• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 81 - Welcome to Hollow Shades!

A little after midday, Ledger and Midnight arrived in the sleepy town of Hollow Shades. Scope had stayed behind, she was still a bit sore about the last time and wanted to keep Cider company while she worked. Twilight also had some duties to perform and couldn't tag along.

"Been awhile since it was just the two of us huh?" Midnight said as they rode the coach from the station to the town itself.

“Mmhmm,” Ledger agreed as he watched the world pass by. “Y’know, we still haven’t discussed what form I should take in the town.”

"Honestly, it's been a very long time since I was here, for obvious reasons, I avoided places with large Thestral populations." Midnight sighed and rubbed her temple. "I don't know their stance on Changelings, so a pony form would be best. Not your thestral one, they'll know right away something's up."

With a silver flash, Ledger took on his pegasus guise. White coat, sky-blue mane and tail. “Clear Skies at your service,” he said, giving off a mocking salute.

"Generic, but unassuming," Midnight nodded. "And just to clarify, we're not going to blame these thestrals for happened to me last time okay?"

“Wasn’t planning on it,” Ledger said with a nod. “The ones responsible have already been punished by Luna after all.”

"I don’t remember all that much, but I do recall how scary she was," Midnight said as the carriage jolted and Ledger felt that it had left the ground.

“Well, there’s something you don’t feel everyday,” he said, not daring to look outside the windows.

"You've never ridden a sky carriage?" Midnight said, a little surprised. "Remind me to take you to Canterlot and see the city by air at some point."

“I mostly walk everywhere, or take the train. Or the Princess Express,” Ledger replied.

Now she had an idea for a date night. After a few minutes, they felt the carriage descend and eventually come to a stop. One of their escorts opened the door and Ledger stepped out first, before being greeted with a truly unique sight.

The architecture was very similar to Midnight’s homeland, only less stone and more intricately carved wood. A thick canopy of trees covered the town, and it gave it a feel of perpetual twilight.

And there were thestrals everywhere. Flying about, running stores and stalls, or just chatting. The atmosphere was both magical, and laid back. But, he did notice one thing, the town was very... small. There were far too many thestrals and not nearly enough buildings to house them.

“...Is that normal?” Ledger asked Midnight. “I...I want to help them, but I want to know if this is how things are first…”

Midnight grinned madly. Oh he was going to love the hell out of this. She gave a flap of her wings and took to the sky, beckoning for him to follow. When he flew up to her, she kissed his cheek and hummed.

"Okay, I want you to close your eyes. Don't worry about falling, okay. Trust me?"

Ledger gulped, but did as she bade him do. She took his hoof and led him. It was... a unique experience, flying with one's eyes closed. He could also an odd sound, like Midnight’s cute little bat noise she made, only it sounded like a hundred of her was doing it at the same time.

After a minute, she stopped him and giggled again. "Kay, open your eyes." And when he did?

A deep cavern lay before him, carved into the earth and lit with countless torches. Carved into the cave walls were hundreds of windows and doors, an entire underground city…

“Wow,” Ledger breathed, instinctively borrowing a thestral’s eyes for his pegasus guise to see better in the dark. “It sorta reminds me of home.”

"Really?" Midnight asked. "Apparently Diamond Dogs helped carve this thing out, and quite a few still live here from what I hear." She took his hoof again as they descended into the cavern. At the very bottom, it was similar to the surface, fields of rolling grass and large, carved wooden buildings. Amongst them, one stood far taller, a large central spire that pointed towards the entrance of the cavern.

"That's where we're headed," Midnight said. "Moonspire Hall. It's where my aunt lives."

“Seriously, I need to show you around a Hive at one point,” Ledger said as he kept following her. “This place is making me quite homesick.”

"I wanna see it," Midnight nodded. "And I know TwiTwi would give her wings to see them." The thestral mare walked up to the large doors and rapped on them with a hoof. After a moment, the doors swung open slowly with a low creaking sound.

"Oooh, creepy~" Midnight giggled. One thing Ledger didn’t know about her yet. She was a massive horror buff. Come Nightmare Night, she was going to scare the hooves off of everypony!

“So do we just…?” Ledger asked, not willing to go across himself just yet.

"Come on, let's go!" Midnight giggled and trotted inside without a care in the world, quickly disappearing into the darkness. Ledger groaned before following after her. Hoping this wouldn’t end badly.

The second he stepped inside, the doors slammed shut, plunging the room into darkness, even his thestral eyes could barely see a thing.

...then he heard giggling... a voice that didn't belong to Midnight.

“Ooooooh buck,” he whispered, not liking this at all. He didn’t scare easily, as evidenced by the things he’d done, but he could still be caught off guard.

That was until a pair of ice-cold hooves slid around his neck, as something breathed down his neck.

"I found you~" a voice rasped in his ear...Causing Ledger to gulp. He’d heard that tone of voice before.

In his nightmares, when he was caught raiding the Black Hive.

“NOPE!” he said, charging forward in an effort to get away. Light suddenly flooded the room as a cackling Sun Song clung to him. Midnight stood to one side, trying not to giggle.

Y-You should see... your face!" Sun laughed.

“Not cool,” Ledger said, getting his breathing under control. Or trying to, anyways. “Not cool at all.”

"Really, caused I dunked my hooves in ice so they should be at least a little cool," Sun hummed. The sound of hooves descending the stairs caused her to stop as she got off of Ledger.

"My apologies for my daughter's exuberant greeting," the mare said. "And welcome to Hollow Shades, Midnight, Secret." Echoed Song smiled warmly.

“Actually, when I’m like this,” Ledger said, indicating his pegasus guise and unconsciously shifting his eyes back to normal. “I’m known as Clear Skies. I’d rather not draw attention to my nature just yet. I might one day go out as my natural self, but I still have a reputation.”

"That's fair," Echoed nodded. "And quite a few Night Guard live here, so your true form would attract very unwanted attention." She swept her hoof out over the building. "This is Moonspire Hall, our town hall of sorts. Though, only the first floor. My home takes up the rest of this building and is accessible to you... well, except my bedroom." She smirked and flashed an alluring gaze at him. "Unless you get lonely that is~"

“I think that’s what I have Midnight for,” Ledger deadpanned at her. “Quite literally, I think the reason I have her is because I was getting lonely, and she’s Midnight.”

"Yup," Midnight nodded. "We're sad little broken ponies that are perfect for one another for some reason."

“It’s not like I’m letting you go,” Ledger said as he walked over to Midnight and pulled her into a wing-hug. “We’re stuck with each other now.”

"HUGS!!" Sun cried out as she tackled the pair.

"Well, I'd love to stay, but I'm rather busy at the moment," Echoed smiled. "Oh, did you happen to bring some nice outfits?"

“I don’t own many nice outfits, and the one I do is hanging up at Cider’s farm,” Ledger said from under Sun Song.

"Hmm," Echoed hummed and tapped her hoof on the floor. A maid appeared next to Ledger, as silent as a ghost, her magenta eyes twinkled.

"Sweet Heart, provide these two with some dress clothes, and provide them with any other needs they might have."

"Yes Mistress," Heart nodded.

“You realize saying that next to Midnight is a terrible idea, right?” Ledger snarked.

"I am to provide anything you might need," Heart nodded. "Even if you require me in your bed tonight."

“Pretty sure I have Midnight for that too,” Ledger said. “I mean, we are nearly wed.”

"She is pretty cute," Midnight pointed out, as the thestral bowed her head in thanks.

"Alright dears, I must dash," Echoed said, giving the three a hug. "Try not to raise too much trouble Midnight."

Midnight giggled and nodded her head. No promises would be made. Ledger just sighed as he looked from the maid to Midnight, before pointing at the ground near him with a hoof.

“Midnight, if you don’t heel, I’m going to give you over to Mistress Scope when we get back,” he warned.

"I think you have that backwards Levvy," Midnight giggled as she trotted over to him none the less. "You think she and Cidey are doing okay on their own? I miss them already."

“I’m sure they’re doing fine,” Ledger said with an eyeroll. “Now why don’t we not make the poor maid’s job harder and follow her to wherever the dress clothes are stored?”

"Hmm, well I could make you harder," Midnight giggled as she followed the maid, her tail flagging and giving him a right good view as she did.

“You are going to be the death of me,” Ledger muttered as he followed along as well. “I hope you know that.”

The room they were shown to was huge, with outfits of all shapes, sizes and designs.

"You are free to take your pick," Heart said with a smile. "Can you dress yourself?" She asked the drone as her eyes flashed pink. "Or do you want a hoof?"

“I can probably dress myself, but I have no idea what looks good on me,” Ledger admitted as he looked around. “I don’t tend to wear a lot of clothes.”

"You want to avoid bright colours," Midnight said. "Most thestrals aren't fond of them. Hmm, maybe a nice vest would suit you?"

"I can be of assistance Mistress," the thestral/nymph said. Midnight nodded and she dragged the drone off to find an outfit. Midnight started rummaging through the dresses until she found something she liked...

"You needn't bother with anything overly dressy, or you'll be seen as pretentious," Heart explained. "I think a vest and jacket will suffice."

“Sounds reasonable,” Ledger agreed with a nod. “Do you have any colors in mind?”

“Your current form has light colours, so a slightly darker colour would work." The mare picked out a purple vest with gold trim, and a dark blue jacket. "These should work for you."

Ledger blinked a few times before looking at the mare. “...Okay, I’m going to go out on a limb here...but if I were to ask you your color…”

"Pink as pink can be Mr. Silver," Heart giggled. "And don't worry, Mistress Echoed is aware, but I would appreciate some discretion to my identity."

“I can do that, don’t worry,” Ledger agreed as he started putting on the vest. “It’s just...I know a Pink, and she’s...eccentric. And she’s just a regular nymph.”

"As am I," Heart nodded. "But this world is vast Mr. Skies, as the individuals that reside in it are many." She picked out a nice scarf to go with the outfit. A blood red one to add some colour. "I keep myself in check, try not to feel too much one way or the other. It keeps our sin at bay."

“Eh, being around a sane Pink is sorta...weird to me,” Ledger said with a shrug. “I mean, Amy’s a nice enough nymph. Heart of gold. Loves seeing others smile. She just...apparently is quite skilled at pulling things out of nowhere. Including herself. And don’t get me started on my sister.”

"That is the general mode for a lot of them," Sweet Heart nodded as she buttoned his vest with her magic. "It is also why we are so dangerous, the higher one goes... the harder they fall. Try to keep an eye on them alright?"

“My sister is back in the Lands, and Amy’s...stable for now. We have a plan to help her,” Ledger said as he shrugged the jacket itself on. “Heck, even I’ve had a brush with that sort of fall. But it was thanks to somepony loving me that we exorcised it. Nothing can stop love.”

The nymph paused. "You did what?"

“Nearly went Black, but came back,” Ledger said. “Just the smallest amount of love during the transformation itself stops it. And I haven’t turned back yet, though I have been in plenty of situations where I would have.”

The nymph looked... pensive. She eventually shook her head and snorted. "Curing the Darkness is impossible. As long as you can feel negativity, and draw power from it, the trigger will always exist."

“Oh yeah?” Ledger asked. “Here, watch me. I’m going to run through all the extremely negative situations I’ve been in in the past year. And nothing’s gonna happen.” Before she could speak up, Ledger had closed his eyes and was reliving some of the moments when he really, truly hated somepony else. When he just wanted to rip them asunder and kill them.

And his colors didn’t flicker once, either in his disguise or for his real form.

"Interesting," Heart said, taking a cautious step back. "I would appreciate you stopping now though."

“Have I proved my point?” Ledger said once he opened his eyes and stopped. “My name is Hoarder-of-Secrets, and I made it my mission to visit every Hive. It was only when I learned more why doing that with one was a bad idea...but I still did it and learned something really important while I was there.”

"I want to nothing to do with that accursed place," Heart said curtly.

“Agreed, I still have nightmares about it, but I learned how to fight the darkness there,” Ledger said. “It can be done. You just need somepony that loves you. Then, if you ever fall...they’ll be there to pick you back up.”

"I have no such pony," Heart said. "But I am fine, just avoid feeling such things around me in the future."

“Yeah, Amy doesn’t like sad ponies either,” Ledger said with a nod. “I can avoid feeling negative. I have Midnight after all. I just wanted to prove to you that it is possible to beat the darkness. You...don’t have to be so afraid of it all the time.”

"I am not afraid, merely concerned," Heart responded, tucking the scarf around his neck and tucking it into his vest. "There, the very vision of a gentlepony."

“My thanks,” Ledger said, tipping an imaginary hat to her. “Shall we go see what trouble my beloved Songbird has gotten into?”

Glad to be done with that line of discussion, she headed back out into the first room. Midnight had found a simple black dress, along with a silver necklace and shoes.

“Ooooh, somepony’s looking fancy,” Ledger said.

"Eh, just something simple," Midnight blushed a little. She'd wanted to wear her armour she'd brought with her, but Ledger and her aunt might have complained.

"None the less, it suits you well," Heart replied. "Also, feel free to keep those outfits. I can simply make more."

“If you’re sure,” Ledger said warily, not quite willing to just take a set of clothes from their host.

"I made all of these," Heart replied. "So it's fine, but I shall also ask Mistress Echoed if it makes you feel better." She gave the outfits a once over and nodded. "Would you like a tour of the Spire before dinner?"

“If you think we have time,” Ledger agreed. “Though, can we make one of the first stops a bedroom for Middy and me?”

"Oh?" The nymph winked. "Are you that desperate to tear those clothes off of one another?"

“More like I’d like to know where we can lay our heads once the time comes,” Ledger said.

The nymph giggled and led them up the central staircase. "We have two rooms you could use. One is in the left wing here. Or there's one at the top of the Spire."

“Which would you prefer?” Ledger asked while looking at Midnight.

"Meh, do the rooms have many differences Heart?"

"The Spire room has a better view," she explained. "And the wing room is a little larger."

"Well, I think the... um... I don't know!" Midnight cried.

“How about a follow up question,” Ledger said with a snicker. “Which room has the better bed?”

"Oh, the Spire room has a cloud bed," Heart nodded. "They are sooooo comfy~"

“Well, I think that’s answered that then,” Ledger said. “Spire it is.”

Sweet Heart nodded and led the up a long winding staircase until they reached a room at the top. She pushed the door open into a modestly sized bedroom. It had a dresser, the aforementioned cloud bed and some books and other nicknacks. Ledger walked around, taking note of all the things on the shelves before jumping on the bed and laying on it, all sprawled out.

“That settles it,” he said into the cloud. “Staying here. Go on without me Midnight, the bed has claimed me.”

"Hmm, dumped for a bed. That’s a new one," Midnight replied. "Ah well, I still have three other lovers, so it's your loss." She turned and looked at Heart. "I think we'll just rest here for a bit. It's been a long trip."

"Very well Mistress Midnight. I shall come fetch you once dinner is ready." Midnight nodded and the maid left, as the bat looked at her stallion with a bemused grin.

"So, I take it we're getting a cloud bed, and finding a way to turn Cider into a pegasus?"

“Cloudwalking spell,” Ledger said with a wave of his hoof. “Twilight mentioned them once. I’ll look it up if it means we can all snuggle on a bed like this. You should try it.”

"I own a cloud bed at my home in Canterlot," Midnight explained as she sat on the end of the bed. "I should take you there also."

Ledger didn’t say anything, just gestured for her to come closer for snuggles. Midnight scooted closer and snuggled up next to him.

"I can't believe I actually came back here," she sighed. "I know, that it's different... but I can't help but feel... scared."

“Believe you me,” Ledger said, raising his head to softly peck at Midnight’s cheek with a kiss. “I’m surprised you agreed to come as well, but I won’t let anything happen to you. You know that, right?”

"Yeah, I know," Midnight nodded. "Silly isn't it? I'm the Guard here. If anything, I'm supposed to protect you."

“We all have our off days,” Ledger said as he nuzzled the mare. “Now, I believe some enjoyment of this bed is in order.”

"Oh? You have something in mind?" Midnight asked, nuzzling him.

“Yeah, I’m gonna snuggle the buck out of you on the comfiest bed I’ve ever been on,” Ledger said, suiting actions to words. Midnight leaned into the embrace and and closed her eyes. She inhaled and took in the scents around her. The soft, rainy smell of the clouds. The dry, sandy smell of the wood, and Ledger’s own musk, a scent she grown accustomed to having around.

“Do you think we’re doing the right thing?’ she asked quietly. “Marrying all these ponies? And a Princess to boot? I mean, if Twilight marries us, then we’ll be royalty Ledger!”

Ledger didn’t respond for a moment, but when he did. It was with snickering and barely contained laughing. “I just had the funniest image,” he said. “Of Cider and Scope being told that. The world would never be the same.”

“I think Cider would ask to be the Princess of Apples and Booze. Scopey…” Midnight tapped her chin and nodded. “Let’s just not tell her. It’d be safer for the world that way.” Then she smacked his shoulder lightly and pouted. “And you got me off topic! I’m serious here Secret. What if we screw something up for Twilight, or… what if the marriage falls apart?”

“That’s what we’re all here for,” Ledger said softly. “So that things won’t fall apart. So that everypony else will help put those of us that fall apart back together.”

"I'm so done with that," Midnight sighed and snuggled under his wing. "I vote that Twilight does the fixing next time."

“Let’s just hope nothing comes up that she needs to fix, eh?” Ledger said as he kissed the closest part of Midnight. “Still, I’m sure Twilight has at the very least thought about what us marrying her means, and spent more than one day panicking over it before coming up with a solution. I mean, heck, I’m already a Duke back home. I don’t need any more promotions, thank you very much.”

"Princess-consort Midnight Song," the bat mused. "Hmm, not sure how I feel about that. I don’t think I'm really 'princess' material."

Ledger didn’t verbally respond, but those that knew him could feel his smirking.

Midnight responded by plucking a feather from his wing...causing him to squawk a little in pain as he was suddenly plucked. “What’s the big idea?” he said, still slightly smirking. “I hadn’t even said anything yet!”

"You were thinking it," Midnight replied smugly, holding his feather in her mouth, before tickling him under the wing with it. He snickered before realizing his error and forcing his mouth shut.

Midnight’s eyes widened and her smile spread widely. This was... an interesting discovery.

"Somepony’s ticklish~" she said and then pounced on him, tickling several points with her hooves and wingtips. Ledger laughed and did his best to fend her off with his hooves, failing miserably. He was just thankful there wasn’t anypony around to mistake this for something it wasn’t.

"Wait until I tell the others about this," Midnight giggled, finally ending her torture. "And once I have access to hoofcuffs again~"

“Just wait until I can return the favor,” Ledger said, finally catching his breath.

"Uhuh," Midnight smiled, unimpressed at the threat. She just lay atop of him, letting her form go limp. Ledger sighed as he ran a hoof through her mane.

“Wow,” he said simply. “When was the last time we had honest, clean fun?”

"I don’t honestly know," Midnight said and an idea formed. "Alright. We have three days here," she said. "For that duration. No sex. Just good, clean fun."

“Wait, what?” Ledger said as he looked at Midnight. “You suggesting no sex for a length of time? I must be having a nightmare.”

"I know... I feel... weird," Midnight said. "But seriously, let’s try it. Besides..." She shot him a look and that alone caused his loins to stir. "Think of how mind blowing it'll be when we do again?" She said as she leaned in close, her lips almost against his. "I'll want it so bad...I’ll need it~"

“If you can promise to at least try, then so can I,” Ledger said, closing the distance and kissing her afterwards.

Midnight just giggled into the kiss.

"Well, you two wasted no time in breaking in that bed," Heart said as Midnight screamed and shot straight up, clinging to the rafters.

“Totally thinking of getting a cloud bed and a cloudwalking enchanted earring for Cider,” Ledger said as he rolled over. “Hmm...what next…?”

"Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes," Sweet Heart said as Midnight came back down from the ceiling. "Shall I escort you to the dining hall?"

“Only if you can promise Sun isn’t going to try and get the drop on me again,” Ledger grumbled as he begrudgingly left the cloud bed. “One heart attack a day is all I can handle.”

"Miss Sun is... exuberant," Heart sighed. "Now, if you’d follow me..."

The dining hall was massive. Situated on the second floor, it had large, curved rafters and was lit by a stunning and intricate crystal chandelier. The dining table was around twenty hooves long and made of a thick, sturdy oak. About a half-dozen thestrals were already seated, as well as two diamond dogs.

And all of them turned to stare at Midnight and Ledger when they walked in. Ledger rolled his eyes, before continuing on to the table and looking for two seats that were next to each other. He’d grown used to the idea of being stared at in the Lands. It wasn’t often a Noble drone went around to other hives on his own, after all.

"Hmm, so who might they be?" One elderly thestral mare said.

"Don't know," a stallion said that was seated next to her.

Sun Song waved enthusiastically from her seat, as Midnight smiled back, ignoring the thestrals talking like they weren't in the room.

"She is Midnight Song, my niece," Echoed replied as she walked in, causing the gossipers to flinch. "And one of her fiancés, Clear Skies. You will give them the proper respect!"

Ledger could tell, that the hidden threat in her words could quite easily be backed up. She reminded him a great deal of his own mother in a lot of ways.

"Yes Lady Echoed," they said obediently. The mare smiled and took her seat at the head of the table, beckoning Midnight and Ledger to sit either side of her. Ledger sighed dramatically as he sat on her left, before adding his two bits.

“Honestly, Lady Echoed, did you have to do that? I’d rather they treat me like a pony than a delicate vase.” Because that at least would mean they were treating me like a pony than if they were treating me like a bug “Can’t we at least try the nice approach before you start to make me even more homesick with words like that? I got enough of that from mother.”

"Your mother? Well now I feel old," she replied with her own dramatic tone. "What a thing to say to a mare, do you have no manners?"

"His snark strangled them," Midnight giggled as she took her seat, as Heart pushed her chair in.

“I do have good manners,” Ledger protested. “I just have no patience for the honeyed game of words and shadows at a dinner of all things. Like I said, I got enough of that from mother. Made us at least try to outmaneuver her before we got to eat.”

"Sounds like fun," Echoed giggled. "But no, we don't get many outsiders here, so the manners of some might be a little... outdated."

"So, Pony of Silver Tongue," one of the diamond dogs said. Midnight giggled, if only he knew how literal that was. "What brings you to batpony city?"

“Lady Echoed extended the invitation, seeing as how I am going to marry Midnight,” Ledger said with a shrug. “Eventually we had nothing else to do, and we came to make good on the offer.”

"Oh, so I am merely a distraction from the mundane?" Echoed said, placing a hoof to her forehead.

"As I said, no manners," Midnight giggled. "But he's cute, so that's a plus."

“And as I said, I am in no mood to play before I eat, as I got enough of that when I was growing up,” Ledger commented. “For now, I’m not one to give roundabout answers if it can be avoided.”

"A simple, 'We're here because we were invited' would have sufficed," Midnight said. She looked at the other guests. "So, care to introduce us?"

"Of course," Echoed said. "Those two-" she pointed at the gossip pair "-are Duke and Duchess Evermoon. They’re our liaison to Roamania, and were amongst the first thestrals to settle here."

Echoed then motioned to the diamond dog pair. "This is Graphite, and his wife Ruby. Graphite here was the architect of the underground portion of our fine city and an old friend."

"Not as old as some," the dog chuckled and tipped his hat to the pair.

"And of course, you already know Sun here, my other daughter is in Canterlot on business, so she won't be joining us I'm afraid."

"Meh, Sis is a real party pooper anyhow," Sun shrugged.

"And last but not least, we have Nightshade, my captain of the guard here in Hollow Shades."

The young thestral mare, silent until now, nodded even as she kept a stern glare on Midnight. Ledger merely raised his eyebrow before looking at Midnight.

“I’m sensing a story here,” he said.

"Perhaps," Midnight replied as she smiled at the mare. It was an expression that he had never seen on her face before, as Nightshade snorted and turned her head away.

"Tell me," Echoed said as she rang a small bell and several servants brought out a selection of appetizers. "What do you know of Midnight’s history as a guard?"

“Only that she was one of the best,” Ledger said with a shrug. “We both know my past profession isn’t the best, and out of courtesy, I don’t inquire into her past either. If she wants to share, she’ll share.”

Echoed looked at Midnight and the mare shrugged and waved a wing, allowing the older mare to talk.

"You see, Midnight is the youngest mare to join the guard, would have been the youngest ever, had young Shining Armor not beaten her by three weeks." She looked at Nightshade, who decided that her bowl of salad and croutons was more interesting.

"Nightshade here is the only one that Midnight ever tutored... at least for a little. However..."

"With all due respect Ma'am," Nightshade suddenly spoke. "I doubt he is interested, nor is it his business."

“I’ll give you the second, though I am interested,” Ledger said as he started in on his appetizer. “After all, if Midnight taught you, then you should be at least somewhat good.”

She muttered something, which Ledger managed to catch.

"I'm better than her."

“Oh, I doubt that,” he said with a small smile. “I’ve seen her in action before.”

"She is good," Midnight finally spoke. "It's been a few years though. I'd like to see how much better you've become, but I've taken a sabbatical from fighting for a while."

Ledger caught the emotions coming from Nightshade, a mix of anger and jealousy. "May I ask why?" she said slowly.

"Personal reasons," Midnight said. She wasn't going to mention her pregnancy just yet. Not until she felt she could trust them.

"So," Echoed said as she switched topics. "Do you plan on having any thestral traditions for your wedding?"

“Entirely up to Midnight if she wants any,” Ledger said as he finished with the delicious appetizers, for the moment. “Heck, I would need to know some to begin with, but if she wants to add any, she is more than welcome to.”

"Honestly, I don’t know many myself," Midnight replied as she looked at her aunt. "For obvious reasons, I avoided a good deal of our culture."

"Understandable," Echoed nodded. "Well, I'd be more than happy to teach you a few later."

"Flying Pony," the female diamond dog, Ruby asked. "What make you want to marry batpony?"

“Let me put it like this,” Ledger said with a smile. “She came into my life when I was at my lowest, picked me up, fixed me, and stuck around when she could have easily left. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is. She is one of the best mares I have ever met, and I’d like to hang onto that.”

"She does so love to meddle," Nightshade mumbled to herself, as Midnight’s ear twitched. Was she still pissed about that? That was six years ago now.

"And now you have quite the family," Echoed smiled. "Your wedding should be quite the delight. I look forward to it immensely, provided I am invited?"

"Of course," Midnight nodded. "As is Sun and her sister. You wanna come as well Shady?"

"I am not a foal, do not call me that!" Nightshade said as she got to her hooves. "I have patrol. Please excuse me." She bowed her head and hastily left the room as Midnight sighed.

“Well, there goes that story,” Ledger sighed. “And I had been so looking forward to hearing it as well.”

"Please excuse me as well," Midnight said as she got up and followed the mare out.

"Well, this got a little out of hoof," Echoed said wearily. "You see, Nightshade is rather... ambitious. And she has always been jealous of Midnight’s natural talent. Even after she left Midnight’s tutelage, she could never surpass her."

“Hmm,” Ledger hummed. “Well, Midnight did spend time under Ace, and he did kill two out of three ancient monsters in the desert...Maybe if Nightshade sought out Ace and asked to be trained by him as well?”

"She tried, he refused," Echoed replied as she took a dainty nibble of her salad. She paused and looked at Heart, who had reentered the room.

"It would appear that Nightshade has run off somewhere, so I don't think she'll be joining us for the rest of the night."

"Regrettable," Echoed sighed as Midnight soon returned. "My apologies for that Midnight."

"It's alright," the mare replied as she took her seat. "So what's for dinner?"

"I believe we have fresh fruit, roasted potatoes and vegetables, and some chicken," Heart said. "I'll go and see how long it'll be."

“Well, tonight promises to be interesting,” Ledger mused. He wasn’t sure if he should have some chicken or not. On the one hoof, he likely could eat it, but on the other, doing so as a pony might raise a few eyebrows...

"Can flying pony eat bird?" Graphite asked and Sun chuckled.

"Or is that cannibalism?" She giggled as Echoed raised an eyebrow.

"Wow... that was dark," Midnight said and she smirked. A pun was brewing and Ledger had but a second to intervene.

“I probably could,” he said, doing his best to cut Midnight off. “But one of my best friends is a gryphon, and I’ve not had chicken before, so I’d like to avoid adding ‘bird’ to my diet. Had fish, though, and a well-done fish dish is a blessing.”

"So, since Skies is feeling a little chicken over it, I'll have his share," Midnight giggled as Echoed repressed the urge to groan. Ledger merely smirked and fired up his own pun engines.

“And if you happen to fish up a good recipie for me, I’ll not tuna you down,” he told Echoed.

"Oh come on, those puns were fishy and you know it," Midnight said as everyone else let loose a facehoof/paw in almost perfect unison. Midnight smirked and high-hoofed Ledger. Tag team victory!

“We are a terror when we work together,” the stallion of the pair observed.

Heart trotted back in and Echoed gave her an exasperated glance. "Please tell me dinner will be ready soon?"

At Sweet Heart’s nod, several chefs walked in, carrying trays of food out. When one covered dish appeared in front of Ledger, he lid was removed to show a nice barbequed perch and vegetables on a bed of rice.

“We had heard that a pegasus would be present, and have made this dish especially. I hope you are pleased,” the chef said with a small nod.

“Thank you,” Ledger said with a small nod. The chefs finished handing out the rest of the food, and to Ledger, that roast chicken smelled delicious~

Still, he had an image to uphold. He decided to dig into their fish for now.

Dinner was a rather simple affair, small talk had been made, like how had Midnight and ‘Clear Skies’ met, along with what the stallion did for a living. Honestly, it was nice having such a relaxed meal, despite the earlier tensions. Once the chefs returned to clear away the table, one of Evermoon’s cleared her throat.

“If you don’t mind dear Echoed, I took the liberty of changing the dessert menu. It’s not everyday that you get outsiders here in our fair city, so I thought we could show them some traditional thestral cuisine.”

One could almost hear the matron’s heart plummet. “Please tell me you didn’t…” she said slowly, looking… apologetically? At Ledger.

A moment later, the chefs returned and Midnight’s nose twitched. “Um, are you sure…” she said as the trays were placed on the table and the chefs took their leave.

“Okay, now I’m starting to get worried if you are,” Ledger said as he looked at Midnight. He lifted the lid… and saw what lay beneath as everypony else did as well.

Very large chocolate-coated grasshoppers, as well as a small variety of some sort of beetle with some sugar glazing.

“Aaaand there goes my appetite,” Ledger said as he lowered the lid again. “I understand you probably did it with the best of intentions...but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m still not used to your culture or your more traditional food,” he said, looking at the Evermoons for that last bit. “Middy, if you want seconds on dessert, feel free to have mine. No sense letting it go to waste.”

Midnight was… conflicted. On one hoof, it had been a dogs age since she last had some grub like this. And grasshoppers were one of her favourites…

On the other hoof, her cuddlebug was sitting right there. There was a reason she hadn’t eaten them since she started dating him, or even mentioned that thestrals ate them. “I-I’m not that hungry actually. Dinner was pretty filling.”

Ledger merely raised an eyebrow at her. The same eyebrow and the same way he had every time he reminded her he was an emotivore. “It doesn’t bother me,” he said simply.

“But…” she looked at him and slowly picked up one of the beetles and munched on it. This felt so wrong… but they were soooo tasty~

“We shall discuss some things later,” Echoed said to the Evermoons. The diamond dogs hadn’t touched their either. Give them a good bowl of gems any day.

“So, aside from not having this on your wedding menu, have you made any other solid plans yet. A guest list at least?”

Ledger shrugged. “It’s going to be a pretty big ceremony, despite all our wishes to the contrary. A friend of mine is also getting married at the same time, in the same place. My sister has expressed interest in coming, as well as my mother and father. I’ll be lucky if my uncle doesn’t attend. And there’s more than our fair share of family also coming from around Equestria to see this event. It’s going to be hectic…”

“We just have to try and get Apple Cider to not invite her entire family,” Midnight said as she crunched on the grasshopper. Seriously, that thing was almost as big as Ledger’s leg. “And Le- Clear? I was hoping I could ask a favour?”

“I’m listening,” he replied as he tried not to wince at Midnight’s rather...enthusiastic demolishment of her insects.

“Well,” she said and swallowed a mouthful before grabbing a larger beetle and draining the thing down to a husk before tossing it over her shoulder. “I was wondering if I could invite a few of my guard buddies. Unless they saw it for themselves, they’d never believe I got married.”

“We’ll talk about it later,” Ledger said. Not willing to go over why that might be a bad idea in front of guests. And still slightly disturbed that she was doing that to her bowl of bugs. Only slightly.

...Okay, he would be terrified, but he trusted Midnight. If he hadn’t woken up to her munching on him before, then she likely wouldn’t start eating him in the not-fun way now.

After dinner, Sweet Heart showed them back to their room, as Midnight headed off to find the bathroom, Heart leaned against the doorframe and smiled.

“So, will you require any other services tonight?”

“Are you sure you’re not a Violet?” Ledger asked semi-rhetorically. “No, I’m good, thank you for asking. And please, if you were going to do me any favors, just do me one.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Cheer up a little? It’s just three flavors of weird to see a sedate and normal Pink.”

“I’m happy on the inside,” she said flatly and giggled. “Though, how gross is it that they eat bugs? I mean, Hives… I nearly fainted the first time I saw that. I had nightmares for days!”

“And I’m sure I’m going to soon,” Ledger said. “Seriously, I think there’s a good reason thestrals are feared back in the homelands, and it’s not because of the few like Midnight…”

“She’s like that?” Heart blinked and looked towards the bathroom. “So that’s where she learned it… hmm…”

“Yeah, Middy can go invisible to our senses if she tries,” Ledger said with a shrug. “But I think the real reason we’re all told those stories about thestrals is because they eat bugs, and we let our fear get away with ‘what if they met one of us and were really hungry?’”

“I’d rather not think about that again,” Heart shuddered. “Well, I should leave you be. Have fun.” She gave him a small smile and left, closing the door behind her. Ledger merely yawned and climbed onto the cloud bed.

He seriously needed to enchant an earring with the cloudwalking spell, or get Twilight to, and give it to Cider so that they could get a cloud bed. Now that he’d experienced this fluffiness, he was loathe to go without it again.

He soon had fluffy on top of him too, as Midnight landed softly on the drone.

“Hugs?” she inquired with a cute tilt of her head. Ledger merely chuckled and snuggled his mare a bit before sighing and talking about why inviting members of the Guard to their wedding might have been a bad idea.

“I kinda wanted to get married to you as myself,” he said quietly.

“I know,” Midnight said and nodded. “Well, do you think we could at least go and see them on the way home then?” she asked. “I mean, these are guys I lived, trained, and nearly died with. I at least owe them something of an explanation as to why I never returned to Canterlot.”

“We can visit them if you like,” he said. “And if you don’t think they’d react badly to the news as to what you’re marrying, then by all means, invite them. Just so you know, though, I am waiting for you at the altar as my natural self.”

“That should be fun, especially with all of Cider’s family there… and Twilight’s…” Midnight shivered a little. This wedding was going to be amazing…

Or it was going to be a bloodbath.

“With all the love you mares have given me, I could hold up my own personal shield for the entire bucking ceremony, and none of them would be able to get through,” Ledger boasted.

“Oh? Think you could even outperform Shining Armor?” Midnight giggled.

“I wouldn’t have to worry about him, he and I have crossed horns before, and I probably could outlogic him again...or just ask Cadence to rein him in,” Ledger snickered.

“Distract him long enough and I could probably get a second princess~” Midnight said and placed a kiss on his head. “Mmm, sleepy Middy is sleepy.”

“You can show me around tomorrow,” Ledger agreed. “Let’s get some sleep.”

Midnight nodded as she rolled off onto her side, hugging the stallion close as she drifted off to sleep…

Twilight paced around the large crystal map in her throne room. Once again, she was so amazingly bored. Cider was busy with getting prepared for the spring in a month and a half’s time, some of Twilight’s friends were off on another adventure.

One that didn’t require Twilight.


“Whhyyyy do you hate meeeee!?” she yelled at the table. “I mean, come on. I’m the Princess of Friendship! This is kind of my thing!” She scowled at the inanimate object and groaned. “Why am I so bored? Even Chrysalis won’t hang out with me anymore…”

Scope had decided to visit the alicorn, though she had to take the train because she couldn’t figure out that blasted Waypoint thing. She’d also come to check up on the changeling living in this town, visiting Twilight was just a sexy bonus~

Spike had answered the door and the look of relief on his face was quite startling.

“Oh thank Celestia,” he said, almost dragging the nymph inside. “You have to do something about this!”

“What is she blowing up this time?” Scope asked with a roll of her eyes.

“Nothing yet… give her time though,” Spike replied dryly as he led her to the throne room. Twilight was busy laying on her back on the table, little holographic clouds circling her head. She also seemed to be singing some silly little limerick that was not made for foals ears.

Ledger and Midnight were terrible influences.

“Oh Twiiiiiiliiiiiight,” Scope sang. “I have something you might waaaaaaant~”

That was all she got out before Twilight teleported across the room and tackled the nymph, peppering her face with little kisses.

“Well, now that you’re here, I’m off,” Spike nodded and walked away. He had a date with a cute filly in an hour.

“Up!” Scope demanded. “Lemme up or you don’t get your Princess Treats!”

Twilight sat up and sighed. “Aw, but I’ve been so bored,” she whined. “Cider’s been busy, Ledger and Midnight ran away, they probably eloped and you’ve been… doing Scopey things.”

“Yeah, I had to check on the nymph here,” Scope said as she sat up. “But Moonbutt and Smartypants wouldn’t elope. If anything, he’d bring her back exactly on schedule...or is that you I’m confusing him with?”

“Probably me, I always have a schedule,” Twilight nodded. “You know, I could make you one for your work. It’ll make co-ordinating with your changeling friends a lot easier. Plus you can account for time differences, other jobs they might have. Some—”

Scope stopped her by the one mean she could. Namely, by levitating a book out of her saddlebags. A book she knew the unicorn hadn’t read yet. Ledger’s.

Twilight stared at the book, gulping loudly as she held out a hoof. “Is… Is that…?”

“Mmhmm, I figured you could get the days he promised you in while he’s off at...wherever Moonbutt dragged him.” Scope levitated it a little closer, but still out of reach. “Now, promise me you won’t damage this thing at all? If he notices when he comes back, we’ll both be in for it. And he can also turn into a dragon.”

“I won’t damage it!” Twilight said, insulted that the nymph would have the gall to suggest that she’d willingly or even accidentally damage a book. “But, it’s written in Changeish right? How will I read it?”

Scope tapped the side of her head. “I know Changeish too, ya’know. You could probably use me for some sort of translation spell.”

“Or maybe we could head upstairs and you can read it to me~?” Twilight said, brushing the nymphs side with a wingtip.

“Yeah, maybe, but there are parts of this thing I’m pretty sure I don’t want to read,” Scope said, pointing at the black bookmarked section for emphasis.

“Well we can avoid those for now,” Twilight said. “And perhaps stay the night? I mean, Rainbow and I were planning to go to Canterlot tomorrow for the launch of the new Daring Do book, and Miss Yearling doing a live reading…”

“Yeah, okay, you convinced me,” Scope said with a nod. “Though, I didn’t think you wouldn’t want to learn a new language or read such a weighty tome for yourself…” Scope demonstrated what she meant by dropping the book.

The thud that it made hitting the floor actually echoed.

“How does it…?” Twilight looked at the book, already using several scanning spells. She suddenly wanted to dismantle them, learn how they worked… but Ledger might not like that.

“As for a translation spell, I could glean the knowledge from you, but if I miscast the spell, you could wind up with amnesia…”

“Then let’s take this to your room, where it’s nice and quiet,” Scope suggested. “And you don’t miscast the spell. Go slow if you have to. Besides, don’t you want to surprise Secret when he comes back?”

Twilight nodded, then she got an idea. “You know, I think I have something that might work. A way for the language to stick easier. Trust me?”

“Of course,” Scope said with a nod. “...Though I’d still like to know…”

Twilight’s horn shone as a glow generated from Scope as well. And once the light died, Twilight Sparkle was gone.

What remained was… different.

"What do you think?" she asked her nymphfriend, her voice having that odd duality to it like Chrysalis's does.

“Never took you for a Violet,” Scope said, looking her former-marefriend up and down. “Is Midnight really that bad an influence on you?”

“The spell is born from you, so you must have Violet somewhere in your heritage… or Midnight really is that bad an influence.” Twilight replied as her eyes shone for a moment. “Oh… oh wow! Is that what emotion tastes like? It’s… different.”

“Yeah, just wait until you get a taste of love,” Scope said with a sigh. “There’s nothing else like it…”

“Well, let’s go. I’d hate to see what would happen if somepony found out that their Princess became a Changeling,” Twilight replied and headed for her room. “And… don’t tell Ledger. Who knows what he’d do with this information.”

“Probably the same thing you do with me and him,” Scope said with a snicker. “Tease all your holes.”

Out of curiosity, Twilight ran some magic through one of her leg holes and shuddered, letting out a quiet moan. “O-ohh, well… that’s something.” she paused and looked at her. “How do you fly in your true forms if that happens?”

“Instinctual thing,” Scope said with a shrug. “Once we’re flying, something about our bodies just cuts out any pleasure we might get from air rushing through our legs. I think the same thing happens with Pegasi and their wings...or at least, most of them anyways. Otherwise, we’d like flying for all the wrong reasons.”

Twilight suddenly wondered why Rainbow liked flying so much.

“Nopenopenope! Noooot thinking of my friends in that way!” she said, shaking her head. But those images tasted sooo good~ Scope just chuckled lewdly as she kept following.

“Ya’know, you could probably use your shapeshifting to spy on your friend’s emotional states, see what they really like,” the nymph pushed. “Maybe even see if they have some special ponies in their lives?”

“I could help them~” Violet Twi purred, licking her lips. “And if all else fails, I bet I could provide a more… direct form of assistance~”

“And now you’re acting like the Violet you look like, without any of the restraint they typically learn,” Scope said, jabbing her in the side with her horn. “Reel it in there Sparkle.”

Twilight yelped at the touch and looked at Scope. “Oh you wicked little…” She paused and licked her lips. “Hey Scopey… run.”

“Oh crap,” Scope said, before bolting towards Sparkle’s room. If she remembered right, there was all sorts of furniture she could use to barricade the door. That ought to keep her out for a minute or two once she actually got there.

When she got there and closed the door, Twilight teleported in front of her and scooped her up into a hug.

“Princess of Friendship with Benefits huh?” she smiled and dragged her tongue across Scope’s horn. “That’s what you lot called me once~”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Scope said with as much threat as she could muster up. “If you do not start acting like yourself, I will start burning books.”

Twilight pouted and released the nymph. “I was just having some fun. I’ve been really bored okay?” She sighed and placed the book on her bed. “Okay, want to give this translation spell a try? With me as a Changeling, it should be able to stick a lot easier.”

“Sure thing, let’s see how this goes,” Scope said as she walked closer to Twilight. “By the way, once you learn how to control yourself as a ‘ling, we totally have to surprise Secret with this.”

“We’ll see,” Twilight nodded. Her horn began to glow as Scope felt her own light up without her willing it to. She felt a small tugging sensation, and her head started to itch. A line of what looked like glowing script begun to flow between the two, as Twilight closed her eyes and begun to murmur to herself. That murmuring soon turned to a low buzz, and it took Scope a second to realise that she was speaking Changeish.

This is some fancy spellwork,” Scope said in the same tongue.

Twilight gave a small nod, but she had to concentrate. The last thing she wanted was her marefriend becoming a vegetable. She was also quite glad that changelings couldn’t sweat.

After a few more moments, the spell faded and Twilight took a deep breath before she cancelled the transformation spell as well, returning to her pretty pony self.

“Phew.. that… was harder… that I thought,” she panted. “Are you okay? Not forgetting anything important?”

“Not that I can tell, and if I had forgotten anything, how would I know?” Scope fired back.

“Okay, what’s your name? What’s mine? What are we doing in a week and a half?”

“I’m Secret-Treasure, you’re Twilight Sparkle, and in a week and a half, we are doomed to Midnight Song, forever.”

“Okay, good,” Twilight wiped her brow and sighed with relief. “And now that we’ve seen that your memory has less holes than your legs. We’ll see if it actually worked.” She took the book and floated it over. After taking a deep breath, she opened it and stared at it.

And just continued to stare at it.

“You’re...not saying anything,” Scope said, prodding Twilight with a hoof to garner a reaction. Twilight waved a wing at her.

“Shhh, I’m reading.” The alicorn turned and headed over to her bed as she flipped the page. She reached some yellow tags and her breath hitched. “Oh… oh no…”

Scope tilted her head before she looked at the parts of the book she’d gotten to and sucking her breath in. “Oooh, yeah...I can’t imagine him not writing about that…”

“And you’ve teased him about this!?” the alicorn exclaimed. “Scope ‘Secret-Treasure’ Lens! You must never do that again.”

“Hey, Yellow is a legitimate color a nymph can be!” Scope said. “He needs to get over his hang-ups regarding Yellow nymphs! You can’t just have him paralyzed when he sees one walking down the street! He needs to be a stronger drone, Twilight!”

“And I understand that, but perhaps some more controlled exposure therapy would be best,” she replied as she continued to read. It was hard to, with the way he’d written it. It snared her heart and twisted it something fierce, but she felt like she needed to, she needed to understand him better.

Then she got to the part about the zombies…

“He… was telling the truth?”

“Yeah,” Scope said as she pulled up a Daring Do book and started to read as well. “Ledger rarely lies. Even I heard about the burial mound of the Reds. Didn’t know he went there until he started mouthing off that Black…”

Twilight noticed a few black marked pages. No awards for guessing what they contained. Well, perhaps she’d get to those later.

Then, then she came to the part where he first met Midnight Song. “Oh my… he really thought that about her at first?”

“They’ve been...well, I came in about halfway, but from what I can tell, Secret and Midnight haven’t always had the best of relationships...what did he write about her, anyways?”

Twilight cleared her throat and read aloud. “Today I met my new roommate, Midnight Song. She’s...well, if I had to put her personality into words, a beacon for the Violets. She even tried hitting on me. But regardless of that, she is still a Guard. Maybe I can use her. Maybe I can finally end this nightmare without any ponies finding out my secret. I’ll try my plan tomorrow. There’s going to be a kidnapping, and I know where it’s going to be. I’ll tell Midnight as soon as I can.”

“Yup, sounds like a more stuffy, stuck-up Secret to me,” Scope said as she kept reading.

Twilight nodded. She’d gotten a little off of Midnight, as the thestral explained her mission in Las Pegasus. Seems that they’d been using each other at first, and never even realised it. She flipped further ahead and giggled. “Oh, he has some stuff in here about you.”

“Oh, now I have to hear this,” Scope said, closing her book and turning to Twilight. She cleared her throat again, and began to read.

“Today one of my worst fears has come to pass. There is a nymph in my home. An actual, changeling nymph, is residing with me. She’s a surly little thing, that adheres to the traditions of the Lands and satisfies her instincts more than she listens to the rules of Equestria. Midnight beat her in a fight, though, and at least she listens to her. And she’s Blue as well, so at least her loyalty, once earned, won’t be in question. The only problem will be surviving until we do.”

“Wow,” Scope said with a slightly questionable sounding chuckle. “I really left an impression on him, didn’t I?”

“So it seems,” Twilight giggled. “It seems to go for a bit like that. Heehee, the line ‘Creepy little doorstop’ and ‘Unwanted crashmat’ are interesting. Want to explain that one?”

“Secret seems to think I have a talent in breaking moments,” Scope said as she opened her book again. “For the first few weeks, whenever I walked into a room with the two or three of them in it, it was more likely than not that I’d just walked into a sappy moment.”

“Yes, he mentions that too. And apparently he also liked to quote on how cute you were… before you started dating~”

“Idiot,” Scope muttered, even as she blushed. “I mean, really, all it would take is one minute alone with his book, and I’d see that for myself…”

Twilight continued to read, and got to the part where the group had gone to the Crystal Empire. The events on the train were cute and funny and then…

“Oh wow… now this is interesting,” she smiled slyly. “He wrote about the night you confessed to him.” She grinned and started to read aloud again.

“...I cannot actually believe that a nymph likes me. Nor can I believe that I like a nymph! If I’d thought that a year ago, then I’d wonder what I was drinking. But that little Blue nymph that Midnight beat up and we took in to reeducate has...actually fallen for us. For me. My perception of reality is twelve shades of weird right now. Mostly because I accepted her confession of love, and we all...well, slept together. As one herd. Still...this feels right.”

“He’s such a sappy moron,” Scope said as her blush intensified. “Even in writing.”

“So he seems,” Twilight said. “Though… I’m a little jealous. You all seem to have these deep connections, these amazing stories that have bound you all together. And then, there’s me. I feel like I just… stepped in on all of this.” She sighed and put the book down.

“Yeah, but keep reading, I’m sure there’s a part on you too,” Scope said once her blush was under control. “I mean, is that his research book for the Silver Hive, or his journal?”

“It looks like both,” Twilight said as she picked up the book and flipped the pages. “I could spend days reading his notes. But, right now his journal feels more important.” She skimmed over the next lot. Like the time that Tirek attacked. And, Midnight could have killed him? She can do that? “Did he tell you Midnight tried to sacrifice her life to kill Tirek?”

“Yup,” Scope said with a nod. “And according to Secret, Discord stopped her for some reason. I still think that patchwork creature needs to be torn a new one, but he keeps telling me to let the past lay there. It wasn’t long after that that Secret went...Black, and you know that story.”

But not from his perspective. She read through the time that Midnight got kidnapped, gasping at the dark thoughts that went through Ledger’s head.

The she reached the part where they visited her castle. Luna had sent her a note saying to expect some unique guests. Changelings were the last thing on Twilight’s list.

And then she found the entry, the night she’d accidently kissed him…

“Sweet. Everloving. Hives! Princess Twilight freaking Sparkle kissed me! I mean, I’ve read a lot about her. She was one of the ponies I actually wanted to meet in my time in Equestria. She’s like a pony version of me, only she actually got rewarded for her hard work and diligence! And now that I have...well, she’s not perfect. Her first reaction to meeting me sort of proved that. But...she was able to get past my form a lot faster than I would be able to get past meeting a Black, so I’ll give her that. But when we were working together, researching my condition together...I could go for months thanks to an hour spent with her, and that’s without her actual love or care for me specifically!”

“Um…” Twilight wasn’t quite sure what to make of this. It almost reminded her of Scootaloo whenever she talked about Rainbow Dash. “Does Ledger… have a fancolt crush on me?”

“He’s a Silver,” Scope said. “Any Silver that knows about you wants to spend time around you when you’re studying. You’re like a miniature version of the Heart to them. The only difference between Secret and any other Silver is that he actually cares about the pony you are, rather than just the things you’ve done.”

“I’m going to get mobbed if I ever visit the Silver Hive huh?” Twilight said flatly as she continued to read. She suddenly snorted and giggled when she reached the part of their next encounter. Their incredibly awkward second encounter.

“Well...two notes to make today. Number one, Scope can turn into Twilight Sparkle, and will probably continue to do so to garner a reaction out of me. And number two...Twilight...probably won’t be coming back to speak to me again. New note. Clean that desk. Toll made sure to make it easy to clean. I’m going to take advantage of that fact. I might just clean the whole damn office while I’m at it. I don’t know how long ago it was that she did.”

“I remember that,” Twilight said and looked at the nymph. “I still haven’t gotten my revenge either. I think I know how now though.” She could become a changeling and return the favour… all over Scope’s desk~

“Something tells me to stock up on the cleaning products at work,” Scope dryly commented. “And when is your Sun Princess going to move her flank on integrating our Hivelink abilities with the government? I’m getting bored sitting around and doing nothing all day!”

“I don’t know, I haven’t spoken to her in a while,” Twilight replied. “We could visit her tomorrow if you like? We will be in the city after all.”

“Yeah, and then you can bring up that whole teleporting thing you and Secret have almost figured out. What’s the status on that one, by the way? I wanna know when I have to pretend to work again.” Scope turned another page in her book, only half-paying attention.

“It’s getting there,” Twilight said. “I need to tweak the actual design of the device and I have a friend helping me with that. She says that some fictional media where she lives has given her a few ideas.” The alicorn picked up the book once again, and reached the page, a recent one actually. A conversation that she and Ledger had about the wedding.

Scope might like this one~

“Sweet merciful Hives, but this wedding is going to be a nightmare to plan. If it wasn’t for Twilight’s organizational skills, I doubt we’d be able to get it done at all. Cider’s family, Middy’s family, my family...and now Twilight’s family. And let’s not mention the other wedding we’ll be having at the same time!”

Scope slowly closed her book before looking at the alicorn laying on the bed. “Did you just read out a section that implied you would be marrying us?”

“Hmm, is that what that implies?” Twilight said with a cheeky smile. “Well, Ledger never lies right. So it must be true. Unless, you don’t want me to marry you? I know it’s a tad sudden, and more than a little foolish to just jump in like this…”

The rest of the lavender mare’s words were cut off as Scope lunged and kissed the larger mare. Twilight blinked at the sudden attack, but they soon closed as she leaned into the kiss, her tongue parting the nymph’s lips and caressing her own. Once they parted, she ran a hoof along her chitin and smiled. “So, that’s a yes I take it?”

“You have no idea how hard I want to rut you,” Scope said. “Or how hard I’m going to rut you tomorrow once we’re done meeting everypony of little importance and Yearling.”

“Such a naughty little nymph,” Twilight giggled, then remember her newest trick and blushed. “I’m going to get it, aren’t I?”

“Maybe once you’re done reading that thing,” Scope said as she straddled her alicorn’s back and called her Daring Do book back to herself. “I know how you are with books. Though if you take too long, you might just get a surprise…”

Admittedly, Twilight might have considered taking her time, just to see what the surprise was.

Yeah, why not? She shrugged and returned to the book, now going over some of his research notes. Then she found something that made her grin look a little unsettling and she poked Scope to take a look.

A list of Ledger’s more… recently aquired spells.

“Where the buck did he learn that spell?” Scope said, pointing at the book. “There is no way there is a spell to make his...thing, prehensile!”

“I think this is an important discovery Scopey,” Twilight said as she copied them all down. It was time that a certain Silver noble had the tables turned on him. Ohh, there was that flavour one~

And…well there was that stamina one. And something about a feedback loop? And that looked like the spell he kept casting on Scope whenever they had sex. But here was one he hadn’t cast yet. One that had to do with ‘more volume.’ Notes off to the side said something about it not being needed.

“This ‘Sensitivity’ one seems interesting,” Twilight said. “Oh, and he has a spell for checking quite quickly if you’re pregnant or not. I’ve never seen this in my medical textbooks…”

Out of curiosity, she used it on herself and Scopey, especially after last night, but both turned up negative. “Well, that busts his theory about my castle huh?”

“Maybe if he’d gone at you more than once, or Cider and I hadn’t cleaned up most of the mess,” Scope said with a giggle. Twilight nodded, and Scope felt a small pang of sadness.

“Can I… tell you something?” the princess said. “Something you can’t tell anypony else. Especially Ledger.

“I keep my own secrets from the silver know-it-all, but if it’s that important, I can both lend an ear and advice afterwards, if I think you need it,” Scope said as she snapped her book shut. She’d picked up more than one thing from this relationship. Least she could do is route it back around where need be.

“Well, when Ledger first brought it up, him wanting to have a foal with me… well, to be honest, that scared the hell out of me. I’d barely known him by then, and he says that he wants a foal? I almost left then and there.” She sighed and lay her head on the bed. “But, it also got me thinking, that for a thousand years, why had Princess Celestia not had one? I know she’d taken lovers in the past so…” She closed her eyes and got lost in thought for a moment, calming her emotions and beating heart. “I asked her about it.”

“I’m guessing by your emotions, it didn’t end well,” Scope said, holding off on what she knew about Secret’s heritage and what it meant for his kinks for the moment.

“She said that… once, a long time ago, she tried.” Twilight opened her eyes and stared at the open tome before her. “She found out, after a lot of experiments and tests… that alicorns can’t get pregnant. She’s, not sure about Cadence and I, seeing as how we weren’t born alicorns. But… the chance exists, that I can never have a foal.”

“I,” Scope said dramatically. “Am calling total bullshit. I’m guessing that they simply lost their chance a while ago. And you and Cadence still have one, but it’ll probably close fast. The Orange Hive did a study into pony and changeling biology and- oh just turn the damn pages to the orange tab!”

Twilight blinked at her sudden outburst and nodded, leafing through until she reached the pages Scope mentioned. She pointed at one set and read aloud.

“Today I learned all about reproduction. I feel...violated. But still. I have no reason to believe that ponies and changelings are very different...A nymph has eggs that she releases when properly...stimulated, or during one part of the year. A drone has sperm that he can release when he’s...stimulated as well. I am assured ponies function similarly, with heat periods taking the place of a nymph’s season. This is...something to be aware of, for sure.”

Scope paused for a bit before asking the question. “So have you had a Heat as an Alicorn yet? Because if so, you still have a chance.”

“No, but I guess we’ll find out when spring rolls around,” if that happened, and with the combined strength of all four mares… Ledger might not survive the coming season.

“Yup, so it’s really more of a question of, if you have a Heat this year, do you want a foal? Middy’s already got hers on the way, and I don’t know if Cider wants one. I probably won’t be able to have one because of my size.” Twilight lifted the nymph so she could snuggle her. She hadn’t thought about that. And here she was going on about herself when Scope couldn’t…

Still, she did ask a good question. Did Twilight want a foal? Well, of course she did, she wanted kids eventually… just, she wasn’t sure if she wanted them now.

“I don’t know,” Twilight replied. “I think it’s a bit too soon. And with all this stuff popping up, like these ‘Friendship missions’ and Cutie Mark magic…” She had too many responsibilities…

“Your choice,” Scope said with a shrug. “Though that does put a heckuva deadline on you, then.”

“Make a hasty decision and have one, or see if I go into Heat again next year,” Twilight replied. “Provided I even get one in the first place.” She frowned and sighed. “This is heavy… I don’t think I can make a decision right away.”

“Not expecting you to,” Scope said with a smug smile. “Just expecting you to plan for the future in which you do have a Heat and don’t want a foal.”

“You think Ledger’d give me an option?” Twilight giggled. “You should have heard one of his little fantasies. Very… um, well… I’m not sure how I’d put it.” She flipped through his book, and like she’d expected, he had written about it.

She showed Scope, the one he had about a pregnant Twilight servicing him on her own throne.

“Oh yeah, meant to mention,” Scope said with a giggle. “Secret might be a Silver on his mother’s side, but he’s also part Violet, and that’s where he gets his little kink from. Silvers have to be convinced it’s a good idea before they’ll have sex, they’re attracted to those with intellect. But Violets...there’s nothing a Violet drone likes more than knocking up a female.”

“Huh,” Twilight hummed and decided to turn to the Violet marked pages. “Let’s see what we have here…”

“So,” the page read. “I, uh, arrived in the Violet Hive today. I can safely say I’ve never been propositioned more for sex in my life. No less than three regular nymphs and two Noble ones offered to take me somewhere private before I arrived at their library, and only one of those was in season. Plus I hear that there’s going to be a big party later tonight, with changelings and ponies invited. I don’t want to think what the purpose of it is. And the books here are...yeah, they’re like ninety percent sex aides. I can tell my time here is going to be fun.”

“Wow, I can almost hear the snark in his words,” Twilight giggled. “I wonder what he’d do if I sent him a note that just said. ‘Breed me. Love, Twilight’?”

“Probably assume that your season had started and abandon Mistress to ‘take care’ of you until it had passed,” Scope said.

“Oh my,” Twilight giggled. Okay, do not tease Ledger with that. Not if she wanted to walk straight afterwards. Still, if her season rolled around and she didn’t want one. She’d probably have to leave while she was afflicted with it.

The moon should be far enough away from him.

“But if he got wind of you being in season at all after we were married,” Scope continued. “He’d probably drop everything anyways just to chase you down and fulfill that fantasy of his. Violets...rarely leave a fantasy of theirs unfulfilled if they can help it.”

“And what about a Blue?” she asked and nuzzled Scope. “What little fantasies run around that head of yours?”

Scope blushed and looked away before muttering something. Twilight’s ear flicked and she smiled.

“I didn’t quite catch that,” she hummed. Scope muttered it again, louder, but no more understandable than the last due to her mumbling.

“Oh come on Scopey,” Twilight pouted, her eyes growing huge as she stuck out her bottom lip. “I promise I won’t laugh. Do you think I’d do that?”

“Fine!” Scope snapped. “I want him to be sweet to me! I want him to be gentle! I...I want him to say those words in a week and a half and mean them. Is...that so much to ask for?”

“No, no it’s not,” Twilight replied and hugged her. “Do you want me to talk to him about it?”

“Somepony needs to,” the nymph grumbled. “Him being rough isn’t so bad, but occasionally I just want...him to love me.”

“I understand,” Twilight said and kissed her forehead. “We all love you, my little Treasure. I think Ledger just has… some difficulty expressing himself like that to another Changeling. But still, I’ll sit him down and make him listen okay?”

“Thanks,” Scope said, sniffling a little at letting all this emotion out. “Just don’t tell him about this part. Otherwise I’ll sound like a total softie.”

“Of course, my tough little bug has a reputation after all,” Twilight giggled and wiped her tears away with a hoof. “If he asks, I tell him you threatened to kick my flank.”

“That works,” Scope said as she just lay there. “Meh, I’m not feeling up to surprising you anymore. Cuddle?”

“Hmm, and I was curious to see what you’d do,” Twilight giggled as she cuddled the nymph closer. She set the book down, no longer in the mood to read it. She smiled as she lay back, hugging the nymph to her chest. “Love you Treasure.”

“Love you too, Sparkle,” Scope said as she settled in for a quick nap. She soon found herself drifting off to sleep, as Twilight hummed a small lullaby.

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