• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,653 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 63 - Absolving awkwardness with amazing amounts of aplomb!

As the stallion-y trio approached the homestead. The three had varying thoughts running through their heads.

Grissom was wondering how Midnight hadn’t burned this place to the ground with her cooking. Perhaps the others had learned not to let her in the kitchen.

Flash had a sense of foreboding for some reason, like his totally awesome day was about to be killed in the face.

Wishful… could almost see the lust that poured from the second floor of the building…

“I think we’ll find a few members of the house occupied, we should come back later,” the disguised drone commented before making to turn around, totally not just trying to put off a Midnight meetup. Nope. Not at all.

And when he turned, the Thestral mare was staring him straight in the eyes. It was a tense few seconds of silence, before she just brushed past him and headed for the house.

Grissom blinked and looked at Wishful. “Okay… what was all that about?”

“Things,” the Violet changeling tried to brush off again. “I still don’t think we should go in, though…”

Grissom narrowed his eyes. He didn’t like the way his daughter had just acted. It was… unusual. Had Wishful done something, or said something to make her uncomfortable?

“Flash, go inside please,” Grissom suddenly said. The Pegasus blinked, but nodded and turned, heading for the house. Once he was out of earshot, the Thestral turned back to the drone, his piercing gaze locking on to him.

“Alright. Out with it. If you’ve done something to her…”

“Vice versa,” the drone commented, correcting Grissom almost instantly. “And it’s not as terrible as you might be fearing. I’m probably overthinking it, is all…”

“Overthinking what?” he said. Just what the hell was going on with Midnight and… “You two… you aren’t having an affair are you?”

“No, but she did shut me up in a way one would only expect from her, I’d wager. I was going on about how she would likely not find anything of interest with me if we had met in another life…” Wishful trailed off, clearly not wanting to say the next bit. But Grissom knew his daughter better than anypony… well, except for Moon Song.

“She did something that may have made you uncomfortable, but totally normal for her?” he said. “Then my next question is this, why is it making you uncomfortable?”

“Because she’s my son’s fiancee and I’m loyal to the Madame,” Wishful replied. “Plus she’s half my age.”

“Well, I’d say just try to forget it happened, but then, Midnight is a difficult pony to forget…” Grissom sighed and facehooved. “I suppose I would normally say that Midnight was just being Midnight. But, I fear she’s crossed a line here…”

“Which is why I would prefer to avoid meeting her altogether if possible, so with that in mind,” Wishful said as he made to leave again.

“And I think having her apologising and seeing she made a mistake would be better,” Grissom nodded, pulling the stallion along with his wing. “Now let’s go. It’s better to just rip it off and get it over with.”

“No, wait, please, I would rather not walk into that house at the moment,” Wishful said, trying his best to squirm free.

“I will sort this matter out, or would you rather I turn to the Madame for assistance?” he asked, not letting go.

“Let me put it plainly then. I can see that there is sex going on upstairs. I would rather not take the chance that it’s my son.”

Grissom paused, and groaned as he put a hoof to his face. “Right. One moment then. Do not go anywhere.” He let the drone go and headed towards the house. Wishful, surprisingly, obliged and sat on his haunches while waiting for Grissom to deal with the awkward situation.

He walked inside, seeing Midnight sit on the couch as Twilight looked at the stallion as he entered, wondering what the heck was going on. Flash Sentry of all ponies had walked in and after taking one look at the alicorn, had gone to hide in the kitchen. Grissom sighed, that was a problem to deal with in a moment. He first marched upstairs and knocked on the door.

“If you don’t mind, there are guests here.” He informed them, before leaving without waiting for a reply. He marched back into the living room and huffed.

A moment later, Wishful saw him returning, his daughter's ear in his mouth as he dragged her along.

“Ah, hey! Ow… Fucking OW!” she protested, but the pleas fell on deaf ears as he hauled her over to the drone and spat out her ear.

“Wash your ears more,” he grumbled at her. “Right. I’m already sick of this shit. Talk. Now!”

Wishful blinked before looking away from Midnight as he tried to think of the right words to defuse this awkward situation. None were coming to mind.

“W-Well, not what I had planned… but I guess it’ll do,” Midnight said quietly. “Look Wishful. I was out of line and that was something I shouldn’t have done. Not only did I break one of my personal rules, I hurt you. I… shouldn’t have done that, no matter the circumstances. I just… I just hope you can forgive me.”

Wishful blinked, not quite expecting such an earnest apology, before looking at Midnight and coughing a little to unstick his throat. “Well, I suppose if you’re truly sorry, then I’ve no choice but to accept. It’d be poor manners to hold a grudge against my future daughter-in-law.”

“I wish, I could just go back in time and undo that… but I can’t.” Midnight’s eyes watered as she looked at the ground. “I’ll be telling Ledger what I did… and he can decide my punishment.”

Wishful reached forward with one hoof and gently put it under Midnight’s chin, raising her eyes so that they were looking at one another. “As far as I’m concerned,” he said softly. “It never happened.”

She blinked the tears away and nodded, before giving a cheeky grin. “Madame’s a pretty lucky lady to have somepony like you.”

“She does say that rather regularly~” Wishful said with a happy hum, leaving it up to the others to imagine why.

It wasn’t much of a stretch for Midnight, while Grissom just coughed awkwardly.

“Well, now that this triviality has been settled, shall we go and see why young Flash is attempting to hide in the refrigerator?”

“...And you seem to have...not diffused the upstairs situation,” Wishful commented. “Or at least, not fully.”

Grissom growled as Midnight tilted her head. “What’s going on upstairs?”

“I don’t want to know,” the disguised drone commented as they made their way inside, to find that Ledger had joined the alicorn on the cuddlecouch. Midnight tilted her head, and she wondered if she had missed some serious sexytimes.

Aww, she wanted to at least watch.

“Sentry, what in Equestria are you doing?” Grissom barked. “Stop acting like a foal and get out here!”

It took a few moments, but Flash slowly made his way into the living room, but refused to meet Twilight’s gaze.

“For the love of the Moon, nopony is going to eat anypony around here,” Grissom sighed. “Honestly, is this a home, or a daycare?”

“We have to choose?” Ledger asked, looking up from snuggling Twilight.

“I need a vacation from my vacation,” the Thestral sighed. “We have come here for a reason colt. We wish to know if you have settled on a day for your upcoming nuptials?”

“We need to wait for Midnight to not need anti-nausea meds or spells every day first. Then she can decide if she wants it sooner or later, as she’s the one who proposed, after all,” Ledger pointed out. “Oh, speaking of the spells. Midnight, do you need one?”

“I dunno, I’m… not feeling the best today, but I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”

“M’kay,” Ledger said, going back to snuggling Twilight...before raising a hoof and gesturing for Midnight to join them, if she felt like it. Flash looked at Ledger for just a second, his eye giving a slight twitch, but looked away before anypony could hopefully notice.

“So, we’re waiting on Midnight then?” Grissom turned to his daughter. “What do you think?”

The batpony sighed and pawed at the ground with a hoof. “I dunno, maybe the next couple of weeks. I know Miss Rarity already has most of the dresses done. How she gets them done so fast I don’t know… and, there’s something else as well.” She looked at Ledger before saying the next part.

“Would you be objective to a double ceremony?”

“Not in the slightest,” Ledger said as he looked at Midnight. “Who else is getting married?”

“Ace and Amy,” Midnight stated. Ledger hummed before nodding.

“Yeah, that makes sense. Nope, got no qualms at all. Though this does beg the question as to who’s doing the planning for the joint wedding…”

“Dunno, I’ll ask Amy later,” Midnight replied as she decided that a severe snuggling was in order, and flew straight over Ledger and Twilight to tackle the Earth Pony that just walked in.

“GAH! What the-?” Cider cried out as the bat hugged her out of nowhere. Ledger chuckled before looking over at Flash.

“Something wrong?” he asked the orange pegasus.

“M’fine,” Flash muttered, even as Twilight blushed a little. Ledger looked between the two, having have caught that burst of emotion, before sighing and speaking to the room at large.

“Emotivore,” he said aloud. “Either one of you is speaking up, or I’m going to share the most embarrassing thing we did together with the room at large.”

Wishful actually frowned at that, “You had better not,” he warned his son.

“The truth… is really weird,” Twilight admitted.

“Then how about we have Flash say why he feels jealous when I’m with you like this?” Ledger asked, looking at the guard.

“Because I like Twilight okay!” Flash said a little harsher than he meant. “I tried, but it didn’t work, because I have no idea… well, used to have no idea how to handle a mare.”

“It probably didn’t hurt that Twilight hadn’t met Midnight then either,” Ledger pointed out. “Or at least, not in any serious capacity if she had. She was more innocent is what I’m getting at.”

“Yeah I kinda… totally ignored his advances,” Twilight said. “Remember when I said that I’d been to a different dimension? It has to do with that.”

“You can tell me the story later,” Ledger said as he didn’t stop looking at Flash. “I didn’t know, and I’m not sure what I would have done if I had. Can you try to not hold it against me?”

“You can’t help who you fall for,” Flash eventually said and shrugged. “Besides, I uh, met somepony nice today, so I wanna see where that goes.”

“Aw, congrats Flash,” Twilight said, making the stallion blush up a storm.

“Alright, so everypony’s love lives aside,” Grissom sighed. He was thankful nopony decided to bring his up while they were at it. “Shall we agree to three weeks from today? That should give everypony enough time to get things organised.”

“Hmm…” Ledger hummed, before nodding. “I think that’s fair for now. Assuming Midnight does, of course.”

“Sounds good, I hate making decisions anyway.” She figured if she danced around the subject long enough, somepony would get fed up and decide for her~

“Well then, assuming nothing happens at the last minute,” Ledger said as he nuzzled the alicorn on the couch again. “Then we’ll be a happily married herd in three weeks time.”

“Well, most of us,” Twilight reminded him, poking him on the nose. He snickered before moving up to whisper in her ear.

You’re welcome to join in, if you think you can handle our levels of crazy.

“We’ll see,” she answered. She’d hate to think what her parents would say about jumping into marriage like that. Oh… ohno…

“Ahehehe, um, Ledger?”

“Mm?” he muttered as he returned to nuzzling her. What? She was comfy and smelled nice.

“I um… maaaay have forgotten to tell my parents about my relationship…” She gave a sheepish smile and giggled cutely. Ledger sighed tiredly.

“I am not going to think about that right now...you can tell them later. When I’m not cuddling you. Which might not be for a while.”

“Hmm, maybe Shiny could do it for me?" Twilight asked cutely.

"I don't see that happening Princess," Flash replied.

"Darn it," Twilight sighed. "Was worth a try."

“At least you have here to act as a sanctuary,” Ledger pointed out. “You could tell them and then Waypoint over here to avoid any fallout.”

"You don’t know my Mom," Twilight shuddered. "Tartarus isn't safe enough to hide away if she got mad..."

“She would have to know that this place is where you’d run to first,” the disguised drone pointed out. “You could just drop the knowledge that you’re in a relationship on her and run away.”

“No, that would get me killed, or worse...grounded…” Twilight shook at that. The last time she got grounded, she was sent to her room for a week… without any books!!

“I promise to let you borrow my book for three days if you bring this up to your parents and manage to get away,” Ledger said, trying to bribe the lavender princess.

Twilight was about to agree when she remember a crucial detail. “As long as I also get to rent Scopey to translate for me.”

“Depends on whether or not she’s busy,” Ledger said with a snicker. “But yes, you’ll get three days of unfettered access to the secrets of my book. Promise.”

Twilight gave him a wide smile, before she teleported from the couch and he heard the Waypoint activate…

“...Well, that’ll be awkward to deal with, and I’m out a cuddle-buddy,” Ledger pouted, before looking over to Midnight and Cider.

“Should have thought ahead before leaving your spare one occupied,” Wishful chuckled at his son’s minor plight.

“Right, so it seems that everything is sorted,” Grissom nodded. “The parties will take place a few days before, in case anything happens that would make attending the ceremony difficult. I will also inform Princess Luna of the date, so she may free up her schedule in advance.”

“My thanks,” Ledger said before getting up from the couch and stretching. “Well, if that’s all, I left something unfinished upstairs…”

Every stallion rolled his eyes as Cider blinked and figured he was doing more paperwork. Apple Leaves and Apple Fritter were still out somewhere, presumably shopping for something frivolous.

“Well, it’s getting late, but I must return to Canterlot… still, I suppose it could wait until the morning.” Grissom looked at his daughter and hummed. “Midnight, would you like to come to dinner with your old man?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Midnight nodded. She did have quite a bit to talk about with him anyhow. Ledger walked over to Flash and offered him a hoofbump, as a way of making sure they were still cool.

Flash returned the gesture and nodded. “Yeah, we’re cool. Never would have done what I did if I hadn’t come here. So, a little awkwardness is a small price to pay.”

“Nice to see you don’t hold that against me,” Ledger said before turning to the stairs. “I’ll see you in about three weeks then?” he asked over his shoulder.

“You plan on keeping her up there that long?” Wishful chuckled. Picking on his son was a hobby that would never get old. Ledger stumbled before chuckling.

“Maybe another time, right now I have business to attend to,” he fired back. With that, he was ascending the stairs so that he could take care of Scope.

Once he left, Grissom pretended he didn’t know what the drone was off doing… or who he was doing… He looked to Wishful and shrugged. “And what about you? Any plans? You’re welcome to join Midnight and myself if you like.”

“I could stand with some company for tonight,” the disguised drone hummed, before looking at Flash. “And yourself?”

“Hmm, I got plans~” he replied. Well, first he was gonna go find Fred and brohoof the hay out of him. Then he was going to meet those mares for dinner.

“Then I wish you the best of luck,” Wishful said, not having missed that spike of lust at all. The Violet drone then turned to Grissom and bowed slightly. “Your guest, sir.”

“Right, Midnight? You ready to go?”

The bat gave Cider one last hug and a deep kiss, before sighing and letting her go. “Nnn, fine. Until the moon rises, my love~”

“Middy, y’all got more ham than the pigs ah raise,” Cider chuckled. “Go on, git!”

“Yes Ma’am,” Midnight saluted and followed the two stallions, pouncing on the bat-like of the two and riding on his back, the old stallion grunting under the weight of the armoured mare.

Once they all left, Cider looked at the stairs and hummed. Time to go see what fun Ledger was up to~

So for the first time since coming to Las Pegasus, Midnight had chosen a restaurant that wasn’t Fredrick’s. It was a fancy, high-end place in the upper end of the city. One where the waiters were actually Prench and Midnight could offend everypony present with a single word if she was so inclined.

“Hmm,” Wishful hummed as he looked at the menu. “I...think I know some Prench? Inspired was the one that taught his daughter, but we all picked up a little…”

"I'm rather fluent," Grissom said as he looked at the menu also. "And Midnight should know a little..."

"Nah, I totally forgot most words that couldn't help pick up a Prench pony." Midnight giggled and Grissom sighed.

"Should have guessed," he groaned.

“I know enough to know when I’m being yelled at, cursed at, or made fun of,” Wishful said. “Critical and Ledger didn’t get on for a little while...or a long while…”

"You mean they get along now?" Midnight asked with no small amount of sarcasm.

“She certainly changed her tune over the years,” Wishful replied. “You should have seen her reaction to his letters. Especially when she realized he was the only big brother she would ever have…”

"You could always adopt," Midnight giggled. "Hmm, how is Critty doing? You went to visit her yeah?"

“She found a nice stallion already,” Wishful replied as he eventually gave up on reading the menu. “And apparently they’re getting along quite well. To the point where she needed those potion modifications.”

"Oohhh~ That's my girl," Midnight giggled. Grissom noticed the drone’s frustration with the menu.

"Would you like me to order for you both?" Grissom offered. "You seem to have given up there."

“Please,” Wishful said with a nod. “Knowing my luck, I’d order something I can’t stomach.”

Grissom chuckled and waved a waiter over, and after a brief exchange in Prench, the waiter gave a nod and was on his way.

Midnight was busy trying to rub a mark out of her armour with a napkin, before Grissom slapped her hoof and sighed.

“Honestly, can’t you have manners for five minutes?”

“I can, but I’m not trying to sleep with anypony here, so I don’t have to impress them,” Midnight stated.

“Just because I don’t particularly care about what these ponies think, doesn’t mean I’m going to drop my glamour either,” Wishful rejoined.

“Argh! Alright, fine, I’ll be a proper lady,” Midnight pouted, exaggerating that last part. She straightened up and brushed a hoof through her mane, which Wishful swore sparkled for a second there.

It was like somepony had flipped a switch, even her usual underlying lust had ceased altogether. When the waiter came back with their wine and hors d'oeuvres, she thanked him politely in Prench, the stallion giving her a bow and taking his leave a moment later.

Grissom just rolled his eyes as he poured the wine for all of them.

“I must say, I wasn’t expecting such a...dramatic transformation,” Wishful said before sniffing at his wine. “I doubt one of my kind could have done better.”

“I often wonder if my daughter is a Changeling sometimes,” Grissom nodded, earning a sudden… grin from Midnight. The facade she put on suddenly shattered like glass as she got a most wonderful idea. A prank to pull on Ledger…

“Ohhh, this should be fun~” she giggled to herself.

Wishful sipped at his wine and sighed at the taste. Whatever Midnight was planning was Ledger’s problem. Or would be. That didn’t mean he couldn’t be in on whatever was going on, though. “Dare I ask what the cause for that sudden mischievousness is, Miss Midnight?”

“Weeellll, you just said how I could be like a Changeling,” she said as she sipped her wine. “A little glamour spell here, some acting there and voila! We have the makings of a wonderful prank~”

“That...could be interesting,” the drone said with a hum as he considered the idea. “I suppose you’ll be pulling in Princess Twilight into your little plan, then?”

“Maybe, oorrrr, I could prank her too and get Scopey to help instead!” Midnight clapped her hooves quietly and giggled. “It’s the perfect plan~”

“Oh dear,” Wishful said. “Something tells me you’re going to raise quite the fuss around your home.”

“Since when do I not?” Midnight giggled again. She had the smallest feeling that neither of them would fall for it, so she just had to figure out how to sell it just in the right way. “So I have a question Purple Pops. How did you meet the Madame in the first place?”

“You’re sure you want to ask that question?” the disguised drone said with a raised eyebrow. “It’s not for the faint of heart.”

“I’m in a relationship with Ledger. My heart is anything but faint,” Midnight said. “Besides, I think we should know each-other better.”

“Given that we’re all going to be family in three weeks, I would have to agree,” Grissom nodded. He was actually planning on visiting the Hives soon. As soon as he paid a long-overdue visit to Hollow Shades…

Wishful sighed and looked into his wineglass, his mood noticeably falling. “...If you looked at the Lands twenty-five years ago, and looked at them again today, you wouldn’t be able to recognize them as being one and the same. The Madame and the Silver King are to credit for that. When I was Ledger’s age, I was taken off the street in the Violet Hive, and...suffice to say, the state you likely found him in, Miss Midnight? That was nothing compared to what was done to me.”

Midnight gasped, now she felt even worse about what she did earlier. Gods, she was no better than Free Spirit. “I’m so, so sorry,” she whispered.

“It wasn’t your fault,” the drone brushed off. “I was later dragged over to the Silver Hive, with five others to form what was called the ‘ideal’ set for a silver nymph to purchase. And then the Madame came...I don’t think they ever rebuilt that corner of the city, such was her fury.” The violet drone swished his wineglass around. “While she worked her best to learn psychology to help fix us, she also dedicated her life to tearing down the old ways. Her and her brother. With the information the pair of them learned about the other Hives...equality seemed not an impossible dream. Just one that would take forever.”

“As long as there are differences, be it wealth, status, species… true equality might be impossible,” Grissom said tersely. “But, learning to cooperate and work together. Not so much. Hell, I think this city is doing quite well accepting Changelings.”

“Equality across gender is happening back in the Lands,” the drone replied. “It’s not quite done, not yet. But it’s getting there. I…” He paused and looked at nothing in particular before saying the next in a very small voice. “...I’m just now realizing I never did ask again if she had anything to do with the Yellow, Red, and Blue kings ascending…”

“I have only met her briefly, but I wouldn’t put it past her,” Grissom nodded and Midnight had to agree. The Madame reminded her a lot of Celestia, and idly wondered what would happen if the two of them met.

“Yes, well, with them taking their thrones, that helped the equality movement a lot,” Wishful said with a shake of his head. “As the male rulers back in the Lands now outnumbered the female rulers. And with the Silver king knowing more than enough to keep all the others more or less well-behaved, the males moved to crown him High King, while the mares...squabbled over who deserved the crown more amongst them. Without them providing a united front to block the Red, Yellow, and Blue kings, majority ruled.”

“Urgh, my brain hurts,” Midnight dramaticized. “So, she rescued you from slavery then? What about the others?”

“We were all on the block together,” the disguised violet replied. “Same set. She saved us all at once, saw to the safety of the other drones while...I think the final kill count for her that day was over two dozen nymphs.”

“The Madame is that strong?” Midnight gasped, putting a hoof to her mouth. “Oh now I have to spar with her sometime!!”

“She’d likely find the idea more amusing than serious,” Wishful replied with a smirk. “I don’t even know how old she is, let alone how powerful.”

“Old, enigmatic, powerful… heh, she sounds like a Changeling version of Princess Celestia,” Grissom chuckled as he bit into the currently forgotten food. The drone blinked before looking down and chuckling.

“I got so wrapped up in history, I forgot current events,” he joked before eating some himself. Midnight had somehow cleaned her plate during the conversation without anypony noticing. The drone paused between bites before mentioning something he knew at least one thestral would get.

“So yes, that’s partially why the Madame wanted so badly to go to war with the Yellow Hive about four, five years ago,” he casually said. “I think the only reason she didn’t go the moment we got that letter was because Ledger didn’t include a name, for some reason…”

“Huh, you mean Free-Spirit?” Midnight blinked and then put a hoof to her mouth, realising that she’d just thrown that nymph under the cart. Wishful turned to her and then...grinned maliciously?

“Oh, I can’t say I won’t enjoy bringing that information home,” he all but purred. Midnight silently cursed her loose tongue and sighed.

“Yeah, I’ve met her actually. A few weeks ago… she came here, has been coming here, for years. All to apologise to Ledger. She practically begged for his forgiveness,” she said. Grissom frowned, not understanding the context of this story, but decided to stay quiet for the moment.

“...She thinks words can make up for what she did?” the violet drone asked before scoffing. “The only way I’d ever believe that is if Ledger told me he’d forgiven her.”

“Oh, he hasn’t done that,” Midnight nodded. “Though, he did stop me from tearing her a few new holes… so, progress?”

“Still,” the drone hummed. “I should tell the Madame…”

“As long as murder doesn’t happen,” Midnight nodded. “I think Ledger may actually want this nymph to succeed in apologising in some way or form, but as usual, I have little idea on what goes through his buggy brain.”

“Probably something along the lines of ‘anyone can be wrong, it’s how you go about being right that makes all the difference,’” the violet drone replied with a wave of his hoof. “That was one of the things we taught him, and it got demonstrated a few times around the home. Just as many times as it was one of us husbands getting a signal wrong, the Madame had… quite a few adjustments to make to her home life, with us still being relatively new to her every routine.”

“Oh?” Midnight leaned forward as the waiter returned with their main course. Three servings of a rich vegetable and fish stew, along with fresh dipping bread. “Any scandalous tales you can share~?”

“Mostly embarrassing ones,” the drone said before taking a sip of the soup and humming appreciatively. “Like the time she realized she didn’t have to rely on pony servants for her needs anymore, and actually asked her husbands to help around the house. She was so awkward in asking… I know where Critical gets it from~”

“Oh?” Midnight asked. “Sorry, but I have a hard time believing that the Madame could be awkward about anything.”

The drone’s eyes flashed with a mischievous spark as he cleared his throat. His impression of the Madame’s voice was what came out next. “If it wouldn’t be too much bother...could you...that is, if you don’t mind...would you possibly...perhaps, know...howtocook?”

“Paahahahahahahaa!” Midnight laughed, thumping her hoof on the table a few times as she giggled madly, earning a few derisive looks from nearby tables. “Oh sweet Celestia, that’s too much! That’s soooo cute~”

“She was like that for everything for two days, until we finally cornered her and got all the awkwardness sorted out,” Wishful said in his own voice. “She still doesn’t like to ask us for things, more like imply that we could do them.”

“Oh wow…” She suddenly snorted and shook her head. “I can only imagine what she was like when it came to for you to perform your stallion-y duties~”

“And now she’s back to being Midnight again,” Grissom sighed as he sipped at his stew, humming at the spices and mellow textures.

“Funnily enough, I was the one to propose that she actually treat us like, well, husbands,” the drone chuckled. “Apparently that was a novel idea to her, and she had to...research it.”

“And now she sounds like Twilight,” Midnight giggled, as Grissom coughed as some stew went down the wrong way. Luna above, it seems that the Madame and Moon Song had some things in common…

“And then the springtime with her was just magical~” the drone sighed. “I got to teach her so many things…”

“Aww, that sounds so adorable,” Midnight sighed wistfully. “I’ve taught Ledger that it’s okay to want things… I think I might have taught him a little too well though~”

“And now we’re delving into ‘Too much information’ territory,” Grissom sighed. “Now eat your dinner before it gets…” He looked at Midnight’s empty bowl and then to her. “How did you…? When did you…? You know what, never mind.”

“I will admit, it was quite good,” Wishful replied, his bowl being empty as well. Grissom sighed as he looked at his mostly full bowl.

“Am I the only one who cares about savouring?” he said.

“Well, I have two mouths to feed now, and well, I don’t know about Wishy, but it might be a sad story.” She waved the waiter over and said a few things in Prench, before giving him a wink as the blushing colt stumbled off to the kitchen.

“And now dessert is aaallll set~” she purred.

“I get the feeling I might regret asking what you just said,” the violet drone observed. “Grissom, would I?”

“Most likely, she had ordered a ridiculous amount of sweets,” The batpony was getting cavities just thinking about the order. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“I really shouldn’t,” the drone tried to decline. “It’s...very easy to get hooked on sugar for a ‘ling. And back in the lands, that can be an...expensive habit to feed.”

“It’s expensive here too,” Midnight nodded, recalling how much they went through before Ledger cut down. Scopey still ate quite a bit though. “But a little wouldn’t hurt right?”

“You tell me, you’re housing two ‘lings,” the drone fired back. “I can help, but I don’t think I should. Still...as long as it’s only a little…”

“Ahh, it’ll be fine,” Midnight said. Ledger’s sugar rushes only tended to last a few minutes anyhow. The waiter had started bringing them out, parfaits, cakes, ice-cream… and mangoes~ “What’s the worst that could happen?”

Midnight eventually returned home, after seeing her father off to his hotel. Wishful had… well, she certainly wasn’t going to tell Ledger what had happened after dessert. She poked her head through the door and after seeing that the coast was clear, slowly crept inside on the tips of her hooves…

“Dad,” she heard Ledger say in the next room. “Please stop.”

“I can’t write it down son, my magic is just all over the place,” the voice of Wishful came. “And I have so many ideas, I just know I’m going to forget a few before I get home.”

“Yes, but do they all have to be about various...acts, you’re going to perform on mother?” came the deadpan reply of her stallion.

“They’re what I’m best at, now keep up!”

Well, now she knew where Wishful had run off to. She winced and crept past Ledger… she was almost at the stairs. Ten feet… five feet… aaaaallmost…

“Hello Mistress,” she heard from above her. Midnight put a hoof to her mouth, shushing the small nymph and praying to every deity that Ledger didn’t hear her.

“I can feel you~” Ledger sang out from the living room. “Would you care to explain why my father is on a sugar rush to put Scope’s to shame, Midnight?”

“Bucking emotivores,” she muttered under her breath. She turned and gave the drone an entirely too wide smile and giggled. “W-Weeeeellll, maybe I ordered quite a bit for dessert… and maaaaybe we started a contest on who could eat the most… eheheheh…”

“...Just so you know, you’ll be paying for this later,” the drone vowed. “He’s bad enough normally.”

Indeed, Ledger had made use of his automatic paperwork spell to take dictation from his father...and filled out three scrolls already with ideas from him. Ideas that the others were sneaking peeks at.

Midnight took one of the scrolls and looked it over. Oooh, that one looked good. She suddenly grinned and when nopony was looking, wrote down the technique she used on Ledger earlier.

Hehe, have fun with that one Purple Pops~

Eventually his sugar rush had to wear out, and when it did, it was hard and fast. The violet drone blinked a few times before falling onto his side, making to weakly power on...before sleep took him.

“So, I guess he’s crashing here for the night?” Midnight shrugged as she helped Ledger put him on the couch. Scope was still looking at the scrolls, making some small squeaking sounds and blushing profusely.

“Unless you have any better ideas,” Ledger agreed as the violet changeling was eventually sequestered onto Cider’s couch. “I...have had a long day. Cuddles and sleep?” the disguised silver drone offered his mares.

“That sounds good,” Midnight said, stretching her wings and yawning. As the group started to head upstairs, Midnight pulled Scope aside and whispered to her for a moment. The nymph listened and then nodded. That sounded like fun~

Ledger reached the bed first and lay belly-down in the middle, just waiting for the others so he could get truly comfortable. It didn’t take long for the three mares to form their usual cuddlepile, though these days, Ledger did mourn the fact that there was an alicorn-shaped hole in said pile.

Still, Twilight was a princess and she wouldn’t always be available. Still sucked though.

Midnight snuggled closer and hummed. “I’m glad your pops isn’t uncomfortable around me anymore,” she said sleepily.

“...You can explain that one later,” Ledger muttered back as he enjoyed the sensation of being surrounded by mares on all sides. “Sleep time now.”

It didn’t take long for the ponies to fall asleep…

Meanwhile, in Canterlot…

“Okay, look Mom, I know you’re upset,” Twilight said as she backed up. “But you really need to put down that spatula.”

“Oh like hay I will,” Twilight Velvet said. “You’re as bad as your brother, you know that? And you can bet your starry butt I am paying these ponies a visit!”

Ah hell, Twilight knew that she was gonna do that. “Well, okay, but… you need to know a few things first…”


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