• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter Twenty-One - An Ace in the hole

Cherry Scoop hummed to himself as he punched out for dinner. It’d been a nice, productive day. Countless foals were happy to receive his treats, he got paid, and it was always nice to be filled up with their excess happiness. One of the mottos of Pink ‘lings was ‘It’s nice to be nice!’, and Cherry nodded at that thought. Niceness made his world go ‘round.

The second he stepped out of the door, a large Griffon descended, landing mere inches from him. The downdraft ruffled his mane as Aerial Ace greeted him with a jovial smile.

“Greetings Cherry!” he beamed.

“Acey!” Cherry said, wrapping the griffon up in a hug. “I completely forgot about our dinner date until right this second!” The pony pulled his head back and offered an apologetic smile. “It’s been a crazy busy day for me. Too many foals, not enough time, and nearly not enough ice cream!”

“That’s quite alright,” Ace chuckled. “Are you still interested? I would understand if you are tired.”

“Nah, I’m good,” Cherry said with a grin. “...Might need to pop home and freshen up first though,” he later admitted after seeing a blob of ice cream on one of his forelegs...and on Ace’s shoulder.

“It seems you are just too sweet,” he smiled, licking the ice-cream from his shoulder, then taking Cherry’s hoof and doing the same. Cherry somehow blushed through his red coat and fluttered his wings a little bit to keep them under control.

“Flatterer,” Cherry teased. “Still, my point stands. I need to go wash up. You wanna come with, or would you rather wait here for me to fly back?”

“Inviting me home already? Such boldness!” Ace chuckled, ruffling the stallion's mane. His eye suddenly gave the slightest twitch and he hummed. “Whichever works for you will be best.”

“Well in that case, it’d be nice if you knew where I lived so you can walk me home, huh?” Cherry teased the griffon as he took to the skies. “C’mon, I live on the other side of the city!”

“Quite the distance you travel,” Ace noted as he took to the air after him. “And I do hope that you are hungry. I hear the restaurant I have booked is quite generous with their servings.”

“So, Freddy’s or the Chop Shop?” Cherry asked. “Both of ‘em are run by Griffons, who’re more than happy to serve you everything you can pay for and eat.”

“Beauty and brains?” Ace replied over the noise of the wind. “I’m tempted to test your brawn and see just how perfect you are.”

“I’m hardly perfect,” Cherry said as his home on the outskirts of the city came into view. “Ah, there’s me!” With that, the pegasus dove for the out-of-the-way apartment building and landed in front of it. “Ta-da!”

“Peaceful and inconspicuous, a true opposite of it’s owner,” Ace mused as he landed next to Cherry. “Do you wish for me to wait here? Or do I get the grand tour?”

“It’s a little early to be shown around my place, don’t you think?” Cherry asked with a wink. “I’ll be out in two shakes of a lamb’s tail!” With that, the red pegasus disappeared into the building with what sounded almost like a pronking noise.

“What was...?” Ace blinked and shook his head, wondering if he had any relation to a pink mare in Ponyville he saw once. It took him all of a minute to be greeted by a freshly-cleaned and smiling Cherry once again.

“So, where are we going, Acey?” the stallion said in a happy tone.

“Well, you guessed right earlier with the Chop Shop, but if that place is unsatisfactory, simply name a destination, and I shall take you.”

“Nah, it’s fine,” Cherry said with a wave of a hoof. “They do better salads than Freddy anyways, and I can’t think of anyplace else that might be able to cater to a Griffon’s appetite.”

“Indeed, it has been too long since I tasted the meals of home. I ask for your forgiveness in being a little selfish with my choice,” the Griffon bowed his head.

“Silly Ace, you’re already forgiven by taking me there,” Cherry said. “Like I said, they do great salads. The Chop Shop might’ve started as a traditional Griffon restaurant, and might still be that at it’s core, but it’s taken on a lot of other recipes as well. It’s a perfect place to take anyone for a date, no matter who or what they are!”

“Then this day shall be perfect,” Ace smiled. “It is necessary to be flexible to survive in this world. And believe me,” he scooped up the Pegasus in his arms and flew into the air. “I am very confident in my flexibility.”

“Somebirdy’s feeling bold~” Cherry teased as he wrapped his forelegs around the griffon’s neck and just relaxed.

“Perhaps,” he winked. “Though if I am too forward, to not hesitate to tell me off. It has been a while since I have done this.”

“You’re doing fine,” the pegasus said, watching the world drift, or rather, zoom, by. “I’m pretty sure a hoof to the beak is a good indicator if you go too fast, though.”

“And there’s that fierceness I was looking for, you are now perfect!” Ace laughed loudly as they neared their destination. He fought the urge to do his usual urge to just drop from the sky and opted to descend slowly. Cherry took note of their slow descent and smirked.

“I have wings, yanno. You could just lemme go, and we could both get there faster.”

“Oh? You’d like faster then?” he teased. He tucked his wings and just dropped! The waitress at the door screamed at the sudden arrival of a Pegasus-wielding Griffon, but despite the speed, his landing was so soft, Cherry barely felt the sudden stop.

“Well with wingwork like that, I can see you have a lot of endurance,” Cherry said with a smirk as he twisted himself around to be pointing towards the ground again. “Still, let’s at least both walk in, eh?”

“Indeed,” Ace nodded, placing the pony on the ground. “That was nothing though, scaling Mt. Canterlot on paw, now that was a little bit of a challenge.” The two walked inside as the Griffon female placed a talon over her chest.

“That was a little scary,” she said breathlessly. “Please refrain from stunt flying outside, or inside the premises please?”

“Will do Miss,” Ace nodded. “I have a reservation for Aerial Ace and company. A table for two.”

The Griffoness nodded as she looked through her reservations list. “Ah, here we are. Ace and table for two. Right this way please.”

The Griffons within cheered out as the pair of them entered behind the waitress, likely to greet their new customers, or to just greet a fellow Griffon. Ace let out a bellowing roar, and got a chorus in response.

“Ah, to be among my kinsmen again! Tis a glorious day!” he laughed. He looked down at Cherry and smiled. “Apologies for the boisterous greeting.”

“It’s fine,” Cherry said as...he took off a pair of pink, fluffy earmuffs from his head. “I figured something like this might happen, so I packed accordingly.”

“Where did?” Ace scratched his head and shrugged. “You are a very interesting pony.”

“I try!” Cherry chirped. “So, dinner?”

“Dinner,” Ace nodded as he held out a chair for Cherry to sit. Once the stallion was tucked into the table, their waitress returned with two menus.

“My name is Wendi, and I’ll be your waitress...oh? Hello Cherry! It’s been a while.”

“Yup,” Cherry said with a nod. “Sorry ‘bout that. I don’t get near as many days off as I would like, and while I have a lot of friends, this is the first date I’ve been on in years!”

“You’re on a date? How wonderful, and with such a handsome Griffon as well~ Colour me jealous.”

“Years?” Ace tilted his head. “I find that scenario quite sad. Many a creature would be lucky to have you.”

“Yeah, well, I do a lot of volunteer work in my spare time as well, so there’s really just not a lot of time for dates left,” Cherry said as he looked at the drink menu. “Non-alcoholic cider, please.”

“And water for myself,” Ace nodded. As Wendi took their orders and left to fetch them, Ace turned back to Cherry. “So you do a lot of volunteer work?”

“Mmhmm, helping trauma victims recover by introducing them to the idea of safe, happy environments again,” Cherry said as he looked over the salad menu. “I like seeing ponies smile, no matter the age. My roommate Amy helps with both the rent and my volunteer work, so it all works out for me and her.”

“Roommate?” Ace raised an eyebrow. “Well, it is glad to see you have such a fine friend. I shall be in town for a few days yet, provided the circumstances are forgiving...” he looked away for a moment before turning back to Cherry. “Do let me know if I can assist you as well.”

“It’s fine, between the two of us, we have the rent covered,” Cherry said, before spotting one salad and smiling. “Oooh, that looks good...Yup, a nice garden salad with a light oil dressing.”

“As you insist,” Ace nodded, glancing at his menu. “Ah, I see quite a few things I wish to try. It is a good thing I trained hard earlier. I shall feast like a King!”

“I just hope you can pay for it all,” Cherry said with a smile. “The chefs might get a little upset otherwise.”

“It shall be fine,” Ace nodded. “I received a generous stipend from my job as an instructor at Celestia’s Academy, and I spend very little on personal effects.” He adjusted his scarf and the scar around his neck showed for a brief second. “Hmm, perhaps a few bowls of this? Or a serving or three of that?”

“They do have a traditional challenge, y’know,” Cherry said before pointing at the steak part of her menu with a hoof. “One that might even sate your appetite.”

Ace’s eyes shone with determination as Wendi returned with their drinks. “A challenge?” he said with a confident grin. “I never turn down a challenge! Fair waitress! I would like this one!”

“Ah, the traditional T-bone steak challenge then?” Wendi asked. “Fair warning, we have a big cut today. Still want to take it?”

Ace choked down the urge to respond like his student and smiled. “That will be fine Miss. I welcome the challenge!”

“Very well, the challenge for the warrior, and you?” Wendi asked, turning to Cherry as she set both drinks in front of the males.

“Just a garden salad with light oil, but make it a little bigger than normal? I want something to munch on while hothead here has a big cut of meat in his mouth,” Cherry teased.

“One garden salad with oil, and one challenge, coming right up,” Wendi said with a smile before turning and heading off to the kitchen.

“And here I was, refraining from making a comment like that,” Ace smiled. “Perhaps you have spent a little time around my student as well.”

“Nah, some of my friends work the Strip, and it’s really hard to not pick up on a few things,” Cherry said as he sipped at his cider. “I’m not nearly as good as they are at making dirty jokes, but I know my fair share.”

“Midnight would get along famously with them,” he chuckled. Ace tugged at his scarf again, still worried about his student. He really should have checked on her. When he noticed that Cherry was looking at him, he smiled sheepishly. “Ah, my mind was elsewhere. Sorry about that.”

“You’re worried about Middy,” Cherry observed. “I can tell.”

“You are quite observant,” Ace smiled grimly. “Yes, what I have done to her may cause her heart great pain. But... I could not stand by as she refused to move forward.”

“Well, that’s hopefully going to be a good thing,” Cherry said. “She’s got Ledger, and while he’s one of the ones I’m helping...I think the two of them will be good for one another.”

“I had noticed that,” Ace nodded, taking a sip of his water. “I am afraid I do not know much about him. But, that is neither here nor there. Tonight is about us!” He lifted his glass and smiled. “How about a toast? To a wonderful evening and pleasurable company!”

“I’ll agree to the first, but you’ve yet to prove all of the second,” Cherry said as he raised his own glass. “Agreeable, enjoyable, yes, certainly. But pleasurable? No...not yet at least.”

“Then it appears I have my work cut out for me,” Ace chuckled, before the meaning of the words became apparent. “Ah, perhaps my words were misled, I meant no offense by assuming my prowess in the nest. Though I have had no complaints before~”

“Fair enough,” Cherry said with a smile. “I’m just saying that while your claws might have a magic touch to them, I don’t know enough about your skills to agree that you would be pleasurable company just yet.”

“This is a simple date, I aim for no less than your smile and satisfaction. Should you wish to go further later, I will take great steps to prove the validity of my words. But I shall assume nothing. Just having you accept my company tonight brings me joy.”

“I can tell,” Cherry said, his smile never fading. “Despite all the other worries you’ve got on your mind, namely Middy...you still pay attention to me, your eyes light up when you look at me, and you’ve rarely stopped smiling this whole date. I don’t know why I stopped going on dates.”

“As selfish as this may sound, I may not have had my chance if you didn’t,” he chuckled and sipped his water again. “And thank you for the kind words. Not too many agree with my...exuberance.”

“It’s one of your endearing qualities,” Cherry teased. “You wear your heart on your sleeve for everypony to see...or would it be your scarf, in your case?”

“Ah,” he tugged at the article again. “Perhaps. I have worn this for as long as I can remember.” It had been a gift from his father, many years ago. “It became somewhat of a game for the students at the Academy, to see who could steal this scarf from me. None have succeeded, not even Midnight.”

“Ah, well, I’ll keep an eye out for any scarf-thieves,” Cherry teased as he jokingly looked around the restaurant. “Nope, none in sight Cap’n!”

“Very good soldier!” Ace saluted. “Keep up the good work!”

“Sir! Meals spotted, coming in at your five!” the stallion pointed behind the griffon. Ace turned as Wendi paused and sweatdropped in response.

“Do I want to know?” she asked.

“Training a new officer!” Ace replied. “He shows much promise!”

“Meh, I’m more of a medic than a fighter,” Cherry said. “So, the meals?”

Wendi nodded and put Cherry’s salad in front of him. Then she put a huge covered tray in front of Ace and cleared her throat. “This is a tradition that goes back to the founding of the restaurant,” she said. “If you can eat this entire cut of meat in three minutes or less, it’s free. The moment meat enters your mouth, the timer starts. Are you prepared?”

Ace’s eyes narrowed as he nodded. “Bring it on!”

With that, the cover was whipped off, to reveal a finely seasoned, perfectly grilled steak that actually unfurled a little, to hang out over the edges of the plate it had been served on.

“Oh Sweet Celestia!” Ace moaned at the size and smell of the steak. This was going to be epic! “I think I may be in heaven. Surrounded by my kinsmen and a handsome stallion! Life is good!”

“Aww, I’m touched,” Cherry said as he held a hoof to his chest. “Fortunately, my meal has no time stipulations, so don’t mind me if I just dig in.” With that, the stallion lowered his head to the bowl of assorted greens and vegetables and started to eat it, humming appreciatively at the taste.

Ace took a generous bite of his steak and his eyes widened. Time seemed to stop, and all ceased to exist. This was the greatest moment of his life. To everyone else, he had taken a single bite, and now had a look of complete and utter bliss in his eyes.

It was only when Wendi said aloud that fifteen seconds had passed already that Ace snapped out of it. He swallowed and took a small breath. “Clever, the spices are amazing! It makes me want to savor every bite, yet I must win this challenge!” He dove back into the meat, tearing at it with his sharp beak, quickly swallowing large chunks of flesh.

“Our chef is a sore loser, so he’s taken to being tricky when a challenge is called for,” Wendi answered, sufficiently impressed by the display. Too bad he’d come with a date, and a stallion date at that. Also too bad that Fredrick had been rumored to be tamed as well… “One minute, by the way.”

Ace let out a roar and tore the steak apart in a vicious frenzy, the timer ticked over as he swallowed the bite, panting after his feeding frenzy. “Heh....hah... time!”

“You managed to get it done with thirty seconds to spare,” Wendi said with a slight expression of shock. “The...the best anybirdy’s managed before is ten…”

“Hah! All challenges are made to be overcome!” Ace shouted, before realising he was making a scene. “Ah, well...”

The smile on Cherry’s face was almost sinister. “You might wanna wipe your beak there, Acey,” he said in a too-sweet tone. One that you just knew had mischief behind it. A moment later, that mischief became plain. “You’ve got a looooot of juice on your face from gobbling so much meat.”

“...I have no response for that,” Ace sighed as he dabbed at his beak with a napkin. That had two purposes actually, one was to clean the remains of that noble sacrifice of flesh. The other? To hide his own growing smirk.

“And yet, I find myself thinking the same for you in a way,” he commented, leaning across the table and licking some dressing from Cherry’s muzzle. Cherry crossed his eyes keeping track of the griffon, before blinking and shaking his head.

“I was gonna get to it once I cracked a few more jokes and finished my salad,” the pegasus said with a shrug. “Like maybe how it didn’t seem like you could wait to get that big, thick slab of meat in your beak once you tasted it.”

“You are incorrigible,” Ace smiled as he finished cleaning his plate. “Ah, that was still delicious though. Give the chef my regards for a fine appetiser, Fair Wendi!”

“Can do,” Wendi said before looking at Cherry. “So, all told, the evening is only going to come to about twelve bits for the salad.” With that, the griffoness turned to let the chef know that he had failed...miserably.

“Like I said, I know a lot of ponies on the strip,” Cherry said as he took the last of his salad into his mouth and began to chew. Once the leaf and its dressings were gone, the stallion continued. “Once I learned the proper elements of a dirty joke, I managed to successfully stump them with how quickly and how many I made.”

“Hmm, I believe I should be impressed,” Aerial Ace nodded. “Both at the skill, and for Las Pegasus earning its reputation.” He reached into his satchel and pulled out a clawful of Bits and placed them on the table. “Midnight tried to educate me, but I’m afraid I just emulate a few of hers should the situation arise.”

“Eh, you got this date with your skills at least,” Cherry said with a smile, before taking a napkin and using it to clean off his muzzle. Afterwards, the stallion tilted his head at the griffon. “So, where to next?”

“Admittedly, I had not planned this far ahead,” the Griffon chuckled with a light blush. “Is there anywhere you would like to go?”

Cherry hummed and tapped his chin with a hoof. “How about you see if there are any local clouds out tonight?” the red stallion asked. “I have an idea.”

“Clouds?” Okay, this had caught Ace off guard. “Well, I suppose I could. If anything, I am highly curious as to what runs through that random little head of yours.”

“Oh, you’ll like this,” Cherry said with a smile. “Now, be a good griffon and find one please? One large enough for you to rest on.”

Ace just shrugged and nodded. He stood up and headed outside. It must have been about, fifteen minutes perhaps? Before he returned with a light smile.

“I have your cloud outside. Shall we?” he held out a claw, and Cherry put his hoof into it.

“Time to see my favorite pastime,” the stallion said with a smirk.

Cherry slowly woke up and looked at the warm body sharing his bed. With a soft smile and a pat of a hoof, the stallion eased himself out of the Griffon’s grasp...which took a minute of effort. Eventually the red pegasus hit the floor and shifted back to his normal form, of a Pink nymph. With a small, squeaky yawn, the changeling went to the shower and turned the water on. It took another minute for it to warm up properly, but once it had, the changeling hopped into the shower and hummed as she got herself clean.

Last night was fun, and Acey had been fun as well. He’d not discriminated against either form and loved both equally...something nopony else would do, she felt.

Plus he made the most delightful sounds when it was his turn to get stuffed instead~

It was just too bad he was leaving soon, but Amy would wait for him to come back...assuming he ever did…

Aaaand that thought made her frown a little. He was so...reckless. So adventurous! Something that would normally be admirable, yes, but when that meant he might not be coming back to her…

It was a shame to think that the only thing that might be left of him when he left would be his scarf. A pair of scaled talons suddenly snaked their way around her form, as the large Griffon appeared in her shower while she was thinking.

“So this is what you look like,” he mused as he nipped at her ear. “I find this form quite adorable, though I may lose you after you blend in with the decor~”

“Acey!” Amy squeaked out. “You...weren’t supposed to see me like this,” she said. “Most don’t exactly find the Changeling form to be...soothing or appealing.”

“My dear, beloved little Lady,” he purred as he nibbled an ear. “To think that you planned to hide this from me. I may have to punish you for that one.” Then he showed her something... that he had a little knowledge on changeling pressure points. As one clawtip poked a space on the back of her neck, in between the chitin.

“Meep!” Amy said as her shell keeping her insect wings safe popped half-open. “H-h-how did you learn that?” the nymph stammered as she fought her shell back down again.

“After that little mishap in Canterlot, I learned a great deal in case something like that ever arose again,” Ace mused, though his wide grin spoke volumes on how happy he was to test this particular training out. “Hmm, I find myself wanting to...experiment~”

“Ah…” Amy said with a blush through her chitin, something that was quite the feat as her shell finally closed again. “Something tells me that’s...not a good thing for me.”

“Well, if last night was any indication,” Ace mused as he let that comment hang in the air. He took a moment to wash his feathers, and smiled down at the changeling below him. “You were simply wonderful last night, by the way. I dare say you are one individual that I shall never forget.”

“And I’m not going to forget you either, Acey,” Amy said as she attempted to press herself against the griffon...reminding him a lot of an affectionate housecat. “Not only because I’m stealing your scarf, either.”

“I shall be wanting that back,” he reminded her. “However, I have also given thought to another matter as well. One that I had hoped you might be able to assist with.” He reached down and scratched her behind the ear, cocking an eyebrow when she actually purred.

“You can have it back when you come back from whatever your latest adventure is,” Amy said after the scratching stopped. “Gives you more incentive to come back.” With a blink, the nymph opened her eyes and looked up at the gryphon above her. “And what did you think I could help you with, Acey?”

“Well you see,” he replied with a champion poker face. “Should Midnight be willing to accept my help, I may need you for that too, I will have to train her anew. And such a task will take time, weeks, maybe more. And then here I am, with no place to stay should that event occur...”

“Yup, not a problem Acey!” Amy chirped. “...As long as you promise to give massaging ponies a try while you’re here so you can get out and socialize with other ponies more. And pay for your share of the rent. Then sure, you can stay with me while re-training Middy!”

“Well, I suppose I can agree to those terms,” Ace hummed and smiled. “Well then, I look forward to enjoying your company some more, my beautiful Lady~”

“Mmm,” Amy said as she leaned against Ace. “I’m going to remember you for a long time, Acey...when did you plan to go, again? I forgot to ask between rounds last night.”

“Well, should Midnight refuse my help, in the next day or two. Otherwise, I have no set date. My journey travels with the wind, the scent of thrill and adventure is my only guide.”

“I have an idea~” Amy sing-songed. “I will bet you...my choice of forms and order tonight, versus yours. That I can get Middy to ask you for retraining.”

Aerial Ace paused and craned his neck down to look at her. “That is an...interesting bet.” His beak split into a wide smile and he nodded. “Very well. You have until sundown today then. Think you can do it?”

“Puh-lease. Double or nothing. If she comes to you before lunch, I get tomorrow as well.”

As Ace shook her chitinous hoof, he felt as though he just made a deal with Discord. “Well, this is a curious feeling...I feel as though I have made a terrible mistake.” Or he did it on purpose. Yeah, let’s roll with that.

Amy just smiled and donned her female pony form, before trotting out of the bathroom and shooting a glance over her shoulder. “Look into massage parlours, Acey, you’re gonna be here for a while...and no slacking off when I get home tonight. I think I’m going to punish you with Cherry first.” With that, the mare wrapped his scarf around her neck before walking out of the apartment entire.

Ace watched her take the scarf and his eyes widened a little. “Oh, you are a clever little thing aren’t you?” he just chuckled as he shook some water free and looked around. He would still need something to cover his neck.

A little later, an imposing Griffon emerged wearing the manliest pink scarf to ever rock Equestria.

When Ledger slowly woke, again, for the fourth time, not all three ponies were currently inhabiting the bed. Only Cider lay beside the changeling, snoring cutely.

“Aww,” Ledger said reflexively. He scooted a little closer to the pony and cuddled her, enjoying the feeling of another pony snuggled up to his form. Briefly, he wondered where Midnight was, but figured she must just be exercising.

The sound of the door opening and a single wing flap told him otherwise. If not, then a heavy thump against him as Midnight snuggled both of them was a much clearer indicator.

“Morning~” she giggled, nuzzling the sleepy ponies.

“Mornin’” Ledger returned as he kissed the Thestral mare. “What were you up to?”

The batpony leaned back, and Ledger caught sight of a camera dangling around her neck. “Me? Just taking photos of the cutest thing I have ever seen~”

“Aww,” Ledger said as he leaned forward again, kissing the playful batpony. “Still, it’d have been nice to wake up to the both of you again.”

“Hm, maybe next time,” Midnight hummed. “But right now, I need you and Cider to wake up and come with me. If you miss out on this, your lives will be forever ruined!”

“I’ll go in a moment,” Ledger said as he released the farmmare and sneaked to the edge of their impromptu bed. “Once I am myself again and showered. You can wake up Cider.”

With that, the changeling drone donned his unicorn disguise again and was on his way to Cider’s bathroom, to keep up appearances. Midnight watched him leave, torn between waking her other love and showing her what she wanted, or joining Ledger in the shower again.

Decisions, decisions...

After the stallion emerged from his sadly uninterrupted shower, he found both of his mares at the top of the staircase, peeking past the railing and giggling softly.

“Okay, what did I miss?” he whispered to the pair of them.

They still turned and shushed him, before Midnight moved aside to let him in.

What he saw was Scope Lens, asleep in her Pegasus form. She had taken the blankets she retrieved last night, twisting and folding them until she was sound asleep in a literal nest. Her head was tucked under one of her wings and she snored quietly. Ledger smirked at the sight.

“She’s really taken to being a pegasus, hasn’t she?” he observed aloud. The voice was loud enough to cause the small mare to shift and awaken. She stretched her wings and yawned, before looking around sleepily and her eyes widened when she saw three sets of eyes peering at her.

Her blush was quite impressive as she shrieked and buried herself under all of the blankets.

“Aaaand somehow, she’s just become even cuter,” Ledger observed again, this time with a very wide smile on his face.

“I know right!” Midnight cooed as the mound of blankets shook slightly.

“You saw nothing!!” a muffled voice could be heard as Cider made her way into the kitchen to prepare coffee. A wide smile adorning her muzzle.

“Well then if we saw ‘nothing,’ then we only need to make three sets of breakfast and three cups of coffee,” Ledger pointed out.

The blankets shifted again as Scope poked her head out, her mane sticking out in every direction. “Go die of carapace rot!” she pouted at him. “Mistress! Master Ledger is picking on me~”

“Levvy, be nice to Scopey!” Midnight chided him as she followed Cider into the kitchen.

“Oh like you don’t think she’s adorable as well!” Ledger called to the fleeing Thestral mare. It only struck him a moment later as to what he basically told the smaller nymph.

“Y-Y-You...think...I’m...” If she wasn’t blushing before, she sure as hell was now. Scope Lens suddenly scooped all the blankets up with enough speed to make Rainbow Dash herself jealous, and flew upstairs.

“Aaand something tells me I’m going to be paying for that one,” Ledger observed as his own blush died quickly. Midnight couldn’t help herself as she set the table for breakfast.

“Levvy and Scopey, sittin’ in a tree~” she sang loudly.

“Midnight, don’t make me look in that spellbook again,” Ledger warned the mare. “I’m pretty sure I saw a section for pleasurable torture.”

“My safeword is Mangoes~” she giggled, giving her rump a little wiggle as she returned to the kitchen, leaving Ledger to construct his own mental images for what she meant by that. It took him a moment before his blush returned.

“...Let’s talk about something, anything else,” Ledger said as he sat at the table. “Like, Cider, would you like me to get you a bigger bed so that all three of us could sleep in it?”

“What?” Cider poked her head out and blinked at him. “Ah appreciate the thought Ledger, but y’all don’t have to go and do that. Ah don’t feel right askin’ something like that from you.”

“I still think I should, though,” Ledger said. “Besides which, aren’t you tired of waking up on the floor whenever one of us come over?”

“Ah reckon ah’m plenty comfy with you two by mah side,” she said, giving him a bashful smile. Ledger basked in the affection for a moment, smiling all the while, before shaking his head.

“Be that as it may, I’m even thinking of getting a larger bed for us back at the apartment,” Ledger said. “It barely fits two as is. No way it’d fit three if you came over.” Ledger looked to the kitchen and his eyes widened. “Why...don’t you send Midnight out so we can talk about this?”

“What is it with you ponies and letting me in the kitchen?” Midnight pouted. “You think the whole house will explode if I so much as set hoof inside here.”

“The truth hurts,” Scope nodded, having calmed down and returned.

Midnight sighed as she walked out, four mugs of coffee balanced on her wings.

“Aww, maybe when you learn how to stop things from bursting into flame whenever you walk by, we’ll trust you in a kitchen,” Ledger teased as he took two mugs from Midnight, one from each wing. One was passed to Scope, while he took the other and started sipping.

“You all suck,” Midnight pouted as she set Cider’s mug on the table and moved over to the couch, sipping at her delicious brew. “You’re the only one who loves me coffee.”

“There’s a difference between loving you and trying to commit insurance fraud by letting you try to cook,” Ledger pointed out.

“Yep, ah don’t have ‘Middy did it’ insurance,” Cider chuckled as she gulped down her coffee, not minding the hot drink in the slightest.

“So I can’t cook, whoopdeedoo,” Midnight frowned. She finished her coffee and headed for the door. “I’m going out to exercise. Be back later.”

“Think we went too far?” Ledger asked as the door swung shut.

“Ah didn’t think so, but she seems kinda edgy lately,” Cider looked at the two changelings. “Does it have to do with the thing that nopony’ll tell me about?”

“You had to ask while she was gone,” Ledger sighed. “I’d be willing to tell you what happened, but it’s not all my story to tell.”

“These two had some issues, things were said, feelings were hurt, they talked it out,” Scope said in a flat tone. “The details aren’t really important, but Midnight’s being a sadsap because of what her old teacher did. Took her fighting abilities away or something.”

“And when she comes back in, we can talk about it together,” Ledger said as though that sealed the matter. “Cider, how’s breakfast coming along?”

Meanwhile, in the orchard outside...

Midnight frowned, she knew they were only teasing, but she still snapped for some reason.

“Stupid Ace, I’ll pluck every feather from his body and use him as a pink pinata!” she shouted at the clouds as she ran around the edge of the orchard. After last time, she figured a good run would clear her head, and she was in no mood to sprain her wing again.

“I’d really rather you didn’t, it’d make our times together a lot less fun,” a familiar voice came from above her.

Midnight shrieked at the sudden voice and in one swift move, her hoof scooped a rock as she prepared to hurl it, only to see a pair of inquisitive red eyes stare back.

“A-Amethyst?” she blinked, dropping the stone. “What the hay?”

“Wow, he was right, you are really high-strung,” the pink pegasus said, Ace’s scarf flapping in the breeze around her neck. It took Midnight a second to recognize the article and blink in pure shock.

“T-That’s...but, that’s impossible, nopony has ever... HOW!?!?”

Amy’s only response was to grin and look at the farmhouse. “Got room for one more? Kinda left before I could have breakfast.”

“I guess, but. That scarf. Explain!” Midnight pointed at her. “That’s Ace’s scarf. Nopony has ever stolen that from him before. Not even me!”

“Hmm, I’ll make you a deal, Middy,” Amy said as she began to trot off. “You agree to go see Acey for re-training, and I’ll tell you how I got his scarf~”

“Acey? Retraining?” Midnight frowned as she stormed back towards the farmhouse as Amy followed. “And why should I? I could care less what he wants!”

“He did what he did because he loves you too, Middy,” Amy said softly. “It’s a different sort of love. Tough love, I think the griffons call it. If one of their cubs is headed down a wrong path and words don’t work...they take action. And then the cub doesn’t misbehave anymore. I’m not certain if he sees you as his daughter, mind...but he does love you like one.”

Midnight paused, as a certain memory came rushing back. Aerial Ace was the only being on the planet that Midnight respected as much as the princess, which was why when he did what he did, it hurt all the more. And really, a lot of good had come from it. Midnight was still mad, and she was still going to punch him in the beak for this. But even so...

“I know,” she said quietly. “It’s Ace being Ace, no more, no less.” She turned towards the pegasus and for the first time, an honest, pure smile adorned her muzzle. “Thanks... Amy.”

“You’re welcome!” the pink mare said as she hugged the Thestral. “And thanks for the smile, Middy. Now! Once we’re done eating breakfast and everypony goes off to do whatever, you are going to…?” Amy prompted the batpony, who sighed and nodded.

“I’ll go see Ace, but you’re being a little insistent aren’t...you...?” she looked at the mare as gears started to turn. “There’s... something in this for you? Isn’t there?”

“Nope!” Amy chirped. “Just making sure you say it out loud. I find it helps when ponies agree to something out loud. Makes it more real to them.” Her ever-present smile didn’t waver at all.

Song blinked and her eyes narrowed. “Hmm, well...let’s just...go eat then,” she said slowly. As she walked inside, a thought occurred and she grinned. “Oh Levvy~ I have a guest!”

“Who is it?” Ledger said as Cider began to bring their breakfasts out from the kitchen.

“Just a...friend!’ she giggled as she walked inside, motioning for Amy to introduce herself.

“Hiiiii!” Amy said, and Ledger’s head whipped around to see the pink mare that Midnight had brought in with her.

“Oh, the Pink,” Ledger calmly observed aloud.

Scope Lens blinked, before a high-pitched scream came from her mouth as her wings flared as she bolted for the door. “Nopenopenopenopenopenope!!”

“She...has heard about Pinks before,” Ledger explained to Amy.

“Aww, we’re not all crazy,” Amy pouted. “We just like looking on the bright side.” She tapped her chin with one hoof. “Maybe I could introduce myself to her as Cherry instead?”

Midnight zipped across to the other side of the room and grabbed the struggling Pegasus. Scope flailed, but couldn’t break Midnight’s grip.

“Gaaah! Noooo, don’t make me turn into a dragon again!”

“Do you even have enough energy reserves to do that?” Midnight tilted her head.

“I’ll find the bloody energy!” she shouted. Amy sat down on the floor to appear more non-threatening...and then she went into Pouty Amy mode.

“She...doesn’t wanna be my friend?” the pink pegasus asked with a sniff, as though she might break out crying at the very thought. Her eyes already appeared to be moist, and her lips were even quivering.

“Oh she’s good,” Midnight noted as Scope looked at her, then back to Midnight and Ledger for re-assurance that the Pink wasn’t going to eat her...or worse. Ledger had quite studiously avoided looking at Amy once he saw what she was breaking out. He’d been victim of Pouty Amy before and was in no mood to repeat the experience. If she started to actually cry, ponies had been known to do anything to make her stop.

“Uh, look, no offense, I just don’t get along with Pinks,” Scope said unsteadily. Amy responded by looking away and sniffing before getting to her hooves.

“It’s okay,” she said. “I’ll just go home. Alone. Without eating.”

Oh. Sweet Hives. Scope Lens felt like she’d kicked a puppy, then drained it and kicked it again for good measure. “Okay! Fine!” she shouted, folding her forelegs. “I’ll be your friend.”

Amy paused with one hoof out the door. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that,” she said, thankful for the fact that her face wasn’t facing them.

Scope frowned as Midnight nodded. “I said, I’ll be your damned friend. Now get over here and get your one, I repeat, ONE free hug before I change my mind.”

That...was a mistake, Scope would later reflect on. Almost too fast to see, the pink mare became a pink blur that surrounded her in a tight, near-chitin-cracking hug. “YAAAY!” Amy said, hugging the smaller pegasus with both her forelegs and her wings. “Thanks a bunch new friend!”

“I take it back!” Scope struggled helplessly. “Oh Hives~ Kill me now!”

“We’re gonna have so much fun together today!” the pink pegasus said, ignoring the smaller one’s protests. “I’m gonna take you to work and show you all the happy little foals I get to see every day…”

“My joy knows no bounds,” Scope said in a dead tone. She...did not agree with foals. They were sticky, noisy, annoying little balls of snot and tears.

“And if we’re lucky, I might even get to introduce you to Acey!” Amy said, as though Scope hadn’t said anything. Only when she was done, did the pink pegasus look up at the other members of the house. “You all don’t mind, right?”

Ledger barely fought his own smile down into a smirk. “Oh no, not at all, this’ll be good for her,” the unicorn said.

“Aw, my huggable little hatchling!” Midnight pouted, smirking at the Pegasus.

“I told you, YOU SAW NOTHING!” Scope shouted.

“You’ll get her back,” Amy replied with a wave of one hoof. “What’s the rental fee on her, anyways?”

“As long as you keep her watered and fed, I’m good,” Midnight mused. “And if she acts up, just let me know,” she leaned in close to the Pegasus and for a moment, the changelings could almost see the lust that rolled from her. “And I’ll punish her~”

“I’ll be on my best behavior Mistress Midnight!” Scope stammered. Ledger and Amy giggled, before Amy stood up and moved the smaller pegasus to her back.

“So, breakfast?” the pink pony chirped.

Cider smiled as she set the table and her sister all but floated downstairs from the smell.

“Ah smell Cider’s cookin’,” she hummed. Then laid eyes on Amy and grinned happily. “Oh, yer a new face. The name’s Apple Fritter! Pleased ta meetcha!” she held out a waiting hoof.

Amy took it and surprised Fritter by being the one to shake her hoof like there was no tomorrow. “Hiya Fritter, I’m Amethyst Cream, but call me Amy, all my friends do!” the pink pony said with her ever-present grin.

“Heh, y’all remind me of Pinkie Pie,” Apple Fritter beamed as she shook her hoof. “Pleased as punch ta meetcha Miss Amy!”

“Mmhmm, but c’mon, we’re missing out on the eats!” the pegasus said as she eventually broke the eternal hoof-shake and wandered over to the table. The spread was one that one would come to expect from an Apple. Pancakes, Waffles, coffee and fruit salad adorned the table. A veritable feast for the eyes and the tastebuds. Amy’s mouth watered and she barely kept all the drool in. She’d wait until the actual ponies took what they wanted first…

Ledger was of the same mind, only sipping at his coffee for the moment. He would wait until the others had taken what they wanted, then from there, he’d take what he needed.

Cider and Fritter stocked up on food, but not as much as usual, since work would be winding down for now. Midnight Song piled what would be considered a monolithic amount of pancakes and waffles, a waterfall of syrup drowning them. Ledger helped himself to a small pile of pancakes, with a side of fruit salad. Amy, meanwhile…

She just sat behind her pile of pancakes and waffles to rival Midnight’s own and blinked as everyone looked at her. “What?” she asked. “I need a lot of energy to keep up with all the foals I end up serving!”

Midnight and Amy exchanged a look and bumped hooves, before attacking their sugary towers with gusto. Scope just watched and shook her head, before nibbling on a small amount of salad. Just watching Midnight and Amy was making her ill.

Ledger just shook his head and finished his breakfast at about the same time Scope did. He winked at the small pegasus before walking over to Cider and Midnight and giving them both kisses on the cheeks. “I have to work today, and I’m actually going to try and put a full day’s worth in today. I’ll be at the apartment for dinner, which if all goes well, will be spaghetti. If either of you mares want to join me for that, feel free~”

“Sounds good,” Cider nodded. “Perhaps I’ll stay over there tonight?”

“That would be awesome!” Midnight giggled, rocking in her chair as Ledger kissed her. She smiled and looked at him, then to Scope. “Aw, doesn’t Scopey get one?”

Scope’s eyes widened as she looked at the drone. “Don’t. You. Dare!”

Unfortunately, Ledger took both of their statements as dares...and he’d never been one to back down from a dare~

The unicorn drew close to the petite pegasus, a wicked grin splitting his muzzle as he looked at her.

“I’m warning you Ledger!” Scope said. Given his issues, there was no way in Tartarus he would willingly kiss a nymph. And she couldn’t transform with Fritter in the room. However, the key statement, it turned out, was that he wouldn’t willingly kiss a nymph. As she was right now, though he knew she was a nymph underneath…

He leaned forward and gave the small pegasus a quick peck on the cheek before smirking and trotting on his merry way. While internally he’d been panicking up a storm at doing that to even a disguised nymph...the fact that she didn’t resemble one at the moment helped a lot.

“GAH!” Scope scrubbed her cheek with a hoof. “Bastard, I didn’t think he’d actually do that... ohno!” she shrieked as Midnight leapt at her, peppering her face in little kisses and giggling.

“Welcome to mah life,” Cider sighed as she ate.

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