• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 79 - An Imperial honeymoon

Moondancer ran about like an excited foal. The Empire had been quite interesting so far... then they found the Crystal Library.

Moonie could have died and gladly spent the afterlife in here.

"So. Many. BOOKS!!" she cackled, the elder librarian shushing her.

“Well I know what to get you for your birthday, and our anniversary,” the disguised Sugar Darling said as she did her best to keep up. “A book you haven’t read yet.”

"Whereas I could simply get you a nice saddle and some hoofcuffs," Moondancer smiled back as she poured over a large tome. "Oohh, this one is interesting."

“I did want to see what they had for wedding dresses and bracelets, you know,” Sugar mused. “What with the whole lack of ceremony we had, it’s the least I could do.”

Moondancer closed the book and smiled. "Yeah. Moonbutt always wanted a big ceremony. She may yell at you if she finds out we didn't have one."

“Think we could fake one and get enough pictures to convince her?” Sugar mused aloud.

"I wouldn’t let her hurt you... except in a way you'd enjoy." Moon giggled. "Still, maybe we could look into something..." the unicorn trailed off and her ear flicked. The sound of cheering foals could be heard from further into the library.

“Aww, little ones,” Sugar said. “I just adore them. Think we could sneak a quick peek?”

Moondancer shrugged and nodded. They followed the noise and soon found its source, as crystal bookshelves gave way to a dense jungle, as a khaki-clad pegasus fought against some weird cat-monster-thing. A group of foals nearby cheered and laughed.

“Well now,” Sugar said to herself, and to Moondancer. “This is...quite the application of illusion magic.”

Moon ran a hoof over a nearby plant, as it moved to her touch. "Force field magic, to give some solidity to the creations? This takes not only skill, but quite a bit of power as well.”

"Go Daring Do!" The foals cried out as the pegasus snatched away the statuette from Ahuizotl and flew off.

"Curse you Daring Dooooo!!" he screamed. As the scenery melted away, leaving a slightly breathless green unicorn bowing to her young audience and revelling in their joy.

Interesting,” Sugar said with a smile. “I think I know something about our friend over there,” the disguised violet nymph said to her wife.

"Oh?" Moondancer asked as the unicorn spied them and trotted towards them. "Well, she’s coming our way."

“And what did you two think of the show?” Critical asked, always eager to get more opinions on her spellwork.

"You multicast illusions and force fields, along with acting out, word for word, Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone." Moondancer smiled and nodded. "I doubt even I could have done that. And I'm the Archmage for Princess Celestia."

“Oh, well, it’s just something I learned,” Critical said, trying to brush it off.

“Nonsense,” Sugar said. “When she praises skills that could turn others green with envy, you should take the praise,” the disguised nymph said as she dropped a not-so-subtle clue to Moondancer.

"Oh, so she's a bug?" Moondancer said about as bluntly as a hoof to the face.

Shh!” both of the changeling nymphs in disguise hushed her.

Not in front of the foals,” Critical added later.

“And outing somepony like that is rather rude,” Sugar tacked on, admonishing the mare for her rather public reveal.

"Right, my bad. I'm used to having them just walk around in the open in Las Pegasus," Moondancer said with a sheepish grin.

"Excuse me?" A voice asked from behind them. They turned to see a cloaked mare wearing large, red-rimmed glasses. "I'm looking for a 'Critical Eye'?"

“Ah, yes, that would be me,” the disguised nymph said with a nod. “Just…” At that moment, her horn began to glow, and she started, before looking at the couple in front of her.

“Hmm,” she hummed. “Ah, terribly sorry. But yes, I am Critical Eye. Who are you, madam?”

"Oh, just the mare who wrote the book you just acted out..."

Critical gulped as that sunk in. “Aheh. Miss Yearling. I suppose this was going to happen eventually, wasn’t it?” Her horn stopped glowing at this point, the message having been delivered.

"Indeed, when Princess Twilight told me, I came straight here to see it for myself," Yearling nodded. "I'd like to discuss it at length with you. But you seem to be busy right now and I didn't mean to interrupt. Would you mind if I came by your house later?"

“Of course not,” Critical said. “In fact, if you could wait here for a bit? I just have to escort these two mares to the palace for a quick meeting with somepony there. I’d be back to talk or walk back to my place with you afterwards.”

“Wait, what?” Sugar asked, bemused. “I don’t recall setting up any appointments to meet anypony…”

"I fear somepony has been meddling behind our backs," Moondancer smiled.

"Very well," Yearling nodded. "I'll see you in a bit then."

“Come along then,” Critical said as she made to leave the library.

“I’d be more amicable to the idea if you told us why we were going to the palace,” Sugar called after the other disguised nymph.

"I could, but where's the fun in that?" Critical smiled. "Don't worry sister, you and your bride there aren't in any trouble. Quite the opposite really."

"I'll keep you safe snugglebug," Moondancer cooed, kissing Sugar’s cheek.

“...Wait, how did she know?” Sugar pointed out.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out~” Critical sang as they continued on their way. Hopefully Cadence would be in the mood to see her.

The crystal palace was massive, and Moondancer simply had to stop to check out the Crystal Heart, and got annoyed when both mares wouldn’t let her take it to study it.

"Never get to do anything," the unicorn muttered as they approached the palace.

“Your tune’s going to change in a minute here,” Critical said as she looked at one of the guards. “Hello, could you please tell the mare in charge that Critical Eye and two guests will be waiting for her in the hall of art she’s putting together? I have a matter that should be brought up with her as soon as possible, privately.”

The guard looked them over and nodded.

"Can do Miss Critical," Flash Sentry nodded and trotted off to find Cadence.

"Hmm, somepony has a secret~" Moondancer hummed.

“And I’m going to keep it~” Critical replied as she began leading them to the place she’d only been to once before.

“Getting a social secret out of a Green is like trying to walk away from a Silver without learning something,” Sugar said. “It’d be easier and less painful to let this play out.”

"So, about as difficult as trying to get you to not think about sex then?" Moondancer giggled, causing Critical to splutter and cough.

“I don’t think about sex all the time,” Sugar tried to defend herself. “...Though, that’s usually just the afterglow.”

“Oh my, you two are going to have an interesting marriage,” Critical said as they neared the hall. “We’re heereee~,” she said, opening the doors and ushering them inside. “And now we wait for the mare.”

"A lot of effort to arrange an orgy with the Princess," Moondancer hummed innocently. "Well, at least you're cute Miss Critical."

“My current stallion wouldn’t be pleased at the implications you’re tossing around,” Critical said with a smile. “Though I will let him know you thought I could land a Princess, I’m sure it’ll be good for his self-esteem.”

"If Ledger of all ponies could get one," Moondancer giggled. "Then a cutie like you could quite easily." Moondancer hummed and tapped her chin. "You know, you could always join his ever growing herd. You'd get a Princess by default that way."

“I do not need to hear about my half-brother’s sexual prowess,” Critical said as she watched their faces for the reaction they would have to that reveal.

Moondancer blinked as she ran that sentence through her head.

"...ah." she said, turning a nice shade of scarlet and walked off quite briskly to look at some of the artwork. In particular, one of a beautiful crystal mare and a foal.

“So, you’re Ledger’s sister, then?” Sugar asked with a slight giggle.

“Yup, I’m sure he’s told you all about me,” Critical replied. “Came up here because he found a wonderful artist, and I’ve taken to helping him out very well.”

“I see,” Sugar replied as she joined Moondancer. “You know, you’re downright adorable when you’re embarrassed,” she told her wife.

"Oh shut up," she mumbled. "Stars, I look like an ass now. And you missy," she poked the mare. "Are a terrible influence and I blame you for that."

“What was it you said to me the other day? Something about some mare teaching Midnight about how to be perverted?” Sugar hummed as she kissed Moondancer on the cheek. “I wonder who that was?...”

"...Bite me," Moon huffed, turning her attention back to the painting. And then Sugar actually did, mockingly biting her ear.

"Kyaa!" Moon shrieked. Critical chuckled as she walked over to them.

"You really should have seen that coming," she smiled.

The double doors opened and Cadence literally bounded into the room, a massive smile on her face.

"Are these the ones!?" She asked excitedly.

“Now all I have to do is figure out how you knew before I told you,” Critical mused aloud.

"Alicorn secret~" Cadence chuckled and pouted when Critical gave her a deadpan stare. "Oh fine, Twilight told me. Party pooper."

“That makes more sense,” Critical said with a nod. “And yes, these two are the ones that I was warned about. Well, their descriptions match anyways. Think you’re up for it?”

"You doubt me?" Cadence asked with princess-level puppy dog eyes. "That hurts Critty."

"I am so lost," Moondancer sighed, then remembered that a princess was in the room and bowed.

"Ap! None of that," Cadence said, picking Moon back up with her magic. "You are Moondancer and..." She paused as she recalled the other name on the letter. "Waifu-Stealer?"

“I can tell Midnight had more than a little influence over how that letter went,” Sugar said with a chuckle. “No, I’m actually Sugar Darling. Might I ask what all this colluding is leading to?”

"Why, your wedding ceremony of course. Was this not explained to you?"

Sugar just sat there and blinked before looking at Moondancer. “Did...a Princess of Equestria...just offer that to us?” she asked in a disbelieving tone. “I mean, we did come up here for a honeymoon and all, and to maybe try and give you a proper ceremony, but…”

"Two Princesses actually, as this was partly Twilight’s idea," Cadence replied. "But Scope Lens is the true mastermind."

“Mmhmm,” Critical said as she tapped her horn with a hoof. “Little nymph got in touch with me not too long ago, told me to escort the both of you here and get an audience with ‘the pink princess of food’ if I could.”

"Pink Princess of Food?" Cadence deadpanned. "Is that really how you lot see me? That hurts you know."

“It was Scope talking,” Critical replied with a shrug. “I’m surprised she was so nice, to be honest.”

“Hmm, well I don’t know her enough to really get it,” Cadence shrugged. “Still, since Twilight’s dating them now, I really should get to know them more. Ah! But we’re getting off topic.” She looked at the couple and smiled. “To explain, some of your friends have asked if I could hold a wedding ceremony for you. The cake, the dresses, the whole deal. Does that sound good to you two?”

“It...sounds better than anything we were planning,” Sugar replied honestly.

“And since I have delivered them to you, I take my leave,” Critical said with a small bow. “I have an author to go get ahold of.”

“Oh, okay then,” Cadence nodded. “You and Palette are coming to the ceremony though yes?”

“Maybe, if my meeting doesn’t run long,” Critical said with a wide smile. “I might end up talking with her all afternoon.”

“Well, best of luck then,” Cadence smiled and gave the nymph a hug. Once Critical had left, the princess turned to Moondancer and Sugar. “Now, shall we start with a few dress fittings?”

“I get the feeling this is going to be an exhausting day,” Moon whispered to her wife as they followed the skipping alicorn. Yes, she was actually skipping. Or prancing… one of the two. Aaaaaand now she was singing.

“Admit it though. You like the idea of a nice ceremony,” Sugar whispered back while waiting for the alicorn to come back to reality for a very pertinent question.

“Well of course I do,” Moon replied, keeping their conversation hushed as Cadence said a few words with one of her maids. “I can’t wait to see you in a beautiful wedding dress.”

“Assuming they can find anything that goes well with black and violet,” the disguised nymph pointed out. Moondancer blinked as Cadence led them to a large room where a single Crystal mare was waiting.

“Here we are,” the alicorn hummed. “This is Dazzling Designs, the best tailor in the city really.”

“You flatter me Princess,” the mare chuckled and blushed slightly.

“Only because it’s true,” Cadence said. She turned and looked at the couple, Sugar in particular. “Now, the question remains… is on just who you would like to be for the ceremony.”

“Well,” Sugar said with a smile. “I did get married to her like I really am, so it only stands to reason…” With that, her body was consumed by violet flames before her actual self stepped out, Noble form and all. “That I get the ceremony done like this as well.”

She felt something flare inside Cadence, as the nymph greatly reminded her of Chrysalis when she did that. The alicorn nodded and turned away for a moment to compose herself as she looked at the Crystal pony, whom was looking at Sugar with a good deal of fascination.

“S-So, you think you can work with this?” Cadence asked, the slightest of trembles in her voice. Dammit all, she did not need those memories playing right now.

“I think so,” Dazzling hummed as she paced around the nymph, taking measurements and the like. “Mmm, perhaps something in blue… or a lavender.”

“Either color is fine by me,” Sugar said before leaning over to Moondancer. “She’s anxious about what I just did. Think you can help her?

“Me? What am I supposed to do?” Moondancer whispered back and then sighed. “Alright, lemme see what I can do.” She left Sugar at the mercy of the seamstress, who was taking some other measurements, and approached the princess.

“Princess Cadence?” she asked as she got closer, the alicorn flinching. “Are you feeling alright?”

“W-What, oh, yes, of course I am,” she replied hastily, but wilted under Moondancer’s gaze. “Ehehe, guess I’m not very subtle…”

“Look princess,” Moon sat beside her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “It’s perfectly understandable after what you’ve been through, and Sugar isn’t upset in the slightest. Or she’s hiding it a lot better than you,” the unicorn giggled. “But trust me, she’s not going to take over your Empire… I wouldn’t let her anyway. But maybe you could use this opportunity to face those fears hmm? Especially should you meet Queen Chrysalis again.”

Cadence took a deep breath and nodded. She knew that the queen had been staying with Twilight, but was asked by Celestia not to tell Shining, lest he flip out and go ‘rescue’ his little sister. Still, she’d have to face this at some point…

“Yes, and I am being terribly rude to your wife,” she smiled as she got to her hooves and walked over to Sugar Darling. “I’d like to apologise for that,” the princess said and held out a hoof. “I’d like to start over. I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you may call me Cadence.”

“I’m fairly certain you couldn’t pronounce my Changeish name, so just call me Sugar Darling, or Sugar if you like,” the nymph said as she nearly made to shake the alicorn’s hoof, before Dazzling stuck it back to the ground forcefully.

“Honestly, can you keep still for one minute,” the mare grumbled. “It’s like trying to measure a foal.” She looked at Cadence and waved a hoof. “I have this under control Princess. Do you not have a ceremony to oversee?”

“I do, I do,” Cadence giggled.

“Whelp, looks like we just married Princess Cadence as well,” Moondancer giggled, causing the alicorn to blush and facehoof.

“Oh goodness, wouldn’t that be a scandal,” Sugar purred. “Not sure how the husband would take it…”

“He’d be reduced to an adorable spluttering mess,” Cadence giggled. “Now I should go… and tell him that you’re here actually. I really don’t want a repeat of last time.”

“That sounds like a story you should share when you return with him,” Sugar winked. “Reduce him to that sputtering mess a lot faster.”

“I suddenly feel like he both should and should never meet you,” Cadence hummed. “Well, just remember that he’s mine and we’ll be fine.” She gave a small flick of her tail and left them at the mercy of Dazzling, who had ducked into the next room to find a swatch of fabrics.

“So,” Moondancer grinned once they were alone. “Be honest, how much do you want to sheathe Shining’s sword?”

“He’s quite the interesting specimen of stallion, but he’s no you,” Sugar replied. “I’ve only heard about him as well, I’ve hardly met him. Though the fact that he impressed the Alicorn of Love speaks volumes. All in all, I’m merely...curious about him.”

Moondancer on the other hoof, knew him quite well. “Ohohoho, this meeting is going to be fun,” she smiled as Dazzling returned, quickly sweeping up the unicorn to measure her next. “Ah, hey! Watch that hoof… or at least buy me a drink and dinner first!”

“Yes, do watch your hooves around my wife,” Sugar said in a tone that would have frozen a lake...inside the barrier.

“Ooh, jealous Sugar is scary~” Moondancer grinned at her as Dazzling just ignored the both and continued her work. This would be her greatest masterpiece to date!!

“Forgive me if I’m a little possessive of the best pony to enter my life to date,” Sugar replied. “After all, I don’t marry ponies every day, and I want this to last.”

“That raises a question I have,” Moon hummed and looked at her. “Just how many ponies have proposed to you. I overheard one of the others saying you used to get them.”

“Oh, only about every stallion and mare I spend time with,” Sugar replied. “Though I can tell they don’t mean it of course. I forget how many have asked.”

“Hmm, well… I suppose I could just vapourise future suitors,” Moondancer mused and giggled in a way that may not have been entirely stable. Dazzling decided that this would be a most excellent time to start her alterations.

“Well, I have a good idea for your dresses, but I need to alter them for your sizes. I should be back in a hour or two,” Dazzling said and bowed to the two before leaving.

Moondancer blinked and looked at Sugar. “Uh, do we just… trust her. We haven't even seen the dresses.”

“I’m sure she knows what she’s doing,” Sugar said. “Plus, do you want to wander the halls before Cadence gets back?”

“Hmm, I wonder if there’s a library in this palace?” Moondancer wondered, already thinking of all the rare books in must have contained. Books unread for a thousand years. Ohhh, it made her giddy just thinking about it.

“Moony, sit. Stay.” Sugar said as she kissed her wife’s cheek. Moondancer looked up and her and raised one hoof, bending it slightly as she tilted her head and blinked.


“You are adorable,” Sugar replied, kissing the top of Moondancer’s head. “But right now, we need to play the part of the nice guests that don’t go rummaging through our host’s stuff.”

“Aww, fine. I keep forgetting you’re actually a polite mare,” the unicorn giggled and nuzzled her chin with the top of her head. “All that rampant sex makes it hard to remember.”

“There are rules, dear, and it’s not hard to remember them,” Sugar said as she hugged Moondancer. “Just don’t go around randomly assuming that everything is yours to mess with. That’s a key part of manners.”

“I am well aware of manners… why do you think Midnight is as well behaved as she is.” She saw that look in Sugar’s eyes and smiled mischievously. “Oh yes, it is just as you fear. Midnight used to be a lot worse. Heck, she made you look as pure as Celestia.”

“And now I fear for Ledger’s sanity a bit more,” Sugar hummed. “Oh well. At least that problem is well away from us for the time being.”

“Yep,” Moondancer nodded. She leaned back, supporting herself with her forehooves as she idly kicked her hind legs. The flexibility this mare possessed was something else. “It’s funny you know, ever since me and Midnight… well, you know what happened don’t you? Anyway, marriage was the furthest thing from my mind. Research and teaching was all that mattered. Then… then I met you.”

“Mmhmm, I didn’t dare imagine that the little mare that passed out on seeing my real self for the first time would ever impress me to the point where I would want to marry her,” Sugar said. “Proved me wrong real fast. How’s that study of ‘lings coming along, by the way?”

“You are never going to let me forget that huh?” Moondancer groaned. “Not like I could anyway. It’s very hard for me to forget anything. But, my research huh? Well… about that…” She coughed into her hoof and decided that now was as good a time as any. “I… got an offer. To return to Canterlot and start a class on Changeling studies. Very well funded and the educational opportunities are second to none. I’d be working with some of the greatest minds in Equestria…”

“I see,” Sugar hummed. “And what did you say to them?”

“The chance to study something that nopony has? The chance to work with all those brilliant scientists, ecologists and philosophers? Not to mention what it would mean for my own career as a teacher. What do you think I said?”

“I read emotions, not minds,” Sugar pointed out. “Though, knowing you and Midnight, I wouldn’t put it past you to say something along the lines of ‘either come to Las Pegasus with me or it’s not happening.’”

“You are an extremely hard mare to surprise you know that? It makes you not-fun sometimes.” Moondancer sighed, dropping the theatrics. “Yes, I pretty much told them that. And while I am more than happy to give them my notes… provided we are fully credited for the research, I will not be leaving that city anytime soon. Unless you came with me, but that would be amazingly selfish.”

“Who knows?” Sugar shrugged. “Las Pegasus is all but ours now. Ledger supplies the city with what it needs, I supply it with what it wants...Maybe in a decade or so, when Two-Step calms down, I can actually leave it in her hooves, and we can go wherever you want.”

“Hmm, guess we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it,” Moondancer replied. “And it’s not like Canterlot is far away. I can always head up there for day or overnight trips whenever I need.”

“Plus, I’m sure once they’re done studying Las Pegasus, and how Changelings interact with ponies, the next thing they’re going to be interested in is the Lands themselves...which will be quite...interesting.” Sugar licked her lips at the thought. Oh yes, interesting indeed.

“Ohh, speaking of. I would love to visit the Lands,” Moon’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “My research is slowing down, since I’ve pretty much learned as much as I can. I want to see how a Hive lives without pony interaction. Think we could make a trip to the Violet or Silver ones? Or both?”

“It’s actually very hard to find a Hive without any pony interaction, downright impossible if the rumors regarding the complete destruction of the Blacks are true,” Sugar replied. “After all, we need to feed off of something to survive. I suppose...we might be able to visit the Violet one, but I don’t have very many friends in the Silver Hive for us to call on…”

“You have Ledger yes?” Moondancer asked. “And believe me, I know how much you want to… study with him.” She pondered a thought and smiled. “Perhaps me, you, Ledger, and Midnight could go?”

“It’s a thought, or at the very least, he could send word back home and have somebuggy meet us,” Sugar agreed as she perked up suddenly, looking at the door with interest. “I think I hear and feel somepony coming,” she explained.

True to word, somepony knocked on the doors and Cadence called through. “Are you two decent? May we enter?”

“We haven’t screwed in your house in the ten minutes we’ve been alone yet,” Sugar replied. “And even if we were, that would only be the foreplay.”

“Barely even that,” Moondancer replied as the door opened and both Cadence and Shining entered. “Remember that one night when we decided to test our limits and foreplay lasted for four hours?”

“Mm, we needed to take a break to rehydrate,” Sugar agreed. “And then there was the time we bet how long you could last.”

“That was a fun three days,” Moondancer giggled. “But was it ever exhausting. Fun, but never, ever again.”

There was a gurgling sound, as Shining Armor decided that now was a great time to look absolutely anywhere except the two mares in the room.

“Heh, hey Shiny,” Moondancer giggled. “Good to see you’re as easy to fluster as ever. I mean, seriously… how old are you again?”

“Oooh, you two know each other?” Sugar purred. “Why don’t you introduce me, then?”

“Sure, this is Captain Starbutt Sparkle, well, used to be until I dropped off the map and he got married and moved away.”

“Yes, Canterlot became a lot quieter when you and Midnight Song… well,” Shining coughed and decided that that was a topic better left untouched. “But they caused me an endless amount of trouble.”

“Bust up one bar full of perverts and delinquents and nopony lets you forget it,” Moondancer mumbled.

“That happens around me almost every night,” Sugar said with surprise. “What’s the difference between when you do it there and when you do it at home?”

“Because I’m guessing she actually left the bar in one piece at your home?” Shining suggested. “I swear, those two were a two-pony demolition team.”

“That bar was a health hazard and the stallion running it had an illegal prostitution ring going on in the back.” Moondancer defended herself.

“Hey, I never said you were in the wrong,” Shining shrugged before he got a good look at Sugar. “Ah, so ah… honey, you didn’t tell me about this particular aspect of our guests.”

“Surprises keep things fresh,” Cadence smiled.

“Go on, love, introduce me to the nice stallion,” Sugar suggested to Moondancer. Partly because she was curious. Mostly because she wasn’t sure if she should be offended about the prostitution thing she last broke up a bar for.

“We’ll talk about that later,” Moon said, picking up on her mood. “Okay, so in all seriousness. This is Shining Armor, former Captain of the Canterlot Guard and now husband to Princess Cadence. Shiny, this is Sugar Darling, Noble Violet nymph and now my legally wedded wife.”

“Well,” Shining said and stepped forward, taking one of Sugar’s hooves and kissing it. “A pleasure to meet you Miss Darling.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Sugar said with a smile. “Mm, even being in the Empire is so...invigorating to a Changeling. I don’t know why I didn’t take a trip up here sooner.”

“Because most ‘lings believe that Shining and Cadence would disintegrate them on sight?” Moondancer suggested, causing Cadence to gasp in shock.

“Do… you really think that?” she asked.

“Well, we did kinda blow them out of a city with a big love-powered shield,” Shining pointed out.

“And one of them landed in Las Pegasus, none the worse for wear save the impact crater he left,” Sugar said with a small laugh. “Though, I do believe your distaste for our kind is well-known.”

Cadence and Shining chose to say nothing as Moondancer poked her wife in the ribs. Hmm, did Changelings have ribs? Or just an exoskeleton with a gooey center?

“What my wife means to say,” she cleared her throat. “Is that most Changelings don’t realise that you don’t really have a problem with their whole kind, just the actions of a few.”

“Few hundred, you mean,” Sugar said with a roll of her eyes. “That wasn’t the best reveal of Changelings to ponies as a whole. Nor could I blame you if you held a grudge against those that were there for it.”

“We did, for quite some time,” Cadence said. “But in the end, we both realised that we shouldn’t discredit the race as a whole. Now, I believe that this topic is done with. Shall we discuss what to expect for your ceremony?”

“Do lets,” Sugar said with a smile. “I’ve never had a ceremony, much less one for a pony wedding. I could do with a few instructions so I don’t look the fool on Moondancer’s day.”

“It’s all quite simple,” Cadence said. “Ah, generally, when two mare’s get married, one plays the role of the groom, and will wait at the altar while the bride makes her entrance. Have you decided which roles you will play?”

“It all depends on what Moonie wants to do,” Sugar replied as she gave said mare a quick kiss.

“Well, when Middy and I were planning ours, she was going to be the groom,” Moondancer explained. “I’ve always had a silly dream about walking down the aisle in a pretty dress. But, I want to hear what you want as well.”

“I am perfectly fine with sitting at the altar and watching you strut down the aisle in your dress,” Sugar said. “Whatever makes you happy.”

“You’re the best,” Moondancer squealed happily and gave her a rather passionate kiss. Once she broke it, she smiled warmly. “You won’t regret this in the slightest.”

“I can vouch for that,” Shining nodded. “Seeing your beautiful bride walk down the aisle is one of the greatest feelings ever.”

“I suppose I’ll get to find out,” Sugar said as she just hugged Moondancer close. “Mmm...love you,” she whispered.

“Love you too,” Moondancer smiled. Cadence ‘awww’d’ at the scene and smiled.

“Well, I’m afraid I’ll have to steal your bride away to get her ready. Do you mind staying with Shining and he’ll run you through things Miss Sugar?”

“I suppose I can do that,” Sugar said as she let go of Moondancer. “Just don’t take too long, I don’t know when miss Dazzling will be back.”

“Will do,” Cadence nodded. She left with Moondancer and Shining remained behind for a moment. Well buck, this was slightly awkward to say the least. He just sort of froze up and had no idea what to say. He was adorable. Dumb as a post, but adorable.

“Well mister Shining,” Sugar said as she strutted up to him. “Why don’t you walk me through what a groom is supposed to do?” No, apparently, she didn’t have an ‘off’ button when Moondancer was gone. That, or she was just naturally this seductive. She even batted her eyes at him for an added touch as she asked her question.

“Uhh,” his brain checked out as it tried to figure out whether this was attractive or not. A final decision was still in the works. “Uh, yeah, right. Okay. Follow me.”

“With a view like that, I could follow you anywhere~” Sugar purred. It didn’t take him long to put together what she was talking about.

He folded his tail down so it blocked most of her view as he snorted. “Just…” he couldn’t even respond to that one. One would think that a stallion married to Princess Cadence would be used to something like this… unless some of those rumours were true. That Cadence was still as pure as the driven snow.

“Tell me,” Sugar asked as she still admired those flanks. “Do you know what color corresponds to what emotion? And what mine is? Your empire is quite invigorating, yes, but I do have a preferred food.”

“I think Ledger mentioned Colours and the like, but I don’t know the specifics,” Shining replied, not looking back. He feared the look in her eye would cause his heart to stop… or overload. ‘I’m a married stallion, I’m a married stallion…’

“Mmm, I’ll give you a rundown then, because you might need it,” Sugar said. “Pink is Happiness, Red is Duty or Honor, they mean nearly the same thing to them. Orange is Kindness, Yellow is Courage. Green is Creativity, Blue is Loyalty, Silver is Learning, and Violet…”

Here she walked up next to him and whispered into his ear. “Violet is Lust, big boy.

Shining shuddered as he moved his tail between his legs. “Ah, heh, good to ah, know?” he asked in a squeaky tone.

“Mmm, and you...you could do with a bit more lust in your life, I think. Or exposure to it.” Sugar said as matter-of-factly as though she were commenting on the weather. “I mean, seriously. The last time I saw somepony with as little lust as you, he was the guy designated to make sure all his friends got home safely from their night at my bar, and he was a coltcuddler to boot!”

“I am not a coltcuddler!” Shining said with a huff. “I happen to love Cadence very much and we do… ‘that’ sort of thing all the time. So there.” He snorted and nodded, looking rather proud of himself.

“You can’t even name it,” Sugar said with a small laugh to her voice. “Oh dear. I suppose the rumors were only ever so slightly wrong then.”

“I can so, it’s just not proper in front of a mare,” he replied. “Wait, what rumors?”

“That Cadence was still a virgin,” Sugar replied. “I suppose they should be calling you as pure as your white coat instead…”

Shining blushed and looked away. “Cadence and I have a healthy relationship. That sort of thing isn’t that necessary you know.”

“So you’ve done it, what, once? Twice?” the violet nymph asked.

“If you must intrude on our private life,” Shining muttered and looked around before he lowered his voice to barely above a whisper. “Cadence likes to do it about once a week or so.”

“So you’re not making any moves?” Sugar hummed. “Just, trust me on this one. I think you’d find her very receptive if you were to make a move on her.” An idea brewed in the back of her mind. Of an emotional cocktail to give to the stallion once Cadence came back. All she would need is a medium. Like wine or any sort of drink…

Shining chose to say nothing as he led her to the hall where the ceremony would take place. Ponies were bustling about everywhere as they set up tables, chairs, ribbons and curtains. Chefs were already starting to bring out some food which reminded Shining of something. “Oh, do you or Moondancer have any allergies in regards to flowers or food?”

“None that I’m aware of,” Sugar said. “Then again, we have been living in Las Pegasus. We have far too many good griffon-run restaurants to spoil ourselves with. If she has any, I don’t know it, and I don’t know of any that I have.”

Shining nodded and waved at the chefs to continue. “Ah well, I’m sure Moon is smart enough not to eat anything she can’t have. And you could just avoid anything too unfamiliar.” He led her to the front of the aisle and nodded. “You’ll be standing here, and Moondancer will come out of those doors over there. Cadence will give you your vows, you accept, you kiss and then it’s done,” Shining nodded. “And since you’re already married, there’s no forms to fill out afterwards.”

“True enough,” Sugar said as she watched the proceedings. “Hmm. Oh, there were a few things that we didn’t touch on. Like a cake, or wedding bands.”

“Ah, well our chefs will provide the cake, and we have some of the best chefs in the city.” Shining smiled. “But the wedding bands, that’s something a little more personal. Should we go and find Cadence and you and Moondancer could do a little shopping before the ceremony.”

“That sounds good,” Sugar said, before closing her eyes and humming. One hoof pointed in one direction after a few seconds. “She’s roughly that way, as is Moonie. I couldn’t mistake either one of them for anything else.”

“Quite the useful ability,” Shining chuckled as they started to walk. “That’d be good to have for interrogations. And that’s probably why Ledger was so impossible…”

“It is useful to know where ponies are and what they’re feeling,” Sugar agreed with a nod. “How else do you think we find any food back in the Lands?”

“So what’s it like to see emotion like that?” he asked, genuinely curious. “Is it like an aura or some sort?”

“The closest words that would translate over is like being able to smell out what you’re feeling in your heart,” Sugar said. “Though there is a visual component as well, it tends to evoke...a bit more of a more primal response if your Color and what you’re sensing line up.”

“Sooo, emotions have scents then?” he blinked. “And what do you mean by primal?”

“Scent and taste are closely linked, that’s why we use ‘smell’ instead of ‘sight’ to describe what we do. Plus, we don’t have to actually see our targets in order to be able to tell they’re there,” Sugar explained. “And ‘smelling’ what we most desire...tends to get our mouths watering.”

“Hmm,” Shining tried to picture that. “I think I get what you’re trying to say,” he nodded. “So when you...oh,” he turned a nice shade of red and looked away, unwilling to admit that he might have liked the thoughts in his head right now.

“Let me spell it out for you, big boy,” Sugar cooed. “When my girls back home take some lucky stallion into the back room...they’re drooling from more than one set of lips. And I enjoy every minute I spend with Moondancer, both in and out of the bedroom, because she never stops.”

Shining spluttered and coughed, his white fur now a nice crimson hue. Sugar just laughed and kept following her senses. “Wow, you’re easily embarrassed,” she said. “I think the last time I got a colt as easily flustered as you was the last virgin that came into the club that wanted to spend a night with ‘Miss Darling, the Queen of the Strip.’”

“I… ah…” His brain all but shut down at that one. Nopenopenopenopenope! He did not want to think about that. It was bad enough that he thought that Chrysalis might have done that with him. And now he was willingly picturing…

“I… need to use the bathroom,” he croaked and ran off very quickly. Sugar chuckled internally. Her, 1, Shining, 0. She wondered how much higher that number might get before the end of their stay.

Eventually she found the room Cadence and Moondancer were in and knocked on the door. “Sexy maid delivery!” she called out.

“Ohh, I have a few of those,” Cadence called out. “You… didn’t ponynap one did you?”

“No, but now you’ve given me an idea for later tonight,” the violet nymph purred.

“Oh dear,” Cadence groaned. “Oh, speaking off. Did Shining tell you that we have a suite set out for you here in the castle?”

“No, he ran off before he could tell me,” Sugar said as she pushed the door open and walked in at last. “He just couldn’t stand up to all of me~”

“...What did you do to my husband?” Cadence deadpanned. “And do answer carefully.”

“I just gave him about, oh, fifty percent of my usual sultriness and seductiveness,” Sugar said. “He got all flustered and ran off to the bathroom. I could help you find him if you’d like~”

“Only fifty percent?” Moondancer replied as she walked in. Cadence had been inspired by a recent photo from Twilight and decided to apply it to the unicorn mare. Her mane had been done up and her glasses replaced with contacts.

“Oooh, somepony’s looking fancy,” Sugar purred appreciatively. “But Shining did point out one thing before he ran off to attend to...personal matters. Namely, that we don’t have any wedding bands yet, Moonie.”

“Ohh, we don’t,” Moon nodded. “We need to fix that. Should we go now?”

“I can recommend a few fine jewellers,” Cadence nodded. “Crystal Clarity has a rather nice one in the South Quarter.”

“Aww, thank you,” Sugar said. “And I’ll bribe you now and later. Later, at the reception, if you give me a moment alone with Shining’s drink, I can infuse it with a few emotions to help him be more...well, a bit more like you’d like him to be,” Sugar said with a wink. “And for now, he is…” she closed her eyes and pointed in one direction. “That way. And oh my, he is really trying to work that lust out of his system. I don’t quite know how he intends to do that on his lonesome…”

“Hmm, perhaps I should help him,” Cadence nodded. “He’s been working awfully hard lately. Perhaps I should go and help with that hard load of his.” She hummed and trotted from the room, giving the mare a very nice view of her petite flanks.

“Is it normal to be envious of him right about now?” Sugar asked, watching those flanks go. She couldn’t help that she was attracted to ponies.

“Nope,” Moondancer licked her lips. “Sugar… would it be terrible of me to ask for a little roleplay at some point?”

“Tonight, I promise you a Cadence in a maid outfit,” Sugar purred. “But first, we have a shop to find!”

“I am so bucking wet right now,” Moondancer purred salaciously as she followed her wife out of the castle. “Tonight cannot get here quick enough~”

Back at Palette’s home, he was currently pouring some coffee for a strange pegasus mare that claimed she was here to speak with Critical.

“So… care to introduce me?” he asked his marefriend. “Or do I have to guess her name?”

“Honey, remember those Daring Do books I bring to life for the foals at the library?” Critical asked her stallion.

“I thought it was Sherclop Pones?” he remarked, and chuckled at her expression. “Yes dear, I am well aware of them. What of it?”

“Meet the author,” she said, gesturing to the mare across the table.

“Ah,” Palette nodded and smiled. “Well, how do you do Ma’am.”

“I am fine, thank you very much.” She smiled warmly as she looked at Critical Eye. “So, shall we get down to business?”

“Let’s, but first. I would like to say that I haven’t accepted any bits for doing the things I do with your stories, in case you thought I was making a profit off of your work,” Critical said before taking a sip of her coffee. “I would never do that to a fellow artist, no matter their medium.”

“The thought had crossed my mind, but I asked around when I arrived and have found that out already.” She smiled and sipped her coffee. “Thank you for that, it would have caused you quite a few legal troubles otherwise.” She set her cup down. “Now, I want to talk about the quality of your work.”

She paused and removed her shawl and glasses, revealing her yellowed coat, her rose-coloured eyes and ashy mane. “I have to say, it was like being there all over again.”

Critical blinked a few times before she slowly put her cup down. “...Okay, you’re going to have to help me here, miss Yearling,” she eventually said. “You write about...your own adventures?”

“In a sense,” Yearling smiled. “The locations in those books are quite real, as are some of the treasures. But, the young ones don’t want to hear about boring old archeology, so I spice it up with adventure and intrigue.”

“I see,” Critical said with a nod. “You know, I have a brother that stumbled across a ruin of yours. From the Ring of Destiny, I think it was. His description of his experience, combined with your book, made for a successful art opening for my illusions. As well, your book probably helped save his life, so thank you for that.”

“Well, glad to hear that,” Yearling smiled and nodded. “It’s a good thing I’m a stickler for details hmm?”

“So… you’re Daring Do?” Palette said as he sat down.

“Yes and no,” Yearling smiled. “She is me… I am her. She is what… I aspired to be.” Yearling sighed as she lost herself in foalhood memories for a moment. “My next book is going to be something,” she smiled and looked at Critical. “Now first of all, do you like acting out my books?”

“It brings smiles to the faces of foals, and it’s a decent challenge for my illusion magic,” Critical said. “So yes, yes I do like bringing the books to life for the foals.”

“Good to hear,” she nodded. “And, do you want to continue doing this?”

“I wouldn’t mind continuing to do this, no,” Critical said as she sipped her coffee again.

“Then,” Yearling got to her hooves and held one out to Critical. “How would you like to be partners? You’d get advanced copies of my books to use for your shows, and you’d be safe from a legal standpoint as well.”

“That sounds like a good deal,” Critical mused. “Though, a lifetime of learning how to pick apart my brother’s deals has taught me to ask for the catch…”

“Well, I’d like for you to travel a bit with your shows, and I could help as well. So yes, I’ll be using your skills for a bit of shameless self promoting. But I think we could have quite a bit of fun with it as well.”

“Hmm, a tour of Equestria, doing shows to all the little foals and drumming up business for you,” the mare hummed. “Fine, but you’re going to have to be aware of a little something before we shake hooves. I wouldn’t want to do this deal without you knowing.”

“And that is?” Yearling asked. Critical smiled before erupting in green flame, leaving a green-on-black changeling nymph sitting where she had been a moment ago.

“You’d find out when we shook hooves anyways,” the nymph said. “I’m one of the few of my kind that can’t actually transform.”

“Well that explains your skills in illusion.” Her emotions hadn’t changed in the slightest. “So, what of it?”

“Huh,” Critical said as she tilted her head. “I would have expected at least a little panicking from a pony at that display. You’ve got nerves of steel.”

“Not really, just never had a problem with Changelings,” Yearling shrugged. “You’re not any different from Minotaurs or Griffons really. Just another species living in Equestria.” She sipped at her coffee and hummed at the flavour. “So, we have a deal then Miss Critical?”

“It sounds like a good deal to me,” Critical hummed and stuck her hoof out for that hoofshake. Yearling took her hoof and shook it, smiling fondly.

“Then we have an accord.” She looked at her coffee cup. “Do you happen to have something a little more suited for celebrating?”

Palette smiled widely and looked at Critical with puppy dog eyes.

Fine,” she said, not needing to turn to feel how eager he was. “You can break out a bottle.”

“Yes!” Palette pumped his hoof and returned a moment later with a some Crystal Berry wine and an assortment of fine cheeses.

“Ohh, Crystal Berry,” Yearling cooed. “I got to sample some when I was in Las Pegasus for the premiere of the Daring Do movie. This stuff is to die for.”

Palette nodded as he poured three glasses and passes two out to the mares. “To newfound friends.”

“Hear hear,” Critical said as she took hers and raised the glass. “To our ever-profitable friendship.”

“And may the profits be bountiful,” Yearling nodded and clinked her glass with theirs, before knocking back the wine in a single gulp. “Ahh, that’s the stuff.”

Critical was a bit more reserved with her sipping, before sighing delightedly at the taste. “It is rather nice, yes,” she admitted.

“Oh yeah, you haven’t had this before huh?” Palette asked, already on his second glass.

“I do tend to abstain from drinking as much as you do,” the nymph said as she sipped her wine again, now about half-through her glass.

"Well, later should be interesting," Palette mused.

"Lightweights tend to do funny things," Yearling nodded.

“I am not a lightweight,” Critical said as she sipped her wine again. “I can hold my liquor. I just choose not to imbibe as often as some ponies in this house.”

"She even argues like a lightweight," Palette chuckled and Yearling stifled a giggle as well.

"Ah, you two seem like fun to hang around with," she smiled and finished off her glass. "Too bad I can't stay long."

“True, I’d like to talk with you more,” Critical said as she finally polished off her first glass. “But I suppose you’re always busy. Still, don’t be a stranger. And I suppose I’ll get my first assignment in the mail, then?”

"No, I'd like to do the first one in person," Yearling smiled. "It'll be the launch of my newest book and I think you'd offer quite a bit to the live reading."

“Oooh, that sounds like fun,” Critical said with a smile. “I might be able to do that.” She then turned to Palette and gave him her best puppy-dog eyed look. “Do you think you could come with me when I go travelling?” she asked him.

"Hm? Does he have a job that keeps him busy?" Yearling asked with a slight head tilt.

“He’s an artist,” the nymph supplied. “Plus he just doesn’t like the idea of leaving the Empire at all.”

"Really?" Yearling asked. She couldn't fathom being such a homebody. "I love travelling. There's nothing like seeing a new sight, hearing a new sound or meeting a new pony." Her eyes positively danced with excitement. She was already feeling inspired to write again.

“I know, right? Seeing what the world has to offer, then becoming inspired to make something new based on it…” Critical sighed. “Of course, father was never happy I took so many unauthorized trips to the surface, but it was all worth it for the art I made afterwards.”

"Ahh, my parents knew that I was going to be either a writer... or a serial killer." She giggled and blushed. "I had some awkward teenage years. My early work was darker than your carapace."

“You should read some of the things my brother found, then,” Critical grinned. “Oh, the places he went. Despite everybuggy else telling him not to.”

"Oh?" Well now she was intrigued. "Maybe I should meet with him. I'm always looking for usable material."

“Good luck, he barely talks about the time he visited that Hive,” the green nymph said as she put her empty glass down. “You’d probably have to bribe him with that whole ‘Early release’ thing to get even one word out of him.”

"Perhaps," Yearling nodded. "I can be quite persuasive. So, what's his name and where does he live?"

“He goes by the name of Level Ledger,” Critical said. “He lives down in Las Pegasus now, and you’d be hard-pressed to mistake him for anyone else, these days.” She muttered under her breath, something about four mares.

"What was that?" Yearling asked. Even Palette didn't catch that.

“Let’s just say, he’s bringing the fine traditions of the Crystal Empire to Equestria as a whole,” Critical said with an eye-roll. “Especially those involving how many mares and stallions can be in a relationship.”

"O-Oh?" Yearling replied quietly and blushed lightly. She'd heard that herd practicing was still popular in the Empire, and that it was starting to make a comeback in Equestria. "Well, I guess that'll make him easy to find huh?"

“As long as you don’t try to get in on it, I have no problems with you finding my brother. It’s been a practice in the Lands for some time...but there, the nymphs are the ones calling the shots,” Critical said, declining to mention exactly why that would be so.

"One, I don't even know him, and I prefer my solitude," Yearling deadpanned. "And two, what do you mean, 'nymphs call the shots'?"

“Let’s just say that for the longest time, our society was matriarchal with a vengeance and leave it at that,” the green nymph replied.

"Hmm," Yearling was... writing that down? "Interesting."She gasped and smiled as a wave of inspiration hit her. "Oh...ohhhh, that's good~"

“Fortunately, word is through the grapevine that the, ah, driving force behind that has been dealt with,” Critical said. “So hopefully, with high-ranking nobles like uncle and mother around to influence society, there’ll be a shift back to normality.”

"Well, if your society has always been matriarchal, would that be normal?" Yearling shrugged and wrote some more stuff down. "Say, how tall would you say you are?"

“Apparently not,” Critical said as she got up to show herself off. Just a little taller than Twilight, and a little shorter than Cadence. “There once was a time when all ‘lings had value and worth. Hopefully we’ll make a return to those days.”

Yearling wrote a few things down and nodded. "Okay, got it. You're rather tall huh? May change that slightly. As for your Hives, it sounds interesting. Maybe I should pay them a visit if possible." She snorted at that, she was Daring Do. Of course it was possible.

“Good luck with that, the entrances are designed to blend in, as are the sentries assigned to watch them,” Critical said with a smile. “And the reason I’m so tall is because I’m a Noble.” Here the nymph indicated her slitted eyes with a hoof. “My heritage grants me a few perks.”

"So there are physical differences as well?" Yearling had so many questions, but her train left in a half hour. "Argh! Blasted time constraints!"

“You can ask my brother when you find him, he’s Noble as well,” Critical giggled. “Plus he did quite a bit of research on us and the differences being Noble granted us when he was in the Orange Hive.”

Now Yearling had to send Velvet a letter. The unicorn would likely hunt her down and tan her hide for it, but her quest for ideas demanded it. In fact, she could probably start an entire arc based around it.

"Alright, I have to dash, but we'll talk again real soon," Yearling nodded as she donned her cloak and glasses again.

“Take care out there,” Critical said with a wave. “I’ll be waiting for word from you.”

"Expect it soon," Yearling nodded. She turned as she reached the door and smiled. "Oh, if a really cranky unicorn mare shows up looking for me. I was never here." She winked and spread her wings, taking off into the sky.

“Well that promises to be entertaining,” Critical mused as she looked over at Palette.

"Why does everypony who shows up for you, turn out to be weird, troublesome or both?" He asked, sipping his drink. "Don't you know anypony normal?"

“Of course I do,” Critical said with a smile. “It’s just, my definition of normal is your definition of weird.”

"So, anyone fit the bill for my supposed definition of normal?" He asked as they headed back inside.

“Sorry, you’re going to have to rely on your friends for that,” Critical said as she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Hah! You're assuming a cranky old fossil like me has friends," he snorted as he put away the half empty bottle. "Now, what's that thing you said we were invited to?"

“Cadence is throwing a wedding for some friends from Las Pegasus,” the nymph replied. “It’s at the palace, though I don’t know why she invited us, to be honest. Still, she seemed rather eager to be throwing the wedding, so we should probably attend.”

"Huh..." Palette paused and nodded. "Well, on one hoof, it's free food and drink," he replied. "Besides, do these friends of yours have any of their friends with them?"

“No, it’s just the two of them, and they’re not even really my friends, but Ledger’s and Midnight’s. Still, Cadence seemed rather...enthusiastic to be in charge of their ceremony,” Critical replied.

"Well," Palette said with a knowing smile. "A wedding without guests would be dreadfully boring don't you think. Or worse, imagine a getting married and all your guests are maids and guards?"

“True,” the nymph hummed as she reapplied her disguise. “Shall we go and attend the ceremony then?”

"Why not," Palette nodded. He fetched his bag and bits pouch, along with a sealed bottle of wine.

"Don't give me that look," he said when he saw her expression. "It's a wedding gift, not for me."

“If you say so,” the disguised nymph said as she watched him put it away in his saddlebags.

"Yes I have and yes I did," he nodded. "Now let's skedaddle before we're late."

"Choosing a wedding band is hard," Moondancer pouted. "Why is it so hard Darling?"

“Probably because we want it to be perfect,” the nymph replied. There was a fine selection at this jeweler that Cadence had pointed them out to, but none of them said ‘Moondancer’ to her.

"Also because I don't wear a lot of jewelry," Moon replied and giggled. "Now, if we were to get me a nice collar..."

The jeweler nearby turned a nice shade of crimson. Note, Crystal Ponies were cute when they blushed.

“Well, now I have another thing to get you for your birthday,” Sugar said with a smile. “I don’t wear a lot of jewelry either, but then, I’ve never had much reason to before. I might see clear to getting a few things pierced for you…”

"Hm, you would look nice with a pair of ear...rings?" Moondancer trailed off as she looked at one particular band. It was made of rose crystal with a stunning diamond set as the centerpiece.

"Oh wow..." she breathed softly... then saw the price tag. That...was a lot of zeroes. Sugar turned and saw where she was looking, before looking at the band herself and softly whistling.

“That would look lovely on you,” she commented as she floated a checkbook out and started writing out a check for the price. “I’m buying it.”

"Darling! That band is waaay too expensive!" Moondancer exclaimed, her magic trying to wrestle her quill away. "You can’t."

“I most certainly can,” Sugar said. “If I think you’re worth the effort, then you are bucking worth the effort. It’s only money, dear. I can replace it with enough work.”

"But...I..." she looked at the jeweler with a pleading expression. "Help me out here?"

"Would you like that giftwrapped?" She asked with a friendly smile, causing Moondancer to groan.

“Perhaps a small box, it’s going to be used in a bit,” Sugar said as she yanked the quill free and finished writing the check.

"Well congratulations!" The jeweler smiled and hummed. She took the band out and went to test it against Moondancer’s leg before she paused. "Hmm," she looked at Sugar and winked. "Perhaps you should have this first."

“I can do that,” Sugar said as she gently grasped the band with her forehooves, before slipping it onto Moondancer’s right foreleg. “I was right,” she breathed. “It does look wonderful on you. Or you’re making it look amazing. I can’t tell which.”

Moondancer’s voice hitched in her throat. It really did look amazing. And it was for her, from a mare she loved. She wondered if the roof had a leak and the weather pegasi made a freak rain shower, because her face was wet for some reason.

Sugar gently wiped her wife’s face with a hoof, trying to help her stop any makeup she might have been wearing from running too badly. “I take it you like it,” she whispered, before motioning for the jeweler to get that small box they’d been talking about.

Crystal Clarity nodded and went to fetch the box, a happy smile on her face. She loved it when customers loved her work.

"This is..." Moondancer finally found her words and nodded. "I love it almost as much as the mare that gave this wonderful gift to me."

“Well then, I can see a future where I have to remind you to take it off every now and then,” Sugar teased. “Well, that’s one down.”

"And now you've set the bar impossibly high," Moondancer hummed. She saw one made of what looked like woven onyx. It was set with a stunning red ruby that seemed to flicker with an inner light.

"Is that... a Fire Ruby?" Moondancer asked aloud as Clarity returned.

"Ah, good eye," she said as she floated over the box to Sugar. "It took a long time to cultivate that. And onyx is a pain to mold."

“Oooh, that does look nice,” Sugar said as she eyed the bracelet. “Hmm. Perhaps if we got away from the front, I could properly try it on?” the disguised nymph suggested to her wife.

Clarity nodded. She'd been made aware by Cadence that these customers might require some... unique treatment. "You can use my backroom there," she said, motioning at the room she was in just a moment ago. "Just don’t touch anything please. Some of my tools are extremely delicate."

“I promise not to,” Sugar said as she gathered up her wife and the bracelet she wanted to try on with her magic. Since Moonie was still a bit shocked by the bracelet she’d just been given and all. The unicorn blushed at being picked up, but she didn't complain, Sugar’s magic aura felt really nice.

Once they were out there and Moondancer had been put down, she hummed as she took the bracelet. She knelt down in front of Sugar and took her hoof with her own.

"If my Lady would be so kind," she asked. Sugar blushed, but took her original form with a small flash of violet flames. Ohh, those flames always made her heart skip a beat.

She held the chitinous hoof and gave it a soft kiss before she slipped the ring on, sitting it snugly above one of the holes.

"A beautiful gem for a beautiful mare," Moon said, kissing her hoof again.

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” Sugar said. “Well...I like how it looks. What about you?”

"I think you'd make a rusted bracer look like gold," she said and kissed her muzzle. "I think you look stunning in it love."

“Mm, well then, we should probably get out of the back room before she gets curious as to what we’re up to,” Sugar said as she slipped the bracelet off and retook her disguise.

"Aww, and I thought we were having a moment here," Moondancer pouted. "Okay, let's buy it and then get married... again."

“You know you’ll love it,” Sugar purred as they returned to the main room. “Yes, this one will do nicely,” she informed the jeweler.

"Excellent," Clarity smiled. "I do love it when I can help a happy couple." She boxed up the band as Moondancer pulled out her own checkbook. Once the rings had been paid for, the couple headed back towards the palace, the unicorn leaning against her wife’s side.

"Mmm, this feels like a dream," she sighed. "One I never want to wake from."

“Considering we’re about to get married by Princess Cadence in her Empire, just let me know when it’s getting too dreamlike for you,” Sugar returned. “I’ll be sure to inject a little more sex into your dreaming.”

"Mmm, I don't mind the occasional wet dream, but reality is much more fun," Moondancer cooed and then gave Sugar's flanks a pinch with her magic before running off towards the palace, her own flanks having a nice shake to them.

“I get the feeling one of us is going to be the death of the other,” Sugar mused as she chased after her wife. Not only did she have a wedding to attend, but now she wanted to pay her back for that~

Petty revenge had to wait, almost the second they set hoof inside the castle, Cadence and about a half dozen maids made off with Moondancer, once again leaving Sugar alone with Shining and the orange pegasus that was guarding the door.

"Well," Shining nodded, and she noticed that while he was looking at her, he wasn't making eye contact. "If you'll follow us, we'll show you to your dressing room."

“Mmm, and what sort of dressing will I be doing?” Sugar asked. “Modeling beachwear? The latest in lingerie? Or maybe just a nice revealing outfit?”

Both stallions stumbled and the pegasus fought to keep his wings down.

"I walked into that one," Shining muttered. "If you must know, your wedding dress is ready..." He paused and added an afterthought. "And before you say it, we will neither be watching or assisting you in dressing. A maid will be waiting to do that."

“Maids, stallions, they’re all good to me,” Sugar purred before looking at the pegasus of the pair. “And I’m pretty sure if I asked this one, he’d jump at the chance to put his hooves on me.”

"I-I have a marefriend... or three... I think?" Flash stammered. Shining shook his head and sighed. He then flashed a smirk at Sugar. Wait til she finds out that he arranged the most heterosexual mare he could find... which was really hard for some reason.

“Good on you, colt,” Sugar nodded approvingly. “Still, I wouldn’t say no to you stallions watching me slowly slip my dress on...or off.”

"I'm married... as are you," Shining reminded her. "Honestly, I can't tell if you’re serious or not," he muttered.

"...Can I watch?" Flash asked. Shining facehooved and frowned.

"You'll be watching the tundra, from the outside in a minute."

“Aww, don’t be too hard on him for what I’m doing,” Sugar said. “And Moonie and I are already planning a little wife-swapping with a friend. I don’t think she would mind too much spending some time with Cadence while I got to know you better for practice~”

"Not happening," Shining said. Flash looked at him and opened his mouth, but a glare from the unicorn made sure no sound came out.

“Somepony had a bit of fortitude before coming to get me,” Sugar hummed. “You were much more fun an hour ago when you got easily flustered. What happened to that?”

"I now know my enemies tactics," Shining nodded. He had decided to take a military approach to this mare. His nerves couldn't handle her otherwise.

"The Captain and fun don't go in the same sentence," Flash nodded.

"Flash. Tundra," Shining warned and the pegasus zipped his lip.

“Aww, pity,” Sugar said with a pout. “Anypony that can impress the alicorn of love has got to know a few fun tricks~”

"Perhaps, but you'll never know," Shining nodded as they reached the room. "We're here...thank Celestia."

“Have fun thinking about a mare touching me all over, like Moonie does every night,” Sugar said with a wink and a swish of her tail as she passed by the stallions on her way into the room.

She heard a *pomf* sound as Flash couldn’t hold them anymore. Shining shook his head and looked at the Private.

"I'm going to make sure Cadence is still my wife. Guard this door and no peeking!"

"Sir yes sir," Flash mustered with a little enthusiasm. The prince shook his head and trotted off, and as soon as he was gone, Flash had his ear against the door. Hey, nopony said he couldn't listen.

Inside, a maid was waiting, along with a stunning outfit on a ponnequin. It was a rather dapper-looking coat. It was a rich, dark green with gold trim, and while the coat and vest fit the role of 'groom' it also had a long, multilayered dress that gave the outfit a feminine tone.

"The seamstress hopes you like your outfit," the maid said. Sugar walked around it and hummed for a second before nodding.

“It’s not exactly my color, but I am a creative mare. I’ll make it work. I’ll trust her judgement.” A thought occurred to her then, and she looked at the maid. “Ah, you’ll probably need for me to do my usual magic trick before this’ll fit me properly…”

"The princess has informed me," the maid nodded. "If you would kindly take the form you wish to use, we can begin the fitting."

With a violet flash, the mare was replaced with Sugar’s noble form, stretching out her legs and cracking her neck. “Never gets old, taking up this mantle again,” the nymph mused. “Ah well, I place myself at your mercy.”

"While amusing, your theatrics are unwarranted," the maid nodded. "And believe me, dressing you will be far more preferable to my last position." She removed the first pieces, a ruffled collar and the undershirt. Sugar just held herself still as she was dressed. If there was anything her time with the seamstress had taught her, it was not to move.

“Dare I ask what that was?” she asked nonetheless.

"Same job, different host," the mare nodded. "King Sombra was...rather particular about how he was clothed." She moved the vest letting Sugar step into it and buttoned it up. She then affixed the dress, smoothing some small wrinkles and humming lightly. "Is that too tight?"

“No, I’d say it fits just fine,” Sugar hummed. “And I am truly sorry for bringing up any painful memories...It was not my intention.”

"It's fine, at least it kept me out of the mines, and better fed," she added. The pain was there, just long buried and forgotten. As she moved the coat, the sunlight caught it and Sugar saw something interesting. The green had shifted to a deep violet hue. It seems that the colour would change, depending on the light and the angle you saw it from.

“Oooh, now there’s something you don’t see every day,” the nymph purred appreciatively. “I can safely say I’ve never seen that before.”

"Yes, she's rather skilled," the maid nodded. She heard a sound from outside as Flash slipped and banged the door. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Colts..."

“They are rather fun to tease,” Sugar said with a giggle, before speaking up a little louder so that Flash would hear her. “I’ve never seen one change colors before. Do you know how she does it?”

"Nopony knows, trade secret apparently," the maid nodded. "Maybe you could... convince her?"

“I could certainly try, I’ve been told I’m quite persuasive,” Sugar purred. “Maybe I’ll track her down after the ceremony and ask her how she did it.”

There was another thump as he heard the out-of-context conversation and came to a very different conclusion.

"Too easy," the maid rolled her eyes again as she finished putting on the outfit. "Would you like something done with your mane and tail?"

“As long as you’re gentle with them, I don’t see a problem,” Sugar said with a nod.

"Oh? And here I was thinking that you were a mare that didn't mind it a little rough?" The maid chuckled as they heard a groan from outside.

“There’s a difference between a little rough and messing too hard with my mane and tail,” Sugar said as she flicked said tail. “They’re sort of...not the same sort of hair. No cutting.”

"I see, but I simply meant doing them up," the maid smiled as she ran a hoof over her tail. "I'm thinking some traditional Crystal braiding."

“As long as you’re gentle, I don’t see a problem with you doing me at all,” Sugar purred. To her credit, the maid reverted to her default eyeroll.

Flash was regretting listening in now, he wondered if the Captain would let him visit Canterlot…

“So, show me what you were thinking of,” Sugar said, looking in the mirror and waiting for the maid to make her move.

The maid nodded as she lifted a bit of Sugar's mane and her hooves moved in a way that the nymph couldn't follow.

"Took me a long time to learn this," she said. "The Princess has a traditional one that takes roughly six hours to do... and about the same to undo." She'd put her mane up into a bun and was now weaving crystals into it.

“Oooh, that looks nice,” Sugar said. “I can safely say I’ve never had that done to me before. And I’ve lived a long time in Las Pegasus.”

"I can't imagine you would, there are only three ponies here in the empire that can do this, and one Unicorn from Equestria apparently." She weaved in a few sapphires and then grabbed the amethysts.

“Mmm, blue and violet, good color choices for me,” Sugar approved. “Don’t suppose you could find a way to put a few pink-hued gems in there? Color means quite a bit to me, and I want to send the right message to my Moonie.”

"Pink...pink..." the maid frowned as she looked through the drawer. Crystals flew over her head as she flung them about. "Why are there no... COLT! GET IN HERE!"

The door flew open as Flash stumbled inside. The maid looked at him and nodded. "You have a mission. I want some small rose-quartz crystals and I want them yesterday!"

"Ma'am yes ma'am!" He saluted and flew from the room. The maid nodded and turned back to Sugar with a sweet smile, the polar opposite of what she was just a second ago. "We should have something in just a moment,” she said.

“I’m just waiting for that colt to realize that he’s come face-to-face with a changeling,” Sugar said with a small laugh. “He’ll probably be even more fun to mess with then.”

"So, if I may ask," the maid said as they waited. "Why do you disguise yourself? You don’t look scary, quite exotic in fact."

“Changelings didn’t have the best of introductions to ponies,” Sugar said. “In fact, one Noble nymph raised an army and assaulted the pony capitol for as much food as she could forcibly rip from the inhabitants. Ever since, our kind has been either hiding, or trying to repair relationships.”

"Well, I guess that would do it," the maid nodded. "Still, in case you forgot, this isn’t Equestria. You might get some curious looks and questions, but I doubt any Empire residents would harm you."

“True, but you have pony tourists,” Sugar pointed out. “Plus I doubt any of the changelings Ledger asked to be saved and shipped up here, instead of being deported, thanks to the second invasion of ‘lings in as many years, go around without their disguises either.”

"The world is a complicated place," the maid nodded. The door flew open again as Flash returned, a basket clutched in his mouth filled with sparkling gems. The maid moved over to him and sifted through the gems until she found a half dozen she could use.

"Thank you colt," the maid nodded. She moved back to Sugar and started to weave the gems into her mane. Flash stood there awkwardly, trying not to stare at the beautiful changeling.

“Ah, there we go,” Sugar said as she looked at the colors now appearing in her mane. “Color means something important to a ‘ling. Denotes which emotion you feed on. I like this set-up you’ve got in my mane Miss...?"

"Glamour Gleam," the mare replied. "Sorry for not introducing myself earlier."

“Miss Gleam,” Sugar said with a nod. “Wearing these colors to a wedding will certainly send the right message to my Moonie. Blue for Loyalty, Pink for Happiness, and Violet for Lust.” She said the last word while looking at Flash in her mirror, still intent on messing with the colt.

He gulped audibly and looked away, once again fighting his wings down.

"Colt, if you're going to stand there like a useless lump, hoof me that ribbon there," Glamour said. He held up a deep purple one and she nodded. As she laced it around Sugar's tail, she looked at Flash again. "Now hold this here," she ordered. He did, and noticed that his face was only a few inches from Sugar's flanks and he turned a deep red.

“Typically I don’t have stallions dressing me up,” the nymph said with a vicious smirk. “They’re more interested in dressing me down, among other things.”

"Uh-huh," Flash nodded as he just stared, her tail annoyingly blocking his view of anything.

"I give him two minutes before he passes out from bloodloss," Glamour chuckled as she weaved in some more crystals. Flash's hoof was pressed against the ribbon, holding it just above her tail.

“Mmm, I’d take that bet if I were able to move,” Sugar said. “Because then I could make him pass out sooner~”

"And done," Glamour hummed as she tapered off the ribbon and nodded. "You look wonderful." She paused and looked at Flash with a deadpan stare. "You can remove your hoof colt." He yelped and pulled back like his hoof was on fire, standing at attention.

“Aww, and I was enjoying that touch,” Sugar pouted. “Ah well, we can still use him for a little,” the nymph said as she looked herself over in the mirror. “Colt, what do you think of how I look now? Be honest~”

Honestly? Sure, she may have been a Changeling but...

"Beautiful," he said. "Your wife is a lucky mare."

“She keeps saying that every night,” Sugar said with a smile. “I feel lucky I even met her, though.” The nymph turned around and put a hoof under his chin before cooing. “Mm, it’s a shame I’m all dolled up now...I might be tempted to show you my skills first-hoof otherwise.”

He just stared wide-eyed at her, blushing profusely…

“Well, I’ve had my fun with the colt,” Sugar said as she looked at Glamour. “Where to next?”

He promptly imitated a fainting goat and Glamour shook her head. "You know he probably only abstained because you're married right? Equestrians are rather stingy about that."

“Dear, I work in a nightclub that also serves to help relieve the tensions of one of the more sinfully delightful cities in Equestria. I’m fairly certain I’ve slept with my own fair share of married stallions~” Sugar replied. “Still, I think I win that little bet of yours.”

"Seems so, but we never agreed on what we would bet," she smirked.

“Doesn’t matter, I got my prize of fainting stallion,” Sugar said with a shrug. “Now, shall we be off to where I need to be for Moonie? I get the feeling the ceremony is supposed to start soon.”

Glamour glanced at a clock and gasped. "We're late!!" She put her hooves on Sugar’s flank and all but pushed her out the door. "Let's hustle."

“Okay, okay!” the nymph said as she started to trot quickly. “Where do we need to be? It’d be faster if I knew where I was going!”

"The main hall where we have everything set up," Glamour said. They hurried along the halls, briskly so Sugar’s outfit and makeup would survive.

Once they were there, they were greeted with a hall full of ponies. Cadence must have invited half the kingdom to this thing.

And all of them were staring at Sugar when she entered…

Sugar did her best to smile and not panic. Being in front of this many ponies, undisguised, was not something most changelings did. Yes, there were those that were open about themselves back in Las Pegasus. She wasn’t one of them. At least, not normally. She was revealed, yes, she did handle quite a few changeling-pony relations questions, true. But she still came to work every day with her disguise on. It was just how she was at this point.

A somewhat familiar green Unicorn smiled at her, waving. Glamour paid them all no heed as she led Sugar to the alter.

"Alright. So you'll stand here as your wife enters. She'll walk down that aisle, you'll exchange vows, rings then kiss. Simple no?"

“I can do that,” Sugar said as she mentally compiled her vows. “I, uh, think Moonie might have the rings, though...she did when we came in the palace anyways.”

"Well, better hope she doesn't forget them," Glamour giggled and gave Sugar's outfit a once over, before nodding with a satisfied smile and took her seat a few rows back.

There was a moment of silence, some guests whispering amongst themselves before some music played. A simple wedding march with a small upbeat tone. Everyone turned in their seats as the large double doors opened. Some foals skipped down the aisle, scattering flower petals as a familiar unicorn appeared, looking nervous as hay.

She wore a long, lace dress. White as snow and linked to a golden necklace with gold wires and ruby beads. She also wore a golden tiara topped with heart-shaped gems. The gossamer veil covering her face couldn’t hide her blush as she slowly walked down the aisle.

Sugar couldn’t take her eyes off of Moondancer. Nor did she think she would ever want to. She had been under the impression that her Moonie couldn’t get any more attractive. And she was still right, but now that dress was highly alluring. Though, was it because it was on Moondancer?

She’d have to carefully remove it later. For science, of course.

Once the mare reached the podium where Sugar was waiting, the music stopped as Princess Cadence stepped up.

"You look beautiful," Moondancer whispered to Sugar.

I’m tearing that dress off you later,” Sugar whispered back.

"Save it for the honeymoon," Cadence giggled and cleared her throat. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of these two mares. Overcoming the boundaries of species and social opinion, to show that love can find you, no matter who you are." She looked at the two and smiled. "Would you like to say your own vows?"

“I can do that,” Sugar said with a nod, before turning to look at Moondancer. “Moondancer, from the moment we met and I revealed myself to you, I can honestly say...I feared for my life and all the things you would do to study me,” the nymph said, to the chuckles of the crowd. “And when I revealed the entirety of my nature to you, I only had one thought on my mind. Namely, how long it would take you to wake up.” She was on a roll. “But ever since then, you and I have grown closer than ever. I’ve had lovers before, yes. But none of them were as accepting, kind, and loving as you were. You have honestly been the best thing to happen to me outside of investing in Ledger’s business, but unlike him, I can marry you to secure my future, and it would be my honor if you would accept me as your wife.”

Moondancer was on the verge of tears again. Dammit Sugar, stop being so sweet!

She took a deep breath to steady her nerves and nodded. Her horn shone gently and for a second, Sugar had the same glow, but it didn't appear to do anything to the nymph. Moondancer put a hoof to her neck and took a breath.

"My dearest Sweet-Lover," Oh Hives... she was speaking Changeish? "I never... never thought I could love again. Not like what I had before. But then, somehow, you sashayed into my life and proved me wrong." The polymorph spell ended and her vocal chords returned to normal. "Now, I don’t... I can't imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I don’t care what anypony says, I love you with all my heart, with absolutely everything that I have. I would cross oceans, brave deserts..." She paused and smiled. "I would even give up my magic if I had to. I love you. I always will."

Now it was Sugar’s turn to nearly cry. To hear that somepony would love you, no matter what…

It was every changeling’s dream. And Moondancer had said it again.

"Those were some beautiful words," Cadence smiled. "I can tell that you two will have a long and happy life together. Now, do you have the rings?"

Moondancer nodded as her horn shone and the boxes were teleported in. She looked at Sugar and smiled. "I um, also made a small change to yours."

“Then let me put yours on first, please,” Sugar said as she held out a hoof. “I want to be surprised after I make you look perfect.”

Moon nodded as Cadence beamed with happiness. "Well then, I shall say these words as you exchange your rings." She looked at Sugar. "Do you, Sugar Darling, take this mare? To love and cherish her. To support and hold her. For the rest of your lives?"

“I do,” Sugar said as she opened the box with Moondancer’s ring, before placing it on her wife. Yup, she looked even more perfect now.

Moondancer looked at it, smiling as tears stung her eyes. Cadence may have even wiped some of her own away.

In the front row, Shining Armor bawled his eyes out, hugging Flash as the pegasus patted his back awkwardly.

Moondancer took out her ring, and Sugar noticed the gem had a pink glow to it. Did she enchant it?

"Moondancer. Do you take this mare? To love and cherish her. To support and hold her, for the rest of your lives?" Cadence repeated.

"With all my heart, I do," Moon nodded as she slipped the ring on and immediately, Sugar felt it. That glow, Moon had infused raw magic into it. Her magic! The Unicorn was literally giving the nymph a piece of herself.

The thought did cause her to tear up, but she held it in for the time being. She supposed that would explain why the gem changed colors, then...

"Then, with the vows and rings exchanged," Cadence said. "As the Princess of the Crystal Empire, and in front of all these witnesses. I pronounce you blessed with love. You may kiss your bride."

There was a moment where neither of them moved, and then Sugar all but attacked her wife with her mouth, seeking to return even a portion of the affection she had been showered with.

Everypony exploded with cheers and applause as they kissed, some turning red from the rather... enthusiastic show of affection.

"Do try to leave some of her left," Cadence chuckled. Eventually, Sugar pulled up for air and hugged Moondancer close, unwilling to let her wife go.

"Well now, shall we escort the new couple to the party?" Cadence said as she stepped around the podium. "The celebrations have yet to begin!"

“Party?” Sugar asked her wife. “If you’re up for it of course.”

"There's cake," Moon nodded as they headed for the dining hall. The Prince and Princess ahead of them and the small army of guests behind them. "Besides, we'll party later, mkay?" She gave her wife a kiss on the cheek, the nymph feeling the pure love she had for her.

“I still have that promise to uphold as well,” Sugar said with a nod. “So, shall we see what the Empire managed to drum up on short notice?”

Turns out that the answer was quite a bit. A half dozen tables spread with more food than even Sugar had seen in one place. The centerpiece was a four-tier cake coated in chocolate and buttercream frosting, with little candy figures of Moon and Sugar atop of it.

"Well..." Moondancer was rather lost for words.

“What little I know of pony weddings says we have to cut the cake,” Sugar said as she approached the confectionary masterpiece. “Which is a shame, it’s a beautiful cake.”

"Cake is meant to be eaten," Moon nodded as she picked up the knife with her magic. "Together?"

“Together,” Sugar agreed as she added her own magic. With their combined effort, a piece was effortlessly cut from the top of the cake. The crowd cheered again as Moondancer smirked and enacted another wedding tradition. She held up a piece of cake for Sugar, and when she opened her mouth to be fed, she found the whole piece mashed onto her muzzle.

“...I would retaliate, but that would ruin that nice dress of yours,” Sugar replied as she did her best to clean her muzzle off.

"Heehee," Moondancer giggled as she licked the frosting from Sugar's nose and then licked her lips. "Mmm, delicious. And now I have... ideas~"

“We’ll have to try them out later,” Sugar said with a nod. “Oooh, is that wine over there?”

As they approached the table, Critical and Palette stood next to it.

"Congrats," Palette nodded. "A fine wedding if I do say so myself."

“I never thought I’d see the day when a ‘ling got married openly,” Critical agreed with a nod. “Makes me want to attend my brother’s wedding even more, if I can convince a certain stallion to come with me.”

"I have no problems with it I guess," Palette shrugged. "I suppose I could visit other areas for inspiration."

"That should be a spectacle and a half," Moondancer giggled. "If only to hear Scope’s vows."

“She is the most abrasive little nymph I’ve ever met,” Sugar giggled.

“I know, right?” Critical said with a snicker. “And yet, she’s with my brother and all that entails. Somepony tell me how that works.”

"A mystery for the ages," Moondancer nodded. "So what's that you have there Mr...?"

"Just call me Palette," he nodded and held out the bottle. "It isn't much, just some vintage Crystal Berry wine. A little wedding gift you you two."

“Oooh, that sounds delicious,” Sugar said. “We’ve only just gotten some down in Las Pegasus, but I will never say no to more~”

"Hmm, so Ruby was right about that Earth mare," Palette hummed. "Still, if she's the one that made what you've had, then you'll find this on a whole other level." He also made a note to poke his tongue out at Critical. "Told you they'd like it."

“Who wouldn’t like this wine?” Sugar asked as she took it with her magic. “Moonie, you remember the time I shared the Crystal Berry wine Cider made with you, yes?”

"Mhmm... I think?" Moondancer scrunched up her face and thought. "Did I get drunk?"

“Just a little,” Sugar said. “Though, you did try to drink half the bottle.”

"Ahh, then I must have liked it," Moondancer nodded and took the bottle with her magic. "Thank you for the wonderful gift you two."

“It’s only just occurred to me we never properly introduced ourselves,” Critical mused. “Though I do know who you two are. Misses Sugar and Moondancer, allow me to introduce my stallion, Painted Palette. One of the better artists the Empire has ever seen, in my opinion.”

"And this little flatterer is Critical-Eye. Illusionist, Art Critic and the one that both saved and inspired me," he said with a rare smile, nuzzling her. She blushed straight through her disguise at his very public display of affection.

“You two seem rather close,” Sugar noticed. “Will the Empire be seeing another wedding soon?”

"Maybe once I feel like I can go through that again," Palette said, and Sugar could sense a great sadness under those words. "But who knows, the kid here is quite the mare."

"And quite the glowbug," Moondancer giggled, motioning to her fierce blush. To her credit, Critical eventually got her blush under control again and hugged Palette.

“I’ll wait for you, as long as it takes,” she whispered to him. “I’m not saying forget them. I would never say that. I’ll just be here when you’re ready for me.”

"I know," he said softly. Moondancer figured that there was a story there, but didn't ask.

"If the happy couple would join us on the dancefloor," Cadence called out. "The first waltz is about to start."

“Oooh, do I get to show off my dance moves?” Sugar asked with a salacious smile to Moondancer.

"It's a waltz, not a striptease," Moondancer groaned. "...You can do that later."

“Aww, fine, I suppose I might have a few fancy dance moves in this brain of mine somewhere,” Sugar pouted.

"Well, this should be interesting," Moondancer chuckled as the guests made way for them, forming a circle around the dance floor. The band started a simple waltz, though they added a slight modern twist to it. That was when Sugar added her own twist to the dancing, twirling Moondancer around a few times with the aid of her magic, before she smiled and resumed her normal dance.

“I could get used to this,” she observed once Moondancer came to a halt.

"Used to what, holding me close? Sharing our love?" She closed her eyes and smiled as her horn shone. It wasn't until Sugar glanced down that she saw that they were dancing in midair. Moondancer’s powerful levitation keeping them afloat. "Because we have our whole lives to do this."

“You’re just lucky my dress is keeping my wings and shell pinned closed,” Sugar said with a wicked smile. “Otherwise I would show you how Changelings dance. There’s a reason our dance halls have high ceilings~”

"You must show me... and maybe I'll show you a trick of my own," Moon said and kissed her. The song soon came to an end and after a stomping round of applause, other guests started their own dance, with Palette dragging Crit out there as well.

“I really don’t think this is a good idea,” she tried to protest. Yes, she wanted to dance, but she never did well at the lessons...partly on purpose. It was only when her brother left and she had her father as her only dance partner that she actually got somewhere.

"Life is paved with bad decisions," he laughed. "Let's go little lady!"

Cadence approached the married couple, Shining and Flash keeping their distance lest Sugar start on them again.

"So, how have you liked your wedding?" She asked in a hopeful tone. "I hope we gave you a good one."

“I think this offsets the complete lack of one we had in Las Pegasus quite nicely,” Sugar said as she hugged Moondancer, waiting for her opinion.

"That was special, as was this," Moondancer nodded. "I got to live my dream today, well, with a few differences anyhow." She smiled and looked at Sugar. "I wouldn’t have changed a thing though."

"Glad to hear it," Cadence smiled brightly. "Come, let's mingle a bit."

The night continued with a wonderful dinner and some toasts by Cadence and Shining, even a few total strangers got up to wish the couple luck and happiness.

And soon it came time to throw the bouquet. Moondancer nodded as she turned and held the flowers with her magic. And once she closed her eyes and tossed it, she could hear the sounds of hooves and mares scrambling to catch it.

They wouldn't as Moondancer had a very specific target, as the flowers landed in the lap of a certain green unicorn...who, to her credit, only blushed a little before she batted her eyes at her stallion. As if asking why he hadn’t asked yet.

"Time and place love," he smiled enigmatically and kissed her nose. "Maybe you'll have to convince me."

“I’m very good at convincing you to do things,” Critical said as she kissed him back. “And when would it be more romantic than at one of the most romantic weddings this Empire has ever seen?”

He shrugged and got to his hooves, looking like he was headed for the buffet table. Instead? He moved around to stand before Critical before bowing down.

"Critical-Eye? Do you think you'd like to marry this cranky old stallion?"

Critical blushed profusely, before stammering for a second. After she remembered how to get her nerves under control and did so, the nymph let out her deep breath and looked him in the eyes. “I...would like nothing more, my dear Palette,” she replied.

"Glad to hear it," he said. Truth be told, his heart was hammering in his chest. He didn't know if he was nervous, excited, scared or all three. He stood up as the crowd exploded with cheers again. He leaned forward and trapped the mare in a kiss, before breaking it and blushing slightly.

“Well, I suppose Cadence is going to want to plan our wedding as well,” Critical mused. “Now the only question is, do you want it done before my brother’s, or after?”

"After," he said softly. "I proposed... but I think I need a little bit to let that sink in."

Cadence was practically vibrating. Shining rolled his eyes and caught her with his magic before she could rocket across the room to hug them.

“Just so you know,” Critical said as she hugged him. “I may have been protective of my brother...but I think he’s protective of me now. If Scope’s to be believed and he’s been muttering about you as often as she says he has."

"Heh, you think I'm worried about some kid," Palette nodded. "If I survived your parents, your siblings shouldn't be too difficult."

“My brother turned into a dragon,” Critical deadpanned. “At least, if Twilight is to be believed.”

"Then I'll wear my oven mitts," Palette chuckled and kissed her nose. "Sorry kid, but you're all mine now."

“I’m perfectly fine with that,” the disguised green nymph said as she returned his kissing. “You’re just going to have to make him see that as well.”

"If not... well, we live pretty far away," he nodded.

"And he won't dare, or I'll tell Midnight," Moondancer said as she walked over to them and hugged Critical. "Congratulations sweetie."

“Yes indeed,” Sugar said as she walked up as well. “Now, mister Palette. I’m going to give you one piece of advice to help you deal with Ledger.” She paused for a beat before smiling. “Don’t lie. Changelings can sense dishonesty. If he detects as much as a whiff of it, he’ll never trust that you have the best of intentions for his sister."

"No need to worry," he nodded. "I'm no liar. And my previous wife would have my head if I disrespected Crit like that."

“Then you have nothing to worry about,” Sugar said as she gave the stallion a small hug. “Ledger seems like a reasonable stallion. He might grumble a little, but he should be easily appeased that you’ve got nothing but good in you.”

"Oh, he can be good," Critical smiled and her eyes twinkled. "He can also be very, very naughty~"

“Seems like we won’t be the only ones having a party tonight, Moonie,” Sugar said with a giggle.

"Wanna share?" Moondancer asked, looking at Crit and licking her lips.

"Yeeeaahh.... no." Palette deadpanned.

“He’s allll mine,” Critical agreed as she walked over to Palette and pulled him into a hug and a nuzzle.

"Just kidding," Moondancer giggled and looked at her wife. "Shall we abscond for the evening? I believe we have a palace suite to break in."

“Let’s just check in with Cadence and make sure we’re allowed to abscond first,” Sugar pointed out. “She might want us to hang around for a bit.”

Cadence had finally escaped Shining and had all but materialised behind Critical, pulling her into a hug. "No, you two can go and enjoy each other’s company," she said, nuzzling the nymph happily. "Just keep my poor maids in mind when you do. I’d rather they not have to be worked too hard the day after."

“No promises, we might go through a few sets of sheets,” Sugar said as they walked past Shining and Flash. The unicorn just rolled his eyes as Moondancer remembered something and walked over to him.

"Thank you for putting so much effort into this," she said, causing him to turn to face her. "I can't believe you went to so much effort."

As he spoke with her, he had left his drink unattended...something that Sugar took advantage of and put one hoof to it. She wouldn’t be as good as Midnight, but she could still infuse the drink with a bit of emotions. Namely, Courage and Lust. She gave it what she could in that moment when nopony was looking at her and smiled before she gathered up her wife and continued on her way.

“Come, my dear. We have an evening to play with one another,” she purred into Moondancer’s ear.

Ohhhh, she had been looking forward to this. Still, "one minute," she said and got Sugar to put her down. Cadence waved at them as they paused to thank everyone for coming, everypony smiling and cheering as they left. The couple may have been gone, but plenty of food and drink still remained. Time to party til dawn.

Shining smiled as he sipped at his drink, and then paused as he licked his lips. He felt... hmmm...

Cadence nuzzled him and smiled. "What a wonderful evening huh?"

"Mhmm," the unicorn nodded, his horn shining. "It's about to get better~" With a pop, the couple vanished without anypony noticing. The Prince was going to play~

Author's Note:

This day is going to be perfect~

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