• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 92 - Love comes in all flavors

It was early the next morning, the day before the wedding, the event that would change all their lives.

When Level Ledger awoke, Celestia’s sun peeked through the curtains. Just enough to get him, and just him, right in the eyes.

“Darnit Celestia,” Ledger grumbled. Still, since he was up, he figured it was time to make some coffee for the others. He noticed that Midnight was missing, as was Cider. The latter already in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

The former? With a stretch of his changeling senses, he could feel her a bit deeper in the castle. And he recognised her in combat situation.

“Well, let’s leave her to it,” he muttered to nopony in particular. He ambled over to the kitchen, in search of that glorious nectar of life.

It was a gathering of Changelings. Ledger’s parents, Amy and Chrysalis. Along with Critical and the two drones that accompanied Yearling. Only Scope was missing.

And Cider, who currently had a half dozen pots of coffee brewing. He offered the apple mare a kiss as he waited for the pots to finish.

“Heaven help if a friend of mine ever went to the Hives,” Apple Cider replied after returning the kiss. “She runs a little coffee place in Canterlot. Ah reckon ya’ll would never let ‘er leave.”

“Probably not, no,” Ledger said. “We love the stuff.”

Cider looked at Amy and giggled. “Should you really be having coffee? Yer hyper enough as is.” She took the first pot off and started pouring it into mugs. “Like that time Middy gave some to lil’ Joyful.”

“I only drink decaf anyways,” Amy said with a smile. “The others don’t let me at the stuff anymore.”

“Amy dear,” Chrysalis yawned. “I love you, but the thought of you with caffeine in your system terrifies me.” She gave another loud yawn and looked at Lucky and Devoted. “So who’s the fresh meat?”

“We’re Yearling’s,” Lucky said. “She laid claim to us just yesterday.” Devoted opted to nod at that statement.

Everyling paused, aside from the Madame, and stared at the two.

“Come again?” Chrysalis blinked.

“Yearling,” Lucky said slowly. “Laid claim. To us.”

“...A pony can do that?” the noble Green asked. “Huh, better not tell Ace that…” She paused and looked at Amy. “No.”

“Whaaaaat?” Amy asked, with her usual wide smile.

“I know what goes on in that little pink head of yours,” Chrysalis said. “You are not getting Ace to claim us. Which, might I remind you, is a thing in the Lands. Not something that concerns some Hiveless like us.”

“You’re silly, Chryssy,” Amy said before booping her nose. “He doesn’t have to worry about you.”

“...Wat?” for the second time in as many minutes, Chrysalis was confused. The Madame took the chance to reveal some key information to the other ‘lings present.

“It was revealed at the latest diplomatic meeting, thanks to the Pink Noble attending, that the Pinks aren’t exactly Hiveless. They just….consider all of Equestria their home.”

“Yeah-huh!” Amy said with a nod. “I’m surprised Acey hasn’t had to talk to the noble of Pinks regarding me yet.”

“Because he probably doesn't know,” Chrysalis said. “You can go tell him if you want, if you feel like getting between those two going at it.”

“Nah, I’ll wait for him to show up and tell him when he does,” Amy said. “So what’re we doin’ today, Chryssy?”

Chrysalis had reached the limit of how much she could function without coffee. She just thunked her head on the table and made a small gurgling noise.

“She’s silly sometimes,” Amy giggled.

The next pony to walk in was Scope, but she was currently in the snuggled grasp of Sugar Darling.

“I swear if you don’t let me go,” Scope growled. “I will bite something off!”

“With your cute little fangs?” the mare cooed before nuzzling her a little more.

“I will murder you all!” she threatened.

“You’re so adorable when you’re screaming bloody murder,” the Violet noble said.

“Hives fucking dammit,” she now yelled in changeish. She continued to spout threats before Cider waved a coffee cup under her nose. She took it and took a generous sip. After a moment, she sighed and looked up.

“Good morning~” She chirped happily.

“Amazing how much a difference the right amount of caffeine can make,” Ledger said as he stirred his own cup.

“Insert my cactus threat here,” Scope said and nuzzled Cider. Then she smirked and hugged Chrysalis.

“Gah! The hell!?” the older nymph yelled.

“Now I'm not alone in being uncomfortable,” Scope smiled.

“Yup, I can foresee the first great trade agreement now,” Ledger said dramatically. “Equestria will trade sugar and coffee to the lands, in exchange for...eh, I dunno. Maybe our mineral deposits.”

“Ohh, shiny things!” Sugar, Chrysalis and Scope echoed. “Coffee and shiny!”

“And thus, was Equestria doomed,” Ledger intoned. “For by giving the Changelings more coffee, they all became capable of feats only the Pinks were previously.”

“I should have hopped my army up on sugar and coffee,” Chrysalis said as she sipped the life giving elixir.

“It would have been more effective that whatever you were using,” the drone agreed. “The downside would have been once they found out how easy those things are to obtain in Equestria, your army might have disbanded instantly.”

“Maybe that's why the Pinks moved to Equestria,” Wishful mused. “Sex and coffee~”

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Amy chirped.

“So, uh,” Lucky began to ask.

“Any idea when Yearling will be up?” Devoted finished.

“Okay, one,” Chrysalis said. “Don’t finish each other's sentences like that. It's creepy. And two, how the hell would we know? You sleep with her right?”

“She usually doesn’t wake up for anything less than ‘the next page in her book,’” Lucky started, now doing it on purpose to creep out Chrysalis.

“Or a good breakfast,” Devoted finished. “And we can’t cook.”

“Proof that a drone is useless without a good nymph around,” Chrysalis smirked. “I don’t know, go wave a hash brown under her nose or something.”

“That would require that we have more than coffee,” Ledger pointed out.

“Ah’m workin’ on it,” Cider replied with just a little bite. “So don't go gettin’ yer tails in a twist.”

“I know you are,” Ledger said. That was when Lucky and Devoted took a mug of coffee out of the room. They were apparently going to go try and wave a mug of coffee under Yearling’s nose.

Yearling was enjoying a nice dream…

Okay, a really nice dream if the Lust she was giving off was any indication. As the drones walked in, she gave a happy little murr in her sleep, licking her lips.

“I almost don’t want to wake her,” Lucky said.

“Especially not after last night,” Devoted agreed, before snagging the mug. “Still, she should wake up for breakfast.” It was then passed under her nose.

Said nose twitched and her eyes slowly flickered open, ash-coloured irises staring sleepily at the cup before she groaned and sat up.

“Nrgh, such a nice dream too,” she sighed. She looked at her drones and hummed. “You were in it… and you were too~”

“We could tell,” Devoted said with a smile before passing over the mug. “Still, breakfast is being made. Thought you could use a pick-me-up beforehoof.”

“Thanks,” she said as she rubbed her stiff wings before taking the mug. She moaned at the strong drink as her ears flicked once.

“Such a virile drone, dream or no dream” she giggled as she looked at Devoted, then her gaze changed to Lucky. “And you… you took it like a champ~”

“I’m beginning to think we were the only beings in her dream,” the yellow pegasus dryly said.

“Same here,” Devoted agreed with a nod. “I wonder if we should just go before she says anything else lewd…”

“Aww, and I thought we were in this together?” Yearling pouted. “You two are no fun at all.”

“We are in this together,” Lucky pointed out. “But I rather think Devoted and myself would like it if your dreams revolved more around threesomes.”

“Amen,” Devoted said. “You’d have your work cut out for you if you were after anything like that.”

“Hmm, we are in this together,” Yearling nodded. “You two don't like each other?”

The two looked at each other before shrugging and looking back at Yearling. “I don’t mind him,” Lucky said.

“And he doesn’t annoy me too badly, unlike several Yellows I’ve worked with in the past,” Devoted admitted. “But I don’t think we like each other like that.”

“Yet…” Yearling smirked. She had a goal now. “Alright, let's go get breakfast.”

The two drones hummed happily at the thought. Lucky offered the mare a helping hoof up if she needed it, while Devoted went to get the door.

“Such lovely gentlestallions,” she said with a flawless Trottingham accent. She gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and trotted from the room, giving her flanks a nice sway as she did. Something both of her drones appreciated as they followed after her.

Midnight Song and Aerial Ace circled around one another, a dozen or so feet between them. Neither blinked, their breathing matched and they barely moved, save for the hooves/talons that carried them.

“It’s annoying that I have to take it easy on you,” Ace said, his beak clicking. “But you just had to forget your potions hmm?”

“Well, I’m sorry that a kidnapping and subsequent brainwashing made me forget a few priorities,” Midnight replied back. “I’ll be sure to remember next time.”

Ace shot forward first, before his left wing swept out, trying to trip the mare. She extended her right hoof to meet it, before letting the momentum flip her up and over him. WHile above him, she lashed out with her wingblades, the tips just grazing his back before he crouched, avoiding the blow directly and rolling away.

“Your reflexes have improved quite a bit,” he commented. “I’d love to see how much you’ve improved once you stop holding back.”

Midnight’s eye twitched slightly. It was annoying that she was subconsciously doing that. But then she didn't want to hurt the life growing inside of her.

“Yeah, well maybe you’ve just gotten soft from being a housebird?” she taunted.

“Perhaps a little,” he chuckled. “I really have let myself go a bit. But my training partner isn’t up to snuff either.”

“Maybe you should train Chrysalis?” Midnight said. “Actually, scrap that. She’s way too delicate. Such a little flower.”

“Magic is her forte, which isn’t one of mine,” Ace nodded as Midnight rushed him this time. He stared her hoof with a claw and lifted her, pirouetting on his hind leg, he continued the momentum downwards now, intent on slamming her into the floor. She struck the ground with her front hooves and flared her wings to act as air brakes to slow her descent. As she hit the ground, she immediately sprung upwards and flipped away from him again.

“I’d say to ask Moonie or maybe Ledger, but I doubt either of them would teach her,” Midnight replied, the sparring not interrupting their conversation in the slightest. This was because they weren’t taking the match all too seriously.

“We could ask,” Ace said as he flexed his wings. “Probably woudn’t hurt.”

“Twilight might do it,” Midnight pointed out. “Maybe the student could become the teacher?”

“Like you with those little brothers to Ledger?” Ace asked.

“Eh, all I did was run them through an impossible obstacle course,” Midnight brushed it and as she stretched her wings as well. “They figured out a lot on their own.”

Ace stopped and sat down, signalling to take a breather. “So… what will you do?” he asked. “After the wedding that is?”

“Well, I have a gig in singing at Sugar’s club,” Midnight said as she sat and took a zen posture. “I can do that almost up until I deliver.” She sighed as she switched positions, balancing on a single forehoof, her wings at her side to prevent cheating. “Not looking forward to getting fat though…”

“It will certainly be a new look for you,” Ace laughed, earning a glare from Midnight. He raised his talons in a surrender pose and the bat huffed and lay on her side.

“...Aerial?” she said softly, garnering the griffon’s attention. She almost never called him by his first name.

“What is it Little Bat?” he replied.

“I’m scared,” she said, hugging her body. “This whole wedding thing. I know… I know it was my idea and all but…”

“The past is a hard thing to leave behind,” he finished.

“Yeah…” Every time she thought walking down that aisle, it was accompanied by memories of him. She hugged herself tighter and shook. “It’s not fair… why do I have to be so-so broken?”

“You’re not broken,” Ace said as he moved over to her, placing a wing over her. “Fear is something we all face. And, to be perfectly honest, I’m a little scared of tomorrow as well.”

“It sucks,” Midnight muttered, leaning into his warm hug. “I hate being responsible.”

“Aye,” Ace nodded. “But look on the bright side.”

“Bright side?”

“Mhmm,” Ace’s eyes twinkled and he smirked. “Soon we’ll have our own little hatchlings to teach all our bad habits to.”

“Ah,” Midnight thought about that and giggled. “That too.”

For a while longer, teacher and student, two best friends, just stayed there enjoying eachother’s company and working up the courage to face the coming days.

Once breakfast had been summarily devoured by everypony present, Ledger kissed his mares before heading to the train station. He had a very important delivery to pick up, and hopefully, if it needed any adjustments, there would be time to make them.

He made it just in time, the shrill whistle of the Canterlot train was pulling in just as he trotted up to the platform. Coco and Sassy were amongst the first to emerge from the train, along with an older, yellow-coated stallion that… well something about him seemed off to the drone.

“Ah, our friend even meets up at the station!” Sassy said as they trotted over to him. “We managed to finish your order Mr. Ledger. You may now proceed to worship our greatness.”

“I most certainly will, especially when I take a look at it myself,” the brown unicorn replied. “I’d offer you some breakfast, but the crowd of ponies where I’m staying for the duration sort of...left nothing behind.”

“It’s alright, we ate before leaving,” Coco smiled. “Should we get to Miss Rarity’s? We can try the suit on there.”

“My sentiments exactly,” Ledger said. “Assuming she’s open anyways.”

“This early? Perhaps,” Sassy pondered. “Still, she should open for us regardless.”

The yellow coated stallion marched right up to Ledger and looked him over.

“So, you’re Gossip’s grub huh?”

“Ah...yes?” Ledger said, giving the stallion his own attention. “Mares, who is your most intriguing friend here?”

“Well, we’re not entirely sure really,” Coco said softly. “We were talking about the wedding here tomorrow, and he said he was going…”

“Gotta make sure that whelp doesn’t pull anything stupid,” he muttered. “So, do you know where that little princess might be?”

“Gonna need a bit more information than that,” the disguised silver drone said. “You could be talking about quite a few ponies.”

“The little purple one, can’t remember her name,” he said. “Princess Twinkle or something.”

“Twilight,” Ledger automatically corrected him. “Huge crystal tree-castle. Can’t miss it for love nor money.”

“Ah, thanks kid,” he nodded his head. “Hopefully my ungrateful granddaughter is there. Little brat hasn’t sent me a single letter since moving here, you know that?”

“I at least send letters home, so that my mother and father know what I get up to,” Ledger said. “Well, I hope your little family reunion works out for you then.”

“Yeah, you’re a good kid,” he smiled and thumped Ledger on the back. “Good to see Chryssie hasn’t burned the town down yet.” He hefted his bag and cleared his throat. “Well, I’m off.” he gave a nod to the two mares and gave their hooves a kiss before walking off.

“Charming fellow, terribly odd name though,” Sassy said as they started to walk towards Rarity’s.

“Yeah, well, most ‘ling names are,” Ledger said. “Considering we earn them and all.”

Sassy blinked and looked at him. “Earn? Okay, I must know. How does one earn the name ‘Brass Balls’?”

It was Ledger’s turn to blink before looking back at where the older stallion disappeared. “That...could not have been the Brass Balls,” he said. “He’s...practically a legend back in the Lands. The oldest Yellow general.”

“He’s famous?” Coco asked. “He was pretty funny. And he told some really good stories.”

“His career is well-documented,” the Silver ‘ling said. “He earned the Balls part of his name for being the first to charge into his first battle, and come back alive. Not just alive, but with the largest count. Brass was for heading up a expedition to deal with a dragon that was threatening the Yellow Hive...and once again, coming back victorious.”

“Way he told it, it was an entire nest of dragons,” Sassy giggled as they neared the over-decorated building. “And a horde of chimera’s.”

“I’ve no doubt the story gains more fiction every time it’s told. But the scary part is, the way he earned ‘Enormous’ is because...when the equality movement started, and he voiced his support of it, not everybuggy liked the idea, and wanted to shut him up, because his voice carries a lot of weight. The ones against the movement sent a team of assassins to silence him. He beat the team to death with one of their own.”

“Oh my,” Coco said as Sassy knocked on the door. They heard Rarity’s voice call out from beyond the threshold and the tall unicorn mare opened the door as the dressmaker floated a ponequinn into her fabric room.

“Sassy? And Coco?” Rarity smiled as she trotted over and hugged her two friends. “What a delightful surprise. I wasn’t expecting you until this evening.”

“We would have been here later, but this customer is quite impatient,” Sassy said and poked her tongue out cheekily.

Rarity turned and saw Ledger. “Oh? And whatever brings you here darling?”

“Just making sure a purchase of mine fits properly when I wear it,” the disguised drone said. “And you are the best seamstress in Ponyville.”

“Naturally,” Rarity bowed. “And flattery will get you everywhere.”

Sassy pulled a trunk over with her magic and opened it, and Ledger got to see the suit they made for him. A fine silvery velvet with black highlights, it also had a deep, dark green cloak over the back that hung to one side. The velvet itself had some intricate pattern-work on it. And then he noticed something interesting.

Each of the four cuffs had a different pin. And a closer look showed why.

A purple star.

A red apple.

A gold song note.

An onyx heart.

A small tear of joy gathered in one eye once he realized what they all symbolized. “This suit...I’m not even wearing it yet, and I can tell it’s perfect,” he said softly.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Sassy nodded. “Still, that order last night that came through with the four buttons was interesting. Why did you choose four different ones?”

“...I didn’t do that,” Ledger said. “I mean, I can tell what they symbolize. But I didn’t order it like that…”

“But, we got the package last night,” Coco said as she pulled out a letter. “You even wrote this letter…”

As she handed it to Ledger. He stared at it with a small frown.

‘These are for the suit I ordered. And they are ‘very’ important. Please add them.’

‘Level Ledger’

“That was not me,” the drone said. “There are very few ponies with the resources to send you these buttons and knew that I was getting a suit...made…”

His gaze fell on Rarity then, as she had been the one to suggest getting a suit made there to begin with.

“Don’t look at me darling,” Rarity said.

Then as Ledger’s magic touched the letter, a small footnote appeared at the bottom.

‘You’re welcome.’


“Let’s...let’s just see how the suit fits, before my mind breaks even more,” the drone sighed.

The three mares nodded, deciding that was for the best. Rarity ushered him into a dressing room, as Sassy Saddles assisted him in dressing.

The result was…

“My word,” Rarity said in a hushed tone as he re-emerged. “Sassy? Coco? I do believe you dears have outdone yourselves this time.”

“Oh we are good,” Sassy smirked and Coco just blushed and nodded.

The suit fit to a tee, and not only that, Ledger noticed another feature. Underneath the cloak, a portion of the back was removable, held in place by four silver buttons. If the panel was removed, it would allow his shell to open unrestricted. The fabric itself had a little elasticity to it, it allowed quite a range of movement.

“The suit also has a flame retardant charm,” Coco pointed out. “In case you need to transform… um, I wasn’t sure of those flames were hot or not, so I took the precaution just in case.”

“Quite reasonable, and the magic can affect things, depending on how much we put into changing,” Ledger said as he looked himself over. “I dare say this suit will be worth every bit. I might actually wear it again after the wedding, it looks so nice.”

“Is it comfortable?” Coco asked, checking over it, making sure there was strain on the seams. Ledger did a quick turn and inspection himself as he thought about the question.

“It seems comfy to me,” he mused. “Maybe I should walk around in it a little, get a feel for it?”

“Please do,” Sassy nodded as Rarity cleared a space in the showroom of her boutique.

“There we are darling, and perhaps try some flight if you want?”

“I think I will,” Ledger said as he walked around the showroom a little. Hmm, it wasn’t too tight anywhere, and the suit just seemed to flow over his chitin. With a soft glow of his horn, he undid the buttons holding the back in place before flicking his shell open and starting to buzz into the air.

“Felts and Fabrics! He looks divine!” Sassy purred and smiled. “How does it feel Ledger?”

“Very comfortable,” Ledger replied. “It’s not pinching anywhere, and it looks amazing to boot,” he said before landing and looking at the back portion, so that he could easily button it back up with his magic. “I must say, I doubt I’ll ever own a suit this fine again.”

“Rarity!” Sassy suddenly said a little loudly. “Do you know what this means? With the Changelings as our friends, we have a whole new client base that is completely untapped right now!”

Rarity’s eyes went as wide as saucers as a small squee escaped from her lips.

“And now we have a mountain of work ahead of us,” Coco chuckled.

“And I have something to pay you,” Ledger replied as he pulled his saddlebags closer to himself. “How much do I owe you for this wonderful garment, ladies?”

Sassy rattled off a number, it was expensive, but nowhere near as much as he’d assumed.

“As small discount, as thanks for opening up a new business prospect,” she hummed.

“And naturally, we’ll need a fine shipping service should this enterprise go Equestria-wide,” Rarity mused.

“Something I will be all too happy to help you ladies with,” Ledger said as he pulled out his checkbook and wrote off hopefully the final check he’d need to for this event. He wasn’t sure his bank account could take too much more.

“So, have you everything else in order?” Rarity asked. “The caterers? Making sure the decorations are done and the like?”

“I have your other friends to thank for that,” Ledger said. “Plus I don’t think Twilight will let this event be unorganized.”

“True enough,” Rarity giggled as she helped Ledger out of the suit. “Still, I do hope it all goes well for you darling.” She paused and wiped a tear from her eye. “Our little Twilight, all grown up now.”

“I promise to take good care of her,” Ledger said with a nod. “If she’ll let me.”

“I can imagine she’ll cause you no end of troubles,” Rarity smiled as she placed the suit into a protective bag. “And if you’ll be frequenting Ponyville, then you’ll no doubt get caught up in our adventures from time to time.”

“Hopefully not,” Ledger said with a shudder. “I have enough of my own, thank you.”

“He thinks he has a choice,” Sassy giggled, causing the other mares to chuckle.

Level Ledger’s future did not bode well.

“Am I the fucking door greeter now?” Chrysalis grumbled as she put on a pony disguise, just in case. “Seriously Sparkle. Hire a servant or three.” She continued her muttering as she opened the door to the Yellow stallion on the other side.

“What the hell you you…” Her eyes widened and she slammed the door shut before cantering down the hall yelling ‘nope’ repeatedly.

“That’s about as rude as I expected her to be,” Brass said before knocking again, louder this time.

The door soon opened again, a cream-coated unicorn with a red and purple mane stared at him from behind her glasses.

“Sorry about that one, she has no manners,” Moondancer sighed. “How may we help you today?”

“I’m here to see my granddaughter,” the disguised drone said. “I heard she was staying here?”

“Granddaughter?” Moondancer blinked. Was he lost or something? “What’s her name?”

“You might know her as Chrysalis,” he said.

“...Ah.” Moondancer turned and pointed down the hall. She was the idiot that was running that way. “Though, a word of advice. Do avoid upsetting her… you won’t survive the ordeal.”

“Please,” the old drone said with a roll of his eyes. “I’ve been through worse.” With that, he was after the nymph.

“You’ve never dealt with Amethyst Cream,” Moondancer said as he walked off. “Oh well…”

Chrysalis burst into the living room, causing Twilight and Sugar to jump as she ran over and grabbed Amy, clutching her to her chest.

“Amethyst! You have to save me!” she cried. The pink nymph’s eyes went wide.

“What is it? Random monster attack?”

“That’s… a surprisingly apt description,” Chrysalis nodded. “He wants to hurt me, you’ll protect me right!?”

“Of course!” Amy said with a nod. “Nothing’s hurting my huggle-bug!”

Another knock at the door and Chrysalis flinched. Twilight rolled her eyes and answered the stallion on the other side.

“Ah, hello sir,” she smiled. “We meet again it seems.”

“Have we met before?” he asked, tilting his head. “Can’t remember.”

“When your granddaughter was first dropped of here,” Twilight said and glanced at Chrysalis, who was using Amy as a shield. “She’s over there.”

“Back!” Chrysalis said. “The power of Pink compels you!”

“Ah, hello there little one,” the stallion said as he looked at Amy. “Don’t suppose I could talk to my granddaughter, could I?”

“You’re Chryssy’s granddad?” she asked.

“I am indeed, and I just need to have a quick word with her,” the stallion replied, looking at the nymph behind her.

“Nope,” Chrysalis said. “You brought that bloody paper didn’t you?”

“Just picked one up this morning!” the stallion said with a smile.

“Aaaaammmyyyy~ Don’t let him get meeee~” Chrysalis whined and hugged her closer.

“Sir, I’m going to need a promise that you won’t hurt my cuddlebug before I’ll allow you any closer,” Amy said, folding her forelegs. The stallion sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Fine, I promise I will not hurt my granddaughter if you allow me at her. I only want to talk at her.”

“Works for me,” the pink nymph said before squirming free and walking off. “She’s all yours~”

“TRAITOR!” Chrysalis yelled, before sighing and looking at the drone. “Well, fine. Let’s hear it then. Let’s hear how massively disappointed in me you are… as usual.”

“The only thing I’m disappointed in is that it took Celestia to tell me you were planning on attending another wedding,” the drone said. “What, too embarrassed to write a letter to your old man every now and then?”

“Considering how you just pawned me off to the ponies, it was pretty clear you were done dealing with me,” Chrysalis muttered.

“I pawned you off so you could learn a few things while you were here, not so you could fall off the face of the earth!” the stallion sighed after expressing his disappointment. “You do know your little exile is temporary, right?”

“Why would I even go back to the Lands?” Chrysalis retorted. “Most of the Changelings there want me dead. Hell, half the changelings in Equestria want me dead too.” She sighed and looked at Amy. “So I’m done. I’m done with the Lands. I’m done with all the idiotic politics. I’ve already renounced my title, not that it meant much anyway.”

The stallion actually sniffed and smiled at that. “So you have learned a little something while you were here. I can’t imagine the old you saying something like that.”

“The ‘old’ me died when she was blasted away from Canterlot,” Chrysalis said, her tone lacking the bite it once had. “I have Amethyst and Aerial. That’s all that matters now.”

“I’m so proud of you,” the stallion said, before unexpectedly wrapping her up in a hug. “You’ve learned what really matters.”

“...You’re kind of creeping me out here,” Chrysalis said, awkwardly hugging him back.

The door to the room opened as a griffon walked in with a pink nymph on his back.

“Hmm, and what’s this?” Ace said aloud. The stallion hugging Chrysalis slowly broke it before looking at the two arrivals.

“Okay, guessing that she’s Amy,” he said, jerking his head at the nymph on Ace’s back. “Would that make you Ace then?”

“Aerial Ace, chief close-quarters combat instructor of the West Hoof Guard Academy,” he nodded and adjusted his scarf. “And you are?”

The stallion burst into flames before resolving into an old, Noble Yellow ‘ling. “My name would, loosely, translate to ‘Enormous Brass Balls,’” he informed the room. “I’m Chrysalis’ grandfather. I take it you’re the reason she’s become something to be proud of once again.”

“She was doing fine before I met her,” Ace nodded and smiled at his other nymph, who just blushed and looked away. “She simply made a mistake is all. Deep down, she’s always been a mare you should have been proud of.”

“S-Shut up… idiot,” Chrysalis muttered and turned even redder.

“She just needed some cheering up,” Amy chirped. “And Acey here is great at that.”

At this point, Chrysalis would be mistaken for a Red Changeling now. Ace just wiggled his eyebrows as steam came out of her ears.

“I’ll take your word for it,” the old general said with a laugh. “Ah. So I was just telling Chryssy here how proud I am of her. I might not even break out the newspaper or photo album this time, if she promises to write more.”

“Go fuck a cactus,” she muttered as Twilight tilted her head.

“Um… about your name…”

“And of course the perverted Bookworm brings it up,” Chrysalis sighed.

“Ah, my actual name is a little longer,” the stallion said. “Earned a new bit of it for every great thing I did, but those three parts of it I’m most proud of. Charged into a skirmish, brought my whole troop back after having dealt with more than our fair share of foes. Cleared out a dragon’s den and the beasts that took up residence with them before they could threaten the Yellow Hive any more. And of course we can’t forget about the assassins I beat to death with each other.”

Ace was practically vibrating as he cracked his knuckles. “Ohh, ohohohoho! You, you and me! Let’s fight!!!”

“I came to relax, hatchling,” the old general chuckled. “But if I have time before I catch my ride home, I’ll give you that fight you’re itching for.”

“Outstanding!” Ace roared as Midnight walked in and rubbed her ear.

“Okay, who challenged the birdbrain?” she asked.

“He seems to think that picking a fight with the oldest Yellow General alive, who is a master of various fighting styles, especially in using everything as a weapon, is a good idea,” Brass informed her.

“Oohhh, can I have a turn?” she purred, walking closer as she gave him a half-lidded gaze. But to every changeling in the room, the aura of death she was emanating was almost overpowering. “I promise I’ll be gentle~”

“Only if I’ve got time between now and when I leave,” the drone said. “You two can fight over who’ll get a turn with me first.”

“Age before beauty,” Midnight chuckled to her partner.

“Should you really be fighting properly in your condition?” Ace countered as Midnight frowned and stomped her hoof.

“Stars dammit!”

“So, with that settled,” Brass said before looking at Ace and Amy. “I’m trusting you two to look after my granddaughter and make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid while I go check the train listings.”

“Go throw yourself in front of it!” Chrysalis retorted.

“On it, sir!” Amy said with a salute, before bouncing off of Ace and giving the other nymph a hug.

Chrysalis just pouted as Ace chuckled and ruffled her mane.

“Just for that, no kisses for either of you,” the nymph said and folded her forelegs.

“If you’re gonna be like that,” Amy countered. “Then no ice-cream for you.”

“…” Chrysalis frowned and sighed, kissing Amy’s cheek. “Cheater.”

“I’ll be right back,” the old drone said before donning his disguise and leaving the room.

“Well,” Sugar said. “He was certainly an interesting fellow.”

“Yeah… ‘interesting’,” Chrysalis said. Still, it wasn’t a bad visit anyway. At least he didn’t bring out that damned newspaper this time. She stared the Violet Noble down and sighed. “And what are you smirking at?”

“She’s probably going to say something lewd,” Moondancer said, not looking up from her book.

“So, does Amy rule the bedroom then?” the Violet asked. “She certainly seems to be in charge out here~”

“Huh? And here I thought it’d be about that stallion’s name,” Moonie said, genuinely surprised.

“Actually,” Chrysalis smirked and saw her chance to embarrass Amy for once. “This little one just loves being dominated by a big male~”

“And I have all the males I could want right here,” Amy said, not even turning red before nuzzling first Chrysalis, then Ace.

Chrysalis frowned at her failed attempt. Ace laughed and picked the pink nymph up to nuzzle her. “This one loves my talons,” he mused. “She doesn’t want you Violets finding out just how good I am~”

“Oh really?” Sugar said, now paying more attention to the griffon. “Do tell~

Ace shrugged and deposited Amy in her lap before moving to hug Chrysalis, one of his claws trailing down her neck as she shivered and let out a small moan at his touch.

“How very...interesting,” the Violet nymph said as she started making mental notes.

“And yet the pink in her lap gets ignored,” Moondancer giggled. Clearly this mare had not interacted with Pink changelings enough.

“Speaking of…” Midnight mused and looked at the Madame, who was just walking in. “Maybe I should summon little Joyful~”

“Please don’t,” the Madame said. “I like this palace. I’d prefer if it didn’t end up suffering under her.”

“Aw, Joy’s not that bad,” Midnight said. “She’s so sweet and cute. And besides…” She decided to play her trump card. “I can’t imagine Miss Amy not having such a foal at her wedding…”

“It’s okay,” Amy said with a wave of her hoof. “I asked the foals to attend not too long ago. In fact, I should probably apply an illusion and go out and ask them again. I’d love it if they could come to my wedding, seeing as how I can’t get the foals of Las Pegasus to all come out here.”

“Foals… joy,” Chrysalis said. “Little balls of tears and snot. I still can’t fathom why you like the squealing little meatsacks so much.”

“Because it’s so easy to make them happy~” Amy cooed.

“Bleh,” Chrysalis poked the nymph belly. “And this one… Your Pinkness and Ace’s… exuberance. Gods, this one will destroy the world.”

“Nah,” the pink ‘ling said with a wave of her hoof. “Wound it, maybe. Though, maybe if our foal and Middy’s foal get together, you should worry about the world.”

“Hmm, maybe?” Midnight looked at the Madame. “We’re breeding your rivals~”

“I look forward to the day when one can oust me from my position,” the Madame said honestly. “It’ll mean I can relax and plot other things for once.”

“She’s just jealous because I tried it first,” Chrysalis smirked at the mare.

“And look where that got you,” the silver unicorn retorted. “Plus, I do believe that in chess, the pawns go first.”

“Think Ledger would miss his mother if I vapourised her?” Chrysalis asked her pink finance.

“Little bit,” the pink nymph said. “I’d send you to the couch for sure.”

“Hmm…” Chrysalis pondered on that, even as her horn had a green glow to it.

Then Level Ledger returned…

“Hey there,” he said. “Just got my suit, it looks amazing.” He then walked over to Twilight and gave her a kiss by way of saying hello. She hummed and kissed him back, draped her hooves around his neck and making the kiss even deeper as she moaned into his mouth. Ledger didn’t complain at the treatment at all, hugging her and giving her mane a few strokes as he held his mare close. Though, he wondered how far she was planning on taking this…

She soon released him as Midnight pounced, determined not to be outdone as she kissed him deeply, feeding him her thestral tongue.

“You alright there dear?” Moondancer asked her wife.

“I’m fine,” Sugar said as she closed her eyes and just sighed at the amount of lust these ponies had. “They’re just...intoxicating.”

“Guys, stop making my wife drunk,” Moondancer sighed and looked at Wishful. “You alright?” He wasn’t a Noble, so his tolerance might not be as high.

Her worries came to fruition when the violet unicorn bent over to his wife’s ear and whispered something in it...causing her to actually blush.

“Did somepony say something interesting?” Moon teased and wiggled her eyebrows at them.

Wishful!” she said. “Not here!”

“That’s not what you said last night,” the drone teased.

Now Moondancer and Sugar had a new target, as did Midnight once she came up for air. All three mares just continued to stare expectantly. Something that made the indomitable Madame Gossip blush had to be good.

“Down!” she commanded her husband.

“Mmnope,” he replied, before kissing her on the lips. “I think it’s time we experimented with our new location~”

“Somebuggy has plans~” Midnight giggled. “Care to share with the rest of the class?”

“Just that I’m glad for my soundproofing spell,” the stallion said before actually picking his wife up and walking off with her, even as she complained and told him to put her down. “See you all at dinner~”

“Need a helping hoof?” Sugar called out after them. It’d been a while since she had a Violet drone~

“I’m good, thanks,” the stallion replied before moving to leave. “I do my best work alone~” With that, he was gone, the Madame with him.

“Want me to get the brain bleach?” Midnight asked Ledger.

“Too late for that,” Ledger said simply.

Sugar and Chrysalis kept that scene in mind. Seems the Madame was quite weak to her husband’s will.

“So what were we up to before it became ‘make out with Ledger day’? Not that I’m complaining about that,” the drone said.

“Well, Pinkie is decorating the room we’re using for the wedding-” Twilight got out as the pink mare in question blurred into the room and grabbed Amy.

“You’re coming with me,” she said and blazed out of the room once more.

“Um...wat?” Chrysalis blinked, finding her hooves empty before she could blink.

“That’s Pinkie for you,” Ledger said. “I swear she’s a Pink in pony form.”

“Do we know she’s not?” Chrysalis asked seriously. “I mean, has anyling ever actually checked?

“Nope, and I can’t blame them,” Ledger replied. “Would you want to?”

“Could be something to do when we’re bored,” Chrysalis nodded and then her eyes widened. “Oh sweet Hives! Are… are we bonding?

“Hey, once you get past the usual snark and sarcasm, we actually can get along,” Ledger replied dramatically. “Who’da thunk it?”

“I’m scared Acey,” Chrysalis said and held her griffon. The bird just chuckling and hugging her back.

“So,” Twilight spoke up. “We have a rehearsal in the evening. What would you all like to do on your last day as a free pony?”

“I had an idea,” Ledger said. “To make getting between our homes a lot easier, and help us remove having to choose between two homes.”

Twilight and Cider perked up at this, the latter having been rather quiet until now.

“Y’all… really have an idea?” Cider asked. She’d been worried about it ever since she’d brought the issue up with Twilight.

“Mmhmm, now bear with me, this is a little elaborate,” Ledger said. “Twilight, do you think you could apply the same principles behind your portal device to something a lot simpler?”

“I… guess I could try,” Twilight nodded slowly. “Why?”

“I was thinking we could install a pair of doors that would act as a portal between here and Cider’s farm,” Ledger said. “That way, in case you wanted to come over, or we wanted to spend some time with you, it would be literally as though we were already right there.”

“Hmm, we could try it,” Twilight nodded. It sounded almost too simple an answer. “Alright. Do you want to go and see if we can set it up now?”

“Unless anypony has anything else they’d rather do?” Ledger said before looking at Moondancer. “We might need all hooves on deck for this.”

“Sounds like fun!” Moondancer giggled. She kissed Sugar’s cheek and beamed. “Be back later honey. Imma go and play science with Twi and Lev.”

“Just remember to be back in time for dinner,” the nymph replied.

“I’ll try,” Moon smiled. And with that, the three trotted from the room. That just left Ace, Chrysalis, Cider, Sugar and Midnight behind.

“Soooo,” Midnight said once they were alone. “Now what?”

“I would ask for a demonstration of your claws,” Sugar purred to the gryphon in the room. “But I get the disturbing feeling that if I did that, little Amy would come back to stop me.”

“Well, a harmless one might be on the table if you can get Chryssie and Amy to agree,” Ace said and wiggled his claws. “If you really want to know…”

“But a harmless one doesn’t sound like fun at all,” the Violet nymph pouted.

“I do not even know you, so I’d not do anything like that,” Ace nodded. “You’re married and I am to be married tomorrow…”

“Oh, you think that’ll stop me. That’s cute,” the nymph giggled before looking over at Midnight with what could only be termed a seductive smile.

“Ace is a noble sort,” Midnight said, blushing a little at the look she was getting. “So sorry Sugar, no Griffon lover for you.”

“And again, you need us to say yes first~” Chrysalis smirked. “He’s our griffon~”

“Oh, once again, you think somebirdy is my target, when he isn’t,” Sugar said. “Really adorable of you.”

“What in the apples are y’all getting at?” Cider asked with a tilt of her head.

“I promised I would only ask once you all were done with your honeymoon,” the nymph said. “It’d just be rude of me otherwise. We got to enjoy ours, after all...even if half of it was spent in the bedroom.”

Midnight just shrugged and hugged her earth pony mare. “She’s just being silly. Trying to get me all flustered no doubt.”

“You? Flustered?” Ace laughed. “Since when?”

“Mnope, I’m being quite serious,” Sugar said before turning back to her book. “I’ll have a nice surprise waiting for you when you get back~”

Midnight blinked and looked at the mare. “Should… should I be worried about this?”

Sugar’s only reply to that was to chuckle.

“Ah reckon y’all should be very worried,” Cider said and looked at Sugar. “Y’all better not be planning t’hurt mah family Sugar. Ah’d hate to hafta break you.”

“Oh no, I know better than to threaten your family,” the nymph said before turning the page. “But I promise this will be a nice surprise, or one that you can easily return, anyways.”

Cider and Midnight looked at one another as Ace was glad that her attention was no longer on him.

Chrysalis whispered something to him and he smirked. He stood up and started walking towards her.

“What are you doing?” Sugar asked as she looked up.

“Hmm, such a pretty little nymph,” he purred, turning his charm on. He cupped her cheek with a talon and licked his beak. And all alone too, perhaps I should… play with you~”

“Oh please do,” the nymph said, playing along and even half-lidding her eyes. “My wife has gone and left me all alone~ I could do with the companionship.”

“Mmm,” he moved around behind her as his claws trailed down her neck and onto her shoulders. And once he was behind the chair she was sitting on, he started to massage her.

“Oooh,” she said. “That feels...niiiiice.” She’d never been touched like this before. Moondancer was no masseuse.

“Oh, it gets… So. Much. Better~” Chrysalis purred into her ear. Ace nodded as he moved his claws down a bit, rubbing her lower back as he pressed a few points with his claw tips, points that never failed to… warm his mares up. Sugar let out a lewd moan as Ace did that.

“Ooooh, so tempted to try and take you for myself,” the nymph said. “You know where all my buttons are~”

Chrysalis giggled and nodded to the griffon. He had permission.

Midnight and the others watched as he moved his claws, slowly sliding them under her shell. He then started on the sensitive skin underneath, slowly scratching and rubbing it. Sugar panted before one of her hind legs began to twitch. If she hadn’t been sitting on her haunches…

Ace chuckled at the response, Amy had a similar one.

“Oh Acey~” Chrysalis purred and looked at the nymph, licking her lips. “Finish her~”

“As my love commands,” he nodded as he rubbed his claws up and down her spine, before moving to her flanks, only a few scant inches from a much more… intimate place as he triggered some well-practised places…

Sugar let out a louder moan before she slumped in her chair and let out a soft sigh. “And now I owe Sparkle for this cushion,” she mused.

He gave her shoulders a once over and them moved away as Chrysalis smiled.

“And that? My dear Noble sister. Is what Amy and I have access to all the time~”

“You okay Sugar?” Midnight asked.

“I’m fine, just incredibly jealous that I didn’t make a move on this griffon when he first showed up in the city,” Sugar said with a wave of her hoof.

“You know,” Ace said as he nuzzled Chrysalis. “That kinsman of mine, the black griffon? He’s even more skilled in this art than I am…”

“He’s with my daughter,” Sugar sighed. “Plus he’s not quite good enough in the bed for me. He’s good, but not quite good enough. He’s more boasting than action.”

Chrysalis gasped and then trotted over to her, pressing her lips against the nymph’s ear.

And that was when she passed along every sordid detail of what Ace could do. Sugar actually blushed before looking at the griffon. “And...you say he’s better?”

“Only in the art of massage,” Ace nodded. “However, I am getting plenty of practice~”

“Why is it that all the good griffons are taken?” Sugar lamented.

“Perhaps my soon-to-be wives would share sometime?” Ace chuckled and pecked her cheek. “I wasn’t lying when I said you were pretty~”

“I’ll keep that in mind for the future,” Sugar said with a nod. “Call for me sometime?”

“Provided Amy says yes, or that was the last you'll get of me,” Ace nodded and resumed his hugging of Chrysalis.

“How in the heck did Aerial Ace get better at seduction than me!?” Midnight exclaimed.

“Practice,” Sugar suggested.

“S’not fair,” Midnight pouted as Cider petted her back and rolled her eyes.

“You say that now,” Sugar pointed out. “You haven’t heard what my surprise is going to be yet~”

“Doesn’t matter,” Midnight replied, looking a little dejected. “Maybe I wasn’t as good as I thought I was…”

“Aw, don’t be like that Middy,” Cider nuzzled her. “Ah think yer one of the sexiest mares ah’ve ever met.”

“Then why do I feel like Ledger likes Twilight more than me? Why do I even care that he does…” Midnight smacked her hoof against the floor, causing Cider to flinch. “Why am I so bucking pissed off!?”

“Ah, I remember when I was pregnant,” Sugar reminisced. “I was capable of snapping at a moment’s notice as well.”

“Being pregnant has nothing to do with it!!” Midnight snapped and bared her fangs, before she got a look of realisation and started to cry. “I’m soooo sorry…..”

“Take it easy dear,” Sugar said before getting up and walking over to Midnight, looking at Cider and motioning as if to hug the batpony. She wanted her herdmate’s permission before she did.

“Go ahead,” Cider nodded. “Ah can’t rightly relate to her with this problem ah’m afraid.”

With that, Sugar pulled Midnight in and gave her a comforting stroke down her back. “There there, dear,” she cooed. “At least you’re in a better position than I was, you know. You have the good fortune to marry the father of your foal.”

That only served to make the poor mare cry harder, as now she was sad for Sugar and Two-Step.

“Wow… you’re an expert at this huh?” Chrysalis snarked.

“Just keep in mind, dear,” Sugar said. “Ledger does love you. Otherwise he wouldn’t be going through all this for you. You were the first mare into his life. I can promise you, that drone loves you to bits.”

Midnight didn’t reply. She didn’t want to voice the dark thoughts floating around her head. She just sniffed and leaned into the hug more, hoping they’d go away.

“And look on the bright side,” the violet nymph said. “He’s too smart to ever be disloyal to any of you.” Sugar hummed before a wicked smile crossed her face. “You know, I think I might know why you’re having such quick mood swings, dear. I mean, beyond the pregnancy.”

“Oh this should be good,” Chrysalis chuckled, before yelping as Ace swatted her flank.

“Have you considered what you’re pregnant with?” Sugar asked. “And what it might need for sustenance beyond normal food?”

You could have heard a pin drop it was so silent.

“Wait…” Midnight looked at her. “Is that… is that why I feel so sick whenever I’m sad?”

“Most likely,” Sugar nodded. “‘lings need normal food and emotional food, dear.” Then she leaned in and whispered a dark secret to Midnight’s ear.

You know...you could probably influence the color of the little one by feeling the right emotion during your pregnancy.

That… that worked? Midnight gaped at her and then she smiled. A smile that if Ledger saw, he’d want to evacuate to the Lands as soon as possible. She got up and gave Cider a kiss, and after a little contemplation, gave a deep kiss to Sugar as well.

“Mm, you always taste so divine,” Sugar complimented her. “But I’ll refrain from touching your emotions. You’ve a little one to feed as well, you know.”

“Oh, I know,” she purred and smiled brightly. “Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I have a happy little friend to go and see.” And with that, she trotted from the room to go and find Amy, singing a little song about flowers and fairies while she was trotting.

“Something tells me I may have doomed Las Pegasus,” Sugar said. “Or at the very least, made the future far more interesting.”

In the ballroom, Amy and Pinkie were running around, making sure everything was absolutely perfect.

Pinkie wiped her brow and sighed contently. “Whew! Thanks a bunch Amy. I never could have got this done without your help.”

“Not a problem, fellow Pink pony!” Amy said before holding a hole-filled hoof for a hoofbump. “I’m always happy to help.”

Pinkie returned the gesture as her tail vibrated. “Ohh, twitchy tail!!”

“Uh-oh,” Amy replied. “What’s that one?”

“That something’s about to fall,” Pinkie said before something heavy landed on Amy’s back, pulling her into a tight hug as Midnight nuzzled her.

“Amy, I need an infusion of happy,” the bat said into the back of her neck.

“Sure thing!” Amy said before looking at Pinkie. “Can you find my saddlebags and open up the non-magically chilled one? I got a little leftover somethin’ that’ll cheer this bat right up!”

“Yupperdeppers!” Pinkie giggled and pronked over to her bags and rummaged through them until she pulled out a container and brought it back to Amy.

“Here we go,” Amy said as she pulled out a spoon from Pinkie’s mane. “Open wide, Middy!”

The thestral mused and nibbled Amy’s ear before complying. “The things I do for you~” she giggled. Then Amy had scooped up a spoonful of whatever it was and plopped it right in her mouth. Midnight bit down over the spoon before her eyes widened a little and she moaned around the spoon, her ears wiggling.

“Shhooo guuud!” she purred.

“Knew it, called it!” Amy said, hoofpumping. “Hey Pinkie, can you open up the chilled one and move the stuff I made to the castle freezer before somebat gets at it?”

Pinkie saluted as Midnight perked up.

“Amy~ What’s in the bag?~” she purred.

“Nothing for you!” Amy said, pulling the spoon out and beeping her muzzle with it. “I need it for tomorrow!”

“Mmm, fine,” Midnight pouted. “Can I have some then?”

“Sure thing!” Amy said. “But first, you should have whatever cake Pinkie’s cooked up for you. Then you can have some of mine.”

Pinkie yelped in surprise as she suddenly got wrapped up in a hug with Amy and Midnight. Wait, when did the bat…?

“I don’t deserve friends like you,” Midnight said softly as she nuzzled them both. “But I’m glad you are.”

“Aww, silly Middy! I’m friends with everypony!” Amy said before returning the nuzzle. “And how could I not be your friend? We’re both gonna have foals soon, and they’re gonna be best friends! It’d just be silly if we didn’t get along!”

“About that,” Midnight said. “Is it okay if we hang out more? I’d like some friends that I don’t sleep with.”

“I can do that,” Amy said with a nod. “I think Acey would get jealous if I did sleep around anyways. We’ve got Chryssy and that’s enough for him, I think.”

“Actually…” Midnight giggled awkwardly. “You ah… might wanna get back to those two. Chrysalis made him show Sugar his magic claws. Sugar now owes Twilight a new pillow…”

The pink nymph gasped before looking at Pinkie. “I have to go, my griffon needs me,” she said dramatically. “Can I trust the happiness of this batpony to you, Pinkie?”

“Sure!” Pinkie giggled and took over hugging Midnight. “Go and save your catbirdfriend!”

With that, the pink nymph had wiggled free and was bouncing through the halls of the castle again, in search of Acey.

“Whelp, Sugar’s doomed,” Midnight giggled as she returned Pinkie’s hug. “So, do you want any help here?”

Ace was trying to hold Sugar back as Chrysalis just watched, being no help whatsoever. Cider had left once Midnight vanished, so it just left the griffon alone with the two Noble nymphs.

“Oh come on, Acey,” Sugar purred. “I only want to play~”

“A game not suited for a gentlebird such as myself I’ll wager,” Ace replied with a dry tone. “Chrysalis dear, a little help?”

“Mmm, I’ll think about it,” she smirked. This was too much fun to ignore.

“You were pretty willing to show off the other night,” Sugar pointed out. “What, are you only into pink mares?”

Chrysalis coughed and motioned towards herself.

“Amy and Chryssie were also present,” Ace replied.

“One of them is now,” Sugar pointed out. “And you gave me such a good warm-up~”

“Because it was still harmless enough,” Ace said, trying to push the nymph away without hurting her. But by gods was she persistant.

“I promise to be gentle~” Sugar cooed.

Ace just quirked an eyebrow. If he could reach a spot behind her neck, he could render her unable to move for the next hour or so…

That was about when Amy burst into the room and pointed a hoof at Sugar. “Get your hooves off my griffon!” she proclaimed before jumping between them and acting as a shield for Ace. “Nopony touches him without my approval!”

“Awww,” Sugar whined. “But-”


The violet just pouted.

“Is the fun over already?” Chrysalis asked. “Oh well…”

“Many thanks my love,” Ace kissed the back of her head. “Somepony doesn’t know when to quit.”

“I was told you needed me, and here I am,” Amy said as she leaned back into the griffon. “Now go on, get,” she said, shooing the Violet off. “Go wander somewhere else and bother somepony else.”

“Oh fie, fine,” Sugar said before wandering into the hall. Maybe she’d go see what Moondancer was up to…

“You didn’t have a problem with Acey railing Pinkie,” Chrysalis mused. “Hmm, or are you jealous we didn’t invite you dear?”

“I wasn’t going to do anything to her,” Ace nodded.

“Plus Pinkie and Acey already know each other,” Amy pointed out. “She came for a visit once, before you were a thing.”

“Seriously?” Chrysalis asked and looked at Ace, who just nodded in response. “And yet… you picked me over her?”

“Because you needed us,” Amy said softly. “And my mom always said you should help those that need it over those you want to help. I woulda liked to have Pinkie, true...but you needed us more.”

“And now you’ve ‘helped’ me?” Chrysalis asked. “What now? How do you feel?”

“I feel happy,” the pink nymph said. “Because I helped bring just a little more happiness and joy into the world.”

“You are far sweeter than the treats you create, you know that?” Chrysalis moved down next to her and kissed her cheek. “I just hope I can continue to make you happy.”

“You already do,” Amy said before hugging the larger nymph. “Especially ‘cause you agreed to marry us tomorrow~”

“Yeah yeah,” Chrysalis blushed. “Let’s not make a big deal of it alright.”

“Aww, but I wanted to make you blush with three little words,” Amy pouted.

Chrysalis looked down at her with an unamused stare. “Don’t you even—”

“I love you,” Amy said before Chryssy could finish. The nymph turned a deep scarlet and looked away, muttering under her breath about adorable nymphs.

“I like her like this,” Amy chirped. “How about we take her back to the room and you give her a nice massage, to make her nice and pliable, Acey?”

“I can do that~” he hummed and picked up the nymph, before giving Amy a kiss. “Don’t wait too long, or we’ll play without you~”

“Just gotta make sure all the ingredients are in place for tomorrow,” Amy said before prancing off.

“Hmm, now, where was I?” Ace murred and smiled at Chrysalis. “Ah yes, I have a Queen to pamper and seduce~”

Chrysalis just blushed more as Ace carried her off, passing Sugar in the corridor as they headed for their room.

“Ace,” she said, nodding her head. “Just have to find the labs, I’ll leave you be.”

“It’s fine, sorry for taking the back rub so far,” he replied. “Still, talk to Amy sometime. And if you want the lab, take that staircase there all the way down, then the third door on the left.”

“Thank you,” Sugar said as she stood to one side. “I can tell you’re in the middle of something, so I’ll just let you pass first.”

Ace nodded and brushed past her, Chrysalis toying with the idea of a little prank...but before she could cast her spell, the pair of them were out of range of the nymph.

“Ah well,” she mused. “Another time then…”

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