• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,652 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 46 - Expect the Unexpected and always pay your Tolls

It was late afternoon by the time the train pulled into the Las Pegasus station. As everypony disembarked, Midnight was a little hesitant. She knew that somehow, a Pink and a Violet Changeling would be waiting to ambush her. So when she stepped off of the train, and saw that nopony, or nobuggy was there...

“Wait, what?” The Thestral blinked, she was actually kinda disappointed. “LP’s greatest heroine has returned. Where’s my parade and fan club?”

“Really?” Scope sighed, facehooving. “Hate to break it to you Middy, but I don’t think you even have a fanclub.”

“I’m awesome and sexy and just amazing. How can I not have one?” the Thestral replied with a pout. Then she got an idea and flared her wings. “I’m gonna go and say...hello, yeah, let’s go with that. I’ll see you all later?”

“Fine, I’ll just snuggle Cider and Scope on the couch, assuming it’s there, until you come back,” Ledger taunted. Midnight faltered in the air and turned to look at him.

“Oh no, that’s our couch and I’ll be the first one you snuggle on it!” She settled back onto the ground next to him and brushed some of her mane out of her eyes. It had gotten pretty long recently, almost the same length as Fluttershy’s. “And I really should get a manecut sometime...”

“So, snuggling, followed by you two taking Midnight out on the town?” Ledger offered. “Take the rest of the day for ourselves before the insanity of tomorrow crashes down around us?”

“Sounds good, though I don’t really feel like partying,” Midnight sighed. She’d been feeling off for the whole trip, chalking it up to stress. “Maybe we could just visit some of our friends? Let them know I’m alright.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ledger agreed. “So, what’re we waiting for?”

Midnight nodded and the group stepped off of the platform, just as they were greeted by an undisguised Changeling, an Orange one to be specific.

“Hello there,” he said in a friendly voice. “Welcome to Las... OH! Secret-Hoarder? You’re back!?”

“What in the hay are you doing undisguised?!” Ledger hissed. “Somepony might see!”

While undisguised, the Orange still bore the Cutie Mark of his usual disguise, two crossed lightning bolts. A Pegasus flew past and hovered nearby.

“Hey Bolt Strike? We need some helping hooves for the coming snowfront? You free this afternoon?”

“Sure,” the Changeling nodded. “Around three?”

The Pegasus nodded and flew off, before the Orange turned back to the group. “Um, you were saying?”

“...Okay, we’ve clearly missed something if this is now a normal thing,” Ledger said before shaking his head. “Why don’t you tell us what’s going on? What happened to have ponies here okay with ‘lings?”

“Yeah, it’s been kinda nuts the last couple of days,” Bolt replied. “And if you want all the details, which I know you would. You’d be better asking Sugar or Captain Narrow about it. Though, be careful around Narrow. She’s been kinda antsy the last couple of days. Oh, and avoid Amy!”

“I make it a habit to,” Ledger replied before offering a quick hoof-bump to the orange ‘ling. He returned the gesture and nodded.

“Yeah, if you had to rate her usual behavior at say...a ten, then for the last three days, she’s been at say, hmm, fifty?”

“...Question, who gave her coffee again?” the disguised silver drone asked. “I thought we had a meeting about that and everything.”

“Nobuggy did, not since the last time,” he sighed. “No, I don’t know the details, but that Griffonfriend of hers did something. Sugar seems to be in on it as well.” The Orange gave him one last smile and flew away, leaving the group with their thoughts.

“...Okay, all in favor of avoiding Amy and Ace until we know what the hay is going on?”

The vote was instantaneous and unanimous.

“Oh man, I missed this,” Ledger moaned.

“Oh yeesssss,” Midnight groaned as she arched her back slightly. “I forgot how big it was~”

“Think we could get Cider or Scope in on this?” the drone questioned.

“Would it really hold us all, well, Scopey is pretty small, and Cider’s flexible,” Midnight replied, biting her bottom lip. “Ah~ Oh, that’s good.”

“Are y’all havin’ fun there?” Cider mused as she walked in on them. “You’ve been at it fer hours.”

“Forgive us if we’ve missed doing this in the pleasure of our own home,” the silver drone snarked. “You’re more than welcome to join or be next, whichever tickles your fancy.”

“Naw, you two seem to be doin’ jus’ fine on yer own,” Cider chuckled. “Besides, ah have actual work to do.”

Scope just lazed on a cloud that she dragged inside, having set up a little cloud nest in the rafters.

“Do you idiots have any idea how that sounds out of context?” she asked.

“We’re just snuggling on our resurrected couch, I don’t know what you’re insinuating,” Ledger sniffed, faking a hurt tone. Scope just rolled her eyes and leaned back in her cloud. This whole thing about Changelings bothered her a little, just what the hell was going on in this city?

“Still, we can’t lie around all day,” Midnight hummed. “Shouldn’t you check on your company Ledger? You know, the one you own and work for?”

“Luna said she’d check in back in Roamania, I have faith she didn’t burn the offices to the ground,” Ledger replied. “I’m more concerned with whatever the hay that was back at the station.”

“You and me both,” Scope nodded. “Just what the fuck is going on around here?”

“We should find out from Ace,” Ledger reminded them before re-donning his disguise. “Who’s up to see the Captain with me?”

“I’ll go,” Midnight nodded, with Scope agreeing as well.

“And I have to work,” Cider hummed. She had missed her farming and was ready to dive in wholeheartedly. “Y’all have fun.”

“We’ll be sure to tell you what’s up when we get back,” Ledger said before motioning for her to come in closer so he could kiss her. The mare complied as she leaned in for a kiss before breaking away and giving the other mares one as well.

“Try not to break the city hmm?” Cider asked with a cheeky wink.

“I will try not to break anything I can’t afford to replace,” the unicorn said before nudging Midnight with a hoof gently. The Thestral nodded as she got up and placed her armour back on, giving the suit a few seconds to lock into place before she opened the package that her father had given her.

“Huh? What are these?” she asked nopony in particular as she pulled out the pitch-black blades.

“Looks like a pair of fancy wingblades,” Ledger commented. “Do you really think you’ll need them out on the town?”

“Just...let me have them for now,” Midnight said quietly as she equipped them. “Please?”

“Hey, I wasn’t gonna take them, I just don’t know that there’s a call for you to be armed as of late,” Ledger replied before gently kissing her. “You can go armed if you want.”

Midnight nodded, she knew it wasn’t necessary...but, she felt safer wearing them. “I wonder where Dad got these from though?” A piece of cloud drifted down from Scope’s nest, and as it touched the extended blade, it was cut clean in half.

“...Okay, Midnight? Whatever those are, please be careful with them,” Ledger said as he instinctively backed up a step from the very sharp blades.

“Ah, yeah...” Midnight blinked. That might be a very good idea. Also, note to self. Test these blades later~

Later on, the three ponies made it to the center of town. Several more Changelings were walking around undisguised. So far, they’d seen at least one of each colour, save for Pink and Silver.

“...Okay, anypony else just a little weirded out by the situation?” Ledger asked softly of the mares who’d accompanied him.

“Just a little,” Scope nodded, making sure her disguise was buffed. “This is so surreal, it’s really weirding me out.”

“I really hope there’s a good reason behind this,” the unicorn whispered as they turned onto the street where the Guard’s base of operation was held. Not coincidentally, right across the street from many good restaurants.

Soldiers have to eat too, after all.

Midnight just gave a nod as they entered the Guard station, the trio getting several looks as they did. Midnight gave them a salute which they returned, then Captain Narrow Gaze exited her office, her hind leg in a cast as she limped slightly. She gave the Thestral a blank stare, before giving her the Guard salute...

Then hurriedly limped across the room and hugged her tightly, the Thestral quite surprised at the greeting.

“Thank Celestia you’re alright,” she whispered, hugging the mare tightly. “You have no idea how worried I’ve been.”

Midnight blinked, then smiled softly, returning the embrace. “Yeah, sorry Captain. I’ll try not to let it happen again.”

“While I would normally hate to interrupt such a tender moment,” the voice of Ledger cut in. “Would somepony care to explain what the buck is going on outside?”

“Oh, that,” Narrow broke the hug, frowning when Midnight tried to cop a feel of her flank. “That’s right, you’ve been gone for nearly a week. Well, a lot has happened since you left. Like Changelings becoming accepted here in the city. It’s slow going, and we’re keeping it small for now...but, the general consensus is positive.”

“...Well, there’s something I never expected to hear,” Ledger said honestly. “Okay Captain, can I have your honest opinion as a friend as to how you think this endeavor will end?”

“Honestly, I’m remaining optimistic,” Narrow replied with a small smile. “It’s going well enough that I could see this working. But, the future isn’t set in stone and I’d be a fool to not expect the unexpected.”

“Well, I’m for waiting and seeing myself,” Ledger admitted, keeping away from saying one thing or another as to where he truly stood on the issue. No need to give others ammo against him. “But it sounds like a fine idea, if everypony works for it.”

“Yeah, well Sugar’s working pretty hard to make it work, and the Mayor seems optimistic as well.” Narrow stared at the massive pile of complaints and paperwork on her desk. “Hey Ledger, we’re friends right?”

“Sorry, I don’t even have the magic to do my paperwork, which I’m sure is just as massive as yours,” the disguised drone replied. “Probably won’t for a few days yet.”

“Damn,” Narrow swore under her breath. “Well, it was worth a shot... Oh? Have you guys got tonight free?”

“Probably?” Ledger said. “Midnight, do we have the night free?” In matters where he was unsure, the stallion was now deferring to her judgement.

The Thestral nodded. “We have no set plans, why?”

“Well, could you all come to Fredrick’s tonight? My treat.”

Midnight’s tail wagged slightly. “Ledgie? Should we turn down free food?”

“When others offer to pay for such fine food, I’ve learned you never turn it down,” Ledger replied with a nod. “We’ll have to tell Cider of course, but I think we can come over.”

“Good,” Narrow nodded. “I owe you for bringing my finest Guard back, and one of my best friends. Plus, there’s a lot you need to get caught up on...hmm, speaking of which, avoid Amy until you think you can deal with her.”

“Which is never,” the unicorn stallion fired back. “Seriously, that’s the second time we were warned about her. Can we get at least a short reason as to why?”

“She’s just really excited and has not held herself back for the last couple of days.” Narrow sighed as she rubbed her oncoming headache. “What was that idiotic Griffon thinking? Pulling something like that?”

“So we get to blame Ace now,” Ledger observed. “Okay, I’m starting to think of everything he could do to make...her...oh no,” the stallion paled. “He didn’t.”

As soon as those words had left his lips, something had slammed into him, with enough force to send him sprawling across the ground.

“HEYA LEVVY!” Amy practically screamed at him. “Ohmigosh! You’reback!You’reback!You’reback!You’reback!You’reback!!!”

“Hello...to you too...Amy,” Ledger groaned as the energetic pink mare bounced on top of him. She always was...enthusiastic in her greetings. This was far worse, though, and he’d an idea as to why.

“MIDDY!” Amy had already teleported from him, now tackling the Thestral mare, her new armour doing nothing to stop the affectionate onslaught. “And Scopey too! Ahhh! I’m so HAPPY!!!”

“Geh...nice...to see...you too?” Middy groaned, Scope had already passed out from shock.

“I tried to warn you,” Narrow sighed. Ledger decided to tackle the issue directly, get it out of the way.

“So, we hear Ace did something while we were away?” the stallion posed to the pink mare. Amy paused as her smile widened to almost impossible levels. Her entire body practically shone pink as she nodded.

“Yes! Wanna know what it was,” her voice dropped to a more quieter tone...until she took a deep breath.


“Ow,” Ledger replied, flicking his ears around in a futile effort to restore his hearing. “No, it’s okay, I didn’t need to hear today anyways.”

“Oh, okay!” Amy chirped. “Oh my gosh! I’m so freakin’ happy I could just explode!”

“Please don’t, that would be a terrible mess to clean up,” Narrow snarked. “Is there a reason you’re assaulting the populace...again?”

“I heard that these guys were back...I was really worried,” Amy said, suddenly very quiet as she sniffed. Midnight hummed softly as she pulled the mare into a hug...then whispered something into her ear.

Something that caused her to literally vibrate with happiness.

Please tell me you didn’t just-” Ledger managed to get out. Before his voice was drowned out by Amy’s squeal of sheer joy and happiness.

“You too!?!? Oh, ohohohohohoh! We-we should make it a double-oh, we could. and. AH!” Her brain was jumping around too fast, even for her to make sense of it.

“...I don’t want to know how, but I think you just overloaded her,” the disguised drone eventually commented. “I didn’t know that was possible.”

Amy just stood there babbling to herself, before her eyes widened and she shot off like a bullet. Midnight watched her leave and blinked.

“Do we want to know where she’s going?”

“No, no you don’t,” Ledger sighed. “Okay, so...Sugar next?”

“I guess so,” Midnight shrugged. “Promise to protect my innocence if she tries anything?”

“What innocence?” Ledger asked with a smile.

“....buck you,” Midnight frowned, but giggled as they gave Narrow one last farewell and left for the club run by the Violet nymphs.

As they got there, Midnight decided that loud and proud was the best approached as she burst through the doors in full armour.

“Guard inspection!” she shouted, waiting for the reaction that would follow.

“Oh buck you!” a violet nymph said as she went between two tables. “We’re registered with the bucking Guard!”

Midnight smirked and waited for them to realise who it was.




“IT’S MIDNIGHT!” the cry went up before she was almost literally swarmed with Violet nymphs that barely kept a hoof away out of respect.

“So, you were saying something about a fanclub, and it’s lack of existence?” Midnight gave Scope a cheshire cat grin, the small Pegasus groaning and applying her hoof to her face. The Thestral turned back to the group and waved.

“So, who’s missed me?”


“No, me!”

“Don’t listen to them, I have!”

The entire group fell silent in a moment, though, and parted as Sugar Darling made her presence known. “Oh, my favorite thestral returns,” the white unicorn mare purred as she sashayed up to the threesome.

“Hey, there’s my favourite ‘nymph’ omaniac!” Midnight giggled, proud of her terrible pun. “What’s up?”

“The entire city is up in chaos about this whole integration issue,” the nymph groaned. “I’d almost suspect Discord, but we brought this one on ourselves. Still, at least there is acceptance. Now if only there was a more charismatic leader than myself, I could get some bucking sleep at night.”

Ledger shook his head at the implication. “Nope. Nuh-uh. No way. I have enough on my plate with Pegasus Air, I don’t need this as well.”

“Pity,” the mare mused before looking at Scope. “No, far too small to be taken seriously…”

“Oh fuck you!” Scope yelled at the mare. “You wanna go!? I will kick you ass from here to Canterlot!!”

“I seriously doubt that, but point made.” The mare sighed. “And so it falls back on me to be the head of the integration issue. Why do you do this to me Ledger?”

“Hey, if you want knowledge, information, or something shipped cheaply, I’m your stallion,” the brown unicorn boasted. “But I am not going to head up a movement this important.” And then his grin went…

Well, the only word for it was a combination of mischievous and lecherous. “Besides, I thought Violets were all about public relations?”

“He has a point there,” Midnight giggled. “What’s up Sugar? Losing your touch?”

“I just cannot deal with so many ponies bringing so many questions and complaints to me constantly,” the mare groaned before slumping. “Honestly, I need a vacation from this…”

As if heeding the mare's call, a scroll flashed into existence above Midnight. She snared it, noticing Celestia’s seal and opened it.

"To Specialist Midnight Song. You are hereby ordered to start a new assignment. As a relations officer between ponies and Changelings..."

Midnight blinked as she read it aloud.

"Due to your expertise and knowledge of Changelings, this makes you the most valid candidate."

Sugar’s grin couldn’t be any wider. “So, which one of us just got put under the other?” she questioned the batmare.

“I’m always on top,” Midnight purred, rubbing the mare’s face with a hoof. “So get ready to be worked hard sweet Sugar~”

“Harder than normal? I find that hard to believe,” she replied. “Still, I’d like to know when I can expect you, so that I can at least plan around your appearances.”

“Well,” she looked at the letter and re-read it. “Celestia...hasn’t said a whole lot. As usual, so I guess, whatever it is that you’ve been doing. Just let me know what you need and I’ll give it to you.”

“Oooh, like I haven’t heard those words before,” the mare purred. “Still, I can barely be open for an hour before some random pony will walk in and ask me something about changelings. The bouncers get rid of the trouble-makers, so don’t worry about them. But if you could coordinate with your lovely drone there, make some sort of informational pamphlet, that’d be so helpful.”

“I’m sure we could come up with something, Ledger loves lecturing ponies, so he’ll get right into that.” She looked around the bar and nodded. “And I could swing by here for the next few days. Give you extra security and make sure you can work properly.”

“Whatever you feel like you need to do, dear,” Sugar replied. “Just please, anything to take the load off of me. We got enough attention as it was.”

“Well, I suppose I could do that. And I also believe that I owe you a small education regarding my kind?”

Sugar shook her head. “Midnight, I can barely think about that. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to know more about Thestrals, but with the current climate of Las Pegasus, I’m in no mood to think about writing something like that. I’m far too stressed, plus, Ledger still hasn’t said yes.”

“Nor will I,” the unicorn stallion replied. “I value her far too highly to let others at her ever again. Now more than ever.”

“I won’t do that,” Midnight nodded, smiling at her stallion. “But I can still give verbal pointers and stuff. As for stress...I have some ideas.” She looked at Scopey and hummed. “Can you cast a Reversal Spell?”

“I can,” the Pegasus nodded, shifting to her Unicorn form. “Why and how do you know that spell?”

MIdnight quickly scribbled something on the back of the scroll that Celestia sent her and nodded, before rolling it up. “Okay, cast it on this.”

Scope blinked and nodded as her horn lit up. The scroll vanished with a small pop, the ‘Return to Sender’ spell working perfectly.

“There, now all we do is-” A reply came quite quickly and once she read it, the Thestral beamed. “Awesome! Okay Sugar, tomorrow should be a lot more fun.”

“Should I dare ask what you mean by that?” the mare asked with a raised brow, clearly both interested and worried.

“I could,” Midnight giggled. “But surprises are so much more fun hm! Trust me.”

“Fair enough, just promise me I won’t end up with having to explain anything to the good Captain,” the disguised nymph rejoined. Midnight shook her head and giggled again.

“No, you’ll like this surprise.” Ledger could see the note that she held.

‘Moondancer is on her way’

“Which reminds me, I need to go buy more booze for the office,” the stallion mused aloud, though only loud enough to be caught by his mares.

“If you say so,” the nymph said before giving the three another look. “If that’s all you’re here for…”

“Well, after nearly dying to save the city, then getting kidnapped and brainwashed and abused and...” Midnight looked down. “Aw...I made myself sad.”

The only response she got was being drawn into a massive three-way hug. As in, all three changelings around her were hugging her. Midnight sniffed and accepted the hug. It felt...nice.

“Sorry, guess I’m a bit of a downer right now.”

“That’s another argument for Changelings becoming psychiatrists,” Sugar joked. “Help ponies recover from things like this when they need it.”

“I don’t need a shrink, though I could use a stiff drink,” Midnight hummed in response. “But, it’s still too early for that I suppose.” The changelings around her nodded as one.

“Though, I will pour you a drink after dinner, promise,” Ledger muttered into her coat. “Heaven knows I could use one as well.”

"Okay, so I guess I start working here from tomorrow onwards," Midnight said, wiping her eyes.

“That sounds fine,” Sugar replied as the hug broke. The unicorn mare used a hoof to aid Midnight in the wiping of her tears before smiling softly. “Though I’m not going to be so harsh as to demand that you arrive at any particular time. Whatever works for you, dear.”

“I’m always up early, so expect me in the morning sometime,” Midnight replied. She took her now favoured position on Ledger’s back, nuzzling his mane and sighing. “Mmm, you smell nice.”

“If you say so,” he chuckled, before passing Scope up to rest on her and discreetly using what little magic he could to ensure he wouldn’t collapse from carrying so much. “All in favor of going home?”

“Agreed,” Scope and Midnight nodded. Scope saw Ledger straining slightly and her horn glowed, transferring around half of her stored love into him. A least a week's worth of standard feeding. The stallion under them steadied, no longer acting like he was about to collapse at any moment.

“Now who’s going to tell Cider that she doesn’t need to or get to craft a ‘fine home cooked meal’ for our first day back?” Ledger asked aloud as the three left the Love Shack as one.

“Why would she....oh, I forgot,” Midnight blushed slightly. Why was she feeling so out of it today? Maybe she was just tired.

“Should we go home and freshen up first?” Scope asked. Then a thought occurred and she looked at Ledger. “Hey, does that griffon friend of yours know you’re a Changeling?”

“No, and hopefully it’ll stay that way until this whole thing gets resolved one way or another,” the disguised drone replied. It didn’t take them too long to reach Cider Falls. “Okay, plan. I find Cider and tell her about the offer for dinner at Fredrick’s. Scope, you and Middy can freshen up while I do that.”

“Sure, but don’t think I’m carrying you Mistress,” Scope frowned as Midnight slid off of Ledger’s back. She picked the little mare up and placed her on her own instead.

“Your armour is uncomfortable,” Scope said, but the bat didn’t feel like paying attention.

“I think Cider will be in the orchards or the greenhouse,” Midnight said. Scope closed her eyes and tried to get a feel for her marefriend’s emotions.

“Greenhouse,” she said after a moment.

“Right, you two can doll yourselves up for the captain and Fredrick if you want, I need to get Cider to agree to come with us.” He paused and gave both mares a quick peck on their cheeks before ambling on to the greenhouse, looking for the sweet mare that didn’t yet know about the planned dinner.

“Seriously?” Scope pouted as Midnight sat in the bath, scrubbing the little changeling behind the ears. “I am perfectly capable of washing myself Midnight.”

“I know, but this is more fun,” the Thestral said. “Plus, it makes me most happy.”

Scope cringed at the terrible grammar, but accepted the washing regardless. “So, plan on wearing your armour to dinner as well?”

That, might not be a good look. Plus it might make ponies nervous...as much as she wanted to wear it. “No, I’ll wear something nice. Haven’t had the chance to really do that lately...” then she recalled that all her dresses were obliterated when that Black had attacked the apartment. “Well dammit.”

“Maybe Cider has something?” Scope suggested, but Midnight shook her head.

“No, she has a slightly larger build than me, and wearing a dress that’s too tight is annoying.” She could go out and buy something along the way, but she wasn’t sure how their finances were going. Ledger would throw a fit if she went and spent what little they might have on something so frivolous. “Maybe I’ll have Momma send me some of my old clothes from Canterlot sometime.” Hmm, Moondancer was coming tomorrow, maybe she could play courier while she was at it?

“Well I can just weave an illusion like I did before, but that doesn’t help you does it?” Scope tapped her chin. “Sorry, I got nothing.”

Midnight just shrugged and hugged Scopey close. “Oh well. I wonder if Ledger’s found Cider yet?”

Ledger frowned as he considered the issue at hoof. Somehow, he would have to tell Cider about the dinner offer while remaining whole enough to attend himself.

The Apple mare was busy checking that her crop hadn’t failed while she was out and about, muttering something about mismanaged weather and constant drama. She hadn’t even noticed the stallion slip inside the greenhouse.

The main thing running through his mind was how badly she seemed to take surprises, so he was wondering if there was a way to both surprise her and not be within striking distance. Eventually he came up with a simple enough plan and stood between two of the trees, acting about as still as one.

“Hey,” he greeted the mare as she passed. Unfortunately, the farmer was so consumed by her own thoughts and mutterings, she neither saw nor heard the stallion. She walked right past him, occasionally checking soil conditions and sniffing the air. He smiled and waited for her to realize the situation and started counting up. One, two...

After a few moments, Cider lifted her head and looked around, finally noticing the stallion and smiled. “Oh, heya Ledger. Sup?”

“Twenty-five,” he announced aloud. “You’re really into this. Not that that’s a bad thing. I just expected to be noticed sooner.”

“Oh?” Cider blushed slightly and then a cheeky smile crossed her face. “Well ain’t it a Changeling’s job not t’be noticed?”

“Fair enough, and the last time I surprised you…” Ledger trailed off, letting her fill in the blanks. “Didn’t need a repeat of that this time.”

“And that’s a bad thing how?” Cider giggled, stepping closer to the stallion. “If ah remember correctly, y’all weren’t complainin’ in the slightest~”

“Tempting,” Ledger admitted. “But we have a dinner date with Fredrick and Narrow. We don’t have that sort of time. Much as I might wish otherwise.”

“Dinner, well, that means ah don’t have to play housewife tonight huh?” Cider sighed, she really hadn’t felt like cooking tonight anyhow. Still, she had a wicked thought~ Midnight Song was proving to be a bad influence on the sweet Apple mare.

“Well ah guess ah’d better go an’ get cleaned up then... guess you can’t buck Apple’s with me then~” That last part was said in a husky whisper as she dragged her tail under his chin, before she gave a light giggle and ran off.

“...These mares will be the death of me one day,” Ledger sighed. “It will be a wonderful death, a happy death, but if they keep it up, I’ll probably die of dehydration sooner rather than later.”

Despite not having a dress, Midnight still did her mane up into some fancy mass of curls, tied off with a small braid and a flower pin she borrowed from Cider, and braided her tail. Scope settled on the illusion that she pulled off in the Crystal Empire, and Cider just went as is, though she replaced her usual tartan ribbons with red silk ones.

Narrow and Fredrick were already waiting, and the restaurant was rather sparse at the moment. A lot of ponies were still wary of Changelings, and opted to stay indoors after the sun set.

“And as usual, the ponies welcome the new thing in their midst with open hooves,” Ledger said sarcastically as he held the door for the mares with what magic he felt he could spare. It was getting better, though. Soon he might be able to do his paperwork again!

“Give it time,” Midnight said. She really wasn’t going to get into what her foalhood was like. Oh yes, the only Thestral in a neighborhood full of Unicorns...

It didn’t take a genius to figure out what that must have been like.

After they were all inside, Midnight gave a polite curtsy to Fredrick and smiled. “Why Mr. Fredrick, it is ever so lovely to make your acquaintance again.” Sweet Celestia, her Prench accent was flawless.

“And it is lovely to see you again, madam,” the griffon returned with his own bow. Once he straightened up, he had another thing to say though. “I am glad to hear that the rumors regarding your sudden vacation are just that. The city was lacking a certain something with you being gone.”

“Rumors?” Midnight blinked, switching back to her usual demeanor. “I have rumors?”

“Mostly regarding why such a beauty like you and your mates would run away from Las Pegasus to elope,” the griffon replied, smiling cheekily.

“What can I say, I really like sticking it to tradition,” Midnight giggled, then tapped her chin in thought. “But how’d somepony figure out we’re getting married? I didn’t decide that until after we left.”

“...Wait, really?” the griffon tilted his head. “That was only one set of rumors. The others were...far less pleasant, which is why I ignored them.”

MIdnight sighed. “I don’t wanna bum things out off the bat, but...what kind? I’ll set things straight if they’re too much.”

“Mostly regarding you going after that demon,” the griffon replied with a wave of his claw. “Or Discord. Or just going slightly mad. Nopony knew where you were, after all. And all of your herd was gone as well, possibly to bring you back.”

“Ah, so pretty tame to what actually happened then. Fair enough,” She looked around than back to the Griffon. “So where are we sitting?”

“Wherever you like,” he replied before indicating the lack of customers with one broad, sweeping wing. “Business has been a little sparse after dark as of late, even though there have been no incidents with our revealed friends.”

“Hmm, that’s gotta suck,” Midnight said as she sat at a table large enough for the group. “So how about you Freddy? What’s your opinion on the cute little cuddlebugs?”

“As I told Narrow,” Fredrick replied, drawing said mare close with a wing and giving her a hug with it. “Any species willing to aid us at our lowest despite what we think of them is good in my books.”

Midnight shot a smile to Ledger and Scope before nodding. “A good outlook. Well done Mr. Fredrick.”

“So where did you go for the last week?” Narrow asked, causing Midnight’s smile to falter slightly.

“Ah, well...I had a...emergency back home, in Roamania. Ledger was curious about the place and it just kinda snowballed from there. We also visited Ponyville on the way back, got to meet Princess Twilight, who’s an old friend of mine I haven’t seen in a few years...”

Lying like that sucked, but she wasn’t gonna ruin the evening by telling them what really happened. “Also, I kinda proposed to the three of them. So, yeah...that’s a thing now.”

“Well done on you then,” the griffon replied. “Do invite me to the wedding, Ledger.”

“Once we get a date set, sure thing,” the stallion replied as he found a large enough table to seat their combined party. Leading the way, the disguised drone pulled the chairs for his mares out slowly with his magic. Scope and Cider took their seats, as did Narrow. She was shooting the occasional glance at Midnight, wondering what happened on that trip. She was very good at covering her tells...

Narrow was just better. Still, she seemed alright, so the older Guard mare would let it be. She switched to looking at Ledger and smirked.

“Must suck having to buy three sets of engagement rings then?”

“To be honest, I hadn’t thought about that,” the stallion replied honestly. “I have no idea who to turn to for them all. I’m sure I’ll come up with something before too long.”

‘Maybe you should have asked Discord for that instead huh?’ Scope whispered into his mind.

Midnight looked at Narrow and Fredrick. “So, what about you two hmm? When are you getting hitched?”

“Knowing Narrow, I’ll wake up one day with a wedding ring on one of my talons and no memory of how it got there, it’ll be so sudden,” the griffon quipped, nudging the mare with one wing and a cheeky smile.

“How’d you guess?” Narrow pouted convincingly. “Now I have to come up with a new plan.”

“...If that’s your way of proposing, I urge you to try again,” the griffon replied seriously. “I’ve heard better from mares I worked halfway to exhaustion.”

“Fredrick, really?” Narrow deadpanned. “Do you honestly think I’d do something like that? That’s something I’d expect from Midnight-”


“-Should we ever tie the knot, or whatever it is that you Griffons do, it’ll be far more romantic and all that crap.”

“Which would also not be your way of doing things,” the griffon observed. “I’ll keep an eye out for the traditional cliches then. I’d hate to have your effort go to waste.”

“I said it’d be romantic, not traditional,” Narrow smirked. “So, will you be cooking tonight? or one of your students?”

“They all expressed a desire to go home early, so I will be the chef and waiter tonight,” the griffon bowed. “What is it you desire, ladies and gentlestallion?”

“Something with apples,” Cider nodded.

“Fish please!” Scope said, fluttering her feathery wings.

“Pasta!” Midnight cheered.

“How does shrimp alfredo with cider sound?” the griffon offered.

“Sold!” All three mares nodded.

“At least he knows how to please a mare,” Narrow chuckled.

“Something you well know,” the griffon teased. Narrow blushed slightly and poked at him with a hoof.

“Yeah, well...shut up,” she huffed. “I’ll have the same thank you. I haven’t had shrimp before. Should be interesting.”

“Ohh, Cap’s becoming a carnivore, I’d watch your meat Freddy! She might gobble it up.”

“Celestia-dammit Midnight!” Narrow blushed harder.

“Ah, I have missed having you around,” the griffon sighed. “Just like it used to be. So, six orders of shrimp alfredo and a round of cider for everypony?”

“Seems like it,” Ledger nodded.

“Excellent, I’ll have the drinks out momentarily,” the griffon said before ducking into the kitchen. Scope giggled at the antics, it was good to be home...

“Ledger,” Narrow said once Fredrick was gone. “We have...a problem.”

“Oh?” the unicorn said with a raised eyebrow. “As if I haven’t had enough of those lately. Please, enlighten me as to the latest crisis to rock the city of sin.”

“After the mess with Tirek, the whole city was in chaos. I know that you Changelings did what you could to help...but a few of you, decided to help somepony that didn’t need it.”

“...Who was it?” the stallion asked.

“Remember the nymphs that I had in lock up? Well, since Tirek only drained ponies, they were able to escape...along with Toll Taker.”

“Dammit,” Ledger cursed. “On the bright side, our governments are talking peace now. So all we’d need is to point them out, and they’ll find no rest in either Equestria or the Lands.”

“True, but it’s Toll I’m worried about,” Narrow sighed as she folded her arms. “You should have seen her since we arrested her. She’s seriously got it out for you Ledger. I’ve got the local PD and what few Guards I can spare looking out for her...but still, she’s a slippery one.”

“She’s got nothing to use and nowhere to run,” Ledger pointed out. “The only thing she has working for her is her magic. I bet Scope could find her in less time.”

Scope said nothing, she was already planning on it. And once she found that bitch...

Toll Taker wouldn’t be allowed to become a problem ever again.

“So, besides that blast from the past,” Ledger changed the subject with all the subtlety of a train changing tracks. “How have things been here in Las Pegasus? We know the general, but is there anything else you want to add?”

“Tense, to say the least,” Narrow replied. “You know that Toll wasn’t the only player in this city, but for some reason, the others remained quiet after her arrest. But now? I hate to tell you this now, but you’ve lost a few of your contracts while you were away.”

“I thought as such,” Ledger sighed. “Princess Luna said she would do what she could, but I don’t blame those that want to leave…”

“No-one left, you got usurped by a few of the smaller families. Some of them are working together now, but this Changeling thing is causing them to stall.” Narrow sighed tiredly. She knew that this city was like this, but still...

It could be exhausting sometimes.

“Just watch your back okay? And come to me if anything happens. You’re a civvie and I don’t want vigilante justice done alright? It’s hard enough to keep track of things already.”

Ledger nodded once, slowly, and was interrupted from making a response by Fredrick showing up with six glasses and a small cask of cider. “And here we are! The noodles and sauce are on their way to being ready, all that remains is the shrimp. In the meantime, I have delicious cider for everypony!”

Narrow smiled as she leaned against him. “Have I told you how much I’m glad to have you?”

“Every night,” the griffon replied before giving Midnight a wink.

“I want to be my usual self, but you two are just so darned cute together!” Midnight giggled.

“Agreed,” Cider chuckled as she sipped at her drink and her eyes widened slightly. “Is this mah brew?”

“It might be,” the avian replied. “I only buy the best, after all.”

Cider blushed a little as she sipped at her drink demurely. Midnight tilted her head and looked at Fredrick. “Hmm, even when you're taken, you can make a mare blush huh?”

Most mares,” Scope chuckled. “Chicken legs there doesn’t do a thing for me.”

“I would take that as a dare, but I have my dear flower now,” the griffon replied before pecking the back of Narrow’s neck affectionately. “I don’t need any others.”

“Such a sweetheart,” Narrow replied, enjoying the nibble. “Buut just this once, I want to see that little brat eat those words. Give her all you got Fred.”

The griffon nodded before walking over to Scope and circling her form a few times, eyeing her up quite blatantly. When he stopped in front of her on his third pass, he then leaned in and whispered into her ear for about two minutes.

“Oh you are going to have to do so much better,” Scope chuckled. “That lovey-dovey crap doesn’t work on me Drumsticks.”

“Hmm,” the griffon replied before changing tactics. “Didn’t take you for such a mare, but if you insist…”

When he next leaned in to whisper to her, her eyes widened a little, not having expected that sort of talk from the gentlemanly Griffon.

“Hmm, not bad birdy,” she said and her eyes flashed with mischievousness. She wondered what he’d do if she... Ledger knew that look...she wouldn’t?

A flash of blue later, a large pair of pupiless eyes stared at the Griffon.

“And now?” the undisguised Changeling smirked.

“...I’ll be honest, I’ve got nothing,” Fredrick replied. “Um. Did you three know beforehoof?...”

They all nodded. Midnight especially.

“Yep, why do you think I said they’re so cuddly?” she said, pulling the little nymph into a hug.

“Middy, not in front of my sworn enemy,” Scope pouted, blushing profusely.

“Ah,” the griffon replied. “Well, as long as you knew before this started that she was a changeling, then I see nothing wrong with this.”

Midnight looked at Ledger, but decided to leave that one alone. Scope was a stranger to Fredrick, but Ledger was his best friend. He might take that a little harder.

Oh...now there’s a nice mental image~

“Well, it was sort of hard to not know, seeing as we helped her back on her hooves,” Ledger replied as he sipped at his cider. “Still, glad to see you’re taking this so well.”

“It helps that the first time I met changelings was so calm, comparatively, and that I myself am not a pony,” the griffon replied. “And I think now I need to tend to the dinner.” With that and another peck delivered to Narrow, the griffon was bounding off to the kitchen again.

"Okay Scopey," Midnight said as the nymph retook her Pegasus form. "Care to explain why you just did that?"

"Because I could," Scope shrugged as she sipped her cider. "He was cool with it anyway."

“Because he barely knows you,” Ledger pointed out. Okay, he might have been jealous of the smaller mare. Mostly because he knew he’d completely blow Fredrick’s mind if he was ever ‘himself’ around the griffon.

Scope shot him a grin that could make even the most vicious shark jealous. And speaking of jealousy...

“Emotivore remember~” she gently reminded him.

“Scopey, quit antagonising Ledger,” Midnight sighed. “You know, who needs foals when I have the two of you.”

“This is how we socialize,” Ledger replied. “We bicker and argue until we find a middle ground we can live with...still waiting on that part.”

“Yup, and when all else fails, we fuck each others brains out,” Scope giggled. “I figure it’s a win-win situation.”

“Right until you decide not to inform me about being unable to shift again,” Ledger gently reminded the mare. She just shrugged and sipped her drink.

“I don’t really care, you're the one with hang-ups about that. I’m just concerned that my size would be a problem for reproducing. But I can always take another form, just need a steady flow of love to do so.” She was actually thinking that if she were to do this, she’d move to the Crystal Empire temporarily, so she could use the Heart for assistance.

“So we’re safe for now, got it,” Ledger snarked, before softening slightly. “And my concerns are twofold, actually. The first is more practical, I have no idea how expensive raising a foal in Equestria is, and my own finances haven’t exactly been stable over the past month. The second…”

“The second?” Midnight quirked an eyebrow in a very Ledger-like manner.

“...I don’t really know how to be a dad,” he confessed. “I’m afraid I’d be a terrible one.”

That caused every mare, Narrow included, to stop and stare at him.

“You’re kidding? Right?” Midnight replied, being the first to speak up. “You’re one of the most gentle and caring stallions I know.”

“Y’all go a good deal out of your way to help others,” Cider added.

“And you have a fine sense of duty,” Narrow actually complimented him.

“You’re also logical to a fault and completely insufferable...am I helping?” Scope asked with a head tilt. “Wait, are we insulting or helping him?”

Midnight just shook her head. “The point is Ledger, I think you’d be a fine Daddy. A really weird one, but a good one. I have no doubt about that.”

The stallion smiled at the praise, before sighing and looking wistfully to the ceiling. “And now I wish I could write one last thing in my book…”

“And what’s that?” Scope asked. “Thinking about your Archives entry?”

“...Thinking about the fact that what I’ve learned about is better than anything else,” Ledger replied before pecking Midnight, then Cider. “Love is the greatest mystery of all. I’m going to live it rather than write about it.”

Scope laughed, "That'll be the day. I bet my shiny blue butt that you’ll never stop scribbling in that thing.”

“Ohhh, I totally forgot that I told Princess Bookworm that I’d steal that thing for her,” Midnight said with a facehoof. “Oh well.”

“We’ll...get to that later,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “And of course I won’t stop writing in my book! It’s a useful pocket dimension of paper accessible through the medium of the binding. Filled to the brim with my notes and observations, plus it has several spells in it I know you love. It’s just...when any of you call, I’ll actually put the thing down right away. You’re more important to me than learning.”

Ledger soon found himself buried in mares, just as Fredrick came waltzing back in as their food boiled away in the kitchen.

“So,” he mused with a click of his beak. “We’re skipping dinner and going straight to the orgy?”

“Can we!?” Midnight asked with an excited wiggle of her fluffy ears.

“Okay, one, fairly sure he was joking,” Ledger pointed out. “Two, we’re all sort of together, Miss ‘please marry me.’ Three, even if we were to have fun later on, you’d need to eat to keep your energy up throughout it.”

“Maybe I’m secretly a Changeling and I’m feeding on your love!” Midnight giggled, hugging her stallion still.

“There’s a scary thought,” Scope replied as she sat back at the table. She needed to put a cushion on the seat to actually reach it though.

“The thought really...bugs me,” Cider chuckled, earning a groan and a facehoof from Narrow.

“And this, ladies and gentlecolts, is why Cider is not the comedian of our family,” Midnight smirked.

“Still, she gets points for trying, so I won’t tell her to buzz off,” Ledger returned.

“Also, why Ledger isn’t the funny one either,” Midnight groaned. “See what I have to deal with Captain?”

“Oh you poor thing,” Narrow deadpanned. “My heart bleeds for you. Really.”

“Feeling the love Cap.”

“Do their puns sting?” Fredrick asked with a smile on his beak.

“Oh don’t you start,” Narrow groaned, poking him in the ribs. “Don’t make me bust out the bird puns.”

“I can’t help it, I have so much material to work with!” the griffon replied.

“Last warning Fredrick,” Narrow replied, hiding her small smile with her cider mug. “Besides, what if it insults our guest here. Your jokes might fall...a little short?”

“Oh-hohoh, So we’re gonna hit like that now huh?” Scope narrowed her eyes. “Seems your jokes are a little ‘narrow’.”

“Oh, if I had a bit for every time I heard that one,” Narrow shot back.

“Seems you aren’t too worried about being broke, you did join the Guard after all.”

“Least I have a job.”

“So do I!”

“As Midnight’s mascot!”

“I will end you!!”

“Ladies!” Ledger interrupted. “I’d rather not have the first changeling incident on record be ‘nymph destroys much beloved restaurant.’ And Captain, shouldn’t you know better?” He’d deliberately used Narrow’s rank to refer to her, to remind her of her supposed discipline.

“She started it!” both mares said in unison.

Midnight was cackling with laughter. It took her about a minute to finally stop as she looked at the pair. “This...is...hilarious,” she wheezed. “Now...kiss and make up.”

“Something tells me that’s not happening anytime soon,” Fredrick said as he used one claw to stroke Narrow’s mane. “Please do calm down, love.”

She blushed slightly at him calling her that and sighed. She had been far too irritable the last few days, because of stress and this stupid cast and... Okay, yeah, she needed to chill. “Yeah, sorry Miss Scope. That joke was out of line. I apologise.”

“Me too, I guess,” Scope replied quietly.

“Now...kiss.” Midnight said in a husky whisper.

“Midnight,” Ledger said in a tone that more often than not accompanied a warning about ten seconds later.

“Urgh! Fii~iine,” she pouted as she nibbled on a breadstick. “Food smells good by the way.”

“Hmm, I think that’s my cue to go prepare the dishes,” the griffon mused before giving Narrow a final peck and vanishing once again. The officer rolled her eyes at his overabundant affection, but smiled none-the-less. She turned back to Midnight as a serious question came to the forefront of her mind.

“So care to tell me why you were wearing an almost one-of-a-kind suit of armour earlier? Last I heard, all of them were in Canterlot.”

“Oh, Princess Twilight gave it to me...don’t really know why,” Midnight said. “But hey, between that and the sweet new blades my Dad gave me, I can kick ten times the flank now. Even Tirek would crap himself if he had to fight me again.”

“Here’s hoping we never have to do that again,” Narrow muttered. “So, was it really Princess Twilight and her friends that beat him?”

“Yeah, and she got some cool crystal castle to boot,” Midnight nodded. “How come I can’t be an alicorn princess?”

“Heavens above, you’ll have to settle for having kissed them all,” Ledger replied with an eye-roll. “Seriously, think about the amount of work they have. Would you really want to be one?”

“Meh, I’d just hoof it off to somepony else,” Midnight shrugged. “Having magic woud be kind of neat. But, I guess I’m pretty perfect the way I am huh?”

“And humble, let’s not ferget how humble y’all are,” Cider spoke up, having drained her mug already. At this point, the griffon returned, pushing a small cart laden down with bowls for them all.

“Shrimp alfredo,” he replied as he began to serve the ponies noodles with pink puffed shrimp and a cheesy sauce topping.

“Ooohhh,” came the chorus of responses as he served up the food.

“Between you, Ledger and Cider, food by anypony else is forever ruined,” Midnight said, her fluffy ears wiggling excitedly. Fredrick chuckled before joining them himself.

“Bon appitite,” he said before digging into his own bowl.

The small talk paused as the group ate, though several voiced their opinions on the delicious food.

“You think that’s bad,” Narrow said, finally able to answer after stuffing her face. “Do you have any idea how much more I have to exercise now, just so I don’t get fat from all this food?”

“Ooh, maybe Freddy likes his mares a little plump?” Midnight giggled. Fredrick wiggled his eyebrows at Narrow before he replied.

“It is said the best sign a chef is good at what he does is a plump wife,” he joked. “Mayhap I should round out my resume?”

“I am not getting fat for you Fredrick,” Narrow huffed. “That would not make for a fine Guard, and I have no desire to join the PD...”

“Ooh, cheap shot,” Midnight giggled. “But then, they are fond of their coffee and donuts...”

“So what about you?” Cider asked Fredrick, deciding a change in topic was needed. “How have you been handlin’ the last couple o’days?”

“They have been interesting,” the griffon replied before slurping up a noodle. After which, he speared a shrimp with his fork and twirled it around before stating another observation. “It turns out one of my serving-colts is a changeling - Violet, if the colors mean much - and I’ve known him for a few months now. Still, I shan’t discriminate. Even changelings need to eat.” He paused for a moment before adding on, “You...know what I mean.”

“Trust me, I bet he eats very well with your teachings,” Midnight giggled, and decided to beat Ledger to the punch with a lecture. “And yeah, the colours mean something. It shows their preferred type of emotion to eat. Violets like him and Sugar Darling eat Lust. Blue ones like Scopey eat Loyalty. Silver ones like-” she caught herself and coughed. “Well, you get the idea anyway.”

“Mm. Changelings: Color-coded for your convenience,” the griffon quipped before diving back into his meal.

“I know right!” Midnight exclaimed in between bites. “Why is that Ledger?”

Ledger paused before shooting a look at Midnight. “Well if I had to guess, I’d say something about what emotions they consume colors them differently.”

“So what if say...Scopey was to eat a lot of Lust, would she turn Violet?” Midnight was teasing at first, now she was genuinely interested.

“We would have to ask a scholar of theirs,” Ledger hemmed, not wanting to reveal himself to Fredrick. Something he hoped Midnight remembered.

“Ledger’s been studying the Changelings for a while now, ever since we met Scopey,” Midnight explained with a pleasant smile. “So I figured that he’d know... apparently not.”

Narrow grinned, and looked at Ledger. “So tell us, how did you wind up falling in love with a Changeling?”

“She made remarkable progress in becoming something civil, almost overnight she became a model citizen,” Ledger commented. “When the time came that she worked up the courage to confess to me, I felt she had more than earned her chance.”

“I-Idiot,” Scope blushed into her cider mug, before hastily gulping it down. “Who said you could tell them that!?”

“She asked,” Ledger replied, taking his comfort in weaseling out of near-traps where he could.

“Well, I think it’s cute,” Narrow smiled.

“I’m not cute!” Scope blushed harder. She needed more cider.

“Adorable, then,” Ledger replied.

“I’m not adorable either!” Scope said and pointed at Fredricks smug grin. “And stop giving him ammunition!!”

“Yer doin’ that all on yer own Scopey,” Cider mused and the nymphs head thunked onto the table as she let out a groan.

“I was going to add beautiful and gorgeous to the list, but if you’d rather I stop talking…” Ledger trailed off to gauge Scope’s reaction. The Pegasus mare was practically glowing red now, opting to hide behind a menu, pretending to check desserts.

“Hmm,” Fredrick replied. “Interesting that you say that when she can change her shape…”

“It’s not the exterior that matters,” Ledger replied. “But what’s inside that counts. True, even there she used to be horrible, but she’s undergone her own metamorphosis and become something to outshine the stars at night for beauty.”

“Careful, Luna’s pretty competitive,” Midnight giggled as the nymph in question want to both kiss and kill that drone. She figured she could settle on both. She resumed her true form as she walked around the table and gave the stallion a deep kiss in front of everyone. One he returned, hugging her close and sighing softly into the kiss.

She broke the kiss and smiled at him...before that smile turned wicked. “Also, I came up with a way to get back at both of you...wanna see~?”

“...Is the amount of fear I feel justified?” Ledger replied, both curious and slightly afraid of what she was planning.

“Well it’s just that Fredrick was ever so kind to remind me that I can become almost anything~” she purred as she held him...until her body was coated in flames and now a second Fredrick was holding him instead. Midnight and Cider both let out a squeak, but didn’t tear their eyes away.

Narrow...Narrow figured she was surprisingly okay with this. And Ledger merely looked at her form with a raised eyebrow.

“...It’s going to take more than turning into Fredrick to startle me,” he said simply. True, he’d never hugged the griffon like this before, but to stick it to Scope, he’d deal.

“Oh, but I just want to confess my deepest, hidden love for you,” ‘he’ purred, leaning in closer for a kiss.

“...I feel like I should feel offended,” Fredrick spoke up. “Narrow, thoughts?”

Narrow just blushed slightly as she stared at the scene. “Shh, I’m trying to watch!”

“Okay, you’ve had your fun,” Ledger said, pushing at the form hugging him. ‘Fredrick’ tisked and gave him a quick peck on the lips before turning back to her normal self.

“Well, alright,” she hummed. “Maybe I’ll take that dragon form you like so much later~”

“Aheh...you mean dragoness, right?” Ledger asked with a small laugh.

“Hmm, do I?” Scope hummed. “I hadn’t thought of that...ohh, iddeaaa~”

“...I blame you,” Ledger replied, shooting a look over the nymph at the griffon. “Completely and utterly.”

“Fair enough,” the griffon said before polishing off his own dinner. “Desserts, mares?”

“Like you even have to ask,” Narrow said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “We’re mares dear, we always have room for dessert.”

“Agreed,” Midnight, Scope and Cider echoed.

“I think he’s more asking what sort of dessert you’d like,” Ledger said as the griffon gave off a short nod.

“I have a small quantity of most of them prepared and sitting in the refrigerator or freezer where needed,” the griffon elaborated.

“The richest chocolate ice-cream you have!” Midnight declared.

“Apple pie,” Cider nodded.

“Mmmm, cake!” Scope hummed.

Narrow smiled as she looked at the menu and then leaned in close to him. “I’ll take a pudding, then later... I’ll take you~”

“So a dish of ice-cream, a slice of apple pie, some cake, some pudding…” the griffon trailed off as he looked at Ledger, who hummed.

“I’ll try these cookies,” he said, pointing to the cherry-chocolate cordials.

“Excellent choice, I’ll join you for some,” the avian replied as he gathered up their dirty dishes and disappeared into the kitchen. Once he was gone again, Narrow resumed her more professional tone.

“So, the real reason you lot had to leave? Is it going to be a problem in the future?”

“I think it’s been thoroughly dealt with in a brutal fashion,” Ledger replied with a wicked smile.

“More like overkill,” Scope replied. “But yeah, it won’t be a problem...now Toll Taker on the other hoof...”

“I cannot believe she was able to escape,” Narrow sighed, placing her head in her hooves. “And to make matters worse, we are unable to locate Bludgeon and Kill Switch either. That worries me just as much.”

“They should have arrived in the Crystal Empire long ago,” Ledger mused. Maybe he would send a letter to Shining Armor about that...

“We were keeping tabs on them, but...” Narrow shook her head. “Just, I know you’re all quite capable, but please be careful none-the-less.”

“She won’t want to come anywhere near my family,” Midnight said in a low tone. Ledger and Scope could almost see the murderous aura she was emanating.

Fortunately, Fredrick arrived with the mood killer at that moment. “And a load of chocolate for the ponies,” he said as he pushed a new cart out. “Who had the ice-cream?”

“ME!” Midnight exclaimed, her mood flipping like a switch as she reached for the bowl, her ears wiggling adorably.

“For you,” the griffon replied as he passed the bowl over. “The pie is miss Cider, then, and the cake is...Scope’s?”

“Score!” Scope said, reaching for the cake. “Also, have we been properly introduced? I can’t remember. Ah well, I’m Scope Lens, but my Changeling name is Secret-Treasure.”

“Charmed, and I’m certain I heard it from somewhere or other,” the griffon replied as he put the pie before Cider. “I am Fredrick, my last name is unpronounceable in pony tongue.”

“I could change that,” she smirked, reminding him of her earlier form. She made a few chirps and clicks before smiling. “That was mine in Changeish.”

“Ah,” Fredrick said as he put the pudding before Narrow and clearing his throat. A few screeches sounded through the air. Narrow would hear it quite clearly as ‘Deipneus’

“That’s...” Narrow paused as she pronounced his name with a rough accent. “Ahph, I bit my tongue!”

“I warned you,” the griffon replied before splitting the cookies between himself and Ledger.

“Oh bite me,’ Narrow huffed as she reached for her dessert. “So my Griffic is a little rusty. You don’t complain when I use it in bed~”

“More than a few Griffons have difficulty pronouncing my family’s name. It’s one thing to hear it, another to pronounce it.” He nibbled on one of the cookies and was glad he’d split them once Ledger got his first taste...then started devouring them all rapidly.

“Remember that you have to do a little thing called breathing Levvy,” Midnight giggled, not noticing she had ice-cream on her muzzle. It kinda blended in with her fur as is.

“These are too -CHOMP- good to worry about things like that!” Ledger replied as he kept eating the depressingly small amount of cookies.

“I’ve only ever seen him eat one other thing with as much enthusiasm,” Midnight giggled, letting the implication sink in. It didn’t take long for Narrow to start coughing, a small blush on her face.

Cider and Scope just rolled their eyes. Ledger slowed down and shot her a dirty look before holding the last cookie in one hoof.

“Had you tasted one, you’d agree with me that these cookies are too good to live,” Ledger said with a smile.

“Maybe, but you didn’t exactly give me a chance,” Midnight replied, licking her bowl with her long tongue. Cider gave her a look and sighed.

“Can’t y’all be respectable in public?”

“Are all Thestrals like that?” Narrow found herself asking. “That tongue I mean...”

“Don’t know,” Ledger replied as he ate the last cookie. “Never gah to fah out,” he said through the food in his mouth.

“I can attest to the fact that the one other female thestral I spent time with had a similar tongue, though she was not nearly as talented as you were,” the griffon replied.

“Fredrick Deipneus, do I really want to know how you know how skilled her tongue is?” Narrow raised an eyebrow.

“Simple. The other Thestral I spent time with didn’t have very fine control over it at all.” He seemed to wince a little at the thought. “I had to educate her.”

“I’ve explained this to Ledger, I think,” Midnight replied. “A Thestral’s tongue is normally elastic, like so...” Her tongue shot out like whip, snapping up one of Fredricks cookies and munching on it. Oooh, they were good. She swallowed and smiled. “With enough practice, we can get some pretty decent control over it. I just happen to have a lot of practise~”

“That’s...a weird thing to practice, but at least I learned something new tonight,” Narrow hummed a she ate her pudding. Midnight would have a field day if she knew the thoughts that ran through the Unicorn’s mind right now. Midnight knew that look though and smirked as she looked at Ledger.

“What did I tell you. Everypony is Songsexual~”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ledger said as he looked at his empty plate sadly.

“You are impossible,” Narrow huffed as she finished her dessert. Still, this was a nice distraction from everything that was going on right now, and it could always be a hell of a lot worse out there.

“And this is her on a good day,” Ledger quipped.

“Every day is a good day if I’m involved,” Midnight giggled. “And I certainly know how to make them...better~”

“I swear I’m going to see about getting you neutered,” Narrow groaned.

“Please don’t, otherwise her mother and father might do the same to me,” Ledger replied. “And they would probably do so...painfully.”

“Yeah, Daddy’s kind of intense,” Midnight smiled. She looked at her sadly empty bowl and then noticed that Ledger had some crumbs on his muzzle...

Most felt like they should look away from what happened next, despite being adults. The stallion had been taken by surprise initially, but he returned the affections in record time.

“They...do realise we’re still here right?” Narrow gulped, taking a few mental notes.

“I think they like an audience sometimes,” Cider sighed, wishing they had at least a little restraint. “Do ah have to go and get a bucket of cold water you two?”

The stallion surfaced eventually for air before giving Cider a half-lidded stare of his own. “Did that sound like ‘I want one’ to you, Middy?”

“Maaaaybe~” Midnight giggled as the two started to stalk Cider, who ‘meeped’ and started to run away. Scope rolled her eyes as she delicately ate her cake.

“See what I have to deal with?” she sighed at Narrow and Fredrick.

“Yes, I can see how getting showered in affection must be so terrible for you,” the griffon replied as the penultimate cookie was devoured.

“Still embarrassing,” she retorted. The two had finally cornered the Earth mare and were showering her in kisses. “Keep going and you’ll attract every Violet in the city,” Scope called out. Ledger slowed before nodding and reluctantly drawing away.

“Hmm, now which was sweeter?” he mused aloud. Midnight and Cider looked at one another, before they pounced him again.

“I swear, they’re worse than rabbits,” Scope groaned. Narrow chuckled, before sneaking a kiss in on Fredrick. The griffon pulled her close with one wing as he watched the spectacle.

“I do have a guest room, if they feel like they can’t wait,” the griffon offered.

“Is is sad that this is entertainment for us?” Narrow mused. Midnight’s ear had flicked at the mention of the word ‘guest room’

“Midnight. No.” Scope ordered her.


“Miss no fun,” Ledger said with a huff and crossed forelegs. “That’s what I’m calling you now.”

“Are you lot serious,” she sighed. “We were invited out to a meal by our friends, and you wanna blow it off to go and do that?” She sighed and rubbed her temples. “Honestly, and you’re not entirely blameless here Chicken. I can’t tell if your joking or serious...and I can read emotions!”

“I don’t mind having guests over for the night,” the griffon replied. “Though I suppose they will have to take extra care that the bedbugs don’t bite with you hanging around.”

“Unbelievable,” Scope sighed. “Can you please be a voice of reason here Captain?”

“It’s Fredrick's place, he can invite anypony he pleases,” Narrow shrugged.

“Seems we’re having another sleepover~” Midnight giggled, nibbling on Ledger’s ear.

“I’ll be sociable, you can deal with making Cider compliant,” Ledger whispered back. “Say...half an hour?”

“Ah am perfectly fine in being respectable, jus’...got caught up in the moment,” Cider blushed profusely. “So, are we really stayin’ here? Ah’d hate to be a bother t’anypony...”

“We do have a perfectly good house,” Midnight replied. Then she realised just how much she wanted others around her right now. Still, she didn’t want to put anypony out because she had a few emotional hangups.

“For the record, I no longer care,” Scope replied, opting to take the dirty plates into the kitchen for Fredrick.

“I leave it up to you, little songbird,” Ledger said before giving her one more gentle kiss.

“Seriously?” Midnight pouted. “Remind me again, on who has the record for disastrous decisions amongst all of us?”

“Hardly your fault,” the stallion pointed out. “And so far, I’m liking the outcome for the decision of ‘pursue a romance’ and ‘pursue a herd’.”

“Yeah well...” For once, Midnight had no response for him, perverse or otherwise. She looked at Narrow and Fredrick. “Are you sure it’s not a problem. We can be kind of annoying...”

“I’ve had guests over before. So much so that I invested in soundproofing for all my rooms, if only for my neighbor’s sake,” the griffon replied before kissing Narrow. The Unicorn returned the affection and nodded.

“I know something’s up with you Midnight, something that happened during that week. So, if you need others around for a while, that’s fine. We’re...friends right?”

Midnight nodded then tackle hugged the mare, still not sure if she should laugh or cry,

She settled on an awkward mix of both. Ledger then took up the slack in paying attention to Cider, giving her a few kisses as they watched the scene of the two guardsmares bonding.

“And now it’s the guys' turn to stare huh?” Scope decided to point out as Midnight wasn’t breaking the hug.

“Feel free to get some attention yourself,” Ledger replied before holding up a foreleg, clearly inviting the small mare to cuddle with him and Cider. Scope got another wicked idea, she was on a roll tonight. She teleported, re-appearing on Fredrick’s back.

“Aw, but then Freddy here will be left out. Can’t have that now~”

“...I find myself curiously okay with this situation,” the griffon observed. “Hugs are hugs, after all.”

“Bug hugs are almost best hugs,” Midnight nodded. “Bat hugs are far superior. The Captain can now attest to this fact.”

“Oh for the love of—” Narrow sighed as she rolled her eyes. “Get off me you idiot.”

“Mmmnope,” Midnight giggled, nuzzling the mare more.

“Seems to be a majority vote,” Cider replied from Ledger’s embrace. She looked at Fredrick and shrugged. “Ah still think we shouldn’t be bothering them. Ah’ll share a few of mah recipes with y’all to make up fer this.”

“You hardly need to go to that length, though I won’t say no to more additions for my cookbook,” the griffon replied. “Second door on the right upstairs, if you four are staying after all.”

Cider nodded, but she wasn’t really tired yet. And the sun had only set a while ago. Well, time for another round of drinks then!

It was well after midnight before anyone in the building got any sleep...

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