• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 33 - Vamponies, Changelings, and Old Flames, oh my!

“So let me get this straight,” Ledger said as he stirred his own coffee, thankful that Scope had put on enough for everypony. “I sent a letter saying I was fine, that I had been attacked and dealt with a Black, and that you all were not to worry, and you all take it as…”

“‘Help, I’ve been attacked by a Black, this is where I’m staying, come quickly,’” the Green nymph said as she sipped at her tea. She’d brought her own blend and made some. She never went anywhere without her paint or her tea. “To be fair, I was fine with taking the letter at face value. It was Joyful-Heart that took it wrong, and the triad there got whipped up by her antics. As usual. So I pitched in my funds to act as shepard, hoping that if I herded them, the destruction would be minimized.”

Outside, Cider had hitched the three colts up with a heavy harness so they couldn’t fly off again. She figured a little hard work would teach them some manners, so now she had them ploughing a field out in the Eastern orchard.

“Ledgie was in trouble, we had to come save him!” Joy stated with a nod of her head. She was still trapped in Midnight’s embrace, but didn’t seem to mind much.

“Well I’m very flattered you thought so much of me,” Ledger said, giving the smallest nymph a rub on her head with one hoof. “But I had it all under control, promise.”

“Yup, he’s fine,” Scope nodded. “You can all go home now. Ta-tah!”

“Mmmm...nope!” Joyful said from her apparent new favorite spot, as she hadn’t tried to move from it. “We came all this way to see big brother, so we should at least stay a little while. It’ll give the others time to make up for what they did.”

“Heh. Cider’s gonna work ‘em into the ground,” Midnight chuckled as she nuzzled Joy. “Ahhh, you’re so adorable~”

“She’s not that cute,” Scope pouted under her breath. Joyful-Heart responded by wrapping herself around Midnight’s muzzle in a tight hug of her own. She wasn’t normally this small, but others liked her more when she was cuter, and she was cuter when she was smaller, so...

Scope just huffed and got up. “I’m taking our things upstairs,” she said dryly as her horn glowed, lifting their luggage. Ever since the Fair, she’s found that her magic was quite a bit stronger. Then a smile crossed her muzzle as she walked upstairs. “Oh, my name is Secret-Treasure, by the way,” she introduced herself before vanishing.

“Yay, Ledgie found a nice nymph with a name like his!” Joyful-Heart said before pointing at their sister. “That’s Critical-Eye now, she never misses a detail in any picture she or anybuggy else paints, and the three outside have names too. Just...can’t remember who’s who.”

“Ah,” Midnight nodded her head. “Well, since we’re all playing. I am Midnight Song, the greatest Thestral to ever live and Levvy’s main squeeze. Though, I think Cidey’s a little better at squeezing than I am...still need to learn how she does that...”

“You just give it your all, silly!” the pink filly said as she transformed into an earth pony roughly the same size as Scope’s normal form. “Like this!” And then Midnight was the victim of a Pink hug. Ledger swore he heard ribs creak.

“Gah!” Midnight wheezed as the tiny filly squeezed the life outta her. “Not...what I had...in mind...” She gave a final croak and fell back, eyes closed with her tongue lolling out. Joyful’s attack had been super effective.

“GASP!” the filly actually gasped out, putting an ear to Midnight’s chest. “I didn’t mean to kill her! Noooo! I’m so sorry Ledgie, I swear I didn’t mean to hurt your marefriend!” The filly sat on her haunches and then threw her forelegs up for extra dramatic effect. “Is there a doctor in the house?!

Midnight opened one eye and winked at Ledger, before pouncing on the filly and blowing a fierce raspberry on her tummy. The nymph squealed in laughter as she fell victim to the attack, dropping her disguise out of surprise.

Meanwhile, Critical was fighting a blush. Fighting and losing. She sipped at her tea in hopes that it would calm her nerves. It didn’t help.

“Aww, red looks good on you sis,” Ledger teased. “And speaking of-”

“I broke up with him,” she sighed. “I’m all for equality, but he was trying for superiority.”

“Good on you, I told you I didn’t like him,” Ledger said with a nod as he drank his coffee.

“To be fair, you have a history of being wrong when it comes to relationships.”

“Only when you start them. I’m almost always right when you end them. As usual.” Ledger sniped back as he set his coffee down, his eyes sparkling in mischief. “Though I guess something sunk in over those years...cause I can’t see the triad or Joyful here tossing all of Cider’s vampony books out the window, so…”

“Ooh, you did that?” Midnight said from right beside Critical. “You’re a naughty little mare huh?”

“Gah!” the mare said, only barely not spilling her tea. “...ahem. Yes, well, once this lunkhead told us how utter worthless they are in an actual zombie situation, I re-read the books with a more, well, critical eye...and then burned our family’s set. And salted the ground where I burned them.”

“They’re called fiction for a reason,” Midnight giggled as she ruffled the mare’s head. “Would you say that Daring Do is an accurate description of archeology?”

“Depending on where you’re exploring?” Ledger asked. “I took a side-trip on the way up here when I came here the first time. If not for the overgrowth and general state of decay, along with the lack of a pony and villain duking it out over a priceless treasure, the temple of the Sapphire Stone matched the one that was written about. Even the traps.”

“Again, I need to hear your life in detail at some point,” Midnight said as she now hugged Critical. “Or you could write a book, I’d buy it.”

“Maybe when ‘lings are more accepted than they are,” Ledger said with a nod. “I don’t think ponies would believe a pony going around to all the Hives and uncovering all their secrets without dying.”

“Well, you could pass it off as fiction,” Critical mused, trying to worm free of the hug. “Ponies will believe pretty much anything.”

“As evidenced by that series,” Ledger said with a smile. “So. Why don’t we hear about home?”

“...When I can breathe again?” Critical wheezed, starting to turn an interesting shade of blue. The Thestral released her, and went back to huggling Joyful, allowing Crit to tell her story.

“Well, ever since you did your thing, the Hives have been in a slight state of panic,” the Green nymph said. “The Council has decided to pay Equestria a visit. All of them, at once.”

“Council?” Midnight asked as she let the little pink ‘ling go at last.

“The Council of Seven, one for each Hive. The Kings and Queens of every color,” Ledger explained. “They...left their Hives?”

“They said they had to go ‘borrow a cup of sugar from Celestia.’” Critical said with a straight face.

“Y-You’re kidding right?” Midnight replied slowly. “They went to the city...that Chrysalis attacked. Together?”

“Strength in numbers,” Ledger pointed out. “Better to bring a representative of each race that can hold their own if things turn ugly than send several smaller ‘lings that couldn’t stand up to glamor-breaking spells.”

“Yes, because an immortal Princess that controls the sun is somepony that can be taken down easily,” Midnight sighed as she poured another coffee. She was tempted to get something stronger, but with the mood Cider was in, she wasn’t going to risk it.

“You seem to think that we’re implying they could or would need to stand up to Celestia,” Ledger observed. “It’s not her we’re talking about, but the line of devoted soldiers that are but mortal that may misinterpret why Changelings are in the city that we are concerned for.”

“Yeah, fair enough,” Midnight replied. She remembered the extensive lessons she received on fighting Changeling’s, and that day Scopey was on the receiving end of the results of those lessons. “Anyway, continue?”

“Well, I’m sure you’re aware that Uncle was facing a bit of opposition in getting an equality measure passed?” Critical eye said as she sipped her tea.

“More than a little,” Ledger said with a sigh.

“Not anymore.”

“So...that’s a good thing then?” Song said. Political stuff usually went over her head. She never bothered to learn its intricacies when a hoof to the face, a blade to the throat...or a tongue in the mouth got results far quicker.

“Put it this way, Midnight,” Ledger slowly said. “It would be like all the Lords and Counts and what have you of your homeland getting together and saying ‘Y’know what? The way we treat mares sucks. Let’s do something about that.’”

“Pft, that’ll be the bucking day,” Midnight’s mood soured as she thought about that. It wasn’t like all Thestrals were like that, just some of the Noble families...and him...She shuddered as she thought about that and decided that it was a good time to help Scopey out.

“Yeah, which is why it’s so big for us,” Ledger said with a smile. “We might actually be able to see...equality happening for us.”

“It’s more than the work of one generation,” Critical sighed. “It’s one thing to pass a measure. It’s another entire to enforce it. Some of our males are so...whipped, so broken, that it might take them a few generations to actually start acting like they think they’re equal as well.”

“Well, I fixed you pretty quickly,” Midnight said as she drew Ledger in for a deep kiss, one that she broke a moment later with a slight pop, and Critical was given a view on the bats long tongue. “Maybe we should get Thestrals for all the lonely little buggies~”

“Could work, but you’re mine,” Ledger mock-growled as he hugged the mare close. “Not letting you go off to work on anybuggy else.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” Midnight giggled as she leaned into him. “Well, except for Scopey, she gets my love as well.”

“Yup. Wanna go help her set off Joyful’s traps?”

“I do not set up traps!” Joyful-Heart pouted. “I set up surprises!”

“Like I said,” Ledger replied without even looking at his smallest sister. “Wanna go help her set off Joyful’s surprising traps?”

“Hmph!” the pink filly pouted, sticking her muzzle in the air and turning away. “Somebuggies just can’t appreciate a good surprise.”

On cue, a scream could be heard from upstairs and Midnight sighed as she pulled away from the hug. “For the love of- Can’t I relax for one moment?”

Later that afternoon, Ledger was still talking with Critical, when the weary forms of three Pegasi colts were dumped in front of him.

“Ah reckon they’ve had enough...fer today,” Cider mused. “Oh, and they told me who threw out mah books. So ah hope yer ready little missy.”

“Those books are an offense to everything good about written fiction, what little written fiction is good anyways,” Critical retorted. “I intended to leave behind a few pieces to make up for both your horrible taste in books and as an apology for those three...and then everything started to go to Tartarus.”

“Ledger, is this a Changeling thing, or is she insultin’ the pony who owns the home she’d currently stayin’ in?”

“Six of one, half dozen of the other,” Ledger said as he got up, preparing to flee. “Greens feed on Inspiration and Creativity, the sort of things you find in the arts. They’re, in many ways, a counterpart to Silvers. Little sis does appreciate some books, but they have to be good books.”

Cider nodded and looked her over. “How old are you?”

“Seventeen, going to be eighteen in a month,” the green nymph said as she put her tea set away.

“Old enough then,” she nodded. “Wait here.” She got up and trotted from the room, leaving three groaning colts at his hooves.

“Urgh, she’s...almost as bad as the Sarge.”

“What a slave-driver.”

“I think she’s hot.”

“I will thank you all to not comment on the attractiveness of my marefriend,” Ledger pointedly observed. “Now, you three have names now?”

“Yeah,” the Red one groaned. “I’m Brute.”

“Tank,” the Blue one pitched in next.

“And I’m Lighting-Wits,” the Yellow finished.

“Wow,” Ledger deadpanned. “How original.”

“They fit,” the three chimed as one.

Cider returned a moment later, a bottle held on one of her hooves as she sat in front of Critical Eye. “So, y’all reckon ah lack creativity huh?” she said as she uncorked the bottle and poured the amber-gold liquid into the glass. “Do y’all know what it is ah do here?”

“Farm?” the nymph asked before her nose crinkled. “We didn’t exactly get a chance to look around mu- what is in that glass?”

“Ah raise mah livelihood on this farm. This place an’ everything in it? It’s like a living diary of mah life. What ah’ve been through, what ah’ve accomplished...what ah’ve failed at. Insulting this house is insulting me, and ah do not take kindly t’that.” She pushed one of the glasses towards her. “Y’all think you know ‘Creativity’? Then drink that, something ah created mahself, through the efforts of mah blood, sweat and tears...” She frowned for a second. “And not literally, before y’all say it.” She was related to Ledger after all.

“...It smells like I could use that to peel paint from the walls,” the nymph stated flatly. “I’m not touching it until you tell me just what’s in that glass.”

“Hard Cider,” she said. “it’s just alcoholic apple juice. But, this blend? Y’all won’t find anywhere else. The apples ah used, ah created mah own variety!

“Okay, I’ll admit, it sounds impressive,” Critical said as she lifted the glass with a hoof. “Hmm...once you get past initial impressions, it’s actually not bad-smelling…” With a soft tilt, the nymph tasted her first batch of Apple Cider’s apple cider.

Cider just watched as she sipped at the drink. Her reaction could go a few ways, but given Ledger’s reaction to her drinks…

There was a moment in which nothing happened. Nothing at all except Critical Eye tasting the drink she’d been offered. And then the moment passed, and the glass was empty.

“That...was the best damn drink I’ve ever had,” the nymph said with a goofy grin.

“Glad t’hear it,” Cider nodded. “While ah can’t fault yer taste in mah literature. Perhaps you’ll think before sayin ah have ‘horrible taste’ was it?”

“Oh no, those books are still terrible, but I suppose you’re forgiven,” the nymph said as she looked at her empty glass. “And maybe I should see about helping out around the house as well...in exchange for a bit more cider? All those functions ever have is the same old boring, tasteless wine. I like a real drink every now and again.”

“We’ll see, but yer brothers are only gettin’ tap water fer the rest of their visit,” she said sternly as she glared at them.

“We said sorry,” The red started.

“Multiple times,” the blue pointed out.

“How many more will we have to say it?” the yellow one finished.

“Until ah’m convinced that y’all actually mean it,” she said with a curt nod. “Now ah’ll let you catch up with yer kin Ledger, ah’ll go and see what Middy and Treasure are up to.” She got up from the table, after corking and taking the bottle with her, before trotting upstairs.

“What a hard-head.”

“Farm work blows.”

“...She’s still hot though.”

The other two paused and stared at their brother...before nodding in agreement.

“And if I catch you three commenting on her attractiveness again, I will respond appropriately,” Ledger said as his horn flashed silver in warning. “Now. Does mother know you’re gone?”

Critical spoke then. “Well...she was talking about coming to visit in the near future...but we sorta...left without her and jumped the border?” she said the last part in a hurried squeak of noise.

“You. Did. WHAT?!” Ledger thundered louder than Cider had. Elsewhere, Princess Luna felt very proud for some reason.


“Oh for- Ledger? Shut up!” Midnight called out now that her moment had been ruined. She trotted back downstairs, her mane slightly dishevelled as Scope soon followed her, her state was about the same until she shifted back to her true form.

“What are you screaming about now, moron?” The blue nymph replied.

“Scope, do you remember how you got to Equestria?” the unicorn asked bluntly.

“Yeah...” she said slowly, wondering where this was going. “Why?”

Ledger just nodded at his siblings and waited for her to draw the connecting line. Scope blinked, before a buzzing chuckle filled her throat.

“Oh, you little twerps are so fucked.”

“Yup,” Ledger said. “The only reason I’ve not turned them in just yet is because they’re family. So I owe them that at least. I’m trying to determine how much of a head start I should give them.”

“I could call Daddy?” Midnight offered helpfully. “The Royal Guard could always use some target practice.”

“I say we give them until...eh, noon tomorrow,” Ledger said as he thought about the idea. “Gives them time to make it up to Cider and pack up before I drop word to Narrow about there being some unregistered ‘lings in the city.”

“Or,” Scope mused. “They can stay here for a while yet. You wouldn't want to throw out family right?”

“I’d end up wanting to strangle them by the end of the third day they stay,” Ledger deadpanned.

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that~” Scope sang as she almost pranced up the stairs. She had to...make a call~ Midnight chuckled and followed her, she still had an Earth Pony waiting for her.

“...My chitin itches,” Critical said dryly as she watched the little blue disappear. She turned back to her brother, her current expression showing that Ledger’s trademark smirk ran in the family. “Also...about her name...”

“That’s for us to know and you to find out when there aren’t little ears listening,” Ledger pointedly said as he glanced at the trio and Joyful-Heart.

“Aw, what?”

“We’re not little!”

“We could kick your flank!”

Joyful looked up at him with big bright eyes. “Big Bwutha?”

Ledger shook his head. If there was one thing he didn’t need to do, it was give a certain talk to his little brothers. Or Joyful-Heart. Assuming the drones hadn’t learned already, of course. Nor did he need them pestering anybuggy else for specific details, so flat out refusal to talk about the topic when they could hear would have to do. As long as Scope and Midnight and Cider got the memo...

“Well,” Critical began to say. “When a Mommy buggy and a Daddy buggy love each other very much, the little buggies shut their yaps and would learn when they’re older.”

“This sucks.”

“Yeah, it’s the same answer his dad gave us.”

“Which is more than what mom gave us, she didn’t even look up from her book before saying ‘I’m not having that talk with you three yet.’” The three brothers just grumbled and looked between Ledger and Critical with expressions of grouchiness.

“Well, try acting your age and not your shell-size,” Crit poked out her tongue. She then realized she had another question as she looked at her older brother. “So...that batpony of yours. She’s...different.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” Ledger said. “And the correct term is Thestral. Remember what happened to me at the Yellow Hive?” She was the only sibling who got a letter from him regarding that. He had told his mother, but nobuggy else, and only when he was well on his way. He still swore that he could tell when she got it, though. He hadn’t been able to explain that explosion the next week any other way...

“Kinda hard to forget,” Critical replied. “Mom was freaking pissed! Enough that she was going to wage war with the Yellows, and to be honest? I was going to help.”

“Midnight helped fix those scars,” Ledger simply said. “The bits and pieces that nymph tore from me...Midnight helped me pick up and function normally again.”

“She...did that?” The Green nymph frowned as she looked at the ceiling, a torrent of lust was coming from up there and she wondered just what the hell was happening. “How?”

“She cared about me for me,” Ledger said with a sigh. “Everything else...flowed from that.”

“I can’t believe that there are ponies that like us,” Tank said with a rare moment of coherent thought. “Those two are pretty chill about us.”

“As much as it pains me to...urgh, agree with you,” Critical Eye shuddered. “He raises a good point. I thought Batp-Thestrals hunted our kind?”

“Rumors with only a nugget of truth,” Ledger said with a wave of his hoof. “Luna trained them to fight emotivores worse than us. It all makes sense if you look at the bigger picture.”

“Ain’t nothing scarier than a Changeling!” Brute cheered.

“Tatzlewurm, Dragon, Hydra... Pretty Pink Princesses,” Ledger immediately listed several monsters that were more than a match for a ‘ling. “And I can think of several legends I’m going to have to re-examine.”

Critical raised an eyebrow at him. “Princesses? Really Ledger?”

“You try having lunch with one and her husband, tell me how that works for you,” Ledger snarked back. There was the sound of somepony tumbling downstairs, as Scope stumbled back into the room, her horn blazing with azure light as it looked like the appendage was...dragging her?

“Ow! owowowow, Okay, OKAY!” she yelled as she got closer. “I’m here, tell them yourself already!”

“Um...are all Blue’s so...weird?” Critical asked.

I thought I raised you better, young lady,” a familiar voice rang out into the room...through the horn.

“M-Mom...?” Critical blinked. That...it couldn’t be, right? “Oh buck...”

“MOM, Critty said a naughty word!” Joyful sang out.

I heard, Joyful. Now Critical, do watch your tongue. Are the trio in the room with you? I can’t see out of this thing after all, I can only hear and talk through it.

“Well gee, I feel sooo appreciated,” Scope rolled her eyes.

“We’re here!” Brute said.

“We got attacked by a demon!” came Tank’s reply.

“She made us do chores. But it’s okay, cause she’s cute!”

I’ll take into consideration. Secret, are you also there?

Ledger coughed and shook his head at Scope before speaking up. “Yes mom, I’m here. You’re talking to all your kids now.”

Excellent. Secret, it will fall to you to punish your siblings in my stead until I and your step-fathers and father arrive. For the trio, keep them working for this...who is she, really?”

“My marefriend, Apple Cider,” the eldest son said. A moment passed, and those present could almost feel the mother’s smile on the other end growing at that statement.

Wonderful! But yes. Keep them working for her. They’ve been trained in self-defense, so I know they’re physically very strong, and it’ll be sufficient enough to wear them out and prevent any more...incidents. Critical, I’m aware you did everything you could to...contain this situation…”

“Maybe if it was just the Trio of Tartarus, or the Pink Puzzle, then maybe...but together? Not a Hive-damned hope...”

Yes, I know, when they actually put their heads together, the three can do amazing things. Amazingly stupid, but amazing none-the-less. I still don’t know where they got a firework-propelled sled. Nor do I want to. So when we arrive, I will reimburse you for everything you spent trying to contain this mess.”

“Oh, could you also bring some books from the blue shelf in my room? I owe someone something,” Critical said as her nose twitched. “Okay Ledger, seriously. Where the hay is that lust coming from? I feel like I’m drowning here!”

“You don’t want to know,” the unicorn said with a smirk.

Yes, I suppose I can, we’re just finishing up packing right now. What is it you need?

“They’re all good, just grab whatever,’ Critical shrugged. “I need to educate somepony on real prose. Not that vampony drivel.”

Very well. HOWEVER, it has come to my attention that you didn’t tell ANYBUGGY about anything. Not even a note or a letter regarding your plans, even when they involved ILLEGALLY CROSSING THE BORDER. So when you come back, you are GROUNDED for the next MONTH, young lady!”

“My ears are quite close to my horn,” Scope grumbled as she rubbed one with a hoof. “Think you could save the screaming until it's not coming out of my head?”

My apologies Miss Scope. But they do need to understand the severity of their crimes. The council marched to Canterlot to make peace with ponydom, and then I find my children have committed such an act? This is nearly the best case of accidental sabotage ever.”

“Which is why I thought it best to call you and- Don't give me that look Ledger, we’ll discuss this later.”

“Mommy?” Joyful-Heart asked in a small tone. “Am I in trouble too?”

...Yes, but your punishment is going to be simple, dear one. No sugar until we get there. I just can’t stay mad at you.

“Awww, poopie,” Joy pouted. “Oh? I left a surprise for daddy in the clos-” There was a distant scream from Scope’s horn and Joy giggled. “Never mind, he found it~”

I do wish you wouldn’t do that to your father, dear. You know how well he takes it. Anyway, if there is nothing else that needs to be said, I will arrive in three days with your fathers and we will...discuss this then. We’ll be travelling non-stop, so if it wouldn’t be any trouble to be prepared for us?...

“I think we can do that,” Ledger said with a wicked smile. “I’m sure the trio would love to help~”

“Nope!” they said in unison.

“Do it or I’ll tell Cider she can drop the ‘nice pony’ act,” Ledger deadpanned at them. The three gulped and looked at Scope Lens.

“Save us Mom!!”

I like the way you think, son!

“Thanks, had to get it from somewhere,” Ledger said with a smile as he realized their mom was on his side in all this.

“This sucks!”

“Why is Secret the favourite?”


Because he actually uses his head for something other than a hatrack,” their mother’s voice came from the horn. “Now either you three take care, or I’ll see about getting a general from the Yellow hive to train you next. You know their survival ratio.

“You know, working for a cute demon mare doesn’t seem so bad?”

“Agreed,” his brothers nodded.

“Brother’s are weird,” Joy frowed.

“Agreed,” Critical nodded.

“Yay, great, love all around,” Scope deadpanned. “Can we cut the connection now? I’m getting a headache.”

Of course. Remember, three days boys!” Scope’s horn stopped glowing as the connection died. Scope winced as she rubbed her horn, which was smoking slightly.

“Ow...” she muttered. “Could have at least warned me before she went to ‘Speaker’ mode.”

“Mom typically acts first and apologizes afterwards,” Ledger said with a shrug. “It’s just how she is.”

“I noticed,” Scope nodded, before wincing painfully again. Using ‘Hivemind’ for so long and over that great a distance? It really hurt dammit. “I’m going to lay down for a while, and hopefully those two have finished making a mess upstairs...” That gave Ledger a small hint as to what he was missing out on.

“Fine, we can talk later. When Cider’s done with whatever, tell her to come down. We’ve got three hardheads that need direction from her firm hoof.”

Scope’s ear gave a twitch as another wave of lust rolled over them. “Oh, she’s using that hard hoof to come alright,” she smiled as she trotted upstairs with a smile. Looks like it was her turn again.

“What?” Joyful piped up.

“You’ll learn when you’re older,” Ledger said as he gave the small nymph a hug.

“Everybuggy always says that... and I wonder what happened to Mr. Zebra that I left in the bathroom?”

Elsewhere, a very confused zebra was wondering how he had come to be in an unfamiliar bathtub…

Cider hummed happily as she made the finishing touches to her greenhouse. After being in the Empire, she got a good feel for the temperatures and now she figured that she had it perfect. The crystal she had been given was placed in the very centre of the room, half buried in the ground as it pulsated with a gentle glow.

“Ah so hope this works,” she said to herself as she looked around. It would be a few days before her tree would arrive, and she had already planted the seeds for new trees. Though those wouldn’t sprout until next season at the earliest.

She’d left the trio in Midnight’s hooves, knowing her little bat wouldn’t skimp on their punishment. And she wanted them kept FAR away from this place.

Outside, Midnight marched back and forth in front of the colts, decked out in her full armour.

“ALRIGHT MAGGOTS!” she yelled, her stern gaze could have bored a hole through steel. “YOU WILL NOW DO TWENTY LAPS OF THE FARM. THE WHOLE FARM. AND NO WINGS! Do you UNDERSTAND?”

“SIR YES SIR!” they bellowed in response.


“SIR, PERMISSION TO MOVE WAS NOT GIVEN, SIR!” They knew better than to fall for an obvious trap.

“Oh you are Ledger’s family alright.” Midnight chuckled. “WELL THEN, I WANT YOU HERE YESTERDAY! GET GOING MAGGOTS!!”

With that, the three of them turned and looked from left to right. “Uh, which way, sir?” the yellow one asked.

“Clockwise!” she said. “Any more questions? YOU ARE BURNING DAYLIGHT!!”

“Nosir!” the three of them said as they began facing the right way, surprisingly. “Give the order, sir, if you would.”


With that, the three were off on their run. Once they left, Midnight turned to Joyful-Heart.

“Did you set up the surprises along the track like I asked?”

“Yeah-huh!” she giggled. “I even met a nice buggy in town who showed me some tricks while you were away! She was pink like me!”

Midnight paled slightly. “Was...her name Amy?”

“That or Cherry, she couldn’t decide which. I asked her and she said she could be a colt or a filly. And then she touched her horn to mine and showed me how I could be either one too.” At this, Joyful stuck her tongue out. “I dun wanna be a colt, though. They’re weird.”

“Yes, yes they are,’ Midnight giggled. Oh stars, she could imagine the look on Ledger’s face now. “So, what do you think about having three new big sisters?”

“That’d be even weirder! Where would I get them from?”

Midnight laughed, this filly was just too much! “I’m talking about me, Cidey and Scopey, silly-filly.”

“Oh. How would you be my sister? You’re a batty pony and I’m a buggy! That just doesn’t work.” The pink nymph tilted her head at Midnight like she was some sort of puzzle. In the distance, they could hear the screams of one of the colts as he encountered one of Joyful’s surprises.

“You know,” Midnight smiled mischievously. “Why don’t you go and ask Secret? I bet he would love to tell you.”

“Big brother knows how I’m getting big sisters that aren’t buggy? Now the world is being confusing on purpose,” the little nymph said with a pout.

Yup, this cuteness should never be unleashed on the world. If weaponized, even the gods would fall to their knees...if they had them.

“The world is a confusing place,” Midnight nodded and poked out her long tongue, licking Joyful on the nose. “You have learned a valuable lesson today.”

“Oooh, you’ve got a real long tongue!” Joyful said with a giggle. “I bet you can do all sorts of things with it!”

Midnight instantly quashed the first response that was on the tip of that tongue. Bad Middy, this was an innocent filly. “You could say that,” she giggled. “You're big brother likes it a whole lot as well~”

“Huh? But it’s your tongue. That doesn’t make sense again. How can he do anything with your tongue?” Once again, the little ‘ling was making an adorably confused face.

“Something else to ask him,” Midnight smiled. She saw opportunity here. Poor Ledger was going to have a heart attack. She she giggled, a Pegasus mare in a blue uniform landed nearby and looked at the armored Thestral.

“Lady Midnight Song?” she asked.

“Is there another Guard Thestral in this city?” Midnight asked rhetorically. “Well you found her, wassup?”

“I have a message, from Canterlot,” she said, hoofing over a seal scroll. “Have a good day Ma’am.” As the Pegasus flew off, Midnight opened the scroll and her eyes widened slightly.

“Joyful sweetie?”

“Yes miss Midnight?” the sweet little filly asked.

“Go and get Secret please,” she said with a small stammer. “Tell him...tell him a storm is coming.”

The filly bounced off, and it would be a few minutes before Ledger would come out of the house and sit where she had been. It was easy enough to distract the pink filly: just point her at somebuggy else. The problem was, that trick could only be used every so often.

“You called?”

“Mhmm,” Midnight nodded as the sounds of distant screams reached them.

“Are we waiting for them to pass us before you tell me what’s going on, or…?” the unicorn quirked an eyebrow at her.

“No, they’re running a course built by Joyful...they should be a while.” Her tone was dead as she read the piece of parchment.

“Long enough for you to tell me what’s turned you so serious?” Ledger prodded.

“Your parents...they get here the day after tomorrow, yes?”

“Assuming they don’t stop for longer than they have to to eat, sleep, drink, and things like that, it’s possible,” Ledger said. “They’ll be dead tired, though. And mom said she was bringing my step-dads as well. So that’s seven ‘lings total. Her, my dad, and my five step-dads.”

“Oh wow, um..okay...this will be awkward then,” she said as she folded the letter. “Think we can uh, fit two more in here?”

“Mom and dad will likely try to find lodgings within the city for them all if we can’t house them ourselves,” Ledger said. “I’m already looking into it in case Cider says no. Why do you ask?”

“Because,” she replied with fearful eyes. “It seems mine are coming as well.”

“...Oh,” Ledger eventually said. “Okay. They’re coming to...see how we’re getting along after that whole...debacle, yes?”

“I get the feeling Moondancer is involved somehow,” Midnight said as she looked towards the mountain city. “But yes, I can say that that is one of the reasons. You should also know by now that Daddy does whatever he wants...”

“Ah,” Ledger said with a nod. “He and mom will get along like a house on fire.” At this he mused for a moment before looking at the house. “I wonder if Apple Cider is going to get a visit as well? I mean, something like that, you tell somepony, and she was there for it…”

“Oh sweet sun, could you imagine if hers showed up as well?” Midnight gasped in genuine surprise. “We could found our own city with the amount of ponies here.”

“...Maybe just her parents, we don’t need her whole family showing up,” Ledger said with a laugh. “But then again, that’s just speculation. So, your family and mine are going to be in town on the same day. This’ll be...well, either amusing or terrifying.”

“A little from column A, a little from B,” Midnight said as three colts staggered past her. They looked like they’d been through a warzone. Which probably wasn’t far from the truth, all things considered.

“Excuse me love... OKAY MAGGOTS, ONE DOWN, NINETEEN TO GO. MOVE IT!!” The three of them groaned in pain but managed to limp on, back into the breech. Unfortunately for them, their new speed meant that those traps that were capable of resetting, would have by the time they go there.

“Well, I’m not sure how a visit from your family is such a downer that it kills your mood, but if that’s all, I’ll begin looking into hotels capable of housing seven ponies here to pick up five wayward children,” Level Ledger said as he leaned over to Midnight and pecked her on the cheek.

“Ahh, guess I’m just a little worried is all. The last time Mom visited resulted in a Herd, the last time Dad came resulted in you getting a score of new workers...Celestia only knows what’ll happen this time.”

“Knowing her, she subtly suggested it to your dad that he take a day off to see you over afternoon tea,” Ledger sighed.

“Probably,” Midnight shrugged. “Well, whatever...oh, and Joyful maaaaay have some questions for you.”

“...If my mother asks why my little sister knows anything regarding the birds and the breezies, I swear to you, I will find a way to turn both Pinks in this city on you,” Ledger vowed. “Amy/Cherry and Joyful.”

“Oh, Joy’s met her apparently. Amy showed her how to become a colt.” And with a pitch, she tossed that distraction his way. One that caused him to lock up as he processed that idea, of having a gender-changer in the family.


“Just thought you should know,” Midnight giggled as she flew off. Time to see how the boys were doing.

“So, ‘Secret-Treasure,’” Critical Eye said as she helped the smaller nymph put one of the bedrooms back in order. “How did it end up that you took part of my brother’s name as yours?”

“Oh? That,” she smiled as she looked out of the window at her drone lover. “Because that’s what I named myself.”

“I...see,” Critical Eye said as she watched the smaller nymph. “And perhaps you should tell me how it came to pass that you spent long enough around him to basically propose marriage to him? Because the last nymph he was with...”

“Raped him and tried to kill him, yes I am quite aware of what happened...and considering I tried to kill him as well, this is all very weird for me.” Scope frowned as she scrubbed on particularly stubborn stain. She realized a moment later that everything had gone deathly quiet.

Is...that...so?” Critical asked, her tone cold enough to freeze a river.

“Yes,” Scope said, seemingly unfazed. “Mistress Midnight defended him however, literally tore the chitin from my body. Can you imagine that?” She turned at looked at the little green mare. “A creature you cannot see, that you cannot feel? Tearing you apart with anti-magic blades? It was not pleasant. Not in the least. So whatever thoughts are dancing in your head Green. I assure you, they are nothing compared to what I have already lived through.”

“...If I so much as detect one hint of you holding any true animosity towards my brother...I will tell my mother of what you just told me the moment she gets here,” Critical Eye said as she eyed the stain and removed it with a wave of her horn.

“She already knows, I told her everything the day she linked with me,” Scope explained, wondering why she didn’t think of that. “But all things aside, my name hmm? I wonder if I should tell you or not. It is something of great personal importance to me.”

“You already know ours,” Critical Eye said as she turned to the bookshelf in the room and started work on repairing it. “The drones are simple enough, they have yet to earn any distinguishing names, really. Little sister was called that after the day she found sugar, because no matter the punishments mom tried to give her or anybuggy else, she was happy for them. I got called mine after pointing out that half the paintings in a gallery were forgeries. And you should really get brother to tell you the full story behind his. I have the letters, but hearing it from him…”

“He does know how to tell a story,” Scope nodded as she made the bed. “But you can relax...I went through...extensive re-training. And I am well aware of my own limits. Ledger and Midnight are not a pair to be trifled with. Besides...I love them far too much to want to hurt them.” She paused as she pressed her hooves into the bed. “How could I possibly hate the first ones to ever love me...”

“...I...I’m sorry for insinuating that, then,” Critical said with a soft sob of her own. “It’s just...it wasn’t only mom that was mad when we got that letter. I...I nearly lost my brother, and...and that thought terrifies me. For all that we argue and disagree...I still love my brother. So to hear that he’s with another nymph after what the last one nearly did...It scared me.”

“It’s alright,” Scope said, placing her hoof on the mare’s shoulder. “Look, even I don’t know why they forgave me, or why I’m even here...but, I am and I will let nothing hurt them okay?” She chuckled when she remembered something. “That yellow Nymph? The one that...did that? Did you know she showed up here about two weeks back?”

“She did? Please tell me she’s buried in the desert,” Critical said as she raised her head and looked at Scope. “It would be our little secret.”

“Unfortunately no,” Scope said. “And that is because Midnight and Ledger told me not to. A pity...it would have been so easy...” She shook her head and clicked her tongue. She wasn’t that nymph anymore. “But yes, she has been coming here quite regularly apparently, searching for him so she could apologize...” She smiled slightly as she recalled that meeting. “Mistress Midnight scared the shell off of her at first.”

“She should have done more,” Critical grumbled. “I have a list about five feet long…”

“Agreed, but it's a start...and Ledger actually agreed to meet with her again. Under strict supervision of course.”

“...He always did have a big heart,” Critical sighed. “At least, before she happened. He never held anything against us as long as we tried to make up for it...I’m always surprised that he’s not an Orange instead of a Silver.”

“He might not be as insufferable if he was,” Scope giggled. “Still, I think I’ve gotten off topic again. As for my name? I chose it because...” She looked out of the window again. “They are my Treasure. He’s my Secret... I guess, I was being a tad selfish when I chose it.”

“Aw, I think it’s cute,” Critical giggled. “It shows you care about them.”

“Tell anyone and I’ll deny it,” she pouted as she resumed making the bed. “I told you because I happen to like you. That is all.”

“Still, to give up a chance to totally relabel yourself to show how much you care about somebuggy else,” the green nymph teased. “That shows dedication.”

“I’m a Blue, what do you expect?” she blushed as she looked away. “What about you? Any little drones vying for your attention?”

“I broke up with my latest drone-friend not two weeks ago,” Critical sighed. “I’m all for respecting drones, and treating them equally...but he wanted to just take control of the whole thing. He wasn’t after equality but superiority. He wasn’t...mature enough for me.”

“Oh?” Scope blinked as she looked at the green, and a wicked smile crossed her face. “Ohhh~ I see how it is now.”

Critical tilted her head and blinked a few times. “See how what is?”

With an azure flash, Critical Eye found herself staring into Ledger’s silver eyes. “Oh my dearest sister,” he said in a silky tone. “How could I not have seen your true feelings. I am such a fool.”

“I am not in love with my step-brother!” Critical shrieked at the disguise...loud enough for Ledger to hear from the top of the stairs as he just stood there. He had been coming up to ask if they needed help, but now he was...curious, despite himself.

‘Ledger’ cupped her cheek, determined to keep this little prank going. “Oh, but that cute little blush says otherwise. Come now, don’t fight your feelings~”

“I am not going to argue this with you,” Critical said as she pulled herself away and refocused on the task at hoof. “Yes, I like older, more mature drones. Yes, I like it if they’re intelligent enough to understand the difference between a piece of art and a piece of garbage. And yes, I am highly protective of Ledger. But I. Do. Not. Love. Him.” Each word in her final sentence was punctuated with her slamming something away.

“They say the louder the protest, the greater the truth,” he purred, running a hoof along her spine, both mares failing to notice the door open slightly. Ledger was stunned by the image of his little sister and ‘himself’ engaging in such acts…

“Ledger wouldn’t notice what art was if it jumped him in an alley,” Critical muttered. “I’m not discussing this with you. End of story.”

“So if I was more artistically inclined eh?” he said, nibbling her ear. “Then you should see what I bought at the Crystal Fair for you~”

“Geroff!” Critical said, turning to tell off the nymph that looked like her brother...catching sight of her brother in the doorway and squeaking.

Scope lost it as she reverted to normal and howled with laughter. Ledger composed himself and responded very calmly to the situation.

“Scope, you can watch Joyful-Heart for the rest of the day as punishment for that.”

Her laughter died in an instant as she looked at her stallion...then to the embarrassed mare and shrugged as she trotted from the room.

“Eh, totally worth it~”

Critical took a moment to compose herself as she looked at her real brother. Her face aflame with indignation and embarrassment. “So...” she said quietly. “You got me a present?”

“It’s in my room,” Ledger said simply, still trying to take the situation in. “I knew you’d like it the moment I saw it.”

“Ah...okay...I think...I need a minute. And I-I think I am going to kill her.”

“No killing my herd,” Ledger deadpanned at his sister. “Looking after Joyful-Heart is bad enough.”

Scope’s scream, followed by a mad giggle from Joy punctuated that statement. Yup, just another day in Las Pegasus.

Author's Note:

As of this day, Aus and I have finished writing this massive story.

Uploading it will take for-fucking-ever, though...

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