• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 77 - Party Shenanigans

Midnight had to hand it to Two-Step. She knew how to throw a party. There must have been at least a hundred or so ponies here and most of the city's Changeling population. A lot of them crowded the dancefloor, as DJ-PON3 herself blasted out some of her latest music. Midnight had thought that they arrived early... did she get the wrong time?

"Well, not too bad, not too bad at all huh?" Midnight whistled. Scope stayed close so she wouldn't get lost in the crowd.

“This doesn’t seem all that bad yet…” Ledger mused. “I’m still waiting for the other horseshoe to drop, though.”

"You're so paranoid," Midnight giggled as she looked around for their host. "Now, where do you suppose Steppy is?"

“MARES AND COLTS!” came a shout from the stage as Two-Step’s familiar form walked out holding a microphone.

“Found her,” Ledger deadpanned.

“GIVE IT UP FOR DJ-PON3!” The white unicorn raised a hoof and the crowd cheered, well, more like roared when she did. She dropped her hoof and the bass that came from her speakers shook the ground and made Ledger and Scope feel like their chitin was going to be shaken off.

“Aw yeah,” Two-Step said, not phased too badly. “Alright, just a coupla quick things tonight before we get started. First of all, this party is in honor of the Mistress of the Love Shack shackin’ up at last! Sugar Darling went and got hitched! Let’s give it up for her!”

There was another round of cheers as well as quite a few murmurs and whispers of disbelief. Sugar actually got married?

“Second, so we’re not havin’ this party under false pretenses.” Sugar cleared her throat and let the silence hang there for a moment. “Can all my fine ladies helping me see to all the ponies tonight do me the honor of showin’ them what you all really are?”

“Oh boy,” Ledger said, hanging his head. “And here’s where we get to stress-test the acceptance of the pony race…”

"There's no way..." Midnight whispered. "Is she really going to-"

Several violet flashes, then more, then more, answered that question. “That’s right, all of you are in a bona-fide Changeling rave!” And then, Two-Step dropped her disguise as well, showing off her natural form of a hybrid, shocking even Ledger into silence.

“Mom went off and got hitched, so that leaves me in charge! And when she’s away, I like to par-tay!

"Ledger!" Twilight whispered. "What the hay is she?"

“A...hybrid,” Ledger whispered. “A cross between the two. I...I’ve never seen one before.”

"Huh, you didn't know?" Midnight shrugged. A few ponies had already run out the door in surprise and shock more than anything. "I figured that you knew about her being a half."

“I never saw her in anything but her pony form!” Ledger returned.

“Aww, some ponies don’t like the big, scary bugs?” Two-Step called after the retreating forms. “That’s okay, the rest of you get a round on me! Ladies, load up our house blend!”

About half a dozen changeling nymphs flitted around the bar, before revealing the barrels of Mood Setter, primed and ready for getting ponies drunk on alcohol and emotion.

"Well, this got interestin' real fast," Cider chuckled. "Ah reckon we're in for an interesting evening."

"Interesting is putting it lightly," Twilight agreed. She was sporting her cute-punk manestyle again while Cider had her usual twintails. Midnight opted for an elaborate bun and Scope... well Scope had decided to drop her disguise altogether.

“So relax!” Two-Step said. “We’re the nice bugs, we just want to have a good time with our pony pals. Have a drink, kick back. Oh, and PON3?” Here the half-ling looked up to the DJ booth. The dj quirked an eyebrow…

“Gimmie somethin’ to dance to. I get the feelin’ my stud is out here tonight, I wanna put on a show for him.” Vinyl grinned like a madmare as she spun her turntable as a steady beat dropped, a pulsating rhythm that she could... dance to.

“Awwww yeah, that’s the stuff. And with the announcements outta the way, mares and colts, the first Changeling Rave of Las Pegasus is officially on!” Two-Step tossed the mic behind her, and a nymph caught it before it could hit the floor. The half-ling stepped up to one of the poles on-stage, and began putting on the best show she could.

Where are you, Jonny-boy…. She thought to herself as she started her routine. Midnight found herself watching the show, torn over the fact that a hot mare was dancing like that, but it was also Sugar's daughter.

"Being aroused shouldn't be so damned confusing," Midnight muttered as she tore her eyes away and headed for the bar. Aw dammit! She couldn’t even drink...

"I regret everything!" She pouted as she thunked her head onto the bar top.

“Come on,” Ledger said, having followed after her once she headed to the bar. “Twilight, Cider, and Scope should have found a table by now, I’ll see if I can’t give you a little something during this party.”

"Fine," Midnight replied and followed him. The others found a booth table, one that had been reserved for them in advance by Two-Step.

"Wasn't expecting this," Scope said as they showed up. "And what has the Mistress in the dumps?"

“The fact that she can’t drink, but I can think of a way to get her some form of drunk,” Ledger said. “It’ll be interesting if it works. Probably temporary and with no real hangover, but we’ll see how this turns out.”

"You have an experiment in mind?" Twilight asked with a hint of interest.

“Mmhmm,” Ledger said, licking his lips. “Twilight, in our house, what do you think I primarily feed on? What emotion is most prevalent around me?”

"Knowledge yes?" The alicorn shrugged. "Or more like those 'aha' moments, for lack of a better word."

“That is what I like to feed on, and I no longer have to go to the library to get any. But with Midnight sitting right here, the answer is actually something quite different.” Ledger just smiled and waited for the alicorn to draw the connecting lines.

"...Lust," she eventually replied, hoping she hadn’t just offended the Thestral.

“Correct!” Ledger said...before turning to Midnight and giving back some of the bounty he’d had during their moment before the party. In one massive kiss. She hummed into the kiss, feeling at least a little more energised. And it also gave her an idea... a wonderful, terrible idea~

“I have no idea how much Lust I actually have stored away inside of me,” Ledger said once the kiss broke. “Nor do I know how much this party will generate. But I will do my best to see my little bat Lust-drunk if at all possible tonight.”

"You wanna generate some Lust huh?" Audio Erotica, thy name is Midnight. She smiled widely as she dredged up every perverted thought she could think of... but rather than thinking of Ledger, she just sat there. Twilight and Cider couldn't really see anything besides the bat just sitting there...

But to a Changeling? It was like an ocean of Lust and Love just pouring from her…

And normally, the Changelings seeing to the party would have taken that for the bounty it was, but Two-Step had given them very specific orders tonight. These were special guests, and barring the Thestral, they were to be given everything they wanted. And they were always supposed to ask first. Hay, they were supposed to ask first anyways.

Still, they did attract about a thousand percent more glances in their direction as the nymphs silently jockied as to who would be their server tonight...

Midnight looked around and noticed a few glances, but not much else.

"Well that was a bust," the Thestral sighed.

Scope was trying very hard not to cream herself in her seat. Being at the epicenter of that was...

"S-Some warning....haah, would have been nice," she panted.

“And I’m not going to be able to get up from my seat for about ten minutes,” Ledger agreed. He’d been living with Midnight for longer, he was used to it. Mostly. She tended to abuse that power of hers when she was horny and wanting him ready now.

"Well, two ain't bad I guess," the Thestral shrugged. Twilight looked at the two Changelings and blinked. Living with Midnight must have been...

"How are you two still alive?"

“I counter with, how could we ever live without Midnight now?” Ledger said, sighing softly. “Mmmnope, this is just not going down.”

"Need a hoof?" Scope asked as she stared at him and a disguise flickered across her form like the blink of an eye, one of a yellow-eyed nymph.

“Yeep!” Ledger said. “Okay, it’s dead, please stop looking like her. Please.”

"Well I'm not sure you'd have wanted the alternative," Scope said as she turned back to normal. “Nor would the Violets have wanted to clean that up so early in the evening."

“You’d be surprised,” Ledger deadpanned. “I did pay a visit to the Violet Hive, remember. I heard...things. All sorts of descriptions. And boasts. And brags.”

"Well then how about we get Mistress to do that thing again and then call a few of those nymphs over hmm?"

"Scope, stop whoring out our stallion," Cider admonished her.

“One of them did say it wasn’t a party unless all the private rooms were full,” Ledger mused. “I don’t even know where we’d find that here…”

"Ledger, stop thinking about expanding our herd fer the evening," Cider sighed. "Honestly, this is why ah like you Twilight, yer the only one that uses their head instead of-"

"Says the mare that seduced a taken stallion," Midnight retorted and Cider snorted, folding her forelegs.

"Um, what?" Twilight blinked in confusion. Were they fighting now?

“Mares,” Ledger sighed. “Don’t make me intervene. You’re both wonderful, but I would not play fair and you know it.”

"Dammit," Midnight and Cider swore. Scope looked around and blinked.

"Hey, isn't weird that nopony... or nobuggy has come to serve us yet?"

“Oh, that’s just cause I had to scare off everybuggy else before I could get to you!” A voice said. A voice from Scope’s nightmares. A voice of a nymph who loved cuddling with other nymphs. The voice of Sweet Dream. “But now that I’m here, I can cuddle you, snuggle-buddy!” A grinning, nearly psychotically so, Violet nymph, was waiting their table now.

"Oh sweet Hives!!" Scope yelped as she dove behind Twilight. "I have a Princess and I'm not afraid to use her!"

“I’ll say,” Ledger said in a salacious tone. “It’s always entertaining when you do.”

"You are not helping!" Scope pointed at him.

"You're just using me?" Twilight’s bottom lip quivered and the tiny nymph groaned and facehooved.

“Come over here, Twilight, I at least appreciate you,” Ledger said, raising the foreleg that Midnight wasn’t attached to. Twilight scooted over, leaving Scope wide open....

“Aha!” Sweet Dream said as she scooped up Scope. “Now you are mine!”

"Ahh, got off me," Scope tried shoving her away. "Shouldn't you be fetching our drinks like a good little servant?"

“I’ll get to them in a minute,” Sweet said as she just hugged the smaller nymph close. “I missed you,” she cooed, enjoying Scope’s presence.

"The feeling is far from mutual," Scope muttered. Midnight giggled as she sat closer to them.

"Oh?" She said in a husky whisper, her hoof trailing down Dream’s leg. "I am ever so thirsty though~"

“Mmm, fine, I suppose it’s technically my job to see to your drink needs,” Sweet said, still not letting go of Scope. “But we’re under orders, miss Song. No alcohol for you. We do have a drink we think you’ll like, though…Had to bribe Amy to get it made properly.”

"Amy had something to do with it." Midnight tilted her head. When she did, she noticed someone familiar in the crowd. Well, he stood out quite a bit actually.

"Hey Jonny-boy!!" She shouted over the music. The griffon turned and looked at them, before his eyes widened in surprise and he slowly started backing up. Apparently he was still treating them with all the care of a bomb about to go off.

"Now that is just rude," Midnight pouted and saw Two-Step sneaking up behind him. She smiled and waved, keeping his attention while she pounced.

“Ack!” Jonathan said as he bucked around a little, trying to get a better view of his attacker instinctively.

"Enjoy the show big boy~" she breathed huskily into his ear.

“...Two-Step? That you?” he asked, calming down a touch. Just a touch. The last time this mare had pounced him, hoofcuffs had come out. She looked at her chitinous hooves and realised he didn't know about this aspect of her.

"Eheh, surprise?"

“I didn’t realize you were this special when we met,” he muttered. “And do you really think I would have not slept with you if I knew?”

"You'd be surprised," she said softly as she let him go. "Genetics huh... what can you do?" She gave a nervous chuckle.

“Honesty helps,” Jonathan said. “If I recall right, you’ve got private rooms at this shindig, yeah? Let’s use one to be honest with each other. Any question you or I have.”

"The only question I have is how hard can you give it~" She was seriously turned on right now.

“Yeah, well, I have a few more, so you’re gonna have to wait to get that answer. So come up with some other ones.” With that and directions from a friendly nymph, Jonathan took the hostess of the party up to ‘party’.

Midnight smiled, having overheard that conversation. Good for her, she seems to have found someone nice... even if he was really rude to Midnight.

"So, I wonder how this party will go now the hostess is gone?" The Thestral wondered as Scope escaped Dream's grasp and now used Cider as a meatshield.

“We all have our orders,” Sweet Dream said with a smile. “Keep the party going until everypony and everybuggy is full of something.”

“Yeah, that sounds about normal for a Violet party,” Ledger said with a sigh.

"Good thing you got your fill already hmm?" Twilight winked and nudged him. Her 'Background Pony' spell seemed to be working as well. Nopony noticed the alicorn at all.

“Then you can get seconds!” Sweet Dream chirped. “Now, who here wants the house brew?”

"Ah'll admit that ah'm a might curious to see what ya'll have done," Cider nodded and smiled.

"You better not try anything funny," Scope warned her.

“All I want is to cuddle you~” Sweet cooed. “But no, I promise I will not alter the house brew in any way, shape, or form.”

"Yes, but you're not saying how far you'll go to get hugs," Scope deadpanned. “Well, make our night enjoyable and I might consider it."

“I’ll take that as a second order!” Sweet said with a smile and a nod.

“Three,” Ledger said, pitching in his own order. “I’m gonna test it myself. Just one mug.”

“Can do!” Sweet said before looking at Twilight. “And you?”

"Um, I'll just have water thankyou," the princess responded.

“Aww, okay,” Sweet said. “And we have the thing Amy helped us make for you Middy, so I have all your orders! Back in a bit~” With that, she was off.

"Okay, so what's her deal with Treasure?" Twilight asked, the small nymph huffing and folding her forelegs. She was still keeping Cider close by, in case that mental nymph tried a sneak attack.

“No clue,” Ledger said, looking at Midnight. “What about you?”

Midnight looked at Scope, who shrugged and waved a hoof. The Thestral nodded and looked at Twilight and Ledger. "She's the one that, ah... deprogrammed little Scope. She hasn't quite figured out how to let go."

“...Well, that’s more explanation than I thought I’d get,” Ledger said before looking at Twilight. “Especially when you consider how they might have done that.”

"Do I want to know?" Twilight asked slowly.

"No, no you do not," Scope muttered. "Now you know, drop it and never bring it up again."

“Dropping,” Ledger said before looking out over the crowd. “How long do you think it’ll take-”

“And here we are!” Sweet Dream said, appearing out of almost nowhere. Something on her tray smelled delicious to Midnight.

"Bloody hell!" Scope leapt back. She hadn’t been focusing and the mare had snuck up quite effectively.

Midnight stared at the tray, her mouth open slightly. "I. Smell. Mangoes~"

“Mmhmm, we needed something to serve you tonight and asked Amy for a good idea, and she whipped up a few Mango Milkshakes,” the nymph said, sliding a tall glass of the stuff over to Midnight. “And the water for the boring one,” Sweet Dream said, sliding Twilight her drink. “Which leaves the house special for the rest of you! You all take those slow, otherwise it’ll sneak up on you.”

"Psh, who do ya'll think yer talkin' to," Cider scoffed as Twilight stared at her glass of water.

"I'm... boring?" she said softly and sniffed. Ledger leaned over and softly kissed her cheek.

“To them you are, but you don’t have to prove anything to me. Drink or not, I’ll love you regardless,” the drone whispered into her ear. Twilight nodded and sipped her water as Midnight took a long drink from her mango milkshake.

She paused as her fluffy ears gave a cute little wiggle and she hummed delightedly. Ledger smirked, happy to see his bat was happy, before he raised his glass of the house brew towards the others. “To a wonderful evening,” he said. “Spent in wonderful company.”

"Cheers!" They all chimed and raised their own glasses. Ledger did his best to knock his against the others before downing a sip of the…

Oh. Oh now that was something all right. Oh, it was like a miniature bit of Midnight, all on his tongue. Which was also a fun way to spend an afternoon~

Midnight watched his expression and smiled. Twilight knew as well, having sampled the drink in the past, a venture that nearly led to her ruining Ledger’s office with him.

"Not bad," Cider hummed as she knocked back the whole glass and smacked her lips. "Not bad at all."

“Mmm,” Ledger said, stopping halfway. “No, no it isn’t...but now I’m hungry for a kiss.” And without further ado, he kissed Twilight on the cheek.

"Now look at what you've done," Twilight sighed and looked at Dream. "And he's insatiable on a good day."

“Now think about how many unprepared ponies are going to be drinking this,” Dream giggled mischievously. “This is why we throw raves with free alcohol~”

"This can't end well," Midnight said and looked around. "I suddenly wonder what would happen if I tried my trick again in an hour or so?"

“It probably wouldn’t be noticed by then,” Sweet said with another giggle. “Three rooms are taken already~”

"But... it's been like, a half hour," Twilight gaped and Scope sighed, raising her hoof.

"Mares and snarkycolt, I give you the Violets."

“Charmed,” Sweet said, taking a small bow. “We do try. The emotional harvest alone is going to set us for the rest of the year, easy.”

"It's too bad Steppy is already busy," Midnight said and rubbed her belly. "I bet Ledger has a bunch of questions seeing as our own halfbreed is coming along."

“Aaah, and that would be why she said no alcohol for you,” Dream said. “Well, I can pass a message along when she’s less busy, if you’d like.”

"Just that we're here if she wants to say hi," Midnight replied.

Scope frowned and watched Dream from the corner of her eye. She still didn't trust her much. But at least she seemed to be keeping her word so far...

Ledger downed the rest of his drink and gave Twilight another kiss, this one more of a full muzzle affair as he invaded her mouth with his suddenly thestral tongue.

"What the heck is he doing?" Dream asked. Midnight looked at the couple and sighed.

"Thinking he can one up me at a game I invented," she mused. "And it looks like he needs a refill already."

Ledger used his tongue to surround and squeeze Twilight’s lightly, kissing her deeply but not invasively. She moaned lightly into the kiss, tasting the drink on his tongue. Once he finally broke it, she licked her lips and smiled.

"Not too bad, I'll give it a six."

“Mmm,” Ledger said, pulling her into a hug. “Let’s see if I can’t get that up a little higher.” With that, he was back to holding the mare close and invading her mouth with his tongue.

“Well, I can see he’s taken to the drink well,” Sweet said before looking at Cider and Scope. “What about you two?”

"What about us?" Cider shrugged. "Yer drink is tasty, but it packs about as much buck as a kitten."

"And I live with Midnight," Scope shrugged, plus she had only taken a sip of the drink.

"Finished," Midnight declared, showing off her empty cup. "I'd thank Steppy for thinking of me like this, but I guess you'll have to do." She reached over and grabbed Dream, introducing the mare to a real Thestral kiss.

Ledger growled a little before he did his best to copy what Midnight had occasionally done to him with Twilight. He wouldn’t be bested in this, and he just knew that was what Middy was up to.

Midnight purred as she poured a little extra Lust into her kiss, before breaking it with a lewd pop.

"Mmm, still as tasty as ever," she hummed.

Ledger, not to be outdone and having felt that, poured more than a little Lust into his kiss before breaking it, panting heavily as he finally released Twilight. The alicorn groaned from all the attention as she moved back from Ledger and floated Scope in between them.

"Phew," she panted. "I think one drink is more than enough for you."

“Aww,” the drone whined. “But I have so much more to give you…”

"I'll bet," Twilight sighed and facehooved. She looked over at Sweet Dreams. "Are you okay? Not many survive Midnight like that."

“I’ll live,” Sweet said. “Somehow.”

Midnight sniffled, then… started crying?

“Whaaa! I’m so stupid!” she wailed as she thunked her head on the table. “I kissed another random pony…”

Ledger did his best to comfort her with small kisses and a gentle hoof stroking her mane. She was so happy a moment ago…

“Why would anypony love me?” she sniffed. “First I kiss your dad, now some random nymph… I’m the worst pony ever…”

“You’re just very open with your love,” Ledger said. “And that’s not a bad thing. We just need to work on your enthusiasm around ponies that aren’t us.”

“Yeah…” Midnight sniffled again. Scope just shrugged and sighed.

“I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s a harmless kiss. It’s not like you’re going out and bucking them, or marrying them. Yet you are with us, so it’s pretty easy to tell who you love more.”

“As crude as that was, ah’d have to agree,” Cider nodded.

“Plus I’ve learned trying to stop you from being you is about as pointless as asking Celestia to stop raising the sun,” Ledger said. He got a brief moment to breathe, before Midnight pulled him into a deep and loving kiss. One he was shocked by for a moment, before he returned it as enthusiastically as he could.

“You all sure you don’t need a room?” Sweet Dream asked as she just watched.

“Trust me, ah reckon they’ll at least save that for when we get home… ah think,” The apple mare tapped her chin. Midnight’s mood was all over the place right now.

“Perhaps another round of those mango drinks,” Scope suggested. “And one more of those Mood Setter’s for me. They’re kind of yummy.”

“One mango for Midnight, when she stops feasting on Ledgy’s face, and a Mood Setter for the cuddlebug,” Sweet said before looking at Cider. “Anything you wanna order?”

“Ah reckon a hard cider might be nice,” the mare nodded and looked at Twilight.

“Yes, a cider sounds lovely,” the princess agreed. “Something that won’t mess with my emotions…”

“Aww, fine, we’ve got plenty of regular hard cider as well,” Sweet said. “And it won’t be hard to tell them apart either, promise! Just shine a light on ‘em if you’re unsure!” With that, the nymph was off again.

“I still think she’s up to something,” Scope muttered as she looked at Midnight. “And how long are you going to lick his tonsils for anyway?”

Midnight pulled back with a slight pop and smiled. “Mmm, kissing is fun. Your turn!” she grabbed the nymph and proceeded to make out with her in front of everyone else, the struggling changeling unable to push her off.

“Hmmm, I kinda want to keep kissing, myself,” Ledger mused as his gaze fell on Twilight and Cider. “Who should I kiss?...Trick question, I’ve already kissed Twilight tonight!” With a pounce, Ledger fell on Cider and started kissing her.

“Mmph!” Cider was caught off guard as Twilight sat there and rolled her eyes before sipping on her water some more.

“The main problem with there being an odd number of ponies,” she said idly. She didn’t know anypony in this club, well, aside from a few that were all occupied anyway. So she just waited patiently for the rest of her herd to be done being silly.

Eventually Ledger came up for air and slid up next to Twilight. “Hello pretty mare~” he cooed to her.

“Oh no, you’ve had enough of this pretty mare for the time being,” she said as she put a hoof on his chest to keep him at bay.

“He’s...hah, really, really affectionate when he’s liquored up,” Cider explained. “That’s whut led to the herd thing in the first place.”

“Awkward to begin with, but now here we are,” Midnight said as she finally released Scope from her face-munching.

“Oooh, I haven’t kissed you yet Scopey~” Ledger cooed.

Scope smiled and waited a moment, and just as Sweet Dream got back to the table, she responded. “You’ve kissed me plenty today, just not on this set of lips~”

“Sounds like fun I shoulda seen,” Sweet said as she laid out the drinks. “Two hard ciders, a Mood-Setter, and another mango milkshake.”

“Whoohoo!” Midnight cheered, already happy again as she sipped at her delicious drink. Scope shrugged and sipped at her own.

“So, what prompted Sugar to suddenly get married?” Twilight asked, causing Midnight to cough into her glass.

“Beats me, I’m not the boss’s daughter, I’m not privy to all the details in her life. Although...I was present for their lack of ceremony…” Sweet said, laying the bait out for them.

“Lack of ceremony?” Midnight said slowly. “She didn’t even give my Moonie a proper ceremony!?”

“Just dragged her to the city clerk and recorder and got their marriage license,” Sweet affirmed with a nod. “Said she was too good to let go of, and wanted to hold onto her as long and hard as she could.”

“I will… be having words with that Changeling,” Midnight growled as she sipped at her drink. It’d be quite menacing if it wasn’t for the slurping sounds coming from her straw.

“Oh, by the way,” Sweet said with a smile. “Passed your message along to Two-Step. She said she might be done soon, so look forward to seeing her.”

“Yay~” Midnight clapped her hooves joyfully as Scope decided it would be best to ignore the mare with the emotional roulette wheel tonight.

“I think I’m going to need something stronger,” she muttered at her glass.

“Especially once Twilight starts poking and prodding her,” Ledger said with a snicker, now recovered from his emotional imbalance and only a little extra affectionate.

“I’ll poke and prod you,” Scope muttered back, then realised how that sounded and groaned. “You know what, let’s dance. I feel like dancing, who wants to dance?”

“The only dance steps I know are for formal balls and the like,” Ledger admitted with a sheepish expression. “I’d probably make a fool of myself out there.”

“Ohh, lemme teach you then!” Midnight said and dragged him out onto the dance floor. Unfortunately for Scope… that left her wide open again.

“Oh dammit,” she muttered as she stared at Dream. The expectant look in her eyes was almost painful to look at. “Urgh! Fine. You get one dance. ONE!”

“I woulda gone for hugs, but yay for dancing!” Sweet said as she all but dragged her cuddle-buddy out to the floor.

“Ah reckon that leaves us,” Cider nodded and held out a hoof to Twilight. “Will mah princess do me the honor of this dance?”

“Of course,” Twilight giggled and took her hoof as the two moved out to the dance floor as well.

Meanwhile, Midnight was standing in front of Ledger, showing him a few movements with her hooves. “So you see, when I move like this, you move like so…”

“Doesn’t seem that complex,” he muttered. “Far easier than teleporting, that’s for sure.”

“Well, I wouldn’t know about that, but it’s easier than flying,” Midnight nodded as she moved close to him. “Not really the song for slow dancing, but baby steps right?”

“I can learn a new style of dancing if it means I get to dance with you,” Ledger said. “So, what does my instructor recommend?”

“Well, let’s practise those steps first, then work on making them a bit faster… and what the hell is that?” She stared past him at an Earth Pony, and the Alicorn in front of her that looked like she was having some kind of seizure.

“Whatever it is, we shouldn’t stare. Otherwise we’ll be in trouble later,” Ledger said, barely managing to tear his eyes away. “Okay, practice. I can practice.” Ledger started off with the steps she’d taught him.

“Good, good, just like that,” Midnight smiled as she followed his steps. She placed her neck over his as she moved her hooves. He had surprisingly not stepped on hers yet and she smiled. “Ohh, somepony’s a natural at this~”

“Like I said, I got some dance instruction when I was younger. I don’t know what was worse. Learning with my mom, or my sister.”

“Aww, that would have been adorable,” Midnight cooed. “And, you know you’re going to have to dance with all of us at the wedding right? It’s tradition for the married couple to share the first waltz of the evening.”

“Won’t that be interesting, having all five of us dance,” Ledger joked. “Unless we all took turns, it would probably be an exercise in planning to rival even Twilight’s skills...speaking of, how’s she doing?”

Midnight peered over his shoulder and stifled a giggle. Cider had started to join in on her spastic dance, as did several other patrons. She did a small twirl, so Ledger could get a look as well.

“Owch,” Ledger said as he did his best to continue the twirl so that neither of them were staring directly at the event horizon. “I’m sure somepony will stop it before it gets too out of hoof.”

“Hopefully,” Midnight giggled as she picked up their pace a little. She used her wings to twirl Ledger and have him a take a step back before she brought him closer. It was also around then he realised he was the mare in this dance.

“Oh you-” Ledger said before he turned it on her as best as he could, giving Midnight a twirl...with a little help from his magic. “I admit that I don’t know how to lead, but you could instruct me instead of shunting me into another role!”

“Sorry, I got a little carried away,” Midnight giggled as she rubbed his nose with hers. She saw Scope and Dream, the latter doing less dancing and more hugging as the petite nymph just rolled her eyes. “Okay, we’re gonna start going a little faster—” Well she was going to, until PON-3 switched to a slower song that suddenly had couples up and dancing. “Or not…”

“Oooh, do I get to dredge up my old dancing instructions?” Ledger asked with raised eyebrows. “I can totally do that!”

“Please do,” Midnight giggled. “Let’s see what you got lover-boy.”

“Okay,” Ledger said, as he did his best to remember the ballroom dancing his mother had instructed him in...and then have him practice with his sister. Without all the embarrassing bits. “I think I have it,” he muttered as he started to lead.

“Don’t think I’m not going to ask for the details later,” Midnight giggled as she followed his lead. He was still pretty good though, not quite as good as some mares and stallions she’d danced with. But he loved her and she loved him, and that made it all the more special.

“Yup, and now I’m going to do something to stop this,” Ledger said as he began leading her directly to Twilight and Cider. “Hope you don’t mind being passed off, but I have a Princess to instruct.”

“Ah, to be handed down for a newer model, such is my shame,” Midnight sighed dramatically as she sashayed across the floor and scooped up Cider. “Come dance with me, my sweet apple princess.”

“Whut the?” Cider blinked at the theatrics as she was taken away by Midnight.

“And you, are going to get some proper dancing instructions, princess purple,” Ledger said as he took hold of Twilight and finally held her still. The alicorn blinked and looked at him, a little surprised at his sudden appearance.

“And what’s wrong with my dancing?” she asked. This was one of those moments, where there was only one right answer and the others would probably land him some alone time on the couch.

Unfortunately, Ledger took the Brutal Honesty route. “I could weaponize your dancing. I could put an entire army of Changelings in the hospital just by letting you dance in sight of them. They would be dying of laughter. However, I can help you fix that if you’ll let me.”

“You’re horrible,” she sniffed and gave him the mother of all pouts. A weapons-grade stare that could have turned even the foulest demons into a whimpering mess.

“I call it like I see it,” Ledger said honestly, having experienced this look more than once from her. Specifically, when she asked to see his book. “However, I had a very patient mother to instruct me in dances, especially ballroom dancing. If you would follow my lead…”

Twilight frowned but did as he asked. “Fine…” she pouted. Ledger kept it simple so she could keep mirroring his movements and not misstep. He’d get into things like twirling and dipping when she was more competent. About a year or so.

She stepped on his hooves once or twice, but she at least seemed to be able to follow along with him. Ledger just smiled and put up with her. He’d had worse from his sister. He still didn’t believe that all those ‘accidents’ were that.

“You’re a pretty good dancer,” Twilight nodded. “Who taught you?”

“Like I said, my mom,” Ledger answered. “I used to be terrible, but, thank goodness for exoskeletons. I eventually passed her tutelage, and my reward was to teach my sister.”

“Oh, oh my,” Twilight giggled. She hadn’t met this sister of his yet, but Midnight and Scope had told her a few stories. “That must have been… awkward.”

“We were still in our not-getting-along with each other phase. So there were more than a few accidents. Partially because she never followed my lead unless mom chastised her enough. And probably because we’re mostly opposites.” Ledger wondered when this slow dance was going to end. Mostly because he still didn’t know a fast one for when it did.

The song eventually did come to an end and the DJ resumed her more usual upbeat songs. Some of the couples left the floor after that and Twilight wiped her brow.

“Phew, that made me a little thirsty. Wanna take a break?”

“I can do that,” Ledger said as he began to lead her to their table. Once they got there, Twilight snared one of the drinks in her magic and hastily gulped it down… before she licked her lips and hummed.

“Hmm, this cider tastes a little… fruity.”

“Oh?” Ledger asked, curious despite himself. He’d already had his maximum tonight. Any more and he’d probably get more than a little touchy with the mares. Well, more than he had been, at least.

She floated the other glass over to him and nodded. Ledger put up a hoof and tried to decline. “Ah, no, I probably shouldn’t…”

“Well, if you say so,” Twilight said as she put the glass down. “Just be careful and remain hydrated. You did have quite the workout before coming here after all~”

“True, but alcohol wouldn’t help,” Ledger said, beeping her muzzle. “It’d just dry me out more.”

“True *hic*,” Twilight replied and giggled. “Heehee, you’re cute Levvy~”

“Glad you think so,” Ledger said as he drew her in for a hug. “I find you pretty attractive as well.”

“Mmm,” she trailed a hoof along his chest and hiccuped again. “Maybe we should find a room, and I’ll show you how attractive I can be~”

“Already?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow. “Didn’t I just see to you in the shower?”

“Is that a...no~?” Twilight purred, her lips grazing against his.

“This is more me wondering where this came from,” Ledger returned. “Hives know I’ll never turn down more time with you mares. I just wanna know what you’re thinkin’ here, Twilight.”

“Hmm, I’m thinking… I’m thinking… heehee, thinking is overrated!” She kissed him and he could taste the Mood Setter on her tongue.

Oh buck. Ledger wasn’t one for sleeping with a mare when she wasn’t in her right mind, so he decided to do what Changelings do best, and fed on her unbalanced emotions, trying to draw the extra Lust and Happiness from her into himself. Yeah, it’d be like if he drank it instead if it worked, but they could deal with him a lot better than he could deal with a crying mare.

Twilight took a step back as she felt the fog on her mind dissipate. She shook her head and blinked. “Urgh, wait, what?”

“Heh,” Ledger said, blinking a few times as he felt his emotions start to be unbalanced again. “Silly Twilight, drinking the Violet’s drink…”

“Ohh, I did?” Twilight looked at the empty glass. “Hmm, guess it didn’t affect me as much as last time… why are you looking at me like that?”

“Cause all that lust hadta go somewhere, and now I’m thinking of getting a room and giving it back to you,” Ledger growled.

“Oh my,” Twilight blushed as Midnight, Cider and Scope returned, the latter being carried by Dream though.

“What’s going on here?” the Thestral asked.

“Just Ledger’s Lust getting a teensy bit out of control,” Twilight replied.

“Gonna take you up to a room and buck the hell outta you,” the drone said as he tried to get close enough to Twilight to kiss her.

“See what I mean?” she said, trying to push him back. Midnight blinked at his sudden aggressiveness and then whapped him upside the head with a wing.

“Ledger. Sit!”

“I’ll get to you in a bit,” he returned, before trying for Twilight again. “Gonna make princess bookworm feel loved again.”

“I feel plenty loved,” Twilight replied, now using her magic to keep him still. “This is my fault really. I drank one of those weird drinks and Ledger absorbed all the emotion I got from it…”

“Oh, well fixing that is easy,” Scope said as she drew a little Lust from him. “Hey Dream, free Lust.”

“Yup, it’d be best to stop him before he got too much out of control, though he is still gonna be a happy little bug for a while,” Sweet Dream said as she started to help. Within thirty seconds, Ledger was blinking and looking around confused.

“What happened?” he asked, not sure why everypony was staring at him.

“You turned into a… what’s the word?” Midnight tapped her chin.

“A Changeling version of an aggressive Midnight,” Twilight responded, as Midnight poked her tongue out at her.

“Oh. Sorry about that,” he said, hugging Twilight at long last. “Mmm, this feels good,” he said, murmuring into the embrace.

“As long as that’s all you’re planning,” Twilight sighed. “And this is why I do not drink.”

“Yeah, leave it to the professionals,” Cider chuckled and downed her glass. “Pwah! Now that’s some good cider.”

“Mmm...Middy, come join our hug,” Ledger asked the batpony. He was apparently very happy right now. The bat giggled and smothered them both with a hug as Scope rolled her eyes, having ninja’d her way out of Dream’s grasp.

“I wonder if this is what Two-Step had in mind for her party?” she mused. Just then, Sweet Dream’s horn lit up, and she smirked before looking at the party of ponies.

“If you want a room, better get one fast. Only five left,” she informed them. “And that’s not counting Two-Step’s, she may be on her way to talk, but she’s gonna use that room again afterwards.”

“I think we’ll be fine,” Twilight groaned. “Is it always like this when you lot go out?”

“Violets don’t consider it a party unless there’s sex on the dance floor before the night is over,” Ledger answered automatically. “So no, but it may end up worse before the night is over.”

“I believe Two-Step's words were ‘City-wide orgy,’” Sweet Dream filled in. “I doubt we’ll get that, but she has her sights set high.”

“Unbelievable,” Twilight sighed. “You do realise that there are public decency laws in place yes?”

“I tried telling her that, but she was of the opinion that ‘the more guests, the merrier,’” Sweet Dream said. “And she’s getting preeeeetty close now, so I’m just gonna cut out before she hears me badmouthing her.” With that, Sweet vanished, though not without blowing a kiss to Scope.

Scope shuddered and glared at the nymph, but she’d already vanished. “I seriously need to watch my ass around her. I get the feeling she’d gobble it up.”

“Nuhuh, only I can gobble my little Scopey,” Midnight said, moving from hugging Ledger to hugging her instead. Cider patted the seat next to her, seeing as Ledger was now empty-hooved of mares. Something he rectified with another pounce, cuddling his sweet mare.

“Well, how can I help my honored guests?” the voice of Two-Step came from the front of the table. The half-ling, half-mare had appeared when most of them weren’t looking.

“Steppy!” Midnight cried, letting go of Scope to hug the new nymph. She sniffed and her eyes twinkled. “Hmm, you smell like you’ve been having fun~”

“And fun will only wait for so long before it comes out to find me and I lose the room, so while I’d like to hurry, what’s up?” the half-ling asked.

“Not much really, we just wanted to say hi to the mare that actually invited us,” Midnight nodded, not releasing her hug. “And what’s up with you and Jonny-boy? Aside from looking super-cute together~”

“He’s a pretty good lay, and a pretty understanding one too,” Two-Step answered. “Now all I hafta do is make him want to stay, and I might get myself a permanent plaything~ Especially now that I can be myself in company.”

“Always a bonus,” Scope nodded. “Still, wasn’t expecting you to be a halfer. That was quite a shock huh Ledge?”

“I only heard about them in the Orange Hive, I never saw one,” Ledger agreed.

“Oooh, he’s well traveled as well as well read,” Two-Step purred. “You have yourselves a fine catch here, mares...maybe I could borrow him for round two?...”

“Yeah, somehow I can’t see us agreeing that that,” Cider replied and Twilight nodded.

“Meh, only if I get to watch,” Scope nodded and looked at the mares staring at her. “What, it’s not like she wants to marry him.”

“Nope, got enough mare trouble in my life as it is,” Ledger said with a shake of his head as he nuzzled Cider. “Don’t need to go out looking for more.”

“Aww, pity,” Two-Step said. “So how are you all enjoying the party so far?”

“Aside from a few hiccups,” Twilight smiled and then frowned at her empty glass. “It’s quite lively. Though, a little… risque for my liking.”

“I think it’s fun,” Midnight nodded and smiled.

“Happy to hear that!” Two-Step chirped. “But if you don’t mind, I just got word my bit of fun is starting to stir. I’m gonna go make sure he doesn’t wander out of the room. Toodles!” With that, the hostess was gone as quickly as she’d appeared.

“Ah, so much for asking her about halflings,” Midnight shrugged. “Ah well, next time perhaps.”

“So whut now?” Cider asked, leaning against Ledger.

“Well,” Ledger said, finally re-balanced. “We can either stick around and keep dancing until the party devolves into that orgy she was after, or get a room ourselves if one is still open just to wait out the craziness.”

“Ohh, how about we order some food and have a little private group date?” Midnight suggested. “We get a room for a little quiet and just have some fun.”

“Not a bad idea,” Ledger said, letting Cider go at last. “I’ll go get the room and stand outside it for you mares, you all can order what you want. If I don’t go now, we might not get any room at all.”

“I hope they’re soundproofed,” Midnight said as she and Twilight went to order food. “The last thing we need is hearing others go at it.”

“That… sound so odd hearing you say that,” Twilight giggled, earning a flat stare from Midnight.

“Hey, I can be serious if I want to.”

“Oh yeah?” Twilight smirked and leaned in close. “Prove it. For the rest of the night, you can’t do anything pervy.”

“Hmm, what’s in it for me?”

“I’ll do whatever you want, whenever you want for a whole day,” Twilight said and Midnight smiled. This’d be the easiest bet ever.

“Fine, same for me if I lose.”

The two mares shook on it and smiled as they gripped hooves.

Elsewhere, Scope shuddered and looked out into the distance. “I feel a disturbance in the force.”

Ledger had managed to get quite literally the next to last open room and sat in front of it, waiting for his mares to show up. He’d double-checked the soundproofing on it himself, and found that nopony would be able to hear the outside world unless the door was open. Nor would anypony be able to hear them either. Just in case things did take a turn.

“Hmm, ah reckon it did get a might chillier in here,” Cider nodded as they approached the room. One stallion walked past and eye’d the Earth Pony, or more closely, her flanks. He gave a low whistle as she passed, causing her to frown. Ledger just smiled at the pair of them before opening the door with his magic for them.

They walked inside as the stallion gaped at Ledger… then his jaw hit the floor when a hot as tartarus Thestral walked in, followed by a cute Unicorn.

“Yup,” Ledger said, winking at the stallion. “Aaaaall mine. Though they prefer to think of it as I’m all theirs. And I am perfectly okay with that.”

He just opened and closed his mouth a few times as another pair walked past them. A familiar looking stallion and a Pegasus mare that Ledger could swear he’d seen before. At least, she reminded him of another pony… She saw the drone and blushed slightly before ushering the stallion into the opposite room.

“Good luck, oh, and if you don’t manage to get a room...don’t worry,” Ledger told the stallion. “The Violets don’t mind watching.” With that, he walked into the private room and closed the door behind him.

Said stallion just continued to do his impression of a goldfish as Ledger vanished. The drone turned as all four mares stared at him.

“Have fun?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“I think you all just broke a stallion, but yes,” Ledger said as he made his way to the large bed and got comfy on it. “Yes, I did have fun pushing him a little more.”

“You’re a cruel drone,” Scope mused as she got up onto the bed while Midnight and Twilight set out the spread they’d obtained. It was quite the haul of salads, bread and some non-alcoholic ciders.

“Only when I feel like I can get away with it,” Ledger snickered as he cuddled the little nymph.

“Obviously you think you’re untouchable then,” Scope replied with her own giggle.

“What else is new?” Midnight shrugged as she sat down. “And, isn’t it kind of weird having a picnic on the bed?”

“It’s better than having a picnic out there,” Ledger pointed out. “I’m pretty sure soon we’d be seeing ponies having sex in the booths, thanks to all the Mood Setter flowing.”

“And now I don’t want to leave until the club is empty,” Twilight grimaced as Midnight bit her tongue to avoid saying anything.

“Well, it’s a good thing we stopped you,” Scope snickered. “Or you would have been the one to start it Ledger.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Ledger said. “Plus, I’m pretty sure I might have pushed that stallion into maybe trying it himself.”

“You’re terrible,” Midnight giggled as Cider finished serving up some food. “So what’s gonna happen? Do we really wanna set hoof outside this room now?”

“Well when we want to leave, I can just teleport us,” Twilight nodded. “And Scope can as well.”

“I’d offer, but I’m not all that confident in teleporting more than myself,” Ledger pitched in as he kissed Midnight. Once that was done, he looked to the mares around him. “So, you’ve just attended the first Changeling Rave in Las Pegasus. Thoughts?”

“Fun, if incredibly perverse,” Twilight nodded. “Pinkie and Rainbow might have enjoyed this party.”

“It was alright,” Midnight nodded. “I’ve been to wilder though.”

“Do ah really want to know?” Cider replied and the Thestral shook her head. “Thought so.”

“Just give it time and I’m sure you could step out to find all the wild you want,” Ledger snickered as he picked out some bread to munch on.

“Pass,” Twilight and Cider nodded as they made a salad sandwich. Scope giggled again, drawing in some of the Lust permeating the building. Hell, free food was free food after all. Ledger just looked at Midnight, who hadn’t actually responded

“What?” Midnight replied.

“I didn’t exactly hear a ‘no,’” Ledger pointed out.

“Meh, don’t really care,” Midnight shrugged as she nibbled on some bread. Dammit Twilight, you and your stupid bets.

“...Who are you and what did you do with Midnight?” Ledger asked, his head still tilted. “And for that matter, how’d you do it?”

“I’m still me silly,” she giggled and kissed his head. “There’s just more to life than sex.” Oh Celestia, what the hell was she saying?

“...If not for the fact that I would know if you’d been replaced, I’d be calling out Changeling right about now,” Ledger pointed out. “Scope, back me up on this.”

“Yeah, it is a little weird,” Scope nodded. “But is it really that big a deal? I mean, she wasn’t thinking sexy thoughts when she was kicking my flank all over the warehouse.”

“True, but she’s not in a combat situation right now,” Ledger pointed out. “Have you ever known her not to be a pervy bat when she isn’t kicking flank and taking names?”

“Hmm, true,” Scope rubbed her chin. “So what’s up Middy?”

“Oh my Celestia, is it that big a deal?” Midnight said with an exasperated sigh.

“It’s just not you to be acting this way,” Ledger pointed out. “And considering all your recent emotional swings…”

“Um, because I’m pregnant with your foal,” Midnight countered. “So excuse me if I act a little strange from time to time.”

“Strange I can give you, but this is just...un-Midnight,” Ledger pointed out. “Heck, I’m half-expecting Twilight to start trying to act sultry in your stead now.”

Midnight and Twilight looked at one another and the Thestral shrugged before Twilight moved next to Ledger, taking a sip of her water and swallowing in a way that would get any stallion hot under the collar. Ledger gulped thickly before taking a bite of his bread. He shouldn’t have said anything…

“Is something wrong Ledger?” Twilight whispered in a husky tone. Oh damn was Midnight a bad influence. The princess might have been rather innocent in comparison, but when she wanted to be sexy…

“You look a little… hot~” she cooed, nipping at his neck.

“Aheh...I thought we were just going to have food in here,” he said nervously, not expecting this attention so rapidly. He really shouldn’t have said anything. It was getting harder to conceal his arousal…

“Mmm, I do love to snack on something from time to time,” the alicorn pressed him, dragging her tongue along his neck…

“Ohkay, down girl,” Cider said, pulling the princess back. “Ah reckon you’ve made yer point.”

“You were saying?” Midnight smirked.

“And here I was thinking we weren’t going to use this room for its intended purpose,” Ledger said with a soft sigh.

“We’re not, yet,” Scope giggled as she ate her food. “Still, this fun, just the five of us together. And soon, it’ll be for the rest of our lives.”

“Something I didn’t think would have ever happened a year ago, to be honest,” Ledger said as he looked at Midnight. “Still blaming you, by the way.”

“What? What’d I do?” Midnight said. “You know, aside from bring you out of you shell… so to speak.”

“Exactly,” Ledger said with a nod. “Without you in my life...I don’t want to imagine it, but this would have never happened,” the disguised drone finished.

“I’m sure if not me, you would have met someone,” Midnight nodded. “Heck, I bet you would have even bumped into Cider at some point.”

“He’s right Middy,” Scope nodded. “The only reason I’m here is because you took me in instead of deporting me with the rest of my sisters.”

“Heck, the only reason I’m in the position I am in now is because you and I took Toll out together,” Ledger pointed out. “You’re...kinda the lynchpin in this all sticking together, you know.”

“Yup, ah’m here cause you chose to include me instead of turning me away,” Cider nodded.

“Well, Ledger is the main reason I’m here,” Twilight replied. “But Middy was the one that convinced me to stay.”

Midnight just blushed and fidgeted around, not used to all the praise. “Yeah but—”

Ledger shut her up with a quick kiss, not playing fair at the moment. Once he broke it, he softly shook his head. “No, no buts. Admit it Midnight. You’re awesome, and you’re the reason this is working.”

“Well, I guess I can admit that I’m awesome,” Midnight smiled. “But only works because of all of us. I’ve come close to screwing it up a bunch of times already remember?”

“The fact that you kept bouncing back and trying should attest to how much effort you’ve put into this,” Ledger retorted with a roll of his eyes.

“Yeah well… okay, fine, I’m completely and undeniably awesome,” Midnight said with a small smile. “There is nopony more awesome than me.”

Far away from here, Rainbow Dash felt irritated for some reason…

“At least nopony like you in my life,” Ledger said before kissing her again. “And frankly, I don’t think I could handle another one like you.”

“You know,” Twilight said. “In the Everfree Forest near Ponyville. There’s a pool that clones whomever enters it. Except that the clones have just one personality, that aspect of whatever is strongest within the original…”

“And if you value Ponyville at all, you will keep that knowledge away from Midnight,” Ledger warned.

“Strongest aspect of their personality?” Scope looked at Midnight and shuddered. A bunch of sex-crazed Thestrals swarming the city… Sweet merciful Luna.

“That does sound like a nightmare and a half,” Cider chuckled. “Ah reckon there ain’t enough mangoes in Equestria fer that.”

“Or enough of any of us,” Ledger pointed out.

“True that,” Scope nodded as Midnight pouted and folded her forelegs.

“Really, so this date is now ‘Pick on Midnight’ night huh?”

“Even you have to admit you’re a bit extreme when you get going,” Ledger pointed out.

“Nope, you’re all just wimps for not being able to handle me,” Midnight nodded. “I can’t help that I’m too sexy for my own good.”

“Aaaand you lose,” Twilight smirked and Midnight blinked before facehooving.

“Lose what?” Ledger asked with a bemused expression.

“I bet she couldn’t remain serious for the evening and not say something perverted,” Twilight smirked. “Now I have a little bat to do my bidding for a whole day.”

“This is all your fault,” Midnight grumbled at Ledger.

“Do you really think that doing as Twilight says for a day will be that bad?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Ohh, all the research I can have you do,” Twilight clapped her hooves. “I have quite a backlog of esoteric history to go through, as well as obscure reference guides to translate…”

“URGH!” Midnight thunked her head against the bed. Ledger smirked as an idea occurred to him.

“Oh Twilight~” he sang. “Bet you can’t keep your cool in a sexy situation without resorting to magic.”

“Hmm, bet I can,” Twilight said. “What's the wager?”

“I win, I get you, Midnight goes free. You win, you get me...and another few days of access at my book,” Ledger attempted to bribe the alicorn.

“Hmm, intriguing,” Twilight rubbed her chin. “Though I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever get to see this book of yours.”

“You really need to just get a day off when you have nothing else planned, and I’d be happy to share with you,” Ledger said, still smirking. “So...do we have a deal?”

“As long as you play fair,” Twilight nodded. “Fine. We have an accord.”

“This won’t end well, but at least I’ll be free,” Midnight replied as she munched on some bread and butter. Ledger scooted over to sit next to the alicorn, letting the silence hang there for a moment. Waiting for her to ask what he was up to before he made his move.

She sat in uncomfortable silence for a moment. “So uh… yes?” she finally spoke up, doing a nice impression of Fluttershy. That was when Ledger kissed her, softly, on her cheek...while he magically pinched her flank as well.

The alicorn yelped and batted at him with a hoof while she blushed. “Hey!” she said, moving a little further away from him.

“We never said I couldn’t use magic, just that I had to play fair,” Ledger responded as he ran a touch of magic down her spine. Especially where her wings connected. She shivered and glared at him. Then she smirked.

“Keep going… I dare you~”

“Isn’t that kind of the point?” Ledger said as he then began to magically massage her wings. Although calling it that would be about as accurate as saying Midnight really enjoyed hugs. Ledger was after her sensitive points in her wings more than her comfort or relaxation.

She suddenly raised her hoof and Ledger realised a second too late that she held the tub of butter… that she smooshed right onto his muzzle. Undeterred, Ledger just tugged lightly on her mane next. He was going to get her so hot under the collar, she used her magic!

“Kya!” Twilight yelped and looked at Midnight. “I’ll reverse our bet if you can keep him off of me.”

“Ohh, a princess all to myself for a day?” she smirked as she pulled the tub off his muzzle, before she started to lick the butter off, very sensually.

“I’ll share if you help me,” Ledger offered. “Promise. Heck, I’ll even let you have first go.” He looked over to Scope and winked. “That goes for you too.”

They all looked at Twilight, who gulped and hid behind Cider. The earth mare rolled her eyes and looked at the herd.

“Now, now, settle down,” she chided them. “We’re supposed to be having a nice evening remember?”

“True,” Ledger said, not stopping his magical massage of Twilight’s wings. “And we still are...though I can tell you right now that the party outside has, ah, kicked it into a higher gear. Judging by the ambient amount of lust being generated out there.”

“Of course it has,” Cider sighed. “So we’re stuck here fer the night then?”

“Unless we get teleported out, yes,” Ledger said as he moved to gently massaging Twilight’s tail base.

“Ahha, quittit!” she cried out, batting her hooves at him again. Twilight really was terribly adorable when flustered.

“Mnope,” Ledger said as he debated how far south his magic would trail, before keeping to her tail for now. A few small tugs wouldn’t hurt, right?

She responded by folding her forelegs and doing her best to ignore him.

“Ledger, leave the poor mare be,” Cider said with a roll of her eyes.

“And lose the bet? Never!” Ledger responded with a kiss to Twilight’s cheek.

“You’re incorrigible,” Twilight pouted again. “So is there a time limit for this bet?”

“Until you use magic for a cause other than us leaving, or we agree to leave,” Ledger said with a smile. Then he regrew his fangs and used them to comb through Twilight’s mane, lightly tugging on it as he did. The Alicorn shuddered at the touch, but refused to use her magic. She’d show him…

“I feel like I should help… but I don’t know who,” Midnight mused, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

“Meh, we seem to be heading in the direction of everyone else here, without interfering,” Scope shrugged. “So, unless you don’t want to…”

“Still deciding,” Midnight replied.

Ledger decided to up his game a little and moved to licking. Specifically, licking a certain bony protrusion from Twilight’s forehead.

“That won’t work unless I use magic,” Twilight replied. She idly thought of teasing him back with her hooves, but that would just cause him to up his own game, and he was allowed to use magic.

“Mmm, fair enough, just thought you could do with a little...reminder,” Ledger said before he kissed her neck. Then he brought his hooves into the equation in a big way. In that now Twilight was getting not only a magical massage of her wings, but he was running his hooves along them as well.

“B-Bucking cheater,” she hissed, trying to keep a straight face. Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts. Fractals, Pronouns, Advanced Magical Theory…

Why wasn't it working!?!? And now Ledger was running his hooves not along her wings, but...under, where the wing connected to her body. She shuddered again and snapped her wings shut, trapping his hooves under them.

“Hmm, now I have you,” she giggled.

“Oh do you now?” Ledger said as he wiggled his hooves a little, brushing them across her ribs. She giggled and tightened her wings.

“Yes, yes I do,” she replied as she used her own hooves to trace along the outer rim of his shell.

“Even if I do this?” Ledger said as he used his magic to try and tickle her where his hooves couldn’t.

She shrieked with laughter and released her hold to flap across to the other side of the room. “Y-You are… you’re just…”

“Mmhmm, use your words,” Ledger said as he slowly advanced on her, using his magic to both massage her and tickle her at the same time. He’d make her break eventually!

“Words, you want words?!” Twilight cackled as she tried to stare him down. “J-Just you wait. I will make you pay for this!”

“Better,” Ledger said as he decided to create a light breeze under her tail. He was probably flirting with the line at this point…

“Kyaa!” Twilight leapt again and hid behind Midnight. “Middy, Save meeeee~”

“Hmm, I might be persuaded to do that,” Midnight tapped her chin. “But I’m supposed to be a good bat tonight.”

“Pleeeeease?” Twilight pouted at her.

“I dunno…”

“Midnight, I should tell you, I have figured out how to apply the taste-changing spell to others,” Ledger said with a smile. “I could make Twilight here taste like whatever you want the next time you’re together.”

“Stop bribing them!” Twilight cried as Midnight considered this new option. One one hoof, she wanted to protect the cute Princess. On the other?

Mango-flavoured Twiley~

“You wanna cheat, then let’s cheat!” Twilight said. “As your Princess, I order you cease any and all advances towards me for the duration of the evening.”

“If that is truly what you want,” Ledger said, pausing for a moment. Now was the moment of truth. If it had worked, she’d react to his next two words. “Your Highness.” Especially if he said them like that.

“Oooh no, you are not going there!” she said, even though her face was bright red. Midnight looked at the pair, wondering what the story was there.

Cider and Scope just munched on popcorn, curious as to see how far this would go.

“Is that truly what you wish for, your highness? Do you truly wish for me to stop?” Ledger asked, using nothing more than his words at the moment.

“Ledger! Not. Another. Word!” she said, her blush growing fiercer.

“Surely your highness couldn’t find my words offensive?” Ledger asked, faking hurt.

“Dammit Ledger!” Twilight hid behind her wings. “Stoppit!”

“If you truly wish for me to stop, your highness, then command me again, and I will,” Ledger said with a bow. Moment of truth time…

“Argh!” with a flash of light, Ledger found himself dumped out in the center of the dancefloor, belly up as quite a few mares stared at him with a mixture of confusion and desire~

“Terribly sorry mares,” Ledger said as he got to his hooves. “But I have a date and a bet to collect on.” Hopefully they still understood no. “Word to the wise, stallions. Never anger a unicorn with the power to teleport you.”

“Aw, you’re leaving?” One mare draped herself over his shoulders. “Why don’t you stay and play big guy~”

“Because my bet was for the mare to end up doing whatever I wanted,” Ledger said as he gently removed her. “And I intend to collect~”

“Aww, well come back and play when you’re done. We’ll be here… All. Night~” She whispered huskily and licked his neck.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Ledger said, intending to forget about it the moment he was back in his room. It was a relatively short walk to the door, where he knocked and waited for somepony to open it.

“State the password!” Scope said from the other side. Some of those earlier mares were also watching from the end of the hallway, licking their lips.

“The password is the fact that I could teleport in there,” Ledger deadpanned. “Thanks to you, cuddlebug. Now let me in before I do so.”

“Hmm, well you could… if Twilight hadn’t erected an anti-magic field. Now,” he could almost hear her smirk. “Password please~”

Mares were getting closer.

“Hmm, considering it’s you...I’m gonna go with Daring Do,” Ledger said.

“Ohh, good try, but nope.”

Mares. Closer…

“...There isn’t a freaking password, is there,” Ledger deadpanned again. “You’re just messing with me until I get assaulted.”

“...Dang, he figured it out,” Scope said and the door opened, the stallion getting dragged inside at the last moment. Scope smirked proudly at him as Twilight fidgeted on the bed. This was gonna be…

“Well, I can be a gracious winner,” Ledger said, cracking his neck. “I’ll save that day for later. Oh, and Middy, feel free to be your normal self, that was a condition of our bet, wasn’t it?”

“Yes!” the bat cheered and pounced on him, nipping and kissing his neck enthusiastically. Ledger just smiled as he joined Twilight on the bed, enjoying the attentions of the batpony.

“Well, ah’d say this was a weird date… but ah feel it’s about normal fer us,” Cider commented.

“Agreed,” Scope nodded as she cuddled up to Twilight, who placed a wing over her in response. “Should we go home though? This place is starting to get a little… yeah.”

“We can hang out here for as long as we want to, or as long as the food holds out,” Ledger pointed out. “Heck, I could even cast an Emotional Dampening spell on the walls, to make sure you couldn’t feel anything out there.”

“Ah really don’t think there’s anything more for us to do here,” Cider nodded. “Ah reckon we could skedaddle.”

“Teleport?” Twilight asked, her horn glowing. “Even though I feel as though you lot were waiting for me to lose that bet…”

A round of silence came from the mares and Twilight blinked. “What? You were? You guys suck!”

“Yes, but leaving them here to walk back is petty revenge, and I know you wouldn’t do that,” Ledger said patiently.

“Plus I can teleport,” Scope nodded. Now that she thought about it, why hadn’t Dream come looking for her, especially with how things were getting out there.

“We really ought to be going, though, if you all want to avoid the party spilling over,” Ledger said. “More than one mare had their eyes on me when I was coming in, and I don’t know that all of them went away…”

“Leaving!” Twilight said and the room shifted, soon replaced with Cider’s living room. “There we go. Much better!”

“Urgh, I hate teleporting,” MIdnight said, holding her stomach. “I think Parasite disagrees as well…”

“We are not naming the foal Parasite,” Ledger deadpanned.

“I think it’s perfect,” Scope nodded. “She did get a little bug after all.”

“Oh, speaking of,” Midnight asked. “Are you positive that I’m not gonna lay a bunch of nasty-ass gooey eggs on the ceiling?”

“...” Ledger didn’t respond. There was nothing he could say to that situation. He just threw his hooves up in exasperation and left the living room, heading for the bedroom afterwards.

“What? It’s a legitimate question!” Midnight said. “You haven’t told me how your baby buggies are born!”

“The fact that I don’t have a huge family, and all my brothers and sisters are separated by at least a year, should have been all the clues you needed!” Ledger shouted back.

“But do you hatch from eggs?” Midnight asked.

“No Midnight, no we do not,” Scope groaned. “We’re share a few traits with insects, but that is not one of them. Now do try and not give Ledger an aneurysm.”

“Eheh,” Midnight giggled and followed Ledger upstairs. “I’m sorry Ledgie. Do you want hugs?”

“I could do with snuggles,” Ledger said as he opened the door to the bedroom.

As he reached the bed, there was another flash of light and he found himself buried under mares again.

“Aaah,” he said from under the mare-pile. “I can deal with this. This is a happy sensation indeed.”

“Ah’ll bet,” Cider chuckled, snuggling close to him as Midnight quickly took the other side. Twilight looked and shrugged before she snared Scope and lay down next to Midnight.

“...I’m going to regret losing that bet huh?”

“Eventually,” Ledger said with a smile on his face as he closed his eyes. “Ooooh, there are plans that I am scheming up…”

“Oh Tartarus,” Twilight sighed and hugged Scope closer. “Stars preserve me…”

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