• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 28 - How to hold your liquor (And everypony else's, too.)

“So...” Midnight sat at a table in front of two Crystal mares. Also...they were twins. “I must say, your city has some beautiful sights. In fact, you’re among the most beautiful I’ve seen yet~”

The mares giggled and shared blushes, sneaking looks at the exotic batpony. “And you are quite interesting yourself, miss,” one of them spoke up.

“Indeed, your wings and fangs...your kind are not seen up here very often,” the other said, putting a hoof to her mouth. “It would be a shame if you left before seeing all the sights of the city.”

“Mmm, I’ll bet,” Midnight replied, giving them a half-lidded gaze, before she yelped as she found herself on Cider’s back. “Oh, hey Cidey~”

“Don’t you hey me Missy,” Cider replied as she dragged the Thestral back to the bar. “Don’t y’all think the bed is full enough?”

“Do you really want me to answer that?” Midnight replied with a sly smile, wiggling her eyebrows. In the background din, if a pony listened, they could hear the twin mares inviting Midnight ‘and her cute friend’ back so they could ‘get to know one another better.’

“Aw c’mon Cidey, Twins! Crystal Twins!”

Cier groaned and looked at Ledger. “Do something,” she groaned.

“Mmmnope,” Ledger said as he sipped at his water. “In this case the best thing to do is steer her away and take pictures.”

“You want her to leave with them?” she asked, flicking her tail towards the crystal nymphs. And not the kind they were used to dealing with. Ledger just shook his head.

“I didn’t say leave her alone, I said steer her. If we leave her alone with anypony, she’ll hit on them. Or hit them. If we just steer her back towards us when she starts getting really flirty, then we avoid any damage.”

Scope walked back over to the bar, hefting a rather large bag of bits as she smiled widely. “Sometimes, I love being me.”

“I only have one question,” Ledger said with a sigh. “We’re not going to have the Guard knocking on our door in the morning because of however you got that, right?”

“What?” Scope shook her head and glanced back at the group of depressed stallions. “Do you have any idea how easy it is for ‘us’ to win at Poker?” She placed some bits on the counter and pointed at them with a wing. “Can I get a round of drinks for my friends over there? It’s the least I can do after cleaning their wallets.”

The barstallion nodded and began pouring some ciders before flagging a waitress and directing her to serve the bit-less poker players. Ledger smirked slightly at the sight.

“I could never do that,” he said aloud. “Not only would I feel terrible doing it, my poker face falls apart when I actually play poker. Something about the moment.”

“Hah, that’s pretty funny actually,” Scope giggled and looked at him. “Remind me to play you sometime. Though, I might wind up running Pegasus Air by the end of it~”

“And that’s why I don’t go to the casinos,” Ledger said as he munched on some hay fries. “I would never win. Well, maybe I might win some of those mechanical games, but not ones that pit you against another pony’s bluffing skill.”

“Ah well, maybe I’ll teach you at some point, little drone,” Scope giggled as she watched Midnight saunter off towards the crystal twins. “Um, what the buck is she doing?”

“My turn,” Ledger sighed as he ambled after Midnight. “Try not to drink your winnings away.”

“Yeah, yeah...” Scope wasn’t going to tell him that the barkeep thought she was a minor and wouldn’t give her alcohol.

The unicorn had followed the thestral and just stood to one side for a moment, listening for the right time to jump in. Typically it was ‘now,’ but sometimes waiting for Midnight to burn the flirting and the alcohol off was useful too.

“So, here’s what I’m thinking,” Midnight replied, “You, and you...and me, my place. We’ll bang.”

The mare’s giggled again, before looking towards Midnight’s other family members. “Mm, what about the cute blue one?”

“Hmm, I bet I could ask,” Midnight giggled. “Oh, hey Levvy~” she waved at him. “You wanna play as well?”

“Sorry ladies, but my little bat here tends to get real flirty when she’s drunk,” Ledger said as he pulled Midnight close and kissed her on the cheek. “While most ponies have these things called limits, I’ve yet to find hers.”

“Not to worry, we’re flexible,” one said.

“Very flexible~” the other giggled.

“Sadly, my bed is filling up fast,” Ledger said. “Plus, we’re trying to work each other into something resembling normal. Whatever that actually is.” Ledger paused as he considered the question before shrugging. “Anywho, I would normally just let her continue with her flirting, but she seems to be serious. So, I’m sorry for ruining your fun…”

Then the stallion got a devious look to his eye as he turned to the recently cleaned-out colts and pointed with a hoof. “But I know some stallions who lost quite a bit of money lately and would just love to ‘get lucky.’”

“Aw, should we go and cheer them up sis?”

“Mm, dibs on the two in the middle, though, I think I’ll be the one in the middle soon~”

Midnight watched them walk off and sighed. “Oh well. That was fun.”

“Mm,” Ledger said as he planted another kiss on Midnight’s cheek. “For a moment I almost thought you’d forgotten about me and Cider.”

“I’d never forget about you and Cidey, and Scopey, and those luscious twins...” Midnight sighed and looked at him, poking her tongue out. “You’re so resistant to my usual charms, I need to find mortals to see if they still work on occasion.”

“Oh have no fear, I’m just as vulnerable as any other, just in different ways,” Ledger reminded Midnight. “Plus the more time I spend around you, the more I pick up on innuendo and the like. Someday soon, you will be able to say a sentence and make me blush!”

“Oh, so I’m levelling up?” Midnight rubbed her hooves together. “Soon my dear Ledger...soon~”

“Indeed, but for now, I know a certain nymph who is sullen and sober. Perhaps you could change that?” Level said, wiggling his eyebrows.

“I can change that indeed,” Midnight giggled, but as she bounced over, she was stopped by Cider, who was whispering something in her ear and the two were shooting looks towards Ledger, each gaining growing grins.

“I feel like I should be afraid,” Ledger commented as he began looking for escape routes.

Midnight slid back over to him, looking as sober as he was. “Okay, Cider and I have a few things to take care of. Take care of Scopey okay? We’ll see you back at the room later. Love you. Bye!” she kissed him on the cheek and the two mares ran from the bar. Ledger walked over to Scope and sat opposite the small pegasus.

“I swear to you, this one wasn’t me,” the unicorn told Scope. “I think they’re plotting to put us in the same bed.”

“Who knows,” Scope sighed as she downed another shot. “Well, I’m bored here. Wanna go and spend some bits?”

“Isn’t that what you were already doing?” Ledger asked. “And wherever we go, we need to find a way to get them back for this.”

“For what?” Scope replied with a cheeky smile. “Leaving us alone with some peace and quiet for once? I know they’re up to something, but right now, I feel like some frivolous spending.” She got off of the stool and offered a wing. “Care to indulge a girl and take her shopping?”

“The way they were giggling indicates plotting,” Ledger clarified as he lit his horn up. “Would you mind if I carried you?” he asked, just to be safe.

“Um, why?” Scope asked him. It was an unusual request.

“Meh, felt like giving you a ride to wherever we’re going,” Ledger said with a shrug. “Plus, at least I remembered to ask instead of treating you like you were just a doll.”

“Hmm, so you’re learning,” she smiled as she hopped onto his back. “Okay Ledger. Mush!”

The unicorn rolled his eyes, but walked as his passenger directed.

The two had actually had a surprising amount of fun. The main street was taped off so the set up for the Fair could commence uninterrupted. Scope had bought herself a little khaki jacket, and also bought some gifts for the others as well. Ledger got a crystal quill, while Cider had gotten a cookbook of Crystal Empire cuisine. Midnight had been a little harder to think of, until Ledger had a good idea.

It was a necklace with the Harmony symbol of positive and negative, each half made from the crystallized forms of Ledger’s and Scope’s magic.

“Well, that was...interesting,” Ledger said as he put the necklace away. “Interesting is a good, catch-all term.”

“It seems to be your default response,” Scope noted. As they got back to the hotel, the stallion that had seen to them earlier trotted over.

“Ah, good evening dear guests. I trust your stay has been pleasant so far?”

“Indeed it has,” Ledger said with a smile. “Thank you for the bed for little Scope here, and...apologies if Housekeeping had any...choice words about us.”

“Our staff is discreet and it is far from the first time we have had...excitable guests,” he smiled. “And I am glad you are pleased with our choice. It just pains me that you got such a rushed job.”

“Mm, that might explain why I had to move her old bed,” the unicorn mused. “Ah well. Live and learn. Have the others come back? They sort of left us to our own devices in town, and we’ve not seen hide nor hair of them since.”

“Ah, yes, they returned quite some time ago...and, they have made strange requests of our kitchen staff...”

“What...sorts of requests?” Ledger asked, bracing himself. “I might be able to shed some light…”

“Ah, well...” then he recalled some earlier instructions. “Mm, perhaps it might be best if you see for yourself.”

“They told you not to tell, didn’t they.” Ledger deadpanned.

“I do apologize, honoured guest,” the stallion nodded. “Trust me when I say that they have quite the surprise planned however. You shall not be disappointed.”

“I dislike surprises,” Ledger said as he fished out a five-bit piece and flicked it to the crystal pony. “I would appreciate as much of a hint as you can give me, so I’m not caught entirely unawares.”

“I am sorry sir, but the Thestral miss made me promise not to reveal anything.”

“Not even by omission, by telling me what they didn’t ask for?” Ledger asked with a smile.

“I am afraid that the Apple miss was quite insistent that I tell you nothing,” he nodded. “Now, I must attend to my other duties. Best of luck honoured guest.” And just like that, the stallion practically vanished.

“I have a plan,” Ledger said with a smile to the nymph on his back as they began heading to the room. “One that involves illusions. Think you’re up for it?”

“What are you planning?” Scope sighed, this was only going to end badly.

“Simple, a swap,” Ledger said as they reached the right floor. “We take each other’s place to mess with them. You go in first as me, then I come in as you, and once their plan is revealed, I actually pounce on them.”

Scope looked at their difference in size and raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

“Remind me who turned into a dragon again?” Ledger asked. “Pulling off me should be foal’s play.”

“And you get to play a foal by becoming me,” Scope giggled and once they were in front of the door, she flashed with blue flames and a duplicate of Ledger was looking at him. “Though, shouldn’t Midnight and Cider be the ones to pull you off~?”

“We’ll see,” Ledger said with a smirk before flashing silver himself. In seconds, a duplicate of Scope’s pegasus form was sitting in front of the duplicate Ledger. A quick illusion to fool others into thinking he was a mare later, he felt ready to foil whatever plan the pair had concocted.

“Ready for this?” he asked. With Scope’s voice. That just sounded...wrong, coming from him.

“I swear,” came his voice, and hearing from somepony else was...strange. “If you do anything weird as me...” ‘Ledger’ sighed as he nudged the door open...to see Midnight laying on the bed, reading a book while Cider braided her mane.

“Huh, welcome back you two,” Midnight waved, not really looking up.

“We were expecting something...more, from what the pony at the desk said about what you two had been up to,” Ledger observed as ‘Scope’.

“Who says we were up to something?” Cider hummed as she placed a small ribbon in Midnight’s mane. “T’aint nuthin’ goin’ on here.”

“You two,” Ledger sighed. “All that drama and for nothing?”

“Aw, are you that disappointed?” Midnight hummed as she hopped off of the bed and walked over to ‘Ledger’, drawing him in for a deep kiss. Scope’s eyes went wide, before she closed them and deepened the kiss even more.

“Oh Hives,” ‘Scope’ complained. “We’re barely home a minute and you’re molesting him.”

Midnight broke the kiss and licked her lips, frowning ever-so-slightly. Still, she looked to ‘Scope’ and smiled. “Aw, you want one too?”

“I didn’t say that,” ‘Scope’ said while blushing and looking away. “Besides, I...still have some...things to work on.” ‘Scope’ then cleared her throat and looked at ‘Ledger’, in an effort to remind him of the things they’d bought.

“Mm, wha?” Ledger smiled stupidly and giggled. It was...really creepy. Cider blinked and watched them from the bed.

“Are...you two okay?” she asked. “Middy, maybe you should give ‘em a whack again.”

Midnight spread her wings and prepared to strike. Fortunately, ‘Scope’ spoke up first.

“Ledger, get your head down out of the love-filled clouds. We got something for them, didn’t we? Maybe you should give it to them?” ‘Scope’ verbally prodded ‘Ledger’.

“Maybe I should~” he smiled, before shaking his head. “Ah, right. Well, Scope here bought us all some gifts, which was super nice of her.” Ledger fished the cookbook out of the bag and floated it over to Cider. “We got you that, figured you could use it for your farm?”

“Ohh,” Cider grabbed the book and flipped it open. “Ah wonder whut Apple/Berry pie would be like...?”

“Mistress, you were a little harder to shop for,” ‘Scope’ said. “But we eventually came up with something that we thought you’d like.” The smaller ‘ling dug into the pack before coming up with the necklace and presenting it to the thestral.

Midnight took the necklace, just...staring at it.

“I...is this...magic?” she asked. ‘Scope’ nodded and poked ‘Ledger’ into explaining it a little better, to keep up the guise.

...Maybe he should have poked somewhere other than the ribs?...nah.

‘Ledger’ gave a sharp giggle and the transformation dissipated, leaving two Scope Lens’ standing there. Midnight looked up and cocked an eyebrow, a small smirk appearing on her face.

“Goddammit Ledger,” the real Scope sighed. “Well, we’re totally busted.”

“Maaaaybe,” the fake Scope said, an ear flicking towards Scope’s room. All they’d need to do is get out of sight...

“So...I really kissed...” Midnight looked at Scope, and then at the other Scope. “I knew something felt off about that. But, whatever...” She looked back at the necklace. “You were saying?”

Scope sighed again, “It’s crystallized magic, specifically, mine and Ledger’s magic. We also got a smaller one mounted on the spine of Cider’s book.”

The Apple mare turned the book over and hummed when she saw it. The other Scope spoke up then.

“We wanted to make something that’d be pretty unique that’d last a lifetime.” Then the second ‘Scope’ pulled the first one off to her room. “Now, I’m curious about something, so let’s see how this plays out.”

“Wai-wha?” Scope cried out as she was pulled away. Midnight and Cider looked at one another and shrugged, just admiring their gifts and smiling brightly.

The second Scope pushed the first one onto the bed before climbing on herself and giggling. “I had a naughty thought while I was out there and you were kissing Middy~”

“Again, creepy when I say that,” Scope sighed, and it was weird hugging herself as well. “And I already know I’m going to regret this, but what idea did that deranged mind conceive?”

With that, Scope found herself kissing ‘herself’.

It was pure shock that she just stood there, until a hoof smacked ’her’ muzzle. Scope panted as she glared at her and sighed. “One. Ask. How many times do I have to say it? And two... do you know what two is?”

“It’s either ‘don’t do that again as me,’ or ‘do it to me again as me,’” ‘Scope’ observed.

“Close,” Scope said as she flashed, and Level Ledger now stood over the faux mare. “But rather, how do you like it?” as he grabbed the petite mare and kissed her deeply. There was a silver flash from between their mouths, and the faux-stallion found his mouth being invaded by a...strikingly familiar tongue.

One more flash, and the mare found herself being picked up with one scaly claw, Dragon Scope grinning widely at him/her. “I can keep this up all day Ledger~”

‘Scope’ stuck her tongue out before being consumed in a blaze of silver...and a similar adolescent dragon joined her. Silver in color as compared to her form, and back to being a male again. “Wow...okay, that’s the first time I did that,” Ledger observed aloud.

“Impressive,” Scope nodded, as the floor beneath them creaked slightly. “Mm, perhaps we should go back to normal now?”

With a pair of flashes, the changelings were back to normal and slightly dizzy from the rapid-fire, radically different changes they’d gone through. “I motion we cuddle on your bed until we’re not suffering from whiplash,” Ledger managed to get out.

“I’m too tired to argue,” Scope moaned as she crawled onto her fluffy cloud-bed. “You’d better figure out how before I change my mind.”

Ledger lit his horn up for one last change, and his pegasus form flashed into being before he all but fell on the cloud-bed. With a trembling forehoof, the stallion pulled the petite mare closer and cuddled her before he started to mumble at her.

‘s not love...yet. But it could be.

Scope just nodded slightly as she closed her eyes.

Outside, Midnight and Cider were busy wondering where the two had gone . There had been some odd sounds, and a lot of flashing coming from under the door. Were they fighting again?

The Thestral poked her head inside and suppressed a coo, she beckoned Cider over and the two just stood in the door and watched. Gods above, it was so damned adorable.

Later that evening, once Scope and Ledger woke up, Cider and Midnight decided it was time to reveal what they’d been cooking up. Once everyone had showered and gotten freshened up, the two mares led them to the hotel’s dining hall, where a single table sat in the centre of the room. A small group of ponies were playing some romantic music on a stage, and the darkened room was lit solely by candlelight.

“Well this looks awfully romantic,” Ledger said as he eyed the scene.

“That’s the idea Ledger,” Midnight hummed as she nudged him towards the table. “All four of us will share this nice romantic meal, then we will head back and cuddle. Sound good?”

"That sounds perfect," Ledger replied as he made to get everypony else's chairs with his magic.

“I suppose,” Scope huffed as she took a seat. “Since you went to all this trouble, I guess I can allow a hug this one time.”

“Note to self, avoid hugging the walking cactus,” Ledger teased. “Otherwise cuddle time will be ruined, as I won’t be allowed to hug everypony.”

“Aw, don’t tease her,” Midnight hummed as she sat. “That prickly nature is part of her adorable charm.”

“True,” the stallion admitted. “Once you navigate past the huge spikes, she’s rather soft and cuddable.”

“Pfft, from what I hear, the only huge thing around here is your-”

“Okay, let’s just enjoy this here romantic meal,” Cider interrupted. “Ah swear, ah can’t take you lot anywhere!”

“Wasn’t my fault,” Ledger said as he sat at the table finally. “So, do we get to know what’s on the menu, or will it be a surprise?”

Another waiter all but appeared next to him and cleared his throat. “The menu has already been decided sir.”

The unicorn barely managed to keep his calm and nodded at the waiter with only a slight twitch to one eye betraying how he really felt. “Ah...thank you.”

“You are welcome,” he smiled without batting an eye. “The appetiser will be a crisp salad, made only with the finest ingredients. The sirs, as well as the Thestral and Pegasus miss will also be garnished with fresh prawns, dusted with coconut powder.”

“Ah,” Level said as he looked over at Midnight. “Recalled my taste for seafood?”

“Perhaps~” Midnight winked. Actually, it had been a lucky guess, but she’d roll with it.

“For the main dish, we have a pasta salad with a side of chips and sparkling wine. And for dessert, I believe that is meant to be a secret yes?”

“That’s right~” Midnight giggled.

“Then I will refrain from guessing as best as I can until it is presented to me,” Ledger said with a smile. “Thank you for the overview.”

“You are welcome sir,” the stallion nodded and vanished as quickly as he came. Midnight smiled, happy that Ledger and the others seemed to be enjoying themselves so far. The entree was soon plated up Scope was the first to practically inhale hers.

“A bit hungry there Scopey?” Apple Cider chuckled.

“Uh-huh, Ledger really wore me out. I can’t believe he put ‘that’ in my mouth... I had to shift so much.”

The two mares stopped eating and slowly turned their heads to look at the stallion, who was giving the pegasus the stink-eye. “You could have phrased that better,” he grumbled.

Scope just shrugged as she ate, feeding her face was more important right now. Midnight groaned, she knew that nothing like what she was imagining had happened...but after everything that was going on...

“Well, if she’s makin’ jokes like that, ah reckon she’ll fit in with this weird family jus’ fine,” Cider hummed as she resumed eating. Ledger just nodded and started counting, wondering when Scope would realize what she had said and how it could be taken...

“If you’re waiting, I know what I said,” Scope said as she licked her little glass bowl/cup thing clean. “I can’t help it if you can’t take a joke...Lord Secret~”

“It’s not me I’m worried about,” Ledger said with a small smile. There was, after all, a Midnight at the table...one with a very active imagination...

“Scopey,” Midnight placed a hoof on her shoulder, a single tear falling down her cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

“I am suddenly regretting a lot of my choices,” Ledger observed aloud in the lull between appetizer and main course.

“Seconded,” Cider noted as she dabbed at her mouth with a napkin and looked at Scope. “Oh, you have have a little something there.”


“Here,” Cider grinned as she placed her lips against the Pegasi’s cheek and licked. The Pegasus froze as her face shifted to a deep red.

“W-W-Wha...” she ducked under the table and one could almost see the steam rising out from where she hid. Midnight giggled as their main course arrived, the thestral bouncing slightly, excited that dessert was one step closer. This was either going to be the greatest thing ever, or something that would bring the entire Crystal Empire to ruin.

The brown unicorn stallion picked up a forkful of his pasta salad and hummed as he ate it. “Not too firm or too limp on the noodles, excellently done on the accompanying greens, and…” here he just hummed for a moment. “It comes together wonderfully. My compliments.”

A small grin crossed Midnight’s face, “Well...I’d guess you would know a thing or two about a firm noodle and coming together huh Levvy~?”

There was a light ‘thunk’ as Cider’s face met the table. Ledger processed his earlier statements along with Midnight’s and did a remarkable impression of a tomato.

“Is there any sentence you can’t turn dirty?” he muttered. “Here I am trying to compliment this dish and suddenly everything has to be thought about twice before I say it.”

“You chose her,” Scope said from under the table. “You live with the consequences.”

“Yup, you know you love me~” Midnight giggled as she ate her pasta. Ledger slowly returned to normal and nodded.

“That I do,” he said before munching on the dish again and humming his approval. “And you don’t even need to say it to me.”

Scope finally came out from under the table, her raging blush finally under control as she shot Cider a glare that could freeze the sun. The Earth pony just giggled and winked at her.

“This family is impossible,” she muttered as she twirled her fork through the pasta.

“If it were impossible, it wouldn’t exist,” Ledger nitpicked. “I think the word you’re looking for is implausible.”

“Equestria thrives on making the impossible, possible,” Scope stated. “So, my point still stands. We’re two changelings, a batpony and an Earth pony. Why does this even work?”

“Because we try to make it work,” the stallion said simply, as though that were all that were needed.

“Guess that’s all we can really do,” Cider nodded. “Y’all can have all them fancy magicks, weather control and the ability t’change yer shape. But in the end, the heart wants what the heart wants. Can’t stop it, so yer jus’ best off makin’ it as best ya can.”

“I guess so,” Scope said as she finished wolfing down her pasta. Ledger polished his own bowl off in a timely manner and sipped at his wine before smiling at Midnight.

“Well, I will say that so far you have impressed me with this,” he said before turning to Cider. “Both of you have. It has been a nice evening so far. Truly memorable.”

“Well, it can’t always be shenanigans and debauchery...” Cider giggled and winked at her marefriend. “Despite Midnight’s best attempts.”

“Pft, I can be romantic when I want to be,” she huffed. The waiter appeared and whispered something into her ear and she smiled widely. “Oooh, hold that thought, I’ll be riiiight back~”

Scope Lens watched her leave and tilted her head. “I know I shouldn’t be so suspicious...but I have the feeling she’s up to something.”

“She’s always up to something,” Ledger said as an ear flicked. “Just as...well, just as back home, I’m always thinking about how to best run Pegasus Air. Even now I keep getting distracted before I remind myself that this is a vacation.”

“And ah constantly worry about mah farm,” Cider nodded. “So ah wouldn’t worry too much, everypony has their little quirks. Midnight just has...more than a few.”

“Mmhmm, I trust her and know that whatever she’s got planned will be something to savor,” Level said as he took another sip of his wine. True to his word, he could feel his lovable ball of love and lust approach, four dishes placed on her outspread wings.

“Okay, for Cidey, we have an apple tart with crystal berry jam,” she said as she placed the dish on the table. “And for Scopey, vanilla ice-cream with crushed peanuts and chocolate sauce.”

Scope’s eyes widened and Ledger could hear her whisper under her breath. “Daring Do’s favourite...”

“And for my Levvy,” Midnight giggled as she placed his dish. You could almost see the love oozing from it. “Coffee Ice Cream in a chocolate biscuit sandwich.”

Ledger blinked as he looked at what would give any changeling enough stamina to turn into, well, nearly whatever they wanted. He slowly looked over at Midnight with a growing smile on his face.

She sat down in her seat, a positively monstrous mango parfait in front of her. “Hmm, I take it that everyone is happy with my choice?” she asked.

Cider and Scope were too busy eating to respond, but still gave vivid nods. Ledger slowly walked over to Midnight with that smile still on his face, ignoring his dessert for the time being. Midnight really did deserve a...reward for this.

“Yes Levvy?” she asked, her fluffy ears giving a small wiggle as she tilted her head slightly, looking as adorable as possible.

And that was when Ledger locked mouths with Midnight, even as a silver flash came from within his muzzle. She wasn’t getting just regular make-outs, no. She was going to get full-on thestral make-outs. Even if he couldn’t turn into one right now, he could still use their tongues...

It soon became a tongue fight for dominance, with Midnight moaning happily as she kissed her funny stallion. It was something else to watch as well, as Cider and Scope just stared, the latter having a terrible case of stiff wings.

By the time the two pulled back, even Midnight was panting slightly, giving Ledger a half-lidded stare. “Well, guess you really like your dessert~”

“I’m sure I will once I eat it,” Ledger agreed, before making slight nibbling motions in Midnight’s direction. “...But enough about you, I better get back to the ice cream before it melts.” With that, Ledger turned back to his seat and began to slowly dig into his treat once he sat down again. He didn’t want a headache from eating too fast, nor did he want his emotions to become too...unbalanced.

Scope gave a wistful sigh as she ate her dessert. She could sense Midnight’s affection in it, and she had guessed that Ledger’s was the same. Tonight was...something she never expected to partake in. Not honestly anyway. And yet, here she was...with ponies she legitimately cared for.

“This still feels weird.”

“Weird is the new normal,” Ledger said with a smirk.

“We’re all a little weird here,” Midnight giggled from behind her wall of magoey goodness. “Speaking off, what was behind the genius plan to disguise yourselves as each other?”

“That was all Ledger,” Scope huffed. “Blame him.”

“To be fair, we received cryptic warnings from the stallion in charge about you ordering all sorts of food, and my mind went...places.” Ledger admitted. “I wanted Scope to go first in case you two wanted to ambush me or something. It was supposed to be a precaution and a prank. It backfired.”

“Meh, I got to make out with Scopey, so I say it’s a win,” Midnight giggled as the Pegasus huffed again.

“You know,” Cider suddenly spoke up. “Now that y’all mention it. Ah haven’t gotten to kiss Scopey yet.”

“Be sure to ask first,” Ledger warned as he began eating what was left of his dessert in earnest. “Otherwise she might punch you.”

Cider pulled the Pegasus closer and looked into her eyes, before leaning down and kissing the mare lightly on the lips. Scope’s wings fluttered, before she made a small effort to return the gesture and broke the embrace, quickly returning to her seat, blushing profusely.

“There, now ah feel all caught up,” Cider giggled.

“True, now the only one that’s behind is Scope, but it was never in my nature to push others that far out of their comfort zones,” Ledger said before he polished off the last of his treat. That. Was. Awesome. Oh, Midnight was getting extra cuddles tonight~

“Well, no futimes with Scopey, not until we see if those potions work on female changelings,” Midnight nodded. “I don’t want glowing green eggs being laid on the ceiling or something.”

“So everywhere else is fine, gotcha,” Ledger said with a cheeky wink.

“You’re an ass,” Midnight sighed. “Wait, you guys actually lay glowing green eggs!?”

Ledger and Scope shared a look before snerking and bursting into laughter at the same time.

“Oh Hives, sometimes I forget how little you know about us,” the unicorn of the pair said.

“Maybe one day we’ll tell you,” Scope said as she calmed down.

“You suck, both of you,” Midnight pouted and blushed. How was she supposed to know how Changelings gave birth. All the books she’d seen said they laid eggs, and they did resemble giant bugs...

“Well it’s still a prettier picture that the other rumour,” she pouted.

“Fair enough,” Ledger said, already thinking about the other rumors he’d heard regarding ‘where little changelings came from.’ “It could be worse. It could be far worse.”

“How could it be worse?” Cider asked innocently.

“That a changeling uses a pony as a host,” Midnight informed her, shuddering as she recalled some of the more...graphic books she’d read. Ledger saw the mischievous look on Scope’s face and raised a hoof to stop her, but was too slow.

“And you’ve done a fine job picking these two,” Scope said with a grin. “They might even live!”

“W-What?” Cider blinked, her heart rate rising as Midnight sighed.

“Cidey, I highly doubt that they do that, and if they did, they would never live long enough to see the results.” She looked at the little Pegasus and licked her lips. “Isn’t that right Scopey~”

“R-Right! Just kidding. No need to worry,” Scope gulped and scooted a little closer to Ledger. She’d need a useful meatshield if Midnight continued.

“Well at least she’s making jokes and trying to fit in,” the unicorn observed. “Now all she needs to do is learn what is and isn’t appropriate to joke about, and we’re golden.”

Midnight was already plotting revenge though, but she would need a Unicorn...

“Well, no harm, no foul,” she giggled. Her long tongue flicked out and her dessert ceased to exist. Ledger blinked before shrugging.

“I will admit, ladies, that was an enjoyable dinner and a wonderful dessert. Assuming we can put aside any grudges, shall we retire to snuggle?”

“Ain’t no grudges here,” Cider nodded. “And ah reckon this has been a fine meal. Mah best idea yet ah reckon.”

“Eeyup,” Midnight giggled, mimicking Cider’s accent. “I have all the warm fuzzies.”

“S’alright I guess,” Scope muttered.

The stallion of the group got up from his chair, before deciding on something...fun. Making a complete circuit of the table, he started with Cider and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He then moved to Midnight and repeated the gesture. He took one step closer to Scope, and...

“Kiss me and die,” she growled. Level let out a whimper and made his best pleading face. Scope rolled her eyes and tilted her head slightly. The stallion smiled and walked over before slowly giving the small pegasus mare a kiss on the cheek.

Once she was done, she made a show of turning and snapping her fangs at him, grinning when he yelped and pulled back.

“Too easy,” she giggled, trotting away.

“Well,” Midnight mused as she brushed past him, her tail running across his back. “Best of luck with that one.”

“Meh, with mares like her, I think the advice was...let them come to you?” Ledger shrugged. “I wasn’t really paying attention in that class anyways. They mostly advised us on how to find the best ponies to be friends with...which I had no interest in at the time.”

Midnight suddenly had a small mental image, of Princess Celestia sending Ledger to Ponyville and making him write friendship reports. She snerked at the image and made a note to bring it up with the Princess next time. Might make for a nice prank later down the track.

“So,” Ledger interrupted her train of thought. “Room, snuggles?”

“Room snuggles!” Midnight cheered and gave her wings a light flap, heading full-tilt for their room. The dining hall was already being cleared and soon the romantic evening was just a pleasant memory.

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