• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 59 - Party planning

Ledger drew a deep breath as he stood outside of Fredrick’s cafe. It was early in the morning, so it was highly likely that his friend would be there, preparing for the day. Best to get this over and done with as soon as possible. With a gulp, the disguised drone moved forward to open the door of Fredrick’s place of residence and business. The soft tinkling of the bell signalled his arrival.

The Griffon had been wiping down some tables when he saw his friend enter.

“Ah, hello there Ledger. Alone today? I had half expected a cute mare on each arm.”

“Not today, Fredrick,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “They all have things they need to do...except Scope, who I think Midnight is half a minute away from drafting to help her with the mound of paperwork Narrow dumped on her.”

“Ah, the dreaded paperwork, even I am not so immune to such an ordeal.” The Griffon stuffed his cleaning rag into a pocket on his apron and smiled. “So, what can I do for you today?”

“Can we go somewhere? Somewhere with privacy? Nobody can hear what I’m about to tell you,” Ledger said with just the right amount of urgency to his voice.

Fredrick raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to follow upstairs. “You know,” he chuckled as they headed up. “While I am flattered you feel that way, I must inform you that I am taken, nor am I of that persuasion.”

“Well aware,” Ledger joked back. “This isn’t about that, believe me. I just don’t want anyone overhearing this.”

“I know, I’m just teasing,” he said as they walked into his room and Fredrick closed the door. “Now, what is this all about? I’ll admit that you have me a little bit concerned.”

“Well, good news and bad news,” Ledger offered. “Which would you like to hear first?” He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to put off the reveal for as long as possible.

“Hmm, well let’s hear the bad news first. I’m in a good mood as is, so it might be better to end on a high note.”

Ledger took a deep breath, lit his horn up...and took his disguise off in front of Fredrick, revealing his noble, Silver Changeling self for the Griffon to see..

Fredrick stood there, blinking quite slowly as he looked at the Changeling. For a good long while he was silent before he finally decided to speak.

“So…is this you? Or someone pretending to be my friend,” he asked in a cautious tone.

“It’s always been me,” Ledger replied. “Who else would know about your ‘hundred mares in a hundred nights’ boast?”

“Now that was a wild season,” he chuckled. Spring time was always fun. He took a step forward. “So… why now?”

“The good news,” Ledger replied. “I’m getting married sometime in the near future, and I would appreciate you being there as my best stallion...or griffon, in this case.”

“So, if you weren’t, you would never have told me then?” the Griffon asked, a slight amount of bite in his tone.

“I always wanted to, I just didn’t know how or when to go about it,” the drone replied with a shake of his head. “I didn’t know how you would take...this. Take all of this. I didn’t want to risk our friendship on a fact I’ve been keeping from you since I’ve known you.”

Fredrick nodded, before a rather potent right hook caught Ledger’s cheek. The Griffon glared at the Changeling that was now on the floor. “You think that would have changed anything?” he yelled. “That I would think any less of you because of what you were? Did you think I was that shallow!?”

“There’s a pretty big difference between a pony and a changeling,” Ledger replied as he picked himself up. “And only lately have changelings been seen in any positive light. Before Toll got taken in, I couldn’t tell anypony, because she knew and was holding that over me.” The drone starting using his hooves to illustrate his points now. “I’ve been lying to you, and probably would have kept lying to you until I knew you wouldn’t take it poorly or I accidentally revealed it. You can’t think highly of that.”

Fredrick sighed as helped the Changeling steady himself. “I can’t say I expected this. Does… are your mares aware?”

“Every single one of them knows,” Ledger replied with a nod. “I refused to be...with them without them knowing what they were getting into.” Except for that first time he was with Cider, but that wasn’t the topic at hoof here.

“Well, good to hear,” Fredrick said. This was… probably going to take some getting used to… maybe. “So uh, best griffon huh?”

“If you still think you can be friends with a changeling drone,” Ledger said with only a lightly jesting tone.

“Well, I’ve put up with you for this long,” Fredrick chuckled and held out a talon. “I’d be honoured to take that role Level.”

“Then I am honored to have you,” Ledger said as he put his hoof in the outstretched talon. Fredrick nodded and pulled him into a one-armed hug.

“Also, this means I get to plan your bachelor party! Now this will be most fun!”

“...I get the sinking sensation that I have made a terrible mistake,” Ledger deadpanned. The Griffon just laughed as the drone disguised himself and the two headed downstairs.

“A party to celebrate your last night as a free stallion, planned by yours truly? What could possibly be so bad about that?”

“Just make me a promise, Fredrick,” Ledger pleaded with the griffon. “Don’t use The Love Shack as a venue for this party of yours.”

“Well now that you’ve said it…” Fredrick chuckled. He did like that place before he met Narrow. The mares there really knew what they were doing~

“It’s a Changeling-owned place,” Ledger whispered to the griffon. “I’ll know everyone there, and they’ll know me.”

“Changeling...owned?” Fredrick replied. Seeing all the ‘ling’s in town had made him wonder if any of the mares he’d been with had in fact been Changelings… well, he knew for sure now that some were. “Well, I guess, we could look elsewhere…”

“That’s all I ask,” the disguised drone said with a relieved sigh. “Also, if you ever have any questions for me, I’ll do my best to answer. Promise.”

“I think this needs to sink in,” Fredrick nodded. “A nice glass of scotch will do well in assisting with that. And some more of my lovely mare.” He clapped a hand over the stallions shoulder and nodded. “But we are still friends. That much is certain.”

“Thanks, I was almost afraid of this going over poorly,” the drone replied as he double-checked his disguise and nodded to the griffon. “Take care, Fredrick. I’ll be back for lunch, hopefully.”

“Will do, and perhaps bring one of those mares of yours to brighten up the place a little.” He turned as a few ponies walked in, wearing square glasses and scarves. Some ponce named ‘Panderhoof’ or something had compliment his coffee, and now he had hipster ponies to deal with every morning.

“For the love of the clouds Level… get a mare in here.”

“I make no promises,” Ledger chuckled as he vanished from sight. Fredrick’s coffee was good, yes, but he preferred Cider’s and had already had some anyways. A long, boring day of work beckoned...until he remembered the research session he and Twilight had scheduled.

Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad after all~

The doors to the Love Shack nearly flew off their hinges when Midnight Song flew in. She looked around at the busy bar, getting a few odd looks from some of the patrons from her dramatic entrance.

She couldn’t see Sugar or Moondancer anywhere, so she took a seat and watched the dancer on the pole. She seemed to be as flexible as always~ Especially when she nearly bent double and winked at Midnight while still dancing. The Thestral blinked and tilted her head, oh yeah. Was she another one of the Violet mares?

Midnight raised a hoof to get the attention of a waitress. She was feeling thirsty. Eventually a server came by and giggled at seeing who was here at this hour.

“And what can I get our favorite thestral?” the disguised nymph all but purred at Midnight.

“Mmm, some grape juice if you please,” she replied, giving the mare’s flank a blatant ogle. The mare giggled again, before turning and sashaying away, flaunting that flank for Midnight and enjoying the excess lust the mare all but radiated off herself.

Midnight probably could have ordered the most expensive drink on the menu, and it’d not be too expensive for her, so potent was her Lust. She repaid them by just being her~

Midnight just licked her lips as she turned back to the dancer. She recalled the other Violets taking her form the first time she came here, but she didn’t recall getting the mare’s name. Ohhh, now that was a nice move, Midnight was sure to remember that one for later use~

It only took a minute for Midnight to receive her grape juice, along with another eyeful of flank as the waitress returned and put the drink on the table. “Anything else, cutie?” the waitress asked.

‘You,’ Midnight almost said before she nodded. “Hmm, if you wouldn’t mind telling Sugar that I want to see her when she has a moment.” She looked back at the dancer and smiled. “No rush though.”

“I think she’s with Moonie at the moment,” the mare hummed. “They’re trying to wear the other out. Winner gets to run the club for the rest of the day.”

“Why would Moonbutt want to run the club…” Midnight shrugged and sipped her juice. “Ah well. So who’s the dancer? She’s good, not to mention cute~”

“You like?” the waitress asked, turning to watch as well for a moment before turning back. “She’s Miss Two-step, quite skilled in all manner of dances.”

“I’ve noticed,” Midnight replied, licking her lips again. “Is she one of you?”

“Sort of,” the disguised nymph replied with a wink, letting Midnight puzzle out the meaning on her own.

“Sort of?” Midnight sipped her juice pensively. “How can you be ‘sort of’ one?”

“Word through the grapevine is, you’re sort of carrying an example,” the waitress said with another giggle. Midnight sipped her drink again, then her eyes went wide and she coughed on it. After a moment of nearly choking on her drink, she wiped her mouth and looked at the waitress.

“Ah, so uh… who’s her Momma?”

“You’ve met her several times before,” the waitress said with a final giggle before vanishing. No way in Tartarus she was going to outright say who Two-Step’s mother was. Moondancer wouldn’t want the supposed responsibility.

“Met her…?” Midnight blinked again then gasped. “Oh, no freakin’ way!”

“Hello there,” A voice came from behind the thestral, and when Midnight turned to look, Two-Step had come down from the stage to stand behind her. “And who might this...delectable pony be?”

“Ah, the name’s Midnight Song,” she replied. Yeah, that look in her eye was definitely a genetic thing if Midnight’s guess was right. “You’re quite the dancer Miss Two Step.”

“And you’re quite the customer,” the Earth Pony mare said before sitting opposite her. Her coat was a deep black, while her eyes...well, those and her mane seemed to be the same shade of violet she’d seen so many times before. “I could tell from up there that you were somepony that...appreciated the things we do here.”

“Very much so,” Midnight replied with a wink. “And were I not taken, I’d be buying you a drink right about now. Hmm, well, I guess I still can.” She raised a hoof and smiled. “Waitress, a drink for my enticing new friend here.”

“I’ll take a shot of the Mood-Setter,” the mare said without taking her eyes off of Midnight. “I could do with some, I think.” The waitress nodded and walked off to the bar to retrieve said drink. “So, what brings you by, Miss Song?”

“I’m here to see Moondancer, but I’m told she’s a little… tied up, right now. So I’m killing time until she’s free.” Midnight sipped at her drink again. She idly wondered what a ‘Mood Setter’ was. She didn’t recall a drink like that being on the menu last time. The waitress returned with what looked like a normal cider...until you saw it catch the light just right and saw the violet and pink swirls inside it.

“Mm, she is a little occupied with the owner,” the mare replied as she sipped at her own drink. “Until one emerges victorious, you might be here a while. Neither seemed willing to concede when they went in…”

“Yeah, Moonie’s kinda stubborn like that,” Midnight replied, staring at the drink. “What is that?”

“A normal enough cider...with a bit of Lust and Happiness mixed in during the fermenting process,” the mare replied as she took a big sip of it. “Helps, well, set the mood. Loosen ponies up a bit.”

“Huh, and here I figured normal alcohol was good enough for that,” Midnight replied with a small smirk. “Too bad I can’t touch the stuff. Sounds like a fun drink.”

“It is,” the mare agreed with a nod. “And normal alcohol takes a while, if the pony knows how to hold their liquor. Almost nopony knows how to hold their emotions well.”

“Well I suppose the drink would be good for ponies hanging around you and yours huh?” Midnight gave a small smile. “But I’m not like those ponies. Just ask your mother about the day we met.”

Two Step coughed into her drink before wiping her muzzle off and raising her eyebrows at the thestral. “I’m sorry?” she asked. “I’m not certain I heard you properly.”

“You’re Sugar’s daughter aren’t you?” Midnight inquired, deciding to just up and ask. Two Step sighed before looking around and leaning in to whisper to Midnight.

“I don’t know how you know, but you don’t tell anybody else, understand?” the mare hissed. “Don’t even hint at it to anyone else. Mother already has to fend off other Violets from town every month. They don’t need to know I exist.”

“It’s alright, it was just a guess actually, Thanks for confirming it.” Midnight giggled and placed a hoof over her belly. “In fact, you’ll be seeing somepony else like you before long.”

“...seriously?” the mare asked with a hopeful tone as her gaze followed Midnight’s hoof.

“Mhmm, part Thestral, part Changeling, and if he or she is even remotely like her Mom, all awesome!” she laughed and downed the rest of her drink. “So, what’s the big secret about you anyway? It was the waitress that tipped me off after all.”

“The waitstaff love you,” the mare grumbled. “And mom’s the current heir to the Violet throne. Any other ‘ling in line for it could force her to yield if they got ahold of me. So we downplay how important I am and hide the relation as much as possible.”

“You and I have more and more in common as we speak,” Midnight sighed. “And yet, Sugar’s dating Moondancer now. If she ever found out who you were…” Midnight chuckled as she played with her napkin. “Messing with somepony she cares about? Might as well sign a death warrant.”

“...Hmm, I have an idea,” Two Step said with a dangerous glint in her eye. “How about we go break up their little game so we can kidnap Moondancer?”

“A game of stealing the Moon?” Midnight hadn’t played this in a while. And no, she had totally not kidnapped Moondancer on multiple occasions. “Sure!”

“Awesome!” the mare said as she held up a hoof for a hoof-bump. Midnight returned the gesture and smirked.

“So how did you want to play?”

“I run interference, you snag her?” Two Step offered.

“Done and done,” Midnight replied as she got up. Ohh, this was gonna be fun~

Twilight got a few greetings from Ledger’s workers as she entered the warehouse and climbed the metal staircase to his office. She was about to walk in, but remembered what happened last time.

She raised a hoof and knocked on the door gently.

“It’s unlocked,” Ledger called from beyond the door.

“It was unlocked last time too,” Twilight called back to him.

“I promise there are no mares in here, yet,” he replied cheekily. Twilight just shook her head and walked inside.

“One, you’re an ass. And two, you wanted to see me?”

“Mmhmm,” Ledger said as he pushed a scroll over to her. “You said the waypoints are typically tied to the pony that casts them, right?” The diagram on the scroll was...not of a pony doing the casting, but rather a large, crystal array.

“So, you’re thinking of using crystals as a medium?” Twilight hummed, looking over the work. Admittedly, she’d been having similar ideas as well. “The main problem is getting them to cast and not teleport themselves along with the ponies…”

“True, but if we figure that out, then all we’ll need to do is address the right crystal when we…give them...orders” Ledger trailed off as he looked at nothing in particular. If Twilight were a changeling, she would feel the veritable lightning bolt of inspiration he was having.

“An address,” Twilight murmured, seemingly coming to the same conclusion he was. “Are you thinking—”

“—That a letter goes somewhere because we address it to go to one place and not another,” Ledger said as he mouth ran with the idea. “We would just need to make the crystals the waypoints, and find a way to address them in the spells!”

“I think I can make that work, it just needs a design that would allow us to enter the address of where you’d want to go,” Twilight bounced up and down as a million concepts ran through her head.

“It would also need to be simple enough so that anypony could use it,” Ledger said, voicing his concerns. “And you would need to build safety features in so that a misspelled address didn’t end up with somepony landing in the frozen north, or a volcano, or the like. Accepted addresses only.”

“Hmm, perhaps if something was made to monitor the network, a central hub if you will,” Twilight said.

“Something to keep watch in case of accidents?” Ledger said with a smile. “I can get behind that, but it would need to be either well-made or well-located. Or both.”

“Something that could react, and dispatch somepony almost instantly?” she said, looking at the direction of Scope’s office… three...two…

“Oooh, that’s an idea,” Ledger said. “Hmm, but Celestia wants to make use of the Hivemind network she built...maybe if we found a way to adapt the spell’s ability to transmit instantly over long ranges?”

“Well this application would be far more useful,” Twilight said. “And in the end, it would be Scope’s decision yes?”

“True, but do you really want to give her more reason to laugh maniacally?” Ledger asked with a raised brow.

“Hmm, maybe,” Twilight smiled. “Her laugh is kind of cute don’t you think? Though, I feel kind of bad usurping Princess Celestia like this.”

“If you really want to use Scope’s network to monitor yours,” Ledger said. “Then you get to draw up the legal documents and explain it to Scope.”

“I can do that,” Twilight nodded. “Just give me a day or two and I’ll draw up what you need.” She glanced out of the window at the setting sun. “Heh, did you know I’ve done that once before? Raising the sun and moon.”

“I can imagine,” Ledger said as he leaned back in his incredibly spacious chair. “That was during that whole...incident, right?”

“Yeah, all the other Princesses transferred their power to me. I woke thinking, ‘Hey, Princess Celestia hasn’t raised the sun yet’... then, whoops. Still, I didn’t do too badly.” she gave a small smile and poked out her tongue cutely. “At least I didn’t drop it.”

“I’m willing to bet most ponies were just glad that the sun still came up, in light of everything going on,” the disguised drone replied. “Maybe further down the line, you can ask Celestia for another go at it.”

“I don’t know if I’d want that responsibility again,” Twilight replied. “We came so close to me being the only Princess of Equestria. That’s not something I care to repeat.”

“I meant more of you trying with her guiding you,” Ledger replied with a snicker. “I doubt you’d need to break something out of Tartarus just so you could give raising the sun another shot. If you felt like you were ready, you could probably just ask.”

“Or I could break something out of Tartarus,” Twilight giggled. “I mean, Fluttershy can control Cerberus, it wouldn’t be too hard. In fact, I could probably conquer Equestria in about a week… mmm, give or take.”

“In which case, I would take Middy, Scope, and Cider, and go back to the lands with some of Cider’s berry and apple trees,” Ledger replied without missing a beat. “We’d all find employment there, I promise you.”

“Aww, but a queen needs her consorts,” Twilight cooed, running a hoof along his cheek. “Don’t worry, my rule will be just and fair..."

Midnight smiled as she clung to the ceiling near the door to Sugar’s room. Her partner in crime was getting prepared to provide a ‘distraction’ and the Thestral found herself wondering just what she had planned. Eventually the mare made a reappearance and nodded up at Midnight before knocking on the door. Sugar was the one to open it and look out at Two Step, blinking in surprise.

“Yes?” she asked, her mane a little ragged. “Do you need help?”

“The others are wondering where the rest of the Mood Setter is,” Two Step replied. “Apparently they’re out at the bar and can’t find another barrel to tap.”

As the two talked, Midnight slipped in behind the nymphs, using her Trance to mask her emotions as she moved like a ghost, sliding into the room and taking a moment to look around. When she finally found the pony she was after, Midnight held back a giggle as she saw the Unicorn tied to the bed with silk scarves and fluffy hoofcuffs. She added this scene to her mental databanks for later use and quickly picked the locks on the cuffs holding Moondancer there as she used one of the silk scarves to gag her.

“Now, you’re coming with me for a bit,” she giggled as she grabbed the bound pony and slipped back out while Sugar had gone with Two Step to find the missing drinks, barely making it out of the hallway before the pair returned.

“That’s quite odd, how all the drink disappeared like that,” Sugar’s voice observed.

“Guess the ponies just like what we brew,” Two Step tried to brush off. “Thanks for your help. I’m going to get something to eat before the evening shift starts.”

“You do that,” the disguised nymph said before opening the door to her room...and screeching. “WHO TOOK MY MAREFRIEND?!”

Midnight paused as she ran down the hall. Oh Sugar was going to make her pay dearly for this, she could see it now. Still…

They made their way to the private room she’d been in once before, where she first met Sugar and her sisters. She remembered that that and chuckled lightly. She turned to look at Two Step who had just entered the room. “Hmm, now I remember. We’ve kissed before… sort of.”

“They used my form, didn’t they.” Two Step deadpanned. “That hardly counts, it’s not like you actually kissed me.”

“True, I also kissed myself that day… that was weird,” Midnight turned to place Moondancer on the couch and released her gag, prompting the Unicorn to raise one of her eyebrows.

“Okay, you had better have a good reason for this. Because I’m fairly certain you just started a war with the Violet Hive…”

“Aw, don’t be such a drama llama,” Midnight giggled. “I have a really important question to ask you, and Sugar when she finds us.” She released her Trance, so it was only a matter of time now. “Firstly, you wanna be one of my bridesmaids for my wedding?”

Moondancer had prepared a biting retort for any question the Thestral might have had.

Any except that one. The Unicorn blinked, before she smiled and nodded, tears stinging the corners of her eyes.

“Of course I will, silly Little Bat. But, couldn’t you have waited just a little?”

“Been waiting half of the day, you were taking too long and this sounded fun,” Midnight replied.

“Plus, there’s no way you were going to outlast her,” Two Step added. “She’s a Violet, she just gets stronger from your lust.”

“Oh ye of little faith, I have many tricks I still haven’t shown her yet. Plus, she made the mistake of showing me her Feedback spell~” Moondancer giggled and looked at the mare. “And who might you be? I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure.”

“I’m Two Step,” the mare said with a smile. “I’d offer to shake, but…”

“Yes, my hooves have been… occupied,” Moondancer replied with a small smile. Midnight’s ear flicked as she heard something getting closer, as if the sound of distant slamming doors wasn’t a good enough indicator.

“So you’ll do it?” Midnight asked once again and Moon nodded. It also meant a bachelorette night. That was going to be fun to set up. Two Step cleared her throat to regain Moondancer’s attention.

“There’s something you should know if you’re going to keep seeing Sugar,” she said, mentally psyching herself up for her big reveal.

“If you’re about to say that she’s a Changeling, then you’re a little late for that,” Moondancer giggled. Two Step shook her head and decided buck it. There was a small violet flash from her form as she finally let go of her transformation.

There was armor on her hooves and back, her eyes had turned a shade darker and slitted, and there was even a jagged, black horn on her head. Moondancer stared at her as she slowly got off of the couch and examined her form.

“What on Equus…” she murmured as she took it in. She still had her Cutie Mark, it looked like she was half pony, half Changeling… oh?

“Are you, a half breed?” she asked her. Two Step nodded and waited for her to draw the other conclusion. Namely, who her mother was to give her the eyes of a Noble.

“Your eyes are slitted, not having a circular iris like a pony, or a pupiless eye like a normal Changeling... “ Moondancer frowned as she compiled the data in her head, Sugar’s yelling getting closer. “Your parent is a Noble… and you’re here… and the only Noble here is…”

Two Step nodded again with a small smile. “Hi,” she said eventually. Moondancer gulped as she stepped closer.

“...Hi,” she eventually said. “You’re… Sugar’s daughter?”

“She doesn’t like others knowing,” Two Step said as she reapplied her disguise. “I mean, think about what might happen if they did and wanted what she had.”

“I understand perfectly,” Moondancer nodded. “I know a few ponies in similar positions. Just, don’t ask Prince Blueblood about the Summer Solstice Incident. That… was quite the kerfuffle.”

“We can talk more about it later,” Two Step said. “For now, I’m gonna get you back to mom’s room before she catches us.” Midnight’s ear flicked as hoofsteps grew closer.

“I think we’re outta time there Steppy.” The hybrid grinned before walking over to one wall and pushing it...inwards?

“Secret passageways,” she explained. “I can get you back to mom’s room in a flash. C’mon!”

“You both realise I can teleport… right?” Moondancer grumbled as Midnight pushed her towards the passage.

“Yup, but our way is more fun,” Midnight giggled. And by the time Sugar burst in, all she was greeted with was another empty room.

“Mkay, just follow me, mares,” Two Step said as she led the pair of them back through the twisty passageways. “You’re officially in the Changeling part of the club, so don’t draw attention to yourselves. Just go where I go and we’ll be home free in no time.”

“You do realise you just dragged the very incarnation of Lust here right?” Moondancer said, pointing at Midnight.

“And the biggest bookworm on Equus, next to Princess Sparklebutt,” Midnight countered.

“Most of the others are preparing for the night publically,” the hybrid countered. “They shouldn’t be here except to monitor the brew. Right here.” She turned abruptly down another tunnel.

The two mares followed as Midnight looked around. It was pretty dark down here, and she idly wondered if this was what a Changeling hive was like. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t know what a Hive looked like. She expected lots of slime and cocoons hanging everywhere though. Instead it was like an ant hive, with lots of tunnels and intersections, with rooms sometimes visible in the larger ones.

“And up here,” the mare said as she pointed to one large tunnel in the ceiling. “Miss Song, if you grab your friend…”

Midnight did so, earning a chiding sigh from Moondancer.

“She said grab, not grope,” the Unicorn said flatly.

“...There’s a difference?” Midnight countered.

“See what I have to deal with?” Moondancer sighed.

“And now I…” the hybrid said before walking right up the wall to the hole in the ceiling. “Mkay, come on up here!”

Midnight flew Moondancer up to the opening, curious as to what was on the other side. Two Step pushed the ceiling up, revealing a familiar bedroom on the other side.

“Tada!” she proclaimed. “And now we get to put her back, and it was like we were never there!”

“Well, here’s to the most successful kidnapping of today,” Midnight giggled as she took great pleasure in tying up Moondancer again. The Unicorn rolled her eyes, but let her do it. It’s not like she couldn’t just teleport out of them or anything.

“And now we flee the country before Sugar gets back,” Midnight nodded. Two Step agreed before swinging the door in the floor shut and replacing the rug on it. Checking the hallway led to her looking back in the room and nodding at Midnight to signal the coast was clear. The two absconded from the room, leaving Moondancer to wonder if Sugar planned on returning anytime soon…

Outside, Scope Lens entered the bar to find an interesting scene. Sugar Darling was darting from waitress to barkeep, and to a few other employees, and she looked quite distressed about something.

“Oy, what’s got your teats in a twist?” she asked the mare as she trotted closer.

“My marefriend was kidnapped,” the disguised nymph said. “So I’m trying to see if anypony here knows anything.”

“Explain,” Scope said, switching to detective mode. Which also meant pulling out a detective's hat and a bubble pipe. No, she was not going to say where she kept those.

“Me and Moondancer were playing a few bedroom games,” Sugar said. “I walk away to take care of some club-related business, and when I come back, she’s gone. And nopony seems to know anything about what happened.”

Scope nodded and put that thought aside. “And how long were you… playing, before she vanished?”

“...Most of the afternoon?” Sugar offered. “What time is it now?”

“Late, a little after dusk,” Scope said. “So, a few hours then... “ She pondered and asked the simple question first. “You sure she didn’t use your absence to use the bathroom? And that you simply beat her back?”

“Somepony would have seen her,” Sugar countered. “Plus I always let her up to use the bathroom when she asks.”

“Yes, somepony would have seen the mare that can just teleport from room to room,” Scope pointed out. Her horn flared and she cast a simple Detect Life spell. “She’s in your bedroom… maybe you need glasses old hag?”

“...what.” Sugar deadpanned. “She’s where?”

“A room, over that way. I can detect her magical signature from here. Hell, I can sense her from here. You’re a Changeling, did it not occur to you to simply reach out and feel for her?”

“I was panicking!” Sugar replied. “I’d like to see you act rationally if something happened to Ledger!” Scope’s eye gave a dangerous twitch as the memories of Midnight’s kidnapping came flooding back. No, she didn’t know, no need to peel her chitin off with a rusty knife.

“Fair enough,” she simply said, very slowly. “Well, she appears to be safe and…” Oh, Midnight was here also… ah, so that’s what happened. “Well, now that you’re not so batty, can I ask you something?”

“Ask away,” Sugar said as she took a few deep breaths to normalize her emotions.

“Wanna be something called… a bridesmaid? I think. Apparently I need one for this wedding.”

Sugar blinked a few times before pointing a hoof at herself. “You’re asking me if I want to be your bridesmaid.” She stated more than asked. Scope shrugged and looked away.

“Yeah well, you’re like my only friend and junk. You can say no if you want…” That was all the smaller nymph got out before she found herself being cuddled. Again. “Gah! Get off me!”

“Darling, I would love to be your bridesmaid!” the larger disguised nymph cooed, not letting go of her at all. “Ledger is finally marrying his mares, then? I suppose I’ll have to coordinate with the other bridesmaids as to where to throw you the best bachelorette party~”

“I have no idea what that is,” Scope pouted. “I know Cider asked her sister, and I think Midnight is asking Moondancer and Narrow Gaze…”

“Well, maybe when I see that bat next, I’ll let Moony up for a bit so she can ask,” Sugar purred. “We’re going to have to coordinate this...or just each of us throw you all a party, that works too~”

“I think one will suffice, especially if you’re involved,” Scope groaned. “Just, try and keep the crazy to a minimum hmm? No ponies jumping out of cakes or anything.”

“I make no promises,” the violet nymph giggled, nuzzling the top of Scope’s head before finally letting the smaller nymph go. “And if you don’t coordinate us, then we’ll all probably end up doing our own thing~”

“Doing is to be expected if you’re involved,” Scope replied as she got up and brushed herself off. “Now I have to go and find Ledger. Try to leave Midnight in one piece okay?” The nymph hinting at what had already happened.

“Why would I…” the violet changeling trailed off before starting to swear profusely in Changeish. “Let me just wound her a little?” she eventually asked Scope.

“If I’m not here, then I didn’t see it,” Scope shrugged. “Just remember that she is with foal…” Hmm, did Sugar know about that yet? Oh well. “Later,” the nymph said and flew from the building.

“...I’ll let Moony get her back,” Sugar eventually sighed. “She’s more inventive at things like this.” With a soft pop, the disguised nymph was back in her room, looking down on the bound pony.

“Oh hello there,” she cooed, trailing a hoof along Moondancer’s form. “Somepony has been very naughty, vanishing like that~”

“Um… meep?” Moondancer helplessly shrugged. Perhaps teleporting was a good idea after all? Sugar noticed the horn starting to have a charge, and she drew one hoof along the rigid protrusion gently. Moondancer shuddered as the spell vanished, a silk hornwrap saw to it that that was no longer a course of action.

“I’m not going to be waking for a while huh?” the Unicorn said to her mate. Oh well, there were far less pleasurable ways to go.

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Sugar agreed. Moondancer could agree to those terms. Besides, she still had some tricks to surprise the Changeling with.

Later that evening, Apple Fritter, Narrow Gaze, Rarity, an exhausted Moondancer, and a surprisingly chipper Sugar Darling were sitting in a booth inside the Love Shack. Apple Fritter occasionally stole glances at the mare dancing on the pole on the centre stage.

Yeah, she liked this place already.

“So I think we know why we’re here,” Narrow said as she sipped her drink. Sugar had called it a ‘Mood Setter’. And it was pretty damned tasty. “So what kind of party are we going to have? I’ve never thrown one, or been to one really. Hell, I’m surprised Midnight asked me to be a bridesmaid.”

“Midnight never does anything one might expect,” Moondancer giggled as she sipped her drink. “It’s a part of her charm really.”

“And despite my reputation,” Sugar said with a giggle. “I’d rather we not do anything too crazy. That might end up with some of our guests of honor leaving.”

“Now’s where’s the fun in that?” Narrow asked. “I mean, this is Midnight Song we’re talking about. Crazy is pretty much normal for them.”

“That’s true,” Fritter nodded. “A Changeling, a batpony and a pony enter a relationship. Sounds like the start of a bad joke.”

“The only erratic bits are the thestral in the equation, otherwise it’s pretty normal for how I do things,” Sugar said, half-lidding her eyes and looking at Fritter.

Moondancer looked at Sugar and then at Apple Fritter, who was returning the nymphs gaze. “Something I should know?” she asked her marefriend.

“You weren’t the only one I spent time with before I met you, dear,” was all the nymph said as she smirked at the farmpony. “Though she did her best to be...memorable.”

“Ah try,” Apple Fritter smiled. She looked at Moondancer and licked her lips. “Ah do have tonight free…”

“Can we focus on this party instead of our libidos?” Narrow deadpanned.

“Wrong place for that, dear,” Sugar chuckled before taking a sip of her drink. “Hmm...I do know of a place like this...that staffs stallions instead. We could take the mares there.”

All the mares paused and looked at her. “Seriously?” came their unison response.

“Well I’m not taking them here,” the mare retorted. “I know everypony here. Maybe something with mixed tastes, then? So everypony gets something from it?”

“I think we’re more shocked that such a place exists,” Narrow replied. “Personally, I can handle being waited on hoof by a bunch of sexy stallions~”

“They are sexy, yes?” Rarity asked.

“I rather think so, yes,” Sugar replied with a smile. “And I think a good opener would be dinner at your griffon’s place, Narrow. You know, the place that employs a small army of stallions that seek to learn from him.”

“We could,” Narrow said. “But he’s planning the bachelor's party, seeing as how Ledger has asked him to be his best stallion. So we will simply have to deal with ogling all his waitstaff instead~”

“I rather think we have a plan, mares,” the disguised nymph said, eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Sounds like it,” Fritter grinned.

“So a sexy night of fun?” Moondancer hummed. “Well, sounds like fun. Count me in.”

Rarity and Narrow nodded as well. The seamstress then hummed as she looked at the group. “Well, since I have you all here. I can take your measurements for your dresses.”

“Be gentle,” Sugar said. “I plan to use this body again tonight.”

“Oh, don’t worry~” Rarity giggled as she cracked the measuring tape like a whip. “I have a magic touch~”

“Be gentle, or me and Moondancer will team up on you,” Sugar threatened the fashionista.

“Can we!?” Moondancer asked.

“....I don’t know you mares,” Narrow sighed as she downed her drink.

“You’ve been warned,” the disguised nymph said before killing her own drink. The pleasant buzz from a Mood Setter should help her through this next ordeal.

Fredrick was wiping down some empty tables as Ace practically dragged himself inside the eatery. He gave a weary groan as he collapsed at one of the tables, a very large Earth pony soon joining him there, though he looked just fine.

“Kinsman,” Fredrick greeted Ace before looking at the pony. “And hello to you as well. You both look like you’ve been running a marathon across Equestria.”

“That would have been easier…” Ace groaned, his face buried in his arms. The Earth pony gave a nod and looked them both over.

“So, why have I been dragged here?” he asked Ace.

“Cause we have to talk about that bachelors party,” the griffon sighed. “Oh, this is Full Steam, Cider’s father,” Ace introduced him.

“Hello sir,” the owner of the restaurant greeted him with a nod. “I am Fredrick, the owner of this establishment, and Ledger’s Best Stallion...or Griffon as the case may be.”

Full Steam gave a nod as Ace winced as he tried to stretch.

“Plucking feathers, I don’t think I’ve ever been this sore,” he muttered. “A word to the wise kinsman. Never get a Changeling partner… they are insatiable!”

“I will keep that in mind in case Narrow turns out to be a Changeling, or wants to try a similar setup to Ledger’s,” Fredrick chuckled. “Now, if I heard you properly, you’re here about that party I intend to throw Ledger? Is it…” The griffon trailed off before shrugging and pointing at Full Steam. “Is it entirely appropriate for you to be here for that discussion, sir? You are the father to...one of the brides, after all.”

“Ledger said we should help,” Full replied. “As well as his own father and Miss Midnight’s, but they won’t be here for a few days I believe.”

“Oh dear,” Fredrick said before sighing. “He has no sense of what’s appropriate. And the only guideline I have is ‘Not The Love Shack.’ So while I could use the help, I would much rather that the fathers of the brides not be the ones planning his last night of debauchery.”

“Have you ever met Ledger’s father?” Ace deadpanned. “He’s like a Changeling version of you kinsman.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” Steam inquired.

“They must never meet,” Ace confirmed.

“Oh come on,” Fredrick replied. “I didn’t sleep with all the mares of Las Pegasus. Only most.”

“I can see you’re in charge of this party,” Steam nodded. “And don’t worry about me. It was… a little concerning at first, about my daughter’s situation. But her partners seem like nice enough ponies. And, I trust Ledger to not do anything to hurt them.”

“Indeed, unless they actually attacked him, Ledger would never hurt his partners,” the griffon confirmed. “Gentle as can be until actually provoked.”

“If my Cider attacked him, he’d likely not survive,” Steam chuckled. “Still, if you don’t require my help, then I’ll be heading off. The train to Appleloosa won’t pull itself.”

“Take care, sir,” Fredrick said as he nodded at the pony again. “I would normally promise that I’d watch out for Ledger, but I’m sort of planning this night revolving around possibly getting him in trouble if the mares ever found out what he was up to, so…”

“Agreed, best of luck then son,” Full Steam gave him a firm hoof shake and left the building. Ace groaned as he looked at his fellow Griffon and sighed.

“Got anything that’ll help me live the next couple of days?” he asked. Fredrick hummed a bit before replying.

“Depends on your situation. What do you need to survive?”

“Three days… in three days we have done it over a dozen times….”

“Tell her to slow down, then,” the griffon chuckled. “Though, what is she after? Your collapse, or just a more satisfying experience?”

“She wants a foal… and will stop at nothing to get it,” he said. Fredrick blinked a few times before chuckling.

“Sorry, I did my best to avoid knocking up the mares I slept with,” the restaurant owner returned. “But, if you’re desperate, I might know something…”

“Oh?” Ace lifted his head.

“I heard this through the grapevine,” Fredrick said as he walked over to the podium and began looking for a quill and inkpot, along with a scroll. “Multiple stallions tried it, managed to give their wives a foal within two weeks. Sometimes sooner.”

“So what is it?” Ace said, getting up, his body being filled with a renewed vigor. Fredrick wrote something down and nodded a few times before looking back at Ace.

“Just a pill that helps boost...production. If you understand me.”

Ace nodded, while he was loathe to resort to this, he wanted to give his lover what she wanted. He thanked Fredrick as he took the scroll. “So, what’s the name of this thing?”

“It has some long, complicated medical name that I have a way of remembering,” Fredrick said before tapping the scroll. “Just present that to the colt that runs the local pharmacy, along with a sob story of how you’re having trouble giving the love of your life a foal, and he ought to give you enough for a month, cheap, which should be more than you need.”

“Many thanks kinsman,” Ace nodded as he placed the paper in his bag and gave the other Griffon a brotherly hug. “Hopefully this should make little Amethyst Cream happy. Well, farewell!” And like that, he was gone.

“...Amy Cream is a changeling?” Fredrick said as he turned that thought over in his head. “I would have never guessed...which I suppose is the point…”

By the time Ace returned home, he was feeling much better. He walked inside and straight over the sink, filling up a glass of water as he read the instructions. So these would boost both productivity and stamina… hmm, while he was still dubious about this…

He shrugged and downed a couple of the small pills. Well, now or never he guessed.

‘“Amy? You home?” he called out.

“In here~” she called out from their bedroom. The Griffon headed inside, wondering what was waiting for him…

It turned out to be Amy laying spread out on their bed, all but presenting herself to him. Only her tail was keeping him from seeing everything. She looked back over her shoulder at the sound of him coming close and gave him her best sultry gaze. “I’m sorry if I’ve been riding you a little rough lately, Acey~” she cooed to him. “I just...really, really want a foal of my own. Say the word, and I’ll be gentler to you if you don’t like it~”

“Oh?” he said as he walked closer to the bed, his feathers ruffling as he stared at his little Changeling mare. “That’s alright. And, I have a good feeling about today.” He climbed up onto the bed and stood over her, she could see his powerful form just bristling with energy as he nuzzled her, taking in her scent and giving her neck a few nips. She moaned and arched her back, rubbing it against his belly as he teased her.

“So don’t I,” she said back to him. “Whaddya say, stud? One more round for the day?”

He growled softly as he grabbed her with his talons, eliciting a squeak from her. “Maybe more if this doesn’t take. I’m going to rut you until I collapse. So I hope you’re ready my dear~”

“I can take anything you can dish out,” she boasted to him.

Ace just chuckled as he leaned closer. There’d be no sleep for them tonight…

Author's Note:

Fredrick is chillest bird.

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