• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter Twenty - Beeing happy

The doors to the Las Pegasus Guard station burst open as Captain Narrow Gaze stepped in. One look at some of her colleagues, and all the goofing off that went on behind those doors promptly died. Within seconds, it was the proper, regimented station that did it’s nation proud.

Well, aside from Corporal Straight Arrow laughing his flank off.

“Seriously Cap, that glare could kill a lesser mortal,” he chuckled as she hoofed over a coffee. She grimaced as she took a sip. Perhaps Ledger wasn’t too busy? She needed a real drink. This was supposed to be her day off dammit. Her horn hurt from all the magic she used last night and she was exhausted.

“Then maybe they shouldn’t slack off, and I would have to constantly kick their collective asses!” she stated. “What’s new today?”

“Another ‘Featherfall’, though nopony else got hurt,” Arrow said. Featherfall was local slang from when a Pegasus decided that they’d had enough. Fly as high as they could and close their wings. It wasn’t pretty, and generally the only things that survived as their feathers, being highly magical and quite resistant to damage.

“It’s weird though,” he said.

“This is Las Pegasus, you need to be a little more specific,” Narrow sighed as she sat at her desk.

“Well we ran a background check on the vic,” Straight said, looking over the report. “No signs of depression or substance abuse. He had a stable job and family. No enemies to speak off, in fact, he recently cleaned up at one of the casinos. He was gonna be quite well off... like, ‘Cloud District in Canterlot’ well off.”

Narrow folded her hooves as she thought. “Hit up that casino. Some of them don’t like the big winners. And some other patrons hate losing to them even more. We need a motive here.”

“Can do,” Arrow saluted. “We’ll co-operate with the local PD on this one.”

“Get on it, keep me informed,” Narrow said as her partner left her office and she sighed deeply. She was getting to used to the cushy lifestyle that Fredrick offered, if she was letting little things like this get her down.

The rest of the day had been just as exciting, with reports of dragons of all things in the city, as well as a brawl in the Strip, involving a Griffon and a Thestral. No prizes for guessing who was involved in that, but Narrow decided to let her handle it.

“I don’t get paid enough for this crap sometimes,” she sighed as she trudged back to Fredrick’s restaurant. She paused once she got there, wondering why this was the place she automatically headed to. Shrugging, she was about to walk in when a familiar Unicorn walked out, bumping into her.

“Oh, excuse me,” he said, helping the mare up and giving a polite bow, before leaving. Narrow blinked as she watched him go. She knew him... but from where...?

Oh, that was Mr. Bold!

She poked her head inside and looked for her Griffon. “Fredrick? You home?”

“Putting a loaf in the oven, and keeping some curious colts from figuring out the recipe,” the griffon replied from the kitchen. “They are not ready to know it just yet.”

Now this was interesting. Old Narrow would have shrugged, not caring either way. It wasn’t really that interesting.

But New Narrow? Well, she’s been hanging out with Midnight and Fredrick waaaay too much.

“A loaf in the oven hmm?” she cooed as she walked in. “The recipe is quite easy really. Wanna know what it is boys~?”

The half-dozen serving-colts looked at each other as they thought the same thing.

This was the boss’s mare. And if there was one thing the boss did not do, it was get involved with involved mares. Each one gulped and summoned up what they could of the honor they learned while studying under Fredrick and slowly shook their heads.

“But it’s so easy,” she said, her tone becoming quite motherly. Coming from her and being heard by anyone that knew her. It was really creepy. “You see, when a Mommy Unicorn and a Daddy Griffon love each other veeerrry much-”

“Narrow, please stop torturing my waitstaff,” Fredrick said as he came out of the kitchen, running a towel over his claws to make sure any errant dough or oil had been wiped off. “I already put them through enough tests as it is.”

“Fine,” she replied. Work Narrow and Home Narrow were two very different ponies now. She deflated a little as she leaned against one of the benches. “So how was your day? Anything interesting happen?”

“Besides that fellow griffon coming on a bit too strong for my liking?” Fredrick said as he passed the cloth to one of his colts. “My first graduate stopped by again. Needed a few pointers for, funnily enough, Pegasus and Unicorn pleasure points.”

“Ah, I was wondering why Mr. Bold showed up here,” Narrow nodded as she pulled a carrot from a bowl and munched on it. “He must have another date with Luna. Good for him.”

You could hear a pin drop as every male in the restaurant turned to look at the mare. “Pardon me,” Fredrick said slowly. “But did you just say that my student, Balanced Scales, has not only taken the princess of the night out for a date, but is going to do so again?”

“Well, remember when I said that we had a friend with us on our night out?” Narrow said as she polished off the carrot. “Well, we had some drinks, snag a song... and then Luna, you know, Princess Luna, left with that guy. Dunno what happened after, but she was the one that taught me that spell. So I’m sure your imagination can do the rest.”

At this point, the serving-colts around her starting snickering and passing gossip between each other as to what spell Luna could have taught Narrow that the mare would have used on the griffon. Along with ideas about possibly using the skills Fredrick was teaching them to woo some mares of their own.

Though, none of them were going to be able to top Scales. Luna! The Princess Luna!

“Yes, I’m sure it can,” Fredrick said with a smile. “I knew he would go far with what he was learning, I just did not believe that when I said he should aim for the stars, he would take it so literally.”

“That was terrible,” Narrow chuckled. “Looks good on your resume though hmm? Stick with me, and you too, can bang a Princess.”

“They can only hope,” Fredrick said with a laugh. “With this, there remain two Alicorns in play, assuming Luna and Scales become a proper couple. Princess Celestia, and Princess Twilight. And seeing as how there are six colts here...their odds are not looking too good.”

“Well, unless there’s a mass ascension, best of luck boys,” Narrow smiled. She had been looking forward to her day off, but then somepony up and played with gravity. “I need a vacation,” she muttered.

“I’d suggest training up someone to take over, then giving them a test to see how well they handle the position,” Fredrick commented. “Meanwhile you and I could take a few weeks of vacation to somewhere romantic. Perhaps the Crystal Empire? It’s said to be quite lovely.”

“Hmm, could I do that?” she pondered. Straight Arrow had been eyeing her desk, or perhaps just the bottle of cider she kept hidden in there. “I haven’t had a vacation in...?” she paused again. When was the last time she took some time off?

“Buck it, let’s go to the Empire,” she smiled. Fredrick blinked a few times at her sudden statement.

“Now?” he asked.

“As tempting as that is, I still need to process the necessary forms for paid leave,” she said. “How about next week? If that’s not too soon?”

“That should give me enough time to make sure that between all these numbskulls, somepony knows how to do something,” Fredrick said with a smile. “...And a list of things to do if they meet up with an...unusual situation.”

“Now what could possibly happen in the largest, most sin-filled city in Equestria?” Narrow snarked. “Maybe Chrysalis gave up on Canterlot and decides to get her love from the Strip like everypony else~”

Almost everypony there laughed with Fredrick at the thought.

Almost everypony. It was subtle, but one of the colts hesitated for a moment before he joined in with the laughing. Were it anypony else standing there, they might have missed that cue.

“Well now that that’s settled,” Narrow giggled. “I am in serious need of winding down after today. So how about I help you clean up in here.” She stepped closer to the Griffon and ran a hoof along his chest. “Then you can help me...clean up~”

“No need, I’m certain the colts can take care of it while I take care of you,” Fredrick said as he hugged Narrow. A round of agreements met their ears as all the colts hopped to putting things away.

“That’s nice,” Narrow said. She got a wicked idea and while Fredrick was hugging her, he suddenly felt a pair of hoofcuffs lock into place around his wrists.

“Fredrick, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, though I highly doubt that you will. I will be interrogating you...thoroughly~”

Once the colts realized that Narrow was just playing with her prey, they chuckled and set about to work again. Fredrick blinked a few times before looking at the mare and squeezing her with his cuffed forelimbs.

“You do realize you just made it harder on yourself to get us to the bedroom?” the griffon idly asked.

Narrow easily slipped out of his grasp, until she had a forehoof on his back. “You think I couldn’t get out of a simple hold. As fluffy and good as it was?” She prodded him forward and grinned. “Now march prisoner. We have a full night of punishment to work out.”

The griffon marched to his grim fate with a smile…

Midnight woke up, her eyes blinking to get the sleep out as she rolled over.

And came face to face with a Changeling. her nerves flared and she bit her tongue to suppress the scream that was coming. No, bad Midnight. It was just Ledger and he didn’t need a Thestral screech to wake him up.

Okay, deep breaths. One. Two... aaaaand better.

At least until Scope Lens poked her head in undisguised. Midnight screeched and threw the nearest object.

That nearest object being Level Ledger…

Ledger woke up to pain and the feeling of another chitinous body tangled up with his. It took him a moment for him to properly register what he was looking at, both because it was still too early for this, and the pain disorienting him...but by then, the damage had been done.

“Mistress, if I wanted your drone, I would prefer not to receive him at projectile velocities,” Scope deadpanned. Ledger blinked, realized exactly what his muzzle was pointed towards, and closed his eyes. This...was a dream, or a nightmare. Probably a nightmare, going by the current subject material.

“Ohmigosh! I’m so sorry!” Midnight fumbled to rush over to them, only to get tangled in the sheets and fall head over hooves into the pair. Well, at least Ledger had a much more familiar and pleasant view now.

“I hate mornings,” Midnight groaned.

“Okay, here’s a suggestion,” Ledger spoke up from the bottom of the tangle. “You two get off me, I go make coffee, and we forget this ever happened.”

“Will you walk? Or shall the Mistress throw you to the kitchen?” Scope asked from the middle of the sandwich.

“Alright I get it!” Midnight groaned as she got up and untangled the other two. “There, better?”

“Too early to determine that without any caffeine,” Ledger snarked before getting to his hooves and walking towards the kitchen. He paused midway and turned to smile at Midnight, though.

“...For the record, if you and Prince Shining Armor ever meet, I am booking tickets to anywhere else. I’d rather not be the object being thrown ever again.”

Midnight tilted her head, not getting the joke. Neither did Scope as Midnight pulled her closer to hug her like a plush toy.

“Is this all I am?” Scope sighed.

“Quiet, plushies don’t talk,” Midnight nodded, placing her on her back and following Ledger. “And call me Midnight or something. You don’t have to use Mistress anymore.”

“But, I think I shall continue to do so Mistress,” the nymph nodded. She still remembered that day in the club...the day everything changed and she discovered a whole new world of fear and pleasure.

“...Do neither of you read the newspaper?” Ledger asked as he started brewing the morning nectar of life. “Prince Shining threw Princess Cadance during the whole ‘saving the Crystal Empire’ thing they did. Several crystal ponies agreed on that fact.”

“Projectile Princess huh?” Midnight mused. “We should make it an event at the next Games. I bet it’ll really-”

“Mistress, please don’t.”

“-Take off.”

Scope banged her head against the table. “I need that coffee now. I wish to drown myself in it.”

“Sorry, I don’t have nearly enough for that,” Ledger smirked as the first few cups worth started to trickle in. “Still, as long as you keep it reasonable, you can have a little sugar to help yourself wake up.”

“Aw, and here I give away sugar for free, and nopony wants it~” Midnight pouted, batting her eyes.

“Master Level, the Mistress is scaring me,” Scope gulped. Level would kill her if she acted on that invitation.

“That’s just Midnight being Midnight, now that she’s not stopping all her emotions anymore,” Ledger said as he pulled a full pot of coffee out and began pouring. “So, Scope, you any good at cooking? Cause I’m not bad, but I’m not awesome at breakfast foods.”

“Uh, well...” no one had asked that of her before. “I possess all the rudimentary basics taught at infiltration classes. So I believe I can create something considered edible to equine-kind.”

“Mmm, I’m gonna take a shower,” Ledger said as he gulped a good half of his cup of coffee...that he had surprisingly only added one sugar-cube to. “You get started, and when I come out, I can offer some pointers if you need them. Pointer one, don’t let Midnight help. I already cleaned off my range from her last attempt.”

Scope nodded and Midnight pouted in response. She only burned down the kitchen once. Who knew juice was so flammable?

As Scope headed into the kitchen, Midnight suddenly wore a sharkish grin and trotted up the hall. There was a bug in the shower and she was gonna...take care of it~


By the time they finally returned to the living room, a veritable feast had been laid out. Fresh coffee and bagels, along with crisp salad and fruit. Pancakes coated with glistening maple syrup and powdered with icing sugar.

And Scope Lens rubbing a bloated belly and sighing happily. Ledger just looked at the two bloated females in his apartment and sighed as he looked at the food.

“I cannot eat all this food myself,” he said in a deadpan voice. “I guess we’re saving some of it for dinner and lunch, then.”

Midnight just nodded as she took a seat and grabbed a few pancakes. She still needed real food after all.

“How...are you...still alive?” Scope groaned at Ledger. “That mare...could feed an entire Hive...”

“Considering she only became my roommate a few weeks ago?” Ledger mused as he munched on his own selection of food. “I think the more appropriate question is, how did I live without her?”

“Well, I don’t intend to ever find out,” Midnight hummed as she ate her food. “Also, it’s my turn to take a personal day today. I’m tired, sore and I don’t think I’m in the right frame of mind to be dishing out justice.”

“I need to at least show up and do the paperwork that I’m sure is awaiting me, then I need to work out if there’s any new deals to be made,” Ledger said as he pushed his mostly-empty plate away. “Once that’s done, I think I might be on to something regarding getting tickets up to the Empire for cheap. Think we could meet up at Cider’s for dinner?”

“I think I can manage that,” Song nodded as Scope sighed and began to put all of the food away. Perhaps she got a little overzealous in her cooking. Well, they didn’t seem to hate it anyway.

“Oh, and Scope?” Ledger said as he donned his disguise. “You’re a natural. Maybe you could spend some time around Fredrick if you wanted to pick up a few pointers, but breakfast was delicious. A little too much, but delicious all the same.”

“...Thanks,” she said and rushed off into the kitchen.

Midnight chuckled at the adorable scene and kissed Ledger on the cheek. “Have fun at work dear. I’ll stay here and watch the kids~”

“It’s a good thing you’re on that potion, otherwise I might be really panicking right about now,” Ledger said, kissing Midnight in return before leaving.

“Huh, I knew I was forgetting something,” she said aloud as the door clicked closed, a small smile on her muzzle.

Aerial Ace frowned as he stood atop one of the casinos. Yesterday’s events had been...interesting. Midnight was probably going to resent him for a while, but if she was moving forward, then it would be worth it.

He glided down to the street and landed quite softly for someone of his size, coincidentally, he had landed near a certain ice-cream vendor.

“And one chocolate and vanilla swirl cone for the recovering colt!” the cherry-red stallion said with a smile. “Now you take it easy on that wing like the doctor says, okay? Yeah, not being able to fly isn’t fun, but it’d be worse if you couldn’t fly forever.”

The small pegasus colt nodded as he took his treat with his uninjured wing. His mother smiled and paid the stallion a few bits for the cone before the pair of them walked away. A Griffon soon replaced them as he smiled cheekily.

“I believe I’d like a Cherry Scoop please,” he said with a cocky grin, tugging down his scarf slightly. “With extra smiles.”

“Acey!” Cherry said happily, before reaching over the counter and hugging the griffon. “Hi again!”

“And hello to you too,” he chuckled, returning the hug. “I was hoping you might be here. I’m afraid smiles are not in my immediate future from anypony else.”

“Well I have lunch break coming up in an hour if you wanna hang out then,” Cherry said before letting the griffon go. “Still, it’s nice to see you again!”

“I’m glad somepony is,” the Griffon nodded, pulling his scarf up subconsciously. “Perhaps I might take one those desserts? One for someone who did a terrible thing.”

“Hmm,” Cherry said with one hoof tapping his chin. There was a sudden flash as the stallion seemed to get an idea before ducking behind the counter and withdrawing two scoops, one in each wing. “Everypony get back,” the stallion warned. “I’m about to do something delicious.”

Ace took a step away from the crazy stallion, his smile returning somewhat as other ponies smiled knowingly. This was going to be fun.

With a blur of motion, the stallion pulled two scoops of different sorts of chocolate out and flattened them on the counter. From under the counter, a third scoop was pulled out and a blob of vanilla ice cream suffered the same fate. Then a spatula was pulled into play and the three flavors were turned into a layered sandwich of ice cream, before being rolled back into a ball and plonked in a bowl.

“A Cherry Scoop special: a chocolate and vanilla swirl bowl,” the stallion said with a nod. Ace took the treat and he gulped. He was a hardened warrior, one that usually lived on enough to keep him functioning. But this...?

He took a tentative lick and his eyes widened. This was...amazing.

“If the creator is half as sweet,” he murmured as his beak split into a wide smile. “Simply delicious.”

“I’m glad you like it, Acey,” Cherry said with a grin of his own. “...That’ll be nine bits, though.”

“Sweet, handsome, and a shrewd buisnessstallion,” Ace chuckled as he reached for his pocket and gasped. “It seems that I am a foolish bird and have no bits. Perhaps I can make it up to you another way, say, a lunchdate?”

“If you don’t have the bits for the ice-cream, how are you going to afford a lunchdate?” Cherry said with a slight laugh. “Silly Acey~”

“And this is why I have Midnight as my wingmare,” Ace groaned. “Well, you caught me out,” he chuckled as he placed the bits on the counter. “My offer still stands though.”

“Mm, make it a dinner date and you have a deal,” Cherry said with a smile. “I have a few things I need to run during my lunch break to make sure this place runs at its best.”

“The date has been set then!” Ace said triumphantly. “I shall return here upon sunset to escort you my dear.” He gave the stallion’s hoof a gentle kiss and then too to the skies. He would need to find a suitable place to dine this evening.

“He is in for a huge surprise if he’s serious about any of this,” Cherry giggled to himself. “Ah, hello there little filly!...”

“Well ah hope yesterday was informative enough fer you,” Cider asked her newest helper-slash-employee, Sugar Darling. “Y’all think yer ready to learn how to start makin’ cider?”

“I do hope so,” Sugar said with a smile. “I need to learn so that we might be able to learn how to brew our own...special drinks back at the club. With a little bit of trial and error, who knows what we can do?” She put a hoof to her mouth before chuckling lightly. “And did you have to keep interrupting your sister from making this little outing of mine really informative?”

“Then y’all would learn less about Cider, an’ more about mah sister.” she sighed. She loved Apple Fritter to death, but when that mare caught sight of a cute piece of tail... “Anyway, ah already showed you how we press and mash the apples to pulp. And here is where it gets a little technical.”

“My ears are open,” Sugar said, suddenly a bit more serious. When it came to learning about this, she was always serious. She wanted to commit every detail to memory.

“Okay,” Cider nodded. “Here we add something called sodium metabisulphite. It releases sulphur dioxide and kills any germs or bacteria in the juice. It’s not always necessary, mostly if yer apples have any mould or brown lumps in the juice. Also, you don’t add the yeast for at least a day or so, otherwise it gets killed off as well.”

“So purify the juice, then let the toxin degrade before adding the fermenting agent,” Sugar summarized before nodding. She would have to write all this down when she got home.

“Right!” Cider nodded, happy she was learning so fast. “Now, once you add the yeast, what that will do is use the oxygen up and start to breed. This process also turns the sugar inside into alcohol.”

“And is there a given limit for how long you let the yeast sit inside the juice?” Sugar asked, her head tilted as she considered the question herself. “Or do you just add it and let it sit?”

“Once you’ve added it, let it sit fer about a week or so,” Apple Cider explained. “That’s how long the process should take fer turnin’ all the sugar. Now this part is important. The taste will vary depending on the apples used. If y’all use wild apples, or unripened one, the cider will be really acidic, and have a bite meaner than a rabid dog.”

“So no wild or unripe apples unless we want the cider to kick so hard it knocks our customers out of their stools,” Sugar said with a grin. “Are there any particular species of apples you would recommend exclusively for cider, then?”

“The one ah grow here, or Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville would be best.” Cider informed her. “Now when ah mean kick, ah mean that it tastes like acid. Y’all can’t drink it, but there is a way to fix that. You hafta add calcium carbonate, also known as precipitated chalk. It reacts with the acids and neutralises them. Y’all may need to add several ounces per gallon, and it has to be done in stages, cause it fizzes like crazy.”

“Any way to tell how much, or do we just sacrifice our taste buds until it stops reacting?” Sugar asked. “And what would the end result end up tasting like? Something we could market, or no?”

“Nope, no way,” Cider said. “It still needs to settle fer a few weeks before y’all consider consuming it. The liquid should stop fizzing so much once all the acid is gone. So it’s a good indicator, but with enough practice, you start to be able to tell just by sight alone.” She cleared her throat and continued.

“Now, once the ciders been left for a few weeks, it’s time to bottle it. Y’all will need bottles made fer sparkling drinks, otherwise they’ll explode under the pressure and that is no fun fer anypony.”

“Ask Ledger if he knows a place for bottles, specifically for sparkling drinks,” Sugar noted aloud. “We’re going to have to do a lot of trial and error on our own...but thanks to this, I think it’ll fall more under trial and less under error.”

Cider nodded, “Yeah, took me a while to get used to it at first. Start small and work yer way up. Now, last but not least. The liquid will still be cloudy when you bottle it, but don’t worry. Leave it in a warm room fer about three to five days. That lets the yeast ferment the sugar and give it a nice fizz. Once that’s done, store in a cool place fer about two weeks and then y’all are ready to serve.”

“Mmm, that was a lot of information,” Sugar said, running over it in her head. “I don’t suppose you have some paper and ink around here? I need to write down some of the trickier bits as notes before they fade from my mind.”

“One step ahead of ya,” Cider smiled, reaching into her saddlebag and taking out a small note book. “Step by step instructions. But ah left out mah own secrets...fer obvious reasons.”

“That’s fine by us,” Sugar said with a smile as she took the notebook and nodded at the instructions matching up with what she’d been told. “We intend to add our own secrets to the process anyways.”

“These are the basics that anypony can learn,” Cider nodded as they headed towards the house. The orchard had finally been cleared and winter was all set to roll in in a few weeks. “Like y’all said. Trial and error, but don’t be afraid t’come and ask fer help if ya get stuck.”

“We’ve recently...acquired a building where we can set up our own distilling,” Sugar said, leaving out that they’d actually excavated it under the club. Changelings could dig like nothing else. “So I’d actually better get these over there soon before somepony blows themselves up.”

“Aw,” Fritter appeared out of nowhere and draped herself over Sugar. “An’ here ah was, getting all ready to get to know y’all better~”

“Fer the love of Celestia,” Cider groaned. “Can’t ya at least leave one of mah guests in peace. Ah’m sure she has better things to do than doing you!”

“But none of them are as much fun as she is!” Sugar pouted before sighing. “Still, your sister has a point,” she said to the mare on her back. “I do have to get back...but I may have exaggerated slightly about how well set-up they were: the bits and pieces for our distillery will only be arriving today. I have time to kill yet~”

Cider blinked and just shook her head. “Fine, ah have to get dinner started. Fritter, at least escort the lady back home once y’all are done playing.”

“Will do,” Fritter giggled as she grabbed Sugar. “Time ta show you how a real mare rolls in the hay~”

“Do be careful with me,” Sugar said as she was all but dragged off. “I’m a bit more fragile than I might appear, and I’d like to be able to walk when all’s said and done.”

“No promises~” Fritter giggled as she picked Sugar up with one hoof and placed her on her back, before trotting off for the barn.

Fortunately, at around that time, a distraction arrived for Cider. Namely, the brown unicorn she’d come to call her coltfriend. “I have come to lend a helping hoof with dinner!” he proclaimed. “It has been too long since I last cooked!”

Cider wrapped him up in a hug and kiss, before letting him go. “Y’all didn’t come round last night,” she whispered. “And that Scope mare said you weren’t feeling well. Is everything alright?”

“Midnight and I had a heart-to-heart, and while a few issues came up yesterday thanks to what her mentor did, we’ve got them mostly sorted out now. All’s well back at the apartment,” Ledger said before kissing Cider again. “How about here?”

Cider sighed as she glanced towards the barn. “Well, mah sister is...showing Mis Sugar the country life,” she said dryly.

“I expected her to try something like that,” Ledger said with a nod. “With either Fritter or one of your workers. Did she at least learn something before going for her little romp?”

“Ah believe so,” Cider said and pursed her lips as she looked at him. “And what do ya mean, ‘expected it’?”

“Let’s just say...I knew that no matter who I brought over from the club, they’d try bucking someone,” Ledger said with a smirk. “So, want some help with dinner?”

“The less ah know the better,” Cider hummed. “And yes, help with dinner would be nice. Is mah little bat coming tonight?”

Fortunately, Ledger suppressed his first response, which would have been something like, “Yes, but it wouldn’t be the first time she came today.”


“She should be,” Ledger said after a moment’s pause to silence the part of his brain that had suggested that response. “We did make plans to come over for some of your delicious food.”

“Well that’s good,” Cider remarked, noting his silence for a second there. It made her wonder just what happened yesterday. “Well, Momma’s gone home, so it’s just me and Fritter here tonight. Though she’s heading home tomorrow.”

“A fact I’m sure Sugar will be lamenting for weeks to come,” Ledger sighed dramatically before breaking the hug and standing on his hooves again. “So, what did you have in mind, Miss Cider?”

“Hrm, well ah missed you two last night, mah meddlin’ momma’s gone home and mah sister will hopefully be too tired to complain much. So ah reckon a feast is in order. We haven’t really celebrated our relationship yet. So ah’m thinkin’ sumthin’ romantic.”

It was too much, Ledger couldn’t hold back the snarky comments any longer. “And our fun the other night wasn’t us celebrating our relationship?” he asked with wiggling eyebrows. “Dare I ask what lies ahead, then?”

“Firstly, y’all are a pervert. Secondly, ah’m serious. I wanna have a nice, romantic meal. Candles, fancy wine, the whole shebang! Is that really do much to ask fer, or has yer erection stolen all of yer thinkin’ power~”

“Nah, it’s fine, we can do a romantic dinner,” Ledger said with a wave of his hoof. “It’s probably some residue from hanging around Midnight so much. If we aren’t careful, we tend to pick up traits of others in our lives and add them to our own personality without us even noticing.” The stallion walked towards the house before giving his final say on why he’d become so snarky and perverted. “We’re called changelings, not samelings.”

“Well, yer still adorable, so all is forgiven. Though ah may exact petty revenge at some point. So keep an eye out fer that.” Apple Cider nudged her door open as a thought occured. “Uh, a question. Miss Sugar. Is she a friend, or one of your friends?” The intone in her voice hinting at what she was trying to get at.

Once the pair of them were securely in the house, Ledger closed his eyes and breathed deeply for a moment, focusing on nearby emotions...and finding nobody within eavesdropping distance. “You’ll have to be a bit more clear, Cider,” Ledger told her plainly. “I can’t answer an incomplete question without all sorts of implications happening that I’d rather avoid.”

“Is she like you?” Cider said. “A Changeling.”

“Yes,” Ledger answered simply. “Not...exactly like me, she comes from a different color, a different Hive. But she is a ‘ling. And I trust that you won’t bandy that information around.”

“Ah won’t, but ah hope Fritter will be okay, she isn’t...so accepting of ‘em. She was in Canterlot that time after all, right at the heart of the wedding. So ah hope Sugar knows what she’s doing.”

Ledger’s cheeks bulged as he quickly stuffed a hoof in his mouth, trying to keep the snarky comment restrained by any means necessary. Oh, Cider had just given him that one!

“What?” Cider asked, narrowing her eyes. “Did ah say something funny? All I wanted to ask is that Miss Sugar better know how to handle herself.”

Ledger’s barely restrained chuckles shook his frame. It was nearing critical snark levels inside his body, he didn’t think he could hold another burst in!

Cider took a step forward. “If y’all got something to say, then say it. But ah’d think that yer friend having her flanks bucked six ways to Sunday isn’t all that funny.”

It was too much, Ledger had to let go or suffer a snarksplosion. “First, an Apple does the bucking for apples, then the Apple gets bucked right back!” he got out, gasping for air.

“.....” Cider just stared at him with a look so dry, the Everfree Forest would have up and wilted in an instant. “Ah give up, yer just as bad as the bat.”

“Oh really?” a voice said from the shadows of the rafters as Midnight silently dove down and landed on Cider, her fangs biting the Earth Pony’s neck lightly as she shrieked in an interesting mix of surprise, fear and arousal. Once Ledger got his breath back, he let rip with the other two that Cider had given him, using a bit of his magic to swap his voice out for Cider’s to make the jokes stick more.

“Ah hope Sugar knows what she’s doing,” Ledger repeated in the mare’s voice before switching back to his own. “Yeah, she’s doing your sister!

Cider and Midnight stopped and stared at Ledger. That was...disconcerting.

“I did not know you could do voices,” Midnight hummed, while Cider’s look promised death of the highest order. Ledger however, redonned his Cider impression for the last bit of snark.

“Miss Sugar better know how to handle herself,” Cider’s voice came from Ledger’s throat, before he retook his own voice. “Oh I think she’s handling herself and Fritter juuuuuuust fine.”

“Ledger?” Cider simply stated. Eventually the drone got himself under control again and just sighed happily at getting all that snark out. Cider continued to look at him, before stretching her legs and flexing those powerful Earth Pony muscles.


Ledger blinked and realized that hostility was being directed at him, before doing the only logical thing he could.

He donned his Pegasus disguise and booked it for the roof of her house. Hopefully there he would be able to find a cloud to hide out on until she stopped wishing bodily harm on him.

“How long do you think it’ll take him to realize I can fly too, prolly faster than him?” Midnight asked as she let go of Cider, but not before stealing a kiss.

“About as long as it takes him to realize ah’m not chasing him,” Cider replied with a smile. “For somepony that reads emotions, y’all would think he could tell ah wasn’t too serious.”

“I love you so much,” Midnight swooned as the two headed for the kitchen.

Up on the roof, Level Ledger sat there, until a petite Pegasus mare landed next to him.

“Um, Master Ledger?” Scope Lens said with a cocked eyebrow. “What the hay are you doing?”

“Okay, first, you know how uncomfortable it makes me to hear you say that,” Ledger said as he looked to the sky. “Second, I may have snarked a bit too much at Cider...oh dear, I just realized something dangerous.”

“Please tell me you didn’t trigger ‘Mistress Midnight’?” Scope shuddered. “I don’t think I’d survive another round. Also, I’m picking up no hostile emotions. Are you sure she’s upset?”

“She certainly looked the part at the time,” Ledger replied. “And no, it’s far worse. I left Midnight with Cider to help make dinner. Cider doesn’t know about how Midnight can cause things to catch on fire just by walking into the kitchen yet.”

“Well,” Scope Lens had a faraway look in her eyes as a single tear fell. “I shall remember this place in my dreams. Farewell, Cider Falls.”

“If you go down and stop Midnight, there’s still a chance that disaster can be averted,” Ledger said in an urgent tone. “Above all else, she must not cook anything!

There was a loud ‘fwoosh’ noise, followed by smoke and the sound of a certain batpony wailing.

“What happened?” she cried as Cider fetched a pail of water.

“Ah don’t get it. How did you set fire to a loaf of bread?”

“Quickly, if you want there to be anything edible left,” Ledger told the smaller pegasus. “Get Midnight out of that kitchen!”

“Already on it,” Scope sighed, swooping down to save the day from the adorably sexy pyromaniac. A cacophony of crashes and swears filled the room, followed by the noise of hooves being dragged across the floor.

“Ledger, git down here!” Cider called out.

“Promise you won’t maul me for my snark, or no deal,” Ledger retorted.

“Ah wasn’t going to, now git down here and help me, or the only dinner we’ll have is Midnight’s charcoal.”

Ledger sighed, flapped his wings, and landed just outside Cider’s door before transforming back to his unicorn self. The stallion closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if bracing himself for a hit he knew was coming...

He walked in, and after nothing happened, he tentatively opened one eye to see a drowned scorch mark on the table and Cider bent over as she rummaged around in a low drawer for her good frying pan, her blonde tail swishing to and fro. He barely suppressed a certain reaction in time and had to look away lest it trigger anyways.

“So you wanted me to help?” he asked aloud as he looked at the ceiling. The nice, boring ceiling.

“That’s right,” she said as she stood up. “Would you mind putting those pots of stock to the boil, ah’ll cut...These!” Her last word was punctuated by her hoof bringing down a large cleaving knife on a thick, ripe cucumber.

“And suddenly my punishment is made perfectly obvious,” Ledger said, wincing as the mare cut up the rather long vegetables. With an application of levitation, the pots were put on the stove and set to boil, while Level did his best to ignore the acts of violence being committed against the cucumbers.

“Hmm, ah need some herbs...” she said as she stood up on her hind hooves to reach the baskets of herbs hanging from the ceiling. Her little frilly apron riding up, barely hiding what lay beneath it.

“Y’know, I thought Scope said you weren’t mad,” Ledger observed. “With dinner being a thing we’re trying to do, even looking would be way too distracting.” Walls! Walls were boring and would help kill any reaction he started to have.

“Ah ain’t mad, who said ah was mad?” Cider giggled and winked at him. “And ah’m sorry, is something distracting you dear Ledger?” her innocent tones could make Celestia look like a Strip worker.

“Oh you know very well what’s distracting me,” Ledger fumed as he watched the pots. Walls had failed him, perhaps literally watching pots boil would help.

“Is it mah new apron?” she giggled, giving a little twirl. “It’s kinda cute huh?”

“If I look, I won’t want to stop looking, which will lead to touching and dinner being burned and or late,” Level said, successfully not turning away from his task.

“Alright, ah’ve had mah fun at yer expense,” she smiled as she dropped all pretenses and returned to slicing vegetables, with far less vengeance involved. “Though Midnight is being awfully quiet. That worries me a little...”

Said batpony was sitting in the living room, having turned Scope into her personal plush toy again. The Thestral cooed and nuzzled the little nymph. She was just so cute~

In the kitchen, Cider decided to get to the bottom of what had happen in the last twenty four hours.

“So, what were these ‘issues’ you mentioned?” she asked her stallion. “Anything I should worry about?”

“Nah, we got them sorted out last night,” Ledger replied. “At least I think we did.”

“Well what happened?” Cider asked. “Or is it something y’all don’t wanna talk about?”

“It’s not my place to talk about it,” Ledger said with hopefully enough of a sad tone that Cider would stop the interrogation.

“Alright, ah can take a hint,” Cider sighed as she poured the vegetables into a waiting pot. “Ah won’t mar the evening but y’all better believe we’re gonna talk about it another day.”

“Fine by me,” Ledger said as he looked to the door. “Just remember, it’s not my place to start such a topic.”

“Ah’ll remember,” Cider said.

Midnight rocked back and forth as she petted Scope’s mane.

“I am really bored...” she hummed.

“Better you be bored than Cider suffer from another spontaneous kitchen fire, Mistress,” Scope said as she just accepted her fate to be treated like a toy. Or a foal.

“Well how was I supposed to know that bread was so flammable?” she pouted. “You are really soothing to hug, maybe this should be your special talent.”

A little closer to dinner, Apple Fritter stumbled inside, her mane sticking out and hay was clinging to her coat. She also wore a big, dopey grin on her face.

“Ah think ah like yer friends Ledgie!” she said jovially.

“And I think she likes you too,” Scope said from her position of being Midnight’s new teddy-bear. This only prompted the Thestral to hug her tighter, and the nymph suddenly squeaked, not unlike a rubber duckie.

“Scopey...?” Midnight tilted her head. “Did you just....”

“Youheardnothing!!” the small pegasus said quickly, hoping that by denying it had happened, Mistress would drop the issue. Midnight’s smile could not be any wider.

“I love you Levvy~ But I think I found my new favourite!” Midnight called out, snuggling Scopey even more.

“Ack!” Scope said as she flailed a hoof in Fritter’s direction. “Save me!”

Fritter ignored her pleas for help and just giggled as she swayed to and fro. “Ah wish ah weren’t goin’ home tomorrow. I wonder if ah kin keep ‘er?”

“Meh,” Ledger said as he came back out from the kitchen, the help he could provide having been given over. “Were those of us with the right talents going with you, we could probably help you find somepony like her within a few days. Bonus: she would be a local.”

“Besides,” Cider said as she followed him, leaving the dinner to stew for a bit. “What happened to that mare you were infatuated with...er, Cloudchaser was it?”

“That didn’t last long,” Fritter sighed. “She didn’t like a mare that couldn’t fly...”

“Well that’s stupid,” Midnight huffed. “Ledger can’t fly, and I like him just fine.”

Cider barely suppressed a snort of amusement.

“Though that’s probably because we’ve gone through more trials than most couples can claim,” Ledger said with a roll of his eyes. “Honestly, I think that we’ve been stuck with the world’s equivalent of magical super glue and pressed together.”

“Well,” Midnight said with a wide smirk. “We do spend a lot of time pressed together, and we tend to wind up pretty sticky as a result~”

Scope just groaned at that. Ledger had walked right into that one.

“And I don’t hear you complaining much when we do,” Ledger said, not looking at the mare. “Less so when we’re already in the shower.”

Both mares blushed a little at that, while Fritter just giggled again, nudging Ledger with a hoof.

“Whooeee! Y’all are a real stud muffin huh? Though yer performance the other night proved that~”

“What’s that supposed ta mean!?” Cider almost yelled.

“Well,” Fritter blushed this time. “Y’all ain’t exactly...quiet.”

Cider and Midnight paused, the latter releasing Scope long enough for her to make her escape. They looked at Ledger, both with an expression that seemed to scream. ‘You forgot the spell!?!?’

“To be fair, the pair of you were distracting me very well, and had I known that Fritter would be listening in when she knew what we were up to, I would also have assumed she would be decent and leave,” the unicorn defended himself.

“Hey!” Fritter said. “In mah defense, ah never left the living room here. Ah’m pretty sure ah could have heard that in Canterlot. Kinda wish I got a better view though~”

“Soooo, I wonder how dinner is coming along?” Cider blushed red and dashed from the room as Midnight and Fritter exchanged hoofbumps.

“It’s almost too easy,” Fritter giggled. “Ain’t she the cutest when she’s all embarrassed.”

“She almost looks like that stallion cousin of yours,” Ledger mused. “Wonder if we can get her that red?”

“Let’s give her that romantic dinner she wants,” Midnight said with a small smile. “We at least owe her that much...then we start off the teasing~”

“Fair enough,” Ledger agreed with a nod before really taking note of Fritter’s state. “Um...Fritter? You...have something...just about everywhere.”

“Yeah, ah think ah’ll take a nice long bath and go to bed. Got an early start tomorrow.” She gave Midnight a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and offered Ledger a hug as well. The stallion gulped and whimpered at the thought.

“Just...be gentle,” he muttered before accepting the hug. The mare chuckled and the hug was actually fairly normal. She gave him a small kiss and whispered into his ear.

“Y’all better take care of those two. Promise me that.”

“I promise that no matter what, I will take care of them,” Ledger said with a nod. And he’d already been delivering on that, technically, what with healing Midnight...

Fritter nodded and let him go, before bidding her sister goodnight and trotting upstairs. A few moments later, Cider reemerged, her blush still present.

“Ah love mah family...but do they hafta be so embarrassing?” she sighed.

“It’s what they do,” Midnight nodded. “Be thankful mine aren’t here. That was nothing compared to what they can unleash upon the world.” She was never going to mention that her mother still kept foal pictures of Midnight in her bag.

“Mom and dad do their best to help uncle out back home,” Ledger said, using nice, neutral terms. “So none of them are likely to make an appearance in my life anytime soon.” He paused before thinking of the one family member he...really didn’t want to think about.

Mainly because Midnight was right, and this member of his family was really, really embarrassing. For him.

“You have family?” Midnight and Cider echoed. Even Scope was a little curious as she leaned closer from the rafter she was perched on.

“Well duh,” Ledger said as he rolled his eyes. “Just because they’re nobles and royals doesn’t make them any less a being than any other. Princess Celestia can still be surprised, still be contrite, still eats and breathes like any other pony. My family might not be as powerful as her, but they’re still pretty high-up as far as nobility goes back there.”

“I keep forgetting you’re a fancy, important buggy,” Midnight hummed, now hugging a cushion as a substitute Scope.

“It’s pretty easy to forget Master Ledger is an important anything,” Scope sighed. Ledger gave Scope half a glare as he retorted.

“Yeah, I don’t act like a noble, but we know the reason for that. And besides which, I am still in charge of Pegasus Air. So I’m still fairly important in the city. And that’s really more than I ever asked for.”

Cider gave Scope Lens a curious look. “Um, Miss Scope? Why do you call Ledger ‘Master’? I heard th’story behind Middy and all...but why him?”

“It annoys him,” Scope stated with a light shrug. Ledger snorted and looked up at the rafters, trying to determine which way to bring the small nymph down would be best. Magic or wings?...

“And one of these days, I will find a way to annoy you back,” he vowed.

“She hates hugs and being told she’s cute~” Midnight giggled.

“I don’t hate hugs or...buck,” she realized what she’d just admitted as Midnight swooped up and snatched her again. “Dammit Ledger, this is your fault!”

“I’ll leave it to Midnight to embarrass you then,” Ledger said as he relaxed with a smirk at the scene. While it was rather cute, it also served to punish Scope for continuing to call him by a title he did not want.

Cider ducked back into the kitchen and motioned for Ledger to follow. “Dinner is almost done, can you set the table Midnight?”

“Finally! Something to do!” she smiled, dragging Scope along for the ride. Ledger for his part used his magic as Cider directed. It was fortunate that he could multi-task.

Midnight set the table rather quickly, placing the silverware and lighting a few candles as Scope dimmed the lights around the rest of the room. She paused as she blew out the last lantern and looked around. This was a scene that didn’t require her around.

“I guess... I’ll head out then,” she said. “You guys have a nice night then.”

“Ahem,” Ledger said as he pulled another chair out, along with a set of plates and silverware. “Don’t make me say it rudely.”

“Say what?” Scope said. “This is a romantic dinner for you three. “I’m a fourth wheel here.”

Midnight wanted to say something, but she was more curious as to what Ledger had in mind. Nymphs had always been his button to press, so this here was either going to be a great step forward... or…

A sudden blur came from the chair, and Scope found herself seated. “I’m not sending you away. Yes, it might be a romantic dinner for us, but leaving you alone at the apartment while we have a nice gathering?” Ledger shook his head. “Plus, you might be able to comment on some things. And try to say that you wouldn’t enjoy a little snack of all the emotions in the air, I dare you.”

“I..uh,” Scope was at a loss for words. A little over a week ago, she was trying to kill them. And now? She considered them... her best friends. She shook slightly as she looked down.

“Why?” she asked quietly.

“Because we care,” Ledger said simply, as though that sealed the matter. “It might only be a small, infinitesimal spark amidst the rest of my emotions...but I do care about what happens to you.”

“Sentimental, sappy drone," Scope whispered to herself.

“That’s why we love him, and you too Scopey~” Midnight giggled, having heard her little comment. Apple Cider emerged, pushing a cart laden with delicious-looking food. Hot vegetable stew, crisp apple salad and her last bottle of Crystal berry wine.

“Oooh,” Ledger said as he clapped eyes on the wine, having drunk the last of the bottle Cider gave him after that night they all spent with each other. “You’re sure about that?” His protest was a little undermined by his watering mouth.

“Ah want this night to be special, so yes, ah’m sure.” Cider placed four glasses on the table and set up the food. Even Scope was watering at the mouth over the actual food, rather than the pure love that filled the air.

“Well then,” Ledger said as he pulled the mare’s seats out for them. “Shall we?”

Everypony took their seats and tucked into the delicious. Aside from the stew, Scope had a small horn sticking from her head, giving a pale azure glow as she snacked on the emotions as well. It was a little funny dining with a tiny alicorn though.

“And you may want to be careful with that addition, Scope,” Ledger observed. “Because if Fritter comes down, she’s not in the know.

“Ah’ll be careful,” Scope said with a small drawl in her voice. “Um...ah think ah’ve taken a little too much from Cider an’ Fritter...”

Midnight covered her mouth with her hoof, but still smiled. “Ohmigosh! That is adorable. Do you do that Ledgie?”

“I do it more with personality traits than voices,” Ledger said. “Most changelings adapt to their surroundings in some way. For example, I can’t think of being this lewd a month ago. I have you to blame for that.”

“Hooray for bad influences!” Midnight cheered and Cider chuckled as she looked at Scope.

“An ah do not sound like that!” she stated.

“You kinda do love,” Midnight giggled. “Don’t worry, it’s cute. Right Levvy?”

“Let’s just hope Scope only takes on voices, and does so rarely,” Ledger said, before smirking. “And I think she’s somewhere between you and Fritter, to be honest.”

“Could you imagine a combo of all of us?” Midnight added. “Snarky, lewd, and always plotting?”

“To be fair, if you’re a changeling and not plotting…” Ledger started. Scope, after coughing a bit to get her normal voice back, finished the sentiment.

“...Then someone else is, and it’s not good. Infiltrator basics.”

“I just never really stopped,” Ledger said as he took a sip of stew. Yup, between Fredrick and Cider, any other food was forever ruined.

“This wine is amazing!” Scope commented. “I reckon I could drink a gallon of this stuff!”

“It is good, and my lovely Cider made it, so that makes it all the better!” Midnight giggled. Ledger nodded as he sipped at his own glass of wine. Mmm, hopefully he’d be able to secure a trip to the empire soon...it’d be a shame to not have more of this stuff...

The rest of the dinner passed by, with the group maintaining their small talk. Cider disappeared upstairs to bring Fritter some stew, and Scope went for a night flight to work off all that deliciousness. That left Midnight and Ledger to clean the table and then snuggle on the couch together.

“We really are lucky huh?” Midnight hummed. “To be a part of all of this.”

“Not certain luck factors into it,” Ledger commented. “We have worked hard, stumbled, and gotten back up multiple times in this relationship. We’re either too stubborn or too stupid to quit, and I know I’m not unintelligent.”

“Nor am I, but I do have my crowning moments,” Midnight smiled as she pulled Level closer to her. “At least our lives aren’t boring.”

“I’d actually prefer a more boring life,” Ledger said aloud. “A boring life is one where I’m not likely to be exposed at any given moment. All the spice I need in my life, I get from you and Cider.”

“I try to keep everypony on their hooves,” Midnight added. “But, I think that someday, you could go around in your true form without any worries. It might be a while off yet, but it’ll happen.”

“Maybe, but it’d likely take one changeling presenting a defeated Chrysalis to Canterlot’s front gate,” Ledger said, before his countenance turned...dark. “And there have been times I entertained the notion of doing that myself, along with the state she’d be in when we got there.”

“You really think you could take her down?” Midnight replied, hugging his tighter. “She beat Celestia...”

“She was hopped up on love at the time, and the Princess had to worry about everypony else,” Ledger said with a snort. “Princess Celestia raises the sun. I’m pretty sure she can do more to Chrysalis than give her a bad tan. In an all-out fight, that upstart wouldn’t last a minute.”

Admittedly, Midnight would love to see what Celestia could do in a real battle. There were stories and rumours of course, but that’s all they were. Even recorded history had her solving almost every problem with diplomacy alone. And Sombra’s defeat was shrouded in mystery.

“Okay, that fight would be kinda awesome,” she giggled. “Hmm, if that’s the case then. I won’t allow it. If the time ever came where the Queen would show up again. I would fight her. It’s my duty to protect the citizens of Equestria. That includes you.”

“Aww, but I wanted to test my knowledge of Changeling anatomy on her!” Ledger mock-whined. “Do you know how hard it is to find test subjects for breaking point tests?”

“Ledger...you are a scary, scary bug,” Midnight shivered. “But you have a point, I need to re-train anyhow.” Having her Lyrica sealed made her much more ineffective. Sure, she could still use her moves and stuff. But having that emotional control allowed for a much clearer mind in battle.

“I’m certain Narrow will be willing to help with that,” Ledger said as he resumed being nothing more than a cuddly unicorn, his darker countenance leaving as quickly as it came.

“I think I rubbed off a little too well on you,” Midnight said as Cider returned from Fritter’s room.

“What’s this ah hear about rubbing?” she said. “And here ah thought y’all would at least wait until I got back!”

“I’ve already rubbed the bat today,” Ledger said with a smirk. “While fun, I think she’d rather sit any rounds out.” He lifted one hoof, an invitation for Cider to join the hug on the opposite side of Midnight.

“Says you!” Midnight huffed as Cider sat next to them. The Earth pony nickered lightly as she snuggled next to Ledger and sighed.

“Tonight was wonderful,” she said. “Thank you both.”

“Thank you for having us,” Ledger said as he turned and kissed between Cider’s ears. “And thanks for agreeing to my last-minute idea of including Scope in the proceedings.”

“Well ah wasn’t gonna toss her out,” Cider said with a nod. “T’aint the Apple Family way!”

“So dear mares,” Ledger said as he snuggled them both and sighed, content with what he had again. “What now?”

“Ah vote fer cuddles,” Cider hummed. “Ah dunno about you two, but ah’m exhausted.”

“As am I for once,” Midnight agreed. “After everything, I think I could sleep for a week.”

“Then once you all have had your fill of this, I’ll take you up to bed and tuck you in before joining you,” Ledger said. This...there were good moments, there were perfect moments, and there were moments that stretched on for longer than they should.

This moment was lovely in every sense of the word.

And then Scope Lens strode in, belching loudly. “Ahhh, that was a great flight,” she sighed happily and looked as the three stared at her with mixed expressions. “What?”

“...If you were a pony, your mark would be of a heart breaking,” Ledger said in a deadpan voice. “For your talent in ruining moments.”

“Again?” Scope sighed. “Seriously, it’s not like I do it on purpose.”

“I know you don’t,” Midnight sighed. “But once is an accident, twice is a coincidence. If you do it a third time...”

“Okay, I’m sorry,” Scope pouted. “Is...is it okay if I stay here? I don’t think I feel like being alone tonight.”

“Ah don’t see a problem with it,” Cider smiled. “How about you two?”

“I don’t either,” Ledger said next, before explaining himself as to why he’d been so kind to a nymph. “One of the worst fates a ‘ling can suffer...is to be alone. And if you think about it, you can sorta understand why.”

“I get it,” Midnight hummed as Cider agreed. “You want in on this hug?”

“No, that’s your moment,” Scope giggled. “Where do you keep your linen? I can fetch my blankets.”

“First cupboard on the left as you go upstairs,” Cider said, resisting the urge to be a good host and fetch them herself. Snuggle Time was soooo good.

“I’d offer to help, but as you pointed out, this is sorta my moment here,” Ledger said as he just basked. “You should seriously look for a stallion or mare of your own. It feels so nice.”

“Maybe I already found some,” she muttered under her breath as she walked upstairs, a small smile on her face.

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