• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 23 - When a city goes bug-nuts...

It hadn’t taken long for the others to catch up to Level Ledger. Due to the event in the city, the station was practically abandoned, save for the prisoners down below and the odd Guard milling about. Once he arrived and was sure nopony was around to watch him, he ducked into a restroom, shed his old disguise, and re-donned his unicorn one.

Ace was the first to arrive, carrying Amy and Scope. While Cider quickly followed, carrying Midnight on her back. Ledger practically tackled the Earth Pony and hugged both her and Midnight, letting them know how glad he was they’d gotten out alright through contact alone.

“Whoa?” Cider fell back as the unicorn tackled them. “Well, nice ta see you too,” she chuckled. Midnight remained silent, simply squeezing her eyes shut and shaking. Ledger noticed this and carefully moved to just hugging Midnight and whispering in her ears.

He’s gone, he won’t be coming back, you did nothing wrong,” he told the mare. “I promised I would look after you, and I will never break it. You wouldn’t have been able to do more than Ace. Not because you’re weak, you’re not. But because without that spell, no matter what, he would have gotten up eventually.

The mare didn’t respond, no nods or overconfident smiles. And it was around then that Ledger noticed she had slipped into her Trance state. No emotions, just a small Thestral hiding from the boogeymare. Ledger just hugged her tighter and whispered to her again.

Please...don’t do this to me, Midnight. I promised to look after you...I promised to take care of you...Please trust me Midnight...please...you’re...you’re hurting me by doing this…

Slowly, Midnight’s shaking became less severe, as her emotions returned. Though fear ruled over most of them as Midnight just clung to Ledger. The situation was desperate enough for him to do something he’d never done, and something Midnight did only rarely.

Ledger started to sing. Well, hum, rather. Hummed the tune that she’d once sung to him in a seedy bar on the Strip, that really cemented the fact in his mind that she loved him, and that he loved her in turn. He didn’t dare sing it, he had no illusions about his singing voice.

There was only silence, before the smallest of giggles escaped Midnight’s mouth.

“Your singing sucks,” she whispered. “And...thank you. You’re an idiot, but thank you...”

“Anything for my Songbird,” Ledger said, nuzzling the mare. “How does it feel to be back in the land of the living?”

“It sucks as well, but you and Cidey are here...so it’s better.”

“Mmhmm.” Ledger looked over at Cider with a hint of mirth in his eyes. “The apartment may have been slightly destroyed as that guy threw me through a wall. We might end up staying with you until we can find another place to stay. Assuming we ever do. Is that okay by you?”

“Do you even hafta ask?” Cider hummed. She was scared, but she hid it a little better. Apple mares cried on the inside. “Y’all can stay as long as you like.”

Ace moved closer, and soon Midnight had switched from hugging Ledger to hugging Ace.

“You’re both idiots,” she muttered as she buried her face into his chest. “You could’ve gotten killed...or worse...”

“I took precautions, Songbird,” Ledger said as he decided to hug his other mare. “I at least knew better that to go into battle without defenses. Your teacher there, though, feel free to wail on him.”

“Heh, that puny bug stood little chance. I’ve beaten bigger and far more threatening,” he tugged at his scarf, revealing part of his scar. “You should know that Midnight. Better than anypony.”

“And now both are my fault...if I’d been stronger, less of a coward...” Midnight shivered again. “I’m useless...”

“Amy, we need fifty cc’s of optimism, stat!” Ledger told the pink mare. The pegasus saluted before hugging Midnight from behind and letting her happiness radiate from herself. Once he was certain that Midnight might be in a better frame of mind, Ledger spoke up again.

“Considering who and what he was, I am not at all surprised you were afraid of him. Tartarus, I’d only be worried if you weren’t. Fear is a natural response, Midnight. Do you want to know what the Yellows say about courage?”

“What?” Midnight said, leaning into Amy’s hug unintentionally. She couldn’t help it, the pegasus felt really warm~

“Being courageous isn’t about never being afraid, because that’s just unnatural. It’s about being afraid, but doing what needs to be done anyways. I’m going to have nightmares for months about this and probably collapse into a shaking mess once the adrenaline wears off. But I did what had to be done...for all of you.”

“I still...should have done something!” Midnight frowned. She was thankful for Ledger, but she was a Royal Guard, it was her job, her duty to protect the innocent.

“You did what you had to by getting out of the way,” Ledger said with a sigh. “I wouldn’t have been able to do what I did to determine how far the corruption had gone through him if I had to worry about keeping you safe as well.”

“All things considered, you are doing well,” Scope said nonchalantly. She was a big nymph and she was not going to cry. Nope, that was just...water dripping from an overhead pipe. “Remember Toll? This guy was a gibbering mess.”

“We all have points where we just break down,” Ledger said as he gave Cider one last nuzzle. “The thing that matters...is how well we pick up and carry on. And you don’t have to do it alone anymore, Midnight.”

“Eeyup, why, ah’ll buck that varmit into next week if he comes back!” Cider nodded.

“Heh, thanks...all of you,” Midnight said, a smile finally gracing her muzzle. “Also...I, don’t think I’ll be sleeping much...can I get all the hugs?”

Ledger just opened the hug he was sharing with Cider up in Midnight’s general direction, an invitation if there ever was one. When he wasn’t expecting was everyone to pile on in one massive group hug.

“Can’t...breathe...” Scope moaned from somewhere within.

“I think I can feel somepony’s crotch,” Ledger commented. “I don’t know whose.”

“Amy...stop groping my butt,” Midnight deadpanned.

“But I’m groping Acey!” Amy said. “I can’t be groping you at the same time!”

“Whelp...this is awkward,” Cider hummed.

“Embrace the kinsmanship!” Ace nodded sagely, even as one talon was returning Amy’s gesture.

“I’m gonna die...surrounded...by perverts...” Scope croaked.

“It’s better than most deaths,” Ledger said as he dug Scope out from the pile and hugged her close to himself to shield her. “...And was it you groping Midnight?”

Scope squeaked and blushed as the drone embraced her. Amy gave a small chuckle and Midnight giggled as well.

“At least she can’t ruin this moment,” Cider hummed.

“Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t try anyways,” Ledger observed as he cuddled the small disguised nymph close. “...So, how bad was it out there?”

“A lot of ponies saw us, undisguised,” Scope said. “They know we’re here now. So we will have to be more careful than ever.”

“...That, or be audacious as hell,” Ledger said as he began smiling. “I mean, all it would take is one official Guard report saying the Black was filled with black magics and they wouldn’t know how to deal with it to paint us all in more than one light…”

“I plan on that actually,” Narrow said as she walked in, flanked by two of her Guards. “And can we stop having an orgy in the middle of the floor please?”

“Feel free to join us in the hug-fest,” Ledger said. “Really, it’s quite warm in here.”

“I’ll pass,” Narrow replied as stoic as always. “Now, can somepony please explain what the flying buck that was? And why it was attacking in the middle of the damned city!?”

“That was a Black drone,” Ledger said. “Blacks are...artificial. They’re created when a changeling has everything good about themselves burned out. Typically to join the Broodmothers, also known as a cabal of nymphs that should go burn in Tartarus. Drones that join them get pumped full of the foulest of black magics and set loose on the world as fire-and-forget weapons. Why it was here, I don’t know. There’s no rhyme or reason to the insane.”

“I know...” Midnight said quietly, even with the current noise inside the station and out, her confession seemed deafening.

“You can’t believe anything he said, Midnight,” Ledger said, trying to stop her from going down that road. “He was out of his mind, hopped up on stolen love and dark magic. He couldn’t have any frame of reference to reality.”

“He was the same!” Midnight almost yelled, causing everypony to flinch as she lowered her voice. “It..was the same one, the same one that attacked me in Canterlot...”

“Then be glad that he’s nothing more than ash on the wind now,” Ledger said darkly, unintentionally turning his shielding hug into something a bit more...tight around Scope’s frame. “Because if I had known then that he was saying truths, I would have asked Ace to torture him until he ran out of dark magic to regenerate with before killing him.”

Scope was turning a nice shade of blue as she tapped Ledger’s leg. Ace nodded, his grip on Amy not loosening either.

“Look, I’ll need a report on this,” Narrow said softly. “Especially from the two of you. But, it can wait until tomorrow.” She looked at Ledger and sighed again. “I’m afraid your apartment is...well, there isn’t a whole lot left. And what is, well, we’re assessing if the place is still livable, but it’s not looking good. The saturation of dark magic in off the charts there.”

Ledger eased up on his hug before humming to himself. “I have a few protective wards and cleansing spells to keep one pony safe with. I have only one thing stored there, in my study, that I need to get. Midnight’s probably going to want her armor and weapons. Everything else is replaceable.”

“Just...the stuff I’m not already wearing,” Midnight said, taking Scope from Ledger as the little nymph took a deep breath. “And Scopey...might have things...”

“Just what’s in my bag here,” she said, knowing that all that was inside was her Daring toy. “It’s...all that I have really.”

“I take it you want that book you mentioned?” Ace said to Ledger.

“The thing I didn’t say about the books Silvers are given? Letting another being look in them is...highly personal. I want to retrieve it myself,” Ledger said in a tone that brooked no argument.

“That is fine,” Ace said. “And do not fret, I shall keep these ones safe until your return.” Ledger nodded and cast a spell that encased his form in a silvery outline for a moment before it vanished.

“Meetup at your place?” Ledger asked Cider. Just then, his stomach growled, and he was reminded what the Black had interrupted.

“...Maybe we can make a late supper of it?” Ledger then asked sheepishly.

“Ah’ll see whut ah can do...ah wonder if Fredrick doesn’t mind opening a little late.”

“I’ll escort you,” Narrow said. “Straight, see to it that the crowds leave and that apartment building is securely sealed!”

“Sure boss,” Straight nodded. “And...the remains?”

“Store them in a secure container. I’m sure the ones in Canterlot will be interested.”

“Actually, be real careful gathering them up. I might have burned him until he died, but there might be some black magic left about the ashes. Don’t breathe them in, whatever you do.”

Straight nodded and flew from the building, ordering something about a cleanup crew. Narrow turned back to Ledger and pulled the pin from her mane, letting it flow freely.

“What a night...” she sighed. “Go on and get your thing. Make sure it passes the decontamination unit before you leave though. I want no risks taken. Understood?”

“Like I’d take such a stupid risk,” Ledger said without thinking about the company he was in. Several snorts and a wingwhap on the back of the head from Midnight gave him a not-so-gentle reminder.

“...Yes ma’am,” Ledger said with a wry smile.

“Good, now I’ll escort these ones to Cider Falls. Don’t dally Mister Ledger!” Narrow gave him a salute and after looking around, to make sure that nopony else she knew was looking, she leaned forward and gave him a brief hug. “And... Thank you.”

“...Just doing my duty, ma’am,” Ledger said eventually. He didn’t move for a good few minutes, both to let the others go before him, and because he needed to process what had just happened.

...Mares. Nymphs. Females, in general.

He was never going to understand them.

Fredrick had just seen the last colt off and locked up his home and restaurant, just about to lay down for bed…

When there came a sound of rapping at his front door. The sleepy griffon turned with great difficulty and walked down the stairs he’d been half-up and looked out the front door, wondering who it could possibly be at this hour.

And was greeted by the sunset-coloured eyes of Narrow Gaze. She looked tired, annoyed and relieved all at the same time. And it was also then, that he noticed a rather large group behind her. With a flick of his claw, Fredrick unlocked the deadbolt and opened one door to poke his head out the door.

“Can I...help you, dear Narrow?” Fredrick asked. “Usually you come by for dinner dates alone and earlier than this.”

“Sorry about this,” Narrow said. “There’s...been an incident in the city. These guys could use a hot meal and you’re the first that I thought of. Is that...okay?”

“I...am too tired to protest at this juncture, but I’m also too tired to help,” Fredrick said with a yawn. “If they can cook, they’re welcome to come in and use my kitchen, as long as you promise to lock up afterwards. I’ll replace whatever they use in the morning.”

“Thankyou, this means a lot,” Narrow said as the group headed inside. Apple Cider excused herself and headed for the kitchen, while Scope distracted Midnight from ‘helping’.

“Perhaps Lady Cider could use a helping hoof?” Ace said to his little marefriend.

“Yup,” Amy said...before picking up Scope and aiming at the kitchen. “Hold on to your wings, Scopey!”

“Wait. What?” Scope almost screamed as Amy blurred, taking the nymph with her as Ace chuckled. Perhaps Amy would be a worthy sparring partner someday as well?

Midnight just sat in one of the booths, hugging her body as she stared at the full moon. Narrow moved next to Fredrick and patted his flank.

“Thanks for this, we’ll try and get out of your mane soon.”

“Not a problem for you,” Fredrick said as he yawned again. “But I...really need to go to bed. Will you watch them? Make sure nothing happens that I’ll have to explain to my insurance company?”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be gone before you know it,” she leaned up and pecked his cheek. “I got that vacation time as well. Just so you know~”

“After whatever brought you here today, I can believe you need it,” the gryphon said as he began plodding towards the stairs. “Take...care.”

Amy reappeared from the kitchen after having dropped Scope off and began to hug and cuddle Midnight. “Shh,” she said, wrapping her hooves and wings around the damaged mare. “Levvy wouldn’t want you to be so sad.”

“Tonight sucks. I want a do over,” Midnight said quietly. At least her humour was returning somewhat. “And...sorry for making you worry Amy...”

“It’s what I do,” Amy said, not easing up from her hug. “Levvy burned the bad bug. It’s gone now. You don’t need to be sad anymore. Please stop being so sad.”

“I’m trying, s’hard,” Midnight said, returning the hug. “Maybe...I just need sleep.”

“You need a lot,” Amy said, nuzzling the mare. “You need to be loved, you need the ones you love, and you need to trust them. Please trust that Levvy’s coming back? That he’ll keep you safe?”

“Mhmm,” Midnight nodded as she lay her head on Amy’s shoulder. She stayed that way for a few minutes, and it was a gentle snoring that told the Pegasus that Midnight had fallen asleep on top of her.

“Silly Middy,” Amy said with a giggle. “She won’t be able to eat if she’s asleep.” The pink pegasus looked up to her griffon and blinked. “Know any foods that’d wake her up?”

“Watch this,” he smiled as he ducked into the kitchen. One could hear the sounds of him rummaging, before he returned with a juicy, ripe mango. “I wonder if this still works?” he hummed.

“Bring it over and let’s find out!” Amy chirped.

The griffon nodded and gave the mare a small wink. “I warn you now, you're sitting in ‘splash-zone’ seats.” He tore a small line in the fruit and waved it under Midnight’s nose. Her muzzle twitched adorably, before she opened her mouth and her tongue suddenly shot out, missing at first and grabbing Amy’s ear.

“Now I see what you mean,” Amy said with a hum. “Still, she’ll get it eventually, and you can help me clean up afterwards.”

Her second attempt grabbed the fruit and she yanked it back, biting into it and spraying mango juice everywhere. She suddenly coughed and opened her eyes, wondering why she had a mango in her mouth.

“Amy...why do you smell like mangoes?” she asked.

“Cause you splashed me, silly!” Amy said as she slowly disentangled herself from the thestral. “Now don’t fall asleep again, m’kay? You can’t eat whatever your marefriends are cooking if you’re asleep!” With that, the pink mare bounced over to the stairs and looked to Ace with a seductive look.

“Wanna help me clean up, Acey?” she purred at him.

“Is this really the time?’ he inquired with a cocked eyebrow. “And yes, yes I would.”

Midnight blinked as she ate the mango. “Mare...friends?”

Amy just giggled as she began walking upstairs, her tail swinging behind her. Ace just shrugged and followed her, leaving Midnight and Narrow alone, only the sounds of cooking could be heard as Midnight continued to think.

“I...am so confused right now,” she sighed, laying her head on the table.

“Welcome to my world,” Narrow said as she sat opposite the thestral. “Some days, I think that post in Ponyville would be a saner choice than here. It got a lot worse lately, with the whole changeling thing...but I’m thinking some vacation time will be able to help me unwind and get my head screwed on straight again. Maybe you should take some too.”

“Yeah...maybe,” Midnight replied, tossing away the mostly eaten fruit as it landed neatly in the trashcan on the opposite side of the room. “Sorry about my...performance Captain. I’ll train harder.”

“Fiddlesticks, nonsense, poppycock, balderdash, and bullshit,” Narrow said. “I’m surprised you didn’t feel the amount of dark magic coming off that thing. Ledger was right to get everypony away when the fight started. If I hadn’t pushed the civilians out of harm’s way, we’d be looking at more than just one body. Granted, I’d have appreciated it if he had been disguised when he did whatever he was doing. But we’ve been dealt this hand. Time to make the most of it.”

“I’ll do what I can to help...” Midnight replied. It was getting harder and harder to stay in her little funk. She just wanted to mope and feel sad and these insufferable friends of hers were making it impossible. Just thinking about them made her smile a little.

“Ah see somepony’s feeling a little better,” Cider said as she returned. “Food will be ready soon, and once we tidy up, will take it back home. Ah feel bad enough disturbin Mr. Fredrick as is.”

“I think Ace and Amy are disturbing him more than we are,” Narrow observed as various...sounds could be heard. Sounds that reminded both mares of separate times with Ledger in the shower.

Sounds that Ace was now making.

Midnight just thunked her head on the table and groaned. Fredrick was going to kill her later.

“W-Well, ah’m happy fer ‘em?” Cider nodded and headed back into the kitchen.

“I am soooo sorry,” Midnight said. “I cannot take that bird anywhere. I swear...”

“At least he seems to be enjoying himself,” Narrow said. “Now, like I said, it’s not your fault at all. I’m willing to bet you a hundred bits that even if you hadn’t been afraid of him, your training with Ace, whatever that’s comprised of, didn’t cover how to deal with something as dark as that. How would you kill something that keeps regenerating?”

“Anti-magic swords. Keep stabbing. If he gets up, stab him again.” Midnight knew that was a stupid response, but it was all she had for now. Just thinking about facing that monster made her want to go back into Trance, to hide away in a corner...

“And if it was strong enough to corrode or destroy your swords?” Narrow asked with a raised eyebrow. “The most you would have been able to do is use them as huge pins to keep it down until it pulled them out. Plus if you’d really encountered that particular monster before, then you would know better than most just how fucking crazy it was. Ledger at least had something resembling a plan. What would yours be?”

Midnight frowned and was about to retort, only to realize she had no hoof to stand on. Narrow was right, she had no plan, no real method of combating that thing. Aside from ‘keep hitting it’.

“You...you’re right,” Midnight finally admitted. “What happened was the best possible outcome. If I had gotten involved. I’d have gotten myself, or somepony else killed...”

“Second-best,” Narrow corrected. “Don’t forget your...stallion, fought the thing undisguised. Be sure to thump him a few hundred times about that for me, eh?”

“I’ll get started on that soon,” Midnight nodded and giggled again. Cider and Scope returned, their backs laden with several containers of food.

“Well, good to see you’re back in somewhat decent spirits,” Scope said. “And Amy seems to be gone. We should make our escape soon, lest I get cuddled again.”

“I’m sure they’ll either catch up or go their own way,” Narrow said as she ushered her fellow mares out of the restaurant and locked the door behind them with her magic.

“Now, let’s head to your place, miss Cider…”

Ledger...was not happy. He had arrived at the apartment building to find that, thankfully, somepony had cleaned up the ashes of what had been a changeling. Getting inside the building, however…

Well, that involved getting past Narrow’s guards. Which he would need a very good reason to manage. He wasn’t liking the ideas he was coming up with, mostly because they involved him getting whacked for them in the end by his mares.

In the end, the simple approach was the only one he could come up with. He walked right up to the guard outside the door and stood there, waiting for him to make the opening move.

The Guard paused as he looked at the Unicorn.

“This place is off limits. Turn around and return to your home citizen!”

“This is my home,” Ledger said. “Or was, anyways. I’d like to see if any of my belongings survived before you do your sweeps and find them yourself. Some personal secrets should stay that way. Don’t you agree?”

“That-” he paused as he got a look at Ledger and gulped. “You...well,” he looked around and lowered his voice. “I still can’t let you in. This is where that thing showed up. The brass is a little interested as to why.”

“They should be more cautious about the blatantly dark magic it was slinging around,” Ledger snorted. “In which case, I have to ask you why you’re running around here without a personal beta-level barrier to avoid any lingering pockets of the stuff.”

“Gotta wait for the hornheads to recharge,” he grunted. “Look, perhaps I feel a bit off and need that barrier. During the five minutes I am gone, maybe somepony could slip in and out unnoticed. I don’t see it, I don’t know it happened. Just sayin.” He raised his voice as he walked off. “And stay out!”

Ledger waited for the guard to leave hearing range. If he couldn’t hear the Guard, then the Guard couldn’t hear him going in. More plausible deniability for him would probably not go unappreciated. Once he was certain he was alone, Ledger bolted into the apartment building and slunk over to the stairwell. Just because there was only one guard on the outside, didn’t mean there couldn’t be more on the inside...

One was scanning the lobby, but hadn’t noticed the unicorn slip by. The one coming down the stairwell did though. Her body shone with a powerful barrier spell as she glared at him.

“And what in the flying fuck are you doing here?”

“Retrieving my personal belongings before whatever that thing was slinging around corrupts them, without waiting for you to check over every piece of rubble first,” Ledger said, flaring his horn to display his own near-invisible barrier spell. “I’m not bad at keeping dark magic off myself or purifying it off of objects, I read up on it in the library and passed my exams and everything. I just want the few things my mother and father passed on to me, maybe a few things for my roommate. That so much to ask for?”

The mare pulled a list out from under her wing and looked at it. “Name and Room number.”

“I’ll give you the first, but you don’t need the second from me, as I’m getting it myself, thank you kindly. I’m Level Ledger, my roomie is Midnight Song. We were both coming home from work when...that happened. We’ve been staying with a friend for a little, getting the future sorted out in case the worst had happened before I came up with this crazy plan.”

“I don’t care about your bloody life story,” she muttered as she looked at the list. “Right, Ledger...Ledger...ah, so you’re the unlucky sap who had his place blown away. Sucks to be you.” She gave his barrier a once over and nodded as she headed upstairs. “Follow me.”

Ledger nodded and followed after the mare, making sure to look the appropriate amount of shocked and dismayed. “Well, at least we got those plans made. Now I just gotta break the news to Midnight...this’ll be fun.”

As they got to the room, there was no need for a door, seeing as most of the wall was missing. Scorch marks were all over the place and the majority of Ledger’s living room and kitchen was just...gone.

“What is it you’re after?” she said. “We’ll send somepony in and fetch it if it’s still there.”

Ledger looked at the living room and sighed. The new couch...hadn’t made it. Sadly. And he knew there were no more like it. “Well the couch is a write-off, as are all of my eating implements. But fortunately,” here the unicorn gestured to the fact that the connecting rooms were undamaged. “Everything else made it. I suppose you can look in the bedroom, see if Midnight’s armor is in there...but nopony goes in my study but me. Even now.”

“We’ll go through it whether you like it or not,” the mare said sternly. “We’ve already recovered some pieces of Guard armour, so I’m assuming they belong to this ‘Midnight’ mare.” She huffed and her eyes gave a small twitch. Some ponies had all the weirdest kinks.

“Yup, and I’ll pass on the fact that you got Midnight Song’s armor back for her. Y’know, the one that helped you out a lot with the whole Toll Taker thing. Besides me, of course. What’s your name again, ma’am?” Ledger asked innocently as he began walking to his study, his barrier only flaring up lightly as residual dark magic impacted it and burned away.

The mare gave another twitch, “Just make it quick. I don’t care who you are. This is now a crime scene and I won’t have anypony messing it up.”

“Hey, I understand,” Ledger said as he opened his study and sighed. Just as he had left it...besides the broken windows that Midnight, Cider, and Scope had used to escape. He’d be able to play it off as concussive force from whatever happened in the apartment, easily. “You’ve got a job to do, and I appreciate that. I really do. I have a job as well. Full of rules and regulations. But you know what I love best about my job?” the stallion asked as he ran a hoof along the books in the only bookshelf there.

“I love...that feeling you get when you do something that bends, but doesn’t break the rules. Just because you felt like being nice to the pony across the table. Because you know they need it more than you need to be a tightwad.” With a flick of a hoof, a book came off of the shelf, and Ledger’s horn glowed silver as a similar aura washed over and clung to the book. It was placed in his saddlebags once it had been cleaned and protected against dark taint, and the stallion looked back at the guardsmare that was his escort. “It’s a pretty warm feeling, in my experience. Nothing like it.”

“Everything we recover is catalogued, purified and placed in a secure place at the station to be picked up at their owners leisure.” She shifted positions and looked down the hall. “The fact is that it was a blessing that nopony got hurt, and I’m trying to do my best that it stays that way. I don’t care if you don’t understand that. I’m just doing what I can.”

“Nooot quite,” Ledger said as he stood in front of the mare. “Cause I’m not the only one that’s suffering. The whole building is. The owner is. Everypony that lived here is. And maybe they could do with something more material than ‘you can go home when we say you can.’ I appreciate that you’re trying to keep them safe from the dark magic that was used here...but in this city, if you don’t have a place to go after nightfall?...” Ledger let the sentence hang there, for the mare to draw her own conclusions.

She stared at him, a low growl in her throat as she glared at him. As another Guard walked past, she grabbed him and unleashed the full force of that glare. The poor guy looked like he was about to soil himself.

“I will say this once. You will get a list of ONE item the tenants of this place want. You will find that item, purify it and then take them to the Guard barracks for the night if they have no other place to stay. Am. I. CLEAR?”

“Ma’am yes Ma’am!” he stammered and once she released him, he bolted to get it done yesterday.

“...Sorry for being such an ass,” Ledger said once the two of them were alone again. “But I read a book once about motivating ponies, and I have to say, it works. ‘Ponies don’t do anything when they’re sad about what just happened. If you want them to work together, get them mad. Mad at a common enemy, physical or otherwise. Then you’ll see why ponies are formidable.’”

“I’m always mad, so I can get that,” she actually chuckled. “Look, it’s fine, and you had a point or two so I’ll give you that. Now get your crap and get out. Got it?”

“Well I got my book, all I need now is the rest of Midnight’s armor. Is that still here, or?...”

“Most likely outside,” she said, as a piece of the ceiling crumbled. Her horn suddenly flashed and the two teleported, just as the floor underneath gave way, turning Ledger’s place into a two-story apartment.

Outside the building, the two winked back into existence and the mare sighed. “Well, that happened.”

“At least I got my book when I did,” Ledger said with a sigh. “And...thanks for that. I’m pretty sure my response would have been something along the line of ‘ow’.”

“I’m sure,” the mare said as her stern facade fell back into place. “Go and find the Quartermaster for that armor. Oh, the name’s Valkyrie by the way.”

“Thanks Valkyrie,” Ledger said as he turned and started to walk off. “Oh, by the way...you might wanna check up on the Guard’s retirement fund. Just a tip. Toll’s money had to go somewhere. Couldn’t find a better place.”

With that last line delivered to the seemingly persistently angry mare, Ledger went in search of the Quartermaster, hoping he or she wasn’t too far away.

After obtaining the items and having the guards double-check the dark magic purification, it was time to head for Cider’s place, where hopefully, his family was waiting for him.

“Ah reckon mah house has never looked so good,” Cider hummed as they got there. “Will you be staying Captain Narrow?”

“No, because if interacting with Midnight and Ledger over these past few weeks has taught me anything, it’s that he’s probably already bucked things up by going back,” Narrow sighed. “I need to go home, get some sleep, and wake up bright and early tomorrow to undo whatever he did.”

“Heh, sounds like him,” Cider chuckled as she took a container of food from her bag and put it in Narrow’s. “A little something fer later. Can’t have you go hungry.”

“Thanks,” Narrow said with a nod. “Remember, I’ll be here after I go over everything in the morning for a detailed statement from each of you, so bright and early. Got it?”

“Yes Ma’am,” Cider giggled and waved the Captain off. That just left the three mares to fend for themselves for the time being, until either Ace caught up or Ledger returned. Cider couldn’t help but give a small shiver as she went inside, making extra sure to lock the door.

Once inside, Scope had lit up the fireplace, and the three spread a blanket out and made a little picnic.

As they ate, Midnight leaned against Scope and hummed. “So...can you tell me why Amy said you were my marefriend?” she asked casually. Scope flinched as she looked at the Thestral and shook her head.

“H-How would I know? That Pink menace is battier than you are!”

“I’d take offense to that pun, but I’m too tired to care right now,” Midnight sighed. “This food is good though. Thanks for making it girls.”

“T’weren’t nothin’” Cider remarked and smiled at Scope. “Ah’m actually quite surprised at how good Scope here is in the kitchen.”

Scope Lens just shrugged and shifted Midnight into a more comfortable position. It was actually quite nice, the crackle of the fire, the smell of the food and the serene silence.

Then there was a knock at the door.

“Figures,” Scope sighed as she got up. “You two stay here, I’ll check it out.” She edged closer to the door, shifting into a Unicorn form so she could cast a quick fire spell if needed. It was actually quite cute. A little painted mare with a white mane and tail.

“Who is it?” she said in a fierce tone. The one that responded was anything but.

“Prince Shining Armor,” Ledger’s voice said. “I heard there was a group of lovely lonely mares here, so I decided to pay a visit.”

“Wouldn’t that overly pink wife of yours get jealous?” she snarked. Her horn flashed as the bolt slid open, but she kept her horn lit...just in case.

“Oh haven’t you heard?” Ledger said as he pushed the door open, still playing the role of ‘Shining’. “Cadence is all about love. Princess Luna paid a visit, and now she’s...curious.”

“Luna want’s to buck her niece?” Scope said, the joke going over her head. “Whatever. Did you get what you need?”

“Yup,” Ledger said as he pulled assorted bits of Midnight’s armor from his saddlebags. “What pieces of her armor Midnight didn’t wear out, and my book,” Ledger said as he stepped in and closed the door behind him, before locking it with his magic. He didn’t display the second thing, Scope might notice...

“Wait!” she stepped in front of him and placed a hoof on his chest, hopefully he wouldn’t notice the light blush on her face in the dark. With another burst of magic, she peeled back his disguise, revealing his changeling form.

“Just...making sure,” she said.

“Please don’t do that again,” he stated. “I’m sure you know how uncomfortable it is. It’d be like tearing a dress off of a pony at one of their balls or other social gatherings.”

“Like I said, I’m just making sure. I said I’d keep them safe and if making you a little uncomfortable is the price, then I’m sure I’ll survive...but, I’m sorry.”

Ledger blinked a few times before re-donning his disguise...then leaning down and nuzzling the small unicorn Scope had become. “And I thank you for doing that for me while I wasn’t here,” he said to her softly. “How have they been holding up ever since I left to get these things?”

She pushed his head away, her blush intensifying. “We’ve been...getting there. Midnight is talking again. Even smiled a few times. But the fear is there in both of them. I would've hated to have seen if the Black had actually confronted them.”

“Thus the Silver’s greatest secret - a weapon designed to deal with the blackest of magics, and the Broodmothers certainly qualify,” Ledger said as he sat on his haunches and just hugged the fillyesque unicorn close. “I think I have a question for you though, before I see if going in there makes it better or worse.”

“Please stop hugging me,” she deadpanned. “And what do you want to know.”

“That spell you used the day we came here to meet with Cider’s family,” Ledger said. “What was it? Please answer me honestly.”

Scope sighed. There was no getting out of this, and she didn’t want to lie... “Is this really the time?” she asked.

“I just want to know that it didn’t have anything to do with you as to why he was here,” Ledger said. “That spell from that day is the only loose end regarding you. After that, I’m faced with really bad ideas as to why he was here. Please, validate my faith in you. What was that spell?”

So, he thought that the Black was her fault. Sure, why not. “Observant, but incorrect. I had no knowledge of the Black. You have my absolute vow as a Loyal Blue that that is the truth. That spell... It is... a link, to the Hive Mind.”

“I see,” Ledger said. “Well, thank you for being honest. I do hope they’ve enjoyed their free ride so far, because the next message I want you to send them is simple. Think you can handle it?”

“I get the feeling I am not going to like it. But go ahead.” She’d only just realized, that the hold he had her in could cause her serious bodily harm if he desired.

“Tell the Queens and Kings it is time to present a united front. A Black was destroyed by a Silver in public and both were unmasked. We must either begin diplomatic relations, or cut ties altogether with the homeland...And to the ones that made your spell, I have a business opportunity, should they care to meet with me.”

“Hmm, I can pass it on I suppose,” Scope nodded. “And for what it’s worth...I support you in whatever comes next alright. We ‘lings gotta stick together right?”

“‘All the world’s a stage, and all the ponies are merely players. We’re just the ones that wear a mask even after the curtain call,’” Ledger said with a smile. He hugged the smaller unicorn a little tighter for a moment before letting her go and getting back on his hooves. “I’ll leave you be to pass your message on, however long that takes. Time to see how the mares react.”

Ledger then walked to the next room, to the mares he held near and dear to his heart.

When he walked into the room, he saw their little impromptu picnic, complete with a Cider feast spread out haphazardly. Cider beamed and waved to him as Midnight looked up.

He recognised the gleam in her eyes. He had about two seconds to brace himself. He merely sighed and went limp instead, accepting whatever was about to happen. She flew across the room and as she was about to crash into him, paused and then pulled him into a firm hug instead.

“You came back,” she whispered.

“I will always come back for you,” Ledger said, returning the hug. Cider trotted over and pulled both of them into a powerful embrace as Scope Lens watched from the kitchen, a small smile on her muzzle as she watched them.

Her horn had a gentle glow to it as she spoke softly.

“Yes... that’s right. He was quite heroic actually. You should be proud... Yes, I think your son will be just fine.”

And with that, the connection was severed.

Once the quartet had eaten and agreed that they were way too comfortable cuddling each other in the living room to move (albeit Scope only did so begrudgingly, and after much cajoling,) the ponies and ‘lings fell asleep downstairs, and actually woke up together.

For once.

Ledger was first, and as he’d been the only male there, he was naturally placed at the bottom of the pile. Being in this place of dubious honor meant one very important thing.

While he woke up covered in mares, it meant he couldn’t move for fear of waking them up. He decided to amuse himself by taking note of where each mare was. Midnight Song was on his right, one wing draped across all of them as she mumbled in her sleep.

Apple Cider was on the left, at some point having removed her tartan ribbons, her blonde mane spilling out everywhere. It would appear the ribbons did a good job of taming it.

And cradled on his chest, wrapped in his own hooves, was an undisguised Scope Lens, her face only inches from his own. Ledger breathed deeply at the sight of the undisguised nymph on his chest...and after two seconds, the panic went away.

At some point, he realized this wasn’t any other nymph. This wasn’t someone that was going to drug him or rape him.

This was Scope Lens. And she...she was loyal.

...He still wasn’t going to bloody kiss her, though.

Her eyes opened and those bright blue eyes looked into his silver ones for a moment, as she reached up and placed a hoof on his cheek. A small smile appeared on her muzzle...

And then Midnight coughed and the nymph’s eyes became suitably larger.

“I’m uh...going to go out on a limb here,” she said awkwardly. “And guess that I’m actually awake... and so are you.”

“That would imply that you’ve had dreams of situations like this,” Ledger quietly observed, trying not to wake the mares next to him. “Dare I ask what sort of dreams they were?”

“Um...not ones that I totally haven’t had?” she replied, trying to get up, but Ledger’s hooves had her pinned.

“Since I’m on the bottom and recall nothing more than going to sleep first, I’m going to guess that you put yourself there,” the drone observed. “You could just tell me, or I could keep guessing as to what’s going on.”

“Guess all you want!” she huffed, blushing a deep crimson as she finally tore herself free and buzzed upstairs. The sudden movement caused Midnight and Cider to stir though, waking the two from their peaceful slumber.

“W-What’s...goin’ on?” Cider mumbled sleepily.

Ledger, not having had his coffee yet, responded honestly and as snarkily as he could. “I think mini-me has a crush on me.”

“Pfft, ah reckon yer ego has a crush on you,” Cider replied as she edged closer, taking up some of the space that Scope left behind.

“Are we not enough for you?” Midnight blinked, her eyes shimmering.

“No, you two are perfect, I love you, honestly. But when Scope wakes up on my chest about one second away from kissing me and says ‘oh I guess this isn’t a dream this time,’ certain conclusions are drawn,” Ledger said before sighing. The changeling drone then grabbed ahold of Cider and moved her across his form to more directly cuddle Midnight before rolling onto his hooves and standing up. “Coffee,” he declared. “It’s too early to even think about thinking about this without coffee.”

“Yes please,” the mares echoed, snuggling each other happily as he was declared ‘Coffee Provider’ for today. The drone rummaged around in the kitchen before pausing for a moment.

“Cider, do you grow your own beans?” he asked as he stared into a cabinet.

“In the greenhouse. Thought ah’d give it a whirl,” she called back. Scope Lens had returned and upon seeing that Ledger had gone, snuggled with the other two again to leech a little love.

“Got it, thanks, back in a jiffy with fresh beans,” Ledger said as he donned his disguise and walked out the back door. Once he’d left, the two mares rolled over as Scope got comfortable. She looked up at them and blinked.


“So,” Cider said. “Y’all have a crush on Levvy then?”

“I do not!” Scope denied. “What is with that? You’re the ones that wanted hugs last night. So don’t complain when shit gets awkward in the morning!”

“We’re not mad Scopey, we just want the truth,” Midnight petted the Pegasi’s mane and hummed.

“And the truth is that I don’t. He’s a self absorbed, pretentious ass!” her denial had ascended to an alicorn and flew for the heavens. “Don’t go making assumptions. Tired Scope and Awake Scope are two different ponies.”

“She really is a mini-Ledger~” Cider giggled. She pulled Scope into a hug as the nymph frowned and pouted. “Aw, don’t be like that, we’re only teasin’.”

“You may be,” Midnight hummed. “I personally don’t see the harm in it-”

“Like it would ever work anyway!” Scope said, as she got up and headed for the kitchen. “He curls up into a ball whenever a nymph gets close. So pray tell, how would that even work?”

The two mares didn’t respond, merely looking at the drone standing in the doorway. He put a hoof to his lips, but then used that hoof to make a ‘go on’ motion and nodded his head in Scope’s direction.

“W-Well, he seems pretty comfortable with you,” Midnight said, wondering what Ledger was playing at. “He’s not dumb enough to think that all nymphs are like that.”

“Yeah, cause that fight with Toll proved that,” she said. “I tried to kill him!”

“Well, forgive an’ forget right?” Cider shrugged. “Um, is this conversation still hypothetical?”

“Does it matter, you two and that bloody Pink. I bet everything I own that she has something to do with this, despite the fact that she promised not to!”

“Promised not to what? Scopey?” Midnight inquired, still laying on the floor.

“Just. Drop it!” Scope said, donning her disguise and storming out through the kitchen. Ledger walked into the house and displayed his fresh harvest of beans to the mares before gently, sneakily, heading into the kitchen himself.

“What are you doing!” Midnight hissed as quietly as possible.

Confronting the issue,” Ledger said in just as quiet a tone.

Midnight just shrugged as she watched Ledger go and be Ledger.

Scope Lens paced around the room, muttering to herself in Changeish. It was kind of adorable to see the small pegasus chirping and chittering away. Ledger just sat out of her direct line of sight and listened to the nymph talking to herself, hoping to glean some insight into why she was caught in this loop of ‘I have a crush on him but I can’t tell him.’

“I swear I will murder that Pink, horribly and definitely most painfully.” she continued to mutter. “Yeah, it’s a stupid crush, or Stockhooves Syndrome... one of them. So what. He hates nymphs and has made it pretty clear that he doesn’t and never will like a nymph like that. Besides, he already has two mares, and he only has the second because of a social misunderstanding.”

She frowned and plopped down in the middle of the floor. “I’m just a runt anyway, might as well visit the Violets and just buck some random stallion...”

She pulled out her Daring toy and held it up. “You can do it Scopey!” the pegasus said in a very poor imitation of Daring’s voice. “Just have confidence. And everything will work out!”

“But it won’t,” she seemed to have chosen Changeish for her voice. “What does it matter anyway.”

“You’ve worked so hard, and you can’t help who you like,” the Daring toy ‘spoke’. “The heart wants what the heart wants.”

“Feh! Easy for you to say. You’re awesome. Everypony likes you. Except Midnight for some reason... GAH! Getting off topic. The important thing is. He can never, ever know. This morning was a mistake. We’ll just... blow it off as a mixed up dream and some wild emotions I drained.”

“You can’t run forever,” ‘Daring’ said again.

“Don’t have to. I’m good...at hiding.”

Silently, stealthily, the drone betrayed nothing as he snuck up on the nymph, remaining out of her line of sight and keeping his emotions so under control, Midnight would be impressed. The objective of the exercise?

Sneaking up on the small changeling and wrapping her up in a hug.

She stared at her toy for a moment longer. She’d have to go back for the next one today sometime. She didn’t even notice the shadow grow closer as she hugged the figure and sighed.

And then she was the one being hugged, by a very familiar drone.

“YEEEK!?” she screamed and her wings tried to flare, but they were pinned to her back. “Ah! Lemme go! Somepony HELP!!”

“You’re quite the screamer when you’re being shown affection,” Ledger noticed. Hoping that the bait and having her make a snarky comment might calm her down.

“Affection...wha...” he could almost feel the blush coming from her. “Don’t you have two mares to lavish affection on? Go and canoodle with them. I’m busy.”

“I heard,” Ledger said bluntly. “And you’re right, I do have two mares. But they also have me. So I’ll lay the terms out for you. In my mind...you’re a nymph second. You’re Scope Lens, loyal friend, first. I can’t promise you anything beyond a hug at this point. But if you ever want for anything more...ask them first. And if you get their approval, I’ll be willing to listen to your reason as to why you want me.”

He’d...heard...all of that? Including the- and part she- Ohh Hives...

“Sure...that’s good,” she said in a defeated tone. “If you don’t mind. I’ll go and play with the rattlesnakes in the desert now...”

“Then how would I help you make breakfast for everypony?” Ledger asked as he gave the smaller mare a light squeeze.

“Oooh, no. I was there last night and I’ve seen how you...’help’ with cooking!” she said with her ever present blush. She wiggled free and shoved him out of the kitchen, before slamming the door shut behind him.

Midnight tilted her head and looked at him. “Um. What the buck was that? All I heard was a bunch of squeaks and chirps.”

“Scope has been made to understand that I know about her crush, and that while I have two mares...two mares also have me,” the drone said, before kissing both of them. “So she’s going to have to get approval from both of you before I’ll do more than hug her...though I might hug her a lot, fair warning.”

“Okay, what brought that on?” Cider inquired as Midnight shrugged and flopped onto the couch. “Do you get huggy without coffee? Cause if so, I’ll cut you off now.”

“She likes me so much, but doesn’t think it can work because of who we are,” Ledger said with a sigh as he flopped onto the floor near Cider. “But...I’ve spent enough time around her. She’s not just some nymph named Scope. She’s Scope Lens, loyal friend, somebuggy who looked after you two when I couldn’t. She just happens to be a nymph. That, and…” here Ledger snickered and blushed. “She was pretty adorable, trying to talk out her issues the way she did.”

“I missed Scopey being cute?” Midnight pouted. “Awww.”

“It’s Scopey, she’s always cute,” Cider giggled. “Ah’m sure you’ll have another chance.”

“Can I count on you two to give her a fair chance if she actually musters up the courage to ask you about joining this?” Ledger asked as he looked from one mare to the other.

“Sure, we’ll see what she has to say,” Cider hummed. “The relationship we have is pretty weird already. What’s a little more?”

“And so the newbie has accepted our ways,’ Midnight hummed, nodding her head sagely. “But yeah, do you even need to ask Ledgie?”

“I feel safer sending her into an Ursa den if I’ve confirmed it’s only an Ursa Minor in the den,” Ledger said with a bit of snark and a smile.

“So, we’re Ursa’s now?” Midnight said. “Thanks Lev, really feeling the love.”

“Well, seems we’re old fiddle now. Ledger’s already found a new favourite,” Cider sighed dramatically. Ledger responded in one of the few ways he knew how to:

By being even more dramatic.

“Oh no!” he gasped, clutching his chest with a hoof. “I...have made a grave error! The mares...no longer love me! Vision...going dark…” With a few jerking motions, the changeling drone was laying on his side with his tongue spilling out of his mouth.

“Ah well, it looks like we have a replacement Changeling anyway,” Cider hummed, not buying the act.

Midnight on the other hoof.

She rushed over, trying to hug the changeling as she actually cried. “N-NO! You said, you wouldn’t leave me again! Wake up!”

Ledger decided to console the mare rather than continue the dramatics and hugged her back almost instantly. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I was just trying to out-drama Cider. I didn’t mean to hurt you…”

Midnight paused as she sat there...before the biggest grin split her muzzle.


“Middy, that was prolly a little mean,” Cider scolded her. “Given recent events. Apologise.”

Midnight blinked, she had panicked at first, but tried to cover it with a joke. Perhaps... a little too well. “Yeah...sorry.”

Ledger responded by nuzzling the thestral, then looking up to Cider and freeing one foreleg. “Plenty of room for you to join,” he said. The Earth Pony nodded and the three shared a cuddle as Scope watched from the doorway, before returning to the kitchen to finish breakfast.

‘Maybe someday...’

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