• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter Eleven - Backup sing- Backup orchestra

Ledger woke up, feeling rested for the first time in a long time. With a bit of focus, he recalled...most of his chat with the Lunar Princess, and sighed happily. Both from Midnight being next to him and cuddling him, and from finally getting some help for his nightmares.

Well, until he felt something tugging at his senses, and his eyes snapped open to see the Nymph they were housing, standing in the doorway as she feasted on the emotions that were emanating from the drone and thestral. Ledger drew himself up to his full height and glared at the nymph before erecting a simple shield between her and them, to make it harder for her to drain them.

And what in the everloving Tartarus do you think you’re doing?” he demanded in Changeish, hoping that their native tongue might get through to her. It did make her stop, but also woke up the Thestral at his side.

“The hell...?” she yawned, groaning from the fun last night. Luna, her hips were sore. She looked to Ledger and then noticed the Nymph in the doorway.

“What’s going on?” she asked, still half-asleep.

“Getting an answer for that myself before I decide whether to just toss her out...or put her in the care of the city’s lone Pink, after hopping her up on sugar,” Ledger replied.

“I was simply speeding up my recovery, as per the Mistress’s wishes,” the Nymph replied. “She had set no rules against taking surplus emotion, so I assumed it was fine.” She did look considerably better. Her chitin was healing nicely and she seemed able to walk by herself now.

“Right, shoulda said something bout that,” Midnight groaned. She was having such a delicious dream too... “Whatever, are we hurt? Will I turn into a Changeling or something?”

You’re not,” Ledger commented, “But you may want to either set a boundary quickly or correct her attitude just as quickly. Otherwise, she might see every scrap of emotion that I have as surplus.”

“Right...” Midnight yawned again. For a guardsmare, she was not a morning pony. “Look Nim, no eating Ledger’s emotions, and I’ll make sure you get some from me, directed at you, okay?”

“Yes Mistress,” she nodded once. “I dislike the emotions of another Changeling anyhow... especially a drone’s.”

“Yeah, remember what I said about that?” Midnight replied. “Play nice.”

“Yes Mistress.” the Nymph nodded once more and returned to her room.

“Well, that was harrowing,” Ledger sighed. “And just because she dislikes something, doesn’t mean she won’t use it in a pinch. Any port in a storm and all that. And like I said earlier, drain your fellow ‘ling too much…”

“Right, I’ll get on that,” Midnight groaned as she lay back down. “It’s too early for this...”

And then the door resounded with a clear knock. Midnight groaned as she buried her head in her pillow. “Go away!” she moaned.

“I’ll go see who it is,” Ledger groaned as he hit the carpet, disguise already shimmering into place. “Plus I’ll put the coffee on once I do. You can get a few more minutes of shuteye if you want to.”

Midnight just waved a hoof as the door knocked once more. Whoever it was was rather persistent. “Forget it,” the mare groaned. “You get the coffee, so I can throw it in their sun-loving face.”

“Fine,” Ledger said, a unicorn once more. He paused by the door to the nymph’s room before voicing his concern. “And...her?”

Midnight got up and poked her head inside. “Can you wait in here Nim? We have an unexpected guest.”

“Yes Mistress,” the Changeling responded, not looking up from her book. As Ledger walked into the kitchen and pulled the nymph’s door shut with his magic, Song stumbled to the front door and opened it, but upon seeing who was there, slammed it in their face.

“Well that’s just rude,” came a muffled voice.

“Who is it?” Ledger said as he set about getting the coffee things.

“A pain in my ass,” she replied, heading back for bed.

“...Who is it specifically, or you don’t get any coffee,” Ledger said as he paused mid-way through the process.

“Luna dammit,” she muttered. “Door’s open old man!” Upon that comment, the door swung open to reveal her father, rubbing his snout and wincing.

“Well I see you’re as agreeable as ever in the mornings,” he remarked.

“Ah, hello Mister Grissom,” Ledger said as he set the coffee to brew. “I’d apologize for your daughter’s behavior, but she hasn’t had any coffee yet. Something I’m fixing right now, as a matter of fact.”

“Ah, you’ve learned fast,” he smiled. “Princess Celestia told me that you wanted to see me, so I caught the morning express out here.” he sat down at the table and looked around at the new furnishings. “Seems you’re getting more comfortable here.”

“Blame your daughter for cajoling me into spending my savings on furnishings. Fortunately, our incomes should be greater and more stable again soon.” The changeling settled himself on the new couch and sighed at both the comfiness and the sound of the dripping coffee. “I believe we have a process to go through?”

“You need to sign some papers, fill some forms, all the usual red-tape crap,” Grissom replied, pulling an impressive amount of paperwork from his saddlebags.

“Hey, Level loves paperwork,” Midnight snarked. “And here I thought you’d ask something hard. Can’t we make him jump through a fiery hoop or something?”

Grissom paused and looked at his daughter. “You are never this... what’s gotten into you dear?”

“Bite me,” she muttered, thumping her head onto the table. “And Level did... repeatedly and enthusiastically.”

Grissom turned his head again, now staring at the Changeling on the couch.

“Don’t even think about it, sir,” Ledger said, already feeling the incoming hostility. “I respect your daughter very much...which is why I’m warning you away from throwing the first blow in any fashion. Because I always throw the last.” He looked from one form to the next, lips pursing slightly. “Hmmm...most of these say ‘for use by official only’...it’s almost as though they don’t trust a ‘ling to fill out these forms honestly.”

“Hah! I’m well aware of my daughters... activities.” Grissom shook his head. “I’m more surprised it took you two this long.”

“I repeat, bite me!” she muttered.

“Is she... alright?” Grissom asked.

“We picked up a new boarder the other day,” Level said. “One who didn’t understand why you don’t just drain ponies willy-nilly. She’ll recover with a bit of coffee and sugar. Oh, that reminds me. Midnight!” Level spoke up.

“What?’ she groused. She just didn’t care this morning.

“One sugar cube in YOUR coffee this morning,” Ledger commanded, “And if we have any chocolate, nibble it between sips. It’ll help!”

She sipped at her coffee, while her father sighed. He reached into his bag and pulled something out. “I was saving this for my breakfast but-”

“MANGO!” Midnight yelled and grabbed it, nomming on the fruit happily. “Ahhh, so nommy~”

“Ah, forgot about that,” Ledger agreed with a nod. “Chocolate is a good general help, but something the pony really likes to eat helps even more.” He floated the forms he wasn’t allowed to fill out back to Grissom...which was most of them, actually.

“Red tape is a pain,” he muttered. “You can fill out most of this, but I have to in your stead, so I’ll be asking a few questions I’m afraid. Did you want to start now?”

“Sooner started, sooner we get this over with,” Level said with another nod, making sure he was comfortable.

“Okay, first up is employment. Do you have a secure job? Or at least have a few prospects?” the Thestral asked as Midnight, now feeling much better, trotted off to have words with a certain Nymph.

“Assuming all the red tape clears, I’ll be taking control of what’s left of Pegasus Air and turning back into a shipping company,” Ledger said.

“An ambitious venture,” Grissom nodded. “Restoring their lost reputation will prove more challenging than anything else.” He wrote a few things down and continued. “Now, what are the main reasons for your desired citizenship?”

“Mostly to avoid the Lands and the crazy Nymphs within,” Ledger deadpanned. “Though learning new things from Equestria is wonderful boon as well,” he finished, with a significantly more upbeat tone. Grissom also wrote this down and looked at the next line.

“Oh, here we are. Are you in, or pursuing, a romantic relationship with an Equestrian citizen?”

“Assuming your daughter is one, then yes, yes I am,” Ledger replied with a soft laugh. Grissom shared his chuckle, until he reached the next question.

“Have you, to your knowledge, committed any crimes since entering Equestria?”

Technically, no,” Ledger said with a sigh. “Advised, gave council, yes. And even that self-defense was still within the lines. It’s been...a morally grey trip for me so far, but I never did anything that outright broke the law.”

“Well, one could argue that you aided and abetted,” Grissom said. “You were aware of criminal activities going on and still assisted in them. However, it was also under duress, and no charges have been pressed. But the Guard and the police will be keeping close tabs on you for a while.”

“Not like that’ll be anything new,” Ledger sighed again. “And once I realized the true Pegasus Air is when I started taking note of everything going on, to help bring Toll down. I assume that helps as well.”

“Let’s say that this particular field is caught up in so much red-tape, it would take an age to uncover,” Grissom smiled. The complex system had its uses sometimes. “Now, we have a few more and-”

“I said I was sorry!!” the Nymph cried as she ran past them, Song stalking after her with one of her swords in her mouth.

“I just want a word~” she cooed through clenched teeth.

“...Should I be concerned about this?” Grissom deadpanned.

“Meh,” Ledger said with a shrug. “Five bits on your daughter beating her back to the state we picked her up in.”

“I wholeheartedly protest that bet!” the Nymph cried out, trying to barricade the kitchen door. Until a sharp sword stabbed through it, one of Midnight’s eyes peering through the gap.

“Heeeerrres MIDNIGHT!” she giggled madly.

“I’ll file that under ‘I don’t care about nymphs that don’t care about drones’,” Ledger droned back. “Next question, sir?”

“Midnight Song. Sit!” he barked, and the mare plunked her rump down on the floor. He looked back to Ledger, “Hmm, now where were we? Ah, do you promise to uphold any and all Equestrian laws?”

“I do,” Ledger agreed.

“Do you promise to strive to become a friendly and productive citizen?” the Thestral stallion asked.

“I do,” Ledger replied again.

“And do you promise to live a life of peace and harmony?” he asked, as Midnight walked up beside Ledger.

“I do,” the unicorn finished, nodding one last time.

“And do you take me to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Midnight asked in the same tone.

“I d-” Ledger got out before blushing and looking towards Midnight. “...cheater,” he mumbled.

“Good enough for me,” Grissom chuckled as he sorted the papers. “You are now husband and wife! Congratulations!”

Ledger slowly turned to look at Grissom, gears having ground to a halt. “Midnight, love,” he whispered. “Did that...just happen?”

“While I can legally marry you,” Grissom nodded. “It was a joke at your expense son.”

“Aww, I was serious,” Midnight pouted, kissing the top of his head.

“...Maybe when he visits again,” Ledger muttered. “Little too fast for right now.”

The two Thestral’s laughed again as Grissom put the papers away.

“There’s still quite a bit to fill, but I can handle the rest. Your request has been officially heard and-” He pulled a small card from his bag and walked over to the couch, dropping it in Ledger’s lap. “-This is your temporary visa. Welcome to Equestria son!”

Ledger smiled, before looking at the small sheaf of papers he had to fill out and sighing. One quill and inkpot later, he was filling the pile out as quick as he could. His eyes were only slightly filmy as he concentrated on his task.

Name: Level Ledger...Form...Name in Changeish...Native form...Aliases...

Midnight hummed happily as he filled out the forms, even she could almost feel the happiness radiate from him. The Nymph stood by her side as Midnight motioned towards him.

“This could be you eventually,” she smiled. “Wouldn’t that be something?”

The Nymph watched, as the drone filled the forms, each stroke of the quill more exuberant than the last.

I could just take what I want, like I always have... she frowned as she spared a glance at the Thestral stallion, then to her ‘Mistress’. Why does she even care so much? Why does the drone.. scrap that, he doesn’t care at all.

Level eventually came out of his magic-induced trance and organized the paperwork in front of Grissom, blowing gently to help the ink dry faster. Soon enough he cheated and flash-dried them with a small increase in heat. “I believe your forms say the last thing you need to observe before you leave is my native form,” Ledger commented. “For archival purposes, of course.”

Grissom nodded, “To confirm you are who you say you are,” he replied. “Do you mind at all?”

“Nope,” Ledger said as he shimmied off the couch, standing on the floor a good distance away from the others. With a deep breath, the Changeling drone let his disguise fall away, standing there in all his silver-toned, Noble self. After a second to let the Thestral stallion get used to his actual form, Ledger opened his slitted eyes and looked at Grissom. “Ta-da.”

He stayed that way for all of two seconds, before a giggling brown blur tackled him.

“Hugglebug!” Midnight cried, tackling the Changeling to the ground and nuzzling him affectionately.

Grissom snorted in amusement and ticked the last box, making a few notes of his appearance.

“I don’t know why she does it any more than you, sir,” Ledger said as he basked in her care. “But I’m not complaining.”

“Because hugglebug is cuddable, what other reason do I need?” Midnight asked. Still, it was getting late into the morning and she should do some work. “But alas, your cuddlebat must protect the innocents... provided there even is any innocent ponies in this city.”

“Try the school if you’re looking for innocence,” Ledger commented as he stood back up and shimmered into his unicorn disguise. “Well, if that is all…” he trailed off, letting the others fill in their own thoughts on the matter.

“Yes, I do believe I am keeping you from some important appointments,” Grissom said. “I’ll be here in the city until tomorrow should you require anything else...” he spared a glance at the Nymph, who refused to meet his gaze. “What’s the story on this one?”

“A long one,” Midnight replied. “I’ll tell you on the way.” She looked at the Nymph and smiled. “You gonna be fine here by yourself for a while Nim?”

“Yes, and stop calling me that,” she responded. “It’s childish and demeaning.”

“Oh, somepony’s getting snarky, so I guess you’re feeling a lot better huh?” The batpony rubbed the ‘ling’s head. “I’ll be back in a little bit, and we can straighten a few things out.”

“Oh don’t worry,” Ledger said, clapping one hoof around the nymph’s neck and drawing her close. “I don’t have to leave for a little bit to the first of the meetings to make sure all those checks clear, so me and her can talk for a few minutes.” Did...it suddenly seemed to get colder in the room, the nymph observed.

“Just don’t kill her,” Midnight sighed. It was good that he was getting past his fears though. “I’ll be back in a little bit. Again, play nice you two.”

“Take care~” Ledger cooed as his marefriend and her father walked out of the apartment. Once the door clicked shut behind them, he turned on the nymph, his eyes shifted back to his regular ones.

“And now you are going to learn why you don’t drain your fellow ‘ling or any other pony without permission, especially to the point of exhaustion. Painfully, if necessary. Oh I do hope it’s necessary,” Ledger said with a slightly mad giggle.

The Nymph gulped, wondering if she should chase after the Thestrals, disguise be damned...

Midnight had explained the whole Nymph thing to her father as they walked, when the younger Thestral shivered. What was that all about?

“Something wrong?” Grissom asked.

“Hmm, maybe I should hurry home,” she replied. “Oh? Did Mom come with you?”

“Not this time, she has a performance today.” The stallion cracked his stiff neck and sighed. “So, how’s everything going with you and Level Ledger?”

“It’s going great,” she replied. “And I got to make friends with a bunch of other Changelings yesterday. They all seem pretty friendly, not like...”

“That was a rough day for all of us,” he nodded. “Especially so for you, your relationship with Ledger is all the more surprising because of that.”

“Well, I guess my own fears need to be conquered as well,” she replied with a soft sigh. “Just... don’t ever tell him about that. He’d probably do something stupid like hunt them down.”

“Provided I don’t find them first,” Grissom growled, his hoof cracking the pavement slightly. “If that shield had been just a second later...”

“Then I still wouldn’t blame Ledger for it,” she replied. “Regardless of how they would have... used me. I know he wasn't involved and that’s why it’s so important that we befriend the Changelings in this city.”

“You really are a grown mare,” he sighed. “Makes me feel a lot older because of that though~”

“Aw, you know I’ll always be your little filly,” she giggled. “So where will you be staying?”

“A hotel here in the city,” he replied as they reached the Guard station. “Got a nice five-star one.”

“Pays to be Celestia’s right hoof huh?” Something caught her eyes as Narrow Gaze entered the station, a slight limp in her step. “Hey Cap? You okay there?” she called out.

Narrow groaned as she turned her head towards the mare. “Heh, never better actually.” she paused and bit her lip. “Uh, could I get some advice from you when you have a free moment?”

Well that was surprising, Midnight wondered what Narrow Gaze of all ponies could want from her. “Uh, sure?”

“Good,” Narrow nodded. Heh, that bird would be eating his words soon enough.

“Right, I hafta head home... I think I may need to hide a body,” Midnight chuckled. Narrow blinked and then she recalled the previous day’s events.

“The Nymph?”

“Eeyup,” Midnight nodded. “Ledger wanted to have words and I didn’t like that smile on his face, so yeah... gotta fly!” With that, she gave her father a kiss on the cheek and flew off, hoping she wasn’t too late.

When Midnight returned home, Estate gave her a friendly wave as she walked inside. She nodded back and headed upstairs in a brisk pace, hoping nothing bad had happened. She got to the door and pressed her ear against it, but couldn’t hear anything. It was possible that Ledger might have erected a barrier, and she fumbled through her bag for the key.

As the door opened, it creaked in a long, slow groan, revealing an apartment that was pitch black. The thick curtains had been drawn closed and she couldn’t her a sound. Her ears flicked as she picked up one of her discarded wingblades, sliding it into place along the appendage.

“Levvy?” she called out. “Nim?” She tensed her body, waiting to see what would come out... if anything would come out.

Maybe they weren’t home? Maybe Ledger went out and Nim was asleep? She slowly walked down the hallway, until she heard something faint... and familiar. She nudged open the door to Nim’s room, and gasped at what she saw.

In the furthest corner, the Nymph was rocking back and forth, hugging her body as she repeated the same line over and over.

“I’m a good Nymph, I’m a good Nymph, I’m a good Nymph.....”

“Sweet Celestia, what happened to you?” she raced over to the Changeling and held her, the Nymph still shaking violently.

“I’m a good Nymph...”

“Yeah, I got that,” Midnight nodded, “and I have to have a little talk with Ledger...”

“Talk? No talk! I promise I’ll be good!” the Nymph cried.

“Okay, okay...” Midnight frowned. Words... many, loud words would be had.

Meanwhile, half a city away, Ledger had just finished up his latest meeting and sighed. At this rate, he’d have Pegasus Air open again tomorrow. Convincing others to let him sit where Toll had was...well for anypony else, it’d be tricky.

Fortunately, he wasn’t quite a pony, and had emotion-reading to fall back on to help.

Level’s stomach growled as he considered lunch at Fredrick’s, before shrugging and making tracks for his favorite griffon-run restaurant.

“Ah, my friend Level!” the griffon in question greeted Ledger as he walked through the door. “Lunch for one?”

“Yup,” Level agreed, quickly ending up seated by the half-bird. “Whatever you think will get me through another few hours of meetings, and lemonade please,” the unicorn said, not even giving his menu a glance as he got comfortable in his seat.

“On it, my friend,” the griffon replied, before vanishing.

While he was sitting idly, something caught his eye. Narrow Gaze had snuck into the restaurant and was looking around, trying not to be noticed too much. She darted behind the counter, where the Griffon would mix his drinks, a mischievous glint in her eye.

As the Griffon emerged to take an order, she darted out from the counter and into the kitchen. For a pony without wings, she was freakin’ fast.

Fredrick caught Ledger staring at something and turned his head, but not seeing anything out of place.

“Everything alright friend?” he asked.

“...It’s fine,” Ledger replied, a small smile playing across his face. The Griffon blinked and shrugged, placing his drink on the table. Ledger had no clue what the mare was up to...but he figured there wasn’t any harm in letting it play out.

“Be right back with your pick me up and keep me up,” he replied with a smile and returned to the kitchen. As soon as the doors closed, an undignified squawk could be hard, followed by a thump. About ten minutes later, Fredrick returned with a plate of food, and he looked... dishevelled.

“One plate of spaghetti with spinach pesto,” the griffon said, a little rushed. “Do enjoy.”

“Fredrick,” Level spoke up from his place, causing the griffon to pause for a moment. “Is everything...alright?”

“Er, yes...” Fredrick replied. “I just have something brewing in the kitchen that requires a lot of attention. And it tends to bite back...”

“If you say so,” Level said as he began twirling his noodles...deciding not to let the griffon know that he could all but taste their arousal in the air.

“Right,” Fredrick nodded, making a brisk pace back the kitchen and resuming his own feast. Level snickered as he kept eating, basking in the emotions of those around him, drawing in only the excess for his own nourishment.

“Good on you, captain,” he muttered to himself. “You finally got him to shut up the morning after.”

Back at home, Midnight had prepared a meal for the two of them and had finally gotten to the bottom of what had happened. Ledger had been a little... enthusiastic in his instruction. While no physical harm had come to the Nymph, she had suffered quite a bit of mental trauma.

“Seriously Levvy, are you trying to become as bad as her?” Midnight wondered aloud. She fed the shapeshifting mare as she decided what to do for today.

“I believe... that I’m well enough for a transformation,” the Nymph responded. “You have done well in providing me with a good deal of emotional energy, so I have healed much faster.” While she didn’t want to admit that she’d drawn some excess power from the drone earlier...

Well, any port in a storm right?

“Well, alright then,” Midnight nodded. “First, Unicorn, Pegasus or Earth Pony?”

“Thestral or Griffon?” the Nymph tilted her head.

“Wouldn’t a pony form consume less energy and be easier to fit in?” Midnight counter-argued. The Nymph scoffed and pouted, but the Thestral mare was correct.

“Fine, Pegasus then,” she stated. “...I like to fly...”

“That’s fine,” Midnight nodded and smiled. “I love to fly as well. It’s so free and liberating.”

The changeling nodded and closed her eyes. Blue flames washed over her body as she let out a pained moan. Seems she wasn’t totally healed, but she bit her lip and continued. After a moment, a dark-grey Pegasus with a white mane and tail lay where the Changeling once was.

She opened her eyes, now ponylike, but still retaining that sapphire blue hue.

“Very cute,” Midnight approved. She looked the form over, and didn’t seen any trace of Changeling there. But there was a small problem...

“You don’t have a Cutie Mark?” she questioned and the Nymph nodded.

“Well, what should I be good at?” she asked. “My only talent as a Nymph is gathering information.”

“And that’s a good skill to have,” Midnight nodded. “I’ve been thinking about that ever since you mentioned it, and I have an idea.”

“And that idea is..?” the Pegasus waved a hoof.

“Well,” Midnight smiled. “Listen closely...”

Ledger groaned to himself, glad that the meetings were finally over...before running a quick calculation in his head and shaking it. Even if he were to go right now, he’d not make it before the end of the workday. He’d have to just wait for tomorrow to sit in the big chair.

...Hopefully, they’d left the chair…

Level began the long, slow walk home, humming a wordless tune that he totally blamed Midnight for putting in his head. As he walked, somepony behind him hummed the same tune, as Grissom fell into step next to him.

“Long day at the office I take it?” he asked.

“Hasn’t even started yet,” Level replied. “But thankfully, I do take that spot tomorrow.”

“Things are looking up then,” Grissom nodded, “But, a thought occurs. What will you do for staff? Most of Toll’s people were either arrested or left the company. Do you even have enough to work with?”

“There ought to be a few good ponies left,” Ledger mused. “Though you are right about the operative word there being few. I’ll simply have to advertise our need for new hires,” the accountant sighed.

The thestral stallion wore an enigmatic smile, similar to the Princess that he served. “Well, what if I told you I could solve your problem? I happen to know a lot of reliable ponies looking for a safe, secure job. They’ll work hard, and for minimum wage until things pick up as well.”

“I’d ask what the catch is and how you know them...but I’m afraid I can’t exactly afford to be picky,” Level replied. “Still, answers to those questions would be nice.”

“In my line of work, I meet a lot of ponies that are down on their luck, or have had similar situations to yourself. Used by somepony that was less than kind and dumped afterwards. There’s no catch, other than you’d save me a lot of paperwork and you gain a useful resource.”

“Hmm,” Ledger said, considering the idea, before nodding once. “If you have the time, I could use them.”

“Excellent, I was hoping you’d give that answer and I already have the plan in process. You should have a useable workforce by the sun’s rise tomorrow.”

Ledger sighed as he reached the apartment, before turning to look at Grissom. “You coming up?” the unicorn asked the older stallion.

“Nah, I gotta get the paperwork sorted and be back in Canterlot first thing tomorrow.” Grissom sighed as she recalled the workload that awaited him. “Give Song my love eh?”

“Of course,” Level replied, holding one hoof up for a hoofbump. Grissom responded and the two shared a friendly smile before parting ways. Upon going up to his apartment, however, Level’s smile quickly faded.

Standing in the living room was a pretty Pegasus mare. She fidgeted while Midnight looked her over, even checking the magnifying glass Cutie Mark. She had failed to notice Ledger enter, but the Pegasus started to shake slightly.

Ledger sighed and closed the door, waiting for some form of greeting from either mare. He’d nearly forgotten the state he’d left her in...but he knew what he had to do next. Scaring her, check. Something every Nymph had done to him. Next up, something they never did:

Apologizing for scaring her.

Midnight blinked at the reaction of the mare and looked up to see Ledger. What was curious though, is that the overwhelming affection she usually emanated was suppressed.

“Oh, hello Level Ledger,” she replied curtly. “Have a... good day?”

“Mostly boring,” he replied, motioning for her to give the Changelings their space for the moment while he thought of how best to approach the situation. If he did this right, stressing her to such extremes and then hitting just the right note in his apology...she ought to break down. And from the shards, a new mare could be built.

Or so the psychology books claimed, anyways...

The mare looked at him and backed away, her eyes wide.

“G-get away from me!”

Level sighed and sat on his haunches where he was. “I want to apologize,” he said softly, catching both of their attentions. “I never should have said or thought of half of those things I threatened you with this morning. That was out of line, and I’m sorry.”

“Y-you’re kidding right?” she replied uneasily. “Why would you... you said... and you did... It doesn’t make any sense!!”

“Because while nymphs and drones have a long history back in the Lands,” Ledger said, pitching the idea to her, “We aren’t in the Lands anymore, nor are you every nymph ever, nor am I any other drone. And yeah, you don’t have the best of histories with us, what with trying to kill us and not respecting our emotional boundaries...But I’m willing to give you a second chance, if you’re willing to do the same for me.”

Midnight sat to the side, watching the two interact. She frowned as she put some pieces together and she didn’t like the outcome.

“Level Ledger... explain yourself.”

“I...may have used some of the more graphic threats against the nymph when you left me alone with her,” Ledger admitted. “But at the time, she had fed off of you and I with little to no regard for our well-being. And you know how that felt like.”

“I know,” Midnight said. “But that was no reason to do what you did. Are you trying to become as bad as the Nymph that tormented you?”

“I…” Ledger appeared lost for words for a moment, before sighing and sagging his head. “I might have a few anger issues regarding Nymphs,” he finally admitted. “Or at least, untrustworthy Nymphs.”

“Alright, then let’s all start over,” Midnight nodded. She glanced at the cowering Nymph and smiled softly. “It’s alright, Mommy and Daddy are done fighting now.”

The Nymph just blinked, and offered a brief glance at Ledger for an explanation. In response, Ledger smirked and stuck out a hoof. “Hi,” he said. “I’m Level Ledger, a drone with one too many trust and anger issues regarding Nymphs. I’m sorry for what I said and did to you earlier. Can we at least try to be friendly going forward?”

The mare blinked again, but still took his hoof with a less shaky one of her own.

“That... was the worst introduction ever,” she finally spoke. “But... I guess so? My name is-” she suddenly stopped, as she was about to use her Changeling name. “Uh, what was it again?”

“Levvy,” Midnight smiled brightly. “This is my new assistant, Scope Lens. Len, this is Levvy, my personal cuddlebug.”

“Pleased to meet you, Scope Lens,” Level said with a grin of his own. “And...I really am sorry about what I said. If you can think of a way for me to make it up to you later, I’m willing to listen.”

“W-well,” Lens said. “I’ve been-I’ve been told you make a nice pasta dish.”

“Mmmm,” a small line of drool formed from Midnight’s mouth. “Oh, and I’m Midnight Song, the most sexy, humble, talented batpony you will ever meet!”

Lens blinked and shook her head. “Humble... right.”

“Little tip, don’t point out what colors are likely to starve around her,” Ledger said with a grin as his own eyes flashed silver. “She’ll take it as an insult.”

“Uh-huh,” Lens agreed. Just what kind of insane family was this. A drone that had the balls of a Queen, and a Thestral that she couldn’t tell if she was her best friend or worst enemy. “I’m going to die here, aren’t I?”

“Nonsense!” Ledger cried out as he actually pulled the nymph in for a hug. “If you were going to die, it’d have been defending Toll! No, there was no real threat of death ever since you made that vow.” He pushed her back for a moment to look her in the eyes before continuing. “Now, I may have made it sound like death slash torture were on the table earlier this morning, but like I said, out of line, deepest regrets. I wouldn’t have actually done that.” He paused for a moment, letting that sink in before continuing. “Cleaning up the blood would have been such a bother.”

“I have so much hate for you,” Lens replied dryly, with enough snark to show she wasn’t too serious about those words.

“Yay, we’re all friends now!” Midnight giggled, tackle-hugging the both of them. “Now the fun can really begin!”

“I am too terrified by all of this to ask,” Lens replied.

“Don’t worry, murder is against the law, and even if I hid your body out in the desert, Midnight would turn me in,” Level retorted as he carefully extracted himself. “I’m gonna work on dinner, Midnight can start acclimating you to Equestrian values while I do.”

“Yup... terrified of that drone, not gonna lie about that,” Lens sighed as her transformation broke, having run out of magical power. She sighed as she looked over herself. “And I was just getting used to that too.”

Midnight helped her over to the couch while Level was in the kitchen. There really wasn’t much to tell beyond that a lot of the house rules would extend to everyday life. She could stay with Midnight as her assistant and informant, until she was more comfortable with going out on her own.

The bracelet that she put on her was also removed, seeing as how the process of getting her more friendly was quicker than the Thestral had anticipated. Though Lens did flinch every time Ledger laid eyes on her.

“Talk about putting the slipper on the other hoof,” Midnight grumbled, as the pair snuggled on the couch after dinner. “Maybe you could use a course in social skills as well Levvy?”

“I did nothing more to her than any nymph would do to any drone,” Level retorted. “The only difference is, I am sorry I went as far as I did, and I kept it to words only. Most nymphs wouldn’t be so gracious.”

“Well, I guess we all have a good deal to think about,” Midnight sighed. Things had certainly escalated quickly and she had to think on how to proceed next. “Well, try not to mentally scar anypony else next time. You’re better than that Levvy. You know what it’s like to be on the receiving end.”

“Oh, so he gives as well as receives?” Lens said offhandedly. “I didn’t think he was into that sort of thing.”

“Oh Hives, there’s two of you,” Ledger muttered. “Bad enough when it was just her, but you as well?” he questioned the nymph. “And...yeah. Sorry, again. But maybe you can see things from my point of view now?”

“You’ve given me some food for thought,” Lens nodded. “Let’s leave it at that for now... I have to.. process today’s events.”

Midnight snuggled up against Level and smiled wickedly. “And thanks to her, I have some ideas~”

“Will I like these ideas?” Level asked, turning his attention back to the mare snuggling up against him.”

“I’m gonna say... no,” Lens offered her own opinion. “You might question who the mare is in the relationship afterwards.”

“Spoilsport,” Midnight poked out her tongue.

“Not only does Midnight know better than to ask that of me,” Ledger retorted, before giving Midnight a quick smooch. “I love and trust her.”

“Fine,” Midnight replied with a cheeky wink. “But I still get Prince Luna at some point, right?”

“Prince... Luna?” Scope tilted her head. “Do I even want to know?”

“Only if somepony feeds me enough throughout the day,” Ledger replied, beeping Midnight’s nose, before turning to the nymph and explaining. “A certain Thestral has a thing for the Princesses, but I don’t gender shift. She’s already kissed Celestia, and I made the offer of a male Luna...which she’s apparently not letting go of anytime soon.”

“Unbelievable,” Lens sighed and applied a chitinous hoof to her face. “I am in a house of the very incarnations of Death and Lust... Hive help me...”

“Just be glad that besides us and the landlord, no other ‘lings live here,” Ledger said with a grin. “It could be worse. Violets could live in this house...or the city’s sole Pink.”

“NO!” Lens shouted. “You keep that insane ball of hyper faaaar away from me! A Violet I could deal with, but a Pink... buck that!”

“Pink?” Midnight tilted her head. “That sounds cute and fun. Can I meet them?”

“Pinks feed on happiness and are closest to changelings that subsist on nothing but love,” Ledger explained. “Give them enough, though, and they tend to act more than a little hyper. Most cities have one hanging around, though for a city our size, we should really have two or three.”

“Which means this city’s Pink is hoarding all the happiness for herself,” Lens replied. “So she’s bound to be extra crazy with a side of insanity and sugar-fueled joy.” Hive, she hated Pinks. “Just keep her away from me...” The mare grunted as she got to her hooves and headed for her room. “Now I’m still a little uncomfortable about this whole thing and I can already tell I won’t sleep well tonight. So... later.”

“You’re assuming the Pink is a she, I’ve seen her as both,” Ledger pitched in as Lens ambled off. “For being a common ‘ling, she can apparently gender shift...with ease, considering the amount of food she’s consuming.”

“....” Scope Lens shuddered again and sighed. “This city... I knew I should have stayed home...”

Ledger just chuckled lightly as he watched the nymph amble into her own bedroom, the door clicking shut behind her. With a quick turn and a smooch, Ledger turned his attention back to his mare at his side. “Hello again, love,” he murred, dropping his disguise at long last.

“Mm, I was wondering when you’d get to that,” she smiled back, giving a kiss of her own. “Don’t say anything,” she whispered. “But our roommate might suspect you’re a Changeling.”

“Really?” Ledger asked as he trailed some kisses down her neck towards her back. “What was your first clue?”

“I dunno,” she shrugged as she hummed from the attention. “Also, I had a little chat with Narrow today... you wouldn’t believe what happened last night~”

“Considering the way Fredrick was actually silent about his date...and that said date apparently snuck into the kitchen during lunch to show him her version of a ‘chef’s special’,” Ledger said with a snicker, “I just might.”

For somepony like Midnight Song, it took an embarrassingly long moment for her to realise what he was getting at. “Oh.. OH!? Hehehehee, so the Captain’s finally getting some? Good for her. I thought I’d have to step in and nail her myself if she didn’t act.”

“Plus, if the way Fredrick is acting around her is any indication...she’s got a better shot than most,” Level mused. “He’s never been so silent about the details of one of his dates. That’s probably going to be something the Violets are going to want to know about…”

“True,” Midnight nodded. “There will be a lot more unattended fishies in the sea if my biggest riva- I mean, friend finds true love.”

“Or somepony to scare off all the other mares from his bedroom,” Level snickered.

“Yeah... arrests are gonna go through the roof,” she muttered, seriously wondering if the Captain would do something like that. “Well, more for me... uh, I mean.... ah forget it.”

“I seriously hope you haven’t forgotten about me already,” Level said, giving the mare a quick squeeze. Midnight hugged him back and smiled.

“Of course I haven’t. Just trying to shake old habits...” She really needed to remember the concept of a monogamous relationship. “Speaking of bedrooms and relations. Shall we retire to our own and consummate ours some more?”

“Mmm...having my own Midnight to cuddle to keep the nightmares away,” Level said as he kissed the mare. “Well, like I said...I’m game if you are, but you’re going to have to take it.”

“Take it?” Midnight hummed thoughtfully and a shiver ran down Level’s shell. “Would you mind waiting here for one teensy moment~?”

“I...ah...sure?” he said with a bit of a whimper. He wasn’t sure how the conversation had taken this turn...it wasn’t all pleasing memories that were coming up. The mare had trotted, well, more like skipped from the room. She disappeared into the bedroom and didn’t appear to return... until a rope made of silk lassoed itself around his chest, a grinning Thestral holding the other end.

“Ohh~ I caught me a Levvy~” she giggled.

“And what will you do with me?” Ledger managed to ask in a barely-level voice. The few reasons behind him not being in full-blown panic mode was his trust in her and the fact that they had had sex before. Otherwise he might not be so...calm.

The rope was hanging quite loosely, but Midnight picked up on his widened eyes and his quickened breathing. He was fighting it, but she was certain he wasn’t approving of this. She stepped forward and removed the silk rope, looking apologetic.

“Eheh, I guess I got carried away. Sorry Levvy.”

“It is...hardly your fault that the little time I spent in the Violet’s Hive was around...nymphs who barely took ‘no’ for an answer,” Level said as he drew the mare in for a hug. “I just...was not prepared for you to be so...literal in taking what you wanted.”

“Ah, well... I guess we can work up to this,” she motioned to the rope and tossed it aside. “I’d never do anything to hurt anypony, but I guess we haven’t known each other all that long either.” She took his hoof and smiled warmly. “Well let’s go at a pace that’s comfortable for you then. You can do whatever you like okay? I can handle whatever floats around in that buggy brain of yours.”

“Considering the time I’ve spent both in their Hive and with the local Violets...I have quite the list of things regarding practices in my head...that I never asked for,” Ledger said, finishing with a mutter. “Still...the other night was fine by me. Can we keep it...similar for a while?”

“That’s perfectly fine,” Midnight nodded. “Now let’s go. I get the feeling you’re gonna have a busy day tomorrow.”

With that, the drone got up off the couch and followed the thestral mare back to their bedroom.

Level Ledger blearily woke up, felt around in his bed, found the mare he was looking for, and gave her a good-morning kiss to help her and him wake up from last night’s...activities. Midnight gave a soft groan and rolled over to hug him, pulling him into a chitin-cracking embrace before natures call interrupted her.

“Coffee?” Ledger asked as he got up from the bed, stretching not unlike a cat would.

“Please,” Midnight replied from the adjacent room. “I’ll wake Scope up, so don’t worry about her okay?”

“Not a problem, and thanks,” Ledger said as he ambled over to the kitchen, his magic flickering on as he began the coffee. Midnight finished up and crossed the hall to Scope Len’s room. She nudged open the door to see the Changeling asleep on her bed, and she could hear a cute, whistling snore coming from her.

“Heh, she’s kinda cute when she’s not talking,” Midnight mused as she walked over to the bed. An idea flashed in her mind and she leaned in close, her lips grazing the Changeling’s ear.

“Oh Scopey~ Time to wake up~” she said in a husky whisper. The nymph responded by batting one hole-filled hoof in her general direction. Midnight frowned at the lack of response, well the response that she wanted to get anyway. She tried again, this time, her hoof lightly stroking the shell on her back.

“Time to wake up little ‘ling~”

“Go’way, mummy,” the nymph said, batting a hoof in her general area again. “Don’ wanna go to class.”

Midnight stopped.

Midnight blinked.

That... was the cutest thing EVER!!!

“Tut, tut!” Midnight scolded. “Mommy says to get up. We have a full day ahead of us. So if you don’t...” She leaned in close. “I’m gonna eat you~”

With a quick squeal and a twist, the nymph managed to roll herself away from Midnight...And off the bed. She landed on the floor below with a thud, and her moan of pain filled the air for a good moment as the changeling abruptly and fully woke up. Midnight giggled at the overdramatic wakening.

“Feeling more awake now?”

“Mistress, I hate your waking methods,” Scope replied in a deadpan.

“If I get adorable as hay reactions like that,” Midnight giggled as she scooped the ‘ling up and hugged her. “Then Imma wake you up like this aaaaaalll the time!”

“In which case I will have to look into locks on my door,” the changeling nymph replied while rolling her pupil-less eyes.

“I’ll just pick them,” Midnight retorted, flapping her wings so he could keep hugging Scope as she flew out into the living room. “Levvy! I got her!”

“Coffee’s brewing,” Level said, nodding at the pair as he walked back to the bathroom. “I’m gonna take my morning shower and you two can talk while I do.”

“Okay,” Midnight smiled, wishing she could have joined him instead. She just hovered there, still hugging Scope. “Hmm, I wonder what we should discuss.”

“Will you please put me down?” the changeling decided to open with.

“I’m gonna have to go with... nah!” Midnight just cuddled her closer. “You’re nice and warm~”

“...Can you at least get me a cup of coffee, then?” Scope pleaded.

“I can arrange that,” Midnight hummed. Until she discovered she could not pour coffee without hooves. “...Dammit...” She put the ‘ling down and poured two cups, her desire for caffeine overriding her desire for hugs. With that accomplished, Scope quickly took her own seat and smirked, believing she’d gotten one over on the batpony. Midnight sipped her drink, counting down the seconds until she’d pounce once again.

“So... how are you feeling now?” she asked.

“...Confused,” Scope admitted as she poked at her own drink. “Equestria is so...different.”

“I imagine so,” Midnight replied as she nursed her mug. “In a good way though?”

“It is...better than the Lands and many of the Hives,” Scope admitted with a nod. “Still, it is not what I had pictured or expected, so the...disconnect is taking some getting used to. The drone does not help.”

“Do they teach you guys anything about Equestria in the Hives?” Midnight asked. “It’s kinda hard to believe that you don’t know anything.”

“The Silvers are the scholars,” Scope said. “And while we do learn quite a few things about Equestria as part of a normal education, our information prior to the failed incursion was...spotty and inaccurate before, and propaganda afterwards. I did not have the luxury of a Silver teacher either...so I don’t trust anything I learned as being true.”

“Well, I’ll be happy to teach you,” Midnight purred. “And as for a Silver teacher...” She glanced towards the sound of the shower. “I bet if you asked nicely, he’d teach you as well.”

“Assuming he doesn’t attempt to work out all of his frustrations on me first,” Scope deadpanned.

“He had a bad experience with a nymph... and I bet he’s not the only drone that has,” Midnight sighed. “I think the only reason you’re even alive, is because he knows you’re not the same nymph. He’ll come around eventually I think, you’re good for him, as he will be for you.”

“Who’s good for who now?” Ledger asked as he stepped out of the bedroom. His shower really didn’t take too long.

“Girl talk,” Midnight simply replied. Her ear suddenly gave a flick and she tilted her head towards a sound that the Changeling’s couldn’t hear.. “Huh? What’s that noise?”

“I don’t hear anything,” Ledger said as he began making his normal cup of coffee...which was to say, sugar-loaded.

“It sounds like there’s a whole herd in the lobby,” Midnight replied, draining her mug and giving her tail a flick. “Poor Estate must be busy.”

“Meh, he’ll be fine,” Ledger said as he began drinking his coffee. “That drone has only ever been rattled when the Princess showed up...everything else he deals with.” As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a furious banging on their front door.

“Level? It’s Estate! We have a... a problem downstairs.”

“You were saying?” Midnight said smugly as she sipped her drink. Ledger sighed and finished his own drink before answering the door, his disguise already flickering on.

Move Scope out of the line of sight,” he hissed as he slowly walked to the door. “We don’t need him knowing about her just yet.

Just as the nymph placed her mug on the table, Midnight had tackled her to the ground, before dragging her off to the bedroom. Ledger smirked a bit at the waft of irritation he felt coming from the nymph before he opened the door and revealed his landlord.

“Yes?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow. “Something the matter?”

“You,” he said, jabbing at the Changeling’s chest with a hoof. “You have an issue downstairs. I”m going back to bed to pretend this never happened.” And with that simple message relayed, the landlord strode off, muttering something about surprises and disliking them greatly.

With that...cryptic message delivered, Level thought it best to go down and see what Estate had been talking about. Surely it couldn’t be that bad.

But it was, and it was so much worse. A swarm of about twenty or so Changeling drones awaited him. Undisguised and looking a little nervous. When one spotted Level Ledger, he cleared his throat and stepped forward. He produced a piece of parchment, handing it to Level Ledger.

Here’s that help you wanted.

Good Luck.

Grissom Gossamer.

Ledger looked up from the parchment to the drones and sighed. “His definition of a joke needs work,” the accountant muttered.

“Um, a joke... sir?” the forward one stated. They all held papers of some kind. One Ledger recognised from last night as a registration form. These were all legal Changeling’s and it appeared that it was no joke.

It still didn’t stop a certain Thestral stallion from chuckling when he realised the time, watching the scenery go by from the train window.

“Okay, quick questions then,” Ledger said as he realized that yes, they were about to be his new employees. “You all have aliases, right?”

There was a blinding flash of emerald, before all the Changeling’s were replaced by various ponies. Pegasi, Earth and Unicorn. There was even a Gryphon and a Minotaur mixed in.

“Not bad,” Ledger said with a nod. “And you all know how to find a local gathering, right?”

There was a collective murmur of nods and grunts of approval. On top of their forms, they also had visa’s, a map of the city and a pouch of Bits.

“We also have lodgings around the city as well,” the first one replied. “Oh, my assumed name is Starsight. My Changeling name is-” he let out a series of clicks and chirps.

“Yes, very good. Okay, there was a gathering not long ago, I suggest you all work out a schedule for attending the next few,” Ledger said, rubbing one ear. “You’re still going to have to ‘apply’ for the jobs in-pony to keep up appearances. Assuming you all do good work, I’ll be happy to have you.”

“With all due respect sir,” Starsight said quietly. “If it means staying out of the homelands, then we’ll work as hard as you need us to. We’ll not waver in the slightest.”

The collective agreement resounded again.

“Fair enough,” Ledger admitted with a chuckle before remembering something. “Oh, and fair warning for you all? There’s a group of Violet Nymphs here...but they care and will do their best to heal the damages you’re likely to have brought with you. They...and really, most of the nymphs in the city can be trusted.” With that, Level flicked his eyes for a moment before setting his disguise firmly in place again. “I should know.”

Starsight nodded and thanked Level for the information.

“We should disperse so we don’t draw attention,” he said. “Thankyou for giving us this chance Your Grace.”

“None of that,” Level said with a wave of his hoof. “I don’t use my rank to get things. I just use it to make points. Now g’on, get. You’re drawing too much attention already.”

The crowd scattered, leaving the building in smaller numbers as not to draw any suspicions. Starsight gave one last bow and left Ledger alone, along with a list of all their names and where they lived.

Ledger grumbled and went up to the apartment again, dropping the collected papers on the dining room table. “Your father’s sense of humor sucks,” he informed the apartment at large before sighing.

“Huh? Something happen?” Midnight asked, once again clutching her new teddy. “Was he picking on you again?”

“He thinks dumping two dozen drones on me to help with my lack of workers is a good idea,” Ledger sighed. “I...need to go to the office quickly if I’m going to sort this out.” With that, he gave Midnight a quick peck on the cheek and turned to leave.

“Aww... okay, I guess I really should do some work as well.” Midnight looked down at her carry on luggage. “You feel well enough to work today?”

“As long as you don’t need me to fly as well as disguise myself, it should be fine,” Scope said as she began reaching for her disguise.

“Nah, we’ll take it easy. Best part about my job. We get to slack off quite a bit.” She put the changeling down, at least until she could figure out how to dress in her armour while hugging. “First on the list is a Gryphon that needs interrogating.”

“Why do I feel a shiver going down my spine?” Scope dryly asked as her disguise finally came into view.

“Beats me,” Midnight shrugged. “Are you coming down with a cold? Oh, can Changeling’s even get colds? What to you take if you do? Is there special medicine? Do you get weird symptoms? Should we go see a doctor? I wonder if there’s a Changeling doctor-”

“Let’s just...see this griffon,” Scope sighed. “And save the interrogation technique of babbling madly at your subject for later,” she added under her breath.

“I heard that,” Midnight smiled, her ear giving a light flick. “But you are right. Let’s go see us a griffon!” She finished putting on her armour and grabbed the now-disguised pegasus, before soaring out an open window.

Fredrick was, for once in a long time, content. His restaurant was doing well. His customers were doing well. And he’d even gotten laid recently.

Admittedly, multiple times by the same mare. Which while an irregular blip, wasn’t a cause for concern. He rather liked her, truth be told.

It was when they clung that he started worrying. Still, he liked his life at the moment.

At least he did, until a certain batpony strode into his restaurant, a timid pegasus mare beside her. But it was the knowing smirk she wore that worried him most of all.

“Hello Fredrick~” she said, a little too happily.

“Ah, hello there dear,” Fredrick replied, only taking a beat to reassert his usual cheerful attitude. “And who is your lovely companion, if I might ask?”

“This is Scope Lens, my new assistant!” she introduced the pegasus. “Isn’t she simply adorable... oh, and she’s off limits. Got that?”

“Understood,” Fredrick said with a nod. “So are the pair of you here for breakfast, or…?”

“Breakfast would be nice, with a side of gossip,” Midnight smiled. “I heard from a little birdy that Captain Narrow has been getting a private menu from you~”

“I will neither confirm nor deny the identity of my bedmates,” Fredrick said as he pulled out a pair of menus and began leading the pair of mares to a table. “But if she walks funny some days, well, it’s all her fault.”

“Pft, I’m surprised she’s not the one giving you the funny walk,” Midnight chuckled as she sat down. “Well, I’m glad though. I’m happy for the both of you.”

“Details?” Scope simply said as she gazed at the menu.

“Narrow Gaze is the Captain of the Royal Guard here in Las Pegasus, you’ve met her before,” Song said, causing the mare to get a sour look on her face. “And this is Fredrick, the only male I’ve ever met with a libido that comes close to matching my own.”

“It is a pity we didn’t test one another,” Fredrick sighed. “But you and Level entered into a relationship before we could, and I would never do that to my friend.”

“True... you would have been my greatest conquest,” Midnight sighed at what could have been. “Well, I guess love waits for nopony...” She trailed off as she thought about that. Love. Was that what she truly felt for Level, despite her promise to never fall in love with anypony.

Scope Lens blinked and waved a hoof in front of her charge. “Is she always like this?”

“I would not know,” Fredrick admitted. “I don’t see her regularly enough. Still, it’s not...uncommon behavior for her.” With a clearing of his throat, the griffon attempted to regain the thestral’s attention.

“Huh? What? the answer is waffles!” Midnight suddenly snapped.

“So waffles for the pair of you then?” Fredrick asked with a chuckle.

“Seems like it,” Scope facehooved. Seriously? How was this her life?

“Ehehe, sorry about that,” Midnight blushed adorably. “And you are a tough nut to crack Mr. Fredrick, I guess I’ll have to chat with my Captain about it~”

“Feel free,” Fredrick said with a smile. “That should be out in about ten minutes. To drink?”

“Some juice would be nice, mango please!” Midnight said with a happy wag of her tail.

“I’ll have orange,” Scope said.

“Make that two,” a third voice replied, as Narrow trotted carefully downstairs, wincing slightly at each step. “Feh! I told you to watch those claws of yours...”

Midnight’s smile could not get any wider.

“You were the one that asked for ‘more’ and ‘harder’ as I recall,” Fredrick replied flippantly as he turned to the kitchen to prepared them breakfast. “And you can be on bat-duty while I cook.”

Narrow just shrugged as she sat down, a small smirk crossing her muzzle as she lit up her horn and pinched his flank as he walked off, earning a small yip as he walked beyond the kitchen door.

Midnight went to open her mouth, but Narrow raised a hoof.

“Yes, I’m sleeping with him. Yes, I’m aware of his past and I’m fine with both it and it’s continuation. No, I don’t expect him to change overnight and yes, he is that good.”

Midnight closed her mouth and nodded, as Scope stared at her.

“H-How... how did you do that?”

“She’s predictable,” Narrow replied. “And who might... ah, are you that Changeling from the other day?”

“...Yes,” she replied quietly. “Ad before you ask, I am doing fine, other than living in constant fear of my safety and preservation of my innocence.”

“You aren’t that innocent, darling daughter~” Midnight cooed. Scope blushed heavily and flailed her hooves as Narrow tilted her head.

“There is so much wrong with your response, I don’t know where to start,” Scope observed.

“What do you- No, nevermind, I don’t want to know,” Narrow sighed. “I really wonder about you sometimes Midnight.” Her ear gave a light flick as another pony walked in, the mare muttering under her breath as she took a seat at a distant table.

Sometimes?” Scope asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You know you love me~” Midnight giggled. “Oh? I also have an idea. How do you feel about a Girl’s Night Out? You, me, Scopey, and a few other friends.”

Narrow Gaze pondered on that. It wouldn’t be a boring night, that’s for sure. “Hmm... I almost know I’m going to regret this. But sure, why not?”

“Eeeeee~” Midnight trilled happily. “Well, I’ll wait until Scopey feels better, so a few days from now?”

“It depends on how much I am fed,” Scope observed, before three plates of waffles and three glasses of juice materialized in front of the mares.

“And breakfast is served!” Fredrick proclaimed. “Dig in!”

“Thankyou,” Narrow smiled. “Oh, I’m going to be busy with work for the next few days. That last case has a lot of leftovers to clean up, and Midnight here has suggested a night out soon.” She leaned in close as her tail flicked towards an Earth Pony mare that had come in while he was cooking.

“From what I heard her mutter, she’s single and just come off a bad relationship. Maybe she could use a little... cheering up?”

“Mm,” Fredrick muttered as he looked at the mare. “She’s not a local...so I’ll lay the bait out as usual, and if she bites, we’ll see what happens.” He gave Narrow a quick peck before he moved over to begin his usual wooing techniques.

“Did you just pimp out your boyfriend?” Midnight asked, her eyes wide. “Cause I wonder if I could...”

“No, you keep your hooves to your own coltfriend,” Narrow said. “And I’m just making sure he doesn’t get too lonely while I’m gone.” This relationship was weird for her, but it had no strings tying her down, and this way, he wouldn’t get too bored of her either... just like her last one.

Scope could feel the sadness washing off of her as Midnight blinked. While unable to sense emotions, she could still read a pony like a book.

“You okay there Cap?”

Narrow looked up and gave a half-hearted smile. “I’m fine,” she lied. “Now let’s eat before it gets cold.”

They’d barely started before Fredrick came back and gave Narrow another peck on the cheek.

“No dice,” he said with a sigh. “She’s swearing off stallions for at least a week while she gets her head on straight. And I just…” Here the griffon trailed off before shaking his head. It just didn’t...feel right putting the moves on her while Narrow was twenty feet away.

“You’re too sweet,” she smiled, more genuinely this time as she kissed him back. “But technically you’re not a stallion. Still, try not to get too lonely without me. I’ll do my best to call in when I can for cuddles.”

“That’d be nice,” Fredrick said as he gave her a quick wing-hug. “You’re the only regular here besides my wait-staff, and I don’t do colts.”

“Aww, and here I was hoping to watch,” Narrow cooed as Midnight’s jaw hit the table. Who was this mare and where was her stoic, serious Captain?

“I’m beginning to see why she’s your friend,” Scope replied dryly.

“Every pony has hidden depths in the right circumstances,” Fredrick chuckled, giving Narrow one last peck, on the lips this time, before disappearing into his kitchen again.

“Sweet Hive, there’s three of you!?” Scope said to Midnight, who was still in the process of rebooting, and re-cataloging Narrow Gaze in her mental compendium of bangable ponies.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Narrow said innocently as she ate her breakfast. Midnight for her part, finally woke up.

“Must. Tease. Somepony...” She looked at Scope Lens with a hungry gaze. “So you wanna eat huh?” She raised a piece of waffle on her fork and leaned in, cupping the mare’s cheek with a hoof. “Now say aahhh~”

“...I am not a grub,” she said with a very unamused look in her eyes.

Midnight suddenly pictured a large, plush worm with a smiley face. “I wanna see a baby Changeling~”

“...No, you probably don’t,” Scope said with the same deadpan. “Now are you done trying to treat me like I cannot take care of myself?”

“Fine... party pooper,” Midnight pouted as she put her fork down. This city sucked. None of her charms worked on anyone. “Canterlot was easier...”

“The days to come do promise to be interesting,” Scope observed as she speared a bit of waffle with her own fork. “With Toll out of the picture...all the little nymphs and drones will come out of the shadows and try to get a piece of the spotlight. So yes, anywhere without such active crime probably was easier.”

“And my point is lost,” Midnight continued to pout. But she was right, the next few weeks... maybe even months were going to be busy for someone in her profession. “Guess I should get serious then. Geh! I hate being serious.”

Scope’s mouth was filled with waffle, so she merely quirked an eyebrow as she looked from Midnight to Narrow, as if to ask ‘is she serious about not being serious?’

“I believe so. Midnight Song is a very talented Guard, scored top of her class and rose in rank very quickly... but her personality quirks keep her from being taken seriously.”

“Charms, not quirks,” Midnight corrected.

“Same difference,” Narrow replied back. “It’s part of the reason you’re here in the first place right?”

Midnight paused and fell silent. “Whatever...”

“Well I’d really not see your ‘serious’ side again, if at all avoidable,” Scope softly added.

Midnight blinked as that particular memory came back. Before she smiled widely and hugged the mare. “See? I knew you loved my loveable side!”

“I don’t even...” Narrow finished her breakfast and sighed happily. Fredrick’s cooking was the best. “How does Level put up with you?”

“Because he recognises my awesome and lovability,” Midnight said quite seriously. “That’s how.”

“I thought it was because drones naturally obeyed nymphs, but you two have disproven that already,” Scope said. “So now I don’t know why he puts up with her.”

“A mystery for the ages,” Narrow nodded, wait... something clicked as she looked at Scope Lens. “Can... you repeat that?”

“Drone and nymph? Or as you would say, stallion and mare,” Scope said with a shrug. “We...do not have the best stance on the difference between genders in the Lands. Something Midnight is...correcting.”

“I... see...” She spared a look at Midnight, who was finally eating her own food and humming happily. “Heh, for a second, I thought you said that Ledger was a Changeling.”

“One would think that one such as you would know where all the infiltrators in the city are,” Scope observed. “...Then again, pony senses, changeling senses…”

“I am not apparently,” Narrow steeled her gaze. “I was under the impression that you and your little changeling were the only ones...”

Midnight coughed as Narrow turned her gaze to her. “Something you’d like to say... Specialist Song?”

“Just that our Girl’s Night will prove informative,” Midnight replied. “I have a lot to tell you it seems... just, not in the open like this.”

“I’ll prepare some painkillers ahead of time,” Narrow groaned. “Just... is Ledger...?”

“He is and you shouldn’t worry about him okay?”

Narrow sighed louder as she got up. “Well, I guess he would have tried something by now... just, gonna have words, just words, with him later. Alright?”

“As long as I’m there, he might panic otherwise,” Midnight nodded. “And I’ll give him a heads up.”

“Fine,” Narrow turned and looked at the door. “I’ll see you later Song.”

“You two Gazey~” Midnight giggled as the Unicorn snorted and left, leaving the Guard and her assistant alone.

“Well that went well,” Midnight hummed.

“...Do the ponies seriously not know about the infiltrators?” Scope asked. “I could all but smell them on the way over.”

“Well, we can’t pick up scents like that,” Midnight replied. “And given that wedding fiasco, tensions are still high, especially in big cities like this. Even I’m surprised at how many Changeling’s are here.”

“Changelings have tried to always be here in some fashion or another, that much I did learn. And now I know why.” Scope speared a piece of waffle quite violently. “We’re parasites. We can’t live without you. Is it really so startling that we would have some presence in your cities?”

“Some, not a small civilization,” Midnight replied. “But, you’re not causing too much trouble... well, aside from you and your friends.” Midnight wondered what happened to the other five Nymphs. She’d have to look into that.

Scope chewed her waffle and swallowed. “More ponies, more emotions, more ‘lings,” she said, sipping at and killing her juice and the last of her breakfast. “...And it only now occurs to me that I might have endangered one of the ones responsible for my housing with my ill-timed and ill-worded comments.”

“Nah, the Captain should be alright with it,” ‘I hope.’ Song finished her own food and drained her glass, before placing a few bits on the table. “Well, shall we go and see what the day has in store for us?”

“Do let’s,” Scope deadpanned. This day promised to be...unlike any other she’d ever experienced, that was for sure.

“Goodie!” Midnight giggled. “Now... I wonder where I can find the Pink One...?”

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