding him close, before eventually coming up for air and looking at Pinkie.

“Thanks for telling us,” she said to the pink mare. “You don’t know...how long we’ve been trying.”

“Hmm, Pinkie Sense didn’t tell me that, but I’m guessing a while,” she replied. “Anyway, I have stuff to do, congrats again.” She turned and gave Chrysalis a look, before shrugging and bouncing away, singing some silly song.

It was also around then that a happy bat collided with Amy and sent the two tumbling across the floor. The pink nymph gave off several grunts as she and the thestral tumbled before the pair of them finally rolled to a halt, with Middy straddling her form. “Wow, everypony’s being suggestive around me today,” the pink nymph giggled. “Not that I’m complaining~”

“Maybe later,” Midnight said with a wink and kissed her nose. “In the meantime, I heard the news… Eeeeeeeeee~”

“I know, isn’t it the best?” Amy asked before pulling Midnight into one of her bone-crushing hugs. She was just so happy~

Ace chuckled at the two mares, before walking over and poking Amy’s nose. “Hmm, so no more of this Black nonsense then hmm? You have a cute little foal to look out for.”

“I’ll try,” Amy said as she looked up at Acey. “But I can’t promise anything. It just seems to come and go…”

“Ask Twilight,” Midnight said, still trapped in Amy’s grip. “She cured Levvy’s Blackiness.”

“I think I will,” Amy said, letting go of Midnight and standing back up as quick as she could. The pink nymph hummed a happy tune as she bounced out of the room, in search of the alicorn in charge around here.

Twilight sat at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper and sipping at her morning coffee. She was going to pretend that she didn’t know what was going on in that living room and to be honest? She was still a little jazzed about last night.

Okay, so she learned that she really likes mares now. That was a thing…

And then her vision was invaded by a changeling nymph with pink accents. “Twilight, ya gotta help me!” Amy said dramatically as she did her best to get the Alicorn’s attention.

“WHA!” Twilight cried out and fell backwards, hitting her head on the floor. “Oowwwww…”

“...Twilight?” Amy asked, looking down to the floor and cringing. “Oooh, that doesn’t look good…”

“You think?” she still managed to snark out. “Urgh, I can’t handle you and Pinkie in the same town… and what do you need help with? And I swear, if you say your burning desires or something…”

“Nah, though that’s a good line, I’ll save it for later,” Amy said with a giggle before turning serious. “No, my problem is that my color isn’t exactly...stable anymore.”

“You too?” Twilight asked, getting up off of the floor. “Well, we could try the same method I used with Ledger.”

“Ledgy had this problem as well?” Amy asked, tilting her head to one side. Well there was some news for her.

“Yes, only his case was far more worse, well, at least it is until I discover how severe your case is.”

Amy nodded and took a breath to brace herself. “Well, thanks to Pinkie, I know I have a foal on the way, so I can’t go Black before then. Wouldn’t be healthy for either of us. Do what you have to, Twilight.”

The Alicorn… looked a little sad now. “Well, there’s a problem with that. The cure I used… requires you to go Black.”

“Nope, nothing doing,” Amy said, shaking her head. “I am not doing that to my foal. Anything but that.”

“That’s understandable,” Twilight nodded. “And once he or she is born, I’ll be happy to help you. But right now, the only cure I have will only hurt you.”

“Well then, why don’t we get crackin’ on a new one?” Amy asked. “I mean, you’re a super smart pony, I’m a willing test subject, within reason.”

“Hmm…” Twilight was already going to work on thinking of how to stop it. The problem was how this was working in the first place. She hummed and trotted from the room, carrying Amy along with her magic.

“We have science to do,” she giggled with glee.

“Yay for science!” Amy cheered, wearing a pair of goggles that hadn’t been there a second ago.

Ace and Chrysalis wandered the halls of the castle, wondered where their little ball of hyper had run off to.

“She’s probably off telling all of Ponyville about her foal,” Chrysalis replied as she scanned the halls

“Hmm, no, she’d probably drag me along for that,” Ace said. Chrysalis chuckled, then he picked up on something.

“Ahh, found her. Why is she all the way down here though…”

The Griffon followed the nymph until they reach a rather inconspicuous door. But what was more alarming, was the voices that were coming from the other side. That was definitely Amy… and Twilight?

“I’m telling you Twilight, it won’t fit,” Amy’s voice said. “It’s just way too large.”

“Nonsense, you’re a big girl, you can take it.” Twilight replied. “Now quit whining and take it!”

“But I’m already tired and sore, I can’t take much more of your instrument,” Amy whined.

“But we’re only just getting started and I haven’t gotten what I want yet,” Twilight scolded her. “I’m not satisfied yet, and didn’t you say you’d do anything?”

“Anything within reason! That’s not being very reasonable!” Amy sounded a bit more stressed at that.

“Well, then what do you suggest?” Twilight replied, sounding a little miffed. “I have a variety of instruments here that we haven’t tried yet.”

“Anything that isn’t so large? And maybe go slower?” the pink nymph asked. “I can only take so much prodding.”

Ace frowned and applied his talon to his face with a low groan. “I'm starting to wonder if one of Amy's parents was a Violet…”

“I knew Sparkle was a little weird,” Chrysalis nodded. “But to think she’d have this particular type of dungeon.”

“Thaaaaat’s better. And it even feels nicer,” Amy said with a happy little moan.

“See, I knew you’d agree eventually,” Twilight giggled.

“I think I need to go in there,” Ace said, but Chrysalis stopped him.

“Shh, it’s just getting good,” she purred. “I want to see where this goes.”

“So, what do you think Twilight? Are you good for now, or do you want to keep going?” Amy asked.

“Hmm, it looks good, but I think I want to try a few other things first.” Twilight replied and the gap under the door lit up. “Now, let’s see if this tool of mine works as well as I think it does.”

“Ooooh, that feels funny,” Amy said. “But in a good way…”

“Okay, so this is now a thing,” Chrysalis hummed, already feeling up for it again. It was strange that she couldn’t sense any Lust coming from the room though. “Hey Acey~ Wanna go again?”

Ace sighed and opened the door, only to see Twilight in a labcoat and glasses as she held some sort of helmet over Amy’s head, as she checked some wires and blinking lights.

“Do… do I even want to know?” Ace groaned. Seriously, why did he get so worked up?

“Hi Acey!” Amy said as she held still, as per good test subject etiquette. “Twilight and I are just running a few experiments!”

“Awww, you mean this isn’t Sparkle’s kinky little sex palace?” Chrysalis whined from the door. Twilight blushed a bright red and waved a hoof at Chrysalis.

“K-Kin...Where the hell would you get an idea like that!?”

Ace coughed and nodded. “Well, without context… and what we heard…”

“Perverts,” Twilight muttered as she turned back to her printouts. “You’re all nothing but perverted degenerates.”

“Not all the time,” Amy chirped up from under her helmet. “In fact, I might tone it down a lot now that I know I’m gonna have a foal.”

“Awww,” both Ace and Chrysalis whined, as Twilight facehooved.

“Not completely,” Amy said with a lewd smile. “But it will go down to normal levels.”

“Just as I was getting used to this as well,” Ace winked at her. Chrysalis suddenly got a wide smirk and whispered something into Amy’s ear.

Something involving Meta and a bound and gagged Griffon…

“Oooh, that sounds like fun,” Amy giggled. “Let’s say...Saturday?”

Chrysalis looked at Twilight who just groaned and sighed.

“You know what? I dont care anymore. And we’re done here anyway, I have to compile all this data and try to find something useable. Go and bug Midnight or something.”

“Kay!” Amy said as she slipped her helmet off and began bouncing down the hallway, singing something about finding a silly bat. Twilight chuckled, now they were Middy’s problem.

“I still...don’t get...why I had… to do this!” Spike wheezed as he and Midnight finished another lap around the outside of the castle.

“Well little dragon-buddy. You’re lookin’ a little plump there. You think Rarity would go for it?” Midnight giggled as she paused and stretched.

“...Another lap then?” Spike asked, much more enthused now.

“Another lap,” Midnight nodded. “Hmm, what is that?”

“What’s what?” Spike asked, looking around.

“A weird sound,” Midnight said, her ears flicking. The faint sound of...singing. A familiar voice singing, and coming closer. “That sounds like Amy…”

Spike realised they were finally getting a break and collapsed, pouring his water bottle over his head as Midnight wondered if she could surprise the Changeling and hid behind a nearby bush.

The pink ‘ling bounced into view before looking at Spike. “Hiya Spikey!” she greeted enthusiastically, though only with a wave. “Whatcha up tooooo?”

“Ahhh, running… laps,” he sighed. He saw the Thestral creeping up behind the Changeling, masking her emotions so she couldn’t sense her coming. “You?”

“Twilight told me to, and I quote, ‘Go and bug Midnight or something.’ So I’m just doing as the princess said~” The pink ‘ling then looked around. “So, seen her?”

“You might say that,” Spike replied as a pair of hooves touched Amy’s flanks.

“Boo!” Midnight whispered into her ear.

“Yeek!” Amy said as she bolted for a moment, before turning and looking at Midnight. “You...how did you sneak up on me like that?”

“I have my ways,” Midnight winked at her. No need to scare the mare with what the Thestral could really do. “Payback for all the times you jumped me.”

“Of course you realize, this means war,” Amy said in a serious fashion.

Spike backed away slowly. A prank war in Ponyville never ended well for anypony.

“Aww, dont be like that,” Midnight said, snuggling the nymph. “Besides, you love me too much.”

“For now,” Amy said, her eyes already sparking with mischief. “But when we get back home, all bets are off, missy.”

“Yeah, yeah… ten bits says you forget completely by this afternoon,” Midnight chuckled, rubbing the nymphs head. “So what’s this about coming to bug me?”

“Twilight’s doing some testing and boring stuff, and apparently having me, Chryssy, and Acey all in the same room as her is really distracting,” Amy replied. “So she said I should bug you instead~”

“Ah, you know, speaking of that, what’s up with you and Chrysalis?” Midnight asked as Spike used this distraction to escape from the exercise-happy bat. Amy chuckled before waving a hoof at Midnight.

“Let’s just say, she really needed to unwind, and me and Acey helped her with that~”

“Well, that’s good… I think?” Midnight replied and looked at the nymph. “Sooo, watcha wanna do?”

“I dunno, I was just told to come bug ya instead of bugging Twilight,” Amy said. “Hmm...got any ideas?”

“Hmm, you said you had ideas for your cake yeah?”

“Yeah, loads now, and- ohmygosh, I completely forgot I wanted to check on Rarity,” Amy said as her wings flicked out from under her shell. “Wanna come with?”

“Sure, Spike seems to have run away,” Midnight giggled, wondering where her training buddy went. “Race ya!” And with that, she shot off towards the boutique.

“Oh no fair!” Amy shouted as she chased after the bat. It promised to be a hectic day for Ponyville yet...

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