• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,654 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 104 - Welcome to the world

Midnight Song stared into her coffee mug. “I'm am never going to get over the fact Moonie actually became a stallion, just to get you pregnant.” She looked up at the Violet Noble and her brow creased. “Please tell me you didn’t force her to… not after what happened…”

“Of course I didn’t force her to,” Sugar replied. “And something tells me I should ask her about that second comment.”

Midnight winced, she hadn't meant to blurt that out. “Urgh, just don't tell her I said anything or she'll teleport me into the sun or something.”

“Dear, when I want to be, I can be very subtle,” Sugar said before sipping her own coffee.

“That’s go-” Midnight suddenly pitched over, clutching her stomach. “Ffffuuuu…!”

“Dear, are you okay?” Sugar said as she got up and walked over to Midnight’s side of the table.

Midnight took long, deep breaths and hissed. “Y-Yeah...just, Little Parasite loves using my kidneys as punching bags…”

“Ah, the joys of having a child,” Sugar mused. “Steppy loved making me go to the bathroom, personally.”

“Mmm,” Midnight groaned as she sat up and sighed. “Phew. Okay. I think I'm-” then she doubled over again and screamed.

And that was when Sugar noticed her hooves were getting wet…

“Dear, did your water just break?” the nymph asked.

Midnight just gave a small nod as she continued to groan.

“Can you stand? We have to get you to the hospital, and it’d be easier if you helped if you could,” Sugar said as she offered her hoof to the mare. Midnight took it and clutched it tight as she slowly got to her hooves, panting heavily.

“O-Okay… let's. .. go…”

“No rush, we should have some time before the main event,” Sugar said. “Let’s just take it easy, okay?”

Midnight nodded and the two ambled out of the club.

Ledger nearly jumped out of his chitin when his door slammed open as Cider came tearing into the room.

“What is it?” he asked. “Monster attack? Rogue changeling invasion?”

“Ah wish it was that simple,” Cider panted, having run here from the farm at top speed. “Little Bat’s in the hospital. She was visiting Sugar and her water broke…”

“Oh Hives,” Ledger said. “You rest up, I’m going there now. Wait,” he said as his horn charged. “Do the others know?”

“Scopey went to get Twahlight… dunno how long she'll be though.”

“I’d go tell Amy and, more importantly, Ace, but I dunno what I’d walk in on if I did,” Ledger said. “I’ll ask Scope to send a message once she arrives.” And with a sharp crack, the drone disappeared, only to reappear in front of the hospital. He barged in and went to the mare behind the front desk.

“Midnight Song,” he said. “Her water broke, I’m the father. What room is she in?”

The nurse panicked only slightly at the changeling getting up in her face like that, then screamed as a large Griffon barged in as well.

“Pony mare! My wife Amethyst Cream is here!” he near shouted then looked at Ledger. “Oh, hello Ledger.”

“I had been wondering how to best get in contact with you,” Ledger mused. “Middy’s water broke as well.”

“Well now, isn't that a wondrous coincidence,” the bird chuckled as the nurse recovered.

“R-Rooms 21 and 22,” she stammered.

“Who’s in which?” Ledger asked. “I’d rather avoid walking into the wrong room.”

“The..um, batpony? She's in Room 21. The excitable changeling miss is in the other.”

“Meet up after?” Ledger posed to Ace.

“That sounds like a plan,” Ace nodded and then pushed the drone to one side as the air displaced and Princess Twilight Sparkle winked into existence.

“Y-Your highness?” the nurse gasped as Twilight strode over to her.

“The pregnant batpony. My wife. Where is she!?”

The nurse fainted.

“Oh for buck's sake!” Twilight swore.

“Room twenty one,” Ledger said. “Just about to go there myself.”

Twilight was already running for it, dragging Scope, Cider and Ledger along in her telekinetic field.

“Heh, perhaps I should find my little dessert,” Ace mused and calmly headed for her room.

Ignoring any and all protests from her unwilling passengers, the alicorn eventually reached the room, to see Midnight hooked up to a heart monitor and groaning.

“Twilight, I love you, but if you don’t let me down right now so I can be by Midnight’s side,” Ledger started to threaten. Twilight blushed and lowered the group to the floor as they surrounded the bed.

“Oh…” Midnight looked up. “‘sup?”

“You, silly,” Ledger said. “We haven’t missed it, have we?”

Midnight looked down at her round belly, which was monitored by an ultrasound machine. She raised an eyebrow and waited for the drone to figure out the obvious.

“Hey, all I knew before arriving here was your water broke,” Ledger said. “And then I had to deal with Twi making the nurse faint before I could pump her for information.”

“The only mares you're supposed to pump is us,” Midnight giggled weakly.

“Isn’t that what got us into this?” Ledger asked.

“Something like that,” she smiled. “Glad you guys could…” She groaned and yelled as another contraction hit.

“How far apart are they?” Twilight asked.

“A...A few… I dunno,” Midnight panted as a doctor walked in and sighed.

“Some of you are going to have to clear the room,” he said.

“All right,” Ledger said as he began leaving. “C’mon mares, let’s leave the doctor to his work.”

“Nuuu…” Midnight waved her hooves weakly. Cider chuckled and kissed her nose.

“We'll be just outside until the doc is done okay?”

“Fine,” Midnight pouted.

“We’ll be right here,” Ledger reassured her. “Just on the other side of the door.”

Midnight nodded as the group left, leaving her alone in the hospital room.

“I hate this,” Scope muttered. “Remember what happened last time she was in the hospital?”

“This time, we’ll keep a good watch on the room,” Ledger assured her. “No creepy exes showing up to kidnap her in the middle of the procedure. And if any do show up, we’ll eat ‘em.”

Scope snapped her jaws and growled.

“Kidnapping?” Twilight blinked and then her expression changed to one of realisation. “Oh that's right. That happened just before we all met and you turned my life upside down.”

“And that’s a relatively normal day by our standards these days,” Ledger sighed. “Just another crisis in the herd that we deal with.”

“Hey, at least we're all out of enemies,” Scope said. “Well, except for Twilight. And I'm certain Cider never had any to begin with.”

They heard another shout from Midnight. Apparently she had another contraction and the doctor's stethoscope was cold.

And his mother was having relations with a Diamond Dog according to the bat.

“Did Narrow ever catch whoever it was that tried to ambush me back when I was getting you all your rings?” the drone asked pointedly. “I don’t think I’ll be out of enemies anytime soon either. I can only hope to run them out of business.”

“Our lives are never dull,” Cider mused as she sat down.

“I'm sorry ancient evils keep trying to kill us,” Twilight said.

“Would it kill them to give a little warning?” Ledger mock-groused. “I mean, I know they’re ancient evils and all, but haven’t they heard of a little thing called courtesy?”

“I know right!?” Twilight replied a little too seriously. “How can I keep to my schedules when they keep interrupting!”

“And science won’t progress unless we can both work on it,” Ledger sighed. “It’s like they have no appreciation for what we’re trying to build!”

“Maybe I should just Rainbow the whole planet…” Twilight started smiling a little too widely…

“I’m sure you’d run out of Rainbow before you finished,” Ledger said. “Maybe work on Rainbowing an entire country to start with.”

“Middy’s in there pregnant and you two are talking about magical weapons of mass destruction,” Scope sighed.

“Well there ain't a whole lot we can do darlin’,” Cider replied to her. “Not until the doc is done with her…”

There was a yelp of pain, a male one as the doctor exited the room soon after, a bite mark visible on his leg.

“Maaaaybe one of us should accompany you back in there,” Ledger said. “Just to make sure that she doesn’t do that again. Or has a different target than the trained medical professional.”

“Well, I'm just filling in for the moment,” he replied, rubbing his leg. “We have a thestral specialist coming from Canterlot…”

“Will they get here in time to prevent you getting bitten again?” the drone questioned.

“I hope so,” he said. “I just needed to take her vitals and check if she was dilating… she uh, didn't appreciate that last part.”

“Still, she’d be a little more hesitant to bite us,” Ledger said. “Maybe.”

“We're fine until she starts going into labour. Given the time between her contractions…” He looked at his chart and hummed. “I'd say the next 24 to 48 hours.”

“Rotating shift?” Ledger asked his other wives. “That way only one of us needs to be here at a time unless something happens.”

“Sounds good,” Twilight nodded.

“Ah’ll head home, make us some coffee and food,” Cider said. “Be back in a lil’ bit okay?”

“And I’ll go in and comfort the silly bat before we start this,” Ledger said. “Twi, I leave it up to you to draw up the shift schedule-”

“Done.” The alicorn held out a scroll proudly. “Made it six months ago.”

“There’s being prepared,” the drone deadpanned. “Then there’s being ever so slightly over-prepared.”

“There is no such thing,” Twilight nodded.

“Anyways, I’ll head in and comfort Middy before we start up this schedule,” Ledger said as he pushed into the room. Just as he heard the heart monitor flatline…

“That’s not good,” he observed aloud as he looked at the room. Luckily, the bat was far from dead.

She had however, unplugged the machine and was in the process of getting out of bed. Ledger walked closer and gently began pushing her with one hoof. “No, bad Middy,” he said mock-severely. “You stay right here and give birth.”

“Oh I feel like I have to give birth,” the bat replied. “But not a baby and not from that hole…”

“Middy,” Ledger said. “I’m warning you. Either stay in that bed, or I will use my magic to help the hospital.”

“Ledger. Lemme go to the bathroom or you're going out that window.”

“Promise that you’ll come right back? I’m not above using a tracker spell.”

“I'm not going to run away moron,” the thestral said as she got up again. “You honestly think I'm going to risk the baby like that?”

“You are pretty silly,” the drone mused. “Okay, I’ll trust you.” With that, Ledger got out of the way.

“Good, I already made a mess of Sugar’s floor… not gonna use a fucking bedpan…” She ambled away and closed the door behind her. Ledger just sat back and waited. After a few minutes he heard the toilet flush and Midnight returned as promised…

Then started ambling towards the door.

“Middy…” he said, with only a hint of trepidation. “What’re you up to?”

“Weeeell,” the bat said. “I know Amy’s here as well. I heard the doctor mention it… I was going to go visit?”

“Like I said,” Ledger replied. “I’m not above a tracking spell. Though I don’t think I’ll need one...Still, you probably shouldn’t go in there,” he said. “After all, you’re still going through the whole birth thing yourself…”

“I just wanna see if she's okay,” Midnight said. “And I'm going to be spending a lot of time in that bed soon. Wanna use my hooves while I still can. You can come with you know, so I won't, ‘run away’.” She made little quotation marks with her wing tips.

“I’ll trust you,” Ledger said. “Still, I kinda wish you weren’t trying to make life difficult for the doctors.”

“They'd get too complacent otherwise,” Midnight said as she headed out of the room, Scope raising an eyebrow until she explained again.

“Whatever,” she replied. “Might as well go with you.”

“Honestly,” Ace sighed as he sat beside Amy’s bed. “You gave me quite the fright love. With the way Chrys was panicking, I'd thought you'd hurt yourself.”

“No, but I feel like I’m about to regret everything,” Amy groaned. “It’s been bad enough carrying our foal, but now it’s hurting so much…”

“You know I love you yes?” Ace lay his head on the bed beside her. “And we will love this hatchling as well. Besides, how did you think foals came into the world dear? They say the greatest struggle in life, is to obtain it in the first place.”

“It’s certainly feeling like it,” the pink nymph groaned, before gasping and crying out sharply in pain. “Eeeesh, I don’t know what’s going to hurt more. Pushing our foal out, or pushing out its beak and claws…”

“Well, we don’t really know what it looks like,” Ace said. “But a Griffon chick doesn’t get its claws until the first few months, so you're safe there. And for all we know, he or she will have your cute little face.”

“Or it’ll have your front half, and only its back half will be armored,” Amy said. “I am so looking forward to being able to shift again. If only to give Chryssy this joy as well.”

“Oh, seeking a little vengeance?” Ace chuckled and held her hoof as the door slid open, Midnight poking her head inside.

“Sup sugarbug?” she said in a loud whisper.

“Just a foal trying to claw its way out,” Amy weakly replied. “Nothing big.”

“I know those feels,” Midnight groaned as she waddled in. “What a coincidence that we're here together huh?”

“I blame changeling and griffon pregnancy times being shorter than a pony’s,” Amy said, before looking over at Ace. “That makes sense, right?”

“Makes sense to me,” Discord whispered into Ledger’s head. “They think it's coincidence… well, whatever helps them sleep am I right?”

“Makes sense to me I suppose,” Ace shrugged. “I've longed since learned that you and normal mix like ice-cream and barbeque sauce.”

“Oooh, I should totally make a barbeque ice-cream,” the pink nymph giggled.

Ace and Midnight blanched at the thought, and Amy’s foal decided to give a decidedly sharp kick. “Yipe,” the pink said, before rubbing her stomach. “Okay, maybe not.”

“Seems I have ally against my love's more… exuberant ideas,” Ace chuckled and rubbed her belly.

“Heh, Aunty Middy’s totally gonna spoil you,” The thestral joined in on the rubbing.

“You talk like I won’t,” Amy giggled.

“It's a good thing Ledger and I are here… hmm…” Ace got up and left the room, returning with a changeling drone under one arm as he walked upright. “As I was saying, since Ledger and I are here. It's up to us to be the tough parents.”

“You think I can stop Midnight from being Midnight?” Ledger asked with a raised brow. “She’s going to put our foal through Tartarus trying to make it as awesome as she is, I can tell.”

“Damn right,” Midnight said and struck a confident pose, before wincing and holding her belly as she hissed in pain.

“Whereas I’ll accept whatever they grow into being as awesome in and of itself,” Ledger said. “Because apparently I’ll need to be the supportive one.”

“What are the odds that Chrysalis will teach ours the finer points of conquering enemy territory?” Ace mused as he resumed petting his wife.

“Tactics are a good thing to know,” Amy said. “It’s how I got so skilled at my martial disciplines. I am looking forward to being able to practice Swift Wing again...Still Way’s good and all, but I like my Pegasus wings.”

“Amen to that,” Scope replied. “Being big is fine, but I swear that if I smack my horn on a door frame one more time…”

Midnight sighed and wobbled a bit. “Urgh… I think my ability to stand has reached it limits. This blimp is going down…”

Ledger walked over and propped Midnight up with his body. “Mkay, I’ll take her back to her bed now,” the drone said. “Take care Amy. See you in a bit.”

“Take care of my student Ledger,” Ace nodded. “Also, do you think you and yours could help Chrys and I keep an eye on this one? We don't want to miss out.”

“You’re right next door,” Ledger said. “It shouldn’t be a problem at all.”

“Many thanks,” Ace yawned. He'd been up half the night already, but Chrysalis wouldn’t get off of work for another few hours.

Meanwhile, Midnight had been escorted back to bed and was staying put… for now. “Sure you wanna stick around for the whole time?” She asked. “It's gonna be boring.”

“Not me personally, but there will always be a member of the herd around,” Ledger said before unrolling the scroll Twilight had given him. Midnight looked at it and snorted.

“Does she have a checklist for everything?”

“I would not be surprised,” Ledger said before reading it to see whose turn it was. Scope. “See, Scopey will stick around for a few hours, then I’ll get off work and relieve her, sticking around for most of the night. Then it’s Twilight’s turn. We have a plan, you won’t ever be alone, Middy.”

“Thanks…” she said quietly and pulled the blankets up around her neck. “It's just… last time…”

“Another reason one of us is always sticking around,” Ledger agreed. “I promise you, if anything happens to you this time, I will have war declared on the fool who decided to mess with my Midnight.”

Midnight blushed profusely at that, pulling the blanket up over her head. Ledger could swear that her glowing face still shone through. He walked up and put a gentle kiss against the soft fabric before turning to leave.

“Remember Middy, listen to your doctor,” he said, before he pulled the door open.

“Only if they come bearing mangoes,” the bat pouted. Ledger just chuckled and left the room.

A full day had passed, Midnight had yet to give birth, and as Ledger blinked his eyes in succession, before taking a long sip of his thermos filled with Ledger-level coffee…

“Ledger dear!!” a mare glomped him, hugging him tight. Only one unicorn did that.

Moon Song.

“Hello,” he wheezed out. “Air please…”

It wasn’t until Grissom pried his wife off, did Ledger’s lungs get the chance to reinflate.

“So, the day has finally come huh?” the thestral stallion chuckled and smacked the drones back a few times.

“Yeah,” Ledger replied. “It’s been a draining experience…”

“I know the feeling,” he said as Moon rushed in to check on her daughter. His eyes flicked towards the room occupied by Amy. “Think they'll miss their grand foals birth as well?”

“They might,” Ledger sighed. “I’ve not seen hide nor hair of another pink in the city for ages…Correction, another pink that’s related to her.”

“That’s a shame…” Grissom sighed. After the wedding, he'd tracked the two changelings, sending them missives on what they'd missed, and what they might miss. “I do hope the girl is alright.”

“She’s strong, she’ll pull...through?” There was an anomaly. A small mote of pink light over Grissom’s shoulder. Ledger couldn’t look away.

“What?” Grissom noticed his gaze and followed it. “What… is that?”

The mote grew, stronger and stronger, before there was a pink flash of light through the hallway, and two ponies were there. A pink and a violet unicorn, panting and out of breath.

“Did we...miss it?” the pink one asked as she tried to catch her breath.

“And, you are?” Grissom found his voice first. “Though I am hazarding a guess a certain Pink changeling is related to you.”

“Is my Amy here?” the stallion said. “Please tell me she’s here and all right.”

“She’s fine,” Scope yawned sleepily from her spot on the couch. “Chrysalis is with her right now…”

The statement did anything but reassure the pair of them. If anything, their expressions turned more sour. “Her?” the mare asked. “Why not that griffon husband of hers?”

Scope yawned again. “Cause she's married… friggen dumabasses. Now lemme sleep…” With that, she encased herself in a silence bubble and drifted off.

“I am going to have words with that mare,” the male grumbled as the pair of them looked at Grissom. “Where is she?”

“That room there,” Grissom pointed. “But be warned, I doubt you'll find what you're expecting…”

“We’ll be the judge of that,” the mare said before pushing the door open. Her husband followed after…

What they saw was their daughter, older than what they remembered. A tall, stunningly beautiful mare stood next to her, peeling an apple with her magic. Her coat was as white as the freshly fallen snow, and her translucent fairy-like wings shone like crystal.

“Honestly love, you'd think that foal would just come out and say hello already…” Chrysalis looked up to see the two unicorns. “Seems we have visitors.”

Amy groaned and looked up from her bed before blinking. “Momma? Poppa?”

“Hello dear,” the pink mare said with a smile. “I’m sorry we missed the wedding, but I’m glad we got back in time for this.”

“Better late than never… again,” Chrysalis muttered under her breath. Being with Amy had done wonders to control her temper.

“And might I ask who you are?” the stallion said.

“I'm Amy’s wife, though you'd know that had you actually shown up,” the mare replied as she resumed peeling the apple.

“You’re Chrysalis?” they asked together.

“Forgive us for our skepticism, but we were informed that you’d be a Changeling,” the stallion said.

“You’re most certainly something new,” the mare added. “Different than what we were expecting on the outside, at least.”

“Mhmm,” Chrysalis replied. She eyed them then looked at Amy. “A Violet father? That explains quite a bit now doesn't it?” She placed the apple slices on a plate and floated one over to Amy’s mouth. The pink nymph munched down on it before she explained.

“I’m pretty sure I told you this before, Chryssy,” she said. “Like, a few times. Dad’s a Violet with a Yellow mother, he was the only one brave enough-”

“Or stupid enough,” the pink unicorn said, earning a snort from the stallion.

“-To go up to the dragon lands and try and add the Pony Sutra: Dragon Edition to their library,” Amy finished.

“I went up there so that he would still be loyal to me at the end of the day,” Amy’s mother said.

Chrysalis just blinked slowly. “...Oh they are related to you alright,” the mare sighed. “And to clarify, I am no longer a Changeling. I am a Flutterpony, the first and last of my kind for a good long while.”

“I told you you should have added Ledgy,” Amy pouted. “He’d be so pretty, nopony would take him seriously again! Plus all you would have to do is say it was a science experiment and he’d jump at the chance!”

“That’s still an idea that I'm toying with,” she replied. “Or I could make you one when you're sleeping. Poof, you wake up as a fairy pony~”

“The idea is tempting,” Amy admitted. “But let’s wait until after the foal, kay? In case it follows Changeling transformation rules.”

“Naturally,” the mare nodded. “Oh, and heads up, I’m about to get revenge for the wedding.”

“Whut?” Amy asked with a cute head-tilt. And that was when her parents were scooped up into a crushing feathery hug.

“If it isn't my beloved’s parents!” Ace boomed and hugged them tighter. “Greetings and salutations!!”

“Air!” the mare gasped. The drone merely held his breath, more than used to his wife and daughter’s hugs.

Chrysalis chortled, glad to not be on the receiving end of that. Ace’s boundless enthusiasm should be an interesting experience.

“Why are we standing over here?” Ace stood upright, a unicorn under each arm as they brought them over to the side of the bed. “Tis a pleasure to finally meet you!” he continued, still holding them.

“Well we only just got here,” the mare said. “Also, when do you plan on letting us go?”

“Amy, Chrys and I have been married for nearly nine months now, so I have some hugs to catch up on,” the griffon nodded, but but them down when Chrysalis pointed out he was making too much noise. “Ah, where are my manners. I am Aerial Ace, husband to both your adorable daughter and this peerlessly beautiful mare here.”

“Love how you distinguished between the two,” the stallion said mock-angrily, before grinning and introducing himself. “I am known as Restful Night, and my wife-”

“I can introduce myself, dear,” the mare said before smiling at the griffon. “I’m Rose Frosting. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the griffon that’s been so good to my daughter.”

Chrysalis chose that moment to clear her throat.

“Well, I cannot take all the credit,” the griffon chuckled. “Our little fairy was just as loving. You just have to work around her thorns…” He looked down at the Violet stallion. “Huh? Violet. That explains a lot.”

“I know right!” Chrysalis tacked on.

“I swore I told you guys,” Amy said.

“Probably, we may not have paid attention,” Ace said as he finally put the parents down. “And how is my sweet little dessert?”

“They say I’m nearly fully dilated,” Amy said with a gasp. “I hope so, because then I can get this little feathered foal out of me.”

“Oh dear,” Rose said. “The true pain has yet to begin.”

Amy’s only response was to whimper.

“Mhmm,” Chrysalis nodded. “To put it into a perspective you could understand. Take… let’s say, a hole the size of a straw. Now, you have to try and push something the size of a watermelon through it.”

“...Chryssy,” Amy said with a strangled voice. “You are not helping yourself.”

“I realise this, might as well go all the way right, seeing as how I’m not getting out of it.”

“And this is what I live with,” Ace mused. “Wouldn’t change it for the world mind you.” He lowered himself down onto all fours. “Also, there’s no need for disguises here.”

“Sorry,” the mare said, before she flashed into a pink-hued ‘ling. “We’ve used them for so long in Equestria...it’s hard to believe that even one city is friendly to us.”

“Still,” the stallion said, before he became a violet drone. “The concept is...refreshing.”

“And a single Silver Noble is the catalyst,” Ace mused. “I believe you met him in the hall just now actually.”

“We’ll have to thank him later,” Rose giggled. “Now, I believe we were discussing something different?”

“Yes, like how a griffon manages to get our daughter and the first and last Flutterpony at the same time,” Restful said with a small chuckle. “Two at once, eh?”

“Well, I met Amy quite a whiles before Chrysalis,” the bird replied as he sat down. “It was actually your daughter’s idea to… comfort this one when Princess Twilight was taking care of her.”

“More like warden,” the mare muttered and then smiled. She activated her magic and polymorphed herself back into her old form. “Perhaps this is more familiar?” she buzzed.

“Still just as beautiful though,” Ace smiled, causing her to blush.

“Ah yes,” Rose said. “I’d heard about you and the ruckus you caused.”

“Heck, I think we heard it all the way up in the dragon lands,” Restful mused. “Made our jobs a hell of a lot harder.”

Your job, you mean,” the nymph quipped. “Mine didn’t change at all.”

“Let me guess, serving ice-cream to the dragons?” Chrysalis chuckled.

“More like trying to help him remember who he was loyal to,” Rose said.

“Mine was getting their trust and explaining why I wanted that trust without coming off as too sleazy,” the drone said.

“A lofty goal for a Violet,” Chrysalis nodded and then looked at Ace’s expression. “What? You’ve never been to the Violet Hive. Trust me, they would eat you up in there. Kind of like Amy when she’s requesting a...banana split~”

“Chryssy,” Amy whined before batting a hoof at her. “Mom and Dad don’t need to hear about that…”

“Oh no, by all means, do,” Restful said.

“I would love to hear all the sordid details,” Rose agreed with a wide smile.

“Hmm, like the delicious Amy sandwiches we make,” Chrys purred and kissed her wife’s cheek. “Or do they not know I can still gendershift?”

“You are so getting yours when I can shift again,” Amy fumed.

“Promises for another day,” Chrys sang. “Right now, it is my job to embarrass you completely and utterly.”

“Acey, please tell me I can get the bondage gear when I’m out of here, please,” the pink nymph said while looking at her griffon.

“Hmm? Oh, after this, I’m going to take the foal to Canterlot to meet Tia and Lulu. You on the other hoof, have a whole week to do whatever you want.”

Chrysalis’s eyes widened in fear.

“Don’t forget some formula for it,” Amy said. “I’ve got a few days worth in the fridge already, and plenty of mix lying around.”

“I’ll give the little tyke a month to settle in first,” Ace nodded. “There’s no rush… but, if we need to step out. I’ll leave the toybox unlocked~”

“Excellent~” the pink nymph purred, before gasping in pain again. “Okay, that...that one was stronger…”

“Easy now, don’t get too worked up,” Ace said as they heard a familiar yelp from next door. “I swear, you two will wind up giving birth at the same time as well.”

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Amy giggled weakly. “Can...can you get the doctor, please?”

“Is everything alright?” Chrysalis asked in a worried tone.

“I just feel reall- OW!” Amy said. “Okay, yeah, doctor now. I think the foal wants out now!”

With a burst of light. Chrysalis teleported from the room as Ledger tore down the hall. Seems Ace’s joke was right on the money.

The flutterpony returned with a dazed doctor and pointed at her wife. “You. Her. Medical things. Now!”

“Chryssy, don’t be sooooooooOW! Forget it, help!” she said as another wave of pain crashed through her.

“Okay, how far apart are the contractions?” she asked, checking the heart monitor and then the nymph herself.

“I’ll let you know when the next ooooooONE!” the pink nymph said with a slight scream at the end. “That answer your question?”

“So around forty seconds,” she noted. She pressed a button and smiled. “You’re going into labour and some...buggy? Well. They want out. Ready to get started?”

“Yes please,” Amy said before another contraction ripped through her. “Gaaah, help, please. Something, anything!”

Two orderlies appeared and moved to usher everyone else out of the room.

“We don’t have enough time to move you. So we’ll do it here.” She looked at the others. “We’ll need room. So could you please wait in the hall or visitors lounge?”

“Sure thing,” Rose said as she and her husband left the room. Ace gave Amy a kiss and then led Chrysalis out, only to see Ledger and his family out there as well.

“Ah, greetings Secret-Hoarder,” the griffon mused. “I am assuming your wife too, is producing your first-born?”

“That she is,” Ledger agreed. “She went into labor not long ago.”

The group sort of fell into idle small-talk, not really knowing what to do in this situation. Twilight paced up and down the hall, muttering to herself. And Scope just reclined on a couch, her nose buried in a Daring Do book.

As one of the orderlies exited Midnight’s room, the door remained open just long enough to hear…

“Where is my husband!? I will crack him open like a lobster dinner for doing this to meeee!!!”

Ledger sat very, very still. Don’t move, he told himself. She tracks you by the noise you emit. If you say nothing, she can’t hear you.

“Woooow,” Scope whistled. “You are fucked, and not the fun kind.”

And orderly exited Amy’s room to fetch fresh towels…

“I will pluck and roast Ace for dinner tonight!!!” the pink nymph howled. “I’ll get the other gryphons in town to season him!”

Ace gulped and moved next to Ledger. The drone should hopefully make for a distracting shield in the event of an emergency escape.

“Mmm, sounds tasty actually,” Chrysalis purred. “I do love the sensation of some juicy meat in my mouth~”

“...I now fear what you’re going to say when your time due comes,” Ledger said to Scope. “Heck, I’m afraid for my life in general. Especially if more foals are planned.”

“Me?” Scope blinked and looked at Twilight. “You’re not concerned for the mare that could tear you apart at the subatomic level, with just a thought?”

“She’s not pregnant,” Ledger deadpanned. “Plus, I intend to learn shields before I do.”

“Might wanna ask Shiny for help there,” Chrysalis mused. “You’ll need it.”

After that, the group fell back into an awkward silence. And after a half hour or so… the doors opened and the doctors emerged.

“Song family?”

“Cream family?”

“You may see your wife now,” the doctors, which Ledger noticed were twins, smiled and said in sync.

“Freaky, but okay,” the drone said as he looked at the others. “Hmm...we might wanna take it in turns,” he said. “I don’t think we can fit all four of us in there at the same time. I’ll go first, who wants to go with me?”

Twilight and Scope smiled, nudging Cider forward.

“She was here before us, only seems fair,” the alicorn smiled. “Don’t take too long though.”

Ace and Chrysalis were already headed for Amy’s room. Ledger nodded and walked over to the door with Cider, pausing for a moment before he ushered her into the room that hopefully held his wife and his new child.

When he entered, the emotion he felt. It was love, so pure and rich he could drown in it. Midnight was laying in the bed, holding a bundle of sloth in her forehooves. Her mane was a mess and her coat was shiny with a sheen of sweat. She looked exhausted…

But at the same time, Ledger was sure he’d never seen her this… happy. He carefully drew closer, still mindful of the threat she’d made when she was delivering the foal…

She looked up and smiled softly, motioning for them to be quiet. As he drew near, she smiled and pulled back the blanket, showing off a thestral pony, though Ledger could see the small stub of a horn poking out through its thin mane.

“Meet your daughter,” she whispered. “Star Song.”

“She’s so adorable,” Ledger said in just as soft a tone.

“Ah reckon,” Cider cooed. “She’s jus’ the cutest lil thang.”

“And a pain,” Midnight smiled and kissed her forehead. “But she’s perfect. Just like her mommy~”

“I’ll agree with that statement,” Ledger said. “Out of curiosity...do you know what color her eyes are?”

Midnight smiled. Widely.

The filly yawned and her eyes opened, looking up at everyone.

One shining Silver and one rosy Pink…

“Oh dear,” Ledger said. “Two colors at once. This...has never happened before…normally one’s the dominant in a hybrid.”

“Trust Middy to break the rules,” Cider chuckled as she nuzzled the filly, squeaking when her nose was gummed on. Midnight giggled and held Star up.

“Wanna hold her?” she asked. Ledger sat on his haunches and held his forelegs up, ready to cradle the filly. Midnight carefully handed her over, the filly gurgling as he got to see a little more of her. She had the tiniest pair of batwings, and soft chitinous plating covered her legs from her hoof, to the top of her shins. She also seemed to have one along the bridge of her nose.

“Hi there,” he said softly to her. “I’m your daddy, you silly filly.” He nuzzled her a little, smiling all the while and just basking in the pure and simple love that pervaded the room.

“Blable!” she said and batted at his nose, before yawning and closing her eyes. Being born was exhausting. Ledger smiled and looked at Cider, raising an eyebrow in unspoken question.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“You want a turn?” he vocalized. Cider nodded and moved next to him, taking the filly as he hoofed her over.

“Oh mah stars, she so tiny,” Cider breathed. “Ah jus’... wow.”

“Seems everypony loves you,” Midnight giggled. “As well they should. Where’s Scopey and Twi?”

“They’ll be coming in next,” Ledger said. “We didn’t want to crowd you two.”

“Ah, righto,” Midnight smiled as Cider handed Star back to her. “Just remember,” she cooed to the filly. “I’ll have my revenge for this when you’re old enough… maybe embarrass you in front of your first colt or fillyfriend.”

Star giggled and poked Midnight’s nose. “Oh yes, you think is hilarious now,” the mare giggle and booped her back.

“I suppose I should start thinking of appropriate death threats, then?” Ledger mused. “I have so long to work on it, after all. I might even manage to make a short speech.”

“You’re the Daddy, intimidating potential lovers is part of the contract,” Midnight smiled.

“And then they meet Scopey,” Cider smirked.

“Yes, well, I’ll have time to threaten them eloquently,” Ledger said with a slight sniff. “She’ll just threaten to eat their hearts or something unoriginal.”

“Speaking of, wanna send them in before my little Starry gets taken away to be examined?” Midnight said.

“Yup, it’s their turn,” Ledger said. “C’mon Cider, let’s let them in now.”

The mare nodded and pecked Midnight on the lips as they left the room, making way for Scope and Twilight.

“Hey girls,” Midnight said. “Scopey, wanna see what you’ll get in a couple of months?”

“Sure, let’s see the grub,” Scope said as she walked over. Once she saw Star, though, she fell silent like the others had.

“Isn’t she the cutest?’ Midnight giggled as the filly opened her two-toned eyes, staring at the Blue nymph. Scope remained speechless as she just stared at the filly. More accurately, at the pure and simple love she was just radiating.

If Midnight was a supernova of lust, then this little filly was like a star of love.

Midnight giggled at her expression. Twilight’s heart was simply melting at the sight of the filly. The Cake twins had been awfully adorable… but knowing that this filly was her daughter, not by birth, but that was a trivial matter.

“I can’t... “ Twilight whispered. “I’m a Mom…?”

“We all are,” Midnight said. “Starry? Say hello to Mommy Twilight and Mommy Scope.”

The filly gurgled again and waved her forelegs.

“This...this filly is just…” Scope whispered. “How?”

“Well you see, when a Mommy Pony and a Daddy Changeling love each other very much,” Midnight started.

“Not that,” Scope cut her off. “You know how you practically radiate lust? This filly is giving off so much love right now, I’m surprised the entire changeling population isn’t trying to get a peek at her.”

“Really?” Midnight replied and looked at her daughter. “Well aren’t you just a bundle of joy?” The filly just cooed again as a nurse entered.

“We need to run a few little tests, just to make sure she’s healthy,” the nurse said. “Can I whisk Mommy and Daughter away for a little bit?”

“You probably shouldn’t separate them for long, if at all,” Scope warned. “She’s happy now…”

“They’ll both be coming, as we have to examine Mrs Song as well,” the nurse smiled as Midnight was moved to a wheelchair. “We’ll be back soon.”

Twilight nodded and decided to go with them, just in case Midnight’s instincts flared up. On the way out, a Pink changeling was also being wheeled out.

“Heya,” Midnight waved.

“Hi there,” Amy said softly, before showing off her own bundle of joy. It looked a little like a hippogriff, but he had black chitin on his rear half. His front half took after Ace’s coloration...

And his eyes were solid pink.

“Meet Richard,” she said softly. “I figured a more gryphon-like name like Fredrick and Jonathan might suit him more.”

“Well isn’t he a handsome fellow,” Midnight giggled as she showed Amy her own. “And this is Star Song… well, she won’t have a ‘ling name until she picks one.”

“Aww,” Amy cooed. “She’s adorable, and takes after you and Ledgy in all the right ways~” She blinked a few times before looking at the filly again. “Especially in how much she just seems to love everything…”

“So I’ve been told,” Midnight giggled and nuzzled her. “Did Acey faint? He’s oddly silent.”

“Right when he saw his son,” Amy giggled. “He didn’t even get to hear how I’d teach him better than he could~”

“I. AM. A. FATHEERRRR!!!” Ace roared from the roof of the hospital, causing everyone to look up.

“Guess he recovered,” Amy giggled before nuzzling her son again. “I’m sorry, dear, you were born into a crazy family.”

“As are you,” Midnight giggled to her own. “Wait til you meet Grammy. She’s a hoot.”

Speaking of…

“Oh Maddy~” Scope hummed through her Hivemind to the Silver nymph. “You there?”

I am a little busy negotiating with my sons as to how much time they are allowed to spend on the Ponyville side of the portal,” came the reply. “There is only so much damage the town can suffer.

“Oh?” Scope whistled innocently. “Too busy to be informed as of twenty minutes ago, you became a grandmother?”

WHAT?!” the Madame all but roared over the link. “You mean to tell me that I missed it?


I will be on the next train over,” she fumed. “And you all better have pictures!

“Just take the portal to Ponyville, then the one in Twi’s bedroom to here,” Scope said and cut the connection. “PINKIE!!!”

“Yes?” the mare said, popping out of… somewhere.

“Camera. Now!” she said as the mare handed one over.

“In case of camera emergencies,” she giggled as Scope raced over, snapping pictures of the two mothers.

“I want to ask,” Ledger mused as he sat with Cider. “But at the same time, I know the only thing that lies down that road is madness.”

“I kinda, sorta forgot to tell your Mom,” Scope explained.

“Let’s just hope she’s in a mood to be merciful,” the drone sighed.

“Good luck with that,” Midnight giggled as the two mothers were wheeled away.

“So?” Cider spoke up. “Who wants to get a bite to eat while we wait for them?”

“You can go if you want,” Ledger said to the other two. “I’m staying right here.”

“Ah never said we had to go anywhere,” Cider chuckled as she led them, and carried Ledger, to the garden where she had a picnic spread set up. A little something she’d done while Twilight and Scope were seeing Midnight.

“Oh wow,” Ledger said. “Okay, this works too,” he admitted.

“See, now let’s eat. Ah brought enough fer everyone,” Cider said, sitting Amy’s parents down with them.

“So you did,” Rose agreed.

“Quite the spread too,” Restful admitted. “I think I can see why they love you.”

“Yup, all food forever is now spoiled for you,” Scope nodded. “Our Sweet Mare is special~”

Cider was just reduced to a stammering, blushing mess.

And so the family ate, talked and laughed. Today was a good day.

A few hours later, Scope was doing her best to hide. Maybe the Madame wouldn’t notice her next to this lamp…

“Miss Scope,” she heard from behind her. In a very chilling, final tone.

“YEEP!” Scope scrambled away and hid behind Ledger. “Help, the Windigoes have come for me!”

“Mother,” Ledger sighed. “Please don’t murder the second mare to be carrying a grandfoal of yours.”

“Of course I wouldn’t!” the Madame said. “That would require getting my hooves dirty!”

“But don’t y’all have that fancy magic?” Cider smirked as Scope shot her a glare.

“Still too close to it,” the Madame said. “I believe I did threaten her with all sorts of horrible pain if I didn’t get pictures, though-” She never finished as Scope teleported her inside Midnight’s room.

“That gives me enough time to get these developed,” she sighed and trotted off.

“Well, hello there,” the Madame said as she took stock of her new surroundings. “Is this the little bundle of joy here?”

Midnight blinked at her sudden arrival and then sighed, getting her racing heart under control. “Y-Yes. This is Star Song. Starry? This is your grandma.”

“Blame Scope,” the nymph said as she drew closer. “Hello little one~” she cooed.

The filly blinked inquisitively at her, and the Madame got a good look at her eyes…

“Oh my, aren’t you a special little hybrid,” the Madame chuckled. “As if having a foal wasn’t going to throw your lives into disarray already, you’re going to have one that’ll be unpredictable and loves learning things.”

“Yeah, she’s going to be a right terror,” Midnight mused. “Especially when combined with what you're probably feeling now?”

“She does seem to practically radiate love,” the Madame mused. “I assume you’re going to have to beat off the changeling suitors with a stick when she comes of age.”

“A really big, Ledger-shaped stick,” Midnight giggled. She soon stopped and looked down at Starry. “I can’t believe she’s real… that, this is a thing that actually happened.”

“I felt the same way when I had Ledger,” the Madame sighed. “I couldn’t believe that I had created a drone so utterly perfect...did you know, that for the first few minutes after he was born, he shared a similar coloring to your little filly’s?” she said. “Of course, the Silver in his eyes quickly became dominant.”

“Really?” Midnight smiled and then blushed lightly. “Well, that explains quite a bit.”

The tiny filly yawned cutely and drifted off to sleep and Midnight cuddled her.

“Yes, typically when a hybrid is born, you can tell in the first few minutes as to which color they’ll be, and what color will be the dominant one,” the Madame said. “To have struck such a perfect balance is unheard of. Congratulations, both on the filly and on breaking all the known rules.”

“I’m Midnight Song,” the mare said. “And when I do something, it’s awesome.” She stretched her wings and sighed. “I just… I hope I don’t screw this up. Being a Mom? I don’t know anything about it.”

“Little secret?” the nymph said. “Neither did I when I started.”

“But you’re…” Midnight tried to find the right words. “Nothing scares you.”

“I was very much in your position so many years ago,” the mare said before giving the pair of them a nuzzle. “It was only with Wishful’s wise words that I learned how not to panic.” She looked down at the little filly and smiled. “He told me that he would be there for me, to help me realize when I was screwing up and correct me when I was. That as long as I could still sense that my foal loved me, that I couldn’t possibly be doing too badly.” She then softly kissed Midnight on the forehead. “I know you don’t have our senses, dear, but you do have two who do. And I’m pretty sure there are other ways to tell if your filly loves you.”

“Mhmm,” Midnight said softly as she looked down at her perfect little filly. “I can’t promise that I’ll be the best Mom ever. But I can promise that I’ll try. Harder than I have at anything.

“And as long as you do that,” the Madame said, “Then I have faith you will succeed. Now, can I hold her for a short while?”

“Sure,” Midnight said and held her up slightly. “Careful.”

“Of course,” the mare said, gently taking the little filly and smiling at her. “Hello there little one,” she said softly. “I’m your grandmother.”

The filly just stared at her, before leaning forward and hugging her face. The Madame giggled and looked at the filly with slightly crossed eyes as she continued to support the small form. “Looks like we’ve got a hugger,” she said.

“Seems that way, Creator help us when Joyful meets her,” Midnight smiled.

“That is something that would be wonderful to watch. From a distance,” the Madame agreed as she tried to gently ease the small filly off her face.

“I'm glad you like her,” Midnight said softly. “I was… worried that you-”

“You helped heal my son,” the Madame said as she finally got the little one to let go. “I would never hate you or her. Though, fair warning, I will spoil her rotten if you give me half a chance.”

“S’what Grandma's are for,” Midnight smiled and wiped her eyes. “Heh… must be dusty in here or something.”

“Here,” the silver nymph said as she started to hoof over the filly back to Midnight. The thestral took her as the filly scrunched up her face…

Then the pair discovered that the filly shared her mother's vocal skills as her wail was so high pitched, a nearby glass of water shattered under the assault.

“Goodness,” the Madame said. “Quite the vocal range on the filly.”

“Shhh, there there,” Midnight hummed and rocked her gently. “Yeah, you're a little tired huh.” She closed her eyes and started to hum a lullaby, one that soon caused the filly to cease her screeching and yawn.

“To be fair, she was just born,” the Madame chuckled. “I’ll leave you to it then.”

“Thanks, and… sorry no one told you sooner,” Midnight whispered. “Scopey has pictures.”

“Some of which I might very well take, but it’s not your fault, dear,” the nymph said. “You can hardly choose when they’ll be born.”

“True enough,” Midnight smiled and closed her eyes. The mother and baby had fallen asleep before the nymph even left the room. She was as quiet and gentle as she could be as she left them, before sighing and smiling. It was still a lot to take in.

Maybe some pictures would help. Speaking of, where was that nymph?...

Night was beginning to fall as the hospital announced the closing of its visitors hours.

“Well now what?” Scope asked, glad that those pictures had gotten the Silver off of her back.

“Now we take Middy home,” Ledger said. “Once the hospital releases her, anyways.”

Cider returned, having trotted off a while ago.

“Ah spoke with the nurses,” she informed them. “They said both the Momma and the foal are as healthy as a horse, but they still wanna keep ‘em here overnight. And since this is Middy’s first foal, there's a few things they wanna teach ‘em.”

“So, first thing tomorrow, we come back to take her home,” Ledger said. “Well, once we’re allowed to invade anyways.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at his choice of words.

“Twilight, we may have to use your large, empty palace for sleeping,” Ledger said. “It’s the only place with the rooms to house a foal.”

“Whut?” Cider blinked and looked at him. “You wanna leave a foal, the combination of you.. and Midnight. In Ponyville?”

“I’m saying we would sleep with Midnight in Ponyville as well,” Ledger said. “Can you look me in the eye and say that the farm has the room for foals?”

“Well… not yet,” Cider said, feeling a little flat now that her joke went over his head. “Ah plan on renovatin’ soon. Jus’ waitin’ fer some of mah family to get some free time to lend a hoof.”

“Wise policy,” the drone agreed. “And I am aware that you were having a laugh, but I’m not worried about little Star running off and doing anything crazy just yet. I’ll wait until she learns how doors work and can open them herself first.”

“I give her about a week,” Scope chuckled. “Alright, let’s get going before the nurses try and throw us out.”

“Yes, let’s avoid that if we can,” Ledger agreed. “Home then.”

Twilight opened her eyes and nodded. “Okay, that’s sorted. Well, shall we go and get some dinner?”

“Sounds good, ah’ll whip us up something at home,” Cider smiled as the family headed off, the Madame, Moon and Grissom trailing after them.

“So,” Chrysalis smiled as she held Richard. “Still in the mood to murder us my love?”

“A little less,” Amy sighed. “I’ll have to wait a little before I can shift, but you’d better believe I’ve not forgotten everything I’ve promised you, Chryssy.”

The nymph looked at Ace. “Are you sure I cannot use a memory wipe spell on her?”

“Positive,” Ace nodded as he nuzzled Amy. “And I'm so proud of you my little dessert. Our son is perfect.”

“Thanks,” Amy said before giving him a kiss.

Chrysalis looked at Amy’s parents and nodded her head. “So. Are there no problems between us?”

“There might have been, if we’d met you before Amy did,” Restful said.

“However, she clearly saw something in you worth saving, as she usually does, and loves you as well, so it’s not really our place to try and stop her,” Rose finished. “We tried that once.”

Once,” the drone said with a shudder.

“That sounds like an interesting story for another day,” Chrysalis chuckled and moved to nuzzle Richard. “And you. I can't wait to see how much Tartarus you raise~”

The small hippogriff-changeling hybrid peeped and returned the sentiment as well as he could...by clamping onto her with his beak.

“Um… ouch,” Chrysalis frowned. “That hurts you little-”

“Chryssy,” Amy said as she gently disentangled the little one from her wife. “Language.” She cradled her son next to her chest and gave him a small kiss.

“Fine,” Chrysalis pouted and rubbed her sore hoof. “So, can we take you home today?”

“Nope,” Amy said. “Doctors want me here overnight to observe. Just to make sure nothing crops up, you understand.”

“Fine,” Ace pouted, joining Chryssy in her moping.

“Aww, this’ll give you time to figure out where little Richard is staying,” Amy said. “Get all the foal stuff set up.”

“Do we even have the room?” Ace asked. “I don’t recall seeing a spare room…”

“Yeah, we’re gonna need to move to a new place,” the nymph pouted. “And I’d just gotten that one set up how I liked it.” Meaning all pink things everywhere. “Can you two look for one, please? I don’t wanna keep the little one in the same room as where we’ll be making his little brother or sister.”

“I'll see what I can do,” Ace said and made for the door. “Come Chryssy. I may need to intimidate somepony.”

“Oh goodie~” The mare clapped her hooves and chased after him, leaving Amy alone with her parents.

The nymph smiled at her parents, who came a little closer and looked at their grandson, before sighing. Amy instantly caught on to why they might be upset and vocalized her conclusion.

“You can’t stay, can you?”

“I’m very sorry, dear,” Rose said. “But we did leave most of our research and things up in the dragon lands. Give us five more months, and we can come home.”

“I’m sure the Violet Hive will be glad to have this book in their lexicon, finally,” Restful said. “And when we come back, we are going to spoil your son like you would not believe.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t join Ace in proclaiming to the world that you were a grandfather,” the pink nymph teased her husband.

“I nearly did,” he ruefully admitted.

“Mom, Dad, I love you,” Amy said. “Just be careful, okay? I don’t wanna lose either of you.”

“And you won’t,” they said before giving her a hug and saying farewell to Richard. The two of them stood close together near the door, and Rose’s horn lit up.

“See you in five months,” she said, before the pair of them vanished in a pink flash.

And like that, Amy was left all alone…

Well, for about a half hour, until a bat holding a little bundle crawled into the bed with her.

“Hey…” she whispered.

“Hiya,” Amy whispered back. “You’re stuck here too?”

“Mhmm… I couldn't sleep… not in here by myself…”

“It’s fine,” Amy said. “I don’t mind.”

Midnight smiled and leaned her head on her shoulder. She looked and Richard and pulled a face, making the little hybrid giggle. “Just as giggly as his Mom huh?”

“Mmhmm,” Amy nodded before shifting a little, so that the two foals could see one another.

They simply stared, blinking a few times before Richard reached forward and beeped Star’s nose, making the filly go cross eyed, which just made the hippogriff giggle again.

“Aww, that’s adorable~” Midnight cooed.

“They like each other already,” Amy agreed.

“Whelp, this city is doomed,” Midnight said and snuggled Starry. “You should have seen Ledger’s face when he saw her.”

“I’ll bet it was priceless,” Amy giggled. “She’s so cute~”

“I pretty sure his brain checked out, before she melted his heart.” Midnight smiled and put a hoof around Amy. “So… guess we're Mommies now huh?”

“Mmhmm,” the pink nymph agreed. “The road before us is long and fraught with peril, but I’m sure they’ll be well worth the trouble.”

“Well, look on the bright side. We’ll be sure to live long enough to be a pain in the ass to them when they're older.” Midnight chuckled and closed her eyes. “Can… we sleep here tonight?”

“I don’t mind, and I don’t think Richard does either,” Amy said as she gently made sure her son wasn’t going over to Midnight’s lap to mess with the new face he saw.

“Blah!” Star babbled and the moment Midnight put her next to Richard, the two drifted off to sleep together.

“My heart can't take this,” Midnight gasped. “Too much cuteness…”

“This is too sweet, and that’s coming from me,” Amy agreed.

“And before we know it, they'll be angsty rebellious teenagers,” Midnight sighed. “Well, whatever counts as rebellious for a Pink. Maybe he'll say he hates sugar or something.”

“He would never!” Amy gasped.

“I'm just teasing,” Midnight smiled and poked the nymphs nose. “Now let's get some sleep. I'm sure we're going to be busy tomorrow.”

“I can do that,” Amy said as she got comfortable. The two soon drifted off to sleep… tomorrow would be… interesting.

Meanwhile, half a city away. Fredrick was opening the door to his marefriend’s apartment. Only to be greeted with room that had all the lights off, save for a small glow coming from the kitchen.

And when he investigated…?

All he saw was an ornately decorated table, lit by soft candlelight and his mare in a stunning silk dress.

“Well this is a change of pace,” he mused. “Normally I would be the one making the dinner.”

“Yeah...well,” Narrow looked down. “ I felt like doing something special alright.”

“It certainly looks like it,” the griffon agreed with a chuckle. “Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”

“Good,” Narrow nodded. “Now… take a seat and dinner should be ready in just a moment.” She paused and looked at him. “And yes, I'm using actual food.”

“Really?” he said with a slight tone of shock. “You mean dinner isn’t going to be this delectable mare in front of me? Color me surprised.”

“Yes well…” Narrow blushed and just walked into the kitchen before she dug herself deeper. Fredrick chuckled as he seated himself at the table. At the very least, this would be entertaining. Hopefully it’d be tasty as well, though he would wait to see on that one.

He noticed a metal bucket with a rather pricey bottle of wine. Along with the decorations that he knew were new… Narrow had put quite a bit of effort and money into tonight.

Then she brought out his food. A garden salad for her, along with bread and dipping oils for the both of them.

And for him…

A Caesar salad, complete with shredded chicken and diced bacon.

“My word,” he praised her. “You went through a lot of work for this.” He tasted the salad and found it to be delicious. “A lot of work indeed.”

“Well, I wanted to give you something to remember… and preparing that bowl of murder wasn’t too stressful.” The expression on her face said she was just teasing though.

“My dear, every night with you is a night to remember,” he said. “You are quite the memorable mare.”

“Well, I had to be to tame you remember?” She smiled and took a nibble of her salad. “Fredrick. Do… Do you ever regret it? Giving up your ways just to be with me?”

“Never,” he replied. “I indulged in that life to find a mare that was worthwhile. And while all the mares I was with were interesting, they didn’t care a whit for what I wanted. Not really.”

“I see… that’s…” She shook her head and smiled, “Sorry for bringing it up.”

“It’s fine,” Fredrick said before he tucked into his salad, eating it with gusto now.

She watched him eat, it made her happy he liked her food. And yet, her heart was pounding so hard, she was amazed he could hear it. She reached for her fork, only to drop it with how much her hooves were shaking. “Damn…” She leant down to pick it up…

Only to find Fredrick already there, his talons laying across her hoof as they reached it at the same time. “Oh, forgive me,” he said before drawing back. “I heard you drop it and just wanted to help…”

“I-It’s fine,” she replied and sat up… only to bang her head on the table. “Ow! For fu-”

“Language,” Fredrick chided her before holding her head still and looking at the bump. “Yeah, that’s gonna swell up,” he said. “Let me go get an ice-pack.”

“I’m fine,” she sighed. “Dammit… I'm totally ruining this.”

“Nonsense, a few hiccups in a dinner plan is normal,” the griffon chided her. “I’ll be right back with that ice-pack.” With that, he was off to her freezer. She sat there with her head in her hooves.

“I can’t believe I'm bucking up something so simple. Come on Peach, get it together. What’s the worst that could happen, aside from him laughing in your face and leaving you forever…”

Okay, now she was panicking. Just as the griffon returned with an ice-pack and held it to her head. “There we are,” he said. “Just leave that there for a minute or two to help reduce the swelling.”

“Thanks…” Narrow groaned and held the pack there. “Well… this isn't going at all how I planned.”

“Things rarely do,” Fredrick chuckled before retaking his seat.

“Buck it…” she muttered. “Fredrick, you have a little something on your beak.”

“Oh?” he asked, looking cross-eyed at it. He reached for his napkin, which was folded into a little pyramid shape. And when he lifted it…

A little velvet box was laying underneath. He looked at it curiously, before carefully opening the small box. Inside lay a silver band, fit for one of his talons. The words ‘Love and Honour’ were inscribed in Griffic on the inside.

“This…” he breathed, before looking at Narrow. “Are you?”

“Fredrick,” Narrow said quietly. “Would… would you do me the honour of becoming, my husband?”

The griffon couldn’t think for a moment. He froze in contemplation as he considered the idea. He’d already become loyal to her, what was one more step? His old life was well and truly behind him.

The moment passed, and he stepped around to her side of the table, before giving her a deep and passionate kiss by way of reply.

He noticed her tears when he broke the kiss. “S-So, was that… a goodbye kiss… or…”

“That was me accepting your proposal, silly mare,” the griffon chuckled. “I truly did not expect you to ask me, but I am happy you did.”

Narrow was speechless. She just sat there and blushed as she processed his reply.

“Of course you realize, Midnight will be all sorts of smug about this,” the griffon sighed. “The price we’ll have to pay, I suppose.”

“I'm sure she be much too busy with her new foal to worry about us for a while,” Narrow smiled and then leapt at him, knocking the griffon over as she hugged him.

“I take it you’ve been planning this for a while?” he asked on his back while one of his talons stroked through her mane.

“Sorta,” Narrow said. There was no way she'd tell him that she'd been agonising over this for three months.

“And you doubted that I would respond positively?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“...Maybe a little?” she said.

“Those were tears,” the griffon teased.

“Were not, I got onion in my eyes,” she muttered and blushed harder.

“Mmhmm,” the griffon hummed. “So are we going to finish the dinner you so painstakingly made?”

Then she smiled. “I guess… you still have dessert to get to after all.”

“I like the sound of that,” he purred.

Once dinner was done, Narrow scampered off and closed her bedroom door, leaving the griffon to wonder what was going on.

Then he saw the glow…

“Oho,” he said to himself. “My mare is being all sorts of devious, is she?”

The door slowly opened and when Fredrick poked his curious beak inside…?

Three of his beloved Peach Blossoms, entwined with one another as they wore matching sets of very racy lingerie.

“Hello love,” one said.

“We're waiting for you,” another purred.

“Play with us?” the third licked her lips.

“One condition,” Fredrick said as he raised a talon up. “Dismiss the clones tonight. I just want to make nice, simple love to the mare I’ll be marrying.”

“Aww,” the clones pouted as Narrow cancelled them out. The griffon advanced on her and hugged her close, before giving her a light kiss on her lips.

She hummed and kissed him back, even as he felt her tears wet his cheek.

“Are you okay, love?” he asked as he drew back.

Narrow frowned and rubbed her eyes, before mumbling under her breath.

“I can’t help if you won’t talk to me,” the griffon said, merely holding her close now.

“I said I'm happy alright,” she replied louder. “Just… shut up… jerkbird.”

“So happy that you’re crying, apparently,” the griffon said before planting a light kiss on her forehead. She just blushed again.

“I thought you promised lovemaking, not picking on me,” she said.

“I can do that,” Fredrick said. “I very well can, but I just want to savor holding the mare I love close. Is that so wrong?”

“No,” she sighed and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for saying yes…”

“Why would I not?” he asked her before kissing her back.

“A variety of reasons I suppose, the first being that I’m a ballbuster of a mare…”

“Your tenacity is one of the reasons I love you,” he said. “You stuck it out when others would have given up.”

“I’m not exactly mare-like,” she said. “I can’t stand fancy dresses or makeup… well, save for my current attire,” she blushed.

“You’re mare enough where it counts,” Fredrick said. “And I love your sense of honor and duty. The very things that drove you to being a guard.”

“You’re making it quite difficult for me you know,” Narrow frowned. “I’m trying to pout here.”

“And you’re very adorable when you are,” the griffon said with a cheeky smile.

“S-Shut up,” she flushed brighter and hid her face with her hooves.

“You’re also beautiful, stunning, and an amazing mare, and that’s before you get into how you are in bed,” Fredrick said. The mare was now a blushing, squeaking mess. It was absolutely freaking adorable.

“Frankly,” the griffon said as he stroked her mane. “I should consider myself lucky that you asked me to marry you.”

Narrow took a breath to calm down. It… sorta worked. “How… how about we agree we’re both lucky and leave it at that.”

“I can agree to that,” Fredrick said before kissing her softly. She returned his kiss, humming into it before she broke it.

“You still haven’t told me if you like this outfit,” she said. “I bought it especially for you~”

“It’s a lovely outfit,” he murred. “I love how it leaves very little to the imagination~”

The lacy outfit hugged her form quite nicely as she spread herself out underneath him. “Well, why don’t you show me how much you like it~” she purred.

“Can’t I take a moment to admire it and the mare it’s on, first?” he said as his eyes greedily drank in her form.

“Hmm, I suppose I can indulge you for a bit,” she said as she gave him bedroom eyes, laying on her side and striking a very sexy pose. The griffon purred as he ran a talon over her form.

“Mmm, out of all the mares I have been with,” he said, “You are definitely the most alluring. Mainly because, as you have said, you are not normally. So it makes it all the more wonderful when you choose to be~”

“Guess I’ll just not do this often then,” she hummed and rolled over, showing her back to him as her tail swished idly.

“Your choice,” he said. “I’m perfectly willing to wait to consummate our new relationship.”

“Oh, so you’ll wait for however long it takes for us to get married before you tap this flank again huh?” Narrow smirked.

“If need be,” he said. “The question is, can you wait that long? You do seem to be all dolled up for a reason…”

“You know exactly why we’re here love,” she turned back to him. “Now, if you’re done admiring, why don’t you unwrap your gift~?”

“I very well might do that,” the griffon purred, before finding an edge of the lingerie and slowly peeling it down across her form. Narrow smiled as she turned to make it a little easier. She was going to take her time with him tonight.

It had been a few days now, and Midnight’s left eye had developed a twitch over the lack of sleep. Little Starry had been an angel… until she started crying at the worst times. The bat knew the baby couldn’t help it…

But she needed sleep dammit.

The group entered the castle and Midnight was looking forward to a nap…


There was a high-pitched shriek and Ledger found that he had a thestral clutching him in a chitin-cracking hug.

Literally, his leg was starting to form hairline cracks…

“Middy,” he gasped, trying to pry her off. “You’re kinda hurting here…”

When she finally looked around, she saw the living room of the castle filled with ponies and a big banner that said ‘Congrats on the babies!’


“ItstotallyacelebrationforyoursuperadorablebabyandoneforAmyaswell!” Pinkie said and reached into the crowd, pulling out said Pink changeling, now in her no-longer familiar pegasus form.

“......What?” Midnight blinked again.

“It’s Pinkie, it’s a party, and you’re hurting my leg,” Ledger explained. “Please let go?”

Midnight gasped and let Ledger go, his leg now tingling painfully from the sudden blood loss.

“Party?” Midnight looked around. “For… me?”

“For us, for having the foals,” Ledger said as he examined his leg. Yeah, that would require a molt, probably.

“Oh? Ohhhh…” Midnight looked around and calmed down. “For crying out loud Pinkie… I nearly kicked your flank for that.”

“Heehee, oops,” the mare giggled, seemingly unfazed. “Well, since my tushy is unkicked, want some cake?”

“That’d help,” Ledger said. “Cake usually calms Middy down. Especially if it’s mango-flavored.”

“Well duh,” Pinkie rolled her eyes and produced a mango ice-cream cake. “What else would it be?”

Then the mare yelped when Midnight descended on the sweet treat, taking it and Pinkie’s hoof with a single bite.

“Little tip,” Ledger said. “Leggo.”

“Buff iff tafttee!” Midnight said before spitting out Pinkie’s hoof, minus one cake.

“Wowzies, and I thought I ate fast,” Pinkie whistled. “Well, now the bat has been tamed. We have snacks and drinks. Presents and aaaaaaall sorts of fun stuff!”

“Sounds good,” Ledger said. “Can we start with us just catching up on sleep first? Despite her name being Star Song, we’ve done very little sleeping during the night as of late.”

“Aawwww…” Pinkie’s mane deflated just a little. “Okie Doki Loki then. We’ll party hard, quietly,” she said and like that, the party was still going on, but everyone was whispering and even the music was quieter.

“Thank you,” Ledger sighed. “I’m gonna find a corner to nap in. Wake me up in like an hour and I should be good to go.”

At that comment, Midnight dragged him along and into one of the many unused rooms. It just had some spartan decorations, but she practically tossed him onto the bed before snuggling up next to him.

“Nap?” he said, already bedding down himself.

“Nap,” Midnight agreed and closed her eyes. “My baby is cute, but she is Tartarus spawn in an adorable disguise.”

“I’m sure she’ll figure out what a sleep schedule is soon enough and adhere to one,” Ledger sighed. “And just think, later, when she’s grown up and sleeps in, you can get revenge.”

“Once she’s old enough. Pre-dawn training for her!” Midnight declared. “Anyway. No words, sleep time.”

“Can do,” Ledger said as he closed his eyes. Midnight followed suit, and the couple drifted off to sleep.

And an hour later, Ledger heard something. And once his sleepy brain processed those words…

It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders… and his brothers…


“What have we told you about how often you’re allowed to hang out?” he grumbled as he was awoken without any coffee. Midnight groaned and rolled over, falling out of bed with a loud ‘thump’

And yet, the mare continued to sleep. For the last two weeks, she’d been training her flank off when not looking after Star. As such, she’d already lost a significant amount of her baby belly.

“Do any of you even know how to look after a foal?” Ledger asked as he made sure Midnight was alright.

It was then that his brothers noticed he was awake...

“Aw crap, Secret without coffee. Run for it!!” they screamed and bolted, dragging the Crusaders along with them.

“I’d better go check on Star, make sure they weren’t being serious,” he grumbled before ambling off through the hallways in search of his foal’s room.

He found her fairly quickly, the little lighthouse of love was never hard to find. He also found Twilight and Amy, along with Amy’s little one as well.

“Oh, hello Ledger,” Twilight greeted him with a kiss. “Have a good nap?”

“It helped, but I could do with some coffee,” Ledger said before returning the kiss. He then looked at Amy and Richard with a cocked eyebrow. “So, I see you’re enjoying the party then?”

“It got noisy, so I brought Richie up here for a little playdate.” She nuzzled the little hippogriff as the two foals tumbled with each other. “This is just so darned cute!!”

“I’m glad they get along,” Ledger said as he sat back. “It makes looking after them a lot easier.”

“Yup!” Amy nodded as she pulled out a camera and took a few quick snaps. “And I know Scopey’s will be bestest buddies with them as well.”

“Speaking of, she should be due soon herself shouldn’t she?” Twilight inquired.

“Probably,” Ledger agreed. “And then spring will roll around again.” He gave a shudder at that.

“Aww, don’t be like that,” Twilight cooed and rubbed his back. “You survived last spring after all.”

“By hiding, once I got away from you and Cider,” Ledger riposted. “I might very well do the same this year.”

“Silly Ledger,” the alicorn giggled and nuzzled him. “I put a Tracer spell on you a while ago. There’s no escape for you this time. I fully intend to try out aaalll my new toys.”

“You do realize that by telling me, you’ve told me how to escape you, yes?” Ledger said with a small smirk.

“That only makes the game more fun… love~” Twilight smirked back and kissed him again.

“You’d catch more changelings with love than with a trap,” Ledger posed to her.

“I only need to catch… one…” Her eyes widened a little as he felt a lightbulb moment. “Ohhh, I am so trying that~”

“I’m already worried,” he stated as he edged away from her.

“Aww, don’t be like that. When has Sexy Science ever let us down?” Twilight mused and licked her lips. “You know you're curious~”

“Only a little bit,” Ledger said. “It’s a lot more fun when I’m the one running the experiments.”

“Ledger doesn't like being the submissive one,” Twilight explained to Amy with a giggle. “Maybe you should've taken Sugar up on her offer. Moondancer says she really loves being dominated.”

“Yeaaaaaahno,” Ledger replied with a flat stare. “Not happening.”

Twilight just giggled again. Ledger made the most amusing faces whenever somepony teased him about that.

“Leeevvvyyyyy~” Midnight stumbled into the room and glared at him. “Wanna explain why I woke up on the floor?”

“The duo that is the CMC and the Trio yelled at us both by way of greeting us, and your only response was to roll over and play dead,” the drone replied.

“And so… you woke up… and left me there?” She said, stepping closer to him. “Instead of placing your loving wife and mother of your daughter back into a comfy bed. You leaver her on the cold crystal floor.”

“Four words they said made me drop everything to come here,” Ledger said. “Cutie Mark Crusader Foalsitters.”

“...Where’s Starry?”

“She’s fine, she’s playing with Richard…” Ledger turned to look. The filly was currently gumming up one of the hippogriffs hooves.

“Phew!” Midnight sighed. “Would not have liked to explain why I had to eat three little fillies.”

“Am I forgiven, then?” Ledger asked.

Midnight tapped her chin and smirked. “Hey Twilight? Come spring, let’s team up on him.”

It was then Ledger realised. Midnight wasn’t pregnant anymore. Like everypony else, she’d come into heat in the spring…

“...I’m going to have to change my name for an entire season, aren’t I?” Ledger deadpanned.

“Wow, you are so utterly screwed,” Amy chuckled. Midnight snickered and was about bring up one of her usual retorts…

“Literally and figuratively,” the drone agreed. “Mostly literally.”

Then the silence was shattered as the foals screamed, both Midnight and Amy sighing.

“Feeding time.” They echoed as they picked up their foals. Midnight was one that opted for natural feeding as she moved to a comfy chair in the corner of the room. Amy pulled a bottle out of a saddlebag before holding her foal up and giving him his food.

“This one gets a little greedy,” Midnight giggled and then looked at Ledger. “She must get it from her daddy~”

“In my defense,” Ledger said, before licking his lips in a suggestive manner. “You taste delicious.”

“Well, if you’re good, maybe you’ll get a treat later,” Midnight smiled back. “Twilight, can you take him away before he gets any ideas beforehoof?”

“Awww,” the drone pouted.

“Will do,” Twilight giggled and lifted him with her magic. “Why don’t we go find Scopey and you can bug her instead?”

“Oh har har,” the drone laughed. “I saw what you did there.”

“I’m too funny sometimes,” Twilight giggled and trotted off with her new Ledger-shaped balloon. Midnight just shook her head as they left and looked at Amy.

“See what I have to deal with?”

“They’re so incredibly silly, I don’t know how you manage,” the nymph agreed.

“With infinite patience and an insatiable libido,” Midnight nodded and looked down. “A word you won’t learn til much, much later. Or… until you walk in on one of your Mommies and Daddy… which is likely.”

“Considering the amount of mommies Ledger has to satisfy, I’m betting on the second option,” Amy giggled. “So Scopey is next. Who’s after her?”

“I think Cider maybe… but I know Ledger really wants to get Twilight pregnant.” Midnight giggled at that. He’d actually begged the alicorn a few weeks back. It was so cute~

“Y’know, I’m pretty sure Chryssy wanted to run a test on him...think we could borrow your stallion for about ten minutes?” Amy asked. “We’ll not do anything perverse, promise.”

“Sure, I guess so,” Midnight shrugged. “The perverse option is always open, as long as I get to watch… or help out~”

“Nah, it’ll be a snap,” Amy giggled. Then she did the one thing that was always a bit dangerous.

“Pinkie!” she called.

“You rang, oh fellow Pinkist?” the mare said, almost materialising next to Amy.

“Yup, if you could get Ledgy and Chryssy in a room together and tell her it’s time to run that test she’s always thought about, with his permission of course, that’d be swell.” The Pink was completely unaffected by her fellow pink mare appearing out of nowhere like that.

“Akay Amay!” Pinkie saluted and zoomed off.

“I worry about that mare sometimes,” Midnight replied as she held Star to her chest and rubbed her back for a few minutes, before the filly let out a loud belch.

“I don’t,” Amy giggled as she did something similar with her son, resulting him joining Star in letting out the tiniest of burps. “She’s just enthusiastic is all.”

“And pink,” Midnight giggled as she lay Starry down in her crib and kissed her forehead. “Good night little bug. Well, until you wake up in three hours for more food~”

Amy giggled as well as she took to the air slightly, holding her son close to her chest. “I gotta get back anyways,” she said. “I can only leave Acey alone for so long before he starts going stir-crazy.”

“Yeah, he tends to do that,” Midnight smiled. “Wait, didn’t you move recently? He and Chrys are home alone right? They could be… redecorating.”

“You mean, breaking in the place?” Amy giggled. “Not for long~”

“Well, best of luck then,” Midnight smiled and waved. “See you when I see you then.”

“Bye, take care, enjoy what’s left of the party...And enjoy Ledgy’s new look~” And with that, the Pink was gone.

Midnight smiled, then that smile faltered. “...New look?”

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