• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,652 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 25 - Clear as Crystal

The day had finally come. Ledger had managed to not only get the price of a ticket to the Crystal Empire down to reasonable levels.

Not only had gotten a line on a cheap hotel and a possible source or two of Crystal Berries for Apple Cider.

But he secured three tickets!

...Midnight, still being an agent of Celestia, got to travel for free.

Upon informing the other mares that he had tickets to go to the empire of crystals and ruled by a pink Alicorn, their reactions were...

“Well, of course ah’ll go,” Cider commented. “You still don’t know much about farmin’ so my knowledge will be useful.”

And Scope Lens?

“While I appreciate the gesture, won’t I just be in the way,” she said, not looking up from her new Daring Do book.

“So, you’d rather be left here, all alone, in a city with Amy in it, while everypony else goes up to the empire?” Ledger questioned. “Besides which, it’d be really hard for you to court me when I’m a whole empire away.”

“Don’t flatter yourself,” Scope blushed as she put her book into her saddle bag. Aside from that, she had also acquired all the Daring toys from Hayburger. “But you have a point about that Pink. When do we leave?”

Midnight chuckled as she finished packing her bag. Her body had aches all over it, thanks to Aerial Ace’s brutal training. But she was learning new things, and slowly, she was getting over her fears from Canterlot. Next time, she wouldn’t fail in protecting everypony.

“Train leaves at three,” Ledger said, looking at a clock that said one-thirty. “It’ll take us a whole day to get there, so pack something to entertain you on the way there and back.” That being said, he’d packed his bag. With his book, and that was it.

He didn’t even leave it out of sight at Cider’s for very long.

“Well, best get there early,” Midnight said as she closed her bag. As a Guard, she was used to traveling light. It seemed the only one with luggage at all was Cider.

“Ah feel sad,” she said. “Y’all look like homeless ponies, with how little you all have.”

“That’s our choice,” Ledger said. “Don’t even try denying that you enjoyed breaking in the new bed.”

“Y’all nearly broke it with how enthusiastic you were,” Cider blushed.

“And one of these days, you’ll remember that Cider’s room doesn’t have soundproofing,” Scope added, her own face red.

“Who says we didn’t remember then?” Ledger asked, perfectly straight-faced for all of two seconds before his expression morphed into a grin.

“Ass,” Scope muttered.

Everypony else laughed at a routine that was quickly becoming a regular occurrence. The three had moved in with Cider, and Ledger had felt much better when he received a significant portion of what had been in his study. The rest had been too contaminated by dark magic and had to be destroyed.

Aside from her room, Cider’s house also had two spare rooms. One had become Scope’s bedroom, and the other remained a guest room, due to the frequent visits from Cider’s family. She had a small crafts room that had been redone as Ledger’s new study, as he needed one for work.

All in all, life had returned to normal. Scope still assisted Midnight with her job, and also helped out around the farm on occasion. Winter was about to set in, as weather teams prepped for the first snowfall.

And now they were off to the Crystal Empire.

“Well, you always have the option to join us, Scopey,” Ledger said as he slipped his saddlebags on. “I’m sure you’ll work up the courage to ask sometime this millennium.”

“Argh! You are so insufferable!” she yelled. “Fine. Can I please come with you?”

“Oh, give Ledger a few minutes and he could easily make you come Scopey~”


“I am shocked, madam! Shocked and betrayed!” Ledger said, putting a hoof to his chest as he pulled Scope in for a hug. “Your insinuations wound me and her!”

“What, that it’d take you that long?” Cider said as straight as an arrow.

“That I wouldn’t do everything in my power to draw it out~” Ledger said in a now husky tone...right into Scope’s ear.

“Aaaaand you were doing so well,” Scope Lens sighed, not moving from the hug though. Honestly, she was getting used to the teasing at this point. She didn’t really mind though. “Why am I dreading spending the next few hours alone with you lot in a small steel box?”

“Probably because you know us,” Ledger said as he floated a ticket down in front of the small pegasus. “And maybe you misheard me, but I said it’d take us a day to get where we’re going.”

“Oh for Hives sake,” Scope sighed. “Well, at least I have the option of jumping from a moving train.”

“Safety wards to prevent that sort of thing were installed a hundred years ago,” Ledger said as he finally released the small mare. “Afraid you’re stuck with us. If you ask nicely, we’ll either try to keep the rutting down, or add you to it.”

“I regret all my life choices,” she deadpanned. “And are we going to keep teasing me? Or shall we catch the train before we’re too late?”

“We can still tease you on the way,” Ledger said as he stood up and put Scope on his back. “Coming, my mares?” he asked of Midnight and Cider.

“We already did that,” Midnight giggled. “That was why we did laundry at six AM.”

“It seems these two aren’t letting go anytime soon,” Cider sighed as she took Scope from Ledger and trotted off. “Let’s go Scopey.”

“Hey!” Ledger said as he followed after the Earth Pony. “I can walk and snark at the same time!”

“Right, drones can’t multitask,” Scope replied, waving from Cider’s back as she shifted to her Unicorn form. That way, she could counter if he tried to cheat with magic.

It didn’t stop Midnight from zooming past, snaring the mare and flying off, Scope yelling the whole time.

“Well...how do ya like them apples?” Cider sighed.

“We just have to trust they’ll be there on time,” Ledger shrugged. “Now, shall I accompany you to the luggage car of our ride, milady?”

“Why, such a gentlecolt,” Cider giggled. “Ah believe you may do just that good sir!”

After arriving at the station and seeing to Cider’s luggage being loaded, the Earth Pony and the Unicorn had walked through the train, looking for a good place for four ponies to sit for such a long ride.

Fortunately, a compartment wasn’t taken, and Ledger tested the integrity of the charms on it to make sure it’d been soundproofed and heated before nodding. “This one will work,” Ledger said. “The magic on it is still strong.”

“So, I will spend the next day in this tiny box with you three?” Scope sighed. “Wonderful.”

“You know you love us Scopey,” Midnight chuckled, nudging her inside the cabin.

“That’s the problem...”

“Only if you keep making it one,” Ledger said as he sat down, before educating the nymph. “You are aware that it’s the light and love of the Crystal Ponies that powers the Heart that keeps their Empire safe, right? And that they’re ruled over by Cadence, the Alicorn of love, right? I hear she’s very good at seeing love between ponies.”

“Good thing I’m a changeling,” Scope said, then a thought occurred to her as the train gave a shrill whistle. “Tell me, you recall the Canterlot wedding our kind trashed, yes?”

“Well aware,” Ledger said with a nod.

“Well, then you should know who was getting married. And who runs the Imperial City we are about to visit...”

“Yup, this’ll be fun,” Ledger agreed with a grin. “On the one hoof, we could be walking into the Ursa’s den. On the other hoof, you could be completely wrong, and she’s able to see the love between all beings. This could go horribly, or awkwardly.”

“We’re gonna die,” Scope replied dryly. “Well, I survived two Alicorns, so third time lucky perhaps.”

“You know, you’re being especially ‘Scopey’ today,’ Midnight hummed. “You need to loosen up. Relax a little. Maybe play with your Daring Do toys for a while?”

“H-H-How the hell do you know about that!?” Scope blushed, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head.

“Ledger muttered it in his sleep once,” Midnight smiled as Scope turned on him. Her glare promising all manner of painful deaths. Ledger settled for a quick hug of the petite pegasus before kissing her on the top of her head. Hopefully that still worked...

She responded by shifting into her true form, and enjoying the brief moment of panic that caused as she buzzed free. “Hehe, can’t do much now huh?” she giggled. This was always her trump card for getting him to stop.

“Scopey, that’s cheating,” Cider hummed, snuggling up against Ledger. “You know he doesn’t like it when you do that.”

“Eh, the more she does it, the more used to it I get,” Ledger said as he waved a hoof. “One day it just won’t work anymore.”

“Buzzkill,” Scope pouted as she donned the Pegasus form and sat next to Midnight. “So, how are sleeping arrangements going to work for this trip? If we aren’t getting there till tomorrow...”

“Ah doubt the beds in the sleeper car will fit three ponies,” Cider said. “So the question remains... who gets to sleep with who?”

The three mares looked at one another with passive stares, but the atmosphere was anything but. There was enough pressure to squash an Ursa Major right now.

“Well,” Ledger observed aloud, “I doubt Scope wants to sleep with me at this juncture. No offense.”

Cider and Midnight were already butting heads as they looked into one another's eyes. Before their wrath turned on Ledger.

“Well then,” they said in unison. “Choose!”

“...Y’know what, at this point?” Ledger said with a deadpan as he put Scope on his back. “If the pair of you aren’t going to be civil about it, I’ll cuddle her to sleep. Yeah, she might hate it, but at least I know where she stands. I pick either of you, the other will destroy me for choosing. I only have to worry about her biting me if I choose Scope.”

Scope looked at them and sighed. “You know...the sleeper car is four single beds. You are aware of that fact yes?”

The look on Ciders and Midnight’s faces said that they did not.

“And secondly,” Scope said while she was on a roll. “We have to come back right? Even if you could sleep with him. One could do so on the way, and the other on the way back. Hives, it’s like I’m the only one with intelligence on a measurable level.”

“Let’s be fair,” Ledger said. “They’re not exactly thinking logically right now, and when they put me in those sorts of situations, neither do I. If I didn’t have two mares being very irrational at me, I’m pretty sure I’d have come to the same conclusion as you did Scope. That being said, well done on refining my headache.”

“I try,” Scope hummed as she sat down. “Silly ponies amuse me.”

“Still, I think I’m just going to sit over here and hug you while the pair of them work out a reasonable compromise,” Ledger said as he did just that, before saying something to her in Changeish. “With any luck, they’ll argue until they fall asleep.

“One can only hope,” Scope hummed. After a few words and some conspiring whispers. The two mares trotted off in search of the snack car, leaving the two Changelings alone in the carriage.

“So...” Scope hummed, rocking in her seat. “What’s new?”

“Not much,” Ledger said with a hum. “Although...it took me about a week and a half to get to Las Pegasus from the closest border town...” He seemed to be thinking of something, before he broke into a grin. “Factoring in your warning, along with Equestria’s rail system...I’d say a certain solar Alicorn is probably going to be meeting some very unique ponies right about now. What I would not give to be a fly on that wall.”

Scope blinked, before her eyes widened as she realized what he was talking about. “You mean...you sicced the Seven, on the ruler of the entire pony nation?”

“For something like that commendation,” Ledger clarified, “I would be highly surprised if they Seven didn’t come themselves to see both Princesses.”

“You know, for once I agree with you. I would pay anything to see that meeting. Though, they may fight with each other so much...well,” Scope paused and snickered, her eyes dancing with mirth. “I hear the moon is lovely this time of year.”

“They’d be lucky if they didn’t get the sun,” Ledger snerked, before thinking. “Um. And does...anybuggy have any idea where the Pink might be?”

“Well, last I heard...” Scope hummed as she reached out with her magic. Somepony in the next carriage had a lot of love floating about, they wouldn’t miss a small bit. “They were...hmm, that’s odd. I can’t remember.”

“Typical Pinks,” Ledger said as he rolled his eyes. “I swear, I would not be surprised if my family started to pay a visit as well, with all this attention going around. They’ll likely put a few things together. I’ll be sure to warn you if one of them does show up.”

"Your parents? Why would I be worried about them?” she inquired with a head tilt. Ledger shook his head before replying.

“It’s not my parents I’m afraid of you meeting, it’s...okay, mom has a small...ish, amount of drones that live with her besides my dad. And I was the firstborn. She...decided to give a kid to all the other drones as well. And she’s the noble of the family, so all my siblings are as well,” Ledger outlined.

“So, you have a big family,” she said. “Lemme guess, you have some obnoxious little sister?”


“Why aren’t you saying anything?”

All of my siblings are obnoxious, or I’m just the weird one,” Ledger said. “First, we have my younger brothers. A Red, Yellow, and Blue. And they’re either plotting together or fighting each other.”

“Sounds fun,” Scope deadpanned. “When growing up, it was just me and a small legion of blues. Ate the same meals. Did the same training. It was like...looking in a mirror all day, every day.”

“My sympathies,” Ledger said honestly. “But you didn’t let me finish. My first sister is a Green...and we barely get along. I tried to measure, she tried to describe, how our arguments end up...and we both failed. And then we have my youngest sibling.” Here Ledger paused for a moment, as if trying to figure out the right words to use.

“She’s...a Pink.”

“You have my sympathies,” Scope said, looking like somepony had just died. “So, I take it that she’s the little monster of the family?”

“You’ve met Amy...or Cherry, whichever side the Pink of Las Pegasus used, right?” Ledger asked.

Scope shuddered and looked out the window. “Ace will never know how grateful I am for him, as he seems to have distracted her from my losing my bet.”

“Little Joyful-Heart is worse,” Ledger deadpanned. “She’d be about the age I was when I set off on my journey by now...so eleven. Close to twelve. And a noble to boot.”

“A noble. Pre-teen. Pink?” Scope had a faraway look in her eyes. Something like that should never be unleashed upon the world. “O-On a lighter note, where have those ponies of yours gone?”

“Eh, just the car in front of us,” Ledger said. “Even I can feel that. Though...hmm. There is a lot of love on this train, isn’t there?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I know,” Scope said, rubbing her belly. “I can sense a good deal of loyalty as well, and that overconfident love? Hives, it feels like there’s an orgy and I wasn’t invited.”

“Even if you were, you’d probably sit it out,” Ledger teased. “You’re no Violet after all.”

“I can’t believe they did that to me,” she frowned. “I wish to enact some revenge at some point, in the form of a rather embarrassing prank. I could use assistance in this matter.”

“Well,” Ledger said with a smirk. “I have it on good authority the Violets are looking into brewing their own drinks. Now, I can’t condone something happening to all the drinks they make...but perhaps just a bottle or two would be enough to sate your desire for revenge?”

“I like the sound of that,” Scope giggled. “I have it on good authority that they keep a special wine for their, activities. Perhaps we could...spice things up?”

“I leave it entirely up to you,” Ledger said with a grin. “Sadly, that does mean entirely, but I am happy to have given you a nudge in the right direction...and if you want spice, mix a large quantity of cinnamon with some of those peppers that pony with the large sunhat grows.”

“An interesting proposal,” Scope hummed a she rubbed her hooves together. “Or, I mix a little sleepweed. Doesn’t affect us changelings unless it’s a high dose. But a pony?” she chuckled darkly and Ledger could swear that he saw some lightning flash. “Imagine the look on the Violets face when their stallion falls asleep mid-buck?”

“Better idea, tone back the amount of sleepweed,” Ledger said with a wicked grin. “If you use a small enough amount, it acts to help keep the stallion from getting aroused in the first place.”

Scope chuckled, perhaps one more fitting a dark king, or a wicked queen of the night.


In the snack cart, Midnight shuddered as she browsed the salad bar. She looked at her marefriend, who was busy tutoring the poor chef in the proper art of peeling apples.

“I feel...a disturbance in the sexyforce...”


“Though, if Midnight or Cider come to me wondering why they haven’t felt ‘in the mood’ for long enough for it to be unnatural to them, you’d best believe I’ll point them in your direction,” Ledger warned the nymph. “I’m no Blue.”

“You wound me dear Ledger, would I be so vindictive as to do something like that?” Scope said cutely, batting her eyes.

“To get a moment of peace and quiet? I’m surprised you don’t have some packed,” Ledger said in an even tone.

Scope held her saddlebag a little closer.

Midnight and Cider eventually returned, the later looking quite satisfied with herself.

“Look, all ah’m sayin’ is that iffn y’all are gonna say yer a ‘Master Chef’, then at least know how to peel an apple correctly!”

“Well, maybe I can peel your apple later~” Midnight winked, causing her mare to blush and splutter.

“You have no idea how right you are," Scope sighed to Ledger.

Later that evening, the weather had started to cool significantly as Scope let out a small shiver. She hated cold weather. Midnight had put her wing around her as porters dispensed blankets and pillows to those that wanted them, as well as pots of coffee and hot chocolate.

Lush green fields had started to give way to snow-covered plains as Luna’s moon started its climb. Without the light pollution from the big city, the night sky was so clear, an ocean of stars spread as far as the eye could see.

Midnight sighed softly as she stared out of the window.

“Can’t sleep?” Ledger softly asked, not looking up from his book. At some point during the night, he had cracked it open and all but buried his muzzle in it.

“Hmm, not really.” Midnight hummed as she looked at Scope’s sleeping form. “I’m a little jealous of Pegasi,” she gave her leathery wings a small flutter. “These aren’t made to keep me warm.”

“And ‘lings hate cold weather more than you,” Ledger said as he turned a page. “Were it not for the fact that the empire has a weather shield around it, I wouldn’t even consider going. We don’t do well in the cold in our true forms. Even when we shift, we can feel it.”

“Yeah, that must suck,” Midnight hummed as she pulled Scope closer to use her body heat. “Still, it’ll be nice to visit the Empire. I wonder if Shiny Hiney is doing okay.”

“You know the newest prince?” Ledger asked, looking over his book at the batpony.

“Well duh, I was in the Solar Guard for the last five years. Who do you think my Captain was?”

“Fair enough,” Ledger said with a chuckle as he returned to his book, before pausing and asking another question. “Compared to your fears...would you say he’s better or worse regarding...”

“Honestly? I have no idea,” Midnight replied with a small frown. “I mean, he has a lot of hate for Chrysalis personally. But I don’t know where he stands on other Changeling’s. At best, I’d say something ranging between strong distrust to kill on sight.”

“Whelp, let’s just hope they haven’t added an anti-changeling charm to their weather shield,” Ledger said as he returned to his book, flipping a page. “Cause otherwise, this would be the shortest visit ever for me and Scope.”

“Well, I’ll ask the kitchen for a paint scraper if the shield works then,” Midnight chuckled. “Though, I’d prefer if my special somebuggies didn’t come home in a jar.”

“As would we,” Ledger said, nodding as kept reading. “Hmm, nearly forgot about that...and I need to add a spell here.” With that, Ledger pulled out an inkpot and quill from his saddlebags, before scratching something into the book.

“Watcha writing there?” Song inquired, trying to peer over the edge of the book, but couldn’t without waking Scope.

“Just the details of the spell you and Cider seem to enjoy so much, along with my observations about variables that can be tweaked in it,” Ledger said as the quill kept moving. “Every bit of knowledge is useful, after all. Who knows, I might be able to derive a spell from this to make brussel sprouts and spinach taste palatable to a certain Thestral.”

“Yeah, best of luck with that,” Midnight poked out her tongue. Ledger just scratched another note in next to the spell, before pausing and flipping back to earlier pages and scratching more notes down.

“And now I have ideas,” Ledger said with a smirk. “Well, I think that’ll be enough for right now.” With a quick flash-dry spell to make sure the ink didn’t run, the book was snapped shut and returned to his bag, along with the quill and ink.

“I hate it when you say that,” Midnight smirked. “Because it usually means that Cider or myself are going to be inevitable test subjects.”

“You liked the last test, and I was the test subject,” Ledger refuted. “Well, mostly.”

“Make it taste like chocolate, and every mare in Equestria will be eating out of your hoof,” Midnight laughed. Ledger merely raised a hoof and pointed at his bag.

“Already written down,” he said. “Along with the defaults that you two seem to enjoy. I might be able to use that spell on other things, but until I do, I’m keeping my tinkering with it secret.”

“Of course you have,” Midnight facehooved before yawning cutely. She snuggled in her blanket a little more and sighed. “I guess I should get some sleep. Just never could do so on transport of any kind.”

“Dare I ask why?” Ledger queried. “You’re surrounded by ponies who trust you and, I hope, you trust in turn.”

“Ah, it’s nothing like that. I’m just sensitive to movement, so I have trouble falling asleep.” Midnight yawned again, but her eyes refused to stay closed. “I can always nap later. So don’t worry about me.”

“Nonsense,” Ledger said with a wave of his hoof. “I think I can help.” With a moment of concentration and a tongue sticking out of his mouth, Ledger nodded and opened his mouth again.

His previous attempt at singing had been...atrocious. This, was significantly better.

He sang to Midnight softly, in the Changeish tongue, something that sounded remarkably like a lullaby even with the language barrier. She closed her eyes, just listening to the song.

That was the thing about music, you didn’t need to understand the words to understand the emotion and purpose behind it. After a few minutes, Midnight Song was off to Luna’s Realm.

“And then there was one,” Ledger said as he closed his eyes. And soon, not even he remained awake.

The shrill whistle of the train provided a rather rude and unwanted awakening to the group, a certain Thestral’s sensitive hearing provided the greatest reaction, as she clung to the overhead compartment, her fur standing on end and her eyes as wide as saucers.

“I’ll get the coffee,” Ledger groused as he stood up and stretched, double-checking his disguise was active before nodding at the others. “You two can come up with a breakfast menu you want me to grab after you get the bat down from the belfry.”

Cider blinked a sleepy eye and thumped the wall of the room, as Midnight came crashing down to the ground, one of the bags landing on top of her.

“Ah bagged a bat,” she muttered, before going back to sleep. Ledger just shook his head and left to get the coffee anyways.

He never could go back to sleep immediately after waking up. Part habit, he supposed. Every time he tried, time just ticked by and he got more irritable the longer he was awake without coffee. With a quick check, the unicorn nodded and was off to the dining car for coffee for them all.

Scope stretched not unlike a cat and yawned adorably. Now that her source of warmth was on the floor, she saw no reason to remain asleep.

“So, where’s the Great Prince of Snarkness?’ she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Midnight just groaned and Cider snored peacefully.

“Well, great help you two are,” she muttered. It would be a minute before Ledger returned, but when he did, it was with something that immediately changed the mood in the room.

He came back with three separate cups of coffee for them, while sipping from a fourth.

“Mine!” Scope cried, diving across the cramped room, snaring one cup and landing on the opposite chair, already sipping at it, her wings fluttering with excited content.

“And good morning to you too,” Ledger said as he floated the other cups past Midnight and Cider’s muzzles, waiting for a reaction. A chocolate hoof snared her cup, a tongue flickering out from under the bag to sip at the coffee.

Cider defied physics as she moved from a horizontal to a vertical position. Her mane sticking out like a Neighponese comic character.

“Coffeeeeee...” she groaned as she took the mug.

“And once you are more civilized, we can talk breakfast delivery,” Ledger said with a smile. The mare downed her coffee down in a gulp, sighing contently. Her azure eyes opened and looked much more alive.

“Well, how’s everypony doing this mornin’? Ah slept like a pig in a blanket.”

“And Cider’s countryisms never fail to produce interesting mental images,” Midnight hummed as she sat up.

“So. what do you guys want to eat?” Ledger said as the drank from his cup again.

“You know, I could really go for some fish,” Midnight hummed. “It’s so damned cold, I want something warm to eat.”

“I second that,” Scope hummed. “And I might scry for some Loyalty or Determination. That never fails to warm the chitin.”

“All ah want is some toast with fruit,” Cider said, blinking slightly. “But now that feels either very plain or just out of place with you lot.”

“It’s fine,” Ledger said as he smiled at Cider. “So, toast with fruit for you?”

“Please,” Cider nodded.

“Aww, now I want fruit toast as well,” Midnight said as her stomach rumbled. “Here’s an idea, why don’t we all go and eat in the dining car?”

“Because having everypony move through these hallways would be an experience,” Ledger deadpanned. “But if you two wanna go get some more physical foodstuff, feel free.”

“Whelp, we’ll do just that,” Cider nodded and grabbed her marefriend, dragging her off.

“Alone again,” Scope hummed, a small smirk on her face. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were doing it on purpose Ledger~”

“It’s a total coincidence, I swear,” Ledger said as he sat opposite the smaller pegasus. “Once they’ve had their fill, we can go get ours.”

“Shouldn’t be hard,” Scope hummed, switching to her Unicorn form. “Somepony on this train has a butt-ton of love floating about. Most seems to be focused on a single other, but it drifts around as well...”

“You realize, that could be any couple?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow. “Plus we’re going to the city of love. Assuming we can get in, as long as you keep your cover up, I doubt you’ll go hungry.”

“Yeah,” Scope yawned again and sipped at her coffee. “The barrier around the city still concerns me though. I really don’t feel like being squished.”

“We’ll be fine. Probably. Most likely.” Ledger paused and ran a few numbers in his head. “Okay, I put our odds at fifty-fifty, actually. How fast are you at teleporting?”

“If I build a charge now and keep it on standby? About a half second, with a range of around a third of a mile or so.”

“Good,” Ledger said with a nod. “Think you could take two?”

“As long as you’re touching me at the time, it shouldn’t be a problem... I’ll need a little more power though...” Scope blushed slightly.

“Willingly given,” Ledger said with a smile. “We’d just need to get off the train if the barrier proves to be harmful to us...and then somehow survive until another train comes by...y’know what, I say stock up on the ambient emotions while you can, Scope. We might need it.”

The train gave another whistle just as Midnight and Cider returned.

“All passengers. We are around fifteen minutes from our destination. Please ensure that you have all of your belongings.”

“I think I’ll need to hurry,” Scope said and turned to face Midnight. “Mistress? If you would be so kind as to forgive me?”

“For wha-MMPH?” Midnight’s reply was cut off as Scope leaned up and kissed her deeply, a fierce blush adorning her face.

Cider watched as she ate her toast. “Well,” she said after swallowing. “That’s new.”

“I give it a seven,” Ledger said as he rotated a few joints to work the kinks out of them. “She took Midnight by surprise. Now if Midnight had gotten into it, it’d be an eight, easy. Nine if she was using her tongue.”

There was a brief glimmer in Midnight’s eye as she smiled and pushed the nymph down on the seat, straddling her chest and deepening the kiss, Scope protested at first, before moaning as she wrapped her hooves around the Thestral.

“Yer just had to go and give ‘er ideas huh?” Cider replied dryly.

“Yup,” Ledger said shamelessly. “And if it were to get into ten territory, well, we don’t actually have time for that, so I will pull the two of them apart if it gets any more raunchy.”

“Pwah!” Scope pushed the Thestral back and panted. “O-Okay...I..have enough...now...”

“Aw, I was just getting started,” Midnight hummed, before she shook her head and smiled sheepishly. “Eh...sorry about that Levvy, Cidey.”

Cider shrugged, “Meh, it was a nice show.”

“A fine show indeed,” Ledger agreed, before retrieving the small unicorn and putting her on his back. “Scope and I are going to get something to munch on from the dining car before they close down. I hope you two don’t mind being left alone.”

“Sure, abandon your lovely marefriends,” Midnight swooned dramatically. “Left alone in the cold, lonely railcar...”

Scope had already hopped down from Ledger’s back and walked out of the room at the sound of the over-dramatic tone Midnight was using..

“Wow...maybe it’d be colder going with you,” the Thestral hummed.

“Besides which, you have Cider. If you’re still lonely with her around, we’re doing something wrong,” the unicorn observed before closing the door behind him with a snicker.

“Only if she starts going on about apples again!” Midnight called out, then paused as she felt a glaring pair of azure eyes on her.

“And what exactly is wrong with apples!?” Cider said sternly.

“Celestia save me,” Midnight whispered as the apple-related tirade started...

As Ledger and Scope passed another private cabin, the unicorn mare paused, tilted her head and then shrugged before continuing. “Huh? That was weird...”

“You’re more sensitive than I am to those sorts of things anyways,” Ledger pointed out as the pair of unicorns prepared to enter the diner car. “Which means I’m hoping you’ll be able to tell me when the shield is coming, so we can brace ourselves.”

“Yeah, I’m keeping an eye on that...” Scope said offhandedly. “Just...thought I sensed somepony familiar. But then, all these ponies look and smell alike.” Ignoring the sense of deja vu, she trotted after Ledger, her tail swaying slightly as one of Midnight’s songs got stuck in her head.

Level quickly grabbed ahold of the door in front of them with his magic and yanked it open, trying to act as a wind-block for the smaller unicorn during their travel between cars. While there wasn’t much wind, normally, they were going at a pretty nice clip. Thankfully, the next car wasn’t that far from where they’d started, and with a repeat performance, Ledger and Scope were in the dining car.

“Okay, I motion that we not do that again until we absolutely have to,” Ledger said, shaking himself from the cold.

“N-No k-kidding...” Scope shivered. At least the dining car was heated, and Scope was seriously tempted to just Teleport back to the cabin. “S-So, any idea...what you wanna get?”

“I doubt anything they made will stand up to the things you and Cider get up to, but I’ll give it a go,” Level said as the heat finally sunk in. While the downside of being a Changeling was, besides everything else, being quicker to freeze, that also meant that when they were put in a warm environment, ‘lings warmed up quickly too. “I’ll just take a look and see what’s available. Didn’t really get a good look when I came here for the coffee.”

Scope finally warmed up also, switching from cold to hot so fast was annoying, not to mention a good way to catch a cold. Something further down the carriage suddenly caught her attention, and decided to get a better look, slipping away unnoticed and leaving Ledger to talk to himself as he scanned the menu. The taller unicorn eventually caught on that he’d been abandoned and looked at the menu before smiling.

“Omelets. I love a well-done omelet,” the brown-coated stallion said before walking up to the ponies in charge of making the food.

“Your best omelet, please,” Ledger said as he sat himself at the bar separating him from the chefs.

“Right away, sir,” the Earth Pony said with a nod before turning and trotting down to Scope. “And you, little miss?” she said, looking at the smaller unicorn with a smile.

“Uh, same, whatever!” Scope waved her off as she as trounced some foals playing the Daring Do Trading Card game. “HAH! The Alicorn Amulet! Suck it!”

“Aw man!” the colt opposite her sighed. “Three minutes... so not cool...”

“Your daughter is quite energetic,” the mare said before turning her back and beginning her work. Thus, she did not see that Ledger had frozen in place as his brain tried to process her statement with his reality.

And failed miserably.

After four consecutive wins and some sharing of addresses for later correspondence, Scope trotted back over to Ledger, placing some cards that the kids had given her into her bag. She raised one eyebrow at the look on his face.

“Uh, you okay there Ledger? You look like somepony after dealing with that Pink menace.”

The chef returned then, placing a large and regular omelet in front of Ledger and Scope, respectively. “Two omelets with all the additions,” she chirped happily. “It’s so nice to see a dad and his daughter making the trip to the Crystal Empire together.” With that, the oblivious mare turned to her next customer. She’d wait until they were done eating before collecting her pay.

“Wai- whaaa?” Scope paused as she looked at Ledger, and then the grin on her face spread so wide, it made Ghastly Gorge look like a crack in the pavement. “Oh? I see, thanks for the breakfast... Daddy~”

“Scope...just...no,” Ledger said as he slowly came back to rationality. “Please no. There is not enough no in any tongue to express how much I don’t want you saying that word to me.”

“Yeah...even I have limits,” she poked at her omelet and shrugged. “Well...it was funny at the time and-” Her horn suddenly flared up as a light washed over them. It pushed them lightly, kinda like hitting water face first, before their entire body felt like it had pins and needles.

Ah...hello. Well...you two are...interesting.

Ledger heard that in his head before turning to Scope, an expression of confusion written across his face. “Did you hear that?” he whispered to the smaller unicorn.

“I’m a little more concerned that we just passed the shield without dying...” Scope replied, her eyes wide. Okay, who the buck are you?

Relax, little form-shifters...or is that not the name you use anymore? In any case, I decide who enters and who doesn’t...and it is my job to dispel darkness and keep the wicked away. I see no reason to bar you from entering, as long as you don’t attempt any violence upon the ponies of this empire. Your pasts may be...cloudy, but you have worked hard to redeem yourself, as your hearts shine brightly with love and light.

“Oh buck,” Ledger said, eyes shrinking in panic. “We’re being judged by the Heart itself.”

“That’s...impossible,” Scope whispered. “It’s just a thing. An artifact born of powerful magic. How is it sentient...and why does it sound so cute!?”

Aww, thanks for the compliment! And not everyone can hear me. Your kind certainly can, and the one that sits on the throne at the moment, this Cadance? If she tried, she might hear me as well. It takes understanding love, or being connected to it...differently, like you, to hear me. There was a pause for a moment, before the voice continued. And I honestly don’t know how I first came to have actual thoughts. One moment I’m just a relic...and the next, I’m being filled with light and love and wisdom and understanding and...I’m connected to everypony in the Empire. Not a lot of ponies seem to think that the connection could be two-way. I’ve learned from them as I’ve protected them.

“Not even Princess Heart-butt knows?” Scope blinked.

She never asked, was the reply.

“Hey, I think I like this guy,” Ledger said with a grin.

“You would,” Scope sighed. “Still, this is interesting...a little weird having somebuggy talk in my head without the Hivemind spell, but interesting.”

Just a fair warning to you. You ought to be able to survive on the ambient love, and if you need a little, just let me know. Don’t go draining my charges. Understand?

Ledger nodded, even though the Heart wouldn’t be able to hear it. “Got it.”

“Pft, with Midnight, we never have to fear starving,” Scope chuckled. “I think that mare might have more love than even you Hearty~”

You mean the damaged mare? The heart asked somberly. Yeah, I’ll do my best to help her while she’s here...this is probably the best place for her to be, actually. Oh, and just so you know? The prince...is of the opinion that me doing my job means he’ll never see one of your kind up here, so he’s not worried about you. I’m hesitant to say what your final fate would be if he found you...but if he tries anything, just call for me. I’ll try to get in touch with Cadance before anything...too bad happens.

“Again, I counter with ‘We have a Midnight’,” Scope giggled. Now that would be something, Midnight Song vs. Shining Armor.

Fair enough...oh, and let me be the first to say this. Welcome to the Crystal Empire. Enjoy your stay. With that, the voice cut out with a small squeal before even that vanished.

“Okay, that. That was the fourth weirdest thing I’ve experienced.” Ledger said, slowly shaking his head before resuming his breakfast of now-cooled omelet.

“Only fourth?” Scope blinked, before destroying her omelet with her face. During the small feeding frenzy, several ponies stared in disgust and maybe a little awe, the foals she was playing with before just giggled and began to eat in a similar manner.

“Mmhmm,” Ledger said with a nod. “Third is the relationship Midnight and Cider proposed to me. Second is of course Amy.”

“While I just know I am going to regret this...” Scope wiped her muzzle. “What’s the first?”

“The day my littlest sister got her hooves on some sugar,” Ledger deadpanned. “I don’t know where the oatmeal came from, where the indoor pool came from, or where the donkey came from, or why they were all together...and that was just the start.”

Scope’s brain came to a screeching halt. No...just, don’t think about it. Whatever you do Scope Lens. Do. Not. Ask-

“What happened?”


“On the upside, I got a new feature in my room. And a temporary roommate. On the downside, it was filled with oatmeal, and so were we for the next few weeks.” Ledger finally finished his omelet and nodded. “To this day I can’t stand the stuff. And she did...other things to my other family members as well, until she finally crashed after putting a clown wig and nose on mother.”

“I don’t even...” Scope thunked her head onto the table. She needed something normal to balance this out stat. Her horn lit up and with a distinct ‘pop’ the duo vanished from the table, the only sign they were even there were some empty plates and a few bits...

The second she materialized the two changelings inside their cabin, she dove for Cider and hugged her.

“So, I have news,” Ledger said to the two mares that had been in the cabin before their sudden arrival. “You can pick. Good news or bad news first.”

Midnight barely resisted the urge to punch the suddenly appearing Changelings. “One, don’t do that again. And two, does it have something to do with why Scopey looks like she witnessed the end of the world?”

“Completely unrelated, I assure you,” Ledger said with an honest smile. “And I wasn’t the one teleporting us. Now do pick, dear Midnight.”

“Fine, let’s go with bad first,” she said. “Gives me more time to prepare.”

“Bad news is, Prince Shining Armor is Changeling-phobic to the point of unpredictability,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “Understandable, but it may end badly if we get made.”

“I figured as much and...” she paused as she processed that information. “How do you know that?”

“That’s the good news!” Ledger beamed. “The Heart has apparently judged us and found us worthy, as evidenced by the fact that we’re in the shield and alive. Also, the Heart is someone I can relate to.”

“Yep, the Crystal Heart is apparently sentient and has a philosophy on life similar to Level Ledger.” Scope Lens sighed and looked out of the window. “Now all it needs is his academic ’curiosity’ and we will have a city that I will never set hoof in ever again.”

“It did say the connection went both ways and it learned from its ponies as it protected them,” Ledger mused. “I just hope we don’t incur its wrath while we’re here.”

“I am now suitably impressed and terrified,” Midnight said nonchalantly. “It feels a little weird actually.”

“If ah may,” Cider finally spoke up, raising a hoof. “One, why is Scope bein’ all clingy? And two, ah think we’re about there.”

“Oh?” Ledger said as he looked out the window to see the platform fast approaching. “Ah. And Midnight will get this. You might not right away.” He paused for dramatic effect before continuing.

“My mother is the noble in the family. My youngest sister is a Pink. I told Scope some of what happened when she got her hooves on sugar.”

Midnight fell quiet while Cider...frowned?

“Uh, ah’m gonna need a little context, given mah experience with Changelings and sugar.”

“What does that mean?” Scope tilted her head.

“Oh...Ledger knows exactly whut ah’m talkin’ about.”

“The first time anybuggy gets a taste of sugar, they tend to be a little...hyper. Pinks feed on happiness and are a little crazy by default. Toss in a noble bloodline and a two-pound bag of sugar, that was supposed to be for all the family, that little Joyful-Heart scarfed down like it was the best thing ever?...”

“Nope, not gonna ask,” Midnight said adamantly. She grabbed her bag as the train ground to a screeching halt. “If I do, I feel like I should throw myself in front of this train. So let’s just go hmm?”

“Ah still feel like ah’m missing something,” Cider frowned. “Changelin’s are weird.”

“You should hang out around Cherry or Amy when we get back,” Ledger said as he grabbed his own bag. “Then you might get a feeling as to what a Pink can do.”

“I really don’t think we should subject Cider to that,” Scope said as she fixed her saddlebags. “We need at least one sane pony in this relationship.”

Ledger just grinned at Scope before opening the door. “I was unaware you counted yourself as a member of our relationship already, Miss Lens...or as a member of the less than sane.” With that, the taller unicorn galloped off in an effort to escape the small mare’s wrath once she figured out how he’d turned her words back on her.

“...What?” Scope blinked before flushing a bright red. “Get back here so I can skin you alive!” she shrieked, chasing after him.

“Whelp...ah guess ah can handle being sane...comparatively speaking,” Cider hummed as she followed her herdmates and the plus one. This promised to be an interesting vacation in the Empire, and it hadn’t even started yet...

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