• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 38 - Hear your funeral dirge

Scope sat on the porch as Ledger walked out to join her, a cup of coffee in his magical grip.

“This is weird,” she said. “The sun should have been up by now. Do you think...that Celestia is actually...”

“They have two other princesses beyond the celestial sisters,” Ledger said as he sipped his coffee. “Though...Discord did say three were banished to the depths…”

Just then, the moon dropped from the sky like somepony had just roped it and yanked it. Then the sun ducked and weaved, day and night flickering like a strobe light until it settled in the position of late morning.

“That was...different,” Scope noted, surprisingly unfazed. She just figured that life could not get any weirder by this point.

“...Well I guess that answers the question as to how many survived: some, and who: the inexperienced,” Ledger shook his head and looked at the coffee pot. “...Is it too early to want to start drinking already?”

“Prolly not,” Scope replied. She frowned as a faint buzzing drew closer, and Sugar Darling landed practically on top of her, the nymph looking quite out of breath.

“Haah...is...hah...Midnight...okay?” she panted loudly. She really needed to fly more.

“...Shouldn’t you know?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow. “She’s at the hospital like the rest.”

Sugar’s eyes widened, like, a lot. “Y-You mean...you didn’t, bring her home?”

“...She’s not there?” the drone asked, a hint of panic creeping into his voice.

“Only Apple Cider was there,” Sugar replied. She had thought that perhaps Ledger had taken Midnight home to see if he could help her more.

And that was then a very distant explosion could be heard, one still powerful enough to shake the ground. And a massive plume of smoke rising from the direction of Ponyville.

“...Take me to the room,” Ledger said as his book appeared in front of him, pages flipping in an unseen breeze.

Scope sighed as she got to her hooves and her horn fired up. “One express trip, coming up,” she said and teleported the three straight into the room, though being so far away, her aim was a tad off, causing Ledger to appear a few feet above the floor. And a thump further down the hall showed where Sugar had landed. The drone shakily stood up before getting his bearings properly.

Ledger pulled his book closer and looked at Apple Cider. “Hey sweet mare,” he said as he began looking for a scrying spell of some sort. “You see anything?”

Cider turned her head and looked at him, her emotionless face was still hard to look at. “I...see...a lot...”

“That you do,” Ledger chuckled. “See or hear anything last night about what happened to Middy?” Ah, there was one...oooh, he didn’t have a bit of her hair at the moment, he’d have to check the bed.

“I don’t...” Cider groaned as another faint explosion rocked the city. Whatever was happening, it was being done on a massive scale. “I saw...a bat.”

“Yeah, Middy’s our bat,” Ledger agreed, trying to get and keep the farmmare involved. There were a few long blonde strands and some smaller brown bits of fur and hair in the bed, and the changeling started gathering them up.

“No...I saw...a lot of bats,” Cider said again as she put her hooves to her head. Ledger stopped for a moment as he turned to her bed slowly.

“You saw more than one thestral?” Ledger asked quietly. This was changing from her running off to someone taking her, and he didn’t like the idea at all.

Cider looked at him, her face remaining emotionless...except for the single tear that ran down her left cheek.

“Why...did they take the bat away Mr. Bug?”

This was now a kidnapping case, and Ledger needed all the information he could get. “Cider, did you hear anything, anything at all, that could help me find her?” Magic was a choice, but he was still a little tapped out and divination wasn’t a class of spells he’d used before.

“M’tired,” she replied and rolled over. “Too much noise...”

The drone walked over to her and gave her a small kiss. “Please, sweet mare. Please help me. Something. Anything to help. I need to know...I need to bring her back.”

Cider didn’t respond, and almost half an hour passed before Ledger was about to give up. Perhaps Scope could use these spells? She seemed to be far more adept at magic than she was letting on sometimes.

Then...something happened. He could literally feel the immense amount of power coming towards them. It was like someone had taken the Elements of Harmony and cranked them up to a thousand! Ledger opened his senses up and let his ability to feed recharge him off the ambient magic. He needed the boost since transferring most of his power to Midnight and acting as a conduit for Scope’s power into Cider.

And then, something appeared in the room, an orange Earth Pony with a flowing golden mane and an aura of magic that put Celestia to shame. She smiled softly and touched Cider with a hoof, before giving Ledger a nod and vanishing.

When she left, Ledger was on the receiving end of a powerful pony hug, courtesy of Apple Cider, her colours now vibrant and her Cutie Mark shining on her flank.

“Cider…” Ledger wheezed. “Can’t...breathe…”

“Dun care, gonna the hug the hay outta mah cute little cuddle-bug!” she said in a happy voice. Hell, she’d never felt more alive than she did right now. Before her whole body stiffened and she gasped. “Oh mah stars! Where’s Middy!?”

“Asked you that...earlier...said you saw...something,” the changeling wheezed.

Cider frowned and put her hooves to her head. “Urrhh, it’s there...jus’ gotta remember...” She tapped her head and then pulled her hoof back and gave it a painful-sounding whack. “Something about... Shadow-Wing!” she suddenly said. “Somepony took her away to a feller with that name!”

“...Duke?” Ledger pointedly asked. His color seemed to...dull at the idea. “Duke Shadow-Wing?”

Cider blinked and nodded. “Yeah, that’s the one!” she said. “How do y’all know that?”

“Grissom,” Ledger pointedly replied, his color now more of a deep grey than silver. Darkness seemed to flicker over his shell and his book snapped shut. “Thank you, sweet mare. You’ve been most helpful.”

Scope stepped up in front of him, placing herself between him and the door.

"Ledger. Explain. Now."

“It’s quite simple.” Ledger said with a malicious grin. “I would knock out Cerberus, go into Tartarus, and beat up the ferrypony for any of you. I really would, you three matter to me so much.” Ledger’s color flickered again as his eyes twitched. “And that damn Duke is going to wish he had as much protection as that when I’m through with him!

“Well that’s all well and good,” Scope replied as she glared at him. “But that doesn’t explain who this ‘Duke’ is and what he wants with Midnight.”

“Duke Shadow-Wing is the one responsible for Midnight becoming Midnight,” the Drone said as his colors seemed to inch ever further from dark grey to black. “He ruined her, and never took ‘no’ for an answer. Even in the face of the whole world ending, he’d rather go out with Midnight than not at all. The only thing he’s going to be in the future is a fucking corpse!” With that, there was an explosion of light and Ledger teleported away.

Cider, who had been right next to him at the time was thrown back, clutching her eyes from the sudden burst of light. Scope ran over to her as she scowled at the spot where Ledger once stood. She was mad at him for that display, she was mad at the ponies that took her Midnight away. And yet, she seemed to be the only one that had her head on straight right now.

“Are you okay Cider?” she asked, petting the mare’s mane. “I don’t know what’s going on right now, but Ledger seems really mad...”

Cider just groaned as she held her head. What the hay was going on around here?

Outside, Discord tapped his chin as he looked around. He’d only just gotten his powers back, and decided that he needed to stretch them out a bit. Kind of like, wearing an old suit.

And that was when he saw his favourite new buggy throw a rather impressive temper tantrum. He snapped his fingers and popped into the space next to Ledger.

“So, how’s your day going?” he asked with a cheery hum. “Mine could have gone better, but hey! Can’t always have your own way huh?”

Ledger turned to look at the spirit, and his colors rapidly turned darker. “You…..did this,” the drone hissed in a low tone. All the memories of his time with the chaos spirit were bubbling up, and they were not helping!

“Did what? Your new look? Nah, that seems to be aaaaalll you old boy.” Discord took out a teacup and sipped it. Mmm, spinach and cola flavour. A small bit of the old Ledger shone through as he began educating the spirit as to why he now thought Discord had to die.

“If you hadn’t helped Tirek...she wouldn’t have been drained, weak, in the hospital. She would have been able to fight back when she was taken.” With a sense of finality, the last bit of silver, his eyes, went black. “It’s your fault that Midnight Song is gone!

“Ah, you’re so dramatic,” Discord snapped his fingers and Ledger was now no bigger than a beetle, trapped in a bottle that Discord held. “Now let’s get a few things straight now. Yes, I could have stopped Tirek. Yes, I could probably save your little bat as well. But, there are bigger things at play here and I can’t be bothered to deal with every little detail that pops up. That’s more Twilight’s thing.”

Ledger was furious in his new state. He considered ramming the glass before a more sane part of his mind told him to look up at the bottleneck.

“Now, you really aren’t thinking too clearly right now, are you?’ Discord said as he turned the bottle upside down and tapped it, sending Ledger sprawling onto the grass and back to full size. “In fact, you look an awful lot like those icky Black Changelings.” He leaned in close and sneered lightly. “Tell me Secret-Hoarder. What would your precious bat think? If she knew that you became the thing that almost killed her?”

“...She’d wonder why you were still walking around, something I can remedy,” Ledger hissed back once he’d gotten his legs back under himself. “Here, let me show you, Discord.” With that, he began switching his thoughts up. From the lighter torments he would put this damn duke through to the more creative things. Then to things completely different, but he always returned to causing this unseen, unknown Duke pain. With that accomplished, he inhaled in an attempt to feed from the spirit.

At least until Discord pulled out a giant paper fan and slapped Ledger upside the head with it. The Black Changeling was sent flying, and shortly collided with a giant blob of jelly.

“I have already had my magic drained once today, and I do not care to repeat that!” Discord actually sounded mad. “Yes, I made a mistake, I made a lot of mistakes. But while you are here throwing your little hissy fit. Your bat is getting away. So what will you do?” He snapped his fingers and the mold disappeared, leaving a sticky Ledger on the grass. “Are you going to continue prattling on, throwing blame around, or will you bug up and rescue your mare?”

A bit of the darkness on the drone’s form seemed to...lift. “You owe me,” a bit of his more rational self pointed out. “The wager.”

“Yes, yes,” Discord waved his hands around. “I owe you a wish because I’m some sort of genie apparently.” He nodded his head as he wore a pink, two-piece outfit and a matching veil. “So let me guess, you want your bat back?”

Ledger actually shook his head. “Transportation. I wish to be where I need to be to rescue her. Having you do it yourself would be fine if I could trust you not to twist everything. As it stands, I trust you with no more than this wish. Anything less strict invites your meddling.”

“Hm, very well, to take-backsies!” he smiled as he folded his arms and nodded again, a swirling smoke surrounding Ledger. “The funny part though?” his voice could still be heard as Ledger slowly vanished. “I would have just returned her if you asked...”

Once the smoke cleared, Ledger found himself standing in Canterlot Square, and Cider and Scope were by his side.

“Uh...what the fuck just happened?” Scope blinked.

“Ah share the sentiment, jus’ minus the foul prench,” Apple Cider agreed. Ledger merely donned his disguise and looked around, wondering why the chimera sent him here of all places. He didn’t see Midnight anywhere...

“You three?” a voice from behind them exclaimed. The group turned to see Grissom Gossamer standing there, a bandage wrapped around his head and giving them the most incredulous look. “What in the wide world of Equus are you doing here?”

“No time,” Ledger snapped. Actually snapped. “Shadow-Wing. Where can I find him? I’m going to use his skull as a lavatory for what he’s done.”

“Calm down boy!” Grissom stamped his hoof and drew back his lip, revealing his fangs. “What about that bottom-feeder? What did he do? And where is my daughter?”

Scope stepped forward, cutting Ledger off before he could reply. “We have reason to believe this ‘Duke’ Ledger keeps harping on about kidnapped Midnight sometime last night. We need to know where we can find him.”

Grissom growled, one that sounded like a feral beast about to shred something cute and innocent. “He’s still embargoed from entering Equestria after his last stunt. Seems he used the commotion from Tirek to make his move.” He looked around and waved a hoof to them. “Follow me, I'll explain in my office.”

“Every second we stand around talking,” Ledger warned as he followed none-the-less. “Is a second Midnight’s captors use to get further away. Just paint me a target, it’ll go faster.”

“It isn’t that easy,” Grissom said. “And I wouldn’t worry too much. Shadow-Wing won’t hurt her too badly. He wants her after all, he won’t risk her life. And you know Midnight, she’s quite capable of taking care of herself from what I hear.”

“How is it not easy?” the changeling mused aloud, some of his color returning to his normal self. It took the form of his disguised colors lightening back to their normal states. Though his eyes were still… “Just point me at his home and get back. Boom, done.”

“And you’ll risk causing an incident that could not be repaired,” Grissom snapped back. Luckily his office hadn’t been too far away, and by office, the stallion had meant his home. The castle had been quarantined until they were sure that all the dark magic that Tirek had carelessly flung around had been purified.

Once Grissom unlocked the door, he motioned to Scope and Cider. “Moon is upstairs resting. She could probably use a little company about now.”

Scope and Cider looked at one another. It was easy enough to tell that Grissom wanted alone time with Ledger and they trotted up the staircase of the massive house.

Grissom led the unicorn into his study as he moved to the liquor cabinet and poured two brandy’s. “Now, maybe you’d like to explain those black eyes of yours Level.”

“I don’t know much about the Blacks,” Ledger humphed. “I copied one book from their Hive when I raided it for anything I could learn, and even then, it was written in no tongue I know. I have not been turned Black by any ritual of theirs...it just happened when I heard about what happened to Midnight. I have my theories, but no facts as to what causes...this.”

Grissom tapped his chin and then sipped at his drink. “Hmm, so dark magic isn’t the only route, or perhaps the extinction of the Black Hive has caused some sort of imbalance...”

Ledger blinked at that, and his eyes went from black to grey. “Extinction?”

“You haven’t heard?” Grissom said. “Well, I suppose I only know because the Princess herself informed me. But yes, Tirek consumed the entire Hive, it was how he became so powerful so quickly. Not a single Black was left after. They do not exist anymore.”

Ledger sighed at that explanation. “So, that leaves me with more questions than anything else...okay, we’re going to need to send word to my uncle about that, he’ll send a team in to retrieve all the books...and once he’s had a chance to do that, he’ll get the others involved in the proper disposal of the bodies.” The disguised drone’s eyes were back to being silver again, but mostly they were dull silver. Only a spark of the brightness they once held remained. It appeared Ledger was still quite angry under the surface.

“You misunderstand my words,” Grissom replied as he sat down in his large velvet chair. “The Hive. Does not. Exist! It is gone. An empty space where it once stood.”

Level Ledger sat on his flank at the words. “Then…” Unconsciously taking his book out from his saddlebags, he started flicking through the pages with his magic. “Then the only book of theirs that survived is the one I copied that I can’t read? Any knowledge surrounding their kind is...lost forever?” Said book was now on display behind Ledger’s head, written in runes that Grissom couldn’t read either.

“Seems so, but that’s a story for later. Midnight is in need of rescuing and you are in need of a means to do just that yes?”

Ledger growled as his book snapped shut, barely taking a glance at it before shoving the tome back into his saddlebags. “I was thinking a thestral disguise, a forged passport, and hours of alone time with the duke when I find him.”

“And like I said, until we prove it was him, you cannot touch him.” Grissom sighed as he opened a drawer. “Roamania is not a place that is...gracious to outsiders. And a Thestral disguise wouldn’t work. You still need to act like one, and before you say it, Midnight is not an exemplary model of our species.” He pulled out a few papers and placed them on the table beside Ledger.

“Now, a royal dignitary...that’s a little different.”

“...That could work, and Cider has all the proof we need with what she heard, or all the proof I need anyway.” The unicorn moved the papers apart as he started to read them. He was tempted to use his paperwork spell, but with how angry he was, it might turn into a paperwork-disposal spell. “So, what was your plan?”

“We send word every now and then, to the families of the Thestrals that live here in Equestria,” Grissom smiled slightly. “Though, a regular mailpony won’t do. So we tend to send somepony of significant rank here from Canterlot. That paperwork calls for a mare, but I’m guessing that your little nymphfriend is more than up for the challenge?”

Without even a second’s hesitation, Ledger’s form flashed silver and he was now in a mare form of his disguise. “It’s just an illusion, if anypony were to check…” his unusually high voice trailed off. “I mean, I could make it real, but unless the messenger has to buck whoever’s on the other end, I won’t. I still wouldn’t either way, but at least I’d be prepared to knock them out.”

“And here I was, trying to make it easy for you,” Grissom chuckled. He knew that those two mares wouldn’t want to wait around here. So, he had a backup plan for that. “Well, we should get you on your way as soon as possible. When can you leave?”

“Does now work for you?” Ledger snarked. “I’ll need to alter my disguise a bit to fit whatever new name I come up with, as Ledger is a decidedly male name, so don’t write anything in if you’d please. I’ll do it myself later.”

“Let me take care of it. I want you to head to the train station for immediate departure. I’ll be sending a Guard escort along with you, but I’ll be taking your comfort into account as well.” Grissom smiled, one that Celestia often wore. “Leave it all to me.”

Midnight groaned softly as she tried to roll over. Her legs felt heavy and her head pounded. She remembered...fighting Tirek...then using Alicorn Hunter...

Why, was she still alive? That attack kills the user, so why?

DId Tirek drain her before she could hit him? She recalled hearing Ledger’s voice. Gah! What the hell happened? She opened one eye and slowly looked around. It was dark wherever she was. And...why was she laying in a pile of hay?

Her ear flicked as she heard a door open. It sound like an old door, she could hear the squeak of the rusted hinges and the sound of iron banging against thick wood.

Then, a voice that turned her blood to ice.

“Well my lovely, I am so glad to see you awake. I was worried that you had left Equestria before you were healed. Seems that the magic used was much more powerful than we thought.”

She looked up to see Shadow-Wing standing nearby, his muzzle had that smug smile that haunted her nightmares. But...why was he in Las Pegasus? How had Ledger not disemboweled him yet?

“You seem a little lost, which is understandable, you have been through much.” He walked closer as Midnight tried to back up. It was around then that she realised her legs were shackled with thick chains.

“Ah, I do apologise for the jewelry, I promise you’ll have much nicer ones once we’re married.” He leaned down and gave her mane a sniff. “Ah, as lovely as always. I have missed this so much.”

“Go take a long walk off a tall cliff,” she spat. She went to glare at him, until her left cheek exploded in pain, she caught sight of his raised hoof as she toppled over.

“Equestria has poisoned your mind,” he muttered as a servant wiped his hoof with a hoofkerchief. His expression was akin to a pony that had stepped in something foul. “But worry not, I shall teach you your place once again. But, do try and learn quickly. It would be a shame to have you covered in bruises for our ceremony.”

He gave her one last look and left the barred and barren room that he had locked her up in. Midnight just curled into a ball, tears running down her cheeks.

Ledger stood by the train as it was prepped for departure. And as the whistle sounded, two armoured ponies stepped onto the train, brushing past Ledger in their haste.

“...I wonder who they’re here for,” the unicorn mare mused aloud as she kept reading the file about the pony she was supposed to become if she was to be the newest messenger for so much as one trip. “Hmm...none of this looks too hard…”

‘File Information’

Name: Love Letter.

Race: Pegasus

Sex: Mare

‘As a Dame of the Letter family, Love Letter is adept at most forms of written word. She can speak several languages, her proficiencies are Equestrian, Griffic, and even Changeish. She is skilled in some Zebrican and Thestrali as well, the latter of which is why she is on this mission. She is granted authority of safe passage by the Crown of Equestria. She is to remain at the side of her two escorts at all times and has diplomatic immunity. Any volatile actions taken against this mare will be considered a capital offense and a declaration of war against Equestria.’

Ledger sighed as he took in the finer details of the mare’s appearance, before looking around for a mare’s room to use to disguise the flash of transformation. “Why is it you can never find a restroom when you need one?”

“I guess that’s the life of public transportation,” one of the Guards spoke, a mare and a young-sounding one at that. “I believe that there is one at the end of the next carriage though.”

“Thank you,” Ledger said as he nodded at the Guardsmare. “I so rarely travel that it’s a novel thing, trying to find all the things one needs on the train.” He tucked the file away in his saddlebags and stood up from his seat.

“One would think after that long trip to the Empire, you’d be used to a train by now,” she mused at him. The mare that Ledger was pretending to be hesitated for a moment at that statement. It was only a moment, but those that knew how to read Ledger would recognize it for the moment of sheer panic that it was. The mare resumed her walking shortly thereafter, though.

“I do beg your pardon?” she asked. “I’ve not had cause or reason to leave Canterlot for many years now. I had thought about visiting the Empire, but missed the window sadly.” That’s right, keep spinning those lies...

“Oh?” the guard stepped closer, forcing Ledger to back up until he was pinned against the wall, the armoured mare bearing down on him. “And here I was under the assumption that you discovered a secret treasure in the Empire.” The mare’s eyes changed for a moment, to a vibrant blue hue. “Did you forget so easily?”

Scope!” Ledger hissed at her. “I’m trying to fill my role here. What are you even doing?! How did you get that armor?! Oh, Grissom won’t be happy when he finds out you replaced one of the guards meant to accompany me…”

“Ah reckon he might be okay with it,” the other Guard said she she walked in. She removed her helmet and shook her head, her blonde locks swaying as she did. “Hoooeey! This armour is hotter than the desert in the summer!”

“...I am going to bucking mess with him so hard when we get back,” Ledger sighed as he facehooved. “He would do something like this. I was hoping for a nice pair of guards that I could calmly explain myself to before I left them behind to murder a member of the Thestral nobility.”

“Well, ah reckon ah want a piece o’this rattlesnake as well,’ Cider nodded and Scope Lens agreed with her.

“You think you’re the only one that’s worried?” she remarked, still keeping the mare pinned against the wall. “We’re a family Ledger. We do this together!”

“...I had also hoped to do a little reading while I was on this trip,” Ledger said. “Seeing as how I have the last thing of the Blacks to exist anymore in my own book.”

“Yeah, he mentioned that,” Scope nodded as the three took a seat, though the mare’s seemed to struggle a little, trying to figure out how to sit in armour. “Well, thats one less stain on the world huh?”

“I’m so glad you think of my new state as a stain,” Ledger deadpanned as his eyes showed what he meant, going slightly more grey as he considered what was to come.

Scope and Cider looked at one another. Grissom had given them a rundown on what he thought was happening to Ledger, and after seeing Amy, Scope was much more inclined to believe it.

“So do you have a plan?” Scope asked him. “Beyond, ‘storm the castle and rescue the princess’.”

“Bluff my way in thanks to Grissom, arrange a private meeting with the duke. Try not to murder him before he tells me where Midnight is, though that one’s gonna be hard.” The mare’s vicious smile looked very out of place as Ledger considered all the ways he could really hurt a pony. “And maybe burn and salt his lands for good measure once I find her.”

“Okay, step one, do not let Ledger out of our sight,” Scope nodded and Cider adamantly agreed. “While I’m sure she doesn’t have much love for her home, I’m sure Midnight wouldn’t appreciate you burning it to the ground.”

“I would burn anything that stood between me and her, no matter what it was made of,” Ledger growled as his eyes started to darken. “Even if it wasn’t flammable. I’d find a way.”

“Ledger, how come a Pegasus can’t fly without any magic?” Cider suddenly asked.

“Wingspan to weight ratio,” Ledger said as he slipped into lecture mode. “Their wings are too small, even if they had lighter bones. They can’t be all the things all the time on their own. Durable and capable of flight? They’re not perfect. So their bodies went with ‘durable’ a while ago, while their magic made them capable and proficient at flying and weather-work.” The disguised ‘lings eyes had lightened a shade during the talk, back to their normal faded silver during the distraction.

“Well now ain’t that something,” Cider nodded. Okay, this distraction thing seemed to work for now. She just hoped it would continue to do so.

“So, this train won’t arrive until tomorrow,” Scope said as she paced up and down the carriage. “Any ideas on what we should do?”

“Well, if Middy were here, she’d say ‘each other’,” Cider giggled.

“I’m going to practice my translation spells,” Ledger said as he pulled his book out and began flipping towards the back. “See if I can’t finally re-” His breath hitched as he hit the section with a black dog-eared page, eyes dancing along the text...in comprehension.

“What’s wrong?” Scope asked, looking over his shoulder. “Looks like gibberish to me.”

“...A week ago, it did to me as well,” Ledger said softly. “But now...I can read it. This...is the copy of the book I read in the Black Hive. Why...has it taken until now for me to be able to read it? What’s different now?”

“Only a Black can read it,” she said, hoping that those words would finally sink in. On what Ledger was becoming…

Ledger looked at the introductory page and started to read aloud, as entranced in the story as he’d ever been when reading a new book.

‘To those that come after me. This book is ensorcelled so that only one who shares my affliction can read these words. None other need know about that which I think I am becoming, for they would fear irrationally.

If you’re reading this, then you’ve felt it, the same as I. The pulse pounding in your head even as your blood runs cold and sure. The thrill of power and the certainty of what must be done with that power. Others might tell you you’re going down a dark path.

This is perfectly true. But it is not to be feared. It is also perfectly natural for some of us.

Magic is a tool. Regular magic can be many things. From the small helping hoof when you need to build a wall with many stones...to the pinpoint accurate propellant of those stones into the weak spots of another changeling’s chitin.

The dark magic we wield, though, is meant to only be used as a weapon. And while it does carry a price, it is not one anybuggy else must need pay. Your darker nature will eventually catch up with you, and when it does…

I pray you can deal with it half as well as I did. Because then you won’t have much to fear about using these powers.

I am Duke Knowledge-Keeper of the Silver Hive. As far as I know, I am the first Black as well.

I have attempted to chronicle my state, my exploration and transformation within this book. May its knowledge serve you as I find out more and more.’

Scope just paused as she looked at the Silver changeling...well, was he still silver? Or was he one of those things now?

Cider was confused as she mulled over the things that Ledger spoke. Then Scope’s alarmed reaction. “Ledger?” she calmly asked him. “Are you going to become one of those monsters?”

“...I hope I won’t be as bad as they were,” Ledger said as he turned the page. “But it seems that Blacks used to be a natural thing. Just another ‘ling in the street that could be called on to defend the Hive. Only when they answered the call, they did so with aplomb. I guess power corrupted them from what they had been to what we know. If it ends up taking dark magic to rescue Middy…”

At this, Ledger’s eyes darkened again as he read the book. “Then so fucking be it. I would rather read up on it and have it ready and not need it, than not read up on it and need it and not have it.”

That was when a cyan hoof collided with his face, with enough force to send him flying from his seat and sprawling onto the carriage floor. Scope just gaped at the Earth pony who had just about broken Ledger’s nose.

Cider glared at him as tears stung her eyes.

"Dang it Ledger!" she shouted at him. "Stop being such a fuckin' idiot!!” Her tears flowed freely now as her rage subsided and she fell back into her seat. "She was taken right out from under mah muzzle. And ah didn't do anything to stop them!"

The pony in question rubbed her (his? Gender-bent disguises were confusing) muzzle as he glared at Cider...before said glare softened and he sighed. “Fine,” he said with a slight nod. “I will at least read this book thoroughly and bring up anything I want to use with you and allow you to have the final say as to what magic I’m allowed to use, since this seems to be so concerning to you. Fair?”

"Fair," Scope nodded. "Now look, our emotions are a little crazy right now, and I'm starting to think that Midnight was the most sane out of all of us. That scares me a little..."

“She used an attack that would have killed her if it connected with Tirek,” Ledger deadpanned as he sat back up. “Let’s figure out a ranking system...later…” His voice trailed off as he read the page he’d turned to. “Oh. Oh well that’s...probably one of the worst things I’ve read.”

"Do ah need to hit you again? " Cider said, flexing a forehoof.

“...Not yet?” Ledger both said and asked at the same time. He didn’t know what was going through her mind most days.

"Well what's so terrible? " Scope clarified. "Is your transformation permanent?"

“...Sorta?” Ledger offered. “Apparently, this is only the first step. And there are three. And they get worse.”

"Well stop it then!!" Cider exclaimed. "Ah jus' got everypony back!"

“This isn’t a problem you can just cast a spell at and have it stop,” Ledger clarified as he poked at one line of text with a hoof. “In fact, casting spells, specifically Dark Magic, is how step two starts. Step one is turning fully black, if even for a moment. Step two is using black magic, constant use of the dark stuff. And step three…” The disguised drone actually gulped as he looked at step three.

"I think I get the idea," Scope muttered. She looked at Cider and nodded. "If he even thinks of using Dark magic. I want you to buck him back to the Pre-Princess age."

“...Is it better if I say that becoming a ravening monster is only one third of what can happen once step three starts?” Ledger offered. “And that being purged is another third?”

"Do we need to get Princess Twilight to Rainbow Magic you?" Cider asked politely. "Look, let's jus' rescue Middy an' go home."

“Fine, but if you think I’m not reading what is now lost lore,” Ledger said as he all but buried his muzzle in his book, eyes dancing as he read the accounts. “Then you clearly don’t know me very well.”

"Yes yes, you're a bookworm," Scope said with an exasperated sigh. Well, she guessed a good book might be nice.

"Ah do believe that Ledger still hasn't commented on our new duds," Cider mentioned, doing a small turn in her armour.

“The armor is quite intriguing, I will admit,” the drone said as he glanced up for a moment. “Both for the implications behind you having it and the questions regarding how long you’ll be having it.” He could think of a certain batpony who would love a set of shiny armor...and there he went making himself mad again as he turned back to his book. Oooh, this balefire spell sounded...fun.

"Did...he jus' avoid the question on whether we look pretty or not?" Cider smirked.

"I believe he did," Scope replied. “By law of the marefriend, we are entitled to some sort of petty revenge." With a fluid motion, the disguised nymph snatched Ledger’s tome from his hooves.

"Hmm, I wonder if there's anything interesting in here~?"

“Hey!” he protested, trying to get it back and failing. “You know how personal that is!”

Scope closed the book and nodded. "I know, but would you rather study this..." She leaned closer, as did Cider. "Or," her voice turned husky. "Would you rather study us~?"

“...You make an interesting argument,” Ledger said as his colors went from grey to only slightly dull silver. “Perhaps we can go over the finer points together?”

"Ah can agree to those terms," Cider giggled and pressed her lips against her newest marefriend's. "Mmmm, now ah have certainly missed this."

“And doing it on a train will be novel,” Ledger commented aloud as he used his magic to pull the door shut and apply a small soundproofing charm.

"As long as you don't go completely off the rails," Scope laughed at her own terrible pun.

A day had passed since Midnight’s capture. At least, since she woke up anyhow. The Duke had paid a few more visits, and Midnight was now poking at one of her teeth that he knocked out.

She had tried picking the locks on her manacles, but despite being old, they were as sturdy as stone.

She looked up at the night sky, the cold wind stinging some marks on her flanks when Shadow grew bored and switched to using a whip.

She’d gotten a small chuckle at the look on his face when she faked a moan and asked him to whip her harder~

But, she was terrified also. Was Ledger okay? Did he even realise she was missing yet? And if he did, would he even know where to start looking?

She sniffed as she curled up into a ball again, her hoarse voice croaking out a quiet song.

"Oh little fairy, please answer my plea...

Send my brave knights...to come rescue me..."

She sniffed, knowing it was useless... but, she hoped that somehow, someway, they’d come for her...

Love Letter stepped off the train as it arrived early the next morning before running a hoof through her hair. “I do hope this doesn’t take long,” she said irritably. “I have other ponies to see as well beyond the parameters of this silly mission.”

"Do try and play the part of a respectful dignitary," Scope said in a hushed tone. "We know what it’s like to be blamed as a whole, because of the actions of one."

“I am playing the part,” Letter hissed back. “Right now I am playing the part of a slightly annoyed dignitary who had to rush out here on her superior’s orders and spend a night on a train getting very little sleep.”

"Well excuse me fer missing you," Cider huffed, but straightened up as a Thestral stallion approached.

"Ah, Dame Letter, we were expecting you!" He greeted with a terse smile. "How was your trip?" This stallions emotions told Ledger that he not care any less if he tried.

“Long and boring,” the mare replied with a polite smile. “And sudden as well. My superiors rushed me over without so much as a by-your-leave once that monster was beaten, wanting to check on our neighbors and allies. They neglected to even give me the name of the stallion I would be meeting on the other end, they were so rushed.”

"Well, I am sure your superiors had good reasons," the stallion replied. "I am Thane Evermore. And I welcome you to Roamania."

“My thanks for such a warm welcome,” the mare said as she bowed her head slightly. Once it was raised, she pursed her lips as she thought about the name. “Thane...correct me if I’m wrong, but is that similar to how the Griffons use the term? Hero by deed, noble by action, bestowed by the local Lord?”

"Indeed," Evermore nodded. "It is surprising to see a foreigner give respect as well. But yes, I saved the town from a particularly nasty plague a few years ago. Lord Shadow-Wing saw fit to bestow upon me this honoured title."

“Well I am certain you more than deserve respect for saving the lives of those that live here,” the mare said, using an illusion to hide the flinch she’d given at the use of the family name of the one he’d come to lay low. “And what can I say? Other cultures interest me a great deal. It was Griffons and Thestrals when I was younger, Zebras only a year ago, but then my attentions changed to a more...southern neighbor after Canterlot. Studying foreign languages is how I earned my mark...but we have more pressing matters to attend to, do we not?”

"Indeed we do," Evermore nodded. "We have quite a few letters for you to take back to Equestria, and I assume you have a few for us?"

"The rear carriage contains all of your mail, as well as care packages and the like." Cider’s accent was completely gone. She now wore the voice of a stoic female guard. Even her normally blue coat was now a bleached white and her mane was a vibrant blue.

Scope looked like an exact copy, save for the fact she was a Unicorn instead of an Earth pony.

“Indeed, however, in light of recent events,” Love Letter said with a raised hoof as a plan she’d recited a few times started to spill from her lips. “A shipping company is trying to ally itself with the crown, and is offering a... special deal, you might say, to Roamania, in efforts to win some goodwill from both you and the Celestial Sisters.”

“Hmm, I will pass this proposal onto my lord for consideration,” Evermore replied. “Now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your lodgings.” The stallion turned and walked towards the town.

“Very well,” Love Letter said as she followed after, looking at the town with a hint of actual curiosity, color sparking in her eyes. “I must say, the few books we have on the subject don’t do your country any justice. Then again, real life does always differ from what others write.” Her tone turned mischievous as she continued to trail after Evermore. “Would you perhaps like a clue as to the nature of the deal the company is offering both yours and the Equestrian crown?”

“Such a thing is above my station,” Evermore replied stoically. “And should the deal even be considered, it will have to wait until after the Lord’s upcoming wedding.”

The town itself was actually quite nice. The buildings were made of a heavy stone brick and iron, with either thatched roofs or tiled shingles. A lot of the larger buildings were adorned with intricately carved gargoyles and every Thestral they passed stared at them, wearing expressions of either curiosity or distrust.

“I didn’t ask if it was above your station, I asked if you wanted to know,” Love Letter said, all too aware of the prying ears and deciding on some form of light revenge against the Duke. Just light. Such as upsetting the social order. “After all, what pony would not be curious as to how much they could send back, for free?”

“As I said, regardless of my curiosity, it is not my place to know such things,” Evermore replied again, not meeting her gaze. “And I would advise against forming your words like that. It could be implicated that you are trying to cause some unrest...that would be, most unwise of you.” He stopped in front of a large two-story building with a wooden sign that indicated that it was an inn.

“Now the Lord is currently getting ready for his wedding tomorrow. I cannot arrange an appointment for you today, so you may stay here until after the festivities.” He gave the mares a nod and then trotted off.

“You might want to hurry,” Love Letter called after him. “That was just a teaser, and is also going into effect whether I meet with him or not! The rest is for his ears only!”

Evermore paused long enough to hear her out, before resuming his departure. Once he’d left, Cider turned to him and frowned. “Just what are you trying to do? We’ll get kicked out of the city before we can even find out where Midnight is.”

“Not here,” Letter said shortly. “They have very good hearing.” The mare turned and walked inside to get their room. The scene she was greeted with was unique.

The main foyer had a high ceiling supported by large wooden beams. A large stone fireplace against the left wall filled the room with a gentle warmth and a wooden desk lay against the right. In all honesty, it looked like the foyer of Ledger’s old apartment building, only a hundred years or so older.

Love Letter walked up to the desk and looked around for the pony that was supposed to be there. “Hmm…” she said, tapping a hoof on the wood. “...This is actually a very nice desk,” she eventually said.

“I seriously wonder about your thought processes,” Scope muttered under her breath as a Thestral mare trotted down from upstairs.

“Guests?” she inquired. “Or something else perhaps?”

“Ah, yes, if only for a short time,” the pegasus mare said with a smile. “While we’re currently on a mission from Equestria, we do still need our lodgings until all the townsfolk have heard of the...revised deal being offered regarding sending things back with us and have had time to adjust accordingly.”

“Well, I have no family, so Equestria means very little to somepony such as myself,” she replied. “Well, I’ll prepare the usual room for you. Does your escort require a room of their own?”

“I’m actually not to leave their side under any circumstances...besides which, we all became friendly enough that sharing a room on the ride up wasn’t too awkward, so sharing one now won’t be any worse.” Letter reached into her saddlebags with one wing and pulled out a small bag with a few more bits for the mare. “I don’t suppose a hot dinner and local news come included with the room, so I’ll give you this for the service.”

The mare looked at the bag and snorted. “Equestria currency has no value here, but my services are second to none. Your baths and meals are included. And while news is sparse around here, you seem new, so I’ll offer advice instead.”

“I suppose the first bit would be to ask if the town has a moneychanger and visit it if it does,” the mare wryly observed as she put her bit-bag back. “I do like paying those I lodge under a little more for agreeing to put up with myself.”

“Hmm, seems you really are in the dark so to speak,” the mare replied as she led them to their room. “For starters, we run on a bartering system here. If you require goods or services, then you must have goods or services in return. For example, perhaps I want the local stonemason to repair my fireplace. He would do so, and in return, perhaps I offer my house cleaning skills in exchange.”

“I see,” the mare observed. “I had read about something like this, but the book was so faded I thought that such a system would not be practiced anymore. I suppose the weight of tradition holds fast. Perhaps I will offer my skills at preparing food to help you with your dinner, along with a few recipes you can make use of...in exchange for a few more bits of ‘advice’ down the line?”

“That sounds acceptable,” the mare nodded. “My name is Hearth Heart by the way. Known for my warm fires and warmer hospitality.”

“And I am Love Letter, known for my love of studying languages and cultures not of Equestria,” the pegasus returned the nod. “Perhaps I shall offer you stories of the land of ponies and their planned moves, in return for local news? I imagine an innkeeper knows much about who we should talk with and who we should avoid, along with what has been happening lately.”

“Bah, Equestria and it’s ‘plans’ are none of my concern,” Hearth replied as she unlocked the door and opened it. “If it weren’t for Lady Noctis being an Equestrian, I doubt we’d have anything to even do with you lot. But, a good story can be good, regardless of it’s origin.” She tapped her chin and hummed, “By chance, are you any good at writing?”

Cider and Scope poorly contained their snickers.

“Perhaps I am, depending on what I would be writing, and for who, along with what I might pick up in exchange for such a service.” The mare’s eyes danced with mirth as she barely restrained her laughter.

“For me mostly, I’d like to make some notes on things that need repairing...but they’re too numerous to remember, and...I can’t read or write you see.”

“Fair enough,” Letter said. “Though I question the effectiveness of such a list when you cannot read it. Maybe you can think that one over while we get acquainted with our room.”

“I guess, I was just planning on trusting you...and now I’m second guessing that,” she replied as she allowed them in. “Dinner will be an hour after moonrise. And afterwards, I will prepare hot baths for all of you.”

“I will be down shortly to help in whatever manner you might need regarding dinner, or merely to swap recipes if you don’t need my help.” Letter made to close the door, but left it open a crack to call to the mare. “And for the record, I don’t mind others testing me. It’s others not thinking through their tests and making them far too easy to prove that they are tests that I dislike.”

“You give me far too much credit Miss,” Hearth replied. “But, I will offer one last piece of advice, an answer to your earlier question. As for who you should talk to? Nopony. And who to avoid? Everypony. Outsiders...they aren’t too welcome around here...” And with that statement, she left before Letter could respond.

Author's Note:

Well, phase one of the glorious plan has been set into motion.

Like the story? Consider kicking Aus and I a dollar on my Patreon over here.

I promise I will not use the money to take over the world.

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